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BOARD OF NURSING vs. JO ANN MURPHY, 83-003132 (1983)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003132 Latest Update: Mar. 15, 1985

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Jo Ann Murphy, is a licensed registered nurse in the State of Florida, holding license number 69367-2. The Respondent received her nursing education and training in Albany, Georgia, and became a registered nurse in Florida in 1973. In 1977 she became certified by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology as a nurse clinician. In 1981 she was certified as a clinical nurse practitioner in ambulatory gynecology and obstetric care. Until 1979, the Respondent was head nurse of OB/GYN Labor and Delivery, Postpartum Unit, at West Florida Hospital in Pensacola. From 1979 to 1983 she was office nurse and nurse practitioner in the office of Thomas H. Wyatt, M.D., in Pensacola. The Respondent became employed at University Hospital in Pensacola on April 25, 1983, primarily because of her knowledge in the field of Caesarian Sections. She was terminated less than one month later, on May 23, 1983, while still in her probationary period, for unsatisfactory nursing performance. On May 18, 1983, another registered nurse on the morning shift with the Respondent, testified that she smelled alcohol on the Respondent's breath at 7:30 A.M. Although this witness worked with the Respondent each day, this is the only time she contends that she smelled alcohol on her breath, and this witness did not see the Respondent stagger or exhibit any other symptom of alcohol use. This witness testified that the Respondent showed a lack of initiative, but that when the Respondent was told to do something she would do it well, and that she never had any concern regarding the Respondent's ability to function as a nurse. Two other hospital employees, a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) and a nurses aide, testified that they smelled alcohol on the Respondent's breath on a date unknown. The nurses aide, however, never saw the Respondent stagger, or exhibit any other sign of intoxication, and she says she only smelled alcohol on the Respondent's breath on one occasion. The LPN testified that she also saw the Respondent sitting at her desk in a daze or stupor, but this symptom was not observed or described by any other witness. Both of these witnesses worked with the Respondent each day, but only claimed to have smelled alcohol on her breath on one occasion. The Respondent denied having any alcohol to drink on or before any shift that she worked while employed at University Hospital. Her husband and her daughter confirmed that the Respondent had not consumed alcohol on the morning of May 18, 1983, before going to work. Another witness, a physician who was in the residency program at University Hospital while the Respondent worked there, had the opportunity to work in close contact with the Respondent on five or six occasions in the labor and delivery suite, and never smelled alcohol on her breath, or saw her stagger or exhibit any other sign of intoxication. This doctor found her to be alert, she performed her functions with no problems, and he had no complaints with her. The nursing director at University Hospital, who conducted the termination interview of the Respondent, observed what she characterized as red, blotchy skim on the Respondent, and the Respondent appeared to be nervous. However, this witness did not smell alcohol on the Respondent's breath, and she saw no other symptoms of alcohol use. Both the Respondent and the physician who employed her for four years confirmed the Respondent's skin blotches, but this is an inherited tendency having nothing to do with medical problems or alcohol use. The nursing director and the patient care coordinator both testified that the Respondent stated at her termination interview that she used to have an alcohol problem, but that she had been rehabilitated. The Respondent denies having made such a statement. Another physician, in addition to the one mentioned in paragraph 7 above, who was in labor and delivery with the Respondent more than ten times, and probably every day she worked at University Hospital, did not smell alcohol on her breath although they worked together closely. This witness found the Respondent's nursing abilities to be competent and very professional. Likewise, the physician who employed the Respondent for four years had no problems with her or her work, he found her prompt and attentive in her duties, and an excellent nurse. On another occasion, not specifically dated, but separate from the instances of the alleged alcohol breath, the Respondent is charged with having "defied an order to stay with a critically ill patient". The evidence is completely devoid of any explicit order given to the Respondent to stay with any patient during the time she worked at University Hospital. Instead, it is contended that the Respondent violated what are characterized as "standing orders" that a nurse should not leave a patient who has been assigned to her. These "standing orders" are supposed to have been set forth in policy manuals given to employees of the hospital, but no such manual was offered in evidence; nor was the nature of the "standing orders" explicitly described by the witnesses. On the one occasion when the Respondent is charged with defying orders to stay with a patient, the patient was being attended also by an LPN when the Respondent left to telephone the patient's physician. In the same general area, but behind the curtains of an adjoining cubicle, another registered nurse was attending a patient there. The patient whom the Respondent and the LPN attended went into deceleration after the Respondent had left to telephone her physician. The LPN needed help with the oxygen and to turn the patient. The other registered nurse in the adjoining cubicle came in and the patient was stabilized. The Respondent returned in a few minutes. It is below minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing nursing practice for a registered nurse to leave a patient, whose condition is considered critical, in the care of an LPN. Yet the patient was not in critical condition when the Respondent left to call the physician, and there was another registered nurse in close proximity who responded when the need for her arose. Thus, there is not sufficient competent evidence to support a finding of fact (1) that the Respondent either had alcohol on her breath or was in a drunken condition while on duty; (2) that the Respondent defied an order to stay with a critically ill patient; or (3) that the Respondent left a patient whose condition is considered critical in the care of an LPN. The competent evidence in the record supports a finding of fact (1) that the Respondent did not have alcohol on her breath at any time while employed at University Hospital; (2) that the Respondent did not defy an order to stay with a critically ill patient; and (3) that the Respondent did not leave a patient whose condition is considered critical in the care of an LPN.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint against the Respondent, Jo Ann Murphy, be dismissed. THIS RECOMMENDED ORDER entered this 10th day of January, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM B. THOMAS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of January, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Julia P. Forrester, Esquire 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Thomas C. Staples, Esquire P. O. Box 12786 Pensacola, Florida 32575 Ms. Helen P. Keefe Executive Director, Board of Nursing Department of Professional Regulation Room 504, 111 East Coastline Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Mr. Fred Roche Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 120.57464.018
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-004674 Latest Update: May 24, 1988

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner, Melvin Alston, is entitled to insurance coverage under the State of Florida Health Plan for services received at Miracle Hill Nursing Home.

