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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 19, 1990 Number: 90-008036 Latest Update: Jun. 13, 1991

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether respondent was convicted of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute at least five kilograms of cocaine and, if so, what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken against his Florida teaching certificate.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Frederick Dingle Charles, holds teacher's certificate number 264894, issued by the Florida Department of Education, covering the area of substitute teaching. Such certificate is valid through June 30, 1992. During the 1989-90 school year, respondent was employed by the Dade County School Board as a teacher at Homestead Middle School. On or about September 20, 1989, respondent was arrested and charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute at least five kilograms of cocaine in the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, Case Number 89-627-CR-Aronovitz. On October 15, 1990, he was found guilty of such charge and committed to the custody of the United States Bureau of Prisons to be imprisoned for a term of 121 months.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the teaching certificate of respondent, Frederick Dingle Charles, be permanently revoked. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 13th day of June 1991. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of June 1991. Copies furnished: Robert J. Boyd, Esquire 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Frederick D. Charles # 41454-004 Metropolitan Correctional Center 15801 S.W. 137th Avenue Miami, Florida 33177 The Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Sydney H. McKenzie General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, PL-08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Moore Haven, Florida Sep. 25, 2000 Number: 00-003926PL Latest Update: May 10, 2001

The Issue The issues in this case are whether Respondent violated Section 231.28(1)(i), Florida Statutes (2000), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e), by using unauthorized methods of disciplining a student before allowing the student to visit the school nurse. (All chapter and section references are to Florida Statutes (2000) unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise stated, all references to rules are to rules promulgated in the Florida Administrative Code in effect on the date of this Recommended Order.)

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency responsible for regulating certified teachers in the state. Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate Number 416888. Respondent's Florida teaching certificate is valid through June 30, 2003. Respondent is employed as a Special Education Teacher at Moore Haven Junior High School (the "school") in the Glades County School District (the "District"). Respondent has a long-standing practice in his classroom of disciplining male students by making them do push-ups and hold books while their arms are extended in front of them. Both practices violate rules and policies of the school and the District. Respondent had actual or constructive knowledge that discipline by push-ups and holding books violated the policies of the school and the District. The student handbook distributed to each teacher, including Respondent, prescribed the authorized methods of discipline. None of the authorized methods included pushups or holding books. Respondent submitted some evidence that administrators in the school deviated from officially stated policies and rules by condoning unauthorized methods of discipline such as pushups or holding books. However, the evidence submitted by Respondent was less than a preponderance of the evidence and was adequately refuted by evidence submitted by Petitioner. All of the students in Respondent's class are exceptional education students. Each student has an identified disability. Any method of discipline other than that authorized by applicable policies and rules must be clearly stated and authorized in each student's individual education plan ("IEP"). C.W. was an exceptional education student in Respondent's class on February 9, 2000. The IEP for C.W. did not authorize any alternative methods of discipline. During class on February 9, 2000, Respondent approached C.W. because C.W. had his head on his desk during class. Respondent instructed C.W. to do his assignment. C.W. complained that he felt sick and requested to see the school nurse. Respondent and C.W. exchanged brief repartees. The evidence is less than clear and convincing that during the exchange Respondent prevented C.W. from going to the nurse's office. Some witnesses testified that Respondent refused C.W.'s request to go to the nurse's office. Other witnesses in the classroom during the exchange testified that Respondent initially instructed C.W. to go to the nurse's office but that C.W. refused either to go to the nurse's office or to do his assignment. The testimony of all of those witnesses was credible. Because C.W. refused to do his assignment in class, Respondent instructed C.W. to stand at the back of the class with his arms extended in front of him. C.W. complied with Respondent's instruction. Respondent successfully completed the alternative method of discipline that required C.W. to stand at the back of the class. However, Respondent failed to effectuate other unauthorized methods of discipline that Respondent attempted. When Respondent placed books in C.W.'s arms, C.W. did not hold the books in his arms. Rather, C.W. dropped his arms, and the books fell to the floor. When Respondent instructed C.W. to do push-ups, C.W. refused Respondent's instruction. C.W. left Respondent's classroom under his own volition and went to the office of the school nurse. The evidence does not reveal the amount of time that transpired between Respondent's initial instruction for C.W. to stand at the back of the class and the time when C.W. left for the nurse's office. Therefore, there is no evidentiary basis to quantify the delay in medical attention. When C.W. arrived at the nurse's office, the school nurse determined that C.W. was feverish, suffered chills, and that his complexion was "splotchy." The nurse telephoned C.W.'s parents. The parents took C.W. home and subsequently to the hospital. The examining physician at the hospital diagnosed C.W. as suffering from mastoiditis. The physician admitted C.W. to the hospital for two days and successfully treated the medical condition. The medical condition represented an exigent threat of harm to C.W.'s physical safety within the meaning of Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a). As previously found, however, the evidence is less than clear and convincing that Respondent violated Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) by failing to make a reasonable effort to protect the student from a medical condition that was harmful to the student's physical safety. Conflicting evidence was less than clear and convincing evidence that Respondent delayed C.W.'s attempt to see the school nurse or the length of any delay allegedly caused by Respondent. C.W. left Respondent's class under his own volition and went directly to the nurse's office. The conflicting evidence was less than clear and convincing that any delay between Respondent's initial contact with the student and the student's departure to the school nurse was significant enough that Respondent failed to make a reasonable effort to protect C.W. from conditions harmful to the student's physical safety. The evidence is clear and convincing that Respondent violated Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) by failing to make a reasonable effort to protect C.W. from conditions harmful to learning. The methods of discipline attempted by Respondent were harmful to C.W.'s ability to learn, violated C.W.'s IEP, and violated school policy. For the same reasons, Respondent violated Rule 6B-1.006(3)(e) by intentionally exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment and disparagement. Administrative staff at the school conducted a full investigation of the matter. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the District issued a written letter of reprimand to Respondent. The letter of reprimand issued by the District is disciplinary action by Respondent's employer. The judicial doctrine of double jeopardy does not preclude disciplinary action by Petitioner against Respondent's license. No evidence shows that Respondent has any prior disciplinary history by either Petitioner or the District. Petitioner seeks to have Respondent's teaching certificate suspended for 12 months. However, Petitioner's proposed penalty is based on the premise that Respondent committed all of the allegations in the Administrative Complaint.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of violating Section 231.28(1)(i) and Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e), and suspending Respondent's teaching certificate in Florida for six months. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of February, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Ron Weaver, Esquire Ron Weaver & Associates 528 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301-1518 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Educational Practices Commission Department of Education 224-E Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry W. Whitmore, Program Director Professional Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 224-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 James A. Robinson, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Carl Zahner, Esquire Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Moses N. Mwaura 214 Tenth Street Post Office Box 856 Moore Haven, Florida 33471

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Apr. 12, 2005 Number: 05-001302 Latest Update: Mar. 02, 2006

