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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001070 Latest Update: Sep. 09, 1977

Findings Of Fact Petitioners are seeking a permit to cut a channel from a boat basin to the Caloosahatchee River. The basin, which has been constructed, is located approximately forty to sixty feet inland from the Caloosahatchee River. Petitioners are also seeking a permit to operate the proposed basin. The basin would serve as a recreational facility for a trailer park. The proposed basin has dimensions of approximately 140 feet by 148 feet. It is surrounded by a concrete seawall. The basin would provide facilities for approximately 20 boats no larger than twenty-two feet in length. The trailer park is located across the street from the river and basin. The street is approximately 600 feet from the river. Sewage treatment and water treatment plants for the trailer park are located in the corners of the park farthest from the river. The basin is surrounded by vegetation. All water going into the basin would be filtered through grass. The project is located approximately one mile east of the City of Alva, fourteen miles from the City of Tice, and seventeen miles from the City of Ft. Myers. The basin is eight and one-half miles up river from Lee County's pumping stations, which are used to pump water from the river to wells which augment the county's water supply. The Caloosahatchee River was channelized approximately twenty years ago. It no longer follows a natural course. The river is a part of the Cross Florida system connecting with Lake Okeechobee. The proposed boat basin would not enhance the waters of the Caloosahatchee River. The project could reasonably be expected to be a source of water pollution unless rules and regulations, which Petitioners have adopted, are scrupulously followed. These rules and regulations are set out in Figure 3 attached to Petitioner's Exhibit 7. If the rules and regulations are followed, the basin would not be a source of pollutants. There is no evidence in the record to the contrary. If the rules and regulations are not followed then there is a likelihood that the basin will be a source of pollutants, and that the pollutants would be discharged into the Caloosahatchee River. Petitioners do not object to having the proposed rules and regulations made a part and a condition of any permits issued by Respondent.

Florida Laws (1) 403.087
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Vero Beach, Florida Sep. 16, 2013 Number: 13-003601 Latest Update: Aug. 27, 2014

The Issue The issues are (1) whether the St. Johns River Water Management District (District) should approve the application of Indian River County (County) for an environmental resource permit (ERP) authorizing the construction and operation of a surface water management system with stormwater treatment for the Oslo Road Boat Ramp Parking Lot; and (2) whether the District should approve the County's request for a variance from Florida Administrative Code Rule 40C-4.302(1)(c) and sections 10.1.1(c), 12.1.1(d), and 12.2.5(c) of the Applicant's Handbook: Management and Storage of Surface Waters (AH) in order to perform other related work.

