The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent was overpaid $312,773.67 for claims which, according to Petitioner, did not comply with Medicaid requirements.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner Agency for Health Care Administration ("AHCA") is the state agency responsible for administering the Florida Medicaid Program ("Medicaid"). At all relevant times, Respondent has been a Home and Community Based (HCB) Medicaid provider that is authorized to receive reimbursement for covered services rendered to Medicaid recipients. Developmental Disability Home and Community Based Services Waiver Program The alleged overpayment in this case relates to services Respondent provided through the Medicaid Developmental Disability Home and Community Based Waiver Program ("the Program"). As explained during Ms. Olmstead's final hearing testimony, the Program was established to help developmentally- disabled individuals remain in their homes or home-like settings within the community, as opposed to institutions such as nursing homes or intermediate care facilities. Medicaid recipients that desire to receive services through the Program undergo an initial evaluation performed by a waiver support coordinator. The support coordinator is a Medicaid provider that is selected by the Medicaid recipient or his or her guardian. To determine the services needed by the recipient to remain in the home, the support coordinator assesses the recipient by conducting an in-home visit. Upon completion of this initial assessment, the support coordinator formulates a "support plan," a document which describes the recipient's personality, likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the recipient's existing support system, such as family, friends, and neighbors. In addition, the support plan details the services the recipient needs to stay in the home and identifies who will provide the services. The expected costs of the proposed services are described on a form titled "cost plan," which, combined with the support plan, comprise the plan of care for the recipient. The support coordinator is required to submit the plan of care, as detailed in the support plan and cost plan, to the Department of Children and Families ("DCF"). If the plan of care is approved, DCF staff will create a "service authorization form." This form, which the support coordinator forwards to the service provider, describes the services to be rendered, as well as the duration and frequency of each service. Without the service authorization form, a provider cannot be assured payment from Medicaid. At least one time per year, the support coordinator must assess the recipient's needs, complete updated support and cost plans, and submit the updated plans for approval. If the updated plan of care is approved, DCF will draft a new service authorization form, which is forwarded to the provider by the support coordinator, along with copy of pertinent support plan information. Should the recipient's services or support require modification, the support coordinator is required to update the cost report and submit it for approval. Communication between the support coordinator and providers such as Respondent is encouraged, as the support coordinator reviews with the provider the goals to be achieved for the recipient. A service provider is expected to assist in establishing support plan outcomes for a recipient's goals and participate in the personal outcome process. Moreover, a service provider expressly consents to such communication by virtue of the provider's contract with Medicaid, which includes an agreement to participate in discussions with the support coordinator on matters such as a recipient's progress, the extent to which a recipient's needs are being met, and modifications to the recipient's support plan. The Preliminary Audit and Final Audit Exercising its statutory authority to oversee the integrity of Medicaid, Petitioner conducted a review or audit of Respondent's records to verify that claims paid by Medicaid during the period from January 1, 2003, through December 31, 2004 (the "audit period"), were billed and paid in accordance with Medicaid statutes, rules, and policies. As the average number of claims per recipient during the audit period was substantial, Petitioner utilized "two stage cluster sampling." This first stage involved a random selection of 34 receipts for whom Respondent submitted claims during the audit period. Next, from those 34 recipients, a total of 255 claims was randomly selected. On October 7, 2005, AHCA requested that Respondent provide "the documentation for services paid by the Florida Medicaid Program" in connection with the 255 claims that comprised the random sample. On or about October 21, 2005, Respondent submitted 37 packages of documents in response to Petitioner's request. Respondent also executed an affidavit which alleged that the documents were true and correct copies, and that the records were made at or near the time that the services were rendered. The documents submitted by Respondent were initially examined by Ms. Effie Green, a program analyst employed by Petitioner. Ms. Green immediately noticed that the records from at least some of the packages were covered in dust with a crystal-like appearance. Law enforcement officers called to the scene ultimately determined that the substance was harmless. There is no evidence that any of the records were tampered with or removed from Petitioner's offices during the investigation. On the contrary, the evidence demonstrates that the documents remained in Ms. Green's office until the dust was analyzed. Following the events described above, the audit of Respondent's records was delayed for approximately one year while an appeal, which involved a different Medicaid provider, was completed. The appeal, which was resolved in AHCA's favor, concerned the validity of the statistical formula utilized in calculating probable Medicaid overpayments.4 The responsibility of reviewing the documents provided by Respondent was later transferred to Ms. Robin Satchell, an investigator employed by Petitioner in the Bureau of Program Integrity. Prior to her employment with AHCA, Ms. Satchell worked for eight years as an HCB Medicaid provider. Ms. Satchell fully reviewed the records previously submitted on October 20, 2005, and also examined additional records subsequently provided by Respondent to verify that the claims paid during the audit period were billed and paid in accordance with Medicaid statutes, rules, and policies. Rules applicable to the claims reviewed in this case are enumerated in the Florida Medicaid Developmental Services Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook, and include: Only those services that have been identified in a recipient's plan of care and which have been approved and authorized prior to delivery are covered. Providers are limited to the amount, duration, and scope of the services described on the recipient's support plan and current approved cost plan. Only those services that are medically necessary are covered. Services furnished through the developmental disability waiver program are deemed to be medically necessary only if certain elements are present, including but not limited to the following: the service is not in excess of the recipient's needs; and, the service is furnished in a manner not primarily intended for the convenience of the recipient, the recipient's caregiver, or the provider. In order to receive payment for services, the provider must document the service appropriately. Documentation is a written record that supports the fact that a service has been rendered. Depending upon the particular service provided (e.g., Personal Care Assistance, Homemaker Services, Chore Services), the documentation requirements may vary and are detailed in the Florida Medicaid Developmental Services Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook. On May 24, 2007, AHCA issued a Final Agency Audit Report, which alleged that Respondent was overpaid $1,647,960.81 during the audit period for services that were not covered by Medicaid. Following the issuance of the Final Agency Audit Report, and as announced at the outset of the final hearing in his matter, Petitioner now alleges that Respondent was overpaid $312,773.26. The manner in which AHCA reached the alleged overpayment of $312,773.67 is as follows: of the 255 claims examined by Ms. Satchell, 197 were allowed.5 Ms. Satchell made downward adjustments to 52 claims, and 6 were denied outright. Based upon the adjustments and denials, Ms. Satchell concluded that Respondent had received $1,287.26 in reimbursement of claims in the sample for services not covered by Medicaid, either in whole or in part. Having discovered this "empirical overpayment" of $1,287.26, AHCA employed a statistical formula to ascertain the "probable total overpayment" that Respondent received from Medicaid in connection with the total number of claims made during the Audit Period.6 As noted above, Petitioner contends that the "probable total overpayment" is $312,773.67. In her Proposed Recommended Order, Respondent asserts that with respect to the entire sample of claims, only one instance of incorrect billing occurred. In particular, Respondent concedes that that services provided to Recipient number 24 on September 2, 2003, were inadvertently overbilled in the amount of $0.96. Respondent disputes the remaining 51 downward adjustments and six outright denials, which are discussed separately below by recipient.7 Recipient No. 1 The support plan for this recipient authorized Personal Care Assistance, which is described in the Florida Medicaid Developmental Services Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook as follows: service that assists a beneficiary with eating and meal preparation, bathing, dressing, personal hygiene, and activities of daily living. The service also includes activities such as assistance with meal preparation, bed marking and vacuuming when these activities are essential to the health and welfare of the beneficiary and when no one else is available to perform them . . . . Personal Care Assistance is limited to the amount, duration and scope of the services described in the beneficiaries [sic] support plan and current approved cost plan.[8] (Emphasis added). The support plan indicates that this recipient lived with his mother and three siblings, all but one of whom were capable of completing homemaker tasks. AHCA alleges that of the five claims examined during the audit, one is problematic. In particular, AHCA contends that six of the activities performed on November 12, 2004, constituted unauthorized homemaker tasks, and therefore overbilling occurred in the amount of $12.90. According to AHCA, the unauthorized activities included organizing clothes, cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes, cleaning tables, cleaning the living room, and washing laundry. The undersigned finds that four of the six activities were unauthorized homemaker tasks: organizing clothes, cleaning the living room, washing laundry, and cleaning tables. The undersigned cannot agree, however, that Respondent inappropriately billed for washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Notably, and as demonstrated by the service log, meal preparation was one of the services provided to the recipient on November 12, 2004. There is no allegation that meal preparation was unauthorized, and the various exhibits submitted by AHCA plainly reveal that the service was appropriate (i.e., meal preparation was not included in AHCA's list of unauthorized activities for that date). In the undersigned's judgment, if a service provider is authorized to cook a meal for a beneficiary, it necessarily follows that the provider be permitted, and indeed expected, to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. The undersigned's conclusion that Respondent appropriately billed for cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes is supported by the notes made by Ms. Satchell in one of AHCA's exhibits. In particular, page 3 of Petitioner's Exhibit H indicates that with respect to the October 17, 2004, services provided to Recipient No. 6 (who likewise received Personal Care Assistance), one unit of service was deducted for cleaning the kitchen because there was "no meal prep that day." The obvious implication of this notation is that cleaning the kitchen would not have been considered improper if a meal had been prepared. As Respondent was authorized to prepare a meal for the recipient on November 12, 2004, Respondent properly billed for the services of washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Accordingly, the $12.90 alleged overpayment should be adjusted, as only four unauthorized activities (organizing clothes, cleaning the living room, washing laundry, and cleaning tables) were billed. Recipient No. 3 The service authorization for Recipient No. 3 provided for four hours of Homemaker Services per week. The service authorization further indicated that the Homemaker Services were intended to achieve the support plan goal of providing "the beneficiary with [a] clean environment. General household activities, such meal [sic] preparation, vacuuming, and routine cleaning." It appears from the support plan that the Homemaker Services were authorized due to the poor health of the recipient's mother. Homemaker Services are defined in the Florida Medicaid Developmental Services Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook as follows: Homemaker services are those general household activities such as meal preparation, laundry, vacuuming and routine household cleaning provided by a trained homemaker, when the person who usually handles these tasks is unable to perform them. The intent of this service is to ensure that the beneficiary's home environment remains clean, safe, and sanitary. Homemaker services are provided only when there is no one else capable of accomplishing the household tasks . . . . * * * Homemaker services shall be provided in the beneficiary's own home or family home. This service is available in the family home only when there is documentation as to why the family cannot provide the support If approved, homemaker services will be limited to the beneficiary's primary living areas such as bedroom and bathroom. This includes the kitchen and a common area, if regularly utilized by the beneficiary. (Emphasis added). On December 11, 2004, Respondent provided four hours of Homemaker Services, which were billed in the amount of $59.20. AHCA concedes that nine of the services provided on December 11, 2004, were authorized and therefore appropriately billed: making the bed; changing the bed sheets; throwing garbage away; cleaning the room; organizing the room; organizing the clothes; cleaning the bathroom; changing the towels; organizing the bathroom; vacuuming; cleaning the rugs; and meal preparation. However, AHCA contends that ten other activities provided on December 11, 2004, were unauthorized: cleaning the kitchen; washing the dishes; cleaning the tables; cleaning / organizing the cabinets; cleaning the stove; cleaning the refrigerator; cleaning the living room; washing laundry; ironing; and cleaning windows. It is evident from Ms. Satchell's notes (in the "MPI worksheet") that she found these tasks unnecessary because they occurred "outside of recipient's bedroom / bathroom."9 As a consequence, Ms. Satchell concluded that Respondent was overpaid for one hour of services in the amount of $14.80 Once again, the undersigned cannot agree that Respondent inappropriately billed for cleaning the kitchen, washing dishes, and cleaning the stove. Cooking was permitted by the service authorization, and there is no allegation that Respondent should not have billed for the meal that was prepared for the recipient on December 11, 2004. If a provider is authorized to prepare a meal, it is only logical that he or she clean up afterward and bill for the time. Nor can the undersigned agree that Respondent should not have billed for cleaning the living room, tables, windows, and refrigerator. These four activities plainly fall within the services contemplated by the service authorization, which directed Respondent to provide "the beneficiary with [a] clean environment" and carry out "general household activities . . . such as routine cleaning." Moreover, these activities are comparable to "cleaning rugs," an activity performed on the same date that was not alleged to be improper. Although, as AHCA point out, these activities may have occurred outside of the recipient's bedroom and bathroom, that fact is not controlling, as the Florida Medicaid Developmental Services Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook provides that Homemaker Services extend to "the kitchen and a common area, if regularly utilized by the beneficiary."10 The undersigned also finds that washing laundry was not an unauthorized activity, as it falls within the definition homemaker services. Further, in light of the recipient's incontinence, washing laundry is obviously essential to achieving the support plan goal of providing "the beneficiary with [a] clean environment." The undersigned does agree with AHCA that ironing and "cleaning / organizing cabinets" were unauthorized because these activities were not related to the support plan goals. Based on the findings herein that only two of the activities were unauthorized (ironing and "cleaning / organizing" cabinets), an adjustment should be made to the alleged overpayment of $14.80. Recipient No. 6 This recipient was authorized to receive six