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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Jul. 12, 1989 Number: 89-003725 Latest Update: Feb. 27, 1990

The Issue The ultimate issue for determination is whether the Petitioner has met the requirements of Sections 403.918 and 403.919, Florida Statutes, for the issuance of a dredge and fill permit within the waters of the State of Florida.

Findings Of Fact The Department takes exception to the Hearing Officer's statement in Finding of Fact No. 5 that the fill "over time will become inhabited by the types of life which live at the edge of the water and land." The Department argues that the record contains no competent, substantial evidence to support such a finding of fact. The law prohibits me, as agency head, from rejecting any finding of fact in a recommended order that is supported in the record by competent, substantial evidence, but I can and should reject findings of fact which are not supported in the record by competent, substantial evidence. Section 120.57(1)(b)10., Florida Statutes. In this case I must agree with the exception. A review of the entire record reveals no competent, substantial evidence to support the finding of fact. The only record evidence remotely bearing on the matter is that portion of the testimony of Dr. Peebles where he stated that "there probably are some small animals and little salamanders and whatever that live in that area, but I don't believe that they would all die. I think they migrate out into the other natural area that I'm leaving." (Tr. at 21) 2/ This testimony does not support the finding of fact, and the record contains no other evidence even remotely bearing on the matter. Therefore, I reject this finding of fact and accept the exception of the Department. The Department next takes exception to Finding of Fact No. 11 in which the Hearing Officer states that "However, this effect [on the life cycle of fish] will be minimal and would not itself cause significant damage to fishing or the lake." Once again, the Department contends that there is no competent, substantial evidence in the record to support the finding. Dr. Peebles testified: I can't honestly believe that me filling 14.3 percent, of my frontage is going to effect the health, safety, welfare and property of other people. The same goes for . . . whether the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats. Now, this is a case where to argue that on a factual basis would require expert witnesses that would say yes and others that would say no. I think we would find conflicts on all of these subjects. (Tr. at 19) Dr. Peebles also testified that "14.3 percent of the shoreline for the use of the owner is not a serious thing. So I don't think any far reaching serious impacts will occur by granting [the permit]." (Tr. at 75) The only other statement in the record which arguably supports the finding of fact is a statement made by Dr. Peebles while questioning the Department's witness. There Dr. Peebles stated that "I know for a fact -- I'm a fisherman. I fish in the lake. It's a good fishing lake, and with all the construction that's already taken place you've still got good water quality." (Tr. at 70-71) Whether the proposed project and the cumulative impact of reasonably expected future similar projects will have a minimal or significant impact on fishing and the lake is an area requiring specialized knowledge, skill, experience or training. Although the lay opinion of Dr. Peebles may be helpful in supporting expert testimony, lay opinion standing alone may not under law establish what the impacts would be. Dr. Peebles acknowledges that he is not an expert in ecology or the environment, and admits that expert testimony is needed to determine whether granting the permit will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife. (Tr. at 19) Therefore, Dr. Peebles' opinion that there will be no adverse effect on conservation of fish and wildlife (Tr. at 19) and that the filling of "14.3 percent" of the shoreline for the use of the owners will not have "any far reaching serious impacts" (Tr. at 75) is not supported by expert testimony and is not sufficient evidence to support the finding of fact. Section 90.701(2), Florida Statutes; Ehrhardt, Florida Evidence 387 (2d ed. 1984); Husky Industries v. Black, 434 So. 2d 988, 992 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983) ("Expert testimony is not admissible at all unless the witness has expertise in the area in which his opinion is sought.") Furthermore, the statement that Dr. Peebles made while questioning the Department's witness is not evidence. To the extent that it might be liberally construed as evidence in view of the fact that he was not represented by counsel, the existing fishing quality of the lake is not relevant to the impact of future filling of wetlands around the lake. On the other hand, Mr. Jeremy Tyler, accepted as an expert in the areas of the environment and water quality, (Tr. at 52) testified that the cumulative impact of granting Dr. Peebles' permit and similar permits reasonably expected would result in an adverse impact on conservation of fish and wildlife, (Tr. 35-41, 49-51, 54-55) and ultimately would result in a violation of water quality standards. (Tr. at 60, 64 and 69) Therefore, not only is there no competent, substantial evidence in the record to support the finding of fact, but there is uncontroverted expert testimony to the contrary Therefore, I accept this exception. The Department also takes exception to any implication in Finding of Fact No. 11 that the Department's only concern is with cumulative impacts. I do not read the Recommended Order as making any such implied finding. The record shows that the Department concluded that reasonable assurance had been provided that the instant project, standing alone, would not result in water quality violations, (Tyler, Tr. at 51, 60, 64) but that water quality violations will occur and the project is contrary to the public interest when the cumulative impact of reasonably expected future permit applications are taken into consideration. (Tyler, Tr. at 35-41, 49-51, 54-55, 60, 64 and 69) This does not suggest that the Department's only concern in such permitting decisions is cumulative impacts. It only means that under the facts of this application, the only remaining concern is the cumulative impact of reasonably expected future permit applications. The exception is rejected. The Department takes exception to Finding of Fact No. 12 to the extent that the statement "Mitigation of the impacts to fishing is not practical" implies that the only negative impact of the proposed project is to fishing. As noted in my discussion of Point 3 above, the record contains competent, substantial evidence that when the cumulative impacts of reasonably expected future projects are considered, water quality violations will result and the proposed project will be contrary to the public interest. I have reviewed the entire record and find no competent, substantial evidence to support a finding that the impact of the proposed project and cumulative impact of reasonably expected future projects would be limited to fishing quality. To the extent that the Recommended Order implies such a limited impact I reject the implication and accept the exception. The Department's final exception to findings of fact argues that Finding of Fact No. 14 improperly implies that the proposed project would not impair water quality. Finding of Fact No. 14 states, "The amount of fill proposed in this application would not place the lake at risk or impair fishing; however, if additional such permits are approved it may at some point impair the waters and fishing." Although some semantic difficulties arise out of the Hearing Officer's use of the terms "place the waters at risk" and "impair the waters," the finding of fact is consistent with - testimony of Mr. Tyler that reasonable assurance had been provided that this proposed project, standing alone, would not violate water quality standards. (Tr. at 51) The finding is also consistent with the testimony that when the cumulative impact of this project and similar reasonably expected projects are considered, reasonable assurance had not been provided that water quality standards will not be violated and that the project is not contrary to the public interest. (Tr. at 60, 64 and 69) However, the impact of the project on the water quality of the lake is a matter that requires expert testimony. As in the case with the impact on conservation of fish and wildlife discussed above, Dr. Peebles introduced no expert testimony regarding the impact of the project on water quality. On the other hand, the Department's expert witness testified that although reasonable assurance had been provided that the project, standing alone, would not violate water quality standards, (Tyler, Tr. at 51) he also testified that the project by itself would have some adverse impact on water quality. (Tyler, Tr. at 51) Therefore, any implication that the project by itself would not impair the water quality of the lake lacks support in competent, substantial evidence and is contrary to unrebuted expert testimony. To the extent the Hearing Officer's finding implies that the project will not impair water quality, such a finding can not affect the outcome of this case because impairment of water quality is not a proper legal criterion for deciding whether to grant or deny the permit. The proper criterion is whether reasonable assurance has been provided that the project will not violate water quality standards. Cf. Houle v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 10 FALR 3671 (DER Final Order, June 13, 1988), per curiam aff'd, 538 So.2d 1257 (Fla. 1st DCA 1989); Brown v. Dept. of Environmental Regulation, 9 FALR 1871, 1875 (DER Final Order, March 27, 1987), per curiam aff'd, 531 So.2d 173 (Fla. 4th DCA 1988). Since the implied statement of the Hearing Officer does not affect the outcome of this case, any error is harmless and I reject the exception. RULINGS ON EXCEPTIONS TO CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Burden of Proof The Department contends that the Hearing Officer erred in not placing the burden of proof on Mr. Peebles to show that the project is not contrary to the public interest when the cumulative impact of reasonably expected similar future projects are taken into consideration. An applicant for a permit has the burden of proof or persuasion to show entitlement to the permit. Florida Department of Transportation v. J.W.C. Co., 396 So.2d 778 (Fla. 1st DCA 1981). In order to show entitlement to a dredge and fill permit, an applicant must show that he has provided reasonable assurance that water quality standards will not be violated and that the project is not contrary to the public interest, and both of those tests must take into consideration the cumulative impacts of similar projects which are existing, under construction, or reasonably expected in the future. Sections 403.918(1), (2) and 403.919, Florida Statutes; Caloosa Property Owners' Ass'n v. Dept. of Environmental Regulation, 462 So.2d 523 - (Fla. 1st DCA 1985). 3/ The applicant's burden of proof includes the burden of giving reasonable assurance that cumulative impacts do not cause a project to be contrary to the public interest or to violate water quality standards. Concerned Citizens League of America, Inc., v. IMC Fertilizer, Inc., et al., 11 FALR 4237, 4244 (DER Final Order, March 29, 1989); Brown v. Dept. of Environmental Regulation, 9 FALR at 1877. At the hearing, the Department introduced expert testimony that reasonable assurance had not been provided that the project would not cause violations of water quality standards and was not contrary to the public interest when the cumulative impact of reasonably expected future projects were considered. (Tyler, Tr. at 35-41, 49-51, 54-58, 60, 64 and 69) Dr. Peebles, who bore the burden of persuasion, introduced no competent, substantial evidence to show that when cumulative impacts had been considered the necessary reasonable assurances had been provided. 4/ Dr. Peebles argues that his project will only fill in 14.3 percent of his shoreline, and only increase the percentage of the lake's wetlands that have been filled to 31.6 percent from the already existing 30 percent. However, it is not the incremental increase that causes the project to be not permittable, it is the cumulative impact of reasonably expected future projects, and Dr. Peebles failed to carry his burden of persuasion as to the cumulative impacts. Since Dr. Peebles did not carry his burden of persuasion he was not entitled to the permit as a matter of law, and the Hearing Officer erred in concluding that the permit should issue. Therefore, the Department's exception is accepted. Cumulative Impacts The Department takes exception to the Hearing Officer's conclusion of law that: Application of the cumulative effect principle denies the applicant a permit because of the destruction of wetlands by other landowners. The lack of emphasis on enforcement creates a disincentive to comply with the state's regulation of the waters. If those landowners who illegally filled the waters of the state were required to restore the wetlands they destroyed, then new applicants also could fill small portions of wetlands to enhance their use of their property without worrying about cumulative effects. (Recommended Order at 6) At this point it may be helpful to explain the role of cumulative impact analysis. The Department is required to take into consideration the cumulative impacts of similar projects which are existing, under construction, or reasonably expected in the future. Section 403.919, Florida Statutes; Brown v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 9 FALR 1871, 1876 (DER Final Order, March 27, 1987) (cumulative impact analysis is mandatory). Cumulative impact is not a third test, but rather a factor to be considered in determining whether reasonable assurance has been provided that the project will not result in violations of water quality standards and will not be contrary to the public interest. Concerned Citizens League of America, Inc. v. IMC Fertilizer Inc., 11 FALR 4237 (DER Final Order, March 29, 1989). As my predecessor Secretary Tschinkel observed: Without the ability to consider long-term impacts of a project (in combination with similar projects in the area considered "reasonably likely"), DER would be helpless to prevent gradual worsening of water quality and piece-meal elimination of biological resources inflicted by a proliferation of small projects. Morales v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 7 FALR 4786 (DER Final Order, September 18, 1985). The cumulative impact doctrine was originally developed as policy by the Department. It was subsequently codified by the Legislature in 1984 as Section 403.919, Florida Statutes. Chipola Basin Protective Group, Inc. v. Dept. of Environmental Regulation, 11 FALR 467, 476 (DER Final Order, December 29, 1988). - The doctrine was approved by the courts in Caloosa Property Owners Association v. Department of Environmental Regulation, 462 So.2d 523 (Fla. 1st DCA 1985). The cumulative impact statute, Section 403.919, is entitled "Equitable distribution." As