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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003855 Latest Update: Mar. 16, 1989

The Issue Whether respondent should license petitioner as a dentist, despite the results of his manual skills examination, on account of the alleged unfairness of Examiner No. 170?

Findings Of Fact Petitioner Mohammed Hossein Teimourijam, who has practiced dentistry for five years and once taught dentistry at the National University of Iran, took the dental manual skills examination respondent administered in November of 1987. The examination consisted of nine procedures which each examinee performed on "dental mannequins." By reference to the number with which each applicant identified all of his procedures, examiners recorded their evaluations. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1. Petitioner's original score was arrived at, as follows: PROCEDURE 006 154 170 AVERAGE 1 2 2 2 2.0 2 2 2 1 1.66 3 2 2 1 1.66 4 5 5 3 4.33 5 3 3 2 2.66 6 5 4 4 4.33 7 2 3 3 2.66 8 4 4 1 3.0 9 3 3 1 2.33 Respondent's Exhibit No. 3; Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3. Anonymous examiners, who did not see petitioner or any other examinee at work, began grading only after the applicants had finished the assigned procedures. The Board preserved the physical product of each procedure, along with the standardized rating sheets three examiners (Nos. 006, 154 and 170, in petitioner's case), filled out in evaluating each procedure. When respondent Board apprised Dr. Teimourijam that he had scored 2.71, below the 3.0 "necessary to achieve a passing status," Petitioner's Exhibit No. 3, he requested reconsideration. As a result, a consultant to respondent, who had attended the same standardization session as the original graders, reviewed the grading sheets and the procedures. With respect to procedures 8 and 9, the consultant concluded either that one of the original graders' comments was not physically verifiable or that one of the original grades was indefensible. Accordingly, three new graders evaluated petitioner's procedures 8 and 9. The results of the regrading were 3, 3 and 4 for each procedure, which brought petitioner's final grade to 2.84.

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Nov. 05, 1999 Number: 99-004690 Latest Update: Sep. 01, 2004

