Findings Of Fact Exception Number 1 is withdrawn by Petitioner. Exception Number 2 is accepted as a matter law. Section 90.803(23), F.S., permits introduction of the affidavit of Chad Johnson proffered as PE-3. Therefore the Conclusions of Law in the Recommended Order, paragraphs 27, 30-35 are modified to the extent they are inconsistent with the legal ruling on admissibility of the affidavit. Further, the Commission adds to Findings of Fact those facts adduced in the affidavit and outlined in Petitioner'S proposed findings of fact, paragraphs 19-27. It concludes these facts are supported by competent substantial evidence in the record, the affidavit of Chad Johnson. Exception Number 3 is withdrawn. Exception Number 4 is withdrawn. Exception Number 5 is withdrawn. RULINGS ON EXCEPTIONS - CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Exception Number 1 is accepted in conjunction with Exception Number 2 to factual findings that, as a matter of law, the affidavit is admissible. Exception Number 2 is accepted, having accepted the facts contained in PE-3, the affidavit of Chad Johnson, that as a matter of law Petitioner has proven that Roy Proctor is guilty of immorality. Paragraph 35 of the Hearing Officer's Recommended Order is rejected.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 5th day of January 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DON W. DAVIS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of January, 1993. APPENDIX In accordance with provisions of Section 120.59, Florida Statutes, the following constitutes my specific rulings on proposed findings of fact submitted by the parties: Petitioner's proposed findings 1. Rejected, legal argument. 2.-3. Accepted. 4. Rejected, not supported by weight of the evidence. 5.-11. Accepted. 12. Rejected, subordinate to Hearing Officer's findings on this point. 13.-18. Accepted. 19.-27. Rejected, unreliable hearsay. Accepted. Rejected, unnecessary. Rejected, unsupported by weight of the evidence, hearsay. The transcript indicates that the guidance counselor was told by C.J. that Respondent wanted to flick C.J.'s penis. Accepted. 32.-33. Rejected, subordinate to Hearing Officer's findings on this point. 34.-37. Rejected, unnecessary. 38.-40 Accepted. 41.-46. Rejected, subordinate to Hearing Officer's findings on this point. Respondent's proposed findings Respondent's proposed findings were not referenced to any particular transcript citation or evidentiary exhibit. However, the proposed findings have been reviewed, and to the extent possible, are addressed by the foregoing findings of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: Robert J. Boyd, Esquire Post Office Box 26 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Guy D. Adkins, Esquire 2821-A Bolton Road Orange Park, Florida 32073 Karen Barr Wilde Executive Director Education Practices Commission 301 Florida Education Center 325 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry Moore, Administrator Professional Practice Services 352 Florida Education Center 325 W. Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Sidney H. McKenzie, Esquire General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol PL-08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400
Findings Of Fact On September 9, 1982 Petitioner filed an application with the Teacher Certification Section of the Florida Department of Education to be re-certified as a teacher in the State of Florida. He was previously certified as a teacher in Florida from September 3, 1974 until 1979 in the field of cooperative distributive education. Mr. Hill is a graduate of the University of South Florida with a bachelor's degree in distributive education and he has 20 to 25 hours of credit towards his master's degree in administration Supervision. From 1974 until 1977 he successfully taught school in the Orlando area. In December of 1979 Petitioner had an argument with his father. During the course of that argument Mr. Hill picked up a 12 gauge shotgun and hit his father in the stomach several times. Petitioner was arrested, charged with aggravated assault, and subsequently adjudicated not guilty by a reason of insanity. The court order adjudicating him not guilty found that "At the time of the alleged offense, defendant's psychological condition caused him to function under paranoid delusions and persecutory relations. He not only had such thoughts and beliefs, but they were held so firmly that he was acting upon them." After the entry of that order on March 24, 1980, Petitioner was found to meet the criteria for involuntary commitment to a state mental hospital pursuant to the provisions of the Baker Act. He was treated at G. Pierce Wood Memorial Hospital until June 1980 and then released to the Peace River Center for Personal Development as a resident there. In either October or November 1981 Mr. Hill ceased taking the psychotropic medication which had been prescribed for him. By March 1982 he was again readmitted as an involuntary patient at G. Pierce Wood Memorial Hospital and after treatment there he was released in August 1982 back to the Peace River Center. Dr. M. Saleem Jeewa has been his treating psychiatrist since June of 1980. At the present time Dr. Jeewa prescribes Mellaril, a major tranquilizer, and Pamelor, an anti-depressant medication for Petitioner. Mr. Hill now visits Dr. Jeewa on a monthly basis unless something unusual happens in the interim. Additionally Petitioner attends group therapy three