Paper work has 1st offense. Officer has his hair as blue. It is not. Datamaster reading was .117%. What does this mean
He is facing a second offense DUI. Completing ARD does ezpunge your record but not with PennDot. So the CW will know about the first offense. Mistakes on the complaint arent going to win yiu the case in and of themself. They can be useful as a part of a strategy to win the trial but in and of themself they are not enough. His is a middle tier DUI so he is looking at a mandatory 30 days if, IF, he is convicted.
Sit down with an experienced DUI attorney. There are defenses and an untrained person may not see them. Sit down with an attorney.
My mother died and my brother had power of attorney. There is no valid will because she had Alzheimer before we realized it and of course couldn't get one done.
My question is does he still have the only access to her bank account and property? My sister and I are at at lost and don't know how to proceed. thanks
Can you file for a Verified Amended Complaint after a Summons with Notice;Action for a divorce has been issued?