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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Jun. 22, 2010 Number: 10-003399TTS Latest Update: Sep. 28, 2011

The Issue Whether the School Board of Broward County, Florida (School Board) has just cause to terminate Respondent's employment based on the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaint dated May 13, 2010.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, the School Board was the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the public schools in Broward County, Florida. At all times material hereto, the School Board employed Respondent as a classroom teacher pursuant to a professional service contract. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was assigned to Ashe Middle School where she taught reading and language arts. Respondent holds a Florida educational certificate that has both reading and gifted endorsements. During the time Respondent taught at Ashe Middle School, the school was considered a low performing school. There was a high level of student turnover and a relatively high number of foreign students who did not speak English. Respondent had an advanced reading class that read on grade level. Most of her other students read below grade level.1 Pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with Broward Teachers Union and applicable law, which will be discussed in the Conclusions of Law section of this Recommended Order, School Board has adopted a system to assess teachers known as Instructional Personnel Assessment System (IPAS). Subsection (F)(1)b of Article 18 of the CBA contains the following guiding principle: b. The School Board and BTU [Broward Teachers Union] acknowledge that the assessment process should recognize the professional nature of teaching and supervision. Educational research has not identified a single uni-dimensional construct called "effective teaching." Teachers must pursue a variety of models of effective teaching. It is recognized, moreover, that the educational environment is complex and variable and great weight should be placed on teacher judgment to guide the activities of student learning. Subsection F(2)(e) of Article 18 of the CBA requires that the principal, director, or his/her designee evaluate each employee at least once a year utilizing IPAS. Rating criteria are defined on the IPAS form in the following categories: Instructional Planning Lesson Management Lesson Presentation Student Performance Evaluation Communication Classroom Management Behavior Management Records Management Subject Matter Knowledge Other Professional Competencies The evaluator rates the employee as to each criterion and for overall performance. The rating can be "satisfactory", "needs improvement", or "unsatisfactory." Subsection F of Article 18 of the CBA describes IPAS. Pursuant to the CBA, the assessment system requires a teacher, whose performance has been deemed deficient in one or more areas by an appropriate school administrator, to be placed on a Performance Development Plan (PDP). A school administrator develops the plan and monitors the employee's progress in completing the plan. Subsection F(2)(m)2 of Article 18 of the CBA provides as follows as to the use and implementation of a PDP: Use and implementation of this plan requires identification of deficiencies, definition of strategies for improvement, definition of an assistance timeline, definition of expected outcomes, definition of possible consequences for failure to remediate, completion of assistance activities, and documentation. Subsection (F)(2)f of Article 18 of the CBA provides as follows: The following five (5) techniques are used to gather data on employee performance. Assessors use multiple techniques to understand actual performance and develop performance ratings. Informal classroom observations: Informal observations are made periodically by the principal or designee. A follow-up conference is not required subsequent to an informal classroom observation if performance is deemed satisfactory. Formal classroom observations: Formal observations are primarily initiated by the principal or designee. Employees may, however, request a formal observation. These are not less than 30 minutes in duration and are conducted by the principal, director or his/her designee. The 30 minute time period may be shortened by mutual agreement between the principal and the affected employee. All observations of employees for the purpose of assessment shall be conducted with the full knowledge of the employee. A conference is conducted after each formal observation. The FPMS [Florida Performance Measurement System] or other educationally sound observation instruments which may be used for formal observation.[sic] Observations in non-classroom situations: Principals use opportunities outside the classroom to observe the performance of employees. A follow-up conference is not required subsequent to this type of observation if performance is deemed satisfactory. Review of records and data: Principals review a variety of work samples prepared by the employee. These may include lesson plans, reports, grade card comments, discipline referral documents, etc. In addition, specific records or plans may be requested for review. A follow-up conference is not required if performance is deemed satisfactory. Review of performance portfolio: The principal or designee and the employee may mutually decide that a performance portfolio is needed to provide additional information for the completion of the assessment ratings. The design of a portfolio is determined by the principal and employee. A follow-up conference is not required if performance is deemed satisfactory. A teacher placed on a PDP is given 90 calendar days, excluding school holidays and vacations, to correct the identified performance deficiencies. If, at the end of the 90- day probation period, the performance of the employee remains at an unsatisfactory level for one or more of the assessment criteria, a rating of U (for unsatisfactory) is given. At that juncture, the administrator can extend the PDP period, or he/she can refer the matter to the Office of Professional Standards for further proceedings. Mr. Luciani was the principal and Mr. Muniz was an assistant principal at Ashe Middle School during the 2006-07 school year. On December 11, 2006, Mr. Muniz wrote a memo to Respondent. The memo is quoted verbatim because it targeted problems that continued throughout Respondent's tenure at Ashe Middle School. The memo is as follows: This correspondence is to document the last few week's [sic] events when it was determined that your job performance has been less than satisfactory in the following areas: Behavior Management-managing student behavior Records Management-management of data Communications Instructional Planning On December 7, while doing a classroom visit that lasted 31 minutes I noticed a lack of classroom management. It took almost seven minutes to get the class under control to start your lesson. While there were only 11 students in your room, yet, only five students were on task. You continued to do your lesson despite the disruptions. I am not sure if you were aware or just ignored the disruptions. In the last few weeks you have banished, kicked out, or attempted to kick out students everyday for almost twelve consecutive days. In the past Mr. Hart, Assistant Principal, and I have mentioned that the students should be accompanied by an escort or if you have a receiving teacher you should wait at the door until the child is situated. In at least five occasions your students have been caught wandering the halls because you have kicked them out. There have been many times while on hall duty that I noticed you kicking students out and the class has not yet started. This is unacceptable. You are responsible for the students in your class. When they are unescorted the possibility of injury exist [sic] due to your negligence. The students have not sat down and you attempt to remove them from class. This is also unacceptable. Prior to our recent data conference it was 12:15 in the afternoon and you requested to find out what data you needed at the conference. I directed you to Ms. J. Shakir[,] reading coach[,] who assisted you in securing minimal data for the conference. Please note that there had been four data presentations regarding preparation for the data conferences conducted by Mr. Fleisher and Ms. Lumpkin form c-net. Ms. Shakir and Ms. Pickney also conducted data disaggregation workshops in the previous weeks. While at the conference itself you appeared to know very little with regard to your student data. You were not familiar with your BMA results or the progress your individual students or classes had made. There was no attempt made at providing categorical breakdowns of students which needed prescriptive strategies to address their needs. The confrontational manner with which you speak to children is a direct factor in the lack of classroom management. Your lack of communication skills has led to referrals on many students which have led to major consequences for students after the referrals led to escalated verbal confrontations. During various grade level meetings, I have requested that all teachers provide me with emergency lesson plans every two weeks. To date I have not received any of these plans. Our expectations for each of the above listed concerns are: First and foremost, resolve the discipline problems in compliance with the policies of the school, rules of the District School Board and [sic] the State Board and Florida Statutes. Next, maintain consistency in all application of policy and practice by: Establishing routines and procedures for the use of materials and the physical movement of students. Formulating appropriate standards for student behavior. Identifying inappropriate behavior and employing appropriate techniques for correction. You must prepare for your students all day every day. Lesson plans must be meaningful and relevant to your content area. Studies show that students who are authentically engaged are less prone to deviant [sic] behavior. You must maintain complete order in your classroom. The Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in the State of Florida requires that the educator make reasonable efforts to protect the students from conditions harmful to learning, and/or to the students' mental, and/or physical health and/or safety. In the next few weeks you will be provided with assistance from behavior specialists, reading/curriculum coach and c-net personnel to assist you in meeting expectations. In February 2007 Respondent was placed on a PDP. Mr. Muniz monitored Respondent's progress and opined that she had not successfully completed the PDP. Mr. Luciani disagreed and instructed Mr. Muniz to give Respondent a satisfactory evaluation, which he did.2 Mr. Luciani was the principal and Mr. Hart was an assistant principal at Ashe Middle School during the 2007-08 and 2008-09 school years. Mr. Hart received a written complaint from a student that on October 1, 2008, Respondent told the student that the student's mother was unfit and did not know how to raise the student. In response to that complaint, on October 3, 2008, Mr. Hart issued Respondent a letter addressing the inappropriate manner in which she had addressed students, which included the following: On numerous occasions you have been counseled regarding your inappropriate comments/behavior towards students. This behavior includes embarrassing, disparaging, and/or awkward comments and/or actions. It has recently been brought to my attention that, once again, you have exhibited this behavior. * * * I am directing you to cease and desist all actions/comments of this nature immediately. You are to speak to students in a respectful, professional manner at all times. Mr. Hart, Respondent, and the student's parent met to discuss the alleged statements made by Respondent to the student. During that conference, Respondent became angry and left the meeting. Later, Mr. Hart met with Respondent to give her a copy of his letter dated October 3. Respondent took the letter and walked out of the meeting without signing the acknowledgment that she had received the letter. Respondent slammed the door as she left Mr. Hart's office. Mr. Hart received numerous complaints from parents and, as a result, transferred several students from Respondent's class to another class. On February 5, 2009, Mr. Hart observed Respondent arguing with a student in her classroom. He admonished her in writing to not be confrontational with students. Respondent's conduct on February 5, 2009, was inconsistent with Mr. Hart's admonishment to her on October 3, 2008. In an undated memorandum subsequent to January 20, 2009, Mr. Hart set forth the following issues that continued to be of concern despite his previous discussions with Respondent: Parent phone calls from her classroom Completing assignments Checking emails Inputting grades into Pinnacle (a computer database) Being prepared for instruction On February 18, 2009, Mr. Hart issued a written reprimand to Respondent for her failure to input student grades into Pinnacle. Respondent was placed on a PDP on February 13, 2009. Noted under the categories "Lesson Management" and "Lesson Presentation" were the failures to meet the following criteria: Orients students to classwork, specifies purposes of activities and relationship to the objectives; Prepares the classroom materials and equipment for the presentation of the lesson; Selects and uses appropriate instructional techniques including available materials and technology which support learning of the specific types of knowledge or skills; and Asks questions which are clear and require students to reflect before responding. During the PDP period that began February 13, 2009, Respondent was offered appropriate services designed to remediate her deficient performance areas. On May 28, 2009, Mr. Hart completed an IPAS evaluation that rated Respondent unsatisfactory overall and as to the following five categories: "Lesson Management", "Lesson Presentation", "Student Performance Evaluation", "Classroom Management", and "Behavior Management." Mr. Hart rated Respondent satisfactory as to the remaining five categories. Mr. Hart placed Respondent on a second PDP that extended into the 2009-10 school year. At the end of the 2008-09 school year, Mr. Luciani retired. Before the start of the 2009-10 school year, Ms. Peebles became principal of Ashe Middle School. Respondent failed to enter grades and other data for students during the first marking period of the 2009-10 school year. That failure hindered the assessment of each student's needs and made it more difficult to monitor each student's progress. On November 19, 2009, Ms. Peebles conducted an IPAS evaluation for Respondent as to the PDP Mr. Hart had placed her on at the end of the 2008-09 school year. Ms. Peebles found Respondent to be deficient in the same five categories as Mr. Hart's evaluation, and she rated Respondent's overall performance as unsatisfactory. During the PDP period that began May 28, 2009, Respondent was offered appropriate services designed to remediate her deficient performance areas. After her evaluation of November 19, 2009, Ms. Peebles had the options of referring Respondent to the Office of Professional Standards for further proceedings or placing Respondent on another PDP. Ms. Peebles elected to place Respondent on another PDP (the last PDP) because Ms. Peebles was new to the school and she wanted to give Respondent another chance to prove herself. At the conclusion of the last PDP, Ms. Peebles conducted an IPAS evaluation, which was dated April 19, 2010. Respondent remained unsatisfactory in the same five categories as the previous evaluations by Ms. Peebles and Mr. Hart, and her overall evaluation remained unsatisfactory. Throughout her employment at Ashe Middle School, Respondent exhibited a pattern of being absent on Fridays and Mondays. Respondent failed to correct that deficiency after having been counseled by administrators. During the 2009-10 school year, Respondent repeatedly failed to timely provide or leave appropriate lessons after having been counseled by administrators to do so. Respondent was instructed to give her lesson plans to Ms. Brown, the Reading Coach and Reading Department Chairperson, during that school year. Respondent never provided Ms. Brown a complete set of lesson plans the entire year. During the 2009-10 school year, Respondent repeatedly failed to demonstrate that she could control her classroom. She made multiple calls to security on nearly a daily basis and she continued to kick students out of class, which left them in the hallways, unsupervised. The Benchmark Assessment Test (BAT) is a county created test that is administered twice a year in September and again in November. The test is designed to measure the progress, if any, the student has made between the testing dates. The test is also used as a predictor for the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT). The vast majority of Respondent's student's test scores depict either no growth or a regression in all classes. A Mini-BAT is an assessment tool used to develop and provide effective lesson plans as well as student growth. The teacher is responsible for administering the assessment tool to her students and thereafter inputting the results in the computer database. During the 2009-10 school year, approximately half of Respondent's students either were not tested or had no score inputted after being tested. The DAR Assessment is a two-part standardized test designed to measure a student's ability at word recognition and all reading frequency. The test is administered twice a year, once in September and again in January. Ms. Brown administered the tests at Ashe Middle School during the 2009-10 school year. Ms. Brown scored the tests and gave the score results to Respondent, who was required to input the scores in the computer database. The Florida Department of Education (DOE) requires that 90 percent of the students complete the tests, which gives a 10 percent leeway for students who are absent on test days. Students are placed in reading classes based on their test result. The tests also measure each student's progress, or lack thereof, between the test dates. Forty-five percent of Respondent's students had no scores. Nineteen percent of those with scores had no gain. Mock FCATs are periodically administered to students following Mini-BATs. The Mock FCATs administered to Respondent's students during the 2009-10 school year were created by Ms. Brown. Ms. Brown utilized previous iterations of the FCAT that had been released by DOE in an effort to simulate the actual FCAT process in terms of difficulty and complexity. The tests are graded by computer and the scores are given to the teacher to input into the computer database. The results of the Mock FCATs are used to develop instructional plans for students. Sixty-three of Respondent's 111 students (or 57 percent) had no score inputted in the computer database. Nine students who did receive a score made no progress between the dates of the two tests. School Board entered into a contract with a consulting firm named Evans Newton, Inc. (ENI) to assist schools in need of improvement. In 2009-10 school year, ENI provided an assessment test that teachers were to use to monitor students' progress. Respondent administered the assessment test to her class, gave the results to Ms. Brown to score, and recorded the scores in the computer database after receiving the scored results from Ms. Brown. More than 40 percent of Respondent's students had no score recorded for the assessment test. Ms. Brown testified, credibly, that she returned all scored results to Respondent. The lack of a score for over 40 percent of her class can only be explained by Respondent's failure to do her job. Respondent either did not administer the test to those students, she did not give the test results to Ms. Brown to score, or she did not input the scores in the computer database after receiving the results from Ms. Brown. The FCAT Reading Learning Gain is the document through which DOE reports test score results to school districts. During the 2009-10 school year, DOE required a 60 percent learning gain. Respondent's students did not achieve that goal during that school year. For three of the four years she taught at Ashe Middle School, Respondent's classes failed to achieve their FCAT goals. The administrators at Ashe Middle School followed all applicable procedures in formulating and implementing the PDPs and IPASs at issue in this proceeding. After her IPAS evaluation of April 19, 2010, Ms. Peebles referred Respondent's case to the Office of Professional Standards, which resulted in the termination proceedings at issue.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board of Broward County enter a final order adopting the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained in this Recommended Order. It is further RECOMMENDED that the final order terminate Respondent's employment. DONE AND ENTERED this May 23, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of May, 2011.

