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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jan. 07, 1998 Number: 98-000040 Latest Update: Aug. 11, 1999

The Issue The issue for determination is whether interest is due upon additional tax paid by Petitioners from the date of amended returns or whether interest should accrue from the date of Petitioners’ original returns.

Findings Of Fact First Florida timely filed consolidated federal corporate income tax returns and consolidated Florida Chapter 220 tax returns for the tax years ending 12/31/86, 12/31/87, 12/31/88, 12/31/89, and 12/31/90. Barnett timely filed consolidated federal corporate income tax returns and consolidated Florida Chapter 220 tax returns for 12/31/88, 12/31/89, 12/31/90, and 12/31/91. Barnett acquired First Florida on December 7, 1992. At the time of the merger, First Florida was being audited by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for the tax years 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990. Barnett subsequently agreed with the IRS to federal tax adjustments for each of the respective tax years with regard to First Florida and itself. Alternatively, it may be stated that Petitioners under- reported “federal taxable income,” on line 30 of their original federal corporate income tax returns (“original federal returns”), and correspondingly, on line 1 of their original Florida corporate income tax returns (“original Florida returns”), for the tax years at issue. As a result of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service, various adjustments were made to “federal taxable income.” These adjustments became final and were agreed upon by the Petitioners and the Internal Revenue Service. The effect of these adjustments was to increase “federal taxable income” beyond that which had been previously reported by Petitioners on line 30 of their original federal returns, and, therefore, to increase Petitioners’ federal and Florida tax liability. After the federal audit adjustments became final in 1995, Petitioners paid to the federal government the additional amount of tax determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be due. Also in 1995, Petitioners timely reported the federal audit adjustments to the State of Florida, within sixty days after the federal audit changes became final, pursuant to Section 220.23, Florida Statutes. This was done by filing Form F-1120X notifications, in order to “amend” their original Florida return filings, for each of the pertinent tax years (hereinafter, “amendatory notifications”). The amendatory notifications filed by Petitioners increased and revised the amounts which were previously reported on line 1 of the original Florida returns, for each of the pertinent tax years. The purpose of filing amendatory notifications was to remit additional taxes determined to be due to the State of Florida, as a result of the federal audit adjustments. However, Petitioners did not remit any interest to the State of Florida at the time of filing the amendatory notifications. After receipt of the amendatory notifications, Respondent issued Notices of Tax Action to Petitioner Barnett Banks, Inc., as successor in interest to First Florida Banks, Inc., informing Petitioner that additional interest was due in the following amounts: $86,234.80 for 1986, $70,901.18 for 1987, $55,883.73 for 1988, $27,620.11 for 1989, and $15,115.37 for 1990. Respondent also issued Notices of Tax Action to Petitioner Barnett Banks, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries informing Petitioner and/or its subsidiaries that additional interest was due in the following amounts: $74,658.99 for 1988, $21,463.16 for 1989, $34,930.18 for 1990, and $6,850.31 for 1991. Respondent did not assess any penalties against Petitioners, because both the original returns and the subsequent amendatory notifications were timely filed and because no finding of willful or negligent under-reporting was made by Respondent. Petitioners paid under protest the amounts of interest claimed to be due by Respondent and timely sought a refund, which was denied. This action for formal administrative review challenges Respondent’s assessment of liability for interest and related refund denial. No dispute exists concerning the mathematical computation of the assessed amount. Prior to 1993, Respondent’s policy, with regard to payment of interest under circumstances similar to those presented in these proceedings, did not require the payment of interest if the amendatory notifications were timely filed and additional tax timely paid. This finding is established by the testimony of Joan Eckert, formerly employed by Respondent during the years 1987-93 as a technical assistant and as a tax law specialist. In addition to routinely advising that interest was not payable where additional taxes were timely paid, Eckert participated in the drafting of a proposed rule that was subsequently published in 1993, further documenting and describing Respondent’s policy at that time in such situations. Published in Volume 19, No. 24, June 18, 1993, of the Florida Administrative Weekly, the proposed rule provided in pertinent part as follows: If the amended return concedes the accuracy of a federal change or correction, any deficiency in Florida corporate income, franchise, or emergency excise tax is deemed assessed on the date of filing the amended return. Therefore, no penalty or interest will be assessed if the amended return is filed not later than 60 days after the date notification is required by s. 220.23(2)(a)2., F.S. However, the proposed rule was never formerly adopted in the form and content as originally published. By May 17, 1994, Respondent’s policy solidified in another direction and Florida Administrative Code Rule 12C-1.023(6), was enacted, which provides: If the amended return concedes the accuracy of a federal change or correction, any deficiency in Florida corporate income, franchise, or emergency excise tax is deemed assessed on the date of filing the amended return. No penalty will be assessed if the amended return is filed not later than 60 days after the date notification is required by Section 220.23(2)(a)3., F.S. and subsection (5) of this rule. However, interest will be due on any deficiency from the original due date of the return through the date of payment. In this proceeding, Respondent’s representatives have deliberately elected to rely upon Respondent’s statutory authority for the instant assessment, as opposed to a duly enacted rule on the basis that the formal rule was not in effect until 1994, and the assessment was for interest on taxes that predated the rule.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered directing refunds to Petitioners of interest payments made to Respondent in these consolidated cases. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of June, 1998, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of June, 1998. COPIES FURNISHED: Jeffrey M. Dikman, Esquire Department of Legal Affairs The Capitol, Tax Section Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 David M. Wells, Esquire Eric Bilik, Esquire McGuire, Woods, and Criser 50 North Laura Street, Suite 3300 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Larry Fuchs, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100