Findings Of Fact The Parties The Pelican Island Audubon Society is a Florida non- profit corporation whose mission is to preserve and protect the animals, plants, and natural communities in the County through advocacy, education, and public awareness. It has more than 25 members that live in the County and has been a chapter of the Audubon Society of Florida since 1964. Dr. Richard Baker resides in the County and engages in water-based recreational activities such as canoeing, bird watching, nature photography, and fishing in the Lagoon near the boat ramp. Dr. David Cox resides in the County and engages in water-based activities such as kayaking and nature observation in the vicinity of the boat ramp. The County is the applicant for an ERP and variance for a project known as the Oslo Road Boat Ramp project. The District is the agency charged with the responsibility of regulating water resources within its geographic boundaries and to administer and enforce chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated under title 40C. The Existing Oslo Road, Boat Ramp, and Lagoon Oslo Road is a County-owned road that runs in an east- west direction and intersects with U.S. Highway 1 just south of State Road 60. To the east of U.S. Highway 1, the road is paved for a short distance; the remaining portion of the road (2,460 feet) is a narrow, two-lane dirt road that dead-ends at the boat ramp. Most of the dirt road is bordered to the north and south by a mangrove swamp that extends to the edges of the road. All wetlands have been previously disturbed. The surrounding and abutting jurisdictional wetlands consist primarily of both tidal (north side) and impounded/partially tidal mangrove swamp (south side), which was created years ago by a mosquito control district in order to reduce the salt marsh mosquito population. The boat ramp is bordered to the north by a clump of red mangroves and a sparsely vegetated sandy shoreline and to the south by a dense mangrove fringe. During rain events, the dirt and sediment can wash off the road as erosion. This requires the County to continually maintain the dirt road by grading and adding marl material to bring it back up to grade. The boat ramp has been in existence for more than 50 years and is the nearest public access to the popular South County fishing areas in the Lagoon. Although there are 17 other boat ramps in the County, the closest one is six miles to the north in the City of Vero Beach. The typical users of the boat ramp are fishermen with shallow-draft boats, while the open shoreline to the north is normally used to launch canoes and kayaks and to access the river by wading fishermen. There are a number of water-based communities in the area, including one directly to the east of the boat ramp. Many boats that do not launch at the boat ramp use the nearby seagrass beds as a fishing destination. The boat ramp has a dirt cul-de-sac, a concrete boat ramp with finger piers, and is surrounded by the Lagoon, the receiving water body for the project and classified as Class III waters. In December 2007, the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) verified that the Lagoon is an Impaired Water Body of the State, with the impairment being for nutrients in the vicinity of the project. Currently, there are no designated parking areas associated with the boat ramp. Vehicles both with and without trailers park in the cul-de-sac and along the roadside. The only limit to the extent of parking along Oslo Road is the distance somebody is willing to walk. During peak times, the dirt road and cul-de-sac become congested and blocked with cars, trucks, and boat trailers. In 1977, the County obtained a permit from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to construct the boat ramp with two appurtenant piers and a riprap groin. During the subsequent years, there was substantial deterioration to the ramp, bulkhead, and docks. Accordingly, in 2009, using an exemption under rule 40C-4.051(12)(i), the County replaced the concrete portion of the boat ramp within the same footprint and constructed two accessory docks that now define the width of the one-lane boat ramp. During this process, the County removed around 25 cubic yards of muck from the base of the boat ramp. The boat ramp is only 16 feet wide and 40 feet in length and is located in water less than three feet below Mean Low Water (MLW). In contrast, a typical boat ramp in the County is around 76 feet, or twice as long as the Oslo Road boat ramp. The existing boat ramp was designed to be used by motorized vessels. There is a separate launch area for kayak and canoes next to the concrete ramp. The motorized vessels that currently use the boat ramp are small with a draft less than 18 inches. This is partly due to the presence of cap rock beyond the proposed dredging area, which limits the draft size of the boats, and the small size of the single-lane ramp. The only signage at the ramp advises the public that this is a shallow draft vessel launch and that the limits of the draft are 18 inches. The channel leading out of the boat ramp was previously dredged around 1950. During that era, only shallow draft boats would launch at Oslo Road. In February 1977, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed that an old channel about 75 feet long and 15 feet wide existed at the boat ramp location. In May 1977, additional maintenance dredging of the old silted channel to a depth of -3.00 Mean Sea Level (MSL) was authorized by the USACE. Although the parties disagree over whether any dredging was ever performed, surveys, aerial photographs, and research suggest that more than likely the project site was dredged in the late 1970s or early 1980s. A portion of the area that the County proposes to dredge falls within the area that was previously permitted by the USACE in 1977. The distance from the boat ramp to the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) is approximately one-half mile. The channel is delineated by a number of poly vinyl chloride pipes and six sets of permitted navigational channel markers leading to the ICW. The water depths in the area surrounding the boat ramp, including the channel to the ICW, are very shallow. Drainage from the road currently runs down the ramp causing sand and other material to build up in the ramp area. Due primarily to this drainage, at low tide the water at the boat ramp area has been so shallow that boaters have experienced great difficulty when loading; in some cases, launching or retrieving a vessel is almost impossible. After a rain event, turbidity plumes in the Lagoon have been observed extending 100 feet to the north of Oslo Road, 150 feet to the south, and approximately 30 feet to the east. The seagrass beds adjacent to the boat ramp were described as lush, healthy, and productive. The proposed dredging area contains less than 1.5 percent of seagrass coverage. There is no evidence that the current use of the boat ramp causes prop scarring to the surrounding seagrass. The Lagoon in the vicinity of the boat ramp has been determined to be a high manatee use area, as defined by the County Manatee Protection Plan (MPP). However, this area is not a high watercraft-related manatee mortality area. Since 2002, the waterway in the vicinity of the project site has been regulated by seasonal manatee protection speed zones. Signs have been posted since 2003. The shoreline to the ICW is currently regulated at slow speed between November 1 and April 30 and is unregulated the remainder of the year. The County intends, however, to adopt a new ordinance that makes the slow speed zone effective the entire year, rather than just during the winter months. The Project and Variance In late 2009, the County submitted to the District its ERP application. Since that time, the County has modified its plans seven times and amended the application twice. Notably, the modifications reduce the direct impacts to wetlands from 2.98 acres to 1.41 acres for the improvement of the dirt road and parking lot; they also reduce impacts to ditches that support fisheries habitat and submerged lands. They will result in 0.113 acres of combined direct impacts to seagrass and Lagoon substrate from the proposed dredging. The project will not change the hydroperiod of the surrounding wetlands. The number of trailer parking spaces was reduced from 32 to 12 and the parking space angle changed. A dry retention area on the west side of the project will be installed; a wet detention pond was eliminated; the dock extension reduced; and at Petitioners' request, the project was shifted north to avoid impacting a ditch to the south. The County eliminated and reduced impacts to surface waters by reducing the width of the proposed dredge area so as to not impact seagrass beds to the north and south of the channel. Dredging is limited to a depth of -2.5 feet MLW and will be within the same area that was dredged in the 1950s. It is not expected to contribute to larger vessels launching at the boat ramp. The latest iteration of the project consists of paving the 2,460 feet of dirt road to a width of 26 feet, constructing a surface water management system, and constructing a parking area to accommodate 12 vehicles with boat trailers and 11 vehicles without a trailer. No changes to the size or configuration of the concrete boat ramp will be made. The project will extend the northern accessory dock of the existing one-lane boat ramp by approximately 32 feet to allow more boats to tie off; dredge 4,943 square feet (0.113 acres) of the ingress/egress access way within the Lagoon to a depth of -2.5 MLW; install an additional three sets of channel markers (six in total); install "No Parking" signs to limit vehicle parking to the designated parking area; and install additional signage to warn boaters of the shallow depths in the area and to notify boaters that to launch at this boat ramp, vessel drafts must not exceed 18 inches. The proposed surface water management system consists of roadside conveyance swales, pipes, weirs, and two dry retention areas which will provide water quality treatment for stormwater runoff from basins upstream of the project area and the existing paved portion of Oslo Road. The two proposed dry retention areas will provide water quality treatment in accordance with the design and performance criteria in the District's rules. Currently, these areas drain into existing swales and then east into the Lagoon with no water quality treatment. The system will result in a net improvement to water quality based on a nutrient loading analysis review by the District. The County is proposing off-site mitigation to offset the direct and secondary impacts. It consists of 18 acres of enhancement at Earman Island within the Lost Tree Islands Conservation Area, including 14 acres of wetland enhancement. Earman Island is part of the chain of islands in the Lagoon just north of State Road 60 known as Lost Tree Islands purchased by the County for conservation purposes. The proposed enhancement area is building upon an existing mitigation area on the north end of the island. The proposed mitigation is within the same drainage basin as the area of wetlands and other surface waters to be adversely affected. There are no cumulative impacts associated with the project. The County owns all of the property that will be dredged, filled, or paved, including the submerged lands waterward of the Mean High Water (MHW) line at the boat ramp out approximately 215 feet. This area is not within an Aquatic Preserve or Outstanding Florida Waters, and none of the dredging will occur on sovereign submerged lands. See Jt. Pre-hearing Stip., p. 13, ¶¶ 18-20. In summary, the purpose of the project is seven-fold: provide water quality treatment for the runoff water; limit the number of parking spaces available for users of the boat ramp; decrease the need for the County to maintain the 2,460 feet of dirt road; create a safe place for boaters to moor while waiting to retrieve their boats from the Lagoon; allow boaters to safely launch and retrieve their boats from the Lagoon at low tide; create a clear channel for boaters to get from the base of the boat ramp to the ICW; and decrease turbidity in and around the mouth of the boat ramp. The portion of the project that expands the accessory dock and dredges the channel will be located in Class III waters classified by DEP as restricted for shellfish harvesting. Rule 40C-4.302(1)(c) places additional requirements on regulated activities that are proposed in Class III waters restricted for shellfish harvesting. These requirements are set forth in the AH. Without a variance from the rule and AH, the District would be required to deny the ERP. Therefore, the County must qualify for and obtain a variance from rule 40C- 4.302(1)(c) and AH sections 10.1.1(c), 12.1.1(d), and 12.2.5(c). Petitioners' Concerns The essence of Petitioners' objections is that once Oslo Road and the parking lot are paved, and the channel dredged, the boat ramp will attract a tremendous number of fishermen from throughout the area who will use larger and deeper draft boats to access the Lagoon. Petitioners contend that more and larger boats, along with the proposed activities, will result in the environmental impacts described in their Amended Petition. The conditions for issuance of an ERP are set forth in rules 40C-4.301 and 40C-4.302. The standards and criteria in the AH are used to determine whether an applicant has met the conditions for issuance in the two rules. Rule 40C-1.1002 establishes the requirements for obtaining a variance. The parties have stipulated that the project either complies with the following conditions for issuance of a permit or that they are not applicable: rules 40C-4.301(1)(a), (b), (c), (e), (g), (h), (i), (j), and (k); and 40C-4.302(1)(a)3., 5., and 6. Remaining at issue is whether reasonable assurance has been provided to demonstrate that the proposed activities will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters (40C-4.301(1)(d)); that the proposed activities will not cause adverse secondary impacts (40C-4.301(1)(f)); and that the portion of the project located in wetlands or the Lagoon is not contrary to the public interest (rules 40C-4.302(1)(a)1., 2., 4., and 7. and 40C-4.302(1)(b)). As a part of these claims, Petitioners also contend that the County failed to implement all practicable design modifications to reduce or eliminate the adverse impacts to wetland and surface water functions; the proposed mitigation fails to offset the adverse effects of the project; and the District did not consider the impacts of increased boat usage when reviewing secondary impacts generated by the project. Finally, Petitioners contend that the County has not shown that it meets the conditions in rule 40C-1.1002 for a variance. These contentions are addressed separately below. a. Rule 40C-4.301(1)(d) Pursuant to this rule, and related AH provisions, the County must give reasonable assurance that the proposed activity will not adversely impact the value of functions provided to fish and wildlife and listed species by wetlands and other surface waters. To meet this requirement, the County has implemented, to the extent practicable, design modifications to reduce or eliminate adverse impacts to wetlands and other surface waters. The original application submitted in 2009 proposed impacts to 2.98 acres of wetlands and surface waters. Since that time, the County has reduced or eliminated its proposed wetland impacts by more than 50 percent. This was done by incorporating design modifications that eliminated the construction of a stormwater pond in wetlands and adding compensating stormwater treatment; shifting impacts out of critical fisheries and open water habitat within the southern impoundment to upland areas; installing a retaining wall along the trailer parking area to limit the fill slope impacts; and making minor modifications to reduce the project footprint in several locations. The County also eliminated and reduced adverse impacts to surface waters by reducing the width of the proposed dredge area so as to not impact the seagrass beds to the north and south of the channel and limiting the dredging to -2.5 MLW. That depth is consistent with the existing limitations adjacent to the dredge area and will not allow deeper draft vessels to use the boat ramp. The addition of a permit condition that requires the placement of "No Parking" signs along Oslo Road and limiting the parking of boat trailers to the 12 designated parking spaces will prevent an increase in boat traffic from the existing boat ramp. The installation of signage at the boat ramp advising boaters of the boat motor draft restriction and the year-round manatee slow speed zone will also reduce impacts. Finally, three sets of channel markers will also be installed to keep boaters within the designated channel. As discussed below, after these design modifications are implemented, the remaining impacts are sufficiently offset by mitigation proposed by the County. The District also considered the condition of the wetlands and surface waters to be impacted; their hydrologic connection; their uniqueness; location; and fish and wildlife utilization, and then evaluated the proposed mitigation. The more persuasive evidence supports a finding that the mitigation is sufficient to offset the proposed impacts. As required by the AH, the District provided a copy of the County's application to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC). Among other things, the FFWCC is the agency responsible for reviewing the County's MPP. The FFWCC indicated that the project is consistent with the County's MPP. It also recommended certain measures to be taken by the County, which are now included as conditions in the proposed permit. Petitioners assert that the National Marine Fisheries Service, a federal agency, considers the entire Lagoon, and the ditches extending into it, to be an essential fish habitat (EFH) that provides habitat required for the various life cycles of many types of fish. Petitioners contend that the project will result in impacts to the EFH adjacent to the proposed dredging areas, and that this type of impact cannot be mitigated. For the following reasons, this contention is rejected. First, the more persuasive evidence is that the area to be dredged contains less than 1.5 percent seagrass coverage, and channel markers will be used to keep boaters within the designated channels. Only around 200 square feet (0.005 acres) of seagrass will be affected, and not the much larger area that Petitioners assert will be impacted. No other impacts to seagrass are expected to result from the project, other than those identified and mitigated for during the application review. Second, the District considered the actual Lagoon impact area and determined that the same functions now being provided in that area will be provided by the proposed mitigation. Third, if one accepts Petitioners' assertion that EFH can never be mitigated, no permit could ever be issued for any project that would impact the Lagoon or any ditches connecting to it. Finally, based on the District's Uniform Mitigation Assessment Method (UMAM) evaluation, the functional loss, including direct and secondary impacts, was scored at 1.212 while the functional gain was 1.281. See Fla. Admin. Code Ch. 62-345. With 1.5 acres of direct impacts, one acre of secondary impacts, and 18 acres of mitigation, there are approximately 0.07 excess units of functional mitigation. The UMAM review was not credibly refuted. Petitioners failed to prove that the requirements of rule 40C-4.301(1)(d) have not been met. b. Rule 40C-4.301(1)(f) Rule 40C-4.301(1)(f) requires an applicant to provide reasonable assurance that a regulated activity will not cause adverse secondary impacts to the water resources. Petitioners contend that the project will increase the number and size of boats that use the boat ramp and therefore cause secondary impacts to seagrasses, manatees, and water quality. Secondary impacts occur outside the direct footprint of the project but are very closely linked and causally related to the activity to be permitted. De minimis or remotely related secondary impacts are not considered. To assess secondary impacts, the District evaluates the impacts to wetlands and surface water functions; upland habitat for aquatic or wetland dependent species; and historical and archaeological resources. The project will result in 0.86 acres of secondary impacts to the remaining wetlands adjacent to the road paving and parking area and 0.14 acres of secondary impacts associated with sloughing and boat wake-related impacts. The County has proposed mitigation that will adequately offset the expected secondary impacts. In combination with dredging to only -2.5 MLW and reducing parking space for boat trailers, the mitigation will prevent additional secondary impacts. Also, the boat ramp is significantly smaller than the average boat ramp in the County and is designed specifically for small vessels. Thus, the ramp itself limits the size of the vessel that can launch at the site. Through the use of additional channel markers, signage, and a year-round slow speed zone, there should not be an increased threat of boat collisions with manatees, prop scarring of seagrass beds, or turbidity. Also, the removal of the muck from the channel will be beneficial and reduce turbidity in the nearby waters. Petitioners have stipulated that no wetland dependent listed species on site that use uplands for nesting or denning are at issue. There are no additional phases for this project. Speculation of a future interchange at Interstate 95 and Oslo Road, located many miles to the west of the boat ramp, and any impacts that might occur if one was ever built, was not considered under the District's secondary impact rule. Petitioners failed to prove that the requirements of the rule have not been met. c. Rule 40C-4.302 – Public Interest Test The public interest test for this type of project requires that the County provide reasonable assurance that activities to be located in, on, or over wetlands and other surface waters will not be contrary to the public interest, as determined by balancing seven criteria in subparagraphs 1.-7. of the rule. The test takes into account the positive, negative, and neutral effects of the activity. The parties have stipulated that subparagraphs 3. and 6. are not at issue. They govern navigation, shoaling, and erosion, and historical and archaeological resources. The navigation factor is positive and the archaeological resource factor is neutral. Subparagraph 1. requires the District to determine whether the activity will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others. The more persuasive evidence supports a finding that the activities will not adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare of the property of others. Presently, it is difficult to launch and load boats at the ramp due to the area being silted down. This can result in serious safety issues. By dredging this area, public safety will be enhanced. The installation of navigational channel markers and signage will also be beneficial to the public health, welfare, and safety, as will the year- round slow speed zone. This factor is positive. Subparagraph 2. requires the District to determine whether the activity will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats. The evidence supports a finding that the proposed mitigation is appropriate and more than offsets the proposed impacts. The County eliminated and reduced impacts by more than one-half. The proposed dredging area contains less than 1.5 percent seagrass coverage. The project will not result in adverse impacts to manatee. Finally, the County is proposing 18 acres of mitigation, including the creation of an open water/tidal creek feature which will provide the same functions as the areas being impacted. This factor is positive. Subparagraph 4. requires the District to determine whether the activity will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project. The evidence supports a finding that the 18 acres of mitigation will improve marine productivity by providing a substantial amount of both mangrove and salt marsh vegetation along the sides of the tidal creek and open water component of fisheries. Also, the County has eliminated and reduced impacts to seagrasses by limiting the dredging area to an area with less than 1.5 percent seagrass coverage. Finally, it has removed the stormwater system from the southern impoundment to avoid a critical fisheries open water habitat. This factor is positive. Subparagraph 5. requires the District to determine whether the activity will be of a temporary or permanent nature. Because the mitigation offsets the adverse impacts, and the mitigation and dredging areas are both permanent in nature, the temporary or permanent factor is neutral. Subparagraph 7. requires an evaluation of the current condition and relative value of the functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. The current condition and relative functions being performed by the areas affected by the project are high functioning. The evidence shows that the project will not change this high functioning aspect of the area. The District also conducted a UMAM review, which considered the relative value of plant communities, hydrology, and other factors, and demonstrated that the mitigation more than offsets the impacts. Finally, the County established that the mitigation area provides the same functions as the impact areas. Therefore, this factor is positive. The District's determination that the project will not be contrary to the public interest is supported by a preponderance of the evidence. Variance Because a portion of the project will be within Class III waters classified by DEP as restricted for shellfish harvesting, the County must qualify for and obtain a variance. A variance may be granted when an applicant demonstrates that it would suffer a hardship, not self-imposed, if the variance is denied. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 40C-1.1002. In determining whether a variance should be approved, the District balances the social, economic, and environmental impacts on the applicant, the residents of the area, and on the State with those same impacts if the variance is denied. The County has demonstrated that the application of rule 40C-4.302(1)(c) and AH sections 10.1.1(c), 12.1.1(d), and 12.2.5(c) would create a hardship in this case by precluding the construction of the proposed accessory dock extension and the dredging of an existing ingress/egress way within the Lagoon that will improve public safety and enhance recreational opportunities for the citizens of the area. There are no viable alternatives that would address the functionality and safety of the existing boat ramp. The hardship is not self-imposed in that the normal processes of erosion, wind, and tides contribute to the accumulation of sand and muck within the ingress/egress access way, which over time has impeded the process of launching and loading vessels at the boat ramp. The narrow channel is bordered on the north and south by productive seagrass beds. The extension of the accessory dock and dredging of the access channel will expedite the loading process and reduce the need for boat operators to circle in the shallow waters waiting their turn to access the ramp. The environmental impact of the project is positive. There will be no harm to the water quality of Class III waters and the shellfish beds. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs reviewed the project and concluded that it would not result in a reclassification of shellfish harvesting waters. The stormwater treatment on the uplands will result in a reduction of nutrient loading to the Lagoon, which is now designated by DEP as impaired by nutrients. The extension of the accessory dock, along with making the area a year-round slow speed zone, will reduce potential impacts to manatees. The dredging and extension of the dock will be a convenience to the boating public and may enhance public safety during periods of inclement weather or other exigent circumstances. Petitioners failed to prove that all requirements for a variance have not been met.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the St. Johns River Water Management District enter a final order granting the County's applications for an ERP and a variance. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of August, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of August, 2014. COPIES FURNISHED: Hans Tanzler, III, Executive Director St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 Marcy I. LaHart, Esquire Marcy I. LaHart, P.A. 4804 Southwest 45th Street Gainesville, Florida 32608-4922 Karen C. Ferguson, Esquire St. Johns River Water Management District Post Office Box 1429 Palatka, Florida 32178-1429 William K. DeBraal, Esquire Indian River County Attorney's Office 1801 27th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960-3388