Florida Laws (7) 1001.321001.421008.221012.331012.34120.569120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Feb. 19, 2021 Number: 21-000707PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024

The Issue Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(g), Florida Statutes (2018)?1 Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate section 1012.795(1)(j)? 1 All citations to the Florida Statutes are to the 2018 codification unless otherwise noted. Did Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violate Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1.?

Findings Of Fact Parties Petitioner, Richard Corcoran, is the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner is the head of the state agency, the Florida Department of Education, responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding Florida educator certificates. Ms. Bauduy holds a Florida Educators Certificate covering the areas of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Elementary Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE), and Middle Grades Integrated Curriculum. It is valid through June 30, 2025. Ms. Bauduy teaches at Gotha Middle School in the Orange County School District and did at the time of the events alleged in the Administrative Complaint. During the period during which the alleged acts occurred, Ms. Bauduy taught students with autism. She has served students with disabilities of Orange County as an educator in ESE programs for 16 years. She taught at Gotha Middle School for 14 of those 16 years. Other than discipline for the incidents that are the subject of this proceeding, the District has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. The school has recognized Ms. Bauduy as an effective teacher. For instance, an evaluation resulting from seven days of in-class observation in November 2020 concluded that she was applying all four expected classroom strategies and behaviors. The Education Practices Commission has never disciplined Ms. Bauduy. Gotha Middle School and Ms. Bauduy's Class During the 2018-2019 school year, all of Ms. Bauduy's students had disabilities that required more assistance and support than needed by students in the general population. Because of their disabilities, Ms. Bauduy's students required a modified curriculum that was less rigorous than the standard curriculum. The modified curriculum included social, skills, personal skills, and independent function skills. Teaching those skills helps students learn to manage their behavior and become more independent. All of Ms. Bauduy's students had Individual Education Plans (IEP). These plans identify a student's disabilities, their effect, and behavior that may arise from them. They establish goals for the student in light of the student's disabilities. And they identify strategies for helping the students accomplish the established goals. The demands of teaching students with disabilities required additional staff in the classroom to assist Ms. Bauduy. The school determined that properly caring for and teaching the children required a three to one student teacher ratio. The students' IEPs also required this staffing ratio. For that reason, the school assigned two paraprofessionals to assist in Ms. Bauduy's class of ten people. This was in addition to Ms. Edoo, who was assigned to student E.K. one-on-one. Thus, the proper staffing complement for Ms. Bauduy's class was four adults. Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, Gotha Middle School experienced chronic staffing shortages. One paraprofessional position in Ms. Bauduy's class was vacant the entire year. The school engaged a long- term substitute. That person often did not show up for work. In those instances, the school sought, often unsuccessfully, to engage fill-ins from a temporary staffing agency. In addition, the school usually did not provide staff to cover the paraprofessionals' breaks and lunches. Throughout the year, Ms. Bauduy had to juggle staffing shortages as best she could. During the representative month of September 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was short one adult seven full days and four partial days. On September 11, 2018, Ms. Bauduy's class was down two professionals. When the paraprofessional staff took their breaks or lunch periods, the staffing deficiencies worsened. Ms. Bauduy repeatedly advised the administration about the staffing deficiencies, sought assistance, and expressed her concerns about not complying with students' IEP requirements. Her communications included a September 5, 2018, email advising that a substitute had not arrived, a September 11 email forwarding an email from a paraprofessional advising she was not coming in, and a September 26 email advising that a substitute once again failed to arrive and asking for assistance. In January 2019, despite the chronic understaffing, the school transferred two students, T.M. and N.A., from other classrooms to Ms. Bauduy's class. These students' disabilities were more profound and required more supports than the other students. They were regular elopers, required diaper changes, and required individual nearly one-on-one prompting for tasks. Among other things, T.M.'s disabilities required having someone hold his hand during transitions. Placement of T.M. and N.A. in Ms. Bauduy's class was not appropriate. Ms. Bauduy continued sending emails expressing her concerns and frustrations about understaffing. She also repeatedly, without effect, sought to get the school to change mandatory meetings to her planning period or after school because the meetings caused her to leave the classroom and exacerbated the staffing problems. Between October 25, 2018, and March 4, 2019, Ms. Bauduy sent 17 emails requesting full staffing and advising of staff absences. Ms. Bauduay could not rely upon prompt responses when she called for assistance or additional staffing to put her room back in compliance with the required student/adult ratio. Sometimes she received a quick response. Sometimes no one came. Often there was a 20 to 30-minute delay before assistance arrived. Even when management responded to Ms. Bauduy's request for a schedule of when behavior staff would be available to support her students, management's response was conditional. For instance, Laura Fogarty, ESE Curriculum and Instruction Team Instructional Coach, conditioned the schedule of available staff that she provided as follows. Please remember, however, that this schedule is in a perfect world. The behavior support team's first priority is to respond to radio calls and have other responsibilities that don't always make it possible for them to be in your room for the times listed below. They may also have to leave to respond to a behavior call when they are in there. Below is the ideal, if everything goes right and there are no behavior calls or other areas that require their attention. The world in which Ms. Bauduy taught was neither perfect nor ideal. Ms. Bauduy's testimony about staffing difficulties and insufficient responses to requests for assistance differs from testimony of school representatives. Ms. Bauduy was more credible and persuasive than the school representatives. Four of the reasons for this judgment are Ms. Bauduy's sincere demeanor, documents such as emails and logs consistent with her testimony, the admission in Ms. Fogarty's email that even scheduled availability of support was not reliable, and the corroborating testimony of a paraprofessional who worked in Ms. Bauduy's room, Lauren Mueller. K.C. K.C. was a male sixth grade student in Ms. Bauduy's class. K.C.'s IEP specified that K.C. should always be supervised. It stated, "He requires continuous supervision as he is very impulsive and responds aggressively and or obscenely." K.C. also had a Behavioral Improvement Plan (BIP). It too noted a need for intensive intervention to address inappropriate touching of and advances toward female students. The BIP provided, among other things, "If outside the classroom, one on one supervision must be provided." The BIP went on to state that K.C.'s transitions out of the classroom should be limited to necessary transitions and that a staff member should provide one-on-one supervision during all transitions. Ms. Bauduy was aware of the contents of the IEP and BIP. At each day's end, Ms. Edoo usually escorted K.C. from class to the transportation loading area, after escorting her assigned student to the transportation area. This did not happen on September 11, 2018. This was one of the many days when Ms. Bauduy's room was short-staffed. Because of a vacant position and a paraprofessional not showing up, Ms. Bauduy was down to two adults, including herself, of the staff that should have been in the room. This excludes Ms. Edoo who was responsible for providing one-on- one care for a single student. The afternoon of September 11 the substitute paraprofessional was to escort the students, in shifts, to the transportation area. The substitute took a student to the transportation area and did not return. This left Ms. Bauduy the sole adult in the room, responsible both for getting the children to the transportation area and supervising students in the classroom. Ms. Edoo called Ms. Bauduy on the radio and said to release K.C. Ms. Bauduy thought that meant Ms. Edoo was returning to the classroom and would meet K.C. in the hall. Although her room had a telephone and a two-way radio, Ms. Bauduy knew from experience a response to a request for help would be slow, if there even was one. Faced with confounding choices, Ms. Bauduy explained to K.C. that she would release him to go directly down the hall to meet Ms. Edoo. K.C. did not go straight down the hall to Ms. Edoo, and Ms. Edoo was not in the hall. K.C. went to the bathroom that opened on the hall. A student, K.M., found K.C. laying naked, save for his socks, on the bathroom floor, masturbating. This scared and confused K.M. He went home and told his mother about the incident. She called the school. The next day a guidance counselor met with K.M. to discuss the incident and reassure him. Shortly after K.M. left for home, an ESE clerk, Elizabeth Elkholi, saw K.C. naked in the bathroom, through the open door. She called for Shantell Johnson, a behavior trainer. Ms. Johnson did not wish to enter the bathroom because K.C. was naked. A substitute, Stephen Harnishfeger, and Deputy Luna, a school resource officer, joined Ms. Elkholi and Ms. Johnson. Between them, these four adults kept K.C. in sight. K.C. got dressed in a stall. Ms. Johnson escorted him back to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. Ms. Bauduy was not aware of this activity until K.C. was returned to her room. K.C. could have left the school grounds during the period that he was unsupervised. Eventually the substitute reappeared and declared she was leaving for the day. Ms. Bauduy convinced the substitute to escort K.C. to the transportation loading area before leaving. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay for this incident. T.M. T.M. was a student on the autism spectrum that the school transferred to Ms. Bauduy's class in January. T.M.'s previous classroom, Ms. Franklin's, was adjacent to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. On February 25, 2019, the school had again failed to staff Ms. Bauduy's classroom in compliance with the requirements of her students' IEPs. That day the school required Ms. Bauduy to participate in an IEP meeting, scheduled for 30 minutes, during her planning period. The meeting took two hours, running through her lunch period and ending at 4:00 p.m. When Ms. Bauduy returned to the classroom, she realized none of her paraprofessionals had taken a break. So, she released them one at a time for a short break. While one paraprofessional was gone on break, the remaining one left the room with a student to go to the restroom and change a diaper. This left Ms. Bauduy alone with the students. At that time, Ms. Bauduy was providing directions to a group of students. She heard the door slam. She looked for T.M. and did not see him in the classroom. T.M. had slipped away from Ms. Bauduy's classroom out into the hall. He left through the classroom's only door. Ms. Bauduy immediately went to the doorway to look for him. She knew T.M. had a history of leaving the classroom but waiting just outside the door. She did not see him. Then Ms. Bauduy took a few steps outside the door of her classroom into the hall. To the left of Ms. Bauduy's classroom the hall met double doors just yards away that led to the outside and a nearby road. Ms. Bauduy was in the hall approximately 23 seconds seeking to ensure that T.M. had not gone to the left toward the double doors. During these 23 seconds there was no adult inside Ms. Bauduy's class room. She however was just feet from the only door. One of the students could have done something destructive or harmful. But the brief period of time that Ms. Bauduy was outside the classroom, her proximity to the door, and the very short distance she was from her students made that risk minimal. Ms. Bauduy saw the door to Classroom B104 close. This was T.M.'s former classroom, which was next to Ms. Bauduy's room. This reassured her that T.M. was safe. She ran back to her classroom. The students had spent the 23 seconds without incident. Then Ms. Bauduy called for assistance. A staff member came to return T.M. to Ms. Bauduy's room. When T.M. slipped away, Ms. Bauduy had no good choices. In the time it would take to call for assistance and wait for it to arrive, if it did, T.M. could have been out the doors and in the road. Ms. Bauduy's experience taught her that assistance was often slow to arrive and sometimes did not arrive at all. Stepping out in the hall to quickly see where T.M. went left the eight remaining students without direct adult supervision for 23 seconds. But Ms. Bauduy was just outside the only door out of the classroom. She made a reasonable choice, one that most reduced the risk of a bad outcome to T.M. and his classmates. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days without pay because of this incident. F.O. F.O. was a student in Ms. Bauduy's class. F.O. was non-verbal and deaf. She was working on pre-academic skills. F.O. was a joyful and social student. She, however, was defiant. She did not like to be corrected. She wanted to be on her own, basically following her own schedule. When corrected, F.O. would shake her head, point her finger, and stick her tongue out. The school regularly delivered breakfast and lunch to the class. On September 11, 2019, F.O. ate breakfast around 10:00 a.m. After breakfast, F.O. and the other students had a short lesson and went to PE. After they returned to class, they had another short lesson. Afterwards, Ms. Bauduy gave the class another short break. Around 11:30 a.m., the lunch cart's arrival signaled the beginning of lunch to the class. The lunch service procedure began with placing meals on tables for students who could feed themselves. Then Ms. Bauduy and the paraprofessionals assisted students who needed help eating. F.O.'s lunch was placed in front of her. It was time for F.O. to pick up her toys and eat. She refused. Ms. Bauduy tried prompting F.O. several ways. Ms. Bauduy's efforts to persuade F.O. to put her toys up included gestures, pantomiming the desired actions, and modeling the actions by picking up some toys herself. This did not work. Ms. Bauduy took F.O. out of the classroom to see if a change in environment would help. Ms. Bauduy then took F.O. to the behavior specialist's classroom down the hall. But it was not staffed. They returned to Ms. Bauduy's classroom. There Ms. Bauduy tried to get F.O. to comply with simple directions like "put it down." F.O. would not respond. Also, F.O. continued to refuse to pick up her toys and eat lunch. Ms. Bauduy concluded that F.O.'s refusal to eat lunch was a defiance issue. Ms. Bauduy learned a behavior management strategy called "First – Then" in her applied behavior classes at the University of Central Florida. Ms. Bauduy kept a graphic depicting this strategy posted in her classroom. Other teachers and paraprofessionals in the school also used this strategy. It was a system where the "Then" was something the child wanted or wanted to do and the "First" was a task the child was resisting. After F.O. continued to play with toys and ignore her lunch. Ms. Bauduy decided to use the "First—Then" strategy by withholding F.O.'s lunch until she picked up her toys. She asked a paraprofessional, Ms. Lewis, to remove the food. Ms. Lewis refused. Ms. Bauduy then placed the lunch on a shelf so that other students would not eat it or play with it. Around 2:00 p.m., snack time, F.O. had put up her toys. Ms. Bauduy gave her the lunch. Ms. Bauduy's log for the day, sent home with each student each day, advised F.O.'s parents that F.O. would not listen or follow directions most of the day and that "lunch was delayed till she showed more compliance." Withholding lunch was not a proper use of the "First – Then" strategy. Meals are a regular part of the day and necessary for nutrition, although in this case the student repeatedly declined food. Withholding a meal, as opposed to withholding a treat, is not proper. Also, since F.O. was not interested in eating lunch, making lunch the "Then" was not a well-reasoned use of the strategy. Ms. Bauduy, however, did not withhold lunch as a punishment. But withholding lunch was not a reasonable behavior management strategy. The school suspended Ms. Bauduy for five days for this instance.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 For Respondent: Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding that Respondent, Yolie Bauduy, violated section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, by violating Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A- 10.081(2)(a)1., and imposing a reprimand upon Respondent, Yolie Bauduy. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of November, 2021, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 www.doah.state.fl.us COPIES FURNISHED: Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of November, 2021. Lisa M. Forbess, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 316 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Branden M. Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Ron Weaver, Esquire Post Office Box 770088 Ocala, Florida 34477-0088 Anastasios Kamoutsas, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jun. 22, 2011 Number: 11-003147TTS Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Aug. 02, 2010 Number: 10-006919TTS Latest Update: Dec. 21, 2010

