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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bartow, Florida Aug. 12, 1994 Number: 94-004483 Latest Update: Nov. 06, 1995

The Issue The issue for consideration in this matter is whether Respondent should be suspended without pay for five days from employment with the School Board because of the matters alleged in the charging letter issued herein.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Polk County School Board, (Board), was the county agency responsible for the provision of public instruction from pre-kindergarten through secondary and adult education in Polk County, Florida, and operated Haines City High School in Haines City. Respondent had been employed at HCHS for eight years and in the last two years prior to the incidents in issue, taught in the school's Diversified Cooperative Training Program, (DCT) under a continuing contract of employment. In January, 1994, Respondent was administered a verbal reprimand as a result of reports that she has been consuming alcohol in the presence of her students at an out of town conference. A part of the basis for that reprimand was her reported comments to students to the effect that her predecessor as DCT instructor had advised her not to let Black students into the program because they caused trouble. These comments by Respondent were communicated to Black students who were upset by them. At some point during the 1993-1994 school year, Respondent reportedly overheard a student, Alisha Tanner, (now, Forsythe), in a discussion with another student regarding her breakup with her boyfriend. Respondent is alleged to have stated to Ms. Tanner that, "...if you have a vibrator, you won't need a boyfriend." Both Ms. Tanner and another female student who allegedly heard the statement, claim to have been shocked and embarrassed by hearing a teacher make such a statement, and a third student, Delana Muncy, indicated Ms. Tanner was crying as a result of the comment made to her. Evidence was also presented to indicate that about the same time, Respondent was overheard by several other students to have asked a male student, Jonathan Bradley, if he masturbated. Respondent does not deny using the term, "vibrator" to the female student. Her version of the conversation is somewhat different than those of the students, however. Respondent admits that she overheard the two girls discussing one's breakup with her boyfriend and that she joined the conversation. She, however, indicates that she did so to remind them of the dangers of reckless sexual behavior and suggested that the young lady find other ways, including the use of a vibrator, to satisfy her sexual needs. Respondent denies, however, the use of the word "masturbate" to Bradley. Only two of the students in or near the conversation recall Respondent making such a comment. Notwithstanding these comments were alleged to have been made during the early or middle part of the school year, no mention of them was made by any of the students to Respondent, her immediate supervisor, parents, school administration, or Board personnel until late in the school year, just shortly before graduation. At that time, a group of the students allegedly involved met for lunch at Pizza Hut off campus and in the course of their conversation, Respondent's alleged indiscretions surfaced. Prior to leaving campus, some of these students who now testify against Respondent passed a list of complaints against her around and, though denied, there is at least some indication the students were trying to get Respondent fired. Some of the students refused to sign the list. It was only several months after the inappropriate comments were allegedly made that the first official complaint was made. Other information presented at hearing indicates that during the school year several of the students involved in the reporting of this incident became dissatisfied with Respondent's conduct of her class. Respondent was alleged by students to have used such words in class as "shit", "hell", and "pissed off", and is reported to have commented, on a hot day, "I've got sweat running down between my breasts and the crack of my ass." No specific incident was presented to explain or elaborate on this. In addition, Respondent allowed a class discussion on marketing to inappropriately discuss the sale of condoms as a demonstrative example. In this case, she allowed any student who was offended by the discussion to leave the room, but this was not a satisfactory solution, as the students' excusal served only to focus unwelcome attention on the excused students. More specifically, Respondent was alleged to have become upset with student Bradley because, contra to the instructions she had given him about picking up the DCT jerseys from the printer, he disobeyed her instructions and picked them up without her permission. Respondent chastised Bradley for this. It is entirely possible the allegations against Respondent are the result of her disciplining of Mr. Bradley, thereby antagonizing him and his clique. Another allegation made against the Respondent by the Principal is her reported permission to several of her students to grade, average and record student grades, which allowed them access to her grade book. The HCHS teacher handbook, of which Respondent had previously been given a copy, specifically prohibits teachers from making grade books available to students and proscribes allowing students to record grades. Both the principal, Mr. Partain, and the Board's Director of Employee Relations indicated, without specific examples being provided, that Respondent's sexually inappropriate comments and her failure to abide by Board rules have impaired her effectiveness as a teacher in the school system. In general, her misconduct diminished her stature as a role model for her students, and her failure to obey Board rules compromised her ability to enforce discipline, but not to the degree that her effectiveness as a teacher was destroyed. Prior to the initiation of this action, the only disciplinary action taken against Respondent since she started working for the Board in 1988 was the verbal warning, (reduced to a letter), in January, 1994 regarding the drinking in front of students at conference and the untoward reference to Blacks. Other than that, her personnel record, commencing with the teacher evaluation done during the 1988-1989 school year, reflects positive comments and no criticism.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Mary L. Canova be reprimanded for improperly allowing students to grade the papers of other students, to average grades, and to have access to her grade book. RECOMMENDED this 6th day of November, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of November, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 94-4483 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: 1. & 2. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 4. Accepted and incorporated herein. First two sentences accepted. Conclusions as to misconduct rejected. Accepted that a comment was made by Respondent to a student which included a reference to a vibrator. Exact wording as alleged not proven. Not proven. Accepted that condoms were discussed, but it is not established that the suggestion to use condoms as an example came from Respondent or that she agreed to the discussion other than reluctantly. In any event, this discussion was not listed as a basis for discipline. Not proven and not a listed basis for discipline. & 11. Accepted and incorporated herein. 12. Accepted as a restatement of the witnesses' testimony. FOR THE RESPONDENT: - 3. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein with the exception of the last sentence which is not proven. & 6. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 8. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Accepted and incorporated herein. First two sentences accepted. Third sentence a non proven conclusion. COPIES FURNISHED: Donald H. Wilson, Jr., Esquire Lane, Tron, Clarke, Bertrand, Vreeland & Jacobsen, P.A. Post Office Box 1578 150 East Davidson Street Bartow, Florida 33831 Mark Herdman, Esquire Herdman and Sakellarides, P.A. 24650 U.S. 19 North Suite 308 Palm Harbor, Florida 34684 John A. Stewart Superintendent Polk County Schools Post Office Box 391 1915 South Floral Avenue Bartow, Florida 33830

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Jun. 18, 2003 Number: 03-002272PL Latest Update: Jun. 09, 2004

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent failed to accommodate exceptional education students, directed derogatory comments to students, and disclosed test grades in class in violation of Subsections 1012.795(1)(c), (f), and (i), Florida Statutes (2000), and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e); and, if so, whether the proposed penalty is reasonable. (Statutory references are to Florida Statutes (2000). References to rules are to rules promulgated in the Florida Administrative Code in 2000.)

Findings Of Fact Respondent is authorized to teach physical education in Florida pursuant to Florida Educator's Certificate Number 666407. The Certificate is valid through June 30, 2007. The Pinellas County School District (the District) employed Respondent as a physical education teacher at Gibbs High School (Gibbs) during the 2000-2001 school year (the school year). Respondent's students included students in the exceptional student education program at Gibbs (ESE students). Faculty and staff at Gibbs had tested ESE students in Respondent's classes, identified them as disabled, developed an individual education plan (IEP) for each student, and placed each student in a special education program. The IEPs for some students allowed the students to leave the classroom during testing for a learning lab or other supervised environment. Respondent refused to allow several ESE students to leave the classroom during testing. The students are identified in the record as A.A., A.S., J.T., and J.F. in order to protect their confidentiality. Respondent sometimes afforded ESE students an opportunity to hear their tests read to them at the front of the class. That opportunity violated each student's IEP. Respondent did not have discretion to deviate from an IEP. Some ESE students transferred from Respondent's class. Other ESE students refused to enroll in Respondent's class because of Respondent's reputation among ESE students for refusing to accommodate ESE students during testing. A number of parents complained to school officials about Respondent's failure to accommodate ESE students. Faculty and staff attempted to correct Respondent's behavior through informal conferences. A varying exceptionalities specialist, a teacher assistant, and an administrator with the Office of Professional Standards (OPS) each met with Respondent. Respondent answered an allegation and complaint from one parent by stating to a Gibbs administrator that the student was not an honor roll student, so Respondent's refusal to accommodate the student did not make a difference. Respondent complained to an assistant principal at Gibbs that, "They are ESE students. What are they doing here [in Respondent's class]? They shouldn't be here anyway." Respondent made derogatory comments to students during the school year. The derogatory comments included terms such as: fat, little slacker, stupid, sorry bunch of kids, Gomer Pyle, and Dutch Boy. Respondent asked one of her students, "What's a black boy doing with a Dutch last name?" Respondent asked another student if the student was tired from walking the streets at night and called her "sleeping booty." Respondent directed derogatory comments to students identified in the record as D.V., M.F., J.I., and A.W. Respondent referred to D.V., an African-American, as Dutch Boy because D.V.'s last name sounded Dutch to Respondent. Respondent suggested that D.V. should change names with a white student having a last name that Respondent believed was more appropriate for an African-American. Respondent used the terms "fat" and "stupid" when referring to M.F. and other students in M.F.'s class. Respondent used the term Gomer Pyle to refer to J.I. because J.I. was in the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. (ROTC) program at Gibbs. Respondent told A.W. that larger people don't belong in the physical education class. The derogatory comments degraded students, embarrassed them, were inflammatory to some students, and violated District policy. Respondent violated the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Processional Conduct for Educators by making embarrassing or disparaging remarks and by failing to make reasonable efforts to protect students from mental harm. Respondent has made derogatory comments to students in previous school years. During the 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 school years, an assistant principal received complaints from students about Respondent's use of derogatory comments toward students. The assistant principal held a conference with Respondent on September 15, 1997, and completed a Conference Summary that instructed Respondent to use better communication with students and parents; and to be more professional in addressing students. The complaints against Respondent continued. On September 30, 1997, an assistant principal held a formal conference with Respondent to discuss Respondent's use of derogatory comments to students. The assistant principal again instructed Respondent to refer to students only by their given name and use more professionalism in addressing students. An assistant principal met with Respondent on October 1 and 7, 1997; and on February 13, April 1, and May 4, 1998. In addition to several "walk-throughs," the assistant principal visited Respondent's classroom for an evaluation on March 31, 1998. The annual evaluation for the 1997-1998 school year rated Respondent's judgment as an "I," meaning that improvement was expected in addressing students. The "I" on Respondent's annual evaluation required school administrators to prepare a "Success Plan" to help Respondent address the issues that resulted in the "I" rating. The Success Plan that Respondent signed required Respondent to use positive comments that enhance the self worth of students. Respondent's use of derogatory comments toward students continued during the 1998-1999 school year. An assistant principal held conferences with Respondent on: October 12, 26, and 27, 1998; November 11, 1998; and January 28, March 11, Aril 15, May 3, and May 4, 1999. The assistant principal visited Respondent's classroom on: November 3, 1998; and January 28, March 1, March 11, and April 7 and 15, 1999. Respondent's annual evaluation for the 1998-1999 school year contained more "Is" than the previous evaluation. Respondent received an "I" rating for: (1) Instructional Strategies Conducive to Learning and Critical Thinking; (2) Assessment of Students; and (3) Judgment and Professional Ethics. During the school year at issue, the OPS administrator and Respondent discussed a letter from a parent regarding Respondent's use of derogatory comments. The parent complained that Respondent asked H.T., the parent's daughter, if H.T. was going to be a dentist. H.T.'s last name is related to a dental term. Respondent denied she ever made the comment and then told the OPS administrator, "I can look at her mouth and tell you no." Respondent subsequently told H.T. not to go running to H.T.'s mom if H.T. had a problem with Respondent. Respondent read student grades aloud in class without the permission of the affected student in violation of District policy. Respondent also read the names of students receiving a grade of "A," "B," or "C" thereby disclosing the names of students with lower grades. Disclosing the grades of students in class without the permission of the student invades the privacy of the student and exposes the student to embarrassment. Respondent has a history of disclosing student grades in class. On May 17, 2000, the OPS administrator issued a letter of reprimand to Respondent for disclosing student grades during the 1999-2000 school year. In relevant part, the letter of reprimand stated: I advised you that one concern was related to your announcing student grades of students in front of the entire class. You said that the Governor had given schools grades and that you could tell students their grades. I advised you that was not so; that student information was protected and confidential and I directed you to refrain from the practice. You said that you didn't read all of the grades. I noted that students said you read grades of students who had A's, B's, and C's. I said that some students who had lower grades were embarrassed. I again reiterated that you should cease reading the grades. Respondent continued to disclose student grades during the school year at issue. Respondent read to the class the grades of A.A., A.S., A.W., C.A., and M.F. Each had failing grades. Respondent passed a test completed by A.S. down a row of students so that each student could see the test score on the front of the test and stated audibly that the only thing A.S. "got right" on the test was the date. The comment embarrassed, upset, and humiliated A.S. The District placed Respondent on administrative leave in October 2000. After Respondent returned from her administrative leave, the OPS administrator received more complaints about Respondent's behavior, and issued another letter of reprimand to Respondent on April 27, 2001. Respondent wrote the following message on the letter prior to returning the signed copy to the OPS administrator: "This is BS. Thank you [OPS administrator]." The District transferred Respondent from Gibbs to a school where Respondent works with another teacher. The transfer shows that Respondent had lost her effectiveness at Gibbs, but not as an employee. The District had a lot of complaints at Gibbs about Respondent. There were issues with Respondent's effectiveness at the school. The District determined that a transfer to another school might help Respondent "get a new start."

