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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000583 Latest Update: Dec. 31, 1985

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, at all times pertinent hereto was an employee of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. The Respondent is an agency of the State of Florida charged with administering the group self-insurance health insurance program and other insurance programs such as life insurance and is the agency charged with accepting or rejecting applications for coverage under those programs, such as the application at issue. On January 11, 1980 the Petitioner commenced employment with the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services as a District Intake Counselor in District eleven of the Department. Shortly after commencing employment the Petitioner attended an orientation meeting during which all insurance benefits and other benefits available for state employees were explained. Ernestine Thurston, the HRS employee who conducted the orientation session on January 11, 1980 informed all employees present at that orientation meeting, including the Petitioner, of the available benefits and the means by which they were to avail themselves by proper application, of those benefits, including the fact that the Petitioner had thirty days to enroll in the State Group Health Insurance Program without the necessity of obtaining medical approval for insurability. A second orientation meeting was held during which insurance benefits were explained for a second time to the employees whose names were depicted on the recruitment log, which names include the Petitioner 's. The Petitioner was present at both orientation sessions. At the first orientation session on January 11, 1980 the Petitioner received an HRS Employee Handbook which included the following language concerning insurance benefits: "Employees may enroll within 30 days of date of employment without evidence of insurability. "Application at a later date requires proof of insurability. Consult your supervisor, personnel manager, or district/central personnel office for additional information." The Petitioner admitted that she signed a receipt on January 11, 1980 acknowledging receipt of a complete copy of that Employee Handbook and which receipt included the following language: "I understand that it is my responsibility to review the pamphlet in detail and request any clarification needed from my supervisor or personnel office." Petitioner conceded that she did not read the pamphlet or handbook, but instead put it in her desk drawer at her office. On January 14, 1980, knowing of the need to apply for insurance benefits within 30 or 31 days of her employment during the open enrollment period, the Petitioner applied for various insurance -overages and submitted the pertinent enrollment forms through her District 11 personnel office. She applied for and received State Supplemental Health Insurance coverage through the Gulf Life Insurance Company (then called the "20/20" plan). This supplemental health insurance coverage was designed to complement the overall state group health insurance program or plan. The Petitioner at that time was covered under the overall state group health insurance plan (The Plan) through her husband's family coverage since he was an employee covered under that plan at the time. The Petitioner also timely applied for and received coverage under the state life insurance program as well. The Petitioner did not submit a new enrollee form requesting to participate in the State of Florida Employee's Group Health Self Insurance Plan within 31 calendar days of January 11, 1980. The Hearing Officer has considered the Petitioner's testimony as well as that of Ms. Thurston and the other evidence surrounding the circumstances of her initial employment, the explanation of insurance coverage benefits, including the time limit for the open enrollment without medical approval which the Petitioner did not avail herself of insofar as the group health self-insurance plan is concerned. The Petitioner did not apply for the overall group health self-insurance plan because she was already covered under that plan through her husband's coverage and not because, as Petitioner maintains, that it was never explained that she had 30, or actually 31, calendar days from January 11, 1980 to apply for that plan. Indeed it was explained to her as Ms. Thurston established and Respondent admits receiving the handbook further explaining the time limit to apply for that coverage without medical approval. She signed a receipt acknowledging her responsibility to read that pamphlet or manual and ask for clarification, if needed, concerning coverage benefits and she admitted that she did not read it. Thus it is found that at the time of her initial employment all pertinent insurance benefits and entitlements were explained to the Petitioner both verbally and in writing and she failed to avail herself of the automatic coverage provision referenced above in a timely way, for the reason stated above. In any event, on July 28, 1980 the Petitioner elected to submit a new enrollee form which was submitted with a medical statement form requesting participation in the State Plan. After correspondence with the State Plan administrator requesting additional medical information, on October 22, 1980 the Department of Administration, by letter, advised the Petitioner that she had not been approved by the plan administrator and she was denied coverage for medical reasons. Accordingly, on October 24, 1980 the Petitioner enrolled in the South Florida Group Health, Inc. Plan which is a health maintenance organization plan (HMO) and she was allowed enrollment in that plan without regard to her current medical condition. The Petitioner remained enrolled in the HMO and requested and was granted leave of absence without pay from her employment position commencing May 29, 1981. Her employing agency advised her that it was her individual responsibility to forward premium payments for the HMO health insurance premiums as well as the state life insurance coverage herself. In other words, she was to pay by cash or her own personal check for this coverage during the time she was not being paid by the state, that is, the premiums for that coverage were not being payroll deducted because she was temporarily off the payroll. Her employment with the State did not lapse during this period commencing May 29, 1981, rather she remained employed, but was on leave without- pay status. The Petitioner knew of her responsibility to pay the premiums for the HMO coverage and the state life insurance coverage itself during the period she was on leave of absence without pay as evidenced by the check she and her husband submitted in June 1981 to pay the premiums on her state life insurance coverage. The Petitioner and her husband moved from Miami to Fort Myers during early June 1981 and the Petitioner remained on leave of absence without pay. When her husband changed employment and moved to the Fort Myers area in June 1981 the Petitioner was a covered dependent under the health insurance coverage available to her husband through his new employment. I n August 1981 the South Florida Group Health, Inc., the HMO in the Miami are of which Petitioner was a member, terminated the Petitioner's health insurance coverage effective August 1, 1981 due to the Petitioner's failure to pay the premiums for that coverage. Shortly thereafter the Petitioner interviewed with personnel officials of HRS in District 8 in Fort Myers and obtained an employment position as a district intake counselor for District 8. She became an active payroll employee of HRS in District 8 by transfer in August 1981. Before the effective date of her transfer the Petitioner was interviewed by Judy Graham, an HRS employee assigned to process her transfer from her former active employment in District 11 in Miami. The Petitioner failed to advise Judy Graham at the time of the interview of her HMO coverage, merely inquiring of Ms. Graham concerning the details of continuation of her state life insurance coverage and concerning her credit union membership. Thereafter, more than 31 calendar days after the effective date of her transfer, (August 24, 1981), indeed, in excess of two years later, the Petitioner completed a new enrollee form again and applied for the state employee's group self- insurance plan benefits. The Department of Administration denied the Petitioner participation upon the determination that she was not medically approvable for insurability by the Plan's claims administrator, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. In any event, the Petitioner's continuous employment with the state and with HRS had never lapsed since she was initially hired January 11, 1980. She was merely on inactive/leave-without-pay status as a state employee from May 29, 1981 until August 24, 1981, as that relates to any right to a second 31-day open enrollment period.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Department of Administration denying the Petitioner's requested enrollment in the State Group Health Insurance Plan without medical approval. DONE AND ORDERED this 31st day of December, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of December, 1985. APPENDIX The following specific rulings are made on the Proposed Findings of Facts submitted by the parties: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted. Accepted, but subordinate and not material to disposition of the issues at bar. Accepted, but subordinate and not material to disposition of the issues at bar. Accepted, but subordinate and not material to disposition of the material issues at bar. Rejected as not being in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible testimony and evidence adduced. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as not being in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible testimony and evidence adduced. Accepted, but this Proposed Finding of Fact in itself is not dispositive of the material issues of fact and law resolved herein. Accepted. Rejected as not in accordance with the competent, substantial, credible evidence and testimony adduced. Accepted. Accepted. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Facts The Respondent failed to number its Proposed Findings of. Fact, therefore its Proposed-Findings of Fact will be specifically ruled upon in the order the various paragraphs containing its Proposed Findings of Fact were presented. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Gilda Lambert Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Curtright C. Truitt, Esq. Post Office Box 2706 Ft. Myers, Florida 33902 Richard L. Kopel, Esq. Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 110.123120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002110 Latest Update: Oct. 10, 1986

The Issue The issues which developed were: Did Pomeroy receive the coverage as asserted by Department of Administration, and What deductions were made from Pomeroy for the coverage, and What deductions were required for the coverage, and Did Pomeroy owe additional for the coverage, and Should the doctrine of laches be applied against the State to prevent the State from asserting the claim?

Findings Of Fact Ms. Kathleen Pomeroy was employed by the State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, on April 3, 1984. When she was employed, Pomeroy became eligible for participation in the state's health insurance plan. She applied for coverage on April 3, 1984, filling out and signing the application form, Petitioner Exhibit 2. Ms. Pomeroy indicated she desired Family I Coverage, insuring herself and her husband, Albert Pomeroy, who was not a state employee. See Petitioner Exhibit 2. Family I Coverage was provided by the State as indicated by issuance of an insurance card. Although the Pomeroy's never had occasion to make a claim against the insurance, the insurance was in effect from the date of acceptance into the program through the date of the hearing. (Pomeroy's Testimony) The State erroneously failed to deduct the correct amount for insurance premiums from Pomeroy's salary. For May, June and July 1984 the State should have deducted $48.46/month. From August 1984 until March 1986 when the error was caught and corrected, the State should have deducted $55.64/month. However, the State deducted only $7.59 per pay period. Ms. Pomeroy had twenty six (26) pay periods per year, which converts to a monthly payment of $16.45($7.59 x 26 divided by 12 equals $16.45) For May, June and July 1984 the State failed to deduct $96.03, ($48.46 - $16.45 x 3 equals $96.03). From August 1984 to March 1986 the State failed to deduct $1,057 over 19 months, ($55.64 - $16.45 x 19 equals $1,057). This is a computed total of $1,153 based upon Petitioner Exhibit 1. However, the State asserts a claim against Pomeroy totalling $914.74. The State, as indicated above, discovered its error in March 1986 and began deducting the appropriate premium and asserted at that time Pomeroy owed back premiums totaling $914.74.