The Issue Whether Respondent, a licensed dentist, committed the offenses alleged in the First Amended Administrative Complaint and the penalties, if any, that should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a state agency charged with regulating the practice of dentistry pursuant to Section 20.43, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 455 and 466, Florida Statutes. Pursuant to the authority of Section 20.43 (3)(g), Florida Statutes, Petitioner has contracted with the Agency for Health Care Administration to prosecute administrative complaints as required by the Board of Dentistry. Respondent is, and has been since 1966, a licensed dentist in the State of Florida, having been issued license number DN 0004148. At the time of the final hearing, Respondent’s office address was 4512 Flagler Drive, #301, West Palm Beach, Florida 33407-3802. One prior disciplinary proceeding has been filed against Respondent's license. The record is silent as to the details of that prior disciplinary action. In addition to a traditional general dental practice, Respondent practices alternative dentistry (also referred to by Respondent as biological dentistry) on chronically ill patients. In his alternative dental practice, Respondent utilizes unconventional diagnostic methodologies and homeopathic remedies. In December 1995 and January 1996, Respondent treated C. C., a female born May 10, 1950. At the times pertinent to this proceeding, C. C. considered herself to be pre-cancerous and chronically ill. C. C. believed that she had suffered radiation poisoning in 1986 when a cloud from the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl 2/ passed over her home in Italy while she was outside in the garden. C. C., a chiropractor, became interested in alternative dentistry and attended various seminars presented by proponents of alternative medicine and dentistry. C. C. consulted with different health care professionals, including dentists, medical doctors, and nutritionists, and became familiar with alternative dentistry and homeopathic remedies. C. C. believed that the amalgams in her teeth had become toxic and were inhibiting her recovery to full health. At one of these seminars in 1995, C. C. submitted to a test that purportedly revealed she suffered from heavy metal poisoning. She also examined her blood through a powerful microscope and found her blood to be unusual, which reinforced her belief that she was pre-cancerous. C. C. met Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt at a seminar in 1995 on the topic of alternative dentistry. The seminar attended by Dr. Klinghardt and C. C. included a discussion on toxicity from the oral cavity causing systemic health problems. The seminar also included a discussion on the treatment of dental conditions using homeopathic remedies. C. C. asked Dr. Klinghardt whether he thought she should have her amalgams replaced with non-toxic materials. He recommended that she do so and he also recommended that she have extracted any tooth that had a root canal. C. C. asked Dr. Klinghardt to recommend a dentist to remove her amalgams. Dr. Klinghardt recommended Respondent for the amalgam replacement. Notakehl, Pefrakehl, and Arthrokehlan, the three homeopathic remedies Respondent used in his subsequent treatment of C. C., were discussed at the seminar. These homeopathic remedies are referred to as Sanum remedies, which is a reference to the German manufacturer. In March of 1995, C. C. visited a dentist named Ira Windroff in South Florida. Dr. Windroff took a panoramic X-ray and X-rays of C. C.'s individual teeth. After the X-rays, Dr. Windroff referred C. C. to another dentist, who performed a root canal on C. C.'s tooth #19, which is in the lower left quadrant. On December 12, 1995, C. C. presented to Respondent's office to discuss having her amalgams replaced. C. C. was experiencing pain in tooth #19 on December 12, 1995. C. C. filled out a standard medical history form that Respondent had used in his practice for several years. C. C. discussed her medical and dental history with Respondent. C. C. told Respondent that she had a root canal on tooth #3 when she was a teenager and that she recently had a root canal on tooth #19. C. C. informed Respondent that she considered herself to be chronically ill and pre-cancerous. She told him she had suffered radiation poisoning in 1986 and preferred to have no unnecessary X-rays. She also told him that she was very weak from a recent bout of the flu. Respondent's office notes reflect that C. C. presented with lower left tooth pain (without identifying a specific tooth) and that he "muscle tested for origin." Respondent purported to evaluate C. C.'s medical and dental status by evaluating whether her autonomic nervous system responded to various stimuli. This form of testing will be referred to as ART, which is an acronym for "Autonomic Response Testing". The autonomic nervous system and ART were explained by several of the experts who testified in this proceeding. The human body has an autonomic nervous system consisting of a sympathetic part and a parasympathetic part. Both parts are regulated by the hypothalamus, which is located deep inside the brain. The nerves constituting the autonomic nervous system pass thorough ganglions, which are groups of nerve cells located outside the brain at different locations of the body that act as relay stations. The sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system is generally believed to deal with the mechanisms that prepare the body to counteract stresses that come from outside the body. For example, if someone cuts his or her finger, the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system will cause blood vessels to contract so the body does not lose all of its blood. It also will prepare the body to fight or flee in response to an outside threat. The parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system deals with the body's inner secretions, such as insulin and digestive acids. The reactions of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system calm the body down after a stress and usually promote healing. Respondent's examination of C. C. on December 12, 1995, lasted between one hour (Respondent's estimate) and three hours (C. C.'s estimate). During part of the ART examination, C. C. reclined in a dental chair. When she was not in the dental chair, she reclined on a massage table. During the ART examination, Respondent used his dental assistant to serve as an indirect tester, which required her to be positioned between the patient and the examiner. The dental assistant held one of C. C.'s hands with one hand while extending her (the dental assistant's) free arm. According to those subscribing to this methodology, the physical contact between the dental assistant and C. C. established an electrical current between them, which caused the responses from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system to be transferred to the dental assistant. Respondent used the dental assistant's deltoid muscle to determine whether a particular stimulus had caused a response from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system. Respondent pushed down on the dental assistant's extended arm after exposing C. C. to a stimulus and evaluated the resistance he encountered. He believed he could determine by that resistance whether the dental assistance's deltoid muscle became weak or remained strong. If the dental assistant's deltoid muscle became weak following C. C.'s exposure to a stimulus, Respondent concluded that the autonomic nervous system had responded and that the area of the body being tested was not healthy. If the dental assistant's deltoid muscle remained strong, Respondent concluded that the autonomic nervous system had not responded and that the area of the body being tested was healthy. Respondent used his dental assistant as an indirect tester because he considered C. C. to be too weak to be directly tested, which would have required her to extend her arm throughout the examination. 3/ After he had C. C. place her hand over her belly button while she was in a reclined position and holding the dental assistant's hand, Respondent pushed down on the dental assistant's extended arm. Based on his evaluation of the resistance in the dental assistant's arm, Respondent believed that C. C.'s autonomic nervous system was in a protective mode. Respondent then attempted to determine the reasons for that finding. Respondent placed vials of various substances, including heavy metals, bacteria from root canal teeth, and homeopathic remedies, on C. C.'s lap to determine whether the substances triggered a response from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system. He placed his fingers on her individual teeth to determine whether that prompted a response from C. C.'s autonomic nervous system. Respondent believed that by ART he could determine the condition of C. C.'s internal organs, evaluate her dental problems, and identify the homeopathic remedies that would best promote healing. In addition to using ART, Respondent visually inspected C. C.'s teeth with a dental mirror, used a dental explorer to examine the edge of fillings and cracks in the teeth, probed her gums, percussed tooth #19, and palpitated all of her teeth. Although his dental records for this patient do not reflect that he did so and he could not remember having done so prior to C. C.'s deposition, the evidence established that Respondent reviewed the X-rays taken by Dr. Windroff. Respondent did not take any X-ray of tooth #19 before he extracted that tooth. The only X-rays available to Respondent were taken before the root canal was performed on that tooth in March 1995. Respondent also did not order any laboratory tests. Based on his use of ART, Respondent concluded that the following areas of C. C.'s body were compromised: tonsils, heart, spleen, pancreas, liver, gall bladder, large intestines, and pubic. Using ART, Respondent concluded that C. C.'s tooth #3 and tooth #19 had become toxic. Respondent also concluded that the following homeopathic remedies should be used to treat C. C.: Notakehl, Pefrakehl, and Arthrokehlan. Notakehl is a fungal remedy derived from Penicillum chrysogenum. Arthrokehlan is a bacterial remedy derived from Propionibacterium acnes. Prefakehl is a fungal remedy derived from Candida parapsilosis. 4/ Respondent told C. C. that the root canals that had been performed on tooth #3 and tooth #19 contained toxins and were blocking her recovery. He also told her that the removal of her root canal teeth and any toxic area around the root canal teeth should be given higher priority than the replacement of her amalgams. Respondent told C. C. that he could not help her if she did not have her two root canal teeth extracted. Respondent did not offer C. C. any other options because he did not think any other option existed. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether C. C. consented to the extraction and treatment with the Sanum remedies. That conflict is resolved by finding that Respondent adequately explained to C. C. how he intended to extract the two teeth and what she could expect following the extractions. Although C. C. did not ask to have those two teeth extracted, she clearly agreed to have the extractions. It is further found that C. C. knowingly agreed to Respondent's proposed treatment with the Sanum remedies. C. C. knew about the Sanum remedies and how Respondent was going to use them to treat her. Much of the evidence presented by Respondent related to ART and the manner it was being used by practitioners in December 1995. The undersigned has carefully reviewed and considered that evidence. The undersigned has also reviewed and considered the evidence presented by Petitioner. The following findings are made as to the use of ART in 1995. The Florida Dental Association, the American Medical Association, and the American Dental Association did not recognize ART as a reliable methodology for testing toxic conditions of the teeth. ART was not being taught in any dental school in Florida. ART was not being used by a respected minority of dentists in the United States to the extent it was used by Respondent. Petitioner established by clear and convincing evidence that the extent to which Respondent relied on that methodology in evaluating this patient exceeded any acceptable use of ART in 1995 and constituted practice below the standard of care as alleged in Count VI of the Amended Administrative Complaint. Because of his over-reliance on ART, Respondent's diagnosis was flawed, and there was insufficient justification for his subsequent treatment of the patient. 5/ On December 21, 1995, C. C. returned to Respondent for the extraction of tooth #3 and tooth #19. Respondent extracted the two teeth and removed bone in the vicinity of each tooth that he thought was necrotic, a procedure referred to as cavitation. Respondent testified that he encountered soft, mushy bone following the extractions. He removed hard bone in the extraction area with a small rotary bur. He removed soft tissue and bone with a curette. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether Respondent was justified in removing bone surrounding the extraction sites. Based on Respondent's testimony and the depositions and dental records of C. C.'s dentists who treated her after Respondent, it is concluded that his decision to remove bone surrounding the extraction sites was within his clinical judgment. It should be noted, however, that Respondent's dental records provide no justification for this extensive removal of bone adjacent to the extraction sites. Following the extractions and cavitation procedures, Respondent injected the patient's mouth and face with Notakehl, Pefrakehl, and Arthrokelan. Prior to her visit to Respondent, C. C.'s teeth #5 and #17 had been extracted. Respondent injected the area where tooth #5 had been with the Sanum remedies using a stabident drill, a dental drill that is usually used to administer anesthesia. He also injected the Sanum remedies where tooth #17 had been. Following the extractions of teeth #3 and #19, Respondent irrigated the extraction wounds with the Sanum remedies. Respondent injected the right sphenopalatine ganglion area and the left and right otic ganglion areas, the superior origin and inferior origin pharyngeal constrictor muscles, and the submandibular ganglion with a one percent solution of Xylocaine that also contained drops of Notakehl. Respondent testified he used Xylocaine, an epidural grade anesthetic, as a carrier for Notakehl. Some of the injections were made into the oral cavity while others were made through the face. Consistent with homeopathic practice, Respondent believed that these injections would promote healing. Tooth #3 is located directly beneath the right maxillary sinus cavity. From the X-rays available to him, Respondent knew that the root canal material that had been used to fill that tooth was very close to the thin membrane that protects the sinus cavity. Following his extraction of tooth #3, Respondent did not determine whether the maxillary sinus membrane had been perforated during the extraction procedure. Petitioner established by clear and convincing testimony that this failure constituted practice below the standard of care as alleged in Count VI of the Amended Administrative Complaint. Following the extractions, Respondent placed some soft tissue back into the extraction sites, which covered a little bit of the socket, and he left a little bit of an opening for a clot to form to heal from the inside out. He sutured the area around the buccal bone, which he had reflected in order to remove the tooth. C. C. returned to Respondent on December 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 1995, and January 5 and 10, 1996. On December 22, 1995, Respondent checked the extraction sites and electrically stimulated the extraction sites using a process referred to as micro current. On December 23, 1995, Respondent checked the extraction sites, applied micro current to those sites, and injected a one percent solution of Xylocaine with drops of Notakehl into the right sphenopalatine ganglion, both otic ganglions, and the left submandibular ganglion. On December 24, 1995, Respondent applied micro current to the extraction sites and injected Sanum remedies into the area of the extraction sites. On December 27, 1995, C. C. telephoned Respondent to complain of pain in the area from which tooth #3 had been extracted. From what she told him, Respondent believed that C. C. had a perforated maxillary sinus. When he examined her on December 27, 1995, he confirmed that she had a sinus perforation. Respondent reopened the area he had sutured on December 21, 1995, cleaned out granulated tissue. 6/ He did a flap procedure, referred to as a plastic closure, where tissue was reflected from the cheek side of the gum and placed over the extraction site to the palate side. He thereafter injected the right otic ganglion and right sphenopalatine ganglion with a solution of one percent Xylocaine and Notakehl. Between December 28, 1995, and January 10, 1996, Respondent continued his homeopathic treatment of C. C. combined with the micro current procedure. Respondent did not treat C. C. after January 10, 1996. C. C. knew when she agreed to the extractions that she would have to have bridges for the areas of the extractions. Those two bridges were inserted after she left Respondent's care. Petitioner asserted that Respondent practiced below the standard of care by failing to appropriately close the sinus perforation on December 27, 1995. That assertion is rejected. On January 18, 1996, James Medlock, D.D.S. examined C. C. at his dental office in West Palm Beach, Florida. C. C. was not experiencing difficulty with the flap procedure Respondent had performed on December 27, 1995, when she was seen by Dr. Medlock. Gary Verigan, D.D.S., treated C. C. at his dental office in California between February 1996 and May 1997. Richard T. Hansen, D.D.S., treated C. C. at his dental office in California between May 1997 and November 1999. The dental records of Dr. Medlock, Dr. Verigan, and Dr. Hansen for C. C. are in evidence as Joint Exhibits 1, 3 and 4, respectively. The depositions of Dr. Medlock and Dr. Hansen are in evidence. Dr. Hansen re-opened the area of the maxillary sinus that Respondent had closed with the flap procedure and found that bone had not re-generated in that area. Dr. Hansen believed that Respondent was not the cause of the problems for which he treated C. C. There was insufficient evidence to establish that the subsequent dental problems encountered by C. C. were caused by the extraction, cavitation, or flap procedure performed by Respondent in December 1995. Petitioner did not establish by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent's closure of the sinus perforation on December 27, 1995, constituted practice below the standard of care. Respondent did not have malpractice insurance or proof of financial security at the time that he treated C. C. He did not have proof of financial security until March 13, 1997, when he obtained an irrevocable letter of credit from Palm Beach National Bank and Trust to bring himself in compliance with Petitioner's Rule 64B5-17.011, Florida Administrative Code. 7/ This irrevocable letter of credit was current at the time of the final hearing. Respondent is a dentist who treats people who are chronically ill. Respondent's use of ART and homeopathic remedies are clearly unconventional and can, in Respondent's own words, cause a lot of harm if he is not careful. Under the facts of this case, his failure to have malpractice insurance or proof of financial responsibility while practicing alternative dentistry on high-risk patients is found to be an especially egregious violation of Rule 64B5-17.011, Florida Administrative Code. His subsequent compliance with that Rule is not viewed by the undersigned as being a mitigating factor. Petitioner established by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent failed to keep adequate dental records in violation of Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count II of the Amended Administrative Complaint. Respondent's medical history for the patient is incomplete. Although Respondent testified he did not take X-rays because of the patient's history of radiation poisoning, his medical history does not reflect that history. Respondent did not chart C. C.'s teeth, which is a routine practice. His description of his examination was vague, his findings were vague, and his proposed treatment plan was vague. His records did not reflect that he had viewed X-rays of the patient, did not reflect that Notakehl was injected with Xylocaine, and did not reflect the anesthetic that was used to numb the mouth during the extraction. The most serious deficiency is that his records provide no justification for the extraction of two teeth or for the cavitation procedures that followed, a basic requirement of Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes. There was a conflict in the evidence as to whether Respondent's use of the Sanum remedies constituted practice below the standard of care or experimentation. Petitioner did not establish that the practice of homeopathy is per se below the standard of care or that the use of homeopathic remedies in this case constituted experimentation. Respondent established that the three Sanum remedies he administered to C. C. are recognized homeopathic remedies, and he also established that the manner in which he administered these remedies was consistent with homeopathic practice. The conflict in the evidence is resolved by finding that Petitioner did not prove by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent's use of the homeopathic remedies constituted practice below the standard of care or experimentation. 8/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of the violations alleged in Counts I, IV, and VI of the Amended Administrative Complaint. For the violation of Section 466.028(1)(m), Florida Statutes (Count I), Respondent's licensure should be placed on probation for a period of two years with the requirement that he take appropriate continuing education courses pertaining to record-keeping. For the violation of Rule 64B5-17.011, Florida Administrative Code (Count IV), Respondent's license should be suspended for a period of one year to be followed by a period of probation for a period of five years. For the violation of Section 466.028(1)(x), Florida Statutes (Count VI), Respondent's license should be suspended for a period of one year to be followed by a period of probation for a period of five years. It is further RECOMMENDED that Respondent be reprimanded for each violation and assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $3,000 for each violation, for a total of $9,000. It is further recommended that the suspension of licensure RECOMMENDED for Counts IV and VI and all periods of probation run concurrently. It is further RECOMMENDED that all other charges be dismissed. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of August, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of August, 2001.

