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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000670 Latest Update: May 06, 1981

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Grove Isle, Ltd. is the developer of a 510 unit three-tower condominium project on an island now known as Grove Isle in Biscayne Bay. As part of the project Grove Isle plans to construct a ninety slip pleasure boat marina on the west side of the island. Since its inception, the project has been in litigation between the parties to this Proceeding. See Bayshore Homeowners Association, Inc., et al v. DER, DOAH Case No. 79-2186, 79-2324 and 79-2354; State ex rel. Gardner v. Sailboat Key, Inc., 295 So.2d 658 (Fla. 3rd D.C.A. 1974); Doheny vs. Sailboat Key, Inc., 306 So.2d 616 (Fla. 3rd D.C.A. 1974); Bayshore Homeowners Association, Inc. v. Ferre, Case No. 80-101-AP (Circuit Court, Appellate Division, Dade County, September 16, 1980). Petitioners Doheny and Filer have their residences near the site of the proposed marina. In the past they have used the waters in and around this site for fishing, boating and swimming. If the marina is constructed their use of the waters in the immediate area of the marina could be limited somewhat. While Petitioner Jaffer does not live in the immediate area of the marina, he also uses the waters of Biscayne Bay around Grove Isle for recreation. The project could have some minimal impact on his use of those waters. The protesting organizations: Bayshore Homeowners Association, Inc., Coconut Grove Civil Club, Tigertail Association, and the Tropical Audubon Society, Inc. all have members who use the waters of Biscayne Bay in the area of the project for nature study or recreation. The use of these waters by their members could be diminished in some degree if the marina is constructed. That portion of Grove Isle from which the marina will project is owned by Grove Isle Club, Inc., an entity created to operate the recreational facilities appurtenant to the Grove Isle Condominium. The Club is an integral part of the Grove Isle condominium project. Membership in the Club is mandatory for unit owners. It is the plan of Grove Isle, Ltd. that after the marina is constructed the individual wet-slips will be sold to only condominium owners. Grove Isle, Ltd. expects to realize a onetime profit from the sale of each slip. The slips would therefore not produce a periodic or reoccurring income to the developer. In the recent past, DNR has interpreted its rules relating to submerged land leases not to require a lease for the construction of a marina over submerged state lands if the marina will not generate a regular income. Evidence of this practice dates back to June 8, 1978. On March 29, 1979, Grove Isle applied to DNR for a state lease of the submerged lands over which the proposed marina would be constructed. By a letter of April 4, 1979, from Daniel S. Meisen, Administrator, Operations Section, Bureau of State Lands, the Department informed Grove Isle that a lease would not be required. The full text of the letter follows: April 4, 1979 Ms. Pat Bourguin Post, Buckley, Schub and Jernigan, Inc. 7500 Northwest 52nd Street Miami, Florida 33166 Dear Ms. Bourguin: Martin Margulies A review of the above referenced application has aided us in determining that a lease will not be required although the submerged bottom lands are state-owned. Submerged land leases are not re- quired for private docks or non-income producing facilities. Your $150.00 refund is being processed and will be forwarded to you within the next two months. If we can be of further assistance in this matter, please contact Laura Lewallen of this office. Sincerely, Daniel S. Meisen Administrator Operations Section Bureau of State Lands DSM/11m cc: DER West Palm Beach Health Department The State of Florida owns the submerged lands to the west of Grove Isle over which the marina would be constructed. Beginning in the fall of 1979 and continuing through the spring of 1980, there was a string of correspondence between DNR, Mr. Doheny and Grove Isle. This was its basic pattern. Mr. Doheny would write to DNR with some information indicating in his opinion that the proposed marina would not be private in nature, that is, persons other than condominium owners might be able to use the wet-slips. In response to Mr. Doheny's letter DNR would then query Grove Isle requesting assurances that the marina would be private. At least three of these inquiries, April 26, 1979; October 26, 1979; and February 12, 1980, appear in the record. Grove Isle then responded with letters indicating in various ways that the marina would not be income producing. It is apparent from some of the correspondence that there were also oral communications among the parties. The contents of these communications do not appear in the record. Finally on March 13, 1980, Mr. Doheny wrote to DNR on behalf of the Homeowner Petitioners to express his disagreement with the Department's position previously expressed in correspondence dating back to April 4, 1979, that if the proposed marina is limited to only condominium owners and does not produce direct income then it does not require a lease. Mr. Dean on behalf of Dr. Gissendaner replied to Mr. Doheny on March 24, 1980, by reiterating the Department's consistent position on this project. The text of the letter fellow's: March 24, 1980 David A. Doheny, Esquire 1111 South Bayshore Drive Miami, Florida 33131 Re: Grove Isle Marina Dear David: Dr. Gissendanner asked that I respond to your letter dated March 13, 1980 regarding Grove Isle Marina. Attached his a copy of the affidavit executed by Grove Isle, Ltd. and the subsequent letter to Grove Isle, Ltd. from the Department of Natural Resources. It is the position of the Department of Natural Resources that where a condominium marina will derive no income from the rental or lease of boat slips and furthermore, where all slips will be used exclusively by the condominium unit purchasers that the marina is not a commercial/industrial docking facility requiring a lease from the Trustees pursuant to Rule 16C-12.14, F.A.C. and Chapter 253.03, F.S. (1979). This position is based on the proposition that riparian rights attached to a single condominium unit purchaser as do riparian rights for a single family lot owner who likewise is exempt from a submerged land lease. Sincerely, Henry Dean Assistant Department Attorney Division of State Lands HD/le Enclosures cc: Elton J. Gissendanner Richard P. Ludington On May 3, 1979, the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund passed a resolution which states in pertinent part that: Where the Trustees have title, by either deed of conveyance or sovereignty pursuant to 1 and/or 2 above, and where any person has requested an environmental or other permit and where the Trustees neither by statute nor rule must give permission for the use involved in the permit, the Execu- tive Director is authorized to indicate, by letter or otherwise, said circumstances and that no action by the Trustees is necessary for the said use; . . . Subsequently Mr. Jaffer, the Homeowners and Mr. Filer filed their petitions for administrative hearings on April 2, 1980, 4/ April 9, 1980, and April 21, 1980, respectively. DNR's position concerning a lease requirement was well known to all of the Petitioners by at least January 2 and 3, 1980, the date of the final hearing on the related DER cases for the instant project. 5/

Recommendation For the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department of Natural Resources issue a final order dismissing the petitions in Case Nos. 80-670, 80-768, and 80-815. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 11th day of December, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL PEARCE DODSON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of December, 1980.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57120.65253.03380.06
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-001752 Latest Update: Apr. 08, 1987

The Issue The issue for resolution in this proceeding is whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Notice to Show Cause: Failure to deliver to the association a review of financial records for the required period. Section 718.301(4)(c) F.S. (1981). Failure to fund reserves. Section 718.112(2)(k) F.S. (1981). Failure to turn over converter reserves. Section 718.301(4)(d) F.S. (1981). Charging the association $10,000 for management services without documentation of the contract for the services. Section 718.115(1) F.5. (1981). If it is determined that violations occurred, the remaining issue is what corrective action and civil penalties are appropriate.

