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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Dec. 18, 2018 Number: 18-006681TTS Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 31, 1995 Number: 95-003832 Latest Update: Mar. 20, 1996

The Issue Whether Respondent engaged in the conduct (to: wit: "conduct unbecoming a School Board employee" and "misconduct in office") alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges? If so, whether such conduct provides the School Board of Dade County, Florida, just or proper cause to take disciplinary action against him? If so, what specific disciplinary action should be taken?

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence received at the formal hearing in this case, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The School Board is responsible for the operation, control and supervision of all public schools (grades K through 12) in Dade County, Florida. Respondent is now, and was at all times material to the instant case, an employee of the School Board occupying a school monitor position. He currently is under suspension as a result of the incident described in the Notice of Specific Charges. Other than this suspension, he has had no formal disciplinary action taken against him during the period of his employment with the School Board. 1/ Respondent's employment with the School Board began on March 10, 1993, when he was hired to fill an hourly school monitor position at John F. Kennedy Middle School (JFK). At the beginning of the 1993-1994 school year, Respondent became a full-time school monitor at JFK. He remained in that position until he was administratively reassigned in March of 1995, following the incident which led to the initiation of the instant disciplinary proceeding. As a school monitor, Respondent is a member of a collective bargaining unit represented by the United Teachers of Dade (UTD) and covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and UTD, effective July 1, 1994, through June 30, 1997 (UTD Contract). Article V of the UTD Contract addresses the subject of a "employer rights." Section 1 of Article V provides, in part, that the School Board has the exclusive right to suspend, dismiss or terminate employees "for just cause." Article VIII of the UTD Contract addresses the subject of a "safe learning environment." Section 1, paragraph A, of Article VIII provides as follows: A safe and orderly learning environment is a major priority of the parties. Such an environment requires that disruptive behavior be dealt with safely, fairly, consistently and in a manner which incorporates progressive disciplinary measures specified in the Code of Student Conduct. Section 1, paragraph D, of Article VIII provides, in part, as follows: The parties recognize the potential for difficult circumstances and problems related to the use of corporal punishment. Accord- ingly, the parties agree that such punishment shall be prohibited as a disciplinary option, and further agree to act affirmatively in continuing to identify and implement more effective alternatives for dealing with student behavior. Article XXI of the UTD Contract addresses the subject of "employee rights and due process." Section 1, paragraph B, of Article XXI provides, in part, that "[d]ismissals and suspensions shall be effected in accordance with applicable Florida statutes, including the Administrative Procedures Act (APA)." Section 3, paragraph D, of Article XXI provides that educational support personnel who have completed their probationary period may be dismissed for just cause, which includes, but is not limited to, misconduct in office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, immorality and/or conviction of a crime involving moral tur- pitude. Such charges are defined, as appli- cable, in State Board Rule 6B-4.009. Section 3, paragraph F, of Article XXI provides, in part, that such an educational support employee is entitled to an appeal hearing on the Superintendent's recommendation that he or she be terminated and is further entitled to be served by the School Board with a Notice of Specific Charges prior to the hearing. Valerie Carrier is now, and was at all times material to the instant case, the principal of JFK. As principal, Carrier is responsible for the overall operation of the school. It is her obligation to take the necessary measures to maintain a safe environment for the school's students. There is a security staff at the school, comprised of school monitors, that assists Carrier in carrying out this responsibility. According to their job description, the school monitors on the school's security staff have the following "basic objectives" and "job tasks/responsibilities:" BASIC OBJECTIVES Under general direction from the school principal, he/she performs duties to monitor student activity in promoting and maintaining a safe learning environment and insures that appropriate standards of conduct are followed. JOB TASKS/RESPONSIBILITIES Visually observes student behavior during school hours, on school property. Reports serious disturbances to the school admini- stration and resolves minor altercations. Physically patrols all school buildings, grounds, and determines reason for the pre- sence of outsiders. Stops and questions all students not in class during class time. Monitors parking lots and student gathering areas (before, during and after school hours). Reports any safety or security problems to the administration. Performs any other duties set by the school principal or his/her designee. Carrier assigns each school monitor a post at which the monitor performs these job duties. If a monitor observes, from his or her post, a student engaging in inappropriate behavior, the monitor may attempt to verbally redirect the student, but the monitor is not permitted to impose consequences for the student's behavior. Each monitor is issued a hand-held radio to be used for communicating with other school personnel. If a misbehaving student fails to comply with a monitor's verbal instructions, the monitor is required to use the hand-held radio to advise an administrator of the situation. Joshua Cummings was a student at JFK during the 1994-95 school year. He frequently engaged in inappropriate behavior. Carrier gave the members of her staff, including Respondent, special instructions regarding how they should respond to acts of inappropriate behavior on Joshua's part. 2/ She told them that they should report any such acts directly to her or, in her absence, her designee. On March 17, 1995, during the first lunch period, Respondent was assigned to a post on the entrance courtyard side of the chain link double-gate that separates the entrance courtyard from the cafeteria spill-out area. The cafeteria spill-out area is, as its name suggests, an area outside the cafeteria where students gather after eating lunch and wait for their lunch period to end. There is a school monitor posted in the cafeteria spill-out area near the door that students use to exit the cafeteria and enter the spill-out area. Another school monitor is stationed on the other side of the exit door inside the cafeteria. Pursuant to the standard operating procedure at the school, the chain link double-gate between the entrance courtyard and the cafeteria spill-out area remains closed and locked until the end of the lunch period, when the students are picked up by their teacher. At the teacher's request, the school monitor manning the post on the entrance courtyard side of the double-gate unlocks (with a key) and then opens the double-gate 3/ and lets the students waiting in the cafeteria spill-out area go into the entrance courtyard to meet their teacher. If it becomes necessary for a student in the spill-out area to use the restroom before the end of the lunch period, the student must reenter the cafeteria, obtain a pass from an administrator 4/ and then leave the cafeteria through the cafeteria's main entrance. Students are not permitted to use the double-gate to exit the spill- out area before the end of the lunch period. On March 17, 1995, Joshua Cummings had lunch during the first lunch period (which began at approximately 11:30 a.m. and lasted approximately 30 minutes). Jean LaDouceur and Dorys Cadet were among the other students who had lunch during the first lunch period on March 17, 