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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 76-001753 Latest Update: Apr. 29, 1977

Findings Of Fact 1. On January 8, 1975, the United States District Court, District of Delaware, entered a "judgment and probation/commitment order," finding petitioner guilty of violating Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1010 and 371. These charges involved, inter alia, making, passing, uttering and publishing false statements and forged instruments in connection with the obtaining of mortgage insurance under the provisions of the National Housing Act. Petitioner was fined $2,500.00 and sentenced to serve three years imprisonment, the remainder to be suspended after six months and petitioner to be placed on probation for the remaining thirty months. On or about July 9, 1976, petitioner applied to respondent for registration as a mortgage solicitor. For the reason that petitioner was found guilty as described in paragraph one above, respondent determined that petitioner did not meet the proper qualifications to be licensed and issued its notice of intent to deny said license. In his answer and request for a hearing, petitioner admitted the material factual allegations of the complaint. Petitioner did not appear and therefore offered no evidence in his own behalf.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is recommended that petitioner's application for registration as a mortgage solicitor be DENIED. DONE AND ORDERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 13th day of April, 1977. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of April, 1977 COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. David L. Pierce 891 West Tropical Way Plantation, Florida 33317 Richard E. Gentry, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Joseph M. Ehrlich Deputy Director Division of Finance Department of Banking and Finance 335 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Comptroller Gerald A. Lewis The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304

# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 01, 1992 Number: 92-003339 Latest Update: Mar. 09, 1993