Findings Of Fact Doris Alston, widow of Melvin Alston, is requesting payment for services rendered to Melvin Alston at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. Melvin Alston died on December 31, 1985. Melvin Alston, as a retired state employee, became eligible for coverage under the State Health Plan on July 1, 1985. He was a professor and dean at Florida A&M University from 1946 until 1969, when he retired. Thereafter he became a professor at Southern Illinois University, from which he retired in 1976. Alston was admitted to Tallahassee Memorial Regional Medical Center (TMRMC) in September, 1984, and was transferred to the extended care unit on September 20, 1984, because there were no available nursing home beds. On October 31, 1984, a bed became available at Goodwood Manor, a skilled nursing home facility, and Alston was admitted to Goodwood Manor from the TMRMC extended care unit. Alston remained at Goodwood Manor until August 22, 1985, when Mrs. Alston removed him and placed him at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. While at Goodwood Manor, Alston was receiving essentially custodial care. He had a routine diet and simply needed assistance with his activities of daily living, such as bathing and feeding. He was able to take his medications as they were given to him and he could leave the nursing home on a pass basis. While at Goodwood, Alston's medical orders were reviewed monthly and he was not seen daily by a physician. Alston received the same level of care at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. In skilled nursing facilities, the range of services needed and provided goes from skilled through intermediate levels to custodial. Skilled care includes such services as injections or intravenous medications on a daily basis which must be administered by a nurse. Dr. C. E. Richardson became Alston's physician at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. In the course of his deposition, Dr. Richardson testified that Alston received medical level care at Miracle Hill. However, Dr. Richardson stated several times that he did not know the level of care given to Alston under the definitions of the care levels available. He acknowledged that the levels of care ranged from skilled to custodial. Dr. Richardson also did not know the terms of the benefit document for the State Health Plan. Dr. Richardson only provided the medical care, which was the same no matter what level of nursing care he needed or received. According to Dr. Richardson, Alston was on a fairly routine diet, could engage in activities as tolerated, and could go out on a pass at will. One of Dr. Richardson's orders dated 11/27/85 shows that Dr. Richardson did not order a skilled level of care, but instead checked the level of care to be intermediate. Alston did not receive or need skilled nursing care at Miracle Hill. It is more appropriate to classify the level of care as custodial, as that term is defined in the State Health Plan Benefit Document. Alston's primary insurer was Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois, based on coverage he had from his employment there. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois denied the claim for services at Miracle Hill because the services were custodial and were not covered by that plan. It also denied the claim because Miracle Hill's services did not fit its criteria for skilled nursing care. William Seaton is a State Benefits Analyst with the Department of Administration and his duties include assisting people who have a problem with the settlement of a claim with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida, which administers the State Health Plan. After the claim was denied by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois, Mr. Seaton assisted Mrs. Alston by filing a claim under the State Health Plan. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida concluded that no benefits were payable for facility charges at a nursing home and that an extended care or skilled nursing facilities would have limited coverage; however, because Alston was not transferred to Miracle Hill directly from an acute care hospital, no coverage existed. The pertinent provisions of the benefit document of the State Health Plan are as follows: I.G. "Custodial Care" means care which does not require skilled nursing care or rehabilitative services and is designed solely to assist the insured with the activities of daily living, such as: help in walking, getting in and out of bed, bathing, dressing, eating, and taking medications. * * * I.N. "Hospital", means a licensed institution engaged in providing medical care and treatment to a patient as a result of illness or accident on an inpatient/outpatient basis . . . and which fully meets all the tests set forth in ., 2., and 3. below: . . . In no event, however, shall such term include . . . an institution or part thereof which is used principally as a nursing home or rest for care and treatment of the aged. * * * I.AH. "Skilled Nursing Care" means care which is furnished . . . to achieve the medically desired result and to insure the insured's safety. Skilled nursing care may be the rendering of direct care, when the ability to provide the service requires specialized (professional) training; or observation and assessment of the insured's medical needs; or supervision of a medical treatment plan involving multiple services where specialized health care knowledge must be applied in order to attain the desired medical results. * * * I.AI. "Skilled Nursing Facility" means a licensed institution, or a distinct part of a hospital, primarily engaged in providing to inpatients: skilled nursing care . . . or rehabilitation services . . . and other medically necessary related health services. Such care or services shall not include: the type of care which is considered custodial . . . . * * * II.E. Covered Skilled Nursing Facility Services. On or after August 1, 1984, when an insured is transferred from a hospital to a skilled nursing facility, the Plan will pay 80% of the charge for skilled nursing care . . . subject to the following: The insured must have been hospital confined for three consecutive days prior to the day of discharge before being transferred to a skilled nursing facility; Transfer to a skilled nursing facility is because the insured requires skilled care for a condition . . . which was treated in the hospital; The insured must be admitted to the skilled nursing facility immediately following discharge from the hospital; A physician must certify the need for skilled nursing care . . . and the insured must receive such care or services on a daily basis; . . . 