Sometimes you can file a Claim with an Affidavit of Heirship and Next of Kin (already recorded) with the Insurance Co., and they will pay out. It is better to try this first instead of going directly to Probate. Sometimes the Small Estate Affidavit for Probate will work also.
It depends on what the life insurance policy says happens upon death. It will likely go into his estate which means someone will need to open the estate and start the probate process. You should hire an attorney to assist you.
Customer list
I own a vacation rental property and pay a mgmt. co. to handle bookings, cleaning, collections etc. where they earn 40% for their services. I asked them for my customer list for the last two years. They refused, saying it was ''their'' customers. There is no mention of the customer list in our contract with them. Who is right?
can you be prosecuted for posting a nude photo of a 17 year old on facebook?
and what type of sentence could you get?
Money from a will has been. Approved to be dispensed by the probate judge. It's been more than 18 days an the money has not been issued. What can I do.