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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Mar. 26, 1998 Number: 98-001503 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue Should Respondent receive a passing grade on the November 1997, Chiropractic Licensure Examination?

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant findings of fact are made: The examination for licensure as a chiropractor in the State of Florida is administered by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, Bureau of Testing, under a contractual arrangement with the Department and consists of three parts: Physical Diagnosis, Technique,and X-ray Interpretation. A candidate for licensure must receive a score of 75.00 on each of the three portions of the examination in order to receive an overall passing grade. A candidate for licensure must pass at least two of the three portions of the examination in order to retake only the failed portion of the Examination. Otherwise, the candidate must retake the entire examination. Petitioner holds a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and is a licensed chiropractor in the State of Georgia. Petitioner practices chiropractic in the State of Georgia. In September 1997, after submitting all documents required to sit for the November 1997, Examination, Petitioner experienced a total retinal detachment in his right eye and underwent ophthalmic surgery. Petitioner has significant vision impairment and his vision is described as “poor” by his ophthalmic surgeon. In November 1997, Petitioner’s ophthalmic physician opined that Petitioner “has not reached complete recovery and I do not think he has accommodated to his loss of vision in the right eye.” Prior to the Examination, Petitioner telephoned the Board to discuss his recent vision impairment and requested the special accommodations of being allowed to sit up front and to be given more time on the Examination. A Board representative requested confirmation from a physician of the vision impairment. By letter dated November 7, 1997, Robert T. King, M.D., Petitioner’s ophthalmic surgeon, advised the Board of Petitioner’s vision problem and indicated that he suspected that Petitioner would require additional time for the examination. If timely requested, accommodations such as flexible time, flexible settings, flexible recording of responses, and flexible format are available to the examinees. There is no evidence that the Board responded to the request by Dr. King or to Petitioner’s earlier verbal request for accommodations. Likewise, there is no evidence that Petitioner, prior to the Examination, followed through on his request for accommodations. On the day of the Examination, Petitioner requested a large print test booklet. Despite his impaired vision, Petitioner decided to continue with the November 1997, Examination. Petitioner passed the Technique portion of the Examination and is not challenging that portion of the Examination. Petitioner was advised that his score on the Physical Diagnosis and X-ray Interpretation portions of the Examination was 73.50 and 72.00, respectively. In his initial petition letter, Petitioner challenged the grading of his answers to questions 2, 3, 4, 8, 12, 17, and 22 on the Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination and challenged the grading of his answer to question 24 and the accommodations he was not given for a disability on the X-ray portion of the Examination. Prior to the hearing, the Department awarded Petitioner credit for his answer to question 24 on the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination. Petitioner no longer challenges the Department on his answer to question 24. Petitioner’s score on the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination has been raised to 73.50 by the Department. At the hearing, Petitioner withdrew his challenge to questions 2, 3, and 17 of the Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination. Without objection from the Department, Petitioner amended his petition letter to include a challenge to his answer to question 13 of the Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination. During the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination, slide screens are set up in the front of the examination room and slides of an X-ray are projected on the screens. All lights in the examination room are turned off. The examinee has a test booklet and an answer sheet. A pen light is provided to read the test booklet and to see the answer sheet. The answer sheet is a “Scan-Tron” sometimes called a “bubble sheet.” In order to record an answer on the answer sheet, the examinee darkens one of four small circles (bubbles) spaced within an approximate one-inch column on the answer sheet. The examinee is allowed one and one-half minutes to answer each question. Answering the question requires the examinee to read the question in the test booklet, view the projected slide of the X-ray on the screen, and then locate and darken the appropriate “bubble” on the answer sheet with a pencil. During the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination, Petitioner was allowed to sit up front but was not allowed additional time or given a large print booklet. Another examinee with vision problems took the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination at the same time as Petitioner. This examinee was allowed to sit closer to the slide screen, given a large print test booklet, and an unlimited amount of time to transcribe answers from the test booklet to the answer sheet. However, there was no evidence as to the extent of this examinee’s vision problem or when this examinee had requested special accommodations. Petitioner did not advise any of the proctors present at the test site of the difficulty that he was having with his vision. Because of his vision impairment, the nature of the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination made it difficult for Petitioner. Additionally the lack of additional time resulted in Petitioner not being able to properly check his answers in the test booklet with those on the answer sheet. Petitioner did not request that his examination booklet be graded instead of his answer sheet (bubble sheet). The Examination Instructions provide in pertinent part as follows: While you may write in your examination booklet, please note that the examination booklets used during the actual examination are shredded after the examination administration. Post examination review candidates will NOT be given their original examination booklet but will be provided with a clean, exact copy of the original examination booklet. There was no evidence that the Department’s denial of Petitioner’s request for additional time and a large print test booklet was due to cost, administration restraints, or availability of resources. Petitioner contends that because he was denied certain accommodations that he most likely miss-keyed some of his answers on the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination when he transposed his answers from the test booklet to the answer sheet. Without the test booklet, there is insufficient evidence to show that Petitioner incorrectly transposed any answer from his test booklet to the answer sheet, notwithstanding Petitioner’s testimony to the contrary. The Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination is a subjective test in which the examinee is presented with a test booklet with certain information. There is an examination patient (live mannequin) provided for the examinee to demonstrate answers to various questions. There are two examiners who score the examinee’s answers. This portion of the examination is videotaped. An examiner for the examination for licensure as chiropractic must be a licensed chiropractor in the State of Florida with five years of continuous practice in the State of Florida and must not have had a chiropractic license or other health care license suspended, revoked, or otherwise disciplined. Before an examination, examiners are required to go through standardization training and are not allowed to consult with each other on their scoring of an examination. After an examination, the Bureau of Testing calculates the agreement rates of the examiners to ensure scores are based on the standardization training. The examiners who graded Petitioner’s examination had agreement rates of 93 percent and 95 percent. The Department considers 80 percent or better acceptable. Test questions on the Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination are assigned different point values, with some questions having partial credit available. A question’s point value is based on the frequency, practicality, importance of the subject matter, and how much harm could be done to the patient if the procedure is not performed correctly. Partial credit is given on some questions and not others because in some situations a partial answer is considered as a no answer, whereas in other situations, partial information is considered better than no information. The Department does not award a candidate partial credit on a question where it has been determined that partial credit is not available. The first two questions challenged by Petitioner, Questions Nos. 4 and 8, are on the “Case 1” portion of the Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination. Within “Case 1,” the examinee is required to demonstrate ability relating to case history, physical examination, selection of laboratory tests, selection of diagnostic imaging, providing a diagnosis, and exercising clinical judgment. In “Case 1,” the examinee was provided with a theoretical 68-year old female with midback and chest pain and a variety of physical complaints. After developing a case history (Question No. 1) and performing a physical examination (Question Nos. 2 and 3). The examinee was required to select laboratory tests in Question No. 4 which had assigned to it a value of either zero points or four points. The specific question in Question No. 4 is: “For the case presented, name which laboratory tests or diagnostic procedures, if any, would confirm your suspected diagnosis.” 31`. In response to this question, Petitioner stated that he would order a CPK, SGOT, CBD, and an EKG. Petitioner was advised by the examiners that an EKG was not available. Petitioner also requested a urinalysis to look for infection. An SGOT laboratory test, also known as an AST test, is a laboratory test used to indicate if there is damage to the heart. A CPK laboratory test, also known as a CK tests (which Petitioner correctly referred to as CPK but also referred to as CKP or CK, is also a laboratory test which detects heart damage. The examiners were informed in their booklets that the suspected diagnosis was congestive heart failure. The examinee was not advised that the suspected diagnosis was congestive heart failure. The examiners were also informed in their booklet that they should expect to hear the answer for Question No. 4 to be “SMAC” and a “CBC” laboratory test. SMAC is an acronym for the laboratory test know as Sequential Multi-Channel Analyzer with Computer. A SMAC laboratory test is a series of individual tests, or a biochemistry profile. And while the number of individual tests performed in a SMAC laboratory test may vary from laboratory to laboratory, there are certain individual laboratory test that are always included in a SMAC laboratory test. SMAC and CBC was the Department’s preferred answer to Question No. 4. However, based on the testimony of Dr. Roraback, which I find to be credible, Petitioner’s answer to Question No. 4 was equally correct in that the laboratory tests suggested by Petitioner would have confirmed the suspected diagnosis of congestive heart failure notwithstanding the testimony of Dr. Heyser to the contrary. Therefore, Petitioner should have been awarded 4 points for his answer to Question No. 4. In Question No. 8, Petitioner was asked to provide the diagnosis for this Case 1 patient. The value assigned to Question No. 8 is either zero points or eight points. The examiners were instructed by their test booklet that “congestive heart failure” was the correct answer. The answer sought by the Department, congestive heart failure, is a “specific ICD-9” diagnosis. ICD-9 stands for the International Classification for Disease Diagnosis. Cardiopulmonary disease is not an ICD-9 diagnosis. Petitioner’s initial oral answer to Question No. 8 was “COPD.” COPD is an acronym for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In response to an examiner’s question of “Which is?, Petitioner stated “cardiopulmonary disease.” In response to another examiner’s question who asked “Can you be more specific?”, Petitioner responded “It is a disease with the --- because the heart is enlarged, it is infringing on the lungs, and it causes a back-up of fluid in the lungs.” Cardiopulmonary disease is a very broad diagnosis and Petitioner’s narrative description of that diagnosis may have included congestive heart failure. However, based on the testimony of Dr. Heyser, which I find credible, Petitioner’s answer was incorrect in that it lacked the specificity the Department was seeking. Questions Nos. 11, 12, and 13 of the Physical Diagnosis portion relate to orthopedics. In Question No. 11, the examinee was asked to name orthopedic tests which would be used to evaluate a shoulder problem. Petitioner appropriately named these tests. In Question No. 12, Petitioner was asked to demonstrate several of the named tests. In Question No. 13, Petitioner was asked to name the condition which would be indicated by a positive response on each particular orthopedic test. The only test which is in dispute with regard to Question Nos. 12 and 13 is the Dawbarn’s sign or test. Petitioner’s demonstration of the Dawbarn’s test is shown on videotape. On the videotape of Petitioner’s performance with regard to the demonstration (Question No. l2), Petitioner can be seen placing his finger in the area of the patient’s shoulder and raising (abducting) the patient’s arm, performing the test, while at the same time stating: Dawbarn’s is you palpate the area of tenderness and, as I raise your arm, please let me know when the pain stops, okay. If the pain stops, it’s indicative of bursitis. It is clear from the videotape, the testimony of Dr. Roraback, and Petitioner’s exhibits that Petitioner correctly demonstrated the Dawbarn’s test. However, while one examiner gave Petitioner full credit (four points) on Question No.12, the other examiner only gave Petitioner partial credit (three points) The examiner awarding three points stated in comments: “Dawbarn’s performed improperly.” Petitioner correctly performed the Dawbarn’s test and should have been given the full four points on Question No. 12. Question No. 13 asks the examinee to state what disease conditions positive results on the different tests would indicate. With regard to Dawbarn’s test, Petitioner stated that a positive response would be indicative of “subdeltoid bursitis.” Question No. 13 was a four-point question, with partial credit being available at one, two, and three points. On Question No. 13, each examiner gave Petitioner three points out of four. Each examiner appears to have deducted one point from Petitioner’s answer, because Petitioner named subdeltoid bursitis. The examiners were informed to look for the answer “subacromial“ bursitis. Five different texts received into evidence and Dr. Roraback’s expert testimony reveal that the terms “subdeltoid bursitis” and “subacromial bursitis” are used interchangeably. One of the text specifically states: A consideration of shoulder movements would not be complete without reference to the role of subacromial (subdeltoid) bursa . . . There may be two, a subacromial and a subdeltoid, but they function as one and are frequently fused. Whether fused or not, subacromial bursa is the more common name. Petitioner’s Exhibit 12, the Merck’s Manual states: Subacromial bursitis (subdeltoid bursitis or supraspinatus tendinitis) presents with localized pain and tenderness of the shoulder, particularly in abduction in an arc from 50 to 130 degrees. Petitioner should have received full credit (four points) for Question No. 13, because a positive response to the Dawbarn’s test is indicative of subdeltoid bursitis notwithstanding the testimony of Dr. Heyser to the contrary. In Question 22, Petitioner was asked to perform a “triceps reflex”, which is one of a series of deep tendon reflexes that the examinees were asked to perform. A triceps reflex is one of several deep tendon reflexes done at various locations in the body to determine neurological status. The triceps muscle is a muscle of the upper arm, and the triceps tendon attaches the muscle to the upper portion of the lower arm bones. It is necessary for the triceps tendon to cross the elbow joint between the upper and lower arm bones in order to move the joint. Proximal means the end of a muscle or tendon closest to the body. In this case, distal means the area closer to the hand. In order for the triceps tendon to move the joint, the tendon must pass from the proximal end of the joint to the distal end of the joint. The videotape shows Petitioner preparing the patient to avoid a voluntary reflex, and then tapping an area close to the elbow of the patient, with the patient’s lower arm then reacting by moving in a somewhat jerking manner away from the body. The reason the arm “pops out to the side” is that the triceps is responsible for extending the elbow. This happens because, when the tendon is quickly stretched (tapped), it signals a nerve to tell the muscle to contract in order to prevent damage to the area. This contraction results in the lower arm responding with movement. Question No. 22 has a maximum value of two points, with partial credit of one point available. Each examiner awarded Petitioner partial credit of one point. It appears from the examiners’ comments on the score sheet that they did not believe Petitioner appropriately struck the tendon for the triceps muscle, or believed Petitioner tapped in an area “distal” to the elbow joint. With regard to distal versus proximal, it is clear that Petitioner did tap an area of the arm distal to the elbow joint between the upper arm and the lower arm, but very close to the elbow joint. However, since the triceps tendon must attach to an area of the lower arm it is possible to tap the tendon distal to the joint. It is clear from the videotape that the arm movement response was not voluntary and was consistent with a triceps reflex and that the triceps reflex was performed properly. Therefore, Petitioner is entitled to the full two points available for Question No. 22.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department enter a final order granting Petitioner full credit for his answers to Question Nos. 4, 12, 13, and 22 of the Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination and a final score of 80 but deny Petitioner’s challenge to Question No. 8 of the Physical Diagnosis portion of the Examination and deny any further challenge to the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination. It is further recommended, that Petitioner be allowed to retake the X-ray Interpretation portion of the Examination at the earliest possible date without cost. DONE AND ENTERED this 3rd day of August, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of August, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Eric G. Walker, Executive Director Board of Chiropractic Department of Health 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0752 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health BIN A02 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Alfred W. Clark, Esquire Post Office Box 623 117 South Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Anne Marie Williamson, Esquire Department of Health 1309 Winewood Boulevard Building 6, Room 240 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (2) 120.57460.406 Florida Administrative Code (1) 64B2-11.001
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 81-000354 Latest Update: Jul. 30, 1981