The Issue Whether Petitioner's application for certification should be denied for the reasons set forth in the Notice of Reasons.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: Petitioner is an applicant for a Florida Educator's Certificate. On April 17, 2004, at the Kendall campus of Miami-Dade Community College (College), Petitioner sat for the general knowledge portion of the certification examination (Test), which included an essay question. In advance of the Test, Petitioner was informed in writing of, among other things, the following: In its continuing effort to assure fairness and equity in examination administration conditions, the Florida Department of Education is putting into written form those activities that have been, and continue to be, regarded as cheating by, or on behalf of, an examinee. The specific items represent cheating activities encountered throughout the history of the Department's assessment programs, but do not preclude the Department from appropriate action in cases of cheating that do not fall under a specific item. These guidelines are applicable to the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations program . . . . Section 1 defines those behaviors that constitute cheating. Section 2 lists materials, equipment and other aids that examinees are prohibited from using during the examination. . . . Section 1: Cheating Cheating is any unauthorized activity that impairs or alters the circumstances of the examination as a measure of the knowledge or skills it was designed to assess, including but not limited to the following: * * * c. Bringing, or attempting to bring, into the examination room, materials, equipment, or information in any tangible form that could be used to provide unauthorized assistance in responding to examination questions or directions. * * * f. During the examination, using or attempting to use, prohibited aids, as identified in Section 2. * * * Section 2: Prohibited Aids The following aids are prohibited during examination administration: . . . papers of any kind, including scratch paper; . . . * * * Annette Lorenzo, a College employee, was the "room supervisor" in the room in which Petitioner took the Test. Ms. Lorenzo was assisted by another College employee, Gladys Manrique, "who was "working as a proctor" in the room. When Petitioner arrived in the room the morning of the Test, she was checked in by Ms. Lorenzo, who assigned her a seat near the front of the room. Upon being told of her seat assignment, Petitioner "pointed to the last seat of the last row" and asked if she could sit there instead. Ms. Lorenzo "said, 'Okay, no problem,' and [Petitioner] went and sat down in that seat." After "checking everybody in," Ms. Lorenzo read "instructions for the exam" to the examinees (including "go[ing] through all the guidelines on what constitute[d] cheating, as well as what [was] and [was] not allowed in the room"), and, with Ms. Manrique's help, handed out the testing materials. Testing then began (at approximately 8:45 a.m.). Ms. Lorenzo and Ms. Manrique "walk[ed] around the room, up and down the aisles," to "mak[e] sure that nobody [was] cheating or using anything [prohibited]" while the test was being administered. As she was doing so, during the essay portion of the Test, Ms. Lorenzo noticed Petitioner periodically "looking into her [cupped] left hand [which was positioned on the desk in front of her, just above her answer booklet, and appeared to contain tissues] while she was writing" in the booklet with her right hand. Ms. Lorenzo observed Petitioner's engaging in this suspicious conduct for "[a]t least ten minutes." During this time, Ms. Lorenzo was "staring at [Petitioner], watching her very closely." When she eventually made eye contact with Ms. Lorenzo, Petitioner moved her hands towards her face and "made a noise like she was blowing her noise." She then closed her left hand into a fist and continued writing with her right hand. Ms. Lorenzo advised Ms. Manrique that she suspected that "something [was] going on" with Petitioner, and she asked Ms. Manrique to "take a look." Ms. Manrique observed Petitioner for approximately five minutes, after which she reported back to Ms. Lorenzo that she "believe[d] there [was] something going on as well." Ms. Lorenzo then "walked to the back of the room and stood to the right of Petitioner." From her vantage point, Ms. Lorenzo noticed "sticking out the bottom of [Petitioner's left] hand," which was "still in a fist," not only tissues, but "paper with some writing on it." Upon making this observation, Ms. Lorenzo asked Petitioner to show her "everything [Petitioner] had in her hand."3 Petitioner's immediate response was to "[u]s[e] her right hand [to] grab[] the tissues out of her left hand," which she then quickly closed into a fist again. She gave the tissues she had transferred from her left to right hand to Ms. Lorenzo, explaining that she had "just tissues" and nothing else. Ms. Lorenzo, however, knew otherwise and demanded that Petitioner open her left hand. Petitioner complied, revealing the paper that Ms. Lorenzo had seen "sticking out" of the hand when it was clenched. The paper was the size of a "small note [pad] sheet." It was crumpled from being held tightly by Petitioner. On the paper was a complete essay that that Petitioner had written before entering the examination room. The essay was entitled, "A Place to Visit: San Antonio Park."4 Ms. Lorenzo took the paper, as well as Petitioner's testing materials, including Petitioner's answer booklet, from Petitioner. In her answer booklet, Petitioner had written an essay about San Antonio Park, substantial portions of which were identical, word for word, to what was on the paper that Ms. Lorenzo had confiscated from Petitioner's left hand. Petitioner had knowingly brought this paper into the examination room with the intent to use it as an aid in answering the essay question on the general knowledge portion of the Test,5 and she carried out this intent once the Test began.6 As Petitioner started to "g[e]t a little bit loud," Ms. Lorenzo escorted her from the room and took her to see Juan Meza, the College's testing director.7 On the way to Mr. Meza's office, Petitioner insisted that she had not cheated and "begg[ed] [Ms. Lorenzo] to let her go finish the exam." Ms. Lorenzo responded that Petitioner's "test [was] over for today." After Ms. Lorenzo had told Mr. Meza that she had "found [Petitioner] cheating," Mr. Meza spoke to Petitioner and told her that she could not "continue taking the test" because she had been caught cheating. Petitioner denied to Mr. Meza that she had been cheating. Mr. Meza, in turn, informed Petitioner that he would send an "irregularity report" to the Department and that the Department would "make [a] decision" as to whether she had been cheating and then "contact her to let her know what [was] going on." As promised, on or about April 19, 2004, Mr. Meza sent an "irregularity report" to the Department (along with the materials that Ms. Lorenzo had taken from Petitioner in the examination room). On April 26, 2004, the Department sent the following letter to Petitioner: This letter is in response to information I have received from staff at Miami Dade College, Kendall campus confirming that you failed to follow testing procedures during the administration of the General Knowledge Test on April 17, 2004. Along with the admission ticket you received for the examination, you received a letter that outlines the State's policy on cheating. Section 1 (c) and (f) and Section 2 state the following: "Section 1: Cheating Cheating is any unauthorized activity that impairs or alters the circumstances of the examination as a measure of the knowledge or skills it was designed to assess, including but not limited to the following: c. Bringing, or attempting to bring, into the examination room, materials, equipment, or information in any tangible form that could be used to provide unauthorized assistance in responding to examination questions or directions. * * * f. During the examination, using or attempting to use, prohibited aids, as identified in Section 2. Section 2: Prohibited Aids The following aids are prohibited during examination administration: Timex Data Link™ wrist watch; electronic pager; cellular telephone; pocket organizer; electronic writing pen or pen-input device; any electronic device with an alphabetic keyboard; dictionary or other books; ruler; papers of any kind, including scratch paper; slide rule; protractor; compass; laptop computer; calculator watch, or calculator except those calculators provided at the test center for the following tests: Mathematics 6-12, the math portion of Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum (MGIC), Middle Grades Mathematics 5-9, Chemistry 6-12, Physics 6-12, and the math subtests of the General Knowledge Test." As a result of your failure to abide by this policy, the score on the Essay subtest of the General Knowledge Test under your name and Social Security number . . . for the April 17, 2004, test administration has been invalidated. By copy of this letter, I am also informing Professional Practices Services and the Bureau of Educator Certification of this decision. This decision means that you have yet to fulfill the State's requirements for a passing score on the Essay subtest of the General Knowledge Test. You are entitled to dispute this decision through legal administrative procedures. If you wish to do so, you must send a written request for an administrative hearing in accordance with the provisions of Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The written request must be postmarked within twenty (20) calendar days of the date you receive this letter and submitted to the following address: . . . . If you fail to submit the written request within the specified time period, you will have waived the opportunity to contest the decision through administrative proceedings, and the score invalidation decision will be final, subject only to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Petitioner responded by sending a letter to the Department, which read (verbatim) as follows: I have received your letter about the problem I had the day of test. I'm so sorry about the day. In 20 years of being a teacher, I never had that kind of problem. That day I had a bad cold and when I finished my test, the only thing that I had to do was to check it, but I was coughing badly and I took a napkin that was inside my bag on the floor, but together with the napkin came out a paper. I took both in my hand. I put my hand up, because I knew that if the teacher saw me in this moment I got in trouble, but it was too late. The teacher came to me, asked for the paper and the napkin and without I could explain anything. She took to the supervisor and explained everything to him. He told he had to follow the rules, then he had to report the incident. So I think I should have an opportunity to do my tests again. The Commissioner subsequently notified Petitioner that her application for certification was being denied because she had "attempted to cheat" on the essay portion of Test "by referring to a complete essay she had in her possession when she entered the room." This denial of Petitioner's application for certification is the subject of the instant proceeding.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order sustaining the denial of Petitioner's application for certification. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of August, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of August, 2005.