Florida Laws (3) 120.569373.414403.201
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Brooksville, Florida Feb. 13, 1992 Number: 92-000975 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1992

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: This controversy began on July 9, 1990, when petitioners, David and Victoria Page, filed an application with the district office of respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), seeking the issuance of a permit authorizing certain construction activities (including the erection of a seawall) on their residential lot located at 3108 Gulfwinds Circle, Hernando Beach, Florida. The property faces west on the Gulf of Mexico, a water body designated as a Class III water in the State. The application was eventually deemed to be complete on October 24, 1990. After conducting a review of the application and an on-site inspection of the property, on January 18, 1991, DER issued its notice of permit denial. The notice identified the reasons for the denial as being petitioners' failure to give reasonable assurances that water quality standards would not be violated and that the project would be in the public interest. Also, DER cited expected adverse cumulative impacts if the application was granted. The notice provided further that if petitioners agreed to locate their seawall landward of the jurisdictional line, the project would be approved. In July 1991, petitioners amended their application to propose that the seawall be constructed even further seaward of the jurisdictional line. When efforts to resolve the case were unsuccessful, petitioners requested a formal hearing on January 17, 1992, to contest the agency's decision. Petitioners purchased their property in 1989. It lies within Unit 2 of Gulf Coast Retreats, a residential subdivision in Hernando Beach, Florida. The property is identified as lot 20 on Gulfwinds Circle and fronts the Little Pine Island Bay (Bay), which is a part of the Gulf of Mexico. Access to the Gulf is provided by a channel (six feet in depth) in the Bay in front of lot 20 and which eventually runs into the Gulf several miles south of petitioners' lot. It is undisputed that in 1985 Hurricane Elena passed offshore causing erosion to lot 20 and other adjacent lots. Consequently, the upland portion of the lot is now smaller than before the hurricane. However, petitioners purchased their property in that state of condition. Lots 19 and 21 are on the south and north sides of petitioners' property and are owned by the Steins and Budricks, respectively. Both neighbors have constructed vertical concrete seawalls in front of their homes. Budrick was issued a permit to construct a seawall on December 28, 1989, while Stein constructed his without a permit. However, Stein has subsequently filed an after-the-fact permit application and was recently advised by DER that the application was complete. At hearing, a DER representative expressed the view that the Stein application will probably be approved since his wall is landward of the DER jurisdictional line. It is noted that the Stein and Budrick seawalls sit back from the original property lines because of the erosion suffered during the 1985 hurricane and correspond to the jurisdictional line established by DER on their property. Another application for a permit to construct a seawall was filed by the owner of lot 18 in March 1992. Like Stein and Budrick, that owner proposed to construct his wall on the landward side of the jurisdictional line. Petitioners, who live in Kansas, desire to construct a home on their lot. They have proposed to place one hundred cubic yards of fill (limerock) on 1,065 square feet of intertidal wetlands on the western end of their lot and construct a 110-foot vertical seawall up to thirty feet seaward of the jurisdictional line. Thus, there will be dredge and filling activities in the Gulf of Mexico, a class III water of the state, thereby invoking the jurisdiction of DER. By law, DER is required to establish a jurisdictional line to show the landward extent of waters of this state, including the Gulf of Mexico. Such extent is normally defined by species of plants or soils which are characteristic of those areas subject to regular and periodic inundation by the waters of the state. As a general practice, using a prescribed plant or species indicator list, DER makes an on-site inspection of the property to determine what vegetation, if any, is found on the property and is subject to regular and periodic inundation by the waters. In this case, the dominant vegetation found on lot 20 was paspalum distichum, a plant on the species list subject to regular and periodic inundation by the Gulf waters. Accordingly, DER observed where the vegetation ended and used that point for the placement of the jurisdictional line. As a cross check, DER also noted the rack line, which is indicative of the landward extent to which the high tides rise, and found it to correspond to the vegetation line. It should be noted that the jurisdictional line established on petitioners' property corresponds with the line drawn on lots 18, 19 and 21, and if that line is used to construct the seawall on lot 20, the seawalls on all four lots would run in a straight line. Although petitioners objected to the jurisdictional line as established by DER, they offered no credible evidence to show that it was improper or should have been placed at a different location. On January 9 and 15, 1991, Richard W. Pugh, a DER field environmental specialist, conducted an on-site inspection of the property and adjacent waters. He also was responsible for establishing the jurisdictional line. Finding numerous adverse environmental effects that would occur if the permit was granted as proposed, Pugh recommended that the application be denied. This recommendation was accepted by the deputy assistant secretary for DER's Southwest District Office and a notice of permit denial was accordingly issued. The bases for the denial were that (a) reasonable assurances had not been given by petitioners that water quality standards would be satisfied; (b) a cumulative adverse impact on the area would occur if the permit was approved, and (c) petitioners had failed to give reasonable assurances that the project was in the public interest. In order to prove entitlement to a permit, petitioners must give reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated and that the project is in the public interest. In this respect, they offered no evidence to provide these assurances. This in itself supports a finding that no entitlement to a permit has been shown. Even so, the agency elected to present evidence on these issues after petitioners' case-in-chief was concluded. Findings of fact drawn from that evidence are set forth below. On April 6, 1992, a DER marine biologist, Dr. George H. Farrell, visited the site and conducted a biological evaluation of the composition of the benthic community in the intertidal and subtidal wetlands which would be impacted by the project. Based on his tests and observations, Dr. Farrell concluded that the project as proposed would have an adverse impact on marine and wildlife resources in the area. This is because the area has very good water quality, contains a high species diversity, performs an integral part in the food web, and serves a valuable nursery function for estuarine dependent juvenile fish species and a corridor function for migrating estuarine dependent fish species. This testimony was not challenged by petitioners and is hereby accepted. 1/ In granting or denying a water resource permit, DER is also required to consider certain statutory criteria found in Subsection 403.918(2), Florida Statutes, to determine whether a project is in the public interest. Although petitioners did not address these criteria, and thus failed to give any assurances that the project is in the public interest as required by law, testimony adduced by DER established that under petitioners' proposal, there will be a permanent loss of 1,065 square feet of intertidal wetlands due to filling activities. These wetlands are now used by fish and wildlife habitat and will no longer be available for use. In addition, the same area is used as a nursery area by a variety of fish species. As such, the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats and will adversely affect the fishing values and marine productivity in the vicinity. Second, because petitioners' proposed seawall will jut out from their neighbors' walls by as much as thirty feet, and the corners of the seawall in that configuration will result in erosion or shoaling depending on whether the waters are moving north or south, the project will cause harmful erosion or shoaling. Third, because the wall is being constructed of concrete and steel and is not temporary, the project will be of a permanent nature and thus have a permanent adverse impact. Finally, the ecological functions being performed in the immediate vicinity of the project are extremely important and the elimination of this zone will significantly impair those functions. Collectively, these considerations support a finding that the project is not in the public interest. DER has a policy of not granting a permit if adverse cumulative impacts may be expected as a result of granting that permit. This policy is derived from a statute (s. 403.919, F.S.) requiring such impacts to be considered in the permitting process. In the case at bar, DER reasonably predicts that if it granted petitioners' application and authorized them to construct a seawall which jutted out up to thirty feet beyond their neighbors' walls, it would be obligated to grant similar permits to property owners on adjacent lots. Because petitioners' application will have an adverse impact on the water quality and is contrary to the public interest, the granting of additional permits would exacerbate those impacts. When an applicant proposes to fill (destroy) wetlands, and the applicant is unable to meet the public interest criteria set forth in subsection 403.918(2), DER shall consider measures proposed by or acceptable to the applicant to mitigate the adverse effects caused by the project. In this case, no mitigative measures were proposed by petitioners. At hearing, petitioners' representative asserted that in June 1991, the Cabinet (presumably sitting as the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund) implemented a new "policy" which allows property owners to "recover and bulkhead" land previously lost due to avulsion and erosion. He further represented that such requests were to be filed within five years after the event (hurricane). Although petitioners were not the property owners when the event occurred, and more than five years has elapsed, in July 1991 petitioners filed a request with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to reclaim and bulkhead their property and that request remained pending as of the date of hearing. A copy of the policy itself (or rule, if any, implementing the policy) was not made a part of this record. Even so, there was no evidence to establish that the granting of that application would require DER to grant a water resource permit, and DER takes the position that the request has no bearing on the issue of whether a water resource permit should be issued to petitioners.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying petitioners' application for a water resource permit. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of April, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of April, 1992.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57380.06
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-000659 Latest Update: Aug. 29, 1988

