The Issue The issues to be determined in this case are whether Respondent Thomas Rosati is entitled to the Noticed General Permit and the Letter of Consent to use sovereignty submerged Lands issued by the Department of Environmental Protection ("Department"), which authorize the replacement of an existing private dock with a new private dock in the St. Lucie River in Martin County, Florida.
Findings Of Fact The Parties The Department is the state agency responsible for regulating construction activities in waters of the State. The Department also has responsibility to process and act on applications for authorization to use sovereignty submerged lands through a delegation of authority from the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund ("Board of Trustees"). Rosati owns real property at 2391 Southwest Riverside Drive, Palm City, Florida. He is the applicant for the authorizations at issue in this case. Rosati does not currently own a boat, but he wants to obtain a boat that is large enough to use in the Atlantic Ocean. Petitioner Bryan Fleming owns real property that borders Danforth Creek. He also owns two nearby lots which entitle him to undivided interests in a community dock on Danforth Creek. Fleming owns several boats, including a 23-foot Penn Yan motorboat which he moored at docks on Danforth Creek. Petitioner Diane Haskett owns property that borders Danforth Creek. She has been an avid boater most of her life, but currently only co-owns, with Fleming, a 33-foot sailboat which they do not keep on Danforth Creek. She is a frequent passenger on Fleming's Penn Yan. Notice of Agency Action Rosati arranged for publication of a "Notice of General Permit" in the October 30, 2012, edition of The Stuart News. The notice was in the exact form suggested by the Department in its September 19, 2012, letter to Rosati. The notice reads in pertinent part: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION NOTICE OF GENERAL PERMIT The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice that the project to remove an existing dock, and relocate and construct a new dock with an access walkway measuring 4 ft. by 392 ft. and ending in an 8 ft. by 20 ft. terminal platform, including two associated 12 ft. by 12 ft. boatlifts (total 1,728 sq. ft. structure, total 2016 sq. ft. preempted area), has been determined to qualify for a noticed general permit. This is the form of publication regularly used by the Department to notify the general public that the Department has determined a proposed project qualifies for a Noticed General Permit and a Letter of Consent. The exact location of the Rosati property was also included in the newspaper notice. Petitioners did not see the newspaper publication. Fleming first became aware of the Rosati dock when he saw it being constructed on January 13, 2013. He went to the Department's offices and inquired about the dock. Petitioners filed their petition for hearing on January 23, 2013, 10 days after receiving actual notice of the Department's agency action on the Rosati dock. Background Facts The east side of Rosati's property borders the St. Lucie River, which is designated a Class III water. The submerged lands in the area of the Rosati property are sovereign submerged lands of the State of Florida. The river bottom in the area is sandy. There are no corals, marine grass beds, or other significant aquatic resources. The south side of Rosati's property borders Danforth Creek. Danforth Creek is a navigable waterbody with normal depths of three feet or more. Rosati's shoreline along the Creek is approximately 275 linear feet in length and his river shoreline is approximately 125 feet. Rosati has a dock on Danforth Creek. It is in a basin that was created by excavating the private upland. The bottom of the basin is not state-owned sovereign submerged lands. Danforth Creek flows into the St. Lucie River near the southeast corner of the Rosati property. At its confluence with the St. Lucie River, there is a shoal or sandbar that most likely formed by the deposition of sediment carried out of the Creek. Rosati had a small (32 feet long) dock on his shoreline on the St. Lucie River. The Noticed General Permit and Letter of Consent allow Rosati to remove this old dock, which he has already done. The shoal at the confluence of the Creek and River restricts navigation in and out of Danforth Creek. Navigation in and out of Danforth Creek is usually impossible during low tides, except in a canoe, kayak, or other vessel requiring only a few inches of water. The most reliable route between the Creek and the River is a narrow channel only 2 to 3 feet deep at higher tides. This channel, which runs close to Rosati's eastern shoreline, shall be referred to hereafter as the "deeper channel." For many years, Fleming regularly used the deeper channel to take his 23-foot Penn Yan motorboat from Danforth Creek into the St. Lucie River and back again. The Penn Yan has a draft of about 18 inches. Using the deeper channel, Fleming could navigate in and out of Danforth Creek every day on the high tides. An unknown boater stuck a white PVC pipe into the river bottom at the side of the deeper channel to indicate its location. The New Dock Rosati's new dock was substantially completed at the time of the final hearing in June 2013. The new dock is four feet wide, 392 feet long, and terminates at a water depth of minus four feet mean low water. The other docks in the area are much shorter. The St. Lucie River in this area is more than 2,000 feet wide. Therefore, the dock extends into the River less than 20 percent of the width of the River. The total dock square footage of Rosati's dock on Danforth Creek and his new dock does not exceed 2,000 square feet. The dock, terminal platform, and boat lifts "preempt" 2,016 square feet of sovereign submerged lands, meaning that the dock excludes public use of this area of river bottom. Rosati's new dock crosses the deeper channel. It would cross the deeper channel even if it were half as long. The Letter of Consent authorizes Rosati to preempt from public use that portion of the deeper channel that lies beneath the new dock. Now, the only route that can be used by boaters wanting to navigate in and out of Danforth Creek is a narrow channel south of Rosati's new dock, between the dock and a spit of land about 15 feet away. This route can become dry at low tide and is only about a foot deep at high tides. This south route was used by Department staff during high tide using a boat drawing 8 to 12 inches of water. At low tide, they were unable to use this route to get from the St. Lucie River into Danforth Creek, but were able to use the deeper channel that now runs beneath the Rosati dock. Fleming would not be able to take his Penn Yan through the route on the south side of the Rosati dock except in rare high water conditions, such as may occur during or after hurricanes or heavy storms. No member of the general public who formerly used the deeper channel in a vessel drawing more than a foot of water would be able to use the south route except in rare high water conditions. In addition to the shallow character of the south route, it is in a narrow space between the Rosati dock and the sand spit. This route is only reasonably navigable by canoes, kayaks, and similar small, shallow-draft vessels. The Department contends that the general public has not been affected by the Rosati dock. However, all persons wishing to navigate in and out of Danforth Creek, including Fleming, other riparian landowners on Danforth Creek, and other members of the boating public are prevented from doing so in vessels which, just prior to construction of the Rosati dock, they could have used to navigate in and out of the Creek. Respondents further assert that the shoal may get worse and the deeper channel may become more shallow. This was mere speculation, with no timeframe offered. Furthermore, it was not shown that the deeper channel would not remain the best means of navigating in and out of Danforth Creek. Rosati's consultant did not make a site visit before submitting the forms for the Noticed General Permit and no Department employee made a site visit before the Department issued its letter of September 19, 2012. Included in the materials submitted by Rosati's consultant to the Department for the Noticed General Permit is an aerial photograph with a white arrow superimposed on the south side of the proposed Rosati dock to indicate a channel or water route from Danforth Creek into the St. Lucie River. The current or historical elevation of the route indicated by the white arrow was not established in the record. It is now overgrown with upland grass and is not an alternative water route for boaters wanting to get in and out of Danforth Creek. The information submitted to the Department by Rosati's consultant did not inform the Department that the best (deepest) route in and out of Danforth Creek would be blocked by the Rosati dock. The information implied that the proposed Rosati dock would not impair navigation in and out of Danforth Creek. Although not shown to be intentional, the information was misleading because it failed to inform the Department of the true site conditions and the impacts on navigation that would be caused by the proposed dock.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a Final Order determining that Thomas Rosati qualifies for the Noticed General Permit, and denying the Letter of Consent to use sovereignty submerged lands. DONE AND ENTERED this 31st day of July, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BRAM D. E. CANTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of July, 2013. COPIES FURNISHED: Patricia E. Comer, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Nathan E. Nason, Esquire Gregory Hyden, Esquire Nason, Yeager, Gerson, White and Lioce, P.A. Suite 1200 1645 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Howard K. Heims, Esquire Virginia P. Sherlock, Esquire Littman, Sherlock and Heims, P.A. Post Office Box 1197 Stuart, Florida 34995-1197 Herschel T. Vinyard, Jr., Secretary Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Matthew Z. Leopold, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection Mail Station 35 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000
The Issue The issues are whether Keith Rockman's construction of a dock and other structures on Choctawhatchee Bay in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, is exempt from Wetland Resource Permit requirements, and whether authorization to use sovereign submerged lands for the project should be given.
Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence presented by the parties, the following findings of fact are made: On December 19, 2005, Mr. Rockman, who lives at 325 Brooks Street, Southeast, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, filed an application with the Department's Northwest District Office in Pensacola requesting authorization to construct a platform seven feet wide by eight feet long; an access pier three feet long; another access pier four feet wide by forty-five feet long; four mooring pilings outside the slip; and ten mooring pilings inside the proposed slip, totaling 371 square feet. The application indicated that the proposed construction activities would take place in the Choctawhatchee Bay, a Class III water of the State, on which Mr. Rockman's property fronts. (This waterbody is more commonly known as the Santa Rosa Sound or the Intracoastal Waterway.) The property already had an existing 25-foot dock when Mr. Rockman purchased the property sometime in 2005; however, because Mr. Rockman wishes to dock a larger boat than the prior owner, he has requested authorization to build the structures in issue here. Based upon the information supplied by the applicant, Diana Athnos, an Environmental Manager with the Northwest District Office, advised Mr. Rockman by letter dated January 31, 2006, that the Department had "determined that [his] project is exempted from [the Department's] Wetland Resource Permit requirements by Rule 62-312.050(1)(d), Florida Administrative Code." The letter also stated that the "letter is your authorization to use sovereign submerged land (if applicable) for the construction of your project, as required by Chapter 253.77, Florida Statutes and Chapter 18-21, F.A.C." After Department approval was obtained, Mr. Rockman completed construction of the project. Mr. Rockman elected not to publish notice of the Department's decision or provide notice by certified mail to specific individuals. Therefore, third parties were not barred from challenging the Department's decision until after they received actual notice. Petitioner, who lives next door to Mr. Rockman, learned about the Department's decision in a telephone call with the Northwest District Office on March 8, 2006. The papers filed in this case indicate that Petitioner and other neighbors had actually observed construction activities on Mr. Rockman's property in November 2005 and had filed complaints with the Department regarding these unauthorized activities. These complaints evidently led to the filing of an application by Mr. Rockman. On March 17, 2006, Petitioner, who resides at 328 Brooks Street, Southeast, Fort Walton Beach, and has 50 feet of frontage on the water with a dock extending into those waters, filed a letter with the Department, which was treated as a Petition challenging the Department's earlier decision. This Petition was later dismissed by the Department on the ground it raised claims concerning Petitioner's riparian rights, a matter beyond the Department's jurisdiction. Petitioner then filed an Amended Petition on July 11, 2006, in which he again contended that his riparian rights would be severely restricted by the proposed activities, and that the dock would create a navigational hazard. Although Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-312.050(1)(d)3. requires that a project not "create a navigational hazard" in order to be exempt from permitting requirements, Petitioner opted to base his claims on two provisions in Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21.004(7), which contains the general conditions for authorizations to use sovereign submerged lands. The riparian rights issue was again excluded from consideration at a status conference held on January 5, 2007. The parties advise that this issue is now being pursued in a separate action in circuit court. Through the introduction into evidence of its complete permit file as Department Composite Exhibit 1, the Department established that the proposed activities are exempt from permitting requirements under Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-312.050(1)(d). More specifically, the activity will take place in waters which are not located in Outstanding Florida Waters; the structures are less than 1,000 square feet of surface area over the landward extent of waters of the State; they will be used for recreational purposes; they will be constructed on pilings; they will not substantially impede the flow of water or create a navigational hazard; and the structure is the sole dock constructed pursuant to the exemption as measured along the shoreline for a minimum distance of 65 feet. The dock and associated structures and pilings will be constructed over sovereign submerged lands owned by the State of Florida. Under Florida Administrative Code Rule 18-21.005(1), which specifies the forms of authorization for consent to use sovereign submerged lands, "no application or written authorization is required for an activity that is exempt from the requirements of obtaining a permit," so long as certain conditions are met, including those found in Florida Administrative Code Rules 18-21.004(7). See Fla. Admin. Code R. 18-21.005(1)(b). The only relevant condition raised in the Amended Petition is whether or not the "[s]tructures or activities shall . . . create a navigational hazard." Fla. Admin. Code R. 18-21.004(7)(g). In construing this rule, and the similar requirement in Florida Administrative Code Rule 62- 312.050(1)(d)3., the Department considers whether the structures will create a navigational hazard for boaters on the Intracoastal Waterway, as well as the owners of property who reside on either side of Mr. Rockman. In his Amended Petition, Mr. Woolshlager contended that the proposed structures or activities will create a navigational hazard when he accesses the dock in front of his property. As clarified at hearing, Petitioner does not dispute that he (or any "good boat driver") has adequate ingress and egress for his smaller boat, even with the larger dock on Mr. Rockman's property. Indeed, the record shows that he has been observed leaving his dock and accessing the Intracoastal Waterway. However, Petitioner indicated that if he should die, his wife intends to sell the property. If the new purchaser desires to dock a larger boat, he fears that there will not be sufficient room to do so, and the value of his property will be diminished. Through testimony from a licensed boat captain, it was established that Mr. Rockman's dock does not create a navigational hazard for boaters in the Intracoastal Waterway whose boat channel lies at least 600 feet or so from the shoreline, or for property owners on either side of the applicant's property. Although Petitioner cannot dock a larger boat than he now has (a 21-foot boat), this is because he needs to dredge out the area where his existing dock is built and reconfigure its shape. (Mr. Woolshlager agreed that his dock actually encroaches a few feet onto Mr. Rockman's property; however, Mr. Woolshlager advises that the prior owner (who sold the property to Mr. Rockman) agreed to this encroachment when he purchased the property.) Therefore, all criteria have been satisfied.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order granting Mr. Rockman's application for an exemption from permitting requirements and authorization to use state-owned submerged lands. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of May, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DONALD R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of May, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 John N. C. Ledbetter, Esquire 4641 Gulfstarr Drive Suite 102 Destin, Florida 32541-5324 Nona R. Schaffner, Esquire Amanda G. Bush, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Michael William Mead, Esquire John S. Mead, Esquire Michael Wm Mead, P.A. Post Office Drawer 1329 Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32549-1329 Gregory M. Munson, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Michael W. Sole, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000
