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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002671 Latest Update: Jun. 11, 1983

Findings Of Fact The City of Cocoa Beach, Florida, was issued operating permit Number 5- 42-67, by the Florida State Board of Health on February 21, 1967, to operate a municipal swimming pool at the City recreation complex with a pool bathing capacity of 200 persons per hour and a pool bathing load of 800 persons. Chapters 10D-5 and 17-22 of the Florida Administrative Code establish health, safety, and sanitation standards for public swimming pools. The perimeter overflow gutter system for the pool in question is out of level and only partially operable. This condition has existed and has been known to exist by all concerned parties for many years prior to the dates in issue in this cause. The deep end of the pool has floated up approximately eight inches and the water level does not enter the overflow gutter at this point or at any other point except at the shallow end of the pool. An effectively operating overflow gutter system is necessary to permit effective removal of surface contamination such as body or suntan oil, debris, leaves, bugs, sputum, and the like which are not removed by the bottom drain system. All of these contaminants contain bacteria and since most people swim on the surface in this unfiltered water, the cleanliness at this level is important to insure proper sanitation. If the surface water is not filtered, there is little protection afforded by chemicals added. On April 9, 1981, Mr. Thomas Donigan, an Environmental Engineer for Brevard County, 1/ forwarded to the City of Cocoa Beach, a letter indicating that previously identified deficiencies in the gutter system had not been corrected, along with notification of other discrepancies in the pool complex which constituted violations of existing standards. When the City replied, admitting to the improper gutter system, but requesting reconsideration of the Petitioner's time limit stated for an affirmative proposal by the City, a more thorough inspection was conducted by Mr. Donigan and Mr. Loran Coffman, Regional Engineer for the Licensure and Certification Office of Petitioner, which revealed at least eleven substantial deficiencies, 2/ in addition to the gutter problem, all of which were brought to the attention of the City Manager by letter on June 8, 1981. This letter also advises the City to keep the pool closed to the public until these ancillary deficiencies could be corrected and the corrections confirmed. It also established a get-well date of January 1, 1982, for the gutter problem and advised of the right to an administrative hearing. Mr. Donigan continued his inspections; and in August, 1981, he reported to HRS that some of the deficiencies previously cited had been corrected but some had not, including the inlet fixture and the stain. For some reason, not further explained, notwithstanding the direction to keep the pool closed, the pool was opened for public use that season, and in July, 1981, the City voted to remove all pool charges for the rest of that season. However, in August, 1981, the City did submit plans for modification of the scum gutter, but they were not acceptable and were returned disapproved, to the City. Finally, on October 7, 1981, appropriate plans to correct the gutter problem were approved by Mr. Donigan and returned to the City for accomplishment. An inspection of the pool in April, 1982, by Mr. Coffman and Mr. Donigan revealed several previously identified discrepancies as still uncorrected and the gutter problem still existing. In May, 1982, another inspection by Mr. Coffman showing not only no improvement but apparently some deterioration in the pool operating condition. On July 27, 1982, the Director of the Office of Licensure and Certification, HRS, by letter to the City Manager informed the City of the results of that inspection and requesting, by August 16, 1982, a statement of the City's position and plans with regard to correcting the gutter system and the remaining problems. The City Manager responded by letter dated August 13, 1982, and indicated that all of the ancillary deficiencies except the stains had been "taken care of" and that to drain the pool to get the stains out would be too costly. The issue of the gutters was completely ignored and the City indicated that in its opinion, the pool was safe for public use. Notwithstanding Mr. Johnson's allegations that those problems except the stain had been "taken care of", a later inspection by Mr. Donigan, in the company of the City Recreation Director, showed that only one had been corrected. The stains on the pool walls cannot be definitely attributed to any particular cause at this time; however, one strong possibility is a long- standing low pH level in the pool that would cause a precipitation of iron from the pipes. In addition, the stain can prevent dirt in the pool from being observed and removed. It was argued that the stain might also hinder someone from being able to see a patron in distress in the pool. The importance of pH is that improper pH level reduces the effectiveness of the chlorine residual in the pool water, and the missing inlet covers in the pool bottom are hazardous in that a foot, hand, or finger may become stuck in them, thereby keeping the individual beneath the water. The depth markers being missing is also a hazard when it comes to people diving into the pool from the edge. Vacuum breakers on the hose bibbs at the pool deck area prevent contamination of the public water system by back siphonage of water from the pool or deck area. City witnesses, while admitting that the gutter system is incorrect as it exists, indicated that the prevailing wind flow from the out-of-the-water deep end of the pool to the properly working shallow end tended to mitigate the effect of the gutter deficiency on water quality. The City conducted daily tests of water quality at its own laboratory at the Water Treatment Plant. These continuing tests failed to reveal any improper or dangerous condition in the water, but, admittedly, this laboratory is not certified for tests of this kind; however, in addition to these tests, the pool manager monitored the chlorine and pH levels on a daily basis during the winter and every hour during the summer, and when chemical levels need adjusting, he adds as required. Further, the County Health Department checks water quality twice a week when the pool is operational. Several reports from the County of high coliform bacteria counts were subsequently determined to have been in error, and there has never been a high count from the City laboratory. In the eight years of operation by the current manager, the only illness complaints attributable to swimming in the pool were several ear infections, which are common at any swimming facility. Other rebuttal evidence related to the vacuum breakers which are in every outlet to the pool water. Most significant is the estimate which the City gives for repair of the gutter system and which the City is apparently unwilling to undertake. Repair costs would be approximately $60,000.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That Respondent's permit to operate a public swimming pool be suspended for a period of one year, or until the identified deficiencies are corrected. RECOMMENDED this 21st day of March, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of March, 1983.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Aug. 29, 1990 Number: 90-005357 Latest Update: Mar. 07, 1991

