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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002040 Latest Update: Feb. 27, 1978

The Issue Whether Respondent's beverage license should be suspended or revoked, or a civil penalty assessed, for an alleged violation of Section 562.12, Florida Statutes, pursuant to Section 561.29(1) Florida Statutes, as set forth in Notice to Show Cause issued by Petitioner. The hearing was originally scheduled for December 8, 1977, but respondent filed a motion for continuance which was granted by the Hearing Officer and the hearing was rescheduled for January 18, 1978. At the hearing, respondent moved to dismiss the charges on the ground that the Notice of Hearing issued on November 21, 1977, by the Hearing Officer was defective in that it did not adequately describe the petitioner's Notice to Show Cause or attach it to the Notice of Hearing. The motion was denied upon a determination that respondent had adequately been placed on notice as to the nature of the offense charged and due to the fact that the Notice to Show Cause had been sent by certified mail to respondent and that the receipt thereof on August 13, 1977, by an authorized agent of respondent was not contested. Further, respondent's motion for continuance indicates that her counsel was aware of the subject matter of the charges. Additionally, if such had not been the case, respondent had sufficient opportunity during the period in which the case had been continued to seek amplification or clarification of the issues involved in the case as set forth in the Notice of Hearing.

Findings Of Fact Respondent Jennie E. Harrell, d/b/a W. D. Harrell Fish Bait and Tackle, 515 South Roberts Street, Quincy, Florida, holds license Number 30-82, Series 1 COP, issued by petitioner which permits the sale of beer for consumption on the premises. The license was in effect during August, 1976. (Petitioner's Exhibit l) An occupational license for 1975-76 issued by the City of Quincy, Florida, Number 394, was issued to the Lake Talquin Fish Market, 515 South Roberts Street, Quincy, Florida, on October 15, 1975, to engage in the occupation of merchant. A similar license in the same name at the same address, Number 395, and issued on the same date, authorized the licensee to engage in the occupation or business of retail sale of gasoline. City occupational license 1976-77, Number 298 ,issued by the City of Quincy to Lake Talquin Fish Market at 517 South Roberts Street, to engage in the business or occupation of merchant, was issued on September 30, 1976. The Lake Talquin Fish Market is located at 517 South Roberts Street. The official records show that the license was issued to Jenny Harrell of 515 South Roberts Street, Quincy, Florida, and that the 1975-76 license Number 394 was issued in the same name. (Petitioner's Exhibits 2 and 10, supplemented by Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 3) On August 15, 1976, at approximately 10:55 a.m., State Beverage Officers Gary Sams and Fred Miller met with a reliable informant, one Guy Williams, in the vicinity of respondent's licensed premises at 515 South Roberts Street, Quincy, Florida. After searching Williams for any money or alcoholic beverages on his person, Sams gave him $7.20 and instructed him to attempt to purchase whiskey at respondent's place of business, W. D. Harrell Fish Bait and Tackle. The officers observed Williams drive to the building in question, but could not see his subsequent actions. He returned approximately fifteen to twenty minutes later with a partially filled one-half pint bottle of Seagram's Seven Crown whiskey. Williams had entered respondent's premises and asked a woman behind the counter if he could purchase a half-pint of whiskey. She told him he would have to go next door. He thereupon entered the adjacent premises, Lake Talquin Fish Market, and ordered a half-hint of Seagram's Seven Crown whiskey from a man there. The man went in the back of the store and returned with a sealed one-half pint bottle labeled Seagram's Seven Crown. Williams paid $2.50 for the bottle, took a drink from it, and found that it was, indeed, whiskey. The bottle was thereafter labeled for identification by the beverage officers and placed in the evidence room of petitioner's Tallahassee office. However, it was destroyed by petitioner prior to the hearing. (Testimony of Sams, Miller, Williams) On August 22, 1976, the two beverage agents again met with Williams at the same location at approximately 9:30 a.m. Following the same procedures as before, Sams gave Williams $4.00 and instructed him to go to respondent's state- licensed premises to attempt to purchase liquor. The same sequence of events as on August 15th occurred, involving a woman at W. D. Harrell Fish Bait and Tackle, and a man at the Lake Talquin Fish Market. This time the purchase was for a one-half pint sealed bottle of Seagram's Golden Dry Gin for which Williams paid $2.50. Again, he drank out of the bottle and verified that it was gin. This bottle was turned over to the beverage agents who verified that it was gin by its smell, and it was tagged and placed in petitioner's evidence room in Tallahassee. It, too, was destroyed by petitioner prior to the hearing. (Testimony of Sams, Miller, Williams) On August 23, 1976, criminal complaints were filed by petitioner's representatives against respondent and others, and, on August 24, a search warrant was issued authorizing a search of the premises of the Lake Talquin Fish Market at 517 South Roberts Street, and warrants were issued for the arrest of respondent and the individuals who had allegedly sold the alcoholic beverages to Williams. At approximately 5:15 p.m. on August 28, Agent Miller, together with local police officers, served the search warrant on one Isaac Ford at the Lake Talquin Fish Market. A search of the premises failed to reveal the presence of alcoholic beverages. The agents observed a well-worn path leading approximately 15 or 20 feet to an adjacent condemned frame house, and also an electric wire running from the store to the house. Further, they discovered a light switch in the store which controlled a light in the northeast room of the house. They observed a quantity of liquor and wine bottles on the floor of that room. It was noted that the house was secured by a padlock. Upon Inquiry, Ford stated that he did not have the key to the lock. The agents then asked respondent, who was at her place of business, if she had the key. She answered in the negative. When asked if the whiskey that had been observed in the house belonged to her, she said that it did not, but that she owned the house and wanted the whiskey off the premises. The agents thereupon forced entry into the house and seized 265 bottles of alcoholic beverages found inside. The bottles were sealed and strips indicating that tax had been paid were on the bottles. Sixteen of the bottles were assorted brands of wine; the remainder were liquor. (Testimony of Sams, Miller, Fader, Petitioner's Exhibits 5-13)

Recommendation That a civil penalty in the amount of $500.00 be imposed against Jennie E. Harrell, d/b/a D. Harrell Fish Bait and Tackle, License Number 30-82, pursuant to Section 561.29(1)(h) and (4),F.S., for violation of Section 562.12(1), F.S. DONE and ENTERED this 27th day of January, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. THOMAS C. OLDHAM Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Francis Bayley,. Esquire Department of Business Regulation The Johns Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Jack A. Harnett, Esquire Post Office Box 706 Quincy, Florida 32351 Charles A. Nuzum, Director Division of Beverage Department of Business Regulation 725 South Bronough Street Tallahassee, Florida 32304

Florida Laws (3) 561.29562.12775.082
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001883 Latest Update: Aug. 11, 1987

Findings Of Fact The following are the facts to which the parties have stipulated: Respondent is the holder of a pound net registration issued on November 30, 1983, by Dennis E. Holcomb, Director, Division of Fisheries, for the Executive Director of the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission (Commission). The registration authorizes the Respondent to operate pound nets for Commercial purposes on certain areas of the St. Johns River, subject to law and Commission rules. On April 30, 1986, Petitioner pled guilty to illegal fishing with pound nets and was adjudged guilty and fined by the County Court of Putnam County, Florida. As a result of this Conviction, Respondent's pound net registration was temporarily revoked for a period of six (6) months dating from June 23, 1986 until December 23, 1986. On October 15, 1986, during the afore-mentioned revocation period, Respondent pled guilty to illegal fishing with unpermitted pound nets, and was adjudged guilty and fined by the County Court of Putnam County, Florida. Based on the Respondent's conviction of illegal fishing with pound nets during the revocation period, the Commission found just cause to permanently revoke Respondent's pound net registration and filed an Administrative Complaint on March 30, 1987 against Respondent to effectuate that revocation. Based on Respondent's unrebutted testimony which I found to be credible, the following relevant facts are found: That in addition to the fine imposed on the Respondent by the County Court of Putnam County, Florida on October 15, 1986, for illegal fishing, the Commission seized and Confiscated two (2) of Respondent's pound nets worth approximately $6,000.00. Respondent, subsequent to October 15, 1986, continues to fish pound nets as the designee of other parties holding pound net registrations, without incident and in compliance with the law and Commission rules. The Respondent is substantially dependent upon pound net fishing for his livelihood and has been prohibited from fishing his pound nets since June 23, 1986. Respondent's pound net registration was not reinstated at the end of the revocation period ending on December 23, 1986.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the conduct and demeanor of Use witness, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a Final Order temporarily revoking Respondent's pound net registration for a period of twelve (12) months beginning December 23, 1986. Respectfully submitted and entered this 11th day of August, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of August, 1987.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57921.187
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Feb. 08, 1995 Number: 95-000556 Latest Update: Dec. 22, 1995