1995. Approximately 100 or more of these students, including Joshua, Jean and Dorys, were in the cafeteria spill-out area, prior to the end of the first lunch period on this date, when Joshua started shaking the chain-link double- gate and yelling at Respondent to unlock and open the gate so that he (Joshua) could go to the restroom (which was located off the entrance courtyard near the gate). Respondent was in the area of his assigned post in the entrance courtyard sitting on the steps leading to the school auditorium. He got up and, as he walked toward the double-gate, he told Joshua that Joshua had to wait until the end of the period if he wanted to exit the spill-out area through the double-gate. Joshua apparently did not want to wait. He continued to shake the double-gate and shout obscenities at Respondent. Respondent responded in an unseemly and inappropriate manner that evinced a reckless disregard for the safety of Joshua and the other students in the spill-out area who were around him. Instead of continuing his efforts to verbally redirect Joshua or radioing for assistance, Respondent, from his position on the courtyard side of the double-gate, responded to Joshua's misbehavior by angrily hurling his hand-held radio (which had a battery pack attached to it) at the gate near where Joshua (who was on the spill-out area side of the gate) was standing. The radio hit the gate and shattered. Jean and Dorys were sitting on a picnic table in the spill-out area approximately twenty feet from the double-gate. There were several other students on or near the table with whom Jean and Dorys were conversing. The battery pack that had been attached to Respondent's hand-held radio before Respondent threw the radio at the gate wound up striking Jean on the right side of his forehead while he was sitting on the picnic table. (It apparently travelled through a space in the center of the gate.) Jean started bleeding. Accompanied by Dorys, Jean went to see Carrier to report what had happened. (To get to Carrier's office, which is off the entrance courtyard, approximately 20 feet from the double gate, they had to reenter the cafeteria because the double-gate was still locked.) Joshua also went to see Carrier. (He had been "nick[ed]" by a piece of Respondent's shattered radio.) After speaking with Jean and Joshua, Carrier called fire rescue. Fire rescue subsequently arrived on the scene and treated Jean's wound. Jean was advised by the paramedic who treated him to have a physician close the wound with stitches. Jean, however, did not seek further medical attention. (The wound eventually healed, but Jean has a small scar on the right side of his forehead as a result of his injury.) Carrier also called Jean's and Joshua's parents. After Jean's and Joshua's parents arrived at school, Carrier met with Respondent to discuss the incident. Respondent told Carrier what had happened. He went with Carrier to the entrance courtyard where he had been stationed and described how and where he had thrown his hand-held radio. Carrier picked up the pieces of Respondent's hand-held radio that were lying on the ground near the double-gate. Respondent also freely and voluntarily, at Carrier's request, prepared a written statement on the day of the incident in which he admitted that earlier that day, at about 11:53 a.m., in response to Joshua's yelling and kicking the double-gate, he had thrown his radio at the gate and that "parts of the radio [had gone] thr[ough] the gate and nick[ed Joshua]." After hearing the students' and Respondent's accounts of the incident, Carrier had legitimate concerns regarding Respondent's ability to effectively carry out his responsibilities as a school monitor. Respondent's conduct had jeopardized the health, safety and well-being of the very individuals it was his job, as a school monitor, to protect. Following the completion of an investigation of the incident, the School Board's Superintendent of Schools recommended 5/ that the School Board suspend Respondent and initiate a dismissal proceeding against him. The School Board took such recommended action at its July 12, 1995, meeting.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered sustaining Respondent's suspension and dismissing him as an employee of the School Board of Dade County, Florida. DONE and ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 19th day of February, 1996. STUART M. LERNER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of February, 1996.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57447.209784.045 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Arcadia, Florida Apr. 03, 2019 Number: 19-001793TTS Latest Update: Aug. 13, 2019

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner, DeSoto County School Board (School Board), to suspend Respondent without pay, and terminate her employment as an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) teacher.

Findings Of Fact Parties and Relevant Policies The School Board is charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise public schools in DeSoto County. Art. IX, § 4(b), Fla. Const. (2018). This includes the power to discipline instructional staff, such as classroom teachers. §§ 1012.22(1)(f) and 1012.33, Fla. Stat. Respondent is an ESE classroom teacher at DeSoto County High School (High School). Although Respondent has been teaching for 23 years, she has only been an ESE classroom teacher for the School Board since 2016. Superintendent Cline is an elected official who has authority for making School Board personnel decisions. His duties include recommending to the School Board that a teacher be terminated. § 1012.27(5), Fla. Stat. David Bremer (Principal Bremer) was the principal at the High School at all times relevant to these proceedings, and Cynthia Langston served as the Assistant Principal. The parties’ employment relationship is governed by School Board policies, Florida laws, Department of Education regulations, and the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) entered into by the School Board and the Desoto County Educators Association, a public union. The CBA relevant to this action was effective July 1, 2018, through June 30, 2021. The School Board employed Respondent on an annual contract basis. “Annual contract” means an employment contract for a period of no longer than one school year which the School Board may choose to award or not award without cause. § 1012.335(1)(a), Fla. Stat. The testimony at the hearing and language in the CBA establish that the annual contract of a teacher, who has received an indication he or she “Needs Improvement” or is placed on an improvement plan, is not eligible for automatic renewal. In these situations, the superintendent has discretion regarding whether to renew that teacher’s annual contract. See CBA, Art. 8, § 16. Article 22, section 8 of the CBA provides for progressive discipline for teachers in the following four steps: (1) verbal reprimand (with written notation placed in the site file); (2) written reprimand (filed in personnel and site files); (3) suspension with or without pay; and (4) dismissal. The CBA makes clear that progressive discipline must be followed, “except in cases that constitute a real immediate danger to the district or [involve a] flagrant violation.” February 11, 2019 (the February 11 Incident) This proceeding arises from an incident that occurred on February 11, 2019, after lunch in Respondent’s ESE classroom. The School Board alleges Respondent intentionally threw a foam or Nerf-type football at a student in a wheelchair when he failed to follow her instructions, and the football hit the student. Respondent asserts she playfully threw stress ball-type footballs up in the air and one accidently bounced and hit A.R.’s chair. Respondent’s classroom at the High School consisted of ten to 12 ESE students during the 2018-2019 school year. These students had special needs and some were nonverbal. On the day of the incident, there were nine or ten students in Respondent’s classroom, including A.R., a high school senior with cerebral palsy. Respondent kept small foam or Nerf-type footballs in her desk drawer. The testimony at the hearing established Respondent had used them in the classroom to get the students’ attention in a playful fashion. In addition to Respondent, four paraprofessionals assisted