The Issue Whether Polk County School Board ("School Board") has just cause to terminate Judy Gail Vann ("Respondent" or "Vann") pursuant to Section 1012.34, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: Respondent started working for the School Board in 2000. During the last ten years, she has taught English. In November 2008, the School Board recommended Respondent's termination for excessive absenteeism, dishonesty, ongoing gross insubordination, and not preparing lesson plans. The case came before the Division of Administrative Hearings in Case Number 09-0955.1 On August 20, 2009, a Recommended Order was entered concluding that a preponderance of the evidence in that case did not support the alleged acts in the charging document, and Respondent was reinstated with full back pay. After the School Board reinstated Respondent, for the 2009-2010 school year, she was assigned to Traviss Career Center ("Traviss") to teach 11th and 12th grade English. Prior to this assignment, Respondent had never taught in a high school. Traviss is a school for high school students and adults. Both high school diplomas and certificates in a career field or vocational trade are available to graduates. Traviss students that are trying to achieve a regular high school diploma take the FCAT. Seventy-seven percent of the student population at Traviss who took the 2008-2009 FCAT were reading at level two or below. Level two is a fifth-sixth grade reading level. Polk County requires that the 11th and 12th grade students do the same work as their counterparts at the traditional schools and follow the same curriculum maps.2 Alan Harrell ("Harrell"), the assistant director of curriculum, was Vann's supervisor at Traviss. His primary responsibility is to oversee the academic programs. Such duties include monitoring lesson plans and learning guides, and keeping the curriculum maps on target. Harrell also oversees students' grades and makes sure students are getting the right courses for their diploma. Harrell supervised Vann during the six periods she taught a day. Three of the classes were English III for juniors and three were English IV for seniors. Vann tried to be creative when teaching the curriculum maps. When the students were required to study Shakespeare, Chaucer, and epic works such as Beowulf, she would often-times show modern movies like Hercules to keep the students interested. Harrell did not think the movies were the best teaching methods for the students. Harrell made regular visits to Vann's classroom and met with her about various issues periodically. During Harrell's second meeting with Vann on October 16, 2009, some items discussed were students' grades, homework, and lesson plans. On November 17, 2009, Harrell emailed Vann to instruct her about her lesson plans for the two previous weeks. The email stated: Please post your lesson plans for week of 11/09/2009 and for week of 11/16/2009. They should be posted on Friday prior to the next week so we have some guideline for the substitute to be able to follow when the teacher is absent. During Harrell's fifth meeting with Vann on November 30, 2009, Harrell discussed several areas of concern. The first was her lesson plans not being posted. During the first semester, Vann was absent from school approximately 15 days. On December 11, 2009, Harrell met with Vann again to discuss proper protocol and procedures for preparing lesson plans. Harrell also discussed Vann's numerous absences and the effect on the students. On January 11, 2010, Harrell contacted Vann again about incomplete lesson plans by email. It stated: In reviewing your lesson plans for the week of 1/11/2010, I observe a number of discrepancies that need to be corrected. "same as above" under PLANNING does not define the objectives. "same as above" under PLANNING does not define the Standards/Benchmarks. Under Procedures/Activities, a description of what the intended activity is going to be needs to be described. As previously discussed your lesson plans need to be in line with the curriculum map. On January 13, 2010, Vann emailed Harrell and informed him that she had "reposted the completed version of the lesson plan template for 1/11/10." Deficiencies in Vann's performance as a teacher and absences from school continued into the second half of the school year. Vann's posted lesson plans were incomplete or insufficient, and she would email lesson plans to the school on the mornings when she was absent. Vann was absent approximately 10 days without pay between January 7, 2010, and February 11, 2010, including the 11th. The emails Vann sent during that period listed the following explanations for her absences: January 7, 2010, "I have no voice."; January 11, 2010, "Sick . . ."; January 12, 2010, at 5:19 a.m., "Sick since Friday . . . trying to see doctor today"; January 12, 2010, at 5:24 a.m., "As stated my lesson plan template was incomplete for 1/11/10 because I have been sick and was unable to complete the template."; January 19, 2010, "I have been down with a Migraine for three days and I hope to be able to see the doctor today."; February 9, 2010, "I am having very severe back problems and have a doctor's appointment today."3 On February 12, 2010, Respondent was in a car accident on the way from school on Thornhill Road. A car slammed into her going approximately 55 miles per hour in the drizzling rain. Vann first sought medical treatment on February 25, 2010, from a chiropractor, Dr. Sundermeyer.4 Vann was treated the rest of the school year for her back and spine by the chiropractor. As a result of Vann's continuing decline in performance, on February 25, 2010, Respondent received a Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance, which advised that she had performance deficiencies and was being placed on a 90-day probationary period pursuant to Section 1012.34(3)(d), Florida Statutes. The Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance informed Respondent that she had failed to perform satisfactorily in the following aspects or duties of her job: You have had excessive absences. You have failed to prepare and maintain current lesson plans for your classes. In addition to the fact that the preparation of lesson plans is a requirement of your job, your failure to prepare such plans has made it extremely difficult to maintain the educational process for your students during your absences. The management of your classroom environment, including student discipline, has been extremely poor. You have failed to prepare and deliver appropriate or effective teaching strategies for your students. You have failed to maintain an appropriate and distinct relationship as a teacher with your students. A meeting was held on March 1, 2010, with Vann to discuss recommendations and a plan of action to provide assistance in correcting the deficiencies identified in the Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance. Dr. Dickens, Harrell, Mrs. Amy Hardee("Hardee"), Ms. Angela Dawson, and Vann with her PEA representative attended the meeting. At the March 1, 2010, meeting Vann was informed that she needed to correct the following deficiencies: excessive absences, lesson plan preparation, classroom management, effective teaching strategies, and maintaining an appropriate and distinct relationship with her students. After the meeting, Vann and her union representative met with Hardee, the senior curriculum coordinator of language arts. Vann indicated that her textbook resources were out of date and requested Hardee fix the problem. Hardee immediately located literature and grammar books and made arrangements to have them delivered to Vann. On March 2, 1010, Vann received her 90-Day Corrective Action Plan that specified the following five areas that Respondent was to correct during her probationary period from March 2, 2010, to May 30, 2010: Excessive Absences-It was agreed that you will provide Traviss Career Center a doctor's note when you are ill. You will also make a diligent effort to contact Ms. Loretta Stewart(Principal Secretary) before 6:30am when you are not going to be at work. This will allow sufficient time to obtain a substitute instructor for your class. Lesson Plans-To assist you with improving your classroom management skills, it was suggested that PD 360 be used. Outlines of the segments are attached for your use. Classroom Management-To assist you with preparing lessons for your class, it was suggested PD 360 be used. Outlines of the segments are attached for your use. Effective Teaching Strategies-To assist you in developing effective teaching strategies, it was suggested PD 360 be used. Outlines of the segments are attached for your use. Maintaining a distinct relationship-It was recommended that you refrain from use of unprofessional language and allowing disruptive student behavior during instructional time. You are to work on building a better instructional relationship with your students and expect the respect you deserve. * * * Traviss will provide a substitute for you on Mondays and Thursdays for the remainder of this school year to allow you time to work in the above mentioned areas of deficiency. It is your responsibility to be present at school and working on the criteria listed above. To address the issues with lesson plans, classroom management, and effective teaching strategies, Hardee assigned Vann 39 segments of Professional Development 360 ("PD360") training to view and complete the questions during her probationary period.5 Vann had less than seven hours of PD360 training to complete during her 90-day probationary period. Respondent was provided a list of the 24 modules addressing classroom instruction and 15 modules on differentiated instruction. Each module included a video Vann was to view, followed by approximately six reflection questions that were to be answered on-line by her. On March 2, 2010, Vann acknowledged her understanding and agreement to adhere to the corrective action plan with her signature. To ensure that Vann was successful in completing her PD360 training, a substitute instructor was hired for classroom instruction to allow Vann some time to complete the professional development plan during the 90-day probationary period. However, Respondent chose not to come to work and was absent most of the remainder of the school year. While on probation, from March 3, 2010 to May 5, 2010, Respondent was absent without pay 12 days during March and 17 days during April 29 days.6 Respondent claims that she was not at work because she was sick and couldn't attend. However, Respondent only provided one medical note excusing her from working due to illness. Vann provided the School Board a note that excused her from work from March 17, 2010, until March 18, 2010, which was on an Auburndale Chiropractic, LLC Authorization for Absence form.7 Respondent also provided the School Board a letter dated May 10, 2010, that specified treatment but did not indicate Vann was prohibited from attending work. The letter was from the same chiropractor, Dr. Sundermeyer, on Auburndale Chiropractic, LLC letterhead, not an Authorization for Absence form as previously submitted by Respondent for the March 2010 excused absence. The letter on her chiropractor's letterhead stated: To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in regards of my patient, Judy Gail Vann. I have been treating Ms. Vann for neck pain and lower back pain since February 25, 2010. She has been under my constant care 3 times per week since she started her treatment in this office. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions concerning my patient's health. Thank you, Dr. Sara Sundermeyer8 During her probationary period, Vann never sought treatment from a medical doctor other than the chiropractor, Dr. Sundermeyer. Respondent was not prohibited from attending work due to her illness.9 Vann failed to provide a doctor's note indicating that she could not attend work for her 29 days of absences without pay during her probationary period. Vann improved with her lesson plans. However, starting April 13, 2010, Respondent submitted the same lesson plans for all classes, no matter whether for the 11th or 12th grade students, and did not distinguish between the separate curriculums required for each grade. While on probation, Vann viewed only 15 of the assigned 39 PD360 modules.10 She completed one of the 15 reflection questions and answers, which was a total of two and one-half hours of the seven hours assigned. Vann also failed to meet either the criteria of contacting Ms. Loretta Stewart (Principal's Secretary) when absent or making the contact before 6:30 a.m. some mornings including: April 5, 2010; March 17, 2010; and April 15, 2010.11 By letter dated May 14, 2010, Principal Dickens ("Dickens") informed Vann that a decision had not yet been made on her reappointment at Traviss. The letter further informed Respondent that she had failed to fulfill several of the requirements for her 90-day Corrective Action Plan, including not providing a doctor's note covering all of her absences for illness when she was ill and unable to report to work and failing to complete the PD360 segments designed to help her with her classroom management skills, lesson plans, and effective teaching strategies. On June 3, 2010, Dickens recommended to Superintendent Gail McKenzie that Respondent's employment be terminated for failure to comply with the 90-day Corrective Action Plan, and her failure to perform her duties as an English teacher. The following items were identified as not being completed during the probationary period: failure to provide physician's notes when absent; Dr. Dickens' secretary was not contacted on days Respondent was absent; and the failure to complete the PD360 training. By letter dated July 15, 2010, Respondent was informed that the Superintendent would recommend her termination because Vann had "failed to correct [her] performance deficiencies, failed to complete [her] Professional Development Plan, and that there is 'just cause' for [her] termination pursuant to Section 1012.34, Florida Statutes."

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED Polk County School Board enter a final order ratifying Vann's termination from further employment in Polk County Public Schools. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of December, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JUNE C. MCKINNEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of December, 2010.