Findings Of Fact The Parties. The Department is a state agency charged with the administration and enforcement of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, the Florida Mortgage Brokerage Act, and the rules promulgated thereunder. Financial Funding is a corporation. Eric Schwartz is the sole director, officer and shareholder of Financial Funding. Mr. Schwartz has been licensed by the Department as a mortgage broker continuously since 1983. Between 1983 and 1988 Mr. Schwartz acted as broker for a wholly-owned mortgage brokerage business. From 1988 until October 1, 1991, Mr. Schwartz was licensed as a self-employed mortgage broker. Mr. Schwartz has also held a real estate broker's license since approximately 1978. Financial Funding was created by Mr. Schwartz in order to comply with newly enacted requirements of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. Effective October 1, 1991, licensed mortgage brokers in Florida were required to be employed by a mortgage brokerage business. Mr. Schwartz was, therefore, required to create a business entity or work for someone else's mortgage brokerage business in order to continue as a mortgage broker. Financial Funding's Application. On or about December 12, 1991, Financial Funding filed an application with the Department for licensure as a mortgage brokerage business (hereinafter referred to as the "Application"). It was revealed in the Application that Mr. Schwartz was the President of Financial Funding. By letter dated April 24, 1992, the Department denied Financial Funding's Application. The Department denied the Application because of its conclusion that Mr. Schwartz, an officer of Financial Funding, had violated Chapter 494, Florida Statutes and had a disciplinary history. Financial Funding timely challenged the denial of its Application. The Eason Complaint. Between approximately 1984 and 1987, Mr. Schwartz was the sole owner and president of Paramount Finance Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Paramount"). Mr. Schwartz was the principal mortgage broker for Paramount and utilized Paramount as the vehicle for his practice as a mortgage broker. On or about November 5, 1985, Agnes Eason filed a complaint against Mr. Schwartz and Paramount (hereinafter referred to as the "Eason Complaint"), in the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, In and For Dade County, Florida. A Final Judgment was entered on the Eason Complaint on or about February 17, 1987. The court found that Mr. Schwartz had initiated contact with the Plaintiff, Agnes Eason. The court also found that Mr. Schwartz had represented to Ms. Eason that the Small Business Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "SBA"), was about to foreclose a lien on her home. The court also found that "[t]he Small Business Administration, in fact, was not foreclosing on Plaintiff's property [and had no plans to institute foreclosure proceedings in the near future.]" The language in brackets was struck from the Final Judgment. Therefore, no determination was made as to whether foreclosure proceedings might have been instituted in the future. The striking of this language, however, does not prove that the SBA was considering possible foreclosure proceedings on Ms. Eason's property. Nor was Mr. Schwartz's testimony persuasive enough to reject the findings of the court on the Eason Complaint. The court concluded that Mr. Schwartz told Ms. Eason that "the only way to save her home from foreclosure" would be to execute notes and mortgages in favor of Paramount. Ms. Eason executed the suggested notes and mortgages and they were recorded. Although the notes and mortgages were executed on terms which Ms. Eason accepted, the court concluded that "no consideration" passed from Paramount to Ms. Eason for the notes or mortgages. The court also concluded that Ms. Eason executed the notes and mortgages because of the misrepresentation concerning the SBA by Mr. Schwartz. The court found that when Ms. Eason notified Mr. Schwartz that her payments on the note she had executed to Paramount were more than she could afford, the notes and mortgages were cancelled and a satisfaction was recorded. The court also found that after cancelling the notes and mortgages, Mr. Schwartz incorrectly told Ms. Eason that "the only way left to save her home from imminent foreclosure by the Small Business Administration" would be to execute a Warranty Deed conveying the fee simple interest in Ms. Eason's home to him. Mr. Schwartz also told Ms. Eason that, pursuant to a document titled a "Disclosure", he would grant Ms. Eason and her mother a life estate in the property. Mr. Schwartz was also to pay Ms. Eason $1,000.00 and to pay real estate taxes on the property pursuant to the Disclosure. Ms. Eason executed a Warranty Deed and the Disclosure on June 18, 1985. The Warranty Deed was recorded June 19, 1985. The Disclosure was recorded, but not until September 13, 1985. Although the transaction was explained by Mr. Schwartz to Ms. Eason and she accepted it, the court concluded that Mr. Schwartz's representation that foreclosure by the SBA was imminent was incorrect and that Mr. Schwartz failed to tender the sum of $1,000.00 agreed to in the Disclosure. Although Mr. Schwartz testified that he did attempt to tender the $1,000.00 (less $175.00 in recording fees), he did so after the Eason Complaint had been filed and it was rejected because of the litigation. Therefore, although the Disclosure agreement was executed June 18, 1985, Mr. Schwartz did not attempt to tender the $1,000.00 until some time after the Eason Complaint was filed on November 5, 1985. The court also found that Mr. Schwartz had not paid real estate taxes on the property as promised in the Disclosure. Mr. Schwartz explained, however, that the taxes had not been paid because the first real estate taxes due on the property had not become due until after the litigation had been instituted. The court concluded as a matter of law, among other things, the following: That the Defendant, ERIC SCHWARTZ, on behalf of Defendant PARAMOUNT FINANCE CORPORATION [fraudulently] misrepresented a material fact to the Plaintiff, AGNES EASON, for the purpose of inducing Plaintiff to execute the aforementioned notes and mortgages. That the Defendant, ERIC SCHWARTZ [fraudulently] misrepresented a material fact to the Plaintiff, AGNES EASON, for the purpose of inducing Plaintiff to execute the aforementioned Warranty Deed and "Disclosure." That the Warranty Deed executed by Plaintiff in favor of Defendant was procured by Defendant SCHWARTZ through the exercise of coercion and duress upon Plaintiff. That no consideration passed from Defendant SCHWARTZ to Plaintiff for any of the instruments executed by Plaintiff. That the purported promises made by Defendant SCHWARTZ in the "Disclosure", to the effect that certain debts of the Plaintiff will be paid by SCHWARTZ "if necessary", are illusory promises and impose no obligation upon the Defendant SCHWARTZ. Such promises are therefore unenforceable and do not constitute consideration in support of the subject conveyance. The court ordered the promissory notes, Warranty Deed and the Disclosure cancelled and declared them null and void. The Department's Awareness of the Eason Complaint. There were employees of the Department that were aware of the Eason matter at the time that an administrative action against Mr. Schwartz, which is discussed, infra, was being investigated by the Department. Prior to the action of the Department in this case, the Department has not taken disciplinary action against Mr. Schwartz's individual mortgage broker license as the result of the judgment on the Eason Complaint. The weight of the evidence failed to prove why the Department did not take action against Mr. Schwartz as a result of the judgment on the Eason Complaint until this case arose. The evidence also failed to prove, however, that the Department ever represented to Mr. Schwartz that it would not take any action against his license as a result of the Eason matter. 