the students in the classroom. Of the four, only three were in the classroom during the February 11 incident: Ms. Walker, Mr. Blevins, and Ms. Murray. Respondent was responsible for A.R. while in her classroom. A.R. uses a wheelchair or a walker to get around, but has a special chair-desk in Respondent’s classroom. A.R. had difficulty in the classroom setting. Specifically, it was noted at the hearing that he has trouble processing what is happening around him, and that he needs help simplifying tasks that require more than one step. Although A.R. is verbal, he is slow to respond. A.R. was described as a “repeater” because he repeats things that others say, smiles if others are smiling, or laughs if others are laughing. In conversation, A.R. would typically smile and nod, or say “yes.” Ms. Walker’s and Mr. Blevins’s recollections of the February 11 incident were essentially the same. They testified that on the afternoon of February 11, 2019, the students returned to Respondent’s classroom from art class. They were excited and did not settle down for their lesson. As a result, Respondent became frustrated and yelled at the students to get their pencils so they could start their work. Respondent asked A.R., who was in his special chair-desk, to obtain a pencil. A.R. did not respond immediately and Respondent told him to get his pencil or she would throw a football. Ms. Walker’s and Mr. Blevins’s testimony established that, at this point, Respondent threw either one or two blue, soft, Nerf-type footballs approximately six inches long at A.R., who was looking in another direction. One of these blue footballs hit A.R. either in the side of his torso or back. A.R. began flailing his arms while he was in his chair-desk, and the entire room became silent. Ms. Murray was not facing A.R. during the incident, but she heard Respondent yell at A.R. to pay attention. She did not see Respondent throw the balls and was unsure if any of the balls made contact with A.R. After the incident, however, she saw two balls on the floor, picked them up, and returned them to Respondent. Ms. Murray did not recall the color of the footballs, and could only describe them as “squishy.” Respondent testified that A.R. was not paying attention, and she admits she told him she was going to toss the footballs if he did not get his pencil. She denies throwing a blue football at A.R., but instead claims she threw two smaller foam brown footballs. She denied any of the balls hit him, but rather, explained one of the brown footballs bounced off the floor and hit A.R.’s chair-desk; the other fell on her desk. The undersigned finds the testimony of Respondent less credible than the paraprofessionals’ testimony. First, all of the evidence established Respondent clearly threw footballs after A.R. did not respond to her instruction, and Respondent knew (or should have known) that A.R. was incapable of catching the football or responding positively. Second, Respondent’s version of what happened to the balls after she threw them is inconsistent with the testimony of Ms. Walker and Mr. Blevins that one ball hit A.R. Respondent’s testimony that one ball fell on her desk is also inconsistent with Ms. Murray’s testimony that she picked up two balls off the floor. Finally, Respondent’s version of events is not believable in part, because neither the brown nor the blue football entered into evidence had sufficient elasticity (or bounciness) to have acted in the manner described by Respondent. Based on the credible evidence and testimony, the undersigned finds Respondent intentionally threw the blue larger footballs at A.R. knowing he would not be able to catch them, one ball hit A.R. in the side or back, and A.R. became startled from being hit. There was no evidence proving A.R. was physically, emotionally, or mentally harmed. Report and Investigation of the February 11 Incident Both Ms. Walker and Mr. Blevins were taken aback by Respondent’s behavior. Ms. Walker was concerned that A.R. did not realize what was happening, and that the rest of the students were in shock. She did not think a teacher should throw anything at any student. Mr. Blevins similarly stated he was stunned and did not believe Respondent’s conduct was appropriate, especially because A.R. was in a wheelchair. At the hearing, Respondent also admitted it would be inappropriate to throw anything at a student even if it was just to get his or her attention. Both Ms. Walker and Mr. Blevins attempted to report the incident immediately to the High School administration. Ms. Walker left the classroom to report the incident to Principal Bremer, who was unavailable. Ms. Walker then reported to Assistant Principal Langston what she had seen happen to A.R. in Respondent’s classroom. During this conversation, Ms. Walker was visibly upset. After listening to Ms. Walker, Assistant Principal Langston suggested she contact the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Ms. Walker used the conference room phone and immediately contacted the abuse hotline at DCF. As a result, DCF opened an abuse investigation into the incident. Meanwhile, Mr. Blevins had also left Respondent’s classroom to report the incident to Assistant Principal Langston. When he arrived, he saw that Ms. Walker was already there and assumed she was reporting what had happened. Therefore, he did not immediately report anything. Later that day, Assistant Principal Langston visited Respondent’s classroom, but did not find anything unusual. She did not speak to Respondent about the incident reported by Ms. Walker. The next day, February 12, 2019, Assistant Principal Langston obtained statements from the paraprofessionals, including Ms. Walker and Mr. Blevins in Respondent’s classroom regarding the February 11 incident. These statements were forwarded to Superintendent Cline, who had been advised of the incident and that DCF was conducting an investigation. It is Superintendent Cline’s practice to advise administrators to place a teacher on suspension with pay during an investigation. If the teacher is cleared, the administrator should move forward with reinstatement. In this case, Principal Bremer met with Respondent on February 12, 2019, and informed her she would be placed on suspension with pay while DCF conducted its investigation into the incident. DCF closed its investigation on February 19, 2019. No one who conducted the DCF investigation testified at the hearing, and the final DCF report was not offered into evidence. Rather, the School Board offered a DCF document titled “Investigative Summary (Adult Institutional Investigation without Reporter Information).” This document falls within the business records exception to the hearsay rule in section 90.803(6), Florida Statutes, and was admitted into evidence. The undersigned finds, however, the Investigative Summary unpersuasive and unreliable to support any findings. The document itself is a synopsis of another report. Moreover, the document is filled with abbreviations and specialized references, but no one with personal knowledge of the investigation explained the meaning of the document at the final hearing. Finally, the summary indicates DCF closed the investigation because no physical or mental injury could be substantiated. On February 21, 2019, Principal Bremer notified Superintendent Cline that DCF had cleared Respondent, but did not provide him with a copy of the DCF report or summary. Principal Bremer did not have to consult with Superintendent Cline regarding what action to take regarding Respondent. Based on the DCF finding that the allegation of abuse or maltreatment was “Not Substantiated,” Principal Bremer reinstated Respondent to her position as an ESE teacher, but still issued her a written reprimand. The reprimand titled “Improper Conduct Maltreatment to a Student” stated in relevant part: I am presenting you with this written reprimand as discipline action for your improper conduct of throwing foam balls at a student. On February 11, 2019 it was reported you threw a football at [A.R.], a vulnerable adult suffering from physical limitations. As a result of this action, Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) were called to investigate and you were suspended until the investigation was complete. Although maltreatment of [sic] Physical or Mental Injury was not substantiated, DCF