marines discharge
My best friend is in the marines and he can't take it anymore he said it's not what he thought it would be like he said they keep hazing him is there any way he can get discharged?
OTH upgrade
i've been out of navy for 12 years on a an oth, i deserted for 6 months,got caught,went courtmartialed and was discharged after 3 months what i do upgrade my discharge had over seven honorable years before deserted,what can i do to better my situation
military discharges
I have an honorable then i got an oth which one is good
discharge upgrade
i joined in the us navy in 93-97 i got out with discharge HONORABLE , then 1999 i rejoined back navy, then i have dui and the navy discharge me OTH.. there is not any court martial ,. can i upgrade my discharge
personal phones
is there a law that prohibit phone company to turn off your phone? when you are a law enforcement and on call 24-7. plus im a first responder with the local fire department.
Going AWOL before basic training.
I had found out that I had a kid. He is 8 months old. I do not want to leave him and miss anymore time with him. What kind of trouble can I get into for going awol before my ship date to leave for basic training.
Medical retirement
I'm going before the medical board at the VA. If I am considered 90% disable can I refuse to take the rating so I can stay in to complete my time in grade in order to retire with that rank? Can I be retired in my current rank and recieve my retirement pay at that rank at age 60? What would be your best advice for me in this matter? I suffer but prehaps can do three more years.
scm, spcm, gcm
what is the difference between one or the other and which is more harsh?
do we have options?
My husband was accused of sexual assault, convicted and sentenced by courtmartial this past 08/27/08. Everyone in the court room were surprised of the verdict to include the prosecuting attorney. My husband was very confident he would be found not guity because he says he didn't do the allegation? passed polygraph test, statements have been consistent. ALL attorneys involved didn't want to take the matter to trail but my his colonel (alone) was pushing for court martial. The accuser was a young officer and had recanted her story three times. was asked after being informed that my husband had taken the test and passed, would she be willing to take the test,she declined.She was asked after the incident occured how was her relationship with my husband. She said they had a great relationship.After the 'incident the witnesses had stated that they never noticed a changed in their interaction.On several occasions she had joined them for a smoke break with my husband present she doesn't smoke.After the incident she invited himto ride with her to a meeting alone.The week of the allegation she was moved to where she wanted to be a request denied months prior to the incident and thereafter. There are so much more need more space
Lenth of courts-martial
Can anyone please provide me with a short list showing long-running US courts-martial, the time length for proceedings, the case name and branch of service? or tell me where i can find such information
Military law suit
How does a veteren sue the Marine Corp or the federal governemnt for damages to loss of hearing during military training on active duty?
I was told that the contract signed upon enlistment precludes legal action against the government.
I received 0% I would like to upgrade from 0%
Don Wilson
enlistment contracts
My son has been diagnoised with PTSD by 6 different Dr.'s the Army has sent him to. It has been recomended that he enter WTU. 6 months after the 1st diagnoisis with no treatment he went AWOL for just over 30 days and returned on his own. Now the Army is telling him he will be demoted from E4 to E1. I feel along with the current Dr. the Army has sent him to see that he would not have gone AWOL if he had been in a treatment program. Doesn't the Army have a contractual responsibility to their soldiers? Can they be sued for breach of contract ?
military discharge
iws given an other than honorable discharge for a positive urinalysis . i went into the marine corps on a waiver. do i have a chance to upgrade to a general under honorable conditions
Dishonorable Discharge
My son received a DD from the USMC 12 years ago. Is there any chance of a successful appeal? This one mistake has haunted him all these years to the point that he can't move on. Is there anything he can do?
Army medical retirement.
I just found out I have gall stones and have to have my gall bladder removed, I have also been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it seems medical problems are starting to stack up against me. What options do I have being an active enlisted Army soldier? I was told that I could possibly get a medical retirement.
General Court Martial
Is a convition ion a military general court martial for a one time postive urinalysis for cocaine and marijuana a felony?
The release from military was Under Other Than Honorable.
my brother has been AWOL for 10 days, we have convinced him to let us pick him up where he is at. When we turn him in, is there a set punishment depending on how many days he was AWOL or is there anything we can do to prevent jailtime?
If someone receives a medical discharge
for sleepwalking in the military, is there
ever a way to get back in?
Upgrade A Military Discharge.
Hello. I have recently got discharged with an Other Than Honorable Discharge For the USMC. I got It For Admitting Drug use on a statement. I had two piss test and was clean. i was Court Martialed and got brig time. Went to a discharge board and was given a OTH Suspened discharge. But supended was denied by the Comoanding General. Is there anyway way of upgrading this because i feel i was Wronged. any help is appreciated.
UCMJ and prescription alteration
If someone is falsely accused of altering a prescription given by a civilian doctor given to a civilian pharmacy, will it still be tried under UCMJ while active duty? If covered by UCMJ, what is the article this crime is covered by?