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, in conjunction with the Construction Industry Licensing Board, is the state agency charged with the responsibility to prosecute administrative complaints pursuant to Chapters 120, 455 and 489, Florida Statutes and rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. During times material, Respondent, Donald F. Colombo, was licensed as a certified pool contractor in Florida, having been issued license number CP 15343. During times material, Respondent's license was registered with Petitioner as the qualifying agent for National and Spa Builders, Inc. (National). On or about May 27, 1988, National, the entity which Respondent was the qualifying agent, contracted with Diane and Leonard Cline to construct a pool at the Cline's residence in Tarpon Springs, Florida, for the contract price of $9825.00. The Clines financed the construction of the pool by placing a security interest against their property for the full purchase price of the pool. The full contract price of $9825.00 was paid to National and after National completed approximately 40% of the pool construction, National abandoned the project without notice or just cause. National never completed construction of the pool and the Clines obtained a homeowner's building permit and completed the pool project at an additional cost of approximately $5,000.00. Additionally, liens were filed against the property of the Clines by Florida Mining and Materials Concrete Corporation in the amount of $682.00 and Jim's Custom Pool Work in the amount of $135.00. The above-referred liens were for work performed and/or materials supplied in the construction of the Cline pool project by National. On or about May 20, 1988, National entered into a contract with Ben and Linda Thomas to construct a pool at their residence in Lutz, Florida, for the contract price of $9000.00. Following commencement of construction, National received approximately 60% of the contract price ($5,400.00) and later abandoned the project without notification or just cause to the Thomas's. The Thomas's subsequently completed their pool at an additional cost of approximately $1,000.00 over and above National's original contract price. On or about January 11, 1989, Respondent was disciplined by the Hillsborough County Building Department, Building Board of Adjustments, Appeals and Examiners for alleged violation of local laws including abandoning a construction project; alleged willful and deliberate disregard of applicable building codes; allegedly allowing liens to be filed against a project for which he was the contractor and for allegedly diverting funds from a construction project. Respondent was assessed an administrative penalty of a 30-day suspension of his permitting privileges by the Hillsborough County Building Department. Respondent was the qualifying agent for National during the 90-day period commencing April 1 through June 30,1988. Respondent formally terminated his status as qualifying agent for National and also tendered his resignation from that entity based on difficulties that he ecountered respecting his attempts to serve as qualifier to include his inability to control the finances, to be kept apprised of accounts receivable, accounts payable, an inability to select contractors and material suppliers and to assure that the payments for such services were timely remitted. Prior to Respondent's engagement with National as a pool salesman and later as qualifier, National was a well reputed pool company, having been in existence in excess of twelve years. National annually constructed approximately 750 pools with accounts receivable in the $10 to $12 million dollar range. Prior to April 1988, National was a secure and stable company that regularly paid its bills and grew at a rapid pace. While engaged with National, Respondent was unaware that there was internal collusion among its owners respecting diversion of funds. Respondent repeatedly attempted to gather a handle on the internal financial operations of the company and on each occasion he was rebuffed. within the first month that Respondent qualified National, he began to seek advice as to the proper means of salvaging his license by contacting a local attorney, the local office of Petitioner, and Petitioner's headquarters in Tallahassee seeking the proper procedures for ending his relationship with National. This came about once it became apparent that he was unable to effectively manage or otherwise perform the functions of a qualifying agent. Respondent formally severed his relationship as qualifying agent for National on June 30, 1988. Subsequent to ending his status as qualifying agent for National, Respondent assisted the Clines in the completion of their pool. Mr. Cline specifically recalled that Respondent assisted him in locating other subcontractors and with the purchase of plumbing supplies for his pool without remuneration from the Clines. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1F; Tr. 30-32.) Likewise, Respondent also assisted the Thomas's in completing their pool. (Tr. 45, lines 23-24.) Respondent demonstrated compassion and a proper concern which was evident based on the testimony of the complaining witnesses who appeared at the formal hearing. Significantly, Petitioner's investigator, H. Dennis Force, related that Respondent assisted him in his investigation of the subject charges. To this end, Respondent supplied him with the names of all customers with which National had contracts with during the period that he was National's qualifying agent. It is unfortunate that Respondent was not able to control the fiscal policies of National during the period that he was the qualifying agent, although from a review of the evidence herein, it is apparent that this was not based on his failure to attempt to gain control over the situation as a qualifying agent, but was rather based on the collusion of National's higher-ups who was determined to keep Respondent in the dark. Noteworthy was the fact that within a three-month period, National changed banks at least eight times. It would have been, at best, difficult if not impossible for Respondent to have gained a handle on National's financial condition and to do the things with which a qualifying agent is charged with during the short period during which Respondent was National's qualifying agent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Petitioner enter a Final Order imposing an administrative fine against Respondent in the amount of $1,000.00 and placing his certified pool contractor's license on probation for a period of six (6) months. 1/ DONE and ENTERED this 7th day of March, 1991, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of March, 1991.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.129
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Aug. 17, 2005 Number: 05-002944 Latest Update: Mar. 09, 2006

The Issue The issue presented is whether Petitioner's application for a variance at the Sunrise Civic Center wading pool should be granted.

