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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Feb. 08, 1996 Number: 96-000736 Latest Update: Oct. 19, 1998

The Issue The issues in these cases are whether the Respondent, Roy Palmer, is entitled to a Noticed General Environmental Resource Permit, under Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-341, and a Consent of Use under Florida Administrative Code Chapter 18-21.

Findings Of Fact Procedural History On or about February 13, 1995, the Respondent, Roy Palmer (Palmer), applied for a wetland resource permit to construct a 395-foot boat dock for use at his single-family residence at property he owned on Sarasota Bay, an Outstanding Florida Water. As proposed, this dock was to originate from the northern part of Palmer's property and have a terminal platform with two boat moorings and two boat lifts. On September 1, 1995, the Department of Environmental Protection (the Department or DEP) gave notice of intent to issue a permit for a shorter (370-foot) dock originating from the southern part of the Palmer property. The Petitioners filed a petition for administrative hearing challenging the intended action. DEP referred the petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH), where it was assigned DOAH Case No. 95-5311. On or about December 11, 1995, Palmer applied for a noticed general environmental resource permit (ERP) permit for his dock under new DEP rules went into effect on October 3, 1995. This proposal was for the 370-foot dock originating from the southern part of the Palmer property. On or about January 10, 1996, DEP acknowledged receipt of the noticed general ERP (No. 582819483) and informed Palmer that it appeared to meet the requirements of the new rule. DEP also gave notice of intent to grant Palmer's application for consent of use of sovereign submerged lands necessary to construct the dock. (The record is not clear when the application for consent of use was filed.) The Petitioners filed a petition for administrative hearing challenging agency action regarding both the noticed general ERP and the consent of use. DEP also referred this petition to DOAH, where it was assigned DOAH Case No. 96-0736. Palmer withdrew the original permit application and moved to dismiss DOAH Case No. 95-5311. In July, 1996, Palmer applied for a noticed general ERP to build a still shorter (232-foot) dock originating from the southern part of the Palmer property (Permit No. 292583). Apparently, no notice of the application was published or required to be published. It is not clear whether the Petitioners "filed a written request for notification of any pending applications affecting the particular area in which the proposed activity is to occur." Palmer's second noticed general ERP (No. 292583) was amended on or about August 19, 1996, to eliminate one boat mooring and one boat lift. DEP took no action on Palmer's second application for a noticed general ERP No. 292583. On September 23, 1996, Palmer filed a Motion to Dismiss the Petition for Administrative Proceeding in DOAH Case No. 96-0736 because he had withdrawn the previous application for a noticed general ERP for a 370-foot dock (No. 582819483) and was proceeding only on the second noticed general ERP (No. 292583) for the 232foot dock. Palmer's intent was to dismiss only the portion of his prior application regarding the noticed general permit, but not the consent of use. On October 28, 1996, the Petitioners filed a petition for administrative hearing challenging noticed general ERP No. 292583 for the 232-foot dock. This petition alleged that the Petitioners filed a written objection to noticed general ERP No. on September 16, 1996, which requested a written response, and that no response of any kind was received until the Petitioners inquired and were told that DEP did not intend to respond to either the noticed general ERP (No. 292583) or the Petitioners' objection. Proposed Dock at Issue The proposal at issue is for a 227-foot access pier and 20 foot by 5 foot terminal platform with only one boat mooring and one boat lift. The length, location, and design of Palmer's proposed dock was changed in an attempt to satisfy the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP or the Department) and Palmer's neighbors. Palmer's task in this regard was difficult in part because a longer dock with a terminus in deeper water could have less impact on seagrasses (the major environmental concern) but would have a greater impact on the neighbors' views of Sarasota Bay (the major infringement of riparian rights concern.) In the final version, Palmer tried to balance these conflicting concerns. As proposed, neither the terminal platform, boat lift, nor mooring location occurs over submerged grassbeds, coral communities or wetlands. Starting at the mean high water line, the first 75 feet of the access pier for the proposed dock will traverse essentially no sea grasses. In the next 75 feet to 150 feet of the access pier, there will be approximately 80% vegetative cover consisting primarily of the seagrass halodule wrightii. Between 150 feet and 200 feet, there will be approximately 20% vegetative cover consisting of the seagrasses halodule wrightii and thalassia testudinum. Between 200 feet and 232 feet, seagrasses consisted primarily of thalassia testudinum, except that the terminal platform is located in an area of essentially bare sand. Starting at 80 feet from the mean high water line, the access pier for the proposed dock will ramp up to 5 feet above mean high water for the next 20 linear feet and continue at that elevation for the next 112 feet to reduce shading of the seagrasses. Then it will descend stairs for the next 5 linear feet, until it is 3.5 feet above mean high water, and will continue at that elevation for 10 more feet to where it joins the 20 foot by 5 foot terminal platform. In this way, wherever it traverses seagrasses, the access walkway portion of the pier will be elevated 5 feet above mean high water. The access walkway will be only 4 feet wide and will have half-inch wide gaps between its deck boards to allow sunlight through and further reduce shading of the seagrasses. The access walkway also will have handrails that are maintained in such a manner as to prevent use of the access walkways for boat mooring or access. As proposed, the terminal platform and boat lift occurs in a location with minimum depth of 2.2 feet below the mean low water level. There is some water 1.7 feet deep in the vicinity of the terminal platform, but the structure can be used without traversing the shallow water. The structure is designed so that boat mooring and navigational access will be in water at least 2 feet deep. Including access pier and terminal platform, the total area of Palmer's proposed dock over sovereign, submerged land would be 1,008 square feet. There will be no wet bars or living quarters over wetlands or surface waters or on the pier, and there will be no structures enclosed by walls or doors. There will be no fish cleaning facilities, boat repair facilities or equipment, or fueling facilities on the proposed dock. No overboard discharges of trash, human, or animal waste, or fuel will occur from the dock. The only dredging or filling associated with construction of Palmer's proposed dock will be the minimum dredge and fill required for installation of the actual pilings for the pier, terminal platform, and boat lift. Altogether, less than 30 square feet of bay bottom will be disturbed during construction and displaced to accommodate the pilings. Palmer's noticed general ERP is subject to the general conditions set out in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 341.427. Among those conditions is the requirement that Palmer implement best management practices for erosion, turbidity, and other pollution control to prevent violation of state water quality standards. The pilings will be jetted, not driven, into place to minimize disturbance of the bay bottom and temporary increases in turbidity. Turbidity barriers will be installed and maintained in a functional condition at each piling until construction is completed and soils are stabilized and vegetation has been established. Used properly, turbidity barriers have proved effective in containing temporary turbidity from dock construction. Based on the expert testimony, it is found that the construction of Palmer's proposed dock will not significantly impact seagrasses. The Petitioners presented expert testimony on seagrasses, but their expert testified only generally based on studies showing that shading negatively impacts seagrasses. He had no prior knowledge of the Palmer dock design, seagrass coverage, or the depth of the water. When apprised of some information concerning Palmer's proposed dock, he admitted that the studies involved far more severe shading conditions than would be caused by the proposed dock. He could not testify that the Palmer dock design would harm seagrasses, with the exception of those actually removed by the installation of the pilings. Accidental boat propeller dredging in using a dock can be a secondary impact on seagrasses from dock construction. But while a dock could perhaps attract a few boats, the dock's presence also might cause boaters to steer clear of the dock or reduce speed in the vicinity of the dock, which could result in a net reduction in the risk of damage to seagrasses from accidental prop dredging. Petitioners Dr. Franklin Pfeiffenberger, James Castoro, and Winifred Castoro jointly own a dock to the south of the Palmer property. This dock, which was built in the 1930's, projects 190 feet into Sarasota Bay and traverses seagrasses. Unlike the proposed Palmer dock, the Pfeiffenberger dock is not elevated, and it terminates in seagrasses. The seagrasses under the Pfeiffenberger dock are the same types as those located in the Palmer dock alignment--a combination