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner took the optometry examination administered to candidates for certification for licensure to practice optometry in the State of Florida in July of 1980. The written portion of the optometry examination consisted of four sections or sub-parts; ocular pathology, theory and practice, pharmacology and laws and rules. The ocular pathology section consisted of 100 written and 20 slide questions. One and one-half hours were allotted for completion of the ocular pathology section. Thirty minutes was permitted for the completion of the slide portions of the ocular pathology sub-part. The written and slide portions of the ocular pathology section were separated by the administration of the theory and practice sub-part of the optometry exam, which consisted of one hundred items with one and one-half hours permitted for completion. The Petitioner completed the ocular pathology section of the exam and received a final grade of 69. A minimum passing grade of 70 was required by the Respondent on that portion of the optometry exam. Ocular pathology was the only portion of the exam which the Petitioner failed. An item analysis of the items on the ocular pathology portion of the examination was undertaken by the Department of Professional Regulation staff subsequent to administration of the examination. The item analysis undertaken was in conformity with standard post-test procedures for determining the validity of test items. Following the item analysis review, members of the Board of Optometry who formulated the exam received the item analysis results and recommended to the Board that credit be given to all candidates, including Petitioner, for each item on the ocular pathology portion of the examination which was determined to be invalid. As a result of the Board's authorization, credit was given to all candidates for 22 percent of the examination. The ocular pathology portion of the examination had a higher error or adjustment rate than the other subparts of the examination which ranged from 2 percent to 15 percent. The points awarded by the Board on the ocular pathology portion of the exam to compensate for invalid test questions were awarded in a manner commensurate with accepted testing techniques for evaluating test questions. Petitioner's score on the ocular pathology portion of the exam was adjusted from 46 to 58 points following the Board's first authorized analysis. Following a second regrading that the Board authorized to compensate for questions eliminated as a result of examinee review, the Petitioner's score on the ocular pathology portion was again adjusted upward from 58 to 69 points. The method utilized by the Department in reviewing examinations authorizes credit for questionable exam items. Such an approach to testing results in scores which are adjusted upward as test items are eliminated. This is a liberal approach to testing philosophy which effectively resolves doubts regarding a correct answer in favor of the examinee. Petitioner completed the ocular pathology portion of the examination but did not have sufficient time to review all his responses before turning in the test. Petitioner did not, however, participate in a review of his examination when given an opportunity to do so by the Department within thirty (30) days after the announcement of test scores.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department enter a final order denying the Petitioner's request that his score pathology portion of the July, 1980 optometry examination be adjusted to reflect a passing grade. DONE and ENTERED this 30th day of July, 1981, in Tallahassee, Florida. SHARYN L. SMITH, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 1981. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert D. Newell, Esquire OERTEL AND LARAMORE, P.A. 646 Lewis State Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Robert E. McGuire, O.D. 2530 Stern Drive Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233

Florida Laws (1) 455.217
# 2
BOARD OF OPTOMETRY vs. MARK N. DOBIN, 86-004484 (1986)
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-004484 Latest Update: Jul. 24, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Mark N. Dobin (Dobin), was at all times material hereto licensed to practice optometry in the State of Florida, and held license number OP 0001202. Inadequate Eye Examinations On November 5, 1985, Alison Lichtenstein, an investigator employed by the Department of Professional Regulation (DPR), entered Dobin's offices in Margate, Florida. Using the assumed name of Alison Smith, Ms. Lichtenstein, who was wearing glasses at the time, requested that Dobin perform a routine eye examination, with the exception of tonometry. Dobin undertook the requested examination, and was paid his fee of $25.00. The visual analysis performed by Dobin on Ms. Lichtenstein failed to include the following minimum proceduresrequired by Rule 21Q-3.007, Florida Administrative Code: (a) an adequate patient history, since he failed to inquire whether Lichtenstein was taking any medication; (b) an external examination; (c) a pupillary examination; (d) visual field testing; and (e) a biomicroscopy. On November 5, 1985, Mary Pfab, a licensed optometrist in the State of Florida, entered Dobin's offices in Margate, Florida. Using the assumed name of Mary Parker, Ms. Pfab, who was wearing contact lenses, requested that Dobin perform a routine eye examination, with the exception of tonometry. Dobin undertook the requested examination, and was paid his fee of $25.00. The visual analysis performed by Dobin on Ms. Pfab failed to include the following minimum procedures required by Rule 21Q-3.007, Florida Administrative Code: (a) an adequate patient history, since he failed to inquire of Pfab's personal medical history, her medications, her family medical history, or her family ocular history; (b) a pupillary examination; and (c) visual field testing. An optometrist's failure to perform the minimum procedures required by Rule 21Q-3.007, Florida Administrative Code, can have a profound impact on the results of his examination. Pertinent to this case, the procedures omitted by Dobin were of import because: Many medications mask the symptoms of a number of eye diseases. A failure to ascertain what medications a patient is taking could, therefore, result in the optometrist missing or not checking for certain diseases. A personal medical history is likewise important to an informed examination. Pre-existing injuries and diseases can have a profound impact on an optometrist's findings, and the cause of that finding is important too the ultimate diagnosis and treatment of the patient. The patient's family medical and ocular history is also important to an informed examination. For example, a person with a family history of diabetes, cataracts or glaucoma is more likely to have such disease than one without such family history. Consequently, if alerted by such information, the optometrist could diagnose the presence of such disease and prescribe treatment at a much earlier stage of its development than might ordinarily be the case. A pupillary examination evaluates the nervous system which connects the eye and retina to the brain. A failure to perform such examination could cause the optometrist to overlook the existence of a brain tumor or other forms of nerve damage. Visual field testing is a diagnostic tool used to detect the presence of gross nerve damage, traumatic cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, and certain peripheral retinal diseases. Absent such test, these diseases might not be detected. In this case, the import of Dobin's failure to perform a visual field test was heightened. Visual field testing and tonometry are two of the three diagnostic procedures utilized to detect glaucoma. Where, as here, tonometry was not performed, the importance of visual field testing is more significant to the early detection of that disease. Biomicroscopy is a diagnostic tool used to detect the presence of bacterial conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, corneal scars, blepharitis, and some lid injuries. Absent stich test, these diseases or injuries might not be detected. An external examination is important to the detection of skin cancer, skin lesions, blepharitis, and bacterial or allergic conjunctivitis. Absent such examination, these ocular problems might be overlooked. Inadequate Patient Records Contrary to the requirement of Rule 2IQ-3.007, Florida Administrative Code, the patient case record for Ms. Lichtenstein and Ms. Pfab did not reflect whether the following tests were performed or if performed the results: (a) a complete patient history, (b) an external examination, (c) a pupillary examination, (d) a visual field test, (e) an internal examina- tion, (f) a biomicroscopy, and (g) diagnosis and treatment. The inadequacy of Dobin's patient records would adversely affect his ability, and that of a subsequent treating optometrist, in treating these patients. Absent a medical history and the results of the tests performed, an optometrist is severely hampered in his ability to track the progress of diseases, or to detect their onset. Exercising Influence For Financial Gain Petitioner asserts that Dobin, by accepting a fee for a vision analysis that did not comply with the minimum requirements of Rule 2IQ-3.007(1), Florida Administrative Code, violated Section 463.0l6(1)(m), Florida Statutes. That section prohibits: Exercising influence on the patient in such a manner as to exploit the patient for financial gain of the licensee or of a third party. Petitioner's proof was not persuasive. While the patients in this case may not have received the minimum examination mandated by law, I am not persuaded that such failure constituted the exercise of influence to exploit a patient contemplated by Section 463.016(1)(m). There was no showing that Dobin recommended unnecessary tests or unnecessary products, or that he otherwise sought to influence their choice of procedures or materials for financial gain. Such being the proof, the Petitioner failed to demonstrate a violation of Section 463.016(1)(m) Unlicensed Practice Of Optometry Petitioner further asserts that Dobin's "association" with Eye-Wear Glasses, Inc., his landlord, violated the provisions of Section 463.0l4(1)(c), Florida Statutes, and Rule 2IQ-3.008, Florida Administrative Code. Section 463.014(1) provides: (c) No optometrist shall engage in the practice of optometry with any organization, corporation, group, or lay individual. This provision shall not prohibit optometrists from employing, or from forming partnerships or professional associations with, optometrists licensed in this state. And, pertinent to this case, Rule 2IQ-3.008 provides: No licensed practitioner shall enter into any agreement which adversely affects the licensed practitioner's exercise of free, independent and unlimited professional judgment and responsibility, or which permits any unlicensed person or entity to practice optometry through the licensed practitioner by controlling and/or offering `optometric services to the public. The professional judgment of a licensed practitioner should be exercised solely for the benefit of his patients and free from any compromising influences and loyalties. The Board will consider the circumstances of the practice including but not limited to, the following factors in determining whether a violation of Section 463.014, F.S., has occurred: Whether the licensed practitioner holds himself out to the public as available to render professional services in any manner which implies that the licensed practitioner is professionally associated with or employed by an entity which itself is not a licensed practitioner. For purposes of this rule "entity" shall refer to any corporation, lay body, organization, individual or commercial or mercantile establishment which is not a licensed practitioner. The term "commercial or mercantile establishment" shall include, but not be limited to, an establishment in which the practice of opticianry is conducted pursuant to Chapter 484. Whether the professional office space occupied by the licensed practitioner is such that it does not clearly and sufficiently indicate to the public that his practice of optometry is independent of, and not associated with the entity. Whether the licensed practitiQner has a telephone listing and number that is separate and distinct from that of the entity or whether the phone is answered in a manner that does not identify his optometric practice or whether the telephone is answered in a way that indicates that the licensed practitioner is professionally associated with or employed by the entity. Whether the entrance to the building or commercial or mercantile area in which the licensed practitioner's practice is located sufficiently identifies that the licensed practitioner is practicing his profession independent of, and not associated with the entity. Whether advertisements, including those placed in a newspaper and/or telephone directory, imply that the licensed practitioner is professionally associated with, or employed by an entity. Whether the licensed practitioner maintains full and total responsibility and control of all files and records relating to patients and the optometric practice, in accordance with Rule 2IQ-3.003. Whether the licensed practitioner has full and complete control and discretion over fees charged to patients for his services and billing methods. Whether the provisions of a lease or space agreement between the licensed practitioner and the entity operate so as to impair the licensed practitioner's free, independent, and unlimited professional judgment and responsibility. Whether the arrangements for the furnishing of equipment or supplies to the licensed practitioner operate so as to impair the licensed practitioner's free, independent, and unlimited professional judgment and responsibility. Eye-Wear Glasses, Inc., is owned and operated by two licensed opticians. By a "rental agreement" dated October 12, 1983, Eye-Wear Glasses, Inc., and Dobin entered into an agreement whereby Dobin was sublet space within Eye-Wear Glasses' premises. That "rental agreement" provided: RENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN EYEWEAR GLASSES INC. AND DR. MARK N. DOBIN Rent shall be $1.00 per month, and shall continue for a 2 year period with continuing 2 year options. This lease will go into affect on October 17th 1983. The rent of $1.00 per month shall include water, electricity, and air conditioning. Dr. Mark N. Dobin will be responsible to supply all equipment, stationary, and supplies needed to run an Optometric Office. Dr. Mark N. Dobin will have a phone installed at his own expense and his monthly bill along with Yellow Pages advertising c shall be paid by him. Dr. Mark N. Dobin will be allowed to advertise independent of Eyewear Glasses Inc. at his own expense. A key allowing access to the premises shall be given to Dr. Mark N. Dobin. Fees for Services performed by Dr. Mark N. Dobin, will be determined by Dr. Mark N. Dobin and shall be collected independent of those fees from Eyewear Glasses. Being a private entity, Dr. Mark N. Dobin shall have the right to determine his own office hours, days worked and vacation time, but he shall try to coordinate these days with those of Eyewear Glasses Inc. if this is possible. Renter, Dr. Mark N. Dobin, has the option of selling his practice and its contents to another Eye Doctor. This sale may include all records and files of patients belonging to Dr. Mark N. Dobin. At the time of sale, Eyewear Glasses Inc. has the right to renegotiate the lease, but not to alter it in such a way as to make the sale of the practice uninviting. Before the sale is finalized a 3 month trial period may be requested by either party. If Dr. Mark N. Dobin is unable to sell his practice, Eyewear Glasses Inc. has the right of first refusal to purchase his practice or his equipment. If the office is unoccupied for a period of 30 days, Eyewear Glasses Inc. has the option of subleasing the practice to another Eye Doctor, until which time the practice is sold or Dr. Mark N. Dobin returns. Dr. Mark N. Dobin has the right to hire another Eye Doctor to work his office during vacation time, or other times when he is not available. If Eyewear Glasses Inc. is not happy with the performance of said Eye Doctor. it may request that another Doctor be hired by Dr. Mark N. Dobin, but the final decision shall be his. Dr. Mark N. Dobin has the right to hire c an employee at his own expense, to assist in his office. A key to the premises may be given to said employee, but permission must first be granted by Eyewear Glasses inc. If either partner of Eyewear Glasses Inc. decides to sell his share of the corporation to the other, all points of this lease agreement shall remain in affect. If both owners agree to sell their share of the corporation, Dr. Mark N. Dobin shall have the right of first refusal to purchase Eyewear Glasses Inc. and its contents. Eyewear Glasses Inc. agrees to build a partition at its own expense in order to meet Florida State Optometric Board requirements. A Covenant of Restriction with a radius of 5 miles shall go into affect 2 years from the beginning of this lease, and shall last for a period of 3 years from the termination of this lease. Dr. Mark N. Dobin shall not sell eyeglasses or other optical excessories, excluding all items pertaining to the sale and dispensing of contact lenses. The space occupied by Dobin, which consisted of approximately 248 square feet, was located at the rear of the optician's store, and accessible by way of a sliding glass door from the store or through a back glass door from the shopping mall area. Consequently, customers of either business had an unrestricted view and access to the business of either profession. Considering the physical layout of the premises, as well as the view of the premises afforded by Petitioner's exhibit 5, the proof established that Dobin held himself out to the public in a manner that implied he was professionally associated with or employed by Eye-Wear Glasses, Inc. Indeed, the "rental agreement" itself depicts a business association more far reaching than that of landlord and tenant, and served to impair Dobin's exercise of free, independent, and unlimited professional judgment and responsibility. 1/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOM)MENDED that Respondent, Mark N. Dobin, be placed on probation for twelve (12) months, and that an administrative fine of $3,000 be imposed upon him. DONE AND ORDERED this 24th day of July, 1987, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of July, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-4484 Petitioner's proposed findings of fact are addressed as follows: 1. Addressed in paragraph 1. 2-3. Addressed in paragraph 2. 4. Addressed in paragraph 3. 5-6. Addressed in paragraph 2. 7-9. Addressed in paragraph 4. 10. Addressed in paragraph 5. 11-12. Addressed in paragraph 4. 13-22. Addressed in paragraph 6(a) -(g). 23-24. Addressed in paragraph 7. 25. Addressed in paragraph 8. 26. Addressed in paragraphs 9-10. 27-31. Addressed in paragraphs 11-13. COPIES FURNISHED: Phillip B. Miller, Esquire c Robert D. Newell, Jr., Esquire 102 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mark N. Dobin 7384 West Atlantic Boulevard Margate, Florida 33063 Mildred Gardner, Executive Director Board of Optometry 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Honorable Van B. Poole Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Joseph A. Sole, Esquire General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