Florida Laws (8) 120.57220.13220.23220.31220.727220.807220.809901.18 Florida Administrative Code (1) 12C-1.023
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 13, 1994 Number: 94-005075RX Latest Update: Nov. 27, 1995

Findings Of Fact The parties stipulated to findings of fact set forth in paragraphs 1-5, below. Zurich is an insurer domiciled in the State of New York. Zurich is authorized to do insurance business in the State of Florida. Zurich pays insurance premium taxes to the State of Florida. As a foreign insurer doing business in Florida, Zurich is subject to the provisions of Florida's retaliatory tax, Section 624.5091, Florida Statutes. Respondent Department of Revenue (Revenue) is the state agency charged with the duty to implement and enforce Section 624.5091, Florida Statutes. Zurich's interests are substantially affected by Revenue's Rule 12B- 8.016(3)(a)(4), Florida Administrative Code, by virtue of the tax assessment made against Zurich pursuant to the rule. OTHER FACTS Prior to 1989, the Department of Insurance administered insurance taxation. Now, Revenue has that responsibility. Section 213.05, Florida Statutes, directs Revenue to administer provisions of Sections 624.509 through 624.514, Florida Statutes. Section 213.06(1), Florida Statutes, authorizes Revenue to promulgate rules to implement those responsibilities. Rule 12B-8.016 was first promulgated by Revenue in December of 1989 to implement statutory authority of Section 624.429 (currently renumbered as 624.5091). This statute authorized retaliatory taxation against non-domiciled insurers in the amount by which their state of domicile would tax Florida insurers in excess of Florida's comparable tax. The statute provides in pertinent part: When by or pursuant to the laws of any other state or foreign country any taxes, licenses, and other fees, in the aggregate, and any fines, penalties, deposit requirements, or other material obligations, prohibitions, or restrictions are or would be imposed upon Florida insurers or upon the agents or representatives of such insurers, which are in excess of such taxes, licenses, and other fees, in the aggregate, or other obligations, prohibitions, or restrictions directly imposed upon similar insurers, or upon the agents or representatives of such insurers, of such other state or country under the statutes of this state, so long as such laws of such other state or country continue in force or are so applied, the same taxes, licenses, and other fees, in the aggregate, or fines, penalties, deposit requirements, or other material obligations, prohibitions, or restrictions of whatever kind shall be imposed by the department upon the insurers, or upon the agents or representatives of such insurers, of such other state or country doing business or seeking to do business in this state. As it existed in 1989 and currently, the statute contains an exclusionary provision expressly excluding from the retaliatory tax any special purpose assessments in connection with insurance other than property insurance. This exclusionary provision is part of Subsection 3 of the current statute, 624.5091, and reads as follows: (3)This section does not apply as to personal income taxes, nor as to sales or use taxes, nor as to ad valorem taxes on real or personal property, nor as to reimbursement premiums paid to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, nor as to emergency assessments paid to the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, nor as to special purpose obligations or assessments imposed in connection with particular kinds of insurance other than property insurance, except that deductions, from premium taxes or other taxes otherwise payable, allowed on