reported three adults in the room witnessed you throwing at least two foam balls at [A.R.] because he did not get a pencil on time. Apparently [A.R.] did not follow through with the direction provided by you and you became frustrated for that reason. I am by this written reprimand, giving you an opportunity to correct your improper conduct and observe Building rules in the future. I expect you will refrain hereafter from maltreatment to a student and fully meet the duties and responsibilities expected of you in your job. Should you fail to do so, you will subject yourself to further disciplinary action, including a recommendation for immediate termination and referral of the Professional Practices Commission. On February 25, 2019, Respondent returned to her same position as an ESE teacher, in her same classroom, with the same students, including A.R. Superintendent’s Investigation and Recommendation to Terminate Meanwhile, Superintendent Cline requested a copy of the report of the investigation from DCF and contacted the DCF investigator. Based on his review of what was provided to him and his conversation with DCF, he concluded A.R. may still be at risk. Superintendent Cline found Respondent’s actions worthy of termination because “it is unacceptable to throw a football at a student who has cerebral palsy, and thus, such conduct violates” state rules and School Board policy. School Board PRO at 15, ¶ 72. There was no credible evidence at the hearing that A.R. or any other student was at risk from Respondent. The School Board failed to establish at the hearing what additional information, if any, Superintendent Cline received that was different from the information already available to him, or that was different from the information provided to Principal Bremer. There was no justification or plausible explanation as to why Superintendent Cline felt the need to override Principal Bremer’s decision to issue a written reprimand for the violations. On March 6, 2019, Superintendent Cline issued a letter suspending Respondent without pay effective March 8, 2019, and indicating his intent to recommend to the School Board that it terminate Respondent’s employment at its next regular board meeting on March 26, 2019. Attached to the letter were copies of the Investigative Summary, Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 10.081, and School Board Policy 3210. This letter was delivered by a School Board’s human resources employee to Respondent on March 8, 2019. Respondent did not return to the classroom for the remainder of the school year. Respondent’s Disciplinary History Prior to the February 11 incident, Respondent had received an oral reprimand for attendance issues on December 21, 2018. On February 6, 2019, Assistant Principal Langston met with Respondent to address deficiencies in Respondent’s attendance, lesson plans, timeliness of entering grades, and concerns with individual education plans for her ESE students. At that meeting, Assistant Principal Langston explained Respondent would be put on an improvement plan and that if Respondent did not comply with the directives discussed at the meeting, she would be subject to further discipline, including termination. Although the plan was memorialized, Respondent was not given the written plan until after she returned from the suspension. Ultimate Findings of Fact Respondent intentionally threw two footballs in an overhand manner at A.R., a student who could not comprehend the situation and could not catch the balls. She did so either in an attempt to garner the student’s attention or out of frustration because he was not following directions. Respondent did not violate rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., because there was no evidence the incident exposed A.R. to harm, or that A.R.’s physical or mental health or safety was in danger. Similarly, Respondent did not violate School Board Policy 3210(A)(1). Respondent violated rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)5., which prohibits a teacher from “intentionally expos[ing] a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement.” The evidence established Respondent’s action in throwing the ball was intentional and was done to embarrass or belittle A.R. for not following her directions. For the same reason, Respondent’s conduct violated School Board Policy 3210(A)(5). Respondent violated rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)7., which states that a teacher “[s]hall not harass or discriminate . . . any student on the basis of . . . handicapping condition . . . and shall make reasonable effort to assure that each student is protected from harassment.” Again, the credible evidence established the act of a teacher throwing any item at any student, especially one who requires a wheelchair, is inappropriate and would be considered harassment on the basis of a student’s handicap. Similarly, Respondent violated rule 6A-10.081(2)(c)4., which requires that a teacher “not engage in harassment or discriminatory conduct which unreasonably interferes . . . with the orderly processes of education or which creates a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive environment; and, further, shall make reasonable effort to assure that each individual is protected from such harassment or discrimination.” For the same reasons listed above, Respondent’s conduct also amounts to a violation of School Board Policy 3210(A)(7). There was no evidence this conduct constituted a real immediate danger to the district, nor does it rise to the level of a flagrant violation. Therefore, the School Board must apply the steps of progressive discipline set forth in article 22, section 8 of the CBA. Pursuant to the terms of the CBA, Respondent should have received a written reprimand for the February 11 incident.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the DeSoto County School Board: enter a final order finding Respondent violated Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)5., and (2)(c)4.; and corresponding School Board Policy 3210(A)(5) and (7); rescind the notice of termination dated March 6, 2019, and, instead, reinstate Principal Bremer’s written reprimand dated February 25, 2019; and to the extent there is a statute, rule, employment contract, or Collective Bargaining Agreement provision that authorizes back pay as a remedy for Respondent’s wrongful suspension without pay, Respondent should be awarded full back pay and benefits from March 8, 2019, to the end of the term of her annual contract for the 2018-2019 school year. See Sch. Bd. of Seminole Cnty. v. Morgan, 582 So. 2d 787, 788 (Fla. 5th DCA 1991); Brooks v. Sch. Bd. of Brevard Cnty., 419 So. 2d 659, 661 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982). DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of August, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S HETAL DESAI Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of August, 2019. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark E. Levitt, Esquire Allen, Norton & Blue, P.A. Suite 100 1477 West Fairbanks Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 (eServed) Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. Suite 110 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North Clearwater, Florida 33761-1526 (eServed) Adrian H. Cline, Superintendent The School District of DeSoto County 530 LaSolona Avenue Post Office Drawer 2000 Arcadia, Florida 34265-2000 Richard Corcoran Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (8) 1012.011012.221012.271012.331012.335120.569120.5790.803 Florida Administrative Code (2) 6A-10.0816A-5.056 DOAH Case (6) 09-241409-355713-290016-686217-6849TTS19-1793TTS
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Sep. 22, 2011 Number: 11-004922TTS Latest Update: Mar. 07, 2012