of halodule wrightii and thalassia testudinum. The dock has been rebuilt a number of times over the years. Upon physical inspection, apparently healthy and growing seagrasses were found underneath the Pfeiffenberger dock. The proposed dock will not harm wildlife, including manatees (the only endangered species in the area, animal or plant). Manatees use Sarasota Bay in general, but the east side of the bay, where the Palmer property is located, is not a high use area. It is shallow and would not be considered "select" habitat for manatees. The proposed dock would not have any detrimental effect on manatee travel patterns; they could easily swim around the dock. Manatees eat seagrasses and other aquatic vegetation, but the proposed dock will not have significant adverse impact on those resources. Finally, while a dock could perhaps attract a few boats, the dock's presence also might cause boaters to steer clear of the dock or reduce speed in the vicinity of the dock, which could result in a net reduction in the risk of injury to manatees in the area from boat collisions and prop scarring. Except for temporary turbidity during construction, no other water quality parameters will be violated as a result of the construction of Palmer's proposed dock. Palmer's proposed dock and its use will not significantly impede navigability in Sarasota Bay. The bay is approximately 18,000 feet wide at that point, and it is approximately 4,800 feet from Palmer's property to the Intracoastal Waterway. Since the water is shallow near shore in the vicinity of the Palmer property, relatively few boats frequent the area. Those that do are generally smaller boats. These boats easily could navigate so as to avoid the dock; very small boats, such as canoes and kayaks, might even be able to carefully pass under the elevated portion of the dock. Palmer's proposed dock also would not be a serious impediment to other recreational uses of Sarasota Bay in the area. The water is too shallow for swimming. Fishing could improve because the dock could attract baitfish. People could continue to wade-fish by walking around or even under the proposed dock. Palmer's proposed dock is aesthetically consistent with the area in which it is located. All the Petitioners have some sort of man-made structure projecting out into Sarasota Bay from their property. As already mentioned, Dr. Pfeiffenberger and the Castoros have a 190-foot dock projecting straight out into Sarasota Bay. Within the past five years, Dr. Pfeiffenberger has installed a bench to sit on at the end of the dock. To the north of the Palmer property, property owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cabaniss has a yacht basin formed by a sea wall that projects roughly perpendicular to the shoreline out into the bay. Immediately north of the Cabaniss property, there is a boat house on the Goldman property where it abuts the yacht basin. The Goldmans' boat house is approximately 20 feet in length and 10 feet in height from ground level. Immediately south of the Palmer property, Ms. Stenhouse has a small dock (which appears to be located over seagrasses.) As a result, the viewsheds of Palmer and the Petitioners already contain many docks and man- made structures. In addition, the Ringling Causeway and bridge can be seen from all of these properties. Palmer's proposed dock will appear in some views from the Petitioners' properties. Generally, the closer the neighbor, the more will be seen of Palmer's proposed dock. Some of the Petitioners will only be able to see the proposed dock if they go out to the westerly edge of their properties on the bay. While the proposed dock will appear in and alter these views, it will not eliminate any Petitioner's view of Sarasota Bay. Even the closest neighbors will have some unobstructed views around the proposed dock. It also will be possible to see over and under the proposed dock, similar to the way in which many of the Petitioners now enjoy their views. There are tall pine and palm trees on the Cabaniss property between their house and their view of the bay. Most of the other properties in the vicinity appear to have similar viewsheds. Ms. Stenhouse has a large stand of mangroves of the western edge of her property; they cover approximately 60 percent of the panorama from her house, but they are trimmed up so she can see through them. While some people would prefer not to have the Palmer dock there, other people might view the availability of single- family residential docks to be an asset to the properties in the neighborhood. Based on expert testimony, it cannot be found that property values in the area would go down as a result of Palmer's proposed dock. Palmer's proposed dock does little if anything to further the idealistic goals and objectives of the City of Sarasota Comprehensive Plan and the Sarasota Bay Management Plan to restore and expand seagrasses in Sarasota Bay in that the proposed dock will eliminate some seagrasses. However, only approximately 30 square feet of seagrasses will be lost. Otherwise, the proposed dock is consistent with other goals and objectives of the City of Sarasota Comprehensive Plan and the Sarasota Bay Management Plan in that the dock has been aligned and planned so as to minimize impacts on seagrasses while balancing the neighbors' desire to minimize the impact on their views of Sarasota Bay. Palmer's Riparian Rights Palmer and his wife received a Warranty Deed, dated August 27, 1993, from James Kirk, II, individually and as personal representative of the Estate of Marie Ferguson. The deed describes Lots 27 and 28 of the Indian Beach subdivision in Sarasota, Florida, with a western boundary "along the shores of Sarasota Bay." Palmer attached this deed to his applications. Since at least November 1992, the mean high water line of Sarasota Bay has been west of a seawall on the Palmer property. The evidence was clear that the seawall has been there since at least 1944 and that Palmer has not filled the area to the west of the seawall or built any structure that influences its existence. The evidence was not clear as to the creation and history of upland to the west of the seawall. From aerial photographs, it appears that at least some upland has existed to the west of the seawall at least from time to time for at least the last 30 years. For reasons no witness could explain, the Palmers also received a Warranty Deed from Kirk, dated September 3, 1993, purporting to convey title only up to the seawall on the Palmer property. Likewise for reasons no witness could explain, a land surveyor named Lawrence R. Weber prepared a boundary survey based on the description in the September 3, 1993, Warranty Deed. Also for reasons no witness could explain, the Palmers received a Quit Claim Deed from Kirk, dated October 20, 1993. This instrument quitclaimed to the Palmers "all of the Grantor's property to the mean high water line of Sarasota Bay, including riparian rights." Except for the mysterious September 3, 1993, Warranty Deed from Kirk, all deeds in the chain of title back to at least 1944 reflect an intention to convey riparian rights. A deed given by Helen and Frederick Delaute to Cecilia and Harold Wilkins, dated April 19, 1944, described the westerly boundary of the property as running northerly along the shores of Sarasota Bay and specifically referenced riparian rights. (This deed attached a survey showing the still-existing seawall.) The next deed in the chain of title was from the widowed Cecilia S. Wilkins to Edward and Laura Williams dated December 27, 1954. The metes and bounds description again referenced the westerly boundary as running along the shores of Sarasota Bay and specifically referenced foreshore accretions and riparian rights. The next deed in the chain of title was from Edward and Laura Williams to Aidan and Wilma E. Dewey dated June 30, 1958. This deed again defined the westerly boundaries of the property as the shores of Sarasota Bay and specifically referenced foreshore accretions and riparian rights. The next deed in the chain of title was from Aidan and Wilma Dewey to Edward and Marie Ferguson dated August 23, 1967. This deed again defined the westerly boundary of the property as the shores of Sarasota Bay and specifically referenced foreshore accretions and riparian rights.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order issuing Noticed General Environmental Resource Permit (No. 292583) and Consent of Use (No. 582819483) to Roy Palmer. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of September, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of September, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard Filson, Esquire Filson and Penge, P.A. 2727 South Tamiami Trail, Suite 2 Sarasota, Florida 34239 Thomas I. Mayton, Esquire T. Andrew Zodrow, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 David M. Levin, Esquire Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg Post Office Box 4195 Sarasota, Florida 34237 Alexandra St. Paul, Esquire The Riverview Center 1111 3rd Avenue, West Suite 350 Bradenton, Florida 34205 Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Office of General Counsel 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 F. Perry Odom, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Office of General Counsel 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57253.0326.012373.403373.414403.814 Florida Administrative Code (12) 18-21.00118-21.00318-21.00418-21.00518-21.00762-302.30062-341.20162-341.21562-341.42762-343.09062-4.24262-4.530
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jan. 07, 2005 Number: 05-000058 Latest Update: May 23, 2005

The Issue Whether Sam Patterson’s proposed dock project is exempt from the need to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) from the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) under Florida Administrative Code Rules 40E-4.051(3)(c) and (d).