account of real estate or personal property taxes paid shall be taken into consideration by the department in determining the propriety and extent of retaliatory action under this section. The parties concede that Revenue's Rule 12B-8.016 accurately tracts the first part of the retaliatory taxation statute. But a subpart of the Rule, 12B- 8.016(3)(a)(4), is challenged by Zurich in this proceeding because that subpart provides for inclusion of the assessment for administration of workers compensation in Florida and comparable assessments in other states. The rule subpart states: (3)(a) Other items which shall be included in the retaliatory calculations are: * * * 4. The workers compensation administrative assessment imposed by s. 440.51, F.S., as well as comparable assessments in other states. The State of Florida imposes assessment on workers compensation carriers such as Zurich in accordance with authority contained in Section 440.51, Florida Statutes, which is entitled "Expenses of Administration." Section 440.51 provides for the pro-rata assessment of all insurers and self- insurers of workers compensation to cover expenses of administering the workers compensation program. The assessment is a "special fund" that does not involve appropriated funds or general state revenues. Zurich's home state of New York imposes a comparable assessment. In accordance with Rule 12B-8.016(3)(a)(4), Florida Administrative Code, Revenue includes calculations for the Worker's Compensation Board Administrative Fund in the state of New York in Zurich's retaliatory tax calculation. In drafting the rule in 1989, Revenue relied upon Attorney General Opinion 057-173, which advised that Florida's Worker's Compensation Administrative Assessment should be considered a "tax" for purposes of retaliatory tax calculation. On this basis, Revenue's rule requires that such assessments be considered as "taxes" and included in the retaliatory tax calculation. However, following the issuance of Attorney General Opinion 057-173, the Florida legislature in 1959 enacted the present Subsection 624.5091(3), Florida Statutes, specifically excluding the consideration of "special purpose obligations or assessments imposed in connection with particular kinds of insurance other than property insurance" in retaliatory tax calculations. Following the 1959 enactment of the exclusionary language contained in Subsection 624.5091(3), Florida Statutes, the Department of Insurance did not include comparable worker compensation assessments of other states. The Department of Insurance administered insurance taxation until 1989. Department of Insurance forms introduced into evidence for 1986 showed that the Florida assessment, pursuant to Section 440.51 Florida Statutes, was treated as a deduction against Florida's premium tax and added back in on the Florida side of the retaliatory tax calculation. But the assessment was not included in a manner to inflate the calculation of the domiciliary state's comparative tax base. When Revenue assumed administration of insurance taxation in 1989, a proposed rule and an emergency rule were promulgated. Neither provided for inclusion of foreign states' special purpose administrative assessments in retaliatory tax calculation. In the course of the promulgation process, the determination to treat the worker compensation administrative assessment as a tax became a part of the rule. The purpose of Florida's retaliatory statute is to influence other states' legislative discretion to lower the tax burden on Florida insurers doing business in those other states. The items to be compared for retaliatory purposes are determined by the legislature and not by Revenue, Revenue auditors, or other states.

