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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Feb. 19, 2021 Number: 21-000707PL Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024

The Issue Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2018)?1 Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(j)? 1 All citations to the Florida Statutes are to the 2018 codification unless otherwise noted. Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1.?

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Richard Corcoran, is the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner is the head of the state agency, the Florida Department of Education, responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding Florida educator certificates. Ms. Bauduy holds a Florida Educators Certificate covering the areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE), and Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum. It is valid through June 30, 2025. Ms. Bauduy teaches at Gotha Middle School in the Orange County School District and did at the time of the events alleged in the Administrative Complaint. During the period during which the alleged acts occurred, Ms. Bauduy taught students with autism. She has served students with disabilities of Orange County as an educator in ESE programs for 16 years. She taught at Gotha Middle School for 14 of those 16 years. Other than discipline for the incidents that are the subject of this proceeding, the District has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. The school has recognized Ms. Bauduy as an effective teacher. For instance, an evaluation resulting from seven days of in-class observation in November 2020 concluded that she was applying all four expected classroom strategies and behaviors. The Education Practices Commission has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. Gotha Middle School and Ms. Bauduy's Class During the 2018-2019 school year, all of Ms. Bauduy's students had disabilities that required more assistance and support than needed by students in the general population. Because of their disabilities, Ms. Bauduy's students required a modified curriculum that was less rigorous than the standard curriculum. The modified curriculum included social, skills, personal skills, and independent function skills. Teaching those skills helps students learn to manage their behavior and become more independent. All of Ms. Bauduy's students had Individual Education Plans (IEP). These plans identify a student's disabilities, their effect, and behavior that may arise from them. They establish goals for the student in light of the student's disabilities. And they identify strategies for helping the students accomplish the established goals. The demands of teaching students with disabilities required additional staff in the classroom to assist Ms. Bauduy. The school determined that properly caring for and teaching the children required a three to one student teacher ratio. The students' IEPs also required this staffing ratio. For that reason, the school assigned two paraprofessionals to assist in Ms. Bauduy's class of ten people. This was in addition to Ms. Edoo, who was assigned to student E.K. one-on-one. Thus, the proper staffing complement for Ms. Bauduy's class was four adults. Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, Gotha Middle School experienced chronic staffing shortages. One paraprofessional position in Ms. Bauduy's class was vacant the entire year. The school engaged a long- term substitute. That person often did not show up for work. In those instances, the school sought, often unsuccessfully, to engage fill-ins from a temporary staffing agency. In addition, the school usually did not provide staff to cover the paraprofessionals' breaks and lunches. Throughout the year, Ms. Bauduy had to juggle staffing shortages as best she could. During the representative month of September 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was short one adult seven full days and four partial days. On September 11, 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was down two professionals. When the paraprofessional staff took their breaks or lunch periods, the staffing deficiencies worsened. Ms. Bauduy repeatedly advised the administration about the staffing deficiencies, sought assistance, and expressed her concerns about not complying with students' IEP requirements. Her communications included a September 5, 2018, email advising that a substitute had not arrived, a September 11 email forwarding an email from a paraprofessional advising she was not coming in, and a September 26 email advising that a substitute once again failed to arrive and asking for assistance. In January 2019, despite the chronic understaffing, the school transferred two students, T.M. and N.A., from other classrooms to Ms. Bauduy's class. These students' disabilities were more profound and required more supports than the other students. They were regular elopers, required diaper changes, and required individual nearly one-on-one prompting for tasks. Among other things, T.M.'s disabilities required having someone hold his hand during transitions. Placement of T.M. and N.A. in Ms. Bauduy's class was not appropriate. Ms. Bauduy continued sending emails expressing her concerns and frustrations about understaffing. She also repeatedly, without effect, sought to get the school to change mandatory meetings to her planning period or after school because the meetings caused her to leave the classroom and exacerbated the staffing problems. Between October 25, 2018, and March 4, 2019, Ms. Bauduy sent 17 emails requesting full staffing and advising of staff absences. Ms. Bauduay could not rely upon prompt responses when she called for assistance or additional staffing to put her room back in compliance with the required student/adult ratio. Sometimes she received a quick response. Sometimes no one came. Often there was a 20 to 30-minute delay before assistance arrived. Even when management responded to Ms. Bauduy's request for a schedule of when behavior staff would be available to support her students, management's response was conditional. For instance, Laura Fogarty, ESE Curriculum and Instruction Team Instructional Coach, conditioned the schedule of available staff that she provided as follows. Please remember, however, that this schedule is in a perfect world. The behavior support team's first priority is to respond to radio calls and have other responsibilities that don't always make it possible for them to be in your room for the times listed below. They may also have to leave to respond to a behavior call when they are in there. Below is the ideal, if everything goes right and there are no behavior calls or other areas that require their attention. The world in which Ms. Bauduy taught was neither perfect nor ideal. Ms. Bauduy's testimony about staffing difficulties and insufficient responses to requests for assistance differs from testimony of school representatives. Ms. Bauduy was more credible and persuasive than the school representatives. Four of the reasons for this judgment are Ms. Bauduy's sincere demeanor, documents such as emails and logs consistent with her testimony, the admission in Ms. Fogarty's email that even scheduled availability of support was not reliable, and the corroborating testimony of a paraprofessional who worked in Ms. Bauduy's room, Lauren Mueller. K.C. K.C. was a male sixth grade student in Ms. Bauduy's class. K.C.'s IEP specified that K.C. should always be supervised. It stated, "He requires continuous supervision as he is very impulsive and responds aggressively and or obscenely." K.C. also had a Behavioral Improvement Plan (BIP). It too noted a need for intensive intervention to address inappropriate touching of and advances toward female students. The BIP provided, among other things, "If outside the classroom, one on one supervision must be provided." The BIP went on to state that K.C.'s transitions out of the classroom should be limited to necessary transitions and that a staff member should provide one-on-one supervision during all transitions. Ms. Bauduy was aware of the contents of the IEP and BIP. At each day's end, Ms. Edoo usually escorted K.C. from class to the transportation loading area, after escorting her assigned student to the transportation area. This did not happen on September 11, 2018. This was one of the many days when Ms. Bauduy's room was short-staffed. Because of a vacant position and a paraprofessional not showing up, Ms. Bauduy was down to two adults, including herself, of the staff that should have been in the room. This excludes Ms. Edoo who was responsible for providing one-on- one care for a single student. The afternoon of September 11 the substitute paraprofessional was to escort the students, in shifts, to the transportation area. The substitute took a student to the transportation area and did not return. This left Ms. Bauduy the sole adult in the room, responsible both for getting the children to the transportation area and supervising students in the classroom. Ms. Edoo called Ms. Bauduy on the radio and said to release K.C. Ms. Bauduy thought that meant Ms. Edoo was returning to the classroom and would meet K.C. in the hall. Although her room had a telephone and a two-way radio, Ms. Bauduy knew from experience a response to a request for help would be slow, if there even was one. Faced with confounding choices, Ms. Bauduy explained to K.C. that she would release him to go directly down the hall to meet Ms. Edoo. K.C. did not go straight down the hall to Ms. Edoo, and Ms. Edoo was not in the hall. K.C. went to the bathroom that opened on the hall. A student, K.M., found K.C. laying naked, save for his socks, on the bathroom floor, masturbating. This scared and confused K.M. He went home and told his mother about the incident. She called the school. The next day a guidance counselor met with K.M. to discuss the incident and reassure him. Shortly after K.M. left for home, an ESE clerk, Elizabeth Elkholi, saw K.C. naked in the bathroom, through the open door. She called for Shantell Johnson, a behavior trainer. Ms. Johnson did not wish to enter the bathroom because K.C. was naked. A substitute, Stephen Harnishfeger, and Deputy Luna, a school resource officer, joined Ms. Elkholi and Ms. Johnson. Between them, these four adults kept K.C. in sight. K.C. got dressed in a stall. Ms. Johnson escorted him back to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. Ms. Bauduy was not aware of this activity until K.C. was returned to her room. K.C. could have left the school grounds during the period that he was unsupervised. Eventually the substitute reappeared and declared she was leaving for the day. Ms. Bauduy convinced the substitute to escort K.C. to the transportation loading area before leaving. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay for this incident. T.M. T.M. was a student on the autism spectrum that the school transferred to Ms. Bauduy's class in January. T.M.'s previous classroom, Ms. Franklin's, was adjacent to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. On February 25, 2019, the school had again failed to staff Ms. Bauduy's classroom in compliance with the requirements of her students' IEPs. That day the school required Ms. Bauduy to participate in an IEP meeting, scheduled for 30 minutes, during her planning period. The meeting took two hours, running through her lunch period and ending at 4:00 p.m. When Ms. Bauduy returned to the classroom, she realized none of her paraprofessionals had taken a break. So, she released them one at a time for a short break. While one paraprofessional was gone on break, the remaining one left the room with a student to go to the restroom and change a diaper. This left Ms. Bauduy alone with the students. At that time, Ms. Bauduy was providing directions to a group of students. She heard the door slam. She looked for T.M. and did not see him in the classroom. T.M. had slipped away from Ms. Bauduy's classroom out into the hall. He left through the classroom's only door. Ms. Bauduy immediately went to the doorway to look for him. She knew T.M. had a history of leaving the classroom but waiting just outside the door. She did not see him. Then Ms. Bauduy took a few steps outside the door of her classroom into the hall. To the left of Ms. Bauduy's classroom the hall met double doors just yards away that led to the outside and a nearby road. Ms. Bauduy was in the hall approximately 23 seconds seeking to ensure that T.M. had not gone to the left toward the double doors. During these 23 seconds there was no adult inside Ms. Bauduy's class room. She however was just feet from the only door. One of the students could have done something destructive or harmful. But the brief period of time that Ms. Bauduy was outside the classroom, her proximity to the door, and the very short distance she was from her students made that risk minimal. Ms. Bauduy saw the door to Classroom B104 close. This was T.M.'s former classroom, which was next to Ms. Bauduy's room. This reassured her that T.M. was safe. She ran back to her classroom. The students had spent the 23 seconds without incident. Then Ms. Bauduy called for assistance. A staff member came to return T.M. to Ms. Bauduy's room. When T.M. slipped away, Ms. Bauduy had no good choices. In the time it would take to call for assistance and wait for it to arrive, if it did, T.M. could have been out the doors and in the road. Ms. Bauduy's experience taught her that assistance was often slow to arrive and sometimes did not arrive at all. Stepping out in the hall to quickly see where T.M. went left the eight remaining students without direct adult supervision for 23 seconds. But Ms. Bauduy was just outside the only door out of the classroom. She made a reasonable choice, one that most reduced the risk of a bad outcome to T.M. and his classmates. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay because of this incident. F.O. F.O. was a student in Ms. Bauduy's class. F.O. was non-verbal and deaf. She was working on pre-academic skills. F.O. was a joyful and social student. She, however, was defiant. She did not like to be corrected. She wanted to be on her own, basically following her own schedule. When corrected, F.O. would shake her head, point her finger, and stick her tongue out. The school regularly delivered breakfast and lunch to the class. On September 11, 2019, F.O. ate breakfast around 10:00 a.m. After breakfast, F.O. and the other students had a short lesson and went to PE. After they returned to class, they had another short lesson. Afterwards, Ms. Bauduy gave the class another short break. Around 11:30 a.m., the lunch cart's arrival signaled the beginning of lunch to the class. The lunch service procedure began with placing meals on tables for students who could feed themselves. Then Ms. Bauduy and the paraprofessionals assisted students who needed help eating. F.O.'s lunch was placed in front of her. It was time for F.O. to pick up her toys and eat. She refused. Ms. Bauduy tried prompting F.O. several ways. Ms. Bauduy's efforts to persuade F.O. to put her toys up included gestures, pantomiming the desired actions, and modeling the actions by picking up some toys herself. This did not work. Ms. Bauduy took F.O. out of the classroom to see if a change in environment would help. Ms. Bauduy then took F.O. to the behavior specialist's classroom down the hall. But it was not staffed. They returned to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. There Ms. Bauduy tried to get F.O. to comply with simple directions like "put it down." F.O. would not respond. Also, F.O. continued to refuse to pick up her toys and eat lunch. Ms. Bauduy concluded that F.O.'s refusal to eat lunch was a defiance issue. Ms. Bauduy learned a behavior management strategy called "First – Then" in her applied behavior classes at the University of Central Florida. Ms. Bauduy kept a graphic depicting this strategy posted in her classroom. Other teachers and paraprofessionals in the school also used this strategy. It was a system where the "Then" was something the child wanted or wanted to do and the "First" was a task the child was resisting. After F.O. continued to play with toys and ignore her lunch. Ms. Bauduy decided to use the "First—Then" strategy by withholding F.O.'s lunch until she picked up her toys. She asked a paraprofessional, Ms. Lewis, to remove the food. Ms. Lewis refused. Ms. Bauduy then placed the lunch on a shelf so that other students would not eat it or play with it. Around 2:00 p.m., snack time, F.O. had put up her toys. Ms. Bauduy gave her the lunch. Ms. Bauduy's log for the day, sent home with each student each day, advised F.O.'s parents that F.O. would not listen or follow directions most of the day and that "lunch was delayed till she showed more compliance." Withholding lunch was not a proper use of the "First – Then" strategy. Meals are a regular part of the day and necessary for nutrition, although in this case the student repeatedly declined food. Withholding a meal, as opposed to withholding a treat, is not proper. Also, since F.O. was not interested in eating lunch, making lunch the "Then" was not a well-reasoned use of the strategy. Ms. Bauduy, however, did not withhold lunch as a punishment. But withholding lunch was not a reasonable behavior management strategy. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days for this instance.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 For Respondent: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding that Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, by violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1., and imposing a reprimand upon Respondent, Yolie Bauduy. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us COPIES FURNISHED: Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of November, 2021. Lisa M. Forbess, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 Anastasios Kamoutsas, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Mar. 28, 2001 Number: 01-001186PL Latest Update: Oct. 31, 2001