Recommendation The State should recover $914.74 from Kathleen Pomeroy for underpayment of insurance premiums in 78 equal payments over the next three years, or recover any remaining unrecovered balance from Ms. Pomeroy's last pay check as a lump sum. DONE AND ORDERED this 10th day of October 1986, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of October, 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-2110 The following constitute my specific rulings on petitioner's proposed findings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1985). Respondent did not file proposed findings. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner Paragraph 1 adopted. Paragraph 2 adopted. Paragraph 3 rejected as irrelevant and argumentative. Paragraph 4 rejected. No facts support these specific findings, although computations indicated premiums were first paid in May. Paragraph 5 rejected. See paragraph 3, Finding of Facts, which is substituted. Paragraph 6 rejected as irrelevant and argumentative. Paragraph 7 regarding May, June and July 1984, there is no evidence to support the finding that $13.28 was deducted each month. See Finding of Facts paragraph 5. Regarding premiums August 1984 - March 1986 the computations follow those in Finding of Facts, paragraph 6. Regarding April 1986, there is no evidence to support a premium payment of $35.41. Paragraph 8 and 9 essential parts adopted in paragraph 8 of Finding of Facts. COPIES FURNISHED: Augustus Aikens, Esquire General Counsel Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Howard L. Cauvel, Esquire RANO, CAUVEL & JOHNSON, P.A. 233 East Rich Avenue DeLand, Florida 32724

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000162 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 1990

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: At all times pertinent to the allegations of the First Amended Administrative Complaint, respondent Dennis Victor Daniels was licensed as an Ordinary Life including Disability Agent in Florida and was employed by Gulf Health/Life, Inc. in St. Petersburg, Florida. On or about January 14, 1980, Julie Stratton (then Julie Marzec) contacted respondent at the offices of Gulf Health/Life, Inc. for the purpose of purchasing health insurance. She and respondent discussed different insurance policies, and respondent informed her that if she joined the American Benevolent Society (ABS) she could obtain a lower rate for her policy and obtain the best policy for her money. Mrs. Stratton could not remember if respondent informed her of the exact amount of money she would save on her insurance if she joined the ABS. She was informed that other benefits and discounts from area businesses would be available to her as a member of the ABS. Mrs. Stratton joined the ABS in order to obtain less expensive insurance. She wrote two checks -- one in the amount of $15.00 payable to the ABS and the other in the amount of $54.26 payable to CNA Insurance Company. She obtained two insurance policies. The form numbers on these policies were 51831 and 52176. Based upon a referral from an agent with Allstate Insurance Company, John Valentine and his wife went to the offices of Gulf Health/Life in order to obtain hospitalization and surgical insurance coverage. Before moving to Florida, Mr. Valentine was covered by a group policy through his place of employment. Respondent informed Mr. Valentine that members of the ABS could obtain a policy at group rates which entailed a lesser premium than individual rates. Mr. Valentine wrote two checks -- one in the amount of $178.73 payable to CNA Insurance Company and the other in the amount of $25.00 payable to the ASS. Mr. Valentine received two policies from CNA -- one bearing form number 51831 and the other bearing form number 52176. He also received a brochure listing the places of business from which he could receive discounts as a member of the ABS. Gulf Health/Life, Inc. was a general agent for CNA. During the relevant time periods involved in this proceeding, CNA had different policies for health insurance. Policies with a form number of 51831 required the policyholder to be a member of an organization endorsing CNA in order to purchase that policy. Form 51831 policyholders paid a lesser premium for their policies. The difference in premiums between the group or organization policy and an individual policy with the same coverage is approximately $10.00. To obtain the policy bearing form number 52176, there is no requirement that the policyholder be a member of a group or an organization. Ms. Watkins, a secretary employed with Gulf Health/Life, Inc. between December of 1978 and June of 1979 observed a device known as a "light box" on the premises of Gulf Health/Life. This was a square-shaped plywood box with a slanted glass top and a high-intensity lightbulb within the box. On from a half-dozen to a dozen occasions on Fridays between January and April, 1979, Ms. Watkins observed respondent bent over the light box with a pen in his hand tracing a signature onto an insurance application. She could not produce any documents or recall any names of any insurance applicant whose signature was traced or copied by the respondent.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the First Amended Administrative Complaint filed against the respondent on April 29, 1982, be DISMISSED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 10th day of September, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September, 1982. COPIES FURNISHED: Curtis A. Billingsley, Esquire Franz Dorn, Esquire 413-B Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 William A. Patterson, Esquire Masterson, Rogers, Patterson and Masterson, P. A. 447 Third Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 Honorable Bill Gunter Insurance Commissioner The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301

# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002047 Latest Update: Apr. 28, 1983

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is, and at all times material to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, was a licensed ordinary life insurance salesman in the State of Florida. He first became licensed in 1977, and went to work initially for Occidental Life Insurance Company in Orlando, Florida. After approximately three to four weeks with Occidental Life, he went to work for Lincoln National Life and was transferred to St. Petersburg, where he worked for about three or four months selling health insurance and some life insurance as a rider to the health insurance policies. After leaving Lincoln National Life, he left the insurance business and went to work for a sign company. He worked for no further insurance companies before he joined Coordinated Planning Associates (hereinafter referred to as COPA). He went to work for COPA in April of 1979. In July, 1980, Mr. Wheeler was terminated by COPA and he then became employed by United Companies Life, his present employer. In June or July of 1979, Mr. Wheeler contacted James and Ruby Clinton about purchasing insurance from him. He met with them in their home to discuss his product. At that time, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton had four policies in effect. (See Petitioner's Exhibits 8, 9, 10, and 11.) One policy covered Mr. Clinton and had a rider for his wife, and the other three policies were on each of their three children. When there was an initial contact made by Mr. Wheeler with the Clintons, Mr. Clinton informed Mr. Wheeler that they had more insurance than they could afford. Prior to purchasing insurance from Mr. Wheeler, the Clintons showed Mr. Wheeler their policies, and he went through the policies and explained to the Clintons that he could obtain the same or better coverage from his company for less premium. He also informed them that they could obtain coverage for the children by paying a set premium per year per child per thousand dollars of coverage. After the Clintons purchased their policy from Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Clinton actually requested insurance on the children, and Mr. Wheeler came by their home once again to pick up the $4.00 payment or deposit for the additional coverage for the children. At the time that Mr. Wheeler sold the new insurance policy to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, no replacement form was prepared or shown to the Clintons. The Clintons were not knowledgeable in insurance matters and relied upon Mr. Wheeler's representations as to the comparative coverages of his company's policy and their existing policies. The coverage under the policy sold by Mr. Wheeler to the Clintons was not the same or better coverage than those which existed under the policies which were replaced. The policies replaced were whole life policies and covered the entire family. The program being sold by Mr. Wheeler was a retirement savings plan with a term insurance rider and was intended to only supplement and not replace existing coverage. Mr. Wheeler was aware that the Clintons intended to cancel their existing policies and replace them with the policy which he was selling. Mr. Wheeler testified regarding the Clintons on direct examination as follows: Q. Did they mention anything about re- placing their insurance? A. No. They insinuated that yes, they were going to drop it because they needed the money. The original reason we were there was because they needed money, and that's why we were there. And if they could get a good deal on their insurance, or if they could buy a good program and they could turn the other in and get money for it, that's what they were interested in. In fact, Mr. Wheeler's wife actually picked up the existing policies and took care of mailing them to the company after their cancellation. In October of 1979, Mr. Wheeler met with Gary and Darlene Davis of Orlando, Florida, for the purpose of attempting to sell life insurance to them. At the time that they were approached by Mr. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Davis had three life insurance policies issued by Prudential Life Insurance Company in effect. Mr. Wheeler was made aware of these three policies. During the course of the sales presentation, the Respondent went through the existing policies and compared some of the benefits with those of the ITT policy he was attempting to sell. He represented to the Davises that the ITT policy would provide them with better coverage for the entire family for less premium than they were paying for the existing policies. Mr. Wheeler was informed by the Davises that they intended to cancel their existing policies when they purchased the ITT coverage. When Mr. Wheeler met with Mrs. Davis, she showed him the insurance policies on her and her husband. The policy on Mr. Davis had a rider for the children and Mrs. Davis's policy contained an IRA. Mr. Wheeler represented to Mrs. Davis that the COPA program would give her family these same benefits plus a cancer policy for less money. He explained to Mrs. Davis that he could charge a lower premium because he was not an insurance man per se and that because of this his company did not have to pay high commissions like Prudential. He also explained that he worked more with helping people with their finances than with selling insurance and was salaried. In fact, Mr. Wheeler was an insurance salesman working on commissions. The COPA program did not contain an IRA and the cheaper insurance was a term rider not whole life. The basic COPA program which Mr. Wheeler sold to the Davises also did not contain coverage for the Davis children. The true reason the premium was lower was because of the different coverage and different type of insurance. The ITT policy sold to the Davises in fact did not provide the same coverage as that of the policies which were cancelled by the Davises at the time of purchasing the ITT policy. The ITT policy specifically did not provide coverage for the Davis' children, and as a result of this lack of coverage, Mr. and Mrs. Davis were unable to recover any insurance proceeds after their daughter's death during the coverage period of the ITT policy. The ITT policy was a retirement plan designed to supplement existing life insurance and was not intended as a complete life insurance program for a family. Mrs. Davis understood the ITS policy to contain an IRA as part of the policy. The evidence was unclear as to whether Mr. Wheeler actually represented that it contained an IRA or whether he represented that there was a tax benefit within the retirement savings program which the Davises interpreted to mean an IRA. It was clear, however, that Mr. and Mrs. Davis were not knowledgeable in matters of insurance and relied upon the expertise and representations of Mr. Wheeler in cancelling their existing policies and replacing them with the ITT policy. No replacement form comparing the coverage of the existing policies and the ITT policy was prepared or presented to the Davises at the time that they purchased the ITT policy. Mr. Wheeler admitted that he filled out the applications on behalf of the Davises and the Clintons. Question No. Nine on the application forms for ITT of both the Clintons and the Davises asked whether the proposed policies were being issued in a replacement situation. This question on both applications was answered "No" by Mr. Wheeler. Question No. One of the agent's report reads: "Will insurance on any proposed insured now applied for replace or change any life insurance or annuity?" This question was answered "No" on the agent's report for both the Davises and the Clintons. The signature block of the agent's report reflected that they were prepared by Mr. Richard Wheeler. The Respondent admitted that he customarily intentionally avoided information from prospects which might reveal to him the fact that insurance was being replaced and did so in this instance. When Mr. Wheeler began with COPA, he received two weeks' training. The training was designed to teach the "canned" presentation which COPA salesmen were required to use. This presentation was prepared by the more experienced and more knowledgeable officers and managers of COPA. This same presentation was utilized by Mr. Wheeler in the sales presentation to the Clintons and Davises. There was no training regarding replacement of other insurance. Sometime in 1980, after the sales to the Clintons and Davises, Mr. Wheeler was informed by another COPA employee, Greg Gustin, as to particular representations within the canned presentation Mr. Gustin considered to be false. Sometime after this, Mr. Wheeler discussed this with Mr. Larry Taylor of COPA and an official of ITT Life Insurance Company. When Mr. Wheeler tried to change the presentation to eliminate the misrepresentations, he was fired. This occurred July 17, 1980. Mr. Wheeler claimed ignorance of the misleading nature of the canned presentation prior to his discussions with Mr. Gustin. However, Mr. Wheeler admitted that he had intentionally avoided getting information from customers which indicated they were going to cancel their existing policies. The sales presentation also stated "Let me assure you I am not here to sell you anything. Mr. Wheeler's only purpose for visiting these people was to sell them insurance. Mr. Wheeler sold approximately 250 policies while with COPA and has continued to sell life insurance since leaving COPA in July, 1980. The two complaints which are the subject of this administrative proceeding were the only two complaints made against Mr. Wheeler. Since going to work for United Companies Life, Mr. Wheeler has been trained in using replacement forms and now uses those forms whenever his policy replaces existing insurance.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: 1. That the Department of Insurance enter a final order suspending Respondent's license for a period of 30 days. This case is more appropriately a case for a civil fine or probation. However, a violation of Florida Statute Section 626.611 involves a mandatory suspension. There are strong mitigating factors which justify that the mandatory suspension be of short duration. At the tinge the sales were made to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. and Mrs. Davis, the Respondent was relatively new in the insurance business. Upon being employed by COPA, he was given a prepared sales presentation to memorize and use in each sales contact. This presentation was prepared by the officers and managers of COPA who were more experienced and more knowledgeable than Mr. Wheeler about insurance matters. Mr. Wheeler later tried to change the presentation and was fired as a result. These incidents occurred in 1979 and since that time Mr. Wheeler has continued to work as a licensed insurance salesman with no complaints or evidence of violations of the Florida Statutes or Rules of the Department of Insurance. The circumstances giving rise to the violations and the fact that the Respondent was advised by more experienced and knowledgeable individuals clearly bear upon the appropriateness of the particular penalty assigned. See, Drew v. Insurance Commissioner and Treasurer, 330 So.2d 794 (Fla. 1st DCA 1976). RECOMMENDED this 11 day of April, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARVIN E. CHAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of April, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: David A. Yon, Esquire Legal Division Department of Insurance 413-B Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Paul H. Bowen, Esquire Swann & Haddock, P.A. Post Office Box 7838 Orlando, Florida 32854 Honorable William Gunter State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 626.611626.621626.9541
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jul. 01, 1993 Number: 93-003731 Latest Update: Nov. 19, 1993