Findings Of Fact The Parties Mr. Scully resides at 941 Brookdale Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida, Lot 16, adjacent to and south-southeast of Mr. Patterson's residential property. The northern or rear portion of Mr. Scully's lot borders on an artificial canal that is designated a Class III water by Department rule. He does not have a dock per se; he moors his boat against and parallel to a narrow concrete area (and his lot line), separated by buffering material. Mr. Patterson, the applicant, owns the property at 930 Brookdale Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida, Lot 15. Lot 15 is north-northwest and adjacent to Mr. Scully’s property. This residential property is currently leased to others. The residential property (Lot 14) adjacent to and north-northeast of Mr. Patterson's lot is apparently owned by an individual named Meloche. The Department has the jurisdiction to determine whether the proposed project is exempt from ERP requirements. The Proposed Project On or about September 13, 2004, Mr. Patterson filed an application requesting an exemption to replace an existing five- foot by 21-foot (105-square feet) marginal dock in the same location, configuration, and dimensions as the existing dock. He also requested an exemption to install a five-foot by 16-foot (80-square feet) wooden finger pier extending perpendicular to and from the middle of the existing marginal dock. As of the final hearing, the project has been revised such that the wooden finger pier will extend 11.8 feet (rather than 16 feet) and perpendicular from the middle of the marginal dock. Mr. Patterson changed the length of the finger pier to comply with City regulations, which are not at issue in this case. The “Site Plan” is attached to the Department’s Notice of Determination of Exemption. (JE 1). The “Site Plan” shows a one-story residence on Mr. Patterson's Lot 15. The front of the lot measures 100 feet, whereas the rear of the lot (that abuts the canal on the easternmost portion of the lot) is 50 feet in length from south to north. The seawall is one-and-one-half feet in width. The existing marginal dock abuts the seawall running south to north and is 21 feet long and five feet wide. Small concrete platforms abut the marginal dock on the south and north. The Department reviewed the original application and on October 13, 2004, advised Mr. Patterson, in part, that his project was exempt from the need to obtain an ERP under Florida Administrative Code Rules 40E-4.051(3)(c) and (d). The Department had not reviewed the change to the project prior to the final hearing. See Finding of Fact 5. Lots 16, 15, and 14 are situated as a cul-de-sac (semi- circle) with the canal north of Lot 16, east of Lot 15, and south of Lot 14. Lot 14 is across the canal from Mr. Scully's Lot 16. There are five properties on each side of the canal, running west to east. The artificial canal runs directly east from Mr. Patterson’s property for an uncertain distance to the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). Mr. Patterson’s property (Lot 15) is the western end-point for this canal. Mr. Patterson’s eastern property line (fronting the canal) is 50 feet in width. However, the precise width of the canal between Lots 14 and 16 is unclear. Ms. Smith reports (in her site inspection report of March 3, 2005 (JE 3)) that the canal is approximately 50 feet wide. Mr. Patterson testified that Karen Main with the City of Boynton Beach advised him that the consensus opinion of City employees reviewing the issue was that the canal measured 66 feet in width. There appears to be some widening of the canal east of Mr. Patterson’s property line and then the canal appears to straighten-out as it proceeds to the east to the ICW and past the easterly property lines for Lots 14 and 16. See (JEs 1-site plan; 5-aerial). The weight of the evidence indicates that the canal, between Lots 14 and 16, is approximately 60 to 66 feet wide. See, e.g., id. In the past, the prior owner of Lot 15 (Mr. Patterson's property) moored a boat at and parallel to the marginal dock, which means that the bow, for example, faced Lot 14 and the stern faced Lot 16. Mr. Patterson currently owns a 16-foot boat that he wants to moor at the marginal dock. However, he feels that it is unsafe to do so, particularly if Mr. Scully’s boat drifts. Meloche (Lot 14 to the north) has a fixed boatlift, which allows for the elevation of a boat out of the water, with the bow facing west toward and in front of the northern end of Mr. Patterson’s seawall. (JE 4). Mr. Scully moors his boat parallel to the shoreline of Lot 16 and perpendicular to Mr. Patterson’s 50-foot eastern seawall and property line. (JEs 4 and 6). Mr. Scully’s seawall intersects Mr. Patterson’s seawall such that when Mr. Scully’s 22-foot boat is moored at his seawall, it is also in front of the southern end of Mr. Patterson’s seawall. Id. When Mr. Scully’s boat is tightly moored at his seawall, it does not interfere with or block Mr. Patterson’s marginal dock. (JE 6). However, when Mr. Scully’s boat is loosely moored, it drifts toward the center of the canal in front of Mr. Patterson’s marginal dock. (JE 4). With no boat moored at the marginal dock, Mr. Scully is able to freely maneuver his boat to his seawall with limited “backing” of his boat required (stern first). With a boat consistently moored at Mr. Patterson’s marginal dock, Mr. Scully would have to back into his area beside his seawall in order to avoid colliding with that boat. Mr. Patterson’s finger pier would enable him to safely moor a boat perpendicular to the marginal dock. Centering the finger pier at the marginal dock is likely to make it easier for Mr. Patterson and Mr. Scully to navigate to their respective mooring areas, depending on the size of the boats moored by Mr. Patterson and Mr. Scully. (The Department, in reviewing similar exemption requests, does not consider the type and size of the boat(s) to be moored at the proposed dock or adjacent mooring site.) It is preferable for the boats to be moored, in this location, stern first, with the bow facing down the canal from the wake of the boats traveling in the ICW. Centering the finger pier at the marginal dock and mooring Mr. Patterson’s boat on the north side of the finger pier is likely to enable Meloche, Mr. Patterson, and Mr. Scully to moor their boats parallel to each other and avoid collisions.1 Placement of the finger pier at the northern end of the finger pier, while favored over the proposed location by Mr. Scully, is likely to interfere with Meloche’s use of his property and boatlift. With the finger pier centered on the marginal dock and a boat moored to the north, Mr. Scully can maneuver his boat to his seawall by “backing in” stern first. An experienced boater can accomplish this task in two to three maneuvers. Mr. Scully is an experienced boater and has lived on the canal for approximately eight years. Shortening the finger pier from 16 feet to 11.8 feet will not affect Mr. Patterson’s ability to safely moor a boat on the northern side of the finger pier. The Challenge Mr. Scully contends that the placement of the wooden finger pier and the mooring of a sizable boat on the proposed finger pier will interfere with his ability to navigate in and out of the canal in or around his property, and necessarily interfere with his ability to moor his boat adjacent to his property. He also contends that the marginal dock and the finger pier are two docks, not one. Resolution of the Controversy Replacement of the existing marginal dock will consist of replacing the decking and using the existing pilings. The existing marginal dock is currently functional. Reconstruction of the marginal dock and construction of the finger pier will be done by a licensed marine contractor. The licensed marine contractor will use best management practices to avoid water quality problems in the canal during construction. Construction of the proposed project is not expected to adversely affect flood control or violate water quality standards. The proposed project will not impede navigation. But see Endnote 1.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order concluding that Mr. Patterson’s proposed dock project, as revised, is exempt from the need to obtain an ERP. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of April, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of April, 2005.

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002134 Latest Update: Jun. 29, 1984

The Issue Whether the permit Harbor Woods seeks should be denied lest effluent from a sewage treatment plant enter the proposed basin? Whether the proposed project will cause odors and degradation of water quality in contravention of DER standards and rules, as a result of stormwater runoff?

