Findings Of Fact After the Department of Transportation (DOT) proposed to reject its bid on State Project, Job No. 97860- 3319 as unresponsive, for failure to meet a women's business enterprise (WBE) goal, and failure to document good faith efforts to reach the goal, Capeletti initiated substantial interest proceedings, Capeletti Brothers, Inc. and State Paving Corporation vs. Department of Transportation and John Mahoney Construction Company, Inc., No. 85-3003, contending that it had made good faith efforts to meet the goal and that it had adequately documented the efforts; that the second low bidder had not met the goals; that DOT treated the goals as quotas; and that the DOT committees who evaluated the bids met in violation of the Sunshine Law. At the hearing in the present case, the parties stipulated that Capeletti's "bid was rejected because of noncompliance with Rule 14-78.03 as it relates to women's business enterprises and for noncompliance with the bid specifications which incorporated those provisions. The rule provisions under challenge read, in pertinent part: 14-78.03 General Responsibilities. In furtherance of the purpose of this rule chapter, the Department shall establish overall DBE and WBE goals for its entire DBE one WBE program. In setting the overall goals the Department shall consider the following factors: the number and types of contracts to be awarded by the Department; the number, capacity, and capabilities of certified DBEs and VBEs likely to be available to compete for contracts let by the Department; and the past experience of the Department in meeting its goals and the results and reasons therefore. To implement its DBE and WBE goal program the Department may: . . . (b) establish contract goals on each contract with subcontracting opportunities for certified DBEs and WBEs The Department shall establish separate contract goals for firms owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and for firms owned and controlled by women. In setting contract goals, the Department shall consider the following factors: the type of work required by the contract to be let; the subcontracting opportunities in the contract to be let; the estimated total dollar amount of the contract to be let; and the number, capacity and capabilities of certified DBEs and WBEs. For contracts with an estimated total dollar amount of $1,000,000 or less, the contract goals shall not exceed 50 percent of the identified potential for DBE and WBE participation. For contracts with an estimated total dollar amount of $1,000,000, the contract goals shall not exceed 75 percent of the identified potential for DBE and WBE participation. For all contracts for which DBE and WBE contract goals have been established, each bidder shall meet or exceed or demonstrate that it could not meet, despite its good faith efforts, the contract goals set by the Department. The DBE and WBE participation information shall be submitted with the contractor's bid proposal. Award of the contract shall be conditioned upon submission of the DBE and WBE participation information with the bid proposal and upon satisfaction of the contract goals or, if the goals are not met, upon demonstrating that good faith efforts were made to meet the goals. Failure to satisfy these requirements shall result in a contractor's bid being deemed nonresponsive and the bid being rejected. DOT proposes to deem Capeletti's bid nonresponsive forits conceded failure to meet a WBE goal and for the alleged failure to document good faith efforts to meet the goal. Citation Deleted In the course of the adoption of amended Rule 14- 78.03, Florida Administrative Code, Bjarne B. Andersen, Jr., an attorney on the staff of the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee, wrote Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper, DOT's Deputy General Counsel, on January 22, 1985, with reference to amended Rule 14-78.03, stating: Sections 339.05 and 339.081, F.S., contain no specific rulemaking authority . . . while we do agree that the rule appears in part to implement s.339.05, F.S., as amended by Ch. 84-309, L.O.F.; we do not believe this "assent to Federal aid" is specific rule authority. It is at best implied authority. The day before a DOT employee (who, counsel represented at hearing, is not a lawyer) had written Ms. Elizabeth Cloud, Bureau Chief, Bureau of Administrative Code and Laws, Department of State, as follows: Based upon a telephone conversation with Mr. Bjarne B. Andersen, Jr. of the Legislative Joint Administrative Procedures Committee and further legal review by our office, we request that the . . . "law implemented" be amended to . . . [delete reference to Section 339.05, Florida Statutes (1984 Supp.)] In an internal memorandum dated March 8, 1985, DOT's Deputy General Counsel set out DOT's legal position in these words: Subpart A of 49 CFR, Part 23, defines minority persons . . . The definition of minority does not include women. However, women are encompassed within the definition of minority business enterprise which is defined as a small business concern owned and controlled by one or more minorities or women. 49 CFR, 23.5. 49 CFR, Part 23, Subpart C, sets forth general requirements for all recipients of federal funds. Among those requirements is a policy statement to be included in every financial assistance agreement affirming a commitment to MBE/DBE participation in contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds. Also required is a MBE/DBE affirmative action program which must be incorporated by reference into financial assistance agreements. The program is made "a legal obligation and failure to carry out its terms shall be treated as a violation of this financial assistance agreement." 49 CFR, S23.43(b). The goal program is one of the required WBE/DBE program components. 49 CFR, S23.45(g). . . . However, although women are included within the definition of MBEs, 49 CFR, Part 23, Subpart C, requires recipients to establish separate overall and contract goals for firms owned and controlled by minorities and firms owned and controlled by women. 49 CFR, 23.45(g)(4). The memorandum relies exclusively on 49 CFR, Part 23, Subpart C, 23.45(g)(4) as authority for Florida's WBE program, citing no federal or state statutes as authority.