6. Payment of services and supplies is limited to sixty (60) days of confinement per calendar year. * * * VII. No payment shall be made under the Plan for the following: * * * L. Services and supplies provided by . . . a skilled nursing facility or an institution or part thereof which is used principally as a nursing home or rest facility for care and treatment of the aged. * * * N. any services in connection with custodial care . . . .

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Administration enter a Final Order denying the request for benefits for services rendered to Melvin Alston at Miracle Hill Nursing Home. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of May, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE K. KIESLING Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of May, 1988. APPENDIX TO THE RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 87-4674 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner, Melvin Alston 1 . Proposed findings of fact 1-3 and 5 are rejected as being subordinate to the facts actually found in this Recommended Order. Additionally, proposed findings of fact 3 and 5 contain argument which is rejected. 2. Proposed finding of fact 4 is irrelevant to the resolution of this matter. Specific Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent, Department of Administration Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parentheses is the Finding of Fact which so adopts the proposed finding of fact: 1(1); 4(2); 5(2); 6(11); 8(11); 9(12); 10(3 & 4); 11(5); 12(4); 14(5); 15(7); 19- 21(8 & 9) 23(13); and 24(13). Proposed findings of fact 2, 3, and 16 are unnecessary. Proposed findings of fact 7, 13, 18, 26, and 27 are rejected as being irrelevant. Proposed findings of fact 17 and 22 are subordinate to the facts actually found in the Recommended Order. 2. Proposed finding of fact 25 is unsupported by the competent, substantial evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: James C. Mahorner Attorney-at-Law P. O. Box 682 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Andrea Bateman Attorney-at-Law Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Adis Villa, Secretary Department of Administration 435 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Sep. 03, 1997 Number: 97-004083 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue Whether Respondent engaged in unprofessional conduct and, if so, what penalty should be imposed on his nursing license.

Findings Of Fact The Department of Health is the state agency charged with regulating the practice of nursing pursuant to Chapter 464, Florida Statutes. Respondent, Cecil Harold Floyd, was at all times material hereto a licensed practical nurse in the State of Florida, having been issued a license numbered PN 0960631. At all times material hereto, Respondent was employed as a licensed practical nurse by the North Shore Senior Adult Community in St. Petersburg, Florida. At all times material hereto, Respondent was assigned to care for Patient M.F., a patient in the skilled nursing section of the North Shore Senior Adult Community. On February 26-27, 1996, Respondent worked as the charge nurse on the 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift. On February 27, 1996, at approximately 6:00 a.m., Respondent wrote in the nurse's notes that Patient M.F. was lethargic and having difficulty swallowing; that the patient's bottom dentures were out; and that the patient's tongue was over to the right side. In this entry, Respondent also noted "will continue to monitor." After Respondent completed his shift on February 27, 1996, Conchita McClory, LPN, was the charge nurse in the skilled nursing facility at North Shore Senior Adult Community. At about 8:10 a.m., Nurse McClory was called by the CNA who was attempting to wake up Patient M.F. Upon Nurse McClory's entering Patient M.F.'s room, she observed that the patient was sleeping, incontinent, and restless and that the right side of the patient's face was dropping. Based on these observations, Nurse McClory believed that Patient M.F. may have suffered a stroke and she immediately called 911. Following the 911 call, Patent M.F. was taken to Saint Anthony's Hospital in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Prior to coming to this country, Conchita McClory had been trained and worked as a registered nurse in the Philippines. However, Ms. McClory is not licensed as a registered nurse in the State of Florida. Saint Anthony's Hospital's records regarding Patient M.F. indicate that the patient had a history of multiple strokes beginning in 1986. The Department’s Administrative Complaint against Respondent included the following factual allegations, all of which were alleged to have occurred on February 27, 1996: At approximately 6:00 a.m., Respondent recorded in the nurse’s notes that Patient M.F. was lethargic and having difficulty swallowing; the patient's bottom dentures were out; and the patient's tongue was over to the right side. Respondent also noted in the nurses' notes that Patient M.F. should continue to be monitored. Patient M.F.'s roommate told Respondent that she believed that M.F. had suffered a stroke because she could not swallow and her speech was slurred. At about 8:00 a.m., Patient M.F.'s roommate went to the nurses' station and requested that a certified nurse's assistant check on M.F. Patient M.F. was found paralyzed on her left side, soaked in urine and unable to speak. There was no evidence presented to support the factual allegations referenced in paragraph 9b and 9c above and included in the Administrative Complaint.