Florida Laws (4) 1008.221012.331012.34120.57
# 4
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Panama City, Florida Sep. 26, 2017 Number: 17-005377PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-001446 Latest Update: Apr. 11, 1986

Findings Of Fact Richard L. Gryte holds Florida Teacher's Certificate Number 323641, issued on January 4, 1983, covering the areas of elementary education, early childhood education, emotionally disturbed education and Junior College. Until his resignation on March 13, 1984, Gryte was employed by the Seminole County School Board as a teacher of emotionally handicapped students at the Milwee Middle School located in Longwood, Seminole County, Florida. Gryte was initially hired by Douglas Smith, assistant principal at Milwee, in the summer of 1981, to serve as an emotionally handicapped (herein referred to as EH) resource teacher. This was based on Gryte's prior work history, as well as his educational background; including a master's degree in exceptional education. As a resource teacher, Gryte did not have academic responsibilities, but was used as a counselor who would work with students for a period during the day. These students would be assigned to the resource room by their regular classroom teachers, primarily if they had problems regarding behavior. As a teacher involved with emotionally handicapped students, it was necessary for Gryte to prepare forms known as Individual Educational Plans (hereinafter referred to as IEP's). The IEP's were required by Federal and State law and were necessary in order for the school district to obtain funding. From the beginning of his employment and assignment at Milwee Middle School, Gryte had difficulty performing administrative duties regarding documentation and other paperwork. Gryte recognizes that correct documentation is the responsibility of a good teacher, but also acknowledges his weakness in that area. When this problem was brought to the attention of Douglas Smith, assistant principal, he immediately sent memos and spoke with Gryte regarding the problem. During the 1981-82 year, out of the 22 IEP's necessary for Gryte to complete, at least 12 were incomplete or not done. The IEP's that were done were incomplete in that they lacked objectives, goals and other qualitative methods by which to determine the progress of the child. Even as a resource teacher, Gryte failed to prepare lesson plans which were required of all teachers. In fact, Respondent failed to prepare lesson plans for the entire 1981-82 school term, despite being counseled and informed about the necessity of preparing and submitting lesson plans. Overall, Gryte's teaching performance for the 1981-82 school term was not in keeping with minimum standards required of his profession. In addition to the paperwork and other administrative tasks, Gryte had a problem maintaining classroom discipline and control and would violate school rules by leaving the class unattended. During the 1982-83 school term, Mr. Willie G. Holt became the principal at the school. He first became concerned regarding Gryte's performance because of safety concerns he had for student's in Gryte's resource class. Due to the nature of these children and their behavioral problems, it was a policy of the school that children would not be left alone and unattended. Gryte knew of this policy. During the 1982-83 school year, Gryte would periodically leave his class unattended. On two occasions in the spring of 1983, a female student was involved with and performed sexual acts including masturbation and oral sex in the presence of two male students. These acts occurred when Gryte left his class unattended. Gryte recognized that it was wrong to leave the class unattended, but felt he could trust the boys involved and was only gone for a brief period of time. Due to concern for the safety and welfare of the students entrusted to Gryte and because of a need to relieve the previous self-contained teacher, Mr. Holt, school principal, and Mr. Smith, assistant principal in charge of the exceptional education program, decided to place Gryte in the self-contained EH class for the 1983-84 school year. This was thought to be appropriate since the self-contained class had a full-time aide, Betty Manly, who would always be present in the event Gryte would leave the class unattended. Gryte objected to this assignment, but based on his certification and education, he was qualified to be in the self- contained classroom and he was so assigned. Gryte's teaching performance in the self-contained classroom during the 1983-1984 school term was extremely unsatisfactory in all aspects. As in previous years, Gryte was required to submit weekly lesson plans. This was a requirement of all teachers. As in prior years, Gryte was derelict in preparing his lesson plans. From the beginning of the school term until January, 1984, he submitted lesson plans for the first five weeks, but failed to submit any lesson plans thereafter. He next submitted lesson plans for two weeks during the weeks of January 20 and 27, 1984. Thereafter, he did not submit any additional lesson plans until the date of his resignation in March, 1984. The assistant principals, Gordon Hathaway and Douglas Smith, repeatedly instructed Gryte to submit lesson plans timely, but he failed to do so. Even the lesson plans which were submitted were not proper in that they were too generalized and did not serve the proper function. In addition, for the 1983-84 school term, Gryte still had problems completing his IEP's timely and in a proper manner. It was a concern of the school officials that if they were ever audited, they would lose funding. Gryte was counseled by Dr. Daniel Scinto and Dr. Robert Carlton regarding the preparation of IEP's, as well as class management, but little improvement occurred. Gryte's classroom was extremely noisy, unruly and out of control. Dr. Carlton worked with Gryte on several occasions regarding implementation of behavioral management techniques. However, no improvement was noted. The excessive noise from Gryte's classroom was disturbing to the adjoining classes. Mr. Holt started receiving complaints from other teachers. Mrs. Poole indicated that students in her classroom actually complained about the noise from Respondent's class, as did she. The teacher's aide, Betty Manly, observed that Gryte did not assert control. He allowed the students to do as they pleased and demonstrated an apparent lack of classroom control. Gryte himself recognized that there was an excessive amount of noise in his class which was disturbing to other teachers. Some of the noise was due to Gryte's policy of allowing students to use curse words and engage in verbal altercations, which at times led to physical violence. He would permit the students to use "damn", "hell", and other similar curse words. On occasion, fights would break out among the students because Gryte would allow an argument to become too heated and would not assert control. He thought it was necessary for the children to have the freedom to release their anger in this manner. He ultimately hoped to be able to work with the students and this was part of his counseling therapy. Gryte often imposed corporal punishment as a means of discipline with the students. However, he frequently imposed the punishment in violation of State law and School Board policy. The School Board policy, as set forth in the student disciplinary code, requires that all corporal punishment be administered in the presence of another adult and not administered in the presence of other students. On numerous occasions, Gryte paddled a student in the classroom without the presence of another teacher or administrator as a witness and also while in the presence of other students. This practice was against direct orders of the principal. In addition, students were embarrassed by punishment being administered in front of other children. Further, the practice is not appropriate when dealing with any student, but even less so when dealing with emotionally handicapped students. On one occasion, Gryte lined the entire class up for "licks." The noise of the paddling and the student's yelling brought an adjoining teacher to see what had occurred. When she arrived, a student was lying on the floor and his leg was shaking and the student was grimacing and in pain. The teacher advised Gryte not to administer any more punishment, because it was in violation of the school policy. During the first nine weeks of the 1983-84 school year, Gryte failed to provide grades for the students in his class. He was unable to give grades because students had not performed a sufficient amount of work in order for Gryte to evaluate their progress and to assign a competent grade. This was in violation of the school policy as well as the State law, and was upsetting to the administration. The school was required to send blank report cards, with the exception of P.E. grades. Gryte was told to produce his grade book and test papers which had been performed by the students. A review of the grade book showed tests and work had not been required or performed or recorded in order to evaluate the students. What papers were produced by Gryte were not of sufficient quality or quantity to effectively grade the students. The policy of the school was to assign enough work each week to allow the students to receive periodic grades. Gryte recognizes his duty to maintain paperwork and other documentation. He understands this is part of being a competent and effective teacher, even though he would place greater emphasis on the students. Jeanette Burgess was a female student in Gryte's self- contained classroom his last year at Milwee. Gryte had a propensity to touch Jeanette in an inappropriate and unprofessional manner. He would periodically touch her on her face, ears and buttocks. This was embarrassing to Jeanette. On one evening, Gryte called Jeanette's home to speak with her. Her mother, Diana Oliver, answered the phone and inquired as to the nature of the call. Gryte indicated it was a private matter and he needed to speak with Jeanette personally. This offended the mother and she refused to allow him to speak with her daughter and advised him that any matters pertaining to Jeanette in school should be discussed with her. In addition, in the mother's opinion, Gryte had been drinking. She formed this opinion based on slurred speech and other mannerisms. On another occasion, Betty Manly entered the classroom and discovered Gryte standing extremely close to Jeanette and, in Ms. Manly's opinion, touching Jeanette inappropriately. Jeanette was forced back against Ms. Manly's desk and was obviously embarrassed by the situation. Gryte had dismissed the other students to attend P.E. class and was left in the room alone with Jeanette. The situation was upsetting to Jeanette, because she dropped her head and started crying when she was questioned about what had occurred between Gryte and her. Following the telephone incident, Gryte, the principal, and Jeanette's mother had a conference and Gryte was directed not to administer corporal punishment or otherwise touch Jeanette for any reason. Gryte violated this direct order in that he did subsequently administer corporal punishment to Jeanette. Another student in Gryte's self-contained class was a child by the name of Kelly Owens who had self-destructive tendencies and frequently would injure herself. On one occasion, Gryte sent her to the office alone and on the way, she took a piece of glass and cut her wrist and neck, not severely enough to cause death, but enough to result in extensive bleeding. Gryte had been specifically advised not to leave this child unattended. On one occasion, he gave her a pass to leave the school and go to an area known as the "swamp". This is an area off campus where students gather to smoke marijuana and allegedly participate in other similar activities. This occurred after a conference with the child's parents which Gryte attended and in which it was emphasized that the child needed close supervision. On another occasion, Gryte actually left the child in the classroom asleep. This was at the end of the school day. Another teacher came by and found the child sleeping in the class by herself. Gryte indicated he was unaware that Kelly was still in the classroom. In addition to the incident involving the telephone conversation with Jeanette Burgess' mother, Gryte appeared at an open house held on the school campus in the beginning of the 1983-84 school term. It was apparent that Gryte had been drinking. Those teachers present were definitely under the·impression that he had been drinking too much due to his slurred speech and demeanor. When confronted by Mr. Holt, Gryte admitted he had been drinking, but stated he only had one drink prior to the meeting. Based on Gryte's conduct and performance at Milwee, the principal and assistant principal felt he was neither effective nor competent and would not employ Respondent in a teaching position. Respondent recognizes he is not qualified and competent to teach certain areas of his certification. He basically desires to be a counselor and not a teacher.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order revoking the teaching certificate of Richard L. Gryte for a period of three years, subject to reinstatement thereafter pursuant to Section 231.28(4)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE and ORDERED this 11th day of April, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of April, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: L.Haldane Taylor, Esquire 331 East Union Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Richard L. Gryte 7703 Meadowglen Drive Orlando, Florida 32810 Karen B. Wilde Executive Director Department of Education Education Practices Commission Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Ms. Marlene Greenfield, Administrator Professional Practice Service 319 West Madison Street, Room 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APPENDIX The following constitutes any specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties to this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact of Petitioner Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-31 are all adopted in substance. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact of Respondent Respondent filed no Proposed Findings of Fact.

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Oct. 01, 2009 Number: 09-005349PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 01, 2018 Number: 18-005791TTS Latest Update: Apr. 17, 2020