Findings Of Fact In conjunction with the City of Sunrise constructing its multi-purpose swimming pool at its Civic Center, Patricia Riley, an employee of the Broward County Health Department, made a site inspection on January 5, 2005. While she was conducting her inspection, she noticed that the fence between the swimming pool which was under construction and the existing wading pool had been removed and apparently was being replaced. She noticed that two columns for the new fence were large, and they encroached on the required ten-foot deck perimeter around the existing wading pool although the fence itself did not. She told Manuel Synalovski, who was present, to seek a variance for the columns, since she considered that the encroachment was a minor deviation or construction error. Synalovski applied for a variance for the deviation. The variance was approved by the Advisory Review Board for Swimming Pools and Bathing Places on March 9, 2005, and then by Respondent Department of Health on March 28, 2005. On June 16, 2005, Riley again went to inspect the swimming pool. While doing so, she noticed that there were two planters near the wading pool. Each planter was surrounded by an approximately-square concrete curb approximately six inches high. A palm tree had been planted in the center of each of the two planters. Each of the two planters extended into the required ten-foot deck perimeter around the wading pool. However, the palm trees themselves are ten feet from the pool, and the deck extends for 60-70 feet beyond the planters. On June 24, 2005, Synalovski filed another application for a variance relating to the two planters. The Broward County Health Department recommended that that variance be approved because the planters should not create a hazard for the users of the wading pool which would be operated by the City under lifeguard supervision but that the City should be fined $500 for the obstructions because it was the second request for a variance related to the wading pool. The Advisory Review Board for Swimming Pools and Bathing Places thereafter recommended denial because the failure to provide a ten-foot-wide deck around 50 percent of the wading pool might have a negative impact on the health and safety of pool patrons. The Department of Health advised the City in a letter dated July 25, 2005, that it concurred with the recommendation of the Advisory Review Board. The construction plans for the multi-purpose swimming pool reflected the existing wading pool, contained notes referring to planters, and showed boxes where the planters would be placed. Similarly, the drawing submitted with the first variance application showed the planters at the existing wading pool. Similarly, aerial photos taken before the first application for variance was filed showed the planters in place at the existing wading pool.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entering granting the variance and imposing a $500 fine to be paid by a date certain. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of February, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LINDA M. RIGOT Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of February, 2006. COPIES FURNISHED: Manuel Synalovski Synalovski Gutierrez Romanik Architects, Inc. 3950 North 46th Avenue Hollywood, Florida 33021 Judith C. Elfont, Esquire Department of Health 2421-A Southwest Sixth Avenue Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315-2613 Dr. John O. Agwunobi, Secretary Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A00 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701 Timothy M. Cerio, General Counsel Department of Health 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1701

Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.57514.0115514.05
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 23, 2016 Number: 16-002845PL Latest Update: Mar. 29, 2017

