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SANDRA M. MINNIE vs WAL-MART STORES, INC., 10-010316 (2010)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Nov. 22, 2010 Number: 10-010316 Latest Update: Dec. 19, 2012

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent engaged in an unlawful employment practice pursuant to chapter 760, Florida Statutes, against Petitioner due to her age.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Sandra Minnie, is a 62-year-old female. Ms. Minnie had been working as an assistant manager at a Wal-Mart store in Marion, Ohio, but in late 2008, applied for a transfer to Store 5300 in Gibsonton, Florida. Store manager Vicki Tillman interviewed Ms. Minnie and in November 2008, hired her as an assistant manager at Store 5300. Ms. Tillman is currently 61 years old. While in Ohio, Ms. Minnie had worked as the front-end assistant manager1/ for Wal-Mart, and accordingly, was hired to work in the same capacity at Store 5300. Wal-Mart assistant managers are routinely scheduled to work between 52 and 56 hours per week. Ms. Minnie's scheduling would have been dictated by the position that she held, to wit, front-end manager. Ms. Minnie received a copy of, and was familiar with, Wal-Mart's Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy. The Discrimination and Harassment Prevention Policy instructs employees who experience harassment or discrimination to report the violation to a salaried member of management, or to call the Wal-Mart Ethics Hotline. Ms. Minnie was also familiar with Wal-Mart's Open Door Policy, which allows associates to report any concerns they have up the chain of command, all the way to the CEO. Despite being aware of both of these policies, Ms. Minnie never utilized either policy, and never reported that she believed that Vicki Tillman, or anyone else with Wal-Mart, was discriminating against her or harassing her because of her age. Although Ms. Minnie made several handwritten notes of occasions on which she felt her superiors had mistreated her, she never approached a member of Wal-Mart management to discuss her complaints. Soon after Ms. Minnie began as an assistant manager at Store 5300, it became apparent that she did not perform many of her job responsibilities properly, and that there were many assistant manager duties that she did not know how to perform, and often performed incorrectly. After several informal conversations between Ms. Minnie and both Co-Manager Maness and Store Manager Tillman regarding Ms. Minnie's performance deficiencies, and after seeing no improvement, Ms. Minnie was given a verbal “coaching”2/ on January 8, 2009, for failure to adequately perform her duties as an assistant manager. Several of the issues covered during this verbal coaching had been informally discussed with Ms. Minnie on prior occasions. Ms. Minnie did not challenge this coaching. On the same day as her coaching, Ms. Minnie's niece was caught shoplifting at Store 5300. While Ms. Minnie was not held responsible for the actions of her niece, she felt that management "seemed to distrust [her] integrity after that point." Despite continued informal conversations and counseling by members of management, Ms. Minnie's performance did not improve. Furthermore, Store Manager Tillman began to receive complaints from other assistant managers about having to take on too many of Ms. Minnie's responsibilities because she was not pulling her own weight. On April 9, 2009, Ms. Minnie received a written coaching for giving manager's keys to an hourly associate, and for failing to accurately verify a cash deposit before approving it, resulting in the bank deposit being $1,000.00 short. Again, Ms. Minnie did not challenge this coaching. On another occasion, Ms. Minnie violated Wal-Mart policy by cashing her own check personally in the cash office instead of having the next level of management above her cash it. Ms. Tillman instructed Co-Manager Maness to have a conversation with Ms. Minnie about the correct procedure for check cashing, and instructed Ms. Maness not to formally coach Ms. Minnie at that time. In the weeks prior to Father's Day, all managers received an e-mail notifying them that a specific model of television was due into the stores, in limited quantities, for the Father's Day sale. The e-mail specifically stated that there would be a “sale-block” placed on the television, and that the televisions could not be sold prior to the sales event. As the assistant manager in charge of the front end and back room, Ms. Minnie would have received this e-mail. On the evening of June 9, 2009, prior to the Father's Day sale, Ms. Minnie took one of the Father's Day sale televisions from the back stockroom (which had never been on the sales floor) and brought it to the electronics department cash register to purchase. When the television was rung up, the cash register prompted: "sale not allowed." Despite this clear instruction, Ms. Minnie permitted the cashier to call over another assistant manager (Terry), who overrode the sale block and allowed the sale to be completed. Associates are not permitted to bring merchandise that has never been on the sales floor directly from the back room to a cash register for purchase. Moreover, associates are not permitted to override "sale not allowed" register prompts. When Co-Manager Maness arrived at work on June 10, 2009, she was informed by the electronics department manager that a sale block override had been performed on a television that was being held for the Father's Day sale. Ms. Maness investigated the sale and discovered that Ms. Minnie had violated Wal-Mart policy by removing the television, which was being held for a future sales event, from the back room, and purchasing it, despite the register prompt, "sale not allowed." Ms. Maness further concluded that the assistant manager who had overridden the sale block had also violated Wal-Mart policy. Even though overriding a sale block was potentially a terminable offense, Ms. Maness consulted with Store Manager Tillman, who instructed Ms. Maness to just coach both Ms. Minnie and the assistant manager to the next level. Because Ms. Minnie had already received a verbal and a written coaching, Ms. Maness drafted a Decision-Day Coaching for Ms. Minnie.3/ Ms. Minnie never returned to work at Store 5300 after purchasing the television on June 9, 2009. Although Ms. Minnie was scheduled to work on June 12, 2009, she called in sick. She then took her previously scheduled vacation from June 13-19, 2009. At the end of her vacation, instead of returning to work, Ms. Minnie submitted leave of absence paperwork indicating that she needed to be out until October 23, 2009. Ms. Minnie's leave of absence paperwork was approved by Store Manager Tillman. Under Wal-Mart's leave of absence policy, Ms. Minnie technically remained an active employee of Wal-Mart until June 6, 2012. As such, she could have returned to Store 5300 at any time prior to that date as an assistant manager. Ms. Minnie felt that Ms. Tillman was a very demanding store manager. This opinion was shared by other assistant managers at Store 5300. At least three other assistant managers (all of whom were significantly younger than Ms. Minnie) confided in Ms. Minnie that they believed that Ms. Tillman was a difficult store manager to work with.4/ Although it is undisputed that Ms. Tillman was a demanding and difficult store manager to work for, the evidence of record does not support the conclusion that Ms. Minnie was treated differently than other employees because of her age. Nor does the evidence establish that the series of "coachings" leading up to Ms. Minnie's departure from Wal-Mart had anything to do with her age. Ms. Minnie testified that she felt "disrespected" by Ms. Tillman, and had been referred to by her as a "wet rag mop," while younger assistants were referred to as "perky new brooms." Petitioner also alleged that Ms. Tillman made disparaging remarks about her hairstyle and dress. The result of this mental harassment, according to Petitioner, was that Petitioner suffered a severe mental breakdown that made it impossible for her to return to work. However, no corroborating witnesses provided any evidence that Ms. Tillman, who is less than a year younger than Ms. Minnie, made any disparaging comments about Ms. Minnie's age, and Ms. Tillman vehemently denied making such remarks.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of October, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S W. DAVID WATKINS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of October, 2012.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.68760.11
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Feb. 28, 1994 Number: 94-001135 Latest Update: Jan. 17, 1995