Florida Laws (6) 120.5720.43466.003466.024466.028766.103 Florida Administrative Code (2) 64B5-13.00564B5-17.011
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Mar. 19, 1998 Number: 98-001324 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue Whether the Petitioner should receive on the the clinical portion of the examination additional credit, which is sufficient to receive a passing grade on the December 1997 dental licensure examination.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Neda Raeisian, was a candidate for the dental licensure examination administered by the State of Florida in December 1997. The dental examination administered in December 1997 consisted of three parts: a "Florida Laws & Rules" part, an "Oral Diagnosis" part, and a "Clinical" part. The Petitioner received passing scores on the "Florida Laws & Rules" and "Oral Diagnosis" parts of the examination. Petitioner received a score of 2.95 on the Clinical part of the examination. A score of 3.00 was required on the Clinical part of the examination. The Petitioner failed the Clinical portion by .05 of a point, and, therefore, she failed the overall dental examination. Three examiners grade each candidate's clinical portion of the dental examination. Three examiners are used because by averaging the scores of the three examiners, the Respondent is more likely to capture the candidate's true score than by using one or two examiners. Before an examiner may be used for an examination, he or she must be recommended by an existing examiner or by a member of the Board of Dentistry. The proposed examiner may not have any complaints against his or her license and he or she must have been actively practicing and licensed for at least five years in the State of Florida. The examiner must complete an application that is sent to the Board of Dentistry examination committee, where it is then reviewed by the committee, and if approved, the examiner is entered into the pool of examiners. Before every examination, the Respondent conducts a standardization session, which is a process by which examiners are trained to grade using the same internal criteria. The Respondent uses assistant examiner supervisors who are appointed by the Board to train examiners on the different criteria that are used during the examination. The assistant examination supervisors go through and describe what a score of five would be, all the way down to a zero, the different criteria for each of those particular grades, and under what circumstances those grades should be given. After the examiners go through a verbal training, they are shown slides of teeth and told what the score on that procedure should be. After the standardization, there is a post- standardization exercise where the examiners are required to grade five mannequin models to make sure they have been able to internalize the criteria. After the post-standardization exercise, the Respondent evaluates the examiners to determine whether they are acceptable to use during the examination. There are also post-examination checks on the examiner, whereby the Respondent decides whether or not to use the examiners again. The Respondent runs the post-examination statistical checks to make sure that the examiners grade with consistency and reliability. There is generally a very high agreement rate between the examiners. Typically if there is an inconsistency in grading, it is usually the examiner who gives the higher grade that is incorrect because he or she missed an error; any error found by an examiner must be documented. The examiners grade the examination independently of each other; that is, they do not confer with each other while scoring the examination. The examination is also double-blind graded. Double- blind grading is the process through which examiners have no contact with the candidates. The examination is conducted in such a way that there is one clinic that is monitored by a licensed dentist in which the candidates actually perform the procedures. When the candidates are finished a proctor walks the patient over to another clinic where the examiners are located, and the examiners grade the examination. The candidates perform the patient portion of the examination on human beings that they are responsible for bringing in. If the patient has the necessary characteristics, the patient could serve for two different candidates or on two different examinations. The examination is a minimum competency examination. The grading system used during the clinical portion of the examination is as follows: A zero is a complete failure, a one is unacceptable dental procedure; a two is below minimally acceptable dental procedure; a three is minimally acceptable procedure, which is the minimum required to pass the clinical portion; a four is better than minimally acceptable dental procedure; and a five is outstanding dental procedure. An overall score is determine by averaging the three examiners' scores on the eight clinical procedures, putting different weights into a formula, and calculating the final grade. It is required in Board rule that the scores of the examiners be averaged. The Petitioner challenges the score given to her for her performance on Procedure 03, "Amalgam Final Restoration," of the Clinical portion of the examination. The Petitioner performed Procedure 03, the "Amalgam Final Restoration," on a live patient, Ms. Desiree Peacock. The Petitioner's performance on Procedure 03 was graded by three examiners: examiner number 290, identified as Dr. Richard Tomlin, of Pinellas Park, Florida; examiner number 299, identified as Dr. Haychell Saraydar, of Pinellas Park, Florida; and examiner number 176, identified as Dr. Leonard Britten, of Lutz, Florida. The Petitioner received a grade of 4 on a scale of 0-5 for her performance on Procedure 03 by examiner number 290; and a grade of 3 on a scale of 0-5 for her performance on Procedure 3 by examiner number 299. However, she received a grade of 0 on a scale of 0-5 for her performance on Procedure 03 by examiner number 176. The reason the Petitioner was given a score of 0 on procedure 03 by examiner number 176 was that the examiner felt that there was a lack of contact at the amalgam restoration site. The Respondent's dental expert, Jorge H. Miyares, D.D.S., testified that a score of 4 is given on Procedure 3 when, in the judgment of the examiner, there are only minor errors present which will not jeopardize the procedure; that a score of 3 is given on Procedure 03 when, in the judgment of the examiner, the procedure is completed at entry level; and that a score of 0 on Procedure 03 is mandatory if there is a total lack of contact. The examiners are taught and trained to check for contact when grading a candidate's performance on Procedure 03, as a lack of contact is a very significant error that jeopardizes the integrity of the amalgam restoration. There are two different types of contact involved in a Class II Restoration. The type of contact that was referenced by Examiner 176 in his grade documentation sheet is proximal contact. Proximal contact is when a tooth is restored, the proximal tooth next to it must be touching the tooth that has been prepared. Contact is something that either does or does not exist between two teeth. Contact is checked visually and by running a piece of dental floss between the teeth to see if there is resistance. Examiners 290 and 299 would have been required to give the Petitioner a grade of 0 on Procedure 03 if they had found a lack of contact. The findings of examiners 290 and 299 during their review of the Petitioner's performance on Procedure 03 were inconsistent with the findings of examiner 176 (lack of contact) during his review of the Petitioner's performance on Procedure 03. The inconsistency between the findings of examiners 290 and 299 and the findings of examiner 176 during their review of the Petitioner's performance on Procedure 03 were statistically unusual. Respondent performed Procedure 03 on the patient Desiree Peacock. Following the exam, Peacock used dental floss on the affected area and she believed she felt resistance. Although the grading on Procedure 03 of the clinical portion of the examination is inconsistent, the Respondent followed its standard testing procedures for the December 1997 dental examination. The evidence is insufficient to prove that the Respondent's examiner acted arbitrarily or capriciously or with an abuse of discretion in refusing to give the Petitioner a passing grade on procedure 03 of the clinical examination.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Board of Dentistry enter a Final Order dismissing the Petitioner's challenge to the grade assigned her for the clinical portion of the December 1997 dental licensure examination. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of September, 1998, at Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of September, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Anne Williamson, Esquire Department of Health Building 6, Room 102 1317 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Dr. Neda Raeisian 2161 Lake Debra Drive Apartment 1726 Orlando, Florida 32835 Pete Peterson, General Counsel Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Bin A 02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle Southeast Bin A-02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 3
MINA FARAH vs. BOARD OF DENTISTRY, 86-000235 (1986)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-000235 Latest Update: Mar. 27, 1986