hours of Personal Care Assistance per day. Pursuant to the support plan, Respondent was authorized to provide bathing, dressing and eating assistance to the recipient. On October 17, 2004, Respondent provided six hours of services to the recipient, at a cost of $120.96. AHCA alleges, correctly, that one of the services provided on that date, cleaning the kitchen, was unauthorized because the service documentation provided by Respondent reflects that no meal was prepared. Accordingly, the undersigned finds that Respondent was overpaid $5.04. Although Respondent has suggested that cleaning the kitchen may have been necessary due to the recipient (who is incontinent) defecating on the kitchen floor, no documentation has been provided that would support such a finding. In the absence of appropriate documentation, AHCA appropriately found that an adjustment of one unit was required for the October 17, 2004, services. Respondent also provided six hours of services to the recipient on November 26, 2004, at a cost of $120.96. With respect to this date, AHCA contends, and the undersigned agrees, that overbilling for one unit in the amount of $5.04 occurred, as one of the activities performed, "organizing clothes," constituted an unauthorized homemaker service. For the reasons expressed above, AHCA demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence overbilling totaling $10.08 with respect to this recipient. Recipient No. 7 This recipient was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance. Significantly, the recipient's support plan clearly indicated that her mother prepared meals for her. The service logs indicate that Respondent provided four hours of services to the recipient on the following dates: September 4 and November 25, 2003, and February 10 and April 26, 2004. AHCA contends that on each of the four dates listed above, Respondent provided the unauthorized service of meal preparation, and as a result, Respondent was overpaid a total of $18.68. As the recipient's support plan clearly indicated that meals were prepared by a parent, AHCA has demonstrated an overpayment of $18.68 by a preponderance of the evidence. Recipient No. 8 Recipient No. 8 was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance and Companion Services, both of which were provided by Respondent. AHCA alleges that of the eleven claims reviewed pursuant to the audit, two were problematic. Specifically, AHCA contends the service logs associated with the personal care assistance provided on October 26 and November 19, 2004, were obvious photocopies of Respondent's service log from March of 2004 for the same recipient. Accordingly, AHCA asserts that the records submitted by Respondent in connection with the October 26 and November 19 services were not contemporaneous and therefore inadequate. As no contemporaneous records document the services provided on October 26 and November 19, 2004, AHCA contends that Respondent was overpaid $275.20 ($137.60 for each of the dates). The undersigned has examined the service logs for October and November 2004 for this recipient and finds that they do not constitute contemporaneous records. As such, Respondent was overpaid in the amount alleged by AHCA. Recipient No. 9 This recipient was authorized to receive Homemaker Services. AHCA alleges, and the undersigned agrees, that of the five claims audited, two involved overpayments. In particular, Respondent's service log reveals that on April 29, 2003, the unauthorized activity of "shopping" was performed. As such, Respondent was overpaid in the amount of $3.70. Further, Respondent's service log indicates that on January 7, 2004, homemaker activities were provided from 9:00 a.m. through 11:00 a.m., which included shopping and meal preparation. As noted above, shopping is an unauthorized activity. In addition, the support plan indicates that the recipient's mother was responsible for preparing meals. Accordingly, an overpayment of $3.70 occurred with respect to this date of service. For these reasons, AHCA has demonstrated a total overpayment of $7.40 in connection with this recipient. Recipient No. 10 Recipient No. 10 was authorized to receive Companion Services, which, pursuant to the support plan, were intended to help the recipient "continue to be exposed to different options in the community." AHCA contends that two of the five claims examined during the audit are problematic. First, with respect to the July 29, 2003, claim, Respondent provided no documentation to support the $49.44 billed for the four hours of service. As such, AHCA correctly determined that Respondent was overpaid in that amount. In addition, AHCA properly found that Respondent was overpaid $3.70 in connection with the September 26, 2003, services. Specifically, the service log indicates that a meal was prepared, which is an activity unrelated to the specific goals identified in the support plan. Based on the above findings, Respondent was overpaid a total of $53.14 with respect to this recipient. Recipient No. 12 Recipient No. 12 was authorized to receive eight hours of Companion Services per week. Pursuant to the support plan and service authorization, the services were intended to help the recipient be "socially active in the community." The support plan further indicated that the recipient was able to "clean her room, clean the bathroom . . . wash dishes and help her mother with chores." AHCA correctly alleges that of the five claims examined, three involved overpayments. First, for the 32 units of service provided on December 28, 2003, Respondent was overpaid $3.70 because the service log indicates that dishwashing was provided. This was obviously inappropriate because, as noted above, the support plan expressly provided that the recipient was capable of washing dishes. Next, Respondent's service log indicates that dishwashing was performed for the recipient on April 24, 2004. As such, Respondent was overpaid $3.70. An overpayment of $3.70 was also proven in connection with the July 3, 2004, services, as the service log demonstrates that the unauthorized activities of dishwashing and "organizing the bathroom" were performed. For these reasons, AHCA appropriately determined that Respondent was overpaid in the total amount of $11.10 for the services provided to this recipient during the audit period. Recipient No. 17 This recipient was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance and Homemaker Services. Of the twelve claims reviewed concerning this recipient, AHCA alleges that only the November 11, 2004, services are problematic. In particular, a review of the service logs demonstrates that seven activities billed as homemaker services for November 11, 2004, were also provided and billed as personal care assistance for the same date. Based upon this unauthorized duplication of services, AHCA has proven that an overpayment of $14.80 occurred. Recipient No. 18 This recipient was authorized to receive forty hours of Personal Care Assistance per week. According to the support plan, the recipient lived alone with her father (who worked full time) and had little contact with her mother, who lived "far away" and visited only occasionally on weekends. The support plan further provided that the personal care assistance was intended to provide assistance with "bathing, dressing, grooming, food preparation, feeding, and transportation to . . . therapy." AHCA determined, following a review of the service logs and other documentation, that Respondent was overpaid in connection with two of the seven claims reviewed during the audit. First, AHCA alleges that Respondent was overpaid $7.72 by performing unauthorized homemaker tasks on September 19, 2003, which included shopping, washing dishes (although no meal was prepared), and assisting with household activities that would not typically be completed by an eight-year-old child. The undersigned agrees that the activities identified by AHCA in connection with the services rendered on September 19, 2003, were unauthorized, and that Respondent was overpaid in the amount of $7.72. AHCA also contends that Respondent was overpaid $7.72 in connection with the services provided on February 27, 2004. Specifically, AHCA asserts that three of the activities (shopping, laundry, and washing dishes) were unauthorized homemaker tasks. It is critical to note that in contrast to the services provided on September 19, 2003, the provider prepared a meal (as authorized by the support plan) for the recipient on February 27, 2004. As such, and for the reasons expressed previously in this Recommended Order, dishwashing should not be deemed an unauthorized activity. However, the undersigned concludes that shopping and laundry, the other two questionable activities performed on February 27, 2004, were indeed unauthorized. In light of the undersigned's finding that meal preparation was not an unauthorized activity, AHCA should make an appropriate adjustment to the February 27, 2004, overpayment. Recipient No. 19 Of the eight claims examined for Recipient No. 19, who was authorized to receive Companion Services, AHCA found fault with only one. In particular, AHCA determined that of the $59.20 billed on November 26, 2004, Respondent was overpaid $3.70 by performing the unauthorized homemaker activity of "organizing bathroom." The undersigned agrees with AHCA's finding, as organizing the recipient's bathroom is a homemaker activity that does not fall within the ambit of companion services. As such, an overpayment of $3.70 occurred. Recipient No. 20 This recipient was authorized to receive twenty hours of Companion Services per week, which were typically provided in four hour blocks from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Companion Services are defined in the Florida Medicaid Developmental Services Waiver Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook as follows: Companion services consist of non-medical care, supervision, and socialization activities provided to an adult on a one-on- one basis. This service must be provided in direct relation to the achievement of the beneficiary's goals per his or her support plan. A companion provider may also assist the beneficiary with such tasks as meal preparation, laundry and shopping . . . . Providers may also perform light housekeeping tasks, incidental to the care and supervision of the beneficiary. (Emphasis added). Significantly, the support plan expressly provided that the recipient "receive[d] assistance from her companion in some house chores, like cleaning the kitchen and meal preparation to avoid risky situations in the kitchen." (Emphasis added). AHCA contends that overpayments occurred with respect to four of the five claims audited. First, AHCA alleges that with regard to the November 11, 2003, services, Respondent was overpaid $3.70 by performing the unauthorized activity of "light housekeeping." The undersigned cannot agree, as the support plan plainly allowed the provider to assist the recipient with "some house chores," which is indistinguishable from "light housekeeping." Further, and as noted above, companion services may include "light housekeeping tasks, incidental to the care and supervision of the beneficiary." The service log for November 11, 2003, demonstrates that supervision was provided to the recipient. Accordingly, Respondent did not overbill in the amount of $3.70 for this date of service. Next, AHCA contends that with respect to the services provided on December 10, 2003 (which included non-medical care, supervision, shopping, and "goals and support plan assistant"), one activity was unauthorized: meal preparation. As such, AHCA alleges that an overpayment of $3.70 occurred. The undersigned concludes, based on the unambiguous language of the support plan, that meal preparation was authorized. As detailed above, the recipient "receive[d] assistance from her companion in some house chores, like cleaning the kitchen and meal preparation to avoid risky situations in the kitchen." (Emphasis added). Accordingly, an overpayment of $3.70 did not occur with respect to the December 10, 2003, services. Turning to the services provided on May 6, 2004, AHCA contends that the unauthorized activity of washing laundry resulted in an overbilling of $3.70. As referenced in the definition of companion services previously quoted, laundry may only be performed "in direct relation to the achievement of the beneficiary's goals per his or her support plan." In this instance, the documentation submitted by Respondent fails to make such a showing. As a result, AHCA correctly found that $3.70 was overbilled for this date. Finally, with respect to the May 12, 2004, services, AHCA alleges that Respondent was overpaid $3.70 for the unauthorized activity of "dishwashing." The undersigned does not agree that dishwashing was unauthorized, since the support plan contemplated that the recipient would receive assistance from a "companion in some house chores, like cleaning the kitchen." As washing dishes is integral to the process of cleaning a kitchen, Respondent was not overpaid in connection with this date of service. Based on the above findings, the total overbilling for this recipient was $3.70, which related to the May 6, 2004, services. Respondent was not overpaid in connection with the services provided on November 11 and December 10, 2003, and May 12, 2004. Recipient No. 21 This recipient was authorized to receive 20 hours of Personal Care Assistance per week, which was typically provided from 2:00 p.m. through 6:00 p.m. The support plan for this recipient, who is incontinent, reads in relevant part as follows: Food requires modification. Food needs to be blend [sic] or puree [sic] at all times to avoid choking . . . . [Recipient] arrives home around 2:00 p.m. Personal Care service changes her diaper. Then she prepares her a snack. She is [sic] assists with eating. AHCA contends that Respondent was overpaid in connection with three of the four dates of service examined during the audit. First, with respect to the services provided on April 14, 2004, AHCA asserts that two unauthorized activities were performed (organizing clothes and performing a massage), which resulted in overbilling of $3.86. Having reviewed the support plan carefully, the undersigned agrees that these activities were unauthorized and that an overpayment occurred in the amount alleged. Turning to the services provided on October 14, 2004, AHCA alleges that five unauthorized activities (providing a massage, washing dishes, changing sheets, organizing the bathroom, and cleaning a table) resulted in overbilling of $11.58. The undersigned concurs with AHCA's assertion that the activities of "massage," change sheets, organize bathroom, and clean table were unauthorized. However, overbilling did not occur for washing dishes, as the service log reveals that a meal was prepared for the recipient on October 14, 2004, an activity that was expressly authorized by the support plan. As meal preparation was permitted, washing the dishes constituted a permissible activity. In light of the above findings, AHCA should make an appropriate adjustment to the overpayment associated with the October 14, 2004, services. Finally, AHCA contends that with regard to the December 24, 2004, services, Respondent was overpaid $7.72 by providing four unauthorized activities: performing a massage, making the bed, changing towels, and cleaning the living room. The undersigned agrees that these activities were not approved and that an overpayment occurred in the amount alleged. Recipient No. 23 Recipient No. 23 was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance, which was typically provided multiple times each week for eight hours. AHCA contends that Respondent was overpaid in connection with eight of the nine claims examined during the audit. Six of the claims involve identical issues. In particular, with respect to the services provided on August 29, 2003, and February 2, February 17, April 5, May 28, and September 13, 2004, AHCA asserts that the unauthorized activities of "make bed, meal prep, [and] clean table" resulted in overbilling totaling $60.48 (i.e., $10.08 for each of the six dates). As it appears from a review of the support plan that the recipient's mother was able to complete these activities, the undersigned agrees that overbilling occurred in the amount alleged. AHCA also alleges, and has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence, that $10.08 was overbilled in connection with the services provided on August 8, 2003. In particular, the activities of "played outside, played with castle set, and lunch" are beyond the scope of the services contemplated by the support plan. Finally, AHCA has met its burden with respect to the alleged $5.04 in overbilling associated with the September 10, 2003, services, as "went to pool" and "watered deck flowers before dinner" plainly constitute unauthorized activities. Recipient No. 24 As noted previously, Respondent concedes that an overpayment of $0.96 occurred with respect to this recipient. Recipient No. 25 Recipient No. 25 was authorized to receive 16 hours of Companion Services each week to assist with socialization and supervision. Of the six claims examined during the audit, AHCA contends that two are problematic. First, with regard to the services provided on January 29, 2003, AHCA contends that the entire billing for that date ($24.72) should be denied due to inadequate documentation. In particular, AHCA notes that the service log provided during the preliminary audit and final audit was different than a log submitted by Respondent in April of 2009. Further, the earlier log