The Issue The issue for consideration in this case is whether Respondent's certificate as an educator in Florida should be disciplined because of the matters alleged in the Administrative Complaint filed herein.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing, and the entire record of this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are made: 1. At all times pertinent to the issues herein, Petitioner, Commissioner of Education, was the state official in Florida responsible for the certification of educators and the regulation of the teaching profession in Florida. Petitioner is authorized to seek appropriate disciplinary sanctions against persons holding teaching certificates in the State of Florida. The basis for disciplinary sanctions against a teacher's certificate are set forth in Sections 231.262 and 231.28, Florida Statutes. 2. Respondent, John H. Pedonti, Jr., is certified as an educator in this state by the Petitioner, and holds Florida Educator's Certificate 384296, valid through June 30, 2004, and covering the area of technical arts. At all times relevant herein, Mr. Pedonti was employed by the Hillsborough County School Board. 3. The chief factual allegation in this case is that Mr. Pedonti committed battery on his wife, who was also a teacher in the Hillsborough County school system. Mr. Pedonti and his wife told differing versions of the relevant events, but agreed on certain facts. The parties agreed that John and Debra Pedonti were separated and living apart in November 1997. Mrs. Pedonti and their three-year-old daughter lived in the family home. Mr. Pedonti lived in a house that he had owned since before the marriage. The parties agreed that throughout the night of November 21, 1997, Mrs. Pedonti left messages on the telephone answering machine at Mr. Pedonti's residence, and that Mr. Pedonti replied to none of them. The parties agreed that at about five a.m. on November 22, 1997, Mrs. Pedonti drove her van to Mr. Pedonti's house. Their daughter was asleep in the van. Mrs. Pedonti knocked on the door of the house. Mr. Pedonti opened the door, and they had a discussion culminating in Mr. Pedonti telling his wife to drive home and put their daughter to bed, and that he would follow in his own car. Mrs. Pedonti drove home, pulling the van into the front yard rather than the driveway. Mr. Pedonti arrived shortly thereafter and found his wife slumped over the steering wheel. They had an altercation concerning the dome light in the van. Mr. Pedonti then carried their daughter into the house and put her to bed, Mrs. Pedonti following them. The Pedontis then sat in the living room. Mrs. Pedonti lectured Mr. Pedonti at length concerning their marriage and their child, while he sat on the sofa with his eyes closed. At this point, physical violence erupted, though the parties disagree as to who was the perpetrator and who was the victim. 4. Mrs. Pedonti testified that, though they were separated, she and her husband were making efforts to reconcile and that he was spending most evenings at the family home. She had spoken to Mr. Pedonti by telephone on the afternoon of November 21, and expected him to come to the family home that night. She became increasingly worried as the night wore on, and began leaving messages asking him to call her. She left messages throughout the evening and into the early morning hours. At about five a.m., she put her sleeping daughter into her van and drove to Mr. Pedonti’s residence. She testified that she wanted to make sure Mr. Pedonti was "okay." 5. Mrs. Pedonti arrived at Mr. Pedonti’s residence and knocked on the door. She was crying. Mr. Pedonti answered the door. Mrs. Pedonti asked him why he had not called or come over, and whether he cared about her and their daughter. Mr. Pedonti asked her to be quiet, told her to get back in her car and drive home, and said that he would follow her. Mrs. Pedonti complied. She testified that she was still crying, but was relieved that her husband was all right. 6. Mrs. Pedonti testified that she drove home, and parked the car in the yard because it was closer to the front door than was the driveway. She was "emotionally drained after a long night of waiting and worrying and crying," and remained slumped over the steering wheel for the few minutes it took her husband to arrive. 7. Mrs. Pedonti testified that her husband arrived, walked to the passenger side of her van, and opened the sliding door so that he could carry their daughter into the house. He asked Mrs. Pedonti to turn off the dome light, but she could not because there was no switch on the light. Mrs. Pedonti testified that her husband punched the light with his fist, breaking it. He then picked up their daughter and proceeded to the front door. He used his key to unlock the door, threw his keys into the hallway, and walked down the hall to put their daughter to bed. 8. Mrs. Pedonti testified that she was afraid of Mr. Pedonti after he knocked out the light in the van. She took the house key off his key ring, because she did not want him to be able to get back into the house. She then put the key ring back in the hallway where he had thrown it. 9. Mrs. Pedonti next sat down at the dining room table. Mr. Pedonti emerged from their daughter's bedroom and sat on the couch. She began talking to him about making the marriage work. She told him that he had spent only four hours with his daughter that week, and that he needed to spend more time with them. Mrs. Pedonti testified that during this monologue, her husband “laid his head back and closed his eyes and acted like he was asleep." She moved to sit on the couch and continued to talk. She testified that she did so in a quiet, calm voice, because she had already seen him knock out the light in the van. 10. Mrs. Pedonti testified that Mr. Pedonti suddenly lunged toward her and pushed her down on her back. He placed his left arm across her jaw, holding down her head. His face was red, his expression "contorted." She told him he was hurting her, and asked him to let her up. Mr. Pedonti drew back his right hand and hit her in the left eye with his fist. 11. Mrs. Pedonti testified that she could feel her eye begin to swell immediately, and she begged Mr. Pedonti to let her up so that she could put ice on it. He let her get up, but only after holding her down for a while longer. She walked to the kitchen, but Mr. Pedonti would not allow her to get to the refrigerator. She said something about the police. Mr. Pedonti told her, "Go ahead, call the police," then knocked the phone off the wall, breaking it. He repeatedly said, "I'll lose my job, I'll go to jail." Mrs. Pedonti testified that he left the house soon thereafter. 12. Mrs. Pedonti testified that she did not immediately call the police because she still loved her husband and did not want him to lose his job or go to jail. She did not see her husband on Saturday after he left the house, but she did speak to him by telephone on Sunday, November 23. She told him that she could not leave the house because of her eye, and asked him to buy some milk and take their daughter to Sunday school. Mr. Pedonti sent a family friend, Wayne Canady, to the family residence to do what he could for her. 13. Mrs. Pedonti went to school on Monday morning. She worked in a portable classroom and avoided being seen by staff and fellow teachers. Her eighth grade students saw her and asked what happened to her eye. She told them that her husband hit her. She did not work on Tuesday or Wednesday. Thursday was Thanksgiving, a holiday. 14. Mrs. Pedonti testified that on Tuesday, November 24, her parents saw her condition and urged her to go to the police. The next day, she decided that she would call the police. She testified that she concluded that she had to take a stand and stop this "foolishness." She did not want her daughter to grow up in such an environment. On Friday, November 27, Mrs. Pedonti made her report to the police. 15. Mr. Pedonti testified that on Friday, November 21, 1997, he spoke to his wife in the afternoon and told her that he would not be over that evening. He stated that he had been spending a lot of time at his wife's house, neglecting his own residence, and needed to spend the evening putting his own house in order. He also stated that he needed to move a car to someone else's house that evening. 16. Mr. Pedonti testified that he delivered the car and was driving home at around 3:30 a.m. on Saturday morning. He stopped at a 24-hour Winn-Dixie, shopped, then drove to his house. Upon arriving home at about 4:30 a.m., he found there were numerous telephone messages from his wife. He turned the machine off after the third or fourth message, because the messages were "crazy." His wife knew what he was going to do that evening, and had no reason to call repeatedly questioning his whereabouts. 17. Mr. Pedonti testified that there was a knock on his door at about 5:30 a.m. His wife was standing in the doorway, "hysterical" and saying things that made no sense. He asked her where their daughter was, and Mrs. Pedonti replied that she was asleep in the van. Mr. Pedonti testified that he did not live in a good neighborhood, and did not want his daughter there. He told his wife to drive home, and he would follow her. Mrs. Pedonti drove off, and Mr. Pedonti locked up the house and followed a few minutes later. 18. Mr. Pedonti testified that when he arrived at the family residence, his wife's van was parked in the front yard with the dome lights on. He stated the light was so bright it looked like a theater. He went to van and saw his wife slumped over the steering wheel, apparently asleep. He tried to rouse her by tapping on the driver's side window, but she did not move. He walked around to the passenger side and opened the sliding door. He reached in and shook his wife's shoulder to wake her. He told her to wake up and turn off the light, and said he would take their daughter into the house. Mr. Pedonti testified that his wife still didn't respond. He reached up to the dome light, trying to find a switch. When he touched the light, the plastic dome fell off and the bulb fell out. 19. Mr. Pedonti testified that he then picked up his daughter and carried her to the front door. He pulled the keys out of his pocket, used his house key to open the front door, then put the keys back into his pocket. He put his daughter to bed, then came out of the bedroom and sat on the couch in the living room. 20. Mr. Pedonti testified that his wife began to harangue him about their daughter. Mrs. Pedonti told him that she needed 10 to get the child out of the house, that she could no longer take care of the child and that Mr. Pedonti needed to take her. Mr. Pedonti testified that her conversation "made no sense to me," but that he calmly listened. He stated that he dozed off, but that Mrs. Pedonti woke him by coming over to the couch, yelling and screaming. After he woke up, she returned to her seat at the dining room table. 21. Mr. Pedonti testified that his wife then shifted the subject to his spending more time with her and their daughter. He "didn't know what she was talking about," because he had gone to the family home every evening after work that week. Mr. Pedonti testified that he sat quietly listening, until he again fell asleep. He testified that a "noise or something" startled him awake. He opened his eyes, but could not see farther than his hands. He put his hands up, brushed his nose, and saw blood on his hands. He stood up quickly and bumped against his wife, who was hovering over him. He asked her what happened. She replied, "You hit me." He pointed out the blood on his hands and asked her if she had hit him, but she kept repeating that he had hit her. Mr. Pedonti said to himself, "This is crazy," and walked out of the house. 22. Mr. Pedonti testified that as he stood outside the front door, he stopped and asked himself what had just happened. He decided to go back in. He took the keys out of his pocket, but saw that he no longer had a key to the house. He surmised 11 that his wife must have taken the key ring from his pocket and removed the house key while he was asleep. He called out to Mrs. Pedonti to open the door, which she did. They quarreled for a few moments, then Mr. Pedonti left the house and drove back to his own residence. 23. Mr. Pedonti testified that his wife called him two or three times on Saturday, and that on Sunday she drove to his house and demanded that he repair the dome light in her van. The situation deteriorated into another loud quarrel, an@ Mr. Pedonti went inside and called the police. Mrs. Pedonti left before the police officers arrived. 24. Mr. Pedonti testified that his wife returned with their daughter at about five p.m. that evening, but that he would not answer the door. He called the police and waited inside for them to arrive. Mr. Pedonti testified that an officer arrived and advised Mrs. Pedonti to leave. After some argument, she did leave. Mr. Pedonti testified that he then spoke with the police officer, who advised him to file for an injunction against his wife to keep her away. 25. Mrs. Pedonti's version of the essential events is more believable and is credited. The photographs taken of Mrs. Pedonti by the police at the time of her complaint show that her left eye was bruised and discolored. Mr. Pedonti's only explanation of his wife's injury was that he might have 12 accidentally poked her in the eye when he jumped to his feet and bumped her. 26. Mr. Pedonti's friend, Wayne Canady, testified that he saw only some redness in the corner of Mrs. Pedonti's eye when he visited her at Mr. Pedonti's request on Sunday. However, Mr. Canady's testimony simply parroted Mr. Pedonti's story. In describing her injury, Mr. Canady testified that Mrs. Pedonti "looked like a finger had accidentally been poked in her eye." He did not explain how he could tell from looking at Mrs. Pedonti's eye that it had been injured "accidentally." 27. Mr. Canady admitted that he did not ask Mrs. Pedonti what had happened, because Mr. Pedonti had already told him. Mr. Canady stated that Mrs. Pedonti volunteered that her husband had "lost it" and "knocked her around." Mr. Canady admitted that Mr. Pedonti had requested that he stop by and ask if he could buy some groceries for Mrs. Pedonti. Mr. Canady stated that the reason Mrs. Pedonti could not go shopping for herself had nothing to do with her physical condition. Rather, he testified that it was difficult for Mrs. Pedonti to go out because she had a "small baby" to care for. The Pedontis' daughter was three years old at the time of the incident. 28. Mr. Canady also testified that Mr. Pedonti had a "claw mark" on his nose and "some cuts or bruises." Mr. Pedonti testified that the altercation left no marks on him. In summary, 13 Mr. Canady's efforts to corroborate Mr. Pedonti's testimony cannot be credited. 29. Mr. Pedonti was subsequently arrested on a charge of domestic violence. The arrest took place on the school campus. victor Fernandez, who was the assistant principal for discipline at W. G. Pierce Middle School, testified that he worked with the arresting officer to minimize the impact of the arrest on the school. The arrest took place at the end of the school day, when most of the students were on buses preparing to depart the campus. Mr. Fernandez testified that some students were nearby, outside the school grounds, but he could not be certain they saw the arrest. In the days following the arrest, Mr. Fernandez had the feeling that students knew "something was going on with Mr. Pedonti," but no student ever spoke to Mr. Fernandez about the matter. 30. Mr. Fernandez indicated that the arrest was not generally known at the school, but that several people close to Mr. Pedonti knew about the situation and became "uncomfortable." Mr. Fernandez stated that no student ever expressed an unwillingness to go into Mr. Pedonti's classroom, and no colleague ever expressed an unwillingness to work with him. To the contrary, Mr. Pedonti's colleagues were concerned about his situation and deteriorating mental condition and were willing to help him. 14 31. Mr. Fernandez testified that the arrest had a "big impact" on Mr. Pedonti's behavior. Mr. Pedonti was uncomfortable about returning to the school because of his fears as what students and faculty would think of him. He lost interest in his work. Mr. Fernandez described him as "totally disoriented, distressed, confused." 32. Mr. Fernandez also noted that Mr. Pedonti's job performance declined after his arrest. Mr. Fernandez described Mr. Pedonti as "an outstanding, dynamic teacher" who was very popular with his students. After the arrest, Mr.Pedonti began coming to school late and often did not prepare lesson plans. Mr. Fernandez eventually sent him to school district headquarters for counseling. 33. Frank Johnson is an administrative resource teacher with the Hillsborough County school district. He taught with Mr. Pedonti for more than twenty years and testified that Mr. Pedonti had been one of the best industrial arts teachers in the county, but that his performance began to fall off in 1997 because of his separation and divorce. 34. In September 1999, Mr. Johnson visited Mr. Pedonti's classroom at the request of Mr. Fernandez, who was now the principal of W. G. Pierce Middle School. Mr. Fernandez was concerned with the poor quality of instruction and wanted Mr. Johnson to assist Mr. Pedonti in improving his classroom Management and teaching skills. Mr. Johnson found the classroom 15 and storage rooms in disarray. Mr. Pedonti could not provide him with a lesson plan. Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Pedonti what his school administration could do to help him. Mr. Pedonti replied that nothing more could be done, and that he could no longer perform his teaching duties. He felt that he was no longer in control of his life and was unable to make plans for the future. Mr. Pedonti told Mr. Johnson that the only reason he was still teaching was that the school system was short of substitutes, and even expressed some desire to surrender his teaching certificate. 35. Mr. Pedonti admitted that his divorce and arrest affected his job performance, along with every other aspect of his life. He expressed a belief that his wife had conspired with the counselors at The Spring of Tampa Bay, where he completed domestic violence counseling, to trick him into making incriminating statements during his initial evaluation at that facility. He also stated his suspicion that the events of November 22, 1997, were planned and orchestrated by his wife, apparently to set him up for the domestic violence allegations that followed. 36. Mr. Pedonti's case went to trial on February 4, 1999. The court withheld adjudication and sentenced him to 26 weeks of domestic violence counseling and twelve months' probation. Mr. Pedonti has completed those obligations. 37. Mr. Pedonti has continued to teach in the Hillsborough County school system since the incident. The Hillsborough County 16 public schools took no disciplinary action against Mr. Pedonti, though it was aware of his arrest and the pending criminal proceedings. Linda Kipley, general director of professional standards for Hillsborough County public schools, testified that the school district's response was to assist Mr. Pedonti in working through his personal circumstances. Ms. Kipley also testified that it is not the district's policy to retain an employee whose effectiveness has been seriously reduced. 38. The evidence presented is sufficient to establish that Mr. Pedonti committed an act of moral turpitude when he held his wife down on the couch by pressing his left arm against her head with such force that she feared he was breaking her jaw, then punched her in the left eye with his fist. This was an act of serious misconduct in flagrant disregard of society's condemnation of violence by men against women. 39. Although the evidence establishes that Mr. Pedonti committed an act of moral turpitude, the only evidence offered regarding any notoriety arising from the November 1997 incident and from Mr. Pedonti's subsequent arrest and trial on the charge of domestic violence was the testimony of Mr. Fernandez. Mr. Fernandez was uncertain whether any students saw the arrest, and had no direct knowledge of adverse student reaction to the situation. Mr. Fernandez noted that several teachers knew about the incident and were concerned, but their concern in the nature of solicitude for Mr. Pedonti's emotional welfare. There was no 17 evidence to prove that Mr. Pedonti's conduct was sufficiently notorious to cast him or the education profession into public disgrace or disrespect or to impair Mr. Pedonti's service in the community. 40. There was persuasive evidence presented to establish that Mr. Pedonti's performance as a teacher and an employee of the Hillsborough County public schools was diminished as a result of the November 1997 incident and its aftermath. Both Mr. Fernandez and Mr. Johnson testified that Mr.Pedonti's job performance deteriorated drastically after his arrest, such that the school district felt obliged to step in and assist him in organizing his classroom. Mr. Pedonti was often late for work. He was not completing his lesson plans. His entire demeanor changed, to the point where colleagues who were close to him expressed their concern for his welfare. Mr. Pedonti himself testified that his job performance was affected, and he told Mr. Johnson that he felt his life was out of control and he was contemplating the surrender of his teaching certificate.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Robert E. Sickles, Esquire Broad and Cassel 100 North Tampa Street Suite 3500 Tampa, Florida 33602-3310 For Respondent: Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 2595 Tampa Road, Suite J Palm Harbor, Florida 34684