1990 Administrative Action. At some point during 1987, Mr. Schwartz decided to begin business as a mortgage broker with Mr. Stephen Hertz. Mr. Schwartz intended to discontinue operating through Paramount. Mr. Schwartz and Mr. Hertz intended to operate their business as Dollar Mortgage Company (hereinafter referred to as "Dollar"). In June of 1987 Mr. Schwartz prepared an application to register Dollar as the mortgage broker. Mr. Schwartz also prepared an endorsement transferring his individual license as principal mortgage broker to Dollar. These documents (hereinafter referred to as the "Dollar Applications"), were provided to Mr. Hertz to file with the Department. Mr. Schwartz, having been advised by Mr. Hertz that the Dollar Applications had been filed, believed that the Dollar Applications had been filed with the Department. Before being informed by the Department that the Dollar Applications had been approved or that his individual license had been renewed, Mr. Schwartz engaged in several mortgage brokerage transactions in the name of Dollar. Engaging in the transactions in the name of Dollar, therefore, constituted acting as a mortgage brokerage business without a license. At some point after the Dollar Applications were filed, Mr. Schwartz contacted Mr. Paul Richman of the Department's Miami office to determine what the status of the applications was. Mr. Schwartz was informed that the Department was in the process of changing the manner in which applications were processed and the process was causing a delay. Mr. Richman advised Mr. Schwartz to check with the Department's Tallahassee office in November, 1987, if the Department had not acted on the Dollar Applications by then. In November, 1987, Mr. Schwartz contacted the Department's Tallahassee office and was informed that the Dollar Applications had never been received. Mr. Schwartz submitted new applications at that time. As a result of the fact that Mr. Schwartz had transacted business before his license had been renewed and had acted in the name of Dollar before receiving approval of Dollar to transact such business, the Department filed an Administrative Complaint, Number 1154-F-5/88 (hereinafter referred to as the "Complaint"), against Mr. Schwartz. The Complaint was entered August 29, 1988. On or about January 23, 1990, the Department and Mr. Schwartz entered into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Stipulation"), settling the Complaint. Mr. Schwartz admitted in the Stipulation to the following: 3. Eric S. Schwartz admits that he acted as a mortgage broker with an inactive license, and that Dollar acted as a mortgage brokerage business without a valid registration but denies intentional wrongdoing as more fully set forth in Mr. Schwartz's affidavit dated May 30, 1989 which is referenced as if fully set forth at length herein. Pursuant to the Stipulation, Mr. Schwartz was required to pay an administrative fine of $2,500.00 for his violation of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. It was also agreed that the Dollar application would be withdrawn and it was. Mr. Schwartz's individual license was, however, renewed. The Stipulation also provided that the Department would make at least one examination of Mr. Schwartz's mortgage brokerage activities during each six month period during the next twenty-four months from the date of the Stipulation. Audits were in fact conducted by the Department. No further charges were brought against Mr. Schwartz as a result of these audits. Additionally, the following agreement was contained in the Stipulation: 13. The Department agrees that, upon execution of this Stipulation, payment of the administrative fine, payment of the restitution ordered, and faithful compliance hereafter by Eric S. Schwartz with all of the terms and conditions of this Stipulation, the Department will take no further action against Eric S. Schwartz for violations of the Act and the rules of the Department as set forth in the Complaint. However, should the Department, in its exercise of its discretion, deem it necessary to take action against Eric S. Schwartz for violations of the Act and rules of Department occurring after the time period set forth in the Complaint, then, in that event, all such allegations and charges may be used against Eric S. Schwartz in any such subsequent proceeding, if relevant. Eric S. Schwartz understands that there is no order, administrative or judicial, sealing these proceedings in the event of a future administrative complaint regarding activities alleged to occur subsequent to the final date of the timeframe of the investigation of the affairs of Eric S. Schwartz' activities as set forth in the Complaint. See the second paragraph number "13" on page 4-5 of the Stipulation. In March of 1990, the Department entered a Consent Final Order incorporating the Stipulation. The Department has not brought any charges against Mr. Schwartz subsequent to the execution of the Stipulation. The Department has continued to renew Mr. Schwartz's mortgage broker's license.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a Final Order denying Financial Funding's application for licensure as a mortgage brokerage business. DONE AND ENTERED this 21st day of January, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of January, 1993. APPENDIX The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Financial Funding's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in 6 and 8. Accepted in 9. Accepted in 3. Accepted in 4. Accepted in 5. Although the Department offered no such evidence, the weight of the evidence failed to prove that there is "no difference." Hereby accepted. See 8. Accepted in 34. Accepted in 10-11 and 28-29. Accepted in 30, 32-33 and 37. Accepted in 31 and 34. Whether Mr. Hertz advised Mr. Schwartz to start doing business in the name of Dollar is not relevant. The evidence failed to prove that Mr. Schwartz "had no reason to operate improperly." What Mr. Hertz noted in his letter of May 18, 1988 is hearsay. The evidence failed to prove when the documents "had been previously provided . . . ." The weight of the evidence also failed to prove that Mr. Schwartz "was not at fault." Hereby accepted. See 37 and 38. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that Mr. Schwartz had "nothing to hide." The evidence also failed to prove that the Department's audits were "extremely thorough. What the Department did during their audits of Mr. Schwartz is based upon hearsay. Accepted in 37. Accepted in 39. Not relevant. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 12 and 25. See also 17-19 and 21. The weight of the evidence failed to prove the second sentence. The fifth sentence through the end of this proposed paragraph is not relevant. The evidence also failed to prove that Ms. Eason was "initially pleased." 20 See 14-15, 19, 21 and 22. 21 See 25-27. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that the Department was aware of the Eason matter for "seven years." The weight of the evidence also failed to prove the third sentence.. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact Accepted in 1. Accepted in 12. Hereby accepted. Accepted in 13, 21 and 23 and hereby accepted. Accepted in 34. Accepted in 35. The Stipulation was executed in January, not December. Accepted in 36. Accepted in 37. Accepted in 38. Accepted in 40. Accepted in 6. Accepted in 3 and 7. Accepted in 8. COPIES FURNISHED: Harold F. X. Purnell, Esquire Highpoint Center, Suite 1200 106 East College Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 J. Ashley Peacock Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller The Capitol, Suite 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, FL 32399-0350 William G. Reeves General Counsel Room 1302 The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0350