is vague (it merely indicates "assist household, escort activities, other") and fails to address any specific support plan activities. AHCA also points out that the later log was incomplete and failed to indicate the date of the activities. AHCA has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that the services provided on January 29, 2003, were not adequately documented, and therefore Respondent was overpaid in the amount of $24.72. Next, AHCA alleges that the services provided on March 25, 2004, were not adequately documented, and therefore the entire billing of $44.40 should be denied for that date. Specifically, AHCA points out that the service log only reads "supervision" and "escort activities" and failed to address any of the activities enumerated in the support plan. Although a later service log was submitted, it was incomplete, vague, and failed to delineate which activities were performed on March 25, 2004, as opposed to the other nine dates of service during that month. For the reasons detailed above, AHCA demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that the March 25, 2004, services were not properly documented, and therefore the $44.40 payment should be denied. Recipient No. 26 AHCA contends that of the nine claims examined during the audit concerning this recipient, one should be fully denied due to the lack of proper documentation. Specifically, AHCA alleges that the $74.00 payment for the services rendered on May 31, 2004, should be denied outright, as the service log for May of 2004 was created by photocopying the service log for the previous month and changing the date. The undersigned has examined the documents11 and concludes that the May 2004 service log was not contemporaneously prepared. As a result, AHCA has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that the $74.00 payment associated with the May 31, 2004, services should be denied. Recipient No. 28 This recipient was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance to address daily needs such as grooming and dressing. Significantly, the support plan also indicates that meal preparation was authorized. AHCA contends that with respect to the services provided on May 15, 2003, four unauthorized homemaker activities were performed: cleaning the bathroom, washing laundry, cleaning the kitchen, and washing dishes. As a result, AHCA alleges an overpayment of $12.00, which represents four units of service. AHCA has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that cleaning the bathroom and washing laundry were unauthorized. However, AHCA has failed to prove that dishwashing and cleaning the kitchen were unauthorized, as the provider prepared a meal (as indicated by the service log) for the recipient on May 15, 2003, an activity that was authorized by the support plan. As explained previously in this Recommended Order, if a provider is authorized to prepare a meal, then it is entirely reasonable for the provider to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen afterward. This is particularly true with respect to this recipient, who lived alone with her stepfather (who, according to the support plan, worked "intensive hours"), and was incapable of performing basic tasks (e.g., grooming and dressing) without assistance. Accordingly, AHCA should make an appropriate adjustment to the alleged $12.00 overpayment based on the above findings that cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes were not unauthorized. Recipient No. 29 Recipient No. 29 was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance in the amount of two hours each weekday and five hours on weekends. Pursuant to the support plan, the recipient required assistance with basic activities such as dressing, bathing, brushing teeth, and preparing meals. AHCA contends that overbilling occurred with respect to four of the eight dates of service examined during the audit. First, AHCA alleges, and has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that $10.08 was overbilled for the October 6, 2004, services, as the following unauthorized homemaker activities were performed: cleaning the recipient's room, cleaning the bathroom, organizing the room, organizing the bathroom, and changing towels. In addition, AHCA has proven an overpayment of $10.08 in connection with the November 24, 2004, services, where the service log demonstrates that unauthorized homemaker activities (identical to the services identified in the previous paragraph) were performed on that date. With regard to the services rendered on December 14, 2004, AHCA has demonstrated overbilling of $10.08 for the unauthorized homemaker services of cleaning the room and changing towels. Finally, AHCA alleges, and has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence, a $5.04 overpayment in connection with the December 29, 2004, services. In particular, the service logs demonstrate that the unauthorized homemaker activities of vacuuming, organizing the bathroom, and taking out garbage were performed. Recipient No. 31 This recipient was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance, which was provided eight hours per day, Monday through Friday, and ten hours on both Saturday and Sunday. As the recipient is a quadriplegic, personal care assistance was obviously necessary for feeding and maintaining personal hygiene. Of the nine claims examined during the audit concerning this recipient, AHCA alleges that overbilling occurred with respect to two. First, with regard to the October 27, 2003, services, AHCA contends that insufficient documentation was provided by Respondent to support ten hours of billing. In particular, AHCA asserts that "ate well" is the only activity described in the contemporaneous service log.12 As a result, AHCA argues that one hour of billing should be permitted for meal prep, and that the remaining billing in the amount of $181.44 should be disallowed. Contrary to AHCA's contention, "ate well" is not the only event described in the contemporaneous service log. Significantly, the log also reads, "Incontinent B & B." Given the recipient's physical condition, this notation obviously means that the service provider was required to address at least one episode of bladder and bowel incontinence during the ten hours of service. As such, billing should be permitted for toileting. Based on the above finding that services were documented for toileting, AHCA should make an appropriate adjustment to the October 27, 2003, overpayment. Next, AHCA contends that that due to inadequate documentation, overbilling of $161.28 occurred with regard to the ten hours of services provided on February 16, 2004. In particular, AHCA contends that the documentation submitted by Respondent supports only two hours of billing, as bathing was the only activity described in the contemporaneous service log. Once again, however, the contemporaneous service log also indicates that the service provider was required to address the recipient's bladder and bowel incontinence. Accordingly, additional billing should be permitted for toileting, and AHCA should make an appropriate adjustment to the February 16, 2004, overpayment. Recipient No. 32 Recipient No. 32 was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance and Companion Services. AHCA contends that Respondent was overpaid in connection with eight of the fifteen claims examined pursuant to the audit. With respect to the services provided on March 21 and 23, 2003, AHCA has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that Respondent was overpaid $61.80 in connection with each of the two dates (totaling $123.60) where the documentation does not support the units of service billed. Next, AHCA contends, and the undersigned agrees, that Respondent inappropriately billed for recreational activities in connection with the personal care assistance services provided on August 13, 2003, and December 1, 2003. As a result, $3.86 was overbilled for each date, for a total of $7.72. AHCA also alleges, and has demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence, that unauthorized homemaker activities were billed in connection with the companion services rendered on October 7 and 11, 2003, and December 2, 2003, which resulted in overbilling of $11.10, $11.10, and $7.40, respectively. In particular, the service logs indicate that meal prep, laundry, and housekeeping were performed on October 7 and 11, 2003, and that laundry and housekeeping were provided on December 2, 2003. Finally, AHCA has proven an overpayment of $15.44 with respect to the personal care assistance services provided on March 25, 2004. Specifically, the service log indicates that the service provider "walked the dog" and "checked live bait," tasks which do not fall within the scope of personal care assistance. Based on the above findings, AHCA demonstrated a total overpayment of $176.36 with respect to this recipient. Recipient No. 33 This recipient was authorized to receive three hours per week of Companion Services, which were intended to "increase awareness of community resources and increase community integration skills." AHCA alleges that Respondent was overpaid in connection with one of the two claims examined during the audit. Specifically, with respect to the services provided on July 15, 2003, the only activities described in the service log are "shopping" and "exercise." AHCA contends, and the undersigned agrees, that neither shopping nor exercise constitute goal oriented activities in under the circumstances of this recipient. Accordingly, AHCA has demonstrated an overpayment of $15.44, which represents one hour of billing. Recipient No. 34 This recipient was authorized to receive Personal Care Assistance. Pursuant to the support plan, the recipient lived with her able-bodied mother and older brother. Of the five claims examined during the audit, AHCA contends that Respondent was overpaid with respect to two. First, AHCA alleges that $5.29 was overpaid in connection with the August 4, 2004, services, where the service log suggested that the provider took the recipient to the park. The undersigned has examined the monthly summary, and agrees with AHCA's assessment of the documentation. Accordingly, AHCA has demonstrated an overpayment in the amount alleged. Turning to the services provided on December 9, 2004, AHCA has demonstrated an overpayment of $5.29 by a preponderance of the evidence, as "cleaning the living room" is an activity that could have been performed by the recipient's mother.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is Recommended that AHCA: Make appropriate adjustments to the empirical overpayment; Recalculate the probable total overpayment using the adjusted empirical overpayment and the statistical formula previously employed, and enter a final order requiring Respondent to repay AHCA the amount determined through such recalculation; The final order should further require Respondent to pay interest at the rate of 10 percent per annum on the recalculated total overpayment. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of November, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S Edward T. Bauer Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of November, 2010.
Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Dr. Esteban Valdes-Castillo, a Board- certified psychiatrist, was the Medical Director of Progressive Health Center, Inc. Blanche Lear, a psychiatric social worker, was an employee of the Center. Between 1978 and August, 1981, Petitioner paid Respondent $45,627.16 in Medicaid payments for counseling ser- vices rendered by Blanche Lear. A two-way mirror was located in the common wall between Lear's and Valdes-Castillo's offices. Of the Medicaid recipients counseled by Lear, Valdes-Castillo did not meet, interview, counsel or even observe all of the patients for whom payments were made to the Center by Petitioner. Further, Valdes-Castillo only observed Lear's coun- seling sessions approximately once a month over the time period involved and then only upon the specific request of Lear to observe a specific patient for a specific reason.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered by Petitioner directing Respondent Progressive Health Center, Inc., to reimburse to Petitioner the amount of $45,627.16. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 14th day of March, 1983, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert A. Weiss, Esquire Medicaid Program Office Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Suite 233 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 J. Michael Sara, Esquire 2153 Coral Way, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33145 David H. Pingree, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue Does Petitioner, AHF MCO of Florida, Inc., d/b/a PHC Florida HIV/AIDS Specialty Plan (Positive), have standing to contest the intended award to Simply for Regions 10 and 11 or to seek rejection of all proposals? (Case No. 18-3507 and 18-3508) Should the intended decision of Respondent, Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency), to contract with Simply Healthcare Plans, Inc. (Simply), for Medicaid managed care plans for HIV/AIDS patients in Regions 10 (Broward County) and Region 11 (Miami-Dade and Collier Counties) be invalidated and all proposals rejected? (Case Nos. 18-3507 and 18-3508) Must the Agency negotiate with Petitioner, South Florida Community Care Network, LLC, d/b/a Community Care Plan (Community), about a plan to provide HIV/AIDS Medicaid managed care services in Region 10 because it was the only responsive proposer of services that was a Provider Service Network (PSN)? (Case No. 18-3512) Must the Agency negotiate with Community to provide Medicaid managed care services in Region 10 for people with Serious Mental Illnesses because Community is a PSN? (Case No. 18-3511) Must the Agency contract with Community to provide Medicaid managed care services for Children with Special Needs in Region 10 because Community is a PSN? (Case No. 18-3513) Must the Agency negotiate with Community to provide Medicaid managed care services for Child Welfare patients in Region 10 because Community is a PSN? (Case No. 18-3514)
Findings Of Fact THE PARTIES Agency: Section 20.42, Florida Statutes, establishes the Agency as Florida’s chief health policy and planning agency. The Agency is the single state agency authorized to select eligible plans to participate in the Medicaid program. Positive: Positive is a Florida not-for-profit corporation operating a Medicaid health plan dedicated to serving people with HIV/AIDS. Positive serves about 2,000 patients in Florida. Positive’s health plan is accredited by the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare. Its disease management program is accredited by the National Committee for Quality Assurance. Currently, the Agency contracts with Positive for a SMMC HIV/AIDS Specialty Plan serving Regions 10 and 11. Simply: Simply is a Florida for-profit corporation operating a Medicaid health plan dedicated to serving people with HIV/AIDS. Currently, the Agency contracts with Simply to provide a SMMC HIV/AIDS Specialty Plan for Regions 1 through 3 and 5 through 11. Simply has maintained the largest patient enrollment of all HIV/AIDs plans in Florida since Florida started its statewide Medicaid managed care program. Community Care: Community is a Florida limited liability company. It is a PSN as defined in sections 409.912(1)(b) and 409.962(14), Florida Statutes. Staywell: Staywell is the fictitious name for WellCare of Florida, Inc., serving Florida’s Medicaid population. Sunshine: Sunshine State Health Plan (Sunshine) is a Florida corporation. It offers managed care plans to Florida Medicaid recipients. THE INVITATION TO NEGOTIATE TIMELINE On July 14, 2017, the Agency released 11 ITNs plans for Florida’s Medicaid managed care program in 11 statutorily defined regions. Region 10, Broward County, and Region 11, Miami-Dade and Collier Counties, are the regions relevant to this proceeding. Part IV of chapter 409, creates a statewide, integrated managed care program for Medicaid services. This program called Statewide Medicaid Managed Care includes two programs, Managed Medical Assistance and Long-term Care. Section 409.966(2), directs the Agency to conduct separate and simultaneous procurements to select eligible plans for each region using the ITN procurement process created by section 287.057(1)(c). The ITNs released July 14, 2017, fulfilled that command. The Agency issued 11 identical ITNs of 624 pages, one for each region, in omnibus form. They provided elements for four types of plans. Some elements were common to all types. Others were restricted to a specific plan type defined by intended patient population. The plan types are comprehensive plans, long-term care plus plans, managed medical assistance plans, and specialty plans. Section 409.962(16) defines “Specialty Plan” as a “managed care plan that serves Medicaid recipients who meet specified criteria based on age, medical condition, or diagnosis.” Responding vendors identified the plan type or types that they were proposing. The Agency issued Addendum No. 1 to the ITNs on September 14, 2017. On October 2, 2017, the Agency issued Addendum No. 2 to the ITNs. Addendum 2 included 628 questions about the ITNs and the Agency’s responses to the questions. Florida law permits potential responders to an ITN to challenge the specifications of an ITN, including the addendums. § 120.57(3)(b), Fla. Stat. Nobody challenged the specifications of the ITNs. As contemplated by section 287.057(c)(2), the Agency conducted “a conference or