Findings Of Fact Respondent/applicant, James L. Carpenter (applicant or Carpenter), is the owner of upland property bordering on and contiguous to a man-made lagoon in Vaca Key near Marathon, Florida. The property is also adjacent to an artificial man-made canal which connects the lagoon to the open waters of Florida Bay. The lagoon and canal are classified as Class III waters of the State while Florida Bay is a Class III Outstanding Florida Water. A more precise location of the property is Section 9, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Monroe County, Florida. By application dated June 23, 1987 applicant sought the issuance of a dredge and fill permit from respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), authorizing the construction of an "L" shaped 125'x8' commercial dock with a 10'x8' access walkway waterward of mean high water (MHW) in the canal. The dock and walkway will be located on the property described in finding of fact 1. According to the application, Carpenter owns several "landlocked residences" in the vicinity of the proposed dock and desires to provide dockage for residents who rent his houses. Because of DER concerns that shading might affect photosynthetic capabilities in the vicinity of the project, applicant agreed to revise his application. This revision was made on December 21, 1987 and reduced the dock size to 102'x6' while the access walkway was increased slightly to 12'x8'. Thus, the dock will extend eight feet into the canal beyond the MHW. On January 5, 1988 DER's district office issued an Intent to Issue a permit subject to seven specific conditions incorporated in the permit. This prompted the filing of a petition by petitioner, Lillian Berdeal (Berdeal), who owns upland property bordering on and contiguous to the lagoon, canal and Florida Bay. She operates a commercial seafood business directly across the canal from Carpenter. According to her petition, Berdeal asserts that Carpenter's dock would adversely affect navigation in the canal and the health, safety and welfare or the property of others. The water body in question is a man-made canal facing to the north and providing an outlet for the lagoon to Florida Bay. The lagoon, which measures approximately 150'x100', is fairly well developed. On the east and southeast side of the lagoon lie an outdoor restaurant and Carpenter's boat rental business. Petitioner's seafood processing operation lies on the west and southwest sides of the lagoon and lagoon entrance. Photographs of the area have been received in evidence as DER exhibits 1 and 2 and petitioner's exhibit 1. Presently, there are five finger piers (docks) in front of Berdeal's property at the narrowest point of the canal. These piers are directly across the canal from Carpenter's proposed dock addition. They extend out eight feet perpendicular to the shoreline and are now used by commercial fishermen for docking purposes while using Berdeal's facility. Approximately thirty or forty boats use the finger piers during fishing season (August - May) while up to twenty may use them in the off-season (June - July). Berdeal described those boats as ranging from thirty to forty-five feet in length and having beams up to, but not exceeding, sixteen feet. However, vessels at petitioner's facility on the day of DER's inspection had an average beam of ten feet. The evidence is conflicting as to the canal's width at its most narrow point. According to DER's expert, the minimum width is seventy-six feet, and this figure is accepted as being more credible than Berdeal's own measurement of sixty-three feet. If the project is constructed, Carpenter's dock, together with a boat having a ten foot beam, would use around eighteen feet of the channel at its most narrow width while Berdeal's facility, if used by the largest boat, would take up another twenty-three feet. This would still leave around thirty-five feet of channel for navigation purposes between the two docks at the canal's most narrow point. According to applicant's expert in navigation, James J. Morrison, who has piloted boats in the area for over thirty years, a boat may safely operate in the canal if it has five feet of water on each side. This margin of safety is sufficient in all weather conditions up to and including a small craft warning. If the project is approved, the necessary margin of safety would be available. It is noted also that there are no significant currents in the canal that would adversely affect navigation, and under normal weather conditions, the canal and basin are easily navigable. Petitioner presented the testimony of a commercial fisherman, Leonard Quasney, who expressed concerns that northerly winds periodically drive aquatic weeds and grasses into the lagoon and canal thereby impairing the ability of a boat to safely operate. These weeds are shown in photographs received as petitioner's exhibit 1. It was Quasney's contention that, coupled with the periodic influx of weeds, the addition of a dock at the canal's most narrow point will make navigation more hazardous. However, this theory was discounted by expert witness Morrison who pointed out that, while it is true that floating mats of weeds affect the ability of a person to handle a boat by making the boat's rudder and propeller action less responsive, they do not affect the ability to navigate the canal. In other words, as long as the margin of safety is available in the canal, the presence of the weeds would not hinder a ship's ability to enter and exit the lagoon. This testimony is accepted as being more credible on the issue, and it is found that the new dock will not create a navigational hazard as a result of the weeds. Berdeal is concerned also that the new dock would make it more difficult for fishermen to access her property and therefore cause economic harm to both her and the fishermen. However, this contention was not substantiated. The parties have stipulated that, with the following special conditions proposed by DER at hearing regarding limitations on commercial use, liveaboards and scraping boat bottoms, all water quality standards will be met: All temporary and permanent use of liveaboard or liveaboard type vessels for residential use is prohibited. All on site fueling activities are prohibited. All major vessel repair, such as hull scraping and painting, with the boat in the water is prohibited. Only private use of the dock is permitted. All double parking or rafting of boats along the dock is prohibited. General conditions common to all dredge and fill permits. The parties have stipulated that the "public interest" criteria in Subsection 403.918(2)(a)2. and 4.-7., Florida Statutes (1987), have been satisfied. In addition, a registered engineer has certified that the dock's construction and use will not have an adverse effect on the public health, safety and welfare or the property of others. Petitioner has applied for the issuance of a permit allowing the construction of additional docks at her facility. If the application is approved, these docks will be used for commercial purposes. The proposed impact of this project, and its cumulative impact on the area, was considered by DER in its evaluation of Carpenter's application. However, conditions to be included in Berdeal's permit will minimize any water quality or navigation impacts of the project, even on a cumulative basis.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the application of James L. Carpenter for a dredge and fill permit be granted subject to those specific, special and general conditions imposed by the agency. DONE and ORDERED this 29th day of August, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 904/488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of August, 1988.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002422 Latest Update: May 25, 1979

