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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Nov. 04, 2016 Number: 16-006484PL Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-002370 Latest Update: Jul. 03, 1984

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Solomon D. Klotz, M.D., at all times pertinent hereto, has held a current, valid medical license number ME 0002269, issued by the Board of Medical Examiners, Department of Professional Regulation, which is the agency charged with enforcing Chapter 458, the "Medical Practice Act," as it relates to qualification for licensure and standards for regulating medical practice of physicians licensed in the State of Florida. The Respondent is also board- certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in internal medicine and is board- certified in the field of allergy and immunology by the American Board of Allergy and Immunology. The Respondent obtained his M.D. Degree from New York Medical College in 1937, obtaining a Masters from that institution in 1942. He was licensed in New York in 1938 and was made a diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners in 1938. He was issued his Florida license in 1941. He served in the Medical Corps of the United States Army in World War II and during the years 1945 and 1946 was a clinical instructor at New York Medical College, and a research fellow at Metropolitan Hospital Research Unit in New York. The Respondent has practiced in his specialty field of internal medicine as well as allergy and immunology in Florida for many years. He is presently a clinical professor at the College of Health of the University of Central Florida, and an adjunct professor at the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Central Florida. Respondent is presently on the medical staffs at Winter Park Memorial Hospital, Florida Hospital, Orlando Regional Medical Center and Humana Hospital/Lucerne, with a senior consultant rating at each of the above hospitals. The Respondent is a member of 21 professional societies and was a founding member of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and, the board of the Joint Council of Allergy and Immunology. He has served as president of the American College of Allergists, the Florida Allergy Society, Southeastern Allergy Society, and is president of the medical staff of Florida Hospital in Orlando. The Respondent has published or presented more than 50 research papers, seven of which have been published within the past three years in such journals as the Annals of Allergy, the Journal of the Florida Medical Association, the Journal of the American Academy of Allergy and Immunology and the American Heart Journal. Concerning the disease or condition most pertinent to the charges in the administrative complaint, the Respondent published a paper jointly with Dr. Von Hilsheimer in 1970 concerning minimal brain dysfunction, attention disorders and the diagnosis of functional narcolepsy. Dr. George Von Hilsheimer was accepted as Respondent's expert witness concerning the diagnosis of narcolepsy and the various forms or manifestations of narcolepsy and the treatment thereof. He is a licensed psychologist in the State of Florida, having been educated at the University of Miami with postgraduate work at the University of Chicago. He interned in psychology at the Corsack Clinic and the Seabrook Institute in San Francisco. He completed his Ph.D. in psychology with a multiple major in neuropsychology, psychoimmunology and psychotherapy. He is an associate fellow in the Society for Clinical Ecology, a consultant to the Science Advisory Committee of the Environmental Protection Agency as a neuropsychologist and behavioral toxochologist. He is eligible for board certification by the Academy for Psychosomatic Medicine and the American Academy of Behavioral Medicine. He has published numerous reference papers and a number of books, one of which books focused on the diagnosis of minimal brain dysfunction and the issue of psychosomatic versus somatic causes for behavior. He has presented two papers in conjunction with the Respondent on the issue of minimal brain dysfunction, tension disorders and the diagnosis of functional narcolepsy. Since 1980, Dr. Von Hilsheimer's practice has been split between psychotherapy and psychoimmunology. In the past ten years he has presented numerous continuing education workshops for physicians, which courses were certified by the American Medical Association. Dr. Dale K. Lindberg, M.D., was accepted as an expert witness for the Petitioner regarding the pharmacological effects, uses and indications of the drugs related to the charges in the administrative complaint. Dr. Lindberg has been a licensed physician in the State of Florida since 1959. He is board certified in nuclear medicine. He took a residency in nuclear medicine at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami Beach between the years 1974 and 1977. Since 1973, his practice has been limited to primarily that of supervising methadone maintenance programs and clinics. Prior to 1973 his practice was in the area of family practice, as well as nuclear medicine. He is a member of the Broward County Medical Association, Florida Medical Association, American Medical Association, Broward County Family Practice Association, as well as the Society of Nuclear Medicine. Dr. Lindberg has never treated a patient with narcolepsy nor has he seen patients exhibiting the various kinds of narcoleptic behavior. METHAQUALONE PRESCRIPTIONS; COUNTS I, II AND III The first three counts in the administrative complaint concern prescriptions written June 24, 1982, for allegedly excessive and unjustified amounts of a controlled substance, methaqualone, prescribed to patients Harri Klotz (Count I) , Sam Meiner (Count II) and Charles Meiner (Count III). Those prescriptions consisted of 121 sopor (150 mgs) for Harri Klotz; 189 parest for Sam Meiner; and 34 quaaludes for Charles Meiner, all of which are methaqualone medications. The Respondent received a telephone call on or shortly before June 24, 1982, the date the prescriptions were written, from a pharmacist whom he regularly dealt with, who informed him that, inasmuch as, effective July 1, 1982, he would be unable to fill methaqualone prescriptions due to a change in the law by which it became a Schedule I drug, that he would make available the small quantity of methaqualone remaining in stock to the Respondent for his patients who required the drug. The Respondent acknowledged having a few such patients and accordingly wrote prescriptions for the above odd numbers of capsules to patients whom had been regularly receiving methaqualone medication for a period of time previously. Patient Harri Klotz is the Respondent's wife. She has been a patient of Respondent since approximately 1940. She suffers from generalized osteo- arthritis involving mainly the hips, which was first diagnosed in 1967. Due to progressive severity of the disease she received surgery in October, 1970, in Germany, for replacement of both hip joints with artificial prosthesis. Since that time the right hip prosthesis joint cracked, causing her severe, chronic pain which caused her great difficulty in sleeping. After taking numerous combinations of medicine, Mrs. Klotz was found to respond most effectively to methaqualone, which induced sleep in spite of the pain, without undesirable side effects the next morning. She ultimately had the right hip prosthesis repaired. Her medical records indicate that this medication had also been prescribed for her by her treating physicians when the prosthetic devices were implanted. In 1981 she again began experiencing the same type of agonizing, chronic pain in her left hip and consulted an orthopedic surgeon at regular intervals concerning it. It was not until November, 1952, however, that the diagnosis was made that her left prosthesis had also broken. During the various attempts to diagnose the cause of this problem with her left hip, she was experiencing severe, chronic pain. Finally, after a third stint of surgery the left hip prosthesis was replaced and her symptoms ultimately improved. In the meantime however, on October 14, 1981, Respondent purchased 1,000 quaaludes for his wife. He did not dispense the entire lot to her, rather she was given 30 capsules at a time for use in inducing sleep during the period when she suffered from her painful condition at intervals of one and one-half to two months. The Respondent carefully monitored her dosage and kept the balance under lock and key at his office, duly recording on a dispensing record the capsules actually given to his wife on each occasion. On June 24, 1982, before methaqualone became a Schedule I Controlled Substance, he last prescribed that substance for his wife when he wrote the prescription for 121 sopor. He has not since prescribed a methaqualone substance to his wife. On June 24, 1982, the Respondent prescribed methaqualone to Sam Meiner. Mr. Meiner (Respondent's counsel) has been a patient of the Respondent since approximately 1968. Be suffers from a severe, chronic painful condition called regional enteritis, a condition characterized by severe, chronic pain and acute bowel spasms associated with acute exacerbations of the enteritis condition. As a result of this condition he has had two bowel resection surgeries, during the course of which surgeons removed approximately six feet of his small intestine. He has suffered from this disease chronically for approximately 18 years, having his first surgery in 1967 and the second in 1977. "hen the enteritis condition became acutely inflamed after his second surgery, he once again sought Respondent's medical advice. He has been a continuous patient of the Respondent ever since that time, seeing him almost on a weekly basis. Included in the total medical care Respondent has given this patient is a prescription of methaqualone for its beneficial soporific and antispasmodic effects designed to curtail the severity and duration of the bowel spasm incidents. Other physicians, as well as Respondent, in treating this patient have attempted many other combinations of medications before the Respondent and patient determined that methaqualone was the most effective modality. Since being under the Respondent's care with attendant methaqualone medication, the patient has required no hospitalization and has been able to lead a substantially normal existence, even though this disease or condition if unsuccessfully treated can ultimately prove fatal, especially if additional such surgical procedures are resorted to. Witness Meiner was shown to have no abnormal adverse effects nor physical or psychological dependence on the drug. It is now no longer legally obtainable, the patient being afforded his last prescription therefor on June 24, 1982, some six days before the prescription of the drug became illegal. On June 24, 1982, the Respondent prescribed 34 methaqualone capsules to Charles Meiner. Charles Meiner (also counsel for Respondent) suffers from a chronic, severe back injury involving a ruptured or degenerative disc. He periodically suffers excruciating, chronic back pain, resulting in his inability to sleep. He has been a patient of the Respondent since 1969. In 1973 he required hospitalization due to the severity of the back pain. lie has seen the Respondent for this problem at regular intervals ever since. He had been prescribed methaqualone on a number of occasions prior to June, 1982, as