Findings Of Fact The parties have stipulated to the following facts: Batura Enterprises, Inc. (Batura) is the developer, as defined in Section 718.103(13) F.S., of a residential conversion condominium known as English Park, in Melbourne, Florida. The condominium association for English Park was incorporated on December 2, 1980. The declaration of condominium for English Park was recorded in the public records on January 22, 1981. Turnover of control of the condominium association from control by the developer to control by unit owners other than the developer pursuant to Section 718.301 F.S., occurred on May 31, 1982. (Joint exhibit #1.) A review of financial statements dated January 19, 1983, was delivered to the condominium association. The review covers a ten-month period commencing August 1, 1981, and ending May 31, 1982. (Joint Exhibit #4.) A supplemental turnover review, performed during the course of this litigation and signed on February 7, 1987, covers the period from incorporation of the condominium association on December 2, 1980, through July 31, 1981. (Joint exhibit #6.) The function of the review is to provide an accounting during the time that the developer is responsible for the association, and to insure that assessments are charged and collected. (Testimony of Eric Larsen, C.P.A., qualified without objection as an expert in condominium accounting.) The proposed operating budget included $15,248.00 for an annual reserve account ($1,270 per month). (Joint exhibit *5, p. 83.) Based on this, the reserve account from the creation of the condominium, January 22, 1981, until the date of turnover, May 31, 1982 should have been $20,688.71 (sixteen months and nine days). The "election period" provided in Section 718.116(8)(a) F.S. (1979) is addressed in the Condominium documents, p. 31: F. Common Expenses payable by the Developer. Until the sale of the first Unit in the Condominium, Developer shall be solely responsible for all expenses of the Condominium. Following the first closing, the Unit Owner in whom title shall have been vested shall be responsible for his proportionate share of Common Expenses, based upon his percentage interest in the Common Elements. The Developer shall be excused from payment of the share of the Common Expenses and Assessments relating to the unsold units after the recording of this Declaration for a period of time which shall terminate on the first day of the fourth calendar month following the month in which the closing of the sale of the first unit occurs. The Developer shall pay the portion of expenses incurred during that period which exceeds the amount assessed against other Unit Owners. (Joint Exhibit #5.) The first units were sold in April 1981. (Joint Exhibit #2, p. 2). Therefore, the "election period" ended on August 1, 1981. The turnover review does not reflect the existence of the $20,688.71 reserve fund at the time of turnover on May 31, 1982. Instead, it reflects a certificate of deposit in the amount of $18,795.00 that was created as a "reserve for transition operations". This was derived from initial payments made by the owners to the association to provide working capital for the start- up phase. (Joint Exhibit #4., testimony of Philip Batura.) These "initial assessments" are addressed in the condominium documents: G. Initial Assessments. When the initial Board, elected or designated pursuant to these By-laws, takes office, it shall determine the budget as defined in this Section for the period cornencing 30 days after their election or designation and ending on the last day of the fiscal year in which their election or designation occurs. Assessment shall be levied against the Unit Owners during said period as provided in this Article. The Board will levy an "initial assessment" against the initial purchaser at the time he settles on his purchase contract. Such initial assessment shall be in an amount equal to two months regular assessments, and shall be utilized for commencing the business of the Association and providing the necessary working fund for it. In addition, the initial purchaser shall pay the pro-rated portions of the monthly assessments for the remaining balance of the month in which closing takes place. The initial assessment and other assessments herein provided shall be paid by each subsequent purchaser of a Unit; no Unit Owner shall be entitled to reimbursement from the Association for payment of the initial assessment. Developer shall not be liable to pay any initial assessment. (Emphasis added) (Joint Exhibit #5, p. 31.) Based on the above, it is apparent that none of the $18,975.00 was contributed by the developer. Between April 1, 1981, and August 1, 1981, 60 percent of the units were sold. (Testimony of Philip Batura. Joint exhibit #4, attachment C.) Therefore at any given point in time between those dates, at least 40 percent of the units were in the hands of the developer. Between August 1, 1981 and turnover at the end of May 1982, an additional 30 percent of the units were sold, for a total of 90 percent. (Testimony of Philip Batura.) This means a minimum of 10 percent of the units were in the hands of the developer at any point between those dates. While Philip Batura claims that reserves were waived by a majority of members pursuant to Section 718.1l2(2)(k), F.S. (1981), he produced no evidence of that. He admitted that the action is not reflected in association minutes. (Joint Exhibit #1.) Reserves are included in the proposed budget filed with the condominium documents. (Joint Exhibit #5.) Reserves are noted in the supplemental financial review provided by the developer: ENGLISH PARK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (UNAUDITED) (SEE ACCOUNTANT'S REVIEW REPORT) JULY 31, 1981. NOTE 1 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES RESERVES - The Association's policy is to currently fund all expected replacements and major repairs of commonly owned assets. Should restricted funds available to meet future replacements and major repairs prove to be insufficient, the Association's Declaration provides that special assessments may be made against the unit owners. * * * (Joint Exhibit #6.) The purpose for a reserve account is to insure that funds are available in the future for replacements and deferred maintenance on the common elements. (Testimony of Eric Larsen) In addition to the statutorily-required reserves for exterior painting, roof replacement and repaving, the English Park proposed budget includes reserves for the swimming pool and "townhome hot water tanks". According to Philip Batura the budget was not amended prior to turnover. A separate reserve was required at the time of turnover because this was a condominium converted from apartments. (Testimony of Philip Batura) The only converter reserve applicable was a reserve for roofing in the amount of $6,114.00. (Joint exhibit #2, p. 2 of 11.) The Respondent has admitted its failure to turn over this reserve, but claims the obligation is offset by $10,000 in management fees which it asserts the association owes. (Joint Exhibit #1, p. 2 of 6.) Philip Batura is President of Batura Enterprises, Inc. He was elected or designated to the association board of directors at some point prior to turnover and remained on the board at turnover as he still owned some units. He mostly ran the association until the turnover in May 1982. (Testimony of Philip Batura.) Batura claims that there was an oral agreement for management services for $1,000.00 per month, commencing on August 1, 1981, between the association and Batura Enterprises, Inc. He said this was never paid by the association as there was not enough income to cover the costs of operation. The financial review covering the period August 1, 1981 to May 30, 1982, addresses the accrual of a management fee of $10,000, "...per the proposed operating budget which was recorded in the original declaration." (Joint Exhibit #4.) It is unclear where this figure was derived, as the budget does not reflect a $1,000.00 per month expense line item for management services. Included in the condominium documents is a proposed contract between the association and Eussel G. Hurren for management services. Both the fee and the term of the contract are left blank. The contract form that was filed is not signed, nor was a contract with this individual ever signed. (Testimony of Philip Batura.) The Declaration of Condominium permits a contract with a professional managing agent, including the developer. (Joint - Exhibit #5, p. 25.) No competent evidence was adduced by either party that this provision was ever fulfilled.