Florida Laws (2) 463.014463.016
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jan. 05, 2004 Number: 04-000030MPI Latest Update: Aug. 04, 2004

The Issue Whether the Petitioner must reimburse the Respondent for Medicaid overpayments as set out in the Final Agency Audit Report dated October 29, 2003, and, if so, the amount to be repaid.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing and on the entire record of this proceeding, the following findings of fact are made: AHCA is, and was at all times material to this proceeding, the state agency charged with administering Florida's Medicaid Program; with making payments to providers of goods and services on behalf of Medicaid recipients; and with overseeing the Medicaid Program, auditing Medicaid providers, and recovering overpayments made to Medicaid providers. See §§ 409.901, 409.902, and 409.913, Fla. Stat. (2003). During the Audit Period, Ady Optical was an authorized Medicaid provider of opticianry services,3 having been issued Medicaid provider number 2002949-00. To become a Medicaid provider, Ady Optical executed a Medicaid Provider Agreement. The FAAR dated October 29, 2003, was based on a review by Dr. Regina Manes of Ady Optical's records for the 30 randomly-selected Medicaid recipients. At the time of the final hearing, Dr. Manes was no longer under contract with AHCA and, therefore, was not available to testify. AHCA requested that Dr. Walby testify at the final hearing as its expert in optometry. In preparation for the final hearing, Dr. Walby reviewed the records submitted by Ady Optical and made an independent determination of the appropriateness of the 294 claims at issue for the Audit Period. Dr. Walby's conclusions were not always consistent with those of Dr. Manes. Ms. Whaley reconciled the two reviews and allowed a claim if either Dr. Walby or Dr. Manes determined that it was covered by Medicaid. As a result of Dr. Walby's review and Ms. Whaley's reconciliation, AHCA lowered the amount it seeks to recover from Ady Optical to $45,914.17. The purpose of Medicaid visual services, as stated in the Coverage and Limitations Handbook, is "to provide medically necessary eyeglasses, contact lenses, eyeglass repair services, and prosthetic eyes to Medicaid recipients." "Visual services" are described in the Coverage and Limitations Handbook as "the medically necessary provision of eyeglasses, prosthetic eyes, and contact lenses; the fitting, dispensing, and adjusting of eyeglasses; and eyeglass repair services." The Coverage and Limitations Handbook is to be used in conjunction with the Reimbursement Handbook, which provides information and guidance to assist Medicaid providers in filing claims properly. The claims at issue in this case involve the provision of eyeglass lenses to Medicaid recipients by Ady Optical. Medicaid recipients bring their eyeglass prescriptions to Ady Optical, and Mr. Jimenez, as the licensed optician at Ady Optical, helps the recipient select eyeglass frames and orders lenses in the powers required by the prescription. An optician such as Mr. Jimenez has the discretion to order lenses with special features such as tints, plastic or glass lenses, variable asphericity lenses, and lenses with a special base curve, depending on the needs of the individual. The lenses selected by an optician for a Medicaid recipient must be optically necessary, that is, necessary to enhance visual acuity, and information establishing the optical necessity for the selection of non-standard lenses must be contained in the documentation maintained by the optician. Sometimes the need for a non-standard lens is apparent from the prescription, but in most cases, the optical necessity must be noted in the documentation. The claims for which AHCA disallowed full or partial payment to Ady Optical are claims for variable asphericity lenses, claims for lenses with special base curves, one claim for an oversized lens, claims for which Ady Optical provided inadequate documentation to establish that lenses were ordered for Medicaid recipients, and claims involving errors in coding. Claims for variable asphericity lenses Prescriptions for eyeglass lenses are expressed in "plus or minus" diopter units. Variable asphericity lenses were originally designed to ameliorate the magnification and "off-of- the-center" effects of the very thick lenses necessary to correct the vision of persons with extremely high diopter prescriptions, such as the prescriptions of ± 15 diopters or more needed in the past by persons who had had cataract surgery.4 With advances in technology and surgical techniques, there are few patients with prescriptions this high, and variable asphericity lenses are now made for prescriptions with much lower diopters. The curve of a variable asphericity lens is different from that of a regular lens, and variable asphericity lenses are lighter in weight than regular lenses, which can be a factor for persons with high diopter prescriptions. Variable asphericity lenses also provide significantly better peripheral vision for persons with high diopter prescriptions than regular lenses can provide. There is, however, a minimal difference in weight between variable asphericity lenses and regular lenses with low diopter prescriptions, and peripheral vision is usually not affected when regular lenses are used for low diopter prescriptions. The Coverage and Limitations Handbook in effect during the Audit Period provides that both single vision variable asphericity lenses, assigned procedure code V2410, and bifocal variable asphericity lenses, assigned procedure code V2430, may be billed under the same codes for all powers ranging from .25 to over 6.0 diopters.5 In his review of the Medicaid claims submitted by Ady Optical for the 30 randomly-selected Medicaid recipients included in the audit, Dr. Walby disallowed all claims for variable asphericity lenses because the prescriptions were lower than ± 7.00 diopters. Dr. Walby reasoned that any optician should know that variable asphericity lenses should not be prescribed for prescriptions with diopters lower than ± 7 units. Dr. Walby variously described the ± 7 diopter cut-off for variable asphericity lenses as the standard he considered "the industry standard" and as the standard he chooses to use in his practice. Dr. Walby also testified that the ± 7-diopter standard had previously been chosen by Medicaid as the minimum prescription for which contact lenses are covered and that this standard was adopted in the current Coverage and Limitations Handbook "because somebody had to draw a line in the sand, and that's where it got drawn."6 Dr. Walby has failed to establish by persuasive evidence that, in the practice of opticianry, there is an absolute industry standard that dictates that variable asphericity lenses are never optically necessary for a person whose prescription is lower than ± 7.00 diopters.7 Because the Coverage and Limitations Handbook in effect during the Audit Period permitted the use of variable asphericity lenses for prescriptions of ± 0.25 diopters and above, Ady Optical is entitled to reimbursement for variable asphericity lenses provided to Medicaid recipients whose prescriptions are below ± 7.00 diopters as long as Ady Optical documented that variable asphericity lenses were optically necessary to provide adequate visual acuity and reasonable comfort. Ady Optical ordered variable asphericity lenses for Recipients 1 through 3, 5 through 8, and 10 through 30. None of these recipients' prescriptions exceeded ± 5.25 diopters. Most of the prescriptions for these recipients were below ± 3.00 diopters, and several of the prescriptions called for "plano" lenses, that is, lenses with no magnification power. Ady Optical failed to indicate on any of the laboratory order forms any optical necessity for providing variable asphericity lenses to these recipients. The claims submitted by Ady Optical to Medicaid for payment for variable asphericity lenses for these recipients are, therefore, disallowed. Claims for lenses with special base curves Although there is a standard base curve for eyeglass lenses, lenses can be made with different base curves to accommodate the special needs of an individual. The Coverage and Limitations Handbook in effect during the Audit Period provides that special base curves, assigned procedure code V2730, may be billed with no stated limitations. In order to be covered by Medicaid, lenses with special base curves must be optically necessary, and the optical necessity must either be inherent in the prescription or documented in the optician's records. In addition, the optician is responsible for specifying the particular curvature of the lens required to meet the needs of the individual whenever a special base curve lens is ordered. There is optical necessity for lenses with special base curves when a person's prescription for one eye is significantly larger than the prescription for the other eye; the image size in both lenses can be made the same by adjusting the curves of the lenses. There is also optical necessity for a lens with a special base curve when a person's eyelashes scrape the back of the lens in their eyeglasses; the lenses could be made with a steeper base curve than the standard base curve to remedy this problem. Although Dr. Walby testified that there are optical reasons for ordering a lens with a special base curve, he did not explain any reasons except those noted. Ady Optical ordered lenses with special base curves for Recipients 1, 2, 4 through 8, 11 through 14, and 17 through There is nothing on the laboratory order forms for these recipients to indicate that special base curves for the lenses ordered were optically necessary, and there is nothing inherent in the prescriptions that would justify lenses with special base curves. On the laboratory order forms for all of the above recipients except for Recipient 8 and Recipient 23, the special base curve specified was "variable," "special," "thinnest," "flat," "flattest," and "match Rx." These descriptive terms do not provide a specific base curve measurement to the laboratory, and the base curve measurement was determined by the laboratory rather than by an optician. On the laboratory order form for Recipients 8 and 23, base curve measurements of +4.0 and +6.0, respectively, were specified; these base curve measurements are, however, standard for the prescriptions of Recipients 8 and 23. The claims submitted by Ady Optical for payment for lenses with special base curves for these recipients are, therefore, disallowed. The laboratory order forms for Recipients 10, 15, 16, 20, and 30 did not include an order for lenses with special base curves. The claims submitted by Ady Optical to Medicaid for payment for lenses with special base curves for these recipients are disallowed. Oversized lenses Pursuant to the Coverage and Limitations Handbook, Medicaid will pay for oversized lenses, assigned procedure code V2780, for recipients whose eye-size is 56 millimeters or greater. Ady Optical submitted a claim to Medicaid for payment for oversized lenses for Recipient 23. Recipient 23's eye-size was specified on the laboratory order form as 50 millimeters, and the claim for payment for oversized lenses for this recipient is disallowed. Claims not supported by documentation All claims submitted to Medicaid for Recipient 6 for lenses ordered on June 13, 2000, are disallowed because the documentation provided by Ady Optical to AHCA does not include a laboratory order form for that date. All claims submitted to Medicaid for Recipient 9 for August 11, 1999, and for October 28, 1999, are disallowed because the documentation provided by Ady Optical to AHCA does not include laboratory order forms for those dates. All claims submitted to Medicaid for Recipient 10 for lenses ordered on September 29, 1999, are disallowed because the documentation provided by Ady Optical to AHCA does not include a laboratory order form for that date. All claims submitted to Medicaid for Recipient 19 for lenses ordered on May 29, 1999, and June 12, 2000, are disallowed because the documentation provided by Ady Optical to AHCA does not include laboratory order forms for those dates. All claims submitted to Medicaid for Recipient 22 for lenses ordered on April 7, 1999, are disallowed because the documentation provided by Ady Optical to AHCA does not include a laboratory order form for that date. All claims submitted to Medicaid for Recipient 26 for lenses ordered on July 16, 1999, are disallowed because the documentation provided by Ady Optical to AHCA does not include a laboratory order form for that date. All claims submitted to Medicaid for Recipient 27 for lenses ordered on August 23, 1999, are disallowed because the documentation provided by Ady Optical to AHCA does not include a laboratory order form for that date. Claims containing billing errors Mr. Jimenez does not challenge the disallowance of claims billed in error, specifically the claims for bifocal seg widths of over 28 millimeters for Recipients 20, 23, 26, and 27. Summary The evidence presented by AHCA is sufficient to support its determination that Ady Optical received Medicaid overpayments in the amount of $45,914.17.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order finding that Ady Optical, Inc., received overpayments from the Medicaid program in the amount of $45,914.17 during the period extending from January 1, 1999, through June 30, 2000, and requiring Ady Optical, Inc., to repay the overpayment amount. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of May, 2004, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S PATRICIA HART MALONO Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of May, 2004.