written question and answer period for purposes of assuring the vendors’ full understanding of the solicitation requirements.” Positive, Community, and Simply, along with United Healthcare of Florida, Inc., HIV/AIDS Specialty Plan (United), submitted responses to the ITN in Region 10 proposing HIV/AIDS Specialty Plans. Community was the only PSN to propose an HIV/AIDS plan for Region 10. Positive, Simply, and United submitted replies to the ITN for Region 11, proposing HIV/AIDS Specialty Plans. Community, United, Staywell, and one other provider submitted proposals to provide SMI Specialty Plan services in Region 10. Community was the only responding PSN. Community, Sunshine, and Staywell submitted proposals to provide Child Welfare Specialty Plans (CW) in Region 10. Community was the only PSN. Community, Staywell, and two others submitted proposals to offer Specialty Plans for Children with Special Needs (CSN) in Region 10. Community was one of two responding PSNs. Proposal scoring began November 6, 2017, and ended January 16, 2018. The Agency announced its intended awards on April 24, 2018. On April 24, 2018, the Agency issued its notices of intent to award specialty contracts in Regions 10 and 11. The following charts summarize the Agency’s ranking of the proposals and its intended awards. The two highest ranked plans, which the Agency selected for negotiations, are identified in bold. Region 10 – Children with Special Needs Respondent Intended Award Ranking Staywell No 1 Community No 2 Miami Children’s Health Plan, LLC No 3 Our Children PSN of Florida, LLC No 4 Region 10 – Child Welfare Respondent Intended Award Ranking Staywell No 1 Sunshine Yes 2 Molina Healthcare of Florida, Inc. No 3 Community No 4 Region 10 – HIV/AIDS Respondent Intended Award Ranking Simply Yes 1 United No 2 Community No 3 Positive No 4 Region 10 – Serious Mental Illness Respondent Intended Award Ranking Staywell Yes 1 United No 2 Florida MHS, Inc. No 3 Community No 4 Region 11 – HIV/AIDS Respondent Intended Award Ranking Simply Yes 1 United No 2 Positive No 3 All of the Specialty Plan awards noticed by the Agency went to bidders who also proposed, and received, comprehensive plan awards. The protests, referrals, and proceedings before the Division summarized in the Preliminary Statement followed the Agency’s announcement of its intended awards. TERMS The voluminous ITN consisted of a two-page transmittal letter and three Attachments (A, B, and C), with a total of 34 exhibits to them. They are: Attachment A, Exhibits A-1 through A-8, Attachment B, Exhibits B-1 through B-3, and Attachment C, Exhibits C-1 through C-8. The ITN establishes a two-step process for selecting: an evaluation phase and a negotiation phase. In the evaluation phase, each respondent was required to submit a proposal responding to criteria of the ITN. Proposals were to be evaluated, scored, and ranked. The goal of the evaluation phase was to determine which respondents would move to negotiations, not which would be awarded a contract. The top two ranking Specialty Plans per specialty population would be invited to negotiations. In the negotiation phase, the Agency would negotiate with each invited respondent. After that, the Agency would announce its intended award of a contract to the plan or plans that the Agency determined would provide the best value. Together, the attachments and exhibits combined instructions, criteria, forms, certifications, and data into a “one size fits all” document that described the information required for four categories of managed care plans to serve Medicaid patients. The ITN also provided data to consider in preparing responses. The transmittal letter emphasized, “Your response must comply fully with the instructions that stipulate what is to be included in the response.” The ITNs identified Jennifer Barrett as the procurement officer and sole point of contact with the Agency for vendors. The transmittal letter is reproduced here. This solicitation is being issued by the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration, hereinafter referred to as “AHCA” or “Agency”, to select a vendor to provide Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Program services. The solicitation package consists of this transmittal letter and the following attachments and exhibits: Attachment A Instructions and Special ConditionsExhibit A-1 Questions TemplateExhibit A-2-a Qualification of Plan Eligibility Exhibit A-2-b Provider Service Network Certification of Ownership and Controlling InterestExhibit A-2-c Additional Required Certifications and StatementsExhibit A-3-a Milliman Organizational Conflict of Interest Mitigation Plan Exhibit A-3-b Milliman Employee Organizational Conflict of Interest AffidavitExhibit A-4 Submission Requirements and Evaluation Criteria InstructionsExhibit A-4-a General Submission Requirements and Evaluation Criteria Exhibit A-4-a-1 SRC# 6 - General Performance Measurement ToolExhibit A-4-a-2 SRC# 9 - Expanded Benefits Tool (Regional) Exhibit A-4-a-3 SRC# 10 - Additional Expanded Benefits Template (Regional)Exhibit A-4-a-4 SRC# 14 - Standard CAHPS Measurement Tool Exhibit A-4-b MMA Submission Requirements and Evaluation Criteria Exhibit A-4-b-1 MMA SRC# 6 - Provider Network Agreements/Contracts (Regional)Exhibit A-4-b-2 MMA SRC# 14 - MMA Performance Measurement Tool Exhibit A-4-b-3 MMA SRC# 21 - Provider Network Agreements/Contracts Statewide Essential Providers Exhibit A-4-c LTC Submission Requirements and Evaluation CriteriaExhibit A-4-c-1 LTC SRC# 4 - Provider Network Agreements/Contracts (Regional) Exhibit A-4-d Specialty Submission Requirements and Evaluation CriteriaExhibit A-5 Summary of Respondent CommitmentsExhibit A-6 Summary of Managed Care Savings Exhibit A-7 Certification of Drug-Free Workplace ProgramExhibit A-8 Standard Contract Attachment B Scope of Service - Core Provisions Exhibit B-1 Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) ProgramExhibit B-2 Long-Term Care (LTC) ProgramExhibit B-3 Specialty Plan Attachment C Cost Proposal Instructions and Rate Methodology NarrativeExhibit C-1 Capitated Plan Cost Proposal TemplateExhibit C-2 FFS PSN Cost Proposal Template Exhibit C-3 Preliminary Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) Program Rate Cell Factors Exhibit C-4 Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) Program Expanded Benefit Adjustment Factors Exhibit C-5 Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) Program IBNR Adjustment Factors Exhibit C-6 Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) Program Historical Capitated Plan Provider Contracting Levels During SFY 15/16 Time Period Exhibit C-7 Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Data BookExhibit C-8 Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Data Book Questions and Answers Your response must comply fully with the instructions that stipulate what is to be included in the response. Respondents submitting a response to this solicitation shall identify the solicitation number, date and time of opening on the envelope transmitting their response. This information is used only to put the Agency mailroom on notice that the package received is a response to an Agency solicitation and therefore should not be opened, but delivered directly to the Procurement Officer. The ITN describes the plans as follows: Comprehensive Long-term Care Plan (herein referred to as a “Comprehensive Plan”) – A Managed Care Plan that is eligible to provide Managed Medical Assistance services and Long-term Care services to eligible recipients. Long-term Care Plus Plan – A Managed Care Plan that is eligible to provide Managed Medical Assistance services and Long-term Care services to eligible recipients enrolled in the Long-term Care program. This plan type is not eligible to provide services to recipients who are only eligible for MMA services. Managed Medical Assistance (MMA) Plan – A Managed Care Plan that is eligible to provide Managed Medical Assistance services to eligible recipients. This plan type is not eligible to provide services to recipients who are eligible for Long-term Care services. Specialty Plan – A Managed Care Plan that is eligible to provide Managed Medical Assistance services to eligible recipients who are defined as a specialty population in the resulting Contract. Specialty Plans are at issue. The ITN did not define, describe, or specify specialty populations to be served. It left that to the responding vendors. Beyond that, the ITN left the ultimate definition of the specialty population for negotiation, saying in Section II(B)(1)(a) of Attachment B, Exhibit B-3, “[t]he Agency shall identify the specialty population eligible for enrollment in the Specialty Plan based on eligibility criteria based upon negotiations.” Some respondents directly identified the specialty population. Simply’s transmittal letter stated that it proposed “a Specialty plan for individuals with HIV/AIDS.” Positive’s response to Exhibit A-4-d Specialty SRC 4, eligibility and enrollment, stated, “the specialty population for the PHC [Positive] plan will be Medicaid eligible, male and female individuals from all age groups who are HIV positive with or without symptoms and those individuals who have progressed in their HIV disease to meet the CDC definition of AIDS.” Some others left definition of the specialty population to be inferred from the ITN response. The result is that the ITN left definition of the specialty populations initially to the respondents and ultimately to negotiations between the Agency and successful respondents. Petitioners and Intervenors describe the populations that they propose serving as HIV/AIDS patients, patients with SMI, CSN, and child welfare populations. ITN respondents could have proposed serving only cancer patients, serving only obstetric patients, or serving only patients with hemophilia. The part of the ITN requiring a respondent to identify the plan type for which it was responding offered only four alternative blocks to check. They were: “Comprehensive Plan,” Long-Term Care Plus Plan,” “Managed Medical Assistance Plan,” or “Specialty Plan.” Attachment A to the ITN, labeled “Instructions and Special Conditions,” provides an overview of the solicitation process; instructions for response preparation and content; information regarding response submission requirements; information regarding response evaluation, negotiations, and contract awards; and information regarding contract implementation. Exhibits A-1 to A-3 and A-5 to A-7 of the ITN contain various certifications and attestations that respondents had to prepare and verify. Exhibit A-4 contains submission requirement components (SRCs) to which respondents had to prepare written responses. Exhibit A-8 contains the state’s standard SMMC contract. ITN Exhibit A-4-a contains 36 general submission requirements and evaluation criteria (General SRCs). ITN Exhibit A-4-b contains 21 MMA submission requirements and evaluation criteria (MMA SRCs). ITN Exhibit A-4-c contains 13 LTC submission requirements and evaluation criteria (LTC SRCs). ITN Exhibit A-4-d contains five specialty submission requirements and evaluation criteria (Specialty SRCs). The responses that the 36 SRCs require vary greatly. Some are as simple as providing documents or listing items. Others require completing tables or spreadsheets with data. Consequently, responses to some SRCS apparently could be reviewed in very little time, even a minute or less. Others requiring narrative responses might take longer. Examples follow. General SRC 1 required a list of the respondent’s contracts for managed care services and 12 information items about them including things such as whether they were capitated, a narrative describing the scope of work; the number of enrollees; and accomplishments and achievement. General SRC 2 asked for documentation of experience operating a Medicaid health plan in Florida. General SRC 3 asked for information confirming the location of facilities and employees in Florida. General SRC 12 requested a flowchart and written description of how the respondent would execute its grievance and appeal system. It listed six evaluation criteria. MMA SRC 2 asks for a description of the respondent’s organizational commitment to quality improvement “as it relates to pregnancy and birth outcomes.” It lists seven evaluation criteria. MMA SRC 10 asks for a description of the respondent’s plan for transition of care between service settings. It lists six evaluation criteria including the respondent’s process for collaboration with providers. Specialty SRC 1 asks for detailed information about respondent’s managed care experience with the specialty population. Specialty SRC 5 asks for detailed information about the respondent’s provider network standards and provides five evaluation criteria for evaluating the answers. Exhibit A-8 of the ITN contains the standard SMMC contract. Attachment B and Exhibits B-1 to B-3 of the ITN contain information about the scope of service and core provisions for plans under the SMMC program. Attachment C and Exhibits C-1 to C-8 of the ITN contain information related to the cost proposals and rate methodologies for plans under the SMMC program. The ITN permitted potential respondents to submit written questions about the solicitation to the Agency by August 14, 2017. Some did. On September 14, 2017, the Agency issued Addendum No. 1 to the ITN. Among other things, Addendum No. 1 changed the anticipated date for the Agency’s responses to respondents’ written questions from September 15 to October 2, 2017. The Agency issued Addendum No. 2 to the ITN on October 2, 2017. Addendum No. 2 included a chart with 628 written questions from potential respondents and the Agency’s answers. Attachment A at A 10-(d) makes it clear that the answers are part of the addendum. Both Addendums to the ITN cautioned that any protest of the terms, conditions, or specifications of the Addendums to the ITN had to be filed with the Agency within 72 hours of their posting. No respondent protested. Instructions for the A-4 Exhibits included these requirements: Each SRC contains form fields. Population of the form fields with text will allow the form field to expand and cross pages. There is no character limit. All SRCs, marked as “(Statewide)” must be identical for each region in which the respondent submits a reply. For timeliness of response evaluation, the Agency will evaluate each “(Statewide)” SRC once and transfer the score to each applicable region’s evaluation score sheet(s). The SRCs marked as “(Regional)” will be specific and only apply to the region identified in the solicitation and the evaluation score will not be transferred to any other region. The instructions continue: Agency evaluators will be instructed to evaluate the responses based on the narrative contained in the SRC form fields and the associated attachment(s), if applicable. Each response will be independently evaluated and awarded points based on the criteria and points scale using the Standard Evaluation Criteria Scale below unless otherwise identified in each SRC contained within Exhibit A-4. This is the scale: STANDARD EVALUATION CRITERIA SCALE Point Score Evaluation 0 The component was not addressed. 1 The component contained significant deficiencies. 2 The component is below average. 3 The component is average. 4 The component is above average. 