Am I obligated to pay a large retroactive waste management bill more than 6 months old that I recently received?
I have been living at a new address in Woodland, California now for about 8 months now. In the time since I've moved the City's waste disposal contractor (Waste Management) has picked up the bins on my street when I put them out (every two weeks or so).
I just recently received a bill in the mail from WM for over 260 dollars billing the total lump sum. My question is simply this, am I obligated to pay this large amount with no warning and no way to even anticipate an amount I would have to pay? I don't have the money to pay such a large sum. Their trucks have voluntarily emptied my bins up to this point. If they had their system together and billed me when I moved in I would have been able to manage my money to pay them. Please help me