Florida Laws (8) 120.569120.57409.901409.913409.9131484.002823.01914.17
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Sep. 16, 1994 Number: 94-005118 Latest Update: Sep. 20, 1995

The Issue The issues in this case are framed by the parties' Joint Pre-Hearing Stipulation. Essentially, they are whether, in connection with his care and treatment of two patients, R.B., and D.T., the Respondent, who is an opthalmologist, violated Section 458.331(1)(t) and (m), Fla. Stat. (1993), by: gross or repeated malpractice, or the failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances; or (m) failure to keep written medical records justifying the course of treatment of the patients.

Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Carlos A. Solorzano, M.D., is licensed to practice medicine in Florida. He holds license ME 0041368. The Respondent practices in the field of opthalmology. He is not Board-certified. Patient R.B. The patient, R.B., a 92 year-old female, was referred to the Respondent and was seen for the first time on February 2, 1988. The Respondent diagnosed chronic uveitis (inflammation) in both eyes, secondary cataracts in both eyes, and secondary glaucoma in the right eye. The Respondent prescribed two medications (inflamase and atropine). When R.B. was next seen by the Respondent on February 11, 1988, the Respondent prescribed a third medication (betagan) and recommended a YAG laser iridotomy on the right eye to relieve high pressure. In performing an iridotomy, the opthalmologist bores a hole in the iris to relieve abnormal pressure in the eye (glaucoma). Sometimes, especially when glaucoma is caused by active uveitis, a patient can be treated effectively by controlling the inflammation solely with medication and later dilating the pupil. If successful, medical treatment obviates the need for surgery. In the case of R.B., medical treatment was not and would not be successful. As a result of chronic uveitis, R.B. had a history of abnormally high pressures in the eye. In addition, and of even more concern, the pressures were subject to "spiking" seriously high pressures. Whereas pressures of 21 mm of Mercury (Hg) are considered high normal, R.B. had readings of 38 mm Hg in both eyes on January, 24, 1988. On her first visit to the Respondent on February 2, 1988, the readings were 30 mm Hg in the right eye and 20 mm Hg in the left eye. On her second visit to the Respondent on February 11, 1988, the readings were 29 mm Hg in the right eye and 19 mm Hg in the left eye. Clearly, the Respondent's recommendation that R.B. have an iridotomy performed on her right eye was within that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. The Respondent's records indicate that, instead of an iridotomy, the Respondent performed an iridoplasty on R.B. on March 23, 1988. In an iridoplasty, the opthalmologist treats the surface of the iris with laser energy to cause some shrinkage and change of shape in the iris but does not bore a hole through the full thickness of the iris. The Respondent's medical records do not explain why an iridoplasty was performed on March 23, 1988, instead of the recommended iridotomy. The Respondent has no independent recollection of which procedure he performed and can only speculate that, if in iridoplasty was performed, perhaps it was because he was unable to complete the iridotomy and did an iridoplasty instead in preparation for a subsequent iridotomy. In that respect, the Respondent's written medical records were insufficient to justify the course of treatment of the patient. On March 28, 1988, the Respondent saw R.B. again and recommended an iridotomy on the left eye. The patient's left eye pressure reading on that day was 14 mm Hg, well within normal range. Other left eye pressure readings also were within normal range, although closer to high normal: 20 mm Hg on February 2, 1988; and 19 mm Hg on February 11, 1988. But there also was the history of a 38 mm Hg "spike" on January 24, 1988, and the history of abnormally high pressures in the patient's right eye. Despite the normal readings for the left eye, taking all of the pertinent factors into consideration, it was not proven that the Respondent's recommendation of an iridotomy for the left eye was below that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. (A subsequent "spike" 76 mm Hg in April, 1990, further validated the recommendation.) The Respondent performed an iridotomy on R.B.'s left eye on April 20, 1988. The Respondent's medical records do not reflect the absence of cells or flares until an entry on June 6, 1988. The Respondent does not always record what he considers to be "negative findings." "Negative findings" should sometimes be recorded if they are pertinent and necessary, but these "negative findings" are subsumed in the diagnosis of chronic, rather than active, uveitis. Patients undergoing an iridotomy procedure should be seen for follow- up care within one to three days to ensure that the opening is patent, that the symptoms are relieved, and that no secondary inflammation is present. As indicated, the Respondent saw the patient, R.B., on March 28 and on April 25, 1988. The Respondent's records for those visits indicate intraocular pressures, but otherwise the Respondent's written medical records for any follow-up care on those dates were insufficient. (The March 28, 1988, records indicate an evaluation and recommendation for a iridotomies for both eyes but do not address the March 23, 1988, procedure on the right eye. The April 25, 1988, records do not address the April 20, 1988, procedure on the left eye.) The records for both of those visits indicate prescriptions for atropine, betagan, and inflamase. The next visit indicated in the Respondent's records for R.B. was June 6, 1988. At that time, the Respondent recommended a lensectomy and vitrectomy for the left eye, which he performed on August 30, 1988. A lensectomy is the removal of the lens. A lensectomy is indicated under several different circumstances. It is appropriate when a less involved cataract procedure cannot be performed, or when the anterior approach to removing a cataract cannot be utilized. A vitrectomy is the removal of the vitreous, the jelly-like material in the globe of the eye. A vitrectomy also is indicated under various different circumstances, including: biopsy; infection; blood in the eye; inflammation; and retinal repair. In the case of the patient, R.B., there was no improvement in the patient's vision (hand movement, only, in the left eye), despite the use of a strong corticosteroid, a beta blocker, and a strong pupil dilator. The patient continued to suffer from the effects of chronic uveitis. Synequies, or adhesions, continued to prevent fluid from escaping. The patient also had thick cataracts and membranes in the vitreous that were obscuring vision. Under these facts, it was not proven that the lensectomy and vitrectomy on the left eye were below that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. The lensectomy and vitrectomy were safer than ordinary cataract surgery in this patient and safer than not doing anything. But the Respondent's written medical records were insufficient to justify the course of treatment of the patient. They did not adequately explain the reasons for the Respondent's recommendations. Patient D.T. The patient, D.T., was referred to the Respondent for evaluation regarding a detached retina at the seven o'clock position in the right eye. On September 28, 1988, the Respondent performed a procedure known as cryopexy to reattach the patient's retina. In cryopexy, the opthalmologist applies liquid nitrogen to the area of detachment. The low temperature of the liquid nitrogen (minus 60o centigrade) causes inflammation and scarring. The scarring reattaches the retina. It was the Respondent's responsibility to check the pressure in the liquid nitrogen tank supplied by the hospital facility the Respondent was using. He failed to check the pressure and, unfortunately, it was low. The Respondent attempted the procedure despite the low pressure in the liquid nitrogen tank but was not sure if it would be effective. The Respondent wanted to proceed with a follow-up procedure using a laser to be sure the reattachment succeeded, but the patient declined. In part in order to further facilitate reattachment pending the laser procedure, the Respondent injected air into the eye to serve as an internal tamponade to put pressure on the point of reattachment to hold it in place. (Other reasons for injecting air in the eye were to maintain proper intraocular pressure and to keep fluid away from the point of reattachment for access and visibility during the subsequent laser procedure.) Unfortunately, due to gravity and the inferior position of the retinal detachment, the internal tamponade only would be effective if the patient maintained a face-down position. On follow-up the next day, the patient was maintaining proper position and the laser procedure was scheduled for the following day. But on preop evaluation on September 30, 1988, the patient was found to be in sitting position, and it was not possible to perform the laser procedure. Instead, the Respondent recommended redoing the operation. The patient declined, preferring to "wait a few days." During follow-up evaluation on October 4, 1988, it was determined that the cryopexy had been at least partially successful after all, despite the low liquid nitrogen pressure. Pigment 1+ was seen, indicating inflammation and scarring, and the area of detachment of the retina appeared to be smaller. The macula remained attached. During another evaluation October 7, 1988, it was noted that the macula still remained attached. Although the Respondent urged the patient, D.T., to have the cryopexy procedure on the right eye repeated more quickly, the patient wanted to wait, and the Respondent repeated the procedure on October 14, 1988. It was not proven that the delay in repeating the procedure was below that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. The initial procedure apparently was at least partially successful, and the macula remained attached. In addition, inferior retinal detachments usually do not extend quickly, and it was not proven that there was any urgency in repeating the procedure. The Respondent's medical records do not include any indication that he advised or encouraged the patient not to wait until October 14, 1988, to have the cryopexy procedure repeated, but it was not proven that this omission was below that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. The Respondent testified that he saw the patient at her home on several occasions but his medical records make no mention of any such visits. It became apparent from participating in the final hearing (and can be surmised to some extent from the Respondent's "proposed findings of fact") that the Respondent's biggest difficulty in the practice of medicine may be the difficulty he has in communicating (at least in English). It is possible that patients and other physicians perceive incompetence when they do not understand what the Respondent is telling them, whether orally or in writing. His difficulty with written English may contribute to the inadequacy of some of his medical records.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Board of Medicine enter a final order: (1) finding the Respondent guilty of violating Section 458.331(1)(m), but not (t), Fla. Stat. (1993); (2) reprimanding him; and (3) imposing a $1,000 administrative fine. RECOMMENDED this 31st day of May, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of May, 1995. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 94-5118 To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat. (1993), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1.-17. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 18.-20. Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. Accepted. Subordinate to facts found. (The diagnosis was chronic, not active, uveitis.) Rejected as not proven. (Cells and flares indicate active uveitis.) Accepted. Subordinate to facts found. See 21., above. 24.-26. Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence as to intraocular pressure. Otherwise, accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 29.-32. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. 33.-35. Accepted and incorporated. 36.-37. Accepted and incorporated. However, there also are other indications. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence as to "indications"; accepted and incorporated as to "discussion." Accepted and incorporated. Accepted and incorporated as to inadequate medical records; otherwise, rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. 42.-44. Accepted and incorporated. Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. (It was at least partially successful and may have been completely successful, but the Respondent was unsure due to the low pressure and wanted to repeat the procedure to make sure.) Accepted. Subordinate to facts found. (The medical records were written before subsequent follow-up evaluation showed successful cryopexy.) 47.-48. Accepted and incorporated. (As to 48., there also were other reasons for it.) Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence that it was "necessary due to insufficient freezing." (The Respondent thought it was appropriate due to questions he had about the efficacy of the cryopexy and for other reasons.) Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (The Respondent did not perform a pneumatic retinopexy.) Rejected as not proven that it would not be "viable." Accepted that it was not appropriate, but subordinate and unnecessary. See 50., above. Also, rejected as not proven that "the patient could not be positioned to cause the desired effect." Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence that "the Respondent was advised." (The Respondent made the determination.) Otherwise, accepted and incorporated. 53.-54. Accepted and incorporated. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. Rejected as as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. 57.-58. Accepted and incorporated. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. First sentence, accepted and incorporated. Second sentence, rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. See 45., above. 61.-65. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. 66.-67. Rejected as not proven and as contrary to facts found and to the greater weight of the evidence. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact. (The Respondent's "proposed findings of fact" were presented in an unorthodox fashion that makes ruling difficult. He introduced a subject on a sheet of paper, sometimes commented on the subject, and attached copies of medical records in evidence that relate to the subject. These rulings are restricted to the Respondent's comments and attempt to follow the format chosen by the Respondent. No rulings are made on the attached copies of medical records as they are accepted but subordinate.) FACTS RELATED TO PATIENT #1, RB LASER PROCEDURES. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. REGARDING HIGH INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE. Accepted but subordinate. (Only copies of medical records.) REGARDING A VERY HIGH SECOND EPISODE OF INTRAOCULAR PRESSURE. Accepted but subordinate. (Only copies of medical records.) POINT REGARDING THE APPOINTMENTS. As to R.B., accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. As to the other patients, rejected as not supported by any evidence. PATIENT RB DIDN'T HAVE ACTIVE UVEITIS . . .. First sentence, accepted and incorporated. Second sentence (regarding slit lamp), accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (AHCA apparently has dropped the charge that the Respondent did not use a slit lamp and that his records did not reflect its use.) THE SURGICAL PROCEDURE LENSECTOMY VITRECTOMIE [sic]. Generally accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. REGARDING SLIT LAMP EXAMINATIONS. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (Based on its proposed findings of fact, the AHCA apparently has dropped the charge that the Respondent did not use a slit lamp and that his records did not reflect its use.) FACTS RELATED [TO] PATIENT #2, DT PAGE# 5. Accepted and incorporated. PAGE# 6. Accepted and incorporated. PAGE# 7. Accepted (assuming "denied to" means "refused to") but largely subordinate and unnecessary. Only "home visits" comments are incorporated. PAGE# 8. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (Based on its proposed findings of fact, the AHCA apparently has dropped the allegation that the proliferative vitreous retinopathy occurred between the two surgeries.) PAGE# 9. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. PAGE# 10. Accepted and incorporated to the extent not subordinate or unnecessary. PAGE# 11. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (Based on its proposed findings of fact, the AHCA apparently has dropped the charge that, after the second surgery, the Respondent did not advise the patient concerning alternatives such as pars plana vitrectomies.) PAGE# 12. Accepted but subordinate and unnecessary. (Based on its proposed findings of fact, the AHCA apparently has dropped the charge that the Respondent went on vacation in October, 1988.) COPIES FURNISHED: Britt Thomas, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Northwood Centre - Legal A Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Carlos A. Solorzano, M.D., pro se 7211 North Dale Mabry Highway, #101 Tampa, Florida 33614 Dr. Marm Harris Executive Director Department of Business and Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Northwood Centre Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0792 Jerome W. Hoffman, Esquire General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303