The Issue Whether Respondent practiced beyond the scope of his certified commercial pool/spa contractor’s license and proceeded on a job without obtaining applicable local building department permits and inspections, as alleged in the Amended Administrative Complaint and, if so, the nature of the sanctions to be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the state agency charged with the licensing and regulation of the construction industry, including pool and spa contractors and electrical contractors, pursuant to section 20.165 and chapters 455 and 489, Florida Statutes. At all times material to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was licensed as a commercial pool/spa contractor in the State of Florida, having been issued license numbers CPC 05661, 1457406, and 1458031. Respondent was the primary qualifying agent of Cox Building Corporation, d/b/a Cox Pools (Cox Pools). Respondent has been registered, certified, or licensed as a swimming pool contractor since 1978. Over the course of his almost 40 years as a swimming pool contractor, Respondent has replaced thousands of pool lights and pool pumps. He believed that the replacement of pool equipment, which he understood to include pool lights, was within the allowable scope of work as a swimming pool contractor. On or about September 12, 2014, Cox Pools entered into a contract with John Patronis to replace four pool light fixtures, a booster pump, and other miscellaneous services for $4,681.17 at the Subject Property. The Subject Property falls within the jurisdiction of the Bay County Building Department. Respondent did not obtain an electrical permit for replacing the pool light fixtures at Subject Property. Mr. Carnley testified that the Bay County Building Department requires that pool light replacement be performed by a licensed electrician, and with a county-issued electrical permit. The permit must be obtained by an electrical contractor or a homeowner. Bay County would not have issued a permit to Respondent, because he was not an electrical contractor. The Bay County Building Department also requires an electrical permit for the replacement of a circuit breaker in the electrical box serving a swimming pool. A pool contractor is not authorized to replace circuit breakers. No permits were obtained to replace circuit breakers at the Subject Property. On September 15, 2014, during the course of replacing the pool light fixtures, an employee of Cox Pools, Joshua Cook, was electrocuted. The precise cause of the electrocution was not established, though no plausible basis exists for it being related to anything other than the replacement of the pool lights. After a period of several days following the accident involving Mr. Cook, Respondent returned to the Subject Property to complete the job. He personally went into the pool, put the light in the fixture and screwed it in, and left. The light was thereafter wired and energized by a Cox Pool service technician. Given the circumstances, Mr. Patronis was not asked to complete payment for the services performed. Nonetheless, it is clear that, but for the accident, Mr. Patronis would have been expected to pay for the services for which he contracted. The photographic evidence in this case demonstrates that between September 15, 2014, and some indeterminate time in 2016, a circuit breaker was replaced in the electrical box serving the Subject Property’s pool. The circuit breaker that existed on September 15, 2014, was a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI). By 2016, the GFCI has been replaced with an arc-fault circuit interrupter (AFCI). Had Bay County performed an inspection of the electrical box with the AFCI, it would not have passed inspection. Respondent testified that he did not change the circuit breaker, that Cox Pools keeps no inventory of circuit breakers, and that service technicians do not carry circuit breakers on the trucks. Respondent acknowledged his understanding that replacing a circuit breaker is a job for an electrical contractor. At some time “recently,” Williams Electric was called to the Subject Property, at which time Mr. Williams “swapped out a breaker or two that was an incorrect type of breaker for the application.” Mr. Patronis was not clear whether an arc breaker was replaced with a ground breaker, or vice versa. Pool lights are sealed units. The light and its power cord come as a single unit. To replace a pool light, the main circuit breaker at the swimming pool sub-panel is turned off. The wires to the existing light are disconnected (unscrewed) from the circuit breaker. A lead is tied to the end of the wire. The light fixture is removed from the pool opening, and the wire is pulled through the existing conduit from the pool side. When the old fixture and wiring unit has been removed, the lead is removed from the end of the old unit’s wire, tied to the wiring of the new light, and drawn back through the conduit to the circuit breaker box. The new light is screwed into the fixture, and then energized by connecting the wires back into the existing circuit breaker. The point of connection of the light to the circuit breaker is the “load side” of the circuit. The experts who testified in this proceeding were all competent and qualified in their fields, and had served in leadership positions with the CILB (Mr. Weller, Mr. Del Vecchio, and Mr. Lenois), the Electrical Contracting Licensing Board (Mr. Tibbs), or the Florida Swimming Pool Association (Mr. Garner and Mr. Pruette). However, despite the relative simplicity of the statutes at issue, their opinions as to the allowable scope of work under a swimming pool contractor license were at odds. Respondent acknowledged, and the evidence in this case establishes, that electrical work associated with new pool construction is a task that is within the scope of work of an electrical contractor. Initial construction involves substantial work in bringing power from the main residential panel to the new pool panel, installing a junction box and circuit breakers, installing the wiring, and performing other electrical work of significantly greater complexity than that involved in the installation of equipment into a pre-constructed electrical system, which involves only the disconnect and reconnect of wires to the load side of a circuit breaker. As discussed by Mr. Lenois, a pool contractor can contract for the entire pool, but cannot self-perform the electrical components pursuant to section 489.113. As to the replacement of existing equipment, Petitioner’s experts testified that pool light fixtures differ from other pool-related equipment, e.g., pool pumps, in that the light fixtures have direct contact with the water, whereas other components do not. Lights are changed out in a submerged condition, which makes them extremely dangerous. As stated by Mr. Weller, “the whole area of electricity around pools gets complicated, between the bonding, the grounding, and all the other stuff.” It was Mr. Weller’s opinion that, although pool contractors can contract for pool light replacement, they cannot self-perform the work. Rather, the electrical work involved in replacing pool light fixtures should be subcontracted to an electrical contractor because “you can make mistakes in plumbing, and you can make mistakes in other areas, but with electricity, it's pretty non-forgiving, especially if you're around water.” Mr. Lenois distinguished pool lights, which he characterized as accessories since all pools do not have them, from pool equipment, which includes pumps and filters, heaters, specialty filters, and salt generators, which are mounted at the pump and filter area. Respondent’s experts were uniform in their opinions that the act of disconnecting and reconnecting pool lights, as well as other pool equipment, at the load side of a breaker does not constitute electrical contracting. Mr. Pruette testified that disconnecting and connecting a pool light at a circuit breaker is not a difficult or complex task, and can be easily performed with a little training. Mr. Del Vecchio testified that the disconnection and connection of pool lights at the circuit breaker is no different than that performed by a plumber in replacing a hot water heater, or an air-conditioning contractor in replacing a piece of air-conditioning equipment. Almost all of the experts either replaced pool lights as part of their routine scope of work or knew of pool contractors who did so, a practice that appears to be commonplace. Furthermore, several of the witnesses worked in areas of the state in which county building officials did not require permits, electrical or otherwise, for the replacement of pool lights, though the evidence in that regard was generally hearsay. Mr. Lenois, who testified on Petitioner’s behalf, stated his opinion that reasonable people could differ as to the meaning of the statutory language placing the “installation, repair, or replacement of existing equipment” within the scope of work of a pool/spa contractor. The issue of the extent to which electrical work is subsumed within the statutory scope of work of a pool/spa contractor of “installation, repair, or replacement of existing equipment” has been the topic of considerable discussion in the industry. In that regard, the Florida Pool and Spa Association has filed a Petition to Initiate Rulemaking with the CILB seeking, among other things, to “clarify[] the scope of a certified pool contractor’s license to include the installation, repair, and replacement of pool equipment, up to and including the electrical connection on the demand side of the power source.” There was no evidence as to the disposition of the petition. Respondent argued that Florida Administrative Code Rule 61G4-16.001(9), which establishes that five percent of the written certification exam for commercial pool/spa contractors is to cover “electrical work,” is evidence that electrical work is within the scope of work for a pool contractor. Electrical work associated with pool construction includes grounding for the pool shell itself. Thus, a degree of knowledge of basic electrical work and codes would be warranted, regardless of whether equipment electrical connections are within the scope of work for a pool/spa contractor. The parties introduced a series of DBPR-approved course outlines and instructor applications for a three-hour class, sponsored by the Florida Pool and Spa Association, entitled “Basic Electricity and the NEC [National Electric Code] for Swimming Pools,” and a one-hour class, sponsored by the Florida Pool and Spa Association, entitled “Basic Electrical Requirements for Pools.” The course outline prepared by the Florida Pool and Spa Association for each of the approved courses provides, in bold font, that: Instructor is aware that electrical work does not fall within the scope of work of licensed pool/spa contractors. No instruction on how to perform electrical work will take place. Course will provide much needed understanding of the basics of electricity as well as those aspects of the NEC as they pertain to pools and spas. Instructor will also emphasize the importance of using a licensed electrical contractor to perform required work.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED that the Construction Industry Licensing Board enter a final order finding that Respondent violated section 489.129(1)(o), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count One; and sections 455.227(1)(o) and 489.129(1)(c), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count Two, but only as that count pertains to the replacement of pool lights. It is further recommended that: Respondent be subject to a fine of $1,000 for a first violation of section 489.129(1)(o); Respondent be subject to a fine of $4,000, and that Respondent’s commercial pool/spa contractor licenses be subject to a period of probation for two years for a first violation of section 455.227(1)(o) and section 489.129(1)(c); and Respondent be required to complete an approved, live seven-hour continuing education course, in addition to any otherwise required continuing education, with an emphasis on chapter 489 and the rules enacted pursuant thereto. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of October, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S E. GARY EARLY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of October, 2016.