The Issue Whether Respondent, Latunya Gibbs ("Respondent" or "Gibbs"), committed the violations as alleged in the Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what is the appropriate penalty.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, BCSB, is located at 600 Southeast Third Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. BCSB is in charge of the Broward County School District ("the District"). Robert W. Runcie is the Superintendent of BCSB. The Superintendent is statutorily obligated to recommend the placement of school personnel and to require observance with all laws, rules, and regulations. He is authorized to report and enforce any violation thereof, together with recommending the appropriate disciplinary action against instructional personnel employed by the Board. Gibbs is employed by BCSB as a teacher pursuant to a Professional Services Contract, issued in accordance with section 1012.33(3)(a), Florida Statutes. She was first hired by BCSB on August 24, 1993. Gibbs holds a Florida Educator's Certificate in Elementary Education. The Superintendent recommended that Gibbs be terminated from her employment with BCSB. On October 2, 2018, the Board adopted the Superintendent's recommendation. BCSB provided all notice and process that was due as it pertains to the investigation and procedural requirements through the Board's adoption of the Superintendent's recommendation for termination. Gibbs was assigned as a teacher at MLE for school years 2015-16, 2016-17, and 2017-18. In 2015-16, Gibbs was assigned to teach second grade. On September 2, 2015, she was placed on administrative reassignment due to a personnel investigation. She remained on administrative reassignment for the remainder of the school year. During the 2016-17 school year, Gibbs was assigned to teach third grade at MLE. Gibbs had 18 students in her class. On May 24, 2017, Gibbs received notice of an investigation into an allegation that she falsified records pertaining to student evaluations and achievements for promotion to the fourth grade. These records included student assessments for the Benchmark Assessment System and third grade Portfolios. On June 19, 2017, Gibbs received notice that the investigation was expanded to include an allegation that she submitted falsified documents to utilize FMLA leave and that she falsified a training certificate. Fabricated BAS Assessments The District uses the Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment Systems ("BAS"). It is used to determine a student's independent, instructional, and frustration reading levels. BAS assessments are conducted one-on-one by the teacher. In part 1 of the assessment, the student reads aloud and talks about the system's leveled fiction and nonfiction books, while the teacher observes and notes the reader's behaviors on constructed forms. In part 2, the teacher conducts a Comprehension Conversation. There is an optional part 3, which uses a reading prompt to elicit student response to the text. BAS assessments are done for all students in grade levels Kindergarten through 3, and for those students in grades 4 and 5 who score a one or two on the Florida Standards Assessment ("FSA"). For BAS, there are three assessment periods each school year. The District deadline for the third assessment period was May 26, 2017. MLE set an earlier internal deadline for its teachers of May 19, 2017, to insure that the District deadline would be met. On May 11, 2017, Gibbs was provided with a substitute so she could have the opportunity to complete BAS assessments. After school on Friday, May 12, 2017, there was a Response to Intervention ("RTI") meeting at MLE. Gibbs told Marlen Veliz ("Veliz"), MLE's Principal, that she had completed the BAS assessments for two of her 18 students. Gibbs stated that she was confident that she would be able to complete all student assessments by the May 19 deadline, and that she did not need a substitute for an additional day. Gibbs was at school on Monday, May 15, 2017, but then was absent for an extended period. She was absent on May 16 through 19, and 22 through 24. Principal Velez asked Ms. Shamequia Wright ("Wright"), a third grade teacher and union steward, and Ms. Hend Hafez ("Hafez"), an MLE Literacy Coach, to help assess Gibbs' students. On Thursday, May 18, 2017, Wright and Mr. Lawrence Hennequin ("Hennequin"), third grade team lead, entered Gibbs' classroom to look for the students' BAS folders. They could not find the BAS folders, and only found blank scoring sheets. They held up a BAS folder and asked the students where they could find the folders. The students informed Hennequin and Wright that they had never seen the folders. Hennequin and Wright left Gibbs' classroom to get their own materials so they could start assessing students. Wright proceeded to assess Gibbs' students on May 19 and May 22., 2017 On May 23, 2017, Hafez was asked to gather the BAS assessments that Wright had completed. Wright told Hafez that the assessments were on the round table in Gibbs' classroom. Hafez collected the BAS materials from the round table in Gibbs' classroom and provided them to the office. Upon trying to enter the BAS scores into the BASIS system, it was discovered that Gibbs had entered all of the students' scores on May 15, 2017. In order to have done this, Gibbs would have had to complete assessments for 16 students on that day. Principal Veliz knew this was an impossible task and, therefore, questioned the validity of the scores. Principal Veliz asked the District for a review. By May 26, 2017, the office had received all of the protocols--the student BAS folders containing the data for all three of the assessment periods--from all of the third grade teachers with the exception of Gibbs. The Assistant Principal, Joan Rosa ("Rosa"), made an announcement over the P.A. reminding all of the teachers who had not submitted their protocols to do so prior to 3:00 p.m. Gibbs never brought any of the protocols for any of the three assessment periods to the office. On May 26, 2017, Mildred Grimaldo ("Grimaldo"), Director of Literacy from the District, went to MLE to conduct a review and reassess Gibbs' students. The team conducted a reassessment of five students. Hafez reassessed the remaining students. It was found that the scores entered in BASIS on May 15, 2017, by Gibbs did not align with the reassessments completed by Grimaldo's team or Hafez. Of the 18 students in Gibbs' class, only six scored a three or above on the FSA. Six students scored a two and five students scored a one. One student was absent. Gibbs was scheduled for mandatory BAS training on January 13, 2017, but she did not attend. Gibbs received a verbal reprimand for missing the training. Gibbs received training as part of a calibration conversation that took place on April 4, 2017. The Literacy Coach also had previously shared (November 2016) a link to a Brainshark presentation, which included suggested best practices from Fountas & Pinnell and those implemented in the District. Gibbs did not review the Brainshark presentation. Incomplete Portfolios and Falsified Promotion Testing Section 1008.25(5)(b), Florida Statutes, and Board Policy 6000.1 indicate that any student in third grade who does not meet the reading promotion criteria, which is a two or higher on the FSA, can be promoted to fourth grade based on good cause promotion criteria. The good cause promotion criteria consists of the completion and passing of a third grade Portfolio as an alternative to a passing FSA score. All third grade teachers are required to have their students complete the third grade Portfolio. Student Portfolios are based on work completed by the students in connection with what they are being taught by the teacher. The teachers are to teach the State standards. The Portfolios gauge students' mastery of the reading information standards, reading literature standards, and language standards. There are eight cycles that were put together by the District to help teachers teach the reading information standards, reading literature standards, and language standards. Each cycle has certain tasks that students must complete. The tasks are to be graded by the teachers and kept as part of the Portfolios. The grade is based on a four point system, with one being the worst and four being the best. If a student does not score a three out of four on a particular standard, the student is then given an additional passage and multiple choice test. The student must receive at least a 70% on the multiple choice test to show proficiency in the standard. Scores for the Portfolio tasks as well as the multiple choice test, if necessary, are recorded on a form entitled Third Grade Assessment Portfolio: Cumulative Student Record Form ("Portfolio Record Form"). MLE had an in-house deadline of May 1, 2017, to submit all Portfolios along with the summary sheets. The District's deadline was May 5, 2017. On May 1, 2017, Gibbs emailed Hafez asking for assistance finishing the last tasks for the Portfolios. Principal Veliz received Gibbs' Portfolio Record Form and Portfolios on or about May 4, 2017. Veliz must sign each Portfolio Record Form. She also reviews the Portfolios. Veliz noticed that Gibbs' Portfolio Record Form indicated a perfect score, four out of four, for every one of her 18 students. Additionally, even though every student allegedly received a perfect score, Gibbs also had a score for the multiple choice test for every standard for every student. Had a student actually received a perfect score on the tasks, the multiple choice test would have been unnecessary. This raised a red flag for Veliz. Based on the concerns, Veliz asked Hafez and Rosa to bring her Gibbs' box of Portfolios. The box was sealed, almost completely, with duct tape. As a team, Veliz, Hafez, and Rosa opened Gibbs' Portfolio box. They spot checked a few of the students' work and noticed significant discrepancies in what Gibbs recorded and the student product. Hafez and Rosa were asked to review all of Gibbs' students' Portfolios. It took a week to review all of the Portfolios. The team found errors that included, but were not limited to: incorrect grading; the sample answer was provided (i.e., the teacher answer key); missing tasks; missing test items; task given multiple times despite mastery of the task; blank or incomplete tasks; discrepancy in time frame of dates; items done as homework as opposed to class work; missing multiple choice sheets; and the inclusion of non-summative task items. Veliz reached out to Ms. Nicole Mancini, Director of Elementary Learning, to have someone from the District rescore the Portfolios. Dr. Teri Acquavita and Ms. Shellie Gory ("Gory"), supervisors for the District, conducted a District review. There were discrepancies between the District review and Gibbs' grading. On May 9, 2017, Veliz emailed Gibbs requesting her monthly data along with the alternative portfolio multiple-choice assessments. Gibbs submitted the monthly data. Gibbs did not submit the multiple-choice alternative data, and has never submitted the multiple-choice data. However, on that same day, Gibbs sent two of her students to Hafez asking for copies of the multiple-choice tests. Gibbs told all of the parents that their students would be promoted. Unfortunately, five of Gibbs' students scored a one on the FSA. The Portfolios should have been used as good cause promotion criteria for those students, but they were too deficient. The students were promoted and placed into intervention programs the following year. Falsified Test Administrator Certificate School year 2016-17 was the first year that the FSA was to be given to students via computer. All MLE teachers were directed by Veliz to complete a Test Administrators' ("TA") Certification Course from American Institutes for Research ("AIR"). The FSA was given on April 27 and 28, 2017. On February 7, 2017, the school was scheduled to take an infrastructure practice test to make sure the school's system had the capacity to handle the testing by computers. On February 6, 2017, Gibbs received assistance from School Counselor, Ms. Gigi McIntire ("McIntire"), and the Micro-Tech, Mr. Osvaldo Hernandez ("Hernandez"), to create her password and receive a link for the infrastructure practice test. Gibbs' class did not take the infrastructure test. On February 8, 2017, Veliz met with Gibbs to discuss the fact that her class had not completed the infrastructure test and the importance of practicing with her students prior to the FSA. During the meeting, Gibbs claimed that she had not been given the link and she had not received the password until the very end because Hernandez had helped all other teachers and left her for last. This was not true, however, because Gibbs received her password and the link on February 6, 2017. Gibbs submitted a TA Certificate on March 13, 2017, which had her name handwritten on it and which did not state a date of completion of the course. The certificate looked as though it was a screen shot from the computer. The certificates that were submitted by all other teachers looked different. They had their names typed on the certificate and the date that the course was completed. Gibbs was supposed to have her students practice taking the test on a computer. The expectation was that students would have done this multiple times before having to take the FSA. On April 24, 2017, Veliz approached some third grade students and asked them how their computer practice test was going. Several students from Gibbs' class stated that they had not practiced yet because their teacher did not know how to log in. Students from other classes stated that they had practiced several times. This alarmed Veliz. Veliz asked McIntire to provide copies of all the TA Certificates. Veliz saw that the only certificate with a name handwritten in was that of Gibbs. Veliz contacted the AIR Help Desk. Mr. Anthony Nembhard ("Nembhard") confirmed that Gibbs had only used her password to log in on February 6, 2017, and had not logged in at any other time. Nembhard provided Veliz with Case No. 545991, and showed Veliz how to print a report indicating that Gibbs had not completed the course. It was uncovered that a teacher could scroll through the course without actually taking it and get to a "Congratulations!" page that looked like what Gibbs had submitted as her certificate. A screen shot of this page could be printed out. On April 25, 2017, Veliz went into Gibbs' classroom with Hernandez to assist students in practicing prior to the test. None of the students had any idea how to log in, did not know which browser to use, and every single one of them indicated that it was their first time accessing this practice test. The students were confused and did not know how to log in. This student confusion took place in the presence of Gibbs, Hernandez, and Veliz. When Gibbs was asked if she had her students do the practice test, Gibbs indicated she had done everything she needed to do. Gibbs' defense, that her printer was not functioning properly to print a complete TA Certificate, is not credible. Gibbs apparently printed a TA Certificate in which everything printed perfectly, except her name, which she handwrote. She offered no explanation for failing to provide instruction to her students on how to utilize the computer so they would be ready to take the FSA. Falsified FMLA Certification of Healthcare Provider Gibbs sought and was granted Family Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") intermittent leave in 2012. Gibbs reapplied for FMLA intermittent leave every year thereafter from 2013 to 2015, and was approved by Ms. Marjorie Fletcher ("Fletcher") of the BCSB Leaves Department on each instance. Gibbs submitted a FMLA certificate of healthcare provider form from ARNP Princy Bhat-Bhardwaj ("ARNP Princy"), certifying Gibbs' need for another FMLA leave for the period of November 15, 2015, to November 15, 2016. ARNP Princy is employed by Metcare, Gibbs' primary medical care provider. The frequency and duration section of the form on paragraph 11 were left blank. In order to process Gibbs' leave request, Fletcher faxed this form back to Metcare to request that it fill in the frequency and duration section of the form. The form was faxed back to Fletcher with the frequency and duration section of the form filled in. However, Fletcher noticed that the beginning and ending dates of the certification on paragraph nine, as well as the date of the signature on the bottom of the form, were whited out and written over. Fletcher called Metcare to verify their fax number which was fax-stamped at the top of the form. A person at Metcare could not verify the phone number listed on the top of the form. ARNP Princy confirmed to Fletcher that the handwritten portion of the date of the signature was not her handwriting. ARNP Princy also confirmed that the beginning and ending dates of the certification on paragraph nine of the form was not her handwriting. ARNP Princy testified that if she signs a form, it is her practice to date the form at the same time. According to ARNP Princy, Metcare's procedure for filling out and executing FMLA certifications is directed by the patient. In some instances, they fill out and execute FMLA certifications and directly send it to a patient's employer. In other instances, the form is handed back to the patient to submit to their employer. Gibbs submitted another FMLA certificate of healthcare provider from ARNP Princy, certifying Gibbs' need for another FMLA leave for January 29, 2016, to June 10, 2016. On May 23, 2017, legal counsel for Metcare, confirmed to the Leaves Department that it had not completed a FMLA certificate for Gibbs since January 2015. It is evident that one or more FMLA forms submitted on behalf of Gibbs were falsified. However, no evidence was presented that the documents were altered by Gibbs or that they were ever in her possession prior to their submission by someone to the Leaves Department. Although no one other than Gibbs would seemingly have a motive to modify these forms, Gibbs denied falsifying them. While Fletcher certainly had a legitimate basis to question the validity of these forms, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate that Gibbs knowingly submitted false information to secure ongoing intermittent leave. Prior Discipline Gibbs has prior disciplinary actions consisting of two verbal reprimands and several corrective actions (i.e., summary memoranda). She received a verbal reprimand on January 27, 2017, for failing to attend the scheduled Professional Learning Community on BAS at McNab Elementary on January 13, 2017. She received another verbal reprimand on December 11, 2017, for intentionally exposing a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Gibbs received received summary memos concerning: the need to attend all scheduled afternoon meetings; the need to promote positive interactions with students; the need to be punctual; the need to follow procedures and protocols for drills; the need to instruct for an entire period; the need to closely monitor and track student progress; the need to adhere to timelines and complete school-wide assessments in a timely manner; the need to understand standards; for sending a grammatically incorrect letter to a parent; for lack of intervention with behavior issues in the classroom; for intentionally exposing students to embarrassment with references to boyfriends and girlfriends; the need the adhere to timelines and complete school-wide assessments in a timely manner; and the need to use guided reading during the reading block. On September 2, 2015, Gibbs was placed on administrative reassignment due to a personnel investigation. She remained on administrative reassignment for the remainder of the school year. The personnel investigation involved two issues. One issue was about conduct that occurred during the 2014-15 school year when she was assigned to Walker Elementary as a VPK teacher. The alleged conduct was that she charged parents a fee if their child was picked up late from VPK and that she planned on charging a fee for the end of school graduation ceremony. The other issue was for conduct that occurred during the 2015-16 school year. It was alleged that on August 26, 2015, she pushed a student out of the classroom and pinched his back. Based on these two incidents, the Education Practices Commission issued a letter of reprimand to Gibbs, which is part of her BCSB personnel file. Ultimate Findings of Fact The evidentiary record overwhelmingly reveals a pattern by Gibbs of misconduct, gross insubordination, incompetence, willful neglect of duty, and violation of school board policies. The evidentiary record amply supports suspension without pay and termination of her employment for just cause.