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following facts are found: The respondent Mariner Properties, Inc., also referred to herein as the "applicant", is the owner of South Seas Plantation, a vacation resort located on Captiva Island. This resort development comprises some 300 acres, with two miles of gulf-front beaches and four miles of bayfront. Located on the northern end of the Island is an existing large yacht basin or marina with facilities for docking boats up to 100 feet in length. While this marina does have slips for about eight small boats (under 24 feet in length), the facility is not well suited for the docking of small boats because of the height of the docks. Fueling services are available at this marina and an active search and rescue service operates out of the marina, with no charge to boaters in distress. A smaller boat basin exists on the southern portion of the Island, which basin was enlarged by the applicant pursuant to a permit issued by DER in 1975. The applicant has also been granted a permit to construct boat docking facilities within the small boat basin. Finger slips for about 43 small boats - - up to 24 feet in length, are planned, but construction has not yet begun. The small boat basin will not have fueling facilities for the boats. If the requested permit is granted, the rescue service which operates out of the larger yacht basin plans to dock one of its service boats in the small basin. The small basin will also serve as a refuge area for small boaters during a storm or inclement weather. In May of 1977, Mariner Properties, Inc., submitted its application to the DER to modify an existing permit by dredging an access channel to connect its small boat basin to the waters of Pine Island Sound. In its present modified form, the applicant requests a permit to maintenance dredge a channel 250 fee long, fifteen feet wide, to a depth of -3.0 feet, mean low water. Approximately 195 cubic yards of material will be excavated to construct this channel and the spoil will be unloaded on an upland area. The project will involve the destruction of almost 4,000 square feet of seagresses. Mr. Kevin Erwin, an environmental specialist with the Department of Environmental Regulation, made site inspections and performed a biological assessment of the area as it relates to the proposed project. It was his conclusion and recommendation that the application be denied based on the expected significantly adverse immediate and long-term impacts upon water quality and marine resources. Mr. Erwin was concerned with the elimination of almost 4,000 square feet of productive vegetated estuarina bottoms. Seagrasses provide an essential habitat to many marine species, act as an important nursery and feeding ground for young fish and shrimp, stabilize marine bottoms and contribute nutrients to the foodweb. The witness further felt that there was a potential for water quality violations within the channel. Mr. Erwin did observe cuts or propeller scars in the grass beds adjacent to the proposed channel. Such cuts or scars take a long period, up to fifteen years, to heal. He felt that boat traffic to and from the small boat basin should be restricted by a marked easement, as opposed to a dredge channel. Mr. Erwin's District Manager, Phillip R. Edwards, reviewed the subject application and observed the area in question. It was his oral recommendation to Tallahassee that the permit be granted. Mr. Edwards observed the seagrass cuts in the area adjacent to the proposed dredging project and concluded that more damage would result without a channel. While Mr. Edwards agreed that a potential for water quality standards existed, he felt that a channel would minimize the overall damage caused by boats continuing to travel over the adjacent seagrass areas. Mr. Forrest Fields, an environmental specialist with DER, reviewed the present application and Mr. Erwin's biological assessment of the area. He did not concur with Erwin's conclusion regarding violations of water quality standards, and felt that the applicant had given reasonable assurances to the contrary. Mr. Fields was of the opinion that a minimal channel would be less damaging to grass beds than the uncontrolled ingress and egress of boats utilizing the small boat basin. The public interest concerns of the basin being opened to the boating public and the basin being used by a rescue service without charge to boaters in distress were also expressed in the notice of intent to issue the permit prepared by Mr. Fields. Mr. Ross McWilliams, an environmental specialist with DER who reviews the work and recommendations of Mr. Fields, also recommended that the permit application be granted. Mr. McWilliams balanced the definable public loss which would ensue from the elimination of the 4,000 square feet of grass beds against the public benefit to be gained for the availability of the project to the boating public and the operation of a marine rescue service form the small boat basin. It was his conclusion that the proposed project would not be contrary to the public interest. A considerable portion of the testimony of this proceeding was devoted to the issue of whether a previous channel existed on the proposed site. Taken as a whole, the evidence establishes that the area which the applicant seeks to deepen is presently deeper than the surrounding grass flats. Aerial photographs received into evidence indicate by a straight while line some human activity and that the area in question has been used as a channel. All expert witnesses agreed that at least the shorewared 20 to 25 feet of the area appeared to have been disturbed. It could not be conclusively determined whether and when a channel had been dredged and, if so, the extent of the same. It is clear, however, that the specific area had been used as an access channel for the small boat basin in question. The area over which the applicant seeks to dredge is a shallow grass flat inhabited by turtle grass (Thallasia) and Cuban Shoal weed (Halodule), and is a very productive area in the marine ecosystem. The waters are within the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve, A Class II body of water. No rules, regulations or management plan have been promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources for the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve. The proposed channel is to be of a "box-cut" design with a flat bottom and vertical walls. Such a design is likely to create the need for frequent maintenance due to the possibility that the soft sides will slough inward. If further maintenance dredging becomes necessary, a permit for the same from the Department of Environmental Regulation would be required. If granted authority, the applicant would accomplish the dredging by utilizing either the "mud cat" type of dredge or a clam shell dragline mounted on a barge. Turbidity curtains will used to minimize the effects of loosening the bay bottoms and proliferation of silt by the dredging operation. All material excavated from the proposed channel will be deposited on an upland site. The petitioners in this cause either own or manage waterfront property within the Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve, and utilize the waters thereof. They have adequately demonstrated their substantial interest in the proposed project.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation issue to Mariner Properties, Inc. a permit for the channel dredging project to the conditions set forth in Section III (B) of the Department's Proposed Order of Issuance executed on November 0, 1978, and subject to any forms of consent which may be required under Florida Statutes, Section 253.77. Respectfully submitted and entered this 11th day of April, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: David Gluckman Casey J. Gluckman 5305 Isabelle Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Kenneth G. Oertel Truett and Oertel, P.A. 646 Lewis State Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ray Allen Assistant General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Secretary Jake Varn Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= BEFORE THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SANIBEL-CAPTIVA CONSERVATION FOUNDATION, ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG and FLORIDA AUDUBON SOCIETY, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 78-2422 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION and MARINER PROPERTIES INCORPORATED, Respondent. / By the Department:

Florida Laws (5) 120.57120.60253.77258.39258.42
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Apr. 06, 1990 Number: 90-002152 Latest Update: Jul. 26, 1990

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the decision of the Planning and Zoning Board denying Petitioner's application for conditional use approval should be sustained.

Findings Of Fact On or about February 16, 1990, the Petitioner filed an application for conditional use approval with the Respondent seeking permission to operate a personal watercraft rental business at a motel and restaurant located at 601 South Gulf View Boulevard on Clearwater Beach. According to the application, the Petitioner proposes to rent two "Hobie cat" catamaran sailboats, and four to ten "wave runners". The Petitioner proposes that the vessels would be escorted westward, north of and parallel to, the marked boat channel in Clearwater Pass, then northwestward to open waters where, according to Petitioner, a "safewatch and service unit of nonpropeller power" would "monitor" customer activities. The subject property is located between South Gulf View Boulevard and Clearwater Pass, west of the Clearwater Pass Bridge, and is comprised of two zoning districts, an upland portion that is zoned CR-28, or Resort Commercial "Twenty-eight", and a beach front portion that is zoned OS/R, or Open Space/Recreation. Clearwater Pass separates Clearwater Beach and Sand Key Islands, and is the only open access between Clearwater Harbor and the Gulf of Mexico. A convenience store is located north of the property, and hotels are located east and west of the property. At the hearing before the Respondent's Planning and Zoning Board on March 13, 1990, the Planning and Development Department recommended denial of the application. In its written report to the Board, the planning staff based its recommendation upon the recommendations of the City's Harbormaster and Marine Advisory Board, which in turn were based upon concerns for safety due to the heavy boat traffic in the Clearwater Pass channel and at jetties along the southern end of Clearwater Beach and the northern end of Sand Key, all of which are located in the vicinity of the subject property. Based upon the testimony of Harbormaster Bill Held, it is found that state and federal approval of markers to mark off a private corridor in Clearwater Pass to accommodate Petitioner's proposed activities would be unlikely. During the hearing before the Board, the Board heard testimony from several persons in opposition to this application based upon concerns regarding the safety of swimmers due to careless operation of similar types of vessels, and strong currents in Clearwater Pass. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the Board discussed the application prior to voting. Members of the Board expressed concerns regarding public safety due to the dangerous condition of the area. The Board then voted unanimously to deny the application. Subsequently, the Petitioner timely filed a notice of appeal, resulting in this case. During this final hearing, Ronald Hollins, President of Gulf Fun, Inc., and agent for the Petitioner, testified that his proposed business would operate seven days a week, from sunrise to sunset, or approximately twelve hours daily. Petitioner testified that his personal watercraft rental vessels would be escorted during trips both from the subject property westward to the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and also during return trips, and that a "safety service" boat would monitor the rental vessels while in operation, with the escort boat and the "safety service" boat being in radio contact with a base unit at the motel property. The rental vessels would be prohibited from crossing Clearwater Pass to the south side of the boat channel, and would be limited to an area of operation bounded on the south by Clearwater Pass and on the north by Pier 60 on Clearwater Beach. Petitioner proposes to employ only three or possibly four employees to operate the escort boat, the "safety service" boat, and the base location, to rent the personal watercraft vessels, show a video tape and give a safety booklet to customers, as well as to otherwise supervise the rental vessels during the approximately 84 hours per week that his business would be in operation. Petitoner has never operated a similar business. Based upon the testimony of Richard Howard, captain of a charter boat which regularly goes in and out of Clearwater Pass, it is found that personal watercraft vessels frequently present a hazard to navigation due to the manner in which they are customarily operated. Specifically, personal watercraft operators in Clearwater Pass engage in practices such as towing swimmers on inner tubes, purposely spraying water at boats, and jumping the wakes of boats in the Pass. The activities proposed by Petitioner would exacerbate the insufficient clearance between boats in the channel, boats anchored at the beach, and swimmers, and would, therefore, be inappropriate in Clearwater Pass. The currents in Clearwater Pass are found to be dangerous to boaters on a regular basis, based on the testimony of Arnold Abramson, bridge tender at the Clearwater Pass bridge and Harbormaster Bill Held. A significant number of personal watercraft operators do not demonstrate an understanding of the rules of navigation, or of the currents in the Pass. Based on the testimony of Marine Patrol Office Bill Farias, it is found that the lack of apparent common sense which is frequently demonstrated by personal watercraft operators in Clearwater Pass creates a dangerous condition for others. A common practice is to jump the wake of boats, which results in a loss of control in mid-air. The jetty at the western end of Clearwater Pass obscures vision, making it difficult for incoming boaters to see personal watercraft in the vicinity of the motel, and also making it difficult for personal watercraft operators to see incoming boats. There is another boat rental operation in the area of this subject property, located at the Hilton Hotel, but this existing operation predates the adoption of the Clearwater Land Development Code. The Clearwater Pass bridge had 12,000 drawbridge openings in the past year, and is one of the busiest in Florida.