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a Final Order finding Respondent not guilty of violating Subsections 1012.795(1)(c) and (f); guilty of violating Subsection 1012.795(1)(i) and Rule 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e); suspending Respondent's Florida Educator's Certificate during the summer session after the current school year; and, on the date of the Final Order, placing Respondent on probation for two consecutive years, including the period of suspension, subject to the conditions prescribed in Petitioner's PRO. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of October, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DANIEL MANRY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of October, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Kelly B. Holbrook, Esquire Broad and Cassel 100 North Tampa Street, Suite 3500 Post Office Box 3310 Tampa, Florida 33602-3310 Robert F. McKee, Esquire Kelly & McKee 1718 East 7th Avenue, Suite 301 Post Office Box 75638 Tampa, Florida 33675-0638 Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Room 224E Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Daniel J. Woodring, General Counsel Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street 1244 Turlington Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Marian Lambeth, Program Specialist Bureau of Educator Standards Department of Education 325 West Gaines Street, Suite 224-E Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (5) 1012.79511.07120.52120.569120.60
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-003171 Latest Update: Jun. 21, 1985

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent held active Teaching Certificate 485203 with certification in Political Science and History. She is a hard worker, who, when orphaned, put herself through school, achieving a Master's Degree in Social Justice from Lewis University. Respondent was employed by Petitioner School Board as a social studies teacher at Miami Central Senior High School for the 1981-82, 1982-83, and 1983- 84 school years. During Respondent's first year with the Dade County school system, 1981-82, she was formally observed by her principal, Mr. Hal Guinyard, and other administrators. Respondent had problems with discipline of tardy students, absenteeism, classroom management and noise level control in the classroom and with devising and carrying through variations of instruction. On Respondent's annual evaluation for 1981-82, Respondent was recommended for employment but was found lacking in the area of classroom management. The specific observations leading up to this evaluation were that: Several students entered and left the room at will, other students remained in the halls during class time, some students in the classroom disturbed others in Respondent's class and even nearby classes with irrelevant and extraneous discussions and excess noise. There was excess noise from the late arrivals and those in the halls, too. The Respondent rolled on copy work from the chalkboard or text book with minimal student conversational feedback. Mr. Guinyard suggested to Respondent that she minimize busy work, create an orderly classroom environment, and explore alternative instructional techniques. On October 26, 1982, Respondent was formally observed in the classroom by Assistant Principal William Matlack, using the Teacher Assessment and Development System (TADS) of objective analysis. Mr. Matlack rated Respondent as unsatisfactory in the area of techniques of instruction. Excessive time was used by Respondent in preparing her students to take a test. Mr. Matlack prescribed help for Respondent in the area of techniques of instruction by assigning Respondent to observe three effective teachers and list four teacher activities, three student activities, and to analyze the time spent in organizing the class and in instructional activities. He also suggested that she read the TADS chapter on acceptable classroom procedures and teaching techniques and attached 33 pages of reading material to her evaluation, giving suggestions for classroom management, effective planning, techniques of instruction, and techniques of student-teacher relationships. He further advised Respondent of an in-service course in techniques of instruction. While Mr. Matlack did not rate Respondent as unacceptable in classroom management, he found that she still did not control her class for all the reasons previously noted by Mr. Guinyard. Rather than rate her as unacceptable in this area, he directed a memorandum dated October 29, 1982, to Respondent's attention indicating problem areas that could lead to further discipline problems if uncorrected. One of the problems was that Respondent was selling doughnuts for the athletic department between classes, and Mr. Matlack made her aware of the fact that students would be tempted to eat in other teachers' classes and that this was against the school rules. Respondent also was admonished concerning the security danger existing in her leaving money and keys lying about. On February 28, 1983, Respondent was again formally observed in the classroom by Mr. Matlack using the TADS and was found to be deficient in the areas of knowledge of subject matter, techniques of instruction, assessment techniques, and teacher-student relationships. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in knowledge of the subject matter because the topics were not covered thoroughly and there was too much digression. There were 11 topics discussed and few were related to each other. Some of the areas were irrelevant, e.g., the importance of obtaining a good lawyer if one is going to win a lawsuit, how to obtain a house in Chicago, and the five black Presidents in the United States. Only 6 minutes were spent on how a bill becomes a law. Only 25 minutes were spent on the prescribed curriculum topics of cabinet duties, income tax, social security, Veterans' Administration, Federal Housing Authority, Health and Rehabilitative Services, and the Equal Rights Amendment, and the irrelevant topics already mentioned. Techniques of instruction was rated unacceptable because Respondent presented the material in a lecture form. The assignment on the board was very similar in technique (copy work for listing and defining terms, outlining a chapter) to what was used during the October 1982 observation; content was, however, different. The students were not ready for the assignment. There appeared to be no scope and sequence to the lesson. The lesson was very disjointed. The students were not involved when questions were asked, and their response was minimal. No effort was made to identify those students not participating or off task nor to involve all of them in the lesson. One or two students carried the class. Respondent did not appear to be effectively using the suggestions made by Mr. Matlack during his prior observation. Mr. Matlack explained to Respondent the need to create inspiration, create interesting presentations, move around the classroom utilizing various techniques and media, direct questions for the purpose of involving students, and for motivational use of questions geared toward individual abilities of respective students. He recommended Respondent re-read the TADS booklet that he had prescribed before. Respondent was rated "improved" in keeping grades for a variety of types of assignments in her grade book, but she still was not making informal assessments of her students' learning. Respondent was rated unacceptable in teacher-student relationships because she was not involving the students in instruction. The students appeared to do as they pleased. The classroom still did not present a neat and orderly atmosphere. The students seemed surprised at Respondent's attempt to enforce rules and regulations. This indicated to Mr. Matlack that the control was for his benefit, being implemented only for the instant period of observation. At the conclusion of the 1982-83 school year, Mr. Guinyard recommended Respondent for continued employment, but rated her overall unacceptable. He found her unacceptable for the year in knowledge of subject matter and techniques of instruction. She would continue on prescription (prescribed remediation efforts). Mr. Guinyard testified that he gave Respondent an extra year on prescription and brought in more help so that she might yet improve. During the 1982-83 school year, Mr. Guinyard recommended that Respondent observe other teachers and that she contact Mr. Hanson for help, which she did. Mr. Hanson is the Social Studies Supervisor for Dade County Schools. Mrs. Felicia Accornero (hereinafter Mrs. Mendez), is Assistant Principal for Curriculum (APC). She is not a trained social studies teacher but is certified to teach biology, chemistry, and gifted children. She is certified to work as an administrator, supervisor, or guidance counselor. Additionally, Mrs. Mendez discussed social studies concepts with other social studies teachers in an effort to be of more assistance to Respondent. On October 18, 1983, Respondent was officially observed in the classroom by Mrs. Mendez. Using the TADS analysis system, Mrs. Mendez rated Respondent deficient in the areas of knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Mrs. Mendez rated Respondent unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter because there were substantial errors in her presentation: incorrect spellings, incorrectly defined terminology, and unnecessary use of lay terms rather than formal terms. Mrs. Mendez' perception was that neither the students nor she, personally, understood the lesson as represented by Respondent. Mrs. Mendez recommended that Respondent work with her. Mrs. Mendez also prescribed particular pages from the TADS prescription manual, which included a detailed subject matter inventory. This was a checklist so that Respondent could understand the different areas where she could become knowledgeable so that her subject matter would be more accurate and more relevant to the students. Mrs. Mendez discussed subject matter with Respondent and discussed one lesson a week with Respondent prior to its presentation. At this time, Mrs. Mendez also rated Respondent unacceptable in classroom management because there were too many delays in the class due to the same deficiencies observed previously by Messrs. Guinyard and Matlack, specifically repetitive tardies, disruption by tardies noisy off-task irrelevant extraneous discussions among students during teaching, 50% of the time spent in opening and closing class and other non-instructional activities, lack of discipline, disorganized classroom and disorganized lesson presentation by Respondent. The lesson plan which was in Respondent's 1982-83 lesson plan book for October 18, 1983, was not the one which Mrs. Mendez observed in the classroom. She was give a separate lesson plan. Mrs. Mendez prescribed a TADS chapter on structuring classroom time so that the teacher moves from one activity to another without delay. Mrs. Mendez suggested that Respondent work with both her and the department chairman, Mrs. Consuelo Pino, to improve Respondent's classroom management. Mrs. Mendez rated Respondent unacceptable in techniques of instruction because Respondent was not following a sequence, was not clarifying directions and explanations when necessary, did not give students background information that was necessary for them to understand the topic, and did not perceive when her students did not understand the lesson. Mrs. Mendez prescribed reading a section from the TADS chapter on sequencing lessons and also prescribed help from herself and Mrs. Pino. Mrs. Mendez worked with Respondent to help her place her lesson plans in an understandable sequence. At least weekly for the next ten weeks, Mrs. Mendez helped Respondent. Mrs. Mendez provided Respondent with a book on questioning techniques, helped Respondent organize her room, showed her how to position her desk so that she would have a better view of the students, explained how a seating chart would help her keep accurate attendance quickly, explained how to utilize student folders so that materials would be easily accessible and so that the classroom and instructional techniques and procedures would accordingly be better organized. The prescription deadline was extended to accommodate Respondent. On November 8, 1983, a conference for the record was held with Mr. Mathew V. Lawrence, Mrs. Mendez, and a field representative of United Teachers of Dade. Mr. Lawrence had been Assistant Principal the first two years Respondent taught at Miami Central Senior High and became Principal there for the 1983-84 school year. The purpose of the conference was to discuss the October 18, 1983 observation and the continuing deficiencies. The prescriptions were discussed. The ramifications of continued deficiency were discussed. Respondent's responsibility for basic skills such as reading and spelling was discussed. Respondent was reminded that she was responsible not only for her subject matter, (history, social studies, political science) but for students' basic skills (reading, writing, spelling, grammar). 24.. On November 12, 1983, Mrs. Mendez again formally observed Respondent in the classroom using the TADS analysis technique. Respondent was aware that she would be observed that day. Respondent showed some improvement over the prior observation in that she presented some accurate information for most of the period; however, Respondent was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, and techniques of instruction. Mrs. Mendez rated Respondent unacceptable in preparation and planning because her objective was too simple and she did not list activities and assessment techniques, as required. Thereafter, Mrs. Mendez worked with Respondent on writing lesson plans and helped her write lesson plans. Mrs. Mendez found Respondent unsatisfactory in knowledge of the subject matter because Respondent made inaccurate statements, used incorrect grammar, and gave opinions rather than presenting both sides of an issue to students. Mrs. Pino made the same observation. During some parts of the lesson, it appeared that Respondent did not know what she was talking about. While the students appeared to understand most of the lesson, at times they did not. Mrs. Mendez also concluded that Respondent was not adhering to a structured plan but for this formal observation for the last formal observation Respondent had prepared lesson plans for observation days separate and apart from her normal procedure/plan for non-observation days. To improve Respondent's knowledge of subject matter, Mrs. Mendez recommended that Respondent review and study the textbook chapters prior to teaching the lesson because it did not appear that Respondent was doing this. Mrs. Mendez also gave Respondent the opportunity to prepare lessons and to explain them to Mrs. Mendez ahead of the time Respondent would present the material to the class so that Mrs. Mendez could monitor whether or not the information would be clearly presented to the class. Mrs. Mendez rated Respondent unacceptable in techniques of instruction upon much the same grounds as she used to substantiate the unacceptable rating for the categories of preparation and planning and knowledge of the subject matter, all essentially relating back to inadequacy of Respondent's lesson plans, or that the lesson plans were created solely for observation or to satisfy a prescription and were not for actual use. Petitioner's Exhibit 12 does not reflect a specific written prescription in this category, but Mrs. Mendez' oral testimony indicated further emphasis and helpful work on lesson plans was initiated. Respondent was next formally observed by Mr. Matlack on January 19, 1984. Respondent showed improvement this time but Mr. Matlack noted that Respondent needed to record her students' grades in her grade book more promptly as she received them. He also rated her unacceptable in classroom management primarily because of continued disruptions from tardy arrivals. Mr. Matlack directed Respondent to establish rules and regulations for students about coming into the class on time, bringing the needed materials, staying until the period ends, and prohibiting visitors into the classroom. He gave her specific suggestions on how to make these improvements and provided her with a memorandum outlining the deficiencies and prescribed help. Respondent's lesson plan for January 19, 1984, in Respondent's 1983-84 lesson plan book was only partially covered in the period observed that day by Mr. Matlack. On February 8, 1984, Mr. Lawrence rated Respondent unacceptable in classroom management on her midyear annual evaluation for 1983-84. On February 10, 1984, Mr. Lawrence held a second conference for the record with Respondent to discuss her performance assessments to date and his recommendation that she not receive a fourth year of annual contract. He also advised her that if she cleared her deficiencies, he would rescind his recommendation and would recommend a continuing contract. Respondent agreed to a fourth year annual contract. On March 13, 1984, Mr. Lawrence made his first official classroom observation of Respondent according to the TADS and found her to be very deficient. He felt that no teaching and learning were taking place. He observed her to be deficient in the areas of knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, techniques of instruction, and assessment techniques. Mrs. Lawrence found Respondent unsatisfactory in knowledge of subject matter because the definitions she gave for vocabulary words were not accurate and not appropriate. The students did not seem to understand