The Issue Whether Respondent, the University of Florida, discriminated against Petitioner, Tracey Krefting, previously known as Tracey Hardin, on the basis of a handicap as alleged in the Petition for Relief filed by Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact The Parties. The Petitioner, Tracey Krefting, formerly known as Tracey Hardin, is a handicapped individual. She suffers from seizure disorder. Ms. Krefting graduated from the University of Florida in May of 1990. She received a bachelor of science degree with a major in advertising. Ms. Krefting had experience as an advertising sales representative prior to her employment by the Respondent. The Respondent, the University of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "University"), is a State university located in Gainesville, Florida. Within the College of Journalism and Communications of the University is a radio station, WRUF. WRUF was an auxiliary operation of the University responsible for raising revenue to fund all of its expenses, including the salaries for its sales representatives. No state funding was received directly or indirectly from the University by WRUF. Ms. Krefting's Employment by the University. Ms. Krefting was employed by the University at WRUF on July 28, 1992. Ms. Krefting was employed as "OPS", other personnel services. Ms. Krefting was employed to act as one of six or seven sales representatives of WRUF. As of January 29, 1993, Robert Clark was the General Manager of WRUF. Mr. Clark was Ms. Krefting's supervisor from January 29, 1993 until her termination from employment. Sales Representative Qualifications. The essential function of sales representatives for WRUF was to sell radio time for advertising. This function was an essential function because the revenue necessary to operate WRUF was generated in this manner. Sales representatives were responsible for servicing existing clients and for finding new clients. An essential requirement of the sales representatives of WRUF, including Ms. Krefting, was the ability to travel to the businesses and offices of WRUF's advertising clients and prospective clients. Sales representatives were generally required to spend 80 percent of their working hours out of the office servicing clients and seeking new clients. Continuous contact and an ongoing relationship with clients was required. Contacts with clients were expected to be face to face and not just over the telephone. In addition to being required to make regular contacts with clients, sales representatives were also required to make themselves available to visit their clients with little notice. Obtaining new clients usually required more than one contact with a prospective client by a sales representative. The sales representative was required to sell himself or herself and the station and must gain the trust of the prospective client. Sales representatives were also responsible for performing public service work. This work entailed the providing of public service announcements. The public service work performed by sales representatives did not directly generate revenue for WRUF. Neither the application for employment completed by Ms. Krefting when she was initially employed at WRUF nor the University's OPS personnel requisition form authorizing her employment included any of the necessary skills or qualifications for the sales representative position she was hired to fill. Ms. Krefting was aware at the time she was hired, however, that she would be required to travel to her clients locations and to the locations of prospective clients. There are other means of transportation available which would have allowed Ms. Krefting to reach clients and prospective clients: vehicle driven by a hired driver, public transportation, taxi, and walking. The evidence failed to prove, however, that there were any reasonable means of transportation available to Ms. Krefting other than driving herself which would have allowed her to meet the requirements of a sales representative for WRUF. Ms. Krefting's Handicap. On April 18, 1993, Ms. Krefting fell while rollerskating. Ms. Krefting hit her head on the ground when she fell. On April 19, 1993, Ms. Krefting was admitted to the emergency room of the North Florida Regional Medical Center. The evidence failed to prove that the injury she suffered on April 18, 1993, caused Ms. Krefting to suffer any seizure. On May 6, 1993, Ms. Krefting suffered a seizure while leaving her home to go to work. Ms. Krefting was ultimately diagnosed as having "seizure disorder." At all times relevant to this proceeding, Ms. Krefting suffered from a "handicap." Ms. Krefting's Inability to Drive. On or about May 18, 1993, Ms. Krefting provided a letter from George Feussner, M.D., dated May 18, 1993, to Mr. Clark. In the letter Dr. Feussner indicated that Ms. Krefting was able to return to work but that she could "not operate a motor vehicle " Although Dr. Feussner did not indicate how low Ms. Krefting would be unable to drive, Ms. Krefting informed Mr. Clark that Dr. Feussner had informed her that she would not be able to drive until she was seizure free for one year from the date of her last epileptic seizure, May 6, 1993. As a result of the restriction on Ms. Krefting's ability to drive and based upon Florida law, Rules 15A-5.003 and 15A-5.004, Florida Administrative Code, Ms. Krefting was unable to drive herself to see existing or prospective clients until at least May 6, 1994. Ms. Krefting discussed with Mr. Clark the possibility of hiring a "tenant" of hers to drive her around. Ms. Krefting did not identify the "tenant." Nor did Ms. Krefting inform Mr. Clark that she had completed making arrangements with anyone to drive her. Mr. Clark did not preclude Ms. Krefting from making arrangements to have someone provide transportation for her. Mr. Clark did tell Ms. Krefting that it would have to be determined what implications, if any, a driver would have on WRUF's workers compensation coverage. The resolution of this issue was to be delayed, however, until Ms. Krefting made concrete arrangements for a driver and discussed those arrangements with Mr. Clark. Ms. Krefting failed to finalize any arrangement for a driver. Had Ms. Krefting provided her own driver, at her own expense, Ms. Krefting may have been able to meet the requirement of her position that she be able to provide her own transportation. Ms. Krefting, however, did not take the necessary steps to hire a driver prior to her termination from employment. Ms. Krefting talked to her tenant, Kenneth Vest, about acting as her driver. Mr. Vest worked in the same building that Ms. Krefting did. Mr. Vest worked Sunday through Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. He was, therefore, generally available for part, but not all, of Ms. Krefting's working hours. Mr. Vest was generally willing to drive Ms. Krefting, if he were compensated. Ms. Krefting did not discuss with Mr. Vest the exact hours that he would be expected to drive her or her schedule. Nor did Ms. Krefting discuss compensation with Mr. Vest. Ms. Krefting failed to prove that Mr. Vest or any other individual was available at any time relevant to this proceeding, or at the final hearing, to provide transportation for her in a manner that would fulfill her responsibilities as a sales representative. Because of the restriction on Ms. Krefting's ability to drive and her failure to make alternative arrangements to have someone like Mr. Vest drive her, Ms. Krefting failed to prove that she met all the qualifications of her position with WRUF. Ms. Krefting did not meet all the qualifications of her position. But for her handicap, however, Ms. Krefting would have met all of the qualifications of a sales representative. The University's Decision to Terminate Ms. Krefting's Employment. On or about May 24, 1993, Mr. Clark informed Ms. Krefting that WRUF could not continue to employ her because of her inability to drive. Ms. Krefting suggested alternative means of meeting her responsibilities with Mr. Clark when she was informed that WRUF would not be able to continue her employment. Mr. Clark considered the suggestions, but did not accept any of them. On June 16, 1993 Mr. Clark agreed to extend Ms. Krefting's termination date to accommodate her efforts to find another postition within the University. Ms. Krefting was ultimately terminated from employment in early July of 1993. Ms. Krefting was terminated because she was prohibited from driving her vehicle and there was no other reasonable means of meeting her responsibilities to service clients and prospective clients. The University's Inability to Accommodate Ms. Krefting's Inability to Drive. During 1993, the financial condition of WRUF was precarious. WRUF was operating at a loss. Three employees had been terminated and a department had been eliminated. Another vacant position had not been filled. WRUF was forced to borrow funds from the University and a foundation account in order to continue operating. At all times relevant to this proceeding, WRUF was unable to create a newly funded position or to allow a sales representative to fail to generate reasonably expected revenues. Ms. Krefting suggested several possible alternatives to accommodate her inability to meet her requirement that she be able to drive. The suggestions were discussed with, and considered by, Mr. Clark. One suggestion Ms. Krefting made to Mr. Clark was to create a new position. The position would entail performing all of the public service work of the sales representatives. Mr. Clark rejected this proposal because it entailed the creation of a new position. The creation of a new position was not a reasonable accommodation. The creation of a new position, especially one that did not generate revenue, would have created a financial hardship on WRUF. The evidence also failed to prove that the public service work could be performed without the need for travel. A second suggestion Ms. Krefting made to Mr. Clark was to restructure her position so that she would be responsible for the preparing of proposals, filing, handling incoming sales calls and telemarketing. In effect, this suggestion also entailed the creation of a new position. This suggestion was rejected by Mr. Clark. Ms. Krefting's second suggestion was not a reasonable accommodation. It would have created an undue financial hardship on WRUF because there was not sufficient work to justify such a position. A third suggestion made by Ms. Krefting to Mr. Clark was that she be teamed with another sales representative who would do all the driving. Mr. Clark rejected this suggestion. Ms. Krefting's third suggestion was not a reasonable accommodation. Teaming two sales representatives would have reduced the effectiveness of two sales representatives who would be available to visit different clients and prospective clients at the same time if they were not teamed. This would have created an undue financial hardship on WRUF. A fourth suggestion made by Ms. Krefting to Mr. Clark was that she use public transportation and taxis. Mr. Clark rejected this suggestion. Although it is questionably whether Ms. Krefting's fourth suggestion constitutes an accommodation, to the extent that it does, it was not a reasonable accommodation. Public transportation does not provide the flexibility required of sales representatives because of the inadequacy of routes and schedules of available transportation. A fifth suggestion made by Ms. Krefting to Mr. Clark was that she provide her own driver. It is questionable whether the use of a driver, as suggested by Ms. Krefting, constitutes an accommodation. To the extent that Ms. Krefting was suggesting that WRUF provide her a driver, her suggestion was not a reasonable accommodation. If WRUF had been required to provide the driver, it would have caused an undue hardship on WRUF. Finally, Ms. Krefting suggested that a student intern from the University's College of Journalism be assigned to work with her and that the intern provide the driving required by her position. Mr. Clark rejected this suggestion. Ms. Krefting had discussed the idea of using an intern with Dr. Joseph Pisani, the Chair of the Advertising Department of the College of Journalism. Although Dr. Pisani was not opposed to the use of an intern-if the intern was properly used-he was opposed to the use of an intern primarily or exclusively as a driver. The suggestion that interns be used was not a reasonable accommodation. Student interns usually are only available to work as an intern for a maximum of 12 hours a week. Additionally, the 12 hours a week that an intern would be available depends upon their class schedule. Therefore, student interns would not be available for a sufficient period of time for Ms. Krefting to fulfill the responsibilities of her position. Although it is not impossible to find a student that would be willing to act as an intern full-time, the evidence failed to prove that it was likely that a student could be found that would be willing to take no classes for up a year or that it would be financially feasible for a student to do so. Mr. Clark did not actually attempt to implement any of Ms. Krefting's proposals. Mr. Clark also did not "consult with any experts" about the proposed accommodations. Mr. Clark's failure to attempt to implement any of the proposals or to consult with experts was not, however, necessary. The issue confronting Mr. Clark was not one involving a decision which required special knowledge or understanding of Ms. Krefting's handicap, or the needs of persons who suffer from seizure disorder. The only issue confronting Mr. Clark was how to accommodate the inability of a sales representative to transport herself to meet the needs of clients and prospective clients. Mr. Clark had all the necessary information to decide how to deal with this issue: Ms. Krefting, regardless of her condition or needs, was prohibited from driving an automobile for at least a year. Mr. Clark was fully aware of the impact of this restriction on WRUF and the resulting inability of a sales representative to carry out their responsibilities. The suggested accommodations made by Ms. Krefting also required no special knowledge or understanding. The suggestions only required an understanding of the needs of WRUF and what was expected of sales representatives. Ms. Krefting's Loss of Income. Subsequent to her termination by WRUF Ms. Krefting remained unemployed until February of 1994. After her termination by WRUF Ms. Krefting received unemployment benefits of approximately $3,500.00 Ms. Krefting earned $800.00 for part-time employment in March of 1994. Ms. Krefting was unable to work from April of 1994 until June of 1994. Ms. Krefting is currently employed. Ms. Krefting's Complaint. Ms. Krefting filed a Charge of Discrimination with the Commission on or about August 18, 1993 alleging that the University had discriminated against her on the basis of her handicap. On or about January 21, 1994, the Commission entered a Notice of Determination: No Cause, finding no reasonable cause to believe that an unlawful employment practice had occurred. On or about February 17, 1994, Ms. Krefting filed a Petition for Relief contesting the Commission's determination. The Petition was filed with the Division of Administrative Hearings. Conclusion. The evidence in this case failed to prove that the University terminated Ms. Krefting's employment because of her disability. Ms. Krefting was terminated by the University because she could not meet all of the requirements of her position. The evidence failed to prove that the University could reasonably accommodate Ms. Krefting's inability to drive without undue hardship to WRUF's activities. Ms. Krefting failed to prove that the University discriminated against her on the basis of her handicap.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57760.10 Florida Administrative Code (3) 15A-5.00315A-5.00460Y-5.008
# 2
LESTER J. KNOTT vs NATIONSRENT, INC., 04-001376 (2004)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Apr. 20, 2004 Number: 04-001376 Latest Update: Feb. 01, 2005

The Issue Whether the Petitioner was terminated because of his race, black, in violation of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, Sections 760.01 - 760.11, Florida Statutes (2001) (hereinafter FCRA).