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Nursing, enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Respondent. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of October, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CAROLYN S. HOLIFIELD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of October, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Howard M. Bernstein, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Allied Health - Medical Quality Assistance 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Cecil Harold Floyd 1680 25th Avenue, North St. Petersburg, Florida 33713-4444 Ruth Stiehl, Executive Director Board of Nursing Department of Health 4080 Woodcock Drive, Suite 202 Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Pete Peterson, General Counsel Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (3) 120.569120.57464.018 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64B9-8.005
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Panama City, Florida Apr. 30, 2008 Number: 08-002158PL Latest Update: Jul. 02, 2024
# 5
BOARD OF NURSING vs. RICHARD J. WOMACK, 83-002272 (1983)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002272 Latest Update: Oct. 04, 1990

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is a licensed practical nurse holding license number 0688681. At all times pertinent to this proceeding the Respondent was employed as a licensed practical nurse at Leesburg Center Health Care and Nursing Home. The Petitioner is an agency of the state of Florida charged with enforcing the professional practice standards for nurses embodied in Chapter 464, Florida Statutes (1981) and with initiating and prosecuting disciplinary actions against nurses for violations of those standards. On February 7, 1983, the Respondent while working as a nurse or medical technician at the Sumter Correctional Institute was involved in a disturbance with some inmates in the course of which the chemical "mace" was used to quell the disturbance. Later that evening at approximately eleven p.m. he reported for his night shift duty at Leesburg Center Health Care and Nursing Home complaining of a migraine headache. His supervisor, Nurse Cavatello informed him that he could lie down and get some sleep during his "break." During breaktimes, nurses are considered to be "off-duty". Such was the policy at that time at Leesburg Center Health Care and Nursing Home. During his breaktime, while on duty early on the morning of February 8, 1983, at approximately 2:00 a.m., Respondent was asleep on a stretcher some ten to twelve feet from his duty station while on his break. At that time he was observed by Nursing Director, Shirley Gooden, to be asleep and she awakened him. She inquired as to why he was sleeping on duty and he informed her that he was on his break. Nurse Gooden informed the Respondent that he was not considered to be "on break" because he had not "punched out" on a time clock or card before going on his break as required by the employer's nurses handbook, therefore she immediately terminated him from employment. It was accepted policy and practice at that facility for nurses to be able to sleep while on break, especially on late-night shifts such as the Respondent was employed on, on the night in question. It was also the accepted policy and practice that nurses did not have to "clock in or out" when they were merely taking their authorized breaktime as the Respondent was doing. The Respondent's immediate supervisor, Nurse Cavatello, authorized him to sleep during his breaktime and did not require him to "punch out" or make a formal record of his breaktime on the evening in question. Thus, the Respondent, who was admittedly asleep at the time in question, was not on duty, but rather was on his breaktime, during which he was permitted by his supervisor to sleep. On January 1, 1983, the Respondent submitted his employment application for the position of Licensed Practical Nurse at Leesburg Center Health Care and Nursing Home. On that employment application he indicated that he left his last employment as a deputy sheriff for Polk County for the reason that he wished to return to school to further his education. In reality, the Respondent was terminated from his position as deputy sheriff by the Polk County Sheriff's Department for falsifying an official department record, and for "conduct unbecoming an employee" of the Sheriff's Department. This is the first occasion in which the Respondent has been subjected to disciplinary action with regard to his licensure status by the Petitioner. His record as a licensed practical nurse is otherwise unblemished and he displays a high level of skill and compassion in his nursing duties and in his relations with patients while performing those duties.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered by the Board of Nursing issuing a formal reprimand to the Respondent, Richard Womack, imposing a period of probation on his licensure status until such time as he completes a continuing education course in the legal aspects of nursing. DONE and ENTERED this 14th day of March, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Julia P. Forrester, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Richard J. Womack 1607 Stafford Road Leesburg, Florida 32758 Helen P. Keefe, Executive Director Board of Nursing Dept. of Professional Regulation 111 East Coastline Drive, Room 504 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Fred M. Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 464.018
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Cross City, Florida Sep. 15, 2003 Number: 03-003309PL Latest Update: Mar. 12, 2004

The Issue Should discipline be imposed by Petitioner against Respondent's certificate to practice as a Certified Nursing Assistant?