The Issue Whether the Petitioner, Robbie Reynolds, is eligible for family medical insurance coverage for medical expenses incurred by the Petitioner's son?

Findings Of Fact The Parties. At all times relevant to this proceeding, the Petitioner, Robbie W. Reynolds, was an employee of Department of Corrections, an agency of the State of Florida. The Respondent, the Department of Management Services, Division of State Employees' Insurance (hereinafter referred to as the "Division"), is an agency of the State of Florida. The Division is responsible for managing the State's employee health insurance system. Participation in the State of Florida Health Insurance Plan. The State of Florida makes health insurance available to its employees (hereinafter referred to as the "State Health Plan"). Employees may choose health insurance through the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan or through various health maintenance organizations (hereinafter referred to as "HMOs"). The Division has promulgated Chapter 60P, Florida Administrative Code, regulating the State Health Plan. Employees pay part of the premiums for their health insurance and the State contributes a part of the cost of premiums. The amount of premiums paid by an employee and the State depends on the type of coverage selected. Employees may elect coverage only for themselves ("individual" coverage), or coverage for themselves and certain qualified dependents ("family" coverage). Female employees who elect individual coverage are eligible for the payment of maternity or pregnancy benefits. Included in these benefits are certain benefits for the newborn child referred to as "well-baby care." In order for medical expenses attributable solely to a newborn baby that is ill at or after birth to be covered by the State Health Plan, an employee must elect family coverage for the employee and the child. The family coverage must be effective as of the date the medical expenses are incurred for the child. Open Enrollment Periods. Once an employee selects the type of health insurance he or she desires, that employee generally may change the election only during certain designated periods of time, referred to as "open enrollment periods." During an open enrollment period, an employee may change from HMO coverage to the State of Florida Employees' Group Health Self Insurance Plan, or vice versa, may change from individual coverage to family coverage, or vice versa, and may add or delete dependents to the employee's family coverage. Changes to an employees' State Health Plan coverage made during an open enrollment period are effective for the calendar year immediately following the open enrollment period. Other Changes in Health Insurance Coverage. An exception to the requirement of the State Health Plan that changes in coverage only be made during an open enrollment period is provided for certain specified events, referred to as "qualifying events." The acquisition of an "eligible dependent" during a year may constitute a qualifying event. For example, if an employee marries, the employee may elect family coverage for himself or herself and the employee's spouse. A change from individual coverage to family coverage may also be made if an employee or an employee's spouse gives birth to a child. The change to family coverage as a result of marriage or the birth of a child must be made within thirty-one days after the eligible dependent is acquired. An employee may also elect family coverage as a result of the employee or the employee's spouse becoming pregnant. If the employee or employee's spouse elects family coverage in time for the family coverage to be effective at the time of the child's birth, the child may then be added as a dependent to the family coverage by notifying the Division of the child's birth within thirty-one days after the child is born. In order to change to family coverage when an employee or employee's spouse becomes pregnant, the employee, must apply for the change to family coverage in time for the employee to make a month's premium payment on the first day of at least the month during which the child is born or an earlier month. For example, if an employee elects to change from individual coverage to family coverage for a yet to be born child in July effective for September, the first full month's premium is paid on September 1, and the child is born on September 2, the employee has family coverage for all of September and the child will be covered if the Division is notified of the child's birth within thirty-one days after the date of birth. In order for an employee to make a change in coverage as the result of a qualifying event, the employee must file a Change of Information form with the employee's personnel office. The personnel office forwards the form to the Division. Ms. Reynolds' Health Insurance. Ms. Reynolds, as an employee of the State of Florida, was eligible for state health insurance. She elected to participate in the HMO that was available in the Gainesville area where she is employed. AvMed is the name of the HMO for the Gainesville area and Ms. Reynolds' insurer. Although married, Ms. Reynolds initially elected individual coverage. Ms. Reynolds did not elect family coverage for her husband because he received health insurance benefits from his employer. During 1992, Ms. Reynolds became pregnant. The baby's projected due date was April 15, 1993. The Open Enrollment Period for 1993. The open enrollment period for the next calendar year (1993) after Ms. Reynolds became pregnant took place in October of 1992. During the October 1992 open enrollment period the Department of Corrections, through its personnel office, conducted meetings with employees to discuss health care benefits and coverage available to its employees. Two benefits consultants, trained by the Division, conducted the meetings, providing information to, and answering questions from, employees concerning the open enrollment period. Ms. Reynolds, who was approximately three months pregnant at the time of the benefit consultation meetings, attended one of the sessions. Ms. Reynolds attended the session for the purpose of determining what steps she should take to insure that her yet-to-be-born infant was covered by health insurance. Ms. Reynolds spoke for some time with Gail Page and Jordaina Chambers, benefits consultants of the Department of Corrections. Ms. Reynolds informed the benefits consultants that she was pregnant and that she wanted to insure that her yet-to-be-born infant was covered by her health insurance. Ms. Reynolds was incorrectly told that she could not elect family coverage for just her and her yet-to-be-born infant. This incorrect advice, however, did not have any effect on the effective date Ms. Reynolds ultimately decided to begin her family coverage. Ms. Reynolds also informed the benefits consultants that the baby was due April 15, 1993. The benefits consultants informed Ms. Reynolds that her pregnancy constituted a qualifying event and that she could, therefore, switch to family coverage in order to cover her baby. She was also informed that she would have to notify the Division of her child's birth with thirty-one days after birth to add the child to the policy. After being told that she would have to switch her coverage from individual coverage to family coverage, adding her husband as a dependent, Ms. Reynolds asked the benefits consultants when she should switch to family coverage. Consistent with the policies of the Division, and the training the benefits consultants had received from the Division, the benefits consultants advised Ms. Reynolds that she should elect family coverage effective two or three months prior to her due date. The Division makes this recommendation so that employees can save the increased premiums for family coverage a reasonable period of time before the child is born. In light of the fact that Ms. Reynolds' conversation with the benefits consultants took place during the 1992 open enrollment period and the fact that January 1, 1993 was three and one-half months prior to Ms. Reynolds' due date, Ms. Reynolds was advised by the benefits consultants that it would be reasonable to switch from individual coverage to family coverage through the open enrollment period. Based upon this advice, Ms. Reynolds' family coverage would be effective January 1, 1993. The benefits consultants did not advise Ms. Reynolds of any possible consequences of not electing to switch from individual coverage to family coverage with an effective date prior to January 1, 1993. The benefits consultants also did not tell Ms. Reynolds that she could not choose to switch from her individual coverage to family coverage with an effective date prior to January 1, 1993. On or about October 15, 1992, Ms. Reynolds executed and filed with the Division an Annual Benefit Election Form. Respondent's exhibit 1. Pursuant to this form Ms. Reynolds elected to change her health insurance coverage from individual to family effective January 1, 1993. Ms. Reynolds elected to add her husband as a covered dependent. Based upon the election made by Ms. Reynolds, her family coverage became effective on January 1, 1993. If her child was born before that date, any expenses attributable solely to medical services received by the child would not covered by Ms. Reynolds' medical coverage. If the child was born on or after that date and Ms. Reynolds notified the Division of the child's birth within thirty-one days after the child's birth, any expenses attributable solely to medical services received by the child would be covered by Ms. Reynolds' medical coverage. The evidence failed to prove that the advice given by the benefits consultants in October 1992 was not reasonable based upon the information available to them and to Ms. Reynolds. The evidence also failed to prove that either the benefits consultants or Ms. Reynolds unreasonably failed to realize that the child would be born more than three and one-half months premature. Ms. Reynolds, while reasonably relying on the advice of the benefits consultants, knew or should have known that the ultimate decision as to when to begin family coverage was hers to make. Ms. Reynolds also should have been somewhat wary of the advice she was given, in light of the fact that Ms. Reynolds admitted that she was told by the benefits consultants that they "did not know that much about what she was asking." Despite this warning, Ms. Reynolds testified during the final hearing that she followed their advice because she felt there was "no reason to believe they would be wrong." The Premature Birth of the Reynolds' Child. On December 29, 1992, Ms. Reynolds underwent surgery, due to unforeseen medical complications, to deliver her child. The child died on January 1, 1993. In order to add the child as a dependent to her medical insurance when the child was born, Ms. Reynolds had to have family coverage in effect as of December 1, 1992 or earlier. Unfortunately for Ms. Reynolds, on December 29, 1992 when her child was born, Ms. Reynolds only had individual coverage. The rules governing medical benefits of state employees do not allow employees with individual coverage to add dependents. Therefore, even though Ms. Reynolds attempted to get the Division, through the personnel office of the Department of Corrections, to add her child by notifying the personnel office of the birth of the child immediately after December 29, 1993, the child could not be added to her individual coverage. The child received medical services and incurred medical expenses between December 29, 1992 and January 1, 1993. Those expenses were not covered by the well-baby care provided by Ms. Reynolds' individual coverage. Because Ms. Reynolds did not have family coverage at the time the child was born and the child could not be added to her individual coverage, the medical expenses incurred for the child were not covered by Ms. Reynolds' health insurance. Although the child should be added as a dependent to Ms. Reynolds family coverage which took effect as of January 1, 1993, the evidence failed to prove that any medical expenses incurred for the care of the child on January 1, 1993, were not attributable to a preexisting condition. Therefore, expenses incurred for the care of the child on January 1, 1993, are not eligible for reimbursement. Should the Division be Estopped from Denying Coverage? The Division relies on benefits consultants to assist the Division in administering the State Health Plan. Benefits consultants are trained by the Division, they are state employees and they hold themselves out as representing the State in general and the Division in particular. The Division's rules provide for the active involvement of the various personnel offices in administering the State Health Plan. See, Rule 60P- 2.003(1), Florida Administrative Code. The Annual Benefit Election Forms issued by the Division during the open enrollment specifically provide that the forms are to be turned in to employees' personnel offices. The Division allows personnel offices of the various state agencies to hold themselves out to employees as agents of the Division. In this case, Ms. Reynolds was given advice by benefits consultants, on behalf of the Division and consistent with Division policy, which played a role in Ms. Reynolds making a decision which resulted in medical expenses incurred upon the premature birth of her child not being covered by her medical insurance. While Ms. Reynolds was given some incorrect advice, she was not given incorrect advice concerning the effective date of her family coverage. The advice given to Ms. Reynolds concerning when to start her family coverage was reasonable at the time given and, as she admitted during the hearing, there was no reason in October of 1992 to doubt the wisdom of the advice she received. Ultimately, it was Ms. Reynolds decision. While she may not have understood that advice, she made the decision to make choices and act on the advice even after being warned that the benefits consultants were not knowledgeable about what she was asking.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services, Division of State Employees' Insurance enter a Final Order dismissing Robbie W. Reynolds' petition in this matter. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of November, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of November, 1993. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 93-3731 The Division has submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Ms. Reynolds did not file a proposed recommended order. The Division's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in 2-3 and 19. Accepted in 4-5, 9 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 6 and 9. Accepted in 11-17. Accepted in 7-8. Accepted in 1 and 18-19. Accepted in 23-26. Accepted in 20, 28 and 30-32. But See 27-20. See 29-30. But see 27. Accepted in 34 and 38. See 40. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 40-41 COPIES FURNISHED: Robbie W. Reynolds 2635 South West 35th Place, #1304 Gainesville, Florida 32608 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. Chief of Bureau of Benefits and Legal Services Division of State Employees' Insurance Department of Management Services 2002 Old St. Augustine Road, B-12 Tallahassee, Florida 32301-4876 William H. Lindner, Secretary Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 307 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Sylvan Strickland, Esquire Department of Management Services Knight Building, Suite 309 Koger Executive Center 2737 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 60P-2.003
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida May 20, 2005 Number: 05-001850 Latest Update: Jan. 19, 2006

The Issue The issue presented is whether Petitioner is eligible to participate in the State of Florida's group health insurance plan.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Judy Stahl began her employment with the State of Florida as a public assistance specialist with the Department of Children and Families on October 4, 1991. She began participating in the State's group health insurance program on December 1, 1991. Petitioner voluntarily terminated her employment by the State on November 28, 2002, for personal reasons. In her letter of resignation she stated that it was her intention to again seek employment with the State after the personal situation which caused her to resign was concluded. Premiums for the State's group health insurance are paid one month in advance. Therefore, Petitioner's coverage under the State's group health insurance program continued through the end of December 2002. In January 2003, the State's Division of State Group Insurance notified Petitioner of her right to elect continuation coverage under the federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) and the federal Public Health Services Act (PHSA). Petitioner so elected and continued her participation in the State's group health insurance under COBRA for the maximum period of 18 months that was available to her. Her continuation coverage expired June 30, 2004. In May 2004 the State's Division of State Group Insurance notified Petitioner that her continuation coverage would soon expire and further advised her of her right to convert her insurance coverage to a private, individual policy. Petitioner exercised her option to convert to a private policy, effective July 1, 2004. In March 2005 the Florida Division of Retirement sent Petitioner an Estimate of Retirement Benefits. The Estimate contained the comment that: "As a result of a review of accounts for terminated members, it was determined that you are eligible for retirement benefits." The Estimate form was accompanied by a pamphlet explaining the Florida Retirement System Pension Plan. It was also accompanied by information on the State Employees' Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) health plan. The retirement pamphlet included the information that health insurance was available to retirees; however, the health insurance information advised that health insurance was only available to certain retirees. Petitioner concluded that if she retired, she could obtain cheaper health insurance from the State than from her private provider. This was the first time that Petitioner considered the possibility of retirement. Petitioner thereafter made many telephone calls to the Department of Children and Families, to the Division of Retirement, to the Division of State Group Insurance, and to People First, inquiring about retirement and insurance. These telephone inquiries were the first time she mentioned to any State employee or representative that she was interested in retiring. At the end of March 2005 she made the decision to retire and submitted her application for retirement benefits. Her effective retirement date was April 1, 2005. At the time Petitioner filed her application for retirement, she was no longer participating in the State's group health insurance program. At the time she filed her application for retirement, she was no longer participating in continuation coverage pursuant to COBRA. She was insured under a private policy. At the time of her initial enrollment in the State group health insurance program, Petitioner signed a new enrollee form that, inter alia, advised her that eligibility and enrollment were governed by the provisions of Florida Administrative Code Rule 22K-l. During her employment she also enrolled in supplemental dental insurance. That enrollment application form notified Petitioner that any changes in enrollment or coverage are governed by the federal Internal Revenue Code and the Florida Administrative Code. Throughout her employment and at the time that she terminated her employment, she completed Annual Benefits Open Enrollment forms, which also notified her that any changes in enrollment or coverage are governed by the Internal Revenue Code and the Florida Administrative Code. While employed by the Department of Children and Families, Petitioner was provided with copies of the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan Booklet and Benefit Document. Those booklets describe eligibility for participation to include employees, certain retirees, and COBRA participants. They also describe termination of coverage due to termination of employment and describe continuation coverage and conversion coverage. At the time Petitioner retired, she was not a State employee; she was a former State employee.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Petitioner is not eligible to participate in the State's group health insurance program. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of January, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINDA M. RIGOT Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of January, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Mark J. Berkowitz, Esquire Mark J. Berkowitz, P.A. 524 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 200N Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Sonja P. Matthews, Esquire Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Tom Lewis, Jr., Secretary Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950 Alberto Dominguez, General Counsel Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