Findings Of Fact On Merritt Island in Brevard County, Harbor Woods owns an 80-acre parcel on the western shore of Newfound Harbor. From the north, Sykes Creek flows into Newfound Harbor, which opens into the Banana River to the south. The parties stipulated that Newfound Harbor, which is navigable, contains Class III waters. Paralleling the northern boundary of the Harbor Woods property is a ditch through which 800,000 gallons or more of effluent from a sewage treatment plant operated by Brevard County pours into Newfound Harbor daily, at a point about 400 feet north of the proposed flushing channel. A mile or so south of the proposed flushing channel is the nearest boundary of the Banana River Aquatic Preserve. PETITIONER'S INTEREST Robert B. Sampson, Carl Seidel and Betty Holcombe have all been boating in Newfound Harbor and expect to use the waters of Newfound Harbor in the future. Ms. Holcombe is an avid angler and has fished those waters often. MAN vs. MOSQUITO At one time an arm of Newfound Harbor extended onto the property Harbor Woods now proposes to develop. As a means of mosquito control, the authorities caused a dike to be built along the eastern edge of the property, wailing off the shallows and interdicting the tidal flow. The impoundment was then filled with fresh water in an effort to keep the bottom covered. The idea was to deprive mosquitoes of mud they need for depositing eggs. The effort was not completely successful, and the area continues to be sprayed with insecticides. The mosquitoes that now breed in the vicinity of the impounded fresh water are capable of transmitting encephalitis and other diseases and constitute a more serious problem than the mosquitoes whose larvae formerly hatched on the salt mud flats. The area of the original impoundment was reduced some time after 1967 by filling in conjunction with development to the north of the Harbor Woods property. PARTIAL RESTORATION PROPOSED Barber Woods, which owns the bottom landward of the dike, proposes to drain the fresh water to an unspecified upland site, uproot some seven and a half acres of cattails, remove the muck, and fill with clean sand so as to reshape the perimeter of the impoundment and its bottom contours; and consolidate four small islands into a single "recreational" island within the newly formed basin, which would only then be connected to Newfound Barber by dredging a flushing channel through the dike. Unplugging the dike would entail removal of about a quarter acre of productive wetlands, mainly mangroves, which would be transplanted inside the basin. The project would improve the property aesthetically and result in more land area for the "mid-rise" condominium buildings Barber Woods intends to erect. Although the project would not restore the site to its precise pro-impoundment state, the proposed basin is designed, in part, to fill the ecological role the pristine embayment once played. The level bottom of the new basin would lie at 1.5 feet NGVD; once the dike was breached, saltwater would fill the basin to a uniform depth of one and one half feet, and spill over to submerge five acres of cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) which would be planted along the northern and southern shores of the basin. The unplanted bottom of the basin would comprise another five acres. After removing 330 feet of the dike, and in order to insure the movement of water in and out of the basin, a channel 150 feet wide would be dug out into Newfound Harbor 92 feet waterward of the mean high water line. Turbidity curtains would be used during dredging. If the cordgrass and the mangroves, which are to be planted in the same area, take hold and flourish, white mangroves would dominate in five years' time, and the quarter acre strip along the dike which would be lost would then have been replaced by an area twenty times as large. Eventually red mangroves should become dominant. The uncontroverted evidence was that, because of all the new vegetation proposed, the project would ameliorate water quality in Newfound Harbor and provide a new food source, habitat and nursery area for various organisms, including mosquitophagous fish. AMBIENT POLLUTION The objectors raised the question whether any plantings in the new basin could be expected to survive in light of the poor water quality in Newfound Harbor. The waters of Newfound Barber do not meet minimum standards for Class III waters now, and would not be brought up to those standards by any project like the one proposed. Brevard County's Fortenberry Sewage Treatment Facility, the source of the effluent pouring into Newfound Harbor, has been the object of administrative proceedings in which DER has alleged that the facility is discharging excessive amounts not only of nutrients like phosphorous but also of copper, mercury, lindane, and malathion. Petitioners Exhibit No. 4. Excess nutrients in the water would foster, not retard, the growth of submerged plants, but some of the substances DER itself claims are being introduced into Newfound Harbor could be lethal to plants. DER has alleged in a notice of violation that effluent from the Fortenberry Sewage Treatment Facility "is acutely toxic." Petitioners' Exhibit No. 4. Reese Kessler, a DER employee, noted "a six inch layer of black ooze" along the Newfound Barber side of the dike in September of 1981, which, he reported, "Presumably resulted from a recent heavy discharge of sewage effluent." DER's Exhibit No. 2. If constructed as proposed, the basin would exchange waters with Newfound Barber, primarily under the influence of the wind. Southeast winds predominate at the site. When the wind blows from the southeast, a clockwise gyre in Newfound Barber takes the effluent due east from the mouth of the ditch and away from the proposed flushing channel, but a northeast wind would result in sewage effluent entering the basin, if it blew hard enough. Runoff entering the basin from upland would also be a motive force, as would the ebb and flow of the tide, to a lesser extent; the tidal range in the area is on the order of one-tenth of a foot. Ninety percent of the water in the basin would leave it and enter Newfound Barber in 30 days' time, even without any wind. The flushing channel is fairly wide and not much deeper than the surrounding bottom; natural circulation should be enough to keep it clear of siltation. Because water quality in Newfound Harbor is so bad, the water in the proposed basin would also fall below minimum standards for Class III waters. According to uncontroverted testimony, however, the new basin would not cause or aggravate water quality standard violations. The new vegetation would be protected from most boat traffic by being planted in shallow beds. The experts unanimously predicted it would thrive and ameliorate a bad situation. STORMWATER RUNOFF The dike not only keeps the waters of Newfound Harbor out; it also prevents any additional pollution of Newfound Harbor from upland source. Harbor Woods intends to construct parking lots, in conjunction with the multi-story condominium buildings it plans to build around the proposed basin. The precise location and dimensions of the buildings and parking lots have not been decided upon but it is clear that rainwater draining over the parking lots would make its way to the proposed basin and, eventually, to Newfound Harbor. Harbor Woods has proposed to encircle the new basin with grassy swales large enough to hold the first half inch of rain that would otherwise drain directly into the basin. Water overflowing the swales could reach the basin only by passing through a sand filter, which would remove all oil. Gasoline is not ordinarily split in most parking lots and quickly evaporates, in any case. But rain washing over parking lots picks up oils, greases and heavy metals. Bow badly water traversing a parking lot Is polluted depends principally on what the parking lot surface is. The optimal parking surface is concrete block, which allows for some percolation. The first inch of rainfall washes off 90 percent of the substances that pollute runoff The evidence was uncontroverted that the runoff would meet Class III standards before it entered the proposed basin. PROPOSED FINDINGS CONSIDERED Respondent DER filed proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommended order. DER's proposed findings of fact have been considered and in large measure adopted, in substance. To the extent they have been rejected, they have been deemed unsupported by the weight of the evidence, irrelevant, immaterial, cumulative or subordinate.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That DER grant petitioner's application on the conditions proposed and on the additional condition that any parking lots over which draining water would eventually reach Newfound Harbor be paved with concrete block. DONE and ENTERED this 10th day of November, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of November, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Joe Teague Caruso, Esquire Post Office Box 757 Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931 Dennis R. Erdley, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Robert B. Sampson Post Office Box 431 Merritt Island, Florida 32952 Carl Seidel c/o Robert B. Sampson Post Office Box 431 Merritt Island, Florida 32952 Betty Holcombe c/o Robert B. Sampson Post Office Box 431 Merritt Island, Florida 32952 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (5) 120.57253.77403.061403.088403.815
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Jun. 22, 2004 Number: 04-002193GM Latest Update: Sep. 22, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Jun. 25, 1991 Number: 91-003988 Latest Update: Dec. 16, 1991