Florida Laws (1) 458.331
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Dec. 06, 1993 Number: 93-006924RX Latest Update: Dec. 27, 1995

The Issue The issue to be resolved in this proceeding concerns whether Rule 61F8- 3.015, Florida Administrative Code, constitutes an invalid exercise of delegated legislative authority, as defined in Section 120.52(8), Florida Statutes, and whether the Petitioners have standing to challenge that rule.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner POF is a non-profit Florida corporation organized under the laws of Florida for the purpose of representing its members who are licensed opticians. Petitioner Riddlebaugh is a board-certified, licensed optician pursuant to the laws of Florida and has been so licensed since 1987. After first becoming licensed in Florida, Petitioner Riddlebaugh worked in his family's optical business in Ormond Beach, Florida. He later worked for Burdine's Optical and Omni Optical. From April 1990 to February 1994, he owned and operated an independent opticianry business in Florida and was the sole employee of that business during the entire time of its operation. The Respondent is a state agency authorized to promulgate rules and regulations concerning the practice of optometry and licensure of optometrists, by authority of Chapter 463, Florida Statutes. The Intervenor is a non-profit Florida corporation whose membership is comprised of optometrists licensed under Chapter 463, Florida Statutes, and who are authorized to practice optometry in Florida. Petitioner POF's organizational purposes are to promote, protect, and improve the professional status of persons engaged in the practice of opticianry and to encourage, establish, and maintain standards of competence, knowledge, and performance through the provision of educational programs, training, and uniform licensing of optical dispensers. Petitioner POF has seven classes of membership entitled Professional Member Class I, Professional Member Class II, Professional Non-Licensed Member, Associate Member, Affiliate Member, Student Member, and Honorary Member. Only Professional Member Class I has Florida licensed opticians as members. Any member of Petitioner POF may terminate membership upon 60 days written notice to the executive director. Members of POF who fail to pay dues and other obligations within 60 days are removed from the membership rolls. It is impossible to determine the number of members of Petitioner POF, since the membership roster can change daily, based upon resignations and terminations. Petitioner POF did not introduce its most current or any membership roll designating the members by their appropriate membership class. The 1993-94 directory and desk guide of Petitioner POF lists the members of Petitioner POF followed by a number designation in parentheses. The number designation (1), which does not indicate only Professional Member Class I membership, as defined by the Bylaws of the association, represents members who are not licensed in Florida as opticians, as well as some members who are licensed in Florida as opticians. It is impossible to determine how many members besides Riddlebaugh and Richard W. Williams are licensed in Florida as opticians, although a substantial number of the total membership are Florida licensed opticians. No preponderant evidence was offered to show that the membership of Petitioner POF was substantially affected by the challenged rule. During the six years the rule has been in effect, Petitioner POF did not gather any information to show how or if the challenged rule affected its membership even though it had challenged the rule when first promulgated, later withdrawing the challenge. The number of licensed Florida opticians has increased during the entire six-year period the challenged rule has been in effect. Petitioner Riddlebaugh is a Florida licensed optician who was licensed in 1987. He closed his optical business "Spectacles" in February 1994. He closed that business because of generally declining economic conditions in Volusia County, Florida, where he practiced, due in large part to the competitive effects on his business in that vicinity posed by physicians (ophthalmologists), who, in addition to practicing as ophthalmologists, can also practice opticianry. Additional competition was posed by optometrists, other opticians, and large optical purveying firms, such as Opti-World, Pearle Vision Express, J.C. Penney Company, Inc., Lens Crafters, Inc., and Sears Optical. Petitioner Riddlebaugh was able to obtain employment at Omni Optical from February 1989 to February 1990 during the time the challenged rule was in effect, it having taken effect in 1988. He was able to open his business in April 1990 and operate it for four years during the time the rule was in effect. Ophthalmologists and optometrists are allowed under their practice acts to employ non-licensed personnel, who can perform optician-type functions and duties under appropriate supervision, delineated in those practice acts. This poses competition to opticians situated such as Petitioner Riddlebaugh, wholly apart from perceived and purported competitive effects posed by the subject rule under challenge. Petitioners POF and Riddlebaugh simply failed to demonstrate that any deleterious competitive effects imposed on Petitioner Riddlebaugh's business, or the business of any members of Petitioner POF, were occasioned by the operative effects of the rule under challenge. Although Petitioner Riddlebaugh testified that one of the primary factors for closing his business was the competition posed by the effect of the rule, that testimony is not deemed preponderant nor credible as evidence, since Petitioner Riddlebaugh had previously given testimony by deposition that another set of rules promulgated by the Board, unrelated to the challenged rule, was the only reason for closing his business. It appears, however, that the real reason for the closing of his business was due to the combined effects of competition from various optical establishments and other optometric and ophthalmologic professionals, as well as a general economic decline in Volusia County, Florida, in the early 1990's when he was attempting to operate his business and ultimately closed it. Unlicensed persons may work for opticians doing all functions within the definition of opticianry, under appropriate supervision, as delineated in the pertinent provisions of Chapter 484, Florida Statutes, and the opticianry practice rules promulgated thereunder. Unlicensed persons working for opticians can perform such functions as selection of frames and transfer of optical devices without the optician being on the premises. Unlicensed persons can also work for ophthalmologists, performing opticianry duties. In October 1986, the Respondent, with a view toward promulgating this rule, requested that the Board of Opticianry define "fitting, adjusting, and dispensing". This was an effort by the Respondent to avoid conflicting with the legally-defined practice requirements for opticianry. The Board of Opticianry was aware of the rule promulgation effort by the Respondent, however, it never responded to the request. Because it never obtained any definitional information from the Board of Opticianry, the Respondent elected to delete the terms "dispensing" and "measuring" from its proposed rule at that time. The words "delivery of eyeglasses" were inserted. Optician, Richard E. Williams, who testified at the hearing, defined "dispensing" as being the adjustments necessary to make certain that eyeglasses properly fit a patient. Mr. Williams defined "fitting" as determining whether the glasses were set properly on an individual's face. He also defined "fitting" as making certain that pupillary distance was accurate and defined "dispensing" as fitting and adjusting. Petitioner Riddlebaugh defined "fitting" as making certain that the frames of eyeglasses were properly adjusted to the patient. According to the preponderant evidence of record, the "adjustment of frames" is not the practice of opticianry. The purpose of adjusting frames is simply to get them to set comfortably and properly on a patient's face. Adjusting may also be used to align lenses properly within the frame. The "delivery of eyeglasses" is not the practice of opticianry either, nor is the "selection of frames". Unlicensed persons can also work for ophthalmologists, performing opticianry. Petitioner Riddlebaugh testified that the challenged rule affects the integrity of his opticianry license and the viability of his practice because it allows unlicensed persons to perform opticianry functions when working for an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. His testimony is not preponderant or credible, however, since there is no limit to the number of unlicensed persons that opticians themselves can employ to perform opticianry functions under appropriate supervision, just as optometrists and ophthalmologists may employ such unlicensed personnel to perform opticianry under the appropriate supervision, as delineated in their practice act and rules. There is no meaningful distinction between the competitive effects of unlicensed persons working for an optician and those working for ophthalmologists and optometrists. Richard E. Williams, a licensed optician, testified that he had to close his office in Panama City Beach, Florida, because a "group of doctors" opened an office in competition with him. On some days, their office was only staffed by unlicensed persons. He did not indicate in his testimony whether the "group of doctors" were ophthalmologists or optometrists. His testimony also described his practice on Panama City Beach dwindling because of the effects of ophthalmologists, regulated by Chapter 458, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder, who were in practice in the Panama City area. The Petitioners adduced evidence of preparation and dispensing of eyeglasses by unlicensed personnel in an optometry practice and establishment, done under general, rather than direct, supervision, which were more than merely ministerial in nature. Tasks which were performed under purported authority of the challenged rule, that were more than ministerial in nature, and constituted the practice of opticianry by an unlicensed person, were shown by the testimony of Deborah L. Metz-Andrews. Ms. Andrews is not licensed in either opticianry, optometry, or ophthalmology. She was employed by the Newberry Eye Clinic in Chipley, Florida, from January 1991 to August 1992. That establishment is an optometric practice owned and operated by an optometrist and which has an optical department. It has satellite offices in Chipley, Port St. Joe, Panama City Beach, and Panama City, Florida. While employed at Newberry, Ms. Andrews was referred to as "the optician" by the optometrist, but her job title was really "optical technician". During her employment with Newberry, she neutralized glasses with the use of a lensometer, to determine the prescription on the existing glasses worn by a patient. She took prescriptions and determined what the prescription was, what kind of frame would facilitate that prescription, and performed pupillary distance measurements. She determined if a patient needed trifocals or bifocals and did all of the required measurements. She also was responsible for ordering the eyeglasses from the laboratory in Panama City. Once the glasses were made and returned to Chipley, she would place them in the lensometer to check them, and the patient would be notified that the glasses were ready to be picked up. When the patient came in to pick up the glasses, she typically performed the following duties: She fit the glasses on the patient, double- checking the segment height, if they were bifocals; fit the eyeglasses to the nose; adjusted the frame; and made sure that the pantoscopic tilt was correct. She would inquire of the patient's ability to see and if satisfied, the patient would take the eyeglass case, go to a window, pay the bill, and leave. She performed these duties, some of which fall within the practice of opticianry, without the optometrist being on the premises in direct supervision. She stated that she did not feel confident doing some of the types of duties and tasks she was performing and received no guidance from the optometrist. Mr. Williams was accepted as an expert in the practice of opticianry (excluding the field of contact lenses). He opined that the duties being performed by Ms. Andrews, purportedly pursuant to the challenged rule, constitute the practice of opticianry. Dr. John McClane is a licensed Florida optometrist. Dr. McClane's Florida office employs 10 or 11 employees, only one of whom is a licensed optician. The unlicensed personnel in his office adjust frames and perform neutralization of lenses without the lenses having been checked by a licensed optometrist before final delivery to the patient. In operating a lensometer in the neutralization process, unlicensed personnel in Dr. McClane's office also read prisms and transpose prescriptions. The glasses are not always checked by either the licensed optician or the licensed optometrist prior to final delivery to the patient by the unlicensed personnel. According to Dr. McClane's understanding of the term "ministerial", as used in the rule, an unlicensed person can perform any tasks that an optometrist orders and determines, if it is appropriate for patient care. Any delegated task, by his understanding, may be performed under general, rather than direct, supervision. He believes that "direct supervision" is a situation where the optometrist is on the premises directly supervising the work of the unlicensed person. Even if the duties, or some of them, performed by unlicensed personnel at the Newberry and McClane establishments constitute the practice of opticianry by unlicensed personnel, under the general, rather than direct, supervision of optometrists, the testimony of Ms. Andrews and Dr. McClane does not definitively indicate which of the purported opticianry duties Ms. Andrews and other unlicensed personnel performed were actually done with the optometrist away from the premises and not in direct supervision. Further, even