CFR (1) 26 CFR 54.4980 Florida Laws (2) 110.123120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001327 Latest Update: Oct. 05, 1983

Findings Of Fact Petitioner was employed with the Collier County Health Department, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, on March 9, 1973. Petitioner's date of birth is November 26, 1916. On October 1, 1980, Petitioner's medical insurance coverage was entered into the payroll system under the Spouse Program, State of Florida plan. The proper amount of premiums under the Spouse Program were paid to Blue Cross Blue Shield from October 1, 1980, up to and including June, 1983. On November 26, 1981, Petitioner reached the age of 65. Under the State plan, coverage at age 65 is automatically reduced and changed to Medicare Supplement Coverage. In order to have remained fully covered, Petitioner would have had to apply for the Medicare insurance prior to reaching age 65, which he did not do. Due to both spouses being covered, there was no change in policy premium deductions even after Petitioner reached age 65 and his State coverage was reduced. The Blue Cross Blue Shield (State program) paid several claims of Petitioner subsequent to his 65th birthday and through December, 1982. On March 8, 1983, Petitioner was admitted to the hospital and on March 11, 1983, heart bypass surgery was performed. Respondent normally notifies the employee and employing agency of the coverage change prior to the employee's 65th birthday, as required by Rule 22K- 1.16, F.A.C. In this case, Respondent did not do so due to a failure in its computer program. Petitioner could have determined that he was required to apply for Medicare coverage had he read in detail a copy of the plan's benefit booklet furnished to all State employees in 1978.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent direct its insurer to pay Petitioner's claims arising from his March, 1983, hospitalization. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of September, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of September, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. John H. Adams 2596 Linwood Avenue Naples, Florida 33962 Daniel C. Brown, Esquire Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Nevin G. Smith, Secretary Department of Administration Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Jun. 02, 2003 Number: 03-002041PL Latest Update: Apr. 28, 2004

The Issue Should discipline be imposed by Petitioner against Respondent's insurance agent licenses as, Life (2-16), Life and Health (2-18), and Health (2-40), held pursuant to Chapter 626, Florida Statutes?