the title suggests, the purpose of cumulative impact analysis is to distribute equitably that amount of dredging and filling activity which may be done without resulting in violations of water quality standards and without being contrary to the public interest. In order to determine whether the allocation to a particular applicant is equitable, the determination of the cumulative impacts is based in part on the assumption that reasonably expected similar future applications will also be granted. It does not necessarily follow, however, that all similar future applications must be granted if the current application is granted. Although the Department must be consistent in its permitting decisions to the extent possible and consistent with the public interest, (Rule 17-103.160, Fla. Admin. Code) each future application must stand on its own merit and must provide anew the necessary reasonable assurances subject to cumulative impact analysis. Manasota- 88, Inc, v. Agrico Chemical Co., et al., 90 ER FALR 043 (DER Final Order 1 February 19, 1990). In this case Dr. Peebles argued and the Hearing Officer concluded that the application of cumulative impact analysis is inequitable because previous unpermitted and allegedly illegal filling of wetlands around the lake now results in permits being denied which would have been granted but for the previous filling. There was testimony that about 30 percent of the original wetlands around the lake had been filled in the past, (Tyler, Tr. at 67) that all of the past filling was unpermitted, and that some of it may have been illegal. (Tyler, Tr. at 46, 61-62, 66-67, 72) However, the record contains no competent, substantial evidence showing how much, if any, previous filling was illegal. Furthermore, Section 403.919(2) requires the Department to consider the impacts of "projects which are existing", and does not draw a distinction between legal or illegal projects. As to the Hearing Officer's recommendation that cumulative impacts not be considered in this application, I note that Section 403.919, Florida Statutes mandates that such an analysis be conducted for every dredge and fill permit. Section 403.919 states that "The department in deciding whether to grant or deny a [dredge and fill] permit for an activity which will affect waters, shall consider [cumulative impacts]." See also Brown, supra, 9 FALR at 1876 (cumulative impact analysis is mandatory). Therefore, to the extent that the Hearing Officer is recommending cumulative impact analysis not be applied to Dr. Peebles' application, the recommendation is contrary to the law and must be rejected. The issue then remains of how past fill, whether legal or illegal, should be considered in the cumulative impact analysis. The Hearing Officer's recommendation in effect would require the Department to conduct a cumulative impact analysis under the assumption that previously filled wetlands should be treated as functioning wetlands. If I were to accept this view it would require the Department to take enforcement action in every case or abandon the protection of water quality of certain waters of the state. Such an interpretation would strip from the Department's hands the ability to exercise its discretion in allocating its limited enforcement resources, and result in the Department's enforcement priorities being set by permit applicants rather than by the Department. I note that the record contains competent, substantial evidence that the Department lacks sufficient resources to enforce every violation, (Tyler, Tr. at 45) although such a fact scarcely needs proof. Acceptance of the Hearing Qfficer's recommendation would place the Department in the dilemma of having to choose to withdraw enforcement resources from more environmentally significant projects or to abandon altogether the protection of less significant projects. Acceptance of the Hearing Officer's conclusion of law would also result in requiring the Department in all cases to determine whether violations had occurred and to take enforcement action for prior violations before it could consider cumulative impacts. Aside from the lack of sufficient enforcement resources, such enforcement' proceedings seldom, if ever, could be commenced and completed within the 90 days within which the Department must act on an application. Section 403.0876, Florida Statutes. The result would in effect limit the scope of Section 403.919 to pristine water bodies, and render the statute largely meaningless. I cannot accept that the Legislature intended such interpretations of Section 403.919, Florida Statutes. Although the result of the application of cumulative impact analysis to the facts of this case may seem harsh, the record indicates that Dr. Peebles may still obtain access the waters of the lake by means of a private dock that would not even require a permit if it had 1000 square feet or less of surface area and met the other provisions of Rule 17-312.050(1)(d), Fla. Admin. Code. Dr. Peebles' existing planned dock is 452 square feet. Therefore, Dr. Peebles could extend that portion of the dock that bridges the wetlands to the uplands by an additional 548 square feet of surface area. For example, the four foot wide bridge to the dock could be extended an additional 137 feet, which is more than enough to reach the upland portion of the lot. (Joint Exhibit No. 1) For the reasons state above, I reject the Hearing Officer's conclusion of law and accept the exception. Public Interest Test The Department also takes exception to the Hearing Officer's conclusion that the project is not contrary to the public interest. In conducting the public interest test the Department must balance the criteria as specified by the Legislature. Section 403.918(2)(a) states: In determining whether a project is not contrary to the public interest, or is clearly in the public interest, the department shall consider and balance the following criteria: Whether the project will adversely affect the public health, safety, or welfare or the property of others; Whether the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; Whether the project will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling; Whether the project will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project; Whether the project will be of a temporary or permanent nature; Whether the project will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of 5.267.061; and The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. The Department introduced evidence that criteria 1, 3 and 6 were neutral, (Tyler, Tr. at 54-56) that criteria 2, 4, 5 and 7 were negative, (Tyler, Tr. at 35-36, 54, 56, 57) and that when all the criteria were balanced there was a negative value to the project. (Tyler, Tr. at 57-58) Dr. Peebles argued at the hearing and in his response to exceptions that the Department's methodology in weighing each criteria in the public interest balancing test is incorrect. I disagree, and note that Dr. Peebles bore the burden of proof on the public interest test, and was free to introduce competent, substantial evidence on each criteria. As discussed in Part II above, Dr. Peebles did not introduce any competent, substantial evidence as to any of the above. The Hearing Officer's conclusion of law lacks competent, substantial evidence to support it, and is contrary to unrebuted competent, substantial evidence. Therefore, I reject this conclusion of law.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that the application of Petitioner to place fill in the waters of the state be approved in accordance with the drawings submitted with the application. DONE and ENTERED this 28th day of February, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida1 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of February, 1990. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 89-3725 The Agency filed proposed findings of fact which were read and considered. The Agency's findings were adopted or rejected for the reasons indicated as follows: Paragraphs 1-10 Adopted Paragraph 11 Adopted that it will damage fishing; however, this damage will be insignificant and will not truly affect tee fishing on the lake. Paragraph 12 Adopted The Applicant's letter was read and considered as oral argument on the issues presented at hearings. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Dale H. Twachtmann Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Daniel H. Thompson, Esq. Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Dr. Peyton Z. Pebbles, Jr. 6527 Northwest 42nd Place Gainesville, FL 32606 William H. Congdon, Esq. Office of General Counsel Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 =================================================================

Florida Laws (3) 120.68403.087690.701
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-001432 Latest Update: Dec. 06, 1983

Findings Of Fact Joyce K. Anderson and Thomas Barnett have filed an application for issuance of a permit to dredge and fill a small area in the littoral, or "near shore," zone of Gillis Pond, a "sandhill lake" lying in what is known as the "sandhill region" of Central Florida, generally northeast of Gainesville. The dredging and filling as now proposed would be on and waterward of two lakefront lots jointly owed by the permit applicants. They seek by their application, authorization to dredge and fill at only one site on the waterward margin of the two lots with that modified project area reduced in size to a dimension of 12 feet by 25 feet. Fifteen feet of the project would be waterward of the shoreline. The Respondent, the Department of Environmental Regulation, is an agency of the State of Florida charged with the duty of enforcing, as pertinent hereto, the provisions of Chapter 403, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 17-3 and 4, Florida Administrative Code, enforcing the water quality standards contained therein as they relate to dredge and fill projects of this sort, with concomitant permitting jurisdiction over such projects. The permit applicants desire this dredge and fill permit in order to make a safe, comfortable swimming area for Mrs. Anderson's family and friends. Mrs. Anderson desires to remove the tree stumps, roots and vegetation existing in the littoral zone area of the above dimensions in order to make access directly from the shore more comfortable and pleasant, especially for small children who are unable to swim in the deep water off the waterward end of the existing dock. Mrs. Anderson already has a 56 foot dock extending from her property into the lake. The water is 7 feet deep at the waterward end of the dock and the littoral zone containing aquatic vegetation extends beyond the length of the dock in a waterward direction. The project area would extend waterward of the shoreline, a distance of 15 feet, and would parallel the shoreline approximately a distance of 12 feet. The littoral zone vegetation at the site, however, extends waterward from the shoreline 50 to 60 feet. The proposed area to be dredged is quite small in size in relation to the total linear shoreline of the subject lake of approximately 4,000 feet. The dredged material would be excavated to a depth of approximately 6 inches over that 12 by 15 foot area and replaced with clean sand fill. The dredged material removed from the site would be secured on an upland site such that nutrient pollutants from that dredged material could not be leached or carried back into the lake through storm water runoff. Approximately one-third of the shoreline of the lake is bordered by a marsh or wet prairie which is approximately as large in area as the lake itself. The dominant vegetative species in the project area and surrounding the lake, including the marsh, are submerged freshwater species listed in Rule 17- 4.02(17), Florida Administrative Code, including maidencane, sawgrass and a rare aquatic plant, websteria confervodies. Gillis Pond is a Class III water of the state, although its water quality parameters, or some of them, clearly exceed in quality, the minimum standards for Class III waters. Gillis Pond is what is termed an "ultra- oligotrophic lake, which means that its waters are characterized by a high level of transparency and very low nutrient content, that is to say that they are essentially pristine in nature. An oligotrophic lake such as this is very sensitive to any addition of nutrient pollutants. Even a small addition of nutrients to such water can cause an imbalance in the fauna and flora which have evolved to become dependent upon a low nutrient aquatic environment. Specifically, the rare aquatic plant named above is very sensitive to any enhanced nutrient levels and thus serves as a barometer of the water quality in this body of water. The addition of any nutrient pollutants to the lake, even in small amounts, might alter the chemical balance of the water in a derogatory manner so that the websteria confervodies might be eliminated. The elimination of this species from the littoral zone vegetation band surrounding the lake would likely result in other forms of vegetation supplanting it, altering the balance and makeup of the community of fauna and flora native to the lake and possibly hastening the progress of the lake toward eutrophication and degradation. The present water quality in the lake is such that dissolved oxygen and other criteria are better than the Class III water quality standards. The vegetation in the littoral zone of the lake and extending out as much as 50 to 60 feet waterward performs a significant function in uptaking and fixing nutrient pollutants that wash into the lake from storm water runoff from the surrounding uplands. Inasmuch as 30 to 40 feet of this belt of littoral zone vegetation would remain waterward of the dredged and filled area if the permit is granted, the nutrient uptake function of the vegetation in the littoral zone would not be significantly degraded. There are two locations where littoral zone vegetation has been removed in a similar fashion and water quality and flora and fauna communities characteristic of an oligotrophic lake are still present and healthy. Further, there is an extremely low nutrient level in the lake at the present time, and no significant amount of nutrient pollutants are leached or washed into the lake through septic tanks, storm water runoff or other sources. There is no question that the project as proposed would result in some slight, transitory degradation of water quality in the form of increased turbidity and reduced transparency. Turbidity will be caused during and shortly after the dredging and filling operation itself, caused by stirring up of bottom peat or sediments and by removal of a 12 by 15 foot area of aquatic vegetation in the littoral zone of the lake. Turbidity curtains in still waters such as involved here, can substantially reduce the spread of turbidity caused by the stirring up of bottom material and can substantially reduce the period of its suspension in the water by containing it at the dredged site. The vast majority of the littoral zone vegetation surrounding and waterward of the area to be dredged will remain such that the nutrient uptake function will be essentially undisturbed, thus any adverse impact on water quality will be insignificant. In terms of cumulative effect of allowing a multiplicity of such projects, not even a 10 percent loss of the littoral zone band of vegetation in the lake, which would be the maximum possible loss if all riparian land owners were allowed a similar size dredged and filled area on the front of their lots, would cause a violation of Department water quality standards. Parenthetically, it should be pointed out that such riparian owners cannot be prevented by any water quality criteria in Chapter 403 or Chapter 17, Florida Administrative Code, from having access to the lake in front of their lots. Such human traffic will have the gradual affect of destroying a significant amount of the littoral zone vegetation on and waterward of those lots (which is a cause and result the Department is powerless to regulate). By confining the destruction of littoral zone vegetation to such a small area as that involved in the application at bar and thus guaranteeing adequate, comfortable access for the riparian owner, the survivability of the remaining critical littoral zone vegetation will be significantly enhanced.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence in the record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: That the application of Joyce K. Anderson and Thomas Barnett for a dredge and fill permit as described in the modified and amended application be GRANTED; provided, however, that turbidity curtains are used during all dredging and filling activity and for a reasonable time thereafter until turbidity caused by the project has settled out of the water column. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of September, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of September, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Tim Keyser, Esquire Post Office Box 92 Interlachen, Florida 32048 Dennis R. Erdley, Esquire Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Joyce K. Anderson and Thomas Barnett 6216-B, Southwest 11th Place Gainesville, Florida 32601 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57403.031403.087403.088