if such unlicensed personnel were doing some task which constituted the practice of opticianry, without the direct supervision of an optometrist, there was no competent, credible evidence to show that such practices, under the aegis of the challenged rule, are so widespread or common in practice as to indicate that the language and terminology embodied in the rule is fraught with vagueness so as to cause frequent, recurring misunderstandings by optometrists in conducting their practices with the use of unlicensed personnel. Rather, these two examples offered by the Petitioners may raise simply an issue of the application of the subject rule and a question as to uniformity of its enforcement. In 1986, the legislature enacted a substantial amendment to Section 463.009, Florida Statutes, regarding supportive personnel, by allowing such unlicensed personnel to perform functions for an optometrist under either general or direct supervision. The definition of direct supervision was changed and a definition of general supervision was added in Section 463.002(6)&(7), Florida Statutes. See Chapter 86-288, Laws of Florida. Pursuant to the 1986 amendments, the Respondent began rule-making at its August 21, 1986 annual meeting and rule workshop. The resulting Rule 21Q-3.015, Florida Administrative Code, at paragraph (3), listed the tasks which unlicensed personnel could perform under general supervision as dispensing, selection of frames, measuring and adjusting eyeglasses, and instruction in the insertion, removal and care of contact lenses. On October 3, 1986, Petitioner POF filed a rule challenge to the proposed rule alleging, inter alia, that the rule allowed unlicensed persons to practice opticianry under general supervision, thus, purportedly constituting a departure from the authorizing statute. After the filing of the rule challenge, at a public hearing on October 15, 1986, the Respondent withdrew the proposed rule. During that October public hearing, a member of the Respondent was requested by the Board Chairman to attend the Opticianry Board's rules committee meeting the following day, on October 16, 1986, and to request the opticianry rule committee to develop a rule to provide a definition of "fit, adapt, adjust, and dispense". During the October 16, 1986 meeting of the rules committee of the Board of Opticianry, a member of the Board, Ms. Card, reported that the Respondent was waiting for the Board of Opticianry to define "fitting and adjusting" before the Respondent continued with its rule-making regarding support personnel. She also stated that the Respondent had a meeting scheduled for December 19, 1986. The Board of Opticianry met on November 20, 1986 and approved the minutes of the rules committee meeting of October 16, 1986, but took no action regarding promulgating rules defining the terms which the Respondent requested it to define, even though the Board of Opticianry took extensive action on rule-making on other subjects. Thereafter, at the January 22, 1987 meeting of the Respondent, after receiving no information from the Board of Opticianry regarding the definitions requested, the Respondent approved an amended version of Rule 21Q-3.015, Florida Administrative Code, changing the list of tasks in paragraph (3) to "delivery of eyeglasses, selection of frames, adjustment of frames, and instruction in insertion and removal and care of contact lenses". The tasks of "dispensing and measuring and adjusting eyeglasses", contained in the prior version of the rule, were deleted. A meeting and public hearing was again held on April 10, 1987, during which the proposed rule was addressed; and it was reported that Petitioner POF had again filed a rule challenge to Rule 21Q-3.015, Florida Administrative Code. The proposed rule was then again withdrawn. Workshops by the Respondent were thereafter held in November 1987 and on February 12, 1988 concerning Rule 21Q-3.015, Florida Administrative Code, and the rule was noticed for promulgation on April 29, 1988. Rule challenges were thereafter filed by Petitioner POF and Jack Eckerd Corporation. The Respondent then met on August 5, 1988 and changed the word "employee" to "nonlicensed, supportive personnel" in paragraph (4) of the proposed rule. The two rule challenges were then voluntarily dismissed by those petitioners, and the rule was adopted and became effective on October 23, 1988 and has been in effect since. The Board of Opticianry was well aware of the Respondent's efforts to promulgate the rule on support personnel. The Board of Opticianry never promulgated rules defining "fitting, adjusting, and dispensing" of optical devices, despite the Respondent's request. During the time period that the Respondent was considering the rule in its present form, the members of the Board of Opticianry never agreed on a definition of "dispensing".

Florida Laws (8) 120.52120.57120.68463.002463.009484.002484.011484.018
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Mar. 26, 1991 Number: 91-001943 Latest Update: Jan. 09, 1992

The Issue Whether petitioner should have been awarded a passing grade on the clinical portion of the September 1990 optometry licensure examination?

Findings Of Fact As instructed, petitioner reported for the clinical portion of his optometry licensure examination with his own retinoscope. But the patient he brought with him was not suitable (as a subject for another candidate) because neither of her eyes had spherical objective and subjective error cali- brated in minus cylinder form within +6.0D to -6.0D and . . . an astigmatic correction objectively and subjectively within +0.75 to +4.0D or -0.75 to -4.0D. Respondent's Exhibit No. 1. Once this was discovered, petitioner left the examination site, recruited another patient, and returned in time to take the examination with a group of about ten other applicants. An information pamphlet explained beforehand what the candidates would be asked to do during the clinical examination: . . . You will be allowed 35 minutes to com- plete this section. Two licensed optometrists will independently observe and grade you. You may conduct the specified procedures in any appropriate order. A blank sheet of paper will be provided to you to record the results of your examination. You are allowed a brief period of time to make notes on the blank sheet of paper before you enter the examination room. Tests should be done on both eyes (including dilated eye). Points will be assigned according to the criteria listed below: Patient History (5 points) Chief complaint Personal medical history Personal ocular history Family medical history Family ocular history Follow-up Information (7 points) Follow-up as necessary on the above criteria. Visual Acuity (2 points) Pupillary Examination (6 points) Pupil size Direct and consensual response to light Afferent Pupillary Reflex Confrontation Fields Test (4 points) Confrontation Fields test should be done as described in Duane, J.D. Clinical Ophthal- mology, Harper and Row. Extra-ocular muscle balance (4 points) Versions Distance cover test Objective examination (retinoscopy) (8 points) Note: Points will be assigned on the basis of a comparison to the range obtained by licensed optometrists. Subjective refraction (12 points) Note: Points will be assigned on the basis of a comparison to the range obtained by licensed optometrists. In the second section, you will examine your own patient's eyes. This portion will be graded by examiners different from the exam- iners of Section 1. They will give you direc- tions and request certain views of the eye or ask for information as observe your performance through a teaching arm on the slit lamp or a teaching mirror on the BIO. They will assign grades independently. You will be asked to do the following procedures according to the specified criteria: Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy (15 points) Accurately views and evaluates retinal land- marks as requested. Five points will be given for each of the three areas. Note: Patient will be in reclined position during this pro- cedure. We will supply a Keeler BIO headset. However, you will be allowed to use your own BIO if it has attached teaching mirrors. Biomicroscopy (anterior segment) (16 points) Demonstrates requested view of anterior struc- tures of the eye. Four points each will be given for performance related to: Cornea Anterior chamber Lens Anterior vitreous Goldman[n] tonometry (5 points) Accurately measures intra-ocular pressure. Biomicroscopy (posterior segment) (8 points) Accurately views and evaluates posterior pole landmarks as requested with two points each for four designated areas. Note: The Zeiss slit lamps are equipped with Hruby lenses. If you prefer a fundus contact lens, or a 90 diopter lens, you must provide your own lens. Gonioscopy (8 points) Accurately views and evaluates angle structure. To protect the patient, we will put time limits on the amount of time you will have to attempt each of the section two procedures. Timing will start after you receive the instructions from the examiner and will continue until you notify the examiner to grade the procedure. Respondent's Exhibit No. 1. After petitioner's return with a patient whose eyes met the examiners' criteria, he was tested in the manner the candidate information booklet had described, which is the same procedure that has been followed since 1986. Refractions Robert Roos, a 43-year-old compound myopic astigmatic (who was assigned the number 079), was the patient it fell to petitioner to examine in section one. Before petitioner saw Mr. Roos, three licensed optometrists independently evaluated Roos' eyes. After objective refraction or retinoscopy of his right eye, they recorded astigmatic orientation or axis values of 110o, 115o and 116o, spherical values of -2.75, -2.5 and -1.75 diopters, and cyllindrical values of - 1.0, -1.75 and -1.75 diopters. Their subjective examination of the same eye yielded axis values of 107o, 110o and 111o, spherical values of -2.25, -2.25 and -1.75 diopters, and cyllindrical values of -1.5, -1.5 and -2.0 diopters. After the examiners' retinoscopy and subjective refraction, but before the candidates evaluate the patients, their left eyes are dilated with drops containing 1.0% tropicamide and 2.5% neosynephrine, the same solution that has been used since 1983. The result is left-eyed cycloplegia, paralysis of the intraocular muscle which precludes normal pupillary response of the kind petitioner observed (and reported as +4) in Mr. Roos' right eye, just before performing the refractions. (Patients' left eyes are dilated so candidates can perform other procedures.) As required, petitioner performed his own objective refraction with a retinoscope. He reported an astigmatic orientation of 105o, assigned a spherical value of -0.75 diopters, and put the cylindrical value at -2.25 diopters, for Mr. Roos' (undilated) right eye. After subjective evaluation, he reported a prescription he said effected a correction to 20/20 (a claim no examiner had occasion to evaluate), an axis value of 100o, a spherical value of -1.25 diopters and a cylindrical value of -2.0 diopters. In keeping with the grading protocol applied evenhandedly to all candidates, petitioner's evaluations were compared, item by item, to those of the examiner who most nearly agreed with his conclusions. This yielded discrepancies of 5o, 1.0 and 0.5 diopters for the retinoscopic or objective refraction results; and of 7o, 0.5 and 0.0 diopters for the subjective results. In no case did his results fall between differing examiners' results, although he agreed with one examiner on one result. Petitioner received two points for the objective refraction portion of the test and three points for the subjective portion. Chamber Depth For section two of the clinical portion of the test, Mr. Roos returned to the candidate with whom he came to the examination, and petitioner turned to the eleventh-hour recruit who had accompanied him. Reading the prescribed script, an examiner instructed petitioner in these words: Estimate the depth of the anterior chamber using the Von Herrick-Shaffer technique. Remember that IV is wide open and I is narrow. Respondent's Exhibit No. 2. The anterior chamber is deepest at the center and shallowest near the limbus, where the cornea joins the sclera, and aqueous fluid filters out of the eye. Because the angle at the junction affects the rate of flow, the depth at the chamber periphery is more likely to be of clinical significance than the depth at the center. The Von Herrick-Shaffer technique is a means of measuring chamber depth at the periphery, and not in the middle: a slit lamp casts the cornea's shadow on the chamber floor, and the ratio between the length of the shadow and the width of the cornea is determined. By whatever technique, custom and practice mandate measurement of the depth of the anterior chamber at the edge. When petitioner reported the depth at the center of the chamber, neither examiner (both of whom evaluated independently) awarded any points. Tonometry The Goldmann tonometry portion of the test required candidates to gauge intraocular pressure by placing fluorescein on the white of the patient's eye, then placing a probe and aligning the mires of the tonometer. An examiner read to each candidate these directions beforehand: Add fluorescein to non-dilated eye. Perform applanation tonometry and indicate when you have the proper measurement. You will be given a maximum of 2 minutes to perform this procedure. Respondent's Exhibit No. 2. Because the first examiner gave petitioner full credit, and the second gave him no credit, he received half credit for this part of the examination. At hearing, petitioner testified that he was not ready for the second examiner to grade, and conceded that the mires were no longer in alignment when the second examiner checked. (The second examiner also noted a misplaced light source.) But petitioner, who had the prerogative to "indicate when [he] ha[d] the proper measurement," Respondent's Exhibit No. 2, and did so before the first examiner checked, said nothing to the second examiner (who followed closely on the first) to indicate that he felt the measurement was no longer "proper."