Findings Of Fact D.S.I. Forms, Inc. is a for-profit corporation with facilities in Palatka, Florida. It is the owner of a river- front house known as the "DSI Lodge," which is the location of the boat dock at issue here. The DSI Lodge has an existing boat dock similar to those of other waterfront homes in the area along this section of St. Johns River, which is a Class III Florida Water.1 The area is predominantly single family residential, but is not so restricted by zoning ordinance. The DSI Lodge is used as a weekend and holiday retreat by the owner of D.S.I. Forms, Inc., who resides in Atlanta, Georgia, and by his business and personal guests. Although the DSI Lodge has a business character, there is no charge to guests for using lodge or dock facilities. The proposed DSI dock extension would add a two-boat covered slip measuring 20 by 22 feet to the end of the existing dock. Since DSI only seeks mooring facilities for one additional boat,2 it has agreed with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to remove its inside boat slip. Although DNR was not a party to this proceeding, the Applicant's stated intent to remove a portion of the existing dock should be reflected in any permit issued by DER. The existing dock is approximately 700 square feet in surface area. With the application as now framed, the total surface area would exceed 1,100 square feet. However, with removal of the inside slip, the proposed dock area would apparently increase to less than 1,000 square feet, and thus may be exempt from DER permitting altogether.3 Petitioners presented a series of grievances concerning use of the DSI Lodge by inconsiderate guests. These complaints included discharging a rifle and fireworks, high speed operation of power boats adjacent to the river's edge (bulkhead) and congestion of boating activity resulting from numerous guests using the DSI facilities during holiday periods. The careless or congested boating activity may affect the quality of life for DSI Lodge neighbors and endanger wildlife such as manatee which sometimes inhabit these waters. However, it was not shown that the proposed dock extension would affect these environmental considerations since D.S.I. Forms, Inc. already owns and operates the boat which would be accommodated by the additional slip (see footnote 2 above). Further, the testimony of the DER field representative established that the presence of the extended dock, as well as its construction, would not degrade water quality.
Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation enter a final order issuing the proposed permit to D.S.I. Forms, Inc. with an added condition requiring removal of the existing inside boat-slip. DONE and ENTERED this 26th day of July, 1985 in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 26th day of July, 1985.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner Benton and Respondent Maine own adjacent tracts on a dead- end, but navigable, oxbow of the Kissimmee River. The Bentons are weekend and vacation residents, and Maine operates a commercial RV-trailer campsite. To accommodate the needs of his guests for boat launching and landing facilities, Maine constructed a 60 foot pier into the river fronting his property in July, 1982. However, he had not obtained any permits for this construction, and later removed 18 feet of the pier at the direction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has applied to DER to obtain after the fact approval of the existing 42 foot pier. He also seeks to extend this pier to 52 feet and to add a 12 foot side dock at the end of the extension. DER has studied the site and reviewed the proposed additional construction. There was no evidence to indicate that the existing pier or the proposed extension would harm the environment or create a navigational hazard. However, the extended pier would occupy fully half of this waterway, which is about 100 feet wide in this area. Petitioner objects to the proposed pier extension on esthetic grounds. Although the pier is constructed at a 90 degree angle to Maine's shoreline, it crosses directly in front of the Benton property. This situation results from the layout of the Benton and Maine tracts which intersect the river at approximately 45 degree angles. An imaginary extension of the Benton and Maine property lines into the river would place much of the existing pier and all of the proposed addition within the Benton extension. The proposed side dock would point toward the Benton property and further aggravate this intrusion. Since the location of the pier is close to the Benton-Maine property line, the proposed side dock's placement would require boats to be launched and landed directly across the Benton waterfront. The Benton property derives its principal value from its waterfront character. Therefore, the degradation of view caused by the pier extension along with the additional boat traffic near the side dock would adversely affect Petitioner's enjoyment of his property.
Recommendation From the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Regulation issue a permit to John E. Maine approving his existing 42 foot pier in the Kissimmee River, subject to compliance with Section 253.77, Florida Statutes (1983). It is further RECOMMENDED that the application of John E. Maine insofar as he seeks to lengthen the existing pier be denied; but, that application for a side dock extension, if redesigned as stated herein, be approved. DONE and ENTERED this 23rd day of August, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of August, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Vernon E. Benton 1280 North West 127 Street North Miami, Florida 33167 Douglas H. MacLaughlin, Esquire and Astrid L. Wistedt, Legal Intern Department of Environmental Regulation 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John E. Maine Route 1, Box 508 Lorida, Florida 33857 Bert J. Harris, III, Esquire Post Office Box 548 Lake Placid, Florida 33852 Victoria Tschinkel, Secretary Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue The only issue to be resolved is whether a 440-square-foot dock to be constructed by the Town of Fort Myers Beach (Town) creates a navigational hazard and therefore cannot qualify for a regulatory exemption pursuant to section 403.813(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2018).