Florida Laws (1) 120.65
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002828 Latest Update: Jun. 02, 1982

The Issue Issues presented here concerned the entitlement of Respondent, Russell D. Horn, Sr., to be granted an environmental permit by Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation, to build a boat stall on an existing dock in Putnam County, Florida. The boat stall's dimensions are ten feet wide by twenty feet deep and the construction would be on the St. Johns River.

Findings Of Fact On July 13, 1981, Russell D. Horn, Sr., who has a residence in Putnam County, Florida, bade application to the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation, for the necessary permits to construct a boat stall ten feet wide by twenty feet deep at the site of an existing dock. A copy of the application may be found as Respondent Horn's Exhibit No. 2 admitted into evidence. The dock where Horn applied to build the boat slip is found in the St. Johns River, a navigable water body and waters of the State of Florida in Putnam County, Florida. The application form which was executed by Horn required him to indicate the name of adjacent property owners to the property at which the dock site was located, both upland and adjacent to the uplands. See Rule 17- 4.28(11)(c), Florida Administrative Code. To accomplish this task, the applicant utilized a sketch which he had been provided when he purchased his homesite in the area and indicated to the Department that the adjoining landowners were Milton Kilis and Robert Michal. In fact, Robert Michal was not an adjacent landowner. The adjacent landowner, Milton G. Kilis, wrote to advise the Department that he had no objection to the construction of the boat slip. This correspondence was dated September 11, 1981. A copy of that correspondence may be found as Respondent Department's Exhibit No. 3 admitted into evidence. After reviewing the initial application, additional information was requested by a document entitled "Completeness Summary" which was addressed from the Department to the Applicant Horn. A copy of this "Completeness Summary" requesting additional information may be found as Department's Exhibit No. 1 admitted into evidence. Through this summary, Horn was requested to provide written authorization from the dock owners. It was also requested that Respondent provide an affidavit of ownership of the upland property adjacent to the dock site. Horn received permission to construct from Frank Scussell and William A. Reaves, persons he understood to be the dock owners. See Respondent Horn's Exhibit No. 3 admitted into evidence. Horn misunderstood the question related to ownership of upland property and provided a mortgage deed with its attendant description of his home site property in Putnam County, which is at a different location from that of the upland property adjacent to the dock. A copy of that deed and other matters may be found as Respondent Horn's Exhibit No. 4 admitted into evidence. Department of Environmental Regulation reviewing authorities wrote on the "Completeness Summary" form, Respondent Department's Exhibit No. 1, indicating that the task of seeking written authorization from the dock owners had been achieved and that the affidavit of ownership of upland property owners was satisfactory. In fact, all adjacent property owners had not been notified of the pendency of the application request through the process of Horn's advising the Respondent agency of the names of all adjacent property owners to the uplands and the affidavit of ownership of the upland property owner at the dock site was not filed. During the review process, permission was given by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers, for the construction of the boat slip. A copy of this permission, by letter dated August 31, 1981, is Respondent Department's Exhibit No. 2, admitted into evidence. The Department of Environmental Regulation reviewed the permit application and prepared an application appraisal, which may be found as Respondent Department's Exhibit No. 5 admitted into evidence. The findings made by that application appraisal related to application review are found to be accurate. In particular the permit application appraisal indicated that the boat slip would be located at the waterward end of the existing dock structure, which existing dock structure accommodated four boats. The appraisal found that the project was located in South Putnam County in the town of Georgetown on the St. Johns River. The permit appraisal found that the project site would be located in the littoral zone of the river about one hundred feet waterward of the mean high water line. No littoral growth was seen at the depth of the proposed construction. Tapegrass, Mexican waterlily and cattail were present near the shore. Several large hardwood swamp trees were present at the shoreline. The project was found to be located in a Water Class III and adjacent waters were Class III according to the appraisal, no significant immediate or long-term adverse environmental impacts were to be expected to occur due to the completion of the boat slip. Horn was subsequently given a construction permit to add the boat stall to the existing dock. A copy of that permit may be found as Respondent Department's Exhibit No. 6 admitted into evidence. The only specific conditions related to that matter pertain to the necessity for the utilization of turbidity curtains throughout the project for purposes of containing the turbidity that might exceed State water quality standards, The permit was issued on September 22, 1981. After receiving the permit, sometime around October 20, 1981, Horn purchased the necessary lumber to construct the stall and on October 24, 1981, went to the dock site to begin the installation of pilings related to the construction of the boat stall. While placing the pilings on October 24, 1981, an adjoining property owner and Petitioner in this cause, Marshall Wolfe, stood on his dock, that is, Wolfe's dock, and hailed to Horn to stop building. Horn did not know Wolfe before that time and did not know that Wolfe, not Michal, was the adjacent property owner on that side of the dock. On October 28, 1981, Marshall Wolfe and his wife, Ann Wolfe, wrote to the Department in the person of G. Doug Dutton, Subdistrict Manager, and indicated that they were opposed to the issuance of the permit, which is under the number of the permit issued to Respondent, and requested a hearing on the question of the issuance. A copy of that correspondence may be found as Department's Exhibit No. 7 admitted into evidence. On the same date, October 28, 1981, Horn was contacted by the Department of Environmental Regulation and advised of the Wolfe complaint and Horn was told that he would receive a cease and desist order from the Department of Environmental Regulation. On October 30, 1981, Horn returned to the construction site and found four of his neighbors finishing the construction of the stall. In fact, the neighbors did conclude the construction and the boat slip remains in place. A cease and desist letter was mailed on November 2, 1981; however, this letter was not received by Horn immediately. Horn did subsequently learn of the contents of the letter some time in November or December, 1981. A copy of the cease and desist letter may be found as Respondent Department's Exhibit No. 8 admitted into evidence. On December 13, 1981, an attempt was made at the instigation of Department officials for the Petitioners and Respondent Horn to resolve the controversy. This effort was unsuccessful. As a consequence, a formal hearing was necessary in keeping with the request of the Department that the Division of Administrative Hearings conduct a Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, formal hearing. This request had been made on November 12, 1981, and an initial hearings had been scheduled for February 11, 1982, following consultation between the various parties and the Hearing Officer. At the initial hearing session on February 11, 1982, which was to be held in Palatka, Florida, counsel for Department indicated that the upland property was not owned by Horn and that easement rights to that property were unclear. In view of this fact the hearing was continued until the ostensible upland property owner could be notified of the pendency of the issuance of an environmental permit and be allowed to participate. Notification was subsequently provided by an Intent to Issue Statement, a copy of which may be found as Respondent Department's Exhibit No. 9 admitted into evidence. This notification was through the Department at the instigation of the Hearing Officer. The date of notification was February 12, 1982. An order was entered on March 17, 1982, which allowed the intervention of St. Johns Crescent Lakesites, Inc. into the proceedings and that party, in the person of its counsel, Lauren E. Merriam, III, Esquire, participated in the April 15, 1982 hearing. St. Johns Crescent Lakesites, Inc. is the owner of the upland property adjacent to the dock in which Horn had constructed the boat slip. No indication was given that any easement rights were ever granted by that corporation to grant access to the boat slip from the adjacent property. The overall dock area, in terms of square feet, is between 500 and 1000 square feet. Other than the permit application made by Horn, no other permission has been received by the Department to construct the other features of the dock. A further appraisal of the project site subsequent to the September 18, 1981, appraisal has been made. That appraisal was made by the field inspector for the Department. This appraisal by Melvin Rechtor agrees with the project appraisal made by the first field inspector, John Hendricks. The testimony of Melvin Rechtor on environmental impacts of the project are accepted as accurate. Rechtor's testimony established that the project would have an insignificant impact on water quality considerations and would not adversely affect the species or the conservation of fish, marine and wildlife or other natural resources. Rechtor's testimony established that there would be no unreasonable interference with waterward access of adjacent property owners. Rechtor's testimony also established that there would be no navigational hazard nor interference with fishing and swimming by persons using the river.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002463 Latest Update: Sep. 16, 1987

The Issue The issue is whether Bayou Arbors, Inc. (Arbors), is entitled to a dredge and fill permit to construct docks in DeBary Bayou, Volusia County, Florida.