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, a black male, began his employment with Respondent in August 1999 as a truck driver. He was discharged on or about July 25, 2003. The Petitioner's personnel file reflects that he had an accident on January 20, 2000, during which he hit the front gate at the store. The gate was damaged, as reflected in the picture. The Petitioner's personnel file reflects an accident on May 22, 2001, in which he drove a forklift into power lines at a customer’s jobsite and damaged the lines and the customer’s satellite dish. The Petitioner was warned on numerous occasions by the safety coordinator and store manager about his failures to follow company safety procedures and policies. The Petitioner received a written warning on June 21, 2002, for his failure to wear his safety harness. All of the Respondent’s employees are required to wear a safety harness when working on aerial work platforms because of fatalities suffered by employees working on aerial work platforms without wearing their safety harness. The Petitioner had been verbally warned on numerous previous occasions to wear his safety harness, and it had been a topic at the safety meeting held on June 5, 2002. The Respondent enforces its safety policies to protect its employees and the public. The Petitioner continued to disregard company safety policies despite warnings. Larry Sutton, the Petitioner's supervisor, testified on cross-examination that he told the Petitioner several times that the Petitioner needed to start complying with the safety policies or his job would be in jeopardy. On December 9, 2002, the Petitioner drove a truck into and ripped the side of the metal warehouse at the store. An incident report was placed contemporaneously in the Petitioner’s personnel file. On January 16, 2003, the Petitioner drove over a scissor lift cover that was resting on the concrete pad next to the shop building. This pad was not supposed to be driven over. This accident was the result of the Petitioner’s failure to obey rules regarding vehicle operation on the premises. The Petitioner was not denied any raises because of his race. The Petitioner was hired at a rate of $10.00/hour and was earning $12.50/hour by September 2000. The Petitioner presented no evidence of any similarly situated people being treated or paid differently than he. On March 17, 2003, while attempting to pick up equipment from a customer’s worksite, the Petitioner got the equipment stuck in the mud and proceeded to try to winch it out of the mud by himself. His efforts caused the equipment to turn over, damaging the customer’s property, shearing a temporary power pole, spilling hydraulic fluid and fuel on the customer’s property and damaging the equipment. The store manager received a phone call from the customer complaining about what the Petitioner had done. The Respondent's store manager sent Thomas Rhoades, a field service mechanic, to the customer’s property to repair the damage caused by the Petitioner and to deliver a generator to the customer free of charge. See Respondent’s Exhibit 24. Pictures of the scene taken by Rhoades were placed in the Petitioner’s personnel file. See Respondent’s Exhibit 22. A written statement of his findings was provided by Rhoades and placed in the Petitioner’s personnel file. See Respondent’s Exhibit 23. During 2003, the Petitioner was entitled to three sick days, two personal days and 10 vacation days. The Petitioner had used up all of his sick, personal and vacation days by May 9, 2003, and yet missed an additional five days of work prior to his termination. See Respondent’s Exhibit 3. The Petitioner rarely provided advance notice of his absences, which caused severe staffing problems at the store. The Petitioner told Mr. Frye that he intended to take off Mondays, the busiest day of the week, to inconvenience the store manager and dispatcher. In addition to his attendance problems, the Petitioner also violated the Respondent’s Absenteeism or Tardiness Policy. The Petitioner admitted that he had received and understood that policy. See Respondent’s Exhibit 5 and 6. The Petitioner received a written warning for violation of the policy on June 18, 2003, which documented that the Petitioner had received verbal warnings in the past for violating this policy. See Respondent’s Exhibit 4. The Petitioner received a second written warning for safety violations on June 4, 2003. He was observed entering the store yard with equipment improperly tied to the bed of his truck and wearing his safety harness upside down. See Respondent’s Exhibit 14. The Petitioner had been warned about this on numerous occasions, including a verbal warning from the safety coordinator on June 2, 2003. The Petitioner frequently drove too fast through the yard and took poor care of the Company’s equipment. The Petitioner’s poor care of the equipment created additional work for the mechanics. Despite repeated verbal and written warnings about failure to follow store safety procedures and guidelines, the Petitioner continued to refuse to take such safety maintenance seriously. On Friday July 25, 2003, the Petitioner returned to the store at the end of the day with a load of equipment that he left on his truck. He did not report for work on Monday July 28, 2003, even though he was scheduled to work that day. When a service technician was sent to unload the Petitioner’s truck, he discovered that the load had been improperly tied down in such a way that, not only did it pose a safety risk, but it also damaged the equipment. This was called to the attention of the store manager and safety coordinator. Pictures were taken of the way the equipment was tied down and the damage to the equipment. See Respondent’s Exhibit 25. An Incident Report was prepared and placed in the Petitioner’s personnel file. See Exhibit 16. Following the incident on July 25, 2003, the store manager decided to terminate the Petitioner’s employment because of his attendance problems, safety problems, numerous accidents to include the incident on July 25, 2003. Prior to making that decision, the store manager consulted with the Respondent’s Regional Human Resources Manager, Sean O’Halloran. Mr. Cook and Mr. O’Halloran reviewed the Petitioner’s personnel file and the reasons for termination. Mr. O’Halloran approved of the termination decision. Mr. Cook also consulted with his assistant manager and safety coordinator, Chris Smith, who also approved the decision to terminate the Petitioner’s employment. Mr. Cook, the individual who terminated the Petitioner, had been the Petitioner's store manager since May 2002. The Respondent demonstrated that it had a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason to discharge Knott. The Petitioner did not establish that he was treated differently than other similarly situated non-black employees. Although the Petitioner testified that he was not given a gate key, both he and Mr. Sutton identified Mr. Frye, a black male, as someone who had received a gate key. The Petitioner presented no evidence that the non- discriminatory reason for his discharge was pretextual.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter its final order dismissing the Petitioner’s charge of discrimination. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of December, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of December, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Lester J. Knott 6312 Mockingbird Lane Pensacola, Florida 32503 Steven A. Siegel, Esquire Fisher & Phillips LLP 450 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 800 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57760.01760.11
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 21, 1993 Number: 93-000318 Latest Update: Oct. 26, 1994

The Issue Whether respondent is guilty of an unlawful employment practice as alleged by petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the entire record, the following findings of fact are determined: Petitioner, Constanza D. Scott, is a black female. She began employment with respondent, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., d/b/a Sam's Club (Wal-Mart), on July 29, 1988, in its soft lines (men and women's apparel) department. The store is located in Tallahassee, Florida. She was a full-time employee and worked forty hours per week. Besides working full-time for Wal-Mart, beginning in August 1991 she worked "at least" twenty hours per week for Marriott Food Services at Florida State University, and she attended classes at an undisclosed Tallahassee college or university on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1:30 p. m. until around 4:30 p. m. Petitioner's regular hours at Wal-Mart were from 5:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m., Monday through Friday. From at least May 1991 until October 1991, her supervisor was Scott Cosby, an assistant store manager for the merchandising department. Cosby was replaced in October 1991 by Tim Strahan, Jr., who supervised petitioner until her termination on December 21, 1991. Wal-Mart refers to its procedure for handling disciplinary problems as performance coaching, and it involves a series of progressively sterner disciplinary measures taken against an employee. On the first occasion disciplinary action is warranted, the employee is given what is called verbal counseling. This type of action is not documented in writing and simply involves counseling by an employee's supervisor. If the problem persists, the employee is given a verbal warning, which is reduced to writing and placed in the personnel file of the employee. If a verbal warning does not result in the correction of the deficiencies, a written warning is issued, and the employee is required to prepare a responsive plan of action stating how the employee intends to correct the cited deficiencies. As a last resort, the employee is given a day off with pay, which is called a decision-making day, so that the employee can reflect on his or her performance and prepare a plan of action detailing how the deficiencies will be corrected. Thereafter, an employee is automatically terminated if further disciplinary action is required. On May 1, 1991, petitioner's supervisor (Scott Cosby) gave her a verbal counseling for "attendance problems." In response to this counseling, petitioner stated that she was very tired from school but would improve her attendance. On May 6, 1991, she was again cited for an "ongoing attendance problem." This is memorialized by a written verbal warning contained in her personnel file. On September 21, 1991, a second verbal warning was given by Cosby, this time for petitioner working overtime when Cosby apparently felt she could complete her work within the normal forty-hour week. Petitioner explained, however, that all overtime had been approved by the store manager. On October 7, 1991, Cosby again gave her a verbal warning for "not keeping up with 'basics of the business' consistently." In her action plan filed in response to this criticism, petitioner stated she would "do a better job of signing, cleaning, displaying, zoning and shrink wrapping," all specific duties of her job. During the week of November 11-15, 1991, petitioner was late to work every day. On one of those days, November 14, 1991, she telephoned an assistant store manager (Don Graves) and reported that her car would not start. She eventually came to work around 4:00 p. m. that afternoon. For her lack of punctuality, a written reminder was issued, which is the last step before decision-making day. On November 27, 1991, petitioner telephoned her team leader, Jennifer Christie, at 5:40 a. m. to say that her alarm clock had failed to go off and she would be late. Deciding not to accept any more excuses regarding her attendance and punctuality, Strahan, her supervisor since October, gave petitioner the day off with pay so that she could contemplate her future with the store. When she returned the next day, Wal-Mart agreed to accept petitioner's suggestion that her work hours be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays to 7:00 a. m. to 2:00 p. m., and on Tuesdays and Thursdays to 7:00 a. m. to 12 noon. This was done in order to accommodate her other work and school activities. The number of store employees at any one time is governed by the store sales. In other words, payroll (staffing) cannot exceed a percentage of current sales. In order to stay within the required percentage, a specified number of hours are allocated to each department within the store, and the department assistant manager determines how many employees can be employed within the allocated hours. When sales drop, workers are laid off, and when sales pick up again, Wal-Mart increases its work force. In December 1991, Wal-Mart was faced with a reduction in force due to declining sales. On a storewide basis, six part-time and three full-time positions were eliminated. In the soft lines department, which had four full-time and three part-time employees, a decision was made to eliminate one part-time and one full-time position in order to stay within the department's allocated hours. Strahan was charged with the responsibility of selecting the positions to be eliminated. In doing so, he was able to transfer Joyce Willis, a part-time black female employee, to the "front" since she had experience in operating a cash register. Of the four full-time employees, Jennifer Christie, the team leader and a white female, and Armie Brown, a black female, had seniority over petitioner, and neither had attendance or punctuality problems. In addition, Strahan considered both of them to be more "dependable" than petitioner. The third employee, Joe Watson, a white male, was an experienced fork lift driver for the store, and Strahan desired to retain him in that position. Although petitioner had been given some training in the operation of a fork lift, unlike Watson she had no actual on-the-job experience in that position. The only remaining full-time position was filled by petitioner, who had less flexibility in her work hours than the others due to requirements of school and her second job, and unlike the others, she had a record of disciplinary action during the preceding seven months for attendance and punctuality problems. For these reasons, Strahan selected petitioner's position as the full-time slot to be eliminated. Petitioner was called to a meeting with Strahan and the team leader on December 21, 1991. At that meeting Strahan told petitioner that he was forced to eliminate her full-time position due to a reduction in force caused by declining sales. Petitioner asked "why me?" and if there were any other full- time slots in the store to which she could be transferred. When Strahan replied there were none, petitioner said "you're full of shit, fuck you," and walked out of the office. Had she not departed, Strahan was about to offer her a part-time position. Because petitioner left the store, however, Strahan had no choice except to terminate her employment. According to petitioner's Associate Exit Interview form, which is prepared whenever a position is eliminated or an employee leaves, petitioner remains eligible for re-employment "when vacancies occur which the store needs to fill." She was unaware of this, however, and has never made application to be rehired. This is probably because she left the store before Strahan had an opportunity to have her sign the form and give her a copy. There is no evidence that petitioner's position was ever reestablished, and if so, whether it was filled by a person outside petitioner's protected class. Petitioner alleges that her position was eliminated solely because of her race. The evidence, however, belies that contention. Accordingly, it is found that petitioner's race played no role in the employment decision taken by respondent. Petitioner also contended she was a hard worker who did her assigned tasks, and she did not deserve the criticisms noted in her personnel file. For example, a minute or two after 5:00 a.m. the front door was locked and any late employees were then required to go to the back door of the store to gain entry to the premises. This added another ten or fifteen minutes for petitioner to reach her work station. Petitioner says this made it appear that she was fifteen or twenty minutes late when in fact she had been tardy by only a minute or two. Even so, by her own admission she was late on "numerous occasions," including every day during the week of November 11, 1991. She also complained that she did not get along with Cosby, a former supervisor, and denied that he twice counseled her for poor attendance in May 1991, as reflected in her personnel file. Even if petitioner's assertion is true, however, that employee left Wal-Mart in October 1991, which was before many of the relevant events occurred. While petitioner is to be highly commended for her work ethic (at least sixty hours per week plus school), the pertinent criticisms in her personnel file were substantiated and were properly taken into account by respondent in making its employment decision.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order denying the petition for relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of October, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of October, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-0318 Respondent: Partially accepted in finding of fact 1. Rejected as being unnecessary. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. 4-5. Partially accepted in finding of fact 4. Partially accepted in findings of fact 5 and 6. Partially accepted in finding of fact 7. Partially accepted in finding of fact 3. 9-11. Partially accepted in finding of fact 8. 12-16. Partially accepted in finding of fact 9. 17-19. Partially accepted in finding of fact 10. 20-21. Rejected as being unnecessary. 22. Covered in preliminary statement. Note - Where a proposed finding of fact has been partially accepted, the remainder has been rejected as being irrelevant, unnecessary, subordinate, not supported by the evidence, or a conclusion of law. COPIES FURNISHED: Sharon Moultry, Clerk Human Relations Commission 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Dana C. Baird, Esquire 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4149 Constanza D. Scott 3250 West Tennessee Street, Lot 146 Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Charles F. Henley, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 40593 Jacksonville, Florida 32203-0593