Conclusions For Petitioner: Denise Marie Heekin, Esquire Ranjiv Sondhi, Esquire Bryant Miller Olive, P.A. One Southeast Third Avenue, Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33131 For Respondent: Robert F. McKee, Esquire Robert F. McKee, P.A. 1718 East Seventh Avenue, Suite 301 Tampa, Florida 33675

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Broward County School Board, enter a final order upholding Respondent's suspension without pay and termination for just cause. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of March, 2020, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S MARY LI CREASY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of March, 2020. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert F. McKee, Esquire Robert F. McKee, P.A. 1718 East Seventh Avenue, Suite 301 Tampa, Florida 33675 (eServed) Denise Marie Heekin, Esquire Bryant Miller Olive, P.A. One Southeast Third Avenue, Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33131 (eServed) Ranjiv Sondhi, Esquire Bryant Miller Olive, P.A. One Southeast Third Avenue, Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33131 (eServed) Katherine A. Heffner, Esquire Robert F. McKee, P.A. 1718 East 7th Avenue, Suite 301 Tampa, Florida 33605 (eServed) Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent Broward County School Board 600 Southeast Third Avenue, 10th Floor Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed)

Florida Laws (8) 1001.021008.251012.33120.536120.54120.569120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (4) 6A-10.0806A-10.0816A-5.0566B-1.001 DOAH Case (1) 18-5791TTS
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Apr. 08, 2008 Number: 08-001708TTS Latest Update: Jan. 23, 2012

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Respondent should be suspended, without pay and benefits, and terminated from employment with Petitioner for the offenses set forth in the Amended Administrative Complaint.

