Court Martrial:
2 months ago i found out my son was court martial and sentenced to 2 years in the brig at san diego. What can i do to help him. all i got was he downloaded kids porn. Its not like he abuse ,killed or used drugs. im just saying.
The only thing which can be done now is to try to help him on his appeal. You can submit a package to try to convince the Admiral to reduce the sentence or to drop some charges. The Admiral can take any action he wants to decrease the sentence for any or no reason. Or your son will also have the option to file an appeal before the court in Washington. They will appoint a NAvy attorney for his appeal or you can retain counsel.
I hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to cotrnact me directly ay [email protected],net or (757) 420-9321.