Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of Respondent's witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, the following relevant facts are found. Sometime prior to May 7, 1980, Petitioner, Wyatt S. Odom, applied for a permit to construct an individual sewage disposal facility for a houseboat on Drs Lake in Orange Park, Clay County Florida. By letter dated May 7, 1980, Ronald E. Bray, Sanitarian Supervisor for the Clay County Health Department, advised Petitioner that his permit application to construct an individual sewage disposal facility for a houseboat was being denied since the area of Petitioner's property was approximately 26,250 square feet2 A survey of the subject property revealed that the area is 19,890 square feet, which is of course less than one-half acre. (Respondent's Exhibit 2) (0.60 acre) with three individual sewage disposal systems already existing on the property; the land was not suitable for the installation that would allow the proper and required drainfield absorption area and setback requirement could not be maintained due to the existence of buildings, waterlines, wells, a lake and existing sewage disposal facilities which, if permitted, would be in contravention of Chapters 10D-6.23(2) and 10D-6.24(2), (3), (4) and (6), Florida Administrative Code. Supervisor Bray and Sanitarian Thomas Haley, observed the subject property and the survey, and concluded that based on the size of Petitioner's property and the existing wells and septic tanks thereon, it was unsuitable for and could not satisfy the setback requirements and the required drainfield absorption area. (Testimony of Ronald E. Bray.) As stated, Petitioner did not appear at the hearing to contest the Respondent's denial of his permit application.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent's denial of Petitioner's request for a permit to construct an individual sewage disposal facility for a houseboat on Drs. Lake in Orange Park, Florida, be UPHELD. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 19th day of September, 1980. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1980. COPIES FURNISHED: Wyatt S. Odom P. O. Box 14735 Jacksonville, Florida 32210 Leo J. Stellwagen, Esquire Assistant District IV Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services Post Office Box 2417F Jacksonville, Florida 32231 Alvin J. Taylor, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1321 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue Whether the August 30, 1988 application of Petitioner James R. Regan for a permit to operate a wastewater (sewage) treatment facility should be granted in that Petitioner has provided reasonable assurances that the operation of the facility will not discharge, emit, or cause pollution in contravention of Department of Environmental Regulation standards or rules.
Findings Of Fact The sewage treatment plant that is the focus of this proceeding is "Weakley Bayou, Inc.," a corporation. The real property upon which it is located is owned by the wife of James R. Regan. Despite corporate status, Weakley Bayou, Inc. has been operated at the option and control of James R. Regan since its inception in the early 1970's. The permit application here at issue was made in Mr. Regan's name, and he has been treated as if he were the corporation throughout all stages of the permit process. Mr. Regan brought the Petition for Formal Hearing in his own name. He was also accepted as the qualified representative for himself and the corporation. "Weakley Bayou, Inc." is an aerobic gravity flow wastewater treatment plant located in Escambia County. In 1988 James R. Regan applied for a renewal of the operating permit for the facility. The Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) issued an Intent to Deny on December 16, 1988, based on agency perceptions derived from observations, monitoring of Petitioner- generated reports, and grab samples, that the facility did not meet the requirements set down in Rule 17-6 F.A.C. Specifically, the Intent to Deny focused on the following problems: A reclaimed water sample taken on December 6, 1988 revealed the facility was exceeding BOD5 (Biological Oxygen Demand) and TSS (Total Suspended Solids) limits in violation of specific condition number 17 of Permit Number D017-71682. The BOD5 was 232.8 mg/l and TSS was 1,430 mg/l. The same sampling showed the facility was exceeding 200/100 ml for fecal coliform in violation of specific condition number 17 of permit number D017-71682 and Rule 17- 6.180(1)(b)4.d., Florida Administrative Code. The fecal coliform was 79,000/100 ml. Ground water monitoring samples show the levels of nitrates in excess of 10 mg/l in well #l on two out of last four quarterly samples, which is in violation of Rule 17- 6.040(4)(q) paragraph 4.2, Florida Administrative Code. During the inspection on December 6, 1988, the sludge blanket in the clarifier was overflowing the weirs, solids had accumulated in the chlorine contact chamber and percolation ponds in violation of Rule 17- 6.110(3) and 17-6.180(2) (e) , Florida Administrative Code. Auxiliary electrical power is not provided as required by Rule 17-6.040(4) (c) and 17-6.110(3), Florida Administrative Code. The applicant was notified March 14, 1988, that emergency power would be required. During the period (1984-1988) that Petitioner's sewage treatment plant has been permitted by DER, it has been periodically inspected and the Petitioner's self-generated reports have been monitored. From time to time after inspections, Petitioner has been notified of pollution and contaminant hazards or violations pursuant to agency standards, which hazards or violations required corrections in order to retain his permit. Among these hazards and violations have been noted large sewage spills, overflows, poor equipment condition, and substandard plant operation. In most instances, Petitioner cooperated with DER and at least attempted to adjust the plant's operation to conform to the notifications. However, as of December 15, 1988, DER notified Petitioner of the following problems with the plant: sludge blanket in the clarifier overflowing the weir, solids accumulation in the chlorine contact chamber, solids accumulation in both percolation ponds, no auxiliary power on the site, and high levels of nitrates (6.9 ppm) in Monitoring well -1. DER's test of an effluent grab sample tested BOD at 232.8 mg/L and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) at 1430 mg/L. That is, samples taken by DER during an inspection indicated excessive levels of TSS, BOD, and fecal coliform, in violation of Chapter 403 F.S. and Chapter 17-6 F.A.C. Mr. Regan admitted that for approximately four years, broken and unrepaired pipes and fittings at his plant had caused sewage spills or overflows of approximately eight thousand gallons of sewage sludge. He contended that the surface enrichment around Monitoring Well #1 was caused by a separation of a two-inch PVC skimmer line which was corrected in March 1988. Although Mr. Regan established that the leak in the pipe had been repaired, the evidence does not permit a finding that this enrichment was solely from that source, that it will dissipate over a reasonable time, or that it has not polluted the ground water. 