Findings Of Fact Ms. Maynard has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education (K-6) and a Master of Arts degree in Teaching (Special Education). Her prior teaching experience includes teaching in the United States, Korea, and Japan. Ms. Maynard began her employment with the School Board as a substitute teacher. She was a substitute teacher for approximately six years. In the Summer of 2004, Ms. Maynard was hired to teach at the Pompano Beach Elementary School (Pompano Beach Elementary). However, Pompano Beach Elementary had over-hired, and she was surplused-out to Cypress Elementary School (Cypress Elementary). For the 2004-2005 school year, Ms. Maynard began at Cypress Elementary as a kindergarten teacher. For the 2005-2006 school year, Ms. Maynard was reassigned as an elementary teacher at Cypress Elementary. The parties agree that the relevant time period in the instant case is the 2005-2006 and 2006-2007 school years. No dispute exists that, at all times material hereto, Ms. Maynard was an instructional employee, a third grade teacher, with the School Board at Cypress Elementary. On April 7, 2006, Ms. Maynard received a written reprimand from Cypress Elementary's Assistant principal, Barbara Castiglione (now, Barbara Castiglione-Rothman). The basis for the disciplinary action was Ms. Maynard's failure, twice, to comply with a directive from Ms. Castiglione--Ms. Maynard was requested to report to an academic meeting with Ms. Castiglione. Among other things, Ms. Maynard was advised that her failure to perform to the standards established for the effective and productive performance of her job duties would result in further disciplinary action up to and including a recommendation for termination of employment. A copy of the written reprimand was provided to Ms. Maynard. Ms. Maynard contended that she was not refusing to attend the meetings but wanted to meet with Ms. Castiglione when a witness of her own choosing could attend. Ms. Maynard wanted a witness to be present at the meetings because she viewed the meetings as disciplinary meetings even though Ms. Castiglione indicated that the meetings were not disciplinary meetings. Additionally, on April 7, 2006, Ms. Maynard made a written request for a transfer from Cypress Elementary. The type of transfer requested by Ms. Maynard was "Regular."2 Cypress Elementary's principal, Louise Portman, signed the request. The principal's signature, as well as the requester's signature, was required. No transfer occurred. PMPs During the 2006-2007 School Year Through School Board policy, implementing a Legislative mandate, all teachers at Cypress Elementary were required to develop an individualized progress monitoring plan (PMP) for each student, who was deficient in reading, in consultation with the student's parent(s). Data for the PMP were collected through reading assessments at the beginning of the school year to establish a student's reading level. The appropriate reading program for the student would be decided upon using the data. Also, who was going to teach the reading program would be decided. The PMP, among other things, identified the student's reading deficiency and set forth the plan to remediate the deficiency and enhance the student's achievement in reading, which included the proposed supplemental instruction services that would be provided to the student. PMPs were generated usually two to three weeks after the beginning of the school year. A copy of the PMP was provided to the student's parent(s). The PMP was referred to as a "living, fluid document." It was not unusual for PMPs to reflect interventions not being used at the time, i.e., it was permissible for PMPs to reflect interventions that were to be used during the school year. Further, the wording current on a PMP referred to interventions during the current school year, not necessarily at that time. PMPs were modified throughout the school year on an as needed basis depending upon a student's progress. On or about September 29, 2006, Ms. Portman advised Ms. Maynard that Ms. Maynard's PMPs must be deleted because the interventions listed on the PMPs were not on the Struggling Readers Chart and were, therefore, invalid. The Struggling Readers Chart was developed by the Florida Department of Education (DOE) and contained interventions approved by DOE. Cypress Elementary had a Reading Coach, Jennifer Murphins. Ms. Murphins advised Ms. Maynard that, in order to delete the PMPs, a list of the students, who were on the PMPs, was needed so that Ms. Murphins could provide the names to the person in the school district who was authorized to delete the PMPs. Further, Ms. Murphins advised Ms. Maynard that, once the PMPs were deleted, Ms. Maynard could input valid interventions for the students. The School Board's Curriculum Administrator, Mark Quintana, Ph.D., was the person who was designated to delete PMPs. It was not unusual for Dr. Quintana to receive a telephone call from a school to delete information from PMPs-- the request must originate from the school. Ms. Maynard resisted the deletion of the PMPs and refused to delete them time and time again. She suggested, instead, not deleting the PMPs, but preparing updated PMPs and sending both to the students' parents. Her belief was that she could not put proposed interventions on the PMPs, but that she was required to only include interventions that were actually being used with the students at the time. Even though Ms. Maynard was advised by Ms. Portman that proposed interventions could be included on PMPs, Ms. Maynard still refused to provide Ms. Murphins with the list of the students. Furthermore, Ms. Maynard insisted that including interventions not yet provided, but to be provided, on the PMPs was contrary to Florida's Meta Consent Agreement. She had not read the Meta Consent Agreement and was unable to provide Ms. Portman with a provision of the Meta Consent Agreement that supported a contradiction. Ms. Portman directed Ms. Murphins to contact Dr. Quintana to delete the PMPs for Ms. Maynard's students. Ms. Murphins did as she was directed. The PMPs were deleted. On or about October 5, 2006, Ms. Maynard notified Ms. Portman by email that a complaint against Ms. Portman was filed by her with DOE regarding, among other things, the changing of the PMPs and the denying to her students equal access to the reading curriculum and trained professionals. On or about October 30, 2006, Ms. Castiglione sent a directive by email to all teachers regarding, among other things, placing PMPs and letters to parents in the students' report card envelopes. Ms. Maynard refused to comply with Ms. Castiglione's directive because, among other things, the students' PMPs for Ms. Maynard had been deleted and to rewrite the PMPs with interventions that were not actually used by the students was considered falsifying legal documents by Ms. Maynard. On or about October 31, 2006, Ms. Portman directed Ms. Maynard to rewrite the PMPs. Ms. Maynard continued to refuse to obey Ms. Portman's directive. Around November 2006, Ms. Maynard lodged "concerns" about Ms. Portman with the School Board's North Area Superintendent, Joanne Harrison, Ed.D., regarding the PMPs and the instruction of English Language Learners (ELL). Dr. Harrison requested Dr. Quintana and Sayra Hughes, Executive Director of Bilingual/Foreign Language/ESOL Education, to investigate the matter. Dr. Quintana investigated and prepared the report on the PMP concerns, which included findings by Dr. Quintana as to Ms. Maynard's concerns. Ms. Hughes investigated and prepared the report on the ELL concerns, which included findings by Ms. Hughes as to Ms. Maynard's concerns. Dr. Harrison provided a copy of both reports to Ms. Maynard. Included in the findings by Dr. Quintana were: (a) that a school's administration requesting the deletion of PMPs was appropriate; (b) that PMPs are intended to document support programming that was to occur during the school year; (c) that including a support program that was not initially implemented, but is currently being implemented, is appropriate; and (d) that the School Board should consider revising the parents' letter as to using the term "current" in that current could be interpreted to mean the present time. Also, included in the findings by Dr. Quintana were: (a) the principal's direction to the teachers, as to the deadline for sending PMPs home by the first quarter report card, was equivalent to the School Board's deadline for sending PMPs home; (b) teacher signatures were not required on PMPs; (c) the principal has discretion as to whether to authorize the sending home of additional PMPs and, with the principal's consent, PMPs can be modified and sent home at any time throughout the school year; and (d) Ms. Maynard completed all of her students' PMPs. Ms. Maynard's concerns regarding ELLS were that Ms. Portman was denying ELLs equal access and had inappropriately adjusted Individual Reading Inventories (IRI) scores of ELLs. Ms. Hughes found that Ms. Maynard only had allegations or claims, but no documentation to substantiate the allegations or claims. As a result, Ms. Hughes concluded that Ms. Portman had committed no violations. As a result of the investigation by Dr. Quintana and Ms. Hughes, Dr. Harrison determined and advised Ms. Maynard, among other things, that no violations had been found in the areas of PMP process, management or implementation and students' equal access rights and that the investigation was officially closed and concluded. Further, Dr. Harrison advised Ms. Maynard that, should additional concerns arise, Ms. Portman, as principal, was the first line of communication and that, if concerns or issues were not being resolved at the school level, the School Board had a process in place that was accessible. Ms. Maynard admits that she was not satisfied with the determination by Dr. Harrison. Ms. Maynard does not dispute that the deleting of the PMPs were directives from Ms. Portman and that Ms. Portman had the authority to give directives. Ms. Maynard disputes whether the directives were lawful directives and claims that to change the PMPs as directed would be falsifying the reading materials used by her students and, therefore, falsifying PMPs. A finding of fact is made that the directives were reasonable and lawful. Interaction with Students and Parents Ms. Maynard's class consisted of third graders. In addition to reading deficiencies indicated previously, some of her students also had behavioral issues. Ms. Maynard was heard by staff and teachers yelling at her students. For instance, the Media Specialist, Yvonne "Bonnie" Goldstein, heard Ms. Maynard yelling at her (Ms. Maynard's) students. The Media Center was across the hall from Ms. Maynard's classroom and had no doors. On one occasion, Ms. Goldstein was so concerned with the loudness of the yelling, she went to Ms. Maynard's room to determine whether something was wrong; Ms. Maynard assured her that nothing was wrong. Paraprofessionals working in the cafeteria have observed Ms. Maynard yelling at her students. Some teachers reported the yelling to Ms. Portman in writing. The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist and Administrative Designee, Marjorie DiVeronica, complained to Ms. Portman in writing regarding Ms. Maynard yelling at her students. A Haitian student was in Ms. Maynard's class for approximately two weeks during the beginning of the 2006-2007 school year. The student was not performing well in school. The student's father discussed the student's performance with Ms. Maynard. She indicated to the father that Ms. Portman's directives to teachers, regarding reading services, i.e., PMPs, had negatively impacted his son's performance. Ms. Maynard assisted the father in preparing a complaint with DOE, dated October 12, 2006, against Ms. Portman. Among other things, the complaint contained allegations against Ms. Portman regarding a denial of equal access to trained teachers and the reading curriculum in violation of Florida's Meta Consent Agreement and the Equal Education Opportunity Act. Ms. Portman was not aware that the parent had filed a complaint against her with DOE. Additionally, on October 16, 2006, Ms. Portman held a conference with the Haitian parent. Among other things, Ms. Portman discussed the reading services provided to the parent's child by Cypress Elementary. Ms. Portman provided a summary of the conference to Ms. Maynard. Ms. Maynard responded to Ms. Portman's summary on that same day. In Ms. Maynard's response, she indicated, among other things, that Ms. Portman did not give the Haitian parent accurate information regarding the child. Interaction with Staff (Non-Teachers) A system of awarding points to classes was established for the cafeteria at Cypress Elementary. A five-point system was established in which classes were given a maximum of five points daily. Classes entered in silence and departed in silence. Points were deducted if a class did not act appropriately. An inference is drawn and a finding of fact is made that the five-point system encouraged appropriate conduct by students while they were in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was overseen by Leonor Williamson, who was an ESOL paraprofessional, due to her seniority. The paraprofessionals were responsible for the safety of the students while the students were in the cafeteria. The paraprofessionals implemented the five-point system and came to Ms. Williamson with any problems that they had involving the cafeteria. On or about December 11, 2006, Ms. Maynard's students entered the cafeteria and were unruly. Ms. Williamson instructed the paraprofessional in charge of the section where the students were located to deduct a point from Ms. Maynard's class. Ms. Maynard was upset at Ms. Williamson's action and loudly expressed her displeasure to Ms. Williamson, demanding to know the basis for Ms. Williamson's action. Ms. Maynard would not cease complaining, so Ms. Williamson eventually walked away from Ms. Maynard. Ms. Williamson was required to oversee the safety of the students in the cafeteria and, in order to comply with this responsibility, she had to remove herself from the presence of Ms. Maynard. Ms. Maynard also complained to another teacher, who was attempting to leave the cafeteria with her own students. Additionally, the lunch period for each teacher's class is 30 minutes. On that same day, Ms. Maynard took her class from one section to another section in the cafeteria to serve ice cream to the students. As a result, Ms. Maynard surpassed her lunch period by approximately ten minutes and, at the same time, occupied another class' section. Ms. Williamson viewed Ms. Maynard's conduct as unprofessional during the incident and as abusing the scheduled time for lunch. On or about December 12, 2006, Ms. Williamson notified Ms. Portman about the incidents and requested Ms. Portman to remind Ms. Maynard of the cafeteria workers' responsibility to the students and the lunch period set-aside for each class. The incident on or about December 11, 2006, was not the first time that Ms. Williamson had instructed paraprofessionals to deduct points from Ms. Maynard's class. Each time points were deducted, Ms. Maynard became upset and loudly expressed her displeasure to Ms. Williamson. Ms. Williamson felt intimidated by Ms. Maynard. Also, paraprofessionals had deducted points from Ms. Maynard's class on their own accord without being directed to do so by Ms. Williamson. Whenever the deductions occurred, Ms. Maynard expressed her displeasure with the paraprofessionals' actions and often yelled at them in the presence of students and teachers. Another cafeteria situation occurred in December 2006. A paraprofessional, who was in charge of the section where Ms. Maynard's students ate lunch, observed some of the students not conducting themselves appropriately. The paraprofessional decided to deduct one point from Ms. Maynard's class and to indicate to Ms. Maynard why the point was deducted. Furthermore, the paraprofessional decided that the conduct did not warrant a disciplinary referral. Upon becoming aware of the incident, Ms. Maynard, who did not witness the conduct, wrote disciplinary referrals on the students involved and submitted them to Ms. Castiglione. The policy was that a referral could be written only by the staff person who observed the incident. Ms. Castiglione discussed the incident with the paraprofessional who indicated to Ms. Castiglione that the conduct did not warrant a disciplinary referral. As a result, Ms. Castiglione advised Ms. Maynard that, based upon the paraprofessional's decision and since Ms. Maynard did not witness the incident, Ms. Maynard's referrals would not be accepted and the matter was closed. Ms. Maynard did not agree with the paraprofessional's decision. Ms. Maynard approached the paraprofessional with disciplinary referrals on the students and presented the referrals and strongly encouraged the paraprofessional to sign the referrals. The paraprofessional refused to sign the referrals. Interaction with Staff (Teachers and Administrators) Safety procedures for the Media Center were established by the Media Specialist, Yvonne "Bonnie" Goldstein. At one point in time, Ms. Maynard wanted to bring all of her students to Distance Learning. Because of safety concerns, Ms. Goldstein advised Ms. Maynard that all of her students could not attend at the same time. However, Ms. Maynard brought all of her students anyway. Ms. Goldstein had no choice but to preclude Ms. Maynard from entering the Media Center. Additionally, at another point in time, Ms. Maynard requested, by email, that Ms. Goldstein provide all of her (Ms. Maynard's) students with New Testament Bibles. That same day, Ms. Goldstein advised Ms. Maynard that only two Bibles were in the Media Center and, therefore, the request could not be complied with. Disregarding Ms. Goldstein's reply, Ms. Maynard sent her students to the Media Center that same day in twos and threes, requesting the New Testament Bibles. When the two Bibles on-hand were checked-out, Ms. Goldstein had no choice but to offer the students alternative religious material. During 2005-2006 and 2006-2007, Terri Vaughn was the Team Leader of the third grade class. As Team Leader, Ms. Vaughn's responsibilities included being a liaison between team members and the administration at Cypress Elementary. Ms. Vaughn's personality is to avoid confrontation. Ms. Vaughn had an agenda for each team meeting. During team meetings, Ms. Maynard would deviate from the agenda and discuss matters of her own personal interest, resulting in the agenda not being completed. Also, Ms. Maynard would occasionally monopolize team meetings. Additionally, in team meetings, Ms. Maynard would indicate that she would discuss a problem student with parents who were not the student's parents. As time progressed, during team meetings, Ms. Maynard would engage in outbursts. She would become emotional on matters and raise her voice to the point of yelling. Also, it was not uncommon for Ms. Maynard to point her finger when she became emotional. At times, Ms. Maynard would have to leave the meetings and return because she had begun to cry. Additionally, at times after an outburst, Ms. Maynard would appear as if nothing had happened. Further, during team meetings, Ms. Maynard would excessively raise the subject of PMPs and accuse Ms. Portman of directing her to falsify PMPs or Title I documents. Ms. Vaughn did not report Ms. Maynard's conduct at team meetings to Ms. Portman. However, a written request by a majority of the team members, who believed that the team meetings had become stressful, made a request to the administration of Cypress Elementary for a member of the administration to attend team meetings; their hope was that an administrator's presence would cause Ms. Maynard to become calmer during the team meetings. An administrator began to attend team meetings. Marjorie DiVeronica, an Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Specialist, was an administrative designee, and Ms. Portman designated Ms. DiVeronica to attend the team meetings. Ms. DiVeronica would take notes, try to keep meetings moving, and report to Ms. Portman what was observed. Discussions were stopped by Ms. DiVeronica, and she would redirect the meetings to return to the agenda. Even with Ms. DiVeronica's presence, Ms. Maynard would raise her voice. At one team meeting attended by Ms. Portman, Ms. Maynard would not stop talking and the agenda could not move. Ms. Portman requested Ms. Maynard to stop talking, but Ms. Maynard would not stop. Ms. Portman placed herself in close proximity to Ms. Maynard in order to defuse the situation and raised her voice in order to get Ms. Maynard's attention. Ms. Portman dismissed the meeting. Additionally, at a team meeting, Ms. Maynard had become emotional. Ms. Castiglione was in attendance at that meeting. Ms. Maynard raised her voice and was shouting and yelling and pointing her finger at Ms. Castiglione. Ms. Maynard continued her conduct at the team meetings no matter whether Ms. Portman, Ms. Castiglione, or Ms. DiVeronica attended the meetings. Outside of team meetings, Ms. Vaughn reached the point that she avoided contact with Ms. Maynard due to Ms. Maynard's constantly complaining of matters that were of her (Ms. Maynard's) own personal interest, which resulted in long conversations. Ms. Vaughn's classroom was next to Ms. Maynard's classroom. A closet, with a desk in it, was in Ms. Vaughn's room. At least two or three times, in order to complete some work, Ms. Vaughn went into the closet and closed the door. Another team member, Elizabeth Kane, also made attempts to avoid Ms. Maynard. Ms. Kane viewed Ms. Maynard as making the team meetings stressful. Also, Ms. Kane was uncomfortable around Ms. Maynard due to Ms. Maynard's agitation and, furthermore, felt threatened by Ms. Maynard when Ms. Maynard became agitated. Additionally, Ms. Kane made a concerted effort to avoid Ms. Maynard outside of team meetings. Ms. Kane would "duck" into another teacher's classroom or into a stall in the bathroom to avoid Ms. Maynard. Barbara Young, a team member, tried to be someone to whom Ms. Maynard could come to talk. Ms. Young was never afraid of or felt threatened by Ms. Maynard. Further, regarding the cafeteria incident in December 2006, which Ms. Maynard did not witness, Ms. Maynard did not allow the incident to end with Ms. Castiglione's determination to agree with the paraprofessional's decision to not issue disciplinary referrals. Ms. Maynard, firmly believing that Ms. Castiglione's action was unfair, openly disagreed with the decision in the presence her (Ms. Maynard's) students and strongly encouraged some of the students to go to Ms. Castiglione and protest Ms. Castiglione's determination. Some of the students went to Ms. Castiglione regarding her disciplinary determination. Ms. Castiglione explained her determination to the students, including the process and the reasoning why she did what she did. The students were satisfied with the determination after hearing Ms. Castiglione's explanation. Further, the students indicated to Ms. Castiglione that they had no desire to go to her, but Ms. Maynard wanted them to do it. Ms. Maynard's action had undermined Ms. Castiglione's authority with the students. LaShawn Smith-Settles, Cypress Elementary's Guidance Counselor, never felt threatened by Ms. Maynard or viewed Ms. Maynard as being hostile towards her. However, Ms. Maynard did make her feel uncomfortable. A second grade teacher, Paja Rafferty, never felt threatened by Ms. Maynard. Excessive Emails Communication thru emails is the standard operating procedure at Cypress Elementary. However, Ms. Maynard engaged in excessive emails. Ms. Maynard's emails were on relevant areas. However, she would not only send the email to the staff member, whether teacher or administrator, who could directly respond to her, but would copy every teacher and administrator. This process and procedure used by Ms. Maynard resulted in massive emails being sent to staff who might or might not have an interest in the subject matter. One such staff person, who took action to stop receiving the emails, was Ms. Kane. Ms. Kane was inundated with Ms. Maynard's emails regarding matters on which Ms. Kane had no interest or concern. To stop receiving the emails, Ms. Kane sent Ms. Maynard an email, twice, requesting that Ms. Maynard remove her (Ms. Kane) from the copy list. However, Ms. Maynard