Florida Laws (8) 1012.561012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.60120.6820.15
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Mar. 15, 1996 Number: 96-001384 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 1997

The Issue This is a license discipline proceeding in which the Petitioner seeks to have disciplinary action taken against the Respondent on the basis of allegations in an Amended Administrative Complaint to the effect that certain alleged conduct of the Respondent constitutes violations of Section 231.28(1)(i), Florida Statutes, and of Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e), Florida Administrative Code.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent holds Florida teaching certificate 720683, covering the area of English, which is valid through June 30, 1995. During the 1993-1994 school year the Respondent was employed by the Broward County School District as a teacher at Margate Middle School. During the 1993-1994 school year, student J. C. was a sixth grader in one of the Respondent's classes for the first four months of the school year. During one class period the Respondent admonished J. C. for the way she was sitting in her desk by calling her a "hooker." This comment was made about J. C. in the presence of other students and made her feel bad. She reported the incident to the school administration. The Respondent also called J. C. a "delinquent" in front of other students. This comment also made J. C. feel bad. During the 1993-1994 school year student A. C. was a student in the Respondent's seventh grade reading class. During one of his classes another male student was over in a corner attempting to fix the zipper on his trousers. When the Respondent observed this she asked the student what he was doing. After the student explained that he was trying to fix his zipper, the Respondent told the class that tomorrow morning the class would have a "weenie contest." She then bumped the student with her hip and laughed. Later during the same class the Respondent admonished A. C. by calling him a "punk." She did so in front of the entire class, and it made A. C. feel bad. On another occasion the Respondent threw a book at A. C. and hit him in the chest. This incident was also in front of the entire class and made him feel bad. During the 1993-1994 school year, student A. P. had the Respondent as her sixth grade reading teacher for a couple of months. During this time period, A. P. heard the Respondent call female student K. B. a "nigger" and male student W. P. a "nigger." The name-calling upset K. B., W. P. and other black students in the classroom During the 1993-1994 school year, Mr. Harry LaCava served as Principal of Margate Middle School. During that year, Mr. LaCava received approximately twelve complaints from students, or parents of students, about the Respondent's treatment of them in her classroom. All of these complaints concerned inappropriate comments and racial slurs. Mr. LaCava did not recommend that the Respondent be retained as a teacher following the completion of the 1993-1994 school year. The student and parent complaints described herein were one of a number of reasons for which Mr. LaCava elected to not recommend her for re-employment. In Mr. LaCava's opinion, the Respondent's conduct in making disparaging comments and racial epithets to her students violates the provisions of Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e), Florida Administrative Code, in that such conduct exposed her students to conditions harmful to learning and/or their mental and/or physical health and/or safety, as well as exposed students to unnecessary embarrassment and disparagement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Respondent's teaching certificate, or her entitlement to hold a teaching certificate, be suspended for one year from the date of the Final Order. Upon the expiration of the suspension period, should Respondent become re-employed as a teacher in Florida, she shall be placed on probation for a period of two years, which probation shall commence upon the date she becomes so employed. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of January, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of January, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire 396 Lakeview Drive DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433 Ms. Hilary Beth Steiglitz Post Office Box 51247 Pompano Beach, Florida 33074 Ms. Hilary Beth Steiglitz 8260 Southwest 7th Court North Lauderdale, Florida 33068 Karen Barr Wilde, Executive Director Education Practices Commission 224-B Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Kathleen M. Richards, Administrator Professional Practices Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Michael H. Olenick, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6B-1.0066B-11.007
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001108 Latest Update: Mar. 15, 1984

Findings Of Fact Respondent is an annual contract teacher with the Dave County Public Schools and hold a Florida State teacher's certificate. Although she had worked as a teacher assistant in the past, her first year of employment as a full time teacher was the 1980-81 school year. Respondent was a teacher at Melrose Elementary School for the 1981-81 school year. At the beginning of the school year, she was assigned to teach a Compensatory Education Class. These are small classes and, in Ms. Harper's case, never exceeded 11 students. She was, however, required to keep and retain student records to enable subsequent teachers to determine at what level the student was functioning. After Respondent was transferred from the Compensatory Education classroom, the assistant principal requested that she turn in the records for the class. Respondent stated that she had destroyed them. Respondent's next assignment at Melrose Elementary School was as the teacher of a fifth-sixth grade combination regular education class. The assistant principal officially observed Respondent in the classroom three times and unofficially observed her on additional occasions. She found that Respondent lacked effective instructional planning based on Respondent's failure to complete lesson plans. The collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the Respondent's union stated that lesson plans were an essential part of the teaching process and a proper subject for evaluation. On one occasion, the school was preparing for and audit. Auditors (administrators from other schools) check teacher's plan books, grade books and other teaching materials. The assistant principal contracted Respondent several times in advance of the audit in an attempt to prepare her for it. However, Respondent failed to develop the required lesson plans, so the assistant principal wrote out a week's plans for her. She asked Respondent to take the plans home over the weekend and copy them in her own handwriting. The following Monday at the beginning of the audit, Respondent had only filled out plans for Monday, Tuesday and Friday. There were no lesson plans to be delivered to the auditors regarding Wednesday or Thursday. Testimony of Respondent's supervisor established that she was unable to control the students in her classroom, primarily because she did not assign them anything to do. Furthermore, she sent her students out to play without supervision and left her classroom unattended on several occasions, even though she had previously been instructed by her supervisor not to do so. Respondent received an unacceptable performance rating in the area of "techniques of instruction." This rating was based on the fact that Respondent did not pretest her students and therefore had no knowledge of what the student did or did not know, what he needed to be taught or where to place him in the classroom. As a result, she attempted to teach students division when those students had not yet mastered prerequisite skills. She did not divide her class into ability groups so that she could teach groups of students at their levels of comprehension, and she did not maintain student profiles which would have shown her a particular student's abilities and deficiencies. Respondent either did not assign homework to her students or they did not return it because she had no records to indicate such assignment or files containing student homework. Her records of student grades were incomplete and only sporadically maintained. In the spring of 1982, two students from Respondent's class ran into the principal's office crying. The female student had welts on her chest and face; and the male student had similar injuries to his arms. These injuries were the result of an attack by Respondent. She had not been authorized to administer corporal punishment by her supervisor. Although there was another incident where Respondent chased a student with a ruler, this was the only situation in her teaching career where her loss of control had serious consequences. She appears to regret this incident. Ms. Harper was reassigned to South Hialeah Elementary School for the school year 1982-83. When she reported to South Hialeah Elementary School on September 20, 1982, she was given a lesson plan format, a teacher handbook and other pertinent teaching materials. Respondent received a two day orientation during which she was permitted to read the handbook, observe other teachers and talk with the grade level chairman. She was given instruction in writing lesson plans in the format used throughout the county and required by the UTD-School Board Contract. She was then assigned a regular fourth grade classroom. On her second day of teaching, the assistant principal noted an unacceptable noise level emanating from Respondent's classroom during the announcement period. When she walked into the room, she found Respondent preparing her lesson plans with the students out of control. The assistant principal advised Respondent that this was not the proper time to prepare lesson plans. The next day the situation was the same, and fights broke out between students. The assistant principal was concerned for the safety of these students because of the fights and because Ms. Harper's classroom was on the second floor and students were leaning out of the windows. On October 4, 1982, the assistant principal conducted a formal evaluation of Respondent's classroom teaching, and initially found Respondent preparing lesson plans and not instructing or supervising her students. During the reading lesson, Respondent did not give individual directions to the students, but merely told them all to open their books to a particular page. Since the students were not all working in the same book because they were functioning at different levels of achievement, this created confusion. Finally, the students who had the same book as Respondent were instructed to read, while other students did nothing. After a brief period of instruction, the class was told to go to the bathroom even though this was the middle of the reading lesson and not an appropriate time for such a break. The assistant principal noted that Respondent did not have a classroom schedule or rules. The classroom was in constant confusion and Respondent repeatedly screamed at the children in unsuccessful attempts to maintain order. The assistant principal determined that these problems had to be addressed immediately. Accordingly, in addition to a regular long-term prescription, she gave Respondent a list of short-term objectives to accomplish within the next two days. These objectives consisted of the development of lesson plans and a schedule, arranging a more effective floor plan in the classroom, making provisions for participation by all of the students and developing a set of classroom rules. The assistant principal advised Respondent that if she had any difficulty accomplishing these objectives, she should contact her immediately. The short-term objectives were never accomplished. Respondent did not develop classroom rules. Although the assistant principal and other