The Issue Whether Respondent, Landtech Services, Inc., is indebted to Petitioner in the amount of $1,347.07 for the purchase of agricultural products.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Holmberg Farms, Inc., is a producer of agricultural products located in Lithia, Florida. Respondent, Landtech Services, Inc. (Landtech), is an agricultural dealer located in Largo, Florida. Respondent, Western Surety Company, is a surety and issued to Respondent, Landtech, a surety bond for the purchase of agricultural products in Florida. On or about April 9, 1993, Respondent, Landtech, purchased from Petitioner, on invoice number T7284, eleven hundred and ten (1,110) six inch honeysuckle ornamental plants for the price of $1,950.55. The terms of the sale between Petitioner and Respondent, Landtech, were C.O.D. at the time of delivery. However, Petitioner's truck driver was unaware of the terms of the sale and therefore, did not collect full payment at the time he delivered the plants to Landtech. Respondent, Landtech, paid Petitioner's driver the sum of $400.00 toward the purchase of the honeysuckle plants leaving a balance due of $1,550.55. On August 20, 1993, Respondent, Landtech, paid to Petitioner the payment of $250.00 of which $203.48 was applied to the balance and $46.50 was applied to interest owed. Petitioner, now claims the balance of $1,347.07. Respondent, Landtech, is indebted to Petitioner in the amount of $1,347.07 as claimed in its complaint. As noted, Respondents, Landtech and Western Surety, did not appear at the hearing to contest or otherwise refute the allegations in the statement of claim.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that: The Department of Agriculture issue its final order requiring that Respondent, Landtech Services, Inc., pay to Petitioner, Holmberg Farms, Inc., the amount of $1347,07, within fifteen (15) days of its Final Order. It is further RECOMMENDED that if Respondent, Landtech, fail to timely remit payment to Petitioner, the Department shall call upon the surety to pay over to the Department, from funds out of the surety certificate, the amount called for in this order. 2/ RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of March, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of March, 1995.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner Haul-It, Inc., is a trucking company in the business of hauling road building materials. It owns 19 trucks and 13 trailers worth about $106,000; and owes between $75,000 and $79,000 to a bank. Occasionally petitioner engages additional trucks and drivers. All but eight of its 15 or 16 employees are truck drivers. Haul-It, Inc., was organized in 1973. Jack Taylor and his father started the business but later sold out to Hubert E. Real, the president, half- owner and operator of Columbia Paving, and Wiley Jinwright, a 24-year employee of Columbia Paving. Mr. Jinwright became president of Haul-It, Inc., and Jack Taylor stayed on as truck foreman. Messrs. Real and Jinwright each owned 20 shares of stock, representing half interest in petitioner. Columbia Paving itself has never held any of the 40 shares of stock that petitioner has issued. In November of 1980, Mr. Real conveyed all 20 of his shares to his wife, Helen Real; and Mr. Jinwright conveyed one share to Mrs. Real. Both transfers of stock to Mrs. Real were gratuitous. She knew at the time that her ownership might help Haul-It, Inc., qualify as a minority business enterprise. In addition, Mr. Real "had had a couple of heart attacks" (T. 14) and Mrs. Real "thought it would be nice to have a related [to Columbia Paving] business." (T. 14.) The evidence did not reveal whether Mr. Real has spent more, less, or the same amount of time with petitioner's affairs since his divestiture as before. Mr. Real remains active as president of Columbia Paving. From November of 1980 to the time of hearing, Mrs. Real has owned 52.5 percent of petitioner's stock and Mr. Jinwright has owned 47.5 percent. Petitioner's only offices are housed in a trailer located on land owned by Columbia Paving. Haul-It, Inc., pays Columbia Paving rent for the land on which its office trailer, trucks, and other equipment are parked. At the time of the hearing, between 70 and 80 percent of Haul-It, Inc.'s work was being performed under contract to Columbia Paving. As far as the evidence showed, petitioner has always performed most of its services under contract to Columbia Paving. Although it has had other customers, Columbia Paving is petitioner's only regular customer. (T. 27.) Petitioner uses Columbia Paving's computer to keep its books and shares a bookkeeper with Columbia Paving. Each company pays the bookkeeper a separate salary. Mrs. Real sits on Columbia Paving's board of directors. Neither Columbia Paving nor any other entity uses petitioner's hauling equipment unless it has contracted to do so. When Haul-It, Inc., "bid[s] through Columbia Paving" (T. 39) in response to invitations by the Department of Transportation, Columbia Paving personnel check the bid over to make sure that it "fits whatever plan or whatever estimates they feel are in order." (T. 40.) Soon after she became owner of a majority of petitioner's Stock, Mrs. Real became petitioner's vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, even though she had had no prior experience in the trucking business. Mr. Jinwright remains president of Haul-It, Inc. It was also in November of 1980 that Haul-It, Inc., applied for certification as a minority business enterprise. At that time and for some months afterward, Mrs. Real