Findings Of Fact Facts Admitted: Petitioner is the state department charged with regulating the practice of nursing pursuant to Chapter 20.43, Florida Statutes, Chapter 456, Florida Statutes; and Chapter 464, Florida Statutes. Respondent is Andrea Tyson. Respondent is a Certified Nursing Assistant (C.N.A.) in the State of Florida having been issued certificate number 0898- 262792261. Respondent's current address of record (address listed for C.N.A. certificate with Department of Health) is P.O. Box 999, Cross City, Florida 32628. On or about August 23, 2001, Respondent was employed at Tri-County Nursing Home (Tri-County) in Trenton, Florida. During the time Respondent worked at Tri-County, W.H. (resident referred to in Petitioner's Administrative Complaint) was a resident at Tri-County. Respondent knew W.H. prior to working at Tri-County. Respondent regularly cared for W.H. at Tri-County. On or about August 23, 2001, Respondent assisted W.H. in taking a shower. On or about August 23, 2001, while in the shower with W.H., Respondent jerked W.H.'s hand from the shower grab bar. On or about August 23, 2001, while in the shower with W.H., Respondent sprayed W.H.'s face with cold water. On or about August 23, 2001, after Respondent finished showering W.H., Respondent partially dried W.H. and put on only his pants. On or about August 23, 2001, after Respondent finished showering W.H., Respondent refused to assist W.H. with putting on his shirt. On or about August 23, 2001, W.H. had to seek the assistance of another person at Tri-County, in putting on his shirt following his shower with Respondent. Additional Facts: W.H. had suffered a stroke in 1992. W.H. came to be a resident at Tri-County on March 8, 1999. On August 23, 2001, Respondent told W.H. to go to the bathroom to get ready for his shower. W.H. required assistance to shower. Respondent had given showers to W.H. before the date in question. On August 23, 2001, it was necessary for W.H. to support himself by holding on to the shower grab bar. W.H. explained that he uses the shower bar because he feels better that way, more secure. When Respondent jerked W.H.'s hand away from the shower grab bar, she did so without warning. This made W.H. feel bad. It also made him feel mad at Respondent. On the date in question while in the shower, W.H. told the Respondent that the water was too hot. Her response was to reach over with her hand and turned the lever to the cold setting and rinsed W.H. off with cold water. The water was really cold. W.H. did not complain about the cold water. He just wanted to get out of the shower. W.H. was left with the impression that if Respondent was going to be mean to him, he did not want to be around her. The incident made him feel abused. W.H. felt intimidated by the Respondent given her actions. As part of the process of showering that took place on August 23, 2001, in addition to spraying cold water in W.H.'s face, the cold water got into his ears. He did not like water in his ears. After the shower, Respondent dried W.H. off and put on his underclothes and pants and shoes but not his shirt. W.H. was left with only his T-shirt above the waist. W.H. took his outer shirt and went into the hall and got another C.N.A. to assist him in putting it on. To W.H.'s knowledge he had never done anything or said anything to provoke Respondent before the incident in the shower. W.H. reported the incident to a nurse at Tri-County about a day after the event. The expectation at Tri-County was that Respondent as a C.N.A. would perform her duties in the facility consistent with the Florida standards of care incumbent upon C.N.A. certificate holders. Tri-County is a skilled nursing facility. C.N.A.s who are employed at that facility, such as Respondent, undergo orientation in addition to the training received when earning a certificate to practice in Florida. The orientation includes issues such as fire safety, resident rights,1/ infection control, and body lifting of residents. What is described as the "paper part" of the orientation takes a day. In addition, the new employee is paired with an experienced C.N.A. on the same shift where the new employee will work, and the new employee and the experienced employee work together for a couple of weeks at the nursing home as training. While working with the experienced C.N.A., that employee uses a check-list to verify that the new employee can master the skills required to assist the residents. Within Tri-County the expectation for resident rights are in association with the right to dignity, among other rights. C.N.A.s at Tri-County are responsible for feeding, hydration, bathing, toileting, and skin care in relation to residents they are responsible for. Margo Chancey, R.N.C. was the Director of Nurses at Tri-County on August 23, 2001. She continues to hold that position. Ms. Chancey is a licensed nurse in Florida. By virtue of her formal training and work experience, Ms. Chancey is sufficiently familiar with the expected standard of care to be provided by C.N.A.s to offer expert opinion testimony concerning Respondent's treatment of W.H. on August 23, 2001. Nurse Chancey explained W.H.'s condition in August 2001 as being a circumstance in which W.H. had had a couple of strokes over a period of years. Nonetheless, W.H. remained alert and oriented and continued to be alert and oriented in more recent times including the present. W.H. gets around in a wheelchair. He is on an oxygen concentrator P.R.N. W.H. suffers with chronic pulmonary disease. W.H. was more ambulatory in August 2001 than he is today. Ms. Chancey is sufficiently familiar with the events on August 23, 2001, concerning Respondent's provision of care to W.H. while providing him a shower, to offer an opinion on whether that performance was within the minimal standards expected of a C.N.A. Ms. Chancey established that the manner of care provided from Respondent to W.H. was inhumane and abusive and below minimal standards. More particularly, Ms. Chancey