teachers attempted to teach her to write lesson plans, this was relatively unsuccessful. The principal observed the classroom on October 6, and found that no improvements had been made. She also noted that Respondent had not complied with the outline for lesson plans required by the contract between the UTD and the School Board. Neither had she complied with school's requirements for pupil progression forms. The principal advised Respondent to attempt once again to work on the short-term prescription assigned on October 4, 1982. Subsequent observations and assistance did not result in any noticeable improvement. Respondent was unable to understand the need for organizing students in groups according to their abilities. Her students contained to wander aimlessly about the classroom. She was unable to document required student information even after repeated demonstrations. She did not test students and she failed to record their grades, except sporadically. Other teachers and parents complained about classroom conduct. Some parents requested that their children be moved out of Ms. Harper's class. Others complained to school officials about telephone calls from Ms. Harper at 2:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. Even the school custodian complained because Respondent's students repeatedly threw papers out of the windows. The principal arranged for Respondent to meet with the grade level chairman and the assistant principal to learn to develop lesson plans. She obtained information about classes at the Teacher Education Center of Florida International University and directed Ms. Harper to attend the classes. She subsequently determined that Respondent had not attended. Respondent told the principal that she could not attend because of car trouble. At the hearing, Respondent stated that not only did she have car trouble, but since she was a single parent, she lacked the time and money to attend the classes. She conceded, however, that the classes were free. In a further effort to assist her, Respondent was excused from her regular classroom duties to observe successful teachers. On one occasion she was found taking a coffee break instead. Again, there was not improvement apparent from this remedial measure. At the principal's request, the School Board's area director observed Respondent on November 11, 1982. Her testimony established that Respondent worked with only one group of three students in the classroom and the reading lesson being taught to those children was below their appropriate level. She also observed that there were no records indicating the progress of Respondent's students and that the students were talking continually. Due to her numerous difficulties in teaching and the lack of progress in correcting the deficiencies, the principal, assistant principal and area director concluded that Respondent lacked the requisite competence to continue in her contract position. A recommendation of dismissal to the School Board followed on January 6, 1983, Respondent was suspended. After her suspension, Respondent secured employment as a teacher of English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) at the Tri-City Community Association. Testimony of its director established that Respondent is an effective teacher of ESOL and that she trains other teachers to perform this function.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order revoking Respondent's Florida teaching certificate and providing the right of reapplication after one year. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of December, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of December, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Craig R. Wilson, Esquire 315 Third Street, Suite 204 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Ellen Leesfield, Esquire 2929 S.W. Third Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Donald L. Griesheimer, Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 The Honorable Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Oct. 09, 2012 Number: 12-003279PL Latest Update: Jul. 03, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000965 Latest Update: Feb. 05, 1981

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence submitted, the following facts are determined: On August 29, 1979, John A. Hall filed with the DEPARTMENT an application for a Florida teaching certificate. Official records indicate that HALL was convicted and found guilty of assault to commit murder in the second degree on November 19, 1970. He was sentenced to 13 1/2 years in the State Prison, and released on a two-year parole in 1977. (R.E. 1.) On January 4, 1980, HALL was employed as a substitute teacher at Beasley Middle School in Palatka, Florida. The only qualifications for being employed as a substitute teacher in Putnam County are that the individual be of age and hold a high school diploma. At his request, HALL's name had been placed on the Beasley Middle School list of available substitutes although it does not appear that anyone at the school was acquainted with him. (Testimony of Meredith Barker.) On January 4, 1980, Harry Willis was a 13-year-old student in the seventh grade math class where HALL was assigned as a substitute teacher. HALL saw him in the back of the room, told him to go to his seat, and pushed him into his chair. When the bell rang, Harry got up and tried to go out the door. HALL told him he wasn't going anywhere, pushed him back, and struck him in the jaw with his fist. Harry pleaded with him to let him go and, finally, pushed him out of the way as he rushed to the principal's office. It took several hours for Harry, with the support of the principal and assistant principal, to regain his composure; he was visibly shaken by the incident. He had never been a disciplinary problem at the school. (Testimony of Ivey, Barker, Lamoreaux). HALL was directed to report to the office of the school principal, Meredith Barker. There, he admitted striking Harry, but defended it was necessary to "uphold discipline." He said he wanted to apologize to Harry and return to his class. Ms. Barker, however, dismissed HALL, telling him to gather his belongings and leave the school grounds. HALL's effectiveness as a teacher at Beasley Middle School has been seriously reduced due to the notoriety of the incident and the expressed desire by parents that he not be allowed to teach there again. (Testimony of Barker.) Immediately prior to the opening of hearing, HALL informed counsel for the DEPARTMENT that the hearing could be cancelled since he was withdrawing his application for a teaching certificate; HALL then abruptly left the hearing room. However, since HALL's statement was not made in writing or on the record, Respondent asserted that the application remained in effect and requested that the hearing be conducted, as scheduled.

Conclusions Petitioner failed to establish entitlement to the requested teaching certificate; moreover, the Respondent Department established two grounds for denial of Petitioner's application: (1) his conviction of a felony, and (2) his having engaged in personal conduct which seriously reduces his effectiveness as an employee of the school board. Petitioner's application for a teaching certificate should, therefore, be DENIED.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That John A. Hall's application for a Florida teaching certificate be DENIED. DONE AND ORDERED this 20th day of November, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 1980.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001140 Latest Update: Nov. 03, 1981

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Teacher's Certificate No. 422775 (graduate, rank 3), which expires on June 30, 1984. She is certified to teach biology and health education at the secondary (grades 7-12) school level. She is now employed by the Duval County School Board as a teacher at Douglas Anderson Middle School. (Testimony of Cobb; Prehearing Stipulation; P-4.) In January, 1974, Respondent pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor crime: the obtaining of public assistance by fraud in violation of Section 409.325, Florida Statutes. On January 28, 1974, the County Court of Duval County adjudged her guilty and placed her on probation. (P-1.) On November 23, 1976, the State Attorney of Duval County filed a criminal Information charging Respondent with petit larceny. Essentially, he alleged that, on November 21, 1976, she took merchandise belonging to Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc., without paying for it. On November 30, 1976, she entered a plea of nolo contendere to the petit larceny charge; she was adjudged guilty by the County Court of Duval County and sentenced to pay a $50 fine and court costs. (P-2.) In July, 1978, Respondent applied for a Florida teaching certificate. Section V of the application asked: "Have you ever been arrested or involved in a criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation"? By marking the appropriate space, she answered "No". (P-3.) She executed the application before a notary public on July 14, 1978; she expressly certified that: I understand that Florida Statutes provide for revocation of a teacher's certificate if evidence and proof is established that the certificate has been obtained by fraudulent means. (Section 231.28 F.S.) I further certify that all information pertaining to this application is true and correct. Pursuant to her application, and in reliance upon the representation that she had never been arrested or involved in a crime, the Florida Department of Education issued her the teacher's certificate which she now holds. (Testimony of Lee; P-4.) At the time she completed her application, Respondent was aware of her criminal record and knew that she had been involved in at least one criminal offense--the 1976 offense of petit larceny. At hearing, she could not explain why she denied any past involvement in a criminal offense: Q.: [Counsel for Commissioner] : So, you knew [when you applied for a teacher's certificate] that you had been involved in a criminal history or had had an involvement with the law? A.: [Respondent]: In '76, yes. Q.: Okay, why didn't you put, "yes"? A.: I just didn't. Q.: But you . . . you knew you had been involved in a criminal offense. A.: In '76, yes. : So then why didn't you put, "yes"? A.: I just didn't. (Tr. 126.) It must be concluded that Respondent knowingly falsely represented to the Department of Education that she had no prior involvement in any criminal offense; that she misrepresented her criminal record in order to obtain a Florida teacher's certificate. (Testimony of Cobb; P-1, P-2, P-3.) Whether an applicant has ever been arrested or involved in a criminal offense is a material factor in the Department's evaluation of an application. An application may be denied if the applicant has committed acts which would justify suspension or revocation of a teaching certificate; it is likely-- although not certain--that, if the Department was aware of Respondent's past criminal record, her application would have been denied. (Testimony of Lee.) When Respondent submitted an application for employment with the Duval County School Board on July 24, 1978, she falsely answered "No" to the question: "Have you ever been arrested for any other offense other than minor traffic violations"? (Tr. 49.) She knew her answer was false 2/ . Had her criminal record been revealed, she would not have been recommended for employment. (Testimony of Epting, Cobb.) From October 7, 1978, to November 11, 1978, Respondent obtained unemployment compensation even though she was employed by the City of Jacksonville. She obtained the unemployment compensation by falsely indicating she was not employed. Consequently, a criminal Information was filed on April 29, 1980, by the State Attorney of Duval County charging her with unemployment compensation fraud. On June 4, 1980, she pleaded guilty to the charge; however, the Circuit Court of Duval County withheld adjudication, placed her on probation for one year, sentenced her to three weekends in county jail, and directed that she make complete restitution of the funds wrongfully collected. (P-6.) Respondent acknowledges that she knew her action was wrong, that she knew she was not entitled to the unemployment compensation funds. She explains that she was in financial need and behind on her house payment; she feels her actions were justified, under the circumstances, because Jacksonville (her employer) had promised that she would continue to be employed. Instead--after she had incurred long-term financial commitments--Jacksonville terminated her employment. She has now made full restitution for the wrongfully taken funds. (Testimony of Cobb.) Respondent has been an effective and satisfactory teacher during the 1980-1981 school year. Her ratings have been the highest possible; she has shown initiative and established rapport with her students. Her principal recently promoted her to chairman of the science/health department and recommended that she be reemployed for the 1981-1982 school term. (Testimony of Poppell; R-1.) Teachers in Duval County are held to a high standard of character and conduct. A teacher's involvement in crime would tend to violate those standards; parents would be unwilling to entrust the education of their children to such an individual. (Testimony of Poppell.) The Commissioner's proposed findings of fact have been considered. Those proposed findings which are not incorporated above are rejected as irrelevant to the issue presented or unsupported by the preponderance of evidence.