Florida Laws (2) 120.57760.10
# 4
JOHN M. DICKSON vs WAL-MART STORES, INC., 03-004673 (2003)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Dec. 11, 2003 Number: 03-004673 Latest Update: Aug. 06, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether the Respondent discriminated against the Petitioner on the basis of his disability, and whether the Respondent’s discharge of the Petitioner from employment was unlawfully based upon his disability, in contravention of Section 760.10, Florida Statutes (2003), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 1201 et seq.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner worked for the Respondent from September 17, 1999 through July 9, 2002. At the time of his termination from employment on July 9, 2002, the Petitioner worked in the Respondent’s Pensacola, Florida, Store No. 1605 under the supervision of Front End Assistant Manager Jackie Lewis and Store Co-Manager Rodney Snyder. The Petitioner’s last position with Wal-Mart was as a “People Greeter,” working eight-hour shifts. The Petitioner suffers from diabetes. On his employment application, the Petitioner indicated that he was able to work any scheduled hours and was seeking full-time employment. The Petitioner’s diabetes did not interfere with his ability to secure full-time employment. The Petitioner began his employment with the Respondent in Pensacola, Florida, Store No. 1222 as a maintenance associate, handling janitorial tasks. During the time he worked as a maintenance associate the Petitioner had his diabetes “under control.” The Petitioner completed an ADA “Job Matrix” form provided by the Respondent, on which he represented that he was able to perform all essential functions of his position without the need for any accommodation. No mention was made by the Petitioner at that time of his diabetic condition or resulting need for an accommodation. The Petitioner had “run-ins” with store management during his tenure as an employee of the Respondent. The Petitioner had a “run-in” with a Meat Department Manager over an assignment to mop-up a sugar spill, which the Petitioner refused to do. The Petitioner complained about supplies, or the lack thereof, at the store. The Petitioner admitted that there were tasks he simply refused to perform. The Petitioner had several problems with his co- workers and managers. On August 28, 2001, the Petitioner’s poor work attitude was cited on his annual performance appraisal, which was termed “below expectations.” During the course of his employment with the Respondent, the Petitioner was disciplined on several occasions through Wal-Mart’s “coaching” process. On February 17, 2001, the Petitioner received a “written coaching” for his failure to perform assigned job tasks, and he was informed that he needed to improve his job performance. Neither the annual performance rating nor the “coaching” session was caused by the Petitioner’s medical condition. On July 31, 2001, the Petitioner received a more severe form of coaching, a “Decision-Making-Day.” The coaching indicated that the Petitioner failed to complete jobs in a timely manner, questioned the authority of his managers, and had trouble following the directions of supervisors. The Petitioner was informed that if his performance did not improve he would be terminated. The Petitioner was given a day off to consider whether he wanted to continue to work for the Respondent and to prepare a performance action plan. In his performance action plan, the Petitioner indicated he would be more productive and approach his work with a more positive attitude. Following his performance action plan, the Petitioner requested and was granted a transfer to the position of "People Greeter," who works at the front of the store and welcomes customers as they enter the store. A "People Greeter" also performs certain tasks related to security. The Petitioner claimed to have given the Respondent’s personnel office a doctor’s note on June 27, 2002, indicating that the Petitioner needed a break every two hours in order to properly regulate his medication. The note made no mention of the Petitioner’s diabetic condition. The Respondent disavows any knowledge of receipt of a note concerning the Petitioner’s medical condition and need for frequent breaks. The Petitioner claimed that he was not always given the breaks he needed to regulate his medication. Given the nature of retail operations, in terms of the ebb and flow of shoppers entering the store, regular breaks are not always possible. Prior to the alleged submission of the doctor’s note on June 27, 2002, the Petitioner received coaching from his supervisors. On June 22, 2002, the Petitioner received verbal coaching from Ms. Jacqueline Lewis concerning his lack of respect for Customer Service Managers and other store management. Ms. Lewis received a statement from the Petitioner’s trainer indicating he refused to follow Wal-Mart policies for the "People Greeter" position. Ms. Lewis received written complaints from other co- workers of the Petitioner concerning his performance as a "People Greeter." All of these statements were factors in Ms. Lewis’ evaluation of the Petitioner’s performance as a "People Greeter." On the day of his termination, the Petitioner shouted 75-feet across the front of the store to the Customer Service Manager, requesting that she contact Ms. Lewis about issues taking place in the front of the store. He called a second time when his first request went unheeded. This behavior took place in front of store customers. Based upon the shouting incident, the Petitioner’s violation of policies, and the written complaints from co- workers, the Respondent terminated the Petitioner’s employment on July 9, 2002. The specific reasons given for the Petitioner’s termination were his inability to perform his job and for his not being respectful of other associates. The Petitioner believes that his co-workers and supervisors were aware of his diabetes. No co-workers or supervisors of the Petitioner testified at hearing that they were aware of the Petitioner’s diabetes. Ms. Lewis, the Front End Assistant Manager in the store, was not aware of the Petitioner’s diabetes. Ms. Carolyn Miller, the head Customer Service Manager for the store, was not aware of the Petitioner’s diabetes. Mr. Snyder, the store co-manager, was not aware of the Petitioner’s diabetes. Upon termination from employment with Wal-Mart, the Petitioner secured a Florida security guard license on his first try and obtained work as a security guard. The Petitioner was able to work a full eight-hour shift while employed by the Respondent. The Petitioner was able to perform the duties of his maintenance position when he held that job. At the time of his termination, the Petitioner was actively seeking a new position with Wal-Mart in the heating and ventilation area. When the Petitioner was unable to perform tasks associated with his employment, he attributed this to “old age,” and not his diabetes. The Petitioner planned to open his own steam cleaning and air conditioning repair business while he worked at Wal-Mart and felt physically able to do so. Since his termination from Wal-Mart, the Petitioner has secured gainful employment as a security guard at various factories, involving activities such as walking and driving trucks. The Petitioner has plans to rewire his house by himself. The Petitioner’s diabetes is kept in control by medication, and he does not require insulin.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order finding that the Respondent did not discriminate against the Petitioner and dismissing the Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of April, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT S. COHEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of April, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John M. Dickson 7870 Castlegate Drive Pensacola, Florida 32534-4555 Richard L. Ruth, Esquire Ford & Harrison LLP 225 Water Street, Suite 710 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

USC (2) 42 U.S.C 120142 U.S.C 12101 CFR (1) 29 CFR 1630 Florida Laws (5) 120.57760.01760.02760.10760.11
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jun. 29, 1992 Number: 92-003920 Latest Update: Nov. 24, 1993

The Issue Petitioner's complaint and Petition for relief allege that she was discriminated against due to her handicap of multiple sclerosis when she was terminated by Respondents on March 9, 1990. The issue for disposition is whether that violation of Section 760.10, F.S., occurred, and if so, what relief is appropriate.

