I'm wanting to fight a foreclosure and pay off the mortgage but, without all the added fees because, I feel the bank has grossly mishandled the entire process. It seems to have started when the original lending bank merged into it's parent bank and returned payments that had been made. There also was/is a severe lack of communication. They have not even followed their own mortgage agreement as far as proper notifications.
There is a "status conference" set for the end of July. I need to estimate the time it would take to resolve this for my military bosses. They want a letter from my lawyer but, I have been unable to secure a lawyer due to the shutdowns. I realize that the "normal" timelines are probably not happening right now but, that will at least give me a starting point. For reference, it was mid-April when I received notice of a status conference being established for July 27th. The house is in Union County.
As you correctly surmise, things are all out of whack with the court system due to the pandemic and resultant shutdowns. You're going to need to contact the Court of Common Pleas for the county in which your foreclosure case is pending. In Pennsylvania at present, each county is largely doing its own thing, and so your question should be directed to the specific court you're dealing with.
In addition, you'll want to hire a local attorney who's familiar with local procedures and your specific courthouse. Having a local attorney can also save you from having to appear in person (and I note from your question that you're in Texas and also in the military). Use the additional time before the hearing wisely and lawyer up. If your Pennsylvania property is located in southeastern PA, I can help you and invite you contact me via email offsite.
Best of luck to you.