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Education Practices Commission enter a final order permanently revoking Respondent's Teacher's Certificate, No. 422775. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of November, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 1981

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-005133 Latest Update: Aug. 23, 1988

Findings Of Fact Respondent is Lawrence J. Ferrara. He holds Florida teaching certificate number 150262, issued by the State of Florida, Department of Education. He is certified to teach social studies, grades 7-12. He has not been assigned to teach outside of this subject area at any time relevant to this proceeding. While Respondent's performance for the school years 1981-82 through 1985-86 is at issue in this proceeding, a review of his annual evaluations for the years 1966 to 1986 indicate a continuing problem in the control of students in the classroom and teaching effectiveness. Respondent was assigned to teach at John I. Leonard High School beginning with the 1970-71 school year and remained in this assignment until his suspension on February 19, 1986. John I. Leonard High School consisted of a 40 acre campus, 145 teachers, and about 2,200 students during the 1985-86 school year. Luke Thornton has served as principal of John I. Leonard High School since October 22, 1981. In dealing with employees, he follows guidelines set out in the collective bargaining agreement with the Classroom Teacher's Association. He is also guided by district school board policy, administrator's directives and the John I. Leonard High School Teacher and Student Handbooks. Thornton has several assistant principals, including "deans", who are authorized to counsel and reprimand employees. Deans are, however, primarily responsible for discipline of students and working with parents. Guidance counselors at the high school are also known as Senior High Counselors. They provide individual and group counseling to students, interpret test results and assist students in career planning. Guidance counselors may counsel other staff members when need arises. While designated department chairpersons within the school have authority to counsel with teachers in their respective departments, the chairpersons do not have the authority to reprimand or evaluate teachers. The chairperson for the social studies department at John I. Leonard High School is Catherine Thornton (no relation to the principal, Luke Thornton). As the chairperson, Ms. Thornton reviews lesson plans of all 16 teachers in the department to assure that objectives of the unified curriculum program are covered by the teacher. This action is mandated by the school board. Teachers are required to prepare lesson plans one week in advance. They must also prepare emergency lesson plans which can be used by a substitute teacher in the event the teacher is unexpectedly absent. Course assignments within the social studies department are recommended by the chairperson and reviewed by the assistant principal assigned to that task. The entire schedule is eventually approved by the principal. Textbooks are issued to each teacher within the social studies department by the chairperson. The teacher returns the books at the end of the semester or school year. If books are not returned, the teacher must collect the cost of the missing textbook from the student responsible for it. The 1981-82 School Year During the 1981-82 school year, Respondent was assigned three 9th grade American government classes and two 11th grade history classes. Respondent's hours of work, to accommodate this teaching schedule, were normally 9:45 a.m. until 5:15 p.m. In previous years, Respondent's assignment had been all 11th grade classes and his hours were normally 6:45 a.m. through 2:15 p.m. Shortly after the beginning of the school year, Luke Thornton became principal. Respondent sought to have his assignment changed by Thornton. The principal denied the request and told Respondent the subject would be revisited at the semester's end. At the end of the semester, Thornton again denied Respondent's request for change in course assignment due to disruption that would be caused in the master schedule, concerns about Respondent's performance, and what Thornton considered to be an excessive amount of failing grades received by students in Respondent's classes during the first nine weeks of the previous semester. During the fall semester, Respondent was absent on several occasions. After the refusal of his request at the end of the semester for a change of his teaching assignment, Respondent took a leave of absence for the entire second semester. During Respondent's absences in the 1981-82 school year, Mary Sandt substituted as the teacher of his classes. Lesson plans were available during the first semester. However, no lesson plans were provided for the second semester. Respondent did not provide any assistance to the substitute teacher in this regard, although testimony of Sandt establishes that other teachers normally provided such assistance. More than any other teacher during the 1981-82 school year, Respondent referred students from his classes to the deans for disciplinary reasons. The referrals were for minor infractions such as talking out of turn, sharpening pencils, and squeaking chairs. Sometimes he referred groups of students for discipline. Earl Higgs, a dean during this school year, discussed ways of handling minor infractions with Respondent. Higgs advised Respondent to review the John I. Leonard Handbook discipline provisions. Respondent was not responsive to these recommendations. Higgs was required to review class rules with Respondent's students on at least three occasions as a result of being called to the class by the Respondent because the class was out of control. Initially, Mary Sandt had some disciplinary problems with Respondent's classes during her substitute teaching for him, but the deans provided her with assistance in gaining control. Thereafter, she was able to control the students with only minor problems. Before referring students, Ms. Sandt attempted to resolve discipline problems in the class. If unsuccessful, she documented her action on a discipline referral slip. Respondent did not follow this procedure. Luke Thornton's first evaluation of Respondent following the 1981-82 school year noted Respondent had a considerable amount of discipline problems with 9th and 11th grade students. In addition, it was noted that students have "difficulty understanding his approach to teaching." Respondent's ineffective working relationship with associates and his failure to attend open house and graduation functions at the school were also noted. The evaluation reflected no areas of strength beyond the observation that Respondent "uses various methods and materials." The 1982-83 School Year The chairperson of the social studies department recommended that Respondent be assigned all 9th grade American Government classes for the 1982-83 school year. The recommendation was approved by Assistant principal Shirley Jackson and by Luke Thornton, the principal. Respondent felt "absolutely demoralized, devastated and dehumanized" and worthless in the eyes of fellow teachers as a result of his assignment to teach 9th grade. The 1982-83 school year produced numerous complaints about Respondent's teaching. His teaching technique essentially consisted of giving students a text book reading assignment and have them answer review questions at the end of the chapter. Students completed these assignments in class time while Respondent read the newspaper or listened to the radio. Students cheated on many occasions in order to complete their work by passing answer sheets around the classroom while Respondent was present. Respondent sometimes gave lectures to his classes. Many times the lectures had nothing to do with the course content. Respondent discussed a lawsuit he had initiated against the school board without relating it to the lesson content. He repeatedly told his students they were immature, he hated them and he preferred to teach upperclassmen. Respondent would tell students to be quiet or find the answer in the book when they asked for assistance. Respondent called students names such as "jackass" and "jerk" in class. Students did not pay attention to Respondent because they found his classes boring. Respondent's general reputation among students was that he was not a good teacher; that he treated students in the same manner each year, and that he was "weird." Many of Respondent's students tried to transfer out of his class. Reasons given to Pat Konttinen a school guidance counselor, for requesting transfers included no motivation for students, inability to understand Respondent's lectures when he gave them, Respondent's failure to lecture on the subject matter, testing students on materials not covered in class, and that the class was boring. Ms. Konttinen discussed specific complaints of students with Respondent, but he did not change his teaching style. The testimony of students concerning the 1982-83 school year reveals that they have had no other teachers at the school who taught as poorly as Respondent. Respondent had the highest rate of textbook losses for the 1982-83 school year. During the first semester of the 1982-83 school year, Ms. Sandt again substituted for Respondent when he was absent. No lesson plans were available contrary to the requirement that such plans be provided. Respondent also failed to complete emergency lesson plans. Ms. Sandt wrote lesson plans and gave assignments when substituting because she had no idea when he would return. When Respondent did return, he threw assignments completed by the students in the trash because Sandt had not graded the work. Substitute teachers do not normally grade papers. The students felt the substitute teacher, Ms. Sandt, was a better teacher than Respondent. During Respondent's absences, Ms. Sandt experienced no discipline problems. Earl Higgs, in his capacity as dean, continued during the 1982-83 school year to receive numerous discipline referrals from Respondent. In each case, Higgs asked students for their side of the story and advised Respondent of actions taken on referrals. These referrals indicated that Respondent did not have proper control of his classes. Students were referred for minor disciplinary matters because Respondent did not want to handle problems on his own. Students