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Commissioner of Education enter a final order placing John H. Pedonti, Jr., on probation for a period of two years, and requiring Mr. Pedonti to undergo a full psychological evaluation to ensure that he is fully capable of performing his assigned duties, prior to Mr. Pedonti's being allowed to return to the classroom. DONE AND ENTERED this /2Uh aay of July, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. : prnrean2oC0r~ [AWRENCE P. STEVENSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this /27K day of July, 2001. 26

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Jun. 11, 1998 Number: 98-002690 Latest Update: Jun. 23, 1999

The Issue Whether the Respondent, Anna Mann, should be dismissed from her employment with the Palm Beach County School Board.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a school board charged with the duty to operate, control, and supervise the public schools within the Palm Beach County School District. Such authority includes, but is not limited to, the employment and discipline of the instructional staff for all Palm Beach County public schools. At all times material to the allegations of this case, Respondent was employed by Petitioner as a classroom teacher teaching Family and Consumer Sciences (formerly known as Home Economics). Respondent's teaching duties were at Glades Central Community High School (GCCHS). Respondent received a continuing contract (CC) for employment during the 1974-75 school year. There is no evidence that Respondent elected to accept a professional services contract (PSC) during her tenure with the District. Respondent did not voluntarily relinquish her continuing contract. Consequently, it is presumed Respondent continued employment as a CC teacher until the end of the 1997-98 school year. At the conclusion of the 1997-98 school year, the superintendent of schools, acting on the recommendation of the principal, notified Respondent that she would not be recommended for employment and would not be offered a teaching contract for the subsequent school year. This notice was issued on or before April 1, 1998. Such notice further advised Respondent that her employment with the District would end on June 11, 1998. Upon receipt of the notice that she would not be re- appointed for employment, Respondent timely challenged the termination, and the matter was forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings for formal proceedings. Thereafter, in accordance with the notice previously provided to Respondent, the District did not offer Respondent a contract to teach for the 1998-99 school year. The District utilizes an evaluation instrument known as the Classroom Teacher Assessment System (CTAS) Evaluation. Persons using this CTAS tool must be trained and approved prior to implementing any use of the instrument for teacher assessment. All individuals in this proceeding who assessed Respondent's classroom performance were fully trained and authorized to evaluate Respondent. Those using the CTAS instrument had been trained and approved in its use. Those using other methods of evaluation were also fully trained and approved for evaluation of instructional personnel. While Respondent did not agree with the findings of the assessments, Respondent has not raised any credible challenge to the qualifications of any assessor. The CTAS instrument rates the teacher as "acceptable" for which 2 points are assigned or as "concern" for which 1 point is given. There are sixteen specific assessment areas covered by the CTAS instrument. Thus, there is a possible 32-point score for any teacher receiving "acceptable" in all areas of review. Teachers with less than 28 points are formally directed to correct the cited deficiencies. In May of 1996, Respondent was given an annual evaluation by the Assistant Principal, Mr. Campbell. This assessment noted four areas of concern and yielded a total score of 28 points. The topics of the assessment wherein Respondent showed concern (as opposed to acceptable performance) were: management of student conduct, instructional organization and development, presentation of subject matter, and establishes an appropriate classroom climate. Because Respondent had received a marginal rating in the prior annual assessment, Dr. Grear directed another Assistant Principal, Dr. Fuller, to conduct a mid-year evaluation for Respondent during the fall of 1996. This mid-year evaluation was conducted on December 6, 1996. On this occasion Dr. Fuller observed Respondent in all three of her classes. The evaluation comments were memorialized on a Florida Performance Measurement System Screening/Summative Observation Instrument (FPMS) form as well as in anecdotal notes of the review. Although Respondent did not have many students in the classes observed (her largest observed class held 22 students), frequently students were off-task and not engaged in the learning process. According to Dr. Fuller, Respondent allowed students to put their heads on the desks, get out of their seats and walk around, and ignore her directions to them. In one instance when Respondent directed students to gather at a table for a demonstration, six of the thirteen attending students paid no attention. The CTAS evaluation for the December 6, 1996, mid-year review yielded a total score of 26 points. This instrument documented concerns in six assessment areas: management of student conduct, instructional organization and development, presentation of subject matter, establishes an appropriate classroom climate, demonstrates ability to plan effectively, and demonstrates effective written communication skills. Respondent reviewed the CTAS form and executed the receipt of it on December 9, 1996. Based upon the concerns noted in the mid-year evaluation, Respondent was given a school site assistance plan. It was hoped this plan would allow Respondent to improve in the deficient areas. This plan outlined strategies and directed Respondent to perform certain tasks by the progress dates indicated in the plan. Respondent was advised that during the time frame identified in the school site assistance plan she would be observed to determine if deficiencies had been corrected. Over the course of the rest of that school year, Respondent continued to receive school site assistance. Unfortunately, although she was able to improve in two areas of concern, she was not able to remedy all deficiencies. At the conclusion of the 1996-97 school year Respondent still had six areas of concern (albeit two new areas of concern added to four uncorrected deficiencies). Assistant Principal Jean Beehler performed Respondent's annual evaluation at the end of the 1996-97 school year. This evaluation, conducted on March 12, 1997, awarded Respondent a total score of 26 points. The areas of concern noted on this CTAS form were: management of student conduct, instructional organization and development, presentation of subject matter, establishes an appropriate classroom climate, demonstrates knowledge of subject matter, and demonstrates ability to evaluate instructional needs. To her credit, Respondent had improved in planning and written communication skills. Moreover, she demonstrated compliance with the curriculum framework for her courses. Nevertheless, because there were still six areas of concern at the end of the school year, Respondent was given a district level professional development plan to assist her in the correction of the deficiencies. This district level plan (See Petitioner's exhibits 5, 6, and 8) replaced the school site plan. The strategies and directives of this plan offered Respondent a wider level of resources for improvement. A portion of this plan outlined summer remediation activities for Respondent. As to all portions of the plan, Respondent was given set time frames within which to accomplish various tasks. At all times material to the evaluations and plans adopted for Respondent during the 1996-97 school year Respondent had the assistance of Clarence Gunn, a representative from the Classroom Teachers' Association. Mr. Gunn was aware of the evaluations and recommendations for correction made to Respondent and participated in meetings conducted with the teacher when the annual evaluation was reviewed and when the subsequent corrective plan was implemented. It is undisputed that Respondent was given the entire 1997-98 school year to utilize numerous school resources in order to remedy the deficiencies outlined by the CTAS evaluations from the prior year. Respondent was offered assistance at the school site from administrators and peer teachers, as well as from district support staff. Respondent was permitted to attend various conferences and seminars. Despite the numerous and continuous efforts of school personnel to assist in the correction of the deficiencies, Respondent remained resolved, and improvidently observed to students that the school administration was out to get her job. Although Respondent attended workshops and made some efforts to improve, neither gravamen of the deficiencies nor the remedies necessary to correct them registered with Respondent until the time of hearing. In short, the Respondent did not correct the deficiencies. Students in Respondent's class continued to exhibit unacceptable, out of control, behaviors. They ignored her directions, tampered with her resource materials, and would walk out of the classroom. The mid-year evaluation conducted on December 9, 1997, by the principal, Dr. Grear, mirrored the past CTAS forms in that Respondent still showed the same six areas of concern. The district level professional development plan was updated in January 1998 to again offer Respondent assistance, guidance and timelines for correction of the deficiencies. Among the aids offered to Respondent were full-day workshops (for which substitutes were provided for Respondent's classes), after school seminars, reading materials and videos. Regional personnel, an outside expert, and peer-level teachers were also offered to Respondent. None of these individuals or references resulted in the correction of the deficiencies. In March 1998, Respondent was given her annual evaluation which noted the same six areas of concern. As a result, on or about April 1, 1998, Respondent was notified that the superintendent would recommend that the School Board not renew Respondent's teaching contract for the 1998-99 school year. Perhaps most telling of Respondent's failure to maintain classroom management and to establish an appropriate classroom climate was the testimony of Respondent's witness, Mary Willingham. Ms. Willingham was a student in two of Respondent's classes during the 1997-98 school year. She recited different activities done in the classes but when asked: Did you experience the same kind of disruptive behavior in your classmates, like, throwing books and throwing Crayolas in your other three classes like you did in Mrs. Mann's class? Answer: No, nothing like it was in her class. Even Ms. Rasmussen, the AVDA guest speaker in Respondent's classroom, had to shorten a presentation due to the disruptive conduct of the students while Respondent was present in the classroom. The collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the classroom teachers (the contract) contains several paragraphs Respondent argues are pertinent to this case. Article II, Section G, paragraph 3 of the contract provides: 3. The evaluation shall be discussed with the employee by the evaluator. After the conference, the employee shall sign the completed evaluation form to acknowledge that it has been received. The employee shall have the right to initiate a written response to the evaluation which shall be made a part of the employee's official personnel file. If a PSC/CC employee's performance warrants a mid-year evaluation then such mid- year evaluation shall be completed by December 10 and shall follow all aspects of this Section. If any deficiency is noted on the mid-year evaluation, the Principal shall provide the employee with written and specific recommendations for improvement within twenty (20) days of the employee receiving the mid-year evaluation. The Principal/District will provide assistance to the affected employee in all noted areas of concern and adequate time to improve. Except as provided in this Section, employees shall be formally evaluated once yearly prior to May 31. As to both mid-year evaluations conducted in this matter the Petitioner complied with the provisions set forth in Article II, Section G, paragraph 3. Article II, Section M, of the contract provides, in pertinent part: With the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence which supports the recommended disciplinary action. All disciplinary action shall be governed by applicable statutes and provisions of this Agreement. Further, an employee shall be provided with a written notice of wrong- doing, setting forth the specific charges against that employee prior to taking any action. * * * Where just cause warrants such disciplinary action(s) and in keeping with provisions of this Section, an employee may be reprimanded verbally, reprimanded in writing, suspended with pay, suspended without pay or dismissed upon the recommendation of the immediate supervisor to the Superintendent. Other disciplinary action(s) may be taken with the mutual agreement of the parties. Except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District or the actions/inactions of the employee constitute such clearly flagrant and purposeful violations of reasonable school rules and regulations, progressive discipline shall be administered as follows: * * * (d) Dismissal. An employee may be dismissed (employment contract terminated or non- renewed) when appropriate in keeping with provisions of this Section, including just cause and applicable laws. An employee against whom disciplinary action(s) has been taken may appeal through the grievance procedure. If the disciplinary action(s) taken includes either a suspension or a dismissal, the grievance shall be initiated at STEP TWO. Pertinent to this case, Petitioner fully advised Respondent of the allegations which resulted in the non-renewal of her CC contract. Moreover, Petitioner fully advised Respondent of the remedies necessary to correct all deficiencies. Finally, Petitioner extended to Respondent a protracted period of time within which to correct such deficiencies. In reaching such conclusions, it is observed that Respondent was provided adequate notice of all deficiencies asserted by the Petitioner, was kept apprised of her progress (or lack thereof) in the efforts to remedy the deficiencies, was given a sufficient number of evaluations by different evaluators to properly and accurately document the areas of concern, and was afforded two school years to correct the deficiencies noted in her evaluations. To her credit, Respondent has, over the course of her employment, provided valuable contributions to the GCCHS community. She has maintained close contact in the community and supported many extracurricular activities. Indeed, it is not subject to dispute that she has been helpful to the school and its community. Such positive contributions do not, however, ameliorate her classroom deficiencies.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida enter a final order affirming the decision to not renew Respondent's teaching contract for the 1998-99 school year. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of March, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. J. D. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of March, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: M. Annette Himmelbaum, Esquire 6770 Indian Creek Drive Suite 9E Miami Beach, Florida 33141 Anthony D. Demma, Esquire Meyer and Brooks, P.A. Post Office Box 1547 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Thomas E. Elfers, Esquire Palm Beach County School District 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-302 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Dr. Joan Kowel, Superintendent Palm Beach County School District 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-316 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57120.68
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Mar. 20, 2015 Number: 15-001580PL Latest Update: Mar. 01, 2016

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes (2013), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a) and (3)(e) with respect to her treatment of an autistic child in her classroom. If so, then the appropriate penalty for her conduct must be determined.