Findings Of Fact Dr. Farah is a candidate for licensure by the Board of Dentistry, having taken the dental clinical examination in June 1985. The examination covers ten domains of dental knowledge and practice; each is separately graded, and then weighted according to an algorithm. Rule 21G-2.13(3), Florida Administrative Code. A weighted grade of 3.0 is required to pass the clinical dental examination. Rule 21G-2.13(2)(c), Florida Administrative Code. Dr. Farah received a grade of 2.96. The June 1985 examination was Dr. Farah's second attempt to pass the clinical examination. The grading scale for each procedure is established in Rule 21G- 2.13(1), Florida Administrative Code, as follows: complete failure unacceptable dental procedure below minimal acceptable dental procedure 3- minimal acceptable dental procedure better than minimally acceptable dental procedure outstanding dental procedure An examiner is required to record a comment in support of any grade below 5. Examiners for the dental examination are experienced licensed Florida dentists. Rule 21G-2.20(4), Florida Administrative Code. They are trained by the completion of 8 to 10 hours of standardization exercises. During the standardization exercises the examiners receive examination grading criteria, grade identical procedures, discuss any grade variance and attempt to eliminate any discrepancies in interpretations of the grading criteria in order to bring the examiners to a consensus on grading. In the periodontal portion of the examination there are five criteria which are accorded equal importance in grading. These are: (a) presence of stain on the assigned teeth, (b) presence of supra-gingival calculus on assigned teeth, (c) presence of sub-gingival calculus on assigned teeth, (d) root roughness on the assigned teeth, (e) improper management of tissue such as gums which may have been lacerated during the procedure. Rule 21G-2.13(4)(b), Florida Administrative Code. The grading is holistic and each examiner assigns a grade based on the examiner's evaluation of the overall procedure. Three examiner's grades are averaged to obtain a final grade score for the individual procedure. Rule 21G- 2.17(1), Florida Administrative Code. The score for that procedure is then weighted and added with the other weighted scores to obtain the overall grade on the clinical examination. As a standardization technique in grading the periodontal exercise, an examiner marks off for root roughness when use of an explorer on treated teeth reveals a tactile roughness but the examiner is unable to visually confirm the presence of sub-gingival calculus. Use of an explorer reveals the presence of root roughness or calculus below the gum level (i.e., calculus which is sub- gingival). Dr. Farah was assigned teeth number 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, l4 and 15 on her periodontal patient. A prior candidate (Candidate 20057) had treated the same patient in her periodontal exercise, and had been assigned some of the same teeth as Dr. Farah, viz., teeth 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Candidate 20057 received individual holistic grades of 4, 4 and 5, which average to a grade of 4.33 for the periodontal procedure. Dr. Farah received grades of 1, 2 and 3, which average to a grade of 2.00 for the procedure. (Petitioner's Exhibit 8) Examiner #006 graded both Dr. Farah and Candidate 20057 on their periodontal treatment. That examiner gave Candidate 20057 a holistic grade of 4 (better than minimally acceptable), noting a deduction for "root roughness," but there is no indication on the grade sheet of the tooth or teeth on which roughness was found. Examiner #015 also gave Candidate 20057 a grade of 4, and noted "root roughness" on the mesial side of tooth number 7, which was not one of the teeth later treated by Dr. Farah. The third examiner gave Candidate 20057 a grade of 5 with no comments. (All comments are found on Respondent's Exhibit 3.) After Dr. Farah's treatment of the patient, which occurred two days after the treatment provided by Candidate 20057, Examiner #006 gave Dr. Farah a grade of 3, and recorded that he found sub-gingival calculus on the mesial side of tooth number 3. Calculus is a mineral deposit on teeth which does not form in 48 hours; Examiner #006 missed the calculus on tooth 3 when grading Candidate 20057 (perhaps because it was obscured by the inflammation and bleeding of the gums which the patient testified about at the hearing) or the calculus was on a tooth other than tooth 3, and the wrong tooth was noted by Examiner #006 on Dr. Farah's grade report. Examiner #005 gave Dr. Farah a grade of 2, finding root roughness and sub-gingival calculus on the distal side of tooth number 12, a tooth not treated by Candidate 20057. Examiner #048 gave Petitioner a grade of 1, commenting on "several" instances of sub-gingival calculus on teeth treated by Dr. Farah, as well as the presence of root roughness. (All comments are found on Petitioner's Exhibit 4.) Examiner #006 gave Dr. Farah the highest of her grades on the periodontal procedure, which was that it was minimally acceptable. The other examiners determined that Dr. Farah's treatment left sub-gingival calculus, and was below minimally acceptable standards (the grade of 2) or was unacceptable (the grade of 1). At the hearing Dr. Farah agreed that if calculus remained the appropriate grade would be 2 or lower. There is no reason to adjust the grades assigned on the periodontal exercise. Dr. Farah also prepared a cast class II restoration onlay wax up on a posterior tooth on a stone mannequin of a lower jaw. She received grades of 5, 3 and 2, which average to 3.33. Examiner #080 assigned a grade of 2, wrote on the grading form "undercuts," and also noted that the procedure had a marginal surface finish. Examiner #133 assigned a grade of 3, and noted "poor outline form" but added no comment concerning an undercut. The third examiner, #048, made no deductions and assigned a grade of 5. An "undercut" is an improper preparation of a tooth surface which is to support a crown. During the preparation of the assigned tooth, the center portion of the tooth was reduced to create a trapezoidal shape, similar to an equilateral triangle, the top of which has been cut by a plane parallel to its floor. A wax model of the crown is then prepared. If the side walls of the trapezoid, when the prepared surface is viewed from the top, do not slope downward and slightly outward, when the wax cast is removed, the wax deforms, and the crown made from it will not seat correctly on the tooth. This may cause the crown to fail, and is a serious error. When a curved dental explorer is placed against the base of the tooth and against the surface of the tooth vertically, one may observe whether there is an angular displacement outward from the vertical at the top, indicating an undercut. On Dr. Farah's preparation this test reveals an undercut. The testimony of Dr. Farah's expert, Dr. Robert Murrell, was that a "surveyor" is the proper instrument to use to evaluate a tooth preparation surface for an undercut. Dr. Murrell did so and determined there was no undercut on the Petitioner's work. There are two difficulties in determining whether there is an undercut using the surveyor. The surveyor's rod is fixed in a vertical position and cannot reflect whether it is actually up against the base of the tooth or not, and viewing the rod from the top down does not give visual confirmation whether the top edge is wider than the bottom; neither can one visually inspect the vertical alignment from the side because the remaining portion of the tooth would prevent one from viewing the alignment from the side position. Secondly, as the expert for the Department, Dr. Theodor Simkin, testified, the surveyor is not a proper instrument for determining undercuts on a mannequin, but is meant to be used on castings and other bridge or denture work done outside the patient's mouth. Logic supports Dr. Simkin's assessment, because a surveyor simply cannot be inserted into a patient's mouth. Dr. Simkin's testimony is also more persuasive because he has been, for several years, an experienced dental examiner and examination grading consultant. Dr. Murrell, while certainly a well-qualified dentist, has never been trained to grade the Florida clinical dental examination. Laying aside the question whether the surveyor or the explorer is the better instrument for assessing whether there is an undercut on a tooth, the other method for determining an undercut explained by Dr. Simkin is persuasive. If no undercut is present, when the stone mannequin of the mouth on which Dr. Farah worked is viewed from directly above, it should be possible to view all four bottom corners of the preparation surface at the same time; if there is an undercut, the undercut bottom corner will be hidden when all of the other corners are viewed. Visual examination confirms the presence of an undercut in the front right corner of Dr. Farah's preparation.