who were referred for discipline by Respondent were either never previously referred by any other teacher, or, at most, referred one other time. Respondent continued to send groups of students to the dean. Sometimes the students would get out of control talking and laughing in class because "they could get away with it." On occasion, Respondent would shut the door to the classroom, close the windows and turn off the air conditioner as punishment for the class until the class was in control. On one particular occasion, Luke Thornton walked back to Respondent's room with four girls after they complained that Respondent would not open the room windows and the air conditioning was not working. On arrival at the room, Thornton found the room extremely hot. Respondent was wearing a sweater and the room windows were closed. The principal opened the windows to prevent students from passing out in the heat. Respondent improperly grabbed a student by the arm to discipline him during the 1982-83 school year. Bruises were left on the arm. After an investigation, Respondent was counseled concerning the incident. In his 1983 evaluation of Respondent, Luke Thornton noted that Respondent had knowledge and understanding of his subject matter, maintained an appropriate appearance, possessed appropriate educational qualifications and adhered to the defined duty day. The principal noted no other areas of strength. Numerous performance deficiencies were noted in a sheet attached to the 1983 evaluation form. Specific recommendations for improvement were cited. In regard to teaching technique, Respondent was informed he should vary methods of instruction. Consistency in discipline standards was noted as a way to improve classroom environment. Respondent was urged to strive to achieve rapport with peers and parents, as well as to timely submit lesson plans. Luke Thornton held several conferences with Respondent to discuss the deficiencies noted in the 1983 evaluation. Respondent was not receptive to suggestions. He complained of unfair treatment in course assignments and repeatedly discussed his lawsuit against school officials. Respondent continued to maintain he was better suited to teach 11th graders, although he was certified to teach 9th and 11th graders. The principal told Respondent to be responsible to his students regardless of other personally perceived problems. He also told Respondent that he should work to improve performance. While there is no significant technical difference in teaching either 9th or 11th grade, there is a difference in maturity levels of the students in each grade. Such a difference in maturity levels requires a difference in teaching style. Pat Martin, a guidance counselor, testified that ninth grade boys "get a little antsy" and have to be motivated by the teacher. This testimony was corroborated by Assistant Principal Earl Higgs who preferred to teach 9th graders but conceded they required more assistance and can be more difficult to handle. The 1983-84 School Year Respondent remained in the same teaching assignment during the 1983-84 school year. He did not request a transfer to another school, nor did he request a schedule change. Testimony of students of Respondent for 1983-84 school year was consistent with the testimony of his students from the 1982-83 school year. Respondent's teaching techniques did not vary from the previous year. Respondent's attitude remained unchanged in the 1983-84 school year as he continued to advise his students that they were immature and that he preferred to teach upperclassmen. Students requested transfers at an increased rate from Respondent's classes, indicating that Respondent was unresponsive and they did not know how they were doing in his class. Respondent was advised of student and parent complaints by guidance counselors Pat Konttinen and Melinda Wong. They observed no change in his behavior. Two written complaints were received by Ms. Wong concerning Respondent's behavior in the classroom. Respondent did not issue required progress reports to students at the proper time to advise them whether they were failing. When several students were failed by Respondent, they complained about this fact. Luke Thornton discussed this problem with Respondent. Respondent had the second highest rate of textbook losses for the social studies department. Students defaced a number of books due to Respondent's improper storage of the books. Respondent continued to ignore requests to make lesson plans available. As of February, 1984, Respondent had turned in three lesson plans for a 20 week time period. By June, 1984, Respondent had completed five lesson plans when he should have completed a total of 36 lesson plans. The lesson plans completed by Respondent were usually unsatisfactory. Respondent was on leave for approximately three weeks during the Spring semester of this school year. The substitute teacher was Robin Thomas. Respondent left no lesson plans, nor did he have emergency lesson plans available as required. Catherine Thornton, the department chairperson, provided Ms. Thomas with assistance. Thomas created lesson plans, gave assignments to students and corrected the results even though she was not required to do so. She had no problems with discipline in any of Respondent's five classes. She was 21 years old at the time. When Respondent returned to the class after his absence, the students did not want him back and told Respondent to go away. Respondent did not consider Thomas' graded assignments. Students were required by Respondent to repeat the work previously given by Thomas. Also, after returning to school, Respondent requested lesson plans from Ms. Thomas contrary to normal procedure. On several occasions, David Culp, a dean at the school, was advised by Respondent that he, Respondent, refused to teach the class. Students also told Culp that Respondent would stop teaching. Culp received numerous complaints from parents about the lack of teaching their children received from Respondent. Respondent refused to grade papers on one occasion. He also refused to sign a withdrawal slip for a student even though requested to do so by Culp's office. Both Culp and Earl Higgs received frequent discipline referrals from Respondent. Higgs, serving his last semester as dean during the first semester of the 1983-84 school year, testified that Respondent's referrals did not diminish while he was a dean. Culp became a dean beginning with the 1983-84 school year. Culp's testimony was consistent with that of Higgs concerning the type of referrals Respondent sent to him. Culp was also called to Respondent's room to assist Respondent in regaining control of the class. According to Culp, he routinely visited Respondent's class because of his personal observation that Respondent did not have adequate control of students and the atmosphere in the classroom was so hostile that learning could not take place. Culp discussed Respondent's large number of discipline referrals with Respondent. Culp, like Higgs, had many more discipline referrals from Respondent than other faculty members. Culp estimated 25 per cent of all referrals received by him were from Respondent with the remaining 75 per cent split among the remaining 139 faculty members. Students continued to complain that Respondent did not open windows or turn on the air conditioner when requested. A parent's complaint regarding Respondent's discipline techniques was filed with Luke Thornton. Respondent began to come to work late and leave early. This action was noted and Respondent was warned to adhere to the defined duty day. On April 25, 1984, Luke Thornton placed Respondent on a remedial program known as the Notice, Explanation, Assistance and Time (NEAT) procedure as a result of Respondent's continuing problems. The purpose of the program is to provide assistance to teachers with performance problems. Respondent was given a detailed written summary of all deficiencies noted in his performance and given until October 16, 1984, to correct those deficiencies. Among the deficiencies noted were failure to use acceptable teaching techniques, lack of a positive classroom environment through use of acceptable control, lack of professional and effective working relationships with peers and failure to submit proper records. Respondent believed the NEAT procedure was a "device used to get rid of tenured teachers, especially those who made waves." He characterized the "T" in NEAT for "termination," not "time". Respondent's evaluation for the 1983-84 school year noted that the same deficiencies pointed out previously still existed. The evaluation noted that Respondent possessed appropriate educational qualifications and used good oral and written language. Among other subjects, Respondent was criticized for having an inadequate variety of methods and materials, inadequate planning, using inappropriate language with students, discussion of inappropriate topics with students during class time, unwillingness or inability to work effectively with parents, unwillingness or inability to provide a positive learning environment, failure to submit proper records, failure to comply with defined duty days, and failure to have an effective relationship with colleagues. He was admonished to avoid improper language with students, to maintain appropriate standards of discipline and to promote a positive relationship between students and teacher. The 1984-85 School Year At the beginning of the 1984-85 school year, Luke Thornton asked Respondent what assistance he could offer Respondent that had not yet been provided. Respondents refused the principal's offer of assistance. Based on testimony of students who had him as a teacher for the 1984- 85 school year, Respondent's teaching methods did not vary. Students again confirmed that Respondent told them he hated 9th graders and felt they were immature. Students also confirmed that when given worksheet assignments, some students would cheat while Respondent read the newspaper, listened to the radio or looked out the window. Respondent continued to refer to his lawsuit against the school board and school officials during class time. He also discussed with his students the qualifications of another teacher in the social studies department. Respondent's general reputation among his students was that he was boring and no one liked or respected him. Instead of paying attention to Respondent, some students would sleep or "horse around." Students indicated they did not learn anything or learned very little because Respondent did not teach. Also, these students had not encountered any other teachers at the school with teaching problems like those of Respondent. Complaints by students regarding Respondent's refusal to open windows and doors for air continued. On one occasion, Respondent told the class the air conditioner was not working, but refused to open windows because the students were too loud. Respondent refused to give credit for assignments given by the substitute teacher. He refused to issue progress reports. He refused to change a student grade after being directed to do so by Luke Thornton, although such change was appropriate. Guidance counselors continued to receive requests from students seeking transfers from Respondent's class. A new guidance counselor for the 1984-85 school year, Pat Martin, received reports that Respondent constantly talked about his lawsuit during class time. Another guidance counselor also received numerous self-referrals from Respondent's students who were concerned that they were not learning American government, the course subject matter, and that Respondent was talking about his court case. Martin, who had formerly served as a social studies teacher at the school with Respondent, was unable to discuss complaints she received with Respondent. He would not communicate with her and requested she not be allowed to sit in parent conferences with him. As a result, Martin was forced to communicate with Respondent in writing. She handled several complaints of students and