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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003982 Latest Update: May 28, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent Cherylyn Stoppler, at all times pertinent hereto, was licensed as a real estate saleswoman in the State Of Florida, holding license No. 0467803. Her last and current license was issued authorizing practice at Escambia Realty, Inc., 310 South Pace Boulevard, Pensacola, Florida 32501. Respondent Dorothy Diane Owens, at all times pertinent hereto, was a licensed real estate broker in the State of Florida, holding license No. 0380831. Respondent Escambia Realty, Inc., at all times pertinent hereto, was a licensed corporate real estate brokerage holding license No. 0232503. Its address is 310 South Pace Boulevard, Pensacola, Florida 32501. The Petitioner is an agency of the State of Florida charged with enforcing the provisions of Chapter 475, Florida Statutes, related to the licensure of real estate brokers and salesmen, the real estate professional practice standards embodied in that chapter and with prosecuting alleged violators of those standards. On April 13, 1986, Kenneth and Linda Williams, also known as Linda Brewer, requested that Cherylyn Stoppler show them rental property consisting of a single family residence located at 6853 Lake Charlene Drive in Pensacola. They had observed the Respondent corporate broker's sign on the front of that premises, advertising it for rental. Respondent Stoppler, Respondent Owens and the Escambia Realty, Inc. represented the owners of the property. Kenneth and Linda Williams examined the property and decided that they wanted to rent it. In their discussion with Cherylyn Stoppler concerning the terms of the rental arrangement, they requested that they be allowed to paint the premises and that the garage door be repaired. Respondent Stoppler agreed to this and indicated the owners would supply two gallons of paint and the prospective tenants, the Williamses, could do the painting with the owners ensuring repair of the garage door. Respondent Stoppler and the Williamses agreed to those terms and to the rental amount of $625 per month. They also agreed to pay Respondent Stoppler a $400 deposit, on behalf of the owners. Ms. Stoppler informed the Williamses that if they did not consummate the lease arrangement, upon which they had verbally agreed, the $400 would be retained and remitted over to the owners of the property. The Williamses agreed to this arrangement. The Williamses and Ms. Stoppler returned to Ms. Stoppler's office and she noted these terms on a lease agreement form with the additional term that the owner would steam clean the carpet in the house. The lease terms also provided that the premises would be used by no more than two adults and "zero" children, but the lease agreement has the "zero" stricken through indicating that that term was to be deleted. The striking of the zero on the term concerning the number of children to occupy the premises appears to have been executed with the same pen, inasmuch as the ink is the same color as the rest of Mrs. Stoppler's handwritten terms on the lease form. In any event, the Williamses were anxious to return to their home in Louisiana directly from the Respondent's office that same afternoon and to accommodate them Ms. Stoppler agreed to mail the lease form to them to be executed, urging them to send it back immediately. When they left the premises that day, Respondent Stoppler removed her firm's sign from the front of the premises and also told the Williamses that the property would be off the market as of that day, hence her admonishment to them to waste no time in returning the executed lease since the property would be off the market during the interim on the strength of the verbal agreement. The Williamses did not inform Ms. Stoppler that Mr. Williams had two children who might visit them from time to time or live with them at the premises. The Williamses returned to Louisiana and the lease was mailed to them by Ms. Stoppler. The Williamses decided not to execute the lease and to not consummate the rental arrangement. They informed Ms. Stoppler of this by phone on April 24, 1986, as well as communicating on that day with Respondent Owens. They indicated they did not desire to rent the premises and one reason given was that they felt that the two children were precluded by the lease terms from living on the premises for any period of time with them. In fact, the Williamses had never mentioned that they had any children and had sought to negotiate a reduction in the rent when they originally discussed the matter with Ms. Stoppler on the basis that only the two of them would live in the premises. The terms and conditions of the rental arrangement were those given to Ms. Stoppler by the Williamses themselves. When they conferred with Ms. Owens and Ms. Stoppler, they were again informed that the $400 would be retained and transmitted to the owners, to which they did not then object. In fact, they never did make any demand upon the Respondents for return of the $400 which was actually communicated to the Respondents. There is a letter in evidence (Petitioner's Exhibit 6) which the Respondents never received, as is shown by the certified mail receipt card and by Respondents' and Ms. Celano's testimony. The Williamses objected to consummating the lease because they contended that Ms. Stoppler had assured them that they could 1ive in the premises rent- free from the beginning of the lease, April 26, until May 1, during the time in which they would be painting the house and instead they were being charged $84 for those days. Mrs. Williams' testimony is somewhat equivocal in this regard in that she exhibited an incomplete memory regarding certain critical dates in the transaction, for example, the date she allegedly called Mrs. Stoppler to inform her of their refusal of the rental and the date she believed the lease was to commence. Mrs. Stoppler's testimony was corroborated by that of Ms. Owens, and was not refuted by the Williamses. It is accepted over that of Mrs. Williams in establishing that indeed the lease period and the rental there for was to commence on April 26. The Respondents' testimony shows that the house was off the rental market from April 13, when the verbal agreement with Ms. Williams was entered into and the sign was removed from the property and that both Respondents informed Mrs. Williams on two occasions that the $400 was not refundable but would be remitted to the owners of the property. The Respondents also established that Escambia Realty, Inc. followed a consistent policy of retaining deposit monies and remitting them to the owners without refund to prospective tenants when the tenants agreed to lease the premises after being informed that the deposit would be retained and the property taken off the market, when such tenants elect of their own volition to negate a lease or rental agreement. The Williamses additionally maintained that they did not want to consummate the lease arrangement because, in their view, the Respondents and the owners would not permit any children unrestrictedly visit or to live on the premises. That was established not to be the case. They also objected because they would not be allowed to live in the premises rent-free for several days during the time in which they were painting the premises. Additional objections involved various inconsequential technical deficiencies, such as misspellings, in the content of the lease. The employment position Mr. Williams was to have taken in the Pensacola area, and which was in large measure their reason for moving to Pensacola and renting the subject premises, failed to materialize. Ultimately, however, the Williamses moved to Pensacola and rented a different house at the lower rate of $600 per month. In short, the complaining witnesses contend that they did not want to execute the lease because of the problem of the $84 prorated rent required of them by the Respondents and the owners for the days when they thought they would live rent-free while painting the premises, because they felt that Mr. Williams' children by a previous marriage were precluded from unrestricted visits at the rental premises and because they felt that the proffered lease did not contain the proper initial date of tenancy. Thus, the Williamses breached the agreement because the Respondents refused to "correct" the lease according to the Williamses' desires. Those desires were not communicated to the Respondents until, at the very earliest, the phone conversations of April 24, 1986, some twelve days after the verbal agreement to rent the premises to the Williamses had been entered into and the $400 deposited with the Respondents on behalf of the owners. During that time, and longer, the property was taken off the rental market and the Respondents and the owners forbore the opportunity to secure other tenants. The Williamses themselves acknowledged that the letter by which they sought return of the $400 deposit was never actually received by the Respondents. Further, Ms. Williams in the telephone conversation on April 24, 1986, acknowledged that the owners were entitled to the $400 deposit. Even so, Ms. Owens waited approximately 25 days before remitting the funds over to the owners. Thus, no dispute as to the deposit was ever communicated to the Respondents, and the Respondents never misrepresented to either Mr. or Mrs. Williams the manner of disbursement of the deposit funds. It is noteworthy that Mrs. Williams is a licensed realtor herself and had some experience in similar real estate transactions. The Respondents carried out their portion of the bargain. Finally, it has been demonstrated that Respondent Owens is a well- respected real estate practitioner in the Pensacola area, having served as an officer and director of her local board of realtors and having been accorded a number of honors and certifications in connection with her professional performance as a realtor and her securing of advanced training in the field of real estate brokerage. Ms. Stoppler is relatively new to the profession, but neither she nor Ms. Owens have been shown to have ever engaged in any questionable practice or conduct in the course of their practice and neither have been shown to have been the subject of any other complaint of any nature resulting from a real estate transaction.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint against Respondents Cherylyn Stoppler, Dorothy Diane Owens and Escambia Realty, Inc. be dismissed in its entirety. DONE and ORDERED this 28th day of 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of May, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-3982 Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1-4. Accepted. Rejected as a recitation of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. Rejected as to its material import. 7-9. Rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. 10-11. Accepted. Rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. Accepted. Rejected as a recitation of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. Also rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. Accepted. Rejected as to its material import. 17-18. Accepted. 19. Rejected as to its material import. 20-21. Accepted. Rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. Rejected as a recitation of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. Also rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. Rejected as to its material import. Rejected as a recitation of testimony and not a Finding of Fact. Also rejected as to its material import. Accepted, but rejected as to its material import. Accepted. Rejected as to its material import. 29-30. Rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. 31. Accepted, but not as to its material import. 32-35. Rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. Rejected as to its material import. Accepted, but not to the effect that a demand for refund was made. Rejected as to its material import and as not in accord with the credible testimony and evidence adduced. 39-41. Rejected. Respondents' Proposed Findings of Fact: Specific rulings are not separately made here because Respondents' Proposed Findings of Fact are inseparably entwined with legal argument and recitations of, and arguments concerning, the weight and credibility of testimony and evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Arthur R. Shell, Jr., Esquire Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Cherylyn Stoppler Dorothy Diane Owens Escambia Realty, Inc. 310 South Pace Boulevard Pensacola, Florida 32501 Van Poole, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Joseph A. Sole, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Harold Huff, Executive Director Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Sep. 12, 2005 Number: 05-003275 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 2006