1/ Thus, there is no reasonable assurance that fixing the leak, by itself, protects the environment. Over a period of time, Petitioner's own groundwater monitoring reports showed excessive nitrate levels and these have worsened since late 1988, according to witness Ray Bradburn. Petitioner contended that a grab sample is not as accurate as a composite sampling. Although DER witnesses concur in this contention of Petitioner with regard to grab samples generally, and although one DER witness suggested that part of the December 1988 grab sample reading by itself would not cause him to deny the permit, no credible evidence disputes the accuracy of the December 6, 1988 grab sample as a grab sample.2/ Petitioner admitted that it was and continues to be his conscious management decision to keep the plant's auxiliary gasoline powered engine locked away from the plant site so as to discourage theft and vandalism, and so as to discourage childish curiosity which might expose Petitioner to liability. He was reluctant to secure the engine on the premises as a hedge against emergency shutdowns of the plant. Mr. Regan, upon advice of outside engineers, has attempted to correct many of the cited errors and omissions. However, notwithstanding the DER's express disapproval of such a method, Mr. Regan has instructed his plant operators to curtail the input of air from the plant's blower to the sewage at night so as to create a "belching" effect designed to clear out certain wastes and thereby attempt denitrification in the clarifier. DER witnesses did not explain in any detail why Regan's belching procedure was unacceptable except that addition of an expensive denitrification unit was preferable and constituted a "reasonable assurance," whereas Mr. Regan's method had not been demonstrated to be successful in the past. Mr. Regan, who bears the burden of proof in these proceedings, did not demonstrate that his "belching" system was a reasonable assurance of denitrification or offer expert witnesses to support such a theory. This sewage treatment plant is subject to a Notice of Violation which became final on September 21, 1989. 3/
Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a Final Order denying the pending permit application. DONE and ENTERED this 31st day of January, 1990, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 1990.
The Issue The issues are whether Respondent violated Florida Administrative Code Rules 64E-6.022(1)(b)2., 64E-6.022(1)(d), and 64E-6.022(1)(p) by repairing an onsite sewage disposal system without a permit, resulting in missed inspections, and if so, what penalty should be imposed.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with enforcing the statutory and regulatory provisions pertaining to the practice of septic tank installations and repairs in Florida. See § 381.0065(3), Fla. Stat. (2003). Repair of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems must be performed under the supervision and control of a registered septic tank contractor. Respondent is the qualifying registered septic tank contractor for All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc., having been issued the registration number SR00011389. Respondent has 15 years of experience in the field of septic system construction and repair. The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for Simmons Septic and Tractor Service, Inc., is Joey Wayne Simmons. The qualifying registered septic tank contractor for AA Septic Tank Service, Inc., is Billy Wayne Joyner. However, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Joyner, and Respondent work closely together, sometimes working together on a job and/or acting as the qualifying registered septic tank contractor on each other's behalf. On September 2, 2003, the septic disposal system at the residence of Jack Young was not functioning properly. Mr. Young contracted with one of the above-referenced septic tank services to repair the system. On September 2, 2003, Respondent and another employee of All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc., along with two employees from AA Septic Tank Service, Inc., went to Mr. Young's residence to repair Mr. Young's onsite sewage disposal system. No one applied for a permit to make any repairs to Mr. Young's system. With Respondent acting as the registered septic tank contractor, the men used a backhoe to dig up the septic tank, which was buried three feet in the ground. Respondent then repaired the pump and ran a new one and one-quarter force main line to the existing header because the old line had been compromised by roots. Respondent also cleaned roots from inside the distribution box. Respondent then sealed the tank and directed the men to cover it up. No one called Petitioner's local office, the Duval County Health Department, to request an inspection of the repair before covering the tank. The work on Mr. Young's septic system involved the replacement of an effluent transmission line. It required a permit because it constituted more than a minor repair to the pump and distribution box. Respondent should not have performed the work without a permit from the Duval County Health Department. Because there was no permit, there was no request for inspection by the Duval County Health Department. When the work was completed, Mr. Young gave Respondent a check in the amount of $1,000, payable to Mr. Simmons. The check reflected payment for repair to the filter bed, otherwise known as the drainfield. Respondent indicated his receipt of the check by signing the AA Septic Tank Service, Inc.'s Daily Truck Log and Maintenance Report. In February 2004, Mr. Young's septic system began to fail once again due to root blockage in the lines. Respondent advised Mr. Young that a permit would be required in order to make any further repairs. Mr. Young refused to pull a permit or to pay for any additional costs. On February 17, 2004, Mr. Young contacted Petitioner to report the failure of his system's drainfield. On February 18, 2004, Petitioner's inspector confirmed that Mr. Young's drainfield had failed and was causing a sanitary nuisance. During the hearing, Respondent admitted that there are no disputed issues of material facts in this case. He stated that he agreed with everything. However, he did not agree that the work he performed for Mr. Young required a permit from and inspections by Petitioner's Duval County Health Department.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order, finding that Respondent violated the standards of practice and imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $1,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of December, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S SUZANNE F. HOOD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of December, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: Catherine R. Berry, Esquire Department of Health 515 West Sixth Street Jacksonville, Florida 32206-4311 James L. Smith All Florida Septic Tank Service, Inc. 8300 West Beaver Street Jacksonville, Florida 32220 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Dr. John A. Agwunobi, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701
The Issue The issue is whether Respondent should be required to obtain a current operating permit for his aerobic treatment unit and have a $500.00 fine imposed for violating an agency rule for the reason cited in the Citation for Violation issued by Petitioner on December 1, 1999.
Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: In this dispute, Petitioner, Department of Health (Department), has alleged that Respondent, Dr. Anthony Massaro, a retired public health physician, failed to obtain an annual operating permit for an aerobic treatment unit (ATU) located at his residence at 3402 North Oceanside Boulevard, Flagler Beach, Florida. The Flagler County Health Department (Health Department) is charged with the responsibility of issuing such permits. That department is under the direction and control of Petitioner. While Respondent readily admits that he failed to obtain a permit, he contends that he was misled by the Health Department when he first installed an ATU at his residence; the Health Department is not enforcing the law regarding ATUs and thus another system would be more appropriate; and the law, as he interprets it, allows him to install another type of on-site sewage disposal unit on his property. Respondent purchased his property in Flagler County in 1997. The property is located in Ocean View Estates Subdivision (subdivision), which has an Urban Single-Family Residential District (R-1b) zoning classification under the Flagler County Land Development Code (Code). Section 3.03.05A of the Code requires that owners within the R-1b classification use "public or community water and sewer facilities," but makes an exception for "[s]mall R-1b subdivisions, fifty (50) lots or less, utilizing a public community water system," in which case residents "may utilize Class I aerobic onsite sewage disposal systems." Further, "[t]he use of individual onsite sewage disposal systems must be consistent with adopted county policies and standards." Because the subdivision has 50 lots or less, and public or private sewer facilities were not available in the area, the subdivision's Plat Agreement recorded in 1995 provided that "[i]ndividual aerobic onsite sewage disposal systems are to be permitted and constructed as each lot is developed." Another type of onsite sewage disposal system is the anerobic system, which has a septic tank and larger drainfield, is far less expensive, but does not conform with "county policies and standards" in this locale. Thus, this type of system requires a variance from the zoning regulations before one can be installed in the subdivision. Even so, Respondent says "all" of his neighbors have installed such a system. Because of the Plat Agreement, the zoning restriction, the difficulty in obtaining a variance, and the lack of a sewer line, Respondent had no choice except to use an ATU system for his residence. This meant that he had to apply for a permit from the Health Department. Once a permit is obtained and an ATU installed, the owner must renew his operating permit annually at a cost of $150.00, and he must enter into a maintenance agreement with a licensed contractor. The $150.00 fee is used to defray the costs incurred by the Health Department in making quarterly inspections and performing annual sampling and laboratory analysis of effluent. The record does not reflect precisely when a sewer line became operational across the street from Respondent's property, but the sewer project was accepted "for service" in April 1998, or before Respondent's ATU was installed in August 1998. Had Respondent known this, he would have obviously chosen that option rather than an ATU. The evidence reflects that in November 1997 Respondent made application for an ATU with the Health Department, a permit was issued in December 1997, and the system was installed and approved in August and September 1998, respectively. In early April 1998, the Health Department was advised by the private utility company that it would accept new sewer connections in a service area that included Respondent's home. However, Health Department representatives made no mention of this to Respondent since they were under the impression that he desired to use the ATU option, they do not normally "counsel" applicants on onsite sewage disposal system options, and Respondent had made no inquiry. Disclosure of this fact would have saved Respondent considerable money (and grief) in the long run; unfortunately, however, while good public relations would dictate otherwise, the Health Department had no legal obligation to do anything other than process the pending application. Likewise, it has no obligation in law to now pay the costs for Respondent to hook up to the line because of its non-disclosure. Respondent has now invested more than $5,000.00 in his ATU. This type of system is operated by a compressor in Respondent's garage, which must be run 24 hours per day, and is very noisy. Because of this, Respondent understandably wishes to change to an anerobic system, which has a traditional septic tank, larger drainfield, no unsightly "mound" in the yard, no annual permits, and is far cheaper than an ATU. Also, it does not require a noisy motor to sustain operations. However, this type of system is prohibited by the Code except where a variance from Flagler County (County) has been obtained. It appears to be unlikely that Respondent can obtain a variance from the County. Because Respondent's property is so low in relation to the sewer line, to achieve the proper gravity, he must install a lift station and pay a connection fee, both totaling $3,540.00, before hooking up to the sewer system. Given these costs, and the considerable investment he already has in an ATU, Respondent does not consider this to be a viable alternative. Respondent pointed out that, despite the requirement that they do so, many ATU owners in the County are not running their systems 24-hours per day because of the noise from the compressor. He also pointed out that the Health Department has consistently found numerous violations of such systems during its inspections. He further asserted that while the $150.00 annual fee is to defray certain sampling and laboratory analysis costs associated with inspecting ATUs, the Health Department has done neither on his ATU. Finally, Respondent pointed out that prior to 1999 the regulations were enforced by sampling the compliance of a very small percentage of total ATU systems (ten percent), rather than all systems, in the County. Given these considerations, Respondent concludes that ATUs are the least effective way to treat sewage, and that existing laws and regulations have not been enforced. Assuming these allegations to be true, and they were not seriously disputed, they are legitimate concerns. However, until the law is changed, they do not constitute a lawful basis for allowing Respondent to switch to an anerobic system. Respondent further contended that under his interpretation of the general law, which was not fully understood by the undersigned, he is not required to use an ATU. But local zoning regulations clearly require that he do so, and until the state or local regulations are changed or waived, he cannot use an anerobic system. Finally, Respondent has cooperated with the Department throughout this process. With his lengthy public health background, Respondent initiated this action with good intentions, seeking to point out the flaws in the ATU systems, and to remedy a problem which none of his neighbors apparently have. Given these considerations, a civil penalty should not be imposed.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order sustaining the charge in the Citation for Violation and requiring that Respondent obtain an annual permit for his ATU. A civil penalty is not warranted. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of June, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Charlene J. Petersen, Esquire Department of Health 420 Fentress Boulevard Daytona Beach, Florida 32114 Dr. Anthony Massaro 3402 North Oceanside Boulevard Flagler Beach, Florida 32136 Amy M. Jones, General Counsel Department of Health Bin A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701