the class work. Respondent was not gearing the lesson for all of her students. The lesson plan in Respondent's 1983-84 plan book for March 13, 1984, was not the plan Mr. Lawrence observed being implemented that date. Mr. lawrence prescribed for Respondent to prepare lesson plans for five days that detailed the sequencing of concepts and how each concept would be explained and implemented. Respondent was to include a minimum of five ideas and concepts and give the cognitive levels covered in each area. Mrs. Mendez and Mrs. Pino were recommended as resources. Respondent was rated unacceptable in classroom management because students were coming to the room late and being admitted without any evidence they had been detained elsewhere and without reprimand or punishment by Respondent. There was no evidence the students had any knowledge of the correct procedure. Step by step instructions for correcting her classroom management in this area were given to Respondent by Mr. Lawrence. Mr. Tom Shaw later helped her in this area. Mr. Lawrence rated Respondent unacceptable in techniques of instruction because the only two methods she used during the class period were writing definitions for 10 minutes and answering questions from the end of the chapter in the textbook for 45 minutes. The questions at the end of the chapter were unrelated to the vocabulary work. Respondent gave no introduction to the material. There was no evidence of the students understanding the materials, and no opening or closure to the lesson. In order to aid Respondent to improve her techniques of instruction, Mr. Lawrence recommended that Respondent develop a list of at least 10 teaching techniques or suitable teaching methods. He directed her to utilize a minimum of two methods permitting students to actively participate. He directed her to prepare lesson plans for a week that demonstrated these methods and how the students would be involved. He suggested that Mrs. Mendez and Mrs. Pino be used as resources. Respondent was rated unacceptable in assessment techniques based on four student folders selected at random, each of which contained only five test cares and one or two additional sheets of work. The work in the student folders was not representative of what should have been there so late in the school year and therefore students' work was not accurately documented and could not be properly assessed for grading the child. The help that Mr. Lawrence prescribed for Respondent was to prepare two written assessment items per week for three weeks. Each test was to contain a variety of at least three types of questions. He wanted other corrected items such as homework and class work to be contemporaneously placed in student folders. He assigned Mrs. Mendez and Mrs. Pino to help Respondent. Pursuant to Mr. Lawrence's March 13, 1984 prescription, Mrs. Mendez explained to Respondent in a memorandum what was required in the student folders. Subsequently, when Mrs. Mendez reviewed the student folders, she found a student paper consisting of one incomplete sentence fragment graded "A". The student's grammar was not graded (p 14). This one example was clearly contrary to the criteria established by Mrs. Mendez and contrary to the criteria established by Mrs. Mendez and contrary to the instructions for the assignment outlined by Respondent but it still had been graded "excellent." At hearing, Respondent denied that she gave the paper an "A" and asserted that she would require from this particular student two examples the next day. On April 24, 1984, Respondent was formally observed simultaneously by two administrators (Mrs. Mendez and Paul Hanson) and was found by both administrators to be unsatisfactory in the areas of preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. Respondent had lesson plans and objectives based on the county curriculum, but was rated unacceptable in preparation and planning because her plans were not effectively implemented. She did not fill the allocated class time although only about 10% of the planned material was covered. One of the nine listed topics was "Communism." Section 233.064, Florida Statutes, spells out the content and mandates 30 hours for curriculum in "Americanism vs. Communism." On eleven different occasions, Mr. Hanson noted students were totally off task, disruptive and loud, and discussing topics that were not relevant to the lesson on Communism. The students were talking in little groups and in Mr. Hanson's opinion nothing academic was learned by the students during the period and consequently the students might thereby fall short of the statutorily required 30 hours. As a means to help Respondent, Mrs. Mendez suggested that Respondent prepare lesson plans for one week and check with the Assistant Principal who would observe the class to see if the plans were implemented. She recommended that Respondent seek help from both herself and Mrs. Pino. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in knowledge of subject matter because the information that she provided concerning Communism was not accurate. There were a number of errors made by Respondent during the course of the lesson. Mr. Hanson prescribed help for Respondent by working with Dan Jones, Social Studies Specialist, during the week of May 11, 1984. Respondent was rated unacceptable in classroom management because of the numerous disruptions, extraneous conversations, and constant movement. Student tardiness was noted yet again. Respondent appeared frustrated but was not able to effectively control the situation and did not take any steps to correct or penalize the tardy students. As a means of helping Respondent, Mrs. Mendez suggested that Respondent work with Mr. Shaw who is the assistant principal that generally monitors attendance and discipline problems. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instruction because she did not deliver the instructional program acceptably in many areas. Also, upon the same grounds, Mr. Hanson prescribed help from Mr. Jones on this element. By memorandum dated May 7, 1984, Mr. Lawrence changed his recommendation for extended annual contract to dismissal because Respondent had failed to remediate her deficiencies and she was now more deficient than when he had observed her in March. Pursuant to Mr. Hanson's prescription of April 24, 1984, Mr. Jones worked with Respondent on May 17, 1984. He brought her material to use and discussed a number of areas: lesson planning and format, techniques, the Dade County balanced curriculum objectives, the possibility of his visiting one of her classes to provide feedback to her about her techniques of instruction, a possible policy of limiting hall passes, a technique for engaging students in group activities, and the need for having at least two activities per class. He brought three books for her to use, Ideals and Ideologies, The Russians, and Practical Methods for the Social Studies. He assisted with her lesson planning for the week of May 21-25, 1984. On May 24, 1984, Mr. Lawrence completed the annual evaluation of Respondent, rating her as deficient in preparation and planning, knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, and techniques of instruction. This constituted three more unacceptable areas than on her midyear evaluation. Mr. Jones returned to help Respondent on June 4, 1984. Based upon his visitation, he wrote several suggestions for Respondent. Subsequently, when Mr. Jones observed the class, Respondent was attempting to implement some of the recommendations he had made but the presentation was not well structured or organized. Approximately fifty percent of the class period was lost in digressions and expounding of Respondent's personal opinions. Mr. Jones testified that it is appropriate for teachers to get students to express their opinions; however, those opinions should be based on knowledge of the course concepts and should come from the students, rather than from the teacher so as to encourage students to think independently, to make rational decisions, and to not merely absorb their teacher's opinion. In time of confusion, Respondent unduly delayed clarification of instructions. Mr. Jones opined that if he had been a student, he would have had to have asked questions also and in his opinion, the students were being deprived of a minimum acceptable level of instruction. On June 7, 1984, Respondent was again formally observed by two administrators (Mr. Hanson and Mr. Shaw) using the TADS analysis system. Respondent was rated unacceptable in knowledge of subject matter, classroom management, techniques of instruction, teacher-student relationships, and assessment techniques. Respondent's performance had declined since Mr. Hanson's prior observation. She now was rated as having one acceptable category out of six. Mr. Hanson noted that the "students would have been better off to review without teacher's assistance." Respondent gave incorrect information and was very vague. She made several content errors and confused government forms with economic systems, using the terms synonymously. Mr. Hanson, under the impression that Respondent was still being recommended for a fourth year annual contract, recommended that she take course work over the summer in classroom management and subject matter. Respondent was rated unacceptable in classroom management because again there were at least nine interruptions of the same kinds as previously observed. However, where previously the Respondent had ignored inappropriate behavior, this time she indulged in a disruptive outburst reprimanding one student very loudly. There was a student in the room who had been withdrawn from school two weeks prior and recently readmitted. In returning this student to the office for a status check, Mr. Shaw missed several minutes of Respondent's class and his observation is somewhat impaired by this absence. It is to Respondent's credit that even during this period of suspension, this particular student sneaked into school to attend her class. At no time were more than half of the students observed to be on task. Mr. Shaw recommended that the Respondent work with Mr. Hanson to improve her classroom management. Respondent was rated unacceptable in techniques of instruction because there were only passive activities being pursued and there was little feedback from the students. Respondent's technique was ineffective in encouraging class discussion. There was inadequate use of media. Because the lesson was not in proper sequence, it created academic confusion. Again, Mr. Shaw recommended that Respondent seek help from Mr. Hanson. Respondent was rated unsatisfactory in teacher-student relationships because of the general lack of respect on the part of the students and because of Respondent's erratic reaction to the student's behavior. The observers prescribed the same help. Respondent was rated unacceptable in assessment techniques because there was no means of assessing whether or not the students were understanding the review process that was taking place. The observers prescribed the same help. In 1983 Respondent was referred to a nine-credit social studies course taught by Mr. Hanson at Nova University as part of the administration's attempts to help her master the subject matter of her course. She cooperated by taking the course but failed it. Complaints of misgraded, missing, and plagiarized papers arose among students in Respondent's classes. Administrators concluded that Respondent lacked an appropriate procedure for receiving, organizing, and monitoring papers for grading purposes. Students and parents complained that no effective teaching was going on and that the disorganization in the classroom even prevented individualized learning. On another occasion, Respondent was informally observed by administrators giving wrong information to students as to the number of municipalities in Dade County. Administrators also observed that her grammar, verb tenses and word choice were not a good example to her students. The undersigned observed this pattern at hearing. At the hearing, Respondent testified to an incorrect number of Florida counties. During her testimony, Respondent used the non-word, "malicy" instead of "malice." She used the word "connotatins" several times in contexts which more properly would have required either the word "confrontations" or "altercations." In no respect was "connotations" an appropriate word selection and Respondent defined the word "connotations" as meaning "disagreements." Respondent contended that her emphasis on rote copying from the board and reading aloud was an appropriate response to large classes the majority of whose members did not possess basic skills. Respondent explained that what her observers perceived as her poor grammar was actually "street talk" she intentionally used to reach culturally deprived students. While these may have been legitimate motivations, they do not excuse Respondent's never having progressed in the use of proper grammar and varied teaching techniques for communication with students when other teachers in the same school were able to do so. Respondent's explanation also does not ring true in light of Respondent's numerous grammatical and content errors during her own testimony. Mrs. Pino, the department head, offered additional help to Respondent during Respondent's three years at Miami Central Senior High School. She discussed classroom management, ways to diversify teaching, and other problems which came up on a daily basis. She discussed parent contacts in order to help with classroom management. She gave Respondent additional copies of some papers that Respondent has lost. She reviewed lesson plans with Respondent many times and on occasion would review a lesson plan with her prior to an administrator's observation. Pursuant to Mrs. Mendez' request, Mrs. Pino observed a whole period in order to help Respondent learn how to make smooth transitions from one classroom activity to another. Respondent testified that she encouraged students to borrow books from her even if it meant looking the other way when she knew they were removing them. Loaning or giving books away might be altruistic upon Respondent's part, and indeed, helpful to students' learning the subject matter or developing a love of history, reading, etc., but Respondent's practice of encouraging the fantasy of theft for learning's sake is hardly in the best interests of the child or the teaching profession. Respondent, a Negro, contended that it was her attempts to instill in her students pride in their Black heritage which resulted in her negative ratings. She based this primarily upon body language of Mr. Matlack she said she observed when she showed him the pamphlet "The Five Negro Presidents" (R-1). She claimed there existed a rehearsed "plot" by all the Petitioner's witnesses on the basis of either her minority heritage views or on the basis of her election as a steward in the union, United Teachers of Dade. This explanation is not credible. While "Black History" may certainly be a valid part or enrichment of a high school social studies curriculum, it cannot legitimately usurp all of the class time properly allotted to prescribed curriculum. Moreover, inaccurate history, even inaccurate Black History, serves no valid purpose. The undersigned finds that it was not this theme on a single occasion which observers were concerned with in rating Respondent, but the inaccuracy and confusion of her presentation of that theme which resulted in her negative rating on the one occasion to which she refers. Also this pamphlet was not used at every observation and cannot be attributed as the incentive for so many negative ratings by so many different observers. It is also noted that Mrs. Mendez and Mrs. Pino are of Hispanic background. Although Respondent has responded to criticism positively, was eager to improve, and cooperated readily in all of her observers' suggestions, she still never achieved the standards of competency required and expected by the Dade County School Board. This is so despite extensive efforts of her colleagues to help Respondent reach acceptable performance standards. Respondent has failed to teach efficiently and faithfully due to her failure to communicate and relate to the children in her classroom to such an extent that they were deprived of a minimum educational experience.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of face and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Dade County School Board enter a Final Order in Case No. 84-3171 finding Respondent guilty of incompetency, affirming her suspension, dismissing her from her employment with the Dade County School Board, and denying her any claim for back pay. Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a Final Order in Case No. 84-3171A finding Respondent guilty of incompetency and incapacity and revoking her Florida Teacher's Certificate for ten years, subject to reinstatement as provided by law. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of March 1985 in Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of March, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Craig R. Wilson, Esquire The Law Building, Suite 204 315 Third Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Madelyn P. Schere, Esquire 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 William Du Fresne, Esquire 1782 One Biscayne Tower Two South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131 Honorable Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Schools Dade County Public Schools Board Administration Building 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Mar. 19, 2013 Number: 13-001042 Latest Update: Feb. 28, 2014