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Department of Environmental Protection was the state agency responsible for the regulation of certain activities conducted on and in the coastal waters of this state. Respondent was a commercial crab fisherman operating out of Tarpon Springs, Florida. In the operation of his business, Respondent, James Ikey House, places and maintains several thousand wooden crab traps in the waters off western- central Florida for the purpose of catching stone crabs. He, or someone in his employ, builds his traps on his premises. Late in the afternoon on September 2, 1993, Marine Patrol Officer Umberto Navarro, while on duty as a land patrol from Tarpon Springs to St. Petersburg Beach, on Roosevelt Boulevard in Tarpon Springs, saw a stack of greenish colored crab traps on a lot beside the street. The greenish color of the traps he saw that day made him wonder what they had been dipped into for preservation. Navarro's family has been in the commercial fishing business for years and some are competitors of the Respondent in the Tarpon Springs area. He contends this has nothing whatever to do with his investigation, however. He has worked with fishermen all his life and before becoming a Marine Patrol officer, he built thousands of crab traps similar to those he saw that day and dipped them in motor oil as a preservative. Navarro saw a young boy on Respondent's premises dipping bundles of slats into a vat containing a dark liquid. The slats were 2 to 3 feet long and were tied with string, and based on his experience in the business, and the fact that a lot of the prepared and stacked traps were the same color as the wood being dipped, Navarro concluded that they were going to be made into crab traps. He asked the lad to whom the traps belonged and subsequently found out they were owned by the Respondent. When Respondent came to the site where Navarro was talking to the boy and the boy's father, Respondent's grandson and son respectively, Navarro, after identifying himself as a Marine Patrol officer, asked Respondent if the traps were his. In response, Respondent asked, "What's it to you?" Navarro then asked Respondent what the substance being used was and explained why he asked. He advised Respondent that it was unlawful to dip crab traps, or the material to be made into traps, in any substance made from petroleum. Respondent asked to see where that was in the law and Navarro showed him the statutory provision included in a book of relevant laws and rules carried by all Marine Patrol officers. Even when this was shown to Respondent, he remained hostile and uncooperative, though he ultimately stated he was using mineral oil and copper as a dip. Only when Navarro said he would take a sample of the substance did Respondent admit the dip contained a petroleum product, and he said he guessed that he was in violation of the law along with the other million people who dipped traps. Officer Navarro went over to where the dip substance was being used and asked if Respondent had any cans from which it had come around for him to look at. Respondent refused to show Navarro any cans, so as a result, even though he did not have a search warrant to do so, Navarro started to take a sample for further identification. With that, Respondent told Navarro to get off his property. Nonetheless, Officer Navarro took two samples of the substance using a piece of what appeared to him to be abandoned water hose he saw lying on the ground. One was taken from the vat in which the slats were being dipped, and the other was taken from a 55 gallon drum of the substance nearby. He did so because he saw what he considered to be a crime being committed in front of him and he wanted to preserve a sample of the substance being used. Navarro gave Respondent a receipt for the samples and the hose. He did not take any of the traps. He also took photographs of the scene including the dip process, the stacked traps, and the surrounding locale. Respondent objected to the pictures being taken. The substance was subsequently released to Mr. Rossbach of the Department's Emergency Response office who had the samples analyzed by an independent accredited laboratory. In determining what tests to run on the substance, Mr. Rossbach and the laboratory official considered its appearance and its odor, and based on that, the laboratory personnel suggested what tests should be done. Mr. Rossbach got prices for those tests and, before approving their completion, took the samples back to his office, secured a purchase order for the tests, and then took the samples back to the lab for analysis. The report of the tests done on these samples indicated the substance contained a significant amount of copper and mineral spirits, a petroleum product. The total cost of the investigation into this incident by the Department, including the laboratory analysis which was priced at $855.00, came to $1156.26. This figure also includes the mileage for the patrol car, the cost of sample jars, a proration of the salaries of the Marine Patrol and Department personnel involved, photography costs, and clerical expenses. In addition, the Department proposes to assess a fine of $500.00. In this regard, the Department has authority to assess a fine of up to $10,000 per day for pollution violations proscribed by Chapter 376, Florida Statutes. In 1990, the Florida Legislature revised Chapter 376, Florida Statutes, to provide that after 1990, no traps may be impregnated with a petroleum based solution. After 1995, no traps which have been impregnated with a petroleum based solution may be used in the waters of this State. The statute was drafted this way to allow those fishermen who had traps already impregnated at the time the statute was passed to use them until they wore out or for a reasonable time prior to the effective date of the prohibition against their use. Captain House categorically denies having dipped any of the traps Navarro saw stacked, or any of the traps he has used since 1989, in mineral spirits though before the law was changed he used to do so. He has been a commercial fisherman for 50 years, and while he formerly dipped his traps to preserve the wood and keep worms out, he no longer does so because of the cost of the chemicals and the labor to do it. He now uses commercially treated lumber to fabricate the traps which, though more expensive to buy, is cheaper for his purposes than the cost of regular wood plus the treatment process. The vat which Mr. Navarro saw contains a green liquid which is made up of mineral spirits and a copper wood preservative. Respondent claims he uses the wood which is dipped into the vat for a variety of purposes and, on occasion, gives it to others. He also lets others use his vat to dip their wood. The dipping is done to protect the wood against rot and he uses it in boat building and in the construction and maintenance of two houses he owns in Tarpon Springs. He claims not to have used it for crab traps, however. Respondent claims Officer Navarro's inquiry into his operation is the result of commercial competition. There is no evidence of this however. Respondent also claims that from his inquiry of a Ms. Moegling of the same laboratory which conducted the analysis for the Department, he was advised that it would take between 5 and 7 days to test for suspected petroleum products, and that the test would cost $150.00. The report of analysis done by the lab reflects a comprehensive testing for numerous chemicals. Respondent took a sample of his dip to another laboratory, Personal Services Industries, Inc., in Clearwater on May 18, 1994, where he paid $115.00 for an analysis of the substance. There was no evidence as to what the result of this analysis was, however, or what tests were completed. In light of the fact that the statute and rule prohibit dipping in petroleum based products, a less comprehensive test than that run here would have sufficed. Though there is no direct evidence of the cost of such a test, other than theestimate by PSI, Inc. of $115.00, and the cite of a fee of $150.00 to Respondent by a representative of V.O.C. Analytical Laboratories, Inc., it would seem reasonable that such a test could be done for less than $855.00. Using the cited alternative costs as a guide, the sum of $150.00 appears reasonable. Respondent also presented several receipts for the purchase of lumber which he claims was pressure treated lumber to be used for the construction of his crab traps. Again, the documents do not indicate that the lumber is pressure treated, and as with the results of the independent analysis, the only evidence of Respondent's claims is his own testimony. Respondent also introduced three affidavits from individuals who claim to be aware of Respondent's activity from witnessing his conduct for anywhere from three to twelve years. Each of these individuals claims to have seen Respondent build many crab traps, but none has ever seen him dip the traps in or spray them with chemicals. The statements are hearsay and the similarity of the language of these affidavits leads to the conclusion they were prepared in advance by Respondent or his representative and submitted to the affiant for signature.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that the Petitioner pay a fine of $500.00 and reimbursement of expenses in the amount of $451.26. RECOMMENDED this 23rd day of August, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of August, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: Accepted but not relevant to any issue of fact. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 11. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 14. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. - 20. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted. Not proven. & 24. Accepted. FOR THE RESPONDENT: Respondent's post hearing submittal did not constitute Proposed Findings of Fact, but more an analysis of and argument on the evidence. COPIES FURNISHED: Maureen M. Malvern, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Brad D. Hicks Qualified Personal Representative percent House 514 Island Avenue Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689 James Ikey house 514 Island Avenue Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689 Virginia B. Wetherell Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Kenneth Plante General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (5) 120.57376.011376.07376.19376.21
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000343 Latest Update: Aug. 12, 1986

The Issue Whether Respondent's wholesale and retail dealer's licenses should be revoked or otherwise disciplined for two convictions of Possession of Undersized Crawfish Tails, as alleged.