times a week and lives in one of the satellite apartments at Peace River Center. The satellite apartments are an arrangement where three or four patients live together to share expenses and help each other as a peer group. The satellite apartments are not part of a residential facility but are leased out in the community by the Peace River Center. In April 1983 Petitioner began working at American Building Maintenance, a Tampa janitorial service. His other employment history subsequent to his arrest, but prior to this hearing, includes janitorial work for Goodwill Industries. This employment was terminated when, due to an automobile accident, Mr. Hill was injured and physically unable to perform his job. Prior to that employment he worked for a CETA program where he assisted in locating jobs for handicapped persons. With respect to Mr. Hill's present psychological state he has no evidence of any thought disorder. His speech is logical, coherent and relevant. He has a fair amount of insight into his own condition and his judgment is adequate. No psychosis is apparent. He continues however to display a mild form of mixed anxiety and depression. At the present time it would be difficult however, for Mr. Hill to handle a job where he is fairly independent, must be flexible with considerable responsibilities and handle a variety of tasks. In order for Mr. Hill to be a successful teacher in a classroom situation with responsibility for 15 to 20 children, he would initially need some additional assistance and support over and above that normally required by a new teacher. It is unlikely that due to Mr. Hill's present condition he would cause any harm or be dangerous to students or other people around him. While it is within the realm of possibility that Petitioner, if certified, could successfully handle the responsibilities of a distributive education teacher, that possibility is not probable in view of Petitioner's present fragile psychological state.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the State Board of Education as the head of the Department of Education, enter a Final Order denying Petitioner's application for certification as a teacher in the field of distributive education. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 4th day of November, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. MICHAEL P. DODSON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of November, 1983.
Findings Of Fact Respondent is an annual contract teacher with the Dade County Public Schools and holds a Florida state teacher's certificate. Although she had worked as a teacher assistant in the past, her first year of employment as a full time teacher was the 1980-81 school year. Since she is an annual contract teacher with no right to a continuing contract, the primary issue is whether she has the right to obtain back pay for the period of the school year during which she was suspended. Respondent was a teacher at Melrose Elementary School for the 1981-82 school year. At the beginning of the school year, she was assigned to teach a Compensatory Education Class. These are small classes and, in Ms. Harper's case, never exceeded 11 students. She was, however, required to keep and retain student records to enable subsequent teachers to determine at what level the student was functioning. After Respondent was transferred from the Compensatory Education classroom, the assistant principal requested that she turn in the records for the class. Respondent stated that she had destroyed them. Respondent's next assignment at Melrose Elementary School was as the teacher of a fifth-sixth grade combination regular education class. The assistant principal officially observed Respondent in this classroom three times and unofficially observed her on additional occasions. She found that Respondent lacked effective instructional planning based on Respondent's failure to complete lesson plans. The collective bargaining agreement between the School Board and the Respondent's union stated that lesson plans were an essential part of the teaching process and a proper subject for evaluation. On one occasion, the school was preparing for an audit. Auditors (administrators from other schools) check teacher's plan books, grade books and other teaching materials. The assistant principal contacted Respondent several times in advance of the audit in an attempt to prepare her for it. However, Respondent failed to develop the required lesson plans, so the assistant principal wrote out a week's plans for her. She asked Respondent to take the plans home over the weekend and copy them in her own handwriting. The following Monday at the beginning of the audit, Respondent had only filled out plans for Monday, Tuesday and Friday. There were no lesson-plans to be delivered to the auditors regarding Wednesday or Thursday. Testimony of Respondent's supervisor established that she was unable to control the students in her classroom, primarily because she did not assign them anything to do. A Furthermore, she sent her students out to play without supervision and left her classroom unattended on several occasions, even though she had previously been instructed by her supervisor not to do so. Respondent received an unacceptable performance rating in the area of "techniques of instruction". This rating was based on the fact that Respondent did not pre-test her students and therefore had no knowledge of what the student did or did not know, what he needed to be taught