Findings Of Fact Leah Swenson-Davis was employed by Respondent, Orlando Partners, as a national sales manager from August 1989, until her termination on March 9, 1990. As sales manager she searched out new business for the hotel, maintained files and obtained repeat business from corporations and other customers. Her salary was $28,000.00 a year. Louis Evans was director of sales, and her supervisor. He hired Ms. Swenson-Davis to book conventions and also hired Barbara Hydechuk and Beth Darkshani as other sales staff. In his opinion Ms. Swenson-Davis was a "pro"; she generated substantial revenue for the hotel and her sales bookings were "much superior" to the other staff. At one point, the three women were promised new office chairs if they could generate 500 room/nights by Friday of the same week. They made their goal, with Ms. Swenson-Davis bringing in 437 out of the total, and the other women bringing in the remainder. In addition to booking hotel rooms, Ms. Swenson-Davis also was effective in selling other hotel services. She generated business from groups who had previously used the hotel but had not been reworked. Her booking packages were very detailed and thorough and she had few cancellations. In February 1990, Barbara Hydechuk was promoted to director of sales, and she took over the responsibility of national sales. Leah Swenson-Davis was hospitalized in February 1990, for what was originally thought to be a stroke. She was then diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis, a disease affecting functions in the nervous system. Hers is not a severe form of the disease and her physician released her to return to work half-time. At the hearing, no signs of illness were evident; that is, she moved and spoke in a perfectly normal manner. When she returned to work, however, Ms. Swenson-Davis was treated "like a leper". Bill Flynn and Barbara Hydechuk made her feel like she would infect them. She was kept at a physical distance. During her absence, Barbara Hydechuk had been promoted. When Ms. Swenson-Davis asked Bill Flynn why she was not informed of the promotion opportunity, he replied that he had worked with Barbara. The work atmosphere, and employees' attitudes toward Ms. Swenson-Davis were very different after her return to work. On March 9, 1990, the Friday before Ms. Swenson-Davis was to pick up her doctor's release to return to work full-time, she was informed by Barbara Hydechuk that she was "terminated immediately" due to lack of productivity in the sales department. Since her termination, Ms. Swenson-Davis has submitted approximately 300 applications with other hotels, and in other sales and marketing areas. She has been given interviews, but has not been hired as of the date of the hearing, although she is capable of working full-time. She received unemployment compensation from March until September 1990. She has accrued medical expenses in the amount of $12,602.00, in 1992, for herself and her son, which expenses would have been covered by her former employer's benefit package. She was insured through COBRA until December 1990, when the premiums went over $500.00 and she could no longer afford them.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is, hereby, RECOMMENDED: That the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter its final order requiring 1) Reinstatement of Petitioner in the same or equivalent position, 2) damages of back pay computed at the rate of $28,000.00 per year from the time of discharge until reinstatement or rejection of an offer of equivalent employment, less payments received for unemployment compensation; 3) damages in the amount of $12,602.00, representing medical benefits lost; and 4) reasonable costs and attorneys fees. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 14th day of January, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of January, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 92-3920 The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact submitted by Petitioner: 1. Adopted in paragraph 1. 2.-3. Adopted in paragraphs 2, 3, and 4. 4. Rejected as irrelevant. 5.-6. Adopted in paragraph 6. 7. Adopted in paragraphs 2, 5, and 7. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Petitioner asked why she was not told of the promotion opportunity. Adopted in paragraph 7. Adopted in paragraph 5. 11.-12. Adopted in paragraph 8. Rejected in part. The complaint in this case relates to wrongful termination, not failure to promote. Moreover, no competent evidence supports a finding that Petitioner would have applied for promotion or was denied promotion on account of her handicap. The other employee was promoted prior to Petitioner's return to work. Adopted in paragraph 9. Rejected as unsupported by the evidence. Basis for the computation is not apparent. Rejected as immaterial. Adopted in substance in paragraph 9, although the $200.00 expense incurred in 2/90 is rejected, as petitioner was still employed at that time. Rejected as unsupported by competent evidence. Rejected as unnecessary, although the recommendation for reinstatement is adopted. COPIES FURNISHED: James A. Kirkland Kirkland Management, Inc. 946 North Mills Avenue Orlando, Florida 32802 Percy Bell K. F. International Host, Inc. 1600 Lee Road Winter Park, Florida 32790 Raymond Rotella Kosto & Rotella, P.A. Post Ofice Box 113 Orlando, Florida 32802 Orlando Partners, Inc. d/b/a Quality Hotel Orlando Airport 3835 McCoy Road Orlando, Florida 32812-4199 Tobe Lev, Esquire Post Office Box 2231 Orlando, Florida 32802 Betsy Kushner, Claim Representative Cigna Property and Casualty Companies Post Office Box 30389 Tampa, Florida 33630-3389 Margaret Jones, Clerk Human Relations Commission Building F, Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4113 Dana Baird, General Counsel Human Relations Commission Building F, Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303-4113

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68760.10 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60Y-4.016
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 23, 1994 Number: 94-002883 Latest Update: May 08, 1997

Findings Of Fact Respondent is an employer within the meaning of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992, Chapter 760, Florida Statutes. In May of 1990, Petitioner, a black male, began working as a delivery driver for the former owner of the Domino's Pizza franchise in Tallahassee, Florida. Respondent bought the franchise in March of 1992 and retained Petitioner as a driver to deliver pizza at store number 5131. On March 30, 1992, Petitioner signed a statement that he had read and understood the Respondent's Employee Orientation Manual setting forth, among other things, standards for personal conduct. This manual specifically advises that an employee may be disciplined or discharged for: (1) negligent handling of company funds; (2) insubordination and refusal to do assigned work; (3) disturbing the work force and/or creating a disturbance; and (4) harassment of team members. At all times material hereto, Scott Nelson was the store manager at Respondent's store number 5131. Mr. Nelson had authority to hire and fire employees at that location. Though it was against store policy, Mr. Nelson and other employees frequently used profanity and told vulgar off- color jokes while working. Sometimes the jokes involved inappropriate racial overtones. At times Mr. Nelson would call black customers "stupid niggers" after they left the store. Petitioner would also use the term "nigger" in conversations but in a context he believed to be acceptable. Mr. Nelson encouraged employees to discuss any problem they had with management in the privacy of the office at the rear of the store. Mr. Nelson told the employees that they could speak freely during these discussions and nothing they said would be taken personally. The purpose of holding the discussions in the office was to prevent customers from overhearing the conversations. Occasionally, Mr. Nelson and an employee would have a heated argument and curse at each other as long as no customers were in the store. Other employees heard these arguments but there is no evidence that the arguments took place outside the confines of the office. During some of these arguments, Mr. Nelson would threaten to fire employees but not follow through with his threats or report the incidents to his superiors. At all times material to this proceeding, Niki Supplee, a white female, worked as a delivery driver at Respondent's store number 5131. She and Mr. Nelson had heated arguments in which they cursed each other. She was never written up or disciplined after these outbursts. The record does not reveal the location or the subject matter of the arguments between Ms. Supplee and Mr. Nelson. At all times material to this proceeding, Ms. Supplee had a black boyfriend. Upon learning that her boyfriend was black, Mr. Nelson offended Ms. Supplee by asking why she was attracted to a black man. He wanted to know what was wrong with her and why she could not find a white guy. Once or twice when Ms. Supplee heard Mr. Nelson use a racial epithet, she informed him that she did not appreciate that kind of language. Subsequently, Mr. Nelson would use a racial slur then apologize to Ms. Supplee. Petitioner and Mr. Nelson occasionally had a beer together after work. On one of these occasions, Mr. Nelson admitted that he had been raised in an environment where there were very few black people. Mr. Nelson admitted that he had to learn how to get over certain feelings about being around black people when he first began working at Domino's Pizza. At the hearing Mr. Nelson admitted that on occasion he may have made racial slurs in front of his employees about customers after they left the store. However, prior to the incident which is the subject of this proceeding, no employee ever complained to Mr. Nelson's supervisor, Ron LeStourgeon, about Mr. Nelson's use of racial epithets or perceived racial prejudices. There is no evidence that Mr. Nelson ever used a racial slur directed towards his employees or in relation to an employment decision. During the period of Petitioner's employment, he was given verbal warnings about failing to be at work on time, making personal stops on company time without permission, and refusing to perform certain tasks on the premises. Mr. Nelson would occasionally instruct Petitioner to do an assigned task at the store when other white employees were standing around talking. However, there is no persuasive evidence that Mr. Nelson's instructions to Petitioner were anything more than a reminder to do a previously assigned routine job for the day. Mr. Nelson required Petitioner to sign a statement on September 7, 1993, as a result of his refusal to follow directions without complaint. Mr. Nelson prepared the statement in which Petitioner agreed to follow the direction of management staff promptly and without complaint or risk disciplinary action including termination. The statement advises Petitioner that he should go directly to Mr. LeStourgeon if Petitioner had a complaint he could not resolve with Mr. Nelson. There is no competent persuasive evidence that Mr. Nelson created written or verbal policies designed to adversely impact Petitioner and not other employees. Mr. LeStourgeon was in the store 275 to 300 times during 1993. Petitioner did not attempt to contact Mr. LeStourgeon regarding any perceived racial discrimination at work. Petitioner's testimony to the contrary is not persuasive. On October 21, 1993, Petitioner filed a claim with the United States Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division of the Employment Standards Administration. This complaint alleged that Respondent did not pay Petitioner for all of the hours he worked. Mr. Nelson subsequently resolved this dispute by taking Petitioner's word that he was due the money and including that amount in the next pay check. There is no competent persuasive evidence that Respondent's decision to terminate Petitioner's employment was related to the filing of this claim. On October 21, 1993, Petitioner also went to the Florida Commission on Human Relations and spoke to an in-take counselor. He did not file a claim but wanted advice because he believed the problems he and other blacks were experiencing at work were due to racial discrimination. On November 16, 1993, Petitioner made a certain pizza delivery and inadvertently failed to turn in $8.55 when he checked out that night. Milton Finkelstein, the assistant manager on duty, realized after Petitioner left for a two-day vacation that the store was short by that amount. Mr. Nelson was not on duty that evening. Mr. Nelson returned to work on November 17, 1993, but Mr. Finkelstein had the day off. Mr. Nelson did not determine which driver was responsible for the missing money until Mr. Finkelstein returned to work on November 18, 1993. Petitioner lived very close to the store but had no telephone. On occasion, a driver was sent to Petitioner's house to ask him to report to work. However, Petitioner let the managers know that he did not want to be bothered at home when he was off. Petitioner did not return to work until November 19, 1993. Mr. Finkelstein showed the ticket for the missing money to Petitioner who confronted Mr. Nelson in the office. Because Petitioner denied that he made the delivery, Mr. Nelson called the customer who thought a black man delivered the pizza three days before. Petitioner was the only black driver on duty at store number 5131 on November 16, 1993. Petitioner's testimony that he worked at another Domino's Pizza store for most of that evening is not persuasive. After the telephone call, Mr. Nelson insisted that Petitioner would have to reimburse the store for the missing $8.55. Mr. Nelson also told Petitioner that he would have to pay future missing receipts even if management did not identify Petitioner as the responsible driver for three days. Petitioner began to argue loudly and yell at Mr. Nelson. As Petitioner stormed out of the office, he screamed back, "Fuck you, Scott," repeating it several times. Three employees in the front of the store heard Petitioner make these statements. Mr. Nelson then told Petitioner to, "Go get your money. Go get your mileage." Mr. Nelson was upset at the time of this incident because it was the most threatening scene that had ever occurred in the store. Petitioner and Mr. Nelson had argued in the past but Petitioner had never been so openly defiant. Mr. Nelson intended to take some disciplinary action but did not make an immediate decision to fire Petitioner. Petitioner's testimony that Mr. Nelson fired him before he yelled profanities is not persuasive. When Petitioner left the store on November 19, 1993, he had cash from that day's deliveries that belonged to the store. Mr. Nelson sent Mr. Finkelstein and another employee to Petitioner's home to retrieve the cash. Upon their arrival, Petitioner was uncooperative and verbally abusive. They returned to the store without the cash. Mr. Nelson called Mr. LeStourgeon, to advise him of the situation and ask him what, if any, disciplinary action should be taken. Mr. LeStourgeon directed Mr. Nelson to do what was necessary to retrieve the day's receipts and fire Petitioner for insubordination. Mr. Nelson called the Tallahassee Police Department. Two police officers interviewed Mr. Nelson then went to Petitioner's house. The officers returned to the store without the cash receipts. There is no evidence that Mr. Nelson ever signed a complaint. About 1:30 a.m. on November 20, 1993, Petitioner voluntarily returned to the store and gave the cash receipts from November 19, 1993, to Mr. Nelson. He did not pay the $8.55 which he owed the store. Petitioner inquired whether he was fired. Mr. Nelson informed Petitioner that he was fired for insubordination. Petitioner did not hire black people to work in the store then cut back their hours or fire them in order to replace them with more recently hired white people. Testimony to the contrary is not persuasive. Mr. Nelson was more than just insensitive at times to other people's feelings. He often failed to conduct himself in a professional manner. He had difficulty supervising and working with white and black employees. He no longer works for Petitioner as a store manager. Regardless of Mr. Nelson's inappropriate behavior and lack of management skills, his decision to report Petitioner's insubordinate conduct to Mr. LeStourgeon was not motivated by intentional racial discrimination. Rather, Mr. Nelson sought the advice of his superior because of Petitioner's gross insubordination: (1) he cursed the store manager in front of other employees; (2) he refused to pay $8.55 for the pizza delivered on November 16, 1993; (3) he refused to promptly turn in the cash receipts from November 19, 1993 upon request; and (4) he verbally abused the assistant manager and the other employee who attempted to retrieve cash receipts. Competent persuasive evidence indicates that Mr. LeStourgeon made the decision to fire Petitioner based on his conduct alone with no knowledge of Mr. Nelson's policies regarding profanity or vulgarity. Mr. Nelson's racial prejudices, if any, were unknown to Mr. LeStourgeon and not a consideration in the employment decision. Moreover, Mr. LeStourgeon would have fired Petitioner because of his blatant insubordination and threatening attitude even if he had been aware that Mr. Nelson had tolerated similar conduct in the past. The same decision would have been reached absent the presence of Mr. Nelson's alleged discriminatory motive. There is no evidence that Petitioner replaced Petitioner with another driver, white or black. Mr. Nelson hired Mr. Finkelstein's daughter, a white person, while Petitioner was still working for Respondent. She backed into a customer's car in the parking lot. Respondent gave the customer twenty-five free pizzas for damage to his car because Mr. Finkelstein agreed to pay Respondent for the pizzas. Mr. Finkelstein subsequently reimbursed Respondent. This incident does not show favoritism for white employees. During 1993, Respondent had approximately twenty-three (23) employees at store number 5131. Of those employees, sixteen (16) were white, five (5) were black, and two (2) were Hispanic. Petitioner was the only employee fired from Respondent's store number 5131 in 1993.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor or the witnesses, it is recommended that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a Final Order finding that Respondent did not discharge or otherwise discriminate against Petitioner on account of his race and dismissing the Petition for Relief. RECOMMENDED this 29th day of June, 1995, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUZANNE F. HOOD, Hearing Officer Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of June, 1995. APPENDIX The following constitutes specific rulings on the Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes. Respondent did not file Proposed Findings of Fact. Rejected. Testimony of management concerning this point is more persuasive. Rejected. See paragraph 20. Accepted as modified in paragraphs 5-7. Accepted as modified in paragraph 8. Rejected. See paragraphs 16-17. Rejected. Not supported by competent persuasive evidence. Rejected. See paragraph 30. Accepted as modified in paragraphs 5, 10, and 12. Reject the last sentence entirely as argumentative. Rejected. See paragraph 30. Rejected. See paragraph 16. Rejected. See paragraph 16. Rejected. See paragraph 25. Rejected. See paragraph 22. Rejected as not supported by competent persuasive evidence. Rejected. No evidence that Petitioner applied for promotion. COPIES FURNISHED: Lenny Fulwood, II 790 El Dorado Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Thomas Bean President of Seminole Pizza, Inc. 6005 Benjamin Road, Suite 100 Tampa, Florida 33643 Sharon Moultry, Clerk Commission on Human Relations Building F, Suite 240 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1570