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003488 Latest Update: Apr. 02, 1984

Findings Of Fact On December 9, 1982, Petitioner filed with Respondent a dredge and fill permit application to remove gates and wing-walls from a double-lock canal system presently installed at the Palmetto Point Subdivision in Lee County, Florida, adjacent to the Caloosahatchee River. On January 6, 1983, Respondent sent a "completeness summary" to Petitioner, along with a letter advising Petitioner that its permit application was incomplete, and requesting additional information. Petitioner responded to the January 6, 1983, completeness summary by submitting additional information to Respondent on or about February 23, 1983. On March 21, 1983, Respondent sent a second completeness summary requesting further additional information from Petitioner. By letter dated May 18, 1983, Petitioner's attorney advised Respondent that submission of additional requested hydrographic information and water quality data was not justified. The letter further advised that Petitioner intended to rely on the information already submitted, and requested, pursuant to Section 403.0876, Florida Statutes, that Respondent begin processing the permit application. The letter further indicated that petitioner was submitting under separate cover a request that Respondent apply the "moderating provisions" of Rule 17-4.244, Florida Administrative Code, to the application. The aforementioned rule is entitled "Mixing Zones: Surface Waters." Also on May 18, 1983, Petitioner's counsel sent another letter to Respondent requesting the aforementioned "Mixing Zone." The letter requested the "maximum mixing zone" allowed under the applicable Provisions of Rule 17- 4.244, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioner had not requested a mixing zone be applied to the permit application prior to the request contained in its May 18, 1983, letter. By letter dated June 17, 1983 Respondent, in response to Petitioner's May 18, 1983, letters, advised that: The additional information [which] was received on May 19, 1983, was reviewed; however, the items listed on the attached sheet remain incomplete. Evaluation of your proposed project will continue to be delayed until we receive all requested information. Respondent's June 17, 1983, letter included a completeness summary, which asked for additional information, including the following requests concerning mixing zones: Your request for a mixing zone is applicable pursuant to F.A.C. Rule 17-4.244(6). Please provide a map indicating the outermost radius of the mixing zone (no more than 150 meters) and the period of time required. The completeness summary acknowledged Petitioner's refusal to supply additional information concerning hydrographic data and water quality information, and indicated that Respondent would evaluate the project accordingly. By letter dated August 29, 1983, Respondent advised Petitioner that it had been 73 days since notification of the incompleteness of the permit application with regard to the mixing zone request. This letter requested Petitioner to advise Respondent if it wished to withdraw the application, request additional time, or discuss questions regarding the application. The Petitioner did not respond to this communication. On September 9, 1983, Petitioner's attorney forwarded a letter to Respondent requesting a default permit pursuant to Sections 120.60(2) and 403.0876, Florida Statutes. Until this letter, other than a prior oral communication on September 2, 1983, notifying Respondent that the default request was forthcoming, Petitioner had not contacted Respondent concerning the permit application since its May 18, 1983, letters. On October 13, 1983, Respondent advised Petitioner by letter that the mixing zone request constituted a revision of the application and that the information received to evaluate the mixing zone request was incomplete. Petitioner was also advised that since the additional information requested had not been received, the application remained incomplete and Petitioner was not entitled to a default permit. Whether or not a mixing zone is applied to a permit application is significant because it determines where state water quality standards must be met, either adjacent to the proposed project, or up to 150 meters away from the project location. Under Rule 17-4.244(6), Florida Administrative Code, the 150 meter radius is measured from the point of generation of turbidity or pollution. Since the two locks to be removed were 80 feet apart, it was unclear whether Petitioner intended the point of generation for measuring the radius of the mixing zone to be the northern lock, the southern lock, or some other point. It is equally unclear whether Petitioner intended the mixing zone to extend south into the canal as well as north into the Caloosahatchee River. Petitioner never contacted Respondent to clarify the dimensions of the mixing zone being sought, even after Respondent requested a map indicating the outermost limits of the mixing zone in the June 17, 1983, completeness summary.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.60403.0876
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-001939 Latest Update: Oct. 11, 1989

The Issue The issues to be resolved in this proceeding concern whether the Respondent Gate Petroleum Company (Gate) has provided reasonable assurances that Water Quality Standards will not be violated by the proposed modification of Gate's dredge and fill permit No. 160462149 and whether Gate has provided reasonable assurances that the proposed modification of that permit will not be contrary to the public interest, nor be the occasion of adverse cumulative impacts to water quality or public interest considerations so as to make this project contrary to the public interest.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent Gate Petroleum Company, by and through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Gate Maritime Properties, Inc., proposes to construct a ship- berthing facility for two ships adjacent to Blount Island Channel, along the southeastern portion of Blount Island, in the St. Johns River, in Duval County, Florida. The proposed facility would provide for the berthing of two ships of the United States Navy Military Sea-Lift Command in conjunction with the mission of the Navy's Rapid Deployment Force. The proposed facility would be located along the southeasterly portion of "Cut A" of the Blount Island Channel and will consist of a "T-head Pier", a breasting dolphin and cat walk and two mooring dolphins. The pier would be connected to the land by an approach trestle. The facility involved will be constructed by the insertion of concrete pilings into the bottom of the Blount Island Channel and in the adjacent upland, which would support concrete decks and caps. Removal of dredged material will be necessary to accomplish the project and will be performed by a floating hydraulic dredge with associated "Cutter Head." The resulting dredged material would be disposed of in a diked spoil area on either Blount Island or at the Dayson Spoil Site adjacent to the mouth of Clapboard Creek. The Respondent Gate currently holds a DER dredge and fill permit, No. 160462149, authorizing the removal of approximately 3.4 million cubic yards of dredged spoil and the installation of an associated 5,000 feet of shoreline bulkhead. The proposed installation of the pier and mooring facilities would result in a modification of that permit so that approximately 1,000 feet of shoreline bulkhead and most of the related dredging will be unnecessary and not performed. Instead, approximately 7,100 cubic yards of dredging would be necessary, without the necessity for bulkheading. The remaining shoreline bulkhead and dredging authorized under the above permit would be rendered unnecessary and replaced by the addition of two additional T-head piers and associated dredging at some indefinite time in the future. The additional piers and dredging are not involved in this permit modification application and are not before the Hearing Officer at this time. The Blount Island Channel of the St. Johns River, the St. Johns River and Clapboard Creek are classified as Class III surface waters of the state pursuant to Sections 17-3.081 and 17-3.121, Florida Administrative Code. It has been established by stipulation of the parties that the proposed modification of the dredge and fill permit will not adversely affect navigation nor the flow of water in the Class III state waters involved. It is also stipulated that the proposed modification will not adversely affect historical and archaeological resources pursuant to Section 267.061, Florida Statutes. It is stipulated as well that the discharge of effluent from the Dayson spoil site will not violate water quality standards at the point of discharge in the Fulton-Dames Point Cut. On March 22, 1989, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation issued its intent to approve the proposed permit modification so as to allow the elimination of the previous requirement in the permit to monitor for copper at the site of the effluent discharge; the relocation of the Blount Island spoil site effluent discharge and the construction of a T-head pier on the southeast side of Blount Island adjacent to the Blount Island Channel. The Department did not initially grant the request to relocate the Dayson spoil site effluent discharge from the Corps of Engineer Channel (Dames Point Cut) to the mouth of Clapboard Creek. On January 31, 1986, Gate was issued permit No. 160462149, pursuant to Chapters 403 and 253, Florida Statutes, with an expiration date of January 31, 1991. It authorizes the dredging and filling on and adjacent to Blount Island referenced above. The permit authorizes those operations in two phases, consisting of new dredging of approximately 300,000 cubic yards in the existing slipway and test area to obtain a project depth of 40.2 feet mean low water. Maintenance dredging was authorized in the amount of approximately 1,850,000 cubic yards in the slipway to maintain the above-noted project depth. New dredging of no more than 3 million cubic yards from the northeastern and southern margins of Blount Island to a depth of 38 feet mean low water (MLW) and 20 feet MLW on the northeastern and southern portions of Blount Island respectively, with attendant maintenance dredging, was authorized. The permit also allowed he construction of shoreline bulkheads along the eastern and southern margins of Blount Island. That 1986 permit also required disposal of dredged material from both phases of the project into diked areas on Blount Island and the existing diked off-site disposal area known as the Dayson Site, near the mouth of Clapboard Creek. Effluent from both sites was to be discharged to the Fulton-Dames Point Cut. Effluent from the Dayson site was to be discharged to the Fulton-Dames Point Cut or routed by pipeline to the Blount Island disposal site for additional treatment prior to discharge. All dredging under the 1986 permit was to be done via a suction, cutter-head dredge apparatus, with the speed of the cutter-head to be controlled so as to prevent excessive turbidity; and with all dredged material to be placed in diked areas, with the effluent discharge being conducted over adjustable weirs. The dredging of the approximately 7,100 cubic yards of material associated with the modification application at issue will be performed with the same type of equipment. Both spoil disposal sites have sufficient capacity for disposal of the material involved with the construction of the T-head pier. The effluent or "de-watering water" generated from the disposal of the dredged material at the Dayson on site will be discharged through a pipe under the St. Johns River to a point near the confluence of the Dames Point Cut and the Old River Channel. That material will consist of approximately 10 percent dredged solid material and 90 percent water. The Dayson disposal site is surrounded by dikes 24 feet high and 120 feet wide at their base. They are so constructed that there will be no discharge of effluent from the Dayson disposal site to Clapboard Creek. Since 1974, over four and one-half million cubic yards of material have been disposed of at the Days on site without any violation of state water quality standards in the creek or the adjacent salt marsh. The entire 7,100 cubic yards of dredged material, together with related water could be placed in the Dayson disposal site without causing any discharge. Gate Maritime Properties, Inc. has a five-year lease agreement with Leadermar, Inc. which will operate the T-head pier as a berthing facility for the two ships. The lease was scheduled to commence July 22, 1989. Under the terms of the contract awarded by the Navy to Leadermar, Inc., Gate, or its lessee, is required to maintain a 110 foot, safe working area surrounding the vessels for operation of tugs, lighterage vessels and fendering operations. The contract with the Navy does not require, however, that the safe working area be maintained at a depth of minus 32 feet "mean lower low water" as shown by Gate Exhibit 6 in evidence. 