Florida Laws (7) 120.56120.68213.05213.06440.51624.509624.5091 Florida Administrative Code (1) 12B-8.016
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 28, 1992 Number: 92-005765 Latest Update: Jun. 22, 1993

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner is liable for corporate income and excise taxes that have been assessed by Respondent.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is a subsidiary of PBS Building Systems America, Inc. (PBS- A). PBS-A and Petitioner filed consolidated Florida income and excise tax returns during the time in question. During the years in question, PBS-A had no tax nexus with Florida, but incurred losses that were available to offset gross income. During the years in question, Petitioner had nexus with Florida and incurred taxable income. The filing of the consolidated return reduced the taxable income of Petitioner by the losses of PBS-A. On December 19, 1990, Respondent issued two notices of proposed assessment for years ending December 31, 1985, through March 31, 1989. One notice identifies $8273 of unpaid corporate excise tax, plus $2798 of interest through September 15, 1990. The notice states that interest would continue to accrue at the daily rate of $2.27. The second notice of proposed assessment identifies $55,480 of unpaid corporate income tax, plus $20,254 of interest through September 15, 1990. The notice states that interest continues to accrue at the daily rate of $15.20. Petitioner filed a notice of protest dated February 15, 1991. By notice of decision dated October 17, 1991, Respondent rejected the protest and sustained the proposed deficiencies. The claimed deficiency for unpaid corporate income tax, however, was revised to $75,039. A notice of reconsideration dated July 21, 1992, restates the conclusions of the notice of decision. By petition for formal hearing dated September 16, 1992, Petitioner requested a formal hearing concerning the tax liabilities in question and specifically the conclusion that PBS- A was ineligible to file a consolidated return in Florida due to the absence of tax nexus with Florida. The September 16 letter recites facts to establish tax nexus with Florida through the establishment of financing relationships. However, it is unnecessary to consider the sufficiency of these factual assertions because they represent mere allegations. Petitioner failed to produce any evidence in the case and, when noticed for a corporate deposition, failed to appear. Additionally, Petitioner's failure to respond to requests for admission results in admissions that, during the relevant period, PBS-A was not a bank, brokerage house, or finance corporation and did not lend money to Petitioner.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order sustaining the above-described assessments against Petitioner. ENTERED on February 12, 1993, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of February, 1993. COPIES FURNISHED: Dr. James Zingale, Executive Director Department of Revenue 104 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100 Linda Lettera, General Counsel Department of Revenue 204 Carlton Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0100 Attorney Lisa Raleigh Department of Legal Affairs Tax Section, Capitol Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050 Kathryn M. Jaques Arthur Andersen & Co. Suite 1600 701 B Street San Diego, CA 92101-8195

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 27, 2007 Number: 07-002845 Latest Update: Feb. 26, 2008

The Issue Whether Petitioner collected and remitted to the Florida Department of Revenue the correct amount of sales tax on Petitioner's retail sales; and Whether Petitioner remitted to the Florida Department of Revenue the proper amount of sales tax on Petitioner's general and fixed assets purchases and on its commercial lease.