Florida Laws (15) 120.52120.56120.565120.569120.57120.6817.00120.165455.227455.2273489.105489.113489.117489.1195489.129 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61G4-18.001
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-005053 Latest Update: Feb. 29, 1988

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the Department of Professional Regulation. The Respondent is Phillip Whitaker, Jr., holder of certified pool contractor license number CP-C008325 at all times pertinent to these proceedings. He is the qualifying agent for the business known as Sunshine State Pools pursuant to requirements of Chapter 489, Florida Statutes. He is responsible for actions of that business relating to construction of the swimming pool which is the subject of this proceeding. His address of record is Miami, Florida. The customer, Ken Gibson, signed a contract with Sunshine State Pools on September 15, 1986. The contract called for construction of a residential swimming pool at 15840 S.W. 155th Avenue, Miami, Florida. The total contract price was $12,700. Testimony adduced at hearing establishes that Sunshine State Pools completed the layout of the customer's swimming pool and the excavation of soil from the proposed pool site by October 1, 1986. These tasks were accomplished under the Respondent's supervision. Metropolitan Dade County issued a building permit for construction of the swimming pool in response to a permit application bearing the signature of Phillip E. Whitaker. The permit and application are both dated October 10, 1986. At hearing, the Respondent acknowledged that initiation of construction prior to pulling the permit and termed this action an "oversight." Based on the candor, demeanor and experience of the Respondent, his explanation of the failure to timely obtain the construction permit is not credited. Initiation of construction for a swimming pool prior to obtaining permits constitutes a violation of part 301.1(n), of the South Florida Building Code and, by stipulation of the parties at hearing, the building code of Metropolitan Dade County. The Respondent was responsible for supervision of the actual pool shell construction. After completion and removal of the wood forms used in the process, steel rods or "rebar pins" required as support during the construction process were not removed. These rods extended some distance above the ground and posed a substantial hazard to Respondent's children while playing. Finally, the steel rods were removed by the customer a week after he requested the Respondent to remove them. Respondent admitted some of these reinforcements could have been left by his subordinates. Respondent admits responsibility for the "back fill" process completed on October 25, 1986. This was originally a responsibility of the customer under the contract as the party responsible for deck construction. The "back fill" process consists of compacting loose soil between the outside of the pool walls and surrounding earth by use of special tamping or pounding equipment. Under terms of the contract, the customer was responsible for construction of a sizeable two part deck surrounding at least sixty percent of the pool's circumference. There now exists a substantial height difference between the coping surrounding the perimeter of the pool and the deck or patio surface. The coping is elevated above the top of the patio approximately two to four inches. As adduced from testimony of Ben Sirkus (stipulated by both parties as an expert in swimming pools and swimming pool construction), coping along the top of the pool walls consists of flagstone rock in conformity with the contract terms. Some of the rocks are cracked. The rocky edge of the coping extends over the pool wall and has a dangerously sharp edge. The sharp edge of the coping overhang could have been avoided by cutting the flagstone coping smooth prior to installation, the acceptable practice among pool contractors. The bottom step to one set of the pool steps has a hazardous 19 inch riser as opposed to the 12 inch distance required by the building code. No hand rail is present. Hollow space under some of the coping stones are the result of either improper installation, dirty cement or sinking of the deck as a result of improper "back filling" upon completion of the pool shell. On one occasion, Respondent admitted responsibility for deficiencies in the pool coping to an employee named Rick Miro. The Respondent further stated to this employee that he intended to do nothing about the problem. Respondent was present during some, but not all, of the coping installation. The "skimmer," the apparatus by which debris is cleared from the pool water, is inoperable as a result of faulty construction of the pool. The failure of the Respondent, who admits to successful completion of approximately 2500 pools with only three complaints, to properly supervise job site activities was the major cause of the pool deficiencies identified at hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent be placed on probation for a period of two years upon such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Construction Industry Licensing Board and assessed an administrative penalty in the amount of $1500. DONE AND RECOMMENDED this 29th day of February, 1988, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of February, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-5053 The following constitutes my specific ruling on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties. Petitioner's Proposed Findings Included in finding 2. Included in finding 3. Included in finding 4. Included in findings 5, 6 and 7. Included in findings 5 and 6. Included in finding 8. Included in finding 10 with exception of hearsay statement. Included in finding 11.1 Included in finding 12. Included in finding 11. Included in finding 11. Included in finding 11. Included in finding 11. Rejected as unnecessary. Rejected as unnecessary. Included in finding 11. COPIES FURNISHED: David L. Swanson, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Mark D. Press, Esquire 2250 Southwest Third Avenue 5th Floor Miami, Florida 33129 William O'Neil General Counsel 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Fred Seely Executive Director Department of Professional Regulation Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 =================================================================

Florida Laws (3) 120.57489.105489.129
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-002873 Latest Update: Dec. 04, 1990

