Suspended by leading online auction company
I have a small business which runs through the leading auction company. I listed famous authentic designer handbags, but they shut me down by no reason whatsoever. My account has suspended by leading online auction company. My account suspended once in the past due to selling replica, I did not know I was dealing with replica, after that I went to Italy to purchase all authentic designer handbags from authorized shops. I sent some messages to Vero members to verify, but I got no respond. I know that all designer brands are not restricted by U.S.Customs law(Parallel Import, Grey market).I lost about $15000 profit due to their unreasonable action. I got out of the military 6 months ago and start my own business. I can not believe this happened to me.
All my designer handbags were 100% authentic, so I believe that they can not shut down my listings. I am able to prove all my designer handbags are genuine. It is unfair to me. I alreday asked some lawyers to help me out, but they said that it is their leading online company system. They try not to take my case because they can not fight against leading online company which is monoploy in online trading.
I need someone to help me out to find out for solutions.
Thank you for your time