The Issue Whether Petitioners' rental property was licensed under Chapter 509, Florida Statutes (2003).

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing, the following findings of fact are made: Petitioners, Robert Meller, Jr., and Kristine M. Meller, were owners of a rental property (a house located at 4516 Bowan Bayou) in Sanibel, Florida. In addition, they owned a condominium in the same area. Respondent Cross held a valid real estate license at all times material to matters at issue. Respondent Cross had a business relationship with Petitioners, which antedated the purchase of the Bowen Bayou house as a result of being the leasing agent for a condominium association with which Petitioners were associated. Respondent DBPR is the State of Florida agency which represents the FREC in matters such as this matter. In January 2000, Petitioners purchased the house in Sanibel located at 4516 Bowan Bayou. On or about January 20, 2000, Respondent Cross mailed a Rental Property Management Agreement to Petitioners for the property located at 4516 Bowan Bayou, Sanibel, Florida. The parties to this contract were Petitioners and Properties in Paradise, Inc. Petitioner, Robert Meller, Jr., signed the contract and returned the contract to Respondent Cross. Petitioners maintain that the Rental Property Management Agreement was not signed by Petitioner, Robert Meller, Jr., and that his name is forged. He maintains that he entered into an oral agreement with Respondent Cross, individually, to manage the property. From the purchase of the house in January 2000 through April 2001, Petitioners received correspondence, including a monthly "owner statement" reflecting short-term rental income, commissions, and debits for maintenance, from Properties in Paradise, Inc., regarding all aspects of the business relationship contemplated by the Rental Property Management Agreement. By letter dated January 20, 2000, Petitioner, Robert Meller, Jr., authorized "Revonda Cross of Properties in Paradise as my agent in establishing telephone and electrical service and so forth for my property on Sanibel Island at 4516 Bowen's [sic] Bayou Road." Thereafter, Petitioners received correspondence from Respondent Cross relative to the subject property wherein she is identified as "Operations Manager, Properties in Paradise, Inc." During the relevant time period, Petitioners' property was rented at least 22 times; once for 17 days, four times for 14 days, once for nine days, thirteen times for seven days, and once for five days. The frequency and term of these rentals qualify for the statutory definition of a "resort dwelling" and transient rental dwelling. Properties in Paradise, Inc., listed the property located at 4516 Bowan Bayou in the list of properties it provided the Division of Hotels and Restaurants as licensed in accordance with Chapter 509, Florida Statutes (2005). In April 2001, Properties in Paradise, Inc., through an attorney, notified clients that it had effectively ceased doing business. At that time, Petitioners were owed $11,588.06, which went unpaid. Petitioners made a claim in July 2001, against Respondent Cross to recover their loss from the Florida Real Estate Recovery Fund. In October 2003, Petitioners' claim was denied by the Florida Real Estate Recovery Fund.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Department of Business and Professional Regulation, enter a final order denying Petitioners' claim for recovery from the Florida Real Estate Recovery Fund. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of February, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of February, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph A. Solla, Esquire Department of Business and Professional Regulation 400 West Robinson Street, Suite 801N Orlando, Florida 32801-1757 Robert L. Meller, Jr., Esquire Best & Flanagan, LLP 225 South 6th Street, Suite 4000 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402-4690 Revonda Stewart Cross 1102 South East 39th Terrace, No. 104 Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Nancy B. Hogan, Chairman Florida Real Estate Commission 400 West Robinson Street, Suite 801N Orlando, Florida 32801 Josefina Tamayo, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2202