The Issue Whether there is just cause to terminate Respondent's employment with the Miami-Dade County School Board.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner is the authorized entity charged with the responsibility to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within Miami-Dade County, Florida. At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as a school security monitor at Crestview Elementary School in the Miami-Dade County School District.1/ Respondent's employment is governed by the collective bargaining agreement between Petitioner and United Teachers of Dade ("UTD"). Pursuant to Article XXI, Section 3.D of the UTD contract, Respondent may be discharged only for "just cause," which includes, but is not limited to, "misconduct in office, incompetency, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, immorality, and/or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude." 2009-2010 School Year During the 2009-2010 academic year, Respondent was assigned to Crestview Elementary School ("Crestview") as its school security monitor. At the beginning of the year, Melissa Mesa, Crestview's principal at that time, provided Respondent with a schedule that detailed her responsibilities and duties as a monitor. In particular, Ms. Mesa advised Respondent that she was required to report to work at 7:30 a.m. and ensure that students unloaded from the buses safely. Respondent was further informed that she was required, among other tasks, to watch the students in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch, direct visitors to the front office, patrol the hallways, and ensure that Crestview's gates were locked. Finally, Respondent was clearly instructed that her workday did not end until 3:30 p.m. Almost immediately, Respondent began to exhibit a pattern of excessive absenteeism. Specifically, during her first month of work, Respondent was absent three times. Over the next two months (October and November), Respondent was absent without authorization on eight occasions. In response to these repeated absences, Ms. Mesa provided an "Absence from Worksite Directive" to Respondent on December 3, 2009. In the directive, Ms. Mesa informed Respondent, in relevant part, that "[a]ttendance and punctuality are essential functions of [the] job . . . . [and that Respondent's] absence from duties adversely impacts the educational / work environment, particularly in effective operation of [the] worksite." The directive further provided that failure to be "in regular attendance and on time" would be considered insubordination and a violation of professional responsibilities. Notwithstanding the December 3, 2009, directive, Respondent failed to report for work——without authorization——on: December 17, 2009; January 11, 12, and 19, 2010; and February 11, 12, and 16, 2010. On February 19, 2010, a conference for the record was held with Respondent to discuss her repeated, unexcused absences. Three days later, Respondent was provided with a summary of the conference for the record, as well as a written reprimand from Ms. Mesa. Despite the February 19, 2010, meeting and the issuance of a reprimand, Respondent missed an additional three days of work, without authorization, over the next three months. In all, Respondent accumulated in excess of 30 absences (18 of which were unexcused) during the 2009-2010 school year, which adversely affected Crestview's operations. In particular, Ms. Burch-Oliver, an assistant principal at Crestview, was often required to assume Respondent's duties on the days Respondent failed to report for work. 2010-2011 School Year On August 20, 2010, Sabrina Montilla, Crestview's new principal, met with Respondent and explained her schedule and duties——that were identical to Respondent's responsibilities during the previous year——as a security monitor for 2010-2011. Notwithstanding the August meeting, Respondent was absent a total of nine times (three of which were unauthorized) between September 8, 2010, and December 8, 2010. During that same span, Respondent left early three times and was tardy on 12 occasions. As a result, a conference for the record was held on December 14, 2010, to discuss Respondent's attendance and her noncompliance with worksite directives. Ms. Montilla issued a written reprimand to Respondent on the following day. Nevertheless, between December 14, 2010, and April 11, 2011, Respondent was tardy 12 more times, often by substantial amounts of time (on three occasions, Respondent was at least 90 minutes late). In addition, Respondent missed two and one-half days of work without authorization: a half day on March 25 and full days on January 31 and April 6. A conference for the record was scheduled for April 22, 2011, to discuss, once again, Respondent's attendance issues. Respondent failed to appear, however, and was issued a reprimand shortly thereafter. Regrettably, Respondent's noncompliance with her work schedule continued. Specifically, Respondent was tardy on May 2, 9, 12, and 18, 2011, left work early on May 11, 2011, and was absent without authorization on May 3, 12, and 19, 2011 (absent a full day on May 3, and half days on the other dates). Subsequently, on May 24, 2011, a conference for the record was held with Respondent at Petitioner's Office of Professional Standards. During the conference, Respondent was provided with, but declined, an opportunity to respond to the allegations of gross insubordination, noncompliance with professional responsibilities, and violations several School Board Rules. On August 23, 2011, Respondent was informed that the Superintendent of Schools would make a recommendation at the September 7, 2011, School Board meeting that she be dismissed from her employment as a security monitor. Respondent's Final Hearing Testimony During the final hearing in this cause, Respondent attributed her failure to adhere to Crestview's schedule during the 2009-2010 school year to the fact that she was pregnant with her third child——she gave birth on June 13, 2010——and frequently suffered from morning sickness. Respondent further testified that as a single parent with two other children (ages five and eight), she was responsible for dropping her middle child off at Charles Drew Elementary School——located some distance from Crestview——at the same time that she was scheduled to report for work. While Respondent indicates that, "in the beginning," she was paying "someone" to take her child to work, the person she hired would often leave her in the lurch. However, Respondent failed to explain why she was unwilling or unable to find a more reliable individual to take her child to school. With respect to the 2010-2011 school year, Respondent testified that her attendance problems continued due to her newborn's medical issues———asthma and heart murmurs——and the need to transport her baby to daycare. Although Respondent concedes that School District provided her with information about Family Medical Leave Act, Respondent admits that she made no effort to secure medical leave to be with her son. Finally, Petitioner testified that her childcare issues have been solved by her use of a daycare facility near Crestview and the transfer of her daughter to Crestview from Charles Drew Elementary. As a result, Petitioner believes that should her employment be reinstated, she would now be able to comply with the attendance requirements of her position. While the undersigned credits the portions of Respondent's testimony discussed above, which no doubt reveal that she was dealing with challenging issues as a single parent, the fact remains that Respondent failed——on repeated occasions—— to reconcile the tension between her family responsibilities and the demands of her employment. Although Respondent made a decision that many parents would in her situation (to prioritize family over her job duties), the fact remains that she made a deliberate, knowing choice to be absent and tardy on numerous occasions during two different school years. Ultimate Findings The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Respondent is guilty of gross insubordination. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Respondent is guilty of failing to behave in such a manner that reflects credit upon herself and the school system. The greater weight of the evidence establishes that Respondent is guilty of violating the School Board's Code of Ethics.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of Counts I, II, and III of the Notice of Specific Charges. It is further recommended that the final order terminate Respondent's employment, or, in the alternative, impose a penalty other than Respondent's dismissal. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of January, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. EDWARD T. BAUER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of January, 2012.

