State court orders enforceable in/upon another state?
It's NOT a homework assignment!! It is a real question! If a person who lives in Florida (for example) needs to obtain a grandparent's birth certificate from NY and NY refuses to comply, a court order may be pursued - but, can the court order be obtained in Florida or must it be done by a NY court? This question affects many people trying to obtain documents required for Italian citizenship jure sanguinis application and is especially vexing in NY where rules for obtaining vital records are especially strict.
I placed this under Constitutional Law becasue (it seems to me) it involves state's rights and interactions among states.
The question is, can a state court in one state ''order'' an office of another state to take some action which is contrary to the second state's statutes?
For example, can a Florida state court order the New York Department of Health Vital Records Bureau to release a birth/death certificate which, in accordance with NY statutes, the requestor is not otherwise entitled to receive?