commented that Respondent gave W.H. no choices. She demanded things of the resident. She sprayed cold water in his face, which is unacceptable. She was rough and rude with W.H. when removing his arm from the grab bar, which is unacceptable. W.H.'s patient's rights were violated pertaining to matters of human dignity and he was not treated safely. As Ms. Chancey correctly explained, for Respondent to perform her duties in giving the bath to W.H. she would have had bathing equipment ready when he came into the room and she should have been in the room when W.H. started to get undressed and would not have removed his arm from the grab bar. W.H. had the right to complain that the water was too hot. Respondent should have tested the water before she sprayed what was revealed to be cold water on W.H. Respondent should have totally dressed W.H. before she left the room given his condition, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The risk was that his condition could worsen when left partially dressed. This might lead to his contracting pneumonia.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and Conclusions of Law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered finding the Respondent in violation of Sections 464.204(1)(b), 464.018(1)(h), Florida Statutes (2001), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 64B9- 8.005(13)(2001), placing Respondent on probation for a period on one year subject to terms established by the Board of Nursing, imposing a $150.00 fine and requiring that Respondent attend a continuing education class on the care of the elderly. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of December, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of December, 2003.

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.5720.43400.022456.001456.073464.018464.204
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002556 Latest Update: Nov. 09, 1983

The Issue This case concerns the issue of whether the Respondent's license as a registered nurse should be suspended, revoked or otherwise disciplined for submitting employment applications which contained false information and for unprofessional conduct in the performance of her duties as a nurse. At the formal hearing the Petitioner called as witnesses Janet Brown, Wilma Green, E. Jean King, Susan Coffin Brennan, Mary Ann Cottrell, and Mary Sheffield. The Respondent testified on her own behalf and was the only witness called by the Respondent. The Petitioner offered and had admitted into evidence, ten exhibits and the Respondent offered and had admitted into evidence, seven exhibits. Counsel for the Petitioner and counsel for the Respondent submitted proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law for consideration by the Hearing Officer. To the extent that those proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law are consistent with the findings made in this order, the proposed findings were adopted by the Hearing Officer. To the extent that the proposed findings and conclusions of law are not consistent with this order, they were considered by the Hearing Officer and rejected as being unsupported by the evidence or unnecessary to the resolution of this cause.

Findings Of Fact The facts set-forth in paragraphs 1 through 4 below were stipulated to by the parties and are found as facts: At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent was a licensed registered nurse in the State of Florida, having been issued license number 67142-2. Respondent filled out and filed the applications for licensure as a registered nurse, Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1. Respondent did fill out and file the applications for employment as a nurse, Petitioner's Exhibit Nos. 2 through 9. Respondent did falsify her date of birth, age, and date of graduation from nursing school on her applications for employment as a nurse, Petitioner's Exhibit Nos. 2 through 9. This was done by Respondent on the recommendation of an employment agency initially, and was done in order to obtain employment. On or about April 8, 1982, Respondent filled out and submitted an employment application for work as a nurse to Lakeview Nursing Center. (Petitioner s Exhibit No. 2). The application reflected that Respondent obtained her R.N. degree from Bellevue Hospital in 1948. That information is false. The Respondent received her R.N. degree in 1939. On or about March 11, 1983, Respondent filled out and submitted an employment application for work as a nurse to Leesburg General Hospital, Leesburg, Florida (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3). That application reflects a date of birth of December 24, 1932 and the date June, 1948 as the year Respondent received her nursing degree. This information is false in that Respondent's date of birth is September 29, 1918, and the year she received her nursing degree was June, 1939. On or about January 25, 1982, Respondent filled out and submitted an application for employment as a registered nurse to Sanford Nursing and Convalescent Center, Inc., Sanford, Florida (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4). That application reflected a date of birth of December 24, 1932 and the year 1948 as the year in which Respondent obtained her R.N. degree. The date of birth and year of graduation are false. On or about May 28, 1980, Respondent filled out and submitted an application for employment as Director of Nursing at Orlando Memorial Convalescent Center, Orlando, Florida (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 5). That application reflected that Respondent graduated from Bellevue Hospital School of Nursing in 1948. That information is false in that she graduated in 1939. On or about February 13, 1980, the Respondent filled out and submitted an application for employment as a nurse to Quality Care, a nursing service (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6). That application contained a false date of birth of December 24, 1932 and a false