was not working for Haul-It, Inc., on any regular schedule. On the basis of the information petitioner furnished with its application, respondent, in November of 1980, "certified them for 12 months, on the condition that an on-site review would be conducted and at that time the decision would be made as to the ownership and control and whether this minority business enterprise should be continued as certified." (T. 61.) In April of 1981, respondent's Mr. Nath conducted an on-site review. At that time, Mr. Nath requested additional documents which petitioner eventually mailed to respondent. In September of 1981, respondent for the first time communicated to Haul-It, Inc., its intention to disqualify petitioner as a minority business enterprise. After receiving this news, Mrs. Real began going to work for petitioner daily. She has an office in the trailer that she shares with Mr. Jinwright, whose role in Haul-It, Inc., was reduced to cosigning checks when Mrs. Real began working full time. Most of Mr. Jinwright's time is now spent as Superintendent of Columbia Paving's four asphalt plants. Even so, he still draws a salary from Haul-It, Inc., equal to Mrs. Real's salary. Despite their respective titles, both Mr. Jinwright and Mrs. Real act on the assumption that she, rather than he, has ultimate authority in the conduct of Haul-It, Inc.'s business. Mrs. Real has full authority to hire and fire, authority which she has delegated, in the case of the truck drivers, to Jack Taylor. She has the final say on all questions of policy and operations that arise in the business. Haul-It, Inc., cannot borrow money or make expenditures without her permission. Jack Taylor and two other employees buy for Haul-It, Inc., but she cosigns all checks with Mr. Jinwright. She has not learned how to prepare a written bid for the Department of Transportation, although she is involved with bidding. Mrs. Real relies heavily on Jack Taylor's bidding expertise, as have petitioner's other owners. Petitioner's proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law and respondent's proposed findings of fact, conclusions of law, and recommendation reflect the good work done in this case by counsel on both sides. To the limited extent proposed findings have not been adopted, they have been deemed immaterial or unsupported by the evidence.
Recommendation Upon consideration of the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That respondent deny Haul-It, Inc., certification as a minority business enterprise. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of March, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of March, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Patrick E. Hurley, Esquire Post Office Drawer 1049 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Vernon L. Whittier, Jr., Esquire Ella Jane P. Davis, Esquire Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Paul A. Pappas, Secretary Department of Transportation Haydon Burns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue Whether Respondent, Xencom Facility Management, LLC (Xencom), terminated the employment of Petitioners solely because the contract under which they were working ended.
Findings Of Fact Xencom provides general maintenance, landscaping, housekeeping, and office cleaning services to retail facilities. In September of 2015, Xencom entered three contracts for services with CREFII Market Street Holdings, LLC (CREFII). The contracts were to provide maintenance, landscaping, and office cleaning services for a mall known as Market Street @ Heathbrook (Market Street) in Ocala, Florida. Michael Ponds, Xencom’s president, executed the contracts on behalf of Xencom. Two individuals executed the contracts on behalf of CREFII. One was Gar Herring, identified as manager for Herring Ocala, LLC. The other was Bernard E. McAuley, identified as manager of Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC. MG Herring was not a party or signatory to the contracts. MG Herring does not own or operate Market Street. A separate entity, The MG Herring Property Group, LLC (Property Group), operated Market Street. The contracts, in terms stated in an exhibit to them, established a fixed price for the year’s work, stated the scope of services, and detailed payment terms. They also identified labor and labor-related costs in detail that included identifying the Xencom employees involved, their compensation, and their weekly number of hours. The contract exhibits also identified operating costs, including equipment amortization, equipment repairs, fuel expenses, vacation costs, health insurance, and storage costs. The contracts ended December 31, 2016. The contracts specify that Xencom is an independent contractor. Each states: “Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of the owner. Accordingly, neither Contractor nor any of Contractor’s Representatives shall hold themselves out as, or claim to be acting in the capacity of, an agent or employee of Owner.” The contracts also specify that the property manager may terminate the contract at any time without reason for its convenience. The contracts permit Xencom to engage subcontractors with advance approval of the property manager. They broadly describe the services that Xencom is to provide. Xencom has over 80 such contracts with different facilities. As the contracts contemplate, only Xencom exerted direct control of the Petitioners working at Market Street. Property Group could identify tasks and repairs to be done. Xencom decided who would do them and how. In 2013, Xencom hired Michael