Recommendation It is recommended that the petition for regrading of the failing score assigned to Dr. Farah on the June 1985 clinical dental examination be DENIED. DONE AND ORDERED this 27th day of March 1986 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of March 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 86-0235 The following constitute my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes (1985) on the proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by Petitioner Findings of Fact (onlay) Rejected for the reasons stated in Findings of Fact 14 and 16. Accepted in Finding of Fact 15. Rejected for the reasons stated in Finding of Fact 15. Findings of Fact (periodontal)1 Generally accepted in Findings of Fact 1 and 8, except for the final sentence, which is rejected as argument. Rejected for the reasons stated in Findings of Fact 10 and 11. In addition, the question of whether the performance of Candidate 20057 was properly graded does not arise in this proceeding. If Candidate 20057 received high grades although three of the seven teeth treated had to be retreated 48 ours later by Dr. Farah, this does not address the central question in this case: Did the treatment provided by Dr. Farah meet minimum standards? [page 7] Rejected because there is no competent substantial evidence that Dr. Simkin was Examiner #015, but if he was, the proposal is argument, not a finding of fact. Rulings on Findings of Fact Submitted by Respondent Accepted in Findings of Fact 4, 5 and 6. Accepted in Finding of Fact 5. Accepted in Finding of Fact 4. Accepted in Finding of Fact 3. Accepted in Findings of Fact 3 and 7. Accepted in Finding of Fact 8, 9 and 10. Accepted in Finding of Fact 11. Accepted in Finding of Fact 12. Accepted, but clarified in Findings of Fact 13 and 14. Accepted in Finding of Fact 15. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Fred Varn Executive Director Board of Dentistry 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Fred Roche Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Salvatore A. Carpino, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 H. Reynolds Sampson, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dr. Mina Farah 21-32 Crescent Street #D-7 Astoria, NY 11105

Florida Laws (2) 466.0066.08
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Oct. 27, 2003 Number: 03-003998 Latest Update: Sep. 14, 2004