Florida Laws (2) 120.57760.10
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Feb. 21, 2008 Number: 08-000931 Latest Update: Dec. 02, 2008

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violation alleged in Petitioner's Public Accommodations Complaint of Discrimination and, if so, what relief should the Florida Commission on Human Relations grant Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following findings of fact are made: Petitioner is a black woman. On March 27, 2007, Petitioner went shopping at the Wal- Mart Supercenter located at 9300 Northwest 77th Avenue in Hialeah Gardens, Florida (Store). This was Petitioner's "favorite store." She had shopped there every other week for the previous four or five years and had had a positive "overall [shopping] experience." At no time had she ever had any problem making purchases at the Store. At around 5:00 p.m. on March 27, 2007, Petitioner entered the Store's electronics department to look for two black ink cartridges for her printer. In her cart were several items she had picked up elsewhere in the store (for which she had not yet paid). Because the cartridges she needed were located in a locked display cabinet, Petitioner went to the counter at the electronics department to ask for assistance. Maria Castillo was the cashier behind the counter. She was engaged in a "casual conversation," punctuated with laughter, with one of the Store's loss prevention officers, Jessy Fair, as she was taking care of a customer, Carlos Fojo, a non-black Hispanic off-duty lieutenant with the Hialeah Gardens Police Department. Lieutenant Fojo was paying for a DVD he intended to use as a "training video." The DVD had been in a locked display cabinet in the electronics department. A sales associate had taken the DVD out of the cabinet for Lieutenant Fojo. It was Store policy to require customers seeking to purchase items in locked display cabinets in the electronics department to immediately pay for these items at the electronics department register. Lieutenant Fojo was making his purchase in accordance with that policy. Two Store sales associates, Carlos Espino and Sigfredo Gomez, were near the counter in the electronics department when Petitioner requested assistance. In response to Petitioner's request for help, Mr. Espino and Mr. Gomez went to the locked display cabinet to get two black ink cartridges for Petitioner, with Petitioner following behind them. Ms. Castillo and Mr. Fair remained at the counter and continued their lighthearted conversation, as Ms. Castillo was finishing up with Lieutenant Fojo. Petitioner was offended by Ms. Castillo's and Mr. Fair's laughter. She thought that they were laughing at her because she was black (despite her not having any reasonable basis to support such a belief). She turned around and loudly and angrily asked Ms. Castillo and Mr. Fair what they were laughing at. After receiving no response to her inquiry, she continued on her way behind Mr. Espino and Mr. Gomez to the display cabinet containing the ink cartridges. When Mr. Espino arrived at the cabinet, he unlocked and opened the cabinet door and removed two black ink cartridges, which he handed to Mr. Gomez. Petitioner took the cartridges from Mr. Gomez and placed them in her shopping cart. Mr. Espino tried to explain to Petitioner that, in accordance with Store policy, before doing anything else, she needed to go the register in the electronics department and pay for the ink cartridges. Petitioner responded by yelling at Mr. Espino and Mr. Gomez. In a raised voice, she proclaimed that she was "no thief" and "not going to steal" the ink cartridges, and she "repeated[ly]" accused Mr. Espino and Mr. Gomez of being "racist." Instead of going directly to the register in the electronics department to pay for the cartridges (as she had been instructed to do by Mr. Espino), Petitioner took her shopping cart containing the ink cartridges and the other items she intended to purchase and "proceeded over to the CD aisle" in the electronics department. Mr. Espino "attempt[ed] to speak to her," but his efforts were thwarted by Petitioner's "screaming at [him and Mr. Gomez as to] how racist they were." Lieutenant Fojo, who had completed his DVD purchase, heard the commotion and walked over to the "CD aisle" to investigate. When he got there, he approached Petitioner and asked her, "What's the problem?" She responded, "Oh, I see you too are racist and I see where this is coming from." Lieutenant Fojo went on to tell Petitioner the same thing that Mr. Espino had: that the ink cartridges had to be taken to the register in the electronics department and paid for immediately ("just like he had paid for his [DVD]"). Petitioner was defiant. She told Lieutenant Fojo that she would eventually pay for the cartridges, but she was "still shopping." Moreover, she continued her rant that Lieutenant Fojo and the Store employees were "racist." "[C]ustomers in the area were gathering" to observe the disturbance. To avoid a further "disrupt[ion] [of] the normal business affairs of the [S]tore," Lieutenant Fojo directed Petitioner to leave and escorted her outside the Store. In taking such action, Lieutenant Fojo was acting solely in his capacity as a law enforcement officer with the Hialeah Gardens Police Department. Once outside the Store, Lieutenant Fojo left Petitioner to go to his vehicle. Petitioner telephoned the Hialeah Gardens Police Department to complain about the treatment she had just received and waited outside the Store for a police officer to arrive in response to her call. Officer Lawrence Perez of the Hialeah Gardens Police Department responded to the scene and met Petitioner outside the Store. After conducting an investigation of the matter, Officer Perez issued Petitioner a trespass warning, directing that she not return to the Store. At no time subsequent to the issuance of this trespass warning has Petitioner returned the Store (although she has shopped at other Wal-Mart stores in the area). While Petitioner has been deprived of the opportunity to shop at the Store, it has been because of action taken, not by any Store employee, but by Hialeah Gardens law enforcement personnel. Moreover, there has been no showing that Petitioner's race was a motivating factor in the taking of this action.3

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the FCHR issue a final order dismissing Petitioner's Public Accommodations Complaint of Discrimination. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of September, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S STUART M. LERNER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September, 2006.