Findings Of Fact Respondent is a teacher in the State of Florida. She holds Florida Educator’s Certificate 952211, covering the areas of elementary education, English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), and exceptional student education. Respondent’s certificate is valid through June 2016. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was employed as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) teacher at Maplewood. Ms. Newton has been involved in teaching in Marion County since 1999. She started as a teaching assistant, then substitute taught while putting herself through school, then obtained her bachelor’s degree in varying exceptionalities and began teaching full time. She also received her master’s degree in 2007 in the area of interdisciplinary studies in curriculum and instruction. With the exception of an internship at Oak Crest Elementary, all of Ms. Newton’s teaching experience was at Maplewood. Her performance evaluations from the 2004-2005 school year through the 2012-2013 school year all contain at least satisfactory ratings, with the majority of the recent evaluations rating her as highly effective or outstanding, depending on the evaluation tool used. The majority of her evaluations reference her excellent classroom management skills. At the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year, Maplewood received an entirely new administrative team. Laura Burgess was the new principal, Claire Smith and Brian Greene were newly- appointed assistant principals, and Doris Tucker was the new dean. The new administration started at Maplewood in July, approximately a month before the beginning of the school year. Ms. Newton had been teaching and continued to teach autistic students. At the beginning of the school year, she was assigned six students in her self-contained classroom, and had the assistance of one teacher’s aide, Susanne Quigley. Ms. Newton believed strongly in the value of a structured, disciplined classroom, especially when dealing with autistic students. She believed that establishing the rules and routine for the classroom created an environment where any child could be taught, but that without structure and adherence to routine, chaos would result and impair the learning process. Her classroom management skills were well known and in past years, well respected. Both Ms. Newton and Ms. Quigley testified about the assistance she was asked to give to other teachers and students with respect to class management and discipline. Their testimony is credited. After the start of the school year but before September 3, 2013, Laura Burgess, Maplewood’s principal, was notified by the Social Services Education Team (SET team) for the District that Maplewood would be receiving a new student, B.L., who had moved to the area from North Carolina. She also received an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for B.L., which listed his disability as autism spectrum disorder. B.L.’s IEP also indicated that he had problematic behaviors that could impede his learning, including oppositional defiance disorder, tantrums, attention deficit disorder, and extreme violence. The documentation provided to her did not include a behavioral intervention plan, and Ms. Burgess was concerned that B.L.’s placement at Maplewood did not match the needs identified in the IEP. However, she determined that Ms. Newton’s class would be the best placement for B.L., because Ms. Newton had a reputation for having a structured and disciplined classroom, and perhaps B.L. would benefit from that kind of structure. Ms. Burgess saw Ms. Newton that morning and told her that she would be receiving a new student. Ms. Burgess described the issues with the child, and said that if he ended up in Ms. Newton’s class, she should document his behaviors in case he needed to be moved to a therapeutic unit for behaviors (TUB unit). Ms. Newton understood from the conversation that Ms. Burgess believed B.L. should be in a TUB unit, which did not exist at Maplewood. However, later in the day Ms. Newton and her aide, Susanne Quigley, were supervising her students on the playground when she was approached by Claire Smith, one of the new assistant principals. Ms. Smith informed her that B.L. would indeed be placed in her class and gave her a copy of his IEP, with certain portions related to his behavior highlighted. Ms. Newton expressed surprise at the placement, thinking that he would be going to the TUB unit. Ms. Smith had met with B.L. and his mother earlier in the day and felt that he could benefit from Ms. Newton’s structured classroom. She also talked to Ms. Newton about documenting his behaviors should a change be necessary. Ms. Newton was concerned about the addition to her classroom because she already had six autistic students and, with respect to B.L.’s identified behaviors, “we’ve never had a child like that at Maplewood.” Nonetheless, B.L. was placed in her classroom on September 3, 2013. Consistent with her usual practice, Ms. Newton began to teach B.L. the rules of her classroom. For the first two days, there were no major problems. There were instances where B.L. did not want to comply with the directions she gave him or follow the rules of the classroom, but with some coaxing, she was able to get him to comply. Ms. Newton did not see the need to call the front office for assistance on either of the first two days B.L. was in her classroom, but then, Ms. Newton had never called the front office for assistance with any child. At the end of the first day, she had the opportunity to speak with B.L.’s mother briefly when she picked him up from school. After Ms. Newton introduced herself, B.L.’s mother basically confirmed the contents of the IEP. According to what B.L.’s mother told Ms. Newton, B.L. had lived previously with his father and there had been issues both at school and at home with disruptive and violent behavior. Ms. Newton told her they were going to “wipe the slate clean” and asked if there was anything that B.L.’s mother wanted Ms. Newton to work on, and she identified B.L.’s behaviors as an area for improvement. Ms. Newton told B.L.’s mother that Maplewood was a great school, and “that would happen.” B.L.’s third day at Maplewood did not go well. At the very beginning of the day, B.L. would not follow directions to stand with the rest of his classmates at their designated spot after getting off the bus. Instead, he plopped down in the middle of the walkway, in the midst of the area where children were trying to walk to their classes. He had to be coaxed all along the way to get to class, and once there, refused to unpack and sit down. He refused to follow any direction the first time it was given, instead responding with shuffling feet, shrugging shoulders, talking back, calling names, and wanting to lay his head down on his desk instead of participate in class. When it was time for the students in the class to go to art, Ms. Quigley normally took them while Ms. Newton attended to other responsibilities. According to Ms. Quigley, B.L. did not want to go to art class, and had to be coaxed to walk with the others to the art room. Once he got there, he did not follow directions, did not want to participate, and did not want to move from the back of the room. Normally, Ms. Quigley might have let him stand and watch if he remained quiet, but he was not being quiet: he was touching things and grumbling and getting angry. Ms. Quigley knew from prior experience that students with autism tend to mimic the bad behavior exhibited by others, and one child’s actions could cause a chain reaction of bad behaviors. She felt that if she did not remove him from the art room, the other children would also start to misbehave, and she did not want them to follow B.L.’s example. Ms. Quigley took B.L. out of the art classroom and went back to the classroom in search of Ms. Newton. Ms. Newton was not in the classroom, as she was attending to other responsibilities. Ms. Quigley then took B.L. to the office, but again, found no one there to assist her. B.L. was not happy during any of these travels, and again had to be coaxed all along the way. Once she got back to the art class, Ms. Quigley had B.L. stand in the back of the classroom. She was trying to watch him and also attend to the other students, but one of the other students knocked everything off the art table, so Ms. Quigley added clean-up to her responsibilities. At that point, Ms. Newton came into the art room. Ms. Newton took both B.L. and the other misbehaving child back to the classroom while Ms. Quigley stayed with the remaining students for the rest of the art period. What remained of the afternoon became a battle of wills between Ms. Newton and B.L.: Ms. Newton was trying to establish the ground rules for behavior in her classroom with B.L., and B.L. was determined not to follow those rules. The result was Ms. Newton spending the bulk of the afternoon with B.L. and Ms. Quigley attending to the needs of the other students in the class. For at least part of this time, Ms. Newton placed B.L. in time-out, with directions that he was to stand still with his hands to his sides. For Ms. Newton, the purpose of time-out is for a student to gather his or her thoughts, to get himself or herself together, and to remind the student of the rules of the classroom. She wants a student to have time to think about his or her actions, and wants to discuss with the student the nature of the problem presented by his or her behavior and how the problem should be resolved. If a child stops behaving, time-out may begin again. Ms. Newton put B.L. in time-out because he was not following her directions to him. She talked to B.L. about the rules of the classroom and where they are posted in the room, and told him what he needed to do. B.L. is very verbal and able to talk about his issues. Ms. Quigley described him as very high-functioning and not on the same level as other children in the classroom. Instead of responding appropriately, B.L. was calling names, talking out, and using curse words; flailing his arms and legs, wrapping himself in his sweatshirt so that his arms were in the body of the sweatshirt as opposed to in the armholes, and covering his face so that he could not see obstacles in his environment; wandering around instead of staying still; kicking things in the classroom, including a box and a door; throwing objects on the floor, rolling around on the floor and spitting; and generally resisting any instruction. During the course of the afternoon, Ms. Newton attempted to show B.L. what she wanted from him. For example, she demonstrated how she wanted him to stand in time-out by holding his arms in the area close to his wrists to demonstrate standing still with his hands down. B.L. repeatedly resisted this direction and tried to break away from Ms. Newton. B.L. was not only resisting her, but at times appeared to be butting his head against her and kicking her. He was at other times rubbing his hands against his face. Ms. Newton told B.L. he needed to stop rubbing his hands over his face, or she would remove his glasses so that he did not hurt himself with them. When B.L. continued his resistant behaviors, she removed his glasses and eventually put them in his backpack. B.L. continued to lightly slap his face with both hands. Ms. Newton did not physically intervene, but testified that she gave B.L. consistent verbal direction to stop hitting himself. Although he clearly continued to slap his face for some time, Ms. Newton testified that the movement was more like a pat than a slap, and she did not believe that he was hurting himself. Her testimony is credible, and is accepted. Ms. Newton also told B.L. to quit flailing his arms and putting his jacket over