IL: Parenting agreement shows 20% of what non-custodial represented was twenty percent of net income. I am able to see W2's once annually, and the net income was represented as significantly less than it actually was.
I intend on filing a motion to modify the amount, my questions is, if non-custodial is not honest enough to notify me when there is a significant change in income could I add to the motion that I would like to have the parenting agreement modified so that I can see pay stubs quarterly? This way if this happens again year after year my son won't miss out on the money that wasn't paid. Payment to make up the difference is not part of the law. Open to suggestions!?What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)?
The local rules of your county already require the non-custodial to notify the clerk of courts within 7 days of any significant changes to his income. In addition, your support order specifies a specific amount that MUST BE PAID.
Talk to an attorney, don't handle this on your own. I've seen too many pro se clients lose easy child support cases because they don't understand basic court procedure and discovery/disclosure rules.