the medication helps his insomnia resulting from the chronic back pain, without imposing any adverse effect the following morning or inhibiting his ability to function in the legal profession. Be has never taken more than one tablet per day and some days only a half tablet during the course of his back pain flare- ups. In May of 1982, his back condition became particularly severe, with persistent pain. Because of this exacerbation of his back condition, he was given a prescription for 34 quaalude tablets on June 24, 1982, to relieve his pain and enable him to sleep. During the time Respondent prescribed methaqualone to these three above-named patients, methaqualone was an acceptable medication for relief of the symptoms these patients exhibited. Petitioner's witness Dr. Lindberg acknowledged that the prescribing of methaqualone by the Respondent to these patients on or before July 1, 1982, was for a medically justifiable purpose, and that the dosages involved were within recommended daily dosages for the treatment of the symptoms exhibited by these patients, as depicted in the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) a work relied on by both parties throughout this proceeding. AMPHETAMINE PRESCIPTIONS: COUNTS IV, V, VII, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XVI, XVII, XVIII and XIX. The prescription of amphetamines became restricted as to use by the enactment of Section 458.331(1)(cc) , Florida Statutes, effective August 30, 1980. This restricted the prescription of any drug which is an amphetamine or a sympathomimetic amine drug (a Schedule II drug) except, as pertinent here, for the condition of narcolepsy. Prior to the restriction of the drug, the Respondent had prescribed such drugs for short-term use for patients who were attempting to embark on a successful weight-control program. The Petitioner's expert witness, Dr. Lindberg, acknowledged that this was a medically appropriate use of this type of medication at the time and that he himself had made similar prescriptions for similar purposes. The Respondent conceded that as of July 3, 1980, that he was not aware of the change in the legal status of amphetamine type drugs by the enactment of the above statute, and did not become aware of such restrictions until the pharmacist with whom he regularly dealt informed him that he could not prescribe Biphetamine, Dexedrine or other sympathomimetics unless the patient had a narcoleptic condition. Upon becoming aware of this restriction after August 30,1980, the Respondent discontinued use of those drugs except for the treatment of narcoleptic symptoms in patients. Dr. Lindberg opined that the only type of narcolepsy he would recognize was "ideopathic narcolepsy." By this he meant that he would only diagnose narcolepsy when all four recognized symptoms are present: excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy (a condition when muscles become limp) , hypnogogic hallucinations (dreams shortly before going to sleep or upon awakening) and sleep paralysis whereby the patient is unable to move, although the limbs are not rigid. Dr. Lindberg has never treated a patient with narcolepsy nor has he ever observed a patient exhibit narcoleptic behavior in his practice. Both the Respondent and Dr. Von Hilsheimer, the Respondent's expert witness on the subject, have studied and treated this condition and published recognized research papers on the subject of narcolepsy. Further, the Respondent in connection with his speciality in the field of allergies, has performed testing regarding patients with certain food sensitivities and has observed that some of them will exhibit narcoleptic symptoms as a reaction to certain foods. Dr. Von Hilsheimer, as delineated above, has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy in its various forms and in teaching recognition of the condition to doctors through continuing education courses. Idiopathic narcolepsy, the extreme or classic view of the disease, may involve exhibition of all four of the above symptoms in a patient, however, only 10 percent of patients legitimately diagnosed as narcoleptic present all four symptoms, and therefore most of the scientific and medical community uses the term "narcolepsy" In a broader, more general sense to mean essentially excessive, inappropriate daytime sleepiness, especially at inappropriate times. In addition to narcolepsy being a primary affliction, it can also be a subsyndrome, or secondary disorder related to a different medical problem. It can be permanent or can be a transient condition and can be a by-product of unusual psychological or physical stress. The Respondent prescribed a small dosage of an amphetamine for Nina Balabon between January 11, 1980, and September 17, 1982, at various times. (Count IV) Ms. Balabon is a 92 year old woman who has been taking a very small dosage of Dexedrine for many years. The dosage is substantially below that allowable for such a patient as conceded by the Petitioner and delineated in the Physician's Desk Reference. Ms. Balabon lives alone in Woodstock, New York, and is the foster mother of the Respondent's wife. She had been under the care of another physician who prescribed this course of treatment and drug for her so that she could remain alert enough to independently function and take care of herself in her own home. She is home-bound and after her doctor's death, she was unable to secure another doctor who would make house calls. She called upon the Respondent who is, in effect, a family member, and financially supports her, and asked him to prescribe the medication for her, in conjunction with which she retained the services of a visiting nurse. In her old age she has become afflicted with lassitude, inappropriate and excessive daytime sleepiness, depression and a diminished "will to live." The Respondent visits her in Woodstock, New York, periodically and he or his wife, telephone her at least once a week. A visiting nurse checks on her condition weekly and reports to the Respondent on her physical condition. The Petitioner's expert witness, Dr. Lindberg, has never seen this patient, but surmised upon her recorded weight that she is slightly malnourished. Accordingly, he opines that it is inappropriate to give a person with such a condition (slight malnourishment) amphetamines to curb her appetite and provide her "pep." The Respondent, however, did not prescribe amphetamine for this purpose. Be found, in the exercise of his medical judgment that she exhibits definite symptoms of narcolepsy. The dosage is extremely small and the patient is not shown to suffer any adverse effects therefrom. It was not shown that the dosage curbed her appetite, and indeed, Respondent established that the patient is not malnourished. She is a very small, slightly built woman and her mere recorded weight is not an indication in itself of malnourishment such that the prescription involved would be contraindicated. Petitioner's expert witness, further was unaware that the patient exhibited symptoms of narcoleptic behavior, and admitted that otherwise the dosages were quite small and not excessive for such a patient. Dr. Lindberg merely opposed the prescription of the medication because he believed that the law changed regarding the use of this drug, such that after August 30, 1980, it is only permissible for narcoleptic symptoms. In any event, the Respondent's diagnosis of the patient was uncontradicted and the 92 year old patient was shown to benefit from this treatment of her condition because it permitted her, with the assistance of the visiting nurse, to continue living independently rather than suffering commission to a nursing home or other institutional facility. Count VII concerns alleged prescriptions of amphetamines to one Doris Calloway between February 16, 1982 and October 13, 1982. Petitioner failed to introduce any evidence or testimony concerning this count. With regard to Count XI, Respondent prescribed on only one occasion, 50 Biphetamine capsules for Lori Carroccia on September 29, 1980. At the time this prescription was written and issued, the Respondent was unaware of the recent restrictions imposed by the legislature on the purposes for which amphetamine-type drugs could be prescribed by the passage of Section 458.331(1)(cc), Florida Statutes, effective July 1, 1980. The Respondent had known this patient for approximately six years and she was his nurse, employed at his clinic at the time the prescription was written. The single prescription was written when she complained to him of difficulty in starting a weight loss program and asked for his assistance. Prior to writing the prescription, he checked Ms. Carroccia's physical health, checked her weight and blood pressure, and indeed was already aware of her medical history because of his close association with her. During the entire two months she received this medication Respondent saw her on a daily basis and monitored her progress. The medication proved to be an effective means for her to develop a successful weight loss program. She suffered no adverse effects from receiving this drug. The Respondent only prescribed this medication once, in a small dosage to Initiate her weight loss program and not for the purposes of maintaining weight loss or a particular weight level through long-term prescriptions. Petitioner's sole expert witness conceded that the dosages were not excessive and were medically indicated in the PDR for the initiation of such a weight loss program. Petitioner's expert witness admitted that his opinion regarding inappropriateness of the prescription was solely predicated on the change in the legal status of the drug. The Respondent prescribed an amphetamine medication to patient Evelyn Lilly between April 14, 1981 and December 19, 1981 (Count XII). Ms. Lilly had been his patient since 1979 for allergy evaluation and treatment to alleviate chronic symptoms of runny nose, throat infections and irritations and sinus headaches. Respondent gave her an allergic evaluation in response to these symptoms. In completing her patient history he noted that Ms. Lilly suffers from rheumatism and arthritis. During the course of her allergy treatments Ms. Lilly's weight began increasing dramatically, with a worsening of her arthritic condition. Respondent noted she was markedly fatigued and became concerned about her general physical condition. In response to her fatigue or lassitude complaints, he initially performed a thyroid test in an effort to determine the cause of her lassitude and rapid weight gain. That test was inconclusive. lie then decided that between the complications of arthritis and her allergies he must reduce her weight before he could successfully treat either of those conditions. He initially prescribed Tenuate Dosepan which proved ineffective and then Ritalin, which also proved ineffective. She was then prescribed a course of Biphetamine. She responded dramatically to this medication with relief of her lassitude and the loss of 30 to 40 pounds. After noting that the initial sympathomimetic type drugs prescribed were ineffective and that the change to the Biphetamine produced markedly successful results, Respondent came to the conclusion that the patient was narcoleptic. Narcolepsy sometimes is not alleviated with the prescribing of one type of sympathomimetic drug when the switch to treatment with another type will suddenly prove to be successful in alleviating the narcoleptic symptoms. The doctor's chart for this patient did not