Findings Of Fact The Parties The Department is the state agency having jurisdiction over the construction and permitting of docks. The Department also acts as the staff to the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund (Board of Trustees) concerning the use of sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees. The Town is a small municipal corporation located on a barrier island (Estero Island) just west-southwest of the City of Fort Myers in Lee County. Matanzas Pass, designated by the Department as a Class II Outstanding Florida Water, lies between Estero Island and the mainland. The Shanoskys own property at 177 Hercules Drive, Fort Myers Beach. The parcel lies on the north side of the proposed dock. Their home was constructed in 1952, and they are the second owners. An L-shaped dock extending from the shoreline into Matanzas Pass was built by the first owner in the 1970s and still remains in place. The dock is approximately the same length (49 feet) as the pier proposed by the Town. Michael Steck owns property on the south side of the proposed dock at 190 Hercules Drive, Fort Myers Beach. The parcel was purchased only for boating purposes, as there is no residence on the property. An L-shaped dock extending into Matanzas Pass was in place when he purchased the property in 2001. His dock extends slightly further from the shoreline into the water than the proposed new dock. Background Since at least 1944, or long before the Town was incorporated, a dock extended from the public right-of-way at the end of Hercules Drive into Matanzas Pass. By 1953, private docks were located on what are now Petitioners' properties, directly adjacent to the public dock. Due to age and weather-related factors, the public dock deteriorated over time and was completely removed by the Town in October 2015. The width of Matanzas Pass from shoreline to shoreline at that point is more than 750 feet, while the navigational channel is more than 300 feet wide. Over the years, the old Town dock changed configurations several times. In 2002, the dock was extended to 49 feet beyond the bulkhead of the shoreline and remained unchanged until its removal in 2015. After the dock was removed, a number of residents urged the Town to build a new dock that will be used for fishing and viewings. Boats will not be moored at the pier. Except for Petitioners, all residents in the area support that effort. Besides multiple neighborhood meetings, several public meetings were conducted by the Town Council concerning the construction of a new dock. On May 22, 2017, Mr. Baker, the former public works director, sent all area residents a letter, along with a preliminary drawing of the dock. Town Ex. 2. The letter advised residents that they should contact him if they had any questions or concerns. Mr. Steck resides in Illinois and only spends two or three weeks each year in Florida. He did not receive a copy of the letter. The Shanoskys' primary residence at that time was in New Jersey. Ms. Shanosky testified that they received a copy of the letter "almost in June, [or] the very end of May." On June 23, 2017, Ms. Shanosky emailed Mr. Baker and stated that they just received the Town's letter and they "DO NOT approve these plans that were outlined in your May 22, 2017 letter to us." Town Ex. 1. On May 24, 2017, the Town authorized Mr. Kincaid, its engineering consultant, to file an application with the Department. On June 17, 2017, Mr. Kincaid submitted to the Department a request for verification of an exemption to perform the following activity: To install a 440 square foot pier at North end of Hercules Avenue, Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida 33931 in Matanzas Pass, Class II Outstanding Florida Waters, Unclassified for shellfish harvesting, Lee County. Based on the information provided in the application, and using the criteria in section 403.813(1)(b), on July 3, 2017, the Department's Fort Myers District Office issued a letter informing the Town that pursuant to section 403.813(1)(b) and Florida Administrative Code Rule 62-330.051(5)(b), the proposed activity qualifies for an exemption from the need to obtain a regulatory permit under Part IV of chapter 373, Florida Statutes. Dep't Ex. 1. Pertinent to this case was a determination by the Department that the proposed dock would not create a navigational hazard. The letter further informed the Town that while the proposed activity is located on sovereign submerged lands owned by the Board of Trustees and requires authorization to use those lands, the activity qualifies for an automatic consent by rule pursuant to rule 18-21.005(1)(b). That action is not in dispute. The Department's letter did not require the Town to publish notice of the verification or to provide separate written notice to the adjoining property owners. Consequently, there is no evidence that notice of the Department's action was published or given to Petitioners. They did not learn of the verification until February 15, 2018, when Ms. Shanosky performed a Google search and learned that an application had been filed with the Department and an exemption had been verified. She spoke by telephone that day with Ms. Mills, the Department's program permitting administrator in the Fort Myers office, who confirmed this action. On February 21, 2018, Ms. Shanosky emailed Ms. Mills and expressed her objections to the dock. These objections included not only navigational concerns, but also a fear that, like the old dock, the new dock would continue to be used by "nighttime partiers with their litter and noise."1/ By email dated February 21, 2018, Ms. Mills provided Ms. Shanosky with instructions on how to request a hearing. On February 23, 2018, Ms. Shanosky informed Mr. Steck of the Department's action. Collectively, they filed their Petition on March 8, 2018. The Petition alleges the dock does not qualify for an exemption under section 403.813(1)(b) because: (a) it will create a navigational hazard by impeding Petitioners' ability to access their own docks, and (b) it will create a navigational hazard in the open waters that are contiguous to their docks. There was no evidence regarding the open waters allegation, and, therefore, only the first allegation remains in issue. At hearing, Petitioners testified that if the Town would agree to shorten the length of the dock by an undisclosed number of feet, it would resolve the dispute. The Project The public right-of-way at the end of Hercules Drive is approximately 47 feet wide. Town Ex. 10. Because the Town has less than 65 linear feet of shoreline on its right-of-way, the requirement that the new dock be at least 25 feet from the riparian lines of adjoining property owners does not apply. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-330.051(5)(b)4. A seawall runs along the shoreline in front of Petitioners' properties, from which their docks extend into the water. Until recently, there was no seawall in front of the Town right-of-way. As a part of a separate stormwater project, the Town has backfilled the area between Hercules Drive and where the adjacent seawall ends and constructed a new seawall to fill in the gap. The Town has attempted to center the new dock in the middle of its property. A 30-foot concrete sidewalk will be built from Hercules Drive to the new seawall. The dock will extend approximately 49 feet from the seawall into Matanzas Pass, which corresponds to the length of the old dock. The new dock is comparable in size and consistent in design with other private docks in the area. It does not extend forward of existing structures owned by Petitioners into the Matanzas Pass channel. The first 25 feet of the dock will be six feet wide, while the remaining 24 feet will have a 12-foot, 4-inch wide platform, with handrails. Although the new dock substantially replicates the old dock, the square footage of the terminal platform has been reduced. The distance between the new pier and the closest part of the Shanosky dock is 53 feet, while the closest part of the Steck dock is 52 feet. Except for being a foot or two closer to the Shanosky side, this distance corresponds to the separation which existed before the old dock was removed. The average speed of the current in the area where the dock will be constructed is 1.45 miles per hour. Except in stormy weather or when waters are extremely rough, the current will not create a navigational concern for Petitioners when accessing their docks. Petitioners' Concerns The Shanoskys currently moor a twin-engine, 24-foot jet boat at their dock, and their children use two personal watercrafts. The personal watercrafts will not be impacted in any manner by the new dock. Mr. Shanosky, a self-described recreational boater, is "entertaining the thought" of purchasing even a larger boat, a 48-foot trawler, which would require him to remove one lift on his dock. Mr. Shanosky testified that before the old dock was removed, mooring his boat was "extremely difficult, challenging, and hazardous," and the new dock will make access "dangerous." But at the same time he admitted that during the 13 years the old dock with the same dimensions was in place, he experienced only one incident, and this allision was caused by a "hard current," resulting in the boat striking his own dock. There is no evidence that during that period, he voiced any concerns to the Town regarding a navigational hazard. According to Ms. Shanosky, if the new dock is built, it will be "much harder" to dock their boat, especially if people are fishing on the pier. Mr. Steck describes himself as a "recreational boater and racer but not a professional." He currently owns a 44-foot Trimaran, which has an eight-foot bowsprit and is approximately 30 feet wide. Pet’r Ex. 6. Although the boat has been moored in Chicago for the last few years, he intends to ship it to Florida at some time in the future. Mr. Steck's boat has a small engine (27 horsepower) and is very light. He steers with a rudder, which requires him to have speed when docking his vessel. Without speed, he cannot steer. If the new dock is constructed, he testified that it will be a "nerve racking" experience to dock his boat on the inside of his pier because of the narrow space between the two docks. However, when he purchased a 44-foot vessel years ago, he did so with the knowledge of the old dock, and that he had no more than 52 feet or so of space between his dock and the Town's dock. Mr. Steck has docked his boat on both the inside and outside of his dock. Even when the old dock was in place, he never experienced an allision. Mr. Steck agrees that if he docks on the outside or seaward part of the pier, there will be no navigational issues. According to Petitioners' expert, there is no "margin of safety" with the new dock, and if the mariner's calculations are slightly off, or there is a sudden gust of wind, it would "very likely" cause a collision with the mariner's dock or the new Town pier. However, the record shows that between 2002 and 2015, with the same margin of safety, except for one incident during a sudden "hard current," neither Mr. Shanosky nor Mr. Steck experienced an allision. The Town's expert established that the location of the new dock meets industry standards for boat-maneuvering requirements between a structure and the opening of a slip perpendicular to the structure. The standards call for a minimum space (or width) of 1.5 times the vessel's length that would be moored to the slip. This space between the structure and the slip is known as the "fairway." The fairway for the Shanosky's 24-foot boat meets or exceeds industry standards. If moored on the inside of his dock, Mr. Steck's 44-foot vessel with an eight-foot bowsprit will encroach on the Town's riparian right-of-way.2/ To avoid encroachment, he must dock his boat on the outside of the pier, which extends slightly further into the water than the new Town dock. When docked in this manner, the fairway meets industry standards and will not cause any interference. From 2002 until October 2015, the old dock was the same length and size as the proposed dock. Therefore, Petitioners will face the same navigational concerns, no more or no less, than they faced during that 13-year period. While it may create an inconvenience for Petitioners, or cause them to be more cautious during ingress and egress from their docks, the new dock will not create a navigational hazard.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order reaffirming that the Town is entitled to (1) an exemption from permitting requirements to construct a new dock, and (2) automatic consent by rule to use sovereign submerged lands. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of November, 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S D. R. ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of November, 2018.
Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: In April of 1979, H.C. Green and Joe Garrott (hereinafter referred to as "applicants") filed an application with the Department of Environmental Regulation (hereinafter referred to as "DER") for a permit to construct nine stormwater outfall pipes and three culverts and to realign an existing drainage ditch approximately 150 to 200 feet in length. The project site is located immediately east of the Braden River and north of State Road 70 in Manatee County. The site is to be utilized as a travel trailer park, with some 500 trailer spaces to be available. The project for which a permit is sought involves dredging to relocate an existing drainage ditch in order to straighten out the water course and permit continuity. It also involves the filling of the existing ditch and the filling necessary for the three road crossings. The applicants provided DER with "notice of new stormwater discharge" and DER advised the applicants with the proposed discharge system did not require a stormwater license. Upon review of the proposed mainland project, DER gave notice of its intent to issue a permit to construct nine stormwater outfall pipes and three culverts and to realign an existing drainage ditch. The proposed issuance of the permit was conditioned with requirements relating to the grading of the side slopes of the realigned ditch and the sodding, seeding and mulching of all exposed ground immediately after the completion of grading. The petitioner is the owner of approximately 35 acres of land south of State Road 70, which land is utilized as a mobile home park with about forty mobile homes, a fish camp and a boat rental business. As relevant to the permitting process of DER, petitioner's concerns regarding the mainland project center around pollution of the Braden River. His concerns regarding the island project (see paragraph 5 below) are pollution and the elimination of manatee, eagles and alligators. Construction of the stormwater outfall pipes, the culverts and the realignment of the existing ditch will not reduce the quality of the receiving body of water (the Braden River) below the classification designated for it (Class III). The project will not result in a significant impact upon water quality. Oyster beds, nursery grounds, marine soils and marine life will not be destroyed by the project. The project will not result in a harmful obstruction to navigation or increased erosion and shoaling of channels. The mainland portion of the applicant's property is abutted by an island consisting of approximately 10.4 acres. About one-half of the island is vegetated by blackrush or juncus roemerianus. In order to provide the temporary residents of the travel trailer park with access to the island for recreational purposes, the applicants propose to construct approximately 14,000 square feet of wooden walkways, bridges and boat docks. The project calls for the construction of mostly five feet wide walkways along the blackbrush fringes of the island, several wider bridges, two footbridges across small tidal creeks and five or six thirty-feet long and three-feet wide finger piers. The walkways, bridges, and piers are to be supported by pilings six or eight inches in diameter. The construction will range in elevation between eight and fourteen feet above mean sea level. DER issued its notice of intent to issue a permit for the island project with the conditions that turbidity screens be utilized during construction, that mats be used in blackrush and vegetated wetland areas during construction, that destroyed wetland vegetation be replanted, that docks only be used for the tie-up of resident use nonmotorized craft and that the area be posted use of the docking area by nonresidents and motorized craft. The applicants are willing to comply with those conditions and have stipulated that the docks will be used solely for the mooring of canoes, rowboats, paddleboats and similar nonmotorized craft, that the area will be so posted and that boat launching devices will not be available at the site. During the dock construction, the equipment utilized will be placed on mats. This procedure will serve to retain the roots of vegetation which might otherwise be destroyed by the placement of heavy equipment in the construction area. There will be a temporary increase in turbidity during construction, but turbidity screens will confine siltation to the construction area. The effect from construction of the docks, bridges and walkways will be minimal and short- term. The applicants are willing to restore any permanent damage caused by the construction activities. Normal use of canoes, rowboats or paddleboats in the waters surrounding the island would not create turbidity violations. The use of nonmotorized craft will prevent harm to any manatees that may be found in the area. The docks and walkways will cover less than 0.3 acres of blackrush. The only long-term adverse impacts from the proposed project are the elimination of bottom lands where the six to eight inch pilings are located and the possible shading of the juncus grass by the docks which could reduce the reproduction capacity of the juncus. The boardwalks or walkways have been planned in relation to the sun angle to reduce the shading of juncus. The proposed construction of walkways. bridges and finger piers will not have a significant long-term adverse impact upon the waters of the Braden River. Except for the location where the pilings are placed, there will be no long-term damage to benthic organisms. The short-term localized effect from construction will be minimal. The water quality standards for Class III waters will not be violated and there will be no harmful obstruction to or alterations of the natural flow of navigable waters. For purposes of these permit proceedings, the applicants have adduced sufficient evidence in the form of surveys, deeds, aerial photographs, testimony, and an affidavit of ownership to illustrate that they are the record owners of the property for which permits are being sought.