Florida Laws (6) 120.57475.011475.482475.483475.484509.242
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-000140 Latest Update: Aug. 07, 1985

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Ezell Realty, Inc., was a licensed corporate real estate broker having been issued license number 0231943 by petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate. Respondent, Winfield Ezell, Sr., held real estate broker's license number 0309739 issued by petitioner and was the sole qualifying broker and officer of Ezell Realty, Inc. The firm is located at 1512 West Gore Street, Orlando, Florida. Grover Crawford was an acquaintance of Ezell who was interested in purchasing certain rental property on Coretta Way in Orlando, Florida. When he was unable to purchase the property Crawford told Ezell to let him know if anything else became available in that area. Ezell happened to own a rental house at 1121 Coretta Way which he had just purchased several months earlier in a foreclosure proceeding, and the two eventually began discussions concerning a possible sale. At all times relevant thereto, the house was rented to tenants, and Crawford intended the property to remain as investor-owned property rather than owner-occupied property. Ezell initially agreed to sell the property for $70,000 and the two entered into a contract on January 8, 1983, using this sales price. However, the lender's appraisal of the residence came in far below this figure, and the parties eventually agreed on a sales price of $55,450. A second contract for sale and purchaser was executed on June 22, 1983. Although the contract provided that Crawford would pay a cash deposit of $2,300 to be held in escrow by Ezell Realty, none was paid since Ezell was given $2,300 by the tenants of the house to make needed repairs to the property prior to the sale. This arrangement was agreeable with Crawford. The contract also required the seller (Ezell) to pay all closing coats. Therefore, Crawford was not required to pay any "up front" costs in order to buy the property. Under the terms of the second contract, Crawford was to obtain FHA financing on the property in the amount of $53,150. This type of financing is the most desirable from an investor standpoint since the mortgage can be easily transferred to another buyer for a small transfer fee without lender approval. After executing the first contract on January 8, 1983, Ezell and Crawford executed an "Addendum to Contract For Sale and Purchase" on the same date which provided in pertinent part: This contract is for the sole purpose of having the buyer obtain an assumable FHA mortgage for the seller and reconveying title to the seller. The seller hereby irrevocably assumes the said FHA mortgage from the buyer immediately after closing and the buyers hereby agree to that assumption. For this, Crawford was to receive $1,000. The parties agreed that this addendum would apply to the second contract executed on June 22, 1983. At the suggestion of Ezell, Crawford made application for a $53.150 FHA loan with Residential Financial Corporation (RFC) in Maitland, Florida, a lending institution which Ezell had done business with on a number of prior occasions. However, Ezell was not present at any meetings between Crawford and RFC. When Crawford applied for the mortgage, he indicated the property would be used for investment purposes and would not be owner-occupied. For some reason, RFC assumed the property would be owner-occupied and structured the-loan in that manner. Because of this, Crawford's down payment was slightly less than 5% of the value of the property with the remainder being financed by the institution. Had RFC treated the loan as an investor-loan, the down payment would have been increased to around 15%. Neither Crawford or Ezell advised RFC of the Addendum to the contract which required Crawford to reconvey the property to Ezell for $1,000 once the FHA mortgage was obtained. Had RFC known of this it would not have approved the loan. There was no competent evidence that such an agreement was illegal or violated any federal laws or contravened any real estate industry standard or ethical consideration. The loan was eventually approved, and a closing held on September 22, 1983. After closing, Crawford retained the property in his name with Ezell making all payments from the rent proceeds. This was consistent with an oral agreement between the two that such an arrangement would last for an indefinite period as long as the payments were current. When Crawford later received several notices from the lender stating that mortgage payments were in arrears, he hired an attorney and demanded that Ezell fulfill the terms of the Addendum. He also filed a complaint against Ezell with petitioner which precipitated the instant proceeding. After the closing, Ezell had intended for the tenants to assume the mortgage since they had expressed an interest in buying the property. However, such a sale never materialized. In July, 1984, the property was reconveyed to Ezell, and Ezell paid Crawford $1,000 as required by the Addendum.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the administrative complaint be dismissed, with prejudice. DONE and ORDERED this 7th day of August, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of August, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Arthur R. Shell, Jr., Esq. P. O. Box 1900 Orlando, FL 32802 Julius L. Williams, Esq. P. O. Box 2629 Orlando, FL 32802 ================================================================ =

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002914 Latest Update: Aug. 01, 1986