his head. She was concerned that he could hurt himself given that he was standing (not still, as directed) near the corner of a table. Ms. Newton told him if he did not stop she would take his jacket from him. He did not and she removed his jacket and placed it on a table in the classroom. She did not give B.L. the jacket back when he wanted it, because she wanted B.L. to understand that there are consequences to not following directions. With approximately 30 minutes left to the school day, Ms. Newton asked Ms. Quigley to call the front office for assistance. Ms. Tucker, the dean at Maplewood, came to her classroom. Before Ms. Tucker’s arrival, Ms. Newton was trying to get B.L. to stand in the back of the room. He was not following directions and had gone over to sit in a chair near the center of the room. The chair was near a free-standing easel with teaching implements attached to it, and it is reasonable to assume, given B.L.’s behavior, that Ms. Newton did not want him near the easel because of the potential for harm. Each time he went to the seat, Ms. Newton directed him away from it. When Ms. Tucker arrived, he once again sat in the chair he had been directed not to use. Ms. Newton removed him from the chair and told him again he was not to sit in it. B.L. immediately went to another chair in the same vicinity and sat down. Ms. Newton, took him by the arm and away from the chair, and took him out of the room. From Dean Tucker’s perspective, B.L. was just trying to sit in a chair. From Ms. Newton’s perspective, this was just one more instance in a litany of instances where B.L. was refusing to follow her directions. Dean Tucker was outside the room with B.L. when the door closed. B.L. starting kicking and beating on the door, screaming that he wanted in, and opened the door. Ms. Newton placed her arm on his chest and pushed against him to keep him from entering the room, and asked Ms. Tucker to lock the door from the outside, which she did. B.L. continued to kick and beat at the door, and Dean Tucker called assistant principal Greene to assist her. When Mr. Greene arrived, B.L. was still kicking at the door. He kept saying that he wanted in the classroom but would not say why. Eventually Mr. Greene was able to calm B.L. enough to find out that he wanted his backpack. Because it was close to the end of the day, Mr. Greene took B.L. to the office but instructed Ms. Tucker to retrieve his backpack from Ms. Newton’s classroom. Ms. Tucker returned to Ms. Newton’s classroom to retrieve the backpack. Ms. Newton expressed frustration at the decision to return the backpack to B.L., saying that meant “he won.” From Ms. Tucker’s and Mr. Greene’s perspectives, returning the backpack to him made sense, in part because they were not aware of the exchange related to the backpack earlier, and in part because it was close to the end of the day and B.L. would not be returning to the classroom that day. From Ms. Newton’s perspective, the backpack had been taken from B.L. because she had told him she would take it if he did not comply with her directives, and he did not do so. She felt that returning the backpack to him at that point was ensuring that B.L. had no consequences for his bad behavior. After completing their end-of-day responsibilities, Mr. Greene and Ms. Tucker returned to the classroom to speak to Ms. Newton about B.L. Ms. Newton told them that he had been out of control all day, kicking boxes, pushing chairs, and a danger to himself and others. She stated that it was only B.L.’s third day in the classroom and it would take some time to live up to expectations, but that he knew the rules and knew how to follow them. Mr. Greene felt that Ms. Newton was clearly upset with both him and Ms. Tucker with respect to how B.L. was handled. Ms. Newton asked whether B.L.’s parent had been called, and felt that his parent should have been contacted as part of addressing B.L.’s behavior. After speaking to Ms. Newton, Mr. Greene and Ms. Tucker pulled the videotape for the afternoon in Ms. Newton’s classroom. After scanning through the tape, Mr. Greene went to Ms. Burgess and asked her to view it because the tape’s contents concerned him. Once she did so, Ms. Burgess called Lisa Krysalka, the head of human resources for the District, and after discussion with her, called both the Department of Children and Families and the local sheriff’s office. She also spoke to Ms. Newton and told her she was to report to the District office the following day, and called B.L.’s parent. Rose Cohen investigated the matter for the District, which included speaking to Ms. Burgess, Mr. Greene, Ms. Newton, Suzanne Quigley, and a Ms. Ballencourt, and watching the video. Adrienne Ellers, the lead behavior analyst for the District, was asked to watch the video and to identify any deviations from the TEACH program for student management accepted by the District. Ms. Cohen recommended to the superintendent that Ms. Newton’s employment be terminated, and the superintendent presented that recommendation to the School Board. Ms. Newton appealed the recommendation and a hearing was held before the School Board, which included a viewing of the video of her classroom. The School Board rejected the superintendent’s recommendation for termination by a 3-2 vote. However, Ms. Newton did not return to Maplewood. No evidence was presented to indicate that the Department of Children and Families determined that there was any basis for a finding of child abuse or neglect. Likewise, no evidence was presented indicating that law enforcement took any action against Ms. Newton. There was also no evidence to indicate that B.L. was harmed. The focus of much of the evidence in this case dealt with the video from Ms. Newton’s classroom. The video, Petitioner’s Exhibit 1, is approximately two hours long. It is from a fixed position in the classroom and it shows some, but not all, of Ms. Newton’s classroom. It has no sound. There are parts of the video where, due to lighting deficiencies and similar skin color tones, it is difficult to tell exactly what is transpiring. There are also times when either Ms. Newton or B.L., or both, are not fully within the view of the camera, and sometimes they are not visible at all. With those parameters in mind, the video does show some of the interaction between Ms. Newton and B.L. What is clear from the video is that Ms. Newton spends a great deal of time talking to B.L., and that she remains calm throughout the day. B.L. does appear to comply with direction for short periods in the video, but never for very long. The video shows Ms. Newton holding B.L. by the arms; pulling him up both by the torso and by his arms; removing (but not “snatching”) his eyeglasses; removing his jacket with some resistance from him; blocking his access to his jacket; and kicking his backpack away from his reach. It also shows B.L. kicking items in the room, including a large box near where he is standing; rolling around on the floor; flailing his arms and legs around when he is clearly being directed to be still; and generally resisting any attempt at correction. The video also shows that during the time Ms. Newton is focused on B.L., the other students are engaged in learning, and Ms. Quigley is able to work with them without assistance. The Administrative Complaint alleges that “Respondent and B.L. engaged in a tussle which resulted in B.L. falling to the ground.” A more accurate description would be that B.L. resisted Ms. Newton’s attempts to show him how she wanted him to stand, and in his struggling, he went to the ground. It appeared to the undersigned that Ms. Newton was attempting to prevent his going down, but was unable to do so safely. The Administrative Complaint also alleges that Respondent “grabbed B.L. by the back of the neck and gripped B.L.’s neck for approximately 10 seconds.” A more accurate description would be that Respondent placed her hand at the back of B.L.’s neck and guided him with her hand at the base of his neck for approximately 10 seconds. She did not grab him by the neck or hold him that way; it appeared that she was protecting him from falling backwards, as he pulled away from her. Respondent did not, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint, drag B.L. across the floor. She did attempt to get B.L. to stand one of the many times that he flopped on the floor, and he resisted her attempt. In that process, the two of them did move across the floor a short distance, which appeared to be due to B.L.’s pulling away from her, but she was not dragging him across the floor. All of Ms. Newton’s actions were taken in an effort to either instill the rules of the classroom in order to create for B.L. an atmosphere for learning, or to prevent harm to either herself, B.L., or property in the classroom. Ms. Quigley, who was present in the classroom during most of the interchange depicted on the video, was more focused on the other students in the class than she was on B.L. She has seen a portion of the video since the incident. Ms. Quigley recalls hearing parts of the conversation between B.L. and Ms. Newton, and testified that Ms. Newton never lost control with B.L., and understood from what she heard that Ms. Newton was trying to get B.L. to follow the rules. Nothing Ms. Quigley saw or heard caused her any concern. Barbara O’Brien and Christine Spicoche are both parents of former students who testified on Ms. Newton’s behalf. Both acknowledged that they had not seen the interaction between Ms. Newton and B.L.,2/ but both have been in her classroom on numerous occasions during the years that their children spent with Ms. Newton: Ms. O’Brien’s son was in Ms. Newton’s class for six years, while Ms. Spicoche’s son was there for three years. Both expressed a great deal of gratitude for the positive effect Ms. Newton and her teaching methods have had on their sons’ lives. With respect to both children, the mothers testified that their sons went from children who were out-of-control to children who were able to function appropriately both in the classroom and in other places. As stated by Ms. Spicoche, “It would be best for him to be at a strong hand of a loving teacher who cares, who wants the best for him than being at the fist of the legal system later.” At all times, Ms. Newton’s focus was to establish the rules of the classroom so that B.L., like the other students in her classroom, would be able to learn. B.L. was different from the other students in her classroom, and she admitted he was a challenge. However, Ms. Newton’s actions in this case are consistent with her general philosophy for teaching: to be firm, fair, and consistent at all times. Ms. Newton believes that if you do not follow these principles, you have chaos in the classroom, and where there is chaos, no one is learning. With a disciplined, structured environment, Ms. Newton believes every child can learn, and the atmosphere observed in her classroom is consistent with her philosophy. Ms. Burgess chose Ms. Newton’s classroom for B.L. precisely because of her reputation as having a disciplined structured classroom. However, in her view, Ms. Newton should have just given B.L. his backpack when he wanted it; should have given him his glasses; should have let him just walk around the room when he wanted to; and should have just let him kick the door, rather than ever putting a hand on him. Ms. Burgess did not explain (nor was she asked) how many children in the classroom should be allowed to do what B.L. was doing, and whether learning could still take place should each of the children be allowed to wander, kick, and be disruptive.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of November, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of November, 2015.