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited herein, it is RECOMMENDED that: the applicant's application to construct nine stormwater outfall pipes and three culverts and to realign an existing drainage ditch (Case No. 79-2210) be GRANTED; the applicant's applications to construct approximately 14,000 square feet of walkways, bridges and docks (Case No. 80-175) be granted. the conditions listed in the notices of intent to issue the two permits be incorporated in the issued permits; and the petitions filed in Case Nos. 79-2210 and 80-175 be DISMISSED Respectfully submitted and entered this 6th day of October, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE E. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 101 Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of October, 1980. COPIES FURNISHED: Ernest S. Marshall 625 9th Street West Bradenton, Florida 33505 David M. Levin and Ray Allen Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301 W. Whitesell Wood, Whitesell and Karp, P.A. 3100 S. Tamiami Trail Sarasota, Florida 33579 Honorable Jacob Varn Secretary, Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Building 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Findings Of Fact Ramchandra Jakhotia and Rashmi Jakhotia, his wife, acquired the King Cole Motel at 401 East Shore Drive, Clearwater, Florida in 1983 and have owned the property since that time. At the time of acquisition and for some time prior thereto the property included a commercial marina with 22 slips. In 1985 the City of Clearwater revised its Development Code effective October 13, 1985 and, incident thereto, effective July 7, 1988, enacted Section 114.05, Live-Aboard Vessels as Ordinance 4597, Clearwater City Code. That enactment provided, in part, that: Prohibited; exceptions: It shall be unlawful for any person to moor any live-aboard vessel at any location within or upon the navigable waters in the City for any period of time in excess of seventy-two (72) hours, except as follows: At a marina facility for which conditional use approval has been obtained, or a marina facility in existence as of October 13, 1985 for which conditional use approval would otherwise be required;... In January 1986 a survey was taken of all marinas within the City of Clearwater to determine the number of live aboard vessels coming within the purview of the revised Development Code. At this survey eight live aboard vessels were occupying berths at the King Cole Motel marina and this was the number determined to be grandfathered for which no conditional use approval would be required. In 1988 King Cole Motel applied for conditional authorization to utilize 14 additional berths for live aboard vessels. This conditional use was approved subject to the applicant installing a pump-out facility and meeting the parking requirements. Although the parking requirements for a commercial marina, i.e., 0.5 parking space per slip, is the same as the parking requirement at marinas for live aboard vessels, the latter generally place a greater demand on parking spaces than does non-live aboard vessels. To change the approved use from commercial marina without live aboards to live aboards is a change in the use and requires conditional use approval. Before conditional use approval can be granted the applicant must comply with all code requirements, such as required parking spaces, at the time of the change in use. At the time Appellant acquired the King Cole Motel the 22 commercial slips were grandfathered as an authorized use without any parking being provided. Accordingly, as a 22-slip commercial marina Appellant did not have to provide parking. When the eight slips used for live aboards were counted in 1986 they too were grandfathered in without the need for parking spaces. However, when Appellant applied in 1988 for authorization to use 14 other slips for live aboard vessels, the code required the applicant to provide seven parking spaces. To his credit Appellant obtained the use of seven parking spaces down the road from the marina but those spaces were not contiguous to Appellants' marina as required by the code. Therefore, Appellants' use of the additional slips for live aboards did not meet the parking requirement in his conditional use approval. In 1992 Appellant applied for a variance of the seven parking spaces required to allow the use of these additional slips by live aboard vessels. This hearing was held before the Development Code Adjustment Board on February 11, 1993 and it is from the denial of this variance that this appeal is taken. The Board denied the variance requested because the Appellant failed to demonstrate that the standards established by Section 45.24 Land Development Code were met. In these proceedings Appellant presented no additional evidence to support the variances requested than was submitted to the Board.
The Issue Whether Sam Patterson’s proposed dock project is exempt from the need to obtain an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) from the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) under Florida Administrative Code Rules 40E-4.051(3)(c) and (d).
Findings Of Fact The Parties Mr. Scully resides at 941 Brookdale Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida, Lot 16, adjacent to and south-southeast of Mr. Patterson's residential property. The northern or rear portion of Mr. Scully's lot borders on an artificial canal that is designated a Class III water by Department rule. He does not have a dock per se; he moors his boat against and parallel to a narrow concrete area (and his lot line), separated by buffering material. Mr. Patterson, the applicant, owns the property at 930 Brookdale Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida, Lot 15. Lot 15 is north-northwest and adjacent to Mr. Scully’s property. This residential property is currently leased to others. The residential property (Lot 14) adjacent to and north-northeast of Mr. Patterson's lot is apparently owned by an individual named Meloche. The Department has the jurisdiction to determine whether the proposed project is exempt from ERP requirements. The Proposed Project On or about September 13, 2004, Mr. Patterson filed an application requesting an exemption to replace an existing five- foot by 21-foot (105-square feet) marginal dock in the same location, configuration, and dimensions as the existing dock. He also requested an exemption to install a five-foot by 16-foot (80-square feet) wooden finger pier extending perpendicular to and from the middle of the existing marginal dock. As of the final hearing, the project has been revised such that the wooden finger pier will extend 11.8 feet (rather than 16 feet) and perpendicular from the middle of the marginal dock. Mr. Patterson changed the length of the finger pier to comply with City regulations, which are not at issue in this case. The “Site Plan” is attached to the Department’s Notice of Determination of Exemption. (JE 1). The “Site Plan” shows a one-story residence on Mr. Patterson's Lot 15. The front of the lot measures 100 feet, whereas the rear of the lot (that abuts the canal on the easternmost portion of the lot) is 50 feet in length from south to north. The seawall is one-and-one-half feet in width. The existing marginal dock abuts the seawall running south to north and is 21 feet long and five feet wide. Small concrete platforms abut the marginal dock on the south and north. The Department reviewed the original application and on October 13, 2004, advised Mr. Patterson, in part, that his project was exempt from the need to obtain an ERP under Florida Administrative Code Rules 40E-4.051(3)(c) and (d). The Department had not reviewed the change to the project prior to the final hearing. See Finding of Fact 5. Lots 16, 15, and 14 are situated as a cul-de-sac (semi- circle) with the canal north of Lot 16, east of Lot 15, and south of Lot 14. Lot 14 is across the canal from Mr. Scully's Lot 16. There are five properties on each side of the canal, running west to east. The artificial canal runs directly east from Mr. Patterson’s property for an uncertain distance to the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). Mr. Patterson’s property (Lot 15) is the western end-point for this canal. Mr. Patterson’s eastern property line (fronting the canal) is 50 feet in width. However, the precise width of the canal between Lots 14 and 16 is unclear. Ms. Smith reports (in her site inspection report of March 3, 2005 (JE 3)) that the canal is approximately 50 feet wide. Mr. Patterson testified that Karen Main with the City of Boynton Beach advised him that the consensus opinion of City employees reviewing the issue was that the canal measured 66 feet in width. There appears to be some widening of the canal east of Mr. Patterson’s property line and then the canal appears to straighten-out as it proceeds to the east to the ICW and past the easterly property lines for Lots 14 and 16. See (JEs 1-site plan; 5-aerial). The weight of the evidence indicates that the canal, between Lots 14 and 16, is approximately 60 to 66 feet wide. See, e.g., id. In the past, the prior owner of Lot 15 (Mr. Patterson's property) moored a boat at and parallel to the marginal dock, which means that the bow, for example, faced Lot 14 and the stern faced Lot 16. Mr. Patterson currently owns a 16-foot boat that he wants to moor at the marginal dock. However, he feels that it is unsafe to do so, particularly if Mr. Scully’s boat drifts. Meloche (Lot 14 to the north) has a fixed boatlift, which allows for the elevation of a boat out of the water, with the bow facing west toward and in front of the northern end of Mr. Patterson’s seawall. (JE 4). Mr. Scully moors his boat parallel to the shoreline