The Issue The issue is whether the score that Respondent assigned to the Patient Amalgam Preparation and Periodontal sections of the clinical part of Petitioner's June 2003 Florida Dental License Examination taken was arbitrary or capricious.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner took the June 2003 Florida Dental License Examination. A passing score for the clinical part of the examination is 3.0. Petitioner received a score of 2.94, so he failed the clinical part of the examination. Petitioner has challenged the grades of 2.0 that he received on the Patient Amalgam Preparation and Periodontal sections of the clinical part of the examination. In both sections, the score of 2.0 is derived from averaging the 3s that Petitioner received from two evaluators and the 0 that he received from one evaluator. For both procedures, Petitioner challenges only the scores of 0, and he needs two additional points to pass the clinical part of the examination. The administration of the clinical part of the dental examination requires Respondent to recruit and train numerous examiners and monitors, all of whom are experienced, licensed dentists. The training process includes standardization exercises designed to ensure that all examiners are applying the same scoring criteria. The evaluation of specific procedures are double-blind, with scoring sheets that identify candidates by test numbers, so examiners do not know the identity of the candidate whose procedures they are scoring. The two sections that are the subject of this case require the candidate to demonstrate certain skills on a live patient. While working with the patient, the candidate is supervised by a monitor. When the candidate has completed the required dental work to his satisfaction, he so advises the monitor, who sends the patient to the dental examiners. For each section that is the subject of this case, three dental examiners examine the patient and score the procedure. These examiners do not communicate with each other, and each performs his or her examinations and scores the procedure in isolation from the other examiners. Communication between examiners and candidates is exclusively through monitor notes. For each section that is the subject of this case, the maximum possible score that a candidate may receive is a 5. Passing grades are 3, 4, or 5. Nonpassing grades are 0, 1, or A score of 3 indicates minimal competence. The Periodontal section of the clinical part of the dental examination required Petitioner to debride five teeth. Removing calculus from teeth, especially below the gums, is an important procedure because the build-up of tartar and plaque may cause pockets to form between the tooth and gum. Eventually, the gum tissue may deteriorate, ultimately resulting in the loss of the tooth. Prior to the examination, written materials explain to the candidates and examiners that the debridement is to remove all supragingival and subgingival foreign deposits. For the Periodontal procedure, Examiners 207 and 296 each gave Petitioner a 3, and Examiner 394 gave him a 0. The scoring sheets provide a space for preprinted notes relevant to the procedure. All three examiners noted root roughness. However, Examiner 394 detected "heavy" subgingival calculus on four teeth and documented his findings, as required to do when scoring a 0. Petitioner contends that two examiners and he correctly detected no calculus, and Examiner 394 incorrectly detected calculus. As an explanation, Petitioner showed that Examiner 394 knows Petitioner in an employment setting, and their relationship may have been tense at times. However, Petitioner never proved that Examiner 394 associated Petitioner's candidate number with Petitioner. Thus, personal bias does not explain Examiner 394's score. On the other hand, Examiners 296 and 207 are extremely experienced dental examiners. Examiner 296 has served nine years in this capacity, and Examiner 207 has served ten years, conducting 15-20 dental examinations during this period of time. By contrast, Examiner 394 has been licensed in Florida only since 1995 and has been serving as a dental examiner for only three years. However, the most likely explanation for this scoring discrepancy is that Examiner 394 explored more deeply the subgingival area than did Examiners 207 and 296 or Petitioner. Examiner 394 testified with certainty that he found the calculus at 5-6 mm beneath the gums. This is likely deeper than the others penetrated, but not unreasonably deep. For the Periodontal procedure, an examiner who found calculus on four teeth would be entitled to award the candidate 0 points. Examiners may deduct two points per tooth that has been incompletely cleaned, although the lowest score is 0. Examiner 394's score of 0 is therefore legitimate and at least as reliable as the other scores of 3. The Amalgam Preparation section of the clinical part of the examination required Petitioner to remove caries from one tooth and prepare the tooth for restoration. These procedures are of obvious importance to dental health. Poor preparation of the tooth surface will probably result in the premature failure of the restoration. A restoration following incomplete removal of caries will probably result in ongoing disease, possibly resulting in the loss of the tooth. Written materials, as well as Respondent's rules, which are discussed below, require a 0 if caries remain, after the candidate has presented the patient as ready for restoration. Other criteria apply to the Amalgam Preparation procedure, but this criterion is the only one of importance in this case. Examiners 207 and 417 each assigned Petitioner a 3 for this procedure, but Examiner 420 assigned him a 0. Examiners 207 and 417 noted some problems with the preparation of the tooth, but neither detected any caries. Examiner 420 detected caries and documented his finding, as required to do when scoring a 0. As noted above, Examiner 207 is a highly experienced evaluator, but the other two evaluators are experienced dentists. Examiner 417 graduated from dental school in 1979, and Examiner 420 has been licensed in Florida since 1981. The instructions to examiners emphasize that they are to detect caries "exclusively" tactilely, not visually. Tactile detection of the stickiness characteristic of caries is more reliable than visual detection. For example, caries assumes the color of dentin as the decay approaches the dentin. Examiner 420 testified definitively that he detected caries tactilely, not visually, in Petitioner's patient. This testimony is credited. It is difficult to reconcile Examiner 420's finding of caries with the contrary finding by the highly experienced Examiner 207. It does not seem especially likely that an experienced dentist would miss decay, especially in the artificial setting of a dental examination, in which everyone's attention is focused on one tooth. Examiner 207's finding of no caries is corroborated by the same finding of Examiner 417. However, Examiner 417's finding is given little weight. She readily suggested that she must have missed the caries. What at first appeared to be no more than a gracious gesture by a witness willing to aid Respondent's case took on different meaning when Examiner 417 testified, in DOAH Case No. 03-3955, first that she had detected visually and then retreated to testifying that she did not know if she had detected caries visually or tactilely--a significant concession because examiners were instructed explicitly not to rely on visual findings of caries. Returning, then, to the conflict between the findings of Examiner 420 and Examiner 207, substantially unaided by the corroborating findings of Examiner 417, either an experienced, credible dentist has found caries where none exists, or an experienced credible dentist has missed caries. The specificity of Examiner 420's testimony makes it more likely, as logic would suggest, that he did not imagine the existence of caries, and Examiner 207 somehow missed the caries. It is thus slightly more likely than not that Petitioner failed to remove the caries prior to presenting the patient. More importantly, though, for reasons stated in the Conclusions of Law, Examiner 420, in finding caries, adhered strictly to Respondent's rules and policies for evaluating candidates' work, and his finding was not arbitrary or capricious.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health enter a final order dismissing Petitioner's challenge to the scoring of the clinical part of the June 2003 Florida Dental License Examination. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of February, 2004. COPIES FURNISHED: R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William W. Large, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 William H. Buckhalt, Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C06 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 James Randolph Quick Driftwood Plaza 2151 South U.S. Highway One Jupiter, Florida 33477 Cassandra Pasley Senior Attorney Department of Health Office of the General Counsel 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 22, 1992 Number: 92-003705 Latest Update: Feb. 26, 1993

The Issue At issue in this proceeding is whether petitioner's challenge to the grading of his dental manual skills examination should be sustained.

Findings Of Fact Background Petitioner, Jorge Jose Velis, sat for the dentistry manual skills examination pursuant to Section 466.006(3)(c)3, Florida Statutes (1991), in November 1991. After receiving notification that he failed to achieve a passing score on the examination, petitioner challenged respondent's grading of three procedures, number 2, 7 and 8. The respondent sustained petitioner's challenge to the grading of procedure number 7 and had such procedure regraded, but such regrading failed to raise the overall grade awarded for the procedure. Respondent denied petitioner's challenge to the grading of procedures 2 and 8. In turn, petitioner filed a timely request for a formal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to contest the respondent's grading of procedures number 7 and 8. The examination procedure During the course of the examination at issue in this proceeding, the candidates were called upon to exhibit manual skills by performing various procedures on a laboratory model. The quality of the candidate's performance was then graded by three examiners who assigned grades of 0 to 5 based on their assessment of the candidate's performance. The scores assigned were then averaged to derive the score achieved by the candidate on the particular procedure. In scoring, a grade of "0" represented a complete failure, a grade of "3" represented a minimally acceptable dental procedure, and a grade of "5" represented outstanding dental procedure. See Rule 21G-2.013, Florida Administrative Code. Each of the examiners who participated in both the original grading of petitioner's model and the regrade had been licensed by the Florida Board of Dentistry for at least five years, and had participated in a day-long standardization training session the day before the examination was offered. Based on their previous performance as graders and their performance at the November 1991 examination, these examiners demonstrated a statistically acceptable grade variation range. Petitioner's examination results and review. Petitioner received a final grade of 2.97 on the examination, which was below the minimum passing grade of 3.0. Pertinent to this case, respondent received a grade of 2.66 for procedure 7, based on scores of 1, 3 and 4 from the individual examiners, and a grade of 2.66 for procedures 8, based on scores of 3, 1 and 4 from the individual examiners. Dr. Theodor Simkin, the respondent's consultant, upon petitioner's request for a regrade, examined petitioner's models and the evaluations of the examiners with regard to procedures number 7 and 8. In Dr. Simkin's opinion, which is credited, the original grade of 1 assigned to procedure 7 did not conform with the grading criteria since petitioner's error was not serious enough to warrant a grade of one. Accordingly, Dr. Simkin recommended a regrade of procedure number 7. With regard to procedure number 8, Dr. Simkin did not recommend a regrade because in his opinion, which is credited, the low grade of 1 was warranted because of a sever undercut made by petitioner on the tooth which would prevent any crown made up for the tooth from fitting properly. Accordingly, the assignment of a failing grade of 1 for procedure number 8 was appropriate under the grading criteria. Based on Dr. Simkin's conclusions, petitioner's procedure number 7 was regraded. In such regrading, petitioner's model was hand-delivered by a Department of Professional Regulations representative to three examiners, different from the original examiners, but all of whom participated in the standardization and grading of the November 1991 examination. In the regrade, petitioner received scores of 3, 3 and 2, for an average or final grade of 2.66, the same failing score he had previously received. The scores assigned by the examiners on regrading were, however, rendered in conformance with the grading criteria, and were an appropriate reflection of petitioner's performance. Here, the proof demonstrates that the regrade of procedure number 7 and the original grading of procedure number 8 were rendered in accordance with the grading criteria, and that petitioner's final grade of 2.97 was appropriately derived. Accordingly, petitioner failed to attain a minimum passing grade on the examination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered dismissing the subject petition. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 23rd day of December 1992. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of December 1992. APPENDIX Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: 1 & 2. Unnecessary detail. Addressed in paragraph 5. Addressed in paragraph 10. Addressed in paragraphs 2 and 5-8. Rejected as argument or addressed in paragraph 12. Respondent's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: 1 & 2. Addressed in paragraphs 1 and 10. 3. Addressed in paragraphs 3 and 5. 4-9. Addressed in paragraphs 5-8, otherwise unnecessary detail. 11-12. Addressed in paragraphs 3 & 4, otherwise unnecessary detail. 13. Addressed in paragraph 8. COPIES FURNISHED: Jose I. Perez, Esquire Grove 2000 Building Suite 100-D 2000 South Dixie Highway Miami, Florida 33133 Vytas J. Urba, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre, Suite 60 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 William Buckhalt Executive Director Board of Dentistry Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Jack McRay General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Vero Beach, Florida Mar. 04, 1998 Number: 98-001067 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue The issue for determination is whether Petitioner successfully completed the clinical portion of the December 1997 dental hygiene examination.