Florida Laws (2) 120.57494.0025
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida May 15, 1997 Number: 97-002270 Latest Update: Feb. 12, 1998

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Petitioner’s application for licensure as a mortgage broker should be approved.

Findings Of Fact The parties set forth an extensive set of stipulated facts in the Prehearing Stipulation filed prior to the commencement of the hearing. The stipulated facts describe the activities of Richard Eric Watts (Petitioner) on behalf of Frederick M. Larry in relation to a $50,000 investment of Mr. Larry's funds with D. F. Owen, Inc., in May 1985. At approximately the same time as the Larry investment was made, the Petitioner contracted with D.F. Owen to act as an investment adviser for a fee of $33,500. The stipulated facts describe the activities of the Petitioner on behalf of Cynthia Halabrin Trust. The Petitioner was the trustee for the trust, which was a residence. During a period of time that the residence was under renovation, the Petitioner allowed Mr. Larry to reside without payment to the trust. The stipulated facts describe the activities of the Petitioner regarding the unregistered operation of "Watts Investment Management, Inc." during 1985 and the subsequent registration of the entity in 1986. The stipulated facts describe the activities of the Petitioner regarding his employment as a broker for Paine Webber from 1982-1985, and the failure to obtain approval for outside employment activities while working for the investment firm. The stipulated facts describe the legal action taken by Cynthia Halabrin Raybuck against the Petitioner and Paine Webber related to the activities of the Petitioner as trustee of the Halabrin trust. The parties settled the case through arbitration. The stipulated facts address the creation of "Danbury Mortgage Company," and describe the preliminary activities of the unlicensed entity. The facts also identify the Petitioner's association with the Paradigm Mortgage Company, based in Jacksonville, Florida. For purposes of this Recommended Order, all stipulated facts set forth in the prehearing stipulation filed by the parties are adopted and incorporated herein. On or about August 29, 1996, the Petitioner filed an application with the Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance (Department) seeking licensure as a mortgage broker. The Petitioner’s application disclosed that in 1989 he was denied admission to the Florida Bar. In January 1989, the Petitioner was notified by the Florida Board of Bar Examiners (“Board”) of their intent to deny his application for admission to the Florida Bar. A hearing was conducted in June 1989 regarding the denial. The Petitioner was represented by legal counsel and testified under oath at the hearing. On August 31, 1989, the Board of Bar Examiners denied Petitioner’s application for admission. Based on the facts set forth in the Board's order, the Board concluded that the Petitioner “engaged in acts to serve his own interest to the detriment of others, violated registration laws, neglected payment of student loan obligations and issued numerous worthless checks.” The Board also determined that the Petitioner provided misleading testimony at his Bar hearing and failed to disclose material information on his application. Although at the formal administrative hearing the Petitioner attempted to explain the circumstances under which the Board's determination occurred, the testimony at hearing and the stipulated facts support the findings made by the Board. Upon the filing of the Petitioner's application for licensure as a mortgage broker, the Department undertook a review of the application. Based on the review, the Department determined that the Petitioner had held himself out for business as a mortgage broker without an appropriate license. In December 1995, the Petitioner registered the name "Danbury Mortgage Corporation" with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations. In January 1996, the Petitioner established a business location for Danbury Mortgage Corporation. The Petitioner listed the business under the "mortgage brokers" section of the Sarasota Yellow Pages. At no time was the Danbury Mortgage Company licensed by the Department of Banking and Finance. At the hearing, the Petitioner suggested that no mortgage business had been conducted by Danbury Mortgage Company. The Petitioner asserted that he had affiliated with another company (Paradigm) and that the other company was handling the registration of his office as a Paradigm branch. The evidence establishes that the Petitioner was involved in completion of at least one mortgage loan application on behalf of Paradigm Mortgage Company without appropriate licensure. The Paradigm "branch" office was located in the same building as Danbury Mortgage Company, and shared the Danbury telephone number. Based on a cryptic telephone message received by the Petitioner from a Paradigm supervisor, the Petitioner assumed that he was licensed. The Petitioner did not return the telephone call and made no credible attempt at determining whether he was licensed prior to acting on behalf of Paradigm Mortgage Company.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a Final Order denying the application of Richard Eric Watts for licensure as a mortgage broker. DONE AND ORDERED this 30th day of December, 1997, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. _ _ WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of December, 1997. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Robert F. Milligan Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 Harry Hooper, General Counsel Department of Banking and Finance The Capitol, Room 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 Richard E. Watts, pro se 1345 Main Street, Suite C-4 Sarasota, Florida 34236 Pamela R. Jacobs, Esquire Regional Counsel Department of Banking and Finance 1300 Riverplace Blvd, Suite 640 Jacksonville, Florida 32207