of Lot 16 and perpendicular to Mr. Patterson’s 50-foot eastern seawall and property line. (JEs 4 and 6). Mr. Scully’s seawall intersects Mr. Patterson’s seawall such that when Mr. Scully’s 22-foot boat is moored at his seawall, it is also in front of the southern end of Mr. Patterson’s seawall. Id. When Mr. Scully’s boat is tightly moored at his seawall, it does not interfere with or block Mr. Patterson’s marginal dock. (JE 6). However, when Mr. Scully’s boat is loosely moored, it drifts toward the center of the canal in front of Mr. Patterson’s marginal dock. (JE 4). With no boat moored at the marginal dock, Mr. Scully is able to freely maneuver his boat to his seawall with limited “backing” of his boat required (stern first). With a boat consistently moored at Mr. Patterson’s marginal dock, Mr. Scully would have to back into his area beside his seawall in order to avoid colliding with that boat. Mr. Patterson’s finger pier would enable him to safely moor a boat perpendicular to the marginal dock. Centering the finger pier at the marginal dock is likely to make it easier for Mr. Patterson and Mr. Scully to navigate to their respective mooring areas, depending on the size of the boats moored by Mr. Patterson and Mr. Scully. (The Department, in reviewing similar exemption requests, does not consider the type and size of the boat(s) to be moored at the proposed dock or adjacent mooring site.) It is preferable for the boats to be moored, in this location, stern first, with the bow facing down the canal from the wake of the boats traveling in the ICW. Centering the finger pier at the marginal dock and mooring Mr. Patterson’s boat on the north side of the finger pier is likely to enable Meloche, Mr. Patterson, and Mr. Scully to moor their boats parallel to each other and avoid collisions.1 Placement of the finger pier at the northern end of the finger pier, while favored over the proposed location by Mr. Scully, is likely to interfere with Meloche’s use of his property and boatlift. With the finger pier centered on the marginal dock and a boat moored to the north, Mr. Scully can maneuver his boat to his seawall by “backing in” stern first. An experienced boater can accomplish this task in two to three maneuvers. Mr. Scully is an experienced boater and has lived on the canal for approximately eight years. Shortening the finger pier from 16 feet to 11.8 feet will not affect Mr. Patterson’s ability to safely moor a boat on the northern side of the finger pier. The Challenge Mr. Scully contends that the placement of the wooden finger pier and the mooring of a sizable boat on the proposed finger pier will interfere with his ability to navigate in and out of the canal in or around his property, and necessarily interfere with his ability to moor his boat adjacent to his property. He also contends that the marginal dock and the finger pier are two docks, not one. Resolution of the Controversy Replacement of the existing marginal dock will consist of replacing the decking and using the existing pilings. The existing marginal dock is currently functional. Reconstruction of the marginal dock and construction of the finger pier will be done by a licensed marine contractor. The licensed marine contractor will use best management practices to avoid water quality problems in the canal during construction. Construction of the proposed project is not expected to adversely affect flood control or violate water quality standards. The proposed project will not impede navigation. But see Endnote 1.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Environmental Protection enter a final order concluding that Mr. Patterson’s proposed dock project, as revised, is exempt from the need to obtain an ERP. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of April, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of April, 2005.
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) should issue a letter of consent to use State-owned submerged lands (SL) and an environmental resource permit (ERP) (which are processed together as a SLERP) for the single-family dock proposed by Pamela C. Damico, which would extend 770 feet into the Atlantic Ocean from her property on Plantation Key in Monroe County (DEP Permit 44-0298211-001).
Findings Of Fact Pamela C. Damico owns property at 89505 Old Highway on Plantation Key in the Upper Florida Keys in Monroe County. Her property includes submerged land extending between 212 and 233 feet into the Atlantic Ocean, which is an Outstanding Florida Water (OFW). She applied to DEP for a permit to build a dock and boat mooring at her property. In its final configuration, the proposed docking structure would have an access pier from the shoreline that would extend across her submerged land, and then farther across State-owned submerged lands, for a total distance of 770 feet from the shoreline. A primary goal of the application was to site the mooring area in water with a depth of at least -4 feet mean low water (MLW). Mrs. Damico’s consultants believed that this was required for a SLERP in Monroe County. In addition, they were aware that -4 feet MLW would be required to get a dock permit from Islamorada, Village of Islands. The beliefs of Mrs. Damico’s consultants regarding the depth requirement for the mooring site were based in part on incorrect interpretations of DEP rules by certain DEP staff made both during Mrs. Damico’s application process and during the processing of other applications in the past. Those incorrect interpretations were based in part on ambiguous and incorrect statements in guidance documents published by DEP over the years. (Similarly, certain DEP staff made incorrect interpretations of DEP rules regarding a supposedly absolute 500-foot length limit for any dock in Monroe County.) See Conclusions of Law for the correct interpretations of DEP rules. Petitioner owns oceanfront property to the south and adjacent to Mrs. Damico’s. As expressed by Petitioner’s owner and operator, Dr. William Carter, Petitioner has concerns regarding impacts of the proposed docking structure on navigation, boating safety, and natural resources, including seagrasses, stony corals, tarpon, and bonefish. Several changes were made to the proposed docking structure to address concerns raised by Petitioner. In the earlier proposals, the access pier would have been supported by 10-inch square concrete piles, which must be installed using a construction barge and heavy equipment. In its final form, to reduce the direct impacts to the seagrasses and stony corals, it was proposed that the first 550 feet of the access pier from the point of origin on the shoreline would be installed using pin piles, which are made of aluminum and are 4.5 inches square inside a vinyl sleeve five inches square, and can be installed by hand. Instead of the planks originally proposed for the decking of the access pier, a grating material was substituted, which would allow greater light penetration to the seagrasses below. The orientation and length of the proposed docking structure was modified several times in an effort to achieve the optimal siting of the mooring platform. Handrails were proposed for the access pier, and no tie-up cleats are provided there. In combination with the elevation of the decking at five feet above mean high water (MHW), the handrails would discourage use of the pier for mooring by making it impractical if not impossible in most cases. Railing also was proposed for the north side of the mooring platform to discourage mooring there, and a sign was proposed to be placed on the north side of the platform saying that mooring there is prohibited. These measures were proposed to restrict mooring to the south side of the mooring platform, where a boat lift would be installed, which would protect the large seagrass beds that are on the north side of the terminal platform. (Mooring an additional boat along the end of the 8-foot long mooring platform, which faces the prevailing oceanic waves, is impractical if not impossible.) To make the docking structure less of a navigation and boating safety hazard, it was proposed that a USCG flashing white light would be installed at the end of the terminal platform. In its final configuration, the docking structure would preempt approximately 2,240 square feet of State-owned submerged land, plus approximately 200 square feet preempted by the proposed boat lift. In addition, it would preempt approximately 900 square feet of Mrs. Damico’s privately-owned submerged land. Mrs. Damico’s private property has approximately 352 linear feet of shoreline. Dr. Lin testified for Petitioner that the proposed docking structure would preempt a total of 3,760 square feet. This calculation included 520 square feet of preemption by the boat lift, but the proposed boat lift is for a smaller boat that would preempt only approximately 200 square feet. Intending to demonstrate that the proposed docking structure would wharf out to a consistent depth of -4 feet MLW, Mrs. Damico’s consultants submitted a bathymetric survey indicating a -4 MLW contour at the mooring platform. In fact, the line indicated on the survey is not a valid contour line, and the elevations in the vicinity do not provide reasonable assurance that the mooring area of the docking structure in its final configuration is in water with a consistent depth of -4 feet MLW, or that there is water of that depth consistently between the mooring area and the nearest navigable channel. The evidence does, however, provide reasonable assurance that the proposed mooring platform is in water with a consistent depth of at least -3 feet MLW, and that there is water of that depth consistently between the mooring area and the nearest navigable channel, which would avoid damage to seagrass bed and other biological communities. The evidence was not clear whether there is another possible configuration available to Petitioner to wharf out to a mooring area with a consistent depth of at least -3 feet MLW, not over seagrasses, and with water of that depth consistently between the mooring area and the nearest navigable channel, that would not require as long an access pier, or preempt as many square feet of State-owned submerged land. A noticed general permit (NGP) can be used for a dock of 2,000 square feet or less, in water with a minimum depth of -2 feet MLW, and meeting certain other requirements. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 62-341.215 and 62-341.427. The evidence was not clear whether an NGP can be used in an OFW in Monroe County in water less than -3 feet FLW, according to DEP’s interpretation of its rules. Cf. Fla. Admin. Code Ch. 62-312.400, Part IV. Initially, mitigation for impacts to natural resources was proposed. However, DEP’s staff determined that no mitigation was required because there would not be any adverse effects from the docking structure, as finally proposed. For the same reason, DEP staff determined that there would be no significant cumulative adverse impacts and that no further analysis of cumulative impacts was necessary. Actually, there will be adverse impacts to natural resources. The biologist for Mrs. Damico determined that there are some seagrasses and numerous stony corals in the footprint of the access pier, in addition to other resources less susceptible to impacts (such as macro-algae and loggerhead sponges). These organisms will be disturbed or destroyed by the installation of the access pier. The biologist quantified the impacts to round starlet corals by assuming the placement of two supporting piles, four feet apart, every ten feet for the length of the pier, and assuming impacts to the stony corals in a quadrat centered on each pile location and three times the diameter of the pile. Using this method, it was estimated that approximately 1,505 square centimeters of the stony corals would be destroyed by the installation of the docking structure. The impacts assessed by Mrs. Damico’s biologist and DEP assume that construction would “step out” from shore and, as construction proceeds, from already-built segments of the pier, until water depths allow for the use of a construction barge without unintended damage to the natural resources in the area. This construction method is not required by the proposed SLERP. It would have to be added as a permit condition. Petitioner did not prove that the impacts to a few seagrasses and approximately 1,505 square centimeters of the stony corals would damage the viability of those biological communities in the vicinity of the proposed docking structure. Direct and indirect impacts to other species from the installation and maintenance of the docking structure would not be expected. Impacts to listed species, including manatees and sawfish, would not be anticipated. Manatees sometimes are seen in the vicinity but do not rely on the area for foraging or breeding. Sawfish are more likely to frequent the bay waters than the ocean. Migratory tarpon and bonefish use the area and might swim out around the docking structure to avoid passing under it. Resident tarpon and some other fish species might congregate under the docking structure. The proposed docking structure does not block or cross any marked navigation channel and is in a shallow area near the shore where boats are supposed to be operated at reduced speeds. Nonetheless, the proposed structure poses more than a casual navigation hazard, especially due to its length, which is significantly greater than any docking structure in the vicinity. In conducting its staff analysis of the impacts on navigation and boating safety, DEP understood that the closest marked navigation channel is at least two miles away from the proposed docking structure. Actually, there also is a marked channel at the Tavernier Creek, which is less than half a mile north of the site. It is not uncommon for boaters to leave the marked Tavernier Creek channel to motor south in the shallow water closer to shore; they also sometimes cut across the shallow waters near the site to enter the Tavernier Creek channel when heading north. There also are other unmarked or unofficially-marked channels even closer to the proposed docking structure. In good weather and sea conditions, the proposed docking structure would be obvious and easy to avoid. In worse conditions, especially at night, it could be a serious hazard. To reduce the navigational hazard posed by the dock, reflective navigation indicators are proposed to be placed every 30 feet along both sides of the access pier, and the USCG flashing white light is proposed for the end of terminal platform. These measures would help make the proposed docking structure safer but would not eliminate the risks entirely. The light helps when it functions properly, it can increase the risk if boaters come to rely on it, and it goes out. Both the light and reflective indicators are less effective in fog and bad weather and seas. The risk increases with boats operated by unskilled and especially intoxicated boaters. It is common for numerous boaters to congregate on weekends and holidays at Holiday Isle, which is south of the proposed docking structure. Alcoholic beverages are consumed there. Some of these boaters operate their boats in the vicinity of the proposed docking structure, including “cutting the corner” to the Tavernier Creek pass channel, instead of running in deeper water to enter the pass at the ocean end of the navigation channel. This increases the risk of collision, especially at night or in bad weather and sea conditions. DEP sought comments from various state and federal agencies with jurisdiction over fisheries and wildlife. None of these agencies expressed any objection to the proposed docking structure. No representative from any of those agencies testified or presented evidence at the hearing. Area fishing guides and sports fishermen fish for bonefish and tarpon in the flats in the vicinity of the proposed docking structure. If built, the proposed docking structure would spoil this kind of fishing, especially bonefishing, or at least make it more difficult. The more similar docking structures installed in the area, the greater the difficulties in continuing to use the area for this kind of fishing. On the other hand, resident tarpon and some other fish species could be attracted by such docking structures. Mrs. Damico’s application initially offered a money donation to the Florida Keys Environmental Restoration Trust Fund if mitigation was required. The proposed permit includes a requirement to donate $5,000 to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), before construction begins, for the maintenance of mooring buoys to reduce recreational boater impacts at the coral reef areas. The reefs are miles from the site of the proposed docking structure, and the donation does not offset project impacts. Rather, as stated in the proposed permit, its purpose is to “satisfy public interest requirements.” As a federal agency, the FKNMS does not accept donations directly. Donations would have to be made to the Sanctuary Friends of the Florida Keys (SFFK) for use by the FKNMS for buoy maintenance. A condition would have to be added to the ERP to ensure that the donation would be used for the intended purpose. In a bid to defeat Mrs. Damico’s attempt to satisfy public interest requirements, Petitioner offered to donate $10,000 to SFFK for the buoy maintenance if DEP denied the permit. Petitioner’s offer should not affect the evaluation of the proposed docking structure under the public interest criteria. DEP staff evaluated the proposed ERP under the public interest criteria to be essentially neutral and determined that the $5,000 donation would make it clearly in the public interest. This analysis was flawed. With or without the $5,000 donation, the proposed docking structure would have an adverse effect on the public health, safety, and welfare; an adverse effect on navigation; an adverse effect on fishing or recreational values in the vicinity; and an adverse effect on the current condition and relative value of functions being performed by areas affected by the proposed activity. It would not have any positive public interest effects. Its effects would be permanent.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that DEP enter a final order denying a permit for the proposed docking structure; if granted, there should be a condition requiring construction to “reach out” from shore and, as construction proceeds, from already-built segments of the pier, until water depths allow for the use of a construction barge without unintended damage to the natural resources in the area. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of October, 2011, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of October, 2011. COPIES FURNISHED: Patricia M. Silver, Esquire Silver Law Group Post Office Box 710 Islamorada, Florida 33036-0710 Brittany Elizabeth Nugent, Esquire Vernis and Bowling of the Florida Keys, P.A. at Islamorada Professional Center 81990 Overseas Highway, Third Floor Islamorada, Florida 33036-3614 Ronald Woodrow Hoenstine, III, Esquire Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Herschel T. Vinyard, Jr., Secretary Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Tom Beason, General Counsel Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 Lea Crandall, Agency Clerk Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Mail Station 35 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000