Recommendation It is, accordingly, recommended that respondent deny petitioner's application for licensure on the basis of the September 1990 optometry licensure examination, without prejudice to any subsequent application. RECOMMENDED this 10th day of September, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT T. BENTON, II Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of August, 1991. COPIES FURNISHED: Alejandro M. Tirado 606 First Street Neptune Beach, FL 32266 Vytas J. Urba, Esquire 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Jack McRay, General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Patricia Guilford, Executive Director Board of Optometry 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-003559 Latest Update: Oct. 17, 1988

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: The petitioner, Michael Selinsky, was a candidate for the chiropractic examination given in November of 1987. The practical examination is composed of three portions, X-ray interpretation, technique and physical diagnosis, and a score of 75% must be achieved on all three subject areas in order to pass. The petitioner received a score of 77.1 on the X-ray interpretation area, a score of 77.5 on the technique area and a score of 72.5 on the physical diagnosis area. In this proceeding, petitioner challenges two of the scores he received on the examination in the area of physical diagnosis. The physical diagnosis portion of the examination consists of oral questions posed to the candidate by two examiners. The answers are graded on a scale of 1 to 4, with 4 being the highest grade. Petitioner challenges the grade of 3 one of the examiners gave him for the "neurological" portion of the exam and the grade of 2 another examiner gave him for the "X-ray technique & diagnosis" portion of the examination. On these two areas of the examination, Examiner number 14 awarded petitioner a grade of 3 on both areas. Examiner number 23 awarded petitioner a grade of 4 on the "neurological" portion anal a grade of 2 on the "x-ray technique & diagnosis" portion. During the neurological section of the oral examination, petitioner was requested to demonstrate upon a live model how he would test the extensor hallicus longus muscle for the L-5 mytome. In response, he extended the great toe in the wrong direction. In responding to a question concerning an upper motor neuron lesion and a lower motor lesion, petitioner's answers were very incomplete. During the X-ray technique portion of the oral examination, petitioner was requested to demonstrate with a live model how he would position a patient for a lateral shoulder x-ray. The petitioner responded that he had never heard of such a position, but then attempted to position the patient. In fact, there is no way to take an x-ray of the lateral shoulder view because two bones would be superimposed. While this might be viewed as a "trick" question, petitioner should have been aware that no such x-ray could be taken. During another x-ray positioning question, petitioner failed to turn the patient's head. Also, during the X-ray technique portion of the oral examination, petitioner was asked to identify three factors that affected his exposure to radiation as an operator. The petitioner's answer included such things as lead- lined booths, lead-lined walls in the x-ray room and proper film developing to decrease the number of retakes. Several times, the examiners asked him questions regarding his answers, and the petitioner responded that he was not sure. When considering an operator's safety with regard to radiation exposure, there are three fundamental and established factors to take into account: time of exposure, distance and shielding. The petitioner's answers had relevance to patient safety, but not to the safety of the operator. In spite of prodding and grilling by the examiners with regard to operator safety, petitioner was unable to elucidate the three fundamental factors of radiation safety.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that the petition be DISMISSED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 17th day of October, 1988, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of October, 1988. COPIES FURNISHED: Copies furnished: William A. Leffler, III, Esquire Bruce D. Lamb, General Counsel Department of Professional Department of Professional Regulation Regulation 130 North Monroe Street 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Michael Selinsky Pat Guilford, Executive 5259 Wayside Court Director Spring Hill, Florida 34606 Board of Chiropractic Examiners Lawrence A. Gonzalez, Secretary Department of Professional Department of Professional Regulation Regulation 130 North Monroe Street 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Dec. 06, 1999 Number: 99-005120 Latest Update: Jul. 06, 2004

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to receive a passing score on the clinical portion of the August 1999 optometry licensure examination.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Sandra Farhady (Farhady), took the Florida optometry licensure examination in August 1999. The examination is divided into four portions: laws and rules, pharmacology, clinical, and certification. Prior to the administration of the test, each examiner is given grading standards, which are the requirements that must be met by a candidate to successfully demonstrate a particular procedure. All examiners receive standardization training, during which the examiners are trained to apply grading standards consistently. Examiners are instructed to wear their best corrective lenses. Examiners are instructed to grade each applicant independently of each other and are not permitted to confer with each other concerning a candidate's score. If both examiners agree, the candidate receives no credit or full credit, depending on whether they considered the candidate to have properly performed the procedure requested. If they disagree, the candidate is given partial credit on that procedure. The clinical portion of the examination requires the applicant to perform a number of tasks while two examiners evaluate the procedures. The examiners observe the procedure through a viewing system known as a teaching tube which is attached to the optometrist's equipment used by the candidate. Only one teaching tube is used so each examiner views the procedure separately. The candidate may ask the first examiner to grade his view and hold the view for the second examiner without having to refocus, or the candidate may perform the procedure for each examiner. Farhady passed the laws and rules, pharmacology, and certification portions of the examination, but failed the clinical portion of the examination with a score of 69.1. The passing score for the clinical examination is 75.0. Farhady challenged the score that she received on question 11a of the clinical examination. The question dealt with a procedure called retinoscopy, and the Department conceded at final hearing that Farhady should have been given credit for her answer. The additional points associated with question 11a raised Farhady's final score to 70.125. Farhady challenged the score she received for questions 33a, 33b, 33c, and 34a of the clinical examination. The questions relate to a procedure known as applanation tonometry, which is used to check a patient for glaucoma by measuring the intraocular pressure. This portion of the examination was worth ten points. Applanation tonometry is performed using a tonometer. The tonometers used by all the candidates for the August 1999 examination were part of a Zeiss slit lamp, which is also called a Zeiss microscope. It is an apparatus commonly used by optometrists within the scope of their practice. Each of the tonometers had a large fixation device mounted on the left side of the microscope. On the day of the clinical portion of the examination, the tonometer used by Farhady was in working order. No other candidate made a complaint concerning the working condition of the tonometer. The tonometer used by Farhady was not altered before, during, or after Farhady's session. There are time limits for section two of the clinical portion of the examination, which includes the applanation tonometry procedure. The Candidate Information Booklet for the Optometry Examination, which is provided to all candidates prior to the examination, provides: To protect the patient and to evaluate clinical competency, we will put time limits on the amount of time you will have to attempt each of the Section Two procedures. Timing will start after you receive the initial instructions for each procedure from the examiners and will continue until completion of the procedure or until time expires. . . . The time limit for the applanation tonometry procedure is six minutes. Farahady was unable to complete the applanation tonometry within the time allowed during the examination. She could not make the probe of the tonometer contact the patient's eye. During the procedure she advised the examiners, "Something is up with the tonometer." Farhady filled in a Candidate Comment Form and stated the following: Unable to acquire a view on tonometry. Mires were clear but fluorescent pattern not correct. It appeared like ground glass. I reapplied NAFI, but same view was seen so no grading was possible & I ran out of time. One of the examiner's noted the following on the Examiner's Comment Form: Pt. Ran out of time on tonometry--was apparently unable to see mires. Mires did not 'Flouress' well but was easily visible. Light source was close to 90 [degrees] away which may have contributed. Tonometry was repeated by this examiner without instilling new NaFl successfully by brightening the light source & bringing it to 60 [degrees]. Farhady contends that the position of the fixation device prevented her from being able complete the tonometry procedure. The fixation device can be easily moved to one side, pushed back, or folded up. If the fixation device was hindering Farhady in bringing the tonometer probe in contact with the patient's eye, Farhady could have quickly and easily moved the device out of her way. The position of the fixation device is not a defect in the tonometer equipment, which would have prevented a candidate from successfully performing applanation tonometry. Item 33a was the evaluation of whether the illumination source was a proper angle of 40 to 60 degrees. Item 33b evaluated whether the mires were the proper width. Item 33c evaluated whether the mires alignment was correct. Item 34 was the evaluation of whether the candidate obtained an accurate reading of the intraocular pressure. Farhady did not have the proper angle, did not demonstrate whether the mires were the proper width, did not align the mires correctly, and did not obtain a reading of intraocular pressure. Farhady challenged the score she received for questions 25a, 26a, 27a, 28a, 30a, and 32a, in section two of the clinical examination. These questions relate to a procedure referred to as biomicroscopy of the fundus. The scores given by the examiners for these questions were not identical. Examiner 199 did not give Farhady any points for questions 25a, 26a, 27a, 28a, and 32a. Examiner 199 noted that Farhady did not establish the proper focus with respect to these procedures. While examiner 231 did give Farhady points for procedure 25a, examiner 231 noted that Farhady had achieved only a borderline focus. Both examiners noted poor focus with respect to question 32a and did not give Farhady credit for that question. Question 25a required proper focus of nerve head. Examiner 199 noted the following on the grade sheet with respect to question 25a: Could not get it in view in left ocular. Candidate even verbalized this. For questions 26a, 27a, and 28a, examiner 199 noted that Farhady had no focus. For question 32a, examiner 199 noted, "could not/would not maintain focus." Farhady challenges the scores she received for questions 2a and 4a on section one of the clinical examination. These questions relate to visual field testing. The candidate is shown a visual field and is asked questions pertaining to the visual field. When Farhady was shown the visual field, she immediately said out loud that it was a glaucomatous loss before the examiner could read the instructions to her. The examiner said, "no" and began to read the instructions. Farhady thought that the examiner meant that it was not a glaucomatous loss. The examiner manual advises the examiners to avoid any comments which the candidate could interpret as favorable or unfavorable. For question 2a, Farhady was asked to name the visual field defect. She stated that it was arcuate scotoma. The correct answer was superior arcuate scotoma. Credit is not given for partial answers. It is important that the candidate identify whether it is a superior or an inferior arcuate scotoma in order to establish the location of the lesion so that the correct diagnosis can be made. Whether the examiner said "no" is irrelevant to the answer which Farhady gave to question 2a because she did identify that it was an arcuate scotoma. For question 4a, Farhady was asked which disease would be most consistent with the visual field defect. Farhady answered supracellar craniopharyngioma, which is incorrect. In layman's terms, a supracellar craniopharyngioma is a tumor of the pituitary gland. A visual field of a tumor of the pituitary gland is a bitemporal configuration not an arcuate configuration, meaning that Farhady's answer did not correlate in any way with the visual field defect. It was improper for the examiner to have said "no" after Farhady responded that it was a glaucomatous loss. It could have been interpreted by a candidate, as it was by Farhady, that her response was incorrect. The examiner should have told Farhady to wait until the instructions were read. Question 4a was worth 1.5 points, giving Farhady a total percent score of 71.6, which is not a passing score.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Sandra D. Farhady did not pass the clinical portion of the August 1999 optometry licensure examination and dismissing her petition. DONE AND ENTERED this 13th day of April, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 13th day of April, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Joe Baker, Jr., Executive Director Board of Optometry Department of Health 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0750 Angela T. Hall, Agency Clerk Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Angela T. Hall, Esquire Department of Health 2020 Capital Circle, Southeast Bin A02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1703 Sandra D. Farhady 6404 Wiley Street Hollywood, Florida 33023