Florida Laws (3) 1012.40120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Dec. 09, 1997 Number: 97-005828 Latest Update: Apr. 05, 2001

The Issue In DOAH Case No. 97-5828, the issue is whether the Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint dated March 24, 1998, and, if so, the penalty which should be imposed. In DOAH Case No. 98-2387, the issue is whether the Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Notice of Specific Charges dated July 30, 1998, and, if so, whether he should be dismissed from employment with the Miami-Dade County School Board.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, is the entity authorized to operate the public schools in the county and to "provide for the appointment, compensation, promotion, suspension, and dismissal of employees" of the school district. Section 4(b), Article IX, Florida Constitution; Section 230.23(4) and (5), Florida Statutes (1997). The Department of Education is the state agency responsible for investigating and prosecuting complaints against teachers holding Florida teachers' certificates for violations of Section 231.28, Florida Statutes. Section 231.262, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to Sections 231.261(7)(b) and 231.28(1), Florida Statutes, the Educational Practices Commission is the entity responsible for imposing discipline for any of the violations set forth in Section 231.28(1). Richard V. Powell holds Florida Educator's Certificate No. 585010, which covers the subjects of journalism and English- as-a-Second-Language ("ESOL"). His teacher's certificate has an expiration date of June 30, 1999. Mr. Powell was first employed as a teacher with the Miami-Dade County public school system in August 1985. From 1989 through August 1996, Mr. Powell was assigned to Jose Marti Middle School as an ESOL teacher; in August 1996, he was assigned to John F. Kennedy Middle School ("JFK Middle School") as an ESOL teacher; in August 1997, he was given a new assignment as the facilitator of JFK Middle School's School Center for Special Instruction. On November 26, 1997, Mr. Powell was temporarily assigned to the Region II office. At all times material to this proceeding, Mr. Powell was employed by the School Board under a professional service contract. November 1995 incident On the evening of November 19, 1995, at around 10:00 or 10:30 p.m., Mr. Powell was driving his Ford Bronco on Pembroke Road in Broward County, Florida. Mr. Powell's fourteen-year-old son was sitting in the front passenger seat, and he and his father began arguing about his school behavior and progress and about his failure to do his chores around the house. Mr. Powell became angry and punched his son in the mouth with his fist and then pulled the Bronco off the street, into a vacant lot. Mr. Powell got out of the Bronco, walked around the back of the vehicle to the door on the passenger's side, opened the door, and pulled his son out of the vehicle. After the child was outside the vehicle, Mr. Powell punched his son once in the face and, when the child fell to the ground, Mr. Powell kicked him at least once in the ribs. 8/ The child broke away and ran to a convenience store about twenty-five yards from the vacant lot, where a witness to the incident had already called the police. When he arrived at the convenience store, the child was sobbing and holding his side; blood was pouring from his lip. 9/ After the altercation with his son, Mr. Powell was not feeling well and, believing that his son had run the short distance to his home, Mr. Powell drove home. He waited a few minutes for his son and then walked from his home to Pembroke Road. He saw his son, a police car, and an ambulance at the convenience store, and he walked up to the police officers and identified himself as the child's father. Mr. Powell's son was taken to the hospital and treated and released with a split lip and a bruise in the area of his ribs. Mr. Powell was taken to the Pembroke Pines, Florida, police station. Mr. Powell is a diabetic, and, while he was at the police station, he asked to be examined by a doctor because he did not feel well. He was taken to the hospital, where he remained for about an hour. After his release from the hospital, Mr. Powell was arrested and charged with child abuse. On July 29, 1996, after a bench trial on child abuse charges, the court found Mr. Powell guilty but withheld adjudication, sentenced him to six months' probation, and required him to complete a parent counseling course. 10/ Mr. Powell successfully completed the course in December 1996 and was released early from probation on January 8, 1997. In August 1996, Mr. Powell was transferred from Jose Marti Middle School to JFK Middle School, where Raymond Fontana was principal. In a letter dated August 1, 1996, Seth A. Levine, an assistant state attorney in Broward County, Florida, notified the superintendent of the Miami-Dade County public school system that Mr. Powell had been tried on the charge of child abuse, and he advised the superintendent of the resolution of the case. The letter was forwarded to James E. Monroe, who was at the time an Executive Director in the School Board's Office of Professional Standards, who reviewed the letter and transmitted the information contained therein to Mr. Fontana at JFK Middle School and to the state Department of Education Educational Practices Services. Mr. Monroe was not aware of the November 1995 incident involving Mr. Powell and his son until on or about August 14, 1996, when he received the copy of Mr. Levine's letter. In a letter dated October 10, 1996, the Education Practices Services notified Mr. Powell that it had received a complaint against him related to the charges of child abuse, and an investigation was begun which led to the filing of the original Administrative Complaint dated January 21, 1997. The disciplinary action taken against Mr. Powell by the School Board with respect to the child abuse charges consisted of a Site Disposition in the case, which the School Board referred to as Case No. A-17734. In a memorandum to Mr. Powell dated October 15, 1996, Mr. Fontana summarized the substance of a conference which was held on October 15, 1996, with Mr. Powell, Mr. Fontana, and William McCard, an assistant principal at JFK Middle School, in attendance. In the memorandum, Mr. Fontana indicated that "[t]he purpose of the conference was to establish a final disposition through administrative review of the above indicated case." Mr. Fontana further stated: Upon review of all the records and talking with you, it is determined that the incident in question happened in Broward County, no adjudication of guilt was established, and legally the case was closed. However, you have agreed to counseling in order to forestall any future problems. The case in question dealt with your own family member and alleged child abuse. We reviewed my expectations of you in regards to your teaching position at John F. Kennedy Middle School and your professional treatment of all your students. We reviewed the State Code of Ethics guidelines dealing with the same subject. Thus, I am directing you to follow the established State Code of Ethics Rules, School Board Policy, and Site Rules dealing with conduct becoming a teacher and subsequent teaching relationships with students. I feel that this will adequately bring closure to this incident and that in the future your teaching behavior will always be of the highest professional standard. In his annual evaluation for the 1995-1996 school year, Mr. Powell was rated "acceptable" in both classroom performance and in professional responsibility, and he was recommended for continued employment. Likewise, in his annual evaluation for the 1996-1997 school year, Mr. Powell was assessed "acceptable" in both classroom performance and in professional responsibility, and he was recommended for continued employment. This annual evaluation followed a Teacher Assessment and Development System Post-Observation Report completed on April 16, 1997, by Mr. McCard, in which he found that Mr. Powell's performance satisfied every indicator subject to evaluation. 