definitely indicate the purpose of the prescription of the amphetamine medication, although Dr. Klotz candidly responded in his testimony that it may have been in part for weight control because a reduction in weight would help alleviate her arthritic joint problems. However, inasmuch as narcolepsy can be indicated when one type of sympathomimetic drug will not relieve its symptoms and another type will and since is. Lilly in her reaction to the medications displayed this phenomenon, Respondent, in the reasonable exercise of his medical judgment concluded that she displayed symptoms of narcolepsy. This view is corroborated by Dr. Von Hilsheimer. He has had more than 1,000 patients referred to him over the years by the Respondent. Approximately one-third of these patients were obese and yet he was only aware of four such patients who were treated with biphetamines by the Respondent. Be thus concludes that the Respondent used some differential reason other than mere weight control for prescribing biphetamine which led to the diagnosis of symptomatic narcolepsy with Ms. Lilly. The Petitioner's expert witness once again felt that the Biphetamine and Ritalin prescriptions for Ms. Lilly were inappropriate and excessive, but acknowledged that his criticism of these prescriptions was predicated solely on the fact that the medication had become illegal for prescription for weight control purposes before Ms. Lilly's prescriptions were made. Dr. Lindberg ultimately agreed however, after consulting the PDR that the amounts and types of medication were within appropriate indications, dosage limits and amounts and thus the amounts prescribed were within the reasonable exercise of the Respondent's judgment as a physician for the symptoms displayed, and alleviated them. Concerning this patient, as with all the others involved herein, Petitioner's expert witness bases his testimony merely on the doctor's patient chart which does not specifically refer to narcoleptic symptoms. Respondent admits his records are not detailed in all cases, since the patients were not referrals, but were his patients for many years such that he was intimately familiar with their histories and conditions. Based on the lack of reference to narcoleptic symptoms in the records themselves, Dr. Lindberg opined that the prescription was medically inappropriate, however, the mere absence of reference to that condition in the medical records alone does not establish the medical inappropriateness of the prescription, especially in view of the Respondent's showing (corroborated by Dr. Von Hilsheimer) that indeed Ms. Lilly was narcoleptic. Mr. Emmett Peter was prescribed biphetamines between October 16, 1979 and September 14, 1982 by the Respondent (Count XVI). Mr. peter has been Respondent's patient since 1969 and `gas definitely diagnosed as a narcoleptic individual by a physician who treated him prior to that time and related that fact in his initial medical history provided Respondent. At the time he and his wife became patients of the Respondent, Mr. Peter was receiving a medication called Obedrin, which is a dexedrine-type drug. During the entire time he received medication from the Respondent, he periodically visited the Respondent on his own behalf, as well as accompanying his wife to the Respondent's clinic for treatment, at which times the Respondent also observed Mr. Peter. Although the Respondent was unaware of the change in the law regarding restriction of the use of amphetamines to the treatment of narcolepsy at the time he prescribed Mr. Peter's medications at issue in this case, he continued to prescribe the medication for Mr. Peter after he became aware of the law, because he definitely diagnosed Mr. Peter to be a narcoleptic. The Respondent's expert witness, Dr. Von Hilsheimer, has seen both Mr. and Mrs. Peter on a professional basis as a researcher. He had numerous occasions to observe Mr. Peter, approximately twice a week from March, 1980 through May, 1982. Be became quickly aware of the fact that Mr. Peter was narcoleptic due to the fact that Mr. Peter, when waiting for his wife at Dr. Von Hilsheimer's office, often fell asleep in a very dramatic way, sometimes even when Dr. Von Hilsheimer was engaged in conversation with him. It was thus established that Mr. Peter, based upon his medical history and the personal observation of both Dr. Klotz and Dr. Von Hilsheimer, suffers from a minimal brain dysfunction manifested as excessive, inappropriate sleepiness. Dr. Von Hilsheimer further noted that Mr. Peter's condition is also characterized by moderate cataplexy, another symptom of narcolepsy. There is no question that Mr. Peter suffers from narcolepsy, therefore the prescription of amphetamine medications to Mr. Peter was clearly medically appropriate and the Petitioner admitted that the amounts of the medication were not excessive. On February 24, 1981, Charne D. Porter, the Respondent's daughter was given a prescription for 30 10-mg Ritalin tablets (Count XVII). The Respondent has been her treating physician most of her life. At the time the prescription was written she was editing and producing a motion picture. She was working very long hours and complained to Respondent that she was having difficulty staying awake during all times of the day and in completing her film-editing work. Prior to this period of time however, her typical work schedule involved such long hours with no apparent ill effects. This was not an unusual work schedule for her. Dr. Von Hilsheimer has known Ms. Porter since 1979 and she has consulted him professionally in the past. He was quite familiar with the patient history and had occasion to see her during the time the medication involved was prescribed. During this period of time he found that when she was attempting to do film-editing work which is normally a stimulating, arousing type of endeavor, she did not have her normal responsiveness and while talking to him would doze off in the middle of a conversation in his office. The work she was trying to do at the time was quite arousing under unusual conditions of lighting and interest and yet she would still doze off at inappropriate times during the day while working. The doctor did not find that her long work schedule or hours were responsible for such a condition. Ms. Porter had a debilitating illness consisting of the lingering aftereffects of a form of hepatitis and this, coupled with the stress related to her film-editing job (for which she was obtaining treatment through self-hypnosis training by Dr. Von Hilsheimer) caused her to lose her normal "arousal ability." Because of this she did have an attack or episode of transient narcolepsy as diagnosed by Respondent and Dr. Von Hilsheimer. During visits in his office he observed her display three of the four commonly recognized symptoms of narcolepsy during approximately the same period of time in which she received the Ritalin prescription. These inappropriate sleep episodes were a transient condition and Ms. Porter recovered from that condition and is functioning well personally and professionally. The small original Ritalin prescription needed no renewal. The use of the Ritalin prescription was a reasonable exercise of Respondent's medical judgment and approach to alleviating the transitory narcolepsy symptoms exhibited by Ms. Porter and caused her no harm whatever. Patient Sandy Lee Bradford was prescribed Biphetamine between December 14, 1980 and December 15, 1981. She is the daughter of the Respondent's secretary and has been the Respondent's patient for many years. On December 15, 1980, due to her complaint of fatigue, daytime sleepiness episodes, along with inability to lose weight and excessive weight gain, the Respondent first prescribed biphetamines to her. Over a one year period she subsequently received four other prescriptions of biphetamines. Each time she received a new prescription, she personally saw and consulted with Dr. Klotz. At the time the prescriptions were administered she had recently been divorced and was suffering unusual stress and emotional anxiety related to that divorce, which Respondent believed had a direct effect on her sudden weight gain and inability to lose weight. At the time the Respondent made these prescriptions, he was as yet unaware of the change in the legal status of amphetamine-type drugs such that it was no longer legally permissible to prescribe them for weight loss purposes. The Respondent candidly admitted that he primarily prescribed the drugs for assisting her in embarking on a successful weight loss program, not for chronic use. Other anorectic medications had been tried on this patient and had proved ineffective, however, with the judicious prescription and use of the biphetamine medication the patient made substantial progress in losing weight and in alleviating symptoms of fatigue. When Respondent became aware of the change in the legal status of biphetamines, he discontinued that medication promptly and substituted Tenuate Dosepan, which proved ineffective. He then substituted Ionamine which also proved ineffective, in an attempt to avoid prescribing biphetamines for the patient. The biphetamines prescribed were in appropriate, non-excessive quantities for the condition and symptoms exhibited by the patient and successfully alleviated her complaints with no harm to the patient. He discontinued biphetamines because he felt he could not with reasonable medical certainty, diagnose her as a narcoleptic patient. Dr. Lindberg conceded that the prescriptions were medically appropriate, but for the change in the law regarding their permissible use, and that change was the sole basis for his opinion that the prescription was inappropriate. Patient Trudy Heintz was prescribed Dexedrine between January 3, 1980 and October 29, 1982. She has been a patient of the Respondent since the early 1950's. She has displayed, over many years, symptoms of excessive, inappropriate daytime sleepiness and a simple inability to perform her employment duties as a result. The Respondent was treating her for phlebitis and arthritis, and thus she is an internal medicine patient. As such the Respondent monitored her physical condition quite closely, making physical examinations including monitoring of blood pressure when necessary. He observed no adverse effects caused by the administration of Dexedrine to this patient, which alleviated her narcoleptic symptoms and enabled her to remain productive and fully functional in her employment and daily pursuits. The Respondent thus diagnosed her as suffering from narcolepsy and established that as an appropriate basis for the prescription of Dexedrine. He continued to prescribe Dexedrine for the patient, even after he became aware of the restriction of its use because he genuinely believes that she is a true narcoleptic. Dr. Lindberg opined that the Dexedrine was inappropriate medication and was prescribed in excessive amounts. He did not believe that Ms. Heintz exhibited narcoleptic behavior, but he had never observed the patient and based his opinion merely upon less than detailed references to narcoleptic behavior in the patient's records. The Respondent, however, established that this patient had been a patient for many years and he was intimately familiar with the physical condition, complaints and medical history, and makes notes only for his own use. Because of his familiarity with her medical history and problems, it was unnecessary for him to make his own notes in sufficient detail so that Dr. Lindberg would be able to thoroughly review the patient's status and treatment indications by looking at her chart alone. Dr. Lindberg, in opining that the dosage was excessive at 30 mg. per day failed to take into account that the PDR provides that the accepted prescription of Dexedrine for narcolepsy is from 5 mg to 60 mg per day with no time limitation as to its use. His opinion as to excessiveness was based on the medical indications in the PDR for obesity only, not for narcolepsy. Such a dosage for this patient was not excessive in view of her proven diagnosis of narcolepsy. Count XXI concerns the purchase on October 14, 1981, of 1,000 quaalude tablets with regard to which it is alleged that the Respondent failed to maintain proper records justifying purchase and disposal of them as allegedly required by Section 21 USC 1306.04(b). Section 21 USC 1306.04(b) has not been placed in evidence in this proceeding, nor has it been made the subject of judicial notice, pursuant to Section 120.61, Florida Statutes. In any event, the 1,000 quaalude tablets were purchased by the Respondent for use by his wife, Harri Klotz. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Form 222, required to be maintained by the purchaser of such drugs was maintained by the Respondent and his office manager, and a dispensing record also maintained by them shows that the medication was dispensed upon receipt to Respondent's wife. In fact the drugs were established to be retained in the Respondent's office under lock and key and not physically dispensed to the Respondent's wife at one time, rather they were dedicated to her use, but maintained securely on the Respondent's office premises. Mrs. Klotz was then dispensed 30 tablets at a time in approximately one and one-half to two month intervals, and an additional journal card was established by Ms. Lindblom, the office manager, showing the dates when Mrs. Klotz drew down upon that medication in 30 tablet increments which withdrawals were recorded ads "pills dispensed." Additionally, the 130 methaqualone tablets prescribed for Mrs. Klotz on June 24, 1982, were for the purpose of providing her an additional supply to be used in a light, periodic, controlled manner because the drugs were about to become illegal. Later in August or September, 1982, Ms. Lindblom, when she became aware that the additional prescribing of methaqualone might be illegal, upon advice of Mr. Meiner, the Respondent's counsel, elected to dispose of the remaining quaalude tablets at which time 790 of the original 1,130 tablets dedicated to the use of Mrs. Klotz remained at the Respondent's office and were disposed of. Thus the receipt of 1,000 quaalude tablets was duly recorded in Respondent's record and the 30 tablet dispensations of the medication periodically from October 14, 1981 through June 28, 1982, were recorded in a dispensing record in evidence, which record also reflects the disposal of the 790 unused tablets.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses and the pleadings and arguments of counsel, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: That the Administrative Complaint against the Respondent, Solomon D. Klotz, be DISMISSED except as to the minor violations of Section 458.331(1)(h) and (cc) Florida Statutes, proven with regards to Counts XI and XVIII for which, under the circumstances of this case, no disciplinary action should be taken. DONE and ENTERED this 4th day of May, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of May, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph W. Lawrence, II, Esquire Chief Attorney Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Sam C. Meiner, Esquire 26 Wall Street Orlando, Florida 32801 Helen C. Ellis, Esquire 1804 Old Fort Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Director Board of Medical Examiners Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Fred M. Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (4) 120.57458.331893.03893.05
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Nov. 10, 2010 Number: 10-010166PL Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003650 Latest Update: Sep. 02, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent grew up in Havana, Cuba and was a university student there when Castro came into power. As did most university students, Respondent initially supported Castro but later became disenchanted with the regime. Respondent became interested in photography as a boy and became proficient to the point he sold photographs to the news media and helped defray the expense of his medical training through photography. Following the Bay of Pigs Invasion, Respondent smuggled out of Cuba photographs of the Russian missiles that had been delivered to Cuba. Respondent acknowledged that he took all of the photographs and videotapes entered into evidence in these proceedings. At all times relevant hereto, Respondent was licensed as a physician by the Florida Board of Medical Examiners. He graduated from medical school in Madrid, Spain in 1964, completed his internship at Johnson Willis Hospital, Richmond, Virginia, in 1965, and his residency in psychiatry at the Menninger School of Psychiatry, Topeka, Kansas in 1968. Respondent came to Naples, Florida in 1969 as Director of Collier County Mental Health Clinic which post he held for several years before devoting all of his time to his private practice. Respondent was married in 1962, and divorced in 1978. He is the father of three children. His two older daughters are working on advanced degrees while the younger son is entering high school. Following his divorce Respondent concluded that by marrying at a young age, he had perhaps missed out on much of life and decided to try a more libidinous life-style. In 1980, Respondent became attracted to a 19-year old licensed practical nurse who was working at Naples Community Hospital. Although he saw her several times in the hospital, they did not engage in conversation but made eye contact in passing each other. In October 1980, another doctor referred a patient who had suffered head injuries in a motorcycle accident to Respondent for treatment. This patient, Joseph DiVito, was seen in the hospital several times by Respondent and again after DiVito was released from the hospital. At the first hospital visit with DiVito, Respondent was surprised to see Laura Hodge, the LPN at Naples Community Hospital, whose eyes had attracted Respondent. She was the woman with whom DeVito was living at the time of his accident. The charges in the Administrative Complaint involving Laura Hodge are sustained only if a doctor-patient relationship existed between Respondent and Hodge. The doctor patient relationship, if it existed, was related solely to the treatment provided DiVito. Hodge testified that she was counseled by Respondent jointly with DiVito and also alone; that Respondent gave her the drug Artine to give DiVito in the event he suffered a reaction from the drug Haldol, which was given DiVito to aid in his memory loss; that after his release from the hospital DiVito was like a baby who had to be taught to feed himself, to walk, and to get around; that she had lunch with Respondent twice, once at Keewaydin Island, where they went by Respondent's boat, and once at a restaurant in North Naples; that following the lunch she felt dizzy and does not remember removing her clothes at her apartment when returned there by Respondent and having pictures taken of her; that after being shown nude photographs of herself, she was afraid of Respondent and feared he would show the pictures to DiVito; that she Accompanied Respondent on an overnight trip to Miami where they shared a motel room; that they went to dinner at a caberet where she drank some wine and began feeling strange; that when they returned to the motel that night, she does not remember anything until the following morning when she awoke upset and began crying; and that Respondent then drove her back to Naples. Shortly thereafter, Hodge left Naples with DiVito and went to Panama City where DiVito operated a boat leasing business during the summer of 1981. She returned to Naples that fall but had no further contact with Respondent. Respondent testified that he was surprised to see Hodge the first time he went to DiVito's room in the hospital; that Hodge told him that she didn't want to stay with DiVito; that the principal person who took care of DiVito when he was released from the hospital was his brother, William DiVito; that DiVito had been a very active man and was anxious to leave the hospital before he was physically ready to do so; that he was ambulatory, could feed himself and his principal problem was loss of memory; that Hodge was never his patient; that they had lunch twice, once at Keewaydin Island and again at a restaurant in North Naples; that both of these times Respondent took numerous photographs of Hodge and gave them to her; that following the lunch and picture-taking at Vanderbilt Beach (North Naples) he drove her to the apartment she had just moved into; that he visited her at this apartment at a later date and while she changed clothes, he took pictures of her in various stages of undressing; that he showed her these pictures after they had been developed; that she accompanied him to Miami where they shared a motel room and went out to dinner; and that they returned to Naples the following day because Hodge was upset. Photographs of Hodge which were admitted into evidence are of a person who appears fully aware that she is being photographed and in many of the pictures appears to be posing. Haldol, the drug given DiVito, can cause an epileptic type reaction; however, the treatment for this reaction is by injection and not orally because of the time it takes oral ingestion to work. The testimony of Hodge respecting Respondent entrusting to her the Artine tablets to place in DiVito's cheek if he had a reaction to the Haldol is less credible than is the testimony of Respondent. Although Respondent saw Hodge when he was treating DiVito and talked to the two of them, he did not thereby make Hodge his patient. Furthermore, no credible evidence was presented that Respondent surreptitiously gave Hodge any drug which could cause her to not remember the taking of the nude photographs. Her coordination and awareness shown in those photographs belie the contention that she was drugged. Diane Beck, R.N., arrived in Naples in 1981 and worked as a nurse at Naples Community Hospital where she met Respondent. After declining several dates with Respondent, Ms. Beck accepted an offer to go scuba diving from Respondent's boat. This involved a weekend trip to the Florida Keys on the boat and they had sex over this weekend. Respondent also took some nude photographs of Ms. Beck with her consent. Evidence presented to establish a doctor-patient relationship between Respondent and Beck included one instance where, following a D & C on Beck, the gynecologist asked Respondent if he had Tylenol #3 which Beck could take if needed for pain. When Respondent replied in the affirmative, the gynecologist did not write a prescription for medication for Beck. Although Beck testified that while they were living together, Respondent gave her Darvocet, Motrin and Tylenol #3 for dismenorreah from which she chronically suffered, Respondent denied prescribing these medications for her. The most likely scenario in this regard is that Respondent had such medication available in his home and Beck took them in accordance