spousal support
I need to know which forms to file to stop paying spousal support to my ex. He remarried over a year ago, he does not pay any child support for our two children and I have full custody. I can not afford an attorney, so i need to get the forms myself and file them. Thank you.
RSD, CRPS, WC/ Disability
Permanent disformality of my right primary hand and loss of use of right arm AFTER hand surgery.
my father just died and did not have a will. he told some family and friends he intended to give me his life insurance benefits and vehicle. my mother (who is divorced from my father) even stated that with witnesses in the room. my sister, who has not spoken to my father in years, shows up and expects to get half. she is working with my mother to try and re-establish the marriage because their divorced isn't recognized in Poland. what are my options?