Findings Of Fact Petitioning Taxpayer, Surface Preparation Group, Inc., is a "C" corporation, incorporated in the State of Texas. The Taxpayer's product or service is the sale, service, and rental of surface preparation equipment. The Taxpayer has been registered with the Department since October 7, 1999. By letter dated January 12, 2005, the Department notified the Taxpayer of its intent to audit the Taxpayer's books and records to verify the Taxpayer's compliance with Florida's sales and use tax statutes. The audit period in this case is from December 1, 2001, through November 30, 2004. When the audit started, the Taxpayer had a presence in LeGrange, Georgia. During the course of the audit and negotiations, the Taxpayer removed itself back to its Texas headquarters. Specific records were requested to be made available for the Department's auditor to review. Four subject areas were developed in the audit plan: (1) sales; (2) fixed expense; (3) general expense; and (4) commercial rent. Although the Taxpayer provided some sales data, the information contained therein did not correlate with other information the Department had concerning the Taxpayer's Florida sales. For instance, auditors had traced through general ledgers to Petitioner’s federal tax return and compared the return with the company’s Florida sales and use tax return, and the figures did not correlate. Despite repeated requests by the Department's auditor, the Taxpayer provided no information explaining the reasons for this discrepancy, nor was any information provided regarding the Taxpayer’s general purchases, fixed asset purchases, or its commercial lease expenses. Therefore, in order to complete the audit process, the Department had to use the best information available to estimate the additional tax due on fixed assets, general purchases, and commercial rent. That information in this case consisted of materials provided by the Taxpayer and industry averages and past audit assessments of businesses in similar industries. Because total sales reported by the Taxpayer on its DR-15 monthly sales returns were different than the amounts the Taxpayer reported in response to the audit request, there was no assurance that the reported taxable sales and exempt sales were correct. Accordingly, the Department's auditor disallowed all exempt sales as reported by the Taxpayer. Because the Taxpayer had a location in Polk County, Florida, during part of the audit period, it must have had fixed assets there. This meant that a use tax was due for all the Taxpayer’s purchases in Florida, without credit for sales tax paid to vendors who in many cases were located in Georgia. No information was provided by the Taxpayer for general expenses or rental expenses. Without any information from the Taxpayer for general expenses or rental location, the Department had to proceed differently than it would have normally proceeded. In anticipation of submitting more documents to be analyzed by the Department as part of the audit, Mr. Hillebrand, tax manager for Petitioner, signed, on October 24, 2005, a consent to extend the statute of limitations and time for completing the audit to July 31, 2006. (Exhibit R-2, page 000030). On March 15, 2006, Mr. Schnaible, one of the Taxpayer’s Controllers, signed a consent to extend until December 31, 2006. (Exhibit R-2, page 000029). On September 26, 2006, after analyzing all that had been received from the Taxpayer up to that date, the Department mailed a Notice of Intent to Make Audit Changes (NOI) to Petitioner, along with the work papers supporting the changes, and a letter from the auditor explaining the findings. The amount of tax assessed totaled $197,714.38, and comprised: Schedule A01: Disallowed Exempt Sales $169,994.38; Schedule B01: Estimated Fixed Asset Purchases $10,080.00; Estimated General Expenses: $5,040.00; and Estimated Commercial Rental $12,600.00. Interest accrued through September 26, 2006, totaled $57,353.50. The penalty at that date totaled $49,428.09, bringing the total assessment amount to $304,496.47. The Department’s September 26, 2006, letter offered the Taxpayer another opportunity to provide records if it disputed the auditor's findings, and another option to continue the audit process. (Exhibit R-2, pages 000044 through 000045). On October 25, 2006, Mr. Spomer, Taxpayer’s Controller who eventually signed the Petition and Amended Petition herein, wrote a letter (Exhibit R-2, page 000042) to the auditor stating that he requested to extend the audit and that he would mail back the signed, correct form. Normally, a DR-872e form to extend the statute and audit period must be signed within 30 days of the NOI. In this case, it was signed two months later. Apparently, one such form signed by Mr. Spomer was inadvertently filled-in by the Department with the extension date of "June 30, 2006," (copy attached to Amended Petition). Therefore, a second form was executed by Mr. Spomer on November 1, 2006. This form bears the correct extension date of June 30, 2007. (Exhibit R-2, page 000028). No additional information was provided by the Taxpayer which would change any of the tax amounts identified in the NOI. Therefore, on January 31, 2007, the Department issued it Notice of Proposed Assessment (NOPA). Therein, the amount of tax due remained unchanged. The amount of accrued interest through January 31, 2007, increased to $65,023.73, and the penalty was reduced to zero. The Department currently seeks $262,738.11, with interest accruing on the unpaid tax liability at the statutory rate.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue enter a final order sustaining the Notice of Proposed Assessment dated January 31, 2007. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of December, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of December, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Bruce Hoffmann, General Counsel Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 204 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Lisa Echeverri, Executive Director Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 104 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 John Mika, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capital - Revenue Litigation Bureau Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Dale Spomer International Surface Preparation Group (Texas), Inc. 6330 West Loop South, Suite 900 Houston, Texas 77401

Florida Laws (4) 120.57212.12213.05213.34
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 31, 2000 Number: 00-003112 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 83-001091 Latest Update: May 16, 1991