with instructions previously received from her gynecologist. This did not create a doctor-patient relationship between Respondent and Beck. Respondent prescribed benzodiasepines to many of his patients as a tranquilizer and sleeping pill. During the period December 1981 and October 1982 the Upjohn representative (detailer) whose territory included Respondent's office, gave Respondent 465 Xanax tablets as samples. Xanax is a benzodiasepine and the Xanax tablets were .25 mg and .5 mg in strength. The Upjohn company detailer who serviced the Naples area between October 1982 and June 1984 did not testify and no record of benzodiasepines left as samples with Respondent during this period was available at the hearing. Records of those drugs are maintained by Upjohn for the current year and two preceding years only. At the time of this hearing, the earliest record Upjohn had of drugs dispensed to physicians was January 1, 1985. Around November 1982, Upjohn came out with a benzodiasepine called Halcion. This drug was left with Respondent by detailers as samples. Halcion is packaged in sleeves with two tablets in a sleeve. Generally when Halcion is left as a sample, the box contains five sleeves with two tables per sleeve. Halcion has advantages over some other benzodiasepines that it works quickly, the effects wear off quickly and it leaves no hangover effect. Furthermore, the patient may have a memory lapse for the time sedated with Halcion. Use of Halcion is contraindicated by a woman of childbearing age because the drug can adversely affect and cause deformities in a fetus in the early stages of development. Halcion (as well as other drugs) may be obtained by a physician in a stockbottle which generally consists of 100 tablets in a square bottle with a round top. To obtain a stockbottle the physician places his order with the detailer, signs the appropriate FDA forms, the detailer sends the order to his area office and the stockbottle is mailed directly to the physician. No credible evidence was presented that Respondent ever obtained a stockbottle of Halcion from Upjohn. When benzodiasepines are taken in conjunction with the ingestion of ethyl alcohol, the effects of both are enhanced. Hence, there is a danger in taking sedatives while drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol alone is a sedative and it is quickly absorbed in the soft tissue such as the brain. When a benzodiasepine is taken at the same time ethanol is being ingested, the alcohol provides a vehicle which allows the benzodiasepine to be more quickly absorbed into the body. While Diane Beck was dating and living with Respondent, several videotapes were made of her and Respondent engaged in various sexual activities. Ms. Beck acknowledged that she voluntarily participated in some of these videotapes but that she was unaware that others were taken. She has no recollection that some of the tapes were being made, nor did she subsequently (before the charges here considered first arose) learn of these videotapes. In those tapes, Beck had been administered Halcion by Respondent without her knowledge or consent. This finding is based upon the following facts: Respondent told Beck he had given her a lot of Halcion. When Beck became pregnant by Respondent in mid-1983, Respondent told her of potential dangers caused by the use of Halcion and suggested she have an abortion. An appointment was made by Respondent with Dr. McCree, a gynecologist, to perform the abortion and on July 11, 1983, Dr. McCree performed a D & C on Beck, aborting the fetus. On one or more occasions Beck observed what appeared to be residue in her after dinner drink, and on at least one occasion asked Respondent about it. Respondent told her it was sugar from the old brandy she was drinking. Respondent acknowledged that he often performed sexual acts on Beck while she was "passed out" and unaware of what he was doing. However, he contended she enjoyed it and had given him permission. The videotapes of a comatose female being shifted around by Respondent to improve the angle for the pictures being taken. This does not appear to be a person merely intoxicated, certainly not one intoxicated with ethanol. This person is as limp as a rag with all muscles appearing to be totally relaxed who is certainly oblivious to what is going on. It is not believed a person merely intoxicated (unless dead drunk) could be moved and manipulated the way Beck was without some reaction. Had Beck been dead drunk, she would perhaps still be intoxicated when she awoke and/or be hung over. Neither of these events occurred. Respondent's steady relationship with Beck terminated in April 1984 after the date for a wedding could not be agreed upon. She moved out of his house but they remained on friendly terms until the existence of the videotapes became known. The third complaining witness, Sandi Karppi, met Respondent in June 1984 on the beach in Naples. At the time Ms. Karppi was an LPN on private duty with a patient where she had one hour off in the late afternoon which she used to walk on the beach. One day while walking along the beach, she was followed by Respondent who was attracted to the energy with which she walked. Respondent overtook her and engaged her in conversation. During the conversation Respondent disclosed his name and that he was a psychiatrist. Ms. Karppi disclosed to him that she had a pap smear taken which was suspicious, that a second test had been done, and she was anxious to obtain the results but her doctor did not return her calls. Respondent volunteered to obtain the results of the later test and inform her. Karppi told Respondent that she walked the beach almost every afternoon and Respondent began visiting the beach to meet her during her hour off from her nursing duties. A short time after the first meeting Respondent called Karppi to tell her that he had the results of her lab test and offered to take her to dinner to give her the results. She consented. Thereafter he continued to meet her on the beach and engage her in conversation. Respondent's version of the timing of the initial events of their relationship is a little different from the version testified to by Karppi; however, these differences are not material to the issue here presented. Respondent testified that Karppi told him of her problems with the pap smear test several days after their first meeting and that he agreed to get the results of the tests. Dr. King advised Respondent obtaining the results of the pap smear and passing them to Karppi. During the meetings on the beach and on boat trips Karppi took on Respondent's boat, Respondent took numerous photographs of Karppi. On one occasion, they went on an overnight trip to Keewaydin Island with Respondent's son Eric and a friend of Eric. The two boys slept in a tent on the beach leaving Karppi and Respondent on the boat. On another occasion they went alone on the boat to Captiva Island where they spent the night on board. Karppi testified that she went to sleep fully clothed while at Keewaydin Island in a bunk bed on one side of the cabin with Respondent in another bed and when she awoke, she was naked. Nude photographs of Karppi in a comatose state are contained in Exhibit 1. Karppi never consented to having her picture taken in the nude. Respondent's version of the nude photographs is that he frequently talked to Karppi about taking nude photographs but she never consented, saying only that maybe she would allow the photographs if out of town or if she was tipsy. Respondent contends these photographs were taken while they were at Captiva Island with only the two of them on the boat and that Karppi drank a lot of wine and passed out. He then disrobed her and took the photographs. Respondent contends he gave Karppi no drugs before she passed out. However, it is concluded that Karppi was given some sedative along with the wine she drank. This conclusion is based upon the following facts: Respondent had access to Halcion, Xanax, Tylenol #3, and other drugs that could induce coma. Respondent had used such drugs on Diane Beck and was aware of the potential for use of these drugs. In order to take some of the photographs in Exhibit 1, Karppi had to be moved around enough to awaken one who was just sleeping or only sleeping off ethanol induced sleep. Some of the actions of Respondent as depicted in these photographs would have awakened or aroused one who was not fully comatose. Karppi has no recollection such photographs were ever taken, though she was sober and had no hangover the next morning. Subsequent to the boat trips Respondent took a vacation during most of the month of July during which he travelled to Europe and the Caribbean. Upon his return to Naples, he renewed his courtship with Karppi and she moved into his home August 26, 1984, the day after Respondent's oldest daughter returned to college. Respondent's testimony that they first had sex that night which Karppi spent in his bedroom is not disputed by Karppi. If they engaged in sex before that time, Karppi was unconscious and unaware of it. During part of the time Karppi stayed at Respondent's home and shared his bedroom, her mother also visited and slept in another bedroom at Respondent's home. This relationship terminated around September when Karppi moved into her own apartment. She and Respondent remained friendly and saw each other occasionally. One night in late December 1984, Karppi called Respondent from the hospital to tell him she had a headache and to ask him to prescribe some medication for her. After learning that Karppi had tried without success to get her doctor on the telephone and that her doctor had prescribed Cafergot for her headaches, Respondent called in a prescription to the hospital pharmacy to give 4 Cafergot tablets to Karppi. The label from the bottle dated December 29, 1984 was admitted as Exhibit 16. In early January 1985, Respondent went to Vail, Colorado, with another woman and Karppi offered to stay at his house with Respondent's elderly mother while he was gone. He agreed and Karppi moved in. While looking for a book in Respondent's bedroom closet, Karppi discovered the nude photographs of her which were admitted into evidence as Exhibit 1. Having no recollection these pictures had been taken, she was quite shocked and called Respondent at his hotel in Vail. He told her to be calm and they would discuss the matter when he returned. Following a more extensive search, Karppi found numerous other photographs of naked women as well as several videotapes. Karppi contacted her doctor for advice, and he referred her to an attorney who in turn referred her to the State Attorney's Office. At the State Attorney's Office, she produced the photographs of herself she had removed from Respondent's residence and her affidavit was taken. On the basis of Karppi's affidavit and the photographs, a search warrant was obtained and on January 11, 1985, a search of Respondent's home was conducted. During this search, Exhibits 1 - 16 were seized. Subsequent to the conclusion of the hearing, those exhibits unrelated to any individual involved in these charges which were objected to at the hearing were not admitted into evidence as having no relevance to these charges. Following the search of Respondent's residence, criminal charges were brought against Respondent in the Circuit Court in and for Collier County alleging sexual battery and administering drugs to Karppi without her knowledge or consent. Respondent was acquitted of those charges.