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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 82-000112 Latest Update: Oct. 23, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times material to this proceeding, Respondent was and remains a licensed optometrist in the State of Florida, having been issued License No. 000595. Respondent's present address is 4636 North Dale Mabry, #619, Tampa, Florida 33614. The Respondent, prior to relocating his office to Tampa, Florida, practiced optometry in Tallahassee, Florida, in an office adjacent to the Pearle Vision Center in the Governor's Square Mall. He closed that office the last week of December, 1980. Treatment of Wendell Harrison The Respondent first saw Wendell Harrison on October 11, 1980. At that time, Respondent was offering a special of $59.00 for three visits which included an examination and prescription, contact lenses, and the fitting of those lenses. The first of the three visits was the initial examination and prescription. The second visit occurred after the patients received their lenses, and the third visit was a follow-up visit for the purpose of ensuring that the lenses were fitted properly and there were no problems. On October 11, 1980, Mr. Harrison was examined by Dr. Hunter and given a prescription for contact lenses. On that date, Mr. Harrison paid the Respondent $40.00 of the $59.00 total charge. On October 22, 1980, Mr. Harrison received his contact lenses and returned to the Respondent's office for his second visit. During that visit, he was shown how to insert the lenses and also saw a film on how to care for the lenses. At this time, he paid the $19.00 balance of the total charge of $59.00. Subsequent to the second visit, Mr. Harrison experienced blurred vision and pain, especially in his left eye. He returned to Dr. Hunter and informed him of the blurred vision and pain. Dr. Hunter made no examination of Mr. Harrison's eyes or the lenses and informed him the lenses would tighten up and that he should continue to wear them. Mr. Harrison continued to have problems and returned to Dr. Hunter's office the first week of January, 1981. The office was closed. Mr. Harrison did not recall seeing a sign in the window or door of the closed office, but was informed by someone employed at the Pearle Vision Center next door that Dr. Hunter had left and that a Dr. Ian Field was handling problems with Dr. Hunter's patients. Mr. Harrison then made an appointment to see Dr. Field. After an examination, Dr. Field told Mr. Harrison not to put the lenses back into his eyes and not to use them. Dr. Field wrote a prescription for new lenses and refitted Mr. Harrison with the new lenses. Mr. Harrison experienced only minor problems in getting used to the new lenses and had no problem with blurred vision with the new lenses. The prescription of the lenses prescribed for Wendell Harrison by Dr. Hunter was improper in that the lenses corrected the vision in his right eye to only 20/40 which is the minimum for driving a vehicle in Florida. The left eye was corrected only to 20/40 and three additional letters on the next line of the chart. The lenses were also improperly fitted to Mr. Harrison's eyes, and as a result, moved around too much and would ride up underneath the upper lids of his eyes. By letter dated February 3, 1981 (see Petitioner's Exhibit 3), Mr. Harrison contacted Dr. Hunter and requested a full refund of his $59.00 fee. Dr. Hunter responded by letter dated February 9, 1981 (see Petitioner's Exhibit 4) and refunded with that letter $9.00 of the $59.00 paid by Mr. Harrison. Treatment of Maureen Sue Woodward Sometime in the Fall of 1980, Maureen Sue Woodward visited the office of the Respondent in Governor's Square Mall for the purpose of an examination and fitting of contact lenses. On the first visit, Ms. Woodward was examined by Dr. Hunter and was given a prescription for contact lenses. She took the prescription next door to Pearle Vision Center to have the prescription filled. Ms. Woodward, on the first visit, was quoted a price of $75.00 for three visits and this is the amount she paid Dr. Hunter. The three visits were to consist of first, an examination and prescription, secondly, the actual insertion and instruction on care of the lenses, and lastly, a follow-up visit to make certain there were no problems. After she received her contact lenses, she returned to Dr. Hunter's office for instruction on how to insert them and care for them. She watched a film about the cleaning of the lenses. Following the second visit, she wore the contacts just as she had been instructed to wear them and began to experience problems. Her eyes were bloodshot, burning, and tearing as a result of the contact lenses. Ms. Woodward returned to Dr. Hunter's office a third time and explained the problems she was experiencing. Dr. Hunter performed no examination of her eyes or the lenses but told her she was not cleaning them properly. She returned home and continued to clean the lenses as prescribed in the written instructions she had been given by Dr. Hunter and continued to have the same problems of bloodshot eyes, tearing, and burning. Dr. Hunter had told her to come back if she had any further problems. When she returned to Dr. Hunter's office in early January, 1981, the office was closed and there was a note on the door of the closed office referring patients to Dr. Ian Field in the Tallahassee Mall. Her third visit with Dr. Hunter had been approximately a week earlier and he had not mentioned the possibility that he might be leaving Tallahassee. The only information given by the note on the door was that Dr. Hunter's patients were referred to Dr. Field. On January 7, 1981, Mrs. Woodward was seen by Dr. Ian Field. The contact lenses which had been prescribed by the Respondent had an improper prescription. Prescriptions for contact lenses are in plus or minus. A prescription at zero has no prescription at all and is clear glass. A nearsighted person needs something for distance and requires a minus prescription and a farsighted person requires a plus prescription. The power of both lenses prescribed by Dr. Hunter for Mrs. Woodward were more plus than they should have been. When Mrs. Woodward saw Dr. Field on January 7, 1981, she was continuing to wear the contacts prescribed by Dr. Hunter. She was also experiencing blurred vision and bloodshot eyes. Her right eye felt scratchy. Treatment of Barbara Magnusson Stathos The Respondent examined Barbara Magnusson Stathos and prescribed contact lenses sometime prior to September 29, 1980. The agreed fee was $59.00 for three visits and Ms. Stathos had her second visit with Dr. Hunter on September 29, 1980, after picking up her contacts. After receiving her contacts Ms. Stathos experienced problems and called Dr. Hunter's office. She spoke with Dr. Hunter at that time. She continued to have problems and when she returned to Dr. Hunter's office, he had left the area. Barbara Stathos was then seen as a patient by Dr. Walter Hathaway, an optometrist, on January l7,1981. She was using a liquid chemical method of disinfectant for the lenses Dr. Hunter had prescribed for her. Thirty to forty percent of the population has an allergic reaction to these particular chemical disinfectants. There were deposits and coatings on the lenses which had been prescribed for Barbara Stathos by Dr. Hunter. Dr. Hathaway replaced her lenses and switched her to a heat disinfectant method. This solved her problem. The problem of coatings and deposits on her lenses would not have corrected itself. Such a condition would have required an optometrist to correct it. Treatment of Marianne Topjian On December l2, 1980, Marianne Topjian was given a prescription by Dr. Hunter for contact lenses. Subsequent to December 12, 1980, she received her contact lenses. On January 8, 1981, Marianne Topjian saw Dr. Ian Field. She was having problems with the contact lenses prescribed by Dr. Hunter. These lenses had an improper prescription in that they did not correct her vision for close work. The lenses should correct for distance as well as close work. Standard of Care and Requirement for Due Notice The standard of care for optometrists in the Tallahassee community in 1980 and 1981 required proper follow- up care in order to ensure that contact lenses fit properly, that the prescription was proper, and that the patient was not experiencing any problems requiring correction by the optometrist. The follow-up care includes necessary examinations to determine the source of any problems being experienced by the patient. Some degree of follow-up care is required with every patient who is fitted with contact lenses by an optometrist. The standard of care in the Tallahassee community, as well as the nation, requires that when a physician leaves his practice and relocates to another community, he must give notice to his patients and make certain that patients under his active care are taken care of by another optometrist. The relocating optometrist must also make arrangements to make the records of his patients available to them. Neither Wendell Harrison nor Maureen Woodward were given notice by the Respondent that he was leaving Tallahassee and relocating elsewhere. Wendell Harrison and Maureen Woodward were under his active care at the time Dr. Hunter left Tallahassee, and no proper arrangements were made by Dr. Hunter for the follow-up care for the problems that these two persons had complained about. Dr. Hunter saw Maureen Woodward approximately one week prior to his departure, and he did not inform her that he was considering leaving Tallahassee. Prior to leaving Tallahassee, the only arrangements made by Dr. Hunter involved one phone call with a Dr. Orb who planned to move into Dr. Hunter's office in Governor's Square Mall. Dr. Orb agreed generally to take care of any of Dr. Hunter's patients, but no specific financial arrangement was made for such treatment and no specific patients experiencing current problems were discussed. Dr. Hunter did not know when Dr. Orb would be moving into the office, and there was no evidence that he called Dr. Orb in Tallahassee after his departure to determine if Dr. Orb was, in fact, caring for his patients. No arrangement at all had been made with Dr. Ian Field. The Respondent was negligent and fell below the standard of care in the community by failing to provide proper follow-up care to Wendell Harrison. The Respondent specifically failed to examine Mr. Harrison and take appropriate steps to determine the cause of the blurred vision and discomfort complained of by Mr. Harrison on his third visit Having been made aware by an active patient that the patient was having ongoing continuous problems with the new contacts, the Respondent failed to make arrangements upon his departure from Tallahassee to ensure that Mr. Harrison would receive the necessary care to correct his problems, if they continued. As a result of failing to provide proper follow-up care, the Respondent failed to diagnose and correct the improper prescription in the lenses received by Mr. Harrison. The Respondent was negligent and fell below the standard of care in the community in his treatment of Maureen Sue Woodward by failing to provide her with proper follow-up care after she was fitted with contact lenses by the Respondent. After Maureen Woodward complained of bloodshot eyes, burning and tearing, the Respondent did not perform an examination of her eyes or contact lenses in order to determine the cause of these problems. Having been made aware of these problems, he did not make proper arrangements upon his departure from Tallahassee to ensure that Ms. Woodward would receive the necessary follow- up care to correct these problems in the event that the problems continued. By failing to perform the appropriate examinations and to provide the appropriate follow-up care, the Respondent failed to diagnose and correct the improper prescription in the lenses received by Maureen Woodward. There was insufficient evidence to show that the Respondent breached any standard of care in the community with regard to his treatment of Marianne Topjian and Barbara Magnusson Stathos. Neither of these patients testified in the administrative proceedings.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Respondent be found guilty of Counts 6, 8, 9, and 11 of the First Amended Administrative Complaint and that he be required to pay an administrative fine of $1,000. It is further recommended that the Respondent be placed on probation for a period of six (6) months subject to such conditions as the Board deems appropriate to ensure that the Respondent is completely familiar with and follows the requirements for proper follow-up care with patients being fitted with contact lenses. It is recommended that Counts 1 through 5, 7, 10, and 12 through 16 of the Administrative Complaint be dismissed. DONE and ENTERED this 25th day of May, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. MARVIN E. CHAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of May, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Joseph W. Lawrence, II, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 William F. Daniels, Esquire 127 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Ms. Mildred Gardner Executive Director Board of Optometry 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Mr. Fred Roche Secretary Department of Professional Regulation 130 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 =================================================================

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