1/ Given the findings made infra., concerning the lack of adverse water quality or public interest impacts caused by the dredging, and the paucity of any attendant suspension of bottom materials in the operation of the ships to be berthed at the proposed facility, the issue of whether the contract with the Navy requires a depth of minus 32 feet "mean low water" or "mean low low water", a reputed difference of 1.03 inches according to the rebuttal exhibit of Respondent Gate, neither Gate's position nor the Navy's reputed position regarding this apparent contractual dispute item, if carried out, would have any adverse water quality or public interest impact in the context referenced in these findings of fact and conclusions of law. The fact remains that Gate has applied for authority to recede from the massive dredging project presently authorized in the existing permit, to stipulate by this modification application that it only seeks to dredge 7,100 cubic yards of material in the area involved. Based upon the depth established by the marine survey conducted by Bennett, Wattels and Associates, there will be an adequate safe working area for tug boats, fuel barges and lighterage vessels, as well as the ships themselves, for operations involving the berthing facilities. See Gate Exhibit 5 in evidence. If the requested modification is granted, Gate will not dredge more than 7,100 cubic yards of material for construction of the pier and related facilities and in order to provide a safe working area as required under Leadermars contract with the Navy. Indeed the amount of material to be dredged for the construction and operation of the T-head pier was based upon the above- referenced Marine survey, unrefuted evidence in this record. The volume of material was calculated by using the Marine Survey depths and the "average end area method," a widely accepted method of such calculation in the marine engineering and construction field. Further, Gate adduced the only substantial evidence in this record concerning the issue of the amount of dredging involved or the extent of the dredged area, as that relates to the "safe working area" and other issues. Water Quality Gates' consulting experts performed various chemical and sediment analyses in the project area in order to establish a general composition of bottom sediments and to establish the likelihood of suspension of any toxic substances or pollutants in those sediments as a result of the dredging operation or the operation of the ships and berthing facilities. Those analyses, and their results, in evidence in this record, were unrefuted. The bottom sediments in the vicinity of the project area are predominantly fine sand with small fractions of silt. In general, the dredged material is most likely to be free from chemical or biological pollutants where it is composed of sand, gravel or other naturally occurring inert materials, as opposed to large percentages of organic materials, which were not shown to exist in the vicinity of the project site. Based upon the characteristics of the bottom sediments in the project area, there will be no re-entrainment of toxins or pollutants which night presently be sequestered in the sediments due to construction, dredging operations or the operations of the berthing facility and ships involved. An elutriate test was performed to predict the effect on water quality from temporary suspension of the bottom sediments during the dredging operation itself. Elutriate testing is a widely recognized, conservative estimate of contaminant releases, caused by dredging, into a water column. The parameters tested for are those specified in the Department's rules for Class III waters and include cyanide, mercury, silver cadmium, selenium, barium, beryllium, nitrogen, (unionized NH3, NO2, total TKN), fluoride, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, aluminum, pesticides, herbicides and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). The elutriate test results did not reveal any excess ion of any of these parameters in terms of the state water quality standards or as to prevailing natural background levels. There are no PCBs, hydrocarbons, heavy metals or pesticides shown to be sequestered in the bottom sediments of the Blount Island Channel in the vicinity of the proposed project. The chemical analyses was performed on composite elutriate samples of sediments which came from the area of the T- head pier location and the area north of the pier, where the propellers of the ships will be located and operated during test trials, after the ships are berthed at the site. Site specific chemical analyses and core borings were taken and compared with historical data or studies for these sites and found to be consistent with them. There is no likelihood of sequestered contaminants in the bottom sediments which would be released, with deleterious effect on water quality, as a result of the action of the dredge equipment or the operation of the ships after the facility is installed. Cutter-head, hydraulic pipeline dredges are not significant generators of turbidity. They are an efficient means of performing dredging and are designed to loosen and remove material from the bottom substrate, without disturbing or redistributing the dredged material around the dredge apparatus in the water column. The use of the hydraulic pipeline dredge will result in minimal water quality disturbance and any dredge-induced turbidity will be of a transitory, short-term nature. It would be localized in the immediate vicinity of the dredge's cutterhead in any event. Ambient water quality conditions can be expected to return to normal background levels in a matter of hours following cessation of the dredging activity. It is estimated by Gate's consultant witnesses that the dredging activity might be accomplished in approximately one day. It has thus been established that the relevant stage water quality standards will not be violated by the action of the dredging equipment and the dredging operation itself. Water Quality Impacts of Facility Operation The two ships of the military sealift command which are to be berthed at the proposed T-head pier are 948 feet in length and approximately 105 feet in beam. They are equipped with two main engines and two propellers. The propellers are 22 feet, 11 and 9/16 inches in diameter. The ships will be in what is known as "reserved operating status". The ships will go through a dry- docking procedure at a local shipyard approximately every two years for major overhauls, repairs and painting. Such maintenance work will not be performed at the project site. The ships will, however, undergo periodic "dock trials" while berthed at the facility. The dock trials will be conducted on a quarterly basis if the vessels have not been out on a mission in that quarter of the year. The dock trial procedure calls for the main propulsion powerplants of the ships to be put into operation and evaluated. Both main engines are tested under this procedure for approximately one hour, at ten revolutions per minute (rpm) ahead and astern. The tests are to be conducted by civilian personnel retained by the Navy or its contractor, with all appropriate safety precaution being taken. These include, but are not limited to, the manning of the bridge during tests by a master or chief mate and by rotating one engine ahead simultaneously with the other engine being rotated astern. The ships are also equipped with onboard, internal sewage treatment plants so as to prevent the discharge of pollutants to state waters. Only routine maintenance or repair work will be performed on the ships at the lay birth facility. The ships will be refueled at the facility from time to time with "bunker c" or diesel fuel brought in by barges. The barges will be conveyed by tugboats of no more than 16 feet draft. The fueling operation will be governed by the U.S. Coast Guard regulations and are performed by Coast Guard certified and licensed personnel. Dr. Neal Boehnke was accepted as an expert in the field of chemical analysis of water and testified on behalf of the Petitioner. In his opinion, water quality in the facility of the proposed project is poor and may contain elevated hydrocarbon levels. His opinions, however, are based upon 1982 and 1983 reports of sampling results allegedly obtained by the City of Jacksonville Bioenvironmental Services Division and the DER, as well as the study entitled "Survey of Hydrocarbons and the Lower St. Johns River in Jacksonville." These documents were not introduced into evidence. While it is true that an expert may base his opinion on facts and data made known to him in the normal course of his practice at or before trial and that those facts or data may be relied upon by him in formulating his opinions, it must be demonstrated that those facts and data are "of a type reasonably relied upon by experts in the subject to support the opinions expressed." See Section 90.704, Florida Statutes. In this proceeding, it was not established by competent evidence or testimony at hearing that the facts or data derived from these documents were of such a type as to be encompassed by this statutory section and thus they cannot serve as a legitimate basis for Dr. Boehnke's opinion. They otherwise constitute inadmissible hearsay, not sufficient to support a finding of fact on the water quality impacts from the proposed project and they do not constitute corroborative or explanatory hearsay related to any accepted, competent, substantial evidence in this record for purposes of the hearsay admissibility provision in Section 120.58, Florida Statutes. Therefore, Dr. Loehnke's opinion concerning alleged elevated levels of hydrocarbons in the water at the project site is not credited and is rejected. Dr. Allan Niedororda was accepted as an expert in the fields of oceanography, hydrology and hydrologic assessment. He conducted a study on the potential impact to water quality in the Blount Island Channel which might result from the dock trials to be carried out as a part of the routine maintenance and testing of the ships. His study evaluated the degree to which the propeller wash from the dock trials might entrain and transport bottom sediments, any related pollutants and the effect of this entrainment on water quality in the surrounding water column. His study consisted of field sampling and measurements of currents in the area, laboratory analysis and related data analysis. Bottom sediment samples from the project area were analyzed for particle size and grain size distribution according to standard, scientifically accepted procedures. The bottom sediments in the area of the project site are characterized by a sandy sediment of a fine to medium particle size characteristic. The bottom sediments largely consist of clean sand and small gravels, with some silt composition. The propeller wash which will be generated by the testing of the ships engines was computed to have a speed of approximately one half foot per second. Maximum speed will occur about three propeller diameters behind the plane of the propeller itself or about 72 feet behind the propellers. The bottom tip of the propeller with which the ships are equipped will be six feet off the bottom of the channel at low tide. At the point the propeller wash contacts the bottom, its speed will be approximately two tenths of a foot per second. Such a velocity will not be of sufficient force to produce such sheer stress on the bottom sediments as to entrain them or, that is, to displace them upward into the water column. Dr. Niedororda established that, even if the propeller wash is added to the natural velocity of the water currents at the project site, there would be no entrainment of the bottom sediments which he sampled in the project area. It has also been established that the routine, minor maintenance of the ships and dockage facilities involved in the permit application and the fueling and other operations associated with the berthing, testing, entry and egress of the ships from the proposed berthing facility will occasion no water quality violations, so long as appropriate Coast Guard regulations attendant to fueling and the prevention of the deposition of refuse and other wastes into the waters involved are observed. Any grant of the proposed permit modifications should be conditioned upon the strict observance of those regulations and procedures, especially with regard to the potential for spillage during fueling operations. Public Interest Standards Section 403.918(2), Florida Statutes provides that a permit may not be issued unless the applicant provides the department with reasonable assurances that the project is not contrary to the public interest. In determining whether this is the case, the Department must consider and balance the following criteria: Whether the project will adversely affect the public health safety or welfare or the property of others; Whether the project will adversely affect the conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats; Whether the project will adversely affect navigation or the flow of water or cause harmful erosion or shoaling; Whether the project will adversely affect the fishing or recreational values or marine productivity in the vicinity of the project; Whether the project will be of a temporary or permanent nature; Whether the project will adversely affect or will enhance significant historical and archaeological resources under the provisions of Section 267.061; The current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. It has been established by stipulation that the project will not adversely affect navigation or the flow of water and that the project will not adversely affect significant historical or archaeological resources. Unrefuted evidence adduced by Gate and the Department have established that the project will not adversely affect the public, health, safety, welfare or the property of others, if the project is constructed, installed and operated as proposed in the modification application and as proved in this case. The conservation of fish and wildlife, including endangered or threatened species, or their habitats, as well as fishing and recreational values and marine productivity in the project area will not be adversely affected. No harmful erosion or shoaling will be caused by the installation or operation of the project facility. In this connection, Dr. A. Quinton White, a member of the Board of Directors of the Petitioner, C.E.S., acknowledged in his testimony that the Manatee Protection Plan and Manatee Watch Program proposed to be inaugurated by Gate will adequately protect any Manatees frequenting the area. Manatees are an endangered species, but it has been established that the permit modification proposed, if installed and operated, will not adversely affect the conservation of Manatees or their habitat. The Petitioner adduced no evidence on this issue or any of the public interest criteria enumerated above. The area at the project site is characterized by fairly firm consolidated bottom substrata, characterized by very few submerged grasses. Due to the sandy, hard bottom in the project vicinity, there is a paucity of marine grass upon which Manatee could feed. Consequently, Manatees do not and are not likely to frequent the