Does your fine have to be payed off for the statue of limitations to be in effect
Your "revocation" lasts 1 year for a first offense DUI. After the year is over, your license is considered "suspended" if you have not completed ASAP and have not gone to the DMV to have your license reinstated.
In Virginia you can get charged with driving on a suspended license after a DUI anytime before you get your license reinstated. Once your license is reinstated then you're not driving on a suspended license. If you don't get it reinstated then you always risk driving on a suspended license. There is no statute of limitations on that if your license is suspended.
citizens arrest
on what grounds can you make a citizens arrest and what means can you use to do it
I want to buy a condo, where NO
PETS ALLOWED. Is there any way to
change that statement after buying
that condo or I should do it before I
buy? I have one indoor cat and don't
want to give up my cat because of a
good deal on condo.