Florida Laws (2) 120.57494.001
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-000021 Latest Update: Aug. 15, 1980

The Issue Whether Respondent Department should deny Petitioner's application for a mortgage solicitor's license upon the grounds that Petitioner violated Chapter 494, Florida Statutes (1979), and lacks the requisite honesty, truthfulness, and integrity to act as a mortgage solicitor in Florida.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the testimony and documentary evidence presented at hearing, the following facts are determined: On February 4, 1980, the Department served Requests for Admissions upon the Applicant. The Requests asked the Applicant to admit or deny the truth of each alleged finding of fact contained in the Department's Order of Denial dated December 7, 1979. Those findings of fact form the basis of the Department's proposed denial of Applicant's license. By his Answers to Request for Admissions (Respondent's Exhibit 3), the Applicant admitted the truth of each and every Finding of Fact contained in the Department's Order of Denial. The relevant Findings of Fact, which are now admitted and undisputed, are set out below: The Applicant, James B. Payne, was previously licensed as a mortgage broker in the State of Florida under license number 2387 and registration number 90-1. His license expired on or about August 31, 1977. On or about July 18, 1979, the Department received Applicant's application requesting registration as a mortgage solicitor. The application was not completed until Applicant passed his mortgage brokerage license exam. On August 29, 1979, the Applicant took, but failed to pass, the mortgage brokerage examination in Miami, Florida. However, on October 9, 1979, the Applicant retook, and successfully passed, the examination. Thereafter, the Department, pursuant to Chapter 494, supra, conducted an investigation into the Applicant's background and qualifications for registration as a mortgage solicitor. On or about May 15, 1978, [prior to filing the application at issue here] the Applicant had applied to the Department for a mortgage solicitor's license, pursuant to Chapter 494, supra. After receiving his application, the Department conducted an investigation into the background and qualifications of the Applicant. That investigation resulted in an Order of Denial which was issued on August 4, 1978, in administrative proceeding number 78-9 DOF (ME). An Affidavit of Default was entered in that action on September 1, 1978. That earlier Order of Denial [which became final and is not at issue here] contained the following allegations, now admitted by the Applicant: "(i) That at all times material hereto [subparagraphs (i)-(iv), post] the Applicant was employed by Metropolitan Mortgage Company as its Chief Financial Officer at 2244 Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida. "(ii) On or about August, 1976, the Applicant did knowingly and with intent to defraud Metropolitan Mortgage Company, approve payment of a purported $5,000 mortgage fee to one Robert Day by check number 8309 issued by Metropolitan Mortgage Company and dated September 2, 1976. Said check was cashed on or about September 3, 1976, at the Capital Bank of Miami. On or about September 2, 1976, a cashier's check in the amount of $4,500.00 was issued by the Capital Bank of Miami and made payable to the Applicant. The Applicant represented that said payment to Robert Day constituted a share of a brokerage commission for commitments entered into between Metropolitan Mortgage Company and Tremont Savings and Loan Association. The primary fee for said transaction was paid to Mortgage Brokerage Services, East Orange, New Jersey. No such brokerage commission sharing agreement between mortgage brokerage services and Robert Day ever existed. "(iii) On or about June 3, 1977, the Applicant did knowingly and with intent to defraud Metropolitan Mortgage Company, make a false requisition upon said Metropolitan Mortgage Company for a check disbursement in the amount of $3,150.00 payable to State Savings and Loan Association by check number 11797 dated June 3, 1977, and drawn on Flagship National Bank. The Applicant did knowingly and with intent to defraud Metropolitan Mortgage Company, misrepresent that said requisition was for a verbal commitment issued by State Savings and Loan Association to buy conventional mortgages valued at $315,000.00 at a net of 8.75 percent. The Applicant did misrepresent to State Savings and Loan Association that said check constituted rentals collected by Metropolitan Mortgage Company on two foreclosed units at Tallwood Condominiums. At no time did State Savings and Loan Association issue the above described commitments either verbally or in writing. In fact, said requisition was made for the purpose of payment to State Savings and Loan Association for the Applicant's personal misadministration of loans regarding the Tallwood Condominiums and the Segars account in the respective sums of $6,340.00 and $4,210.00. "(iv) On or about June, 1977, the Applicant did knowingly and with intent to defraud Metropolitan Mortgage Company, approve payment of a purported brokerage fee to David G. Witherspoon, in the sum of $6,500.00 by check number 11796 dated June 3, 1977, issued by Metropolitan Mortgage Company and drawn on the Flagship National Bank of Miami. The Applicant represented that said payment to Donald G. Witherspoon constituted a share of a brokerage commission for commitments entered into between Metropolitan Mortgage Company and Tremont Savings and Loan Association. On or about June 6, 1977, said check was converted to cashier's check number 070087 drawn on the Flagship National Bank of Miami and made payable to one Donald G. Witherspoon. The primary fee for said transaction was paid to Mortgage Brokerage Services, East Orange, New Jersey. No such brokerage commission sharing agreement between Mortgage Brokerage Services and Donald G. Witherspoon ever existed. Donald G. Witherspoon was never a party to such transaction nor did he ever see, receive or sign said check." Misconduct by the Applicant Subsequent to the August 4, 1978, Order of Denial The Applicant represented himself to Mr. Alan N. Schneider of Kings Way Mortgage Company of Coral Gables, Florida, as being a licensed mortgage broker/solicitor in the State of Florida. From December 22, 1978, until February 23, 1979, the Applicant was employed by Kings Way Mortgage Company as a mortgage solicitor, and did act in the capacity of a mortgage solicitor and negotiated several loans and collected fees. At all times above, the Applicant was not licensed as a mortgage broker and/or solicitor in the State of Florida. That on or about February 1, 1979, the Applicant represented himself as, and acted in the capacity of a mortgage broker and/or solicitor in the State of Florida without being licensed as required by Chapter 494, supra, and in violation of Section 494.04, supra. When the Applicant filed his application at issue here, he failed to indicate, in response to Question No. 7, the existence of a Final Judgment against him in the amount of $1,482.35. Such Judgment was entered against the Applicant in Dade County, Florida, on August 15, 1978, in Case No. 78-7543 SPO5. Competence, Character, and Reputation of the Applicant Applicant has had considerable experience in the field of mortgage banking. The president and vice-president of two mortgage brokerage companies established, without contradiction by the Department, that the Applicant is extremely knowledgeable in the area of mortgage banking. (Testimony of Ruiz, Petitioner's Exhibit No. 1) Should the Applicant qualify for and receive a license, Allan Zalesky, President of First Capital Mortgage Company, and Albert Ruiz, Vice-President of Conley and Jones, a mortgage banking firm, would be willing to consider employing him as a mortgage solicitor. While no evidence was presented to indicate Zalesky was aware of the Applicant's past misconduct, or the basis for the Department's proposed denial of the Applicant's license, Ruiz was generally familiar with the Department's charges against the Applicant. Ruiz, nevertheless, affirmed that, should the Applicant be licensed, he would employ him as a competent mortgage solicitor, not just as a friend. (Testimony of Ruiz, Petitioner's Exhibit 1) The Applicant's reputation in the community, to the extent that it is known by his friend, Luiz, is one of "truthfulness, honesty, and integrity." (Testimony of Ruiz) Extenuating and Mitigating Circumstances Surrounding the Applicant's Misconduct Although the Applicant failed, in response to Question 7, to disclose on his application for licensure the existence of a Final Judgment against him, dated August 16, 1978, the Applicant had previously satisfied the Judgment, on or about November, 1978. Although the Judgment creditor had been paid by the Applicant, a Satisfaction of Judgment was not executed until March 18, 1980. (Testimony of the Applicant, Petitioner's exhibit 2) The Applicant intends to repay Metropolitan Mortgage Company for the losses it suffered due to the Applicant's prior misconduct. While the Applicant has made tentative arrangements to that end, no such payments have yet been made. (Testimony of Applicant) The Applicant admits his past misconduct as a mortgage solicitor as alleged by the Department, and sincerely regrets his actions. His fraudulent conduct, which forms the basis of the Department's previous 1978 Order of Denial, occurred, in part, because he was suffering financial difficulties, and faced mounting medical bills of his wife. He was aware that his continued functioning as a mortgage solicitor, subsequent to that Order denying a license, was unlawful but he felt compelled to do so because of mental and financial difficulties and his physical condition at that time. Further, he was encouraged by his friends at the mortgage company to engage in such activities. (Testimony of Applicant) The Applicant has never before engaged in misconduct in connection with mortgage brokerage transactions. His misconduct caused him embarrassment and great humiliation resulted in mounting family debts, and left him unemployed since February, 1979. His primary knowledge, and skills are limited to the mortgage banking field, and, unless he is able to act as a mortgage solicitor, it will be difficult to pay his debts and support his family. He freely acknowledges, and sincerely regrets his wrongful actions, and genuinely regrets the hardships which his actions have imposed on his family and friends. He professes to understand the value of and need for honesty and integrity in mortgage banking. Insisting that he has learned his lesson, he promises that, if licensed, he will never again engage in misconduct. (Testimony of Applicant)