Recommendation Final hearing in the above-styled action was held on February 10, 1987, in Cocoa, Florida, before Mary Clark, Hearing Officer of the Division of Administrative Hearings. The parties were represented as follows: For Petitioner: Karl M. Scheuerman, Esquire Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1007 For Respondent: James S. Cheney, Esquire Post Office Drawer 10959 Melbourne, Florida 32902-1959

Florida Laws (9) 120.57718.103718.104718.112718.115718.116718.301718.501718.504
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002708 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 1983

The Issue This case concerns the issue of whether the Respondent offered condominium units for sale to the public and offered contracts for sale of those units in violation of Section 718.502(2)(a), Florida Statutes. The Respondent is charged with having offered units for sale and offered contracts prior to the time of filing the required condominium documents with the Division of Florida Land Sales and Condominiums as required by Section 718.502 and the rules promulgated thereunder. At the formal hearing, Petitioner called as its witness Luis Stabinski, an officer and 50 percent owner of the Respondent corporation. The Petitioner also presented testimony by the deposition of Luis Stabinski, which was entered into evidence as Petitioner's Exhibit 1, and the deposition of Paul Scherman, which was admitted into evidence as petitioner's Exhibit 2. Petitioner's Exhibit 3 was a deposition of William Hirsch, an investigator for the Department of Business Regulation. There was an objection made to the admissibility of the deposition of Mr. Hirsch by the Respondent on the grounds that Mr. Hirsch had previously investigated a prior development in which the owners and officers of Finst Development, Inc. were involved. The undersigned Hearing Officer took that objection under advisement and after having reviewed the deposition, overrules the objection and admits Petitioner's Exhibit 3, the deposition of William Hirsch. Petitioner also offered and had admitted Petitioner's Exhibits 4 - 9. Mr. Luis Stabinski was also called as a witness by the Respondent in the Respondent's case-in-chief. Respondent did not offer any exhibits into evidence. Counsel for the Petitioner and for the Respondent submitted proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law for consideration by the Hearing Officer. To the extent that those proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law are not adopted herein, they were considered by the undersigned Hearing Officer and determined to be irrelevant to the issues in this cause or not supported by the evidence.

Findings Of Fact Based upon a stipulation between Petitioner and Respondent, the following facts (a) through (b) are found: The condominium development which is the subject of this action is named Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North. Twenty-eight (28) contracts, other than Petitioner's Exhibit 8, for the purchase of units in the Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North bear dates or are dated by their terms prior to September 25, 1981. The Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North contains 52 units and was developed by the Respondent, Finst Development, Inc. Finst Development, Inc., is a Florida corporation for profit and is owned in equal shares by Mr. Luis Stabinski and Mr. Richard Finvarb. Mr. Finvarb was president of the corporation and Mr. Stabinski served as vice- president and secretary. On September 25, 1981, the Respondent, Finst Development, Inc., filed the following items with the Department of Business Regulation, the Division of Florida Land Sales and Condominiums: Condominium documents for Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North. Condominium filing statement. Condominium filing checklist. Check in the sum of $520.00, representing filing fee for the above-referenced condominium project. The Declaration of Condominium was executed by Richard Finvarb and Luis Stabinski on September 30, 1980. The Articles of Incorporation of Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium Association North, Inc., were executed by Richard Finvarb, Bell Stabinski, and Luis Stabinski on August 12, 1981. The bylaws for Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North were executed on August 12, 1981. Each of these three documents is part of the required filing which was filed on September 25, 1981. On December 9, 1981, the Respondent was notified by Petitioner that the review of the documents filed by the Respondent in connection with Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North was complete. That notice also informed Respondent that the documents were considered proper for filing purposes and the developer "may close on contracts for sale or lease for a lease period of more than five years." (See Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 6.) Upon the insistence of Mr. Stabinski, his law firm, Stabinski, Funt, Levine, and Vega, P.A., did all the legal work in connection with the condominium. Specifically, Mr. Paul Scherman, an associate and employee of the firm, did the legal work for the condominium. Mr. Scherman worked under the direct supervision of Mr. Stabinski. Prior to the filing of the condominium documents on September 25, 1981, the fifty-two (52) units of the condominium were offered for ale to the public. Contracts for the purchase and sale of units in the condominium were also offered to the public. Prior to filing the condominium documents on September 25, 1981, the Respondent entered into 29 contracts for the purchase and sale of units in Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North. There were no closings held on any units prior to approval of the condominium documents by the Department. During the construction and sale of units in Indian Creek Club and Marina Condominium North, Richard Finvarb was in charge of construction, sales, and supervision of the Finst Development, Inc. office and personnel. Luis Stabinski's involvement was as an investor. The documents filed by Respondent with the Department were prepared by Paul Scherman, an associate in Mr. Stabinski's law firm. Mr. Scherman also attended all closings on units and received copies of contracts entered into by Respondent for the sale of units in the condominium. Mr. Scherman was aware that contracts were being entered into prior to the filing of the condominium documents described in Paragraph 2 above. Luis Stabinski has been a practicing attorney for 13 years. He represents individual condominium purchasers and has been involved as an investor in three other condominium projects prior to the Indian Creek Club and Marina North Condominium. Following the initial filing of the condominium documents, the Respondent promptly responded to and made the changes and corrections required by the Department in two Notices of Deficiencies. After being provided with the required documents, all but five or six of the purchasers who had entered into contracts prior to the filing of the documents closed on their units. The five or six that did not close are presently in litigation with the Respondent.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department enter a final order imposing a civil penalty of $7,500 and ordering the Respondent to cease and desist from any further violations of Chapter 718 or the rules promulgated thereunder. DONE and ENTERED this 8th day of June, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARVIN E. CHAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of June, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas A. Bell, Esquire Staff Attorney Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Norman Funt, Esquire Stabinski & Funt, P.A. 757 N.W. 27th Avenue Third Floor Miami, Florida 33125 Mr. Gary Rutledge Secretary Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. E. James Kearney Director Division of Florida Land Sales and Condominiums 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (6) 718.104718.202718.501718.502718.503718.504
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Deland, Florida Feb. 14, 2007 Number: 07-000781 Latest Update: Feb. 29, 2008