Harrison to work as its Operations Manager at Market Street. He was charged with providing services for which Property Group contracted. His immediate supervisor was Xencom’s Regional Manager. In 2016, that was David Snell. Mr. Snell was not located at Market Street. Property Group also did not have a representative on site. Before Xencom hired him, Mr. Harrison worked at Market Street for Property Group. Xencom hired the remaining Petitioners to work at Market Street under Mr. Harrison’s supervision. Each of the Petitioners completed an Application for Employment with Xencom. The application included a statement, initialed by each Petitioner, stating, “Further, I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period and I may be terminated at any time without previous notice.” All of the Petitioners also received Xencom’s employee handbook. As Xencom’s Operations Manager and supervisor of the other Petitioners, Mr. Harrison was responsible for day-to-day management of Petitioners. He scheduled their work tasks, controlled shifts, established work hours, and assigned tasks. Mr. Harrison also decided when Petitioners took vacations and time off. His supervisor expected him to consult with Property Group to ensure it knew what support would be available and that he knew of any upcoming events or other considerations that should be taken into account in his decisions. As Operations Manager, Mr. Harrison was also responsible for facilitating payroll, procuring supplies, and managing Xencom’s equipment at the site. Xencom provided Petitioners work uniforms that bore Xencom’s name. Xencom required Petitioners to wear the uniforms at work. Xencom provided the supplies and equipment that Petitioners used at work. Only Xencom had authority to hire or fire the employees providing services to fulfill its contracts with the property manager. Only Xencom had authority to modify Petitioners’ conditions of employment. Neither MG Herring, Property Group, nor Xencom held out Petitioners as employees of MG Herring or Property Group. There is no evidence that MG Herring or Property Group employed 15 or more people. Property Group hired Tina Wilson as Market Street’s on- site General Manager on February 1, 2016. Until then there was no Property Group representative at the site. The absence of a Property Group representative on-site left Mr. Harrison with little oversight or accountability under the Xencom contracts for Market Street. His primary Property Group contact was General Manager Norine Bowen, who was not located at the property. Ms. Wilson’s duties included community relations, public relations, marketing, leasing, litigation, tenant coordination, lease management, construction management, and contract management. She managed approximately 40 contracts at Market Street, including Xencom’s three service agreements. Ms. Wilson was responsible for making sure the contracts were properly executed. Managing the Xencom contracts consumed less than 50 percent of Ms. Wilson’s time. During the last weeks of 2016, Mr. Harrison intended to reduce the hours of Kylie Smithers. Ms. Wilson requested that, since Ms. Smithers was to be paid under the contract for full- time work, Ms. Smithers assist her with office work such as filing and making calls. Mr. Harrison agreed and scheduled Ms. Smithers to do the work. This arrangement was limited and temporary. It does not indicate Property Group control over Xencom employees. Ms. Wilson was Xencom’s point of contact with Property Group. She and Mr. Harrison had to interact frequently. Ms. Wilson had limited contact with the other Xencom employees at Market Street. Friction and disagreements arose quickly between Mr. Harrison and Ms. Wilson. They may have been caused by having a property manager representative on-site after Mr. Harrison’s years as either the manager representative himself or as Xencom supervisor without a property manager on-site. They may have been caused by personality differences between the two. They may have been caused by the alleged sexual and crude comments that underlie the claims of discrimination in employment. They may have been caused by a combination of the three factors. On November 21, 2016, Norine Bowen received an email from the address with the subject of “Open your eyes about Market Street.” It advised that some employees worked at night for an event. It said that Ms. Wilson gave the Xencom employees alcohol to drink while they were still on the clock. The email said that there was a fight among Xencom employees. The email also said that at another event at a restaurant where Xencom employees were drinking, Ms. Wilson gave Ms. Smithers margaritas to drink and that Ms. Smithers was underage. The email claimed that during a tree-lighting event Ms. Wilson started drinking around 3:30 p.m. It also stated that Ms. Wilson offered a Xencom employee a drink. The email went on to say that children from an elementary school and their parents were present and that Ms. Wilson was “three sheets to the wind.” The email concludes stating that Ms. Wilson had been the subject of three employee lawsuits. On December 14, 2016, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Bowen, and Mr. Snell met at Property Group’s office in Market Street for their regular monthly meeting to discuss operations at Market Street. Their discussion covered a number of management issues including a Xencom employee’s failure to show up before 8:00 to clean as arranged, security cameras, tenants who had not paid rent, lease questions, HVAC questions, and rats on the roof. They also discussed