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Steven Hall, at all times pertinent hereto, was a licensed real estate salesman and broker. Upon February 15, 1984, he became licensed as a broker. The Respondent was registered with and employed by J. Arnold Ausley Realty from March 31, 1983 to February 15, 1984. J. Arnold Ausley was a licensed real estate broker and operated as Ausley Properties during times pertinent hereto. The Petitioner is an agency of the State of Florida charged with regulating the licensure and practice of realtors in the State of Florida and enforcing the practice standards for realtors embodied in Chapter 475, Florida Statutes. On February 4, 1984, the Respondent, in his capacity as a licensed salesman for Ausley Properties, arranged a contract between Champak Bhoja and Kishor Patel, as purchasers of a certain piece of real estate owned by one John D. Gilbert. In connection with that contract the Respondent obtained a $2,000 check as a deposit from Mr. Patel. At Mr. Patel's request the Respondent held this check without negotiating it awaiting Patel's instruction that sufficient funds were on deposit to honor the check. The Respondent waited four weeks and received no such instructions from Mr. Patel. The Respondent therefore contacted Patel, who was in Nebraska at the time, to tell him that he felt legally obligated to deposit the check. The check was deposited and was returned for insufficient funds. On March 19, 1984, Mr. Patel gave the Respondent a replacement check in the amount of $2,000. Mr. Hall asked Mr. Patel to make the check out to him since he had in the meantime become a broker and wanted credit for this transaction in his own business. He also informed Mr. Patel that he would need to use the money for his own personal expenses, in the nature of a "loan." Mr. Patel, however, made the check out to the "Ausley Properties Escrow Account." The Respondent and Mr. Patel had been involved in other business ventures together during the course of which Mr. Patel had already lent the Respondent, on different occasions, a total of approximately $4,000. This course of dealing was continued in the present instance, from the Respondent's viewpoint, when the Respondent informed Mr. Patel that he needed the $2,000 for personal expense purposes and would pay it back as a loan. He believed Mr. Patel assented to that arrangement at the time. The sales contract at issue ultimately failed to be consummated due to Mr. Pate1 and Mr. Bhoja not meeting the required contingency regarding debt financing. Approximately fifteen days after the contract's closing date passed, Mr. Patel made a demand upon the Respondent for the return of the $2,000 deposit. The Respondent failed to return it at that time but assured Mr. Patel that he would repay the money and needed more time to obtain the necessary funds. The Respondent had not deposited the check in the Ausley Properties Escrow Account because such an account did not exist, although the Respondent had urged Mr. Ausley on a number of occasions to set up such an account. The Respondent rather cashed the $2,000 check and used the proceeds for his own benefit, as he had informed Patel he would do. He used the money to meet certain operating expenses and personal expenses, being in severe financial straits at the time. Pate1 knew he was experiencing financial difficulties and had lent him the previously mentioned $4,000 to help him with operating expenses and personal expenses during the pendency of the closing of their various other real estate ventures. The Respondent informed Patel he would use the subject $2,000 for similar purposes, however, the record does not clearly reflect that Patel consented to this, as opposed to his intent that the money be placed in an account as his deposit of consideration for the contract. His testimony to this latter effect is borne out by the fact that in spite of the Respondent's request that the check be made out to him personally, instead Patel made it out to the "Ausley Properties Escrow Account." That account did not exist but the method of drafting the check reveals his intent that the money was to be used as a deposit. In any event the Respondent made no misrepresentation to Mr. Patel as to what he intended to do with the money, but at the same time he did not deposit it in an appropriate account to be held as a deposit toward the purchase of the property involved in the sales contract. Patel made numerous demands for the money and each time Respondent acknowledged this and the other debt to Patel and promised to pay. He ultimately began paying back a small portion of the indebtedness to each of his creditors starting out at a rate of $10 per month. Ultimately, the Respondent paid the entire $2,000 predicated on receipt of his 1985 income tax return.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is therefore RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered by the Petitioner finding that the Respondent has violated Section 475.25(1)(b),(d,)(e) and (k) only to the extent delineated in the above conclusions of law and that his real estate broker's license be subjected to a six months suspension. DONE and ORDERED this 1st day of August, 1986 in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of August, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: James R. Mitchell, Esquire Division of Real Estate Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 Steven R. Hall 8880 Old Kings Hwy., Apt. 30-W Jacksonville, Florida 32217 Michael Sheahan, Esquire Two South Orange Avenue Orlando, Florida 32801 Fred Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Wings Slocum Benton, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Harold Huff Executive Director Florida Rea1 Estate Commission 400 W. Robinson Street P. O. Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 APPENDIX Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Rejected, although the evidence establishes that Patel intended the funds to be escrowed. Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Rejected as not comporting with the charges in the Administrative Complaint. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact:* Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted, but irrelevant to the charges. Accepted Accepted Accepted as to the first sentence only. The second sentence concerning Patel's response is not clearly supported by record evidence. Accepted Accepted Accepted * Although Respondent is proposed findings are accepted, some are inculpatory, some are not material and some support the conclusion that no fraudulent conduct was committed.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57475.25475.42
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002038 Latest Update: May 04, 1984