Findings Of Fact In December 1997, Brandy Kern was a candidate for the dental hygiene examination (Examination). Ms. Kern had completed her dental hygiene studies at the University of Pittsburgh on or about April 29, 1995. She was an excellent student. Prior to making application for the Examination, Ms. Kern had obtained experience in dental hygiene by working as a dental hygienist in at least three dental offices over at least a two-year period in the State of Pennsylvania. Her employers, who were dentists, gave Ms. Kern very positive recommendations. Ms. Kern successfully completed all portions of the Examination, except for the scaling/calculus removal portion of the clinical part of the Examination. As a result, Ms. Kern did not successfully complete the overall Examination. The clinical examination consists of three parts: scaling and calculus removal, polishing, and root planing. The overall score for the clinical examination is determined from all three portions. Scaling and calculus removal counts as 70 per cent of the clinical examination; polishing as 10 percent; and root planing as 20 per cent. Each dental hygiene candidate is graded by three examiners. The clinical portion of Ms. Kern's examination was scored by three examiners. The examiners were 197, 243, and 320. Each examiner is a dental hygienist licensed in the State of Florida and is an experienced dental hygienist. An examiner must be recommended by an existing examiner or by a member of the Board of Dentistry (Board), have no complaints against their license, and be actively practicing. To become an examiner, an application must be completed and submitted to an examination committee of the Board. The committee reviews the application and, if approved, the applicant is placed in a pool of examiners. Before every examination, each examiner is trained in evaluating a procedure to make sure that it is properly performed. The Department of Health (Department) conducts a training in which each examiner is trained to grade using the same internal criteria. Such training results in a standardization of grading criteria. In this training process, the examiners are trained by assistant examiner supervisors on the different criteria that are used during the examination. The assistant examiner supervisors are dentists licensed in the State of Florida and are appointed by the Board of Dentistry (Board). To further their training, after the examiners receive their verbal training, the examiners are shown slides of teeth which do not meet the clinical criteria of the examination. To make sure that the examiners have been able to internalize the criteria, following the standardization, the examiners, themselves, are given an examination. Included in the examination is a hands-on clinical, where mannequins are used and the examiners check for errors on the mannequins. After the examiners complete their examination, the Bureau of Testing evaluates the examiners to determine whether the examiners are acceptable to use for the Examination. Subsequent to the Examination, the examiners are scored by the Bureau of Testing. The scoring is based on an examiner's performance wherein the Bureau of Testing examines how every examiner grades with every other examiner to make sure that the examiners are grading with reliability. This review is based on corroborated errors found by an examiner, not on the average errors found by an examiner. The average errors found by an examiner are irrelevant to the examiner's performance in that one examiner may have graded candidates who made numerous errors, while another examiner may have graded candidates who made very few errors. For the Examination, candidates are required to bring human patients on whom the candidates perform the dental procedures. Each examiner grades the Examination independently. The examiners do not confer with each other while scoring the Examination. Furthermore, the Examination is double-blind graded, which is a grading process in which the candidates have no contact with the examiners. The candidates are located in one clinic and perform the dental procedures on their human patient. The clinic is monitored by a licensed dental hygienist. When the candidate completes the procedures, a proctor accompanies the patient to another clinic where the examiners are located, and the examiners grade the procedures performed by the candidates. For the scaling/calculus removal portion of the Examination, the grading criteria is that complete removal of all supra and sub-marginal calculus from each tooth, without laceration to the surrounding tissue, is required. If the tooth is not clean and/or if there is damage to the surrounding tissue, the candidate is considered to have made one (1) error. Pursuant to Board rule, each tooth is judged as a whole. Even if a candidate makes three mistakes in performing the procedure on each tooth, e.g., calculus could be above the gum, calculus could be below the gum, and/or the gum could be lacerated, only one (1) error is counted against the candidate. The examiners do not document what error was committed by the candidate, i.e., whether the error is a calculus error or a laceration error. In grading the scaling/calculus removal portion of the Examination, a grade of five is the highest grade that a candidate can receive. A five is given if there are zero to three errors found. A grade of four is given if there are four errors found. A grade of three, which is considered to be minimally competent, is given if there are five errors found. A grade of two is given if there are six errors found. A grade of one is given if there are seven errors found, and a grade of zero is given if eight or more errors are found. For an error to be counted against a candidate, at least two of the three examiners must corroborate the error, i.e., at least two of the examiners must find the error. For Ms. Kern's clinical examination, she was scored by examiners 197, 243, and 320. All three examiners participated in the standardization training and were considered qualified to act as examiners for the Examination. Ms. Kern's examination was double-blind graded. Each examiner independently graded her examination. Examiner 197 found one error. Both examiners 243 and 320 found seven errors each. Examiners 243 and 320 agreed on six of seven teeth on which errors were found. Consequently, Ms. Kern was considered to have committed six errors. A post-examination review of the examiners was conducted. Examiners 243 and 320 were found to be reliable in their scoring. However, examiner 197 was found to be unreliable in his scoring. Examiner 197 was not used again for the Examination. The scoring of six errors made by Ms. Kern on the scaling/calculus removal portion of the Examination is not arbitrary or capricious or an abuse of discretion. The scoring process is not devoid of logic and reason. However, because examiners do not document the type of error committed by a candidate, a candidate has no way of knowing what detail of a procedure was improperly performed. The candidate only knows that a procedure, as a whole, was improperly performed. Consequently, a candidate who desires to re-take the Examination has no idea what procedure needs improvement by the candidate in order to prepare for a re-taking of the Examination.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health, Board of Dentistry enter a final order dismissing Brandy Kern's examination challenge to the clinical portion of the dental hygienist licensure examination administered in December 1997. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of August, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ERROL H. POWELL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of August, 1998.