the email’s allegations. The participants also discussed a number of dissatisfactions with Mr. Harrison’s performance. Near the end of a discussion about the anonymous email, this exchange occurred:2/ Bowen: Okay, so I know that David [Snell], I think his next step is to conduct his own investigation with his [Xencom] people, and HR is still following up with John Garrett, and you’re meeting with Danny [intended new Xencom manager for Market Street] tonight? David Snell: Yes. Bowen: To finish up paperwork, and, based on his investigation, it will be up to Xencom to figure out what to do with people that are drinking on property, off the clock or on the clock, you know, whatever, what their policy is. * * * Bowen: So, I don’t know what to make of it. I’m just here to do an investigation like I’m supposed to do and David is here to pick up the pieces and meet with his folks one-on- one, and we’ll see where this takes us. This exchange and the remainder of the recording do not support a finding that Property Group controlled Xencom’s actions or attempted to control them. The participants were responsibly discussing a serious complaint they had received, their plan to investigate it, and pre-existing issues with Mr. Harrison. The exchange also makes clear that all agreed the issues involving Xencom employees were for Xencom to address, and the issues involving Property Group employees were for Property Group to address. At the time of the December 14, 2016, meeting, the participants were not aware of any complaints from Mr. Harrison or Mr. Smithers of sexual harassment or discrimination by Ms. Wilson. On December 15, 2016, Gar Herring and Norine Bowen received an email from Mr. Harrison with an attached letter to Xencom’s Human Resources Manager and others. Affidavits from Petitioners asserting various statements and questions by Ms. Wilson about Mr. Harrison’s and Mr. Smithers’ sex life and men’s genitalia and statements about her sex life and the genitalia of men involved were attached. Xencom President Michael Ponds received a similar email with attachments on the same day. On December 21, 2016, Mr. Ponds received a letter from Herring Ocala, LLC, and Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC, terminating the service agreements. Their agreements with Xencom were going to expire December 31, 2016. They had been negotiating successor agreements. However, they had not executed any. Xencom terminated Petitioners’ employment on December 21, 2016. Xencom no longer needed Petitioners’ services once MG Herring terminated the contract with Xencom. This was the sole reason it terminated Petitioners.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order denying the petitions of all Petitioners. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of May, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of May, 2018.
The Issue Whether Respondent T and J Sod Service, Inc. (T and J Sod) is indebted to Petitioner for agricultural products (the sale of sod represented by Trip Tickets 11902 and 11917), and, if so, the amount of the indebtedness. Whether Respondent Great American Insurance Company is liable to Petitioner for any unpaid indebtedness owed Petitioner by T and J Sod.
Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to this proceeding, Harmon Sod was a producer of agricultural products within the meaning of Subsection 604.15(9), Florida Statutes.1 Sod is an agricultural product within the meaning of Subsection 604.15(1), Florida Statutes.2 At all times relevant to this proceeding, T and J Sod was a “dealer in agricultural products” within the meaning of Subsection 604.15(2), Florida Statutes.3 At all times relevant to this proceeding, T and J Sod was licensed as a dealer in agricultural products by the Department. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Great American Insurance Company served as surety for T and J Sod. At all times relevant to this proceeding, T and J Sod was a customer of Harmon Sod. T and J Sod purchased sod from Harmon Sod and thereafter resold and installed the sod to T and J Sod’s customers. Harmon Sod sold to its customers sod on wooden pallets. An integral part of each transaction involved the pallet. If a customer did not give Harmon Sod an empty pallet when it purchased a pallet of sod, Harmon Sod charged the customer for the sod and an additional $5.00 for the pallet. There was a dispute whether T and J Sod purchased the sod represented by Trip Ticket 19902 or by Trip Ticket 11917. Mr. Gonzalez testified that his driver did not sign for the sod on either Trip Ticket and that he did not receive the pallets of sod represented by either Trip Ticket. As to Trip Ticket 11902, the greater weight of the credible evidence established that on Friday, April 25, 2008, Harmon Sod had six extra pallets of Bahia sod. Tommy Wuchte wanted to sell the sod so it would not sit on the pallets over the weekend. Tommy Wuchte testified, credibly, that he called Mr. Gonzalez and asked if could use the sod. Mr. Gonzalez agreed to purchase the six pallets of sod. Tommy Wuchte thereafter delivered the six pallets of sod to T and J Sod and signed his name on the Trip Ticket 11902. As to Trip Ticket 11902, T and J Sod is indebted to Harmon Sod in the amount of $148.50 plus tax in the amount of $9.65 (at the rate of 6.5 percent) for six pallets of sod and $30.00 for six pallets at $5.00 per pallet, for a total of $188.15. As to Trip Ticket 1197, the greater weight of the evidence established that on Tuesday, April 29, 2008, Mr. Gonzalez called Tommy Wuchte and told him that he was sending a