year of graduation from Bellevue Hospital School of Nursing of 1948. On or about January 23, 1980, Respondent filled out and submitted to the Physician's Registry an application for employment as a nurse (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 7). That application reflected an age of 47 and date of birth of January 24, 1932. This information is false. On or about January 8, 1980, the Respondent filled out and submitted an application for employment as a nurse to Medox, Inc. That information reflected a birth date of December 24, 1932 and a year of graduation from Bellevue Hospital as 1948 (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 8). This birthdate and year of graduation are false. On or about January 19, 1978, Respondent filled out and submitted an application for employment as a nurse to Dr. P. Phillips Memorial Nursing Home, Orlando, Florida (Petitioner's Exhibit No. 9). That application reflected an incorrect birthdate of December 24, 1932 and reflected that Respondent attended Bellevue Hospital School of Nursing from 1945 to 1948. Respondent actually attended Bellevue Hospital from 1936 to 1939. During March, 1982, Respondent was employed as a registered nurse at Leesburg Regional Medical Center. Janet Gillespie Brown, also a registered nurse, was assigned to act as Respondent's preceptor during Respondent's orientation at Leesburg Regional Medical Center. As her preceptor Ms. Brown trained as well as supervised Respondent's work during her orientation period. During the time she was employed at Leesburg Regional Medical Center, the Respondent used improper procedures in attempting to insert a foley catheter into a female patient. in cleansing the meatus to remove bacteria the Respondent used a scrubbing technique rather than a wiping technique. This was improper antiseptic technique. The Respondent then attempted to insert the catheter by probing. This also was improper. Upon observing these improper techniques Janet Brown instructed Respondent to make no further attempts to insert the catheter and told her to wait whale she obtained a sterile foley kit which she would insert herself. Respondent did not do as she had been instructed and inserted the catheter after Nurse Brown left the patient's room to obtain the sterile foley kit. After Nurse Brown returned and discovered the catheter had been inserted against her instructions, she went outside the patient's room with Respondent and explained to her that the catheter she inserted was contaminated as a result of the probing. Respondent agreed and explained that she had not performed this procedure for awhile. The ability to properly insert such catheters is a basic nursing skill. No infection resulted from the improper insertion of the catheter by Respondent. Also while employed at Leesburg Regional Medical Center the Respondent failed to properly chart food intake of patients in that she charted each item of food consumed rather than charting percentages of food consumed as she had been instructed. Respondent also failed to properly chart the progress of a stroke patient by failing to chart that the patient had been making attempts to verbally communicate. The Respondent failed to properly organize her time, appeared unable to properly assess patient progress by asking appropriate questions and recording the patient's response, and failed to complete daily assignments such as bed baths and picking up food trays. Respondent did not feel capable of starting an IV (intravenous). Although starting an IV was not considered to be a skill required of Respondent by Leesburg Regional Medical Center, Respondent was unable to change the tubing on an IV and this was a skill expected of her. Respondent was also unable to give accurate counts of the remaining amount of solution in patients' IVs. On one occasion Respondent failed to properly chart the time of the doctor's visit and apparently "switched" the time. Respondent increased the IV flow for a patient as requested by the doctor, but charted the doctor's visit as having occurred later than the time at which she increased the IV. While working at Leesburg Regional Medical Center the Respondent failed to meet the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing nursing practice. During the first part of February, 1982, Respondent was employed as a relief charge nurse at Sanford Nursing and Convalescent Center, Sanford, Florida. Ms. E. Jean King, R.N. was a charge nurse at Sanford Nursing and Convalescent Center and was assigned to assist in Respondent's orientation. While at Sanford Nursing and Convalescent Center, Respondent was observed by Ms. King to be very confused and very disorganized in her work. She could not remember patients' names and in passing out medications failed to medicate some patients. Then asked whether or not a particular patient had been given medication, Respondent became confused and indicated she could not remember whether or not the medication had been given. In taking a phone order from a doctor the Respondent wrote the wrong order on a sheet of paper and could not then remember what medication had in fact been ordered. This necessitated calling the doctor back and having the order repeated. Respondent also administered medications without first taking the pulse and blood pressure of the patient as required. Respondent required much more supervision than the other nurses under Ms. King's supervision. Respondent's performance and nursing practice at Sanford Nursing and Convalescent Center failed to meet the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing nursing practice in Florida. On January 12 and January 27, 1980, Respondent as an employee of Medox, Inc., was assigned to Florida Hospital in Orlando, Florida. At the time she reported for work Respondent was informed by Ms. Ann Cottrell, R.N. (Head Nurse in Special Care at Florida Hospital) about what her responsibilities would be during her shift as team leader in the progressive care unit. The duties