The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether the Respondent committed the offenses set forth in the Administrative Complaint and if so, what if any sanction is warranted.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is an agency of the State of Florida charged, as pertinent hereto with enforcing the provisions of Chapter 455 and Chapter 489, Florida Statutes (2007), regulating the licensure, registration or certification of contractors in the State of Florida and regulating the standards of contracting practice, as well as regulating unlicensed construction and contracting pursuant to those statutory chapters. The Respondent has not been licensed to engage in contracting in Florida. On June 13, 2005, the Respondent was previously issued two notices and orders to cease and desist from practicing or performing contracting work in violation of Section 489.127(1), Florida Statutes, for performing or offering to perform contracting work without licensure. On May 10, 2006, the Respondent submitted a "Contract" to Nelson Goodreau calling for the Respondent to build a deck at Goodreau's residence located at 45 South Shell Road in DeBary, Florida. Mr. Goodreau had contacted the Respondent by calling a phone number he saw listed on an advertisement placed by the Respondent in a local newspaper. The advertisement was placed by the Respondent, holding himself out as the licensed contractor, with license number CBC 058448, and advertising to build custom decks. The Respondent had the permission of Zent Construction, Inc., through Michael Zent (hereinafter Zent), the holder of that license number CBC 058448 to reference that license number in advertising. The permission of Zent, however, was approval to advertise for contracting work, but only in the name of and on behalf of Zent Construction, Inc. In any event, the Respondent did not have any permission from Zent Construction, Inc. to use that license or license number to advertise for contracting projects on behalf of the Respondent's own business. The Respondent met with Mr. Goodreau at Goodreau's home and showed him a portfolio of pictures of his previous deck projects. The Respondent and Goodreau entered into an agreement or contract which contained the following paragraph: This project is being proposed with you, the owner acting as 'owner contractors' and as such are responsible for all municipal compliance issues relevant. The Hartwell Group, Inc. is a construction subcontracting entity and not a Florida state certified general contractor as specified in Florida law. Under this agreement, it would appear that Goodreau was to obtain any necessary permits from the municipality or county as the case may be. No permits were ever obtained for the deck project. The Respondent drew a sketch of the deck contemplated, following discussions between the Respondent, Goodreau, and Goodreau's wife, Donna. Goodreau's input in designing the deck was limited to choosing the location of benches and stairs and the shape and form of the deck railing as well as choosing composite timber as the decking material. Mr. Goodreau paid the Respondent approximately $10,600 to build the deck. Goodreau and the Respondent contemplated that he would be retained pretty much as a contractor to build the deck although the agreement stated that Goodreau was to be the "owner-contractor." Goodreau did not hire the Respondent as merely a laborer to work under Goodreau's supervision. Goodreau hired the Respondent to build a turn-key deck project. Goodreau did not contemplate nor did he closely supervise the Respondent during the construction. He occasionally did point out to the Respondent certain problems with the quality of the work of the deck which he observed and requested the Respondent to correct the problems. The Respondent did not look to Goodreau for any instructions on how to build the deck during the deck's construction. Although the contract between them indicated that Goodreau would be responsible for securing any regulatory compliance from the municipality, no permit was ever obtained for the project. Ultimately, the City of DeBary, Florida, cited Goodreau for the unpermitted deck work. On May 23, 2006, Goodreau sent an email to the Respondent asking him to correct a number of quality problems with the deck. In the email, Goodreau identified those problems and indicated to the Respondent the solutions Goodreau preferred for the correction of the problems. In responding to Goodreau's request to use a new full length board or timber for the ledger board of the deck where it attached to the house instead of wood scraps, as the Respondent had used, the Respondent answered Goodreau saying that "although this is a micromanagement request over the line," he informed Goodreau he would still accommodate the request with "no change order." The Respondent also requested Goodreau to be patient because Goodreau has "seen the up close final products of [Respondent's] recent work on decks and docks in portfolio, and know [sic] that the final products are not sloppy." When Goodreau asked the Respondent to straighten the deck joist, the Respondent replied that he would do that as part of his "already existing quality control standard and practices." Finally, when Goodreau asked to see the receipts for the materials bought by the Respondent, the Respondent angrily threatened to stop the project explaining that he does not like "controlling spirits crossing that far across the line into our inner system." This kind of language, terminology and dialogue indicates a person independently charged with completing their project and not a person employed as an employee, laborer or sub-contractor subject to the hourly and daily supervision by the owner. The Respondent's behavior during construction of the deck shows that he was not acting as a laborer but as a contractor. He did not ask Goodreau for any instructions on how to build the deck. He demanded payment like a contractor, for materials and a lump sum for the job, payable in draws for each construction phase. He resisted Goodreau's attempts to "micromanage him" and bluntly refused to account for the money paid by Goodreau for materials, justifying that such an accounting was a severe violation of his work autonomy. The entire time the Respondent acted as if, in exchange for the money paid by Goodreau, that he would deliver a satisfactory "final product" and clearly resisted Goodreau's attempts to discuss decking issues before the "final product" was delivered. His conduct shows clearly that he did not consider himself to be an employee, but rather an independent contractor.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation finding that the Respondent violated Section 489.127(1)(f), Florida Statutes, and Section 455.227(1)(q), Florida Statutes (2007), and that an administrative penalty of $2,000.00 be imposed. DONE AND ENTERED this 1st day of February, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of February, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael C. Huddleston, Esquire Clayton, Teal & Huddleston, P.A. 817 West New York Avenue Deland, Florida 32720 Charles Tunnicliff, Esquire Department of Business & Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202 Sorin Ardelean, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Ned Luczynski, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Nancy S. Terrel, Hearing Officer Office of the General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57455.227455.228489.103489.105489.127489.531
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 24, 2013 Number: 13-003704 Latest Update: Oct. 13, 2014