Findings Of Fact I. MGB Corporation, a corporation organized under the laws of Florida, owns and operates a seafood dealership known as Gulfstream Seafood at 5300 Georgia Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida. It holds Retail Seafood Dealer's License No. RC-W3246 and wholesale Seafood Dealer's License No. WD2239 issued by DNR for the 1985-86 license year. (DNR Ex. 1,2) George M. Michael is the president and chief executive officer of MGB. In connection with MGB's application for issuance or renewal of its current seafood dealer's licenses, Mr. Michael executed a required affidavit from the individual responsible for the day-to-day management of the business. By the terms of the affidavit, he pledged himself "to the faithful observance of all . . . laws . . . regulating the . . . possession of fish, seafood, and other saltwater products (DNR Ex.2) On October 21, 1985, following a plea of no contest, the County Court of Palm Beach County, Florida, adjudicated MGB d/b/a Gulfstream Seafood guilty of two counts of Possession of Undersized Crawfish Tails, a violation of Section 370.14, Florida Statutes. MGB was fined $500, in addition to a $20 surcharge and a $25 fine for contempt of court. (DNR Ex.3; Tr.21-22) II. One of these counts alleged that on March 29, 1985, MGB d/b/a Gulfstream Seafood, unlawfully possessed crawfish tails which measured less than five and a half inches lengthwise from the point of separation along the center of the entire tail until the rearmost extremity is reached, contrary to Section 370.14(2), Florida Statutes. Facts Underlying this Violation. On March 29, 1985, Officer Francis Crowley accompanied by another officer of the Florida Marine Patrol entered the premises of Gulfstream Seafood and observed undersized crawfish on pallets in the production area. They were not refrigerated and had not yet been processed. Mr. Michael, who was present, tried to divert Officer Crowley's attention while another individual attempted to wheel the crawfish out the back door. The two officers separated the legal-sized crawfish from the undersized crawfish and weighed each category. There were 254 pounds of undersized crawfish, i.e., crawfish with tails measuring less than five and a half inches lengthwise from the point of separation along the center of the entire tail to the foremost extremity. The number of undersized crawfish involved is unknown. Officer Crowley issued a citation to Mr. Micheal and donated the undersized crawfish to a children's home in Fort Pierce. III. The other count of which MGB was found guilty alleged that on May 17, 1985, MGB again unlawfully possessed 3undersized crawfish in violation of Section 370.14(2), Florida Statutes. The circumstances surrounding this violation including the weight or number of undersized crawfish involved, have not been shown. IV. MGB has 165 employees, a payroll of $127,000 a month, and processes between 10,000 and 15,000 crawfish per month. A suspension of its seafood dealers' license for a month or more would adversely impact its operations. Customers would most likely obtain seafood from other dealers and it would be difficult for MGB to recoup the lost business.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing; it is RECOMMENDED: That the charges, and administrative complaint filed against MGB; be DISMISSED. DONE and ORDERED this 12th day of August, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of August, 1986.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.60
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Marathon, Florida Sep. 09, 1997 Number: 97-004209 Latest Update: May 12, 1998

The Issue Whether Respondent violated Section 370.142(2)(c), Florida Statutes, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact The terms of the settlement agreement between the parties are set forth in the following paragraphs. The parties stipulated to the factual basis alleged in Case No. 97-4209. As set forth in the citation dated August 7, 1997, Respondent Jorge Cabrera (Cabrera) was fishing 130 untagged crawfish traps. This was the second time within a 24-month period that Cabrera was in violation of Section 370.142(2)(c), Florida Statutes. Petitioner, Department of Environmental Protection (Department), agrees to abate the notices that form the basis for Case Nos. 97-4416, 97-4485, and 97-5005 on the following terms and conditions: Cabrera shall immediately pay a fine of $5,000 to the Department. Cabrera shall have his Saltwater Products License (SPL-44525) and all endorsements thereto, C-9049, X-1615, V-7859, ML-887 and RS (current RS expiring June 30, 1999), suspended for five years beginning July 1, 1998, and continuing through the end of the 2002/2003 license year. It is specifically recognized by the parties that the SPL and endorsements currently held by Cabrera remain active until and through the close of business hours (5:00 p.m.) June 30, 1998. The parties agree that the license is suspended for five years, but that at the end of the five-year period, Cabrera is otherwise eligible to reapply for an SPL and the endorsements currently held on the 1997/1998 SPL license, which are the Restricted Species (one-year eligibility remaining), Crawfish, Blue Crab, Stone Crab, and Marine Life endorsements. In this case only, as part of the parties' settlement agreement, the Department agrees that the statutory requirements for renewal of the Crawfish and Stone Crab endorsements and specifically the currently mandatory every September 30-renewal-application deadline for the Stone Crab renewal are tolled during the suspension period. The qualifying period for the RS endorsement is tolled only as to the time currently remaining for requalification on the existing license, which would be one year remaining eligibility. Upon renewal of the SPL with endorsements application for the 2002/2003 license year, eligibility and time remaining will resume from what Cabrera had at the time the suspension became effective. The time periods tolled begin to run again on July 1, 2002, whether the SPL holder has applied for reactivation of his SPL with endorsements or not. Specifically, if there is no application for an SPL with RS endorsement within one year of July 1, 2002, the one year's eligibility remaining from the 1997/1998 license expires. Any time that has expired after July 1, 2002, counts, and the time remaining to requalify for the RS will be whatever time remains from the one-year eligibility which begins to run on July 1, 2002, and expires on June 30, 2003. For example, if the application is received by the Department in September 2002, the applicant would have only nine months of RS eligibility remaining. Under current license application procedures, the earliest reapplication that may be submitted will be in April 2002 for the 2002/2003 license year. Cabrera shall have only until the close of the current year transfer-period to transfer his lobster-trap certificates. Any certificates not transferred are subject to forfeiture if they are not maintained pursuant to Section 370.142, Florida Statutes, during the license suspension period. All fines and fees must be paid to the Department before the transfers can be made. The Department will expedite the providing of forms, processing, and record activity, and Cabrera will expedite submittal of completed application(s) to allow reasonable time to accomplish any transfers or other record activity prior to the close of the transfer period. All traps (lobster and stone crab) must be removed from the water by the end of the fishing season. Any of Cabrera's traps that may become subject to disposition under the trap retrieval program (Section 370.143, Florida Statutes) must be handled as appropriate, even if the circumstances occur after the time the license suspension becomes effective. The parties agree to bear their own costs and attorney's fees associated with these proceedings. The parties agree that breach of the settlement agreement between the parties will revive all rights and remedies available to the non-breaching party that the party had against the other prior to entering into the settlement agreement.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered which incorporates the provisions of the Settlement Agreement between the parties. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of April, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathy Carter, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 F. Perry Odom, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 M. B. Adelson, IV, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 John A. Jabro, Esquire 90811 Overseas Highway, Suite B Tavernier, Florida 33070

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Santa Rosa Beach, Florida Feb. 29, 2008 Number: 08-001086 Latest Update: Feb. 19, 2010

The Issue Whether the Buntins and the Stovalls should receive an after-the-fact coastal construction control line (CCCL) permit to allow a sand-filled HESCO Basket System constructed in the aftermath of Hurricane Dennis in 2005 and that is now primarily a vegetated dune to remain as a permanent structure in Walton County?