Florida Laws (6) 1012.7951012.7961012.798120.569120.57120.68
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004727 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent hereto, Respondent, William B. Bailey, was a certified teacher in Florida employed by the Broward County School System (BCSS). He has been a teacher for 22 years and has taught at Markham Elementary School, (Markham) for 18 or 19 years. Respondent has generally had a good rapport with young boys. He has an adopted 26 year old son who was recently promoted to Captain in the U.S. Air Force. Allean Jones has known Respondent and his parents for many years. Several years ago she became the guardian of her grandson, Earl Edwards, who, for a long time, had disciplinary and behavior problems at home and at school due, at least in part, to his difficult home life with his natural mother who bore him at age 14. For some time, several years ago, Earl Edwards was a student at Markham of Respondent who developed a good relationship with him. While the student-teacher relationship existed, on numerous occasions, Earl went to Respondent's home where he swam, ate, played, and spent nights, always with Mrs. Jones's permission. She feels Respondent, who bought Earl clothes and paid his dental bills, is a good influence on him and she has offered to let Earl stay with him on a permanent basis. At no time did she object to Respondent's relationship with her grandson, and felt it to be beneficial rather than detrimental to his best interests. Unfortunately, Earl has left school since he graduated from Markham and she does not know where he is now. Mr. William Bell, who was principal at Markham at the time, heard about Respondent's relationship with Earl from two staff members and, without any investigation of the situation and without checking with Earl or his grandmother, concluded that since Respondent was an unmarried male, his off- campus contacts with a young male student were inappropriate and he asked Respondent to cease contact with his student off-campus or before or after school and on weekends. Had Respondent been married, Mr. Bell's reaction might well have been different. Mr. Bell believes that the Teacher Code of Ethics conflicts with off-campus contacts in such a manner as would interfere with teacher effectiveness, and parental approval would make no difference. This request to cease contact with Earl Edwards, in 1980 or 1981, somehow became a part of Respondent's record in the BCSS. No copy of any written request was produced by Petitioner, however, nor was any record reflecting it. Both Bell and Dr. Thomas Johnson, Associate Superintendent for Human Resources in the system, recall the incident, though. When requested to cease off-campus contacts with Earl, Respondent complied. In the Spring of 1986, the new principal, Ms. Dorothy Wooten, was approached by a teacher, Ms. Denise Wright, and the school counselor, who requested that she tell Respondent to leave some of her students alone and stop socializing with them when they should be in Ms. Wright's class. The students in question were Sedaniel Allen and Willie McCloud, who, apparently, would leave her class without permission and, she believed, go to visit with Respondent in his planning area. She believed this is where they went because, though she did not check on them to see where they were going, they told her that's where they were going when they asked her for permission to leave. She periodically gave it and therefore assumed that they would visit Respondent when they left without permission. Ms. Wooten did not investigate the situation herself, but, as a result of Ms. Wright's request, called Respondent in and spoke with him about the situation in the presence of the students in question and both complainants. Respondent seemed as though he would comply and she took no formal action. It appears, however, that the situation continued and a short while late, she talked with Respondent again about the same students and again he seemed to agree. It was after the second meeting that she wrote a memo summarizing the situation. After this second conference, she spoke with Ms. Linda Gaines, Sedaniel's mother, who indicated that Sedaniel had spent the night at Respondent's home without her permission or knowledge, and neither Sedaniel nor Respondent had called her to let her know he was there. When Sedaniel went to Respondent's home a second time without her permission, Sedaniel's step-father went to Respondent's home and got him. Further discussion of these incidents is found in paragraph 15 et seq. infra. After Ms. Wooten received this information from Sedaniel's mother, she wrote Respondent a letter on May 1, 1986 recounting the substance of the interview with Ms. Gaines and advised him she was referring the matter to the Internal Affairs Division, (IA), of BCSS. A week later, she wrote another letter to Respondent requesting that he restrict his contact with Sedaniel and Willie to the scheduled class time and "strongly advised" him to have no other contact with them. In a subsequent meeting held with Ms. Wooten, the students' parents, and Mr. Joseph Viens, an investigator with IA, at the investigator's suggestion, at least some of the parents indicated they did not want the Respondent to have any off-campus or extra-class contact with their children. At this point, Respondent indicated he would talk with his attorney before discussing the matter any further. Respondent took that position only after the investigator accusatorily pointed his finger at him and called him a faggot. Respondent strongly denies being a homosexual and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. By the same token, Respondent's recounting of the investigator's public accusation was not contested either and is found to have occurred. Having done all she felt was required by reporting the matter to IA and by advising Respondent in writing to refrain from further off-campus contact, Ms. Wooten felt she was out of the matter until one day in October, 1986 when she noticed Sedaniel and Willie loitering after school and not going home. When she looked into it, she found Willie sitting in Respondent's classroom with Respondent and another person. She called both Respondent and Willie to her office where she recalled her instructions to Respondent to avoid extra-class period contacts with these boys and again stated her requests. In response, Respondent stated Willie had been injured and he was going to take him home. Willie confirmed he had been injured one day around this time in an afternoon ball game and the following day, aggravated the injury at recess. When he reported this to his teacher, Mr. Collins, this individual did not consider it serious and refused to let Willie do anything about it. It got worse during the day and swelled up and after school, Willie went to Respondent's room where he saw Mrs. Ruise, Respondent's team teacher. Respondent was at a meeting away from the area. Mrs. Ruise saw that Willie's ankle was injured, but did nothing for him and when staff departure time came, left the school locking the classroom door and leaving Willie out in the hall. When Respondent came back to his classroom somewhat later, he found Willie curled up on the hall floor outside the room crying. Willie's ankle looked bad but Respondent nonetheless questioned him in a forceful tone to find out what had happened. Willie said he needed a ride home. After some serious questioning and initial refusals, Respondent ultimately relented and agreed to take Willie home even though he knew he was not supposed to have contact with him. He saw Willie at school the next day and attempted to talk with him about his ankle in the cafeteria, but was unable to do so. After school, during a conversation with Mrs. Ruise, he again saw Willie who once more asked for a ride home. When, upon questioning, Willie told him he had gotten a ride to school that morning because of his ankle, Respondent gave him a tongue lashing and told him to get someone else to take him home. As Willie told him there was no one else around to do it, Respondent reluctantly agreed and did take him home, but that was the last contact he had with Willie. It must be noted here that Respondent, on both occasions, agreed to give Willie a ride without checking around the school to see if someone else was available to do so. There was some question whether Willie was actually injured at this time and needed a ride. Ms. Wooten heard from other staff members that Willie did not seem to be nor did he complain of being hurt. By far the better evidence, however, clearly indicates that Willie was hurt on this occasion and needed transport and it is so found. Respondent used poor judgment in not looking for someone else to take Willie in light of the injunction he was under and in not reporting the contact after the fact. There is also some issue that Willie may have hidden in the car at Respondent's direction when Respondent drove him home. This is not established. Even according to Willie, it was his idea to hide to keep from being seen because of the fact that Respondent had been instructed not to be with him away from class. There is no evidence that Respondent attempted to conceal any of his actions with regard to Willie. As a result of all the above, on October 7, 1986, Ms. Wooten again sent Respondent a memo to advise him that all future incidents of unauthorized contact would be reported to IA. She was informed by IA that Respondent had had off-campus contacts with other students in addition to Sedaniel and Willie. These included Reggie Nixon, Andre Murray, and Trenton Glover among others. It was reported to her that Respondent would instruct them to meet him at a shopping center from which he would take them to his home where they would do chores for him there and at his nightclub. She felt this reported behavior, which she did not disbelieve, was inappropriate because (1) it was an abuse of his position as a teacher, and (2) a nightclub is no place for children. Ms. Wooten believes Respondent's effectiveness as a teacher has been adversely affected because she has heard the students are questioning his ability to control his students and are making moral judgments about his behavior in regard to Willie and Sedaniel. She has heard no specific comment by any student, however. During the period she has worked with Respondent, she does not feel there have been any conflicts which would create animosity on either his or her part. In fact, she has recommended him for several special projects which would be to his benefit. Ms. Wooten is convinced that Respondent has an ability to relate to troubled children who tend to seek him out. In fact, former students often come back to school to see him. This is both good and bad. Initially, she favorably commented on this in an evaluation of Respondent but after some of these students began making trouble, and after, at a course she took, she learned that this conduct may indicate inappropriate luring of children for improper purposes, she began to look at it differently and tried to put a stop to it. With regard to Sedaniel Allen, Ms. Gaines' dissatisfaction with Respondent arose out of an incident in April, 1986, when Sedaniel had spent the night at Respondent's home without either Respondent or Sedaniel calling to let her know he was going to do that. Prior to the weekend in question, Respondent, acquiescing in Sedaniel's request to be allowed to come over with some other boys, wrote her a note requesting permission for Sedaniel to come to his house to work for him for pay. She agreed to this and signed the permission slip but never returned it to the Respondent. Had Sedaniel returned home on Saturday night, she would not have been upset. In fact, however, Sedaniel did not come home until Sunday evening when Respondent dropped him off. Ms. Gaines and her husband were angry over this and told Sedaniel they didn't want him to go back to Respondent's house ever again. They did not pass this information on to the Respondent, however. Nonetheless, two weeks later, on a Saturday morning, Sedaniel disappeared again. When she checked around, she found that Respondent had picked him up again at the "Gate" of the housing project in which they lived. That evening, Mr. Gaines went to Respondent's house in Deerfield Beach where he found Sedaniel watching television. On this occasion, Respondent had not sent home a permission slip, but subsequent inquiry showed it was Sedaniel who initiated the visit and who had told Respondent that he had permission to be there. He had also told Respondent he had permission to spend the night on the first visit. On these visits the boys would swim, watch television, wrestle (with, on occasion, Respondent) and generally have a good time. Sedaniel indicates that he met with Respondent in his classroom after class on several occasions to discuss what would be done when he was at the Respondent's house. Some other teacher was always there when this happened. On most other occasions, Sedaniel would go to Respondent's classroom with Willie McCloud and wait while Willie would ask Respondent for a ride home. Ms. Sandra Ruise, who knew Sedaniel as one of her own students, and who was Respondent's team teacher, was frequently in the area of the room. She never saw Sedaniel in Respondent's room outside of class hours nor did she ever see any student come to have lunch in Respondent's classroom while she was there and she ate in the room with the Respondent almost every day. She knows Sedaniel's reputation for telling the truth, gleaned from discussions with other teachers and his mother, and it is not good. He has even lied about her, filing a false report about her which he subsequently recanted. Consequently, while it is clear Sedaniel did go to Respondent's home on two occasions, once without permission and once with permission for only a day visit, he was not a frequent visitor to Respondent's room outside of class hours and Respondent's relationship with him at school was not improper. As to the unauthorized visits by Sedaniel to Respondent's home, it is also clear that Sedaniel initiated the visits, begged to stay over night, and lied about having permission to be there. None of this excuses Respondent's failure to verify and have presented to him some concrete evidence of parental authorization for the visit and the length thereof, however. Sedaniel and some other boys, Willie McCloud, Andre Murray, and Trenton Glover, were with Respondent one time when he was on an errand and stopped by Club Bailey for a moment to drop something off. On that occasion, they picked up beer cans from a vacant lot and cleaned ashtrays outside the building. It well may be that the club was open at the time, a Sunday morning, (Respondent was inconsistent in his stories as to whether the club was open), but aside from Sedaniel's uncorroborated allegation that he cleaned the ashtrays inside the club, all the other testimony, including that of the other boys, indicates, and it is so found, that they did not go inside. Respondent alleges that one of the male visitors to Respondent's home on one of the occasions when the boys were there swimming made a remark to the effect that Reggie Nixon was "fine meat" or words to that effect and that Respondent immediately told this individual to keep quiet. Neither comment was heard by Reggie, though Willie and Andre allegedly did. Even if the comments were made, however, the evidence is clear that there were no approaches made to any of the boys, they were not touched or bothered in any way, and in fact, were not spoken to at all by any of the men in question, all of whom deny such comments being made. There is also no support for the allegation that one of the men asked if the boys had ever had sex with a man. What is certain, however, is that Sedaniel has a reputation for being untruthful and his report, as well as his characterization of Respondent's visitors as "faggots", is lacking in credibility. Each of the visitors identified by Sedaniel and the other boys testified at the hearing. The boys' descriptions of one or more of the men as "faggots" were based on their opinions of their hair styles, laughs, and voice patterns. This evidence is not enough to support a finding that there was anything untoward about Respondent's guests, especially in light of the youth and lack of sophistication of these boys and the unequivocal denials of Respondent and the other men. The investigation into Respondent's conduct, conducted by the school system's internal affairs division at the request of Ms. Wooten, resulted in a report incorporating much of the above information which was referred to Dr. Thomas P. Johnson, Associate Superintendent for Human Resources. Dr. Johnson referred it to a committee for evaluation which resulted in a recommendation to bring charges against the Respondent. The action here was based upon the allegations that respondent had taken students to his home without parental permission; that some of the students involved had indicated Respondent's friends were "faggots"; that there was an allegation by one of the children that they had been worked in Respondent's night club; and that Respondent had disregarded a direction from his principal to cease this activity. This all was aggravated by allegations that Respondent had been the subject of a report of similar activity several years previously which, while not resulting in disciplinary action against him, had resulted in a "Cease and Desist Order" being issued. This prior order was not offered into evidence. School officials considered that Respondent's failure to abide by the orders given him by his principal showed a lack of judgment and integrity and his invitation of the students to his home violated the ethical requirements of the Teacher's Code of Ethics. It must be noted that off-campus contacts are not, per se, improper if done with parental consent. With regard to the issue of parental consent, Respondent always sent a note home requesting permission. Sedaniel lied about having permission to spend the night on the first visit and about having permission on the second visit. If Respondent is at fault, it is in failing to insure by a phone call or by seeing the permission slip itself, that what he was told by Sedaniel was true. As to Respondent's alleged disregard of Ms. Wooten's direction to stay away from Sedaniel and Willie, the evidence is clear that Respondent attempted to do just that; that the two occasions on which he gave Willie a ride home, (the only contacts he had with Willie after the direction from the Principal), were as a direct result of Willie's initiation and Respondent's unwillingness to allow an injured boy to fend for himself. Respondent showed poor judgment here but the evidence does not support a finding of misconduct.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent be reinstated to a teaching position with the BCSS and that that he be awarded full back pay and benefits. RECOMMENDED this 15th day of July, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of July, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-4727 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact (PFOF) submitted by the parties to this case. By the Petitioner Accepted and incorporated herein. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. The witness's testimony related to Earl Edwards and was offset by Edwards' grandmother. Accepted and incorporated herein. Rejected as a recitation of testimony, not a FOF. Accepted and incorporated herein. Rejected as it refers to any male in female garb which does not appear in the record as represented. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. 9-11. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. 14-15. Accepted and incorporated herein. 16-19. Accepted and incorporated herein. 20. Misleading. Respondent did take students to his home and paid them to perform chores in the yard. He did go to his lounge with some students on one occasion, but did not take them inside. 21-22. Accepted as the witness' opinion. Misleading. Sedaniel Allen, a reported liar, told Respondent not to pick him up at home. This was due more to Sedaniel's manipulation than to Respondent's actions. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Accepted and incorporated herein. Respondent sent home a permission slip. The child reported he could stay. Respondent did not know he could not. Proposed FOF is incomplete and misleading. Accepted but phrased in a misleading way. Accepted as to the 1st and 2nd sentences. Accepted and incorporated herein. 31&32. Accepted and incorporated herein. This PFOF is misleading. The students went to the club once where Sedaniel cleaned some ashtrays outside while Respondent was doing something inside. The bar was closed to the public at the time and no alcohol was being served. The Respondent1s associates were at his home not at the club and there is substantial doubt as to the alleged comments. That the students were left at home unsupervised is contradicted by the Respondent who says his mother would come over and sit. In any case, this element is not in issue as to the charges. Accepted as to the facts, not the inferences. This PFOF does not make sense. Rejected. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected in that the transcript says he went to Respondent's home on 5 to 10 occasions but did not spend the night each time. Accepted as to what the witness testified to. Use of word feminine is improper. The cousins were male but were described as feminine in demeanor. Accepted. 42&43. Accepted. Accepted (See 33, supra). Accepted. Accepted. Misleading in that this student is the one who initiated all contact after the principal's directive. Accepted as the witness's opinions--the issue of comments was not established. Accepted but irrelevant. Rejected as an improper conclusion drawn from the evidence. This PFOF is incompetent in that it is impossible to determine who is being described. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence admitted at hearing. Accepted and incorporated herein. 54&55. Accepted. 56&57. Accepted. By the Respondent 1-3. Accepted and incorporated herein. 4-10. Accepted. 11. Accepted and incorporated herein. 12. Accepted. 13-15. Accepted and incorporated herein. 16-21. Accepted. 22&23. Accepted and incorporated herein. 24. Accepted. 25&26. Accepted. 27-31. Accepted. 32-35. Accepted. 36-40. Accepted and incorporated herein. 41-44. Accepted and incorporated herein. 45&46. Accepted. 47. Accepted. 48. Accepted. 49. Accepted and incorporated herein. 50-55. Accepted. 56-58. Accepted and incorporated herein. 59. Accepted. 60-66. Accepted and incorporated herein. 67-76. Accepted and incorporated herein. 77. Accepted. 78-80. Accepted and incorporated herein. 81-83. Accepted. 84-90. Accepted and incorporated herein. 91-93. Accepted. 94-96. Accepted. 97-100. Accepted. 101-104. Accepted. 105&106. Accepted and incorporated herein. 107&108. Accepted and incorporated herein. 109. Accepted. 110-115. Accepted. 116. Immaterial. 117-119. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. 124-125. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: William J. Leary, Superintendent School Board of Broward County 1320 S.W. 4th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312 Charles T. Whitelock, Esquire Whitelock and Moldof 1311 Southeast Second Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 Leslie Holland, Esquire Staff Counsel, FEA/United 208 West Pensacola Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-000253 Latest Update: Jun. 02, 1977