The Issue Should Petitioner, Pinellas County School Board (School Board or Board), terminate the employment of Respondent, Rose M. Dacanay, for the reasons that follow: Violation of Board Policy 4140A(9), incompetence? Violation of Board Policy 4140A(9)(a), failure to perform the duties of the position? Violation of Board Policy 4140A(19), failure to correct performance deficiencies? Violation of Board Policy 4140A(20), insubordination? Violation of Board Policy 4140A(24), failure to comply with Board policy, state law, or contractual agreement?

Findings Of Fact The Pinellas County School District has employed Ms. Dacanay since August 2005. She has worked as a teacher assistant and as an exceptional student education (ESE) associate. At the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, Ms. Dacanay worked as an ESE associate assigned to the Paul B. Stephens Exceptional Student Education Center (Paul B. Stephens). The Center serves vulnerable students with significant developmental disabilities and medical needs. ESE associates work under a classroom teacher's direct supervision. They must assist the teacher in all aspects of both the care and the education of the students. During the first semester of the 2011-2012 school year, Ms. Dacanay worked in the classroom of Paulette Pickering. Because Ms. Dacanay's performance in Ms. Pickering's class was not satisfactory, the principal, Gail Cox, reassigned her to the classroom of Linda Vest for the second semester, which started January 2012. Ms. Cox selected Ms. Vest's classroom because it did not have as many students as Ms. Pickering's, and the class was not as demanding. The reassignment was to give Ms. Dacanay an opportunity to improve her skills and continue working at the school. Also during 2011, Ms. Cox, along with other administrators and a teacher's union representative, met in October and November with Ms. Dacanay four times to review multiple deficiencies in her performance and offer improvement plans. In the meeting held November 10, 2011, Ms. Cox encouraged Ms. Dacanay to apply for other positions in the school system that would not be so demanding and would be a better fit for her. In January of 2012, Ms. Cox spoke to Ms. Dacanay and told her very directly, "This is not working, Rose. You need to find a different job. Even though everyone is nice and polite, you're still not doing your job, and you need to find another one that better fits your skills." Ms. Dacanay did not take this advice. She worked the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year at Paul B. Stephens. After summer break, she returned to employment in the 2012-2013 school year. She was assigned to assist Kim Gilbert. The students of Paul B. Stephens have emotional, mental, and physical disabilities. Many have severe and multiple disabilities. They are dependent upon the services of their teachers and teacher assistants. One of the students in Ms. Gilbert's class required the use of Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthotics (DAFOS). These are hard plastic inserts positioned around a child's foot before putting on the child's shoe. They must be positioned and wedged on carefully to avoid hurting the student. After correct placement, they are strapped on. The DAFOS are individually made for each wearer's feet. Ms. Dacanay had been instructed and trained on how to put DAFOS on. DAFOS position a child's foot to cure or resist deformity. They are uncomfortable even when properly applied. When DAFOS are put on the wrong foot, they are painful and can cause blisters and sores. They also do not properly perform their rehabilitative function. On October 23, 2012, Ms. Dacanay put a student's DAFOS on backwards. This would cause the student pain and eliminate the benefits of the DAFOS. Fortunately, Ms. Gilbert spotted the mistake and corrected it. The same student also needed and wore an arm splint. Ms. Dacanay had been instructed and trained on how to fasten the arm splints. On October 24, 2012, Ms. Dacanay was improperly fastening the arm splint. Ms. Gilbert noticed and corrected her. In 2012, Ms. Dacanay's duties included placing wheelchair-bound students in the bus and securing their wheelchairs. This service is critical to the students' safety and the safety of the other students. It requires properly fastening the students in their chairs with chest and foot straps to prevent them from falling from the chair or injuring their feet during transportation. Ms. Dacanay was trained in securing the students and their wheelchairs for transport. On October 29, 2012, Ms. Dacanay did not fasten the chest straps on one student's wheelchair. On October 30, 2012, Ms. Dacanay did not properly secure a student's feet for transport on the bus. Fortunately each time, other employees noticed the errors and corrected them. On another occasion, Ms. Dacanay did not properly fasten the chest strap of a student in a wheelchair on the bus. Another ESE associate checked the student's straps and tightened them properly. The students' wheelchairs were also strapped tightly in the bus to prevent movement or falling. Ms. Dacanay was properly trained on how to secure the bus hook-up straps. From October forward, Ms. Dacanay routinely failed to properly secure students for the bus. A fellow ESE associate regularly observed this and began routinely checking and tightening the straps for the students. Specifically, Ms. Dacanay did not properly fasten the wheelchair hook-ups on November 14 and December 4, 2012. Despite the fact that properly securing the wheelchairs was one of her duties, on December 4, 2012, Ms. Dacanay asked a student why he had not hooked up the side straps on his wheelchair. Ms. Dacanay's neglect of the task of securing students in their wheelchairs was so common that the other ESE associates who worked in Ms. Gilbert's class were concerned for the children's safety. Consequently, they regularly checked the wheelchairs of students for whom Ms. Dacanay was responsible to ensure that the students were properly secured and safe. They often found the straps loose and secured them. Swimming was part of the curriculum and services for some students. On November 5, 2012, while bringing students back from the pool, Ms. Dacanay used only one hand to push a student in a tall, cumbersome therapy chair. The chair was tall, unstable, and very difficult to maneuver along the sidewalk. With her other hand, Ms. Dacanay was escorting another student. Two other ESE associates yelled at her to stop. Ms. Dacanay did not, and the chair "wobbled" and went off the sidewalk. Ms. Dacanay was taking prescription medicine. She did not properly secure it, and a pill fell to the bathroom floor. Ms. Gilbert found the pill and gave it to the school nurse, Tomeka Miller. Ms. Dacanay went to Ms. Miller and asked her to return the pill. She also asked if anyone else knew about the pill. Ms. Miller advised Ms. Dacanay that Ms. Gilbert knew. The ready availability of the pill to the students with disabilities represented a potential risk to the students. One of the students for whom Ms. Dacanay was responsible was blind and had other issues. In the words of his teacher, Ms. Gilbert: That was my student who was blind. In addition to having a lot of other issues, he's a student who is transported in a wheelchair and he kind of cruises around furniture, but it's not a walker. He's very, very difficult, very strong, very stubborn. He has a lot of sensory issues, so you can't hurry him to do anything. It just makes the problem worse. Ms. Dacanay was aware of the student's issues and needs. On November 8, 2012, Ms. Dacanay was hurrying the student back into the classroom. She was urging him on and saying "come on, let's go." He became agitated. Ms. Gilbert instructed Ms. Dacanay to let the student calm down. Ms. Dacanay did not. This detrimentally affected the rest of the morning routine, including the student's therapy schedule. Ms. Dacanay denied each of the events described above. Her denials are not credible judged in light of the conflicting testimony, consistency of testimony among several witnesses, and consistent reports in contemporaneously created documents. In addition, Ms. Dacanay regularly displayed an inability to perform her work or learn her duties. Despite repeated instructions, she failed to correctly perform routine functions. When she worked with her students and the physical education teacher, Darlene Tickner, Ms. Tickner had to repeat instructions and requests multiple times to get her to work. Ms. Dacanay's inability to understand her duties caused Ms. Tickner to develop a "Teacher Associate Class Expectations" worksheet to help remind Ms. Dacanay and the other associates of their fundamental duties. Although the worksheet was given to all associates, Ms. Dacanay's repeated inability to perform the duties of her position was the reason Ms. Tickner prepared the worksheet. Although Ms. Dacanay was only responsible for seven students, she could not even remember their names. Ms. Dacanay also demonstrated a pattern of not paying attention to the students, preferring instead to perform chores. For instance on September 19, 2012, when Ms. Dacanay should have been assisting with a student activity, she left the classroom area for about ten minutes and spent her time folding and storing student bathing suits. This was after she had read and signed the "Class Expectations" worksheet that listed "Focus on the students and the activity, not chores" first. On another occasion, Ms. Dacanay neglected to bring a blind student who also needed a wheelchair, because of cerebral palsy, to the physical education class. Ms. Tickner asked Ms. Dacanay where the student was. Ms. Dacanay said "she didn't know." Ms. Tickner sent Ms. Dacanay back to the classroom to get the student. Ms. Dacanay returned without the student and said "she couldn't get him into his chair." Ms. Tickner had to go get the student and bring him to the class. As the "Class Expectation" worksheet notes and Ms. Tickner had emphasized, class participation was important for the students and participation with the students was an important part of the associate's job. Once when Ms. Tickner specifically instructed Ms. Dacanay to work with the other associates getting the students in and out of the pool, Ms. Dacanay disobeyed. Instead, she followed a mobile student who did not need assistance around. On another occasion, Ms. Dacanay was supposed to prepare the students for swimming. She removed the diaper from a child who was not going swimming. Similar issues and concerns about Ms. Dacanay's focus and attention to her duties caused the physical education teacher the year before, Mark Manley, to conclude that he could not leave the room if Ms. Dacanay was working with the students. She repeatedly demonstrated problems "focusing on tasks, staying on task . . . inability to stay with a program all the time." The problems Ms. Dacanay had during the 2012-2013 school year were similar to earlier performance failures during her time at Paul B. Stephens when she was working with Ms. Pickering. Ms. Cox met with Ms. Dacanay on October 18, 2012. The letter of reprimand following that meeting summarized the failings identified above and others. The letter advised Ms. Dacanay: [Y]ou appear to avoid work, especially toileting/changing student. Your ability to learn your job or perform your work responsibilities has been questioned and requires your teacher to constantly monitor you to ensure student safety. For example you appear not to remember which student uses which chair nor how to secure students in their chairs. This has happened several times. After 3-4 weeks in school you still needed direction to assist students with table activities before morning group. You have been off-task during PE and you were not able to monitor students assigned to you when they were in the pool. You also fell asleep during music class. In addition to classroom issues the assistants on the bus with you have stated that you pretend to forget how to hook up wheelchairs and harnesses, and do not do your share on the bus. You also fall asleep regularly on the way home in the afternoon which also puts more work on the other assistants. Before working at Paul B. Stephens, Ms. Dacanay received less than satisfactory ratings on her evaluations beginning on February 20, 2007, at Largo High School, where her evaluation noted that she needed to improve punctuality and that she left her assigned area without notifying the teacher. In all, between February 20, 2007, and February 10, 2011, Ms. Dacanay's evaluations reflect 16 instances of being evaluated as unsatisfactory or in need of improvement in areas that include punctuality, judgment, job knowledge, quality of work, quantity of work, initiative and attendance. The weight of the persuasive, credible evidence established that Ms. Dacanay was not competent to perform her duties, did not perform her duties, and did not improve her performance despite being given repeated opportunities to improve.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Pinellas County School Board enter a final order finding that there is just cause to terminate Ms. Dacanay's employment and terminating her professional service contract for just cause pursuant to section 1012.33, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of November, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of November, 2013.