5 The component is excellent. The ITN further explained that different SRCs would be worth different “weights,” based on the subject matter of the SRC and on whether they were General, MMA, LTC, or Specialty SRCs. It assigned weights by establishing different “weight factors” applied as multipliers to the score a respondent received on a criteria. For example, “Respondent Background/Experience” could generate a raw score of 90. Application of a weight factor of three made 270 the maximum possible score for this criteria. “Oversight and Accountability” could generate a raw score of 275. A weight factor of one, however, made the maximum score available 275. General SRC 6 solicits HEDIS data. HEDIS is a tool that consists of 92 measures across six domains of care that make it possible to compare the performance of health plans on an “apples-to-apples” basis. SRC 6 states: The respondent shall describe its experience in achieving quality standards with populations similar to the target population described in this solicitation. The respondent shall include, in table format, the target population (TANF, ABD, dual eligible), the respondent’s results for the HEDIS measures specified below for each of the last two (2) years (CY 2015/ HEDIS 2016 and CY 2016/ HEDIS 2017) for the respondent’s three (3) largest Medicaid Contracts (measured by number of enrollees). If the respondent does not have HEDIS results for at least three (3) Medicaid Contracts, the respondent shall provide commercial HEDIS measures for the respondent’s largest Contracts. If the Respondent has Florida Medicaid HEDIS results, it shall include the Florida Medicaid experience as one (1) of three (3) states for the last two (2) years. The respondent shall provide the data requested in Exhibit A-4-a-1, General Performance Measurement Tool[.] x x x Score: This section is worth a maximum of 160 raw points x x x For each of the measure rates, a total of 10 points is available per state reported (for a total of 360 points available). The respondent will be awarded 2 points if their reported plan rate exceeded the national Medicaid mean and 2 points if their reported plan rate exceeded the applicable regional Medicaid mean, for each available year, for each available state. The respondent will be awarded an additional 2 points for each measure rate where the second year’s rate is an improvement over the first year’s rate, for each available state. An aggregate score will be calculated and respondents will receive a final score of 0 through 150 corresponding to the number and percentage of points received out of the total available points. For example, if a respondent receives 100% of the available 360 points, the final score will be 150 points (100%). If a respondent receives 324 (90%) of the available 360 points, the final score will be 135 points (90%). If a respondent receives 36 (10%) of the available 360 points, the final score will be 15 points (10%). The SRC is plainly referring to the broad Medicaid- eligible population when it says “the target population (TANF, ABD, dual eligible).” “Dual eligible” populations are persons eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. There, as throughout the ITN, the ITN delineates between a target population of all Medicaid-eligible patients and a specialty population as described in a respondent’s ITN proposal. The clear instructions for SRC 6 require, “Use the drop-down box to select the state for which you are reporting and enter the performance measure rates (to the hundredths place, or XX.XX) for that state's Medicaid population for the appropriate calendar year.” Community did not comply. General SRC 14 solicits similar data, in similar form using a similar tool, about a respondent’s Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS). CAHPS data is basically a satisfaction survey. It asks respondents to provide “in table format the target population (TANF, ABD, dual eligible) and the respondent’s results for the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) items/composites specified below for the 2017 survey for its adult and child populations for the respondent’s three (3) largest Medicaid Contracts (as measured by number of enrollees).” Just like General SRC 6 did with HEDIS data, General SRC 14 ITN instructed bidders to put their CAHPS data for the “target population (TANF, ABD, dual eligible)” “for the respondent’s three (3) largest Medicaid Contracts (measured by number of enrollees)” for multiple states into an excel spreadsheet “to the hundredths place[.]” Also, like General SRC 6, General SRC 14 includes an objective formula described in the ITN for scoring bidders’ CAHPS data. RANKING PROVISIONS Attachment A at (D)(4)(c)(2) stated: Each response will be individually scored by at least three (3) evaluators, who collectively have experience and knowledge in the program areas and service requirements for which contractual services are sought by this solicitation. The Agency reserves the right to have specific sections of the response evaluated by less than three (3) individuals. The ITN’s example of how total point scores would be calculated, discussed below, also indicated that some sections may be scored by less than three evaluators. The explanatory chart had a column for “[o]ther Sections evaluated by less than three (3) evaluators. ” The Agency’s policy, however, has been to assign at least three evaluators to score program specific SRCs. Attachment A at (D)(4)(e)(2) advised respondents how the agency will rank the competing responses. It was clear and specific, even providing an example of the process showing how the scores “will” be calculated. Step one of the explanatory chart stated that the Agency would calculate a total point score for each response. Step two stated that “[t]he total point scores will be used to rank the responses by an evaluator. . . .” Next, the rankings by the evaluator are averaged to determine the average rank for each respondent. This average ranking is critical because ranking is how the ITN said the Agency would select respondents for negotiation and how the Agency did select respondents for negotiation. The step two and step three charts, reproduced below, demonstrate that the ITN contemplated an evaluation process in which each response was to be evaluated in its entirety by three different evaluators, or maybe less than three, but indisputably in its entirety by those who evaluated it. This did not happen. Step 2 The total point scores will be used to rank the responses by evaluator (Response with the highest number of points = 1, second highest = 2, etc.). POINTS SUMMARY Evaluator A Evaluator B Evaluator C Evaluator D Respondent 446 Respondent 396 Respondent 311 Respondent 413 Respondent 425 Respondent 390 Respondent 443 Respondent 449 Respondent 397 Respondent 419 Respondent 389 Respondent 435 Respondent 410 Respondent 388 Respondent 459 Respondent 325 RANKING SUMMARY Evaluator A Evaluator B Evaluator C Evaluator D Respondent 1 1 Respondent 1 2 Respondent 1 4 Respondent 3 Respondent 2 2 Respondent 2 3 Respondent 2 2 Respondent 1 Respondent 3 4 Respondent 3 1 Respondent 3 3 Respondent 2 Respondent 4 3 Respondent 4 4 Respondent 4 1 Respondent 4 c) Step 3 An average rank will be calculated for each response for all the evaluators. Respondent 1 1+2+4+3=10÷4=2.5 Respondent 2 2+3+2+1=8÷4=2.0 Respondent 3 4+1+3+2=10÷4=2.5 Respondent 4 3+4+1+4=12÷4=3.0 PROVIDER SERVICE NETWORK PROVISIONS Florida law permits a PSN to limit services provided to a target population “based on age, chronic disease state, or medical condition of the enrollee.” This allows a PSN to offer a specialty plan. For each region, the eligible plan requirements of section 409.974(1) state, “At least one plan must be a provider service network if any provider service networks submit a responsive bid.” Section 409.974(3) says: “Participation by specialty plans shall be subject to the procurement requirements of this section. The aggregate enrollment of all specialty plans in a region may not exceed 10 percent of the total enrollees of that region.” The ITN addressed those requirements. The Negotiation Process section of Attachment A, Instructions and Special Conditions, says: The Agency intends to invite the following number of respondents to negotiation: Comprehensive Plans The top four (4) ranking Comprehensive Plans. Long-term Care Plus Plans The top two (2) ranking Long-term Care Plus Plans Managed Medical Assistance Plans The top two (2) ranking Managed Medical Assistance Plans Specialty Managed Medical Assistance Plans The top two (2) ranking Specialty Managed Medical Assistance Plans per specialty population. If there are no provider service networks included in the top ranked respondents listed above, the Agency will invite the highest ranked PSN(s) to negotiations in order to fulfill the requirements of Section 409.974(1), Florida Statutes and Section 409.981(1), Florida Statutes. Emphasis supplied. The ITN specifications in Section D.7, titled Number of Awards, state as follows about Specialty Plan awards: 7. Number of Awards In accordance with Sections 409.966, 409.974, and 409.981, Florida Statutes, the Agency intends to select a limited number of eligible Managed Care Plans to provide services under the SMMC program in Region 10. The Agency anticipates issuing the number of Contract awards for Region 10 as described in Table 5, SMMC Region, below, excluding awards to Specialty MMA Plans. Table 5 SMMC Region Region Total Anticipated Contract Awards Region 10 4 If a respondent is awarded a Contract for multiple regions, the Agency will issue one (1) Contract to include all awarded regions. The Agency will award at least one (1) Contract to a PSN provided a PSN submits a responsive reply and negotiates a rate acceptable to the Agency. The Agency, at its sole discretion, shall make this determination. A respondent that is awarded a Contract as a Comprehensive Plan is determined to satisfy the requirements in Section 409.974, Florida Statutes and Section 409.981, Florida Statutes and shall be considered an awardee of an MMA Contract and a LTC Contract. The Agency will issue one (1) Contract to reflect all awarded populations in all awarded regions. In addition to the number of Contracts awarded in this region, additional Contracts may be awarded to Specialty Plans that negotiate terms and conditions determined to be the best value to the State and negotiate a rate acceptable to the Agency. The Agency, at its sole discretion, shall make this determination. The Agency reserves the right to make adjustments to the enrollee eligibility and identification criteria proposed by a Specialty Plan prior to Contract award in order to ensure that the aggregate enrollment of all awarded Specialty Plans in a region will not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total enrollees in that region, in compliance with Section 409.974(3), Florida Statutes. If a respondent is awarded a Contract as a Specialty Plan and another plan type, the Agency will issue one (1) Contract to include all awarded populations in all awarded regions. A prospective vendor asked about the interplay of Specialty Plan options and the PSN requirements. The question and the answer provided in Addendum 2 follow: Q. Please clarify the number of PSN awards per region and how PSN awards will be determined based on the PSN's plan type (e.g., Comprehensive, LTC Plus, MMA, Specialty). As you know, Sections 409.974 and 409.981, Florida Statutes require one MMA PSN and one LTC PSN award per region (assuming a PSN is responsive) and the Agency has stated that an award to a Comprehensive Plan PSN will meet the requirements of both statutes. However, can the Agency further clarify whether other types of PSNs would meet the statutory requirements? Specifically, would a PSN LTC Plus award meet the requirements of Section 409.981, Florida Statutes? Similarly, would an award to a Specialty Plan PSN meet the requirements of Section 409.974, Florida Statutes? A. See Attachment A Instructions and Special Conditions, Section D Response Evaluations, and Contract Award, Sub-Section 7 Number of Awards. Yes, a PSN LTC Plus award would meet the requirements of Section 409.981(2). A Specialty Plan PSN would not meet the requirements of Section 409.974(1). The only reasonable interpretation of this answer is that Specialty Plan PSNs do not satisfy the requirement to contract with a responsive PSN imposed by section 409.974. None of the prospective vendors, including Community, challenged this clarification. EVALUATION PROCESS THE EVALUATORS The Agency selected 11 people to evaluate the proposals. The Agency assigned each person a number used to identify who was assigned to which task and to track performance of evaluation tasks. The procurement officer sent the evaluators a brief memo of instructions. It provided dates; described logistics of evaluation; emphasized the importance of independent evaluation; and prohibited communicating about the ITN and the proposals with anyone other than the procurement office. The Agency also conducted an instructional session for evaluators. Evaluator 1, Marie Donnelly: During the procurement, Ms. Donnelly was the Agency’s Chief of the Bureau of Medicaid Quality. She held this position for five years before resigning. This bureau bore responsibility for ensuring that the current SMMC plans met their contract requirements for quality and quality improvement measures. Her role specifically included oversight of Specialty Plans. Evaluator 2, Erica Floyd Thomas: Ms. Thomas is the chief of the Bureau of Medicaid Policy. She has worked for the Agency since 2001. Her Medicaid experience includes developing policies for hospitals, community behavioral health, residential treatment, and contract oversight. Before serving as bureau chief, she served as an Agency administrator from 2014 through 2017. Ms. Thomas oversaw the policy research and development process for all Medicaid medical, behavioral, dental, facility, and clinic coverage policies to ensure they were consistent with the state Plan and federal Medicaid requirements. Evaluator 3, Rachel LaCroix, Ph.D.: Dr. LaCroix is an administrator in the Agency’s Performance Evaluation and Research Unit. She has worked for the Agency since 2003. All her positions have been in the Medicaid program. Dr. LaCroix has served in her current position since 2011. She works with the performance measures and surveys that the current SMMC providers report to the Agency. Dr. LaCroix is a nationally recognized expert on healthcare quality metrics like HEDIS. She is also an appointee on the National Association of Medicaid Directors’ task force for national performance measures. Evaluator 4, Damon Rich: Mr. Rich has worked for the Agency since April 2009. He is the chief of the Agency’s Bureau of Recipient and Provider Assistance. This bureau interacts directly with AHCA’s current SMMC care providers about any issues they have, and with Medicaid recipients, usually about their eligibility or plan enrollment. Before Mr. Rich was a bureau chief, he worked as a field office manager for the Agency. Mr. Rich’s experience as bureau chief and field office manager includes oversight of the current SMMC Specialty Plans. Evaluator 5. Eunice Medina: Ms. Medina is the chief of the Agency’s Bureau of Medicaid Plan Management, which includes a staff of over 60 individuals, who manage the current SMMC contracts. Her experience and duties essentially encompass all aspects of the current SMMC plans. Ms. Medina started working with the Agency in 2014. Evaluator 6, Devona “DD” Pickle: Ms. Pickle most recently joined the Agency in 2011. She also worked for the Agency from November 2008 through November 2010. Ms. Pickle’s Agency experience all relates in some way to the Medicaid program. Since March 2013, Ms. Pickle has served as an administrator over managed care policy and contract development in the Bureau of Medicaid Policy. Her job duties include working with the current SMMC contractors. Ms. Pickle is also a Florida licensed mental health counselor. Evaluator 7, Tracy Hurd-Alvarez: Ms. Hurd-Alvarez has worked for the Agency’s Medicaid program since 1997. Since 2014, she has been a field office manager, overseeing compliance monitoring for all the current SMMC contractors. Before assuming her current position, Ms. Hurd-Alvarez implemented the LTC SMMC program. Evaluator 8, Gay Munyon: Ms. Munyon is currently the Chief of the Bureau of Medicaid Fiscal Agent Operations. Ms. Munyon began working with the Agency in April 2013. Ms. Munyon’s bureau oversees fulfillment of the Agency’s contract with the current SMMC fiscal agent. Her unit’s responsibilities include systems maintenance and modifications and overseeing the fiscal agent, which answers phone calls, processes claims, and processes applications. Ms. Munyon has 25 years of experience working with the Medicaid program. Evaluator 9, Laura Noyes: Ms. Noyes started working for the Agency in April 2011. Her years of Agency experience all relate to the Medicaid program, including overseeing six current comprehensive managed care plans by identifying trends in contractual non-compliance. Evaluator 10, Brian Meyer: Mr. Meyer is a CPA, who has worked for the Agency in the Medicaid program since 2011. He is currently chief of the Bureau of Medicaid Data Analytics. Mr. Meyer’s primary responsibility is overseeing the capitation rates for the current SMMC contractors. His experience includes Medicaid plan financial statement analysis, surplus requirement calculation analysis and, in general, all types of financial analysis necessary to understand financial performance of the state’s Medicaid plans. Evaluator 11, Ann Kaperak: Since April 2015, Ms. Kaperak has served as an administrator in the Agency’s Bureau of Medicaid Program Integrity. Ms. Kaperak’s unit oversees the fraud and abuse efforts of the current SMMC plans. She also worked for the Medicaid program from November 2012 through May 2014. Ms. Kaperak worked as a regulatory compliance manager for Anthem/Amerigroup’s Florida Medicaid program between May 2014 and April 2015. Positive and Community challenge the Agency’s plan selections by questioning the qualifications of the evaluators. The first part of their argument is that the evaluators did not have sufficient knowledge about HIV/AIDS and its treatment. The evidence does not prove the theory. For instance, Positive’s argument relies upon criticizing the amount of clinical experience evaluators had managing patients with HIV/AIDS. That approach minimizes the fact that the managed care plan characteristics involve so much more than disease- specific considerations. For instance, many of the components require determining if the respondent provided required documents, verifying conflict of interest documents, management structure, quality control measures, and the like. General SRCs asked for things like dispute resolution models (SRC 16), claims processing information (SRC 17), and fraud and abuse compliance plans (SRC 31). MMA SRCs included criteria, like telemedicine (SRC 4), demonstrated progress obtaining executed provider agreements (SRC 6), and a credentialing process (SRC 12). Specialty SRCs included criteria like copies of contracts for managed care for the proposed specialty population (SRC 1), specific and detailed criteria defining the proposed specialty population (SRC 4), and the like. The evidence does not prove that disease-specific experience is necessary to evaluate responses to these and other SRCs. SRC 6 involving HEDIS data and SRC 14 involving CAHPS data are two good examples. They required respondents to input data into a spreadsheet. All the evaluators had to do was determine what those numbers showed. Evaluation did not require any understanding of disease or how the measures were created. All the evaluator had to know was the number in the spreadsheet. The second