medical help
march 28 of this year was my last day of work do to extreme pain and weakness in my neck shoulders arms and hand. I had made an appointment with the surgeon that had done a fussion on c5,6,7 in 06 on a comp claim, he sent me for an mri of the cervical, gave me pain meds and no work. the mri came back with arthritis and bone spurs in the same area of my previous surgery. he then sent me for an emg and found severe nerve damage of the ulna at the elbow which I also had a comp. claim for falling of a loading dock shattering my elbow. He then sent me to a chronic pain doc. to get nerve blocks for my neck. I had a consultation set up 3 appt. for the shots and put me on a pain patch so as to not take too much vicodin. Now my problem is the shop i was worked at gave me 3 pay checks as a loan to help out cause they did not have any disability ins. I then tried to get state help but it was takeing too long so i talked to the company and got a lay off but they also stoped my ins. I finaly heard from the state and got no ins. help, so i had to cancel the nerve blocks and cant even get pain meds because i cant pay for the office calls. Is there anything that can be done im 48 and just want to get fixed and get back to work.
Medical and property transfer
My mom has medical. She only has one assest, her home. I understand that CA will attempt to recover medical costs incurred while she is alive and will look to her home to collect the amount. Is this accurate?
Because her home is an eligible item for medical, she can transfer the property and not incur costs. Is this correct?
If she transfers the house to her children, what is the cost tot he children?
Is it better for her to transfer the house while she is alive or to keep it in the trust?
Can the property be transferred a week before her death still be untouchable by medical?
Thank you.
Being Sued after Bankruptcy discharge
I am currently being sued by a creditor who was listed on my BK petition. I received my discharge on 09/09/2008, and now they want to sue me. What steps do I need to take now?