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent, Ralph B. Snyder, Jr. ("Respondent"), was a licensed real estate broker having been issued license No. 0082998. Respondent was the qualifying broker for Home Hunters V, Inc., a corporate real estate broker having been issued license No. 0221795, with a principal business address of 2829 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida. In September, 1981, Respondent registered Home Hunters V, Inc., as a real estate brokerage corporation, with himself as qualifying broker. The office remained open until April, 1982. Respondent was not present in the West Palm Beach office of Home Hunters V on a full-time basis because, in addition to that business, he was involved in a construction business on Sanibel Island, Florida. In late September or early October, 1981, Respondent hired Greg Howle to manage the Home Hunters V office in West Palm Beach. At all times material hereto, Howle was not registered as either a broker or salesman. Respondent's business, insofar as here pertinent, consisted of maintaining card files of rental properties available in the West Palm Beach area, and advertising availability of those properties for the owners. When a prospective tenant came to Respondent's office in response to advertisements or otherwise, those tenants would sign an agreement with Home Hunters V, Inc., and, after payment of a $60 fee, would be furnished information concerning available properties in the area that generally conformed to the types of properties prospective tenants were seeking. The standard procedure in Respondent's office was that the prospective tenants would first meet with Greg Howle, the office manager, who would have them execute the agreement with Home Hunters V, Inc., collect the $60 fee from them, and then refer prospective tenants to other office employees. Among these other office employees were Ilana Frank, a licensed real estate salesperson who began employment with Respondent in late September or early October, 1981, and Sheryl Kimball, an unlicensed employee, who was employed by Respondent on or about October 16, 1981, and continued as an employee until about November 29, 1981. Respondent testified that Ms. Kimball was hired as a receptionist and, in addition, performed general clerical responsibilities in the office, including greeting potential customers and referring them to licensed salespersons. The record in this cause establishes that Ms. Kimball did, on at least two occasions, speak with persons on the telephone concerning sales, and on both of those occasions she was reprimanded by Respondent for acting outside the scope of her employment. Ms. Kimball was never directed by Respondent to negotiate the rental of any real property nor does this record establish that Respondent knew of Ms. Kimball's engaging in any such activity. Respondent testified that Ms. Kimball was paid $150 per week for her services, and, in addition, was compensated for any overtime work she might have performed. Ms. Kimball testified, however, that she was paid $150 per week together with $3.00 for each contract she negotiated. However, Ms. Kimball could identify only one such contract on which she worked. With regard to that contract, which involved a customer named Paul Palmero, Respondent never received any funds, and the record in this cause does not reflect that any services were ever performed for Mr. Palmero. Further, the entire Palmero transaction was conducted in the presence of another of Respondent's employees, Ilana Frank, who, as indicated above, was a licensed salesperson. Accordingly, there is insufficient credible evidence of record in this cause to establish that Sheryl Kimball ever negotiated the rental of real property or interest therein; procured lessees of the real property of others; or performed any of the acts of a broker or salesman as alleged in the Administrative Complaint. Further, the record in this cause contains no evidence establishing the amounts actually paid to Ms. Kimball during the six-week period in which she was employed by Respondent. In reaching this conclusion, the Hearing Officer has taken into account the testimony and interests of both Ms. Kimball and Respondent in the outcome of this proceeding in attempting to reconcile the direct conflicts in their testimony. Ms. Kimball was discharged from Respondent's employ after having received two reprimands and having been accused of misappropriating funds. Thereafter, Ms. Kimball filed a complaint against Respondent with the Florida Real Estate Commission. Conversely, Respondent obviously has an interest in retaining his license as a broker. When viewed as a whole, it is concluded that facts of record in this cause with respect to Counts I and II are qualitatively and quantitatively insufficient to establish the factual allegations contained therein. Count III of the Administrative Complaint alleges that Respondent ". . . inserted or caused to be inserted fraudulent, false, deceptive or misleading advertisements in the Post and Evening Times newspaper of West Palm Beach, Florida." The same count further alleges that those advertisements were fraudulent, false, deceptive or misleading ". . . in that the content thereof stated to the public that respondents had available for lease through their firm various rental units at stated prices when in fact rental units of the advertised type were not available through their firm at the stated price." There is no evidence of record in this proceeding that would in any way establish the facts alleged in Count III of the Administrative Complaint. In fact, the only evidence of record on this issue is the testimony of Ms. Kimball that she observed Mr. Howle, the office manager, copying listings from Fort Myers newspapers for use in the West Palm Beach area. However, Ms. Kimball conceded that she did not know if any such ads were ever placed in the West Palm Beach newspaper. No such advertisements were introduced into evidence in this proceeding from which any comparison to any of the listings available through Respondents could be made to determine whether the ads were fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading. County IV of the Administrative Complaint charges the Respondent with having solicited and accepted money as advance rental fees with knowledge that rental units of the type and price desired by potential tenants were not available through Respondent's firm, and with making false representations as to the availability of rental units. Again, there is no evidence of record in this cause to establish a single, identifiable instance in which Respondent either individually or through its employees represented that rental units were available of a type and price that were not in fact so available.

Florida Laws (5) 120.57455.227475.01475.25475.42
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Altamonte Springs, Florida Jan. 08, 2019 Number: 19-000132 Latest Update: Jul. 15, 2019

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner's application for a real estate license should be denied for the reasons stated in Respondent's Notice of Intent to Deny, dated November 2, 2018.