part of the evaluator qualification criticisms is that the evaluators did not give adequate weight to some responses. Positive and Community just disagree with the measures requested and the evaluation of them. They conclude from that disagreement that the evaluators’ qualifications were deficient. The argument is not persuasive. The last sentence of paragraph 69 of Positive’s proposed recommended order exemplifies the criticisms of Positive and Community of the evaluators’ qualifications. It states, “The fact that PHC [Positive] was ranked last among competing HIV plans shows that the SRC evaluators did not understand enough about managing individuals with HIV/AIDs to score its proposal competently.” The argument is circular and “ipse dixit”. It does not carry the day. The collective knowledge and experience of the evaluators, with a total of 128 years of Medicaid experience, made them capable of reasonably evaluating the managed care plan proposals, including the Specialty plan proposals. The record certainly does not prove otherwise. EVALUATION PROCESS The Agency assigned the evaluators to the SRCs that it determined they were qualified to evaluate and score. The Agency did not assign entire responses to an evaluator for review. Instead it elected a piecemeal review process assigning various evaluators to various sections, the SRCs of each response. Paragraph 30 of the Agency’s proposed recommended order describes this decision as follows: Although the ITN had contemplated ranking each vendor by evaluator, based on an example in the ITN, such ranking presumed a process where all evaluators scored all or nearly all of the responses to the ITN, which had occurred in the procurement five years ago. In this procurement, each evaluator reviewed only a subset of SRCs based on their knowledge, and experience; therefore, ranking by evaluator was not logical because each had a different maximum point score. The initial SRC scoring assignments were: General SRCs 1 through 4, LTC SRCs 1 and 2, and Specialty SRC 1: Marie Donnelly, Laura Noyes, and Brian Meyer. General SRCs 5 through 8, MMA SRCs 1 through 7, LTC SRCs 3 and 4, and Specialty SRCs 1 and 2: Marie Donnelly, Erica Floyd- Thomas, and Rachel LaCroix. General SRCs 9 through 14, MMA SRCs 8 through 11, LTC SRCs 5 through 7, and Specialty SRC 4: Damon Rich, Eunice Medina, and DD Pickle. General SRCs 15 through 17, MMA SRCs 12 and 13, and LTC SRCs 8 through 10: Damon Rich, Tracy Hurd-Alvarez, Gay Munyon. General SRCs 18 through 25, MMA SRCs 14 through 20, LTC SRCs 11 and 12, and Specialty SRC 5: Erica Floyd-Thomas, Eunice Medina, and DD Pickle. General SRCs 26 through 33 and LTC SRC 13: Gay Munyon, Ann Kaperak, and Brian Meyer. General SRCs 34 through 36 and MMA SRC 21: Marie Donnelly, Rachel LaCroix, and Tracy Hurd-Alvarez. The ranking process presented in the ITN and described in paragraphs 62-64, contemplated ranking each respondent by evaluator. The Agency carried this process over from an earlier procurement. In this procurement, despite what the ITN said, the Agency assigned responsibilities so that each evaluator reviewed only a subset of SRCs. Therefore, the ranking of responses by evaluator presented in the ITN could not work. It was not even possible because no one evaluator reviewed a complete response and because each SRC had a different maximum point score. Instead, the Agency, contrary to the terms of the ITN, ranked proposals by averaging the “total point scores” assigned by all of the evaluators. The Agency considered issuing an addendum advising the parties of the change. The addendum would have informed the respondents and provided them an opportunity to challenge the change. The Agency elected not to issue an addendum. EVALUATION AND SCORING The evaluators began scoring on November 6, 2017, with a completion deadline of December 29, 2017. The 11 evaluators had to score approximately 230 separate responses to the ITNs. The evaluators had to score 67,175 separate items to complete the scoring for all responses for all regions for all types of plans. No one at the Agency evaluated how much time it should take to score a particular item. None of the parties to this proceeding offered persuasive evidence to support a finding that scoring any particular item would or should take a specific length of time or that scoring all of the responses would or should take a specific length of time. Evaluators scored the responses in conference room F at the Agency’s headquarters. This secure room was the exclusive location for evaluation and scoring. Each evaluator had a dedicated workspace equipped with all tools and resources necessary for the task. The workspaces included a computer terminal for each evaluator. The system allowed evaluators to review digital copies of the ITN and proposals and to enter evaluation points in spreadsheets created for the purpose of recording scores. Evaluators also had access to hard copies of the proposals and the ITN. The Agency required evaluators to sign in and to sign out. The sign-in and sign-out sheets record the significant amount of time the evaluators spent evaluating proposals. Evaluators were not permitted to communicate with each other about the responses. To minimize distractions, the Agency prohibited cell phones, tablets and other connected devices in the room. The Agency also authorized and encouraged the evaluators to delegate their usual responsibilities. Agency proctors observed the room and evaluators throughout the scoring process. They were available to answer general and procedural questions and to ensure that the evaluators signed in and signed out. A log sheet documented how much time each evaluator spent in the scoring conference room. Some evaluators took extensive notes. For example, Ms. Median took over 200 pages of notes. Similarly, Ms. Munyon took nearly 400 pages of typewritten notes. The evaluators worked hard. None, other than Dr. LaCroix, testified that they did not have enough time to do their job. The computer system also automatically tracked the evaluators’ progress. Tracking reports showed the number of items assigned to each evaluator and the number of scoring items completed. The first status report was generated on December 8, 2017, approximately halfway through the scheduled scoring. At that time, only 28 percent of the scoring items were complete. Ms. Barrett usually ran the status reports in the morning. She made them available to the evaluators to review. The pace of evaluation caused concern about timely completion and prompted discussions of ways to accelerate scoring. Because it was clear that the majority of the evaluators would not complete scoring their SRCs by December 29, 2017, the Agency extended the scoring deadline to January 12, 2018. It also extended the hours for conference room use. Most respondents filed proposals for more than one type of plan and more than one region. This fact combined with the provision in the instructions saying that all statewide SRC responses must be identical for each region and that scores would transfer to each applicable region’s score sheets, enabled evaluators to score many SRCs just once. The system would then auto-populate the scores to the same SRC for all proposals by that respondent. This time saving measure permitted scoring on many of the items to be almost instantaneous after review of the first response to an SRC. The fact that so many respondents submitted proposals for so many regions and types of plans provided the Agency another opportunity for time-saving. The Agency loaded Adobe Pro on the evaluators’ computers as a timesaving measure. This program allowed the evaluators to compare a bidder’s Comprehensive Plan Proposal to the same company’s regional and Specialty Plan proposals. If the Adobe Pro comparison feature showed that the proposal response was the same for each plan, the Agency permitted evaluators to score the response once and assign the same score for each item where the respondent provided the same proposal. This speeded scoring. It, however, meant that for SRCs where evaluators did this, that they were not reviewing the SRC response in the specific context of the specialty plan population, each of which had specific and limited characteristics that made them different from the broader General and MMA plan populations. This is significant because so many SRCs required narrative responses where context would matter. There is no Specialty SRCs A-4 instruction requirement for specialty plans analogous to the requirement that responses for statewide SRCs must be identical for each region. In other words, the instructions do not say all SRCs marked as statewide must be identical for each specialty plan proposal and that the Agency will evaluate each Statewide SRC once and transfer the score to each applicable Specialty Plan score. In fact, according to the procurement officer, the Agency expected that evaluators would separately evaluate and score the statewide SRCs for Comprehensive Plans and for Specialty Plans, even if the same bidder submitted them. Despite the Agency’s expectation and the absence of an authorizing provision in the ITN, many evaluators, relying on the Adobe Pro tool, copied the SRC scores they gave to a respondent’s comprehensive plan proposal to its specialty plan proposal if the respondent submitted the same response to an SRC for a Comprehensive Plan and a Specialty Plan. For instance, Ms. Thomas (Evaluator 2) and Ms. Munyon (Evaluator 8) did this to save time. Ms. Donnelly (Evaluator 1) did this even when the comprehensive and specialty responses were not identical. This does not amount to the independent evaluation of the responses pledged by the ITN. On separate days, Evaluator 1 scored 1,315 items, 954 items, 779 items and 727 items. On separate days, Evaluator 2 scored 613 items, 606 items, 720 items, 554 items and 738 items. Evaluator 4 scored 874 items on one day. Evaluator 5 scored 813 items in one day. Evaluator 6 scored 1,001 items in one day. Evaluator 8 scored 635 items in one day. The record does not identify the items scored. It also does not permit determining how many of the item scores resulted from auto-population or assignment of scores based upon previous scoring of an identical response. It bears repeating, however, that the record does not support any finding on how long scoring the response to one SRC or an entire response could reasonably be expected to take. Even with the extended scoring period and time-saving measures, the Agency concluded that Evaluator 3 would not be able to finish all of the SRCs assigned to her. Rather than extend the deadline for scoring a second time, the Agency decided to reassign the nine of Evaluator 3’s SRCs that she had not begun scoring to two other evaluators. The Agency did not include scores of other SRCs for which Evaluator 3 had not completed scoring. The Agency only counted Evaluator 3’s scores for an SRC if she scored the SRC for everyone. The result was that only two people scored nine of the Specialty Plan SRCs. The Agency did not reassign all of Evaluator 3’s SRCs’. It only reassigned the SRCs to evaluators who were qualified to evaluate the items, who were not already assigned those items to score, and who had already finished or substantially completed their own evaluations. The decision to reassign the SRCs was not based on any scoring that had already been completed. The Agency did not allow changes to data submitted by any of the vendors. It allowed vendors to exchange corrupted electronic files for ones which could be opened and allowed vendors to exchange electronic files to match up with the paper copies that had been submitted. The Agency allowed Community to correct its submission where it lacked a signature on its transmittal letter and allowed Community to exchange an electronic document that would not open. It did not allow Community to change its reported HEDIS scores, which were submitted in the decimal form required by the instructions. Community erred in the numbers that it reported. There is no evidence showing that other vendors received a competitive or unfair advantage over Community in the Agency’s review of the SMI Specialty Plan submission for Region 10. There was no evidence that the Agency allowed any other vendors to change any substantive information in their submittals for that proposed specialty in that region. HEIDIS ISSUES Positive asserts that Simply’s proposal is non- responsive because Simply submitted HEDIS data from the general Medicaid population in response to SRC 6 and MMA SRC 14. Positive contends that Simply obtained a competitive advantage by supplying non-HIV/AIDS HEDIS data in response to SRC 6 and MMA SRC 14 because HIV/AIDS patients are generally a sicker group and require more care and because some HEDIS measures cannot be reported for an HIV/AIDS population. HEDIS stands for Healthcare Effectiveness and Data Information Set and is a set of standardized performance measures widely used in the healthcare industry. The instructions for both SRC 6 and MMA SRC 14 provide, in relevant part: The respondent shall describe its experience in achieving quality standards with populations similar to the target population described in this solicitation. The respondent shall include in table format, the target population (TANF, ABD, dual eligible), the respondent’s results for the HEDIS measures specified below for each of the last two (2) years (CY 2015/HEDIS 2016 and CY 2016/HEDIS 2017) for the respondent’s three (3) largest Medicaid Contracts (measured by number of enrollees). If the respondent does not have HEDIS results for at least three (3) Medicaid Contracts, the respondent shall provide commercial HEDIS measures for the respondent’s largest Contracts. If the Respondent has Florida Medicaid HEDIS results, it shall include the Florida Medicaid experience as one (1) of three (3) states for the last two (2) years. (JE 1 at 75 (SRC 6); JE 1 at 158 (MMA SRC 14)). SRC 6 and MMA SRC 14 instruct respondents to provide HEDIS measures for “the target population (TANF, ABD, dual eligible).” Id.. TANF, ABD, and dual eligible are eligibility classifications for the Medicaid population. The Agency sought information regarding the target Medicaid-eligible population, even from respondents proposing a Specialty Plan, because Specialty Plans are required to serve all of the healthcare needs of their recipients, not just the needs related to the criteria making those recipients eligible for the Specialty Plan. Following the instructions in SRC 6 and MMA SRC 14, Simply provided HEDIS data from the Medicaid-eligible population for its three largest Medicaid contracts as measured by the total number of enrollees. For the requested Florida HEDIS data, Simply utilized legacy HEDIS data from Amerigroup Florida, Inc., a Comprehensive Plan. Amerigroup and Simply had merged in October of 2017. Therefore, at the time of submission of Simply’s proposal, the HEDIS data from Amerigroup Florida was the data from Simply’s largest Medicaid contract in Florida for the period requested by the SRCs. Positive asserts that the Agency impermissibly altered scoring criteria after the proposals were submitted when the Agency corrected technical issues within a HEDIS Measurement Tool spreadsheet. SRC 6 and MMA SRC 14 required the submission of numeric data for the requested HEDIS performance measures. To simplify submission of the numeric data for the requested HEDIS performance measures, the Agency required respondents to utilize a HEDIS Measurement Tool spreadsheet. The evaluation criteria for SRC 6 and MMA SRC 14 provided that respondents will be awarded points if the reported HEDIS measures exceed the national or regional mean for such performance measures. Some respondents, including Positive, entered “N/A,” “small denominator,” or other text inputs into the HEDIS Measurement Tool. During the evaluation and scoring process, the Agency discovered that if a respondent input any text into the HEDIS Measurement Tool, the tool would assign random amounts of points, even though respondents had not input measureable, numeric data. The Agency reasonably resolved the problem by removing any text and inserting a zero in place of the text. The correction of the error in the HEDIS Measurement Tool prevented random points from being awarded to respondents and did not alter scores in any way contrary to the ITN. It was reasonable and fair to all respondents.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order rejecting all r esponses to the ITNs to provide a Medicaid Managed Care plan for patients with HIV/AIDS in Regions 10 and 11. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order inviting Community to negotiate to provide Medicaid Managed Care plan in Region 10 for patients with serious mental illness. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order inviting Community to negotiate to provide a Medicaid Managed Care plan in Region 10 for patients with serious mental illness. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order inviting Community to negotiate to provide a Medicaid Managed Care plan in Region 10 for c hild w elfare specialty services. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order awarding Wellcare of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Staywell Health Plan of Florida, a contract for a specialty Medicaid Managed Care plan for patients with Serious Mental Illness in Region 10. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order dismissing the Petition in Case No. 18-3513. DONE AND ENTERED this day of , , in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this day of , .