Findings Of Fact Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat on a Hurricane-battered Coast Along the northernmost reaches of the Gulf of Mexico, roughly in the center of the Florida Panhandle coast, the beaches and shores of Walton County have been subject to the many vicissitudes of coastal climate over the years. So have marine turtles, several species of which have relied through the ages on Florida beaches and shores, including those in Walton County for nesting habitat. Survivors of shifting circumstances brought by weather, sea turtles are now imperiled by exposure to man-made dangers. Anthropogenic turtle hazards on populated beaches are numerous and, without educational efforts of the Department and the Commission, not likely to be recognized by beach-goers interested in the enjoyment of surf and sun. Folding beach chairs and canopies, board walks designed to protect the dune system, and other seemingly-harmless by- products of human beach activity, even holes dug by children building sand castles, can contribute to sea turtle injury and cause sea turtle fatality. While sea turtles in recent times have made their way across the Walton County beach toward their nests through obstacles set up by human beings and hatchlings have scurried toward the sea through these same impediments, owners of beachfront property have had to contend with powerful tropical storms, particularly in the relatively recent past. Especially damaging to property along the Walton County Coastline have been three hurricanes that hit in the span of a decade: Opal in 1995, Ivan in 2004 and Dennis in 2005. The intense storm surge of Hurricane Opal destroyed much of the dune system along the stretch of Seagrove Beach in Walton County that is the subject of the aerial photography introduced into evidence in this case. Ivan, which made landfall just west of Gulf Shores, Alabama, as a Category 3 Hurricane on September 16, 2004, caused heavy damage to the Walton County coastline and areas west. Of the three, though, the damage done by Dennis is the sine qua non of this proceeding brought by Petitioners to preserve and protect their property. The Stovall and Buntin Property When Hurricane Dennis hit, the Stovalls had owned the property located at 711 Eastern Lake Road, Santa Rosa Beach, Walton County, for some time. Purchased by both Mr. and Mrs. Stovall and in both their names at the time the petition was filed, by the time of hearing, the property had been transferred into Mrs. Stovall's name only. The Stovalls bought the lot around 1997 give or take a year. "[T]he house itself is about 11 years old," tr. 17, built in 1998 or thereabouts. Seaward of the CCCL established on December 29, 1982, construction of the house required a CCCL permit from the Department. In the words of Mr. Stovall, the permitting process required "hundreds of hoops to jump through." Tr. 18. The lot had been in foreclosure and the permit was obtained through the services of a reputable architectural firm. The house, therefore, was designed and constructed to survive a major hurricane, a requirement of the permit. The house was built on pilings sturdy enough to support the house in the event of a major hurricane. High enough to allow the bottom floor of the house to be above storm surge, the pilings' height and house elevation also allowed ample parking for vehicles beneath the house. At the time the Stovall house was built, despite the damage done by Opal, there remained a good natural dune system seaward of the house, one that was "beautiful . . . wonderful," tr. 19, in the words of Mr. Stovall. After the house was constructed, Mrs. Stovall took particular pleasure in the dune system and worked to preserve and cultivate sea oats in its support. She also was thrilled by the presence of two turtle nests not long after the purchase of the lot, one nest found in 1998 and the other discovered on July 22, 1999. After the discoveries, Sharon Maxwell, the County- authorized "local turtle coordinator," tr. 295, and "the only person in the County permitted to touch . . . turtles," tr. 296 was contacted. Ms. Maxwell measured the nests from points related to the Stovall house. They were at least 20 feet seaward of the toe of the most seaward dune. Because the nests were on a busy stretch of the beach, protective measures were implemented. Among the protective measures were actions by Mrs. Stovall. In addition to working with the local turtle coordinator, Mrs. Stovall became involved in circulation of information to neighbors about sea turtle conservation. She was part of an effort to encourage the information to be placed in rental units in the neighborhood. The information recommended turning out lights on the beach that interfered with turtle nesting, "brought out the importance of a single . . . beach chair [that] can misdirect and kill over hundreds of endangered hatchlings . . . [and] umbrellas . . . left overnight [that] can interfere with nesting." Tr. 293. She called local government commissioners and attended commission meetings where she advocated beach removal of items hazardous to sea turtles, their nests and their offspring. Her efforts have extended off-shore as well. As a scuba diver, she learned how to respect sea turtles and their marine habitat and "encouraged others to stay away and not harass the turtles, which many divers do." Tr. 195. The Buntin property, located at 701 Eastern Lake Drive, is adjacent to the Stovall property on the east side. Owned by the Buntins since 1990, the house on the lot was built in 1991 or early 1992. Like the Stovall house, the Buntin house is seaward of the CCCL and built to withstand the forces of major tropical storms. The Buntins, similar to the Stovalls, care about the beaches and shores of Walton County and particularly the beach adjacent to their property. Their intent with regard to the coastal environment is to protect it. There have been times over the past two decades when the Buntins greatly enjoyed their property. Their relationship to it, however, has changed. As Mr. Buntin put it at hearing, "[I]t's a situation we put ourselves in [but] I wish we didn't have any beach property. And I imagine there's a lot of other folks that wish that, too,. . ." Tr. 54. A major factor in Mr. Buntin's change-of-attitude is damage done by Hurricane Dennis. Hurricane Dennis Hurricane Dennis made landfall near Navarre Beach not far west of the Stovall and Buntin Properties on July 10, 2005, having struck the tip of peninsular Florida the day before. Classified according to the Saffir-Simpson Scale as a Category 4 Hurricane at moments in its journey through the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, it came ashore in the northern Gulf as a Category 3 hurricane. Some of the worst damage it caused was along the panhandle coast. One of its damaging effects was enormous erosion of the beaches and shores along the coastline where the Stovall and Buntin property is located. That stretch of beach remains classified as a "critically eroding beach." After the storm, there was nothing left of the dunes seaward of the Stovall and Buntin houses. The Stovall house, itself, was not structurally damaged; there was not "a crack in the Sheetrock. The house stood solid." Tr. 30. It had lost its bottom deck and the deck on its western side but true to the CCCL permitting criteria, the house, perched on pilings about the storm surge, had also withstood the Category 3 force winds of the hurricane. Dennis had caused more damage to the property, however, than just the loss of a few decks. It had eroded the beach as far up as landward of the Stovall's house. At hearing, Mr. Stovall described his first view of the property post-Dennis: [T]he water was lapping back . . . behind the house. And if anybody walked up to where it was, it would just cave in. I fully believed that if that storm would've gone on another two hours, it would have been in the man's house behind me[.] . . . [W]e had no access to the front door and one of the neighbors down the street brought in a ladder . . . It would have taken a 20 or 21-foot ladder to have gotten up to [the] first deck level . . . . Tr. 25. Without a ladder, the house was not accessible. Most pertinent to the Stovall's persistence in bringing this proceeding, there was nowhere to park their vehicles. The parking area under the house had been scoured out. The Buntin property likewise suffered the impact of the hurricane's scour. Mr. Buntin was contacted by a neighbor and told that the scouring under his house was so bad that the air-conditioners midway between the seaward and landward sides of the house were "hanging over a 20-foot drop-off." Tr. 45. Mr. Buntin did not give the report much credibility at first but, to his dismay, found it true when he visited the property shortly after the storm. Just as in the case of the Stovall property, a car could not be parked under the house in the space that had served as the parking area prior to Dennis. Half of a car could be parked under the house but the rest of the sand- based parking area was gone. In its place was a steep embankment that "dropped off 20 feet." Tr. 46. A Serious Parking Problem Eastern Lake Road runs roughly east-west just north of the Stovall and Buntin properties. The roadbed lies in a roadway and utility easement. Because of the easement, property owners along the roadway are not allowed to use it for permanent parking. The restriction includes the entire right-of-way that extends beyond the roadbed. As a combination of the easement and the parking restriction, under-story parking is the only permanent parking place that can serve the properties. Aware that their properties were seaward of the CCCL, the Stovalls and Buntins sought guidance as to how to re- establish parking for their beach front property. They turned both to local government and to DEP. DEP's Emergency Order On the same day that Hurricane Dennis hit South Florida (the day before it made landfall on the panhandle coast), the Department issued an Emergency Final Order (the "Emergency Final Order." Styled, In re: EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION FOR REPAIRS, REPLACEMENT, RESTORATION AND CERTAIN OTHER MEASURES MADE NECESSARY BY HURRICANE DENNIS and dated July 9, 2005, the Emergency Final Order followed a declaration by Governor Jeb Bush of a state-wide emergency. By State of Florida Executive Order No. 05- 139, the Governor declared that a state of emergency exists throughout the State of Florida, based upon the serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare posed by the Hurricane. Department Exhibit 9, paragraph 2., at 1. The Department's Emergency Order, therefore, had state-wide application and applied to Walton County even though Dennis had not yet come ashore onto the panhandle coast. The Final Emergency Order made the following findings: The Department finds that the Hurricane has created a state of emergency threatening the public health, safety, welfare and property throughout the Emergency Area. As a result of the emergency, immediate action by Florida's citizens and government is necessary to repair, replace, and restore structures, equipment, surface water management systems, works, and operations damaged by the Hurricane. The Department finds that an emergency authorization is required to address the need for immediate action because the normal procedures for obtaining the necessary authorizations would not result in sufficiently timely action to address the emergency. The Department finds that immediate, strict compliance with the provisions of the statutes, rules, or orders noted within this Order