Findings Of Fact The Commission is the state agency charged with licensing real estate brokers and sales associates in Florida. See § 475.161, Fla. Stat. On August 17, 2018, Petitioner filed with the Commission an application for a Real Estate Broker License – Out of State Experience. According to his PRO, however, he is applying for a "real estate associate license." In conjunction with the application, a lengthy and somewhat confusing record of Petitioner's administrative and criminal history in New York and Minnesota between 1995 and 2018 has been compiled and is found in Commission Exhibit 11, consisting of approximately 300 pages. Besides holding an active Colorado real estate license, he also has a mortgage originator's license issued by the State of Minnesota in 2018. The application required Petitioner to provide answers to four background questions. In response to question 1, which asks the applicant if he has ever been convicted or found guilty of, or entered a plea of nolo contendere or guilty to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction, or is currently under criminal investigation, Petitioner answered yes. In his explanation to the question, Petitioner listed four arrests, discussed below, all occurring in the State of Minnesota. Although the Notice of Intent to Deny alleges that he was convicted of a felony, the Commission now concedes that all convictions are for misdemeanors. First, on July 1, 1997, Petitioner, then 22 years old, was arrested for one felony count of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree and two felony counts of criminal sexual conduct in the third degree. In May 1998, he pled guilty to fifth degree sexual conduct, a gross misdemeanor, and was fined $900.00, sentenced to nine days in jail, placed on two years' probation, ordered to undergo sex offender treatment, and required to register as a sex offender for ten years in New York (where he had relocated temporarily) and Minnesota. Petitioner completed all conditions required by the court. In his application, Petitioner explained that the arrest and conviction were the result of "interactions with an underaged woman [a 15-year-old babysitter for his fiancee's child] that lied about her age." At hearing, he testified that he pled guilty to the misdemeanor charge because he did not have sufficient funds to continue to fight the original felony charges, and he "did not want to take the chances with the jury," even though the prosecutor admitted to the court the defendant's attorney "can kill our guys on cross-examination." He decided to "take the misdemeanor and get on with [his] life." Petitioner acknowledges that he pled guilty to a sexual offense, but it is fair to find that he wants the Commission to accept his version of events - that the girl fabricated the entire incident. Second, on July 10, 1997, Petitioner was arrested for disorderly conduct, a misdemeanor, after an "[a]rgument with girlfriend and her brother." He was found guilty of the charge and paid a $150.00 fine. Third, in October 2008, while in a divorce proceeding with his then wife, Petitioner was charged with violation of an Order for Protection for "exchanging messages with my wife on childcare/exchange matters which were allowed according to the original order. She called in and filed a complaint." The application states that the charge was later dismissed. The Commission does not dispute this representation. Finally, in November 2008, Petitioner was arrested for gross misdemeanor domestic assault against his then wife. Petitioner explained that this incident occurred after an "argument with wife (she was heavily intoxicated) that escalated." He later pled guilty to disorderly conduct, paid a $300.00 fine, and was given one year of unsupervised probation. He successfully completed all conditions imposed by the court. Question 1 requires that an applicant also report traffic offenses other than parking, speeding, inspection, or traffic signals. The Commission's PRO points out that Petitioner failed to disclose that in 1995, while a resident of the State of New York, he pled guilty to operating a motor vehicle (motorcycle) while impaired by drugs (marijuana). At hearing, Petitioner testified that he forgot about the traffic violation, as it occurred 24 years ago when he was only 20 years old. Even though the Notice of Intent to Deny does not allege that Petitioner failed to disclose his complete criminal record, the issue was tried by consent at hearing. However, Petitioner's omission of this minor item should have no bearing on whether to approve or deny the application. Question 4 asks the applicant to disclose whether he ever has had a license to practice any regulated profession revoked, annulled, suspended, relinquished, or otherwise disciplined in any jurisdiction. Petitioner answered yes. In explaining his answer to question 4, Petitioner stated that his Minnesota real estate broker license was revoked by the Department of Commerce in May 2018 for (a) failure to self-report a 2008 bankruptcy; (b) the denial in 2009 of his application for a residential general contractor's license; and a 2012 felony charge (domestic assault by strangulation of his ex-wife), which was dismissed later. The application added that due to the revocation of the Minnesota license, his Colorado realtor license "is currently in review." At hearing, however, Petitioner testified that Colorado is not taking any action on that license. The revocation order provided in part that Petitioner obtained his license by fraud and misrepresentation, he had a complete disregard for the law, and he could not be trusted to make material disclosures and otherwise comply with licensing requirements. See Comm. Ex. 11, p. 208. Obtaining a license by fraud and/or misrepresentation, and not being trusted to make material disclosures and comply with licensing requirements, are grounds for revoking or suspending a license in the state of Florida had Petitioner then been registered. At hearing, Petitioner testified that he actually had disclosed the bankruptcy and administrative action to the state when he submitted an application to transfer a brokerage license in 2009. Evidently, this contention was not accepted by the Department of Commerce. Petitioner says he "attempted" to appeal the revocation order, but the appeal was denied. In its PRO, the Commission alleges that Petitioner failed to disclose an enforcement action instituted by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (MDLI) in 2009, which resulted in him voluntarily consenting to the revocation of a residential building contractor license held by Vanquish Custom Homes, LLC, a company he controlled. Although this omission is not cited in the Notice of Intent to Deny, the issue was raised at hearing without objection by Petitioner. Petitioner's response to background question 3 acknowledges that his application for a "residential general contractor's license" was denied in 2009. Also, in a letter attached to the application, Petitioner made reference to that action, although in a somewhat confusing and incomplete manner. See Comm. Ex. 11, p. 187. The letter fails to disclose that the proceeding arose in the context of an enforcement action by MDLI, which alleged, among other things, that Petitioner was untrustworthy, incompetent, and unqualified to act as a licensee's qualifying owner. The letter and application also fail to disclose that MDLI issued a consent order revoking the license, imposing a $5,000.00 suspended civil fine, and ordering him to cease and desist from acting as a residential building contractor. Had Petitioner been registered in the state of Florida, these actions would have been grounds to suspend or revoke the license. At hearing, Petitioner explained that the license lapsed around 2007, he reapplied for licensure in 2008, but he withdrew the application after MDLI issued an intent to deny. He says he took this action because he "didn't need the contractor license, and it just wasn't worth spending the money to fight it." By consent of the parties, Petitioner acknowledged that he failed to disclose a consent order issued by MDLI in 2013, which determined that Vanquish Services Group, LLC, another company controlled by Mr. Shields, had violated the 2009 consent order. Petitioner was ordered to cease and desist from any further residential building contractor violations and to pay a $5,000.00 civil penalty, of which $4,500.00 was stayed. At hearing, Petitioner testified that in an effort to procure clients, his company incorrectly advertised four trades on Angie's List, when the company was allowed no more than three trades to be advertised. He admits this was a "mistake." Two character witnesses, Mr. Hartos and Ms. Anderson, both currently licensed as realtors in Minnesota, testified on behalf of Petitioner. Both testified that they are aware of his prior administrative and criminal history. Mr. Hartos is a long- time licensed broker, who has served on the Minnesota Association of Realtors Board of Professional Standards for more than 25 years, and was Petitioner's broker and "boss" for the last five years. The other is a former employee. Based on their work experience with Petitioner, they found him to be ethical, truthful, honest, and trustworthy, and not a danger to the public. Forty-three letters of recommendation, including those submitted by the two character witnesses, all hearsay in nature, corroborate this conclusion.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Real Estate Commission enter a final order denying Petitioner's application for a license as a real estate broker or sales associate. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of July, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of July, 2019.

Florida Laws (3) 475.161475.17475.25 DOAH Case (2) 08-271819-0132
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003010 Latest Update: Apr. 07, 1989