Conclusions THE PARTIES resolved all disputed issues and executed a settlement agreement. which is attached and incorporated by reference. The parties are directed to comply with the terms of the attached settlement agreement. Based on the foregoing. this file is hereby CLOSED. DONE AND ORDERED on this AS day of fick . 2014, in Tallahassee, Florida. lh. fall lizabeth Dudek, Gecretary, Agency for Health Care Administration Agency for Health Care Administration v. 2065, Inc, d/b/a Fort Lauderdale Retirement Home Final Order Page 1 of 3 Filed March 27, 2014 4:49 PM Division of Administrative Hearings A PARTY WHO IS ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY THIS FINAL ORDER IS ENTITLED TO A JUDICIAL REVIEW WHICH SHALL BE INSTITUTED BY FILING ONE COPY OF A NOTICE OF APPEAL WITH THE AGENCY CLERK OF AHCA, AND A SECOND COPY ALONG WITH FILING FEE AS PRESCRIBED BY LAW, WITH THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL IN THE APPELLATE DISTRICT WHERE THE AGENCY MAINTAINS ITS HEADQUARTERS OR WHERE A PARTY RESIDES, REVIEW PROCEEDINGS SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA APPELLATE RULES. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RENDITION OF THE ORDER TO BE REVIEWED. Copies furnished to: Jason Klein, Esq. Bales Sommers & Klein, P.A. 2 South Biscayne Blvd. Suite 1881 Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone: (305) 372-1200 Facsimile: (305) 372-9008 Email: (Via Electronic Mail) Tracie L. Hardin, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Building 3, Mail Station 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Via Electronic Mail) Agency for Health Care Administration Bureau of Financial Services 2727 Mahan Drive Building 2. Mail Station 14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Via Electronic Mail) Richard Zenuch, Chief Medicaid Program Integrity 2727 Mahan Drive Building 2, Mail Station 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Via Electronic Mail) Division of Administrative Hearings The Desoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (Via Electronic Mail) Bureau of Health Quality Assurance 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop 9 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Via Electronic Mail) Agency for Health Care Administration v. 2065, Inc. d/b/a Fort Lauderdale Retirement Home CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing has been furnished to the above named addressees by Electronic Mail, or the method designated, on this the ao day of Lec 2014, Agency Clerk State of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Building #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 (850) 412-3630 Agency for Health Care Administration v. 2065, Inc. d/b/a Fort Lauderdale Retirement Home Final Order Page 3 of 3 STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS STATE OF FLORIDA, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, Petitioner, DOAH Case No.: 12-1252MPI ys. Provider No.: 140290100 C.L. No.: 12-1546-000 2065, INC. d/b/a FORT LAUDERDALE RETIREMENT HOME, Respondent. f SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Petitioner, the STATE OF FLORIDA, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, (“AHCA” or “Agency”), and Respondent, 2065, INC. d/b/a FT. LAUDERDALE RETIREMENT HOME, (“PROVIDER”), by and through the undersigned, hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. The parties enter into this agreement for the purpose of memorializing the resolution to this matter. 2. PROVIDER is a Medicaid provider in the State of Florida, provider number — 140290100, and was a provider during the audit period. 3. In its Sanction Letter, dated Febmary 6, 2012, the Agency notified PROVIDER that it was being assessed fines in the amount of thirteen thousand dollars ($13,000.00), pursuant to Florida Administrative Cade Rule 59G-9.070(7)(e), for violations of Medicaid policies. 4. In response to the Sanction Letter, PROVIDER filed a Request for Formal Administrative Hearing. AHA v. 2065, Inc. d/p a Ft. Lauderdaie Retirement Home - Settlement Agreement CL No.: 12-1546-000; Case No.: 12-1252MPI Page 1 of 5 5. In order to resolve this matter without further administrative proceedings, PROVIDER and AHCA expressly agree as follows: 7. (1) (2) (3) 4) AHCA agrees to accept the payment set forth herein in settlement of the sanctions assessed by the Bureau of Medicaid Program Integrity. Within thirty (30) days of the date of execution of a Final Order adopting this Settlement Agreement, PROVIDER agrees to make a payment of the following: a fine in the amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00). PROVIDER and AHCA agree that such payments as set forth above will resolve and settle this case completely and release both parties from all liabilities arising from the findings in the audit referenced as C.I. Number 12-1546-000. PROVIDER agrees that it is required to comply with all requirements of the applicable Medicaid Handbooks, to include properly recording and maintaining service plans, health assessments, and medical observation records. Payment shall be made to: AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION Medicaid Accounts Receivable 2727 Mahan Drive MLS. #14 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-3749 PROVIDER agrees that failure to pay any monies due and owing under the terms of this Agreement shall constitute PROVIDER’S authorization for the Agency, without further notice, to withhold the total remaining amount due under the terms of this agreement from any monies due and owing to PROVIDER for any Medicaid claims. AHCA v. 2065, Inc. d/b aFt. Lauderdale Retirement Home - Settlement Agreement CL. No.: 12-1546-000; Case No.: 12-1252MPI Page 2 of 5 (¥ 8. AHCA reserves the right to enforce this Agreement under the laws of the State of Florida, the Rules of the Medicaid Program, and all other applicable rules and regulations. 9. This settlement does not constitute an admission of wrongdoing or error by either party with respect to this case or any other matter. 10. The signatories to this Agreement, acting in a representative capacity, represent that they are duly authorized to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties. 11. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the laws of Florida. Venue for any action arising from this Agreement shall be in Leon County, Florida. 12. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between PROVIDER and AHCA, including anyone acting for, associated with or employed by them, concerning all _ Matters and supersedes any prior discussions, agreements or understandings; there are no. promises, representations or agreements between PROVIDER and AHCA other than as set forth herein. No modification or waiver of any provision shall be valid unless a written amendment to the Agreement is completed and properly executed by the parties. 13. This is an Agreement of Settlement and Compromise, made in recognition that the parties may have different or incorrect understandings, information and contentions, as to facts and law, and with each party compromising and settling any potential correctness or incorrectness of its understandings, information and contentions as to facts and law, so that no misunderstanding or misinformation shall be a ground for rescission hereof. 14. | PROVIDER expressly waives in this matter its right to any hearing pursuant to sections 120.569 or 120.57, Florida Statutes, the making of findings of fact and conclusions of law by the Agency, and all further and other proceedings to which it may be entitled by law or tules of the Agency regarding this proceeding and any and all issues raised herein. ARCA v. 2065, Inc. d/b a Ft. Lauderdale Retirement Home - Settlement Agreement C.I. No.: 12-1546-000; Case No.: 12-1252MPI Page 3 of 5 PROVIDER further agrees that it shall not challenge or contest any Final Order entered in this matter which is consistent with the terms of this settlement agreement in any forum now or in the future available to it, including the right to any administrative proceeding, circuit or federal court action or any appeal. 15. | PROVIDER does hereby discharge the State of Florida, Agency for Health Care Administration, and its agents, representatives, and attorneys of and from all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, suits, damages, losses and expenses, of any and every nature whatsoever, arising out of or in any way related to this matter, AHCA’s actions herein, including, but not limited to, any claims that were or may be asserted in any federal or state court or administrative forum, including any claims arising out of this agreement. 16. The parties agree to bear their own attorney’s fees and costs, if any. 17. This Agreement is and shall be deemed jointly drafted and written by all parties to it and shall not be construed or interpreted against the party originating or preparing it. 18. To the extent that any provision of this Agreement is prohibited by law for any reason, such provision shall be effective to the extent not so prohibited, and such prohibition shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, 19. | This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding on each party’s successors, assigns, heirs, administrators, representatives and trustees. 20. All times stated herein are of the essence of this Agreement. 21. This Agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution by the respective parties in counterpart. THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY BLANK AHCA v. 2065, Inc. d/b a Ft. Lauderdale Retirement Home - Settlement Agreement Page 4 of 5 C.L. No.: 12-1546-000; Case No.: 12-1252MPI Z l ) 2065. INC. d/b/a FT. LAYDERDALE RETIREMENT HOME md LAS Dated: 02/0 # 2013 BY Dac eveui ne H. Henny 2o-Bad (Print name) AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION 2727 Mahan Drive, Bldg. 3, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, FL 32308-5403 A Inspector General a pace 3/22 ye? © General Counsel Kr Kell Dated: 5 30 oy im Kellum Chief Medicaid Counsel . - Dated: —Reehie—A-Wilson ~ Trav leaden Te? Assistant General Counsel Her don i fas AHCA v. 2065, Inc. d/b a Ft. Lauderdale Retirement Home - Settlement Agreement CL. No.: 12-1546-000; Case No.: 12-1252MPI Page 5 of 5 (Page 1 of 4) FLORIDA AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINSTRATION. Sovenot Better Health Care for ail Floridians ELIZABETH DUD EK RICK SUUT I , ELIZABETH DUDEK GOVERNOR Better Health Care for ail Floridians SECRETARY CERTIFIED MAIL NO.:7004 2510 0005 6456 0072 February 6, 2012 C.L No: 121546000 Provider No: 140290100 Provider License No: AL6634 2065, Inc. 401 SE 12" Court Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33316 In Reply Refer to: Sanction Dear Provider: In accordance with Section 409.913, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Rule 59G-9.070, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), the Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency), shall apply sanctions for violations of federal and state laws, including the following violations of Medicaid policy: © Seven (7) of eight (8) recipient records reviewed did not contain Service Plans (G.L: H.Z.5M.R.Z.; T.W.; C.W.; S.A.C.; P.A.A,) in the files. © One (1) of eight (8) recipient records reviewed did not contain a current Health Assessment and Service Plan in the file (M.H.). * A look at the Medication Observation Records (MORs) revealed five (5) residents sheet were pre-annotated and/or not annotated at all albeit medication already administered (MLR, 8.Q.; WAR: DLA: P.T)). This letter shall serve as notice of the following sanction(s): * A fine of $13,000.00 for violation(s) of 7(e) under Rule Section 59G-9.070, F.A.C. Furthermore, this letter serves as notice that the agency, upon entry of a final agency order, a judgment or order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or a stipulation or settlement, may collect the moneys owed by ali means allowable by law, including, but not limited to, notifying any fiscal intermediary of Medicare benefits that the state has a superior right of payment. Upon receipt of such written notification, the Medicare fiscal intermediary shall remit to the state the sum claimed. This is in accordance with Section 409.913, (25)(d) F.S. Visit AHCA online at 2727 Mahan Drive, MS# 6 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 (Page 2 of 4) 2065, Ine. PN 140290100 File # 80333 Page 2 of 4 (Ex.1) Please remit a certified check in the amount of $1 3,000.00. The check must be payable to the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Questions regarding procedures for submitting payment should be directed to Medicaid Accounts Receivable, (850) 412-3858. To ensure proper credit, be certain your provider number and the investigation case number (121546000) are shown on your check. Please mail payment to: Medicaid Accounts Receivable - MS # 14 Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Bldg. 2, Ste. 200 Tallahassee, FL 32308 If payment is not received, or arranged for, within 30 days of receipt of this letter, the Agency may withhold Medicaid payments or impose additional sanctions, which include, but are not limited to, fines, suspension and termination from the Medicaid Program. You have the right to request a formal or informal hearing pursuant to Section 120.569, F.S. Ifa request for a formal hearing is made, the petition must be made in compliance with Section 28- 106.201, F.A.C. and mediation may be available. If a request for an informal hearing is made, the petition must be made in compliance with rule Section 28-106.301, F.A.C. Additionally, you are hereby informed that if a request for a hearing is made, the petition must be received by the Agency within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of this letter. For more information regarding your hearing and mediation rights, please see the attached Notice of Administrative Hearing and Mediation Rights. Any questions you may have about this matter should be directed to: Maritza Perpina, Inspector Specialist, Agency for Health Care Administration, Medicaid Program Integrity, PO Box 52-2804, Miami, Florida 33152-2804, telephone (305) 718-5900, facsimile (305) 718- 5944, Sincerely, fee: Dozier Field Office Manager Office of Inspector General Medicaid Program Integrity Enclosures ce: = AHCA Bureau of Finance and Accounting Aita; Katrina Derico-Harris Health Quality Assurance (HQA) (Page 3 of 4) 2065, Inc. PN 140290100 File # 80333 Page 3 of 4 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING AND MEDIATION RIGHTS You have the right to request an administrative hearing | pursuant to Sections 120, 569 and 120. 57, wate Mtaet alae You have the right to request an ‘administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 130. 369 and 730. 37, Florida Statutes. If you disagree with the facts stated in the foregoing Final Audit Report (hereinafter FAR), you may request a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. If you do not dispute the facts stated in the FAR, but believe there are additional reasons to grant the relicf you seek, you may request an informal administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes. Additionally, pursuant to Section 120.573, Florida Statutes, mediation may be available if you have chosen a formal administrative hearing, as discussed more fully below. The written request for an administrative hearing must conform to the requirements of either Rule 28-106.201(2) or Rule 28-106,301(2), Florida Administrative Code, and must be received by the Agency for Health Care Administration, by 5:00 P.M. no later than 2] days after you received the FAR, The address for filing the written request for an administrative hearing is: Richard J. Shoop, Esquire Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Fax: (850) 921-0158 The request must be legible, on 8 % by 11-inch white paper, and contain: 1. Your name, address, telephone number, any Agency identifying number on the FAR, if known, and name, address, and telephone number of your representative, if any; An explanation of how your substantial interests will be affected by the action described in the FAR; 3, A statement of when and how you received the FAR; 4. For a request for formal hearing, a statement of all disputed issues of material fact; 5. For a request for formal hearing, a concise statement of the ultimate facts alleged, as well as the tules and statutes which entitle you to relief; 6. For a request for formal hearing, whether you request mediation, if it is available, 7. For a request for informal hearing, what bases support an adjustment to the amount owed to the Agency; and 8. A demand for relief. N A formal hearing will be held if there are disputed issues of material fact. Additionally, mediation may be available in conjunction with a formal hearing, Mediation is a way to use a neutral third party to assist the parties in a legal or administrative proceeding to reach a settlement of their case. If you and the Agency agree to mediation, it does not mean that you give up the right to a hearing. Rather, you and the Agency will try to settle your case first with mediation. If you request mediation, and the Agency agrees to it, you will be contacted by the Agency to set up 2 time for the mediation and to enter into a mediation agreement. If a mediation agreement is not reached within 10 days following the request for mediation, the matter will proceed without mediation. The mediation must be concluded within 60 days of having entered into the agreement, unless you and the Agency agree to a different time period. The mediation agreement between you and the Agency will include provisions for selecting the mediator, the allocation of costs and fees associated with the mediation, and the confidentiality of discussions and documents involved in the mediation, Mediators charge hourly fees that must be shared equally by you and the Agency. Ifa written request for an administrative hearing is not timely received you will have waived your right to have the intended action reviewed pursuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and the action set forth in the FAR shalt be conclusive and final. (Page 4 of 4) . 2065, Inc. PN 140290100 File # 80333 Page 4 of 4 Complete this form and send along with vour check to: Complete this form and send along with your check to: Agency for Health Care Administration Medicaid Accounts Receivable 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #14 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 CHECK MUST BE MADE PAYABLE TO: FLORIDA AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION Provider Name: 2065, Inc. Provider 1D: 140290100 MPI Case #: 121546000 Overpayment Amount: Fine Amount: $13,000.00 Total Amount Owed: $13,000.00 _ Check Number:
The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent committed the offense set forth in Petitioner's letter of agency action dated March 9, 2012, and, if so, what action should be taken.
Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, New Life was issued individual Medicaid provider number 140680900. At all times material hereto, New Life was enrolled as an assisted living facility. At all times material hereto, New Life had a valid Medicaid Provider Agreement with AHCA (Agreement). Under the Agreement, New Life was authorized to provide assistive living services to Medicaid recipients. The Florida Medicaid Assistive Care Services Coverage and Limitations Handbook, effective July 2009, hereinafter Handbook, provides, among other things, requirements of Medicaid home health services providers and sets forth pertinent Medicaid policies and service requirements. The Handbook is provided to each Medicaid provider upon enrollment into the Medicaid program and is available online. Each provider is expected and presumed to be familiar with the Handbook. The Handbook was incorporated by reference into rule 59G-4.025, Assistive Care Services. No dispute exists that, at all times material hereto, New Life was an assistive care services provider as defined by the Handbook. The Handbook provides in pertinent part: Recipients receiving Assistive Care Services must have a complete assessment at least annually . . . or sooner if a significant change in the recipient's condition occurs . . . . An annual assessment must be completed no more than one year plus fifteen days after the last assessment. An assessment triggered by a significant change must be completed no more than fifteen days after the significant change. The assessment for a resident of a ALF . . . must be completed by a physician or other licensed practitioner of the healing arts (Physician Assistant, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse) acting within the scope of practice under state law, physician assistant or advanced registered practitioner. * * * The assessment for ALF [assisted living facility] residents must be recorded on the Resident Health Assessment for Assisted Living Facilities, AHCA Form 1823. * * * Along with the annual assessment requirement, all recipients receiving ACS [Assistive Care Services] must have an updated Certification of Medical Necessity for Medicaid Assistive Care Services, AHCA- Med Serv Form 035, July 2009, signed by a physician or other licensed practitioner of the healing arts (Physician Assistant, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse) and the Resident Service Plan for Assistive Care Services, AHCA-Med Serv Form 036, July 2009, completed and available in the recipient's case file at the facility. * * * Every ACS recipient must have a service plan completed by the ACS service provider. The Resident Service Plan for Assistive Care Services, AHCA-Med Serv Form 036, July 2009, shall be used for each recipient receiving ACS. The form must be included in the recipient's case file at the facility. The ALF, RTF [residential medical facility] and AFCH [adult family care home] are responsible for ensuring the service plan is developed and implemented. * * * The Resident Service Plan for Assistive Care Services (AHCA-Med Serv Form 036) must be completed within 15 days after the initial health assessment or annual assessment, be in writing and based on information contained in the health assessment. . . . * * * A new service plan is required on an annual basis or sooner if a significant change in the recipient's condition occurs. The new service plan must be completed no more than 15 days after the annual assessment or an assessment because of a significant change in the recipient's condition. * * * In addition to records required by the applicable licensure standards, ACS records that must be kept include: Copies of all eligibility documents; Health Assessment Forms, AHCA Form 1823 . . .; Certification of Medical Necessity for Medicaid Assistive Care Services, AHCA-Med Serv Form 035; The Resident Service Plan for Assistive Care Services, AHCA-Med Serv Form 036; and The Resident Service Log, AHCA-Med Serv Form 037. This documentation must be maintained at the facility, kept for at least five years, and be made available to the Agency for Health Care Administration monitoring or surveyor staff or its designated representative, upon request. . . . * * * ACS documentation may be in electronic format. The original, signed . . . documents must be kept in the recipient's case file in the facility . . . for audit, monitoring and quality assurance purposes. . . . Handbook at P 2-7 through 2-11. AHCA's investigator performed a site visit at New Life on December 8, 2011. The investigator reviewed case files of residents for the service-period covering January 1, 2011, through November 30, 2011 (service-period). AHCA's investigator found deficiencies in the case files of seven residents at New Life: M.B.; R.F.; E.H.; R.J.; I.M.; K.L.; and J.S. Additional documents, not contained in the case files during the site visit, were provided subsequent to the site visit. Regarding Resident M.B., the Health Assessment and the Resident Service Plan were dated August 17, 2010, which was after the service-period; and the Certification of Medical Necessity was dated March 28, 2012, which was not within the service-period and after the site visit. The evidence demonstrates that the case file of Resident M.B. lacked the Health Assessment, Resident Service Plan, and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service- period. As to Resident R.F., the Health Assessment was dated January 1, 2011, which was within the service-period but not up- to-date; the Resident Service Plan was up-to-date; and the Certification of Medical Necessity was dated March 1, 2012, which was not within the service-period and after the site visit. The evidence demonstrates that the case file of Resident R.F. lacked the Health Assessment and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period. Regarding Resident E.H., the Health Assessment was dated January 24, 2011, and was up-to-date; the Resident Service Plan was not provided; and the Certification of Medical Necessity was dated September 27, 2002, with no more recent Certification of Medical Necessity. The evidence demonstrates that the case file of Resident E.H. lacked the Resident Service Plan and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period. As to Resident R.J., the parties stipulated that the Health Assessment was up-to-date; the Resident Service Plan was not provided; and the Certification of Medical Necessity was dated February 29, 2012, which was not within the service-period and after the site visit. The evidence demonstrates that the case file of Resident R.J. lacked the Resident Service Plan and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period. Regarding Resident I.M., the Health Assessment and the Resident Service Plan were up-to-date; and the Certification of Medical Necessity was dated March 1, 2012, which was not within the service-plan and after the site visit. The evidence demonstrates that the case file of Resident I.M. lacked the Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period. As to Resident K.L., the Health Assessment was dated March 1, 2012, which was not within the service-period and after the site visit; the Resident Service Plan was not provided; and the Certification of Medical Necessity was provided, but the date as to the year was unintelligible even though the month and day were intelligible, i.e., March 1. The evidence demonstrates that the case file of Resident K.L. lacked the Health Assessment, Resident Service Plan, and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service- period. Regarding Resident J.S., the Health Assessment was dated August 22, 2009, which was not within the service-period; the Resident Service Plan was not provided; and the Certification of Medical Necessity was dated February 29, 2012, which was not within the service-period and was after the site visit. The evidence demonstrates that the case file of Resident J.S. lacked the Health Assessment, Resident Service Plan, and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service period. The Director and owner of New Life is Ethel Newton. Ms. Newton has been the Director and owner for the past 13 years. She was not familiar with the Health Assessment form, the Resident Service Plan form, or the Certification of Medical Necessity form. Ms. Newton advised AHCA's investigator that she was not familiar with the forms and admitted same at the hearing. Ms. Newton historically depended upon the assistance of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCF) to complete any required forms. She depended upon DCF until 2005 when DCF closed its local office which had been assisting her. After DCF closed its local office, Ms. Newton depended upon the residents' case managers at New Horizons, an agency where the residents' physicians are located, to complete any required forms. Five of the seven residents had case managers at New Horizons; J.S. and E.H. did not have case managers at New Horizons. E.H. is no longer a resident at New Life. Ms. Newton is willing to cooperate with AHCA and do whatever it takes to have the required forms completed timely and correctly. The evidence does not demonstrate that Ms. Newton intentionally failed to complete the required forms. None of the seven residents were harmed as a result of the deficiencies in the documentation. No evidence was presented demonstrating that New Life has any prior administrative sanction or penalty. No evidence was presented demonstrating that New Life has any prior violations.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order: Finding that New Life Assisted Living, Inc., d/b/a New Life Assisted Living Facility, violated Florida Administrative Code Rule 59G-9.070(7)(e) by failing to have in the case files of Resident M.B., Resident K.L., and Resident J.S. a Health Assessment, Resident Service Plan, and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period covering January 1, 2011, through November 30, 2011; by failing to have in the case file of Resident R.F. a Health Assessment and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period covering January 1, 2011, through November 30, 2011; by failing to have in the case file of Resident E.H. and Resident R.J. a Resident Service Plan and Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period covering January 1, 2011, through November 30, 2011; and by failing to have in Resident I.M.'s case file a Certification of Medical Necessity for the service-period covering January 1, 2011, through November 30, 2011; Requiring New Life Assisted Living, Inc., d/b/a New Life Assisted Living Facility to enter into a corrective action plan; and Imposing a fine against New Life Assisted Living, Inc., d/b/a New Life Assisted Living Facility in the amount of $1,750.00. S DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of November, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of November, 2012.
Conclusions THIS CAUSE comes before the Agency For Health Care Administration (the "Agency") concerning Certificate of Need ("CON") Application No. 10131 filed by The Shores Behavioral Hospital, LLC (hereinafter “The Shores”) to establish a 60-bed adult psychiatric hospital and CON Application No. 10132 The entity is a limited liability company according to the Division of Corporations. Filed March 14, 2012 2:40 PM Division of Administrative Hearings to establish a 12-bed substance abuse program in addition to the 60 adult psychiatric beds pursuant to CON application No. 10131. The Agency preliminarily approved CON Application No. 10131 and preliminarily denied CON Application No. 10132. South Broward Hospital District d/b/a Memorial Regional Hospital (hereinafter “Memorial”) thereafter filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing challenging the Agency’s preliminary approval of CON 10131, which the Agency Clerk forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (“DOAH”). The Shores thereafter filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing to challenge the Agency’s preliminary denial of CON 10132, which the Agency Clerk forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (‘DOAH”). Upon receipt at DOAH, Memorial, CON 10131, was assigned DOAH Case No. 12-0424CON and The Shores, CON 10132, was assigned DOAH Case No. 12-0427CON. On February 16, 2012, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Order of Consolidation consolidating both cases. On February 24, 2012, the Administrative Law Judge issued an Order Closing File and Relinquishing Jurisdiction based on _ the _ parties’ representation they had reached a settlement. . The parties have entered into the attached Settlement Agreement (Exhibit 1). It is therefore ORDERED: 1. The attached Settlement Agreement is approved and adopted as part of this Final Order, and the parties are directed to comply with the terms of the Settlement Agreement. 2. The Agency will approve and issue CON 10131 and CON 10132 with the conditions: a. Approval of CON Application 10131 to establish a Class III specialty hospital with 60 adult psychiatric beds is concurrent with approval of the co-batched CON Application 10132 to establish a 12-bed adult substance abuse program in addition to the 60 adult psychiatric beds in one single hospital facility. b. Concurrent to the licensure and certification of 60 adult inpatient psychiatric beds, 12 adult substance abuse beds and 30 adolescent residential treatment (DCF) beds at The Shores, all 72 hospital beds and 30 adolescent residential beds at Atlantic Shores Hospital will be delicensed. c. The Shores will become a designated Baker Act receiving facility upon licensure and certification. d. The location of the hospital approved pursuant to CONs 10131 and 10132 will not be south of Los Olas Boulevard and The Shores agrees that it will not seek any modification of the CONs to locate the hospital farther south than Davie Boulevard (County Road 736). 3. Each party shall be responsible its own costs and fees. 4. The above-styled cases are hereby closed. DONE and ORDERED this 2. day of Meaich~ , 2012, in Tallahassee, Florida. ELIZABETH DEK, Secretary AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION
Conclusions THE PARTIES resolved all disputed issues and executed a Settlement Agreement. The parties are directed to comply with the terms of the attached Settlement Agreement (Attachment A). Based on the foregoing, this file is CLOSED. DONE AND ORDERED on this 4 Any of (flay, , 2014, in Tallahassee, Florida. Agency for HealthCare Administration Filed February 14, 2014 11:45 AM Division of Administrative Hearings