Findings Of Fact Petitioner owns and operates a 0.175 million gallon per day sewage treatment plant known as the Gramercy Park Sewage Treatment Plant, located north of Parke Avenue, 1/4 mile west of Haverhill Road, West Palm Beach, more specifically located at latitude 26 degrees 45' 52", longitude 80 degrees 07' 10", Palm Beach County, Florida. Petitioner's sewage treatment plant is of trickling filter design with tertiary filters discharging treated effluent to percolation ponds with an overflow provided to Canal EPB-10 which ultimately discharges to the South Florida Water Management District C-17 canal. The sewage treatment plant serves approximately 650 connections. Petitioner has operated under a series of DER Temporary Operating Permits from on or about November 16, 1973, until January 1, 1981. These permits required petitioner to upgrade and modify the sewage treatment facility to achieve DER requirements for treatment efficiency and ultimately to design, finance, and construct a connection to the East Central Regional Sewage Treatment Plant for final sewage treatment and disposal. Petitioner's most recent Temporary Operation Permit, No. DT 50-5339, contains the following Specific Condition: The issuance of this permit is based upon the permittee's request of 1/5/78 and in consideration of any comments from the public received pursuant to the Public Notice in the Palm Beach Post 1/23/78. It is issued to give the permittee a reasonable period of time to design, finance and construct a connection to the East Central Regional Sewage Treatment Facility for ultimate treatment and disposal of the Gramercy Park sewage. When the connection is placed in service, the treatment plant covered by this permit will be abandoned and dismantled. The schedule for construction of the connection to the East Central Regional Sewage Treatment Facility and abandonment of this treatment plant must be adhered to and is as follows: Preliminary engineering and approval - 7/79 Final design and construction permit - 11/79 Financing complete 7/79 Contract award - 1/80 Purchase of equipment complete - 5/80 Start of construction - 1/81 Completion of construction - 1/81 Abandonment of treatment facility and diversion of flow to the East Central Regional Sewage Treatment Facility - 1/81 Petitioner received, accepted, and operated pursuant to TOP No. DT 50-5338, and never objected to its conditions. Petitioner was informed through DER correspondence dated March 8, 1978, that the referenced permit would not be effective unless accepted by Petitioner. That correspondence also informed Petitioner of its right to an Administrative Hearing if it objected to any portion of said permit. Petitioner did not request an Administrative Hearing or otherwise object to the provisions of DER Permit No. 50-5339. Petitioner's sewage treatment plant is currently not in compliance with Florida Administrative Code Rule 17-6.060(1)(a)1., requiring secondary treatment of sewage. In its present condition, the sewage treatment plant is incapable of meeting the requirements of that rule. Petitioner's most recent application (No. DT 50-62817) for a Temporary Operating Permit was denied by DER by Final Order dated March 4, 1983. Petitioner did not appeal the Final Order. DER issued a Notice of Intent to Deny Application No. DT 50-62817 on February 4, 1983. Petitioner did not request an Administrative Hearing on the Notice of Intent to Deny. DER has indicated by letter dated May 26, 1983, that no further discharge from the sewage treatment plant into Canal EPB-10 will be permitted. Petitioner has failed to comply with Condition 1 of Permit No. DT 50- 5339, in that it has not abandoned its sewage treatment plant and has not diverted flow to the East Central Regional Sewage Treatment facility. Such diversion is technologically feasible and the East Central Regional Sewage Treatment Facility is available to handle the flow from Petitioner's facility.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a Final Order finding Petitioner guilty of the allegations contained in Counts One through Three of its, Notice of Violation, and requiring the previously directed sewage plant phaseout. DONE and ENTERED this 30th day of August, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. COPIES FURNISHED: William E. Sundstrom, Esquire 1020 East Lafayette Street Suite 103 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of August, 1983. Paul R. Ezatoff, Jr., Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 ================================================================= AGENCY FINAL ORDER ================================================================= STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION CONSOLIDATED UTILITIES COMPANY, INC., Petitioner, vs. DOAH Case No. 83-352 OGC Case No. 82-0581 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, Respondent. /
The Issue Whether Gar-Con's revised application for a permit to construct a sewage plant, and soakage trenches to dispose of the effluent, should be granted?
Findings Of Fact Eight to ten miles south of Melbourne Beach and 8.3 miles north of Sebastian Inlet, Gar-Con plans to develop a parcel of land stretching west from the Atlantic Ocean, across Highway A1A, to the Indian River. Gar-Con expects to build a motel and residential complex complete with tennis courts, parking garage, water treatment plant and the sewage treatment facility for which a construction permit is sought in these proceedings. The sewage treatment plant would be built on a site 480 feet west of Highway A1A and 90 feet south of Gar-Con's northern property line, at an elevation of 11 or 12 feet above mean sea level. Ocean Way Water and Sewer Association, Inc. is to be organized as a nonprofit corporation to own and operate the wastewater treatment facility. The Public Service Commission, through the director of its water and sewer treatment, has taken the position that the proposed "sewer system will fall within the exemption described in Section 367.022(7), Florida Statutes." DER's Composite Exhibit A. PACKAGE PLANT PROPOSED The facility Gar-Con proposes is designed to treat 100,000 gallons of sewage daily, which is the estimated "total flow" (T. 75) the sanitary engineer who designed the system anticipates from the development. Sewage generated by the development would flow to the plant, through a bar rack designed to remove rags and other large objects, and into aeration tanks where, over a 24 hour period, interaction with air and a biological mass would supply oxygen and cause the formation of biological floccules. The flocculant sewage would then move to a clarifier hopper. During its five hour stay there, solids which were not earlier segregated as the sewage moved over a weir into the clarifier, would be precipitated and removed. The clear, residual liquid would be pumped through one of two sand filters (each of which would also have granular activated carbon and be capable of filtering 100,000 gallons daily) into one of two chlorine contact chambers where a gas chlorinator would introduce chlorine for an hour. Under ordinary circumstances, the chlorinated effluent would then be pumped into one of two soakage trenches. The soakage trenches, each designed for use every other week, are to be gravel-filled ditches covered over first with felt paper, then with compacted fill. The gravel would