Florida Laws (7) 1001.421012.221012.231012.271012.331012.40120.569
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Brooksville, Florida Apr. 22, 2015 Number: 15-002319TTS Latest Update: Oct. 26, 2015

The Issue Whether Respondent, Teresa Wimmer, violated Florida Administrative Code Rules 6A-10.080, the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in Florida (Code of Ethics), or 6A-10.081, the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida (Principles of Professional Conduct), as alleged in the Hernando County School Board’s March 9, 2015, notice of recommendation of termination, and March 24, 2015, modification of that notice; and, if so, the nature of the sanctions.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the system of public schools in Hernando County, Florida. Art. IX, § 4(b), Fla. Const.; § 1001.32, Fla. Stat. Petitioner has the authority to discipline instructional staff and other school employees. § 1012.22(1)(f), Fla. Stat. Respondent has been a teacher at Pine Grove for roughly 11 years. During the 2014-2015 school year, Respondent was a teacher of first-grade students, with a class of approximately 18 students. As a classroom teacher, Respondent was expected to comply with the 2014-2015 Staff Handbook. Among the provisions applicable to Respondent was the following: TOUCHING STUDENTS Employees are advised that they should not touch students in any way except for the protection of the health, safety and/or welfare of a student or for protection of themselves. Respondent has been the subject of several disciplinary proceedings over the years. In September 2004, Respondent was involved in an employee conference for grabbing a student’s arm on two occasions to correct misbehaviors, the result of which appeared to be a reprimand. The report of the employee conference was to remain in the school file for one year. In January 2006, Respondent was involved in an employee conference for making derogatory comments regarding a student and allowing classmates to do the same. Respondent was required to re-read the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice forms and write a letter of apology to the student and parents. The employee conference report closed with “[a]ny further behaviors involving embarrassment to students will result in further disciplinary action.” In September 2013, Respondent was involved in an incident that is of more direct relevance to this proceeding. In that instance, Respondent was accused of roughly handling students in her classroom. As a result, she was offered, and accepted, a Stipulation for Employee Discipline and Last Chance Agreement (Stipulation). In the Stipulation, Respondent acknowledged that she “engaged in misconduct by having inappropriate and unprofessional interactions with students in her classroom” and that such conduct “warrants disciplinary action up to and including termination.” In lieu of termination, the School Board and Respondent agreed that she would be suspended for ten days and, thereafter, serve a probationary period for the remainder of the 2013-2014 school year. The Stipulation further provided that Respondent “agrees that she will not engage in the conduct which gave rise to this Stipulation at any time or any place so long as she is an employee of the Hernando County School District. Further, [Respondent] understands that if she does engage in misconduct, it will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.” Respondent successfully completed the terms of her probation without incident. School principals, assistant principals, guidance counselors, and persons in similar duties are trained in Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI), which is an approved method of restraining or transporting completely out-of-control students or removing children from the classroom. CPI training is not provided as a matter of course to classroom teachers. Respondent has not received CPI training. Holding a student’s hand is not a CPI hold. There is nothing inherently inappropriate with a teacher taking a student by the hand and walking with the student. The 2014-2015 Staff Handbook provides, in the section entitled “Return of Students to Classroom (Authority of the Teacher),” that: Teachers should follow their school’s procedure for the removal of students who are acting out. Suggestions include: having an adult accompany the student from the class or requesting an administrator to come to the class. (emphasis added). The routine procedure for removal of a disruptive or unruly student from the classroom is for the classroom teacher to call the office, whereupon Ms. Johnson, Ms. Kasten, or a guidance counselor, each of whom are trained in CPI, would go to the room, try to calm the student, and, if warranted, take the student to the office. Despite the procedure described above, Ms. Kasten testified that teachers, on occasion, “would bring the student down for me to talk to or the guidance counselor to talk to.” In such instances, “[t]hey would just walk them down” to the office. Although the teacher would usually call the office first, the evidence did not support a finding that a call was required or necessary, or that it happened in each event. Although the timing of those other events of taking students to the office was described as generally occurring “during their planning period or whatever, if they were at specials or whatever,” the preponderance of the evidence supports a finding that the act of walking a student to the office, per se, does not constitute a violation of the Code of Ethics, the Principles of Professional Conduct, or the School Board Staff Handbook and that the school has not previously determined it to be so. Among the reasons for having teachers call the office for assistance with disruptive students is to limit those periods in which a teacher may leave students unattended or, as in this case, leave a co-teacher responsible for up to 36 students while the disruptive student was walked to the office. However, Ms. Tyree testified that there have been times when she would ask Respondent to “keep an eye on [her] class” while she went to attend to other things, and vice versa. There was no suggestion that asking a co-teacher to watch over a class was improper, as long as “your class is covered.” In the weeks prior to February 4, 2015, J.S., a student in Respondent’s classroom, had become increasingly disruptive in the classroom. The behaviors ranged from J.S. talking in “baby-talk” and rolling crayons on his desk, to choking another student with a lanyard. Respondent did not know why J.S.’s behavior had spiraled out of control, but indicated to Ms. Kasten that it was creating a problem for her ability not only to teach J.S., but to teach the other students in her classroom. The office was called on three occasions to deal with J.S., and Ms. Kasten went to the class to address the situations. On two occasions, J.S. remained in the classroom after Ms. Kasten’s intervention. On one occasion, Ms. Kasten removed J.S. from the classroom. On the occasion when Ms. Kasten removed him from Respondent’s classroom, J.S. was walking around the room and disturbing the other students. Ms. Kasten could not get J.S. to listen to her. Thus, she decided to take J.S. to the office. She did not employ her CPI training or use a CPI hold, but took him by the hand “with the idea of keeping him from getting away.” During the walk to the office, J.S. “was pulling a little bit” to try and get away.1/ There was no suggestion that the actions of Ms. Kasten in taking J.S. by the hand and walking him to the office were inappropriate or contrary to the Code of Ethics, the Principles of Professional Conduct, or the School Board Staff Handbook. On the afternoon of February 3, 2015, Ms. Kasten met with Respondent to discuss the behavior of J.S. in her classroom. Respondent was upset and frustrated with J.S.’s unruly behavior and wanted to know what could be done about it. Ms. Kasten suggested that the two of them could work to develop a behavior plan for J.S. and indicated that she would bring a plan to Respondent the next day for them to work on. The incident that forms the basis of this proceeding occurred on February 4, 2015. As students were entering the class for the day, Respondent heard screaming and the words “stop hitting me.” She turned and saw J.S. striking a female student with his fists. Respondent was able to verbally quell the disturbance. However, after initially returning to his seat, J.S. went to the back of the room where he began kicking table legs and other items. Respondent asserted that prior to her taking the student to the office, she called Ms. Kasten to advise her that she would be doing so and received permission from Ms. Kasten. Ms. Kasten had no recollection of having received any such call. The telephone records admitted at the hearing do not reflect that any calls were placed between Respondent’s line and the office.2/ There was no evidence to support a finding that the telephone records maintained by the school were unreliable. The greater weight of the evidence indicates that Respondent did not receive prior approval before taking the student to the office on the morning of February 4, 2015. However, the issue of whether Respondent received or did not receive permission to take J.S. to the office, and whether the act of doing so violated any school policy, was not pled as a basis for Respondent’s termination. On her way out of the classroom with J.S., Respondent passed through the classroom of her co-teacher, Ms. Tyree, with whom she shared a paired classroom, and stated to her something to the effect of “[c]an you watch my class? They told me to take [J.S.] to the office.” Although not a frequent occurrence, it was not unusual for Respondent and Ms. Tyree, as paired teachers, to watch one another’s classes while the other was out for short periods. In this case, Respondent’s class was covered while she walked J.S. to the office. Respondent took J.S. by the hand and tucked his arm inside her arm. Although J.S. did not want to go to the office, his resistance was described by Ms. Tyree as “verbal like ‘I don't want to go, I don't want to go.’ But there wasn't a, like, a tug of war going on there.” Respondent indicated that she took J.S. by the hand in order to keep him safe. Given J.S.’s actions of physically assaulting a fellow student, followed by continued physical agitation at the back of the room, Respondent’s concern for safety, not only for J.S., but for the other students in her charge, was warranted. The walk to the office was captured by the school’s video system. The video covered the time from 8:33:00 to 8:33:58. Respondent and J.S. are clearly visible in the video for approximately 30 seconds, from frame 08:33:04 to frame 08:33:32. The video is somewhat grainy, and certain details are not readily observable. However, the video is consistent with Respondent’s statement that she was holding J.S. by the hand. Thus, the preponderance of the evidence supports that Respondent was holding J.S. by the hand as she walked with him to the office and not by the “wrist area,” as surmised by Ms. Johnson. At frames 08:33:12 and 08:33:13, J.S. appears to briefly resist Respondent’s efforts to take him to the office by trying to remove his hand from Respondent’s hand as they walked side-by-side. Despite his resistance, Respondent was not “pulling/dragging” J.S. during those frames. At frames 08:33:18 and 08:33:19, J.S. appears to briefly pull away from Respondent. The action was that of J.S., not of Respondent. Respondent did not release J.S., but neither did she pull or drag J.S. The action at frames 08:33:18 and 08:33:19 is entirely consistent with that described by Ms. Kasten when giving the account of her earlier walk to the office with J.S. -- which did not involve a CPI hold -- when J.S. “was pulling a little bit” to try and get away. Despite J.S.’s efforts to pull away in both instances, neither Respondent nor Ms. Kasten was “pulling/dragging” J.S. during their walks to the office. For the remainder of the walk to the office, Respondent and J.S. walked side-by-side at a consistent pace. The evidence suggests that J.S. was vocal in his reluctance to be taken to the office, consistent with the description of his verbal resistance when being taken from the classroom as described by Ms. Tyree. The verbal resistance apparently continued, as evidenced by the reaction of the boy using the walker, who comes into the picture at frame 08:33:22. However, J.S.’s verbal protestations did not involve pulling or dragging and do not form the basis of a violation of the Code of Ethics, the Principles of Professional Conduct, or the School Board Staff Handbook. Respondent’s actions, though firm, did not appear to be aggressive. They were consistent with the description offered by Ms. Tyree, who testified that, as to the Respondent’s walk through her classroom, “there wasn't an altercation of, like, dragging or, you know -- it wasn't -- she was walking, he was walking. But he wasn't happy, you could tell that he didn't want to.” As Respondent entered the office with J.S., Ms. Kasten, the elementary assistant, was in the office, though on the other side of the office. Respondent approached the office with J.S. The door to the office opens out. It occasionally slams, and Ms. Kasten has seen it slam on students. In order to ensure J.S.’s safety, Respondent placed both of her hands on his arms to move him through the door and into the office. Respondent yelled for Ms. Kasten to “take him.” Ms. Kasten observed that Respondent was trying to get J.S. into the doorway to someone who could help. Although Respondent’s calls for Ms. Kasten to take J.S. were loud, her tone of voice was not pled as a basis for Respondent’s termination. Upon their entry into the office, Ms. Kasten went over to Respondent and J.S. J.S. stopped resisting once he saw Ms. Kasten. There was no evidence that J.S. was physically harmed in any way, i.e., there were no bruises, scratches, or marks of any kind. Respondent indicated to Ms. Kasten that J.S. had come to class very angry and was physically fighting with his female cousin. Ms. Kasten’s contemporaneous statement of the incident indicated that J.S. was “very upset that he had a fight with his sister.”3/ There was no suggestion that J.S. was upset about his walk to the office with Respondent. Ms. Kasten took J.S. off to the side and talked with him. After J.S. calmed down, Ms. Kasten advised Respondent that she would handle the situation from there, and Respondent left the office. J.S. was ultimately kept in the in-school suspension room for an hour or two. Ms. Kasten reported the incident to Ms. Johnson, who was not in her office or out front and did not witness the event. Shortly thereafter, in a conversation regarding other matters, Ms. Johnson reported to Ms. Martin at the District office that Respondent “brought a student in yelling and dragging.” Ms. Johnson was instructed to immediately remove Respondent from student contact. Ms. Johnson called to Respondent’s classroom and left a message with Respondent that she needed to speak with her. The following day, a meeting was convened to discuss the incident. Present at the meeting were Ms. Johnson, Respondent, and Respondent’s union representative. The confidential secretary to the school principal, Mr. Deen, was also in attendance to take minutes of the meeting. During her February 5, 2015, interview regarding the incident, Respondent indicated that “I was keeping him safe. I was holding his hand at first and he was okay. Then he started pulling away from me and I wanted to make sure he didn't hurt himself.” Her statement is consistent with the video. During the meeting, Respondent remained adamant that she had called Ms. Kasten and received the instruction to bring J.S. to the office. In conjunction with the investigation of the incident by Petitioner, Ms. Johnson reported the incident to the Department of Children and Families. The School Board received nothing from the Department of Children and Families to suggest that it found wrongdoing on the part of Respondent. Ms. Johnson believed, based on the information conveyed to her, that there was no reason for Respondent to remove the disruptive student from the classroom and that such action did not follow the protocol for the school for the removal of an unruly student. The alleged breach of protocol involved in taking the child to the office was not pled as a basis for Respondent’s termination. On February 18, 2015, Respondent was advised of the opportunity for a pre-determination meeting to be held the following week. Respondent took advantage of the opportunity. The pre-determination meeting was held on February 25, 2015. In attendance were Respondent, Ms. Martin, labor counsel Tom Gonzales, Ms. Johnson, and Joann Hartage, who appeared to be representing Respondent. Ms. Martin’s secretary, Sherrie Kudla, was also in attendance to take minutes of the meeting. During the pre-determination meeting, Respondent gave her account of the incident and was questioned, primarily by Ms. Martin. In addition to questions regarding the walk to the office, Ms. Martin asked about interviews of Respondent’s students undertaken by Ms. Johnson, which Ms. Martin found to be “very concerning.” Among the issues raised by Ms. Martin was “their perception [] that you yell and get aggravated with students and that you’re mean to [J.S.].” Although Respondent stated that she had read the statements, she was not involved in the interviews, and had no opportunity to ascertain the accuracy of the statements. More to the point, whether Respondent yelled or was a mean teacher was not pled as a basis for Respondent’s termination. At the conclusion of the pre-determination meeting, Ms. Martin conferred with the school superintendent, and the decision was made to recommend to the School Board that Respondent be terminated from employment. By letter dated March 9, 2015, Respondent was advised that, as a result of her “pulling/dragging a student to the front office,” the District determined that she had violated rules 6A-10.080(2) and (3), rules 6A-10.81(3)(a) and (3)(e), and the School Board Policy/Staff Handbook; that she was suspended with pay; and that she had the right to appeal the recommendation of termination. On March 23, 2015, Respondent appealed the recommendation of termination. By letter dated March 24, 2015, Respondent was notified that the recommendation to the School Board would be modified to one of suspension without pay, effective April 22, 2015, and referral of her appeal to the Division of Administrative Hearings. At the April 21, 2015, meeting of the School Board, the School Board authorized that this case be referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings, whereupon this case ensued. Ultimate Findings of Fact Based upon the facts as set forth herein, Petitioner failed to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that Respondent engaged in an incident of “pulling/dragging a student to the front office.” The preponderance of the evidence supports a finding that Respondent walked J.S. to the office and, despite J.S.’s verbal protestations and brief efforts to resist, did so in a safe and effective manner. Any “pulling” was brief and on the part of J.S., not on the part of Respondent. There was no “dragging.” The preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that a teacher’s act of walking an unruly or disruptive student to the office is not, in and of itself, a violation of any applicable procedure or standard and has not been determined to be so in the past. The preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that there is nothing inherently inappropriate or improper with a teacher taking a student by the hand and walking with the student. Issues of whether Respondent received telephonic approval to take J.S. to the office, should have left Ms. Tyree to watch her class, spoke to Ms. Kasten in a loud voice, or was loud or mean with her students were not pled as bases for Respondent’s termination, and, thus, cannot form the basis for any disciplinary sanction.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Hernando County School Board, enter a final order: dismissing the March 9, 2015, notice of recommendation of termination; reinstating Respondent to a position equivalent to that previously held with the Hernando County School Board; and to the extent there is a statute, rule, employment contract, or collective bargaining agreement that authorizes back pay as a remedy for Respondent’s wrongful termination/suspension without pay, Respondent should be awarded full back pay and benefits. See Sch. Bd. of Seminole Cnty. v. Morgan, 582 So. 2d 787, 788 (Fla. 5th DCA 1991); Brooks v. Sch. Bd. of Brevard Cnty., 419 So. 2d 659, 661 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982). DONE AND ENTERED this 25th day of August, 2015, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of August, 2015.