area involved at the project site as that might reflect on the likelihood of their injury or destruction due to operation of the ships and any attendant vessels. Dr. Niedoroda established that the project and the attendant operations of the ships will not cause harmful erosion or shoaling and witness Gary Tourtellotte, testifying for Gate, established that the effects of the construction and operation of the T-head pier on the benthic community and marine productivity in the vicinity of the project will not induce any adverse effect on those elements of the public interest standards involved. The Petitioner offered no credible or credited evidence of equivalent value which could contradict the evidence adduced by Gate on this aspect of the public interest standards. It is true that dredging of the bottom substrata will temporarily eliminate the benthic community within the dredged area itself. It was established by expert testimony, however, that the benthic community will rapidly re-colonize itself with similar organisms to a naturally occurring degree within approximately 6-12 months. The benthic community in the project vicinity is of a low density nature, with a low diversity of organisms. Those organisms occurring in the project site area are estuarine, marine benthic species commonly associated with sandy or silty bottom substrates. Because the area to be dredged is quite small or approximately .25 acres, and the dredging operations will be of short duration, approximately one day, the dredging operations will not have a significant adverse effect on the benthic communities occurring in the project area or in the adjacent St. Johns River. The dredging associated with the project will likewise not have a significant long-term adverse impact on fisheries resources or marine productivity of the Blount Island Channel or the St. Johns River. This is because the area to be dredged is minimal in size and does not contain critical marine benthic habitat. The turbidity generated will be minimal because the sediments are predominantly coarse sands and gravels. Because of this, any turbidity occasioned by the installation and operation of the proposed facility will be very brief and not of a sufficient significance as to violate water quality standards. In view of the hydrologic analysis in evidence concerning propeller wash effects, the bottom sediments at the ship mooring area will not be entrained or suspended in the water column to any significant degree due to propeller operation of the ships. Thus the benthic community in the mooring area for the ships will not be disturbed due to currents created by the operation of the propellers. In a similar vein, it has been shown that the dredging and operation of the T-head pier and mooring facilities, including the attendant conduct of periodic dock trials and the entry and egress of the ships will not violate the water quality criteria for biological integrity. Indeed, the periodic dock trials are shown to have no impact on the benthic community, the fisheries or marine habitat involved at the project site. It was neither shown that the dredging associated with the construction of the pier and berthing facilities will have any adverse impact on fin fish or shellfish in the project area. It has been established that the project will be of a permanent nature, but it has not been established that the current condition and relative value of the functions being performed by the areas affected by the proposed activity in terms of their functions as productive marine habitat, as furnishing fishing or recreational values and the like, will be adversely affected by the proposed project and attendant activity. Deletion of Copper Monitoring Requirement The 1986 permit authorizing the removal of approximately 3.4 million yards of dredged material with attendant extensive bulkheading in the Blount Island Channel requires also that Gate Monitor for copper every two weeks during discharges at the downstream boundary of the mixing zone for each point of a effluent discharge. Effluent from both the Blount Island and Dayson Disposal Sites is discharged into the Fulton Dames Point Cut. The Petitioner has stipulated that the discharge of effluent from the Dayson Spoils Site will not violate any water quality standard at that discharge point. Elutriate testing and other analyses submitted in support of the permit modification request to delete the copper monitoring requirement in the present permit have shown that there will be no violation of water quality standards as to copper, or any of the other water quality parameters involved due to any re-suspenions of bottom sediment during dredging. There will be no violation of water quality standards for copper, caused by the deposition of spoil, consisting of those bottom sediments, and the draining of effluent from the spoils site into the Dames Point Cut. The Department has independently verified the data submitted by Gate as a result of this testing and it has been established that there is no occurrence of any man induced pollutants in the sediments at the project site which will be deposited in the spoil site, (from which the effluent will be disposed of in the Dames Point Cut) which represents any elevation over natural background levels. The sediments to be dredged from the berthing area are not distinguishable from naturally occurring sediments and the copper values in the sediments to be dredged are no higher than those naturally occurring throughout the area. Thus there will be no adverse impact on the water quality occasioned by discharge of the effluent from the spoil site to the Dames Point Cut area due to copper occurring in the sediments or as to any of the other pollutants enumerated above. Thus, there has been no demonstrated necessity to continue monitoring the effluent from the spoil site for copper. In this regard, the Petitioner presented no evidence at hearing concerning the issue of whether copper monitoring should be continued or not. Cumulative Impact Blount Island was created in the 1950's and 1960's by the filling of its area with spoil material during the U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers' construction of the Fulton-Dames Point Cut-Off Channel. Since that time, port facilities and an industrial complex have been constructed on Blount Island. It is one of the principle port facilities for the City of Jacksonville. Under the 1982 DER dredge and fill permit issued to Off-Shore Power Systems, and later transferred to Gate in 1986, the developed area of the island adjacent to the original St. Johns River Channel (the Blount Island Channel) was required to be bulk-headed and the channel dredged to -38 feet MLW. The amount of material to be dredged in the old channel of the St. Johns River for construction of the vertical shoreline bulk head totalled approximately 3.4 cubic yards. The T-head pier involved in this modification proceeding, if constructed, would replace 1,000 linear feet of that shoreline bulkhead authorized by the present permit and would substantially reduce the amount or quantity of material to be dredged. Construction of the T-head pier, instead of the permitted shoreline bulkhead, will minimize dredging and the environmental impact of the facility. Gate has elected to rescind its plans to construct the shoreline bulkhead along the eastern shore of Blount Island, as authorized under the existing dredge and fill permit. Gate instead intends to seek future modification of its existing dredge and fill permit to substitute at least 2 additional T-head piers for all of the shoreline bulk head authorized for the eastern shore of Blount Island. The construction of the additional T-head piers will require substantially less dredging than is authorized under the existing permit. Instead of the 3.4 million cubic yards of dredged material authorized under the existing permit, associated with installation of the shoreline bulkhead, the amount of material to be dredged, if indeed 2 additional T-head piers were applied-for and constructed, would amount to only 269,000 estimated cubic yards, as opposed to the originally authorized 3.4 million. Kevin Pope, the DER witness, established that there are no other projects in the area, or reasonably expected to be located in the project area, which would create impacts in addition to or cumulative with the proposed permit modification project so as to create adverse water quality impacts or which would make this project, because of cumulative impact, contrary to the public interest. There are no other dredge and fill projects in the area of the proposed T-head pier which would adversely impact the waters of the Blount Island Channel and the St. Johns River. The proposed modifications are shown not to likely cause any adverse environmental results and, in fact, will result in an environmental benefit as represented by the agreed-upon recession from the extensive dredging and bulkheading authorized by the present permit. No evidence was adduced by the Petitioner to contravene that adduced by Gate and the Department, which establishes the lack of any adverse cumulative impacts to be occasioned by the proposed project, both as to water quality standards and the public interest standards involved in this proceeding.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is therefore, RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered by the Department of Environmental Regulation approving the proposed modification to permit number 160462149 with the proviso that the conditions contained in the above findings of fact and conclusions of law be incorporated as specific conditions in the modified permit, including the additional condition agreed to at Final Hearing that the Manatee Protection Plan and Manatee Watch Program will be inaugurated and be incorporated as a specific condition in the modified permit. DONE and ENTERED this 11th of October, 1989, at Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of October, 1989.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57267.06190.704
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001055 Latest Update: Nov. 01, 1991

Findings Of Fact Petitioner James C. Dougherty owns property known as Buccaneer Point, which is a peninsula on the western side of Key Largo, Florida. This property is also known as Buccaneer Point Estates, and is a residential subdivision. On June 26, 1979, the Petitioner individually and as a trustee, applied to the Respondent for a permit to conduct dredging and filling activities at the aforementioned property, in particular, the project contemplated dredging access channels in Florida Bay and Buttonwood Sound and the connection of two existing inland lakes on the property site to those water bodies. After review, the Respondent denied the permit request and asserted permit jurisdiction in keeping with Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes, and associated regulatory provisions found in the Florida Administrative Code. Having been denied the permit, the Petitioner requested a formal hearing to consider the matters in dispute and a hearing was conducted on the dates alluded to in this Recommended Order. The hearing was conducted in keeping with Subsection 120.57(1), Florida Statutes. The denial of the permit request was in the form of a letter of intent to deny dated May 27, 1980. See Petitioner's Exhibit No. 4, admitted into evidence. Following the receipt of the letter of intent to deny, the Petitioner commenced a series of revisions to the project leading to the present permit request which is generally described in Petitioner's Exhibit No. 6, admitted into evidence. If the project were allowed, it would call for the dredging of access channels in Florida Bay and Buttonwood Sound, those channels to be 75 feet long and -5 feet N.G.V.D., with side slopes of 1:3. Additional inland canals would be dredged to connect the access channels with the interior lakes, the north channel being 100 feet wide -6 feet N.G.V.D. and 400 feet long, and the south canal being 62 feet wide -6 feet N.G.V.D., and 225 feet long. Side slopes of the canals would be 1:3. The project also intends the connection of the two interior lakes by the excavation of a 162-foot long by 50-foot wide connection or plug at a depth of -5 feet N.G.V.D. The material from this excavation of the plug would be used as ton soil on the uplands. Finally, the permit proposes the shoaling of the North Lake on the property to -15 feet N.G.V.D. by the use of clean limerock fill. Through its opposition to the project, the Respondent has indicated concerns that bay grass beds would be damaged over the long term by boats as a result of the dredging of proposed channels and canals; a concern about increased BOD demands which would lower water quality following the long-term accumulation of organic materials in the channels. The Department also contends that construction of the south channel would destroy productive grass beds and "vegetated littoral shallows," which now serve as a nursery and feeding ground for numerous invertebrates. Respondent believes that the north channel would eliminate an area of mangrove wetlands which filters nutrients and toxic materials and serves as a nursery and feeding ground for estuarine organisms and wading birds. The Respondent also feels that the north channel would disturb a stable mangrove humus peat band, which now supports large numbers of invertebrates and which band extends along the northern shoreline of Buccaneer Point. The Department, in discussing the acceptability of the permit, has expressed concern that bottoms adjacent to the north channel would be harmed by increased erosion and sedimentation of the disturbed mangrove peat. Respondent has further stated that water in both interior lakes is now in violation of water quality standards and that water quality data shows high oxygen demands. The Respondent has put at issue the Petitioner's hydrographic report on the flow-through lake system, citing what it believes to be errors in the report. The Respondent has expressed specific concern about water quality standards as set forth in the following rules: Rule 17-3.121(5), Florida Administrative Code, Bacteriological Quality; Rule 17-3.121(7), Florida Administrative Code, Biological Integrity; Rule 17-3.061(2)(b) Florida Administrative Code, BOD; Rule 17-3.121(14), Florida Administrative Code, Dissolved Oxygen; Rule 17-3.121(20), Florida Administrative Code, Nutrients; Rule 17-3.061(2)(j) Florida Administrative Code, Oils and Greases; Rule 17- 3.061(2)(1), Florida Administrative Code, Phenolic Compounds; Rule 17-3.121(28), Florida Administrative Code, Transparency; and Rule 17-3.061(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code, Substances. The Respondent indicated that it felt the project would be adverse to the public interest because it would cause erosion, shoaling, or creation of stagnated areas of water, would interfere with the conservation of fish, marine life and wildlife or other natural resources, and would result in the destruction of oyster beds, clam beds or marine productivity, including destruction of natural marine habitats or grass flats suitable as nurseries or feeding grounds for marine life, including established marine soils which