or where to place him in the classroom. As a result, she attempted to teach students division when those students had not yet mastered prerequisite skills. She did not divide her class into ability groups so that she could teach groups of students at their levels of comprehension, and she did not maintain student profiles which would have shown her a particular student's abilities and deficiencies. Respondent either did not assign homework to her students or they did not return it because she had no records to indicate such assignment or files containing student homework. Her records of student grades were incomplete and only sporadically maintained. In the spring of 1982, two students from Respondent's class ran into the principal's office crying. The female student had welts on her chest and face; and the male student had similar injuries to his arms. These injuries were the result of an attack by Respondent. She had not been authorized to administer corporal punishment by her supervisor. Although there was another incident where Respondent chased a student with a ruler, this was the only situation in her teaching career where her loss of control had serious consequences. She appears to regret this incident. Ms. Harper was reassigned to South Hialeah Elementary School for the school year 1982-83. When she reported to South Hialeah Elementary School on September 20, 1982, she was given a lesson plan format, a teacher handbook and other pertinent teaching materials. Respondent received a two day orientation during which she was permitted to read the handbook, observe other teachers and talk with the grade level chairman. She was given instruction in writing lesson plans in the format used throughout the county and required by the UTD-School Board contract. She was then assigned a regular fourth grade classroom. On her second day of teaching, the assistant principal noted an unacceptable noise level emanating from Respondent's classroom during the announcement period. When she walked into the room, she found Respondent preparing her lesson plans with the students out of control. The assistant principal advised Respondent that this was not the proper time to prepare lesson plans. The next day the situation was the same, and fights broke out between students. The assistant principal was concerned for the safety of these students because of the fights and because Ms. Harper's classroom was on the second floor and students were leaning out of the windows. On October 4, 1982, the assistant principal conducted a formal evaluation of Respondent's classroom teaching, and initially found Respondent preparing lesson plans and not instructing or supervising her students. During the reading lesson, Respondent did not give individual directions to the students, but merely told them all to open their books to a particular page. Since the students were not all working in the same book because they were functioning at different levels of achievement, this created confusion. Finally, the students who had the same book as Respondent were instructed to read, while other students did nothing. After a brief period of instruction, the class was told to go to the bathroom even though this was the middle of the reading lesson and not an appropriate time for such a break. The assistant principal noted that Respondent did not have a classroom schedule or rules. The classroom was in constant confusion and Respondent repeatedly screamed at the children in unsuccessful attempts to maintain order. The assistant principal determined that these problems had to be addressed immediately. Accordingly, in addition to a regular long term prescription, she gave Respondent a list of short term objectives to accomplish within the next two days. These objectives consisted of the development of lesson plans and a schedule, arranging a more effective floor plan in the classroom, making provisions for participation by all of the students and developing a set of classroom rules. The assistant principal advised Respondent that if she had any difficulty accomplishing these objectives, she should contact her immediately. The short term objectives were never accomplished. Respondent did not develop classroom rules. Although the assistant principal and other teachers attempted to teach her to write lesson plans, this was relatively unsuccessful. The principal observed the classroom on October 6, and found that no improvements had been made. She also noted that Respondent had not complied with the outline for lesson plans required by the contract between the UTD and the School Board. Neither had she complied with the school's requirements for pupil progression forms. The principal advised Respondent to attempt once again to work on the short term prescription assigned on October 4, 1982. Subsequent observations and assistance did not result in any noticeable improvement. Respondent was unable to understand the need for organizing students in groups according to their abilities. Her students continued to wander aimlessly about the classroom. She was unable to document required student information even after repeated demonstrations. She did not test students and she failed to record their grades, except sporadically. Other teachers and parents complained about classroom conduct. Some parents requested that their children be moved out of Ms. Harper's class. Others complained to school officials about telephone calls from Ms. Harper at 2:00 a.m. or 6:00 a.m. Even the