lie at least one foot beneath the surface of the ground in a space ten feet wide and three feet deep stretching the 940 foot length of each soakage trench. Punctured like sieves, two six-inch PVC pipes would run through the gravel, sweating effluent from their pores. There is also a plan to dig a percolation pond or grassed swale five feet deep, 120 feet long and 80 feet wide near the wastewater treatment plant, which could serve as a receptacle for effluent, in case of "a 1:10 year storm or when the filters are down and/or if soakage trenches would need repair." Gar- Con's Exhibit 2-A. It would hold about 100,000 gallons. The solids caught by the weir, those extracted in the clarifying process, and those recovered from backwashing the filters would serve as catalyst for the aeration process as needed. Excess sludge, about 3,000 pounds monthly, would undergo "aerobic digestion," before being removed to Brevard County's Central Disposal Facility on Adamson Road, for disposal there. Gar- Con's Exhibit No. 7. Primary and secondary drinking water standards would be met by the effluent as it left the plant (although the engineer who designed the system would not drink the effluent himself), except that, from time to time, nitrate concentrations might reach 12 milligrams per liter, and except in the "event that a homeowner might put some type of [inorganic toxic or carcinogenic] material into the sewer system." (T. 86) The biological oxygen demand (BOD) would be ten milligrams per liter; suspended solids would probably amount to about five milligrams per liter; pH would probably be slightly under seven; nitrates would average approximately eight milligrams per liter but would "peak out at certain times during the year, for maybe extended periods up to two months, at twelve milligrams per liter," (T. 80); and there would be a chlorine residual after 60 minutes of two milligrams per liter. AMBIENT WATERS There would be no direct discharge to the Atlantic Ocean, Indian River or any other body of surface water, nor would any indirect effect on surface waters be measurable. No body of surface water lies within 500 feet of the site proposed for the plant and soakage trenches. Potable groundwater underlies the site; the groundwater table slopes toward the Atlantic Ocean, 9.5 to 12.5 feet below ground. "[D]uring the traditional rainy season," Gar-Con's Exhibit 2B, Attachment, p.3, the groundwater may rise to within seven feet of the surface. The PVC pipes in the soakage trenches are to be placed two and a half feet deep. As effluent percolated through the sandy soil, there would be "mounding" of the groundwater underneath the soakage trenches, and dispersal in all directions. Surface flow is to be diverted from the soakace trenches so that only rainwater falling directly on them would percolate down through the gravel beds. Taking soil characteristics into account, and assuming a "water table depth" of 20 feet, an engineer retained by Gar-Con predicted that "the maximum expected groundwater rises beneath the east and west trenches are 2.4 and 2.1 feet, respectively under a loading of 100,000 gpd for a period of 7 days." Gar-Con's Exhibit No. 3. The water table depth, "the height, the top of the groundwater from the first restrictive layer," (T. 172), is probably more like 40 feet than 20, which accounts in part for the "conservatism" of the mounding predictions. Under very severe weather conditions (a 100 year storm), groundwater would rise as high as the bottom of the trenches making them unavailable to receive effluent, but the effluent would not be forced above ground. In a 100 year flood, water would be expected to rise to seven feet above mean sea level. Under such conditions, people could be expected to evacuate the area. In a 25 year storm, the system could be expected to continue to function. Groundwater to the north and east of the proposed site was sampled, and the samples were analyzed. The water to the north had 380 milligrams of chlorides per liter and the water to the east had 450 milligrams of chlorides per liter. As it left the proposed treatment plant, the effluent would contain approximately 150 milligrams of chlorides per liter. SOUND AND LIGHT Lights like those used as street lights are to be installed at four places in the wastewater treatment plant. A timer, which can be overridden, would turn the lights on at dusk and off at eleven o'clock at night. The lights would illuminate the plant adequately. Pumps would move sewage to and through the proposed plant. Most of the pump motors would be submerged and unable to be heard. Two electric blowers, a flow meter and a totalizer would also have electrical motors. The blowers and the blower motors are to be equipped with insulated fiberglass covers and the blowers would also have intake and double outlet silencers. Four feet from the plant the noise of the motors would be comparable to that of a home air conditioning unit. At the nearest residence the noise level would scarcely exceed background noise. At hearing, Gar-Con revised its application and agreed to install an emergency generator which would also be encased in insulated housing and is to be equipped with a muffler. AEROSOL AND ODOR Unless the proposed plant loses electric power for 24 hours or longer, no offensive odors would emanate from it. The bar rack and weirs would be regularly hosed down. Against the possibility of a power failure, Gar-Con agreed at hearing to install permanently an emergency generator with sufficient capacity to keep both the wastewater treatment plant and the water treatment plant it plans to build operable. No aerosol drift is foreseen. The surface of the liquid In the aeration tanks would be 1.4 feet below the top of the rim. Walkways four feet wide along the inside perimeters of the aeration holding tanks would prevent dispersal of most of aerosol. A decorative hedge around the treatment plant, which would eventually be 15 feet high, is a final fail-safe. WELLS To the north are two shallow wells within 500 feet of the site proposed for the wastewater treatment plant. Both wells belong to Kel Fox, who wrote Gar-Con that he had no objection to their proposed wastewater treatment facility in light of Gar-Con's agreement to furnish drinking water to existing facilities on his property and reimburse him expenses incurred in disconnecting the two shallow wells. Gar-Con's Exhibit 2E. There is a deep well within 500 feet to the south. DER and Gar-Con have entered into the following stipulation, dated September 2, 1983: Existing Wells. Prior to the operation of its waste water treatment plant, Gar-Con will offer to supply drinking water at a reasonable cost to owners of property on which are located operational or approved shallow drinking water wells that are within 500 feet of Gar-Con's land application site. Gar-Con will make this offer to all such owners known to it prior to the operation of its plant. Gar-Con will further offer to provide reasonable compensation to such owners to disconnect their shallow wells. Gar-Con will endeavor to arrange for provision of drinking water to these owners and the disconnection of those wells prior to the operation of its plant. Future Wells. Should nearby individual (non-corporate) property owners propose to construct shallow drinking wells located within 500 feet of Gar-Con's land application site after Gar-Con begins operation of its waste water treatment plant, Gar-Con also will offer to supply them with drinking water at a reasonable cost and to provide reasonable compensation to them to disconnect those wells. However, Gar-Con shall have no obligation to make any such offer