are suitable for producing plant growth of a type useful as nursery or feeding grounds for marine life. The project was also thought by the Department to be not in the public interest because it would reduce the capability of the habitat to support a well-balanced fish and wildlife population because it would impair the management or feasibility of management of fish and wildlife resources. The Petitioner has employed hydrographic engineers to conduct a study of the flushing characteristics of the system, should the access channels, canals and interior connections be allowed. It is an undertaking on the part of the Petitioner dealing with physical characteristics of the waterway and the forcing conditions in and around the site, which include tidal flow, wind-driven flow and mean sea level changes. The two State water bodies at the site, Buttonwood Sound and Florida Bay, are separated by the project site and other islands at the northern tip of the project. The effects of this separation changes the arrival time of high tide at the northern and southern extremities of the project site promoting a mean sea level surface difference between Buttonwood Sound and Florida Bay. The sea level difference or "head" assists in generating flow in the sense of moving the water from the high to the low elevation. To gain an exact measure of the hydraulic head, tidal gauges were placed at the northern entrance channel and in the southern entrance channel. The use of these gauges over a period of time allowed the determination of the spring and neap tide conditions. The "head" differences finally arrived at by calculations by the Petitioner's experts assisted in the creation of a mathematical model to determine flows in the water system. This lead to an estimate of flushing time of 2 1/2 days. See Petitioner's Exhibits 7-9,admitted into evidence. In turn, an estimation was made that approximately half of the flow which presently flows through Baker Cut, at the project site, would be diverted to the waterway system if constructed and this in conjunction with other calculations led to the conclusion that the flushing time was 3 to 4 days as opposed to the 2 1/2 days arrived at by the mathematical system. See Petitioner's Exhibit 10, admitted into evidence. The estimate of 3 to 4 days was the more current study and was premised upon conditions of an adverse south, southeast wind which would cause the water to move north, absent current conditions, as opposed to this south direction which was the normal direction of movement. The Petitioner also examined the flushing characteristics of similar projects which were not as favorable because of a lack of "head" differences which assisted in the flow of the water. Based upon the results of the studies conducted by Petitioner's experts, the flushing time of the system is found to be 3 to 4 days. While there is some correlation between a short flushing time for a water system and the water quality within that system, examination of other channel systems in the Florida Keys indicates that short flushing times do not always cause the waters to meet State water quality standards. For that reason, water quality considerations must be dealt with bearing in mind the physical characteristics of the system extant and as proposed using flushing time as a part of the equation. Those specific water quality criteria will be addressed in subsequent portions of these findings. Tests conducted by the parties dealt with the amount of dissolved oxygen in waters at the project site, and revealed dissolved oxygen levels of less than 4 parts per million, even when testing at depths less than 15 feet. This condition is one which is not unusual for natural water systems which have remarkable stability and are not the subject of flow or flushing, as example in mangrove forests. If the system were open, dissolved oxygen levels in the interior lakes would improve, though not necessarily to a level which no longer violates State water quality considerations related to dissolved oxygen levels. On the related subject of BOD or biochemical oxygen demand, that demand placed on oxygen in the water biochemicals or organic materials, the system as it exists and as proposed does not appear to cause excessive BOD, notwithstanding an 8 to 12 foot wide band of peat substrate in the area of the North Lake wall. Although the biochemical oxygen demand related to the layer of peat in the lake's system in its present state presents no difficulty, if the water system were open this peat layer would cause a significant amount of loading of biochemical oxygen demand in the lake system and eventually the surrounding water bodies. On the question of nutrients in the marine system, reflected by levels of phosphorus and nitrogen or variations impact the compensation point for the North Lake. In fact, there would be improvement in transparency or clarity for both lakes. Nonetheless, in the short run, the turbidity problems associated with the placement of clean limerock fill over the flocculent peat material would violate the transparency standard in that location. On the subject of toxic substances, meaning synthetic organics or heavy metals in sea water, tests by the Petitioner at the project site and comparison site demonstrated that those substances would not exceed the criterion related to those materials. On the subject of fecal coliform bacteria, water quality samples were taken at the project site and a comparison site. The residences now at the project site and those at a development known as Private Park use septic tanks. In view of the porous nature of the limerock foundation upon which the residences are built and in which the septic tanks are placed, the possibility exists for horizontal movement of the leachate into surrounding waters of the project site and the landlocked lakes; however, this movement is not dependent upon the opening of a flow-through system at the project site. Moreover, tests that were conducted in the comparison site and project site reveal less than one fecal coliform bacterium per 100 milliliters and if the system were open, the circulation in the lakes would lower the residence time of leachate. In describing the habitat afforded by the interior lakes as they now exist, the North Lake does not afford animals or fish the opportunity to colonize, because there are no areas where they may disappear into the lake. This limits the opportunity for habitat to those animals who have their entire life cycle in a landlocked system, and necessarily of those substances in the water, water quality standards for nutrients will not be substantially altered by the proposed project. In other words, the project will not cause an imbalance in natural aquatic flora or fauna population, by way of advent of phytoplankton bloom leading to eutrophy. The nutrient samples taken in the interior lakes demonstrate normal sea water levels and those levels outside the lake were low and the flow-through system is not expected to raise nutrient levels. Sampling for oils and greases in the comparison waterways where residential development had occurred in the lakes and ambient waters at the site, did not indicate problems with those substances in the sense of violation of State water quality standards. Sampling for phenolic compounds at the comparison sites and at the lakes and ambient waters at the project site showed less than .001 micrograms per liter in each instance of the sample. There are no sources or potential sources of phenols at the site. On the question of the State water quality dealing with transparency, that standard requires that the level of the compensation point for photosynthetic activity shall not be reduced by more than ten percent (10 percent) compared to natural background levels. The compensation point for photosynthetic activity is the level at which plant and animal respiration and photosynthetic activity are equal. In static state, the Petitioner's analysis of this criterion revealed that the North Lake compensation point would be below 15 feet and the South Lake would have no compensation point, due to its shallow nature. In the long run, the opening of the proposed connections in the planned development together with the shoaling, would not negatively excludes animals with a long larva stage. Examination of comparison sites pointed out the possibility for colonization at the project site should the waterways be opened. Specific testing that was done related to colonization by fishes, in particular sport and commercial fishes, demonstrated that those species increased in richness, density and diversity if a system was opened by channels and canals. In addition, the comparison of this project site and systems similar to that contemplated by the open waterway indicated that sea grasses would increase after a period of years if the system were open. Sampling was conducted in substrates to gain some understanding of the effect of the proposed project on the Shannon Weaver Index, i.e., whether there would be a reduction by less than 75 percent of established background levels. Although there would be no problem with the biological integrity standard related to South Lake and its waterway, the North Lake and waterway system could be expected to be in violation of that index due to the present circumstance as contrasted with that circumstance at the point when water flowed through. If the waters were opened to the project site, marine biological systems on the outside of the interior lakes would be given an opportunity to use those lakes as a nursery ground or spawning site for fishes, a refuge in cold weather conditions and a site for predators to find prey. If the lakes were opened to the outlying areas, alga, grass populations, mobile invertebra, plankton and other forms of life could utilize the interior lakes. In the area where the north canal or inland canal would be placed are found red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) and black mangroves (Avicennia germinas) . The mangroves are frequently inundated by tidal waters and are the most mature and productive of the mangroves which are found at the property site. Some of those mangroves are located waterward of the line of mean high water and would be removed if the project is permitted. The mangroves at the project site provide filtration of sediments and nutrients contained in stormwater runoff from adjacent upland areas, as well as from tidal flows. This filtering process is an essential part of the maintenance of water quality in the adjacent open bay estuarine or marine system. Nutrients in the tidal waters, as well as runoff waters, are settled out and in the sediments retained by the mangrove roots and are transformed into vegetative leaf matter by the mangroves as they live and grow. The root systems of the mangroves and their associated vegetation provide stabilization of estuarine shoreline sediments and attenuation of storm-generated tides. These mangrove wetlands provide unique and irreplaceable habitats for a wide variety of marine as well as upland wildlife species. The mangroves also contribute leaf or detrital matter to the surrounding State waters and estuarine system in the form of decayed leaf litter. This organic component forms the basis of the marine food chain and is used directly for food by a variety of marine organisms, including small fish. Commercial and sports fish species feed directly on the mangrove detritous or on the fish or other forms of marine life that feed on that detrital matter. In removing the mangroves, the applicant causes a loss of the function which those plants provide in the way of filtration and the promotion of higher water quality and causes biological impact on marine organisms, to include sports and commercial fishes. In the area of the north access channel, there exists a band of stable mangrove peat which is 50 to 75 feet wide and one to two feet thick. Waterward of this expanse of humus is located a sandy bottom vegetated by turtle grass and other sea grasses and alga. The turtle grass in the area of the proposed north channel serves as a nursery and feeding ground for a rich and diverse aquatic community, including species of oysters, clams and other mollusks, as well as commercial and sports fish. This grass also filters and assimilates contaminants in the water column and serves to stabilize sediments to prevent turbidity. Dredging would destroy the turtle grass beds and their functions. These impacts on mangroves and sea grasses are significant matters, notwithstanding the fact that the possibility exists that mangroves would repopulate in the area of the north channel and North Lake, together with the repopulation of sea grasses in that area after a period of years. The south waterway would cause the removal of certain sea grasses, which could be expected to revegetate. Moreover, at present, the sea grasses in this area are sparse due to the shallow waters in that area, which waters are too warm for sea grasses to thrive. Construction of the access channel would result in increased erosion and sedimentation based upon boat wake wash and in turn allow for adverse impact on the biologically productive bay bottom. Water quality degradation can be anticipated because of the erosion and leaching of dissolved particulate material from the disturbed peat band at the shoreline and into shallow waters in the bay and into the North Lake. Transition from the inland channels to the bay side access channels at the north and south will be box cut at the mean high water line and in view of the fact that the inland channels are 100 feet wide and the bay side access channels are only 50 feet wide, erosion can be expected, causing turbidity.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57403.086403.087
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 89-002396 Latest Update: Jan. 31, 1990

The Issue This proceeding concerns Clarence E. Middlebrook's application #2-069- 0785AUSMV for a consumptive use permit for his project at Wekiva Falls Resort. Staff of the St. Johns River Water Management District have recommended approval of the application with certain specific limiting conditions. Petitioner, Middlebrooks, contends that the limitations placed on the approval are inappropriate and are so onerous as to preclude the continued use of his facility for public bathing. Petitioner, STS, claims that the present recreational use is not a reasonable beneficial use, interferes with existing legal users of water and is not in the public interest. STS urges limitations more restrictive than those proposed by the district staff. The basic issue for resolution, therefore, is what conditions should be placed on an approval of Middlebrook's application relating to recreational use. Approval of his application relating to an existing household consumptive use permit is not at issue. The parties have stipulated that STS has standing as a petitioner in this proceeding. In addition, in their prehearing statement filed on August 28, 1989, the parties have stipulated that the 14-inch and 28-inch standpipes on the Wekiva Falls Resort are governed by and subject to the provisions of Chapter 373, F.S., and Chapter 40C-2, F.A.C. and are legally considered to be wells for purposes of this proceeding.