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the Stipulation of Facts and documentation attached thereto, the following relevant facts are found: Petitioner is registered to do business in Florida and is required to collect and remit sales tax. In January of 1982, petitioner was given written notice of respondent's intent to audit petitioner's books and records for the 1979, 1980, and 1981 fiscal years. The audit apparently occurred during March and April of 1982. On June 16, 1982, the respondent, through Tax Auditor John Felton, issued a "Notice of Intent to Make Sales and Use Tax Audit Changes." Petitioner was advised that if it bias aggrieved by the proposed audit changes, it would have until July 16, 1982, "or such additional time as may be authorized by the Department in writing" to contact the office and discuss any problems. Petitioner was further advised that if it did not avail itself of the discussion privilege, the Department would issue a proposed notice of deficiency in the amount of $6,975.68 for delinquent sales taxes, penalty and interest through June 16, 1982. By a form letter dated September 9, 1982, the Department provided the Notice of Proposed Assessment of tax, penalty and interest in the amount of $6,975.68. The form letter stated that, if there were objections to the proposed assessment, petitioner would have until November 9, 1982, or such additional time as may be authorized by the Department in writing, to contest the assessment pursuant to informal protest provisions. These provisions require a written protest postmarked within 60 days of the Proposed Assessment, or a written request within that same period of time for an extension of time to file the written protest. Mr. John Felton, a Tax Auditor for the respondent in California, visited the petitioner's office on September 22, 1982, for a post-audit meeting. Petitioner apparently informed Mr. Felton of the existence of exemption certificates but did not, at that time, have the appropriate documentation for the tax credits. Mr. Felton advised petitioner of the documentation required to support any claimed tax credits. By letter dated October 1, 1982, Mr. Felton enclosed the June 16, 1982 sales tax audit, the September 9, 1982 Notice of Proposed Assessment and advised petitioner's staff accountant as follows: "... You will note that some action must be taken with respect to the Notice of Proposed Assessment by 11/9/82. As soon as you have accumulated your docu- mentation in support of any claimed tax credits, contact me and I will have a revised proposed assessment issued. If I may be of further assistance, please call me at 714-956-4311 (preferably, since I expect to be out of my Sunnyvale office most of October) or 408-737-1405." Petitioner's General Accounting Manager attempted to telephone Mr. Felton on several occasions during the last week of October and the first week of November, 1982. These attempts were unsuccessful. Petitioner does not allege that it mailed any documentation to Mr. Felton or the Department or that it filed a timely written protest or a timely request for an extension of time to file a protest. On November 16, 1982, Mr. Felton called petitioner's staff accountant, who advised Mr. Felton that he would mail documentation supporting the tax credits on or before November 24, 1982. Having received no such documentation, Felton, by inter- office memorandum dated December 10, 1982, recommended to the respondent that the original proposed assessment dated September 9, 1982, be processed. Petitioner was notified by letter dated January 31, 1983, that the prior audit had become final and requesting petitioner to forward its remittance of $7,236.56, said amount consisting of the original assessment plus updated interest.

Florida Laws (1) 212.02
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-001423 Latest Update: Apr. 13, 1978

Findings Of Fact In 1962, the Corporation decided to relocate its corporate offices from Newark, New Jersey, to the State of Florida. Implementing this decision, the Corporation secured a twenty year leasehold interest of an entire floor in the Universal Marion Building in Jacksonville, Florida, under which it was obligated to pay an annual rental of $52,000.00. Within a few months during the year 1962, the decision to relocate was rescinded. During the tax year in question, the Corporation retained a part-time employee in Florida for the sole purpose of attempting to either locate a purchaser of the leasehold interest or to avoid further obligations under the lease by negotiations and settlement with the landlord. This part-time employee received his directions from the corporate offices in Newark, New Jersey. Other than these efforts to relieve the burden of the unused leased premises, the Corporation conducted no commercial activities in the State of Florida during the tax year 1973. Although the Corporation's headquarters were ultimately moved to Jacksonville, in January 1976, the Corporation has never occupied the leased premises in question. In fact, in 1974, the Corporation entered into a sublease with the State of Florida for the duration of the lease. Pursuant to audit, DOR assessed the Corporation an additional $12,616.89 in income tax for the year ended December 31, 1973, using the three-factor formula method of apportionment.