11/ November 1997 incident On November 25, 1997, Mr. Powell was the teacher in charge of the School Center for Special Instruction ("SCSI") at JFK Middle School. The SCSI is an indoor suspension program for children who are being disciplined for behavior violations; SCSI is an alternative to sending these children home for the duration of their suspension. The SCSI class was held in the school cafeteria at JFK Middle School from 9:00 a.m. until the end of the school day at 3:40 p.m. Two sets of double doors provide access to the cafeteria. One set, those on the right, were locked from the outside and not normally used; the students entered and left the cafeteria by the set of doors on the left of the building. At approximately 3:20 p.m. on November 25, 1997, the SCSI students were returning to the cafeteria after cleaning up an area outside the cafeteria. Mr. Powell was outside supervising the students as they returned to the cafeteria, and there was no adult supervising the students who had already moved inside the cafeteria. During this hiatus, a seventh-grade student named M. M. got into an altercation with several other boys in the class whom he suspected of taking his book bag. The boys began pushing and shoving M. M. and encouraging him to fight with one specific boy. M. M. refused to fight; he became angry and upset and left the cafeteria by way of the set of double doors on the right side of the cafeteria. Because he was angry and upset, M. M. pushed the door open quite forcefully. Mr. Powell had had surgery on his right foot the previous day; his foot was in a cast, and he used a cane to assist him in walking. At the time M. M. pushed open the cafeteria door, Mr. Powell was standing outside directly in the path of the door as it opened. M. M. could not see Mr. Powell because there were no windows in the door. As it swung open, the door hit Mr. Powell's injured foot, and Mr. Powell raised his cane and struck M. M. on his right arm. 12/ M. M. ran back inside the cafeteria, in tears. He rushed through the cafeteria and exited through the set of doors on the left side of the cafeteria. He went directly to the office of Sandra Clarke, one of the guidance counselors at JFK Middle School. When he arrived at her office, M. M. was agitated and crying, and he told Ms. Clarke that Mr. Powell had hit him on the arm with his cane. M. M. showed Ms. Clarke the mark on his arm, which was located on the outside of his right arm, midway between his shoulder and his elbow. Ms. Clarke observed that M. M. had a red welt on his arm, and she took him to the office of Patrick Snay, who was at that time the principal of JFK Middle School. Mr. Snay called in Assistant Principal McCard and told him about the allegations M. M. had made against Mr. Powell. Mr. Snay directed Mr. McCard to call the school police and to take statements from the students in the class who witnessed the incident. Mr. McCard took a statement from M. M. and observed the red mark on his arm. A school security guard went into the SCSI class right before school ended for the day and asked that any students who had seen the incident involving Mr. Powell and M. M. stay after school and write a statement telling what they had seen. Several students remained and prepared statements. 13/ Mr. Powell reported for school the next morning but was told to report to the School Board's Region 2 office. Mr. Powell worked at that office for one day, and then, beginning on the Monday after Thanksgiving, he was assigned to work at Highland Oaks Middle School. He worked at that school until he was suspended by the School Board on May 13, 1998. His duties at Highland Oaks Middle School included taking care of disabled students, accompanying them to their classes and to lunch, sitting with them, and taking notes for them, all under the direct supervision of the school's media specialist. At the direction of James Monroe, who was at the time an Executive Director in the School Board's Office of Professional Practices, a personnel investigation was initiated on December 6, 1997, with respect to M. M.'s allegations against Mr. Powell. A preliminary personnel investigation report was submitted on February 13, 1998, in which the investigator concluded that the charge against Mr. Powell was substantiated. A Conference-for-the-Record was held on March 25, 1998, attended by Mr. Snay; John F. Gilbert, Director of Region 2; Ms. Falco, Mr. Powell's union representative; Dr. Monroe; and Mr. Powell. Several issues were discussed during the conference: Mr. Powell was allowed to review a copy of the School Board's investigative report regarding the incident involving M. M., and he was allowed to comment on the report. Mr. Powell denied having hit M. M. and advised the School Board personnel that he knew of an eye witness to the incident who would support his denial. Mr. Powell was also allowed to review a copy of the October 15, 1996, memo to Mr. Powell from Principal Fontana, discussed in paragraph 16, supra, memorializing the discipline imposed with respect to the charges that Mr. Powell had committed child abuse on his son. Dr. Monroe advised Mr. Powell that he had failed to comply with the directives included in that disposition. /14 During the Conference-for-the-Record, Mr. Powell was told that a recommendation would be made to the School Board that his professional services contract not be renewed and that a decision would be made whether to take disciplinary measures against him, which could include suspension or dismissal. In a letter dated April 29, 1998, the Superintendent of Schools recommended to the School Board that Mr. Powell be suspended from his position as a teacher and that dismissal proceedings be initiated against him. The School Board accepted this recommendation on May 13, 1998. On October 29, 1998, Mr. Powell was tried by a jury on the criminal charge of battery arising out of his striking M. M. A number of students testified at the trial, and Mr. Powell was found "not guilty" of the charge. On September 5, 1997, Mr. Powell was honored by the Florida House of Representatives with a Certificate of Appreciation for "his contributions and accomplishments in the National Association of Black Scuba Divers." As a member of that association, Mr. Powell was recognized and commended for his work with the sunken slave ship Henrietta Marie and for his lectures and seminars on the history of this ship. On May 28, 1998, an article about the Certificate of Appreciation appeared in The Miami Times, together with a picture of Mr. Powell and Representative Larcenia Bullard. Nowhere in the certificate or in the news article is Mr. Powell identified as a teacher or former teacher in the Miami-Dade County public schools. Mr. Powell is mentioned and quoted in an article which was published in the South Florida edition of the Sunday Sun Sentinel newspaper on February 1, 1998. The article discussed the celebration of Black History Month by the descendants of slaves who are living in South Florida. Mr. Powell is identified in the article as the person who led members of the National Association of Black Scuba Divers in a dive to the site of the Henrietta Marie. Mr. Powell also gave a lecture on the Henrietta Marie in February 1997 at the Miami-Dade County Community College, as part of a special African-American history course. Summary The evidence presented herein clearly and convincingly establishes that Mr. Powell struck and kicked his son on November 19, 1995, and that he struck M. M. with his cane on November 25, 1997, while carrying out his duties as an SCSI teacher. Mr. Powell's testimony that he did not strike either his son or M. M. is rejected as not persuasive, as is the testimony of those witnesses who testified that Mr. Powell did not strike M. M. The evidence presented is sufficient to establish that Mr. Powell committed an act of gross immorality and of moral turpitude when he dragged his fourteen-year-old son from the passenger seat of his Ford Bronco, struck his son in the face twice, and kicked his son in the ribs at least once, causing him to suffer a split lip and bruised ribs. This act of violence is not only inconsistent with the public conscience, it is an act of serious misconduct which was in flagrant disregard of society's condemnation of violence against children. The seriousness of Mr. Powell's act is only exacerbated by the fact that he acted in anger. Although the evidence establishes that Mr. Powell committed an act of gross immorality, the only evidence offered regarding any notoriety arising from the November 1995 incident and from Mr. Powell's subsequent trial on the charges of child abuse is the testimony of Dr. Monroe. Dr. Monroe's testimony that there "was considerable notoriety via the print and the electronic media of Mr. Powell's action which resulted in his arrest" was not based on his personal knowledge but was based on information he received in August 1996 from an assistant state's attorney in Broward County. Dr. Monroe's testimony is not only hearsay unsupported by any other evidence in the record, it is not credible to prove that Mr. Powell's conduct was sufficiently notorious to cast him or the education profession into public disgrace or disrespect or to impair Mr. Powell's service in the community. Moreover, Mr. Powell presented