contract driver to pick up 18 pallets of Bahia sod. Mr. Gonzalez told Tommy Wuchte that he had fired his regular driver. On April 29, 2008, a contract driver came to the sod farm where Harmon Sod was cutting sod, and told Ronald Wuchte that he was picking up the 18 pallets of sod for T and J Sod. Ronald Wuchte loaded the 18 pallets of sod on the driver’s truck and had the driver sign Trip Ticket 1197. As to Trip Ticket 1197, T and J Sod is indebted to Harmon Sod in the amount of $445.50 plus tax in the amount of $28.96 (at the rate of 6.5 percent) for the 18 pallets of sod and $90.00 for 18 empty pallets at $5.00 per pallet, for a total of $564.46. Harmon Sod had to pay a $50.00 filing fee to file this claim, for which it is entitled to reimbursement from T and J Sod pursuant to Subsection 604.21(1)(a), Florida Statutes. T and J Sod is indebted to Harmon Sod in the total amount of $802.61.4
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained in this Recommended Order. Pursuant to Subsection 604.21(7), Florida Statutes, T and J Sod should be ordered to pay to Harmon Sod the sum of $802.61 within 15 days of the entry of the Final Order. Pursuant to Subsection 604.21(8), Florida Statutes, Great American Insurance Company, as surety, should be ordered to pay to Harmon Sod the sum of $802.61 should T and J Sod fails to timely make that payment. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of March, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of March, 2009.
The Issue Whether the Department of Revenue's denial of Petitioner's application for a Florida fuel license should be upheld.
Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: On or about May 22, 2001, Armando Yzaguirre submitted to the Department a completed Florida Fuel Tax Application, Form DR-156, seeking licensure as a private carrier and wholesaler on behalf of Yzaguirre Oil Company, Inc. ("Yzaguirre Oil"). The application listed Mr. Yzaguirre as the president and sole stockholder of Yzaguirre Oil. Form DR-156 requests information about the applicant business and its principals, including a list of 33 questions requiring a "yes" or "no" answer from the applicant. Question number 33 asks: Have you or other owners, officers, directors, or stockholders with a controlling interest, been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony committed against the laws of any state or the United States? Mr. Yzaguirre's sworn answer to Question number 33 was "yes." Mr. Yzaguirre provided the Department with no elucidation as to the circumstances of his admitted felony conviction. On or about June 22, 2001, Maria Yzaguirre, the wife of Armando Yzaguirre, submitted to the Department a completed Florida Fuel Tax Application, Form DR-156, seeking licensure as a private carrier and wholesaler on behalf of My Oil Company, Inc. ("My Oil"). The application listed Mrs. Yzaguirre as the president and sole stockholder of My Oil. On June 29, 2001, Mrs. Yzaguirre filed with the Department articles of incorporation for My Oil. On July 5, 2001, Mrs. Yzaguirre filed these articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State to obtain registration as a Florida domiciled corporation. Aaron Hood, a revenue specialist in the Department's motor fuel registration unit, was assigned to process both the Yzaguirre Oil application and the My Oil application. Mr. Hood conducted a standard background investigation of both applicants, securing investigative reports from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on the criminal histories of Armando and Maria Yzaguirre. The reports revealed that Maria Yzaguirre had no criminal record, either of arrest or conviction. The reports revealed a lengthy list of arrests for Armando Yzaguirre. The reports included a 1980 arrest for felony arson of a structure in Collier County, and a 1990 arrest and conviction for marijuana possession in Texas. The reports were inconclusive as to whether the Collier County felony charge resulted in conviction, or whether the Texas conviction was a felony. Having difficulty determining the precise nature of the felony to which Mr. Yzaguirre admitted in his application, Mr. Hood enlisted the aid of Pete Welch, a Department investigator. On January 3, 2002, Mr. Welch reported to Mr. Hood that information received from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Collier County confirmed that Mr. Yzaguirre had been convicted by a jury of the 1980 felony charge. However, aside from Mr. Welch's e-mail report to Mr. Hood, the Department offered no evidence confirming this felony conviction. Mr. Welch's investigation also obtained details of the Texas marijuana possession charge. In December 1990, Mr. Yzaguirre's plea of nolo contendere to a second-degree felony charge of possession of more than five but not more than 50 pounds of marijuana was accepted by the court. Mr. Yzaguirre's ten-year sentence was suspended in favor of eight years' probation and a $5,000 fine. No evidence was presented to show that Mr. Yzaguirre failed to comply with the terms of probation. Neither was evidence presented that Mr. Yzaguirre has been pardoned or that his civil rights have been restored. At the hearing, Mr. Yzaguirre indicated that he is taking steps to seek restoration of his civil rights. In his review of the Yzaguirre Oil and My Oil applications, Mr. Hood discovered that the companies claimed many of the same assets. Each company listed the same two tanker trucks to be used in transporting fuel. Each company listed 211 New Market Road, East, in Immolakee as its principal business