Why am I getting these questions thrown back? Whoever asked this question a year ago needs to clarify the situation--which has probably resolved itself. Yes, you may have a suit against the other kid who was in the fight because it may be the tort of battery/assault. Yes, you may have a claim against the school for negligence. However, if you've sat on your hands for a year and didn't file a claim under the California torts act within six months, then your claim may be expired.
Why am I getting these questions thrown back? Whoever asked this question a year ago needs to clarify the situation--which has probably resolved itself. Yes, you may have a suit against the other kid who was in the fight because it may be the tort of battery/assault. Yes, you may have a claim against the school for negligence. However, if you've sat on your hands for a year and didn't file a claim under the California torts act within six months, then your claim may be expired.