Florida Laws (2) 458.329458.331
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-003380 Latest Update: May 22, 1990

The Issue In addition to the issue of whether the Respondent committed the acts alleged, the administrative complaint alleges on its face that the Respondent was not licensed to practice medicine in the State of Florida until July 13, 1982. Most of the administrative complaint relates to alleged violations by the Respondent prior to the date of his licensure. A primary issue is the Petitioner's jurisdiction over the Respondent to prosecute for acts committed prior to his licensure. A major factual issue in this case are the dates upon which the doctor's conduct allegedly took place.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent was licensed as a medical doctor on July 13, 1982, in the State of Florida. Prior to that date the Respondent was not licensed to practice medicine in this or any other state. Prior to his licensure he was participating in a medical internship program in Pensacola, Florida. He was permitted to practice and prescribe medicine as an intern in and within the limits of this program. (Re: Count I through Count IV) The Respondent presented prescriptions for Eskatrol and Dexedrine on two different occasions to two different pharmacies. These prescriptions listed the Respondent as the person for whom the prescriptions were filled and signed by the Respondent. Neither prescription was accepted by the pharmacists and neither prescription was introduced into evidence. Eskatrol and Dexedrine are amphetamine compounds and are Schedule II controlled substances. The Respondent's ex-wife placed the Respondent's use of amphetamines in February of 1981. See Transcript page 95 line 19 through page 96 line 1. One of the pharmacists to whom the prescription was presented by the Respondent was Ann Cole Wilson, the Respondent's former sister-in-law and sister of his ex-wife. Wilson's testimony concerning the date of the alleged occurrence testifies as follows: Q. Can you tell me what occurred on that occasion, and tell me approximately when this occurred? A. Like I say, it's hard to remember. It was sometime during the summer months. Q. The summer of what year? A. Oh, gosh. Right now it's been, let's see, `82 or `83. Q. The summer of `82? A. I would say `82 yeah. The other pharmacist who testified regarding the Respondent's presentation of prescriptions for amphetamines was Elizabeth S. Grimsley. Grimsley testified regarding the alleged events as follows: Q. How did you come to meet him? A. He brought in a prescription one night for, two prescriptions, rather, written for him by himself for Eskatrol and Dexedrine, amphetamine prescriptions. Q. These prescriptions were written for the use of Dr. Taylor and they were written by Dr. Taylor? A. Yes, sir. Q. Do you remember approximately when this occurred? A. No, sir; roughly a year and a half or two years ago, I suppose. The latter witness is very vague about the date, and the former witness has an interest in these proceedings by virtue of her relationship with the Respondent's former wife. The relationship by Respondent and his former wife is characterized by hostility and continuing litigation arising out of their divorce and concerning child custody. It is concluded that the Petitioner failed to prove the acts occurred after the date of the Respondent's licensure. (Counts V, VI) The Respondent ordered legend and other drugs from pharmaceutical companies using the name of Michael Archer, M.D. and Archer's DEA registration number. Archer did not approve the order or give the Respondent permission to use his DEA registration in order to obtain these drugs. Respondent's actions took place in 1981 and 1982 prior to the date of the Respondent's licensure by the Florida Board. See the depositions of Farrell, Schied & Perez. (Count VII) Between the dates of March 3, 1982, and June 30, 1982, the Respondent submitted drug orders for and received thirty Crescormon No. 4 iu- vials from Pharmacia Corporated, 800 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854. These events occurred prior to the Respondent's licensure by the Petitioner. See deposition of Schied, Exhibit 3. Respondent ordered amino acids from Varitex Corporation, a Michigan company. These materials which are not legend drugs were ordered and received by the Respondent prior to the date of his licensure by the Petitioner. See deposition of Myers, Exhibit 4. Respondent ordered various drugs from Generix Drug Corp., 1900 W. Commercial Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in the same manner. All these transactions occurred before the Respondent was licensed. See the deposition of Perez, Exhibit 5. (Count VIII) The Respondent sold or provided Darrell R. Black substances represented by the Respondent and thought to be by Black a drug with the trade name Dianabol. Dianabol is a steroid and a legend drug. This transaction was not a part of Dr. Taylor's practice under the Pensacola Education Program, the internship in which Dr. Taylor was participating. This transaction occurred in 1981, prior to Dr. Taylor's licensure by the Board. See Transcript page 38. The Respondent sold or provided to Shaun Francis Farrell drugs represented by the Respondent and thought to be by Farrell testosterone and Deca-Durabolin. This transaction was not part of the Respondent's internship in the Pensacola Educational Program. These transactions occurred in 1981, prior to Respondent's licensure by the Board. See Transcript page 46. (Count IX) The Respondent presented prescriptions for and received various metabolic steroids during 1981. However, all of these were presented prior to the date of the Respondent's licensure by the Board. See Transcript, pages 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 31, 32, 33. One prescription for Trisorlan was presented by the Respondent for himself on October 20, 1982. Trisorlan is a legend drug, however it is not a controlled substance. Trisorlan is a drug affecting the pigmentation of skin. Transcript page 24. No evidence was received concerning the propriety of Dr. Taylor prescribing this medication for himself. (Count XI) No evidence was received that the Respondent held himself out as being licensed to practice medicine. Black and Ferrell did not see Respondent as a doctor. Respondent saw Cayton at the hospital and was authorized to treat patients within the scope of his internship. Most of the witnesses stated that they knew that the Respondent was a doctor, that he was "practicing" at Sacred Heart Hospital. The Respondent holds a degree as an M.D. and was practicing at Sacred Heart as an intern. Further to the extent that the Respondent may have held himself out as a physician contrary to Section 458.327, he did so prior to the date of his licensure and acquisition of jurisdiction by the Board.

Recommendation Having found no evidence to support the jurisdiction of the Board over the Respondent on the allegations of Count X, the Hearing Officer recommends that the Board take no action against the Respondent and the administrative complaint against the Respondent be dismissed. DONE and ORDERED this 4th day of February, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of February, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph W. Lawrence, II, Esquire Dorothy Faircloth, Executive Department of Professional Director Regulation Department of Professional 130 North Monroe Street Regulation Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Board of Medical Examiners 130 North Monroe Street William Taylor, M.D. Tallahassee, Florida 32301 5271 Myrtlewood Sarasota, Florida 33580 Fred Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Salvatore Carpino, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.327458.331
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Dec. 15, 2009 Number: 09-006745PL Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Aug. 08, 1991 Number: 91-005042 Latest Update: Jul. 28, 1992

The Issue The issue to be decided is whether the Respondent's license as a practical nurse in the State of Florida should be revoked, suspended or otherwise disciplined.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the testimony of the witnesses and the documentary evidence received as evidence in this case, the following relevant findings of fact are made. At all times material to this proceeding, the Respondent was licensed as a practical nurse in the State of Florida, holding license number 0947131. Between February 19, 1990, and July 13, 1990, Respondent was employed by Doctor's Hospital of Sarasota, Sarasota, Florida, as a medical/surgical nurse. On July 1, 1990, Respondent called in at 1:30 p.m. (1330 hours) to indicate her intended absence from her 3-11 shift for the next day. Respondent called in again at 3:15 p.m. (1515 hours), apparently having forgotten her previous call-in. Respondent called in a third time at 6:00 p.m. (1800 hours). During these conversations with Tracie Burchette, Administrative Nurse Supervisor, the Respondent's speech appeared to be slurred, her conversation rambled and she appeared to be disoriented. Respondent advised Burchette that she had a vaginal irritation and a yeast infection, and was taking Tylenol #3 for pain. Burchette could only speculate as to why Respondent called three times about not coming to work the next day, and as to why her speech appeared to be slurred, or why her conversation rambled, or whey she appeared to be disoriented. On July 27, 1990, Respondent had an appointment with Dr. John Picken, and while in his office in Sarasota, Florida, for the appointment, the Respondent and Dr. Picken became embroiled in a heated argument concerning her treatment. Basically, Dr. Picken wanted to "wean" Respondent from her dependency on Xanax which Dr. Picken had been prescribing for her regularly since January 31, 1990. Both Dr. Picken and Respondent were of the opinion that because of her constant use of Xanax, the Respondent had become dependent on the drug, possibly addicted. The argument stemmed from how Respondent was to be "weaned", so to speak, from Xanax. The Respondent and Dr. Picken disagreed on how many Xanax pills Dr. Picken was going to prescribe for the Respondent. The argument became so heated that Dr. Picken advised Respondent that he wanted to end the patient-doctor relationship. Both Respondent and Dr. Picken were both very upset at the time Dr. Picken wrote the prescription for Xanax for the Respondent. Respondent could get Xanax prescribed by Dr. Picken whenever she needed them based on Dr. Picken's records and the number he prescribed each time. From January 31, 1990, through August 16, 1990, Dr. Picken prescribed approximately 730 0.5 mg. Xanax tablets for Respondent. Thirty of these tablets were prescribed over the telephone by Dr. Picken some 20 days after he had become so upset with Respondent that he wanted to end the patient-doctor relationship, and Respondent had been accused of altering the prescription given to her by Dr.Picken on July 27,1990. After leaving Dr. Picken's office on July 27, 1990, the Respondent presented the prescription to June Helms, a pharmacist with Doctor's Hospital. Helms informed Respondent that the pharmacy did not have enough Xanax pills on hand to fill the prescription. The prescription called for 150 70.5 mg. Xanax pills. Although Helms looked at the number 150 on the prescription at this time, she did not notice anything to make her suspect that the prescription had been altered. It was not until later, after another pharmacist, Jay Swick, had advised Helms that Respondent no longer worked for the hospital and the prescription could not be filled, that Helms noticed what she considered to be an alteration. It appeared to Helms that a different kind of ink had been used to write a "1" in front of the "50" to make it read "150" tablets. The original of the prescription was not offered into evidence as it was unavailable and therefore, no independent examination could be made to determine if in fact the prescription had been altered by someone placing a "1" in front of the "50" to change the count to "150." At the time Respondent presented the prescription on July 27, 1990 it was her thinking that even though she no longer worked for Doctor's Hospital that her insurance was still in effect. Helms testified that Jay Swick called Dr. Picken and that she was told by Jay Swick that Dr. Picken confirmed the count was "50" rather than "150." However, Dr. Picken's records do not reflect anyone from the hospital pharmacy calling him regarding the count on that prescription, nor did Dr. Picken have any independent recollection of anyone from the hospital pharmacy calling him in that regard. Although Dr. Picken may fail to record a conversation such as this as is evidenced by his failure to record the number of Xanax tablets prescribed for Respondent on several occasions, it is unlikely that Dr. Picken would forget such an important telephone call from the hospital pharmacy. In fact, Dr. Picken's testimony was that the first he had heard