Findings Of Fact The Parties Petitioner was created in accordance with Section 20.13, Florida Statutes. Petitioner has been conferred general power by the Legislature, to regulate the insurance industry in Florida, in accordance with Section 624.307, Florida Statutes. Chapter 626, Florida Statutes, grants Petitioner the authority to license and discipline insurance agents doing business in Florida. Petitioner issued Respondent license No. A140590. At times relevant to the inquiry, Respondent has been licensed in Florida as agent for insurance in Life (2-16), and Life and Health (2-18). On December 2, 1992, Respondent had been issued a Health (2-40) license, but that license is no longer valid having been voluntarily cancelled. The cancellation occurred at a time previous to December 18, 2003, when a license history document was prepared, Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 1. Respondent conducts business as an insurance agent under the name Business Insurance Cafeteria. The business is located at 828 Hamilton Avenue, St. Augustine, Florida. Respondent has been licensed as an insurance agent for over 50 years, 44 years of which have been in Florida. Acting as an insurance agent has been Respondent's principal occupation. During that time the emphasis in his business has been on health insurance. TRG Affiliation In April 2001, an acquaintance and insurance agent Ellen Averill introduced Respondent to Robert Trueblood, Sr. Respondent understood that Mr. Trueblood was the Managing General Agent for TRG. Mr. Trueblood, at the time, was from Hobe Sound, Florida. Mr. Trueblood gave information to Respondent about TRG pertaining to its involvement in the insurance business. Mr. Trueblood told Respondent that individuals within TRG were personal friends of Mr. Trueblood. In turn, Respondent made a call to Petitioner at the end of April or first part of May 2001. Someone that he spoke to, whose identity and position within the Petitioner's hierarchy was not established in the record, made a comment which cannot be established as fact given its hearsay nature. Nonetheless, following this conversation, Respondent became affiliated with the TRG organization which Respondent understood to be an ERISA program, not subject to Petitioner's oversight. At that time, Respondent's knowledge of what an ERISA program entailed was based upon reading he had done in the past. Respondent was of the impression that the ERISA program was under the auspices of the federal government, as opposed to the state government. Respondent had never taken specific courses concerning the ERISA program before his engagement with TRG. Respondent's involvement with TRG was his first effort to market what he considered to be ERISA program insurance. When Respondent commenced his participation with TRG, he believed that an ERISA program was instituted by a document filed with the Department of Labor outlining insurance benefits and that TRG had put up reserves associated with the ERISA program. Respondent did not obtain anything in writing from the Department of Labor concerning TRG as an ERISA program. To begin with, Respondent believed that ERISAs had to involve 51 or more lives in being before coverage could be obtained. Again, this was not a market that Respondent had worked in but he understood that ERISAs involved coverage of that number of individuals. From conversations with Mr. Trueblood and Tom Dougherty, another managing General Agent for TRG, of Cocoa Beach, Florida, Respondent became persuaded that ERISAs could be marketed to companies with a single life being insured or two to three lives in a small group market. Respondent relied on Mr. Trueblood when Mr. Trueblood told Respondent that ERISA, as a federal program did not have to be licensed by the state. Mr. Dougherty made a similar comment to Respondent. Ms. Averill also commented to Respondent concerning her impression about TRG as an ERISA program. From this record, Respondent was not officially told by persons within the Petitioner's agency, that the TRG program was an ERISA program that did not have to be licensed in Florida. TRG provided Respondent marketing material. Respondent was impressed with the "very professional" appearance of that material. Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 admitted into evidence is constituted of material provided to Respondent by TRG. It refers to the TRG health plan under "the Redwood Group." It refers to marketing under an organization identified as Premier Financial Group USA, Inc. It describes PPO networks available with the TRG products. The document refers to the TRG/USA health plan (the Redwood Group, L.L.C./USA Services Group, Inc.) and various versions of employer health and welfare benefit plans and a client fee schedule effective May 1, 2001, for enrollees in the 80/60 plan and 90/70 plan. Participant co- pays for physician office visits are related. Those plans identified in the material describe the amount of deductibles according to age groups and participation by members and additional family participants. The TRG document speaks of benefits attributable to the 80/60 and 90/70 health plans. This information contained comments about the Redwood Companies- Corporate Overview. Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 comments upon the ERISA program and the provision of health benefits for employees through self-funded employee health and welfare benefit plans as a means, according to the document, to exempt those plans from state insurance regulation. Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 touts what it claims are savings to be derived compared to current health insurance plans held by prospective purchasers. Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 contains an associate application agreement setting forth policies and procedures that Respondent would be obligated to meet as an associate with TRG acting as an independent contractor. Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 contains an application format for prospective enrollees in the TRG preferred provider plans to execute in applying for coverage. Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 refers to Robert W. Trueblood, Sr., as being affiliated with Premier Financial Group, USA Inc., under the TRG banner. Mr. Trueblood sent Respondent's Exhibit numbered 1 to Respondent. Respondent began his contacts with TRG in May 2001 and wrote his first enrollment contract in association with TRG in August or September 2001. Beyond that time, Respondent was notified on November 27, 2001, that effective November 30, 2001, a cease and desist order had been issued against TRG's offering its health coverage in Florida. The commissions earned by Respondent in selling the TRG health insurance product ranged from five to seven percent. Respondent earned less than $1,000.00 in total commissions when selling TRG health insurance products. The persons who participated with TRG in its preferred provider plan were referred to the claims administrator of USA Services. Participants in the TRG preferred provider plan sold by Respondent received information outlining the benefits. Participants received medical I.D. cards. This information was provided directly to the participants. Respondent was aware of the information provided to the participants. An example of this information is set out in Respondent's Exhibit numbered 2. In offering the TRG health coverage, Respondent told his customers that this plan was not under the purview of the Department of Insurance in Florida, that this was an ERISA program. Respondent told his customers that any problems experienced with the program could be addressed through resort to the federal court. Respondent did remind the customers that making the Florida Department of Insurance aware of their claims could create a record in case they went to federal court. Respondent is familiar with the prohibition against acting as an insurance agent for companies not authorized to transact business in Florida. But he held to the opinion that TRG was an ERISA program under the federal auspices and not subject to Petitioner's control. At the inception, Respondent believed that offering the TRG health insurance coverage would be an acceptable choice. That proved not to be true. When it was discovered that TRG would not pay claims related to health coverage for policies Respondent sold to his customers, Respondent made an attempt to find replacement coverage. To this end, Respondent had received information reflected in Respondent's Exhibit numbered 5. The document discussed the prospect that insurance would be provided from the Clarendon Insurance Company (Clarendon), using the provider Network Beechstreet, with Baftal/Quik Quote Insurance Brokers in Plantation, Florida, being involved in the process to substitute coverage for TRG. Baftal is the shorthand reference for Bertany Association for Travel and Leisure, Inc. Baftal is an insurance agency. Respondent made some explanation to his customers insured through TRG of the prospect of using Clarendon to take over from TRG, which had not honored any of the claims for reimbursement made by Respondent's customers. A copy of this December 28, 2001, correspondence from Respondent to TRG's insureds who had been sold policies through Respondent, is reflected in Respondent's Exhibit numbered 6. As described in Respondent's Exhibit numbered 7, Baftal sent information concerning health care coverage to business owners, to include Respondent's customers, as described in the Amended Administrative Complaint. This correspondence indicated that the benefit plan would become effective December 1, 2001, upon condition that the insured meet applicable underwriting standards. This communication was made following receipt of premiums paid by the insured. Reimbursement for claims were to be processed through Advancement Administration in Maitland, Florida. Baftal did not assume the claims that had not been honored by TRG, and Clarendon did not become the insurer for those customers. Baftal did not follow through with the offer to provide health benefits to Respondent's customers who had begun with TRG. On February 11, 2002, as evidenced by Respondent's Exhibit numbered 8, Baftal wrote the customers to advise that health benefits would not be provided. That exhibit mentions American Benefit Plans through a Mr. David Neal and some intention for Mr. Neal's organization to provide a benefits program, including insurance through Clarendon, as administered through Advanced Administration. The Baftal communication goes on to say that Baftal had learned that Clarendon was not an insurer on the program, that the only insurer on the program was an offshore insurance company about which Baftal had not received credible information. The letter remarks that premiums paid to Baftal by the customers were being returned. On April 4, 2002, as related in Respondent's Exhibit numbered 9, TRG wrote to persons who were identified as health plan participants, to include Respondent's customers who are the subject of the Amended Administrative Complaint. The letter stated that due to a problem with USA Services Group, the claims administrator on November 30, 2001, when the TRG plan ended, claims were not being paid. The correspondence remarks about difficulties with USA Services experienced by TRG, promising that TRG would fulfill obligations to the customers who were participants in the health plan. Contrary to this promise, TRG has not honored claims for those