federal Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Ac
Our company has owns a trademark and has been doing business under am-finn sauna since 1963. In 2001, a company in the same line of business with a completely different name obtained the url with our exact same name and has been directing traffic to their website.
We have an understanding of our rights in the federal Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. Both companies are quite small so we are looking for a cost effective solution to address this. We have already sent a demand letter two months ago without a reply.
Re: federal Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Ac
This is a trademark infringement case. If you have registered your trademark then you may be entitled to broad statutory damages, if not then common law allows for lost profits and damage to your trademark. Contact me directly.
Re: federal Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Ac
This is a trademark infringement case. If you have registered your trademark then you may be entitled to broad statutory damages, if not then common law allows for lost profits and damage to your trademark. Contact me directly.