The Issue Whether Respondents committed the unlawful housing discrimination practices alleged in the Housing Discrimination Complaint filed with the Florida Commission on Human Relations ("FCHR") and, if so, what relief should Petitioner be granted.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an African-American female. Petitioner is a "unit owner" of a condominium located at 210-174th Street #310, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida. Said unit is located in the Winston Towers 600 Condominium ("Condominium"). Respondent, the Association, is a Florida non-profit corporation and the entity responsible for the operation of the Condominium. Respondent, Board of Directors, possesses the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Condominium. Pursuant to the Association By-Laws, the affairs of the Association are to be governed by a board of initially three, and not less than three, nor more than nine directors. Respondent, Jorge Nunez, was the President of the Association's Board of Directors at all times material to the Complaint. During his tenure, Mr. Nunez was also the chairman of the financial committee.4/ Respondent, Monica Zarante, possesses a Florida Community Association Manager ("CAM") license and at all times material was the Association's manager. Condominium Facilities and Services Pursuant to the Condominium prospectus, the following facilities have been constructed in the Condominium, and form a part of the "common elements" of the Condominium and are to be used exclusively by the unit owners, their tenants, and guests: clubroom and entertainment areas (billiard room, library, men's and women's card rooms, meeting room and kitchen, bicycle room, and large screen television room); (b) main lobby; (c) mail room; (d) laundry room and vending machine room; (e) association office; (f) four elevators; (g) recreational facilities (tennis court, recreation pavilion, men and women's health clubs, party room, and sun deck); (h) L-shaped swimming pool; (i) jogging trail; (j) two shuffleboard courts; and (k) an irregularly-shaped reflecting pool. Pursuant to the Condominium prospectus, the following are the delineated utilities and services available to the Condominium: electricity, telephone service, waste disposal, domestic water supply, sanitary sewage, storm drainage, and master antenna service. Association Committees As noted above, Petitioner's Complaint alleges that, "sometime in 2012 she was denied her right to participate on Association committees because of her race." Association By-Law 5.2 addresses committees and provides as follows: Committees. The Board of Directors may designate one or more committees which shall have the powers of the Board of Directors for the management of the affairs and business of the Association to the extent provided in the resolution designating such a committee. Any such committee shall consist of at least three members of the Association, at least one of whom shall be a Director. The committee or committees shall have such name or names as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors, and any such committee shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and report the same to the Board of Directors as required. The foregoing powers shall be exercised by the Board of Directors or its contractor, manager or employees, subject only to approval by Unit Owners when such is specifically required. Respondent Nunez credibly testified that the availability to participate on committees is open to all unit owners. If an owner wishes to be on a committee, he or she simply needs to communicate that desire to the particular committee chairperson. Mr. Nunez, at some point in time, was apparently the chairman of the financial committee. In Petitioner's direct examination of Respondent Nunez, the following exchange occurred: Q. Okay. Did you say, "You sit at this table with us, never?" A. Never. I can't say that. I can't say "never." I cannot reject anybody to belong to any committee. I can't. It's impossible. Q. Okay. A. I like you, I don't like you, you want to be on the committee, you have a right to be on the committee. Petitioner testified that she was denied access to the financial committee to which Mr. Nunez chaired. Petitioner failed, however, to present sufficient evidence for the undersigned to determine whether this alleged denial occurred during the time relevant to the allegations of Petitioner's Complaint. Even if relevant, outside of her bare assertion, which is not credited, Petitioner failed to present sufficient evidence to establish that she was ever denied the right to participate on any Association committee. As a subset, Petitioner argues that she was denied "meaningful participation" on the committees, and thus, in condominium decision-making. In support of this contention, Petitioner references the testimony from Association Board Member Audrey Bekoff. In response to Petitioner's question of "why did the Petitioner point her finger at you?," Ms. Bekoff responded as follows: I haven't got the slightest idea. When you get angry, you pull your hair, you scream, you yell, you wipe the things off Monica's desk. You knock the things off. Everybody knows you on the Board. When you come into the meeting, everybody leaves. Petitioner contends that the "refusal to allow her to participate arose from Respondents' extreme dislike for her, and this extreme dislike was likely based, at least in part, on her race." Petitioner's contention, however, is belied by the record evidence. Indeed, audio recordings of various Association meetings provide multiple examples of Petitioner's robust participation in a variety of condominium issues. Assuming, arguendo, that Petitioner provided evidence to support the position that she is not well-liked, aside from her bald allegation, she failed to present any evidence of discriminatory animus in regards to Association committee participation. Association Records Petitioner claims she was denied access to the Association's financial records (in general) and records related to a particular condominium unit, Unit 2007, on the basis of her race. Petitioner alleges that the records requests were made on July 30, 2012, and November 1, 2012. Monica Zerante testified that the Association's protocol for requesting records from the Association included submitting a request in writing, and, thereafter, the Association provides a copy of the requested document or the requesting party may be given access to find the document. She further explained that the Association's policy is to charge 25 cents per copy; however, that charge is frequently waived. Mr. Nunez provided the further detail that once the Association receives a records request, the Association has ten days to accommodate the request. Although the Association has established rules regarding the frequency and time of record inspections and copying, Mr. Nunez credibly testified that same were not enforced concerning Petitioner. It is undisputed that on at least one occasion, while Petitioner was present in the Association's office for the purpose of inspecting/reviewing Association documents, a conflict arose between Petitioner and Monica Zerante such that Ms. Zerante requested law enforcement assistance. In support of her contention that she was treated differently because of her race, Petitioner testified as follows: Okay. Mr. Nunez, while not on the Board, goes to the office and he gets a monthly statement of the Association operating budget on a monthly basis and he is entitled to that. I go and request the same thing and I'm told I have to pay for it. And if I object to paying for it, then the police is called. * * * Q. You have no evidence that Mr. Nunez, when he was off the Board, did not similarly have to pay for records, correct? A. I have seen with my eyes that he has not. Q. Well, you have no idea if he actually paid for those records separately, do you? A. I've never seen him pay for that. Inconsistently, Petitioner