address. Each company claimed exactly $1 million in accounts receivable. The timing of the filings and the common assets led Mr. Hood to suspect that the later My Oil application was submitted under Maria Yzaguirre's name to evade the possible disqualification of the Yzaguirre Oil application because of Mr. Yzaguirre's felony convictions. In short, Mr. Hood suspected that My Oil was a "front" corporation over which Mr. Yzaguirre would exercise control. The common assets also led Mr. Hood to suspect the truthfulness and accuracy of the financial affidavits filed by Maria Yzaguirre on behalf of My Oil. While it investigated the criminal history of Mr. Yzaguirre, the Department also investigated the extent of Mr. Yzaguirre's possible control over My Oil's business activities. Armando B. Yzaguirre is the 25-year-old son of Armando Yzaguirre and the stepson of Maria Yzaguirre. Testimony at the hearing established that Armando B. Yzaguirre completed both license applications and was the driving force behind the creation of both Yzaguirre Oil and My Oil. The elder Armando Yzaguirre's chief business is farming. His tomato and melon operation earns over $1 million per year. To save money on transporting the large amounts of fuel needed for his farming operations, Mr. Yzaguirre purchased two sizable tanker trucks in 2001, a new Peterbilt with a capacity of 9,200 gallons, and a 1998 Ford with a 2,500 gallon capacity. If these trucks were used only for Mr. Yzaguirre's farm, they would sit idle much of the time. This idle capacity gave Armando B. Yzaguirre the idea of going into the fuel transport business, using his father's tankers to deliver fuel to other farms and businesses in the area. Yzaguirre Oil was incorporated to operate as a fuel transport business. The business would be operated entirely by Armando B. Yzaguirre, who was the only member of the family licensed to drive the large tanker truck. The trucks were owned by and licensed to Yzaguirre Oil. Armando B. Yzaguirre was going through a divorce at the time Yzaguirre Oil was established. He was concerned that his wife would have a claim to half of any business he owned, and wished to ensure that ownership of Yzaguirre Oil would remain in his family. Thus, Armando B. Yzaguirre placed all ownership of Yzaguirre Oil in the name of his father, though his father would have no connection with the operation of the company's business. Subsequent to incorporating Yzaguirre Oil, Armando B. Yzaguirre discussed his prospective business with his stepmother, Maria Yzaguirre. Mrs. Yzaguirre was pleased that young Armando was establishing a business for himself. They discussed the future of the six younger Yzaguirre children and ideas for businesses that could be established to eventually be taken over by the children. Ultimately, the younger Armando and Maria Yzaguirre settled on the idea of a convenience store and filling station that could be established on part of a city block in Immolakee that the senior Mr. Yzaguirre already owned. This would be the type of business that the children could learn and work at while they were still in school, then take over after their graduation. This was the genesis of My Oil. Mrs. Yzaguirre contacted a lawyer to draft articles of incorporation and later transferred $100,000 from her personal money market account into a My Oil bank account to provide start-up money. The younger Armando Yzaguirre filled out the fuel license application, using his earlier application for Yzaguirre Oil as a model. As with the earlier application, the younger Armando Yzaguirre kept his name off the corporate documents and the fuel license application to avoid any claim by his soon-to- be ex-wife to the company's assets. He anticipated that My Oil would lease the two tanker trucks from Yzaguirre Oil, and thus listed them on the application as assets of My Oil. At the hearing, Mr. Yzaguirre conceded that he made mistakes on both applications. As noted above, he listed $1 million in accounts receivable for each of the companies. These were actually accounts receivable for his father’s farming operation, and should not have been included as assets for either Yzaguirre Oil or My Oil. Testimony from witnesses for both parties indicated that communications between the Yzaguirres and the Department were poor during the application review process. The Yzaguirres often telephoned Mr. Hood to learn the status of their applications, so often that Mr. Hood felt harassed. From their standpoint, the Yzaguirres could not understand why the applications were taking months to process, and felt that Mr. Hood was continually placing obstacles in their path and avoiding their queries. As noted above, early in the review process, the Department began to suspect that My Oil was a front for Yzaguirre Oil. At the hearing, however, the Department was unable to establish that the Yzaguirres knew of the likely rejection of the Yzaguirre Oil application in the month before they filed the My Oil application. Due to illness, Mr. Hood was unable to testify at the hearing as to his conversations with the Yzaguirres. For their part, the Yzaguirres adamantly denied any prior knowledge that the elder Mr. Yzaguirre’s criminal record would disqualify his application. Armando B. Yzaguirre, who was the Yzaguirres' point person in dealing with the Department, testified that no one at the Department made him aware that his father's criminal history was a problem until December 2001. The Yzaguirres also denied that the elder Mr. Yzaguirre would have any connection with the operation of My Oil. The Department