to owners of future wells if sampling of monitoring wells located at or near its external property line indicates that the groundwater meets the primary drinking water standards and, after July 1, 1985, the secondary drinking water standards listed in Florida Administrative Code Rule 17-22.104. Gar-Con agrees to record a master notice of restriction barring future owners of lots within the Ocean Way development, which are owned by Car-Con at the time of permit issuance, from installing shallow drinking water wells on such property or otherwise using the shallow aquifer beneath their property as a source for irrigation or for potable water, so long as use of the proposed sewage disposal system continues, and the Department has not found that this restriction is unnecessary. This restriction, which shall be a covenant running with the land, further shall require future owners to purchase water from Gar-Con or any successor owner of the development's water system if Gar-Con or the successor provides water service. These restrictions also shall be contained in all other appropriate documents of title. In addition, Gar-Con plans to create a non-profit water and sewer association to own and control the development's water and sewer system. Gar-Con will include in the Articles of Incorporation of this association a requirement that all property owners served by the system must be members of the Association. Gar-Con is entitled to a zone of discharge extending to its current property line with the exception that the zone of discharge shall not include the area contained within a 100' radius of Gar-Cons's proposed water supply wells. DER Staff concurs that the above conditions, in conjunction with the sewage treatment and disposal system and the groundwater monitoring program proposed by the applicant, to meet the requirements of Chapter 17-4, F.A.C. will provide reasonable assurance that existing and future off-site and on-site property owners will be protected from any adverse effects that might result from the operation of the proposed sewage treatment disposal system. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 10. There are to be a half dozen monitoring wells to allow sampling of the groundwater at strategic points in the shallow aquifer. NATURAL RESOURCES Turtles nest in the general vicinity but off the site of the proposed project. Construction and operation of the proposed waste water treatment facility would have no impact on the turtles apart from making it possible for more people to live closer to where they nest.
The Issue Whether Permit No. DO19-101251 issued to Mr. Vail on July 11, 1985 to construct and operate an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system should be revoked?
Findings Of Fact Mr. Vail is the owner and operator of a business called the St. George Inn and Restaurant (hereinafter referred to as the "Inn"). The Inn is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Franklin Boulevard and Pine Avenue on St. George Island, Florida. In May of 1984 Mr. Vail spoke with an employee of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services about obtaining a permit to construct a septic tank on his property for use by the Inn for the treatment and disposal of wastewater. Mr. Vail was instructed to submit a design of the septic tank for approval. Mr. Vail contracted with McNeill Septic Tank Company for the design and construction of the septic tank. The evidence failed to prove when Mr. Vail applied with the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services for a permit. As of March, 1985, however, Mr. Vail had not received approval or disapproval of his application from the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. Mr. Vail, therefore, went to the Governor's office to seek help in getting a response. Shortly after contacting the Governor's office, the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services informed Mr. Vail that he needed to obtain a permit from the Department and not from the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. On or about March 18, 1985, Mr. Vail filed an Application to Operate/Construct Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"), with the Department. The Application was prepared by Brown and Associates Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors, Inc., Mr. Vail's engineering consultant. The Application was certified by Benjamin E. Brown, Professional Engineer. Mr. Vail signed the Application as "owner" and indicated that he was aware of the contents of the Application. In the Application, "St. George Inn Restaurant" is listed as the "Source Name." Under Part II, A of the Application, the applicant is asked to "[d]escribe the nature and extent of the project." In response to this request, the following answer was given: This project will provide a sewage disposal system for a one hundred and fifty (150) seat restaurant on St. George Island. Sizing of the septic tank system is based on 50 GPD/seat and secondary treatment will be provided by the design proposed. Under Part III, A of the Application, the applicant is asked to provide the following information and the following answers were given: Type of Industry Restaurant . . . . 3. Raw Materials and Chemicals Used Food preparation only. Normal Operation 12 hrs/day 7 days/week . . . . If operation is seasonal, explain This restaurant will be used the most during the summer months which corresponds with ocean/beach recreation & the tourist trade. Nowhere in the Application is it indicated that the permit applied for involved anything other than a restaurant. The Application gives no information from which the Department could have known that the proposed wastewater treatment and disposal system would handle waste from guest rooms or an apartment. In the Application Mr. Vail sought approval of a permit to construct and operate a wastewater treatment and disposal system to serve a 150 seat restaurant. In the Application Mr. Vail sought a permit for a system which was to have a design flow of 7,500 gallons per day based on 50 gallons, per seat, per day water usage. An employee of the Department wrote a memorandum dated May 5, 1985, recommending approval of the Application. The Department determined, however, that the size of the property on which the Inn was to be located was not large enough for the drain field necessary to accommodate a 150 seat restaurant. Therefore, Mr. Brown modified the proposed system and resubmitted application data indicating that a 108 seat restaurant would be constructed. The design flow of the new proposal was 2,160 gallons per day based on 20 gallons per seat per day. Mr. Brown had requested that the Department approve a system based upon the newly submitted design flow. The Department and Mr. Brown both agreed that this design flow was adequate; that it was reasonable to anticipate and provide for the treatment and disposal of a maximum of 2,160 gallons per day design flow. The effect of reducing the design flow and the number of seats was to allow a shortened drain field which could be accommodated by the size of the property the Inn was to be located on. On June 27, 1985, Mr. Vail arranged for a notice to be published in the Apalachicola Times. That notice provided, in pertinent part, the following: State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Notice of Proposed Agency Action on Permit Application The department gives notice of its intent to issue a permit to Jack Vail to construct a restaurant and on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system [sic] at Franklin Boulevard and Pine Avenue, St. George Island. The