of the alteration was when Respondent's attorney called him a couple or three weeks before this hearing to request copies of his office records for the Respondent. On several occasions, Dr. Picken prescribed 100, 0.5 mg. Xanax tablets for Respondent because this constituted a month's supply. However, there was no prohibition to prescribing 150 Xanax tablets at one time on a prescription. Respondent denies that she had altered the July 27, 1990, prescription by placing a "1" in front of the "50" which resulted in the prescription reading 150 0.5 mg. Xanax tables rather than 50. Furthermore, it was the Respondent's testimony that Dr. Picken wrote more than one prescription for Xanax for her on July 27, 1990 because he became so frustrated with her, and each time he changed his mind about the number of Xanax tablets he was prescribing. In this regard, Dr. Picken's testimony supports Respondent in that he testified that in the beginning he intended not to prescribe any Xanax for Respondent but changed his mind and prescribed 50 tables. Notwithstanding the testimony of Dr. Picken that he prescribed only 50 Xanax tablets on the prescription given to Respondent on July 27, 1990, which was presented to Helms at Doctor's Hospital Pharmacy on the same day or the testimony of Helms that the prescription appeared to be altered, there is insufficient evidence to establish facts to show that Respondent did in fact alter the prescriptions given to her by Dr. Picken on July 27, 1990, by placing a "1" in front of a "50" and thereby increasing the number from 50 to 150. The more logical answer to why the prescription appeared to be altered is that in all the confusion on July 27, 1990 Dr. Picken change the number, and failed to make a correction in his records. There was no reason for Respondent to alter the prescription when the record shows that she was able to get Dr. Picken to prescribe what she wanted anyway. This is supported by the fact that Dr. Picken even prescribed Xanax for Respondent on August 16, 1990, after his confrontation with Respondent on July 27, 1990, and after she was alleged to have altered the July 27, 1990, prescription. Although there was testimony that Xanax was a mild tranquilizer and a Class IV drug, there was no evidence presented to show that Xanax is the brand name for a drug containing Alprazolam that is defined under Section 893.03(4) Florida Statutes, as a Scheduled IV, controlled substance. There was no evidence that Respondent had ever gone to work at Doctor's Hospital or any hospital while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, specifically Xanax. There was insufficient evidence to show that Respondent had failed to practice nursing with reasonable skill and safety to patients or that she had exhibited unprofessional conduct which resulted in her departure from, or her failure to conform to, minimal standard of acceptable and prevailing nursing practices. Respondent admitted that she was addicted to (dependent on) Xanax and has been and was presently being treated at Manatee Glens Alcoholic and Drug Services, a rehabilitation center.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is, accordingly, RECOMMENDED: That the Board enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint filed herein in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 28th day of July 1992. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of July 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner Each of the following proposed findings of fact are adopted in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. The number in parenthesis in the Findings of Fact which so adopts the Petitioner's proposed finding(s) of fact: 1 (1); 2 (2); 4 (3); 5( 7); 9-10 (6); and 11-12 (15). Proposed findings of fact 3, 6, 7, and 8 are rejected as not being supported by competent, substantial evidence in the record. Proposed finding of fact 13 is a conclusion that is not relevant here because the facts upon which the conclusion is reached are not supported by competent, substantial evidence in the record. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent The Respondents proposed findings of fact begin with paragraph 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4 in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. Adopted in Findings of Fact 4 and 5 in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. 4-6. Adopted in Findings of Fact 5, 7, and 6, respectively in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. 7-12. Proposed Findings of Fact 7 through 12 are a mixture of restatement of testimony, argument and proposed findings of fact. Where there are proposed findings of fact they have been adopted in the Findings of Fact in substance as modified in the Recommended Order. COPIES FURNISHED: Roberta Fenner, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Timothy A. Freeland, Esquire Post Office Box 3944 Sarasota, Florida 34230 Judie Ritter Executive Director Board of Nursing Department of Professional Regulation 504 Daniel Building 111 East Coastline Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Jack McRay General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (3) 120.57464.018893.03
# 7
BOARD OF MEDICINE vs. ALLAN ERDE, 88-004785 (1988)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-004785 Latest Update: Aug. 21, 1989

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the license of Allen B. Erde, M.D., should be disciplined by the Florida Board of Medicine based upon actions he is alleged to have taken, or failed to have taken, between August and November, 1986, in the care and treatment of his patient, C.W.

Findings Of Fact At all times material hereto, Respondent has been licensed as a physician in the State Of Florida, having been issued license number ME-0008625. Respondent was C.W.'s obstetrician during her pregnancy in 1986, and initially examined her on August 26, 1986, when she was six weeks pregnant. During this initial visit, C.W. was informed by Respondent that her pregnancy was progressing normally. At her second visit, on September 23, 1986, Respondent detected no fetal heartbeat. However, he informed C.W. that this was not a problem. He requested that she bring her husband with her for her third visit so that they both could hear the heartbeat. Prior to her third visit, C.W. saw Respondent in his office on October 6, 1986, complaining of urinary problems, and a stiff neck and back. Respondent treated her for a urinary tract infection. Later that same day she began to bleed vaginally, passed clots and experienced cramping pains. She then saw Respondent at the Winter Haven Hospital emergency room, but was told that nothing seemed wrong. Respondent advised her simply to go home, put her feet up, and rest. There were several other occasions during October, 1986, when C.W. experienced cramping and vaginal bleeding. She called Respondent each time to express her concerns, but was told simply to lie down, and keep her feet up. On October 22, 1986, C.W. and her husband visited Respondent for her third scheduled visit. No heartbeat was heard. Respondent again told C.W. that there was no cause for concern, the baby was just small and probably behind her pelvic bone. C.W. was presumably 14 weeks pregnant at this time, but Respondent's office records indicate that the fetus was decreasing in size, there was no weight gain, and no heartone. C.W. continued to experience pain and bleeding, sometimes accompanied by clots. She was not gaining weight, and had none of the other indications of pregnancy which she had experienced in her prior pregnancies. C.W. continued to express concern to Respondent, but his advice remained simply to lie down, and keep her feet up. In response to a five day episode of bleeding, C.W. saw Respondent in his office on November 12, 1986. Although she was 17 weeks pregnant at that time, Respondent's office records indicate a fetus 14 weeks in size. Respondent did not order any fetal viability tests, and there is no evidence in his office record that he considered any testing of the fetus. C.W. saw Respondent for her fourth scheduled visit on November 19, 1986, and, again, no fetal heartbeat was detected. She was still experiencing vaginal bleeding. Her uterus was only 10-12 weeks in size, although she was presumably 19 weeks pregnant at this time. C.W. was distraught, and expressed great concern to Respondent that she was presumably almost five months pregnant and no fetal heartbeat had ever been detected. C.W. demanded that Respondent do something. He then ordered a quantitative Beta-subunit Human Chorionic Gonadotropin blood test to determine her hormone level. On November 2l, 1986, Respondent called C.W. at her place of employment, and informed her that her hormone levels were extremely low, and that she might not have a viable pregnancy. He told her she should keep her next regularly scheduled appointment with him, but if she experienced any severe bleeding or cramping to call him. C.W. left work and became increasingly upset. She contacted him later on that same day for a more complete explanation of what she should expect. Respondent told her that the fetus was "reversing itself and was losing weight instead of gaining." C.W. was not informed by Respondent that the fetus was not viable, and she took his advice to mean that if she was extremely careful there was still a chance of carrying the pregnancy to term. Respondent admitted to the Petitioner's investigator, Jim Bates, that he knew the fetus was dead at this time, but he was trying to let nature take its course, and if she did not abort in two or three months, he would take the fetus. Because she was extremely upset and her friends were concerned about the advice she was receiving from the Respondent, an appointment with another obstetrician, Dr. Vincent Gatto, was made for C.W. by one of her friends. Dr. Gatto saw C.W. on or about November 21, 1986, and after examining her he immediately diagnosed her as having had a missed abortion. A sonogram confirmed this diagnosis. A dilation and curettage was performed on C.W., and subsequent pathological reports revealed remnants of an 8-week fetus. The medical records which Respondent maintained of his care and treatment of C.W. are incomplete and contain discrepancies concerning his evaluation of the patient. They do not reflect C.W.'s numerous telephone calls, or that she was increasingly upset over the course of her pregnancy. There is no delineation of a plan of treatment in these records, or any explanation of the type of treatment he was pursuing for her. There is no explanation or justification in these records of Respondent's failure to order a sonogram or test, other than the one Beta-subunit Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, for C.W., although she repeatedly reported vaginal bleeding and cramping, and there was a continuing inability to detect a fetal heartbeat. Respondent failed to carry out the correct tests on C.W., and therefore, he failed to make a correct diagnosis of missed abortion, or to treat her correctly. He allowed her to carry a dead fetus for almost two months. Retention of the products of a non-viable pregnancy can lead to several complications, including infection, blood clotting and psychological trauma. In fact, this experience caused C.W. severe emotional anguish. In his care and treatment of C.W., Respondent failed to meet the standard of care that is required of a physician practicing under similar conditions and circumstances.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is recommended that Florida Board of Medicine enter a Final Order suspending Respondent's license to practice medicine for a period of five years, and imposing an administrative fine of $3,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of August, 1989 in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD D. CONN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of August, 1989. APPENDIX (DOAH CASE NO. 88-4785) Rulings on the Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact: Adopted in Finding l. Adopted in Finding 2. Adopted in Finding 3. Adopted in Finding 4. Adopted in Finding 5. 6-7. Adopted in Finding 6. Adopted in Finding 7. Adopted in Finding 8. Adopted in Finding 9. Adopted in Finding 10. Adopted in Finding 11. Rejected as irrelevant. 14-17. Adopted in Finding 13. 18-21. Adopted in Finding 12. 22. Adopted in Finding 14. The Respondent did not file Proposed Findings of Fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Mary B. Radkins, Esquire Northwood Centre, Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Allen B. Erde, M.D. P. O. Box 1817 Winter Haven, FL 33883-1817 Allen B. Erde, M.D. 198 First Street, South Winter Haven, FL 33880 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Kenneth Easley, General Counsel Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0729

Florida Laws (2) 120.57458.331
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 85-002232 Latest Update: Oct. 30, 1985