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Defuniak Springs, Florida Apr. 17, 2007 Number: 07-001710 Latest Update: Mar. 13, 2017

The Issue Does the taxpayer owe sales tax, penalty, and interest as assessed by the Department of Revenue.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner, Department of Revenue, is an agency of the State of Florida, lawfully created and organized pursuant to Section 20.21, Florida Statutes. By law, the Department is vested with the responsibility of regulating, controlling and administering the revenue laws of the State of Florida, including, specifically, the laws relating to the imposition and collection of the state's sales and use tax, pursuant to Chapter 212, Florida Statutes. Respondent, Worldwide Equipment Group, LLC, is a Florida limited liability company, whose principal address is Post Office Box 1050, Freeport, Florida 32439. Respondent sells and leases heavy equipment. In early 2006, Petitioner, Department of Revenue, conducted an audit of the books and records of Petitioner, pursuant to statutory notice. The period covered by the audit was March 1, 2002, through February 28, 2005. The audit was conducted by Department of Revenue auditor David Collins and addressed three issues. Issue A-01 addressed misclassified exempt sales, i.e. failure to collect appropriate sales and use tax or lack of documentation to prove tax exempt status of certain sales. Issue A-03 addressed discrepancies in sales for 2003 as reported for federal income tax returns and for state sales and use tax returns. Issue A-03 addressed interest owed due to a timing difference between actual transactions and the filing of state returns: basically a manipulation of the grace period for payment of sales and use taxes. Respondent was notified of the apparent discrepancies observed by the auditor. The original Notice of Intent To Make Audit Changes was issued February 17, 2006, and started at more than $75,000.00 in taxes, penalty, and interest due. Respondent then filed amended federal income tax returns, reflecting larger sales figures covering a portion of the audit period which reduced the discrepancy. The dispute was originally referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) on or about August 30, 2006. The original facts in dispute surrounded an addendum to the Notice of Proposed Assessment showing a balance due of $31,434.82. This was DOAH Case No. 06-3287. The request for a disputed-fact hearing was made by David R. Johnson CPA, who has a power of attorney on file with Petitioner Agency permitting him to represent Respondent. Throughout these proceedings, Worldwide has been served through Mr. Johnson by Petitioner and by DOAH. The parties filed a Joint Motion for Provisional Closing Order in DOAH Case No. 06-3287 on November 1, 2006. On November 2, 2006, DOAH Case No. 06-3287 was closed with leave to return if the parties' proposed settlement was not finalized. Mr. Johnson met once with counsel for Petitioner during the time the case was returned to the Agency. At some point, Respondent had produced certain accounting entries and supporting documents to the auditor. These were used to adjust the assessment levied by the Department. A Revised Notice Of Intent To Make Audit Changes dated March 13, 2007, was issued with a letter of the same date. The revised, and final Notice included an assessment of tax, penalty and interest totaling $15,065.24, as of the date of issue and information that the tax accrues interest at the rate of $3.10 per diem. On April 4, 2007, Petitioner filed before DOAH its Motion to Re-open Case and Notice for Trial. No timely response in opposition was filed by Respondent. By an Order to Re-open Case File, entered April 19, 2007, the case was re-opened as the instant DOAH Case No. 07-1710. Petitioner has established that the amount of $15,065.24 as tax, penalty, and interest was due as of March 13, 2007.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Revenue sustain the March 13, 2007, assessment of the subject sales tax, penalties and interest to Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of October, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of October, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Warren J. Bird, Esquire Office of the Attorney General The Capitol, Plaza Level 01 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050 Bruce Hoffmann, General Counsel Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 204 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 Lisa Echeverri, Executive Director Department of Revenue The Carlton Building, Room 104 501 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0100 David R. Johnson, CPA 1265 Highway 331 South Defuniak Springs, Florida 32435 Worldwide Equipment Group LLC Post Office Box 1050 Freeport, Florida 32439