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: Respondent Laven owns a parcel of land at 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, Florida on which he has a home. The property is approximately 180 feet by 100 feet, and is located on Sarasota Bay. A seawall has been constructed along the shoreline. Respondent Cloud owns a parcel of land at 2610 Cardinal Lane, Sarasota, Florida that is contiguous to Respondent Laven's property at 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, Florida that is also located on Sarasota Bay. Approximately 100 feet of the property is located along the shoreline of Sarasota Bay. Sarasota Bay is currently designated as a Class III outstanding Florida waterbody. On or about June 28, 1991 Respondents Laven/Cloud filed an application to modify existing permit number 581885033 which had been previously issued to Respondent Laven for construction of a private dock consisting of an access pier 210 feet by 5 feet, with a terminal platform 20 feet by 4 feet on Laven's property located at 1500 Bay View Drive, Sarasota, Florida. Previous to the modified application being filed by Laven and Cloud, Laven had attempted to modify permit no. 581885033 by reducing the access pier from 210 feet by 5 feet to 175 feet by 5 feet. The Department concluded that the dock, as modified, would not reach water of sufficient depth to prevent damage to the seagrass, and considered this a major modification requiring a new application. Therefore, the Department denied the modified application, and Respondent Laven did not file a new application. The application filed by Laven/Cloud on or about June 28, 1991 to modify existing permit 581885033 proposed to construct a private dock on the property line between Laven's and Cloud's property. The private dock was proposed to consist of an access pier 4 feet by 210 feet, with two terminal platforms, each 25 feet by 6 feet. After review of the application to modify permit 58188503 the Department issued a Notice of Intent to issue a permit for the proposed construction of the private dock on August 2, 1991. The Notice of Intent included 18 specific conditions to which the proposed dock would be subject. Those relevant to this proceeding are as follows: 1) . . . . If historical or archaeological artifacts, such as Indian canoes, are discovered at any time within the project site the permittee shall immediately notify the district office and the Bureau of Historic Preservation, Division of Archives, History and Records Management, R.A. Gray Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32301. Turbidity screens shall be utilized, secured, and properly maintained during the permitted construction and shall remain in place until any generated turbidity subsides. Double turbidity screens, staked hay bales, staged construction and other additional measures shall be used as necessary to insure compliance with water quality standards in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code. During construction, all areas of exposed soils shall be effectively isolated from waters of the state to prevent erosion or deposition. All exposed soils shall be stabilized with an appropriate ground cover within 72 hours of attaining final grade. 5) . . . . 6) . . . . The applicant is not permitted to conduct or construct the following activities or facilities in conjunction with this dock structure: Fish cleaning facilities. Fuel hoses or fueling facilities. The mooring of boats or vessels for live aboards. The mooring of boats utilized for com- mercial purposes such as fishing, scuba diving, boat rental, etc. Picnic tables or benches. Storage sheds or enclosed structures. Covered boat slips. Sanitary facilities. The rental of boat slips or mooring space. Turbidity screens shall effectively encom- pass each piling during installation and remain in place until any generated turbidity has subsided. Turbidity screens shall effectively encompass an area around each piling not to exceed 7 square feet. Any watercraft which may be utilized during construction activities shall only operate/moor in waters of sufficient depth so as not to cause bottom scour or prop dredging. The access pier shall be elevated a minimum of 5 feet above mean high water for the most waterward 150 linear feet of the access pier. The most waterward 150 linear feet of the access pier shall be constructed with the slated[sic] design indicated on sheet 4 of permit submittals. The most landward 60 feet of the access pier shall be constructed utilizing the 2 x 6 decking. The permittees shall construct 100 linear feet of rip rap along the existing vertical seawall as indicated on sheet 1 of permit submittals. Rip rap material shall consist of natural boulders or clean concrete rubble six inches to three feet in diameter or in average dimensions. The slope of the rip rap shall be no steeper than 2H:1V. There shall be no reinforcing rods or other similar protrusions in concrete rubble and all rubble or boulders shall be free of attached sediments. The rip rap shall be install concurrently with the construction of the permitted dock. The permittees shall grant the Department a conservation easement over the shorelines of the two subject parcels. A conservation easement shall be established over the seawall cap and 2 feet waterward of the seawall for the entire length of the seawall to 1500 Bay View Drive (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, and 14 Block Q, Bay View Heights Addition). A conservation easement shall also be established between the limits of the mean high water linear and the landward extent of waters of the State (Pursuant to Section 170301.400[sic] FAC) for the entire length of the shoreline at 2610 Cardinal Place (Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block Q, Bay View Heights Addition). 14) . . . . 15) . . . . The following seagrass monitoring program shall be implemented and adhered to: Within 45 days of the issuance of this permit (and prior to initiation of dock con- struction) the permittee shall establish a preconstruction monitoring program consisting of one meter square grids within the area specified on sheet 1 A of permit attachments. A minimum of 10 random one meter square plots shall be selected within each area A and B and also along the centerline established along the length of the dock. The permittee shall measure percent areal coverage of seagrasses within each plot within the grid system. Each of the plots shall be monitored as specified in above a minimum of two times per year (July and January) over a three year monitoring period subsequent to dock construction. Reports shall include date, water depth, water clarity, species of seagrasses observed, percent areal coverage and representative height of seagrasses within each plot. Moni- toring reports shall be submitted to the Department within 30 days of the monitoring event. The first monitoring event shall occur during the first January or July (which ever occurs first) subsequent to completion of dock construction. Hand railing shall be constructed along the entire length of the access pier (on both sides). The temporary or permanent mooring of watercraft shall only occur at the terminal platform. 18) . . . . By imposing special conditions 3, 4, 8 and 9 it will ensure that the dock construction will have a temporary minimal impact on the water quality, and there will be no permanent water quality impacts as a result of this project. If this permit is not issued, it would be possible for each of the applicants to build an exempt dock on his property which would require two accesses or swaths through the seagrass beds. An exempt dock (500 square feet or less) may result in the dock terminating in seagrass beds and in water of insufficient depth to prevent damage to the seagrass beds or to prevent bottom scour or propeller dredging. The project site consists of a shoreline with a shoal area where Shoal grass (Halodule wrightii) and Turtle grass (Thalassia sp.) are growing, with the Turtle grass being the predominant species to a point further waterward to where there is a significant change in the water depth. Such point being approximately at the termination of the proposed dock. Beyond this point the seagrass beds are scattered. Therefore, any dock shorter than approximately 210 feet would terminate in the main seagrass beds and result in the seagrass beds being routinely disrupted or damaged by power boats. The proposed design of the most waterward 150 linear feet of the deck portion of the proposed dock has less solid surface than a normal deck, and, along with the proposed height of the most waterward 150 linear feet of the proposed dock, would allow substantially more light to penetrate the area and provide sufficient light for healthy existence of the seagrasses. The proposed impacts consists of disturbance of the seagrass beds. Requiring railing along the entire access pier on both sides will preclude mooring of motor craft in the area of the seagrass and in water depths insufficient to prevent damage to the seagrass, and to prevent bottom souring and propeller dredging. Because of the length, height and design of the dock there would be minimal impact, if any, on the seagrass beds. The design of the dock will ensure that the project will not adversely affect the functions being performed in the area intended for the dock. The conservation easement will ensure that a feeding ground for wading birds will be maintained, and along with the dock design will minimize any impacts that the proposed dock will have on the fish and wild life habitats. The construction of the 100 linear feet of rip rap along the existing vertical seawall on Sarasota Bay along Laven's property will reduce scouring and erosion at the base of the seawall, and provide beneficial habitat which will be an improvement of the seawall alone. There may be minimal impacts on recreation in that it may impose some inconvenience for those fishing and those attempting to access the bay for sailing. There may be some minimal impact on navigation in that the proposed dock will entend out approximately 35 feet further than any other existing dock in the area but due to the shallow water in this area boats presently have to travel at a reduced rate of speed, and for this reason the proposed dock would not adversely affect navigation. However, this should be mitigated by requiring lights on the dock as a safety feature. The project will not adversely affect the fishing, or recreational values, or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. The proposed project will not adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or property of others. The proposed dock will be a permanent structure, notwithstanding that regular mainentaince will be required. The Respondents Laven/Cloud have provided reasonable assurances that the proposed project will be clearly in the public interest, notwithstanding the minimal impact it may have on recreation and navigation. Particularly, when all Special Conditions are considered, specifically Special Conditions 12 and 13 pertaining to rip rap along the vertical seawall on Laven's propertry and the granting of the Conservation Easement over both Laven's and Cloud's shoreline.