evidence that, subsequent to the November 1995 incident, he was publicly recognized for his contributions to the community through his work with the slave ship Henrietta Marie. The evidence presented is also sufficient to establish that Mr. Powell committed an act of gross immorality and of moral turpitude with respect to the November 1997 incident involving M. M. When Mr. Powell lashed out at this student and struck him with a cane, albeit after the student pushed a door into his injured foot, he demonstrated a flagrant disregard of public morals and of society's condemnation of violence against children, and he committed an act that betrayed the special trust placed in teachers. However, there was no persuasive evidence presented to establish that Mr. Powell's conduct involving M. M. was sufficiently notorious to expose either Mr. Powell or the education profession to public disgrace or disrespect or that Mr. Powell's service in the community was impaired with respect to the November 1997 incident. The most the evidence demonstrates is that the school received inquiries from parents about the need for their children to give statements regarding the incident, but these inquiries do not rise to the level of notoriety. Furthermore, it would be inappropriate to infer notoriety and public disgrace and disrespect from the fact that Mr. Powell was tried and found not guilty of the charge of battery on M. M. The evidence presented is sufficient to establish that, with respect to the November 1997 incident in which Mr. Powell struck M. M. with his cane, Mr. Powell violated several provisions of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession and of the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida because he did not exercise professional judgment; because he inflicted physical injury on M. M. rather than protecting him from such injury; and because he exposed M. M. to unnecessary embarrassment by striking him and causing him to cry in front of his fellow students in the SCSI class. There was, however, no persuasive direct evidence presented to establish that Mr. Powell's effectiveness as a teacher and an employee of the School Board was diminished as a result of the November 1997 incident. This direct evidence consisted solely of the opinion testimony of Dr. Monroe, which was conclusory and was based exclusively on information he obtained from Mr. Powell's records and from discussions with school administrative personnel charged with monitoring Mr. Powell's conduct and teaching performance. No parents or students or members of the community testified that Mr. Powell's effectiveness as a teacher and as an employee of the School Board was diminished as a result of this incident. Under the circumstances of this case, however, it can be inferred from the record as a whole that Mr. Powell's effectiveness as a School Board employee and as a teacher was seriously diminished as a result of the November 1997 incident. Mr. Powell stuck a student with a cane during school hours, and the incident was witnessed by a number of students, who were asked to testify both in this proceeding and in Mr. Powell's criminal trial. In addition, the allegations against Mr. Powell with respect to the November 1997 incident were of such a serious nature that it was necessary to relieve Mr. Powell of his teaching responsibilities and to transfer him from JFK Middle School to the Region 2 administrative offices and, from there, to another middle school in which his contact with students was closely supervised. Finally, the evidence presented is sufficient to establish that, with respect to the November 1997 incident in which he struck M. M. with his cane, Mr. Powell did not conduct himself in a manner which reflected credit on himself or on the school system, nor did his conduct conform to the highest professional standards.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that In DOAH Case NO. 97-5828, the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Richard V. Powell guilty of violating Section 231.28(1)(c) and (i), Florida Statutes, and revoking his teacher's certificate for a period of two years, followed by three years' probation, subject to reasonable conditions to be determined by the Commission; and In DOAH Case No. 98-2387, the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, enter a final order finding Richard V. Powell guilty of misconduct in office pursuant to Section 231.36(1)(a) and (6)(a), Florida Statutes, and of violating School Board Rules 6Gx13-4A-1.21 and 6Gx13-4-1.08 and 4-1.09; sustaining his suspension; and dismissing him from employment as a teacher with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of October, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of October, 1999.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.5790.80390.804 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Dec. 18, 2017 Number: 17-006837TTS Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Nov. 14, 2011 Number: 11-005809TTS Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Aug. 12, 2019 Number: 19-004256TTS Latest Update: Feb. 26, 2020

The Issue Whether just cause exists for Petitioner, Polk County School Board, to terminate Respondent, Jean Regan, from her employment as a teacher.

Findings Of Fact Under Florida law, whether charged conduct constitutes a deviation from a standard of conduct established by statute or rule is a question of fact to be decided by the trier-of-fact, considering the testimony and evidence in the context of the alleged violation. Holmes v. Turlington, 480 So. 2d 150, 153 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985); McKinney v. Castor, 667 So. 2d 387, 389 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); Langston v. Jamerson, 653 So. 2d 489 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995). Thus, deciding whether Ms. Regan’s alleged conduct violates the law as charged in the School Board’s termination letter is a factual, not legal, determination. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the School Board failed to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that Ms. Regan acted dishonestly by assisting students in selecting correct answers. Ms. Regan credibly denied ever assisting the students in that manner. In fact, the credible evidence confirmed that Ms. Regan had little opportunity to read the passages to determine the correct answers and, given that the students had different versions of the FSAT, it was highly improbable that she could have known the correct answers when moving from student to student. Based on the weight of the credible evidence, the School Board failed to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that Ms. Regan acted dishonestly by otherwise violating the FSAT standards. The credible evidence confirmed that Ms. Regan permissibly could: touch the test booklets and point at items while providing oral accommodations; flip through the test booklet to look for the questions the students had identified as needing an accommodation because that is exactly how they practiced in the classroom; and encourage the students to make sure that they completed the test by reading the corresponding directions, particularly after they prompted her to do so, just as they learned in class.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner, Polk County School Board, issue a final order reinstating the Respondent, Jean Regan, as a classroom teacher and awarding her back pay to the date on which the School Board first suspended her without pay. DONE AND ENTERED this 26th day of February, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ANDREW D. MANKO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of February, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. Suite 110 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North Clearwater, Florida 33761 (eServed) Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Boswell & Dunlap, LLP 245 South Central Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830-4620 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4000 (eServed) Jacqueline Byrd, Superintendent 1915 South Floral Avenue Post Office Box 391 Bartow, Florida 33831 Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4000 (eServed)

Florida Laws (11) 1001.331001.421012.011012.221012.33106.21120.569120.57760.3590.80390.804 Florida Administrative Code (6) 28-106.2136A-1.09436A-10.0806A-10.0816A-5.0566B-1.006 DOAH Case (1) 19-4256TTS
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Mar. 10, 2020 Number: 20-001334TTS Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Nov. 20, 2018 Number: 18-006214TTS Latest Update: Oct. 04, 2024
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