outlined to Respondent included responsibility for the administration of IV medications, antiequivalent drugs, insulin and any other specific procedures not within the job description of the licensed practical nurses. Respondent was also instructed that she was responsible for ordering IV medications that were to be administered for the next twenty-four (24) hours, that she was to make rounds with the physicians and observe and report the patients' conditions, and that at the end of the shift she was responsible for making certain that all charts were signed off, the doctor's orders were signed off, and any pertinent information included in the nurse's notes. During the course of the day Ms. Cottrell checked back with Respondent several times and asked if she understood her responsibilities and whether she was having any problems. Each time Respondent indicated that she knew what she was doing and had done it many times. During the course of the day the Respondent failed to make a complete report on the patients and as a result, the three to eleven shift was unable to determine what had happened during the day with regard to the patients for which Respondent was responsible. Medications had not been charted properly and many of the notes entered by Respondent were irrelevant to the patient's progress. Respondent also failed to insure that EKG strips for which she was responsible had been read. Ms. Cottrell, a registered nurse, was qualified to express an opinion as to the prevailing standards of nursing practice in Florida. She testified that in her opinion the Respondent was not qualified to work in an acute care area as a nurse and that her performance of her duties at Florida Hospital failed to meet the minimal standards of acceptable nursing practice in the State of Florida. This opinion is accepted by the Hearing Officer.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent's license as a registered nurse be suspended for a period of three (3) months. It is further RECOMMENDED that upon completion of the three-month suspension period, Respondent be placed on probation for a period of one (1) year working only under the supervision of another licensed nurse and upon such other conditions as the Board may specify. DONE and ENTERED this 29 day of August, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARVIN E. CHAVIS Hearing Officer Department of Administration Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 29 day of August, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Julia P. Forrester, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Arthur Baron, Esquire Attorney at Law 14 East Washington, Ste. 623 Orlando, Florida 32801 Helen P. Keefe, Executive Director Florida Board of Nursing Room 504, 111 East Coast Line Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Frederick Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (1) 464.018
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-005834 Latest Update: May 26, 1989

The Issue The central issue in this case is whether the Respondent is guilty of the violations alleged in the administrative complaint; and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Based upon the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received at the hearing, I make the following findings of fact: The Department is the state agency charged with the responsibility of regulating the profession of nursing pursuant to Chapters 455 and 464, Florida Statutes. At all times material to this case, Respondent has been licensed by the Department, license nos. RN 1672492 and 167249A. Respondent holds dual licensure since he is listed as a registered nurse (RN) and an advanced practice RN with specialty (ARNP). In Respondent's case, the advanced specialty practice is in the area of anesthesia. To become licensed as an ARNP, Respondent submitted an application, a fee, and copies of a certification from the Council on Recertification of Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) which included an identification card specifying Respondent's CRNA number to be 24936. Respondent represented, under oath, that the copies were true and correct duplicates of the originals. Based upon this documentation, the Department issued the ARNP license. On or about March 25, 1986, Respondent was employed by the Hialeah Anesthesia Group (HAG). Respondent's supervisor was Manuel B. Torres, M. D., president of HAG. On or about November 30, 1987, Dr. Torres notified Respondent that his employment and privileges at Hialeah Hospital were being suspended. According to Dr. Torres, this suspension was to continue until confirmation was given by the Impaired Nurse Program at South Miami Hospital that Respondent's problem had been corrected. At the same time, Dr. Torres notified the CRNA that Respondent had voluntarily entered an impaired nurse program. Subsequently, Dr. Torres received a letter from Susan Caulk, staff secretary for CRNA, which notified him that, according to CRNA files, Respondent had not passed the certification examination, was not a member of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, and that Respondent's CRNA recertification number was not valid. Dr. Torres then notified the Department regarding the certification issue. Later, after Respondent had completed a controlled substance addiction program at Mount Sinai Medical Center, Dr. Torres advised him that, if he could prove his CRNA certification, he could be rehired at Hialeah Hospital. Respondent never returned to demonstrate his certification. An individual who represents himself to be certified as an ARNP when he has not qualified to be so certified has exhibited conduct which falls below the standard of care of the nursing practice. Further, such an individual, by practicing as an advanced practitioner without the educational background, compromises the safety of patient care.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57464.01890.80290.803
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