Findings Of Fact In their Prehearing Stipulation filed on August 28, 1989, the parties have agreed: Middlebrooks is a private individual who co- owns, along with his wife, and does business as the Wekiva Falls Resort in Lake County, Florida. STS is the owner of approximately 1,842 acres of land contiguous to the southern and western boundary of the Wekiva Falls Resort. The District, a special taxing district created by Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, is charged with the statutory responsibility of the administration and enforcement of permitting programs pursuant to Part II of Chapter 373, Consumptive Uses of Water, specifically Sections 373-219 and 373.223, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 40C-2, Florida Administrative Code. The District is the agency affected in this proceeding. On September 4, 1985, Petitioner submitted to Respondent a CUP application No. 2-069-0785AUS to withdraw a maximum of .123 million gallons per day (MGD), i.e. 31.7 million gallons per year (MGY) of water for household type use from two standpipes, one 14 inches in diameter and the other 24 inches in diameter, located on Petitioner's property in Lake County, Florida. An administrative hearing was held regarding that application on November 6 and 7, 1986, and a final order was issued on May 14, 1987. The final order was appealed to the Fifth District Court of Appeal which issued its opinion on July 7, 1988 (529 So.2d 1167). Permit No. 2-069-0785AUS was issued by the District as result of these proceedings. Middlebrooks returned the permit by mail to the District. On September 13, 1988, Middlebrooks submitted to Respondent a CUP application No. 2-069-0785AUS to request approval of a maximum of .123 MGD (31.7 MGY) of water for household type use, which was revised on February 21, 1989, to request a maximum 14.26 MGD of water from the two standpipes, one 14 inches in diameter and the other 24 inches in diameter, located on Middlebrooks' property in Lake County, Florida. On March 20, 1989, District's staff gave notice of its intent to recommend approval with conditions of Petitioner's CUP application No. 2-069-0785AUS. Both Middlebrooks' and STS' petitions for administrative hearing were timely filed with the District. In 1968, C.E. Middlebrooks purchased the 140 acre tract on which the wells are located. The property is bounded on the east by the Wekiva River, and on the west by Wekiva River Road. At the time of purchase the property was underdeveloped and overgrown. Shortly after purchase, Middlebrooks inspected the property and found an oval-shaped depression from which water was flowing. Such flow is common in this area along the corridor of the Wekiva basin. These surficial seeps, also called artesian flows, emanate from the surficial and intermediate aquifers. This, and other substantiative findings regarding the characteristics of the property, were made in the recommended order as adopted in the final order in case #86-2101, on May 13, 1987. Still, Petitioner insists that the water was from a natural spring. The only new evidence presented by Petitioner regarding the existence of a "spring" is the testimony of William Shell, who in the late 1930's used to fish with his father in the tributaries and streams off of the Wekiva River. William Shell claims that he and his father took a 10-foot canoe back into the property and he swam and fished in the "spring". Shell was imprecise as to the location of the spring and conceded that the site identified on a map attached to his statement could be as much as five miles off. His testimony as to the existence and location of a spring is unpersuasive in the face of the contrary historical evidence from aerial photographs, soils and geological survey maps, and the well driller's log describing the strata through which the 24-inch well was drilled. In undertaking the development of the property, Middlebrooks dug out the area in which the wells were ultimately drilled, utilizing a dragline to clear out what is now the existing stream bed between the oval-shaped depression and the area which is now the marina (or canoe basin). Extensive dredging was done to develop the marina at a point approximately 200 feet west of the Wekiva River, and additional dredging was done to connect the marina to the Wekiva River in order to have access by boat to the Wekiva River. The stream which now extends from the western boundary to the Wekiva River is called Canoe Creek. In order to maintain the swimming area and the section of Canoe Creek extending eastward from the swimming area to the Wekiva River, it is necessary for Middlebrooks to dredge the area every two to three years. In 1972 as a part of the development activities described above, Middlebrooks hired a well drilling contractor to drill a 14-inch well at a location within the oval-shaped depression. The well was drilled into the Floridan aquifer to a depth of 107 feet, and well casing 14 inches in diameter was driven to a depth of 58 feet. In 1973 Middlebrooks hired a second well drilling contractor to construct a second well within the oval-shaped depression slightly ease of the 14-inch well. The second well was drilled into the Floridan aquifer to a depth of 120 feet, and well casing 24 inches in diameter was driven to a depth of 80 feet. As part of his development activities, Middlebrooks constructed concrete towers around each of the wells and placed diffuser plates and planters on top of each to give the appearance of a waterfall. A concrete wall and sidewalk were constructed around the oval-shaped area. The water flowing from the wells discharges into the oval-shaped swimming area and then flows eastward through Canoe Creek until it reaches the Wekiva River. Middlebrooks' business, known as Wekiva Falls Resort, has a total of 789 campsites located on the northern and southern sides of the property. The swimming area, which extends from the western end of the concrete-enclosed oval- shaped area where the wells are located, to the wooden bridge which crosses Canoe Creek just west of the marina, is licensed by the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) as a public bathing facility. Middlebrooks also offers canoe rentals and paddleboat tours of the Wekiva River, each of which originate from the marina. Middlebrooks' present business operation centers around the water-based recreational opportunities provided by the water emanating from the wells. The facility employs approximately seventeen persons. Groundwater from the Floridan aquifer flows from the two wells under artesian pressure. Middlebrooks testified that he had calculated the discharge from the two wells to be 12.5 mgd and 12.72 mgd, although his records for the period from April 1986 through January 1989 showed average daily flow from the two wells to be 12.98 mgd. The prior final order entered in this matter determined average daily flow to be 12.47 mgd. Because these are artesian wells, flow varies depending on hydrologic conditions. The gate valve for the 24-inch well was frozen in the open position approximately 12 years ago and has since been encased in concrete making it inoperable. There is a diverter valve at water level, which, if opened, would increase the flow volume from the well, but which has no control over the amount of water flowing through the top of the well. As the well is presently structured, water essentially free flows from the well; Middlebrooks can control flow from the 24-inch well only through manual insertion of a poppet valve which must be first hoisted to the top of the well with a crane and then mechanically inserted into the top of the well. The only time this device is used is when Middlebrooks shuts down the well in order to do dredging or other maintenance activities. Early in 1989, the concrete tower encasing the 14- inch well fell over and had to be removed from the swimming area. The well casing was cut off at pool level, removing the gate valve on it. Although flow increased from the 14- inch well as a result of shortening the length of the casing above ground, Middlebrooks mechanically inserted a poppet valve into the top of the remaining casing in order to restrict flow. Middlebrooks contends that, with the restrictor device which is inserted in the 14-inch well, flow is essentially the same as it was before the casing was cut down and the valve removed. In 1973, shortly after the 24-inch well was constructed, USGS did an analysis of the water coming from the well to determine chloride concentrations. Chloride concentrations were measured at that time to be 230 parts per million (ppm). Chloride concentration is a measure of salt content in the water. The benchmark figure for chloride concentration in water as determined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is 250 pp. Water which exceeds 250 ppm in chloride is nonpotable. At the time these wells were drilled, the water was potable. At the base of the Floridan aquifer in the area in which Middlebrooks' property is located is a layer of seawater, extremely high in chloride concentrations, which became trapped when the ocean water which once covered Florida receded and dry land emerged. This water is called relic sea water and is necessarily very old water. Significant discharges through a well in this region can cause the interface between the fresh water in the Floridan aquifer and the relic sea water to move upward toward the cone of influence of the well and break. This is followed by turbulent mixing of relic sea water and fresh water and results in elevated chloride concentrations in the water discharged from the well. This water is sometimes referred to as connate water. Subsequent tests of the chloride concentrations in Middlebrooks' well have been done, both as part of a regional study done by the district and in preparation for this litigation. These test results show significant changes in the chloride concentrations in the water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells. Samples taken by the district in March and October 1986 showed concentrations of 312 ppm in the 14-inch well and 296 ppm for the 24-inch well for March, and 300 ppm for each of the wells in October. The 14-inch well was sampled again by the district in March and April 1989 and showed levels of 335 ppm and 296 ppm respectively, and an April 1989 sample from the 24-inch well showed 317 ppm. Samples taken by Jammal and Associates on August 5, 1989, showed 280 ppm for the 14-inch well and 290 ppm for the 24-inch well. Averaged, these results show concentrations over the 1986-89 period of 304 ppm for the 14-inch well and 300 ppm for the 24-inch well. The changes observed from the 1973 test and the 1986- 89 tests cannot be attributed to seasonal variations. The only samples taken since 1974 from the wells which do not show significant changes in the chloride concentrations are samples which were collected by Middlebrooks himself. The validity of these results is less credible than the results outlined in the previous paragraph, given the expert testimony supporting the former results. Further, the results shown from the samples collected by Middlebrooks are questionable in light of the elevated levels of minerals (including chlorides) which were noted in the analysis of waters taken from Canoe Creek, through which the water coming from the wells flows to the Wekiva River. The water flowing from Canoe Creek is 17 times higher in chlorides than water in the Wekiva River. Chloride levels in the swimming pool area were measured by Dr. Harper at almost 300 ppm. Even Dr. Roessler, an expert called by Middlebrooks noted high levels of mineralization in the water flowing through Canoe Creek to the Wekiva River from the wells and agreed that reductions in flow from the wells would result in reduced chloride concentrations within Canoe Creek. The importance of the significant increase in chloride concentrations in the water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells, as noted, is that the groundwater coming from those wells in no longer potable. Continued discharge from the wells at the current free flow level will aggravate the problem of increasing chloride levels in those wells and in the immediate vicinity of those wells. If no action is taken to address the upward movement of the saltwater-freshwater interface, there is a potential for transmittance of connate water to wells of adjacent landowners. Reduction in the flows from Middlebrooks' wells would stabilize the saltwater-freshwater interface beneath his wells. This could result in lower chloride concentrations in the water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells, and at the very least, there would be no further aggravation of the problem. Section 10D-5.120, Florida Administrative Code, governs public bathing facilities such as Middlebrooks', and essentially has two water quality requirements. The first is a flow-through requirement which specifies that there must be minimum flow of water through the facility of 500 gallons per bather per 24 hours. The second requirement is that total coliforms must not exceed 1000 most probable number of coliform organisms (mpn) per 100 milliliters. Although Middlebrooks' HRS license for his public bathing facility does not limit the number of bathers who may use his facility, there is an existing injunction obtained against Middlebrooks by Lake County, Florida, which allows a maximum of 2500 persons on the entire premises per day. Middlebrooks has made no effort in the past, nor does he presently make any effort to determine how many patrons actually use the bathing facilities on a daily basis. As the prior final order noted "for all the record shows, he may have never had that many (the maximum) since his permit was issued". The only evidence of actual usage of the bathing facilities showed a maximum of 290 persons in the pool area on a summer weekend. Regardless of how few, if any, persons utilize the bathing area under present conditions, the same amount of water flows from the wells daily. The stream which extends from the western end of the swimming area to Wekiva River Road and then off site receives drainage during wet weather conditions from offsite areas. All of Canoe Creek including the portion west of the swimming area is essentially a catch basin for surface water drainage from Middlebrooks' property. Surface water drainage enters Canoe Creek through overland flow, through swales conveying stormwater to it, and through an assortment of stormwater drainpipes which drain parts of Middlebrooks' property as well as off-site areas. The water entering Canoe Creek from this surface water drainage is extremely high in total coliforms. There are no significant stormwater treatment facilities on the site. A concrete weir with a spillway separates the swimming area from Canoe Creek west of the swimming area. The water in Canoe Creek immediately west of the swimming area is extremely high in total coliforms. A sump pump has been installed just west of the weir which, under normal weather conditions, is capable of pumping enough of the water into a roadside swale, thereby diverting it around the swimming area, to prevent this high coliform water from overtopping the weir and flowing into the swimming area. However, under rainfall conditions, the pump will not prevent this drainage from spilling over the weir and Middlebrooks does not run the pump continuously. Water has also been observed spilling over the weir into the swimming area under normal conditions. The higher coliform water which is pumped into the roadside swale is reintroduced into the swimming area through a culvert pipe midway between the oval area, where the wells are located, and the marina. There is also an apparent influx of total coliforms through surficial seepage and other sources internal to Middlebrooks' property. One of these sources of coliforms could be the wastewater treatment plant operated by Middlebrooks on the property. Other than the part-time operation of the sump pump, which was installed for aesthetic reasons rather than water quality reasons, Middlebrooks has done nothing to control the numerous sources of total coliforms to his swimming area, nor does he propose any modifications to accomplish this in his application. Instead he has relied and proposes to continue to rely on the 12.5 mgd flow of water from his wells to dilute the total coliforms entering the swimming area in order to meet the HRS standards for water quality. Middlebrooks dismisses any alterations to the site to address these total coliforms sources as "impractical". To the contrary, it is practical, technologically feasible, and economically feasible to control the introduction of coliform to the swimming area and meet HRS standards by preventing introduction of coliforms rather than relying on massive amounts of groundwater to meet the standards through dilution. One