The Issue Whether or not on or about January 26, 1976, the Respondent, Alberta Quarterman, did physically and verbally attack Mrs. Bettie Shelor, Dean of Girls at the Largo Middle School, Largo, Florida, and whether the Respondent, Alberta Quarterman, should be dismissed from the public schools of Pinellas County, Florida for those alleged acts, which are regulated under Chapter 230.33(8)(c), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact On January 26, 1976, an eighth grade assembly was being held in the Largo Middle School, Largo, Florida. Alberta Quarterman was in the assembly area, which is the gymnasium of that school, and was seen by Mrs. Bettie Shelor, the Dean of Girls, to be without her shoes and blouse. In addition, the Respondent was not with her assigned class group and was jumping up and down on the bleachers in the gymnasium. Mrs. Shelor approached Alberta Quarterman and asked her to put on her blouse and shoes and told Miss Quarterman she would not be allowed to stay in the assembly if she did not comply. Alberta Quarterman did not adequately comply with the request, and was asked by Mrs. Shelor to return to the administration offices for the duration of the assembly period. It was the intention of Mrs. Shelor, to have the Respondent stay in the so called "time out room", for the duration of the assembly period. The "time out room" is a room in which students being disciplined are asked to stay for disciplinary purposes. Mrs. Shelor returned to her office after leaving Alberta Quarterman in the "time out room". Alberta Quarterman then came into Mrs. Shelor's office, unannounced, and sat down and attempted a confrontation about the matters that had transpired in the assembly room. At the time the Respondent was in Mrs. Shelor's office, she spoke in these terms, "I don't care about shit", "You're a bitch", "Damn", "Hell", etc. Mrs. Shelor attempted to escort Alberta Quarterman from her office by placing her hand on Miss Quarterman's arm to assist her from the chair. This movement was not with force. At that time Alberta Quarterman stood up and hit Mrs. Shelor with her fist on Mrs. Shelor's upper left arm. The Respondent then ran from the room and was gone for a period of about 10 minutes. The Respondent returned to the administration offices and went directly into Mrs. Shelor's office at the moment of the second encounter. After attempting to engage in conversation with Mrs. Shelor, Alberta Quarterman jumped out of the chair she was seated in and started knocking Mrs. Shelor about the room with her fists, in the area of Mrs. Shelor's arms and chest. Five or six blows of this nature were administered to Mrs. Shelor. While this action was taking place Mrs. Shelor called for assistance from a Mr. Jack Ellott, the campus security officer, who was in the outer office. At this point Alberta Quarterman picked up a chair and raised it over her head and attempted to strike Mrs. Shelor with the chair. Mrs. Shelor blocked the blow from the chair. At this moment, Martha Matthews, secretary for the Dean of Girls entered the room, and pushed a chair between Alberta Quarterman and Mrs. Shelor. Alberta Quarterman jumped over the barrier and tried to reach Mrs. Shelor again but was unsuccessful. The security officer, Jack Ellott, entered the room and stopped the Respondent from further action. There was no further encounter between Mrs. Shelor and the Respondent. The above findings of fact were testified about and agreed to by Mrs. Bettie Shelor, Mrs. Martha Matthews and the Respondent, with the exception that the Respondent denied raising the chair against Mrs. Shelor. Since September, 1974, when the Respondent became a student at Largo Middle School, she has been referred for discipline approximately 34 times while in the seventh grade; for physical violence, violation of school rules, defiance of teachers, and verbal abuse. This same course of conduct has occurred approximately 23 times while the Respondent has been in the eighth grade at Largo Middle School. Many of these circumstances have led to the student's suspension, both from the school grounds and on-campus suspensions. The testimony of these statistics was offered by Mrs. Bettie Shelor, the custodian of these records and the Dean of Girls, for the Largo Middle School. Eight suspensions, according to Mrs. Shelor, for a total of 29-1/2 days in the course of the two years were out-of-school suspensions. According to Mrs. Shelor, the student has problems following instructions and participating in a structured environment, to the extent that the student will not remain seated while class is in session and on many occasions has walked out of class. The school has tried to help the Respondent by providing individual attention and counseling, such as affording the Respondent individual responsibility for maintaining a garden located on the school grounds. The Respondent has been counseled by the school's social worker and school staff psychologist. Linda C. Rubin, of the Pinellas County School System, Pinellas County, Florida, took the stand. Ms. Rubin has a Masters Degree in school psychology and while she was working at the Largo Middle School was involved in counseling and testing the Respondent. She testified that the Respondent lacks academic achievement and evidences disruptive behavior. In addition, she has learning problems and an auditory memory problem, observations born out by certain tests. Moreover, the Respondent was involved in a number of instances which were attributable to a short attention span and a short temper. The Respondent had lost her parents several years ago and the witness felt that this contributed to the Respondent's adjustment problem. To the witness's knowledge, no psychologist is working with the Respondent at this time, in the form of an in- school staff psychologist.