subsequently testified that, at times, like Mr. Nunez, she was also provided documents free of charge. Petitioner failed to present sufficient evidence to establish that any document that the Association was required to maintain (and not prohibited from disclosure) was not, in fact, provided or made available for inspection. Respondents' witnesses credibly testified that Petitioner had access to all available documents, and their testimony was buttressed by the record evidence. Furthermore, a review of the record reveals that Respondents' legal counsel, on multiple occasions, provided written responses to Petitioner's document requests.5/ Even if Petitioner had presented sufficient evidence to establish that she was denied access to the Association's records, Petitioner failed to present sufficient evidence to establish that any such denial was due to any discriminatory animus on the basis of her race.6/ Access to Property Petitioner's Access The original Condominium Rules and Regulations provided that, "[a]utomobiles belonging to residents must at all times bear the identifying garage sticker provided by the Association." On July 27, 2011, Ms. Zarante, on behalf of the Condominium, authored a memorandum to all residents. The contents of the memorandum are as follows: DEAR RESIDENT, PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT AS OF TODAY, YOU MUST DISPLAY THE CAR BARCODE LABEL IN YOUR CARS AT ALL TIMES, WHILE COMING INTO THE BUILDING SO YOU CAN USE THE RESIDENT'S ENTRANCE GATE AND WHILE YOUR CAR IS PARKED IN YOUR ASSIGNED PARKING SPACE. ALSO, THE DRIVER SIDE OF THE CAR'S WINDSHIELD MUST DISPLAY THE WINSTON TOWERS LABEL SHOWING THE SPACE NUMBER. IN CASE YOU DO NOT HAVE THE BARCODE LABEL OR THE WINSTON TOWERS LABEL, PLEASE, STOP BY THE OFFICE IN ORDER TO GET THEM. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE CAR BARCODE LABEL DISPLAYED IN YOUR CAR, WE ASK YOU TO PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING THE VISITOR'S GATE AND TO ALWAYS USE THE RESIDENT'S ENTRANCE GATE. On that same date, Ms. Zarante, on behalf of the Condominium, authored a memorandum to the gate security personnel. Said memorandum set forth the same information as above, and further advised the gate personnel to advise residents without the requisite barcode and label to stop by the office to obtain the same. The memorandum further instructed the security personnel as follows: SHOULD THE RESIDENT WITH A CAR BARCODE LABEL ALREADY PLACED IN THE CAR STILL DECIDES [sic] TO USE THE VISITOR'S GATE, PLEASE TELL THEM THAT YOU WILL ONLY OPEN THAT TIME FOR THEM, THAT IN THE FUTURE THEY MUST USE THE RESIDENT'S ENTRANCE GATE AS YOU WILL NOT OPEN FOR THEM. SHOULD THEY HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH THE BARCODE LABEL, PLEASE TELL THEM TO STOP BY THE OFFICE. On September 8, 2011, the Board of Directors issued a memorandum to "Residents Using Visitor's Gate" entitled "FINAL NOTICE/RESIDENT BUILDING ACCESS." The memorandum advised the residents as follows: DEAR RESIDENT, PLEASE BE INFORMED THAT YOU MUST DISPLAY THE CAR BARCODE LABEL IN YOUR CARS AT ALL TIMES. YOU MUST USE THE CAR BARCODE LABEL AND USE THE RESIDENT'S ENTRANCE WHEN ENTERING OUR BUILDING. SHOULD YOU CONTINUE USING THE VISITOR'S GATE, WHICH IS FOR VISITORS AND DELIVERIES ONLY, YOU WILL NOT BE ADMITTED. AS AN OWNER/RESIDENT YOU WILL BE PERMITTED TO ENTER; HOWEVER, YOUR AUTOMOBILE WILL NOT. IF YOU LEAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE IN THE VISITOR'S ENTRANCE THE POLICE WILL BE NOTIFIED AND YOUR AUTOMOBILE WILL BE TOWED. PLEASE, ABIDE BY THE RULES AND REGULATIONS TO AVOID FUTURE PROBLEMS. The Condominium maintained regular office hours of 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for residents to obtain the aforementioned barcode/label. On or about September 14, 2011, Petitioner attempted to enter the Condominium using the visitors' gate. Despite being advised of the barcode/label requirement and the admonition against using the visitors' gate, Petitioner had not acquired the barcode/label. After the security officer advised Petitioner that he was not permitted to open the visitors' gate for residents, Petitioner entered the security gate house and opened the gate herself. As a result of her actions, law enforcement was called to the scene, and ultimately Petitioner gained access to the Condominium. Subsequently, as a result of Petitioner's actions, she was advised via correspondence that her actions were improper.7/ After obtaining the requisite barcode/label, there is no evidence that Petitioner experienced any further inconvenience regarding the gate. The undersigned finds that Petitioner was not denied access to her property. The undersigned further finds that Petitioner presented no evidence that any inconvenience regarding the gate was due to her race. Petitioner's Son Visitors of unit owners were required to pay $2.00 to park in the guest parking lot. Unit owners, like Petitioner, for the convenience of their guests, were permitted to pre-pay for a guest if the guest was anticipated to arrive that day. Carlos Devesa, a security guard at the front gate, testified that a special exception was made for Petitioner, wherein she was allowed to accept a deposit for her guests for a longer period of time. Petitioner testified that on one occasion, a security guard, who is not an employee of the Condominium or the Association, delivered a package to Petitioner's son at the front gate. Petitioner extrapolates that benefit into a denial of access to her property: Security was trying to be nice by greeting him off the property with a package that was left on the property for him. Q. Okay. What evidence do you have that was based on race? A. In the case of my son, again, he was denied access to come to the property. It wasn't because of parking, so maybe you should have been asking security what was his motivation. Q. I'm asking you because you made the allegation. A. Well, I believe that he met him out at the street because he wanted to interfere with his right to come on the property. The undersigned finds that Petitioner's son was not denied access to Petitioner's property. The undersigned further finds that Petitioner failed to present any evidence that Petitioner's son's access to Petitioner's property was denied due to her or his race. Lien Between the twelfth and fifteenth day of each month, the Association runs a "delinquency report." If it is determined that a unit owner or resident is delinquent (in maintenance fees, assessments, etc.) an initial letter is issued reminding of the delinquency. If the delinquency is not then satisfied, a thirty (30) day certified letter is issued. Thereafter, if the delinquency is not cured, the Association ceases to be involved and refers the matter to the Association's legal counsel for further handling. It is undisputed that Petitioner became delinquent in maintenance fees. Following the above protocol, a lien was ultimately placed on Petitioner's unit. Thereafter, Petitioner satisfied the maintenance fees; however, she refused to pay the attorneys' fees associated with the legal process. Petitioner contends that she was treated differently in the lien process due to her race. In support of her position, Petitioner believes that Unit 2007 was not subject to the same protocol. The evidence establishes that Unit 2007 was delinquent for a longer period of time than Petitioner's unit prior to being sent to the Association's counsel. Unlike Petitioner's unit, however, Unit 2007 was placed in foreclosure, and was ultimately sold through a foreclosure sale. The undersigned finds that a lien was placed on Petitioner's unit. The undersigned finds that Petitioner presented no evidence to establish that the lien process was initiated due to her race.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of July, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S TODD P. RESAVAGE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of July, 2014.