Findings Of Fact Ronald B. Haendiges is a registered general contractor in the State of Florida holding license number RG 0039437. The Respondent was so licensed at all times material to the Administrative Complaint and at the time the Administrative Complaint issued. On May 29, 1981, the Respondent contracted with Mary Raney to put into operation a pool located at 479 East Main Street, Longwood, Florida, for a contract price of $4,025. Said pool had been partially floated out of the ground. The contract between Raney and the Respondent specifically provided that the Respondent would perform the following: Knock off existing tile; Reform beam; Reset new level of skimmer; Pressure-test existing plumbing and repair as needed (but not to exceed $300 of extra cost); Reform new deck area (450 square feet) Fill as needed; Place wire mesh in new deck area and pour new deck; Retile waterline, 6 by 6 bullnose; Re-(illegible) cracked area on bottom of pool; Recement pool with Pool-tight; Put cool deck topping on new deck area; Reform and pour new steps and tile step edge with matching tile; Replace pump and motor with new comparable. The Respondent commenced work in workmanlike fashion on or about May 29, 1981. As work progressed on the pool, he received various payments from Raney in accordance with their contract. The Respondent received a total of $2,750 of the $4,025 contract price. On or about July 13, 1981, the Respondent, nearing completion of his work, filled the swimming pool with water. At that time, additional cracks and leaks developed in the sides and bottom of the Raney pool. when these cracks developed, Raney refused to pay any of the balance of the contract price, or a total of $1,275. At that time, all work covered under the contract was completed, to include reinforcing the cracked areas with steel, except that the pool deck had not been poured. A square hole at one end of the pool and a larger area at the shallow end had not been finished. The cracks in the pool were created when the pool was filled with water because a void had been created beaten the bottom of the pool and the foundation of the pool when the pool floated up out of the ground. when the weight of the water was placed in the pool, it broke out the bottom of the pool. The problem with this void was not anticipated by Raney, the pool's owner, or the Respondent. Harvey's Bobcat Service provided fill dirt and labor to the Respondent for repairs on the pool, which were not paid for, and a lien of $382 was filed against the Raney property. Dove Henson performed marcite work and pool decking on the Raney pool for the Respondent. The Respondent was to pay Henson $400 for the work performed and, as of the date of the hearing, had not done so. The Respondent purchased Pool-tight on two occasions from Contractor's Supply of Orlando, Florida. On July 8, 1981, the Respondent purchased $275.60 worth of Pool-tight. On July 11, 1981, the Respondent purchased another $78 worth of Pool-tight from Contractor's Supply. On July 10, 1981, the Respondent paid $275.60 on this bill. This left a remaining balance of $78 due Contractor's Supply, which was not paid. Raney subsequently contracted with another contractor to repair the pool's bottom. This contract between Mary Raney and Reid Baker provided that Baker would perform the following work for a contract price of $2,780: Remove cracked bottom; Install or replace dead line and rock bottom and steel; Re-Gunite bottom and walls where necessary; Check all piping and repair; Marcite entire pool; Furnish and install grab rails; Recoat cool deck where necessary for a first-class job; Reinstall owner's filter, pump, valve, etc.; Clean up pool debris. The contract between Raney and the Respondent did not call for the replacement of the bottom of the pool, and the replacement of the bottom of the pool was not anticipated in said contract. The standard building code of the City of Longwood requires that a contractor obtain a building permit prior to construction or repair of a pool.

Recommendation Having found the Respondent, Ronald B. Haendiges, not guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(h), Florida Statutes, the Hearing Officer recommends that this charge be dismissed. Having found the Respondent guilty of violating Section 489.129(1)(d), Florida Statutes, by failing to obtain a permit as required by the local building codes, the Hearing Officer recommends that the Respondent receive a letter of reprimand. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 15th day of April, 1983, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of April, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephanie A. Daniel, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Ronald B. Haendiges Post Office Box 388 Winter Park, Florida 32790 Frederick Roche, Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 J. K. Linnan, Executive Director Construction Industry Licensing Board Post Office Box 2 Jacksonville, Florida 32201

Florida Laws (2) 120.57489.129
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-002659 Latest Update: Nov. 23, 1982