would prevent, hinder, or delay necessary action in coping with the emergency, and that the actions authorized under this order are narrowly tailored to address the immediate need for action and are procedurally fair under the circumstances. Department Exhibit 9, at 2. With regard to "Coastal Construction Control Line Activities," Section 3., of the order was clear. It did not "authorize the construction of structures that did not exist prior to the emergency . . . ." Id. at 17. The Final Emergency Order contained a provision, however, that may have related directly to the predicament of the Stovalls and the Buntins. Paragraph 3.b., entitled "Activities Requiring Local Authorization," opens with an introductory statement with regard to certain activities and then lists those activities as follows: Local governments are authorized to issue permits in lieu of Department permits to private and public property owners for the activities listed below. * * * (4) Return of sand to the beach dune system which has been deposited upland by the Hurricanes. Id. (emphasis added). The activity of returning sand to the beach dune system is subject to a section of the Final Emergency Order dedicated to "General Conditions." Id. at paragraph 4., pp. 20- In addition to the requirement that the activities "be performed using appropriate best management practices" id. at 20, in accord with the Florida Land Development Manual, the General Conditions section contained explicit provisions with regard to sea turtles: The nature, timing, and sequence of construction activities authorized under this Order shall be conducted in such a manner as to provide protection to, and so as to not disturb . . . listed species and their habitat, including threatened or endangered sea turtles If activities under C.3 of this Order occur during the marine turtle nesting season (March 1 through October 31 in Brevard and Broward County, May 1 in all other coastal counties), such activities must be coordinated with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Imperiled Species Management Section to ensure that all activities comply with state and federal requirements for the protection of seat turtles, their nests, hatchlings, and nesting habitat. Nothing in this order authorizes the taking, attempted taking, pursuing, harassing, capturing or killing of any species (or the nests or eggs of any species) listed under Rule 68A-27 of the Florida Administrative Code or under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Id. at 21-22. Under Section D., "GENERAL PROVISIONS," of the Emergency Final Order, the order cautioned, "[u]nder no circumstances shall anything contained in this Order be construed to authorize the repair, replacement, or reconstruction of any type of unauthorized or illegal structure, habitable or otherwise." Id. at 27, 28. The Emergency Final Order declared its effectiveness for 60 days following its execution on July 9, 2005, by the Secretary of the Department. Expressly set to expire on September 7, 2005, therefore, it promised in the meantime, "to act on requests for field authorizations in a timely and expeditious manner." Id. at 28. The Field Permit True to its word, the Department issued a field permit to Mr. Stovall on August 16, 2005. See Department Exhibit 10. The project is described in the field permit as repair and replacement of wooden decks and "repair/replace understructure concrete/brick paver parking area to original condition." Id. The repairs included electrical, plumbing and HVAC work and replenishment of approximately 1800 yards of sand for foundation pilings. The permit stressed, "[n]o other activity is authorized." Id. And, as part of its special conditions, the permit listed, "all construction shall comply with attached marine turtle conditions." Id. In the attempt to return the understory parking to its original condition, simply replacing sand did not work. "[I]t became pretty obvious to us as we put the sand in there," Mr. Stovall testified at hearing, "the sand was running out." Tr. 31. The Buntins were experiencing much of the same difficulties. Mr. Buntin compared the situation right after the hurricane to four years later at the hearing: There was so much confusion going on . . . we are so far after the fact now [August of 2009]. It's kind of hard to put yourself back in the position we were in at the time [summer of 2005] because there were an awful lot of questions and very few answers. You would get referred . . . this is what the regulations say. Well, you read the regulation and it is left to interpretation . . . the written word is . . . wonderful, but if you've got three people reading it, it's kind of hard to figure out exactly what it means. Now [August of 2009], after the fact . . ., we [have] answers . . . we didn't have at the time. Tr. 51 (emphasis added). Mr. Buntin knew one thing for sure: placing sand under the house would not be enough, "you've got to have some way to keep it underneath . . . because you're going to have to build a parking pad on top of it." Tr. 47. Neither an expert in CCCL regulations nor a coastal engineer, Mr. Buntin had no doubt "[y]ou can't just pile up sand and park the car on sand." Tr. 48. Mr. Buntin knew that in a coastal environment the understory parking would require a base of sand and a means of retaining the sand base under the house. The answer to the quandary was presented by Mike Jones, a contractor hired initially by the Stovalls and eventually by the Buntins, too. Mr. Jones suggested a HESCO Basket System. The HESCO Basket System In the aftermath of the storm, it was difficult to get assistance from repair companies. Mr. Stovall described the difficulty at hearing: "That was a tough job because everybody along the beach had damage, too, and getting someone to even come out there and give you a bid on it was like pulling eye teeth." Tr. 30. Eventually, through his brother, Mr. Stovall learned about Michael Alan Jones ("Mike Jones"), a general contractor licensed in Georgia. Mr. Jones agreed to look at the property. At hearing, he recalled his initial assessment of the Stovall and Buntin repair jobs: [T]here was a crater below the residences. We had to use an extension ladder to gain access to the Stovall property and we had to use some unique engineering to be able to access Mr. Buntin's property. There was no place to park. I noted on the Stovall property that . . . a paver system . . . was used for his parking area and the end of Eastern Lake Road as well, and the majority of that system was either currently . . . in the ocean or was in various stages of disrepair. It was falling apart. It was sagging one foot, 18 inches in many areas. It appeared . . . unsafe. * * * Some of . . . the pressurized [water] lines had been broken. The drain lines that lead into the septic or the county sewer were broken . . . the same on both properties. The air conditioning units were hanging by the power cables [I'd guess] 15 to 20 feet in the air, which, of course, poses a serious threat to anybody that walks . . . underneath them when the cable . . . unhook[s] itself from whatever connector or breaks. I noted at Mr. Stovall's, the whole bottom level of his deck was missing. * * * Mr. Buntin's dune walkover and much of his deck were sagging and unsafe [with] pieces missing. There was no . . . foundation on which to place a vehicle or anything for that matter underneath . . . the houses. I also noted . . . several onlookers . . . were using the area underneath the Stovalls' and Buntins' houses to access the beach, which was, in my opinion, extremely unsafe . . . [because of] falling five pound bricks and air conditioners hanging and wood falling off the side of the house. Tr. 82-83. The "crater" under the houses was not just a parking problem. Before the necessary repairs could be started, the understory had to be shored up. In the meantime, efforts were made to keep "onlookers" from using the area under the houses but they were not completely successful. Every morning that Mr. Jones visited the site at the beginning of his efforts, there was evidence left behind by people under the house the night before. Mr. Jones was of the same opinion as the Stovalls and the Buntins. For replacement of sand to work, there had to be a system for retaining the sand under the house. For several weeks, he conducted research by traveling up and down the beach discussing the issue with other contractors. Ultimately, Mr. Jones reached the conclusion that "the least invasive, most efficient . . . , environmentally friendly" system was a HESCO Basket System. HESCO Baskets HESCO Baskets are wire-framed open cell structures. One cell consists of four flat panels of wires of the same gauge. The "top" of the cell or basket is completely open as is the "bottom." Each of the four sides consist of horizontal wire rods spaced equally apart and welded to four similar-sized rods in a vertical position to form a panel of squares framed by the rods but which are mostly open space. The fours sides are bound together by a coil of wire of a gauge identical to the wire used in the rest of the structure. Attached to the sides on the inside of the cells is felt-like material that is water- permeable. Two baskets are created by joining three wire panels to an existing basket. Only seven panels, therefore, are needed to create two baskets since one of the panels is shared. Used in military applications to create revetment structures to protect aircraft and personnel and in river settings for flood control in places as diverse as Alaska and the Middle East, HESCO baskets also have commercial applications. These were investigated by Mr. Jones as he talked to other contractors in the area. Ultimately, he viewed the process of installation of HESCO baskets locally, obtained a list of installers from a HESCO basket distributor and picked Robert Klemen, an installer who worked in the area of the Stovall and Buntin properties to hire as a subcontractor under his supervision. Before installation, however, a permit was required. Under the DEP Final Emergency Order authorizing local governments to issue permits for temporary emergency protection seaward of the CCCL, separate permits for the Stovall and Buntin properties were issued by Walton County. The Walton County Permits On October 28, 2005, Billy Bearden, Building Official for Walton County, issued two building permits to Robert Klemen. The first, Permit No. SW398Dennis, (the "County Stovall Permit") was for 711 Eastern Lake Dr., the Stovall Property. The second, SW400Dennis, (the "County Buntin Permit") was for 701 Eastern Lake Dr., the Buntin Property. The County Stovall Permit gives Mr. Kleman permission for "TEMP SEAWALL STABLILIZING BASKETS." Department Exhibit 8. Similarly, the County Buntin Permit gives Mr. Kleman permission for "TEMP Stabilizing BASKETS." Each permit recited that "[t]he Florida Department of Environmental Protection in Hurricane Dennis Emergency Final Order 05-1700 is attached," and warned that "[p]ursuant to the FDEP emergency order, care must be taken for the protection of sea turtles, their nests, hatchlings and nesting habitat." Department Exhibit 8, the 7th and 15th pages of fifteen un- numbered pages. The two permits also recited the following: All temporary retaining walls (or other types of beach armoring), permitted as an emergency measure as a result of Hurricane Dennis and Katrina, must be removed within 60 days of completion or applied to be permitted through DEP as a permanent structure. * * * For ease in monitoring and control, Walton County will consider all temporary restraining walls complete no later than