Florida Laws (6) 1001.321012.221012.33120.569120.5790.803
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 08, 2017 Number: 17-006145PL Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Feb. 22, 2017 Number: 17-001221PL Latest Update: Jul. 26, 2018

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Eric Delucia (Respondent or Mr. Delucia) violated sections 1012.795(1)(c), (g), or (j), Florida Statutes, and implementing administrative rules, as alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what is the appropriate sanction.

Findings Of Fact The Commissioner is the state agent responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding educator certificates. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Amended Administrative Complaint, Mr. Delucia held Florida Educator's Certificate 915677, covering the areas of English, English for Speakers of Other Languages, Business Education, and Marketing, which is valid through June 30, 2019. At all times relevant to the Amended Administrative Complaint, Mr. Delucia was employed as a language arts teacher in the Broward County School District. Mr. Delucia stored the documents listed in Petitioner's Exhibit P-2 on his computer, as stipulated by the parties. Mr. Delucia was employed at Cooper City High School during the 2011/2012 school year. Ms. Doll was the principal. Principal Doll testified that Mr. Delucia was in the initial stages of a cycle of assistance during that year. He received a memo outlining expectations and concerns, and was observed by several people. Principal Doll indicated she believed that he had deficiencies in instructional planning, classroom management, lesson plan presentation, and lesson plan delivery. However, Principal Doll confirmed that Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score was a 2.954 for the period January 2012 through May 2012 at Cooper City High School, which was within the "effective" range. Principal Doll stated that there were concerns about his performance based on observations that were done earlier that warranted an outside observer, but those observations were not used for the evaluation. He was never placed on a Professional Development Plan while at Cooper City High School. Respondent requested a hardship transfer and was moved to Ramblewood for the following school year. On January 1, 2013, Mr. Delucia was admitted to the hospital following a series of strokes. Respondent received "effective" scores in both the Student Growth and Instructional Practice components, as well as his overall Final Evaluation for the 2012/2013 school year at Ramblewood. Respondent was subsequently on medical leave of absence during the 2013/2014 school year. On July 1, 2014, Ms. Smith became the principal at Ramblewood. On August 11, 2014, Mr. Delucia returned to Ramblewood from medical leave. On August 14, 2014, Principal Smith was inspecting all of the classrooms at Ramblewood to ensure that they were prepared for the first day of school. She felt that Mr. Delucia's classroom was not ready for students, because it needed a little bit of "warmth." On August 28, 2014, Principal Smith conducted a formal evaluation in Mr. Delucia's classroom. She concluded that the lesson had no clear focus and that it was not on the appropriate grade level for the students he was teaching. In early September, there was a complaint that Mr. Delucia was putting up students' grades on a board in his room. However, Mr. Delucia testified that he posted the grades only by student number, not by name. There was no competent evidence to the contrary. On October 30, 2014, in introducing the genre of mythology to his students, Mr. Delucia made the comment that "[t]he gods viewed humans as pets or sexual toys." While not an appropriate comment for middle school students, there was no suggestion that Mr. Delucia elaborated or pursued this statement further, and this incident did not constitute ineffective teaching. There was no evidence that it caused students embarrassment or harmed students' mental health. There was testimony that on October 30, 2014, Mr. Delucia also spent class time explaining that the fact that a Star Wars' character had no father would have been taboo in 1976 and discussing that the episodes of that movie series were released out of the chronological order of the story. While the discussion may have gotten a bit off track, it was not clearly shown that discussion of fiction was unrelated to the concept of mythology, might not have enhanced students' understanding of the topic, or was ineffective teaching. While it was clearly shown that Mr. Delucia made the statement, "These kids have the memories of gnats," it was clear that this was said when no students were present and in defense of his actions in discussing fantasy and fables. On December 2, 2014, Respondent said to a student in an angry and loud voice, "Don't you even piss me off." This warning, given in response to the student's statement that the student did not understand something, was inappropriate in language and tone, harmful to learning, and harmful to the student's mental health. Mr. Delucia's statement that he was not visibly angry or speaking in a loud voice on this occasion is not credited. On December 8, 2014, Mr. Delucia met with Ms. Poindexter, his new peer reviewer. At one point in their conversation, he talked about his former principal, Ms. Doll, referring to her battle with cancer. He stated, "She will kick the bucket soon because she has cancer and no one will care when she is gone." He stated, "She's the devil." Mr. Delucia also referred to his current principal, Ms. Smith, as "the devil." He stated, "My motivation is to destroy her with everything I have" and that he "wished the ground would open up and swallow her." Mr. Delucia also referred to the administrative staff as "assholes" and used multiple profanities, stating, "They do not know who they are messing with, but they will find out soon." Student A.F. testified that he heard Mr. Delucia tell Student C.D. that he should jump off of a bridge with a bungee cord wrapped around his neck; tell Student C.D. that if he was a speed bump, he (Mr. Delucia) would run over him; and tell Student C.D. to kill himself a couple of times. However, Student A.F. provided no detail or context for these alleged statements, some of which seemed to involve an incident involving an entirely different student who he testified was not even in his class. He was not a credible witness. On January 8, 2015, Ms. Sheffield observed Mr. Delucia using a four-page packet to teach punctuation to his seventh- grade language arts class. Ms. Sheffield told Mr. Delucia that this was not really part of the seventh-grade curriculum. Mr. Delucia made a statement to the effect of "these students don't know anything, not even the basics, so we have to start somewhere." There was no allegation that this comment was made in front of the students. From the period August 21, 2014, through December 3, 2014, Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score was 1.916, and he was placed on a 90-day Professional Development Plan. Numerous observations by Dr. Jones and Principal Smith followed through the remainder of the school year. Mr. Delucia's Instructional Practice Score improved slightly, but was still less than effective. On January 12, 2015, Ms. Sheffield noticed that one of the vocabulary words written on Mr. Delucia's board for his students was "retard." Ms. Sheffield said she assumed that Mr. Delucia meant the slang term sometimes used as a noun to refer to persons with mental disabilities. Such use of the term, as a shortened form of the word "retarded," would be offensive and disparaging. Ms. Sheffield said that they talked about the fact that it is not appropriate to use the word "retard" as a noun as a reference to the disabled. She testified that he did not respond. At hearing, Mr. Delucia admitted using "retard" as a vocabulary word, but testified that he included the word as a verb, meaning to slow down or delay. Ms. Sheffield testified she did not hear him speak the term, or say anything about it, and there was no other testimony regarding this event. Mr. Delucia admitted that he often said, "If your writing looks like garbage and smells like garbage, then it is garbage." Ms. Sheffield stated that she told Mr. Delucia he might try to find another way to encourage students to write neatly in their journals that was a more positive comment or allowed students to take pride in their writing. On January 26, 2015, Ms. Sheffield testified that when a student returned late from lunch, Mr. Delucia and the student began arguing. Ms. Sheffield credibly testified that Mr. Delucia screamed at the student, "This isn't going to end up good for you. Just shut up." On February 4, 2015, Student A.W. had come in late to Mr. Delucia's class and was acting out in the back of the classroom. When asked why, her response was that other people also did it. Mr. Delucia responded, "If other people jump off of a bridge, would you jump off a bridge, too?" Student A.W., after a moment of silence, retorted, "Yeah, if you give me a bungee cord." Mr. Delucia replied, "If there is a bungee cord, you should wrap it around your neck before you jump." The class started laughing. Student A.W. replied, "You just told me to kill myself, I am telling the office." Mr. Delucia then asked Student A.W. to leave the classroom. While Student A.W. had a disrespectful attitude, Respondent's caustic comments to her were intentionally made in a spirit of mocking humor to subject Student A.W. to embarrassment in front of the class. A class grade graph prepared during the third quarter of the 2014/2015 school year documented that 68 percent of his students were failing at that time. No similar graph for any other quarter of that year, or for other years, was submitted in evidence. On April 7, 2015, the students in Mr. Delucia's class were supposed to be studying Latin and Greek roots of words, but one student did not have a packet and asked Mr. Delucia for one. After Mr. Delucia handed him the packet, the student said, "There is a footprint on this." Mr. Delucia responded, "Get working on studying or else I will call your father." The student replied, "Please don't." Mr. Delucia then said, "Why, because you don't want to get a footprint on your face?" Ms. Sheffield testified that during her observations, she never saw Mr. Delucia standing up interacting with his students. She said she never saw him deliver a lesson to students. For the 2014/2015 school year, Mr. Delucia's score for the instructional practice component on his evaluation was 2.002, a "needs improvement" rating, while his score for both the deliberate practice/growth plans and student data components was recorded as exactly 3.0. The final evaluation for Mr. Delucia in 2014/2015, computed by combining these unequally weighted scores, was 2.511, an "effective" rating.1/ Mr. Delucia was transferred to Piper High School for the 2015/2016 school year. The administration there did not place Mr. Delucia on a Professional Development Plan. Mr. Delucia has not been subjected to disciplinary action during his time at Piper High School, and he has exhibited positive rapport with his students and colleagues. Mr. Delucia's weighted overall evaluation score for the 2015/2016 school year at Piper High School was 2.831, "effective." Mr. Delucia's demeanor at hearing was defiant. His testimony was sometimes evasive and defensive.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is: RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Eric Delucia in violation of section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-10.081(3)(a), (3)(e), and (5)(e); imposing a fine of $3,000.00; placing him on probation under conditions specified by the Commission for a period of two years; and imposing costs of investigation and prosecution. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S F. SCOTT BOYD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 2017.

