This is a tricky question as your boyfriend's conviction might trigger the Walsh Act, Especially if he is a mandatory 290 registrant, or needs to register as a sexual offender. You need to consult with an experienced immigration attorney to answer this question.
I have a big problem with my neighborhood association. They are getting to big for their pants. I got two problems with them.
I need some help. I have a huge question for you and I really hope you can help me out. I live in Glenbrook Estate in Palm Harbor. My Neighborhood Association had a meeting Monday night. They want to dictate the month, the day, the time, and how many garage sales we can have a can have in our neighborhood. We do have a deed restrictions in our neighborhood but it does not state anything in there about garage sales. This is there idea for it because they do not want traffic in the neighborhood. I feel this is taking away my rights as a citizen. Is this legal? Can they do this?
Second problem that I have is safety in my neighborhood. My mom and I have lived here since 2004. If we have known about these problems we would never bought the house. We live on a dead end street and the other side of the street is condos. The condos are GlenEngles which is all private roads. They have a gate at the end of our street to close off their property. The problem is this, we have traffic coming our street all the time trying to get on up the other side of the gate into GlenEngles. This gate does not move, it is wrought iron and does open. They gate has a big stop sign on each side. The drivers of the cars get mad and tear up our property and my neighbors property across the street from us. We have had cars, trucks, motorcycles cutting across our property to get on the other side. We also have semi's, ambulance, deputies, county cars, companies trucks, and etc.
On several occasions we have almost been hit ( my dog, my great neice who was 2 years old, my mom who is 74 yrs old, myself , our car and our house. We have contacted the county about our problem. They have put up signs in the neighborhood but is not helping and they will not do anything else to help. They corrected their maps that does put a X where the gate is. We have also contacted MapQuest about the GPS with directing people down our street. We have also contacted other companies that deals with the GPS. Nothing stops the traffic down our street. Sometimes drivers will ask us for directions to the other side because their GPS is giving the wrong information.
We have had all kinds of damage to our property. They have torn up sod, broken sprinklers heads, busted mailbox, torn bushes, back into our garage and broke the flag on the roof, hit our car in the driveway, almost hit the corner of the house which is over 25 feet from the curb, as well as hitting us.
We have tried everything we can think of to protect us and our property. We have called the sheriff, planted bushes, trees, and rocks along the street, planted bushes and cement edges on the side of property and driveway. We have put up a chain on post across driveway ( which the drivers torn out). Signs and garage cans. We do not know else to do.
Our HOA has in its deed restrictions that garage cans are to be places along side of the house. We and our neighbor across the street have been using a large garage can in the center of our driveway to prevent cars pulling in and damage the property or persons. The neighbor has also been using paint sticks in his yard and almost been ran over because of the drivers being mad. Our neighbor next door has had their truck hit from someone backing into their drive and their garage door has been hit several times. Now, our HOA has been complaining about the garage can in the driveways. They have sent out letters stated about the garage can in the driveway. They do not like the cans and want them removed. They are not taking the problem seriously. I asked for a waiver for myself and the neighbor across the street to be allowed to keep the garage can at the end of the drive to stop the traffic so we can protect ourselves. This has help us protecting our property and our lives. They would not agree to do this nor would they believe it is as bad it is. They would listen to us. They said that it is in the restrictions, they have had complaints, they do not beleive us and they can fine us. They also said that their are people in our neighborhood that would sue the board if they do not enforce this. They do not like garage cans.
We have a camper, two trailers, an window A/C in the garage, a business truck and many other people that are breaking the bylaws. They are not doing anything about them. Since we have lived here (2004) the board has not done anything about these owners. Some of them are friends of board members or board members.
My mom is 74 yrs old, disabled, single female. They are harassing her. Now they are harassing her when she has bags for the trash man from me doing the yard work. The trash man was coming the day after. They did not like it out there at the curb.
What can we do to protect our safety and property? We do not have the funds to hire an attorney. This is the reason why I am asking you. We need help so badly!!!
Thank you,
Beverly Van Zyl
Elizabeth Van Zyl
4429 GLenbrook Drive
Palm Harbor, Fl 34683
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Arrest Record
Arrested and released per 849b(2).
Does record exist and if so can it be
sealed and destroyed?
IL: Parenting agreement shows 20% of what non-custodial represented was twenty percent of net income. I am able to see W2's once annually, and the net income was represented as significantly less than it actually was.
I intend on filing a motion to modify the amount, my questions is, if non-custodial is not honest enough to notify me when there is a significant change in income could I add to the motion that I would like to have the parenting agreement modified so that I can see pay stubs quarterly? This way if this happens again year after year my son won't miss out on the money that wasn't paid. Payment to make up the difference is not part of the law. Open to suggestions!?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
land line boundaries
There is a fence that has served as a land boundary between me and another land owner for over 20 years. They are now saying that they own approx. 150 feet of property onl my side. What is the ruling when a fence has served as a land boundary in excess of ten years?
Confused about Chapter 7 vs 13
My husband and I have aprox.
$85,000. in non-secured debt. We
have a 1st and 2nd mortgage on our
house, about $240,000 with only 9
years left on it. We both work (total
income about 110,000), and have
not been late on any of our
payments . . yet. We have almost
nothing in our savings account and
can not sustain even minimum
payments for much longer (maybe a
few months more). We are in our
50's and do not want to loose our
house. We do not know what the
best method for reducing (or
eliminate) our non-secured debt,
chapter 7, 13 or maybe an offer and
compromise program. Do those debt
relief agencies help cut your debt so
that payments are manageable? We
are not looking for a way out of
paying our debt unless this is the
only way to keep our house. Any
guidance would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you