October 28, 2005 and therefore must be removed within (sic) 60 days of completion or by December 27, 2005, whichever is sooner (unless complete application made to DEP). Department Exhibit 8 (emphasis added.) Each permit contained a drawing of the permitted activity. The County Stovall Permit drawing depicts a system consisting of three rows of baskets, two on bottom and one on top, that runs for 70 feet seaward of the Stovall House and then in an "L-fashion" 30 feet to the west of the house. The baskets are shown to be 3 feet wide each so that the bottom row is 6 feet wide. The height of each basket is depicted as 4 feet so that the height of the structure would be 8 feet. The drawing is consistent with the representation at hearing that each basket within the vegetated dune the structure now supports is 3 feet by 3 feet by 4 feet. The drawing also shows a connection to the Buntin system to be installed to the east. The County Buntin Permit shows the same type of structure with three rows of baskets, two on bottom and one on top. The structure extends 60 feet to the east of the Stovall structure seaward of the Buntin house. Prior to construction, it was made clear to Mr. Jones that the "system needed to be as much within the footprint of the house," tr. 93, as possible. The information was communicated from both county representative who conducted inspections and DEP representatives who "were around the property during the process of doing the beach walkovers, as well as the HESCO systems . . .". Id. The HESCO Basket System was not designed to meet coastal armoring standards. Nor was it designed to minimize impacts to sea turtles. Installation Pursuant to the County permits, the Hesco Basket Container Systems were installed on the Stovall and Buntin properties over the course of several weeks. The official CCCL location of the installation is approximately 285 to 399 feet east of DEP's reference monument R-93 in Walton County with a project address of 701 and 711 Eastern Lake Road, Santa Rosa Beach. The purpose of the installation of the man-made structures, consistent with their design, is to assist the retention of sand beneath the understory parking area of the two houses. As depicted on the permit drawings, the Stovall and Buntin systems were unified into one structure, that is, connected so that the structure ran without a break seaward of the Stovall and Buntin houses. During the construction process, Mr. Jones saw and conversed with several DEP representatives who were taking pictures along the beach. Although Mr. Jones "acted firmly in the belief that there would be no problem getting a permanent permit for [the HESCO] structure," tr. 96, he was never told by any DEP representatives, either on site or in phone conversations with Department employees in Tallahassee, that the structure would be permitted permanently by the Department. He was not told that such a permit application would be denied, either, he simply "was never able to get an actual answer . . .". Id. The structure on the Buntin property was constructed as depicted on the permit drawing. There were two rows installed on the bottom and one row on top for a total height of 8 feet. The structure installed on the Stovall property, however, was more elaborate than what was shown on the permit drawing. "[T]he Stovall property has three on the bottom, then two in the middle and then one on the top stacked pyramid style." Tr. 97. Twelve feet tall, the HESCO structure installed on the Stovall property was four feet higher than specified by the County permit. The structures were covered with sand in order to "rebuild the dune," tr. 109, in other words, the HESCO Baskets were installed in such a way as to serve as the core of a restored dune feature. The purpose of the installation was to provide a means of stabilizing the sand under the houses to restore the under-story parking. The installation was complete on November 4, 2005. The sand wall installed by Mr. Jones and his crew was then plugged with sea oats that were watered in the hope that their establishment would encourage the creation of a dune. A Vegetated Dune Pictures introduced into evidence reveal that the HESCO structure installed by the Stovalls and the Buntins, the sand installed on top and around it and the planting of the sea oats has resulted in a well-vegetated dune. As Mrs. Stovall put it at hearing, "y'all have got to admits that's the prettiest set of sea oats y'all [have] ever seen in your lives." Tr. 296. By the time of hearing, the dune had been maintained for nearly four years without any more sand imported by human hands. There has occurred, however, some exposure of wires of the HESCO system. A corner of one of the baskets in front of the Stovall house was exposed at the time of hearing and a picture introduced into evidence showed exposure of the top of several baskets in 2007. Mrs. Stovall expressed a desire to add more sand and ultimately to restore the dune to its pre-Opal status which "would add five-and-a half feet and make [the dune] level with the deck." Tr. 298. No sand has been added since the installation in November of 2005, however, because of the uncertain outcome of this proceeding. The exposure to date of the HESCO Baskets is in all likelihood the result of wind. Wave action, should it reach the system and be strong enough, will cause even more exposure. In fact, the HESCO Basket dune is not likely to be able to withstand wave action from 15 and 25-year return storms and a storms of such strength could expose the entire HESCO Basket structure leaving a jumble and tangle of wires on the beach. A recent series of aerial photographs from 2004 to 2007 show that the dune position to the west of the Buntin/Stovall property is approximately 30-to-50 feet further landward. The dune created by the HESCO baskets, therefore, is more seaward and more interactive with coastal processes than the dune to the west making the HESCO basket dune less likely to survive wave action than the dunes to its west. Nonetheless, as of the time of hearing, the system has maintained its integrity since installation. After the installation, the Stovalls and the Buntins were under no illusion that they had done all that was required in the way of governmental permitting. They knew that the County permits were good for only 60 days. They knew that they needed a CCCL permit from the Department if the structure were to achieve permanent permitting status. For that, they turned to their Qualified Representative in this proceedings, Ong-In Shin. Mr. Shin duly filed a CCCL permit application. The Application and Action by DEP On June 28, 2006, the Department received two applications for permits for construction seaward of the CCCL. Both were filed by Mr. Shin. One was filed on behalf of the Stovalls, the other on behalf of the Buntins. Section 4., of the applications, which called for "[a] brief description of the proposed work, activity or construction," contains the description: "Coastal Armoring." By letter dated July 11, 2006, the Department requested additional information related to the application. Among the eight separate requests was a request for a description of the proposed activity: "Please describe the work done at the subject property for which this After-the-Fact application has been submitted." Department Exhibit 7, at 80. In the notes of the request for additional information there appears the following: Please be advised that structures to be protected must be eligible and vulnerable as per Rule 62B-33.051, F.A.C. * * * Id. at 82. DEP has been notified by the Florid (sic) Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission that Hesco box structures require an incidental take permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service. The application was deemed incomplete a number of times and specific information was requested for it to be deemed complete. During the course of DEP's correspondence and additional submittals by Mr. Shin on behalf of the Stovalls and the Buntins, the Commission wrote to the Department on May 10, 2007, about its concern with regard to sea turtles. Based on Mr. Shin's representation that HESCO boxes are designed to collapse if subject to wave attack, Robin Trindell, Ph.D., wrote on behalf of the Commission to DEP, "Sea turtles attempting to nest or hatchlings in an area with HESCO containers could become entangled in these collapsible structures. Therefore, we do not recommend that these blocks be installed in sea turtle nesting habitat." Id. at 49. The application was deemed complete on August 30, 2007. On November 28, 2007, the Department issued a notice of denial that was received by Mr. Shin on December 4, 2007. While the HESCO Box System was found to meet applicable siting requirements, it was found to have failed to meet coastal armoring criteria related to eligibility, vulnerability, and design. Furthermore, the Department concluded that "the construction of the HESCO Box Container System does not meet the Department requirements for . . . absence of significant adverse impact to marine turtles." Id. at 9. A December 17, 2008, memorandum from Mr. Shin, received by the Department on December 24, 2007, put DEP on notice of his clients' intent to appeal the denial of the permit. The memorandum requested a 60-day extension of time to research the issues associated with the denial before beginning the "formal appeal process." Id. at 2. Mr. Shin filed the Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing with DEP on February 15, 2008. It initiated this proceeding at DOAH when the Department on February 29, 2008, requested assignment of an administrative law judge to conduct the proceedings. The issues in this case fall under two broad categories: Coastal Armoring and impacts to marine turtles. Coastal Armoring "Armoring" is defined by Florida Administrative Code Rule 59C-33.001(5): "Armoring" is a manmade structure designed to either prevent erosion of the upland property or protect eligible structures from the effects of coastal wave and current action. Armoring includes certain rigid coastal structures such as geotextile bags or tubes, seawalls, revetments, bulkheads, retaining walls, or similar structures but it does not include jetties, groins, or other construction whose purpose is to add sand to the beach and dune system, alter the natural coast currents or stabilize the mouths of inlets. (emphasis added). There is no question that the Stovall/Buntin Hesco Basket System is a manmade structure. Its purpose is to retain the sand under the Stovall and Buntin houses. At the same time, its construction resulted in sand added to the beach and dune system. One thing is clear: the HESCO Basket System is not conventional coastal armoring. Unlike "seawalls, revetments, bulkheads, retaining walls or similar structures" listed in the rule as examples of coastal armoring, the construction of the HESCO System led to a vegetated dune. Coastal armoring is closely regulated under Chapter 161 of the Florida Statutes by the Department and its Bureau of Beaches and Shores because that chapter is "all about protection of the beach dune system." Tr. 337. Coastal armoring usually contravenes such protection. "Coastal armoring does not protect the beach dune system. It's purpose . . . is to protect upland development." Id. While the purpose of the HESCO Basket System is to protect upland development unlike typical coastal armoring, it has added not only sand to the beach but has resulted in the creation and presence of a well-vegetated dune. Prior to 1995, "coastal armoring was only authorized as a last case possibility . . . ." Tr. 337-338. And it was only authorized when approval was given at the highest level of the state executive branch of government, the Governor and Cabinet. But the law was changed in 1995 in recognition that property owners have a right to protect their property. The Coastal Armoring Rule was amended to set up eligibility, vulnerability, siting and design criteria that would strike a reasonable balance between protection of the beach dune system and a property owner's right to protect his or her property. The law was amended again in 2006 to incorporate a new technology for dune restoration: geotextile systems. HESCO Basket Systems use in coastal armoring is also a new technology when it comes to Florida's beaches and shores. Use of HESCO baskets was described at hearing as "very new", tr. 344, relative to the time of the filing of Stovall and Buntin application. If the HESCO Basket System constructed on the Stovall and Buntin properties constitutes "armoring," then it must meet the requirements of Florida Administrative Code Rule 62B-33.051 which govern "Coastal Armoring and Related Structures" (the "Coastal Armoring Rule"). These requirements include conditions related to "eligibility", "vulnerability", and "design," some of the bases upon which the Department's denial of the after-the- fact permit rests. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.0051(1)(a) and (2). Mr. McNeal's testimony established that the HESCO Basket System does not meet the "eligibility," "vulnerability," and "design," criteria for coastal armoring. But the Coastal Armoring Rule also encourages applicants for coastal armoring to "be aware that armoring may not be the only option for providing protection." Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.0051(1). To that end, applicants for would-be armoring "are encouraged to evaluate other protection methods . . . such as dune restoration." Id. The HESCO Basket System installed by the Stovalls and Buntins follows the encouragement of the rule: it is a protection method that has resulted in dune restoration. CCCL Permit General Criteria Regardless of whether the HESCO Basket System and the vegetated dune it now supports constitutes coastal armoring, the structure on the Stovall and Buntin property must meet the General Criteria contained in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62B-33.005 for issuance of CCCL permits. Applications for those permits must be denied "for an activity which . . . would result in a significant adverse impact . . .". Fla. Admin. Code R. 62B-33.005(3)(a). Impact assessments conducted by the Department "shall include the anticipated effects of the construction on . . . marine turtles." Id. Marine Turtle Behavior Marine turtles spend most of their lives at sea often foraging hundreds of miles from their nesting habitat. Adult females migrate from feeding grounds and their foraging areas and aggregate off shore beginning in May of nesting season, generally from May through August. Off shore, the female turtles wait for nightfall to swim ashore and crawl landward in search of a spot to nest. Four species of marine turtles typically nest in Walton County: the Loggerhead, the green turtle, the Leatherback and Kemp's Ridley. Because the Loggerhead and green turtle are by far the most prevalent on Walton County beaches, the Commission focused on their specific behavior when it presented the testimony of Dr. Witherington. The mechanics of crawling differ between Loggerhead and green turtles. Loggerheads use an alternating gait while green turtles have simultaneous butterfly-style strokes. Both species drag the plastron or "belly shell" using all four flippers. Their crawls enable them to scale slopes and penetrate dune vegetation but they are not able to crawl backward. They are capable of crawling up a slope that is steeper than one to one. At a location between the recent high water mark, often observable by a wrack line (floating seaweed washed ashore) and the crest of the primary dune, the female selects a spot. The female creates a pit that she can slide her body into it. Loggerheads do so by scraping sand from the front with their front flippers and by gathering sand from beneath at the posterior to push it behind. This behavior referred to as "body pitting" tr. 474, results in a pit that the turtle eases into at a slight angle posterior end-downward at the deepest part of the pit. Green turtles have similar body-pitting behavior but it is more elaborate. "A green turtle will . . . blast the sand out in front of it, dig an enormous pit . . . two or more feet deep and create a very large mound." Tr. 475. Beneath the body pit, the turtle digs an egg chamber. For Loggerheads the depth of the egg chamber is "a little over two feet . . . say 26 inches or so," tr. 482 from the surface of the sand. For a green turtle, the depth is closer to 3 feet. On average, clutch size for a Loggerhead is 115 eggs. The range is from 70-to-170 eggs per clutch. Average clutch size for green turtles in Florida is roughly 128 with a range from 70 to 200. Turtles and the Stovall/Buntin Property Assuming no obstacles such as an exposed HESCO Basket, a sea turtle would have no trouble making its way to the crest of the HESCO Basket dune on the Stovall/Buntin property. The Stovall/Buntin dune supported by HESCO baskets is mostly vegetated with sea oats. There is Seaside Evening Primrose and some Beach Morning Glory, too. As long as the turtles are not interfered with by the HESCO baskets, a sea turtle would have no problem nesting amidst the vegetation on the Stoval/Buntin dune. Heavily eroded beaches do not discourage sea turtle nesting behaviors. But where sea turtles choose to nest on a heavily eroded beach is altered by the erosion. Dr. Witherington explained: [F]ollowing a severe erosion event, . . . [t]he beach tends to be flatter and in some cases broader and with escarpment from erosion that has occurred. And almost invariably following severe erosion events . . ., sea turtles aim for the high ground. In part, because that is the only dry sand remaining on the beach, . . . [a]nd they're choosing the safest sites on the beach to nest. Tr. 485. Thus, the erosion that has occurred on the Stovall/Buntin property is not likely to deter sea turtles from nesting there. Almost all of the area seaward of the Stovall and Buntin houses is nesting habitat, but if a sea turtle chooses to nest there, the most likely place is somewhere on the dune created by the HESCO Baskets. Threats to Sea Turtles Sea turtles encounter numerous threats, impediments and hazards when they are attempting to nest on beaches visited by human beings as much as the beaches of Walton County currently. Coastal armoring is commonly recognized as a threat to sea turtle nesting because it serves as a barrier to sea turtle nesting habitat -- precisely the opposite of the Stovall/Buntin HESCO Basket-supported dune which is an appealing place along a severely eroded beach in which to nest. Man-made debris is a threat to sea turtles. There are numerous types of debris: monofilament line is one example. Holes in the sand dug by beachgoers, beach furniture and walkways are either barriers or can cause entanglement that can lead to sea turtle injury or death. If a turtle gets up on a sea wall and falls, the fall can seriously injure the turtle or result in death. Artificial lighting is a particularly dangerous and prevalent threat. The lighting can disorient both nesting turtle and hatchlings causing them to move away from the ocean or gulf. Death can result from dehydration in the morning sun, wandering inland and falling prey to predators, or ending up on highways and being struck by cars. In addition, there are natural threats to sea turtles. A variety of predators dig into sea turtle nest for the eggs. The eggs may be swept away when the sediment around the clutch is washed away. Inundation, as well, if over too long a period can destroy the eggs. Exposed HESCO baskets are a threat to sea turtles and their hatchling in multiple ways. The ways in which they could injure or kill a turtle were described by Dr. Witherington: HESCO baskets accessible to sea turtles would act as a barrier to a sea turtle reaching an appropriate nesting habitat. An open HESCO basket . . . could act as a trap, . . . [for] turtles that might end up inside the top of the basket itself, and then there's an entanglement effect that would probably be of very little concern for HESCO baskets that were not exposed, but when they do become exposed, the entrapment effect would be much . . . larger . . . Tr. 502. Dr. Witherington also described three problems that could be posed by an exposed HESCO basket shown in a photograph taken on the Stovall property and attached to a Site Inspection Report date November 19, 2007. See Department Exhibit 16P, at 9. These were first, "the pitfall hazard," tr. 504, second, a vertical fall that the turtle might take from atop an exposed basket, and, third, entrapment. As for entrapment, Dr. Witherington opined, "it may look to many that the open HESCO baskets don't leave much opportunit[y] for the sea turtle to become entrapped, but one thing we learned is that sea turtles often make their own traps," id., when presented with situation similar to that of an exposed HESCO basket. There is another hazard to sea turtles posed by a HESCO basket if the baskets were buried beneath where a nesting turtle was digging its nest. If the turtle were to dig into the basket and strike it, it could cause the turtle to abandon the site and return to the sea. If the dune that the HESCO Baskets support were to be washed away in a storm and the basket structure were to fail, the debris left would be a "particularly pernicious tangle of wire and mesh that would very much have the potential to ensnare sea turtles." Tr. 507. A Sea Turtle Take In Dr. Witherington's opinion, HESCO baskets constitute significant habitat modification or degradation that could significantly impair the essential behavioral pattern of breeding. If HESCO baskets killed or injured a marine turtle, therefore, they would constitute a "Take," as defined by Section 373.2431(1)(c)2., Florida Statues: "'Take' means an act that actually kills or injures marine turtles, and includes significant habitat modification or degradation that kills or injures marine turtles by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, such as breeding, feeding, or sheltering." "Any person . . . that illegally takes . . . any marine turtle species, or the eggs or nest of any marine turtle species . . . commits a third degree felony, punishable as provided [by law.]" § 379.2431(1)(e)5., Fla. Stat.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: The Coastal Construction Control Line Permit applied for by the Stovalls and Buntins be issued with the conditions listed in paragraph 110, above. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of November, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of November, 2009. COPIES FURNISHED: Stanley M. Warden, Esquire Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bryant Building, Room 108 620 South Meridian Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600 Kelly L. Russell, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection The Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Ong-In Shin Florida Coastal Development Consulting, Inc. 4654 East Highway 20 Niceville, Florida 32578 Tom Beason, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Douglas Building, Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Michael W. Sole, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000