Findings Of Fact On January 8, 1986, DER received an application from Arboretum, a predecessor in interest of Arbors, to construct 12,758 square feet of docks in DeBary Bayou to provide ninety eight (98) boat slips, and to dredge 2,509 cubic yards of shoreline material from DeBary Bayou in areas within DER's jurisdiction under the proposed boat docks, and to place approximately 800 linear feet of concrete riprap along the shoreline after it was dredged. Following the initial application review process, which included on- site evaluations by several DER biologists, on April 14, 1986, DER prepared a Biological and Water Quality Assessment in which DER's staff recommended that the project be modified to delete the dredging, allowing the littoral zone to remain intact. On April 24, 1986, DER forwarded its Biological and Water Quality Assessment to Mr. Charles Gray, the property owner. In response to DER's recommendations, the Applicant submitted, and on April 30, 1986, DER received, a revised Application which deleted the originally-proposed shoreline dredging of 2,509 cubic yards of material as well as the placing of 800 linear feet of concrete riprap. This Application was submitted by Mr. Duy Dao, a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Florida. This Application proposed constructing approximately 17,000 square feet of docking facilities, providing ninety-eight boat slips, along approximately 2,580 linear feet of shoreline adjacent to twenty-four acres of uplands owned by the Applicant. The original and the revised drawings omitted a vertical scale from the cross-section drawings of the project. This omission gave the impression that the shoreline bank of DeBary Bayou was steeper than it actually is and that the water depths in DeBary Bayou adjacent to the north shoreline are deeper than they actually are. However, DER's biologists were on-site four times between February 25, 1986, and May 19, 1986. They observed the existing slope of the DeBary Bayou shoreline and the existing depths in DeBary Bayou, and the on-site observations negated the effect of the omission in the drawings. The omission in the drawings did not affect DER's evaluation of the project. On May 23, 1986, DER issued its Intent to Issue and Draft Permit No. 64-114399-4 to Arboretum. The Intent to Issue and the Draft Permit include the following Specific Conditions: Further construction on the Applicant's property along the DeBary Bayou shall be limited to uplands; Issuance of this permit does not infer the issuance of a permit for dredging in the Bayou at a future date, should an application for dredging be submitted; A deed restriction shall be placed on the condominium limiting boats moored at the facility to seventeen feet or less. A copy of the deed restriction shall be submitted to the Department within sixty days of issuance of this permit; There shall be no "wet" (on-board) repair of boats or motors at this facility; All boats moored at the dock shall be for the use of residents of the condominium only. Public use of the dock or rental or sale of mooring slips to non-residents of the condominium is prohibited; Manatee warning signs shall be placed at 100 foot intervals along the length of the dock(s); Turbidity shall be controlled during construction (by the use of siltation barriers) to prevent violations of Rule 17-3.061(2)(r), Florida Administrative Code. On June 29, 1987, Volusia County, DER and Arboretum entered into a "Joint Stipulation for Settlement" wherein Arboretum agreed not to construct more than twenty-six docks accommodating more than fifty-two boat slips along Arboretum's DeBary Bayou frontage of 2,580 feet. Furthermore, Arboretum agreed that it would modify the configuration and the design of the boat slips and the location of the boat docks; that it would post Slow Speed, No Wake zone signs and manatee education signs along DeBary Bayou from the 1-4 bridge west to a point 100 feet west of the western boundary of Arboretum's boat docks; and that as mitigation for the removal of vegetation from the littoral zone where the boat slips would be constructed, Arboretum would plant wetland hardwood trees. In addition to the Joint Stipulation for Settlement, on June 14, 1987, the property owners, Charles Gray and Sandra Gray, as part of their agreement with Volusia County, executed a "Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions" to which the Joint Stipulation for Settlement was attached as an exhibit. Said Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, reiterated the Joint Stipulation's limitation of construction of boat docks in DeBary Bayou and further provided that said boat docks would not be constructed at the Arboretum project site in DeBary Bayou unless and until certain maintenance dredging set forth in Article II of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions occurred. Furthermore, Article III of said Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions set forth certain prohibitions regarding constructing boat ramps on the Arboretum property and docking or storing boats along the DeBary Bayou shoreline except at the site of the proposed docks. In 1969, an artificial channel was excavated in DeBary Bayou adjacent to the north shoreline of DeBary Bayou by a dragline operating along the shoreline. At present, said channel has been partially filled by organic sediments originating in DeBary Bayou. There exists in Section 403.813(2)(f), Florida Statutes, an exemption from the DER's permitting requirements for the performance of maintenance dredging of existing man-made channels where the maintenance dredging complies with the statutory provisions and with the regulatory provisions found in Florida Administrative Code Rule 17-4.040(9)(d). The dragline excavation work performed in DeBary Bayou in 1969 created a structure which conforms to the definition of "channel" provided in Section 403.803(3), Florida Statutes. The maintenance dredging required by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions is to be performed by suction vacuuming of the silt sediment, from the 1969 channel and that dredged material is to be placed on Arbors' upland property at the project site. This maintenance dredging differs from the dredging originally proposed by the applicant in its application submitted in January 1986. The dredging originally proposed, which DER recommended against, was to be performed by back hoes and drag-lines which would have cut into the north shoreline of DeBary Bayou and would have affected the littoral zone along the project shoreline. The average water level in Lake Monroe and DeBary Bayou is approximately 1.8 feet above mean sea level. On April 18, 1987, transact studies in DeBary Bayou showed water levels at 3.2 feet above mean sea level and that water depths in DeBary Bayou to a hard sand/fragmented shell bottom ranged from approximately one foot along the south shoreline to approximately nine feet in deep areas in the former channel. The average depth of the channel is five feet below mean sea level. The water depth in DeBary Bayou ranges from approximately one to three feet. At times of average water levels, one to three feet of silt or unconsolidated sediment overburden covers the natural hard sand/shell bottom of DeBary Bayou. This silt and sediment overburden is composed of organic material and is easily disturbed. When it is disturbed, it raises levels of turbidity, although there was no evidence presented that the turbidity would violate state water quality standards. This silt and sediment overburden has been deposited at a faster rate than it would normally be deposited under natural conditions because of the Army Corps of Engineers' herbicidal spraying of floating plants in DeBary Bayou. As this silt and sediment overburden decomposes, it takes oxygen from the water. The presence of a strong odor of hydrogen sulfide indicates that the oxygen demand created by the sediment is greater than the available supply of oxygen at the sediment-water interface. This unconsolidated silt and sediment overburden does not appear to harbor either submerged vegetation or significant macroinvertebrate populations. The Shannon/Weaver diversity index of benthic macroinvertebrates at four locations in DeBary Bayou indicated lowest diversity at the project site and highest diversity at the 1-4 overpass, where a small patch of eel grass is growing. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden from the 1969 channel will enhance the system, enabling a hard bottom to be established, with a probability of subsequent establishment of a diversity of submerged macrophytes. Removal of the silt and sediment overburden from the 1969 channel will restore the natural hard sand/fragmented shell bottom in that area of DeBary Bayou. It is unlikely that boat traffic in the restored channel will cause turbidity which will violate state water quality standards. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden will improve water quality in DeBary Bayou by removing a source of oxygen demand. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden will create a better fish habitat by exposing some of the natural bottom of DeBary Bayou. Fish are unable to spawn in the unstable silt and sediment. Removal of this silt and sediment overburden will increase the depth of water in DeBary Bayou channel to between four to six feet. The maintenance dredging, required by the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions, is limited by statute to the channel which was excavated in 1969. Therefore, a continuous channel will not be maintained from the project site eastward to Lake Monroe. At present, a sandbar exists at the confluence of DeBary Bayou and Lake Monroe. During low water, this sandbar restricts navigation into and out of DeBary Bayou to small craft. At present, boats can and do travel on DeBary Bayou for fishing and for other water-related recreational activities. However, due to water level fluctuations, boating on DeBary Bayou is easier during higher water periods. During lower water periods, navigation into and out of DeBary Bayou is still possible, but boaters must proceed using common sense and caution. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has no evidence that manatees presently use or have ever used DeBary Bayou. Adult manatees have an average girth of approximately three (3) feet. Without a continuous channel open to Lake Monroe, manatees are not likely to go up DeBary Bayou. Since the water at the sandbar at the mouth of DeBary Bayou at its confluence with Lake Monroe is generally less than three feet deep throughout the year, it is likely that these shallow waters will deter manatees from entering DeBary Bayou. DeBary Bayou is a spring-fed run from a spring a substantial distance upstream. The sheetflow of the spring water follows a circuitous route through marsh areas prior to reaching the area of this project. The proposed site is just west of the 1-4 overpass and Lake Monroe. The FWS's data show that the St. Johns River in Volusia County has an extremely low documented manatee mortality rate resulting from boat/barge collisions. Generally, boats greater than 23 feet long are more likely to kill manatees outright than smaller boats are. In marinas, manatees are very rarely killed by collisions with boats. Manatees and marinas are highly compatible. On August 1, 1986, the FWS issued a "no-jeopardy" opinion regarding Arbors' project. In this letter, the FWS stated that Arbors' project was not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the manatee or to adversely modify the manatee's critical habitat. In the year since the FWS issued its no-jeopardy opinion, no manatee mortalities resulting from boat-barge collisions have been documented in the St. Johns River in Volusia County. The FWS recommended one boat slip per one hundred linear feet of waterfront, or twenty-six boat slips for the project. A single-family residence which would be entitled to one pier could berth an unlimited number of boats at that single pier. The FWS would have no control over the number of boats using that single pier. Arbors' project calls for twenty-six piers. The FWS's evaluation of Arbors' project is exactly the same as that agency's evaluation of any other marina project anywhere in areas designated as critical manatee habitat. All of the St. Johns River in Volusia County, Florida, is designated as critical manatee habitat. On July 16, 1986, after issuance of its Intent to Issue, DER received comments from the Florida Department of Natural Resources regarding Arbors' project and its potential impact on manatees. DER considered the possibility of boat/manatee collisions and had specifically considered this issue. DER did not agree with the broad and general concerns expressed by the Department of Natural Resources, and DER's rules have not adopted a specific requirement regarding a ratio between the length of a project's shoreline and the number of permittable boat slips. On July 16, 1986, the Department received a letter from the FWS concerning fisheries issues and navigation. This FWS letter was received after issuance of DER's Intent to Issue. Although DER considered these comments, DER disagreed with the FWS's recommendations regarding these issues. Water quality sampling and analysis showed that at present, there are no violations of DER's Class III water quality standard in DeBary Bayou, except for the dissolved oxygen criterion on some occasions during early-morning hours, and that result is to be expected. It is further not expected that there will be any water quality violations after the project is completed. If the work areas affected by driving piles to build floating docks and the work area around the maintenance dredging of the DeBary Bayou channel are contained within turbidity barriers, as required by general and specific conditions of the DER's proposed Draft Permit, it is anticipated that no violations of the Class III turbidity criterion will occur during construction of Arbors' project. By maintenance dredging the former DeBary Bayou channel, Arbors will remove the silt and sediment overburden from the channel and restore a deep (four to five feet below mean sea level) channel having a hard sand/fragmented shell bottom. Arbors' dock will be restricted to small boats whose operation in the deep channel will be unlikely to re-suspend silt and sediment and cause violations of the Class III turbidity criterion. Additionally, it is unlikely that any turbidity which is created by turbulence from boat propellers in a designated "No Wake, Slow Speed" zone will violate the Class III turbidity criterion. Although the entire project will be enhanced by the proposed maintenance dredging, such dredging is not a part of the permit application. From the evidence it appears that the project is permittable without the dredging. Although Arbors' project will result in the addition of some oils and greases associated with outboard motors to DeBary Bayou, the addition is not expected to result in violations of the Class III water quality standards. Additionally, release of heavy metals from anti-fouling paints should be minimal, and that release can be further controlled by specifically prohibiting over-water repair of boats and motors. Some addition of phosphorous to the waters of DeBary Bayou is anticipated due to use of phosphate-based detergents for washing boats. Additionally, minimal amounts of phosphorous may be added to DeBary Bayou from re-suspension of organic silts by turbulence from boat propellers. However, DER has no standards for phosphorous in fresh waters, and the minimal additional amounts of phosphorous expected from these sources are not anticipated to violate DER's general nutrient rule. Operation of boats at Arbors' proposed boat docks will cause no water quality problems which would not be caused by operation of boats at any other marina anywhere in Lake Monroe or anywhere else in the State of Florida. While WVC's expert, Robert Bullard, testified that Arbors' proposed boat docks could potentially cause violation of DER's Class III water quality criteria for turbidity, oils and greases, heavy metals and phosphorous, he was unable to testify that Arbors' project actually would cause such violation. His testimony in this regard was speculative and is not given great weight. No other WVC expert testified that Arbors' project was likely to cause violation of any criteria of DER's Class III water quality standards. It is anticipated that the shade cast by the boat docks will not have an adverse affect on water quality. Additionally, DeBary Bayou is a clear, spring-fed water body open to direct sunlight. The boat docks will cast shade which will enhance fish habitat. The proposed docks will not threaten any production of fish or invertebrate organisms. The mitigation plan proposed by the applicant and accepted by Volusia County and DER requires planting wetland hardwood tree species. These trees will certainly assist in stabilizing the bank of DeBary Bayou and minimizing erosion of the shoreline. Additionally, these trees will absorb nutrients from the water and will perpetuate the wooded wetland habitat along the DeBary Bayou shoreline. Arbors' own expert, Carla Palmer, also suggested the sprigging of eel grass in the dredged portion of DeBary Bayou. Such planting should be included as part of the mitigation plan. DER considered the cumulative impact of this docking facility. Four marinas are presently permitted on Lake Monroe and in the St. Johns River between Lake Monroe and Deland. DER considered these facilities' existence when it reviewed Arbors' application, and was satisfied that Arbors' boat dock facility would not have an adverse cumulative impact. There are no specific guidelines for a cumulative impact evaluation; accordingly, DER must apply its cumulative impact evaluation on a case-by-case basis. In the present case, there is no showing of adverse cumulative impacts from this project. Arbors' project will not adversely affect significant historical or archaeological resources recognized pursuant to applicable Florida or Federal Law. WVC was organized in March 1985, to oppose development in West Volusia County. WVC did not meet regularly and did not keep regular minutes of its meetings in the interim between organizing and filing the Petition in June 1986, for an administrative hearing on the Intent to Issue a permit for Arbors' project. When the Petition was filed, WVC did not have a membership roll, and was unsure how many members it had. Further, it is unclear as to how many members may have attended an "emergency" meeting to authorize filing said Petition. Approximately five months after said Petition was filed, WVC was incorporated and approximately nine months after the Petition was filed, WVC compiled a list of the people who were WVC members in June 1986. The emergency meeting WVC held in June 1986, to authorize filing said Petition was the first and the only such "emergency" meeting WVC ever held. The minutes of the emergency meeting have been lost. In June 1986, WVC may have had written rules authorizing emergency meetings and authorizing it to file suit, but its Chairman is unsure of this. Six of WVC's approximately 20 members may have lived within one mile of Arbors' project site in June 1986. Two of these members lived on waterfront property on Lake Monroe east of the 1-4 bridge. Some of these WVC members have never taken a boat west of 1-4 onto DeBary Bayou. WVC, as an organization, never sponsored outings or boat trips onto DeBary Bayou before filing the Petition. WVC's officers at the time of filing the Petition did not use DeBary Bayou for boating, fishing or swimming. No WVC members have ever seen manatees in DeBary Bayou. As with any other similar project on Lake Monroe, the boats which might be berthed at Arbors' project might add additional trash to the waters of Lake Monroe, might disturb the wildlife which WVC members might see on their property, and might cause wakes which might erode waterfront property. One of WVC's founders, who was an officer in June 1986, when WVC filed the Petition, stated that she would not be adversely affected in kind or degree any more than any other taxpayer in Florida. Friends timely intervened and its intervention was authorized by its membership at a regularly noticed meeting.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a Final Order granting Permit Number 64-114399-4, subject to those specific conditions set forth in paragraph 6 hereof and as modified by the stipulation entered into between Arboretum, Volusia County, and Department of Environmental Regulation, as more particularly described in paragraphs 7 and 8 hereof, and to include within the mitigation plan the sprigging of eel grass in areas of the dredged portion of DeBary Bayou. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of September 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of September 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 86-2463 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner and Intervenor, West Volusia Conservancy, Inc., and Friends of the St. Johns, Inc. 1. Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(3); 2(5); 8(24); 13(8); 46(57); and 47(57). 2. Proposed findings of fact 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 28, 29, 32, 34, 35, 36, 40, 42, 43, 44, and 45 are rejected as being subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order. 3. Proposed findings of fact 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 33, 39, and 41 are rejected as being unsupported by the competent, substantial evidence. 4. Proposed findings of fact 6, 9, 18, 19, 21, 22, 37, and 38 are rejected as irrelevant. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, Bayou Arbors, Inc. 1. Each of proposed findings of fact 1-56 are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order, in Findings of Fact 1-56. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, Department of Environmental Regulation Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1-11(1-11); 13-28(12-27); 29-38(29-38); 39(38); and 40-48(39-47). Proposed finding of fact 12 is rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: Dale Twachtmann, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Richard S. Jackson, Esquire 1145 West Rich Ave. Deland, Florida 32720 Dennis Bayer, Esquire P. O. Box 1505 Flagler Beach, Florida 32036 Philip H. Trees, Esquire P. O. Box 3068 Orlando, Florida 32802 Vivian F. Garfein, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301-8241