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Applicant's application for licensure as a mortgage solicitor be DENIED, without prejudice to his right to reapply in future years with new and substantially different evidence of rehabilitation. DONE and ORDERED this 30th day of June, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Ronald B. Gilbert, Esquire Douglas Centre, Suite 807 2600 Douglas Road Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Franklyn J. Wollettz, Esquire Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller The Capitol, Suite 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Apr. 18, 1994 Number: 94-002065 Latest Update: Jul. 25, 1995

The Issue The issue in Case No. 94-2065 is whether National Mortgage Bankers, Inc. violated certain disciplinary proceedings governing mortgage brokers and, if so, what penalty should be imposed. The issue in Case No. 94-2066 is whether National Mortgage Bankers, Inc. is entitled to licensure as a correspondent mortgage lender.

Findings Of Fact As of September 3, 1992, the Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance (Department), issued a mortgage lender's license to National Mortgage Bankers, Inc. (NMB). At all material times, NMB acted as a mortgage broker, not a mortgage lender. NMB originated mortgaged loans, which were funded by third parties. NMB's principal place of business was in Pt. Charlotte. At all material times, Sheldon Voron was employed as the chief executive officer of NMB. Business was slow for NMB during the first few months after it acquired its mortgage lending license. NMB was operated by Mr. Voron, who supervised loan officers and the processing of loan applications, and Mark Asciutto, who handled bookkeeping, payroll, and the checking accounts, including the escrow account. Mr. Asciutto left the company in September 1993. By the end of 1992, the net worth of NMB was $89,115.23, according to an audited financial statement issued on February 12, 1993. The net worth deteriorated during 1993, dropping to $63,533 by December 31, 1993, according to an audited financial statement issued on March 7, 1994. At no time did NMB ever advise the Department that its net worth was below $250,000. In early 1993, business picked up from late 1992, and NMB hired a second loan processor. Refinancing activity in early 1993 required that NMB continually add new help. At this time, the approval of uncomplicated conventional loan applications took 30-45 days, and the operation ran smoothly. But business continued to increase. From March to June, NMB opened up offices in Naples and Sarasota. A branch in office in Englewood was opened and quickly closed due to its proximity to other offices. By April, the volume of business at NMB was increasing rapidly, aided in part by the addition of government loans. An average of 75 cases monthly during the first three months increased to 125 cases in April. Employing four to five loan processors, NMB continued to hire additional employees, but soon had problems finding qualified persons, as competition in the lending business was increasing due to considerable refinancing activity. Mr. Asciutto handled the escrow account during these busy months, until another employee assumed these duties in late July or August 1994. Mr. Asciutto routinely transferred money from the escrow account to the general operating account when Mr. Asciutto determined that NMB was entitled to retain the money, such as when customers had not been responsive to inquiries from NMB employees. The only such transfer for which a specific amount was identified at the hearing was $860, which was swept from escrow to general operations by check dated April 16, 1993. As is obvious from the trend in net worth, profitability did not increase in direct proportion to increases in business volume. In fact, total income increased from $82,716.01 in 1992 to $556,907 in 1993, but net income increased only from $30,714.88 to $43,528. NMB simply could not keep up with the business, as is evidenced by the experiences of its customers. In July 1993, William Zinser read an NMB advertisement in the newspaper offering an adjustable mortgage rate and a low fixed-rate mortgage. He called the number and set up an appointment to visit the office. He met with an employee of NMB, who discussed interest rates and closing fees. She assured Mr. Zinser that it would take only about 30 days to close the loan. Mr. Zinser submitted a loan application, and the employee said NMB would be back in touch with him. Mr. Zinser waited three or four weeks and heard nothing. He called and was told that there were no problems. On two or three occasions, an NMB employee requested from Mr. Zinser a profit and loss statement or a verification of his wife's income. However, NMB had the wife's income information since the start of the loan application process and twice had received the profit and loss statements. On January 4, 1994, Mr. Zinser applied for a loan with another lender. Shortly thereafter, an NMB employee called him and said that his loan was approved. When he said that he had gone elsewhere, she reminded him that he had obligated himself to pay a $1250 fee in connection with the loan. He refused to pay. On or about July 15, 1993, Janice Hamann first contacted NMB about refinancing her home. She applied for a mortgage, and an NMB employee asked for more information. She supplied it the following day, and the employee said everything was fine. The employee said that it would probably take 4-6 weeks to close. On August 13, 1993, Ms. Hamann called NMB to check on the status of the loan application. An NMB employee said that they would probably close when she returned from a week's vacation. On August 23, Ms. Hamann called and was told to provide some additional information on her payment history. She provided the requested information by September 20. For a second time, she had to provide verification of her husband's employment. On September 18, Ms. Hamann received notification from her homeowner's insurer that they had changed her insurance, evidently to show a new loss payee. No one from NMB had told her that the loan was ready to close. A couple of months later, surveyors showed up and surveyed the property that was to have been the subject of the loan and additional property. Ms. Hamann called NMB and informed them of the mistaken inclusion of additional property. On November 22, Ms. Hamann called NMB and said that she wanted her paperwork and was withdrawing her application. Ten days later, someone from NMB called her and said they were ready to close. Ms. Hamann restated her demand for her paperwork and refused to close. A few days later, she received a letter demanding $1500 in addition to the $300 that she had paid for the credit check, survey, and appraisal. She still receives bills from the surveyor. On September 9, 1993, Richard Chadbourne contacted NMB about refinancing a mortgage. At the first office visit, he completed an application and delivered a check to NMB in the amount of $300. An NMB employee said they would contact him for more information and said it would take 30-45 days to close his loan. At the first meeting, Mr. Chadbourne stated that he wanted the 3.259 percent variable rate mortgage with a six point cap, which NMB was offering. An NMB employee said that they could get him a 3.375 percent rate. On the one or two occasions that NMB contacted Mr. Chadbourne for more information, he provided it to them immediately. Repeated calls to NMB by Mr. Chadbourne or his agent were never returned. No one from NMB ever called Mr. Chadbourne to tell him whether his loan was approved or denied, and he never withdrew his application. On September 10, 1993, Katherine Healey and her husband visited the NMB office to apply for a refinancing loan. Responding to a newspaper advertisement for a 3.375 percent interest rate, the Healeys learned that they would have to pay $1250 in fees to obtain such a low rate. They agreed to pay the sum. They were asked only for salary information and certain documentation concerning their liabilities. An NMB employee said they could lock in the quoted rate when they returned from vacation in a couple of weeks. After returning from vacation, the Healeys called NMB repeatedly, but often could not find anyone to speak to or to return their calls. When they finally talked to someone about their loan, they were told they had to pay another $100 or $150 to lock in at 3.375 percent. They continued calling NMB without much success for two months after returning from vacation. They could not get a closing date, and nothing was happening. In response to their repeated requests to lock in an interest rate, they were told only that they could not lock in until two weeks before closing. By the end of November, the Healeys applied elsewhere for a refinancing loan. Shortly after the Healeys applied elsewhere for a loan, which closed about three weeks later, they received a call from an employee of NMB, who told them that they had a closing date. They said that they had decided to obtain a loan elsewhere. The employee demanded the $1250 fee, which the Healeys had not yet paid, and threatened to sue them if they did not pay. The Healeys refused to pay the fee and were able to use the appraisal, for which they had already paid, with their new application. However, they had to pay for a second credit report. In November 1993, Wendy Harrison contacted NMB for two mortgages--one on a home in Massachusetts and one on a home in Punta Gorda. She filed mortgage applications on or about December 15, 1993, but, by mutual agreement, she withdrew her application on the Florida home. Ms. Harrison subsequently left several telephone messages that were not returned. In January, she was assigned a new loan processor, who still did not return calls. Around this time, Ms. Harrison's husband received a notice from the mortgagee on the Florida property concerning a payoff amount. The Harrisons contacted NMB and told them that this was the wrong property. Mortgage rates began to increase in January. Ms. Harrison called repeatedly on the status of her mortgage refinancing from mid-January to mid- March. A new person assumed loan processing duties on her file. She called Ms. Harrison on or about March 9 and said that the credit report raised some problems. This was the first time either Mr. or Ms. Harrison had been told that there were problems with the credit report, which NMB had received in late December. Ms. Harrison mailed the requested explanatory documents on the following day. Two weeks later, after hearing nothing, Ms. Harrison called NMB and learned that the interest rate would be 8 percent annually, which was higher than the rate in effect when she initiated the loan approval process. The NMB employee explained that the higher rate was due to the fact that the Massachusetts property was a rental property, but NMB employees had known that from the start. However, the NMB employee assured Ms. Harrison that the file was complete and being forwarded to Miami for final approval. The following day, Ms. Harrison sent a certified letter withdrawing the application and asking for the appraisal and any other services for which she had already paid. NMB received the letter on March 26. On April 5, Ms. Harrison found in her mailbox an unstamped, uncancelled envelope that had evidently been hand- delivered by an NMB employee or agent. Inside was a rejection letter backdated to March 23, so as to look like the Harrison application had been rejected before it was withdrawn. Based on customer complaints, the Department financial examiner conducted an unannounced inspection of NMB from November 15-17, 1993. In addition to discovering a violation of the minimum net worth requirement imposed upon mortgage lenders, the examiner found several violations of requirements imposed upon mortgage brokers. At no time did NMB disclose in writing that it could not guarantee acceptance into a particular loan program and could not promise any specific loan conditions or terms. When taking applications, NMB failed to disclose the nature of the mortgage brokerage fee charged by NMB. The fee varied according to the terms of the loan, and NMB only disclosed a broad range of fees at the time of the application. NMB received monies from customers, but did not record check numbers for checks used to pay vendors on behalf of specific customers. NMB thereby failed to maintain an updated record of escrow account activity on an appropriate form. In fact, NMB had the Department-promulgated form, but, as discussed below, used it improperly to try to record mortgage brokerage transactions. NMB did not maintain supporting documentation for monies paid from its escrow account on behalf of customers. NMB often used courier prepayments to pay unrelated expenses. NMB did not record the dates and amounts paid out of escrow. NMB maintained a mortgage brokerage transaction journal, but it lacked the date the customer applied for the mortgage loan, the date of disposition of the application, the total amount of brokerage fees, and the name of the lender. NMB used the Department-promulgated form for escrow account activity and tried to adapt it for mortgage brokerage transactions, but failed to include the above-cited crucial items of information. Concerning NMB's application for a correspondent mortgage broker's license, there is evidence, in at least one case, of fraud or deceit. Ms. Harrison, who was very credible, described an act of fraud or dishonest dealing in the postdating and delivery of her rejection letter. The atmosphere of incompetence and neglect that prevailed at NMB might well have left a typed letter unmailed for days or even weeks. However, an employee or other agent committed a wilful act of deceit in driving the letter out to Ms. Harrison's home and leaving it in the mailbox, rather than simply dropping it in the mail.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Banking and Finance enter a final order revoking the mortgage lender's license of National Mortgage Bankers, Inc. and denying its application for licensure as a correspondent mortgage lender. ENTERED on November 3, 1994, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings on November 3, 1994. COPIES FURNISHED: Hon. Gerald Lewis Comptroller The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, FL 32399-0350 William G. Reeves General Counsel Department of Banking and Finance The Capitol Plaza Level, Room 1302 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0350 Susan E. Steinberg Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller 1313 Tampa St., Suite 615 Tampa, FL 33602-3394 Sheldon Voron 775 Tamiami Tr. Port Charlotte, FL 33953