Recommendation It is recommended: If a program is available to handle students with Alberta Quarterman's background, within the public school system of Pinellas County, Florida, then the Respondent should be tried in such a program. Should no such program be available within the Pinellas County School System, it is recommended that the Respondent, Albert Quarterman, be dismissed from the Pinellas County School System for the balance and duration of the 1975-76 school year. DONE and ENTERED this 23rd day of March, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of March, 1976. COPIES FURNISHED: George M. Osborne, Esquire 55 Fifth Street, South St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Mrs. Nancy Roberts 2054 119th Street, North Largo, Florida 33540 B. Edwin Johnson, General Counsel School Board of Pinellas County Post Office Box 4688 Clearwater, Florida 33518 Linda C. Rubin 1895 Golf to Bay Boulevard Clearwater, Florida Alberta Quarterman 2054 119th Street, North Largo, Florida 33540

# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000129 Latest Update: Jul. 26, 1982

Findings Of Fact Respondent has for twelve years been an instructional employee of the School Board of Broward County, Florida. She currently holds a continuing contract as a classroom teacher, and is assigned to Perry Elementary School in Miramar, Florida. During the same time period, Harold McKahand, Respondent's husband, and Peggy Freeman were instructional employees of the Broward County School Board assigned to Perry Middle School, adjacent to Perry Elementary where Respondent taught. From as early as 1979, Respondent had suspected that her husband and Mrs. Freeman were having a love affair. These suspicions were a frequent topic of conversation between Respondent and her husband. In fact, Respondent had indicated to her husband her intention to seek a divorce. Notwithstanding Mr. McKahand's assurances that he did not want a divorce and would no longer see Mrs. Freeman, he continued to do so, and Mrs. Freeman on many occasions made telephone calls to the McKahand residence, which Respondent apparently considered harassing in nature. All of this culminated in a discussion between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman in August of 1981 in which Respondent requested that Mrs. Freeman cease making telephone calls to her home because they disturbed her and her two children. After this discussion between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman, there was little or no personal contact between them until the act which gave rise to this proceeding. On December 12, 1981, Respondent, her husband and two children attended a racquetball tournament. After the tournament, they returned to their home and Respondent busied herself with work around the home. Respondent's husband, unbeknownst to Respondent, took the family car and proceeded to Perry Middle School to obtain some work folders from his office. Upon arriving at Perry Middle School, Mr. McKahand discovered Mrs. Freeman conducting a Saturday afternoon basketball practice with the school's girls basketball team, which she served as coach. Mr. McKahand and Mrs. Freeman conversed briefly, and Mr. McKahand departed the school and returned home. Meanwhile, Respondent's oldest son had left the family home without performing certain chores which had been assigned to him by Respondent. Upon discovering her son's absence, Respondent took her bicycle and began to search the neighborhood for him. Her search carried her ultimately to the gymnasium at Perry Middle School. Respondent had no knowledge that her husband had gone to his office at Perry Middle School, nor did she know that Mrs. Freeman was conducting a basketball practice at the school. When Respondent arrived at the school, she walked into the gymnasium to see if her son was there. Upon entering the gym, she saw the basketball practice in session, and noticed Mrs. Freeman. When she did not see her son, Respondent started walking from the gym. A member of the girls basketball team advised Mrs. Freeman that Mrs. McKahand was at the door. Although there is some conflict in the testimony on this point, it appears that Mrs. McKahand did not beckon to Mrs. Freeman to follow her outside the gym, but that one of the team players told Mrs. Freeman of Respondent's presence, and indicated to Mrs. Freeman that Respondent wanted to talk to her. Upon being advised of this, Mrs. Freeman walked across the basketball court, picked up her purse from a table, and proceeded to the gym door through which Respondent had exited. By this time Respondent was outside the gym. Mrs. Freeman forcefully opened the gymnasium door behind which Respondent was standing, striking Respondent on the arm. As Mrs. Freeman exited the door, she and Respondent grabbed one another and a fight ensued. The girls basketball team members were at various positions inside the gymnasium at the time the scuffle between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman started. It is clear from the record, however, that each of the students were located behind Mrs. Freeman and, therefore, were not in the best of positions to observe the precise manner in which the conflict started. It is also equally clear that the physical confrontation between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman occurred quickly and spontaneously, and, as a result, the various eye-witness accounts contained in this record predictably contain varying and conflicting versions of the events leading up to and culminating in the scuffle between Respondent and Mrs. Freeman. During the course of their physical confrontation, Mrs. Freeman placed one of her hands on Respondent's throat and the other in Respondent's hair, and Respondent reciprocated, pushing Mrs. Freeman against the gymnasium wall. Several blows were exchanged between the two women. Although the gymnasium door had closed behind Mrs. Freeman, several of the basketball team members followed the two teachers out the door and attempted to separate them. After the fight began, there is no evidence that Respondent acted other than in defense of the actions of Mrs. Freeman. When the students were finally successful in separating the two combatants, Respondent began looking for her sunglasses, which had fallen off, and Mrs. Freeman retrieved her purse, which she had dropped during the altercation. Upon finding her purse, Mrs. Freeman called to several of the students to stand back, whereupon she removed a .22 calibre pistol from her purse, and fired at least two shots. Respondent, upon observing Mrs. Freeman to be armed, began to run from the school premises, retrieved her bicycle, and retreated to her home. Apparently unsatisfied with these results, Mrs. Freeman incredibly loaded several of the team members, including some of the students who testified in this proceeding, into her car, where she reloaded her weapon. Mrs. Freeman then proceeded to drive in a reckless manner, including running several stop signs, to Respondent's home. Upon arriving at Respondent's home, Mrs. Freeman pulled her car into the driveway, took her pistol, got out of her car, and again confronted the Respondent who was standing in her driveway with her two children. Respondent picked up a broom in her garage and got her two children to stand behind her in an attempt to shield them from Mrs. Freeman. Mr. McKahand, who was inside the home during this time, came outside, and ultimately was able to get Respondent inside their home. Mrs. Freeman then departed the McKahand residence, but shortly thereafter began making harassing telephone calls to the McKahand home. Later that afternoon, Mr. McKahand attempted to take Respondent to her part-time job in a local department store, but was prevented from doing so when Mrs. Freeman attempted to run the McKahand car off the street with her vehicle, and further fired upon the McKahands with her pistol. As previously indicated, Petitioner has charged Respondent with referring to Mrs. Freeman as a "bitch" during the course of their fight. Respondent denies making such a statement, and the only testimony in the record which would establish a finding that such a statement was made is contained in the conflicting testimony of Mrs. Freeman and Rachel Geathers, one of the student basketball players. Mrs. Freeman's testimony in this regard, which the Hearing Officer hereby finds unworthy of belief, was that Respondent referred to her as a "filthy bitch" as Mrs. Freeman exited the gymnasium door. Ms. Geathers' testimony was that Respondent referred to Mrs. Freeman as a "bitch" after the two combatants had exited the gym and enough time had passed to allow all of the basketball players to run through the door and outside the gym. Ms. Geathers' testimony in this regard is also rejected, in that several of the other students who were in a better position to observe and hear Respondent and Mrs. Freeman testified that they heard no such statement made. Accordingly, it is specifically concluded that the evidence in this case fails to establish Respondent's use of profanity in the presence of students as alleged in the Petition. There is no evidence in the record of this proceeding to indicate the Respondent's effectiveness as an employee of the Broward County School System has in any way been adversely affected by the above-described events. In fact, Respondent's principal and grade chairman both testified that Respondent is a good teacher, and they would welcome her back on the faculty of Perry Elementary School should she be absolved of the allegations involved in this proceeding. Even a cursory review of the record in this case will reveal sharp divergencies and conflicts in the testimony of several witnesses. In attempting to resolve these conflicts, the Hearing officer has observed the demeanor of the witnesses while testifying, their interest, if any, in the outcome of this proceeding, together with any motive, bias or prejudice which might affect their credibility. Further, the Hearing Officer has also taken into account the conditions existing at the time of the incident observed by the witnesses in weighing the credibility to be attached to the various accounts contained in this record. In so doing, the Hearing Officer has concluded that Respondent did not go to the Perry Middle School gymnasium seeking a confrontation with Mrs. Freeman. Indeed, the record clearly establishes that Respondent did not know Mrs. Freeman was even at the gymnasium on the date in question. Further, it is concluded, despite some evidence to the contrary, that Respondent did not summon Mrs. Freeman to follow her outside the gymnasium, but that Mrs. Freeman was induced to do so as a result of a student telling her that someone was outside the gym to see her. Finally, the quality as opposed to the quantity of the evidence in this case does not support a factual conclusion that Respondent, in fact, initiated the physical confrontation with Mrs. Freeman. Because of her conduct at the time of the incident, and further because of the inaccuracies and inconsistencies in Mrs. Freeman's testimony at the final hearing in this cause, her testimony, in its entirety, is worthy of little credibility. Because of this, her testimony that Respondent initiated the fight has been found unworthy of belief. The testimony of Mrs. Freeman's students, several of whom testified that the first aggressive gesture they saw was made by Respondent, is tainted both by their admitted allegiance to their teacher, Mrs. Freeman, and by their physical positioning which would not admit a particularly clear view of the incident. Conversely, the factual version of this incident given by Respondent in her testimony was, in every particular, more plausible than that contained in the testimony of either the students or Mrs. Freeman. At the time of the above- described incident, almost three and one-half months had passed since Respondent had last spoken in person with Mrs. Freeman. The Respondent did not know that Mrs. Freeman was at the gymnasium when she arrived there looking for her son. As a result, there could not have been any premeditated design on the part of Respondent to assault Mrs. Freeman and, due to the passage of time since her last contact with Mrs. Freeman, there is no apparent motive of record to explain a spontaneous assault. As a result, the only way to resolve the conflict in the testimony concerning how this altercation originated is to weigh the credibility of the various participants. Making such a choice is perhaps the most difficult task a finder of fact must face in a proceeding such as this, but by applying the aforementioned factors, the Hearing Officer has determined that in the areas of conflict, the testimony of the Respondent is more credible than that of either Mrs. Freeman or her students.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Nov. 20, 2007 Number: 07-005310PL Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001757 Latest Update: Mar. 19, 1982

Findings Of Fact This matter comes on before the undersigned for consideration following an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph D. Turlington, Commissioner of Education for the State of Florida, against Robert J. Browne, Respondent. No genuine factual issue is in dispute because no communication, including an election of rights or an appearance from the Respondent, has ever been received. Pursuant to the above-cited rule, the matter was required to proceed to hearing before the undersigned for the presentation of a prima facie case by the Petitioner, regarding the establishment of the reputed facts alleged in the Administrative Complaint upon which the Petitioner seeks revocation of the Respondent's Certificate. The Administrative Complaint is dated July 1, 1981. After the Administrative Complaint was filed, various efforts were made to achieve service of the same on the Respondent. The Respondent never responded to the Administrative Complaint. Diligent search and inquiry failed to locate the Respondent, or a means or location whereby he might be served with the Complaint. Attempts to serve him at his last-known forwarding address resulted in the certi- fied mail being returned unclaimed and unforwardable. The undersigned attempted to serve notice of this proceeding itself upon the Respondent at the last known address with the same result. Service by publication of the Administrative Complaint was achieved by the Petitioner. The Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate Number 440435, Post Graduate, Rank II, which expires on June 30, 1998, authorizing him to engage in the profession of teaching in the areas of mental retardation, junior college, administration, and supervision. At all times pertinent hereto, he was employed at the Exceptional Student Educational Center in Broward County, Florida, at Eastside Elementary School. The Respondent's position was that of administrator or assistant principal at the school. The Respondent was employed at the school during the summer of 1980. Mrs. Annie Turner was employed at the school as the custodian during that same summer. She worked from the hours of 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the evening. She often took her son Ronnie, who was the youngest of seven children, to the school with her during her working hours. She did this in order for him to assist her in her job duties. On an early visit to the school, Ronnie met the Respondent, Mr. Browne. They met on frequent occasions thereafter, when Ronnie was at the school with his mother and talked of sports and other things of interest to Ronnie, and they ultimately struck up a friendship. Mrs. Turner began noticing that her son would go to a distant bathroom in the school and stay an inordinate period of time. This happened on a number of occasions and she noticed that Mr. Browne would follow her son into the mens' bathroom while she was engaged in cleaning another room nearby in the school. She did not feel anything was amiss until this happened on a regular basis. Finally, on a Thursday evening (she does not remember the date), in the summer of 1980, Mr. Browne and Ronnie entered the bathroom and stayed so long she opened the door to check on her son and observed the Respondent on his knees committing a homosexual act on the person of her son. She was not observed by Mr. Browne. She ultimately informed-the County Superintendent and Mr. Browne was confronted with the subject accusation by his superiors. Sometime thereafter the Respondent resigned his position at the school. Mrs. Turner no longer respects Mr. Browne and would not want one of her children in a school where he was principal or a teacher due to her apprehension regarding their physical and emotional welfare. The testimony of Ronnie Turner corroborates that of his mother, Annie Turner, and in addition, establishes that the homosexual act observed by Mrs. Turner occurred on three (3) other occasions in a substantially similar fashion and location. The occasion when Annie Turner discovered the Respondent committing a homosexual act on her son was the fourth and last of those occasions, all of which occurred during a three-week period during the summer of 1980. Ronnie Turner sougnt on several occasions to avoid association with the Respondent during this time after he became aware of the Respondent's intentions. He would not want to attend a school at which the Respondent was employed and fears that the same fate will befall other children at any school at which the Respondent should be employed. Ronnie Turner was fourteen years of age at the time the pertinent events occurred. After the Respondent resigned from his position with the Broward County School System, there ultimately ensued an Administrative Complaint brought by Ralph Turlington, Commissioner of Education of the State of Florida, seeking revocation of the Respondent's Florida Teacher's Certificate.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence in the record and the pleadings and arguments of counsel for the Petitioner, it is, RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent, Robert J. Browne, have his Teacher's Certificate in and for the State of Florida revoked permanently. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of March, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of March, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: J. David Holder, Esquire BERG AND HOLDER 203-B South Monroe Street Post Office Box 1694 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Mr. Robert J. Browne 1771 Northeast 12th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.60
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Oct. 04, 2018 Number: 18-005313PL Latest Update: Sep. 29, 2024
# 10

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