Florida Laws (4) 120.57403.412403.803403.813
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001450 Latest Update: Nov. 29, 1983

Findings Of Fact The applicant proposes to construct a concrete boat ramp on the south bank of the Eau Gallie River in Brevard County. The Eau Gallie River is a tributary of the Indian River and is a Class III water body as defined in Chapter 17-3, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). 1/ The ramp would be 17 feet wide and 64 feet long. Approximately half the length would extend into waters of the Eau Gallie River over which DER has. Jurisdiction under Chapters 403 and 253, F.S. The construction would involve the removal of 47 cubic yards of soft bottom material waterward of ordinary high water and the filling of 35 cubic yards of compacted material also waterward of ordinary high water. In addition, 38 cubic yards would be excavated landward and 72 cubic yards would be filled landward of ordinary high water. The boat ramp is to be a private facility not once to the general public. The applicant sought this permit in conjunction with the upland development of its river front property. The applicant's property extends for approximately one-half mile along the north bank of the Eau Gallie River. At build out, the applicant estimates that the property will contain several hundred apartment units which may eventually be converted to condominiums. The lessees or condominium owners would have access to the proposed boat ramp. Petitioner, Tom Hall, is an adjacent property owner who is concerned that increased boat traffic on the Eau Gallie River in the vicinity of the boat ramp would adversely impact manatee and other wildlife and marine resources. At various times of the year, manatees can be observed in the Eau Gallie River in the vicinity of the proposed boat ramp. The river also contains a variety of fish and supports a local population of water fowl. The river in the vicinity of the proposed boat ramp is generally not more than one to two feet in depth. The boat ramp is designed to launch only small craft such as canoes, rowboat or jonboats with small trolling motors. The application does not request the issuance of a permit to dredge a navigational channel to enable the beat ramp to accommodate larger power craft. The testimony of DER's expert witness established that the small craft which could be launched from the boat ramp would not pose a threat to the manatees that frequent the area. Rather, it is the larger power boats that endanger this marine mammal. There are no other wildlife or marine resources which would be impacted significantly by the construction of the boat ramp. Additionally, it should be noted that this project would benefit the several hundred residents of Brevard County who would eventually have access to the boat ramp. The testimony of DER's expert witness established that there would be no long-term violations of DER water quality standards as a result of the construction and use of the boat ramp. Short-term impact during construction would be minimal since turbidity screens are to be employed. Thus, the applicant has provided reasonable assurance that the short-term and long-term effects of the construction and use of the boat ramp will not result in violation of DER's water standards. It is important to note that, as long as no dredging of filling is involved, there is no legal impediment preventing riparian landowners from launching boats from their river front property or engaging in recreational boating activities in the portion of the boat ramp could cause continuous turbidity problems and damage valuable habitat along the river front. By confining the alteration of the littoral zone to such a small area as that involved in the application and thus guaranteeing adequate, comfortable access for the riparian owner, the survivability of the remaining littoral in its natural state would be significantly enhanced. Petitioner Hall theorizes that boats who would otherwise use downstream public boat ramps will instead launch at the site of the proposed ramp. However, there was no evidence submitted to support this theory. Given the ease with which small boats could be launched without any ramp at this site, it does not appear that the ramp itself would generate additional activity involving canoes and other small craft. Since the launching of power boats is not feasible because of the shallow river depth, such traffic is not likely to be affected by construction of the proposed ramp.

Florida Laws (2) 120.66403.087
# 10

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