means would be to operate a sump pump around the clock instead of only on a part-time bases. Installation of additional toilet facilities for campers would reduce the use of Canoe Creek and its vicinity as a toilet. More importantly, treatment facilities such as retention and detention areas to treat stormwater runoff before it enters Canoe Creek, as well as diverting the water around the oval part of the swimming area, would enable Middlebrooks to comply with HRS total coliforms standard without the necessity of utilizing 12.5 mgd of groundwater. Reducing the flow of water from Middlebrooks' wells in accordance with the recommendations contained in the District's staff report would not cause blowouts or any other adverse geological consequences on his property or elsewhere. As indicated earlier, this region is characterized by artesian flow, and there is the potential for increased discharges from springs or other discharge points within the vicinity of Middlebrooks' property if flow is reduced from his wells. Overall, the area should return to a more naturally balanced system such as existed before the wells were constructed. The flow which discharges presently through the wells produces enough water to supply the domestic needs of 90,000 people. Reduction in the discharge from the wells would make additional water available for use for other beneficial purposes within the area as the water which now discharges from Middlebrooks' wells could be withdrawn at other locations within the vicinity of Middlebrooks' property. Through properly spacing wells and limiting their depth, (skimming well fields) these other uses of water could occur without aggravating the existing problem with chloride concentrations. Middlebrooks and one of his employees described water upwelling within the swimming area on one occasion when flow was stopped from the wells. While this would not be unusual in an area characterized by artesian flow, it may also be an indication that well construction problems exist with either or both of the wells. Having the wells geophysically logged as is required in the permit conditions proposed by district staff, would reveal, among other things, whether the well is properly grouted and sealed. If the wells are not properly sealed contaminated connate water could be allowed to move upward and interchange with other water-bearing zones, resulting in chloride contamination in those zones as well. The aquatic and wetland habitat associated with Canoe Creek can be divided into three distinct segments: (1) the intermittent stream extending westward from the weir and spillway to Wekiva River Road (hereinafter "the intermittent stream"); (2) the swimming area which begins at the weir and extends to the bridge just west of the marina (hereinafter "the swimming area"); and (3) the marina which encompasses the dredged boat basin and that portion of Canoe Creek extending eastward from the marina. These three segments have varying importance as aquatic or wetland habitats and can be separately characterized according to the impacts which would be felt from a reduction in the flow of water from the wells as recommended by the district staff report. The intermittent stream is characterized by slow flowing or stagnant water. There are species indicative of a wetland system associated with the channel here, although the banks of the stream have been mowed and maintained. Aquatic and wetland dependent species do utilize this part of the stream; however, they are in less abundance than in other parts of Canoe Creek. Because the hydrology of this portion of the stream is not affected by the flow from the wells, there would be no impact on this area if flow from the wells is reduced. The swimming area, which consists entirely of hard sand, is devoid of biological activity as a result of the regular mechanical maintenance performed on it by Middlebrooks, leaving no vegetation in the channel. Although there are aquatic species which utilize primarily the oval-shaped part of the swimming area, many of these are exotic species. In any event, there would continue to be a flow of water to maintain that environment. The southern bank of Canoe Creek in the swimming area down to the water's edge has been cleared, sodded, and is maintained as a lawn. There are no wetland plant species in this area. There are trees along the northern bank of the stream in this area, and it is less disturbed than the southern bank; however, the understory has been removed. Overall, there would be minimal impact to the aquatic and wetland species within the creek itself, and no impact to plant species along the banks of the creek if flows are reduced in accordance with the District staff' s recommendation. The marina area and the creek eastward of it provide the most abundant and productive part of the creek for aquatic species. This portion of the creek is at the same grade as the Wekiva River and therefore is in equilibrium with the river. Water levels are controlled by the pulse of the river, rather than the flow from the wells, and will be unchanged by reduction of flow from the wells. Although there would be a reduction in the amount of water moving through this area, there would be little, if any, impact to the functions of this portion of the creek as an aquatic habitat if the reduction in flow recommended in the district staff report were accomplished. Viewed as a whole, Canoe Creek, because of the wells and the alterations made to the site by Middlebrooks, is an altered natural environment with an artificially created and maintained ecosystem. The primary natural feature associated with this property is the riverine forested wetlands which extend approximately 200 feet inland from the Wekiva River. This area lies within the floodplain of the river and is influenced by the rise and fall of the river. These wetlands would not be affected at all by reduction in flows from the wells. Middlebrooks has contended that the flow from his wells provides a benefit to the Wekiva River by improving water quality in the river. Extensive water quality data showing the quality of discharges from Canoe Creek, versus ambient conditions in the river both upstream and downstream of Canoe Creek, do not support this assertion. The flow from Canoe Creek does not reduce temperatures in the river nor does it provide a thermal refuge for fish. Dissolved oxygen levels in the water flowing out of Canoe Creek are virtually the same as in the Wekiva River upstream of the creek. Chloride concentrations in the Canoe Creek discharge are 17 times higher than in the river itself. Total coliforms are higher in the Canoe Creek discharge than in the river itself. Although there is a slight reduction in nutrients as a result of the Canoe Creek flow, this slight reduction has no impact in a fast moving system such as the Wekiva River. Significantly, the flow from Canoe Creek violates State Water Quality Standards for specific conductivity (an indicator of the level of mineralization.) The probable source of this violation is the mineralized water flowing from Middlebrooks' wells. Reduction in flows from the wells would not degrade water quality in the Wekiva River and would likely eliminate the source of a specific conductance water quality violation. The 12.5 million gallons per day of groundwater which flows through Middlebrooks' wells (as distinguished from the 31.7 million gallons per year that is used for household type use) is primarily used by him to enable him to charge visitors to swim in the water. Any other uses of the water are secondary. The absolute deadline for making application to the District for continuation of existing uses and thereby to be evaluated as an existing legal user was September 11, 1985. The first application filed by Middlebrooks for an allocation of water for a use other than household type use was filed on September 13, 1988, exactly three years after the deadline for the use to be classified as and evaluated as an existing use. No exemption was sought or claimed for the water supplying the swimming area prior to the September 11, 1985, deadline.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered by the District Board approving the issuance of a consumptive use permit to C.E. Middlebrooks for the amounts and under the terms and conditions established in the District's Technical Staff Report dated March 24, 1989. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 31st day of January, 1990, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of January, 1990. APPENDIX The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the Petitioners. FACTS PROPOSED BY PETITIONER MIDDLEBROOKS 1-8 Adopted in paragraph 1. 9-12 The existence of a prior "springs" was not proven by a preponderance of evidence and these findings are rejected, with the exception of the date of purchase, which is adopted in paragraph 2. 13 Rejected as unnecessary. 14-18 See 9-12, above. 19-36 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate to the facts found. 37 Adopted in paragraph 10. 38-43 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. 44 Adopted in paragraph 10. 45-46 Adopted in substance in paragraph 24. 47, 48 Adopted in part in paragraph 9. The extent of use was not established. Rejected, except as to the existence of the injunction, which is adopted in paragraph 20. This injunction was apparently the result of neighbors' concern over a proposed rock concert to be held at the site. Adopted in paragraph 19. 51-53 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. 54, 55 Rejected as unsupported by the weight of evidence. Rejected as contrary to the weight of evidence. Adopted in paragraph 12. Rejected as unsupported by the evidence. 59-63 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. 64-79 Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 80-81 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 85-90 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. Adopted in substance in paragraph 9. Rejected as contrary to the evidence (the "efficiency" of the bathing area). Adopted in part in paragraph 20, otherwise rejected as unnecessary. 94-99 Rejected as cumulative. These same facts are addressed above. 100-101 Adopted in part in paragraph 22. 102-168 Rejected as cumulative. These same facts are addressed above. 109-113 Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 114 Rejected as cumulative 115-118 Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as unnecessary and irrelevant. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. Rejected as irrelevant. FACTS PROPOSED BY PETITIONER STS Adopted in substance in paragraphs 1 and 5. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 3 and 4. Adopted in paragraphs 6 and 7. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in substance in paragraph 4. Adopted in substance in paragraph 5. Addressed in the Preliminary Statement. Adopted in paragraph 11, conclusions of law. Adopted in paragraph 33. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 24 and 25. Adopted in paragraphs 19 and 25. Adopted in substance in paragraphs 22 and 23. Adopted in paragraph 33. Adopted in substance in paragraph 17. Adopted in substance in paragraph 15. Adopted in substance in paragraph 16. Rejected as contrary to the evidence. 19-22 Rejected as unnecessary or subordinate. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert A. Routa, Esquire P.O. Box 6506 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6506 Frank Matthews, Esquire Kathleen Blizzard, Esquire P.O. Box 6526 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6526 Wayne E. Flowers, Esquire P.O. Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429 Henry Dean, Executive Director P.O. Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32178-1429 =================================================================

Florida Laws (9) 120.5714.26373.019373.206373.219373.223373.2235373.226373.229 Florida Administrative Code (2) 40C-2.04140C-2.101
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001065RX Latest Update: Sep. 15, 1980

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: On May 3, 1978, the petitioner filed with the respondent an application for dredge and fill permits and a water quality certificate to allow petitioner to complete its planned residential community on and adjacent to Marco Island, Florida. the petitioner expended in excess of $100,000.00 in preparing the permit application. The proposed project involves some 4,000 acres of development on approximately 17,000 acres of land owned by the petitioner. On November 28, 1979, after seeking and obtaining additional information from the petitioner, the respondent issued its notice of "intent to deny" the permit application. The Department claims jurisdiction over the proposed project pursuant to Chapter 253 and 403, Florida Statutes, and Section 17-4.28 and 17-4.29, Florida Administrative Code. The nine page "intent to deny" specifically cites Rule 1704.28(3), Florida Administrative Code, and concludes that state water quality standards will be violated. Beyond that regulatory citation, the "intent to deny" does not specify by rule number which of the water quality standards the Department feels would be violated by the proposed project. However, the "intent to deny" does conclude that the area proposed for development will include "approximately 1,500 acres of uplands and approximately 2,600 acres of waters of the State, submerged lands of waters of the State, and transition zone of submerged lands of waters of the State. In discussing the overall impact from the project as a whole, the respondent notes that the intertidal shoreline areas are utilized by wading birds and that the mangrove tidelines provide a vital habitat for fish and wildlife. In discussing the specific work areas, the respondent concludes that the destruction of the extensive freshwater marsh system would eliminate a significant habitat intensely utilized by a wide variety of birds. The "intent to deny" further concludes that the development of the proposed work area would be expected to violate state water quality standards for dissolved oxygen. The respondent's "intent to deny" is the subject of a pending administrative proceeding between these same parties in Case Numbers 79-2471 and 80-683. In those proceedings the petitioner is contesting, inter alia, the respondent's application of the rules under challenge in this proceeding. Although petitioner challenges other rules of the Department, the testimony adduced at the hearing concerned only those rules relating to water quality standards; to wit: Rules 17-3.05, 17-3.08(4) and 17-3.09(3). Dissolved oxygen concentrations are an important gauge of the existing quality of water and the ability of a water body to support a well-balanced aquatic animal life. A concentration of at least 5.0 parts per million (or milligrams per liter) is needed to support a well-balanced fish population, and a concentration of 4.0 mg/1 is about the lowest which will support a varied fish population. There are numerous natural factors which affect the concentration of dissolved oxygen in surface water bodies. Such factors include physical transfer between the water and the atmosphere (aeration), the limit of a water body's ability to absorb oxygen (saturation value), the amount of oxygen used to decompose dead material, photosynthesis of aquatic plants and the actual vertical location of the sampling. These factors are influenced by many variables, such as wind, temperature, stratification, salinity, the season of the year, the time of the day, rainfall, water clarity, mixing and flushing. The level of dissolved oxygen can vary significantly in the same body of water during one twenty-four hour period. A balance of dynamic, natural processes causes dissolved oxygen levels to vary extensively in different water bodies and within the same water body during different times of the day and during different seasons of the year. Some of the water bodies in the Marco Island area contain dissolved oxygen values below 4.0 parts per million (or milligrams per liter) during at least a portion of a twenty-four hour period. This is due to natural, as opposed to manmade, causes. A water body containing levels of dissolved oxygen less than 4.0 milligrams per liter does not necessarily indicate a discharge of contaminants into that water body. The parties have stipulated that the Final Order rendered by the Department of Environmental Regulation in the case of Capeletti Brothers, Inc. v. Dept. of Environmental Regulation, Case No. 79-1602R (July 7, 1980), accurately represents the Department's position with respect to its authority to consider wildlife and other biological factors in reviewing permit applications pursuant to Chapter 403, Florida Statutes.

Florida Laws (6) 120.56120.57403.021403.031403.061403.804
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