Florida Laws (7) 1012.331012.341012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.68
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-000395 Latest Update: Jul. 03, 1985

Findings Of Fact Respondent Robert L. Collins has been employed by the School Board of Dade County, Florida as a teacher for the last twenty-four years and is on continuing contract. For approximately the last seven of those years, Respondent has been teaching Industrial Arts at Miami Killian Senior High School. Between late September 1983, and November 23, 1983, Jonathan Wright was a student in Respondent's Plastics class. On November 23, 1983, Wright came into Respondent's Plastics class wearing a hat, which is against school rules. Respondent directed Wright to remove his hat which he did. Later in that same class Respondent saw Wright sitting by the engraver again wearing that hat. Respondent removed the hat from Wright's head and advised Wright that if he put the hat on another time Respondent would send him to the principal's office. At approximately 5 minutes before the end of the class period, Respondent instructed the students that it was time to clean up the shop area. Wright and some of the other students began gathering at the door. Respondent motioned to those students to come back into the classroom and away from the door, which some of them did. Wright, however, did not. Respondent then specifically directed Wright to get away from the door. Instead of obeying, Wright put up a hand and a foot in a karate type posture but clearly in a playful manner. As a normal reaction in the context of the situation, Respondent did likewise. Respondent then turned back toward the class at which time Wright grabbed him by the legs and pulled him down to the floor. Respondent and Wright were rolling around on the floor in a small alcove area, and Respondent was unable to get loose from Wright's grip. Respondent was afraid that he, Wright, or the other students might be severely injured in the small alcove by the door or on some of the machinery located in the Plastics shop classroom. Unable to free himself, Respondent bit Wright on the back. Wright released Respondent and got up off the floor. After the bell rang, Wright left the classroom. Wright was transferred to the Plastics class of teacher Gerald Krotenberg where he remained for the rest of the school year. On several occasions Krotenberg was required to admonish Wright because Wright often resorted to "horse play" with other students. On occasion Wright would come into the classroom and would "bear hug" the girls, "jostle" the boys, and be disruptive so that Krotenberg could not take attendance or conduct the class. Although Krotenberg followed his normal technique of chastising the student in public, and then chastising the student in private, those techniques did not work and Krotenberg was required to exclude Wright from class on probably two occasions, for two days each, due to Wright's inappropriate behavior with other students. During the two months that Wright was in Respondent's class, Wright had come up behind Respondent on one or two occasions and lightly put his arms around Respondent in the nature of a bear hug. Respondent counseled Wright that that was not appropriate behavior. The only touching of Wright that was initiated by Respondent himself occurred in the form of Respondent placing his hand on Wright's shoulder while discussing a project being worked on at the moment or perhaps a light slap on the back in the nature of encouragement or praise for a job well done. Not all teachers, however, agree that it is appropriate to occasionally give a student an encouraging pat on the back. Although Wright had on one or two occasions given Respondent a playful hug and although Respondent had on several occasions given Wright an encouraging pat on the back or touch on his shoulder, no physical combat ever occurred between them. Although Wright often engaged in "horse play" with other students, no "horse play" occurred between Wright and Respondent. None of Respondent's annual evaluations during the years he has been teaching in the Dade County public School, including the annual evaluation for the the 1983-1984 school year, indicates that Respondent has had any problems with either maintaining good discipline in his classes or that Respondent is anything other than acceptable in the area of classroom management.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered reversing Respondent's suspension, reinstating him if necessary, and reimbursing him for back pay-if he was suspended without pay. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 3rd day of July, 1985 at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of July, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas H. Robertson, Esquire 111 SW Third Street Third Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Michael D. Ray, Esquire 7630 Biscayne Boulevard Suite 202 Miami, Florida 33138 Phyllis 0. Douglas Assistant Board Attorney Dade County Public Schools 1410 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent School Board of Dade County 1410 NE Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004936 Latest Update: Jun. 05, 1987

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Lawrence Brennan, holds Florida teaching certificate number 250648, issued by the State Department of Education. The Respondent is certified in the area of English and his certificate is valid through June 30, 1988. The Respondent is a tenured teacher in the Duval County School System in which he has taught since September 8, 1969. The Respondent has taught at Paxon Junior High School since 1984-84, and has taught compensatory education in Paxon Junior High School during school years 1984-85 and 1985-86. Compensatory education is a special program for children with low test scores. Many of the students also have disciplinary problems. The Respondent received satisfactory evaluations for the last three full years of his employment, to include his years at Paxon. The Respondent was removed from the classroom and Paxon Junior High School following the altercation with a student on February 27, 1986, which gave rise to these charges. The Respondent is currently assigned to one of the media centers of the Department of Education in Duval County. The Respondent was informed in writing of the various requirements and responsibilities of teachers in the Duval County School System. Bresha Woods was a student of the Respondent's in November 1985. Ms. Woods had received six to eight referrals to the Principal's office through November 1985 for disrupting class and for not performing assigned duties. Subsequent to the incident described here, Woods was suspended and transferred to the Darnell Cookman Alternative School in March of the 1985-86 school year. On November 7, 1985, the Respondent told Woods to take her things and to go to the Principal's office for not doing her work and disrupting class. Woods delayed, slowly gathering her books, purse and other belongings. The Respondent approached Woods from the rear as she was at her desk, grasped her by the shoulders, pulled her to her feet alongside the desk, turned her toward the door of the classroom and told her to go to the school office. Woods' statement that she was "marked up" is not credible and the fact that she visited a physician on March 29, 1987, is not relevant because of the passage of time. No report of the physician's findings was offered. Woods' report to Atkinson that Respondent had choked her was contrary to Woods' sworn testimony. Atkinson accepted Woods' version of events as opposed to the explanation of Respondent. See T 179, 180. In January 1986, Delilah Elliott, a new student at Paxon, was late for class and cut across a grassy area between the wings of the classroom building which was closed to walking students. Between classes the Respondent was performing monitoring duties outside the classroom as do many of the teachers and staff and observed Ms. Elliott crossing the prohibited area. The Respondent called for Elliott to stop. Although Elliott heard the Respondent call for her to stop, she ignored him, attempting to go to her next class. The Respondent approached her, grabbed her by the shoulders to restrain her, and pushed her toward the sidewalk. She attempted to walk around him and continue on to her class. Elliott refused to tell the Respondent her name. The Respondent herded Elliott to the Principal's office, sometimes pushing her in the back when she stopped walking. Ms. Atkinson, the Assistant Principal in charge of disciplining girls, having seen the incident, followed the Respondent to the office. Atkinson told the Respondent not to be so physical with the children. The Respondent advised Atkinson that he knew what the rules were. Atkinson advised the Respondent that she would take care of the problem, and that he should return to class. Atkinson took no action against Elliott because, according to Atkinson, walking on the grass was not a referral offense. As the Respondent exited the office, Atkinson heard the Respondent say to Elliott, "You little tramp." The Respondent was frequently in physical contact with students in his class. Craig Monasco and Frank Lane were students in the Respondent's class. The Respondent grabbed their buttocks on several occasions when they were leaning over getting books. This practice, called "scooping" by the students, was a form of horse play engaged in by the students. The students were embarrassed by this. On other occasions, the Respondent pulled students out of their seats in the process of disciplining them within the classroom. Leopolean Spikes was a 13 year old black student in the Respondent's 7th grade comp. ed. English class. Spikes had a history of disruptive behavior in class and had been sent to the Principal's office several times during the school year. On February 26, 1986, Spikes was disruptive in class and the Respondent escorted him to the Principal's office. On this occasion, Spikes had refused to accept the referral, and Spikes said he was going to have his father come out and talk with the Respondent. The Respondent added Spikes' additional comments to the referral regarding Spikes' behavior and escorted Spikes to the Principal's office. Upon re-entering the class, the Respondent stated to the class that had Spikes hit him, the Respondent would have knocked him through the wall. The Principal gave Spikes an in-school suspension for his conduct of February 26, 1986. However, based upon the general school policy, a child with the number of referrals that Spikes had had would have been subject to general suspension. On February 27, 1986, Spikes reported to the Respondent's first period comp. ed. class. Spikes exhibited additional disruptive behavior during the class period of approximately 50 minutes in length. During this time, the Respondent warned Spikes on several occasions that he was going to refer him again if his behavior did not change. Shortly before the class was over, Spikes' continued disruptive conduct caused the Respondent to write a referral of Spikes to the Principal. The Respondent told Spikes to go to the Principal's office. Spikes delayed in getting his personal effects together to go to the Principal's office, and the Respondent went over to Spikes and told him to hurry up and leave the class. Spikes told the Respondent that he would not go to the Principal's office. At this point, a conflict exists in testimony regarding what occurred next. The one non-involved adult observer, Ms. Morkin, the co-teacher, stated that she observed six "acts" to the incident: (1) Spikes stood around reading the referral and not doing anything; (2) Respondent guided Spikes to the door by the shoulder; (3) Spikes ran around her desk to his own desk by the windows and wall; (4) Books were thrown in the direction of her desk from the vicinity of Spikes' desk; and (5) A struggle ensued between Spikes and Respondent, which came to an end with the Respondent kneeling next to Spikes and restraining Spikes on the floor. The various student witnesses had more dramatic versions of the incident, but one can trace the activity by its location. Their versions began with: (1) Spikes refused to go and told Respondent that he was not going to the office at or around Spikes' desk; (2) Spikes or Respondent threw books; (3) Spikes and Respondent fought in the area of the desk; (4) Spikes threatened Respondent with a desk; (5) Spikes and Respondent fought in the area of the wall and Spikes' head hit against the wall; and (6) The fight ended with Respondent pinning Spikes to the floor. The following findings are based upon a most credible evidence and testimony presented: The Respondent was standing in the aisle alongside Spikes' desk and between Spikes' desk and the front of the room where Ms. Morkin's desk was located. Spikes, when confronted by the Respondent and told to hurry, told Respondent he refused to go, and threw his books at Respondent, who was standing between Spikes and Morkin. Spikes adopted a combative stance and the Respondent grabbed Spikes' arms, fearing that Spikes was going to strike him. Spikes began to struggle and both Spikes and the Respondent fell to the floor. Respondent let go of Spikes and regained his feet and Spikes pulled himself to his feet using the back of a school desk which he raised in front of him and advanced toward the Respondent saying, "I'm going to hit you with this desk. See T-70. The Respondent pushed the desk out of the way, grabbed the writing portion of the desk, then grabbed Spikes and a second struggle ensued, during which Spikes hit the Respondent, who grabbed Spikes in a bear hug. Spikes and the Respondent were by the windowed wall of the classroom, and the Respondent attempted to pin Spikes against the windowed wall to stop his struggling and prevent Spikes from hitting him. In doing so, Spikes' head was banged against the window once. Spikes continued to hit the Respondent all this time. The Respondent and Spikes again fell to the floor where Spikes ceased fighting after Respondent pinned him down. After the struggle ceased, Ms. Morkin left to seek assistance as the Respondent requested. After he was at the office, a knot came up on Spikes' head. Spikes parents were called and they took Spikes to the emergency room where he underwent a complete examination, to include X-rays of his head. This examination revealed no abnormal findings except tenderness and swelling in the left occipital area of the head. Subsequent medical problems which Spikes has suffered were related to an injury to the right occipital area. No evidence of such an injury was revealed in the examination or reported by Spikes. See Petitioner's Exhibit The Respondent is approximately 6' tall and weighs approximately 200 pounds. Spikes is approximately 4'6" tall and weighs 72 pounds. Mr. Randolph and Ms. Atkinson, the persons in charge of disciplining children at the school, gave their opinions concerning the appropriateness of the Respondent's actions. In their opinion, the Respondent's actions were inappropriate. The record reflects that both Atkinson and Randolph had failed to apply the requisite disciplinary standards to students by taking action to remove them from the school system permanently, based upon continued disciplinary problems. Atkinson, who observed the Elliott incident, described the Respondent as "striking the student" and was of the opinion that a person who touches another person with their hand is striking the person. Mr. Larry Paulk, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Affairs for the Duval County Schools, interviewed the Respondent after the altercation. To Paulk, the Respondent appeared hostile and was sarcastic in his dealings and approach to students. Paulk offered his opinion that the Respondent's conduct regarding discipline and leadership was inappropriate. The Respondent has attended psychiatric counseling for the past year to deal with his hostility and to improve his effectiveness as a teacher. There is no evidence of the Respondent receiving progressive discipline for prior acts involving physical contact with students, although he received several written reprimands for inappropriate conduct towards students to include physical conduct, language, and attitude. Mr. Randolph, the principal in charge of boys, advised that the school's solution for the removal of an unwilling child from class was to call the Principal. The Principal would come to the room and ask the student to come out of the classroom and, if the student refused, the Principal would then call a uniformed policeman who would arrest the child for trespassing. In Randolph's experience they had never had to take the final step of calling for a uniformed policeman.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 01, 2019 Number: 19-002299PL Latest Update: Dec. 10, 2019