Florida Laws (11) 120.57120.68494.001494.0014494.0016494.0038494.0042494.0043494.0073494.0077716.01
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001311 Latest Update: Jan. 21, 1976

The Issue Whether the license of Respondent as a Mortgage Solicitor should be suspended for violation of Sections 494.05 (1) (a) & (b), Florida Statutes, Rule 3-3.07(1), Florida Administrative Code, and Section 494.05(1)(g), Florida Statutes. At the commencement of the hearing, Respondent's counsel moved to dismiss the proceedings by reason of Petitioner's failure to provide witness statements of Charles R. Burke & Kathryn C. Burke, pursuant to a letter from Respondent's counsel to the Deputy Director, Division of Finance, dated August 26, 1975, requesting copies of any witness statements obtained in the course of Petitioner'S investigation. Respondent not having previously sought to compel discovery in accordance with Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, the motion was denied. At this point, Respondent's counsel announced that he had been instructed by his client, who was not present at the hearing, to leave the hearing room and take no further part in the proceedings if the motion was denied. This being the case, Respondent's counsel departed and the hearing was then conducted as an uncontested proceeding.

Findings Of Fact Respondent was licensed as a Mortgage Solicitor with the firm of Hartwell and Associates, Inc., from May 27, 1974 to July 24, 1974, when his license was returned to Petitioner for cancellation by that firm. On September 13, 1974, Respondent was issued a Mortgage Solicitor's License with ABC Investment Corporation. Records of the Office of the Comptroller, State of Florida, Division of Finance, Department of Banking and Finance, failed to reveal any other license as a mortgage broker or mortgage solicitor having been issued to Respondent (Testimony of Ehrlich, Petitioner's Exhibit 1). In the spring of 1974, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Burke, Sr. of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, met the Respondent who proposed to double the income that the Burkes were then receiving from interest on securities investments. This was to be done through the purchase of promissory notes secured by first mortgages on property located in Volusia County, ostensibly owned by LTP Properties, Inc., a land developer. Respondent showed them photographic slides of a club house at the development site and stated that there would be a golf course there and painted a bright picture of the receipt of 12 percent interest on the notes if the Burkes would liquidate the stocks that they owned and invest through him. He stated that the amounts that they would invest would represent only 40 per cent of the value of the real estate that secured their investment, and that it was a "sure thing.' Acting upon Respondent's advice, Mr. and Mrs. Burke cashed in some $180,000.00 in stocks and turned it over to the Respondent in June, 1974. In return, they received $180,000.00 in promissory notes in face amounts of $5,000.00 and$8,000.00 issued by LTP Properties, Inc. The promissory notes indicated on their face that the sale was approved by SEI, Inc., sales agent for LTP Properties, Inc., and they were signed by the president of SEI, Inc. The interest payments were to commence July 1st. Such payments were received during the months of July through December, 1974. In the fall of 1974, the Burkes invested another $100,000.00 with the Respondent for similar instruments, and again in January, 1975, they purchased another $20,000.00 in promissory notes and mortgages in face amounts of $5,000.00 each which also were issued by LTP Properties, Inc., but then owned by Respondent. At this time, the January 1st interest payment on the prior investments had not been made and, prior to making the final investment, the Burkes inquired of Respondent as to the reason for nonpayment of interest. He stated to them that LTP Properties was experiencing financial difficulties at the time but that it was endeavoring to get money from a bank overseas and from the Mellon Bank in Pennsylvania. No further interest payments have been made on any of the notes since December, 1974, and the Burkes discovered later that they did not, in fact, hold first mortgages on the real estate described in their mortgage deeds and consequently could not foreclose thereon (Testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Burke, Petitioner's Exhibit 2, Petitioner's Composite Exhibit 3). Prior to advising investors to purchase notes of LTP Properties, Inc., Respondent made several trips to the site of the property, checked with the local bank of the developer, was shown a financial statement which indicated that the developer was solvent, and compared values with surrounding real estate developments. He told the Burkes that LTP was obtaining foreign financing based on information he had received from Mr. David Edstrom of SEI, Inc., who in turn had acquired the information from Mr. Frank Carcaise of LTP Properties, Inc. This statement was made to the Burkes sometime between February and June of 1975 according to the Respondent. As far as Respondent knew, LTP Properties, Inc., stopped making interest payments on their notes about February, 1975 (Deposition of Respondent).