treatment consists of grease trap, septic tank, and sand filter followed by disposal into a drainfield. The project meets applicable standards and will not impair the designated use of the underlying ground water. There is no anticipated impact on surface waters or air quality. . . . . This notice was sent to Mr. Vail by the Department and he made arrangements for it to be published. Nowhere in the notice is it indicated that the system to be approved by the Department is for anything other than a restaurant. On July 11, 1985, less than four months after the Application was filed with the Department, the Department issued Permit Number DO19-101251 (hereinafter referred to as the "Permit"). In the cover letter sent with the Permit the Department indicated that the Permit allowed Mr. Vail "to construct and operate a 2,160 gallon per day, on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system serving St. George Inn Restaurant. . . ." The Department also indicates in the Permit that it is for the "St. George Inn Restaurant." The Permit also provides, in pertinent part, the following with regard to the purpose of the Permit: The above named applicant, hereinafter called Permittee, is hereby authorized to perform the work or operate the facility shown on the application and approved drawing(s), plans, and other documents attached hereto or on file with the department and made a part hereof and specifically described as follows: Construct and operate a 108 seat restaurant with an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system. Wastewater flows shall be a maximum of 2,160 gallons per day generated by domestic facilities and kitchen wastes . . . Construction shall be in accordance with application dated March 18, 1985 and additional information submitted April 29, 1985, specifications and other supporting documents prepared by Brown and Associates and certified by Benjamin E. Brown, P.E. and submitted to the Department on June 5, June 17, and June 20, 1985. The Permit also contains the following "General Condition" number 2 and "Specific Condition" number 15: . . . . 2. This permit is valid only for the specific processes and operations applied for and indicated in the approved drawings and exhibits. Any unauthorized deviation from the approved drawings, exhibits, specifications, or conditions of this permit may constitute grounds for revocation and enforcement action by the department. . . . . 15. The Department shall be notified and prior approval shall be obtained of any changes or revisions made during construction. . . . . The Permit provides the following with regard to the effect of the conditions of the Permit: The terms, conditions, requirements, limitations, and restrictions set forth herein are "Permit Conditions", and as such are binding upon the permittee and enforceable pursuant to the authority of sections 403.161, 403.727, or 403.859 through 403.861, Florida Statutes. The permittee is hereby placed on notice that the Department will review this permit periodically and may initiate enforcement action for any violation of the "Permit Conditions" by the permittee . . . . During the week after the Permit was issued, Mr. Vail obtained a building permit from Franklin County for the construction of the "inn." In February, 1986, after construction of the Inn had begun, Department inspectors went to the construction site of the Inn. The Permit authorized this inspection and other inspections carried out by the Department. The Department determined that the Inn being constructed by Mr. Vail included a restaurant, an apartment on the third floor of the Inn with two bathrooms, and eight guest rooms on the second floor, each containing a bathroom. This was the first time that the Department knew that Mr. Vail's facility was to include guest rooms and living quarters in addition to containing a 108 seat restaurant. In March of 1986, the Department sent a warning letter to Mr. Vail notifying him of the violation of the General Conditions of his Permit: the use of the approved system for the treatment and disposal of wastewater from the ten bathrooms in the guest rooms and the two bathrooms in the apartment in addition to the 108 seat restaurant. On April 1, 1986, Department personnel met with Mr. Vail and Mr. Brown. The Department reminded Mr. Vail and Mr. Brown that the Permit requested and approved by the Department was for a 108 seat restaurant only. The Department had not authorized a system which was to be used for a 108 seat restaurant and ten additional bathrooms. Pursuant to General Condition 14, the Department informed Mr. Vail that it needed an engineer's evaluation of the ability of the system which had been approved to handle the additional flow which could be expected from the additional ten bathrooms. By letter dated April 1, 1986, the Department memorialized the meeting and indicated that Mr. Vail could operate a 100 seat restaurant and the apartment during the interim. By letter dated May 8, 1986, Mr. Brown asked for additional time to submit the evaluation requested by the Department. The Department approved this request by letter dated May 14, 1986. By letter dated May 16, 1986, Mr. Brown submitted an engineering evaluation which proposed modifications to the approved system to handle the additional ten bathrooms. By letter dated June 13, 1986, the Department indicated that the evaluation was generally acceptable" but requested additional information. In January, 1987, before the additional information was submitted, Mr. Brown died in an airplane accident. No evidence was presented to explain why the information requested by the Department in June of 1986 had not been submitted before January, 1987. In March, 1987, the Department inspected Mr. Vail's facility again. In April, 1987, the Department informed Mr. Vail that the Department would take action to revoke the Permit. Before the Administrative Complaint was issued, the Department requested that certain information be provided on behalf of Mr. Vail by an engineer in an effort to resolve the dispute. Mr. Vail did not, however, obtain the services of an engineer. Instead, Mr. Vail sent the Department information purporting to show the amount of water which had been used at the Inn. That information failed to prove the ability of the system that the Department had approved to handle the maximum wastewater which could be expected from maximum use of the 108 seat restaurant and ten additional bathrooms. At best, the information submitted by Mr. Vail is partial proof that the system is capable of handling the wastewater that has been generated at the Inn for the period of time for which the information relates. No competent substantial proof has been submitted to indicate that the system is capable of handling the maximum wastewater flows which may be experienced or even that the system is adequately handling the current flow. All that has been proved is that there is no apparent problem with the system in handling the current flow. In September, 1987, the Department issued the Administrative Complaint. Pursuant to this Complaint, the Department has sought the revocation of the Permit and prescribed certain orders for corrective action. No application has been submitted by or on behalf of Mr. Vail to the Department to construct and operate a wastewater treatment facility designed to accommodate the sewage flows which may be generated by the Inn as it has been constructed. Although the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and other agencies were aware that the Inn includes a restaurant and guest rooms, the Department was never so informed.