school custodian complained because Respondent's students repeatedly threw papers out of the windows. The principal arranged for Respondent to meet with the grade-level chairman and the assistant principal to learn to develop lesson plans. She obtained information about classes at the Teacher Education Center of Florida International University and directed Ms. Harper to attend the classes. She subsequently determined that Respondent had not attended. Respondent told the principal that she could not attend because of car trouble. At the hearing, Respondent stated that not only did she have car trouble, but since she was a single parent, she lacked the time and money to attend the classes. She conceded, however, that the classes were free. In a further effort to assist her, Respondent was excused from her regular classroom duties to observe successful teachers. On one occasion she was found taking a coffee break instead. Again, there was no improvement apparent from this remedial measure. At the principal's request, the School Board's area director observed Respondent on November 11, 1982. Her testimony established that Respondent worked with only one group of three students in the classroom and that the reading lesson being taught to those children was below their appropriate level. She also observed that there were no records indicating the progress of Respondent's students and that the students were talking continually. Due to her numerous difficulties in teaching and the lack of progress in correcting the deficiencies, the principal, assistant principal and area director concluded that Respondent lacked the requisite competence to continue in her contract position. A recommendation of dismissal to the School Board followed and on January 5, 1983, Respondent was suspended. After her suspension, Respondent secured employment as a teacher of English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) at the Tri-City Community Association. Testimony of its director established that Respondent is an effective teacher of ESOL and that she trains other teachers to perform this function.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a Final Order dismissing Respondent from her position as a contract teacher effective January 5, 1983. DONE and ENTERED this 20th day of December, 1983, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. T. CARPENTER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of December, 1983. COPIES FURNISHED: Phyllis O. Douglas, Esquire 1410 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Ellen Leesfield, Esquire 2929 S.W. Third Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Dr. Leonard Britton, Superintendent Dade County Public Schools Lindsey Hopkins Building 1410 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132
Findings Of Fact Thomas Sundquist was a student enrolled in North Miami Junior High School, operated by the Petitioner, during the school years 1984-1985 and 1985- 1986. Respondent was a seventh grade student during those two school years. He was the subject of seven independent student case management referral forms initiated by school personnel for aberrant behavior. These included 3-1-85: Defiance of Authority; continuous disruptive behavior; failure to complete assignments; failure to bring assigned- materials; and leaving class without permission. 5-24-85: slapping the face of a female student and fighting with her in the classroom. 2-27-86: Assault on another student. 3-21-86: Late to school on test day; left holding area without permission, banged on classroom doors disturbing testees; and evading security and administrators. 5-29-86: Assault on another student; truancy; and defiance of authority. For the assaults on 2-27-86 and 5-29-86, Respondent was given 5 days outdoor suspension for the first and 10 days for the second, and for his misconduct on 4-29-86, was also suspended for 10 days. Counseling policy at this school calls for automatic counseling by the student's grade counselor as well as by a school administrator in the event of a case management referral and in each case, this policy was followed. Further, in each case referenced above except the first, parent contact was accomplished both verbally and in writing. No improvement was noted at any time. On May 30, 1986, Mr. W.G. Murray, a vice principal at the school, requested progress reports on the Respondent from each of his six teachers. These reports were, for the most part, uniformly uncomplimetary. They were: Science - Ms. Fernandez: "He does not do any work. Is never prepared for class. Is a discipline problem and exhibits unacceptable behavior." Music - Ms. Pena: "He has been absent so much he is very far behind on his instrument,but while in class, his conduct is good." P.E.