Florida Laws (6) 120.569120.5720.21212.06212.12212.18
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Feb. 29, 2012 Number: 12-000791 Latest Update: Jun. 26, 2012

Findings Of Fact During the discovery phase of this proceeding, the Department ascertained from Echo Artz that $4,070 (the "Uncontested Amount") of the assessed tax was not contested. That is, Echo Artz agreed that it owed at least that amount of the total tax assessment of $67,757.46 set forth in the Notice. Of the total amount set forth in the Notice, $54,626.25 was the tax portion and the remainder was interest. No penalties were imposed as of the date of the Notice of Proposed Assessment. The Uncontested Amount was approximately 7.5 percent of the tax portion and approximately 5.9 percent of the total assessment. At the final hearing, during discussion of the Department's Motion to Dismiss, Echo Artz stated that the Uncontested Amount was erroneous. Instead, it stated that $23,135 of the total tax assessment was actually uncontested. The total tax portion of the assessment should be, according to Echo Artz, $57,730. The revised uncontested amount was approximately 40 percent of the total tax portion. Echo Artz did not pay any of the Uncontested Amount or any of the revised uncontested amount pursuant to its own calculations. The Department asserts that inasmuch as Echo Artz failed to pay the Uncontested Amount prior to filing its request for formal hearing, the case must be dismissed as required by law.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Respondent, Department of Revenue, enter a final order of dismissal. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of May, 2012, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S R. BRUCE MCKIBBEN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of May, 2012.

Florida Laws (2) 120.8072.011
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 80-001295 Latest Update: May 16, 1981

Findings Of Fact Modern Tool and Die, (MTD), is a privately held corporation engaged in manufacturing equipment. In 1965 they started the manufacture of bumper guards which required electroplating. They entered into agreements with MPC pursuant to which MTD erected two buildings adjacent to their plant which they leased to MPC in which to do the electroplating of the bumper guards. MPC is also a privately held corporation and there is no common ownership of these two companies. The two buildings built for MPC's occupancy were partitioned, compartmented and wired as desired by MPC and at its expense. Florida Power Corporation supplied electricity to the complex through the main transformer of MTD. In 1965 and to a lesser extent now, electricity rates per kilowatt-hour (kwh) were lowered with increased usage of electricity. Since both MTD and MPC are large users of electricity they obtain a cheaper rate if all electricity used is billed from the master meter serving MTD. Accordingly, and at the recommendation of the power company, additional transformers and meters were placed at the two buildings occupied by MPC and read monthly at or about the same time the master meter is read by the power company. The kw used at the two buildings is forwarded by MPC to MTD each month. The latter, upon receipt of the power company bill, computes the cost of the power per kwh and in turn bills MPC for its portion of the bill based upon the usage forwarded by MPC to MTD. Upon the commencement of this working agreement between these two companies in 1965 MPC, pursuant to an oral lease, has paid rent to MTD monthly at the rate of approximately $2,400 per month. It has also paid to MTD its pro rata cost for the electricity used each month. The rent is invoiced each month on the first of the month as in Exhibit 3 and paid by the 10th by MPC. Sales tax is added to the rent and remitted to DOR. Electricity usage is also invoiced by MTD to MPC on or about the 20th of the month and paid by MPC on or about the first of the following month. (Exhibit 4). Sales tax on the electricity used is paid by MTD to Florida Power Company who presumably remits this to DOR. During the 15 years these two companies have shared the cost of electric power they have been audited numerous times; the arrangement was made known to the auditors; and no auditor, prior to the present, suggested that the cost of electricity was part of the rent paid by MPC upon which sales tax was due. Notice of Proposed Assessment (Exhibit 1) in the amount of $9,747.34 is based upon the cost of electricity billed to MPC during the period of the audit December 1, 1976 through November 30, 1979 multiplied by 4 percent sales tax plus penalties and interest. The parties stipulated to the accuracy of this amount. They differ only as to whether the tax is owed.

Florida Laws (8) 120.57199.232206.075212.031212.081212.1490.30190.302
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