USC (3) 29 U.S.C 62342 U.S.C 200042 U.S.C 2000a Florida Laws (13) 120.569120.57381.0072500.12509.013509.092509.242718.103760.01760.02760.06760.08760.11
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida Mar. 16, 2007 Number: 07-001256 Latest Update: Jan. 16, 2008

The Issue Whether the Petitioner has been subjected to employment discrimination by termination, allegedly based upon race, and by retaliation, for filing a charge of discrimination.

Findings Of Fact On or about November 29, 2005, the Petitioner applied for a job as a part-time sales clerk with the Respondent. The Petitioner indicated that she was available to work on Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. This was because she was already employed in another job. During the course of the hiring and orientation process, the Petitioner learned of the policies of the Respondent against harassment and discrimination of all types. She was instructed in those policies and acknowledged receipt of them. The Petitioner began her employment with the Respondent on December 27, 2005, as a part-time sales clerk at a convenience store (No. 31) in Milton, Florida. When she began her employment, the Store Manager was Bob Kukuk. The Assistant Managers for that store were Michael Morris and "Cynthia." There were also two other sales clerks, Cherie Dorey and Lugenia Word. Both Ms. Dorey and Ms. Word are white. Soon after the Petitioner was hired, Mr. Kukuk announced his resignation as store manager. On January 31, 2006, the Petitioner attended the new employee training session in Milton, Florida, which included training in the equal employment and non-harassment policies of the Respondent. During the question and answer session, concerning the harassment and discrimination portion of the training, the Petitioner told Training Manager, Robert Birks that she had a problem at her store involving a conflict with another employee. She felt that she was being required to do things that other employees were not required to do. Mr. Birks advised Ms. Myles that she should provide a written statement concerning her complaints to her supervisor and he provided her with pen, paper, and envelope to do so on the spot. The Petitioner wrote out a note and returned it to Mr. Birks in a sealed envelope and he gave the envelope to the District Advisor, Jamie Galloway on that same date. After reading the Petitioner's note, Ms. Galloway met with Petitioner on that same day to discuss her complaints. The Petitioner informed Ms. Galloway that Michael Morris, an Assistant Manager at her store, was telling employees that he was going to be the new store manager. The Petitioner told Ms. Galloway that she felt Morris did not like her because of her race. Ms. Galloway informed the Petitioner that, in fact, Morris would not be selected as store manager for store No. 31 and that Mr. Kukuk would be replaced with someone else other than Morris. She also informed the Petitioner that the Respondent had a zero tolerance for harassment and discrimination and that if the Petitioner had any problems with Mr. Morris that she should personally contact Ms. Galloway. In her capacity as District Advisor, Ms. Galloway supervised the day-to-day operations of a number of stores. In fact, during the above-referenced time period, Ms. Galloway was supervising her own normal district area, as well as that of another district manager who had resigned. The three sales clerks at store No. 31, Ms. Dorey, Ms. Word, and Ms. Myles were all reprimanded ("written-up") in February 2006, because of their cash registers being "short," or containing insufficient funds at the close of the business day or shift. The Petitioner was also counseled for insubordination on this occasion because she told Ms. Word, in front of customers, that she was not going to take out the trash because Mr. Morris and Ms. Dorey would be into work soon and "they never did anything anyway." Ms. Word confirmed that Ms. Myles had made that statement to the store management. Sometime in February 2006 the Petitioner expressed the desire to transfer to a store on the West side of Pensacola because she was no longer employed in her other job in the Milton area. She therefore wanted to work for Tom Thumb at a location closer to her residence. The Manager, Mr. Kukuk at that time, informed Ms. Galloway of this wish on the part of the Petitioner. Ms. Galloway contacted the District Advisor for the West side of Pensacola, Bill Jordan, to inquire whether any positions were available that would fit the Petitioner's schedule. Ms. Galloway followed up on the question with Mr. Jordan several days later, but Mr. Jordan said that he had no employment positions available at that time. The Petitioner then filed her Charge of Discrimination on February 16, 2006, (her first charge). In her Discrimination Charge the Petitioner maintains that she was constantly "getting written-up" for unnecessary matters by Mr. Morris, the Manager. In fact, however, she was written-up only once while Mr. Morris was the Assistant Manager of the store, as were Ms. Word and Ms. Dorey, the other clerks. Both Ms. Word and Ms. Dorey are white. Patricia Merritt was installed as the new store manager at store No. 31 on February 24, 2006. Ms. Merritt has worked for the Respondent for 17 years as a clerk, assistant manager, and manager. Ms. Merritt had the responsibility of managing the store, ascertaining that all duties involved in store operation were accomplished and supervising and monitoring the performance of other store employees. She imposed discipline, including termination if necessary, and also hired employees. Mr. Morris failed to appear for work, beginning the first week of March 2006. He was terminated from his employment with the Respondent on March 9, 2006. In February or early March, Ms. Merritt informed Ms. Galloway that she had overheard another employee referring to the Petitioner having filed a claim against the Respondent because of Mr. Morris. Prior to that time Ms. Merritt was unaware of any problem between Mr. Morris and the Petitioner. Between the time that Ms. Galloway met with the Petitioner on January 31, 2006, and the time she heard from store manager Merritt that the Petitioner was still having a problem with Morris in late February or early March, the Petitioner had not contacted Ms. Galloway to report any problem. After being advised of the matter by Ms. Merritt, Ms. Galloway advised Ms. Merritt to contact the Petitioner to find out her version of the events which occurred and to offer her a transfer to any one of five stores that Ms. Galloway was responsible for on the East side of Pensacola. Ms. Merritt met with the Petitioner and offered her the transfer opportunity, which the Petitioner refused at that time because she had a mediation pending. When Ms. Merritt began duties as store manager a misunderstanding occurred about the Petitioner's schedule. Ms. Merritt understood, mistakenly, that the Petitioner was available for fewer hours of work than she actually was. This resulted in the Petitioner being scheduled to work fewer hours for two or three weeks. Ms. Merritt was then informed of the Petitioner's actual scheduling availability by someone from the management office. On March 20, 2006, the Human Resource Manager, Sheila Kates, met with the Petitioner. The Petitioner complained about her reduced hours which Ms. Kates discussed with Ms. Merritt. As soon as Ms. Merritt realized that she had misunderstood the Petitioner's hours of availability she increased the Petitioner's hours on the work schedule. The Petitioner agreed that Ms. Merritt had been unaware about any problem between the Petitioner and Mr. Morris, when she reduced the Petitioner's work hours schedule because of her misunderstanding of the Petitioner's availability. Ms. Kates again offered to allow Ms. Myles to transfer to another store if she wished (apparently to help her avoid her apparent conflict with Mr. Morris), but the Petitioner again declined. Ms. Galloway, as part of her duties as District Advisor, conducted store inventory audits. She conducted a store inventory audit for Store No. 31 on May 30, 2006. During that audit she discovered that the store had a significant inventory shortage. Ms. Galloway therefore scheduled a "red flag" meeting the next day with each employee at the store, as well as meeting with them as a group to discuss inventory control. All of the employees at the store were counseled regarding the inventory shortage, including Ms. Myles and Ms. Word. Ms. Word, who is white, was issued a written reprimand on March 24th and April 24th, 2006, because of cash shortages. Ms. Word was subsequently terminated on June 16, 2006, for causing inventory shortages by allowing her friends to come in and take merchandise out of the store without paying for it, as well as for excessive gas "drive offs," or instances where people pumped gas into their vehicles and failed to pay for it. The Petitioner was given a $1.00 per hour raise by Ms. Merritt on or about April 2006. Ms. Merritt also changed the Petitioner from a part-time to a full-time employee in May 2006. This change enabled the Petitioner to become eligible for employee benefits. Ms. Merritt also, however, reprimanded the Petitioner for a cash shortage on July 14, 2006. The Petitioner admitted that her cash register was $48.00 dollars short on that day. The Petitioner complained to Ms. Galloway sometime in July of 2006 that Mr. Morris, the former store manager, and no longer an employee, had been vandalizing her car when he came to the store as a customer. Although these allegations were uncorroborated at that time, Ms. Galloway advised the Petitioner to call the police about the matter and to contact Ms. Kates directly, in the Human Resources office, if there were any more such incidents. The Petitioner filed a retaliation claim against the Respondent on August 7, 2006. Ms. Merritt had been considering the Petitioner for promotion to assistant store manager. The Petitioner completed a background check authorization for that position on September 19, 2006. Mark Slater is a Regional Manager for the Respondent. His duties include supporting the District Advisor's position, which includes recruitment, hiring and training of managers, reviewing sales trends, and reviewing any other financial trends, such as cash shortages, "drive offs" and inventory losses. In mid-October 2006, in the course of a routine review of reports from Store No. 31, Mr. Slater became aware of a possible problem regarding excessive gasoline drive offs, and an unusual purchase-to-sales ratio. Shortly after his review of those reports, Mr. Slater went to Store No. 31 to review the store's electronic journal. The electronic journal contained a record of all the store transactions. In his review of that journal, he focused on "voids," "no sales," and "drive offs," which could explain the irregularities that he had observed in his initial review. In his review of the "voids" at store No. 31 during the period in question, Mr. Slater noted quite a few voids for cigarette cartons, for large amounts, in a very short period of time. Specifically, in the course of seven minutes, he observed voids in the total amount of $406.23. He found this to be highly irregular and suspicious. Mr. Slater also looked at the drive-offs, because he had noticed some trends on that report as well. In reviewing drive-offs, he noticed that the same employee number was involved in both the voids and the drive-off transactions. Mr. Slater noted in his review that one drive-off was held on a void and then brought down as a drive-off, which appeared suspicious to him. Mr. Slater than matched up the electronic journal transactions with the security video tape that corresponded with that journal entry. In observing the video tape, Mr. Slater identified the transaction entered as a drive-off, but saw from the video tape that a customer had in fact come in and paid for the gas in question with cash. When he began his review Mr. Slater did not know which employee had the employee number that was used in association with the voids and the gasoline drive-offs. However, after he had concluded his investigation, he researched that number and found out that it was the number assigned to the Petitioner. Mr. Slater thus knew that the Petitioner had voided the drive- off transaction, as shown in the electronic journal, while the video tape showed that the Petitioner had actually served the customer who, in fact, did not drive-off without paying, but had paid $20.00 in cash for the gasoline in question. When she was asked about the security video showing the Petitioner accepting the $20.00 for the transaction which she had entered as a gas drive-off, the Petitioner responded that she did not recall it. Mr. Slater concluded that the Petitioner had not properly handled the transaction and took his findings to the Human Resources Manager, Sheila Kates. After consulting with Ms. Kates, the decision was made to terminate the Petitioner's employment. Prior to making his investigation and prior to making his conclusions, Mr. Slater was unaware of any issues between the Petitioner and Michael Morris. None of his findings and decisions regarding the situation with the Petitioner's voids and drive-offs had anything to do, in a retaliatory sense, with any issues or complaints the Petitioner might have had against Michael Morris or to the Respondent concerning Michael Morris. After being discharged for related types of conduct, neither Ms. Lugenia Word, who is white, nor the Petitioner, Ms. Myles, are eligible for re-hire by the Respondent.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Florida Commission on Human Relations dismissing the charges of discrimination and retaliation at issue in their entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 29th day of October, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29th day of October, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Latarsha Myles 2103 Haynes Street, Apt. C Pensacola, Florida 30326 Cathy M. Stutin, Esquire Fisher & Philips LLP 450 East Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 800 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Cecil Howard, General Counsel Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Denise Crawford, Agency Clerk Florida Commission on Human Relations 2009 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 100 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57760.10
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jul. 14, 2006 Number: 06-002460 Latest Update: Jan. 30, 2007