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a Final Order requiring that Mr. Vail comply with all of the corrective orders, except Paragraph 18, contained in the Administrative Complaint. DONE and ORDERED this 11th day of March, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of March, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NUMBER 87-4242 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which Proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 Conclusion of law. 2 1. 3 6. 4 10. 5 12 and 13. 6 14. 7 15. 8 18. 9 19. 10 20. 11-12 16. 13 21. 14 23. 15 24. 16 25. 17 26. 18-19 27. 20 28. 21 29 22 Hereby accepted. Mr. Vail's Proposed Findings of Fact 1A 15. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. Hearsay and irrelevant. Although technically true, this is not the issue in this case. The evidence did not prove that the system "can in actuality handle three times the amount permitted." Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. 2A Not supported be the weight of the evidence. Exhibit 6 indicates that the Department was aware that the Inn included "hotel rooms" but not the number. Irrelevant. The evidence did not prove that the Department was aware of the scope of the project. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 3A Irrelevant. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. Even if this were true, the fact remains that the Department was unaware that the Inn included guest rooms or an apartment. Irrelevant. 4A-B Irrelevant. 5A-B Irrelevant. 6A 2-4. B 5. 6 and 11. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 12. 13 and 15. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 7A-C Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. 8A-D Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. 9A-B Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. 10-12 Not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard L. Windsor, Esquire State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Mr. John Vail St. George Inn Post Office Box 222 St. George Island, Florida 32328 Dale Twachtmann, Secretary State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, Esquire General Counsel State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400
The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner is entitled to the issuance of a septic tank permit.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner owns land located at 6765 Narcoosee Road in Orange County. He purchased the land in 1983, at which time it was undeveloped and zoned for agricultural use. On June 25, 1990, the Orange County Commission approved the rezoning of the land for industrial use. Petitioner wants to build a mini-warehouse and caretaker's residence on the land. The site is not served by central sewer. The nearest sewage system is a package plant located 0.38 miles north of the site. The package plant serves a mobile home park. Orange County policy forbids any connection to the mobile home park's sewage disposal system until the package plant is replaced by a lift station that would pump the wastewater to the closest central sewer line operated by the County. This point would be at Crossen Drive and Charlin Parkway, which is about 1 to 1 1/2 miles from Petitioner's land. The only other central sewer line in the vicinity is on Lee Vista Boulevard, but it is 1.1 miles west of Petitioner's land. In June, 1990, Petitioner's engineering consultant submitted a request for a permit to install two septic tanks on Petitioner's property. The capacity of the two septic tanks would be 1000 gallons with a drainfield of 417 square feet elevated at least 36 inches above grade. The site plan, which was noted as subject to change, showed one septic tank and drainfield located near the front of the property and the other in the center of the property between the two warehouse buildings. Representatives of the Orange County Health Department found several problems with the request. By letter dated July 3, 1990, the Orange County Health Department noted that, contrary to information contained in the application, the wet season water table was only about 12 inches, not 36-48 inches, from the bottom of the drainfield. Thus, the size of the required fill- pad would preclude locating the septic tank in the middle of the property. More relevant to the present case, the letter asks Petitioner to advise when the property was rezoned from agricultural to industrial. The letter concludes by advising that, if the Health Department determined that it was necessary to apply for a variance, Petitioner would have to submit a $150 fee. By letter dated July 17, 1990, Petitioner's engineer enclosed a check for $150 and requested a variance. By letter dated July 23, 1990, the Orange County Health Department returned the check and requested the additional information concerning the rezoning. By letter dated August 20, 1990, Petitioner's engineer again enclosed a check for $150 and requested a variance. On August 22, 1990, Petitioner executed an application for a variance from Chapter 10D-6 on the grounds of hardship. The request is for two 1000-gallon septic tanks. By letter dated September 26, 1990, Respondent acknowledged Petitioner's request for a variance from the requirements of Chapter 10D-6 and advised that the request had been placed on the agenda of the Variance Review Group, which was meeting on October 4, 1990. The Variance Review Group met and recommended that the variance be granted. However, by letter dated October 24, 1990, Respondent advised Petitioner that the request for variance was denied. The reason for the denial was that recent legislation prohibited septic tanks in areas rezoned from agricultural to industrial uses after July 5, 1989. The Division of Administrative Hearings has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. (All references to Sections are to Florida Statutes.) Section 381.272(9) provides in relevant part: No construction permit may be issued for an on-site sewage disposal system in any area zoned or used for industrial or manufacturing purposes, or its equivalent, where a publicly owned or investor-owned sewage treatment system is available, or where a likelihood exists that the system may receive toxic, hazardous, or industrial waste. In areas which are either zoned, rezoned, platted, or subdivided for industrial, manufacturing, or equivalent purposes after July 5, 1989, the department shall not authorize onsite sewage disposal system construction. The two sentences set forth in the preceding paragraph are not in conflict. The first sentence applies to all land. The second sentence applies a more stringent requirement to land first zoned for industrial or manufacturing uses after July 5, 1989. Petitioner's land was first zoned for industrial use after July 5, 1989. Thus, Respondent lacked the authority to authorize the use of a septic tank on Petitioner's land.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health Rehabilitative Services enter a final order denying Roy Rumpza's request to permit the installation of two septic tanks on this property. ENTERED this 21 day of June, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21 day of June, 1991. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles G. Stephens Messer, Vickers, et al. Bayport Plaza, Suite 1040 6200 Courtney Campbell Cswy. Tampa, FL 33607 Sonia Nieves District 7 Legal Office Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 400 West Robinson St. South Tower, Suite 5827 Orlando, FL 32801 Linda K. Harris, Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700 Sam Power Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700