Findings Of Fact On October 10, 1979, the Respondent entered into a written swimming pool contract with Mr. and Mrs. Stellato, wherein the Respondent agreed to construct a swimming pool for them on their property in accordance with the plans and specifications attached to the contract. Among other things this swimming pool contract provided for the payment of a total purchase price of $11,225.00 to be paid in the following manner: ten percent to be paid at the signing of the contract. fifty percent to be paid upon the installation of the tank. thirty-five percent to be paid upon completion of the base decking and screen enclosure. five percent, or the balance of the purchase price, to be paid when the filter system was put in operation. Further, this contract provided that if the purchasers of the swimming pool failed to pay the purchase price in accordance with the prescribed schedule, the contractor reserved the right to suspend all work on the swimming pool, and to suspend all warranty work due after completion of the pool. During the month of February, 1980, the Respondent, acting through his duly authorized representatives, did all acts necessary to cause the filter system of the subject swimming pool to become operable, and requested that the Stellatos pay the five percent balance due under the contract. The Stellatos failed to make this final payment, claiming that there was a problem with the pool decking. In response to this complaint the Respondent personally met with the Stellatos, and agreed to cover the problem area of the decking with Chattahoochee River Rock at no cost to the Stellatos. In exchange for this agreement the Stellatos agreed to pay the balance due under the contract. Thereupon, the Respondent installed Chattahoochee River Rock over a substantial portion of the decking at his own expense. During the installation of this Chattahoochee River Rock, Mrs. Stellato contacted the Respondent by phone and demanded that he also install, at his own expense, Chattahoochee River Rock over an existing concrete patio area that had not been built by the Respondent. The Respondent refused to incur this additional expense, because it was not in accordance with the agreement of the parties. Thereafter, the Stellatos again failed to pay the balance due under the contract. The subject swimming pool was inspected by an inspector for Palm Bay, and the City issued a certificate of occupancy in June of 1980. The pool was ready for a certificate of occupancy in February of 1980 except for the removal of one pile of dirt that still remained on the premises. All other aspects of the pool construction passed inspection in February of 1980 when the pool filter system was activated. Since February Of 1980, the Stellatos have had full use of the subject swimming pool. Except for alleging that some low spots remain in the pool decking, the Petitioner offered no substantial evidence of any other significant problem with the Respondent's construction. Notwithstanding the failure of the Stellatos to pay the balance of the contract price in a timely manner, the Respondent performed warranty work on the subject swimming pool after February of 1980. During the course of this warranty work the Respondent added chlorine chemicals to the pool because the Stellatos had failed to properly maintain it up to June of 1980. Another claim concerning a leaking pipe on the pool sweep did not manifest itself until April of 1981, after the expiration of the one year warranty period afforded by the Respondent to all customers. The Petitioner offered no evidence to show that the leak in this pipe was caused by the Respondent. Notwithstanding the expiration of the warranty period, and the lack of evidence to show that the leak was caused by the Respondent, he did send an employee to the job site and stopped the water leak, at no cost to the Stellatos. On several occasions when the Respondent or his employees attempted to satisfy the complaints of the Stellatos, they had to leave the job site because of the abusive language and conduct directed toward them by the Stellatos. In one instance Mr. Stellato ordered the Respondent's employees from the job site and prevented performance of any work under the contract.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint, as amended, against John W. Thornett be dismissed. THIS RECOMMENDED ORDER entered this 9 day of June, 1982, in Tallahassee, Florida. WILLIAM B. THOMAS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 9th day of June, 1982.

Florida Laws (1) 489.129
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-003955 Latest Update: Sep. 19, 1988

The Issue The issues presented for decision herein are whether or not Respondent failed to properly supervise a pool construction project, willfully violated local laws, is guilty of gross negligence, incompetence, misconduct, fraud or deceit in the practice of contracting and failed to discharge his supervisory duties as a qualifying agent in violation of sections 489.129(1)(d), (m), (j), and sections 489.119 and 489.105 (4), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Based upon my observation of the witnesses and their demeanor while testifying, documentary evidence received and the entire record compiled herein, I make the following relevant factual findings. At all times material hereto, Respondent was a registered pool contractor in Florida, holding license no. RP0015329 and served as the qualifying agent for Paradise Pools, Inc. (Request for Admission, responses 1- 4). Petitioner is the regulatory agency in Florida charged with the authority to regulate contractors and to determine compliance with applicable state and local building code requirements. On May 31, 1986, Respondent entered into a contract with Alex and Theresa Nitu for the construction of a swimming pool at the Nitu's residence at 9550 Lisa Road in Dade County, Florida. The following day, the Nitus were approached by John Davis, a partner of Paradise Pools, Inc. Davis identified himself as the owner of Paradise Pools and told the Nitus that Respondent was the company salesman. Davis is not a licensed contractor. During construction, Davis supervised the work for the Nitus' pool. Mrs. Nitu was ill and remained at home on the day the workers laid reinforcing steel for the pool shell. Mr. Nitu, an electrical contractor, took off work and was at home during the two days when the gunite work was done for their pool. Respondent was not present on the job site on those days. The day after the concrete deck was poured, the Nitus noticed that it contained several low spots which collected water and that rocks were protruding through the deck's surface. Additionally, a portion of the deck sloped toward the pool rather than away from it. The following day, the Nitus returned home from work to discover that the "whitecoat" for the deck surface was completed and their water hose, weighted down by a rock and a rag, was filling the pool. The pool was filled with water before the Nitus had completed a fence to secure the pool. At Mr. Nitu's request, James Tucker, a Dade County Building Inspector, inspected the pool on August 6, 1986. Tucker issued a notice of violation to Respondent for allowing water to be put in the pool without proper safety barriers in contravention of section 33-12, Dade County Code; for allowing the deck to slope toward the pool in contravention of section 5003.1 of the South Florida Building Code and for using concrete of less than 2500 psi strength in contravention of section 5003.1(a), South Florida Building Code. In an attempt to correct the low spots and improper slope of the patio, Davis poured an additional layer of cement over the pool deck and scored the surface to create the appearance of keystone. Thereafter, the Nitus discovered hollow areas under certain parts of the keystone. Eventually, the keystone began to separate from the original deck exposing large areas of the deck. Ben Sirkus was tendered and accepted as an expert in pool construction. Sirkus inspected the Nitu's pool on September 24, 1987, at Petitioner's request. Sirkus observed low spots in the pool deck which held water and contributed to the growth of algae. He also observed that large areas of the imitation keystone had separated from the original deck; that portions of the deck still drained towards rather than away from, the pool; that coping mortar had been left on the sides of the coping and the pool shell; that areas of the whitecoat were unusually rough and that the pool pump was off level, which in time could cause scoring of the bearings in the pump. Sirkus opined that the deficiencies observed could not have gone unnoticed by a pool contractor of average skill and ability; that deficiencies indicate poor supervision or gross negligence or that Respondent exhibited incompetence in contracting for the Nitu's pool. John Davis, Respondent's partner and the person who was usually on the site during all facets of the construction, credibly testified that when the angles were laid out for the sloping of the decks surrounding the Nitu's pool, Alex Nitu requested that his employees angle the deck toward the pool such that it would mesh with his patio. This required that Respondent's employees reslope the angles in accord with Mr. Nitu's wishes and contrary to the manner in which they originally sloped the deck. Mr. Davis also attempted to correct the problems that had surfaced surrounding the deck in accordance with the concerns expressed by the Nitus. However, the Nitus vehemently refused access to Respondent's employees and the matter therefore, remained unresolved. Respondent Reise was at the construction site on numerous occasions during the major facets of the construction. In addition to being the principal salesman for Paradise Pools, Respondent Reise has extensive experience in the construction of pools and frequently consulted with his partner, John Davis, about the ongoing construction of the Nitu's pool. Respondent Reise also attempted to gain access to the pool to attempt to correct the problems and other concerns expressed by the Nitus, to no avail. In this regard, a meeting was held at the Nitu's residence on January 30, 1987, by Jim Tucker and Robert Denery, employees of the Dade County Building and Zoning Department, a Mr. Wolf, Petitioner's investigator, Respondent and his partner, John Davis. After a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that all problems were to be resolved which included (1), repair and patch the keystone on the east end of the pool and (2), rework the slope on the northside of the pool to pitch away from the pool and (3), submit test results from an engineering test lab as to the structural strength of the patio slab and final approval by the electrical and plumbing departments of Dade County. Respondent agreed to correct the above-referenced items and agreed to do so as quickly as feasible. The Nitus refused to allow Respondent's employees back on the site to correct the problems. (Respondent's Exhibit 1). John Davis and Respondent's other employees denied that they started filling the Nitu's pool prior to the time that the Nitus had completed a fence to secure it. Their denial in this regard is incredible and is not worthy of belief. The Nitus, in this regard, credibly testified that they were at all times concerned about the safety of the pool and would never have started filling it prior to the time that it was secured. Respondent's employees, on the other hand, were in fact interested in completing the job and it is therefore believed that they started the water running into the pool and weighted the hose down with a rock and a rag as the Nitus found it when they returned home from work on the day that the "whitecoat" was completed. In all other respects, based on the Nitus' failure to permit Respondent's employees to return to the site to complete the deficiencies and other concerns noted, the undersigned finds that Respondent should have been afforded an opportunity to correct such deficiencies and cannot be held liable 1/ for the allegations that he improperly sloped the pool deck, used improper concrete or was otherwise negligent, incompetent, engaged in misconduct and other allegations of improper supervision, as alleged. I shall so recommend.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Respondent be assessed an administrative fine in the amount of $250.00. Respondent be issued a written reprimand for allowing his employees to fill an unsecured pool in violation of the local building code. DONE and ORDERED this 16th day of September, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of September, 1988.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57489.105489.119489.129
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Myers, Florida Dec. 26, 2007 Number: 07-005780 Latest Update: Aug. 01, 2008