Recommendation Accordingly, in view of the above Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore, recommended that the Department enter a Final Order issuing Permit Number 581885033 to Respondents Robert Laven and John Cloud as set forth in the Department's Intent To Issue dated August 2, 1991 provided that the grant of the subject permit should include the general and specific conditions in the Intent To Issue as well as the condition requiring lights on the dock for safety purposes as set forth in Finding of Fact 20 above. RECOMMENDED this 21st day of November, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of November, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 91-3988 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120- 59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in the case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Both paragraphs regarding Respondent Cloud's testimony at the hearing go to his credibility as a witness and are not stated as a finding of fact and are therefore rejected. Paragraphs 1 and 2 regarding Rose Poynor's testimony appear to be supported by documents or testimony not received at the hearing and are therefore rejected. Paragraph 3 regarding Rose Poynor's testimony is either immaterial or irrelevant or goes to her credibility as a witness or is supported by facts not in the record. The paragraph regarding Roy R. Lewis' testimony goes to his credibility as a witness and is not a statement of fact. Paragraphs 1 and 2 regarding Robert Patten's testimony is more of a restatement of his testimony than a finding of fact. But in any event, are neither material or relevant. The next to the last paragraph is not supported by the record but see Finding of Fact 20. The last unnumbered paragraph is not supported by the record. See Finding of Fact 24. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent Department of Environmental Regulation 1. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which adopts the proposed findings of fact: 1 (1, 2, 3); 2 (4, 6); 3 (5); 4 (11); 5 (11); 6 (13); 7 (7, 8); 8 (7, 8); 9 (7, 8); 10 (7, 8); 11 (7); 12 (7); 13 (12, 15); 14 (7); 15 (12); 16 (7, 14); 17 (15); 18 (7, 16); 19 (17); 20 (7); 21 (7); 22 (7, 18); 23 (18); 24 (20); 25 (7, 17); 26 (23); 27 (19); 28 (21); 29 (22); 30 (7); 31 (17); 32 (7); 33 (9); 34 (9, 10); 35 (7, 8, 11, 12, 14-22); and 36 (7). Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondents Laven and Cloud Respondents Laven and Cloud have divided their findings into two groups (1) Findings of Fact and (2) Ultimate Findings. Since the Findings of Fact are duplicative of the Ultimate Facts or are only restatements of the witnesses testimony, I will respond only to the Ultimate Facts. 1. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis is the Finding(s) of Fact which adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1 (1); 2 (3); 3 (2); 4 (4, 6); 5 (3); 6 (7, 12); 7 (7, 17, 18); 8 (7); 9 (7); 10 (7, 24); 11 (7, 24); 12 (22); 13 (17); 14 (is a duplication of paragraph 13); 15 (20); 16 (21) and 17 (16). COPIES FURNISHED: Alan S. Dorrill 1726 Floyd Street Sarasota, FL 34239 F. Craig Richardson, Esquire Icard, Merrill, Cullen, Timm, Furen, & Ginsbrug, P.A. 2033 Main Street, Suite 600 Sarasota, FL 34237 Carol Forthman, Esquire Maureen A. Eggert, Certified Legal Intern 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Carol Browner, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003859 Latest Update: Dec. 04, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Jerry A. Jennings, held certified general contractor license number CG C020766 and certified residential contractor license number CR CO2OO84 issued by petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board. He has held the licenses since June, 1981 and February, 1982, respectively. Then the relevant events herein occurred, Jennings was operating a construction business under the name of Quality Control Construction in Port St. Lucie, Florida. He now resides in Casselberry, Florida and is no longer active in the construction business. Respondent formed Quality Control Construction (QCC) in January, 1981 and operated under that name as a subcontractor doing interior trim work on condominium projects in the Port St. Lucie, Florida area. Respondent did not qualify QCC with the State. In May, 1982, Jennings met with the project manager for Riverside Associates, Limited (Riverside), a development firm in Fort Pierce, Florida, and agreed to serve as general contractor and construction coordinator on a Riverside project in Fort Pierce. The job involved the renovating of an old three-story structure known as the Fort Pierce Hotel into an office building. The agreement was entered into by Riverside and respondent doing business as Quality Control Construction. Jennings applied for and obtained all applicable building permits on the job using his state contractor's license. Under the terms of the agreement Riverside agreed to make payments to QCC which in turn was responsible for insuring payment to the subcontractors and materialmen on the job. The work on the project was done in phases. The first phase was completed in January, 1983 when a partial certificate of occupancy was issued by the City of Fort Pierce. Because of a cash flow problem on the part of the developer, work on the next phase did not commence until June, 1983. At that time, QCC and Jennings agreed to finish the job and Jennings obtained all applicable permits. Although Jennings claims it did not include any electrical work, it is found that the last phase included a subcontract agreement by Jennings and White Electric Company (White) for White to do all remaining electrical work for a cost of $2,994. This is evidenced by the fact that Jennings obtained a permit on July 18, 1983 to do additional structural, electrical and air conditioning work on the project, and corrobarative testimony by a representative of White. On August 9, 1983, White submitted a bill to QCC for $2,994 representing the work performed by that subcontractor. Jennings forwarded the bill to Riverside, and on August 22, 1983, Riverside cut a check in that amount payable to QCC. The check contained the notation "For Payment to White Electric." The check was deposited by QCC into its bank account the following day. When White did not receive payment from QCC it contacted Riverside to obtain payment. A representative of Riverside attempted to locate Jennings but learned he had moved and his telephone was disconnected. After some investigation, Riverside determined that respondent had moved to Pinellas County. A certified letter was sent by Riverside to Jennings in October, 1983 requesting payment of the money due White but he did not reply. In November, 1983 a Riverside representative talked by telephone with Jennings who advised Riverside that he had financial problems and used the money due White to relocate to the west coast. Respondent did not timely notify petitioner of his change in address from Fort Pierce to Pinellas County. Riverside eventually set up a payment schedule and finally fully reimbursed White in April, 1984. To date, Jennings has not repaid Riverside. Jennings now resides in Central Florida, is in the process of filing a bankruptcy petition, and does not use his contracting licenses. Jennings claimed at hearing that Riverside never fully paid him for his services and therefore he was justified in retaining the $2,994 intended for White. However, he did not file a lien on the job, made no formal demands for the money allegedly due, and presented no documentation to support the claim.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that respondent be found guilty as charged in Counts I, II and III of the administrative complaint and that he pay a $1,000 administrative fine. It is further recommended that his two contracting licenses be suspended for one year, but if full restitution is made to Riverside, the suspension period be reduced to thirty days. DONE and ORDERED this 2nd day of May, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of May, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: W. Douglas Beason, Esquire 130 North Monroe St. Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Jerry A. Jennings 420 Copperstone Circle Casselberry, Florida 32707

Florida Laws (4) 120.5715.07489.119489.129
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Jun. 11, 1990 Number: 90-004263 Latest Update: Nov. 14, 1990

Findings Of Fact The Petitioners, Dale K. Niemann and Janet R. Niemann, own property on Devon Drive, in Clearwater, Florida, which is approximately two houses down the street from the Respondent, John Blakely. On or about May 25, 1990, Mr. Blakely requested two variances from the Development Code Adjustment Board of the City of Clearwater. It was his intention to seek the variances in order to extend his present dock approximately twenty-five feet (to a length of eighty-nine feet) and to allow the dock to be positioned 8 feet from an extended side property line. The Petitioners oppose the requests and argue that the extension is not necessary to make reasonable use of Respondent's dock. Further, they claim that, if allowed, the dock extension, together with the boat lift the Respondent proposes, will interfere with their view of the water. The proposed dock extension will not obstruct navigational activities. The natural shoaling process has resulted in the accretion of sand and silt along the Respondent's property. As a result, during low tides it is difficult to utilize the existing dock and would be impossible to use it for the proposed boat lift. Also, there is a grass flat landward of the proposed boat lift site upon which the Respondent's construction will not infringe. The construction of the lift at the terminus of the existing dock might disrupt that grass bed. The Respondent will not financially gain from the granting of the requested variances. The approval of the variances will not impair an adequate supply of light or ventilation to the adjacent properties, nor substantially diminish or impair the value of the surrounding property. The approval of the variances will not adversely affect the public health, safety, order, convenience or general welfare of the community. The approval of the variances will not violate the general spirit and intent of the Development Code. While the approval of the variances may alter the Petitioners' view from the side window of their residence, such alteration should not materially detract or injure their property or the property or improvements of others in the neighborhood. Other structures which Respondent could construct without the approval of variances could be more detrimental to the neighborhood.

# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 08, 1993 Number: 93-002015BID Latest Update: Aug. 16, 1993

The Issue The issue in this case is whether, in making an award of a lease for office space, the Respondent acted according to the requirements of law.

Findings Of Fact In February, 1993, the Department of Labor and Employment Security ("Department") issued a Request for Proposal and Bid Submittal No. 540:0969 ("RFP") seeking to lease approximately 18,684 square feet of office space in Jacksonville, Florida, for a period of six years. The space was to house the Office of Disability Determinations ("ODD"), which processes disability claims and determines whether claimants are eligible for Social Security and Supplemental Income benefits. The office has minimal contact with the general public. The RFP provided that all bids were subject to conditions stated within the RFP. Bids not in compliance with RFP conditions were subject to rejection. RFP Article D, General Provisions, Paragraph 8 provides as follows: The Department reserves the right to reject any and all bid proposals for reasons which shall include but not be limited to the agency's budgetary constraints; waive any minor informality or technicality in bids' to accept that bid deemed to be the lowest and in the best interest of the state, and if necessary, to reinstate procedures for soliciting competitive proposals. A pre-bid conference was conducted by the Department on February 16, 1993. Representatives from the vendors involved in this proceeding attended the conference. Bids were opened on March 5, 1993. The Department received five responses, three of which were deemed to be responsive and which were evaluated. The remaining two responses were determined to be nonresponsive and were not evaluated. On or about March 10, 1993, based on the evaluations, the Department proposed to award the bid to Koger Properties, Inc. On or about March 17, 1993, the Department notified the vendors of the intended award. The Petitioners filed timely notices protesting the intended award. TOWNCENTRE PROPOSAL Paragraph 13 sets forth conditions to which a bidder must agree in order to be awarded a bid. Subsection "a" of the paragraph states, "[i]f successful, bidder agrees to enter into a lease agreement on the Department of General Services Standard Lease Agreement Form BCM 4054 (Attachment F - Do not complete)." The copy of the Department of General Services Standard Lease Agreement Form which was included in the RFP was a poorly reproduced copy. Article III of the Lease Agreement Form provides as follows: III HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND JANITOR SERVICES 1.a. The Lessor agrees to furnish to the Lessee heating and air conditioning equipment and maint(illegible) in satisfactory operating condition at all times for the leased premises during the term of the lease at the (illegible) of the Lessor. b. The Lessor agrees to maintain thermostats in the demised premises at 68 degrees Fahrenhe(illegible) the heating season and 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the cooling season; and certifies that boilers the(illegible) been calibrated to permit the most efficient operation. The Lessor agrees to furnish janitorial services and all necessary janitorial supplies for the leased (illegible) during the term of the lease at the expense of the Lessor. All services required above shall be provided during the Lessee's normal working hours, whic(illegible)marily from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday excluding state holidays. Also attached to the RFP was a copy of an addendum to the lease, also poorly reproduced. The addendum provides as follows: Article III, Paragraph III Addendum for Full Service Lease The lessor and lessee mutually agree that the described prem(illegible) leased in this lease agreement shall be available to the department (lessee) for its exclusive use twenty four (24) (illegible) per day, seven (7) days per week during the lease term. T(illegible) space to be leased by the department will be fully occupied during normal working hours from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Mo(illegible) through Friday, excluding holidays, Saturdays and Sundays, (illegible) may be fully or partially occupied during all other periods (illegible) time as necessary and required at the full discretion of th(illegible) department. Accordingly, services to be provided by the le(illegible) under the terms of the lease agreement, including electrici(illegible) other utilities, will be provided during all hours of occup(illegible) at no additional cost to the department (lessee). Although the copy of the lease agreement and addendum included in the RFP were poorly reproduced, it is clear that the addendum modifies the paragraph of the lease agreement related to provision of heating, air conditioning and janitorial services to require that HVAC services be provided throughout the premises during all hours of occupancy at no additional cost to the Department. The proposal submitted by Towncentre included an "Attachment Z" which states as follows: The following represent exceptions and/or clarifications to the terms of the Request for Proposal and Bid Submittal Form ("RFP") for the referenced Lease. Except as noted herein, Bidder shall comply fully with the terms of the RFP..." Item #7 of Attachment Z states as follows: The Building in which the space is offered is serviced by central heating, ventilating and air conditioning; therefore, no separate thermostats will be provided in the space other than in the computer room. However, the required temperature standards will be maintained and satisfied. The computer room HVAC shall be available 24 hours a day. Otherwise, after-hours HVAC is billed at $80 per hour. Attachment Z also included additional exceptions to the provisions of the RFP. Contrary to the requirements set forth in the addendum attached to the lease form included in the RFP, the Towncentre proposal included additional charges for after hours uses. The Department determined that the Towncentre proposal was nonresponsive and disqualified the proposal from further consideration. Because the Towncentre proposal includes HVAC charges which are specifically prohibited under the terms of the RFP, the Towncentre proposal is nonresponsive to the RFP. Towncentre asserts that other sections of the RFP indicate that, within the leased premises, only the computer room is required to be heated or cooled on a continuous basis. Vendors had an adequate opportunity to direct questions regarding the RFP to Department officials. There is no evidence that Towncentre sought clarification from the Department related to this matter prior to submitting the bid proposal. In the notification to Towncentre that the bid had been determined to be nonresponsive to the RFP, the Department identified the other exceptions as additional reasons for the determination of nonresponsiveness. At hearing Towncentre introduced no evidence related to the remaining items included within Attachment Z. BRYAN SIMPSON JR. FOR P.V. ASSOCIATES The Simpson bid was deemed to be responsive and was evaluated. The evaluations were performed by three Department employees, Dorea Sowinski, Albert Cherry, and Tom Mahar. On March 9, 1993, the evaluators visited the physical locations of the three responsive bids. (Although the bid had been declared nonresponsive, they also visited the Towncentre site, apparently as a courtesy.) The Simpson space is located in downtown Jacksonville. After completion of the site visits, the evaluators separately and independently completed their evaluation sheets. The evaluators awarded a total of 262 points to Koger Properties and 248 points to Simpson. Page 7 of the RFP sets forth the evaluation criteria which were considered in awarding evaluation points. The RFP stated as follows: The successful bid will be the one determined to be the lowest and best. All bids will be evaluated based on the award factors enumerated below: Rental, using Present Value methodology for basic term of lease (See D, General Provisions Items 3 and 4) applying the present value discount rate of 5.6 per cent. (Weighing: 35) Conformance of and susceptibility of the design of the space offered to efficient layout and good utilization and to the specific requirements contained in the Invitation to Bid. (Weighing: 20) The effect of environmental factors, including the physical characteristics of the building and the area surrounding it on the efficient and economical conduct of the Departmental operations planned for the requested space. (Weighing: 20) Offers providing contiguous space within preferred boundaries. (Weighing 5) Frequency and availability of satisfactory public transportation within one block of the offered space. (Weighing 15) Availability of adequate dining facilities within one mile of the offered space. (Weighing: 2) Proximity of offered space to the clients served by the Department at this facility. (Weighing: 3) Proximity of offered space to other Department activities as well as other public services. (Weighing: 0) TOTAL POINTS: 100 Simpson asserts that the evaluators acted improperly in awarding points in categories 3, 5, 6 and 7. Category 3 relates to the effect of environmental factors, including the physical characteristics of the building and the area surrounding it on the efficient and economical conduct of the Departmental operations planned for the requested space. Although Simpson asserts that category 3 is vague and ambiguous, there was no objection to the category