- Ms. Jardine: Class work "F", conduct "D". Math - Mr. O'Keefe: "Was not seen in class after October 8, 1985. Class work "F", conduct "F". He is very disobedient, insultive [sic], and immature." English - Ms. Weber: " He usually sleeps in class. Occasionally will do a spelling list but is not in class long enough to do anything. His conduct is poor, challenging authority, answering back, bangs on door when not in class, and does not often show up for class." [This teacher indicated the student can do the work if he wants to.] Graphics - Mr. Machado: "Refuses to do any work, disruptive, will not stay in seat, talks out loud, hits and touches other students against their will." Mr. Machado and Ms. Fernandez amplified their written comments by testimony at the hearing and confirmed that he was always late for class, was never prepared when he came, and rarely did any work in class. He would chew gum, try to distract the other students, fail to follow instructions and class and safety rules, and would assault other students without provocation. He would try to hug or touch females or fight with males to the point that some students would leave class and go to the assistant principal's office just to get away from him. Both teachers repeatedly had to stop their classroom teaching, taking time away from other students, to attempt, most often unsuccessfully, to deal with the Respondent. Respondent's final report card for the 1985-1986 school year reflected a final grade of "F" for each of his subjects for the year. Out of 180 school days, he was absent: Science: 101 periods. Music: 97 periods. P.E.: 91 periods. Mathematics: 86 periods. English: 104 periods. Graphics: (second semester only) 65 periods. In the 3rd and 4th grading periods, his "effort" grades were uniformly "3" which signifies "insufficient." In the first two grading periods, he did earn 4 "C's" and 1 "D". His "conduct" grades are mostly "F" with some exceptions in Music, P.E., and, in the first grading period only, English, in which he got a "D" and Industrial Arts, in which he got a "C". All three witnesses who testified for Petitioner were of the opinion that Respondent's lack of interest and disruptive behavior cannot properly be handled within the regular class system where teachers have between 33 and 35 students per class. They do not have the time to devote to him and his behavior takes their attention away from other students whose education suffers thereby. They all agree, however, that in the opportunity school, where classes normally consist of 10 to 15 students, he would benefit from the more personalized attention he would receive and would undoubtedly do better. This seems to be a reasonable analysis of the situation and it is so found. Respondent is definitely not interested in school in the regular classroom setting and his behavior is decidedly disruptive.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED THAT: Petitioner enter a Final Order affirming the assignment of Respondent to its Opportunity School Program. DONE and ORDERED this 31st day of October, 1986 at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of October, 1986. COPIES FURNISHED: Jaime Claudio Bovell, Esquire 1401 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Ms. Sue Sundquist Stevens 11317 Northeast 11th Place Biscayne Park, Florida 33161 and 14155 West Dixie Highway North Miami, Florida 33161 Dr. Leonard Britton Superintendent of Dade County Public Schools 1450 Northeast Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132 Honorable Ralph D. Turlington Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Judith Brechner, Esquire General Counsel Department of Education Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301
The Issue The issue in this cause is whether the Petitioner Duval County School Board should dismiss the Respondent for professional incompetence pursuant to the Duval County Teacher Tenure Act, Laws of Florida, Chapter 21197 (1941) as amended.
Findings Of Fact The Petitioner is the Duval County School Board. The Respondent, Bobby Palmore, has been an employee of the Petitioner since the 1992-93 school year. The Respondent is a tenured teacher assigned as a guidance counselor. During the 1997-98 school year, the Respondent was a guidance counselor at North Shore Elementary School. The Principal at the school in 1997-98 was Larry Davis. Concerns regarding the Respondent’s work performance at North Shore were raised early in the school year regarding his participation with Intervention Teams. An Intervention Team is formed to assist a guidance counselor with a particular student. The team meets when requested by the guidance counselor. Notwithstanding that the Intervention Team convened at the Respondent’s request, he missed the meeting scheduled for September 29, 1997. His erratic attendance at other Intervention Team meetings was of concern to the Assistant Principal, Martha Johnson, and the Principal. Ms. Johnson spoke with the Respondent about this, and Mr. Davis wrote the Respondent about his attendance at these meetings. Respondent’s attendance did not improve. The Respondent’s erratic attendance at Intervention Team Meetings was unsatisfactory performance of his duties and showed a lack of understanding of the subject matter. The Respondent repeatedly interrupted classroom teachers with unannounced and unscheduled calls and visits to their classrooms. This disrupted their classes, and they complained to administrators about Respondent’s conduct. These interruptions were frequently to obtain information regarding students who were being staffed for one reason or another, an activity coordinated by the guidance counselor. The Respondent was officially counseled about these interruptions by Ms. Johnson, but continued to interrupt classes and cause disruptions. This was unsatisfactory job performance and showed the Respondent’s failure to follow directions, plan his activities effectively, and manage his time well. These are considerations in Competency 2 of the Evaluation criteria. The Respondent was asked by Ms. Johnson to make a sign to direct parents and others to a December 12, 1997, Child Study Team (CST) meeting. He did not do so. This also showed