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Augustine, Florida Feb. 05, 1990 Number: 90-000709 Latest Update: Aug. 15, 1990

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is authorized statutorily to license and regulate real estate salesmen and brokers. At all times material to these charges, Donald J. Munch was a licensed real estate salesman holding license number 045938. From December, 1987 through May 30, 1989, Munch was licensed as a salesman with Active One Realty, Inc., Winter Park, Florida. He now holds a broker's license. Sand Dollar Condominium Association was an association of condominium owners who owned apartments in Sand Dollar Condominiums. Owners of apartments in the condominium had entered into agreements with the association to rent out their apartments. This agreement provided that the association would receive 20% of the rents received. Munch was the owner of Four Seasons Properties (Four Seasons), a property management company, which contracted with Sand Dollar Condominium Association (Sand Dollar) from December 13, 1987 until May 30, 1989 to provide various management services, including but not limited to, recruiting, hiring and supervising all personnel; installing and maintaining an electronic bookkeeping system; collecting monthly assessments; maintaining a bank account; preparing and mailing delinquent notices; auditing accounts and records; and collecting delinquencies; negotiating outside contracts for Sand Dollar; and supervising a rental program organization with advertising, printing, electronic bookkeeping, rotation scheduling and mailings. Although not specifically stated, Four Seasons was to collect for the rental of apartments. Four Seasons was to be paid for its management services $2,000.00 per month payable on the first of every month during the duration of the contract. It is uncontroverted that, in addition to this compensation, Four Seasons also received 15% of the 20% of receipts from the rental of apartments which were payable to Sand Dollar by the owners of apartments who participated in the rental program provided by the association and managed by Four Seasons. It is uncontroverted that, when Four Seasons began management of the condominium, the condominium was over $10,000.00 in arrears with regard to money used by the association for upkeep of the condominium which had been taken from the rental escrow accounts. Four Seasons, through its owner Munch, rented apartments for the association, collected fees from owners, rents from lessees, deposited the proceeds into the bank account of Four Seasons maintained in accordance with its contract with the association, and accounted periodically to the association and owners during the period of its management. The Respondent's broker knew of the Respondent's activities and did not expect commissions or deposits to his account from the Respondent. Four Seasons and Munch assert that Sand Dollar owed Four Seasons $7,100.00 when their contract was terminated. Four Seasons provided Sand Dollar a complete financial statement and a check for $10,079.92 to Sand Dollar. Four Seasons retained $7,100.00, the amount which it claimed it was owed by Sand Dollar. Subsequently, Sand Dollar sued Four Seasons over the $7,100.00 claim and Munch paid the money into Sand Dollar's attorney's trust account.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Administrative Complaint be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of August, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of August, 1990. COPIES FURNISHED: Janine A. Bamping, Esq. Senior Attorney Department of Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street P.O. Box 1900 Orlando, FL 32802 Howard Hadley, Esq. 2352 Carolton Road Maitland, FL 32751 Kenneth E. Easley, Esq. General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Darlene F. Keller Division Director Division of Real Estate Department of Professional Regulation 400 West Robinson Street P.O. Box 1900 Orlando, FL 32801 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDERS ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION FLORIDA REAL ESTATE COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF PROFESSIONAL REGULATION, DIVISION OF REAL ESTATE, Petitioner, vs. CASE NO. 0164284 DOAH NO. 90-0709 DONALD J. MUNCH Respondent. /

Florida Laws (5) 120.57468.431475.01475.011475.25
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002614 Latest Update: Feb. 26, 1986