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-004414 Latest Update: Jun. 05, 1985

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, respondent, Elliot Rosen Realty, Inc. was a licensed corporate real estate broker having been issued license number 0218821 by petitioner, Department of Professional Regulation Division of Real Estate. Respondent Elliot Rosen held real estate broker's license number 0075258 issued by petitioner and was the qualifying officer of Elliot Rosen Realty, Inc. Respondents Stanleigh M. Franklin and Maria C. Franklin were licensed real estate salesmen in Rosen's office having been issued license numbers 0318042 and 0370308, respectively. The firm is located at 8120 Coral Way, Miami, Florida 33155. On an undisclosed date Robert W. and Carol A. Bush listed for sale with Elliot Rosen Realty, Inc., a residential property located at 8295 Southwest 153rd Street, Miami. The initial asking price was $119,000, but this was later reduced to $112,000. In April 1984, Joseph and Maria Yanes were in the process of selling their home and were consequently seeking to purchase a new residence. Both are educated persons, and Mr. Yanes has a college degree. Mr. Yanes read a real estate advertisement which advertised the Bush's property. They contacted Rosen Realty, Inc. and spoke with Maria Franklin. After inspecting the house with Maria, the Franklins met with the Yanes on April 15, 1985, for the purpose of preparing and executing an offer to purchase the house. Joseph Yanes made clear to Stanleigh Franklin that his primary concern was obtaining a mortgage with monthly payments that did not exceed $1000 per month. Otherwise, he would not be able to purchase the property. Stanleigh was familiar with a new mortgage loan program offered by a local lender (American International Mortgage Company) known as the "7.5 magnet mortgage" which offered a monthly payment for the first three years at a 7.5 percent interest rate. Stanleigh computed the principal and interest payments under this plan to be $711.55 per month. When estimated taxes and insurance were added in the total payment came to approximately $850 per month. He also advised that a mortgage insurance premium would be charged each month, which he estimated to be $50 to $60 per month. This still totaled less than the $960 or $970 which the Yanes stated their existing mortgage to be. The Yanes were told that because of the low interest rate (7.5 percent) during the first 36 months, there would be negative amortization during that period of time. In other words, the principal amount owed would actually increase rather than decrease during the first three years since interest on the note was accruing at a higher rate (13 percent). Finally, Franklin advised the Yanes that a 5 percent down payment was required with this type of mortgage and that their deposit should equal this amount to qualify for the loan. The Yanes did not indicate any dissatisfaction with this type of financing, or that they did not understand how the plan worked, particularly with respect to the negative amortization. They agreed to make an offer of $107,000 on the property, to give a $500 deposit that day, and an additional $4850 later on which equated to 5 percent of the purchase price. The contract itself made no reference to the 7.5 percent financing, but provided only that the buyers would obtain a new first mortgage for the balance owed on the $107,000 purchase price. Throughout these negotiations, there was no misrepresentation of facts by Franklin concerning the mortgage or amount of deposit required. The Yanes' offer was quickly presented by the Franklins to the sellers who accepted the offer within the next few days. The Yanes then gave an additional $4850 deposit around May 1 which was deposited in Rosen's escrow account. On May 7, they filed a loan application with American International Mortgage Company and gave a check in the amount of $185 to have an appraisal made and a credit report prepared. At that time, the loan officer explained to Joseph Yanes in detail how the magnet mortgage program worked and that there would be negative amortization under this plan. The meeting lasted for an hour and a half and Yanes did not express surprise at how the mortgage worked, or that he did not understand its concept. An appraisal was then made, and a credit check run on Mr. Yanes. However, the lender was unable to confirm any credit information on Mrs. Yanes because her employer refused to return the employment verification form. On June 20, 1984, the lender sent a denial notice to the Yanes because of its inability to obtain information regarding Mrs. Yanes. The Yanes made no other efforts to obtain financing on the property. After they executed the contract to purchase, the Yanes engaged counsel in early May to represent them at closing. Their attorney (Lisa Wilson) called all pertinent parties, including the Franklins and Rosen to learn the details of the mortgage. After having the details explained to them again, the Yanes advised counsel that they wished to cancel the contract. On May 23, 1984, Wilson sent a certified letter to Stanleigh Franklin advising that because the financing arrangements had been misrepresented to her clients they were cancelling the contract. She also demanded a return of their deposit plus interest. Just prior to the receipt of the certified letter, Joseph Yanes also telephoned Stanleigh Franklin and demanded a return of his deposit. This was the first time Franklin suspected the deal had gone awry. Shortly after this, the Yanes contacted petitioner to file a complaint against respondents. When Mr. Bush learned that the Yanes were not honoring the contract, upon advice of counsel, Bush made a claim on the $5,350 deposit for breach of contract. Faced with conflicting demands for the deposit, Rosen contacted petitioner to determine how the deposit should be disbursed. The matter was eventually referred by petitioner to its local office in Miami for investigation in October 1984. On November 27, 1984, counsel for petitioner advised Rosen that because of the pending complaint of the Yanes, petitioner could not issue an escrow disbursement order. However, he was told of the remaining two alternatives for resolving the dispute prescribed in Subsection 475.25(1)(d), Florida Statutes. A complaint for interpleader was later filed in circuit court by agreement of counsel for the Yanes, Bush, and Rosen. That complaint is still pending. Rosen, as broker, was never personally involved in the transaction until a complaint with petitioner was filed. He stood to gain no commission on the sale since the Franklins were working on a "100 percent basis" and were to receive the entire commission. Rosen has been licensed for some thirty-one years and has had no prior disciplinary action in all that time.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the administrative complaint be DISMISSED with prejudice. DONE and ORDERED this 5th day of June, 1985, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of June, 1985.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57475.25
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