parents in this manner. Guidance counselor Elizabeth Konen informed Respondent of complaints from students and parents. Usually, Respondent advised Konen he had no time to participate in conferences with the parents and students. In some instances, Respondent would not respond to parents requests that he contact them. At other times in parent conferences, Respondent would discuss his personal problems with the administration rather than the student's problems. Respondent improved in this school year slightly on textbook accountability, but books and desks continued to be defaced. He also continued to disregard his defined duty hours. Respondent did not turn in any lesson plans during the entire school year. At the conclusion of the year, he turned in a complete set of plans. Those plans did not meet requirements of indicating what part of the unified curriculum objectives had been met. In addition to David Culp, who continued to receive a large number of student discipline referrals from Respondent, Sandra Cowne was assigned to be a dean. Ms. Cowne's testimony is that 35 to 45 percent of her time was spent dealing with referrals by Respondent. Cowne noted 75 per cent of those referrals could and should have been handled by Respondent. Cowne requested students who were referred by Respondent to write out the details of the incident where the student's version differed with that of Respondent. Usually, Respondent did not indicate on the referral form that any action had been taken by him, or whether he had provided instruction to his students about expected and acceptable behavior. Students admitted to administrators that they deliberately "egged" Respondent on, particularly when he made personal comments about them. They also complained that Respondent would shut the windows and make them sit in the heat for discipline, or that he would turn off the air conditioner. They complained that Respondent made them write sentences as punishment, an inappropriate method of discipline. Cowne dealt with several problems when it became apparent Respondent did not have control of his classes. She assisted Respondent in calming classes down and restoring order. The disruption caused by discipline problems adversely affected the amount of learning that took place in Respondent's classroom. Luke Thornton decided to extend the NEAT Procedure to the cover the entire 1984-85 school year. During this time, numerous conferences were held and memos provided to Respondent concerning a multitude of problems. Respondent was observed in class by three administrators. The first observation was conducted on September 19, 1984, by H. W. Berryman, an assistant superintendent and area administrator. An employee of the Palm Beach County School District for 24 years, Berryman has evaluated the performance of principals, teachers, department heads and directors. In his memo to Luke Thornton following the observation, Berryman noted that too much time was taken with roll call and students were not attentive to Respondent's lecture. Berryman was concerned that students in the class were not involved in the total learning process. Berryman stated that he foresaw Respondent "in serious difficulty in managing conduct of students and considered this his most urgent need for growth." On October 4, 1984, Respondent was observed by Dr. Mona Jensen. Jensen is a consultant, certified by the Florida Performance Measurement System (FPMS). The FPMS was designed to determine effective teaching behaviors. Jensen also trains other administrators in the use of FPMS, both locally and statewide. The FPMS utilizes a written instrument called a Summative Observation Form. This form is used to evaluate teacher performance by recording the types of effective and ineffective behaviors observed in four domains: management of student conduct, instructional organization, presentation of subject matter and communication skills. Jensen has previously observed teachers with performance problems on the NEAT procedure. The report provided by Jensen to Respondent and Luke Thornton was based on actual behaviors of Respondent which she observed. Jensen noted in the report that students were talking to one another and not participating in the activity at hand. Jensen provided specific recommendations for improvement in all the areas addressed by the Summative Observation Form. According to Jensen, the main problem with Respondent's teaching technique was the lack of several positive teaching behaviors. She offered Respondent a conference and assistance, but he rejected her offer. Respondent was also observed by Lois Biddix on October 29, 1984. She is a FPMS certified state trainer and is authorized to train administrators to observe teachers. Biddix used the Summative Observation Form in her observation of Respondent. Biddix provided a written summary to Respondent and to Luke Thornton. She observed students talking and engaging in activities unrelated to the lesson. The atmosphere in the classroom, she observed, was sedentary and lethargic. Students suffered from boredom and frustration caused by Respondent's lack of enthusiasm and failure to introduce new content into the lesson. Biddix's observation of students talking, putting on makeup and sleeping are consistent with those of Berryman and Jensen. Biddix's concern was that students were not involved in the learning process. Her recommendations for improvement were consistent with those noted by Jensen. Dr. Jensen completed a second observation of Respondent on January 31, 1985. Again, she provided a written summary of her observations to Respondent and Luke Thornton. On this occasion, Respondent was presenting a lesson and students were not paying attention or participating in the class discussion. Respondent became frustrated with a student who made a personal remark to him. Jensen's recommendations for improvement were basically the same as those proposed by her in October, 1984. She again offered to arrange a conference with Respondent to discuss recommendations and he again spurned her offer. In response to a recommendation by Earl Higgs that Respondent observe successful teachers in their classrooms, Respondent advised that he wanted to observe Catherine Thornton and Mike Lott. Respondent did not associate with these teachers professionally or otherwise. Both Lott and Catherine Thornton requested that Respondent not be allowed to observe their classes. This request was honored by Luke Thornton because he was aware that Respondent disliked these two teachers. Respondent's annual evaluation for the 1984-85 school year indicated the atmosphere in his class was not conducive to learning. He was criticized again concerning the discipline of his class. It was also noted that he continued to make unprofessional comments to his students despite warnings not to do so. Luke Thornton had reviewed specific incidents of such conduct with Respondent during the school year. The evaluation also noted Respondent's failure to adhere to defined duty days after warnings, other poor work habits (i.e., lesson plans) , and his inability to get along with his peers. The 1985-86 School Year Luke Thornton extended the NEAT procedure for Respondent through November 1985, with the hope that Respondent's performance would improve. In the August 19, 1985 letter, Thornton stated: In order to assure that you are given every opportunity to be successful, I am extending the NEAT procedure to November 1, 1985. If at that time, the deficiencies consistently noted . . . continue to exist, I will make my recommendation to the superintendent concerning your employment status with the Palm Beach County School Board. The testimony of Respondent's students for the first semester of the 1985-86 school year confirm that Respondent did not change his teaching techniques despite suggestions given to him for improvement. 9l. One student testified that on the first day of class Respondent told the students they were immature. Other students testified to Respondent's repeated statements that they were immature, childish and that he did not like them. Further, Respondent continued to discuss his problems with the administration during class time. Classroom temperature remained uncomfortable. Respondent advised students to complain to the administration. In one instance, a student vomited in the classroom, creating a foul odor. Although students complained about the smell and administrators located another available classroom, Respondent refused to move his classes. Students testified that Respondent's reputation among them was that he was a "jerk" and a bad teacher who was not liked or respected. Several students stated that they would not want Respondent as their teacher again. He had a bad attitude and they either did not learn anything or they did not learn as much as they felt they should. Respondent did display improvement in taking roll call issuing progress reports, adhering to defined duty days and reducing the number of failures in his classes. He continued to fail to attend open house and to provide adequate lesson plans. In addition to Ms. Cowne and Mr. Culp, Linda Chubbuck was assigned as dean at John I. Leonard High School for the 1985-86 school year. Chubbuck received referrals of students from Respondent which were usually for such minor infractions as talking in class, refusing to be quiet, or not writing "punishment sentences". Student and parent complaints were received by the deans as a result of Respondent continued making students write repetitious sentences. Groups of students were still referred by Respondent. On two occasions, Chubbuck was referred nine to ten students at one time. Cowne was referred six students at one time. The groups were usually referred by Respondent because the students were not being quiet, would not settle down or were otherwise causing disruption. The students who were referred to the deans described Respondent's classes as chaotic. They described Respondent as "caustic and cutting with them." Further, Respondent did not take action to control his classes and rarely instructed students concerning behavior. The deans continued to answer Respondent's requests to come to his class to settle the class down. David Culp saw no improvement in Respondent's ability to control his classes over a three year period. Respondent continued to have more referrals than other teachers, and it was difficult to support Respondent's actions. Due to the constant chaos in Respondent's classes, the deans concluded that very little learning could be taking place. The number of referrals from those classes decreased sharply after Respondent was later suspended from the school. Guidance counselors continued, during this school year, to receive the same type of complaints about Respondent as they had in the past. The only difference was the names of the students making the complaints. The guidance counselors concluded that Respondent was not benefiting students emotionally or academically. Dr. Mona Jensen conducted her third and final observation of Respondent on December 2, 1985. She observed that Respondent's pattern of instruction had not changed. She determined his lesson plan to be insufficient. Respondent had not added any of Jensen's prior recommended positive behaviors to his technique. Respondent continued to fail to provide motivational or positive reinforcement to his students. Jensen concluded that Respondent's "teaching behaviors" were ineffective, ranking Respondent below average as a teacher. Jensen testified that a teacher's behavior should not change based upon the quality of the students. Further, a professional should not allow personal problems with the administration to interfere with providing successful opportunities to students. H.W. Berryman conducted a second observation of Respondent in December, 1985. Berryman was more complimentary of Respondent than was Jensen. Berryman noted Respondent had improved in getting instruction started in the class. He also commended Respondent's knowledge of the subject matter, but