The Issue Whether Respondent Employer is guilty of an unlawful employment practice by discrimination in its failure to promote Petitioner on the basis of her race and/or gender.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is an African-American female. Respondent is a constitutional office of local government that appraises property for tax purposes. At hearing, Petitioner claimed to have sent a written narrative of her concerns to FCHR on December 20, 2005, although she did not file her formal Charge of Discrimination until December 28, 2005.1/ At the commencement of the disputed-fact hearing, Petitioner indicated that the only issue to be determined was her entitlement to a promotion, and that no other discrimination claims were at issue in this case. Petitioner also indicated that she was challenging only two alleged promotional decisions: (1) a front counter position awarded to Valencia Scott; and (2) a sales qualifier position awarded to Mike Nichols.2/ Prior to being employed by Respondent, Petitioner had received a B.S. in criminal justice, with a minor in business administration, from Troy State University. Prior to being employed by Respondent, Petitioner worked as a substance abuse counselor with Corrections Corporation of America; as a regulatory specialist with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation; as an evaluation specialist with Disc Village; as a drug treatment counselor with the Alabama Department of Corrections; and as a mental health associate with Tallahassee Memorial Hospital. During her employment with Respondent, Petitioner also worked part-time in a cleaning job. Petitioner was initially hired by Respondent approximately January 2003, as an “Other Personal Services” (OPS) employee. (Stipulated Fact). While serving as an OPS employee between January 2003, and October 2003, Petitioner was not entitled to, and did not receive, the usual benefits and emoluments of a regular, full-time employee, including but not limited to, membership in the Florida Retirement System, paid annual and sick leave, and health insurance. While employed as an OPS employee, Petitioner answered Respondent’s telephone switchboard and performed data entry duties. In approximately October 2003, Petitioner was employed in a full-time position at a higher rate of pay and full benefits. (Stipulated Fact.) In October 2003, Respondent promoted Petitioner into a newly-created full-time position of "switchboard operator." Prior to the creation of this switchboard operator position, various employees had worked the switchboard in the equivalent of four-hour shifts, because working the switchboard non-stop was monotonous in good times and was hectic and stressful due to the number of phone calls received during two peak periods each year. On some occasions prior to October 2003, part-time students also had been used for this purpose. Petitioner was offered the promotion on October 8, 2003, with an effective starting date of October 16, 2003. Upon this starting date, Petitioner was employed by Respondent in a full-time position at a higher rate of pay than she had received as an OPS employee, and began to receive retirement benefits, annual and sick leave, and health insurance. In 2003, Respondent promoted five employees. Four of the five promoted were African-American and/or female. Petitioner was one of the four African-American females promoted that year. From December 28, 2004, through December 28, 2005, none of Respondent’s employees were promoted. During this same period, Respondent had no promotional opportunities of any kind available to any employee. There also were no promotions between December 20, 2004, and December 28, 2005. (See Exhibit P-4 and Finding of Fact 11.) Petitioner received raises throughout her employment with Respondent. During busy times, she was provided additional assistance with her phone duties upon her request, because management agreed with her that the switchboard position was stressful. Petitioner consistently received excellent performance reviews. In September 2005, Petitioner asked her immediate supervisor, Shirley Eaton-Marks, where Respondent would advertise a front-counter position that was expected to become vacant. Petitioner testified that Ms. Eaton-Marks “vaguely” responded, "I am not sure. Sometimes on the Internet or in the [Tallahassee] Democrat."3/ In or about September 2005, Petitioner was provided an extended period of leave for back surgery and recovery. (Stipulated Fact.) Petitioner was on sick leave from September 28, 2005, through November 14, 2005. Respondent provided Petitioner as much leave as she needed for her surgery and recovery. When she ran out of her own accrued paid leave, sick leave was donated to Petitioner by a co-employee. During her leave of absence, food drop-offs to Petitioner’s home were coordinated by her co-employees. Hot meals were provided by co-employees to Petitioner and her family, as well as groceries. During one of these deliveries, Petitioner remarked to Michele Weathersby, Respondent's Chief Financial Officer, that Petitioner was appreciative of her co- workers’ efforts and gifts. Petitioner seemed genuinely overwhelmed by their generosity. While on sick leave, Petitioner spoke with Kathy Doolin, Assistant Property Appraiser, about working at the front counter. A sales qualifier position was not available at that time, and by all accounts, even Petitioner’s account, Petitioner never applied for, or made anyone in Respondent's office aware that she was interested in the sales qualifier position. Petitioner claims she was wrongfully denied a front- counter position. She also claims that the front counter position and sales qualifier positions constituted promotional positions for her. Petitioner’s definition of a “promotion” is moving into a position with greater job responsibility and more authority. However, she did not demonstrate what the job responsibilities and authority of the front-counter or sales qualifier positions were. Therefore, the respective responsibility and authority of the three positions cannot be compared. Petitioner has never specifically applied for any promotion while employed by Respondent. The front-counter position was filled by Valencia Scott. Ms. Scott, like Petitioner, is an African-American female. According to Michelle Weathersby, Respondent’s Chief Financial Officer, Respondent defines a “promotion” as moving an employee to a position with an increase in salary and perhaps an increase in benefits, such as a different benefits classification like “senior management” class, instead of “regular employee” class. By these standards, neither the front desk position nor the sales qualifier position would have constituted a promotion for Petitioner, and moving from a front desk position to the sales qualifier position would not have constituted a promotion for anyone. Petitioner returned from sick leave on November 14, 2005. On December 19, 2005, Petitioner requested to speak to the incumbent property appraiser. Petitioner testified that on December 20, 2005, she approached the incumbent property appraiser in his office and asked if he were aware that she was interested in promotion. She further testified that the Incumbent then stated that he was aware Petitioner was interested in promotion, but that "Speaking from the hardhat point of view, you were hired as a favor to my friend. I did not hire you to be promoted or trained in any other position." At hearing, the Property Appraiser emphatically denied making this statement or any similar statement. However, he acknowledged that he had hired Petitioner upon the recommendation of a mutual friend and that on December 20, 2005, Petitioner had come to speak to him about the stress she was feeling in her position as a switchboard operator and about her health problems. Kathy Doolin, who was present for most, but not all, of the December 20, 2005, meeting, also denied under oath that the comment described by the Petitioner had been made by the Incumbent while she was in the room. Further, she confirmed that the thrust of Petitioner's remarks in her presence were not about any promotion but were about the stress Petitioner was experiencing in her switchboard operator job. The testimony of Ms. Doolin, together with the respective narratives written by herself and Petitioner (Exhibits P-2 and P-5) immediately after the December 20, 2005, meeting strongly suggest that the incumbent property appraiser said he had done all he could to relieve Petitioner's job stress and could not transfer Petitioner to another position just because her current position was stressful, and that Petitioner heard these statements as a refusal to promote her at any future date and a lack of appreciation for Petitioner’s college degree and excellent work history. The Incumbent’s and Petitioner’s respective versions of the December 20, 2005, conversation amount to an equipoise of testimony. In other words, one says "yes," and one says "no." This type of evidence is insufficient to tip the balance of weight and credibility to Petitioner's version of events. Moreover, even if Petitioner's version of the Incumbent's December 20, 2005, statement to her, allegedly made outside Ms. Doolin’s presence, were the more credible version, which it is not, Petitioner’s version of what the Incumbent allegedly said expressed no racial or gender bias. Petitioner testified that she believed that what the incumbent property appraiser had said on December 20, 2005, and how he had said it, created a hostile work environment. However, Petitioner never filed any internal complaints with Respondent alleging that she had been subjected to a hostile work environment. In fact, she filed no internal discrimination complaints of any kind concerning the December 20, 2005, meeting, and the term "hostile work environment" did not appear until her July 6, 2006, Petition for Relief, which was filed after FCHR's "Determination: No Cause." On her lunch hour, either December 20 or 21, 2005, Petitioner telephoned her physician, because she was still upset by her perception of the December 20, 2005, meeting. Petitioner never returned to work after December 21, 2005. On December 23, 2005, Petitioner's doctor wrote a note for her to be off work from December 22, 2005, until January 2, 2006, due to undefined "significant health problems." On or about December 23, 2005, three days after the December 20, 2005 meeting, when Petitioner was no longer on the job, Mike Nichols, a Caucasian male, was transferred from the front counter into a sales qualifier position. Mr. Nichols had previously worked in Respondent's Deed Section and in its Mapping Section and had recently received his law degree from the University of Florida. Respondent considered Mr. Nichols to be a suitable candidate for the sales qualifier position. Upon transfer, Mr. Nichols did not receive a raise in his rate of pay. Petitioner never applied for the sales qualifier position (see Finding of Fact 18) and was not on the job when that position was filled. (See Finding of Fact 29.) While the duties of a sales qualifier were not developed at hearing, the job title “sales qualifier” suggests that Petitioner was arguably not as good a fit for the sales qualifier position, as was Mr. Nichols. Petitioner’s education was primarily in criminal justice, and her job experience was primarily in drug rehabilitation and answering a switchboard. Mr. Nichols’ legal education and training and his office experience with Respondent may have made him a superior candidate for the sales qualifier position. When contacted by her superiors, Petitioner gave no reason for leaving work, except that it would be "best under the circumstances." On January 4, 2006, Petitioner voluntarily resigned her employment with Respondent. (Stipulated Fact.)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order dismissing the Petition for Relief and its subordinate Charge of Discrimination. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of November, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of November, 2006.

Florida Laws (3) 120.569760.02760.11
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