The Issue By count, the issues are as follows: Count I - Did Respondent exercise influence within a patient-physician relationship for the purpose of engaging a patient in sexual activity, contrary to Section 458.331(1)(k), Florida Statutes? Count II - Did the Respondent prescribe, dispense or administer a legend drug or controlled substance other than in the course of his practice, contrary to Section 458.331(1)(q), Florida Statutes? Legally, the issue is whether the presumption of impropriety should apply because the drug was alleged to be prescribed inappropriately. Count III - Did the Respondent violate the statutory in Section 893.05, Florida Statutes to prescribe, dispense and administer a controlled substance in good faith and in the course of his professional practice, and thereby violate Section 458.331(1)(h), Florida Statutes? Count IV - Did Respondent maintain adequate medical records for his treatment of the patient, contrary to Section 458.331(1)(n), Florida Statutes? Count V - Did the Respondent fail to practice medicine within that level of care, skill and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar medical doctor as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances (gross or repeated malpractice), contrary to Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes? Count VI - Did the Respondent make deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations in the practice of medicine, contrary to Section 458.331(1)(1), Florida Statutes? Count VII - Did the Respondent violate any provision of Chapter 458 or Rule of the Board, and thereby violate Section 458.331(1)(x) Florida Statutes? After the Petitioner rested its case, Respondent moved for a finding of fact that certain counts were not proven. The motion was granted with regard to Count VI and Count VII for the following reasons: Count VI - There was no evidence of any deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations presented. Count VII - The Board has not charged any violation of the rules. Any violations of Section 458.331, Florida Statutes alleged are punishable in their own right and it is inappropriate to charge Respondent with an added violation of Chapter 458.331(1)(x), Florida Statutes. A timely proposed order was received from the Respondent; a proposed finding was filed late by the Petitioner which was rejected as being filed late. A ruling has been made on the Respondent's proposed finding of fact in the Appendix to the Recommended Order.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Donald H. Foster, is a medical doctor licensed by the Florida Board of Medical Examiners and has held license #0006524 since 1955. Kelly McLean, a/k/a Kelly Carter, is a preoperative transsexual who has taken female hormones since 1982, who dresses as a female, who lives and works as a female, and who will be referred to in the female gender hereafter in this Order. (Testimony of McLean.) Kelly McLean first saw Respondent in May of 1982 to obtain female hormone shots to maintain female secondary sexual characteristics. McLean had already been obtaining such hormones from other sources prior to seeing Respondent. McLean could not remember many details of the 1982 visit: however, McLean stated that Respondent did not take a complete past history and perform a general physical examination. McLean stated that Respondent did examine her breasts and asked general questions about her condition and the treatment she sought. The Respondent prescribed female hormones for McLean and gave McLean a hormone shot during the 1982 visit. (Testimony of McLean.) McLean did not continue to see the Respondent because McLean was obtaining hormones for less money from another source. (Testimony of McLean.) In August 1984 McLean was arrested for solicitation of an undercover police officer to perform a sexual act for $20.00. While being held in an investigative status and prior to being booked, she was approached by Detective Duran to see if she had any criminal intelligence value and was willing to cooperate with the police in criminal investigations in order to seek their recommendation to the State Attorney that the charges against her be reduced. McLean agreed and was placed in contact with Detective Gates. Gates had been surveilling the Respondent since 1976, but did not have an open case file. McLean had advised Detective Duran she had seen Respondent in 1982. McLean was recruited to work an undercover operation against Respondent. (Testimony of McLean and Gates.) Gates and Duran targeted McLean against Respondent to determine if Respondent was prescribing medications in accordance with ethical and legal standards and requirements. Gates suggested to McLean that she attempt to obtain a prescription for valium and cautioned her not to present a good medical reason. McLean also understood that Duran was seeking evidence of solicitation of sexual favors by the Respondent. Gates and Duran told McLean they would recommend to the State Attorney that her charges be reduced if she would wear a recording/transmitting device, see the doctor, and attempt to get drugs and seek sexual favors. (Testimony of McLean, Gates and Duran.) McLean agreed, saw the Respondent, the officers recommended reduction of her charges and they were dropped. (Testimony of McLean.) On September 7, 1984, McLean met with Duran and Gates at approximately 2:00 p.m. at which time they equipped her with a transmitting device. They then took her to the Respondent's medical office where she entered Respondent's office and spoke with the receptionist. She advised the receptionist she had seen the doctor in 1982 and her record was pulled. The receptionist did not take any information from McLean other than her change of address. McLean was placed in an examination room and seen alone by Respondent. (Testimony of McLean.) Duran and Gates remained outside monitoring and recording the transmissions from McLean's transmitter hidden in her purse. (Testimony of Duran and Gates.) The Respondent saw McLean and asked why McLean was there. McLean indicated to Respondent that she desired to continue her hormone shots. The Respondent carefully examined McLean's breasts, to include the lymph glands under the arms, and asked McLean about how her treatment was coming. McLean advised Respondent that she was nervous because she had just moved back into the house with her mother who disapproved of her life style and asked for a valium prescription. (Testimony of McLean and Foster.) After his examination, the Respondent administered an injection of female hormones to McLean and prescribed a female hormone to be taken orally by McLean. The Respondent did not give McLean a prescription of valium at that time. (Testimony of McLean.) Hormone injections for pre-operative transsexuals are accepted treatment during the period in which the male is adapting to life as a female prior to surgery. However, this is generally done in conjunction with psychiatric or psychological counseling as part of an overall process culminating in surgery. Because of the various health care needs of the transsexual and serious consequences of hormone therapy, various specialists may treat the patient under the leadership of one of the physicians. There is no evidence that Respondent administered hormones to McLean as part of an overall treatment regime to include counseling and planned surgery initiated by Respondent or another physician. However, there are many transsexuals who cannot afford the treatments, counseling and surgery which are quite expensive. Many transsexuals are limited to continued hormone treatments which are frequently obtained from persons other than physicians. Hormone injections can cause serious side effects and should not be prescribed without full patient history, careful workup and continued screening. (Testimony of Foster and Neufeld.) The Respondent did not perform the workup required of the prudent, reasonable medical doctor under similar circumstances prior to prescribing female hormones for McLean. (Testimony of McLean, Foster and Neufeld.) On September 7, 1985 at approximately 5:15 p.m. McLean returned to Respondent's office. Conflicting testimony was received on whether the Respondent made sexual advances to McLean or whether Respondent offered to supply valium to McLean in return for sexual favors. McLean was under significant pressure to obtain data for the Tampa Police Department or face trial for prostitution. Gates targeted McLean against Foster who Gates had had under investigation since 1976 without an open file. Also, Duran's special interest in vice matters was known to McLean. Conversely, Respondent has a very clear and special interest in this case. Although Respondent prescribed valium to McLean at this second visit, the testimony of McLean is rejected as it relates to overt sexual conduct or advances by Dr. Foster in return for a valium prescription. (Testimony of Foster and McLean.) Transsexuals suffer frequently from anxiety. McLean specifically reported problems with anxiety and requested a prescription for valium for relief of this problem. Valium is a Class IV controlled substance which is frequently prescribed for the relief of anxiety. The prescription of this medication for McLean by Respondent was appropriate and for the benefit of the patient's condition. (Testimony of McLean and Foster.) The records of McLean kept by the doctor were taken by the officers on the night of September 7, 1984 without a warrant. McLean asked the doctor to give her records to the police, which he did. The entries are sparse and do not reflect weight, blood pressure, pulse rate or respiration. There is no evidence of a patient history being taken in either 1982 or 1984. Although Respondent had no opportunity to make any entries regarding the prescription of valium to McLean in the records, the absence of any 1982 data indicates Respondent failed to record basic patient data. Respondent testified he did inquire about basic data of all his patients. Testimony of McLean, Gates, Foster and Duran. Although the Board's expert testified that he would not examine a transsexual without a female nurse present, and that to do so violated the accepted standards of practice, the Respondent testified he was unaware of any accepted protocol regarding decorum applicable to how transsexuals should be examined. Clearly this case reveals the potential dangers of not having a third person present when examining a transsexual; however the expert's opinion appeared to be a personal one, no authority having been cited for the practice of treating a transsexual as a female patient. (Testimony of Neufeld and Foster.)

Recommendation Having found the Respondent guilty of violating Section 458.331(1)(t), Florida Statutes, it is recommended he be fined $1,000.00 and be required to attend twenty-five (25) hours of continuing education. Having found Respondent guilty of violating Section 458.331(1)(n), Florida Statutes, it is recommended he be fined $1,000.00 and be required to attend twenty-five (25) hours of continuing education. DONE AND ORDERED this 30th day of October, 1985 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN: Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32301 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of October, 1985. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephanie A. Daniel, Esq. Department of Professional Regulation 130 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 Harry M. Hobbs, Esquire 725 East Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33602 Dorothy Faircloth Executive Director Board of Medical Examiners Old Courthouse Square Bldg. 130 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 Fred Roche Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 Salvatore A. Carpino General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 APPENDIX The proposed findings submitted by the Respondent were read, considered and the following action was taken with regard to them: Proposed Findings Recommended Finding or Other Disposition Paragraph #1 Paragraph #16 Portions rejected as conclusion of law and irrelevant. Paragraph #2 Paragraph #3 Paragraph #3 Paragraph #14 and #15 Paragraph #4 Paragraph #10 Paragraph #5 Paragraph #16 Paragraph #6 Paragraph #2 Paragraph #7 Paragraph #14 and #15 Paragraphs #9, 10, Rejected as conclusion 11 and 13 of law. Paragraph #12 Paragraph #16 Paragraph #14 Not at issue. Rulings were made prior to taking testimony regarding the admissibility of evidence. Rejected as irrelevant to issues. Paragraph #15 See comments, Paragraph #14 above. Paragraph #16 See comments, Paragraph #14 above. Paragraph #17 Rejected as irrelevant to issues presented. Paragraph #18 Paragraph #5 Paragraph #19 Paragraphs #5, 6 and 7 Paragraph #20 Contrary to more credible evidence. Paragraph #21 Paragraph #15 Paragraph #22 Rejected as irrelevant. Paragraph #23 Rejected as irrelevant.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57458.331893.05
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Oct. 01, 2009 Number: 09-005340PL Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2024
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