pointed to several alleged discrepancies in the My Oil application as grounds for its suspicion that the company was a "front" for Yzaguirre Oil. First, the My Oil application, filed June 20, 2001, lists a corporate asset of $100,000 in cash on deposit at an unnamed bank, when in fact the cash was not deposited in a My Oil account at Florida Community Bank until September 10, 2001. Second, the My Oil application lists the two tanker trucks as corporate assets as of the date of application, when in fact the trucks were titled in the name of Yzaguirre Oil and the anticipated lease arrangement had yet to be consummated. Third, the My Oil application claimed the property at 211 New Market Road, East, as a corporate asset as of the date of application, when in fact the property was titled in the name of the elder Mr. Yzaguirre. Fourth, the My Oil application listed $1 million in accounts receivable as a corporate asset. As noted above, Armando B. Yzaguirre admitted at the hearing that these receivables were from his father's farming operation and should not have been listed on the application as assets of My Oil. Armando B. Yzaguirre plausibly explained that My Oil anticipated leasing the trucks, but that there was no reason to spend the money to finalize that arrangement until the fuel license was obtained and My Oil could actually commence operations. Similarly, Mrs. Yzaguirre clearly had on hand the $100,000 in cash claimed as a My Oil asset, and the timing of her actual transfer of that money into a My Oil account would not alone constitute cause for suspicion, given that My Oil had yet to commence operations when the application was filed. Armando B. Yzaguirre also convincingly explained that leasing the tanker trucks from his father's company would not give Yzaguirre Oil effective control over My Oil's business. The younger Mr. Yzaguirre contemplated that the lease agreement would be an arms-length arrangement between the two companies. If the companies could not arrive at a mutually satisfactory lease agreement, or if the lease agreement should later fall through, My Oil could lease trucks from another company and continue doing business. However, no witness for My Oil offered a satisfactory explanation as to how the elder Mr. Yzaguirre's ownership of the real property would not give him some degree of control over My Oil's business. At the time of the hearing, title to the property at 211 New Market Road, East, was in the name of Armando Yzaguirre. A warranty deed for at least a portion of the property, executed by the prior owners on July 16, 1998, was in the name of Armando Yzaguirre. The Yzaguirres did not explain whether My Oil would purchase or lease the property from the elder Mr. Yzaguirre. The structure of the arrangement is critical to the issue of the elder Mr. Yzaguirre's control over My Oil. Substitutes for the tanker trucks could be obtained in short order with little or no disruption of My Oil's business. However, the physical location of the convenience store and filling station could not be changed so readily, and the elder Mr. Yzaguirre's position as owner of that property could give him great leverage over the operation of the business. The Department also raised the issue of the undisclosed participation of Armando B. Yzaguirre in the business affairs of My Oil. The testimony of Maria Yzaguirre and of her stepson strongly indicated that the younger Mr. Yzaguirre would have substantial control over the business activities of My Oil. However, because Armando B. Yzaguirre's identity was not disclosed on My Oil's application, the Department had no opportunity to conduct a review of his background and character to determine whether he met the standard set by Section 206.026, Florida Statutes. In summary, there was no direct evidence that the Yzaguirres deliberately attempted to deceive the Department or that My Oil was established as a front to obtain licensure for the presumptively ineligible Yzaguirre Oil. The evidence did establish that Armando Yzaguirre has been convicted of at least one felony, and that his ownership of the real property on which My Oil would conduct business could provide him with control of My Oil's business activities. The evidence further established that Armando B. Yzaguirre will have control over My Oil's business, and that the Department should have had the opportunity to conduct a background review to determine his fitness under Section 206.026, Florida Statutes. In conclusion, the facts established at the hearing support the Department's denial of My Oil's application as filed, but also establish that such denial should be without prejudice to My Oil's ability to file a subsequent application curing the defects of its initial application.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order denying the application of My Oil Company, Inc. for a Florida fuel license, without prejudice to the ability of My Oil Company, Inc., to file a new application curing the defects addressed in this Recommended Order. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of July, 2002, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LAWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of July, 2002. COPIES FURNISHED: E. Raymond Shope, II, Esquire 1404 Goodlette Road, North Naples, Florida 34102 Robert F. Langford, Jr., Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol-Tax Section Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Bruce Hoffmann, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 James Zingale, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100