customers who are the subject of the Amended Administrative Complaint. On December 12, 2001, as reflected in Respondent's Exhibit numbered 4, Petitioner had written consumers who had enrolled in the TRG health plan to advise that the Petitioner did not consider the TRG health plan to be an ERISA program. Under the circumstances, the correspondence indicated that TRG should have sought authorization from Petitioner to sell health plans in Florida, which had not been done. The correspondence refers to some acknowledgement by TRG that it was not an ERISA program and needed to be licensed in Florida to conduct business. The correspondence advises the consumer to cease payment of any further premiums to TRG, to include the cancellation of automatic bank drafts for payment of premiums. The correspondence advises the consumer to obtain replacement insurance through Florida licensed insurance companies or HMOs. The letter goes on to remind the consumer of certain plans that were not licensed in Florida to conduct business because they were perceived to be illegitimate companies. The communication urged the consumer not to enroll in those health insurance plans. Respondent was made aware of this communication. Count I: Vicki Brown Vicki Brown has a business known as Rainbows End Ranch located in St. Johns County, Florida. This is a one-person business involving boarding and training of horses. Ms. Brown was interested in obtaining permanent health insurance, in that her COBRA policy was expiring. As a consequence, she was referred to Respondent by a friend. Respondent met Ms. Brown at her place of business. She explained to him her health insurance needs. Respondent suggested obtaining health insurance through TRG. Ms. Brown agreed. Ms. Brown paid $165.00 to TRG by check to cover the premium for September 2001. Two additional amounts of $165.00 were withdrawn from her checking account to pay premiums to TRG for the months that followed. Subsequently, Ms. Brown received Petitioner's December 12, 2001, letter informing her that TRG was not allowed to conduct business in Florida, Petitioner's Exhibit numbered Beyond that point, Ms. Brown had difficulties in her attempt to be reimbursed for her medical treatment, presumably covered by the TRG plan, by seeking reimbursement through another insurance firm other than by TRG. That process was pursued through Baftal in relation to insurance offered by Clarendon. Ms. Brown made Respondent aware that she had problems with reimbursement and of the receipt of Petitioner's letter. Respondent told her not to worry about the situation, that things were going to be taken care of by Clarendon taking over where TRG left off. Ms. Brown received Respondent's form correspondence dated December 28, 2001, explaining the switch from TRG to Clarendon, Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 6. Ms. Brown also received information from Advancement Administration concerning Clarendon as the insurance company, Beechstreet as the provider network, mentioning Baftal/Quik Quote Insurance as brokers, Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 7. Following her difficulties with TRG, on January 2, 2002, Ms. Brown wrote a check to the Baftal Escrow Account in the amount of $513.40 for premiums in relation to Clarendon. As can be seen, the payment to Clarendon represented an increase in premium compared to TRG. The check for $513.40 had been written out to LPI Clarendon and changed by Respondent to reflect the Baftal Escrow Account. In January 2002, Ms. Brown called Respondent and was told that the paperwork he was filling out was wrong and that he needed to complete new forms for Baftal "Insurance Brokers." According to Respondent, that explained why the coverage through Baftal had not gone into effect. Ms. Brown had received Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 11, the communication from Baftal calling for additional information as a prerequisite to obtaining insurance benefits effective December 1, 2001. Information provided in the document concerning issues related to her coverage was not useful to Ms. Brown when she made inquiry consistent with the instructions contained in the document. Concerning her claims for reimbursement, Ms. Brown had a health problem with her throat. In addressing the condition, she was told by her primary care doctor, that when trying to arrange for a specialist to attend her care through the Beechstreet Provider Network, which was part of the health care offered through the Baftal Agency, it was reported that Beechstreet was bankrupt. Then Ms. Brown called Respondent to ask his advice. Respondent told her he was not sure how to respond "right now things are in a haywire." Beyond that point Ms. Brown found out that Clarendon, part of the Baftal arrangement was not going to insure her business. In particular, Ms. Brown received the February 11, 2002, communication from Baftal commenting that insurance would not be provided through Baftal, remarking that Clarendon was not an insurer. This communication is Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 12. After the TRG and Baftal experiences, Ms. Brown tried to be placed on her husband's health insurance policy but had trouble getting a certificate to allow her to obtain that coverage. This was in relation to the need for the existence of continuing coverage before being placed on the husband's policy. Fortunately, Ms. Brown was eventually able to get insurance through her husband's policy. Ms. Brown was dismayed by the difficulty experienced in obtaining health insurance when she discovered that TRG and Baftal would not meet her health insurance needs. From the evidence, it has been determined that the TRG plan purchased by Ms. Brown was the 80/60 plan with the $1,000.00 deductible. Although Ms. Brown testified that her medical bills in the period in question would total close to $1,000.00, the evidence found in Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 8, constituted of medical bills around that time do not approximate than amount. Ms. Brown had received a TRG benefit handbook and membership card, Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 9 and 10, associated with her participation in the 80/60 plan with a $1000.00 deductible and co-pay of $10.00 for a physician office visit and $20.00 for a specialist office visit. In summary, none of the companies from whom Ms. Brown purchased insurance through Respondent, commencing with TRG, have paid for any of her claims for reimbursement for medical care during the relevant time period. In addition to not receiving a reimbursement for premiums paid to TRG, Ms. Brown did not receive the return of her premium paid to Baftal either. Count II: Alicia Moore Alicia Moore at one time was employed by Respondent. The position Alicia Moore held with Respondent's insurance agency was that of general office clerk. Ms. Moore has never been licensed in any capacity by Petitioner, related to the sale of insurance and has not taken courses to educate herself about the insurance business. In addition to her employment with Respondent, she purchased health insurance through Respondent with TRG around September 2001. Ms. Moore purchased the TRG health insurance policy in the interest of her husband's subchapter S corporation, small business. Her husband's name is Randy Moore. The name of the company operated by the husband is M-3 Enterprises, Inc. The husband's company has one employee, Randy Moore. The Moores resided in St. Augustine, Florida, at times relevant to the inquiry. The husband's business had been insured for health coverage by Humana, until Humana determined that it was not willing to provide health insurance for the company and the Moores decided that the individual policies offered by Humana in substitution for the group policy were too expensive. The Moores chose TRG for health insurance after Respondent had discussed several health insurance plans including individual or group policies. The reason for the choice was the premium price. On September 19, 2001, Randy Moore paid $434.00 for the health insurance premium to Redwood Group, in the interest of obtaining health insurance from TRG. On November 2, 2001, an additional $434.00 was debited from the checking account for M-3 Enterprises, to TRG for premiums related to the health insurance coverage. Ms. Moore recalls Respondent telling her that the TRG health plan was an ERISA plan but she has no knowledge about ERISA plans being regulated under federal law. In that connection, Ms. Moore commented in a statement given by affidavit, that Respondent told her that TRG was not regulated by Petitioner. Respondent explained to Ms. Moore that the premium payments to TRG were lower in costs because TRG was an ERISA program. TRG sent correspondence to the Moores as participants in the health plan. This is found as Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 15. It enclosed a membership issued to Randy Moore setting forth the $10.00 co-pay for a physician visit, $20.00 co-pay for a specialist office visit, and $50.00 co-pay for emergency room visits associated with the participation in Plan 8033. The nature of the plan that the Moores had was a member- plus family. The cover letter listed the telephone number for the claims administrator USA Services to address claims or customer services questions. Ms. Moore also received a packet from TRG explaining the process of filing claims for health care. After obtaining the TRG health coverage, Ms. Moore and her son received treatment for medical conditions contemplated under the terms in the TRG plan. Notwithstanding the submission of information for reimbursement related to the charges, the charges were not paid under the TRG plan. The total of these claims was approximately $727.00. That $727.00 was less co- payments already made for the medical services. Ms. Moore made the Respondent aware that TRG was not reimbursing her for medical bills. Respondent gave Ms. Moore the telephone number for Tom Dougherty, Managing General Agent for TRG, expecting Mr. Dougherty to be able to assist Ms. Moore in dealing with outstanding medical bills. Ms. Moore called Mr. Dougherty several times, but this did not lead to the payment of the medical bills. Ms. Moore also sent TRG a certified letter in August 2002 concerning bills outstanding since October 2001, attaching the bills and information concerning payment of premiums for the coverage. This is reflected in Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 18. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 21 is a compilation of information concerning the outstanding medical bills, and a statement from Medical Accounts Services, Inc. (Medical Accounts) concerning a current balance on June 17, 2002, of $229.00. The Moores had to make an arrangement to repay the money which was being collected through Medical Accounts. It is not clear from the record the exact nature of the member with family plan that had been purchased by the Moores. Consequently, the deductible in force when claims were submitted for reimbursement is not readily apparent. Ms. Moore in her testimony was unable to recall the amount of the deductible for the policy issued from TRG. It does appear from a review of the fee schedule associated with the 80/60 plan and the 90/70 plan offered by TRG, that the premium payments made did not entitle the Moores to coverage associated with a $500.00 deductible or $250.00 deductible. The other possible amount for the deductible, by process of elimination is $1,000.00. The Moores received correspondence dated November 28, 2001, sent to Randy Moore as a TRG enrollee, indicating that the coverage would end effective November 30, 2001, and reminding Mr. Moore that, according to the correspondence, he would have to find other health coverage as of December 1, 2001. This correspondence, as with other similar correspondence that has been discussed, promised to continue to process claims for covered services incurred before the coverage ended. The TRG letter terminating coverage for the Moores was received by the Moores five days after the date upon which the correspondence indicated that the coverage would no longer be in effect. This circumstance was very disquieting to Ms. Moore. The claims by Ms. Moore and her child were within the covered period for the TRG policy as to their dates. The letter received from TRG is Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 17. Ms. Moore spoke to Respondent about obtaining coverage when TRG discontinued its coverage. Respondent suggested that the Moores affiliate with Baftal. The Moores made a premium payment to Baftal but within a week of being accepted for coverage, Baftal wrote to advise that coverage had been declined. Beyond that time, the Moores obtained coverage from Medical Savings Insurance, a company that they still use for health insurance. Concerning Baftal, by correspondence dated February 11, 2002, Baftal wrote the Moores as a member, the form letter that has already been described, in which the Moores were told that they would not be provided health benefits. Given the problem described with Clarendon Insurance Company, the letter noted the return of the premium paid for coverage through Baftal. A copy of the letter sent to the Moores is Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 19. Baftal did not reimburse the Moores for the outstanding claims totaling approximately $727.00. Count III: Bruce Chambers Bruce Chambers was another customer who bought TRG health insurance from Respondent. Mr. Chambers was a Florida resident at the time he purchased the TRG coverage. Mr. Chambers and his wife moved to Florida from Georgia earlier in 2001. When they moved, the prior health insurance coverage that the Chambers held carried a high premium given Ms. Chambers diabetic condition. Moving from one state to the next also increased that premium. Under the circumstances, the Chambers agreed to purchase the TRG Health Plan. At one time related to the transaction promoted by Respondent, Mr. Chambers believed that TRG was licensed in Florida. He held this belief even in the instance where Respondent had commented that TRG was an ERISA program. Mr. Chambers also executed a coverage disclaimer in November 2001, upon a form from Respondent's agency noting that the health, welfare program applied for was not under the auspices of the Florida Department of Insurance. This is found as Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 36. After purchasing the TRG policy, the wife developed an illness, and costs were incurred for services by the family's personal physician and for hospitalization. In addition Mr. Chambers had medical expenses. Exclusive of co-pays and the deductibles that are applicable, Mr. Chambers paid $7,478.46 for the health care he and his wife received. None of that amount has been reimbursed through TRG as expected under the terms of the TRG coverage. Mr. Chambers paid $487.00 a month, plus $18.00 in other fees, for two months related to coverage effective October 1, 2001, extending into November 2001, a total of $1,010.00 in premiums and fees paid to TRG. No premiums and fees paid to TRG have been reimbursed. The amount of premium paid by Mr. Chambers corresponds under the client fee schedule in effect May 1, 2001, associated with the TRG Health Plan, as pertaining to an 80/60 plan for a member and family with a $1,000.00 deductible. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 26 is constituted of the calculation of the expenses, $7,478.46 and attaches billing information, some of which is for services and care received prior to December 1, 2001, and some of which is for services and care beyond that date. When Mr. Chambers discovered that TRG was not reimbursing the costs which it was obligated to pay for health care received by the Chambers, he contacted the Respondent and TRG to gain satisfaction. He also contacted Petitioner. When Mr. Chambers enrolled in the TRG plan he received the transmittal letter enclosing his benefits card, Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 23. The membership card identified his participation in plan 8033, with a co-pay for physician office visits of $10.00, specialty office visits of $20.00, and emergency room visits of $50.00. Mr. Chambers received notice from the Petitioner, presumably the December 12, 2001, notification concerning the lack of authority for TRG to business in Florida and the advice that CHEA (Consumer Health Education Association) was not authorized to do business in Florida either. On December 20, 2001, the Chambers wrote Respondent concerning the unavailability of insurance through TRG and CHEA. The Chambers asked Respondent to give them advice about a list of "small group market carriers" they understood to offer health plans. This letter to Respondent is found within Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 25. Also, within Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 25 was a copy of the letter from Respondent to TRG insureds dated December 28, 2001, which made mention of Clarendon as an alternative to TRG. Within that same exhibit is correspondence dated January 21, 2002, from the Respondent to enrollees in the TRG plan, to include the Chambers, discussing Baftal and the prospect that the latter company might honor TRG claims. Finally, Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 25 contains an August 21, 2002, letter from Mr. Chambers to TRG asking TRG to pay for its portion of the medical expenses as reimbursement. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 27 is the December 1, 2001, application by Mr. Chambers to obtain medical benefits through CHEA. The application also refers to EOS Health Services. This predates Petitioner's warning about CHEA and EOS being licensed to do business in Florida. On December 1, 2001, Mr. Chambers paid $487.00 for premium payments to EOS Health Services and provided a voided check for future payments for premiums by automatic withdrawal from his account. This effort was made as a follow on to obtain health coverage when TRG no longer provided health insurance to the Chambers. To obtain health coverage, Mr. Chambers paid $1,465.88 to the Baftal Escrow Account. This payment was made by a check dated January 14, 2002. That money was refunded by Baftal on January 12, 2002, and no coverage was offered through that company for health insurance. Mr. Chambers had been provided information about the opportunity to obtain insurance from Baftal as reflected in Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 31. Respondent had also suggested that Mr. Chambers apply for health insurance from American Benefit Plan, following the discontinuance of the TRG coverage. Mr. Chambers applied for that coverage by documents dated February 18, 2002, in the interest of his company, Bruce A. Cambers, CFP. Information concerning that application is found in Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 32. American Benefit Plans was listed by Petitioner as an entity not allowed to conduct business in Florida in the December 12, 2001, letter of advice to insurance consumers following the problem with TRG. Mr. Chambers wrote two checks, one in the amount of $628.60 to Independent Managers Association and one for $799.68 to the Association of Independent Managers, Petitioner's Exhibits numbered 35 and 33 respectively. The two checks were written on February 18, 2002. Those checks were voided in relation to payment for monthly insurance premiums and association dues. The effect was to not accept those checks for premium payments to obtain health insurance. On March 5, 2002, ACH Corporation of America wrote Mr. Chambers stating that because of incorrect procedures, or untimely submission, health coverage would not be extended, pertaining to an application for Ultra Med Choice EPO. Ultra Med was another health insurance business which Petitioner in its December 12, 2001, correspondence to health care consumers had been identified as unlicensed to conduct health insurance business in Florida. The letter declining coverage from ACH and application information for a policy sought to become effective December 1, 2001, is found within Petitioner's Exhibit numbered This application was in relation to Bruce Chambers, CFP as employer. Mr. Chambers remains out of pocket for payments he had to make for health care extended, principally to his wife, for which TRG was obligated to provide reimbursement in part. None of the other policies that Mr. Chambers attempted to obtain worked out to substitute for the TRG obligation for reimbursement for health care claims. Eventually the Chambers were able to obtain health insurance. At present the Chambers have a two-man group policy through Mr. Chambers' business to provide health coverage. Because of the problem with health insurance coverage, Ms. Chambers was required to return to work. Her employment was outside Mr. Chambers' company, as well as within his company. As a result of Ms. Chambers' failure to make payments to Flagler Hospital, where Ms. Chambers had received care, under terms that should have involved TRG providing reimbursement for costs, the bills were turned over to a collection agency compromising the credit standing of the Chambers. For the most part, the credit problems have been resolved. Due Diligence As established by testimony from Linda Davis, Analyst II in Petitioner's Jacksonville Office, there is a means to determine whether an insurance company has the necessary certificate of authority to conduct insurance business in Florida. This is accomplished by resort to the electronic data base maintained by Petitioner. A certificate of authority is an indication that the insurance company has completed the necessary requirements to be licensed or authorized to sell insurance in Florida. As established through Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 39, TRG/USA Health Plans, TRG Marketing L.L.C. was not authorized to do business in Florida. An insurance agent licensed in Florida, to include the time frame envisioned by the Amended Administrative Complaint, would have had access to the data base identifying whether an insurance company had the necessary certificate of authority to conduct insurance business in Florida and could properly have been expected to seek this information before engaging in the sale of products from a company such as TRG. Rather than avail himself of that opportunity, Respondent made some form of inquiry to Petitioner on the subject of TRG, while apparently ignoring the more fundamental consideration of whether TRG had been granted a certificate of authority to conduct its business in Florida, which should have been pursued. Ascertaining the existence or nonexistence of a certificate of authority, constitutes "due diligence" incumbent upon an agent before engaging in the sale of insurance from a prospective insurance company. Respondent's Disciplinary History Petitioner has not taken disciplinary action against Respondent before this case.