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the allegations herein, the Respondent, James C. Condrack, Jr., was licensed in Florida as a registered real estate broker under license number 0140067. Respondent J C C Company and Son, Inc., at all times pertinent hereto, was a licensed real estate brokerage corporation in Florida operating under license number 0215540. Both Respondents operate in Sarasota, Florida at 2831 Ringling Blvd., Suite 202 A. In addition to his real estate brokerage business, Respondent Condrack also operates a real estate holding company, (Flagship Equity), which holds approximately six properties valued at about one-half million dollars. These properties are all income producing properties which are either straight rentals or are sold on a lease option basis and generate rental income which in some cases, constitutes a slight positive cash flow. In September and October, 1987, Respondent, Condrack, was seeking to buy several properties in Bradenton, Florida. Two of these were private residences and the third, a multifamily home to be converted into an adult congregate living facility. At the time, Respondent, Condrack, was making the purchases on behalf of his holding company for his personal investments, not as a part of the business of J C C Company and Son, Inc., and was utilizing the brokerage services of Sharon Hendricks, an associate with MacIntosh Realty in Bradenton. Prior to making an offer on the properties in question, Mr. Condrack indicated he would like to have an appraisal made of them and through Ms. Hendricks, was put in touch with Mr. Robert Laney, owner and operator Key Realty Appraisal, Inc. of Bradenton Beach, Florida. On September 9, 1987, Mr. Condrack, through Ms. Hendricks, requested that Mr. Laney perform an appraisal on property located at 6008 11th Street East in Bradenton. The appraisal was accomplished and was delivered on September 15, 1987. Thereafter, on October 9, 1987, Respondent requested, again through Ms. Hendricks, that Mr. Laney do an appraisal on property located at 2109 12th Street West in Bradenton and this appraisal was accomplished and delivered on October 27, 1987. On or before October 20, 1987, Respondent Condrack met with Mr. Laney and went through the property with him. At that time, Respondent gave Mr. Laney no criteria for the appraisal nor did he indicate any minimum figure he would consider acceptable. Mr. Laney did the appraisal as requested and wrote up the results on a form provided by the Federal National Mortgage Association. In conducting his appraisal, he used the three standard appraisal methods; the income method, the cost data method, and the sales data comparison method. As to the third property, located on 55th Avenue in Bradenton, the cost data method reflected a value of $165,282.00; the income method reflected a value of $168,000.00; and the sales data comparison method reflected a value of $155,000.00. To get a valid appraisal using the comparable sales method, a minimum of three comparable sales must be considered. In this case, Laney used six sales no older than three months prior the appraisal date, using research records kept in his office. For the first appraisal, Mr. Laney charged $150.00 plus tax; for the second, the same; and for the third, $300.00 plus tax. This came to a total amount owed of $630.00 which was, by individual property billings, billed to attorney David Wilcox, but shown to be for either Mr. Condrack, in the case of the last property, or Flagship Equity in the case of the other two. Mr. Laney was not paid for any of the appraisals and on January 15, 1988, wrote to Mr. Condrack requesting that he be paid for the three appraisals. He was not paid. Respondent contends that he did not pay Mr. Laney because, as to the last appraisal, that on the 55th Avenue property, he was unable to secure financing from Key Savings Bank, to whom he applied for financing. He contends this was because Key refused to accept the appraisal done by Mr. Laney who was no longer on their list of approved appraisers because he had failed to initiate certification procedures as an appraiser. Mr. Laney contends that at the time he prepared the appraisal and forwarded it to Mr. Condrack, he was on Key's approved appraiser list but was subsequently removed because Key went to a designated appraiser system at the request of the Federal government. It matters not, however, whether Mr. Laney was certified by Key or not. There is no evidence that certification by Key was made a condition precedent to the appraisal services being rendered for Mr. Condrack and it appears that at the time the services were rendered and when the appraisal forms were delivered to the client, he was certified not only by Key but by the Island Bank (now First Union Bank) as well. He is still on the approved list with First Union. Mr. Condrack contends that when he first was turned down for financing on the 55th Avenue property, he was "miffed" and decided to extend payment to Mr. Laney over a period of time rather than pay immediately. He communicated this intention to Mr. Laney. Mr. Laney declined to accept extended payment and instead requested immediate payment. Mr. Condrack has failed to make any payments whatever to Mr. Laney for any of the three appraisals performed for him even though he utilized the appraisal on the first property in purchasing it and is currently drawing income from it.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that the so much of the Administrative Complaint as relates to the Respondent, J J C Company and Son, Inc., be dismissed, but that the broker's license of Respondent, James C. Condrack, Jr. be suspended for a period of one year. RECOMMENDED this 7th day of April, 1989 at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of April, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-3010 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. By The Petitioner: 1 - 7. Accepted and incorporated herein except as they pertain to Respondent, J C C Company and Son, Inc., which has been found not to be a part of Respondent Condrack's actions herein. COPIES FURNISHED: James H. Gillis, Esquire Senior Attorney DPR-Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802 James C. Condrack, Jr. J C C Company and Son, Inc. Post Office Box 182 Sarasota, Florida 34230 Kenneth A. Easley, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Darlene F. Keller Division Director Division of Real Estate 400 West Robinson Street Post Office Box 1900 Orlando, Florida 32802

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004102 Latest Update: Jul. 21, 1987