The Issue The issues are whether Respondent verbally disparaged students or grabbed their clothing and, in one case, stepped on a student's foot, so as to fail to protect students from conditions harmful to learning, in violation of Florida Administrative Code rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)1., or to intentionally expose students to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement, in violation of rule 6A-10.081(2)(a)5., and thus violate section 1012.795(1)(j), Florida Statutes; if so, an additional issue is what penalty should be imposed, pursuant to section 1012.795(1).

Findings Of Fact At all material times, Respondent has held educator certificate 989254. For over 13 years, she has been employed as a teacher by the Miami-Dade County School District. During the 2016-17 school year, Respondent was teaching fifth grade at a Miami-Dade County elementary school. Approximately 28 students were assigned to her class. On October 11, 2016, Respondent walked her students from the basketball court to her classroom in preparation for the start of instruction at 8:35 a.m. One or more of a small group of students sitting with S.L., also a student, complained to Respondent that S. L. was bothering other students. Directing herself to the class in general, Respondent told the students to stop disrupting and settle down for class. She warned the class that, if she received one more complaint, the misbehaving student would have to change seats. After receiving this warning, another student complained about S.L., so Respondent directed him to take a seat at an empty table. S.L. initially refused to move, but eventually did so. However, he continued to disrupt other students by calling them names, exhibiting aggressive body language, and even getting out of his seat, as though to charge a student. Respondent directed S.L. to stop misbehaving. He retorted, "you're not smart, and the kids are dumb." Trying to restore order, Respondent approached S.L.'s table with a mirror used for science class. Placing it within his reach and extending his comment that his classmates were "not smart," Respondent said words to the effect, "if you could see your behavior, you'd know it's not smart." By using "not smart," rather than a negative term, such as "stupid," to describe misbehavior, Respondent attempted to convey a positive message while trying to reshape S.L.'s behavior. Without permission, S.L. got up from his desk; walked to the door; announced that he was going to the principal's office to complain that Respondent had disparaged him, adding that the principal had told him to come anytime, so she could fire Respondent; defiantly stuck out his buttocks toward the class; and left the classroom. By the time that Respondent was able to call the office to advise that S.L. was headed their way, the principal's secretary advised that he was already there. Having lodged his complaint with the principal, S.L. returned to class, resumed his seat, and, using a sharp object, carved onto the desktop, "Stupid Anderson popo." "Popo" is slang for "police," although Respondent thought that it meant something about shooting. Respondent never abused the children with demeaning terms, such as "pig," "dumbass," "fat," or "ugly," although S.L. used some of these terms when verbally assaulting his classmates. The facts set forth in the preceding six paragraphs track Respondent's testimony, which has been credited. In opposition to this version of events, Petitioner called a single eyewitness, T.F., who was a student in the classroom during the incident in question. By the time of the hearing, T.F. was attending a Miami-Dade middle school, and S.L.'s school assignment was not disclosed in the record. T.F. gave two statements. The first statement, which was typewritten by a Department of Education investigator, was given on October 28, 2016. The second statement, which is in T.F.'s handwriting, was given on October 14, 2016, and the purpose for which this statement was made is undisclosed in the record. The typewritten statement consists of questions and answers. In this statement, with the questions and one irrelevant answer omitted, T.F. asserts: [Respondent] is always calling [S.L.] names. She calls him fatty and ugly. She even put a mirror in front of his face and said, "Look at your ugly face." She did this in front of all of us and I felt really bad for him. She also calls us names. She calls us dumb, stupid and ugly. She even called me dumb and stupid. I went to the bathroom to cry. She made me feel bad. She also calls the boys pigs. * * * . . . she curses at us when she is mad and says we are doing crap, screams and yells a lot, and she told [S.L. and another student identified only as H.] to shut up their fat lips. She also hit [J.F.] and [M.B.] all the time. She grabbed [J.F.] hard by the arm and squeezed his arm and she also hit [M.B.] hard on the head with a closed fist. * * * When she is really mad at us she screams, yells, calls us names, and hits the students. She hits the boys on the head and the arm. * * * . . . I am afraid of her, and she makes me feel bad when she calls me stupid and dumb. I cry all the time. We are all happy in the class when she does not come to school. [S.L.] was the one she mistreated the most. When [S.L.] was in a fight and bleeding, she was laughing because he was hurt. The handwritten statement states in its entirety: The Class/P.E. Court in the class [S.L.] came out of nowhere and start crusing [cursing] my mom my family and puting his body in my face and saying kiss his body and lick his private part. Saying nasty stuff in creol calling me pig stink bug [doudon?] head hiting me. In P.e. he got a stick and treating [threatening] that he is going to cut my neck of [off] and pock [poke] my eyes. whene I don't give him something he get's mad and say lick his boody [body? booty?] and he Hit me with a basketball. when I wrote the bully fomr [form] he got mad and took the form and rip it and he spit in my face whenever I talk to [S., another student] or other people some time he makes me cry. T.F.'s direct testimony consisted entirely of her agreeing with everything in the typewritten statement, although it was unclear, during her testimony, if she independently recalled the comments and actions described in the statement. Also, most of the questions posed to T.F. on direct were leading. On cross examination, T.F. identified her signature on the handwritten statement and recalled some, but not all, of its contents. Specifically, she admitted that S.L. had bullied her and made her cry. Initially, T.F. denied that S.L. had spit in her face, but then recalled that he had done so by accident. She testified that she could not recall that S.L. had threatened to cut her neck with a stick, even though such an action would typically be memorable to the victim. The reference in the handwritten statement to a bully form is a form that T.F. and a few other students submitted, at the urging of Respondent, a few days after the October 11 incident, but the record does not disclose what action, if any, the school or district administrators took in response to these complaints about S.L.'s bullying. In testifying, T.F. withdrew her typewritten statement about Respondent's calling her dumb and stupid and instead stated that she liked Respondent as a teacher. Also, T.F. testified that S.L. had called the entire class dumb, as Respondent testified. On redirect, T.F. admitted, evidently as to the handwritten statement, "most of this stuff I don't remember." As noted above, the hearing took place three years after the earlier of the two alleged incidents, and it is obvious that the 2016-17 school year had presented some challenges for T.F. T.F. impressed the administrative law judge as a child who was trying to tell the truth, but was under considerable pressure in October 2016 and continuing pressure, even through the time of the hearing. When T.F. testified that she had cried, not from Respondent's actions, but from the bullying of S.L., her father interjected by asking his daughter why she had not told him about this, and she replied that "you wouldn't care." T.F.'s father was not a witness, and his statement is not noted to support a finding that T.F. did not tell him about the bullying; however, his interjection and T.F.'s response depicted some of the stress to which T.F. has been subjected over the matters described above. In general, the typewritten statement lacks the spontaneity and inattention to grammar and diction that characterize the handwritten statement. It is questionable whether one word in the typewritten statement--"mistreated"-- would be a word chosen by T.F. It is not so much that the word requires an advanced vocabulary, but the word requires a level of abstraction that is not evidenced in the handwritten statement, which is graphically episodic. It is impossible to find by clear and convincing evidence that the typewritten statement records the words of T.F., free of substantial editing by the investigator. Additionally, the handwritten statement effectively impeaches the typewritten statement. S.L. bullied T.F. to the point of making her cry at school. The handwritten statement suggests the possibility that S.L. forcefully tried to intimidate T.F. in her effort to report his bullying. Significantly, S.L. still had daily access to T.F. when she gave the typewritten statement. Lastly, T.F.'s testimony was unpersuasive. She did not appear to recall independently what she testified to on direct. It did not appear that she was even willing to read aloud her typewritten statement, as she was willing only to agree to it in response to a series of leading questions. For reasons undisclosed in the record, Respondent, who was represented by a union representative, agreed to a suspension of 25 workdays without pay for the October 11 events. Respondent did not try to explain her choice not to contest the charges, nor is it necessary to infer one, because any weight that could be assigned to such a choice, on these facts, does not establish or help to establish clear and convincing evidence of wrongdoing. This suspension seems to have followed an earlier job action removing her from student contact for 90 days, based on a verified finding of mental injury to S.L. by a protective investigator employed by the Department of Children and Families (DCF)--an administrative action that is entitled to no weight for the reasons set forth in the Conclusions of Law. Petitioner has failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence any of the allegations arising out of the October 11, 2016, incident. Respondent testified that she did not grab students by their collars or step on their feet. The only evidence to the contrary is the discredited evidence provided by T.F. As was the case with the October 11 incident, Petitioner did not call as witnesses the alleged victims in this April 6, 2017, incident. The Miami-Dade County School District issued a reprimand for the alleged April 6 incident. Nothing in the record suggests that Respondent had a right to contest this charge, and, given the mildness of the punishment, it is impossible to infer that she did; but, again, a choice not to contest this charge would not support an inference of guilt by clear and convincing evidence. Petitioner has failed to prove by clear and convincing evidence any of the allegations involving grabbing students by their collars or stepping on the foot of a student.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED THAT the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Respondent not guilty of the allegations set forth in the Administrative Complaint, as amended. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of December, 2019, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT E. MEALE Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of December, 2019. COPIES FURNISHED: Gretchen Kelley Brantley, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 316 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Matthew Mears, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Randy Kosec, Jr., Chief Office of Professional Practices Services Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 224-E 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 (eServed) Branden Vicari, Esquire Herdman & Sakellarides, P.A. 29605 U.S. Highway 19 North, Suite 110 Clearwater, Florida 33761 (eServed) Charles T. Whitelock, Esquire Charles T. Whitelock, P.A. 300 Southeast 13th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 (eServed)

Florida Laws (5) 1012.7951012.796120.569120.57415.104 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6A-10.081 DOAH Case (1) 19-2299PL
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