Recommendation Upon the consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered finding Respondent in violation of Sections 624.11, 626.611(7) and (8), 626.621(2) and (6), 626.901(1), Florida Statutes (2001); suspending his licenses for nine months; placing Respondent on two-years probation; and requiring attendance at such continuing education classes as deemed appropriate. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of April, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of April, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: David J. Busch, Esquire Department of Financial Services Division of Legal Services 612 Larson Building 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333 Joseph O. Stroud, Jr., Esquire Rogers Towers, P.A. 1301 Riverplace Boulevard, Suite 1500 Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Honorable Tom Gallagher Chief Financial Officer Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Mark Casteel, General Counsel Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

USC (1) 29 U.S.C 1001 Florida Laws (13) 120.569120.57478.46624.10624.11624.307626.611626.621626.681626.691626.90190.80190.803
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-002047 Latest Update: May 05, 1991

The Issue Whether Petitioner's claim for medical expenses from August 6, 1982 through February 27, 1983 should be approved, pursuant to the State of Florida Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan. Petitioner appeared at the hearing accompanied by legal counsel. The Hearing Officer thereupon explained his rights and procedures to be followed in the administrative hearing. Petitioner acknowledged that he understood his rights and elected to represent himself. Petitioner testified in his own behalf at the hearing and the parties stipulated to the introduction of Respondent's Exhibits 1 and 2. A late filed exhibit, Respondent's Exhibit 3, was also admitted in evidence. Respondent presented the testimony of one witness, William R. Seaton, Benefit Analyst for the Respondent's Bureau of Insurance.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Thomas J. Appleyard, III, is a former state employee who retired with disability in 1976 as a result of cardiac disease. At the time Petitioner retired, he maintained coverage in the state Employees Group Health Self Insurance Plan under which the Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, Inc. serves as the administrator of the plan for the state. Petitioner also receives disability benefits under the Medicare program for medical expenses. (Testimony of Petitioner) The State Group Health Self Insurance Plan provides in Section X, COORDINATION OF BENEFITS, that if an insured has coverage under Medicare, the benefits payable under the state plan will be coordinated with similar benefits paid under the other coverage to the extent that the combination of benefits will not exceed 100 percent of the costs of services and supplies to the insured. Paragraph D of Section X provides that the state plan will be the secondary coverage in such situations and will pay benefits only to the extent that an insured's existing insurance coverage does not entitle him to receive benefits equal to 100 percent of the allowable covered expenses. This provision applies when the claim is on any insured person covered by Medicare. (Testimony of Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 3) Petitioner was hospitalized at the Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center on three occasions in 1982-33. His Medicare coverage paid all but $261.75 of the hospital expenses. In February 1983, Petitioner also incurred medical expenses to his cardiologist, Dr. J. Galt Allee, in the amount of $248.33. Petitioner was originally denied his remaining hospital expenses by the administrator of the state plan under the erroneous belief that he was receiving regular Medicare benefits for persons over the age of 65. In addition, Dr. Allee's bill was only partially paid by Medicare, subject to the receipt of additional information from the physician. Payment under the state plan was limited to an amount sufficient to reimburse petitioner 100 percent of the amount originally allowed by Medicare. (Testimony of Seaton, petitioner, Respondent's Exhibit 1, 3) Respondent does not receive information on claims filed under the state plan until contacted by an employee. In February 1984, Petitioner requested assistance from William R. Seaton, Benefit Analyst, of Respondent's Bureau of Insurance, regarding his difficulties in receiving proper claims payments. Seaton investigated the matter with the Insurance administrator for the state, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, and discovered that the latter had not coordinated the hospital expense balance with Medicare. They thereafter did so and as of the date of hearing, there was no longer a balance due to Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center. Seaton also gave written instructions to Blue Cross to review all of Petitioner's claims and make sure that they were paid properly, and to install controls on his and his wife's records. (Testimony of Petitioner, Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 1-2) The full claim of Dr. Allee had not been paid by Medicare since it had been awaiting requested additional in formation from the physician. Such information was provided after a personal visit had been made to Dr. Allee by Seaton and Medicare then recognized additional eligible expenses. However, a balance of $36.00 is still owed to the physician due to the fact that Blue Cross/Blue Shield had not received the necessary payment information from Medicare as of the day before the hearing. (Testimony of Seaton, Respondent's Exhibit 1) Section XVII of the state's Group Health Self Insurance Plan benefit document provides that an employee who wishes to contest decisions of the state administrator considering the employee's coverage under the plan may submit a petition for a hearing for consideration by the Secretary of Administration. (Respondent's Exhibit 3)

Florida Laws (1) 110.123
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jan. 11, 2010 Number: 10-000098 Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2010

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to a refund from the State of Florida Group Health Self Insurance Plan of pre-tax supplemental insurance premiums in the amount of $47.46 or $47.45 a month that were deducted from his pay for the 2007 and 2008 insurance plan years.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Detrick Murray ("Petitioner" or "Mr. Murray") was, at all times relevant to this proceeding, employed by the Florida Department of Corrections. As a state employee, he was given the option to participate in a pre-tax supplemental accident/disability insurance plan. Benefits, including insurance plans, are administered by a private contractor, Convergys, through a project called "People First," operated on behalf of Respondent, Department of Management Services, Division of State Group Insurance ("Respondent or the Division"). During the 2005 open enrollment period for the 2006 plan year, Mr. Murray elected to participate in a state- sponsored supplemental/accidental policy offered by Colonial Insurance Company ("Colonial"). The reverse side of the enrollment provided the following information and instructions: The enrollment form must be used to enroll in or change coverages. No changes will be accepted by e-mail or letter. Enrolling in a supplemental insurance plan, or changing options, does not automatically stop other coverages you currently have. To stop an existing coverage, you must place an "S" in the box provided for that Plan on the front of this form (Part 1). Only complete Part 2 on the front of this form if you wish to stop plans currently not offered. The Supplemental Enrollment Form must be submitted to the People First Service Center. Enrollment changes will not occur if forms and/or applications and the Supplemental Company Application are submitted directly to the supplemental insurance company. If you cancel or do not enroll in supplemental insurance, you will not be able to enroll again until the next annual open enrollment period, unless you experience a Qualifying Status Change. Supplemental premiums are deducted on a pre- tax basis. It is your responsibility to ensure that your enrollment selections are in effect. Check your payroll warrants to ensure that your deductions properly reflect your selections. Contact the People First Service Center immediately if these deductions are not correct. I understand my enrollment and/or changes will be effective the first of the month following a full payroll deduction. I also understand my elections are IRREVOCABLE until the next annual open enrollment period, unless I have a Qualifying Status Change as defined by the Federal Internal Revenue Code and/or the Florida Administrative Code. I understand that I must request such changes within thirty-one (31) calendar days of the Qualifying Status Change. The open enrollment period for the next year, the 2007 plan year, began on September 19, 2006, and ended on October 18, 2006. On October 14, 2006, Mr. Murray notified Colonial that he wanted to cancel the supplemental insurance for the 2007 plan year. He used a Colonial Request for Services form and sent it to the Colonial Processing Center in Columbia, South Carolina. In a letter dated February 14, 2007, Colonial acknowledged receiving Mr. Murray's request to cancel the insurance during the 2006 enrollment period, and informed him of its receipt of an "overpayment" of $47.46 monthly beginning January 1, 2007. Colonial directed Mr. Murray to contact his personnel officer "which will then work through the Division to issue your refund." After the open enrollment period ended, Mr. Murray had also contacted People First on November 14, 2006, and gave notice of his attempt to cancel with Colonial. He was informed that Colonial had not informed People First of the cancellation. Mr. Murray contacted People First again on January 29, 2007, questioning the continued payroll deductions and requesting a refund, as Colonial had suggested. He was told that he would have to cancel with People First during the open enrollment period, but he could send a letter of appeal to try to get a refund of premiums and try to cancel sooner. Despite repeated contacts, requests for refunds, and appeals to People First during 2007, Mr. Murray continued to have premiums for supplemental insurance deducted from his pay check. Ultimately, the Division denied his appeal. Although Mr. Murray was trying to get a refund for 2007 payroll deductions, he again failed to notify People First to cancel the insurance during the open enrollment period between September 17, 2007, and October 19, 2007, for the 2008 plan year. There is no evidence that Mr. Murray had a qualifying status change, as required by federal and state law, that would have permitted him to cancel the insurance at any time other than during open enrollment periods for the 2007 and 2008 plan years. The enrollment period for the 2009 plan year began on September 22, 2008, and ended on October 17, 2008. On September 24, 2008, Mr. Murray cancelled the supplemental insurance for the 2009 plan year by making a telephone call to a People First representative. In a late-filed exhibit produced by a manager for Convergys at the request of Petitioner, the Division showed that payments were made to Colonial to insure Mr. Murray through November 24, 2008. Sandi Wade, the Division's benefits administrator, noted that Colonial should not have canceled Mr. Murray's insurance policy. Colonial had no authority to send the letter of February 14, 2007, incorrectly telling Mr. Murray he was entitled to a refund. Ms. Wade's observations prompted Mr. Murray to question what, if any, remedies he might have with regard to Colonial's error. That issue is not and cannot be considered in this proceeding. In the absence of evidence that the Division or its agents were notified to cancel the supplemental insurance during open enrollment periods for 2007 and 2008, or based on a qualifying status change, Petitioner's request for a refund of premiums must be denied.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that the Department of Management Services, Division of State Group Insurnace, enter a final order denying Petitioner, Detrick Murray, a refund of his accident/disability insurance coverage premiums paid in 2007 and 2008. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of May, 2010, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELEANOR M. HUNTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of May, 2010. COPIES FURNISHED: Sonja P. Mathews, Esquire Department of Management Services Office of the General Counsel 4050 Esplanade Way, Suite 260 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Detrick Murray 4370 Northwest 187th Street Miami, Florida 33055 John Brenneis, General Counsel Division of State Group Insurance Department of Management Services 4050 Esplanade Way Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0950

Florida Laws (4) 10.001110.123120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 60P-10.00260P-10.00360P-2.003
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