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57455.217466.007
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 25, 1993 Number: 93-002877 Latest Update: May 19, 1994

Findings Of Fact Background Petitioner, Richard Alan Cohen, sat for the dental licensure examination in December 1992 and received an overall score of 2.98 for the clinical portion of that examination. The minimal passing score for the clinical portion of the examination was 3.0. After receiving notification that he failed to achieve a passing score on the examination, petitioner challenged respondent's grading of three procedures, number 01, 05 and 06. Respondent rejected petitioner's challenge, and petitioner filed a timely request for a formal hearing pursuant to section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to contest respondent's grading of those procedures. At hearing, petitioner abandoned his challenge to the grading of procedures 01 and 05. The examination procedure During the course of the examination at issue, the candidates were called upon to exhibit, with regard to procedure 06, certain manual skills relevant to an endodonic procedure. Specifically, the candidate was required to prepare a tooth, which had been extracted and mounted in a mold, for what is commonly called a "root canal." Preparing for the procedure included the cleaning and shaping of the interior of both root canals from each apex (the tip of the root) up to the access area near the crown (top) of the tooth. Thereafter, sealant was to be sprayed into the canal, and gutta percha condensed (compressed) in the canal until it was completely filled. The goal of the procedure was to get a seal within one half to one millimeter of the apex, and to fill the canal so there were no voids. The quality of a candidate's performance on the procedure was graded by three examiners who assigned grades of 0 to 5 based on their assessment of the candidate's performance. The scores assigned were then averaged to derive the score achieved by the candidate on the procedure. In scoring, a grade of "0" represented a complete failure, a grade of "3" represented a minimally acceptable dental procedure, a grade of "4" represented a better than minimally acceptable dental procedure, and a grade of "5" represented an outstanding dental procedure. See, Rule 61F5-2.013, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioner's examination results Petitioner received a grade of 3.66 for procedure 06, based on scores of 3, 3, and 5 from the individual examiners. Although a passing score on procedure 06, petitioner's overall score on the clinical part of the examination was 2.98; a score below the minimum 3.00 required to pass that portion of the examination. According to the grade sheets, the two examiners who assigned petitioner a grade of 3 observed that petitioner failed to properly fill the canal spaces with gutta percha. In the opinion of the one examiner who testified at the hearing, such observation was based on his examination of an x-ray (petitioner's exhibit 1D) which reflected that the canal was filled beyond the apex and there appeared to be some spacing between the wall of the canal and the filling material. A review of the examination results At hearing, the proof demonstrated that the quality of petitioner's performance on that portion of procedure 06 pertinent to this case is aptly reflected on the x-ray marked as petitioner's exhibit 1D. That x-ray reflects, with regard to one of the canals petitioner filled, what is either a void or filling material beyond the apex of the root. Either event evidences a failure to properly fill the canal space, and warrants a grade of less than 5. Here, petitioner contends he should be awarded a grade of 4 for the procedure. The proof fails, however, to support his contention. If the image reflected by the x-ray is gutta percha beyond the apex, petitioner's performance on the procedure would not meet minimally acceptable dental standards and would merit a failing grade. If on the other hand, the material extending beyond the apex is sealant or the image reflected by the x-ray is a void, the procedure was acceptable, but warranted a grade of less than 5. Under such circumstances, it is concluded that the proof fails to demonstrate that the grades of 3 accorded petitioner were baseless, lacking in reason or that in deriving such grades the examiners departed from the essential requirements of law.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be rendered dismissing the subject petition. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 22nd day of February 1994. Hearings 1550 Hearings 1994. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399- (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative this 22nd day of February

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002295 Latest Update: Jun. 22, 1979

The Issue Whether Respondent Richard S. Bach, D.D.S., license #5512, has violated Section 466.38, Florida Statutes, by permitting a dental hygienist under his supervision and control to perform acts constituting the practice of dentistry and not permitted by law to be performed by a dental hygienist. Whether Respondent Carol Ann Bach, R.H.D., license #2371, has violated Section 466.38, Florida Statutes, by performing acts constituting the practice of dentistry and not permitted by law to be performed by a dental hygienist.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Dr. Richard S. Bach, is a dentist licensed to practice dentistry under the laws of the State of Florida, Chapter 466, Florida Statutes, and engages in the practice of dentistry in his office, located at 999 North Krome Avenue in Homestead, Florida. Dr. Bach was practicing dentistry during the month of September, 1978. The Respondent, Carol Ann Bach, is a dental hygienist licensed to practice dental hygiene under the laws of the State of Florida, Chapter 466, Florida Statutes. She is employed by Dr. Richard S. Bach at his office, located at 999 North Krome Avenue in Homestead, Florida, and was so employed during the month of September, 1978. The Petitioner, State Board of Dentistry, filed an administrative accusation against Respondent Dr. Bach and Respondent Carol Bach which was sworn to and subscribed on October 24, 1978. The accusation alleged that Dr. Bach had permitted a dental hygienist under his supervision and control to perform acts constituting the practice of dentistry in violation of Section 466.38, Florida Statutes. The administrative accusation also alleged that Carol Bach had administered an anesthetic by oral injection into the gums of a patient, Dorothy Moore, and that such was an act constituting the practice of dentistry prohibited by Section 466.38, Florida Statutes. Both Respondents requested an administrative hearing. Ms. Dorothy Moore sought the dental services of Respondent Dr. Bach in September of 1977. After treating Ms. Moore, Dr. Bach told her that she was developing a severe pyorrhea gum infection and suggested that she make an appointment with his dental hygienist. An appointment was made and x-rays taken, and thereafter, on September 19, 1977, Respondent Carol Bach cleaned Ms. Moore's teeth. Respondent Carol Bach injected into the upper portion of Ms. Moore's mouth approximately fifteen (15) injections of a local anesthesia before performing a curettage procedure. Subsequently, on September 26, 1977, Carol Bach injected a local anesthesia into the lower portion of Ms. Moore's mouth prior to performing the curettage procedure. Respondents Richard S. Bach and Carol Ann Bach are husband and wife, and were married at the time of the incident involved in this hearing. Carol Bach was employed in the office of Richard Bach as the only dental hygienist employed in the office. During the time of the cleaning of Ms. Moore's teeth, and during the time in which anesthesia was injected into her gums, the door of the room in which these incidents occurred remained open, both on September 19, and on September 26, 1977. There is no evidence that Respondent Carol Bach hid or intended to hide the fact that she administered an anesthesia by way of injection to the patient. The door was open, and the activity therein was easily visible. Respondent Carol Bach had told Ms. Moore that she was going to anesthetize Ms. Moore's mouth in order that the work would be less painful. It was undisputed that Respondent Carol Bach gave injections of anesthesia to Ms. Moore. Respondent Dr. Bach did not deny or attempt to justify the acts of his hygienist, and there was no showing that her activities were unknown to Dr. Bach or that he had instructed her to not perform such operations. He knew, or should have known, of her acts. When Ms. Moore was informed that she needed additional fillings, she became concerned about costs and sought the services of another dentist. Thereafter, she wrote a letter to the Petitioner giving details of her appointments with the Respondents. Both parties submitted proposed findings of fact and memoranda of law, and both made response to the proposals submitted. These instruments were considered in the writing of this Order. To the extent the proposed findings of fact have not been adopted or are inconsistent with factual findings in this Order, they have been specifically rejected as being irrelevant or not having been supported by the evidence.

Recommendation Suspend the license of Respondent Carol Ann Bach for a period not exceeding one year. Suspend the license of Respondent Richard S. Bach for a period not exceeding one year. DONE and ORDERED this 22nd day of June, 1979, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DELPHENE C. STRICKLAND Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: L. Haldane Taylor, Esquire 2516 Gulf Life Tower Jacksonville, Florida 32207 Baya Harrison, III, Esquire Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302

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