The Issue Whether Respondent, a condominium association, violated Section 718.112(2)(c), Florida Statutes; by holding board meetings on January 2, 7, and 16 or 17, 1985, which were not open to all unit owners and for which notice was not posted; If so, what sanctions should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, the Department of Business Regulation, Division of Florida Land Sales, Condominiums and Mobile Homes, is the state agency charged with the duty of enforcing Chapter 718, Florida Statutes, the Florida Condominium Law. Respondent, Windsor Park Condominium Association, Inc., is the condominium association responsible for a 64-unit residential condominium known as the Windsor Park North Condominium ("Condominium") located at 120 Wettaw Lane, North Palm Beach, Florida. In their Prehearing Stipulations, the parties agreed that the disputed issues are whether the Association, contrary to law, held condominium board meetings on January 2, 6 and 16 and 17, 1985, which were not open to all unit owners and for which notice was not posted. The Association contends that if such meetings were, in fact, held, they were "emergency" meetings for which notice was not required under the statute. In December 1984, a five-member board of administration was elected by the members of the Association to run the condominium association in 1985; Muriel Siebern was elected President. Until November 1984, Respondent had contracted with a professional management company known as First Columbia Management to manage the Condominium. Norma Calhoun carried out those management duties on behalf of the company. When the contract expired in November 1984, Harry Christie (then President of the Association) signed a new one-year contract, on behalf of the Association, with Florida Management Professionals, Inc., a newly formed management company which was owned by Norma Calhoun. Until November 1984, the First Columbia Management hired, fired, and supervised employees, maintenance personnel and repairmen billed and collected assessments of common expenses paid Association bills prepared the annual budget and year-end financial statements communicated with the Association's attorney and, attended unit owner meetings. From November until early January, 1985, these functions continued to be performed by Norma Calhoun, on behalf of her newly formed management company. But in early January 1985, the newly elected board of administration terminated the Association's contract with Ms. Calhoun's company and began performing the management duties of the Association without the assistance of a professional management company. II. The newly elected board of administration of the Association held four meetings between January 2 and January 17, 1985. Advance notice of these meetings was not posted on the Condominium property; and no unit owners other than members of the present (or past) board attended. The first meeting was held on January 2, 1985, at the former management company's offices in North Palm Beach. Four members of the board (a quorum) were present: Muriel Siebern, President; Sue Day, Vice President; Fred Kelly, Treasurer; and Lori Powers, Member-at-Large. Ms. Calhoun, and Harry Christie, President of the outgoing board, were also present. One purpose of this meeting was to affect a turn-over of the Association's records to the new board. Mr. Christie, outgoing president, presented the key to the locker room, financial statements for the Association from January through October 1984, the book of minutes, a history of the names and addresses of all unit owners, and the results of the vote taken at the December 1984 annual meeting. The board, however, also discussed with Ms. Calhoun the nature and performance of her management duties, reviewed various contracts, and discussed with her a pending court hearing in a lawsuit in which the Association was a party. No emergency conditions surrounded this meeting which would have precluded the posting of notice at least 48 hours in advance. Ms. Siebern had called Ms. Calhoun five days before the meeting to ask her to attend. III. On January 7, 1985, Ms. Siebern and two other members of the board (a quorum) met in the offices of Richard Breithart (the attorney who now represents the Association) to discuss the management contract which Mr. Christie had signed with Florida Management Professionals, Inc., in November 1984. (The board members had discussed the contract on the way to attorney Breithart's offices and felt it was not binding.) After Mr. Breithart concurred, the board decided to fire Ms. Calhoun and terminate the contract with her management company. After polling the two absent board members (by telephone) and obtaining their concurrence, the three board members met with Ms. Calhoun that same day at First Columbia Management's offices, and informed her of their decisions. They asked that she turn over to them all of the Association's records, including all financial statements. Some of those records were not immediately available since they were kept at the former management company's offices in Clearwater. Ms. Calhoun responded that she would retrieve the material, but that it would take several weeks to receive it. The board members asked her to call them when it was received. No one told Ms. Calhoun that an emergency existed or that there was an urgent or pressing need for the records. The board members also asked that the Association's checkbook be returned. Although the Association asserts that these were emergency meetings which excuse their failure to post 48 hours notices, no emergency has been shown. Prior to their January 7 meeting, the individual board members were given at least 24 hours notice. The ostensible "emergency" was based on the need to obtain the Association's complete records from Ms. Calhoun, but Mrs. Siebern and other members of the board became aware of the need to obtain the Association's records as early as December 1984. Moreover, the board members, thereafter, did not articulate a need to obtain the records on an emergency basis, which precluded 48 hours notice. (See letter of Ms. Siebern to Mr. Cassels, dated February 12, 1984, attached to Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2). The Association's answers to the Division's interrogatories also fail to mention the existence of an emergency. (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3) Finally, the Association has not shown any likelihood of injury if it had delayed its January 7 meeting an additional 24 hours in order to post 48-hour notices to all unit owners. Although the board encountered delay in obtaining the Association's complete records from Ms. Calhoun, no injury was shown. There is no evidence or even allegation that Ms. Calhoun was guilty of misappropriation of funds or that the Condominium's bills were not being timely paid. IV. On January 16 or 17, 1985, three board members, including Ms. Siebern, met again at the offices of attorney Breithart. After obtaining concurrence (by telephone) of the two absent board members, the board decided to dispense with the services of attorney Levine, who had been representing the Association in the pending lawsuit, and hire attorney Breithart in his place. The Association asserts that an emergency existed (precluding the need to post notice in advance of the meeting) since a hearing in the pending lawsuit was imminent. This emergency, however, was self-induced even if it existed, it was brought about by the board's failure to timely act. (The board members were dissatisfied with attorney Levine as early as December 1984, when he advised the members at the annual meeting of the Association that they would not prevail on the merits of the pending lawsuit. The board members were aware--then--that a hearing would be scheduled in the lawsuit during the next several weeks.) Another reason for firing attorney Levine was his alleged charging of expensive fees. But it has not been shown why action could not be taken to resolve this concern after giving 48 hours notice, as required by the Condominium Law.

Recommendation Accordingly, based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Association be found guilty of four violations of Section 718.112(2)(c), Florida Statutes; that it be required to submit a certified check for $4,000 to the Division; and that it be ordered to henceforth conduct all board meetings in accordance with the notice and open meeting requirements of the Condominium Law. DONE and ORDERED this 26th day of February, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of February, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Karl M. Scheuerman, Esq. 725 S. Bronough St. Tallahassee, FL 32301 Richard O. Breithart, Esq. 818 U.S. Highway One, Suite 8 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 APPENDIX RULINGS ON PETITIONER'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT 1-7. Approved, in substance. 8. Adopted, except the last nine lines are rejected as not supported by a preponderance of the evidence. 9-31. Adopted, in substance. RULINGS ON RESPONDENT'S PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT 1-2. Adopted, in substance. 3a-d; 4-7. Rejected as not supported by a preponderance of the evidence.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57718.112
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-000560 Latest Update: May 23, 1980

Findings Of Fact The Declaration of Condominium for Oaks of Broward was filed by Margen, a Florida Partnership, in May, 1974 in the Public Records of Broward County and with the Petitioner. All documents required to be filed by Margen with Petitioner were filed and the fees paid. Simultaneously a recreational lease was filed of property adjacent to the condominium in which Barnett Bank of Hollywood was named as Trustee and Lessor, and The Oaks Condominium Association, Inc. of Broward as Lessee. Between May 1974 and early 1976 Margen sold to individuals 39 condominium units at Oaks of Broward. In early 1976, Housing Investment Corporation, mortgagee, began foreclosure proceedings which resulted in title to all of the Oaks condominium property, except for the 39 units previously sold, being taken by The Oaks of Broward, Inc., Respondent. Thereby Respondent became successor in title to the previously unsold 75 units in the building and to the position of the Lessor on the long-term recreational lease. On or about August 1977, Respondent offered for sale the 75 condominium units pursuant to prospectus admitted into evidence as Exhibit 2. In addition thereto and as part of the sales effort Respondent executed and recorded the Declaration Waiving Rents, a copy of which was admitted into evidence as Exhibit Neither of these documents was filed with Petitioner. The 75 units owned by Respondent were sold with the recreational lease rents waived. Pursuant to the terms of the recreational lease the original 39 buyers pay $20 per month, either to the Association or directly to the Lessor. This lease is a net/net lease, which means the Lessor performs no services except to provide the premises themselves. The Condominium Association is responsible for and pays all maintenance, taxes, upkeep and expenses for the operation of the Recreation Area. All condominium units, the original 39 as well as the remaining 75, pay to the Association, as part of the common expenses, their pro rate share of those operating expenses. It is this disparate treatment of the two groups of unit owners with respect to the recreational lease rent payment of $20 per month that is one subject of Petitioner's request for a cease and desist order. The second subject of the Petition for a cease and desist order is Petitioner's contention that Respondent is a Developer and is required to file documents and pay a $10 filing fee for each of the 75 condominiums sold, regardless of whether fees for these 75 units were paid by Respondent's predecessor in title.

Florida Laws (7) 718.103718.104718.116718.501718.502718.503718.504
# 10

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