noted Respondent seemed to be writing off a majority of the students in the class by allowing them to be inactive and uninvolved in the learning process. Respondent did not communicate well with other social studies teachers at any time at issue in this cause. No improvement of Respondent's behavior in this area was noted during the first semester of the 1985-86 school year. He had heated words for Catherine Thornton, the department chairperson, and expressed his disdain for her. He accused another teacher of theft of a map from his classroom. The atmosphere of the workroom for social studies teachers at the school was hostile and uncomfortable when Respondent was there. Respondent continued to perceive his assignment to teach 9th graders to be a demotion. His peers did not agree. Testimony of teachers indicates that each level of teaching has unique problems. Some teachers volunteered to teach 9th grade. Respondent had difficulty with the administration over reserved parking spaces for the deans, refusing to refrain from parking in the places reserved for them until ordered by Luke Thornton to park elsewhere. The school's security officer was asked by Respondent to investigate the theft of pens and pencils from his desk, as well the source of a stick figure drawing of Respondent. The security officer had not received similar requests from other teachers. An evaluation of Respondent on November 18, 1983, noted he did not have an up to date plan book; that parent complaints about Respondent's unwillingness to work to resolve student problems had been received; and that Respondent remained unable to have a positive relationship with coworkers. Respondent was on the NEAT procedure for a total of 16 academic months. During that time, Respondent's teaching style did not change. He continued to make disparaging remarks to students, failed to provide classroom management and failed to improve his peer relationships. He did not attend open house functions, and failed to maintain adequate lesson plans. Parent and student complaints about him did not diminish. District administrators and school personnel were unable to influence Respondent to change his behavior. Due to Respondent's inability to change and the finding that Respondent was damaging students, Luke Thornton recommended Respondent be terminated from employment. Respondent was suspended in February of 1986, and subsequently terminated from employment by the school board. In Luke Thornton's professional opinion, which is credited, Respondent performed incompetently as an educator from the fall of 1981 until his termination. Further, Respondent's personal conduct during that time seriously reduced his effectiveness as an employee of the district school board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered revoking Respondent's teaching certificate. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of August, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of August, 1988. APPENDIX The following constitutes my specific rulings, in accordance with section 120.59, Florida Statutes, on findings of fact submitted by the parties. PETITIONER'S PROPOSED FINDINGS Petitioner submitted 128 proposed findings of fact. Those findings are treated as follows: 1. Included in finding 2.-3. Included in part in findings 1-3, remainder rejected as unnecessary for conclusion reached. 4.-5. Included in findings 4-5. 6. Included in findings 6-7. 7.-8. Included in findings 9-10. Included in finding 12. Included in finding 11. Included in part in finding 6, remainder rejected. Included in finding 7. Addressed in findings 13-14. 14.-15. Addressed in finding 14. 16. Included in finding 15. 17.-18. Addressed in findings 16 and 14. Included in finding 17. Included in finding 18. 21.-22. Included in findings 18-19. 23.-24. Included in findings 20-21. Included in finding 23. Included in finding 24. Included in finding 25. 28.-30. Included in findings 26-28. Included in finding 29. Included in finding 30. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 34.-35. Included in finding 32. 36.-37. Included in findings 33-34. Included in finding 31. Included in finding 36. 40.-41. Included in findings 37-39. 42.-43. Included in findings 41-42. 44. Addressed in part in finding 43. Remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 45.-55. Included in findings 44-54. 56.-57. Addressed in finding 55. Included in finding 56. Included in finding 48. 60.-61. Included in findings 56-57. 62. Included in findings 58-59. 63.-64. Included in findings 60-61. 65.-66 Included in finding 62. 67.-70. Included in findings 63-66. 71.-75. Included in findings 67-70. 76.-83. Included in findings 72-77. 84.-85. Included in finding 76. 86. Included in finding 71. 87.-94. Included in findings 77-83. 95.-128. Included in findings 85-111, except for a portion of proposed finding 122 which is rejected as unnecessary for conclusion reached. RESPONDENT'S PROPOSED FINDINGS Respondent submitted 145 proposed findings of fact. They were encompassed in 52 pages and are treated as follows: 1.-19. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached and cumulative. 20.-24. Included in part in findings 13-14, and 21; remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 25. Addressed in part in finding 15. Remainder unnecessary for conclusion. 26.-28. Rejected as unnecessary for conclusion reached. 29.-31. Addressed in part in finding 20. Remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 32.-33. Included in findings 37-38. 34. Included in finding 60. 35.-36. Included in part in finding 88, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 37.-38. Included in part in finding 108, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 39.-40. Included in part in findings 3133, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 41.-52. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. Included in part in findings 20-22, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. Included in part in finding 40, remainder unnecessary to conclusion. Included in finding 23 in part, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 57.-63. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 64.-65. Included in part in finding 93, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 66.-73. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. 74. Included in part in finding 113-114, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 75.-80. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. Addressed in finding 45. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. 83.-84. Included in part in finding 46, remainder unnecessary to conclusion reached. 85. Rejected, unnecessary. 86.-87. Addressed in part in findings 46 and 57, respectively; remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 88. Included in part in finding 88. Remainder unnecessary. 89.-90. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. 91.-96. Included in part in findings 34-35, remainder rejected as unnecessary. 97.-100. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. 101.-102. Included in part in finding 14, remainder unnecessary to conclusion. 103.-107. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 108.-113. Included in part in findings 58-59, and 79; remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 114.-118. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 119.-120. Included in part in finding 87, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 121.-123. Rejected as unnecessary to conclusion reached. l24.-125. Included in part in finding 80. Remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 126.-129. Included in part in findings 81-84, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. Included in part in finding 67. Remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. Included in part in finding 86, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. Rejected, unnecessary to conclusion and cumulative. Included in part in finding 88, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. Included in part in finding 89, remainder rejected as unnecessary. 135.-136. Rejected, unnecessary to conclusion reached. 137.-141. Included in part in findings 102-103, remainder unnecessary to conclusion. 142.-143. Included in part in finding 85, remainder rejected as unnecessary to conclusion. 144.-145. Included in part in finding 110, remainder rejected as unnecessary. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire 325 John Knox Road Suite C-135 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Thomas W. Young, III, Esquire 208 West Pensacola Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Sydney H. McKenzie, Esquire General Counsel Department of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Martin B. Schapp, Administrator. Professional Practices Services Department of Education 319 W. Madison Street, Room 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Karen B. Wilde Executive Director Education Practices Commission 125 Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000072 Latest Update: Aug. 06, 1982

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Donald D. Johnson, holds Florida teaching certificate No. 468965, which is valid through June 30, 1984. On November 15, 1979, the Respondent filed his application for Florida teacher's certificate, upon which he swore that he had not been convicted of a crime. That application was received by the Petitioner on December 10, 1979, and after processing, his teaching certificate was issued to him on December 20, 1979. The Respondent pled guilty to a charge of petit larceny, and adjudication of guilt was withheld on or about March 13, 1977. The Respondent also pled guilty to a charge of driving with an unlawful blood alcohol level and was adjudicated guilty thereof on or about September 5, 1979. The Petitioner established that the Respondent failed to disclose these altercations with the criminal justice system on his application for his Florida teacher's certificate. In fact, he affirmatively swore that he had not been convicted of a crime. The Petitioner, in at least seventeen (17) recent cases, has followed a policy of imposing at least a one-year suspension and sometimes a one-year revocation in cases such as this. The Petitioner also established that its historical policy has been to grant licensure when an applicant has disclosed such criminal violations on his application, but it has consistently revoked, and has been upheld in revoking, certificates for affirmative misrepresentations by applicants on their applications for certificates to the effect that they have had no criminal convictions when such is not the case. There is no question that the Respondent falsified his application and falsely maintained that he had no criminal convictions. There is also no question that his certificate to teach in the State of Florida was initially issued to him by the Petitioner in reliance upon that misrepresentation, which reliance has been proven to be misplaced.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, the evidence in the record and the the pleadings and arguments of counsel for the Petitioner, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED: That the Education Practices Commission enter a final order revoking the Respondent's teaching certificate for a period of one (1) year. DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of June, 1982 at Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of June, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, BERG & HOLDER P.O. Box 1694 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Donald D. Johnson 5856 Wiltshire Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32216 Donald L. Griesheimer, Executive Director Education Practices Commissioner Department of Education The Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 The Honorable Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner Department of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.60
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