did not do so. Due to the massive number of emails sent to Ms. Portman by Ms. Maynard, a significant portion of Ms. Portman's time was devoted to responding to the emails. Ms. Portman had less and less time to devote to her responsibilities as principal of Cypress Elementary. Eventually, Ms. Portman was forced to curtail Ms. Maynard's emails. None of Ms. Maynard's emails threatened teachers, staff, or students. Additional Directives During the time period regarding the PMPs, Ms. Portman became concerned that the parents of Ms. Maynard's students were being misinformed by Ms. Maynard as to the students' performance and as to Cypress Elementary and Ms. Portman addressing the students' performance. On November 3, 2006, Ms. Portman held a meeting with Ms. Maynard. Also, in attendance were Ms. Castiglione and Patricia Costigan, Broward Teachers Union (BTU) Steward. During the meeting, among other things, Ms. Portman directed Ms. Maynard not to have conferences with a parent unless an administrator was present, either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione, in order to assure that parents were not misinformed. A summary of the meeting was prepared on November 6, 2006. A copy of the summary was provided to Ms. Maynard and Ms. Costigan. Subsequently, Ms. Portman received a letter from a parent dated December 20, 2006. The parent stated, among other things, that the parent had approximately a two-hour telephone conversation, during the evening of December 19, 2006, with Ms. Maynard about the parent's child, who was a student in Ms. Maynard's class. Further, the parent stated that her son was referred to by Ms. Maynard as a "fly on manure." Even though Ms. Maynard denies some of the statements attributed to her by the parent and the time span of the telephone conversation, she does not deny that she had the telephone conversation with the parent. On December 20, 2006, Ms. Portman and Ms. Castiglione went to Ms. Maynard's classroom to remind Ms. Maynard of the directive. Ms Maynard was not in her classroom but was in another teacher's room, Barbara Young, with another teacher. Ms. Portman requested Ms. Maynard to come into Ms. Maynard's classroom so that she and Ms. Castiglione could talk with Ms. Maynard out of the presence of the other teachers. Ms. Maynard refused to leave Ms. Young's classroom indicating that whatever had to be said could be said in front of everyone, in front of witnesses. Ms. Portman, complying with Ms. Maynard's request, proceeded to remind Ms. Maynard of the directive to not conference with parents unless an administrator was present. Ms. Maynard became very agitated and yelled at them, indicating that she (Ms. Maynard) wanted what was said in writing and that she (Ms. Maynard) was not going to comply with the directive. Shortly before Winter break, on or about December 21, 2006, in the morning, Ms. Portman noticed Ms. Maynard by letter that a pre-disciplinary meeting would be held on January 10, 2006, regarding insubordination by Ms. Maynard. Among other things, the notice directed Ms. Maynard to "cease and desist all contact with parents" until the meeting was held. Later in the afternoon, after the administrative office was closed, Ms. Maynard returned to Ms. Portman's office. Ms. Maynard confronted Ms. Portman and Ms. Castiglione about the notice, wanting to know what it was all about. Ms. Maynard was very agitated and emotional, raising her voice and pointing her finger. Ms. Portman indicated to Ms. Maynard that the requirement was only to provide the notice, with the meeting to be held later. Ms. Portman asked Ms. Maynard several times to leave because the office was closed; Ms. Maynard finally left. After Ms. Maynard left Ms. Portman's office, Ms. Portman could hear Ms. Maynard talking to other staff. Ms. Portman was very concerned due to Ms. Maynard's agitation and conduct. Ms. Portman contacted the School Board's Professional Standards as to what to do and was told to request all employees, except day care, to leave. Ms. Portman did as she was instructed by Professional Standards, getting on the intercom system and requesting all employees, except for day care, to leave, not giving the employees the actual reason why they were required to leave. Unbeknownst to Ms. Portman, Ms. Maynard had departed Cypress Elementary before she (Ms. Portman) instructed the employees to leave. Regarding the afternoon incident, Ms. Maynard felt "helpless" at that point. She had been informed by Professional Standards to go to administration at Cypress Elementary with her concerns, who was Ms. Portman. Ms. Maynard viewed Ms. Portman as the offender, and, therefore, she was being told to go to offender to have her concerns addressed. On January 9, 2007, a Child Study Team (CST) meeting was convened to address the academic performance of a few of Ms. Maynard's students. Ms. Maynard had referred the students to the CST. The CST's purpose was to provide support for the student and the teacher by problem-solving, using empirical data to assist with and improve a child's academic performance and behavior, and making recommendations. No individual member can override a team's recommendation, only a principal could do that. On January 9, 2007, the CST members included, among others, Ms. DiVeronica, who was the CST's leader; Miriam Kassof, School Board Psychologist; and LaShawn Smith-Settles, Cypress Elementary's Guidance Counselor. Also, in attendance were Ms. Maynard and Ms. Castiglione, who, at that time, was an intern principal. During the course of the meeting, Ms. Maynard diverted the discussion from the purpose of the meeting to her wanting two of the students removed from her class. She began discussing the safety of the other students in the class, which was viewed, at first, as being well-meaning, however, when she insisted on the removal of the two students, she became highly emotional, stood-up, and was yelling. Members of the CST team attempted to de-escalate the situation, but Ms. Maynard was not willing to engage in problem solving and her actions were counterproductive. Due to Ms. Maynard's constant insistence on discussing the removal of the students from her class, the CST was not able to meet its purpose within the time period set- aside for the meeting. However, before the CST meeting ended, one of the recommendations made was for Ms. Maynard to collect daily anecdotal behavioral notes regarding one of the students and for the behavioral notes to be sent home to the student's parent. Ms. Castiglione gave Ms. Maynard a directive that, before the behavioral notes were sent home to the parent, the behavioral notes were to be forwarded to Ms. Castiglione for review and approval. Ms. Maynard resisted preparing behavioral notes, expressing that that plan of action would not help the situation. The CST members viewed Ms. Maynard's conduct as being unproductive, inappropriate, and unprofessional. On January 10, 2007, a pre-disciplinary meeting was held regarding Ms. Portman considering disciplinary action against Ms. Maynard for insubordination. Attendees at the meeting included Ms. Portman; Ms. Castiglione (at that time intern principal); Ms. Maynard; Jacquelyn Haywood, Area Director; Cathy Kirk, Human Resources; and Andrew David, Attorney for Ms. Maynard. The basis for the insubordination was Ms. Maynard's refusal to comply with Ms. Portman's directive for Ms. Maynard not to conference with parents unless an administrator was present. Ms. Portman pointed out that Ms. Maynard had a telephone conversation with a parent, regarding the parent's child, on December 19, 2006, without an administrator being present and showed Ms. Maynard the letter written by the parent to Ms. Portman, dated December 20, 2006. Ms. Maynard admitted only that she had the telephone conversation. Ms. Portman asked Ms. Maynard to provide a compelling reason as to why the disciplinary action should not be taken; Ms. Maynard did not respond. Ms. Portman reiterated the directive and advised Ms. Maynard that a letter of reprimand would be issued. A summary of the pre-disciplinary meeting was prepared. Ms. Maynard was provided a copy of the summary. On January 17, 2007, a written reprimand was issued by Ms. Portman against Ms. Maynard for failure to adhere to the administrative directive of not having a parent conference unless an administrator was present. The written reprimand stated, among other things, that Ms. Maynard had a parent's conference on the telephone with a student's parent without an administrator being present and that Ms. Maynard failed to present a compelling reason as to why no disciplinary action should be taken. Furthermore, the written reprimand advised Ms. Maynard that any further failure to perform consistent with the standards established for the effective and productive performance of her job duties, as a third grade teacher, would result in further disciplinary action up to and including a recommendation for termination of employment. Ms. Maynard received a copy of the written reprimand. After the Written Reprimand of January 17, 2007 Also, on January 17, 2007, Ms. Portman held a meeting with Ms. Maynard which was not a disciplinary meeting, but was a meeting for Ms. Portman to discuss her concerns and job expectations with Ms. Maynard. In addition to Ms. Portman and Ms. Maynard, attendees at the meeting included Ms. Castiglione; Jacqueline Haywood, Area Director; Cathy Kirk, Human Resources; and Mary Rutland, BTU Steward. Ms. Portman discussed five concerns and issued five directives. The first concern of Ms. Portman was Ms. Maynard's unprofessional behavior. The examples provided by Ms. Portman were Ms. Maynard's (a) yelling at paraprofessional staff in the cafeteria; (b) yelling at administrators, referencing the incident on December 20, 2006; and (c) continuing to publicly accuse Cypress Elementary's administrators of falsifying documents after an investigation had determined the accusation to be unfounded. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was to cease and desist all unprofessional and inappropriate behavior. Ms. Portman's second concern was unprofessional and inappropriate comments. The examples provided by Ms. Portman were Ms. Maynard's (a) indicating on December 20, 2006, while she was in Ms. Young's room, that she would not comply with the directives of which she was reminded by Ms. Portman; (b) speaking to a parent and referring to the parent's child as a "fly on manure"; and (c) telling parents, during conferences, that there was a problem at Cypress Elementary. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was to cease and desist all unprofessional and inappropriate comments. Additionally, Ms. Portman reminded Ms. Maynard that all notes were required to be submitted to administration for review no later than 1:00 p.m., except for student daily behavioral notes, which were to be submitted at 1:30 p.m. The third concern of Ms. Portman was continued dialogue of PMPs and ESOL issues. Ms. Portman indicated that the district had reviewed Ms. Maynard's issues and concerns and had responded to them. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was that the said issues were considered closed and that, if Ms. Maynard wished to pursue the said issues, she should contact her attorney. Ms. Portman's fourth concern was unmanageable emails sent by Ms. Maynard. The example provided by Ms. Portman was that she had received over 200 emails from Ms. Maynard. Ms. Portman indicated that the procedure that Ms. Maynard was required to follow when she (Ms. Maynard) had issues or concerns that needed to be addressed was (a) make an appointment with the administrator through the confidential secretary, identifying that person; and (b) provide the confidential secretary with the issue in writing. Only when (a) and (b) were complied with, would either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione meet with Ms. Maynard, during Ms. Maynard's planning time, on the issue at the appointment time. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman issued to Ms. Maynard was that Ms. Maynard would cease and desist sending issues via emails and that conferences would be scheduled per the procedure outlined. The fifth concern of Ms. Portman's was protocol compliance. Ms. Portman indicated that the proper procedure for Ms. Maynard to adhere to when Ms. Maynard had a complaint or concern was to first, contact her (Ms. Maynard's) supervisor, not the area office, wherein Ms. Maynard would be provided with an opportunity to meet with an administrator. Additionally, as to meeting with an administrator, (a) Ms. Maynard would meet with either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione; (b) an appointment with the administrator would be made through the confidential secretary, identifying that person; (c) Ms. Maynard would provide the confidential secretary with the issue or concern in writing; (d) only when (b) and (c) were complied with, would either Ms. Portman or Ms. Castiglione meet with Ms. Maynard, during Ms. Maynard's planning time, on the issue or concern at the appointment time; (e) administration would address the issue or concern and after the issue or concern had been presented to administration, Ms. Maynard was to consider the issue or concern closed. Further, the directive that Ms. Portman gave to Ms. Maynard was that Ms. Maynard was to comply with the protocol outlined for all of her concerns. Moreover, Ms. Portman indicated that a failure by Ms. Portman to follow all of the directives would result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from employment. A summary of the meeting of concerns and job expectations was prepared. On January 18, 2007, Ms. Portman noticed Ms. Maynard by letter that a pre-disciplinary meeting would be held on January 29, 2007, regarding gross insubordination by Ms. Maynard. Among other things, the notice directed Ms. Maynard to "cease and desist all communication with parents both written and oral" until the meeting was held. The notice was hand-delivered to Ms. Maynard at Cypress Elementary. On or about January 22, 2007, Ms. Portman held a meeting to develop a strategic plan to help motivate one of Ms. Maynard's students, who was in foster care, in the areas of academics and behavior. In addition to Ms. Portman, attendees at the meeting included, among others, Ms. Castiglione; Ms. Smith-Settles; and the student's Guardian Ad-Litem. During the meeting, the Guardian Ad-Litem indicated that Ms. Maynard had telephoned the student's foster parent, engaged in more than a 45-minute conversation, and, during the telephone conversation, made negative comments about Cypress Elementary. On January 23, 2007, Ms. Portman provided Ms. Maynard with a Notice of Special Investigative/Personnel Investigation (Notice) by hand-delivery. The Notice stated, among other things, that the investigation regarded allegations that Ms. Maynard was creating a hostile environment. The Notice directed Ms. Maynard not to engage anyone, connected with the allegations, in conversation regarding the matter and advised that a violation of the directive could result in disciplinary action for insubordination. Further, the Notice advised Ms. Maynard that, if she had any question regarding the status of the investigation, she should contact Joe Melita, Executive Director of Professional Standards and Special Investigative Unit, providing his contact telephone number. The Notice was provided to Ms. Maynard as a result of Ms. Portman making a request for the investigation on January 17, 2007. The request indicated that the allegations were: (1) yelling at paraprofessional staff in the cafeteria; (2) yelling at both the principal and assistant principal on December 20, 2006; (3) accusing the principal of falsifying documents even after the school district investigation found the accusation unwarranted; (4) not complying with directives; and accusing the principal of lying to a parent at a conference. The pre-disciplinary meeting noticed for January 29, 2007, was not held due to the placing of Ms. Maynard under investigation. On or about January 25, 2007, Ms. Maynard was temporarily reassigned to the School Board's Textbook Warehouse by Mr. Melita. Temporary reassignment is standard operating procedure during an investigation. Teachers are usually temporarily reassigned to the Textbook Warehouse. Because of the investigation, Ms. Maynard could not return to Cypress Elementary or contact anyone at Cypress Elementary without Mr. Melita's authorization. The SIU investigator assigned to the case was Frederick Davenport. On August 14, 2007, Investigator Davenport went to the Textbook Warehouse to serve a notice of reassignment on Ms. Maynard from Mr. Melita that her reassignment was changed immediately and that she was reassigned to Crystal Lake Community Middle School. The notice of reassignment required Ms. Maynard's signature. Investigator Davenport met with Ms. Maynard in private in the conference room and advised her of his purpose, which was not to perform any investigative duties but to serve the notice of reassignment and obtain her signature. Ms. Maynard refused to sign the notice of reassignment because it was not signed by Mr. Melita and left. Investigator Davenport contacted Professional Standards and requested the faxing of an executed notice of reassignment by Mr. Melita to the Textbook Warehouse. Professional Standards complied with the request. Investigator Davenport met again with Ms. Maynard in private in the conference room. Ms. Maynard refused to sign the executed notice of reassignment. She felt threatened by Investigator Davenport and ran from the room into the parking area behind the Textbook Warehouse at the loading dock. A finding of fact is made that Investigator Davenport did nothing that the undersigned considers threatening. Investigator Davenport did not immediately follow Ms. Maynard but eventually went to the steps next to the loading dock, however, he did not approach Ms. Maynard in the parking lot. Ms. Maynard refused to talk with Investigator Davenport, expressing her fear of him, and contacted the Broward County Sheriff's Office (BSO). A BSO deputy came to the parking lot. After Ms. Maynard discussed the situation with the BSO deputy and a friend of Ms. Maynard's, who arrived at the scene, she signed the notice of reassignment. Investigator Davenport delivered the notice of reassignment to Professional Standards. Investigator Davenport completed his investigation and forwarded the complete investigative file and his report to his supervisor for approval. At that time, his involvement in the investigation ended. His supervisor presented the investigation to Professional Standards. On or about September 19, 2007, the Professional Standards Committee found probable cause that Ms. Maynard had created a hostile work environment and recommended termination of her employment. The Flyer On April 27, 2009, a town hall meeting was held by the School Board at the Pompano Beach High School's auditorium. That town hall meeting was one of several being held the same night by the School Board. The process and procedure for the town hall meeting included (a) all persons who wished to speak were required to sign-up to speak and (b), if they desired to distribute documents, prior to distribution, the documents were required to be submitted and receive prior approval. Security was at the auditorium, and Investigator Davenport was one of the security officers. During the town hall meeting, an unidentified man rose from his seat, began to talk out-of-turn and loud, was moving toward the front where School Board officials were located, and was distributing a flyer. The actions of the unidentified man got the attention of Investigator Davenport and caused concern about the safety of the School Board officials. Investigator Davenport and the other security officer approached the unidentified man, obtained the flyer, and escorted him out of the auditorium. Once outside, the unidentified man indicated, among other things, that he had not obtained prior approval to distribute the flyer. The unidentified man did not identify who gave him the flyer. Investigator Davenport observed that the flyer was placed on most of the vehicles in the auditorium's parking lot. Once Investigator Davenport and his fellow security officer were convinced that the unidentified man was not a threat to the School Board officials, they released the unidentified man who left the area. Neither Investigator Davenport nor his fellow security officer saw Ms. Maynard at the town hall meeting or had any indication that she had been there. Neither Investigator Davenport nor his fellow security officer had any indication that Ms. Maynard had requested the man to distribute the flyer. The flyer was signed by Ms. Maynard and dated April 27, 2009. The heading of the flyer contained the following: "PARENTS FOR FULL DISCLOSURE"; an email address; and "PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN." The content of the flyer included statements that Ms. Maynard was a teacher in 2006 at Cypress Elementary and was directed twice by her administrators in emails to falsify Title I documents; that she was directed to mislead parents about materials and services that the students were legally entitled to; that many of the students failed because they were denied the materials and services; that she refused to follow the directives and filed complaints with the proper authorities; that in 2008, Ms. Portman, who gave the directives to Ms. Maynard, was removed from Cypress Elementary, along with Ms. Murphins and Dr. Harrison--the flyer also indicated the new locations of the individuals; that persons, who were interested in learning how to prevent themselves from being misinformed and to protect their children from being denied the materials and services, should contact Ms. Maynard at the email address on the flyer; and that parents who gather together have more power than teachers to influence the school districts. Ms. Maynard had no determinations or proof to support any of the allegations in the flyer, only her belief. Recognizing that the flyer contained statements similar to the statements of his investigative report, Investigator Davenport forwarded the flyer to Mr. Melita. Ms. Maynard admits that she prepared the flyer and signed it. She indicates that an individual who claimed to be a member of the parent group, Parents For Full Disclosure, contacted and met with her. That individual, who also did not reveal her identity, requested Ms. Maynard to prepare the flyer and informed Ms. Maynard that the flyer would be distributed at the town hall meeting. Filing Various Complaints with Investigative Agencies Ms. Maynard filed various complaints with public investigative agencies regarding: harassment during the investigation; minority teachers being investigated, reassigned to the Textbook Warehouse, and not receiving annual evaluations; and the flyer. The public investigative agencies included the FBI, Broward County EEOC, federal EEOC, Florida Public Service Commission, and Florida Commission on Human Relations. No evidence was presented to show that Ms. Maynard was prohibited from filing the complaints. Contract Status At the time of the investigation of Ms. Maynard in January 2007 for creating a hostile work environment, she was under a continuing contract. Further, at the time that Professional Standards determined probable cause, on or about September 19, 2007, that Ms. Maynard had created a hostile work environment, she was under a continuing contract. Ms. Maynard testified that, on November 2, 2007, she received and signed a professional services contract, which the School Board did not refute. A finding of fact is made that, on November 2, 2007, she received and signed a professional services contract.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Broward County School Board enter a final order: Finding that Doreen Maynard committed misconduct, immorality, and gross insubordination, violating section 1012.33(4)(c), Florida Statutes (2007), and Florida Administrative Code Rules 6B-1.001, 6B-1.006, and 6B-4.009(2), (3), and (4); and Suspending Doreen Maynard, without pay and benefits, and terminating her employment. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of July, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of July, 2011.

Florida Laws (9) 1012.011012.331012.391012.561012.571012.795120.569120.57120.68
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