Findings Of Fact Frederick Hodgdon (Hodgdon) has held Florida real estate broker license 0206805 at all times pertinent to this case. Hodgdon is owner and qualifying broker for Pelican Realty of Marco Island, Inc., (Pelican Realty), through which Hodgdon conducts business and which also is named as a respondent. At all times pertinent, Pelican Realty has held Florida corporate real estate broker license 0223934. July 24 through August 6, 1984, respondents placed the following newspaper advertisement in the Sun-Daze: DO YOU KNOW ... that all Florida real estate brokers are agents for the seller and CANNOT legally propose any lower than listed prices or better terms for the benefit of the buyer? UNLESS ... the broker legally qualifies himself as an agent for the buyer. As a Buyer's Broker Pelican Realty CAN and DOES exactly this and a lot more! Buyers pay no fees or commissions. Call or send for our informative brochure, you will be glad you did. The real estate buyer's best bet for the best price is to have a Buyer's Broker. On February 19, 1986, respondents placed the following newspaper advertisement in the Marco Island Eagle: 1/ BUYER BEWARE! DON'T BUY REAL ESTATE ON MARCO ISLAND. ... before consulting an attorney or carefully reading Paragraph 5) and 7) of the 1985 Revision of the Sales Contract as approved by the Naples Area Board of Realtors and the Marco Island Area Board of Realtors and the Collier County Bar Association contract Revision Committee. The Contract states quote: "The Buyer has inspected the property sold by the Contract and there are no other inspections permitted or required. The property is acceptable in its AS IS condition as of date of this offer. INCREDIBLE! ... What happens to the unwitting Buyer who intends to have termite, structural and seawall inspections AFTER his offer is accepted? He just may have to buy a termite ridden house that needs a new roof and a seawall that is on the verge of collapse. Thats what! ... Taken at face value the Sales contract calls for the buyer to spend several hundred dollars for inspections BEFORE making an offer that may well be turned down. INCREDIBLE! .... Paragraph 7) states quote: "Buyer's decision to buy was based on Buyer's own investigation of the property and not upon any representation, warranty, statement or conduct of the Seller, or broker, or any of Seller's or broker's agents" (Excluding those rare occasions when the seller and his agents remain silent.) INCREDIBLE! ... The above subject sections of Paragraphs 5) and 7) of the 1985 Sales Contract in our opinion may well violate the Realtor's Code of Ethics Article 7) "to treat fairly all parties to the transaction." There is nothing Pelican Realty could say or do to better emphasize the Buyer's need to have an advocate on his side. ... As a Buyer's Broker we recommend striking out any and all terms and conditions of the Sales Contract that are prejudicial to the Buyer's best interests. ... Pelican Realty would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with any interested parties the many advantages of working with a Buyer Broker. Our services are at NO additional expense to the buyer. CALL US FOR FURTHER DETAILS. NOW!! On March 11, 1986, respondents placed the following newspaper advertisement in the Sun-News: CASH BACK FOR THE REAL ESTATE BUYER. THAT'S INCREDIBLE! Pelican Realty GUARANTEES CASH BACK to every buyer on every sale. The bigger the sale, the bigger the cash gift to the buyer. On top of this Pelican Realty (a Buyer's Broker) goes all out to get the lowest possible price for the buyer at NO additional cost to the buyer. Other realtors must get the highest price for the seller. The thousands you SAVE already belong to you. THINK ABOUT IT! Call us for further details NOW! "WE PAY OUR BUYERS TO DO BUSINESS WITH US" There is nothing false or fraudulent about the three advertisements. However, the following statements in the advertisements are deceptive or misleading in form or content: The representation in the July 24 through August 6, 1984, Sun-Daze advertisement that buyers pay no fees or commissions. In form, the buyer perhaps does not pay brokerage fees or commissions. But in substance, the buyer does indirectly pay his broker a brokerage fee or commission when the seller pays fees and commissions out of the proceeds of the sale. The representation in the July 24 through August 6, 1984, Sun-Daze advertisement that a buyer's broker "legally qualifies himself as an agent for the buyer." Although perhaps technically correct, this representation implies separate state regulation and qualification procedures for licensure as a buyer's broker. In fact and in law, any licensed real estate broker can become a buyer's broker simply by entering into an agreement with a buyer to be the buyer's broker. The representation in the March 11, 1986, News-Sun advertisement: "Other realtors must get the highest price for the seller." Read carefully in context, this representation is true--realtors other than those representing a buyer must try to get the highest price for the seller he represents (while being open, honest and fair to the buyer). But, as written, the representation could lead one to believe that the respondents have an ability no other realtors have when, in fact and in law, any realtor or other licensed real estate broker who represents a buyer can try to get the best price for the buyer. Although respondents have offered cash rebates, no client has seen the offer or asked for a rebate. Although respondents have maintained their innocence, they changed the ads to meet the criticism of the Department of Professional Regulation.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings Of Fact and Conclusions Of Law, it is recommended that the Florida Real Estate Commission enter a final order (1) reprimanding respondents, Frederick Hodgdon and Pelican Realty of Marco Island, Inc., and (2) fining them $500 each for violations of Section 475.25(1)(c), Florida Statutes (1985). RECOMMENDED this 21st day of July, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of July, 1987.

Florida Laws (1) 475.25
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-001149 Latest Update: Aug. 25, 1981

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, the documentary evidence received, and the entire record compiled herein, the following relevant facts are found. During times material herein, Respondent, George May, was a licensed real estate broker (License No. 00056693) whose principal business address is 2300 West Oakland Park Boulevard, Suite 202, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311. On April 24, 1980, George Aro, a licensed real estate salesman, was employed by Respondent and entered into an employment agreement whereby salesman Aro, while acting in his capacity as a real estate salesman, would receive a sixty percent (60 percent) share of commission fees paid when salesman Aro was the procuring cause of a realty transaction which resulted in the payment of a commission. (See Petitioner's Exhibit 1). On August 29, 1980, salesman Aro discussed, negotiated, and obtained a contract for purchase whereby Peter Licato agreed to purchase a vacant lot in Palm Beach County, Florida. The transaction closed during September, 1980, with Respondent receiving a commission of approximately $300.00 on the Licato transaction. (See Petitioner's Exhibit 2). Pursuant to the employment agreement entered between Respondent and salesman Aro, Messr. Aro demanded his pro-rata share of the commission paid, which was received by Respondent. Respondent refuses to account for, or otherwise deliver to salesman Aro any portion of the commission received from the Licato transaction. On August 9, 1980, salesman Aro, while acting in his capacity as salesman with Respondent, negotiated and obtained a contract of the sale of a vacant lot in Palm Beach County, Florida from seller, Mrs. Nicholas Deickmann to purchaser, Hooshang Abid. The transaction closed sometime during September of 1980, and Respondent received a commission of approximately $330.00. Pursuant to the party's employment agreement, salesman Aro demanded his pro-rata share of the commission received, and Respondent refuses to remit or otherwise deliver to salesman Aro his portion of the commission received. In this regard the Respondent does not dispute and stipulated that salesman Aro was the procuring cause of the above-referred-to transactions, and admits that the commissions were received. Respondent's Defense Respondent defended his failure to account for or otherwise deliver to salesman Aro commissions received from the above transactions on the theory that salesman Aro failed to attend the closings of the above transactions, or that salesman Aro obligated his firm to pay certain expenses which were connected with the closing, which were not authorized. Respondent's defense was considered by the undersigned and rejected for lack of proof. Moreover, the undersigned advised Respondent during the hearing herein that the proper procedure to seek redress from salesman Aro for those claims asserted herein, which were not a part of the subject administrative complaint, is through the filing of a written complaint properly executed, with the Board of Real Estate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent's real estate broker's license be suspended for a period of two (2) years. RECOMMENDED this 25th day of August, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of August, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: John R. Huskins, Esquire 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. George May 2300 West Oakland Park Blvd. Suite 202 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
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