prior to the submission of the bid responses and the announcement of the proposed lease award. Each evaluator could award up to 20 points in this category for a total of 60 available points. Koger was awarded 55 points. Simpson received 27 points. As to individual evaluators awards, Tom Mahar awarded Simpson five points, Albert Cherry awarded Simpson ten points, and Dorea Sowinski awarded Simpson 12 points. Based on the written memo dated March 10, 1993, identifying the reasons for the recommended bid award, two of the three evaluators considered the Koger space to be located in a safer area than the Simpson facility, and, at least in part, based their point awards on this factor. The two evaluators cite minimal anecdotal information in support of their opinions. The evaluators undertook no investigation related to safety issues and there are no facts to support their opinions. Their award of points for "environmental factors" is arbitrary. Category 5 relates to the frequency and availability of public transportation within one block of the offered space. Each evaluator could award up to 15 points in this category for a total of 45 available points. Both Koger and Simpson received the maximum 45 points. RFP Page Two, question 8 provides as follows: Public Transportation availability: BIDDER RESPONSE: (Check appropriate box) Taxi , Bus , Frequency of service closest bus stop . Both Koger and Simpson indicate service by taxi and bus. The Koger proposal indicates a frequency of service as "8 BUSES" and the closest bus stop as "IN FRONT OF BUILDING ON WOODCOCK DRIVE." Simpson indicates a frequency of service as "15 minutes" and the closest bus stop as "front of building." The Department asserts that the Koger level of transportation access, albeit less than that serving the Simpson site, is satisfactory and therefore entitled to an award of all points available. Simpson asserts that the greater availability of public transportation to the Simpson site should result, under the terms of the evaluation criteria, in Simpson receiving more points than the Koger site for this category. The evaluation criteria clearly requires consideration of both the frequency and availability of satisfactory public transportation. Simpson asserts that in considering the transportation category, the evaluators should have reviewed local public transportation schedules. Review of such schedules establishes that the Simpson site is served more frequently by public bus transportation than is the Koger site, and further establishes that the number of bus routes directly serving the Simpson property far exceeds the routes serving the Koger site. Simpson did not include the schedules in the RFP response. The Simpson site is also located nearby the downtown public transportation transfer station at which point many, perhaps all, local bus routes connect. Simpson did not denote the location of the transfer station in the RFP response While the evaluation committee is not required to consider the bus schedules in reviewing bid proposals, the evaluation committee failed to consider the substantially greater frequency and availability of public transportation to the Simpson site relative to the Koger site, as set forth in the respective RFPs. The Department's position is contrary to the specific criteria identified in the RFP. The award of equivalent points for transportation access to both Simpson and Koger is unsupported by fact or logic and is arbitrary. Category 6 relates to the availability of adequate dining facilities within one mile of the offered space. Each evaluator could award up to two points in this category for a total of six available. Koger was awarded six points. Simpson received one point. When the evaluators rated the adequacy of dining facilities, they considered only those dining facilities which were located within two blocks of the offered space. Such is contrary to the clear terms of the RFP. The Department offered no rationale for the decision to amend the RFP criteria after submission of the proposals. The Simpson RFP response states only that there are adequate dining facilities within walking distance of the offered facility. The Koger response states that there are "three (3) sandwich shops within walking distance in the Koger center and other numerous restaurants within one (1) mile." As to individual evaluators awards, Tom Mahar awarded Simpson one point, while both Albert Cherry and Dorea Sowinski awarded Simpson zero points. Mahar's award was based on his opinion, again based on alleged safety concerns, that employees would be hesitant to walk to nearby restaurants and that driving and parking presented a problem in the downtown location. Cherry voiced a similar opinion. As to alleged safety concerns, Mahar and Cherry again based their opinions on minimal anecdotal information, supported by neither fact nor logic. Neither evaluator undertook any factual analysis of the safety issues relative to the proposed site. Their award of points for this category is arbitrary. On the other hand, Sowinski did not see any restaurants close to the Simpson site during the site visit. In excess of 40 restaurants are located within one mile of the Simpson site. The restaurants provide a variety of dining options both as to expense and fare. Sowinski's failure to observe restaurants located across the street from the Simpson site is, although difficult to understand, apparently a simple mistake on her part. Category 7 relates to the proximity of offered space to the clients served by the Department at this facility. Each evaluator could award up to three points in this category for a total of nine available. Simpson offered no evidence that the determination of points awarded for category 7 was inappropriate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Labor and Employment Security enter a Final Order DISMISSING the protest filed by Towncentre Venture, and WITHDRAWING the proposed award of lease contract based on the Request for Proposal and Bid Submittal No. 540:0969. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 28th day of June, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of June, 1993. APPENDIX TO CASES NO. 93-2015BID and 93-2106BID The following constitute rulings on proposed findings of facts submitted by the parties. Petitioner Towncentre Venture Towncentre Venture's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 4. Rejected, second sentence is irrelevant. 5-7. Rejected, irrelevant. Taken as a whole, the RFP indicates that HVAC services are to be provided throughout the leased premises during all hours of occupancy at no additional cost to the Department. The evidence fails to establish that the vendors were confused about the terms of the RFP. There were apparently no related questions addressed to Department personnel during the pre-bid conference or at any time subsequent to the conference and prior to the bid opening. 10. Rejected. Not supported by the document cited which does not identify the attachment by letter. 13. Rejected, irrelevant. The standard form lease included in the RFP was a sample document. None of the blank spaces were completed. 16. Rejected, irrelevant. The attendees at the conference were provided an opportunity to inquire as to all matters. There were apparently no questions asked related to the RFP's requirement that HVAC services be provided throughout the facility during all hours of occupancy at no additional cost to the Department. 17-18, 20-21. Rejected, irrelevant. The terms of the RFP are clear. 19. Rejected, irrelevant. The terms of the addendum for full service lease clearly indicate that such HVAC services were to be provided at no additional charge, not just in the computer room, but throughout the entire leased facility. 22. Rejected. The Towncentre bid was nonresponsive to the terms of the RFP. Petitioner Bryan Simpson, Jr., for P. V. Associates P. V. Associates' proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 3. Rejected, not supported by the greater weight of the evidence which establishes that the RFP was issued seeking space for the Jacksonville Office of Disability Determinations. 4, 23, 24. Rejected, unnecessary. Respondent Department of Labor and Employment Security The Respondent's proposed findings of fact are accepted as modified and incorporated in the Recommended Order except as follows: 17. Rejected. The decision to award equivalent points for public transportation access fails to reflect the substantially greater access provided to the Simpson site and is arbitrary. 20-21. Rejected, not supported by greater weight of evidence which establishes no evidence that safety concerns were based on a reasonable evaluation of facts. There are no facts to support the conclusion that the Simpson location if less safe than the Koger site. COPIES FURNISHED: Shirley Gooding, Acting Secretary Suite 303, Hartman Building 2012 Capital Circle S.E. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152 Cecilia Renn Chief Legal Counsel Suite 307, Hartman Building 2012 Capital Circle, S.E. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2152 Thomas M. Jenks, Esquire Pappas and Metcalf, P.A. 1 Independent Drive, Suite 3301 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Nathan D. Goldman, Esquire Marcia Maria Morales, Esquire 200 Laura Street Post Office Box 240 Jacksonville, Florida 33202 Edward Dion, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Suite 307, Hartman Building 2012 Capital Circle S.E. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2189

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