The Issue The issue in the case is whether the allegations of the Administrative Complaint are correct, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is the agency responsible for licensing and regulating pool contractors operating in the State of Florida. Respondent was previously licensed as a Certified Pool Contractor by Respondent, holding license number CP C21422. On March 15, 2004, Respondent's license was revoked and was void at all times material to this case. On June 3, 2005, Respondent entered into a contract with Luis Vargas and Maria Rivera (Customers) for construction of a pool at their home located at 1524 Southeast 8th Avenue, Cape Coral, Florida. The total cost of the proposed construction was $21,500. The name of Respondent's company as identified on the contract was Gulfshore Pool and Spa, Inc., 207 Center Street, Tarpon Springs, Florida. At all times material to this case, Respondent was the president and owner of Gulfshore Pool and Spa, Inc. During the sales presentation to the Customers, Respondent provided a copy of his license to the Customers that showed an expiration date of August 31, 2004, and told them that it was being renewed. The contract contained the following notation: Company is being retained for services of design, consultation and assistance in construction. Customer is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits required for the pool construction. Respondent testified that he told the Customers he would arrange for all subcontractors and would add a fee of ten percent as his fee for "overseeing" management of the project. The Payment Schedule for the contract required that "progress payments" in an amount totaling the cost of the pool were to be made to Gulfshore Pool and Spa, Inc. The Customers obtained the construction permit. Respondent made all arrangements for site clearing and excavation. Respondent made all arrangements for acquisition and delivery of pool construction materials to the job site. All materials invoices were billed to Gulfshore Pool and Spa, Inc. Respondent made all arrangements for the laborers who appeared at the job site and was responsible for paying laborers. Respondent made arrangements for all inspections and for correcting any problems resulting from the inspections. The Customers paid a total of $20,500, by checks, made payable to Gulfshore Pool and Spa, Inc. The Customers withheld the remaining $1,000 payment for reasons that are immaterial to this proceeding.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent enter a Final Order finding that Michael D. White violated Subsections 489.127(e) and (f), Florida Statutes (2004), and impose a total administrative fine of $10,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of April, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S WILLIAM F. QUATTLEBAUM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of April, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Scott A. Smothers, Esquire Wright, Fulford, Moorhead & Brown, P.A. Post Office Box 2828 Orlando, Florida 32801-2828 Michael D. White, Jr. Michael D. White, Jr., d/b/a Gulf Shore Pool & Spa, Inc. 306 East Paris Street Tampa, Florida 33604 Nancy S. Terrel, Hearing Officer Office of the General Counsel Department Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Zed Lucynski, General Counsel Department of Business and Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57489.105489.127489.129 Florida Administrative Code (1) 61G4-17.001
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