Florida Laws (9) 120.52120.569120.57120.68161.041161.053161.085252.36379.2431 Florida Administrative Code (4) 62B-33.00262B-33.00562B-33.005162B-56.020
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CODY LUCAS vs THE MG HERRING GROUP, INC., 17-005071 (2017)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Gainesville, Florida Sep. 15, 2017 Number: 17-005071 Latest Update: Jul. 20, 2018

The Issue Whether Respondent, The MG Herring Group, Inc. (MG Herring), was an employer of Petitioners.

Findings Of Fact Xencom provides general maintenance, landscaping, housekeeping, and office cleaning services to retail facilities. In September of 2015, Xencom entered three contracts for services with CREFII Market Street Holdings, LLC (CREFII). The contracts were to provide maintenance, landscaping, and office cleaning services for a mall known as Market Street @ Heathbrook (Market Street) in Ocala, Florida. Michael Ponds, Xencom’s president, executed the contracts on behalf of Xencom. Two individuals executed the contracts on behalf of CREFII. One was Gar Herring, identified as Manager for Herring Ocala, LLC. The other was Bernard E. McAuley, identified as Manager of Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC. MG Herring was not a party or signatory to the contracts. MG Herring does not own or operate Market Street. A separate entity, The MG Herring Property Group, LLC (Property Group) operated Market Street. The contracts, in terms stated in an exhibit to them, established a fixed price for the year’s work, stated the scope of services, and detailed payment terms. They also identified labor and labor-related costs in detail that included identifying the Xencom employees involved, their compensation, and their weekly number of hours. The contract exhibits also identified operating costs, including equipment amortization, equipment repairs, fuel expenses, vacation costs, health insurance, and storage costs. The contracts ended December 31, 2016. The contracts specify that Xencom is an independent contractor. Each states: “Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of the owner. Accordingly, neither Contractor nor any of Contractor’s Representatives shall hold themselves out as, or claim to be acting in the capacity of, an agent or employee of Owner.” The contracts also specify that the property manager may terminate the contract at any time without reason for its convenience. The contracts permit Xencom to engage subcontractors with advance approval of the property manager. They broadly describe the services that Xencom is to provide. Xencom has over 80 such contracts with different facilities. As the contracts contemplate, only Xencom exerted direct control of the Petitioners working at Market Street. Property Group could identify tasks and repairs to be done. Xencom decided who would do them and how. In 2013, Xencom hired Michael Harrison to work as its Operations Manager at Market Street. He was charged with providing services for which Property Group contracted. His immediate supervisor was Xencom’s Regional Manager. In 2016, that was David Snell. Mr. Snell was not located at Market Street. Property Group also did not have a representative on site. Before Xencom hired him, Mr. Harrison worked at Market Street for Property Group. Xencom hired the remaining Petitioners to work at Market Street under Mr. Harrison’s supervision. Each of the Petitioners completed an Application for Employment with Xencom. The application included a statement, initialed by each Petitioner, stating, “Further, I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period and I may be terminated at any time without previous notice.” All of the Petitioners also received Xencom’s employee handbook. As Xencom’s Operations Manager and supervisor of the other Petitioners, Mr. Harrison was responsible for day-to-day management of Petitioners. He scheduled their work tasks, controlled shifts, established work hours, and assigned tasks. Mr. Harrison also decided when Petitioners took vacations and time off. His supervisor expected him to consult with Property Group to ensure it knew what support would be available and that he knew of any upcoming events or other considerations that should be taken into account in his decisions. As Operations Manager, Mr. Harrison was also responsible for facilitating payroll, procuring supplies, and managing Xencom’s equipment at the site. Xencom provided Petitioners work uniforms that bore Xencom’s name. Xencom required Petitioners to wear the uniforms at work. Xencom provided the supplies and equipment that Petitioners used at work. Only Xencom had authority to hire or fire the employees providing services to fulfill its contracts with the property manager. Only Xencom had authority to modify Petitioners’ conditions of employment. Neither MG Herring, Property Group, nor Xencom held out Petitioners as employees of MG Herring or Property Group. There is no evidence that MG Herring or Property Group employed 15 or more people. Property Group hired Tina Wilson as Market Street’s on- site General Manager on February 1, 2016. Until then there was no Property Group representative at the site. The absence of a Property Group representative on-site left Mr. Harrison with little oversight or accountability under the Xencom contracts for Market Street. His primary Property Group contact was General Manager Norine Bowen, who was not located at the property. Ms. Wilson’s duties included community relations, public relations, marketing, leasing, litigation, tenant coordination, lease management, construction management, and contract management. She managed approximately 40 contracts at Market Street, including Xencom’s three service agreements. Ms. Wilson was responsible for making sure the contracts were properly executed. Managing the Xencom contracts consumed less than 50 percent of Ms. Wilson’s time. During the last weeks of 2016, Mr. Harrison intended to reduce the hours of Kylie Smithers. Ms. Wilson requested that, since Ms. Smithers was to be paid under the contract for full- time work, Ms. Smithers assist her with office work such as filing and making calls. Mr. Harrison agreed and scheduled Ms. Smithers to do the work. This arrangement was limited and temporary. It does not indicate Property Group control over Xencom employees. Ms. Wilson was Xencom’s point of contact with Property Group. She and Mr. Harrison had to interact frequently. Ms. Wilson had limited contact with the other Xencom employees at Market Street. Friction and disagreements arose quickly between Mr. Harrison and Ms. Wilson. They may have been caused by having a property manager representative on-site after Mr. Harrison’s years as either the manager representative himself or as Xencom supervisor without a property manager on-site. They may have been caused by personality differences between the two. They may have been caused by the alleged sexual and crude comments that underlie the claims of discrimination in employment. They may have been caused by a combination of the three factors. On November 21, 2016, Norine Bowen received an email from the address xencomempoyees@gmail.com with the subject of “Open your eyes about Market Street.” It advised that some employees worked at night for an event. It said that Ms. Wilson gave the Xencom employees alcohol to drink while they were still on the clock. The email said that there was a fight among Xencom employees. The email also said that at another event at a restaurant where Xencom employees were drinking, Ms. Wilson gave Ms. Smithers margaritas to drink and that Ms. Smithers was underage. The email claimed that during a tree-lighting event Ms. Wilson started drinking around 3:30 p.m. It also stated that Ms. Wilson offered a Xencom employee a drink. The email went on to say that children from an elementary school and their parents were present and that Ms. Wilson was “three sheets to the wind.” The email concludes stating that Ms. Wilson had been the subject of three employee lawsuits. On December 14, 2016, Ms. Wilson, Ms. Bowen, and Mr. Snell met at Property Group’s office in Market Street for their regular monthly meeting to discuss operations at Market Street. Their discussion covered a number of management issues including a Xencom employee’s failure to show up before 8:00 to clean as arranged, security cameras, tenants who had not paid rent, lease questions, HVAC questions, and rats on the roof. They also discussed the email’s allegations. The participants also discussed a number of dissatisfactions with Mr. Harrison’s performance. Near the end of a discussion about the anonymous email, this exchange occurred:2/ Bowen: Okay, so I know that David [Snell], I think his next step is to conduct his own investigation with his [Xencom] people, and HR is still following up with John Garrett, and you’re meeting with Danny [intended new Xencom manager for Market Street] tonight? David Snell: Yes. Bowen: To finish up paperwork, and, based on his investigation, it will be up to Xencom to figure out what to do with people that are drinking on property, off the clock or on the clock, you know, whatever, what their policy is. * * * Bowen: So, I don’t know what to make of it. I’m just here to do an investigation like I’m supposed to do and David is here to pick up the pieces and meet with his folks one-on- one, and we’ll see where this takes us. This exchange and the remainder of the recording do not support a finding that Property Group controlled Xencom’s actions or attempted to control them. The participants were responsibly discussing a serious complaint they had received, their plan to investigate it, and pre-existing issues with Mr. Harrison. The exchange also makes clear that all agreed the issues involving Xencom employees were for Xencom to address, and the issues involving Property Group employees were for Property Group to address. At the time of the December 14, 2016, meeting, the participants were not aware of any complaints from Mr. Harrison or Mr. Smithers of sexual harassment or discrimination by Ms. Wilson. On December 15, 2016, Gar Herring and Norine Bowen received an email from Mr. Harrison with an attached letter to Xencom’s Human Resources Manager, and others. Affidavits from Petitioners asserting various statements and questions by Ms. Wilson about Mr. Harrison’s and Mr. Smithers’ sex life and men’s genitalia and statements about her sex life and the genitalia of men involved were attached. Xencom President Michael Ponds received a similar email with attachments on the same day. On December 21, 2016, Mr. Ponds received a letter from Herring Ocala, LLC, and Tricom Market Street at Heathbrook, LLC, terminating the service agreements. Their agreements with Xencom were going to expire December 31, 2016. They had been negotiating successor agreements. However, they had not executed any. Xencom terminated Petitioners’ employment on December 21, 2016. Xencom no longer needed Petitioners’ services once MG Herring terminated the contract with Xencom. This was the sole reason it terminated Petitioners.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Florida Commission on Human Relations enter a final order denying the Petitions of all Petitioners. DONE AND ENTERED this 11th day of May, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN D. C. NEWTON, II Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of May, 2018.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57760.02760.10
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