I have been going through a hard time I became homeless with 2 kids and placed them with friends and I finally got a job at Subway restaurant. Things were finally going ok I even worked 11 or 12 days straight even had like 16 hrs of time always covering others shift. Well with the Coronavirus going on I have been so worried about my family and was tired a customer came in got a sandwich paid with a $100 I wasn’t really paying attention and gave back change of $92 and some change. When I went back I saw it was Obviously fake it wasn’t even the same color and a real bill. I called my manager right away and told her what happened. So next day when to work I was fired by the owner and he told me he thinks it was some plan he cashed my final paycheck in the store and gave me the remaining money from my check. Also not to mention I was never given any breaks or lunch time.
While they can fire you for the mistake, they cannot take it out of your pay. You would have a unlawful deduction and final pay claim against them.
You may also have some other wage claims regarding lunch, potentially predictive scheduling rules as well. Not getting breaks though is only a BOLI problem for them and gets you nothing.
I think you're going to want to consult with a wage and hour attorney. I can't tell whether the employer deducted the $100 from your paycheck, but if that happened it would be good to mention during your consultation. Some other things a wage/hour attorney is going to want to know are: how many hours did you work per day, what was your position, were you told that you could/should take a break, and other questions. A lot of attorneys offer free consultations. Best of luck.