the Respondent’s inability to follow direction. On January 13, 1998, the Respondent told Deborah Nurse, an employee of the school, in a rude and loud voice, that she was not to use the copying machine that was outside his office. Mr. Davis counseled the Respondent in writing regarding his behavior on January 16, 1998. On January 14, 1998, at a CST meeting, Ms. Slaughter asked the Respondent for a cumulative folder on a student. The Respondent had been asked to the meeting because of his lack of cooperation regarding the folder. The Respondent accused Ms. Slaughter of not respecting him in the meeting, and insisted that she ask him again for the folder. The Respondent’s actions were embarrassing to the professionals present at the meeting and showed a lack of professionalism on the part of the Respondent. He was counseled in writing by Ms. Johnson about his conduct. On January 15, 1998, a meeting was held to discuss a student between Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Shabazz, and the Respondent. Mrs. Shabazz indicated that a pertinent document was missing from the student’s folder that could effect his educational program and result in a loss of funding for the school. It was Respondent’s responsibility to maintain the student’s records in the guidance office. Ms. Johnson counseled the Respondent about his responsibilities in maintaining records and their importance to the school. She offered to assist the Respondent in reviewing the cumulative folders prior to their processing. The Respondent was responsible for preparation of materials for and participation in CST meetings on students. The Respondent placed students on the CST agenda without completing the data in their folder. This failure interfered with the proper and timely placement of students, and evidenced an unsatisfactory performance of a basic part of the Respondent’s job. As a result of the complaints about the Respondent’s work and conduct, a Success Plan was developed. This plan outlined areas in which the Respondent was not performing satisfactorily, identified objectives for improving his performance, and strategies to meet the objectives. A team was created to assist the Respondent including Mr. Davis, Ms. Johnson, the Respondent’s supervisor in guidance services, and the professional development facilitator. The Intervention Team had decided that team members should receive a response from the Respondent within three days. This time limit was incorporated in the Respondent’s Success Plan; however, the Respondent did not submit the CST packets within the time limits. In addition, the Respondent’s tone in speaking with the teachers was such that they complained to Ms. Johnson about the Respondent. Ms. Johnson counseled the Respondent about the lateness of his submittals and his interactions which the teachers. The Respondent did not improve his conduct that directly resulted in student’s needs not being met. The Respondent continued to be late to or to miss meetings and scheduled classroom visits. On February 4, 1998, he was late to a classroom visit. He cancelled a classroom visit he had scheduled. He did not follow the weekly calendar of guidance activities as required in his Success Plan. On February 4, 1998, Mr. Davis met with the Respondent to discuss the proper procedures for conducting a CST meeting as a means of assisting the Respondent. On February 6, 1998, Mr. Davis counseled the Respondent about his continued interruption of classes, and the Respondent forgot about a scheduled guidance session and did not attend, until reminded by Ms. Dennis. On February 6, 1998, Ms. Anderson met with the Respondent to discuss the guidance program and to offer assistance to him. She suggested that he use a weekly, hour-by- hour calendar to plan his time and activities. She also counseled with him about using a lesson plan for a small group session to provide a clearly defined objective for the session. Ms. Anderson directed the Respondent to follow-up with her in a week. The Respondent did not follow-up with Ms. Anderson or follow any of her advice. On February 9, 1998, Mr. Davis observed the Respondent conduct a meeting with staff regarding the Florida Writes Test. The Respondent’s conduct of the meeting was unsatisfactory. Issues were left unresolved and staff members were confused about the presentation. Some of the material presented was inconsistent with the information in the manual. Mr. Davis wrote the Respondent about these matters, and referred the Respondent to his Success Plan. On February 9, 1998, the Respondent failed to provide proper parental notification of a CST meeting pursuant to district guidelines. On February 9, 1998, the Respondent failed to provide proper parental notification of a CST meeting pursuant to district guidelines. On February 9, 1998, the Respondent failed to make to two-scheduled classroom visitations. On February 10, 1998, the Respondent missed a scheduled classroom visitation. The Respondent was not following a weekly calendar of activities, and his performance was unsatisfactory and contrary to the Success Plan. On February 10, 1998, the Respondent attempted to counsel the wrong child about the death of the child’s mother, and was prevented from doing so by the teacher. This reflected poorly on the Respondent’s attention to his duties, and his professionalism. On February 10, 1998, the Respondent was provided a list of counselors at other schools who had agreed to let the Respondent attend classroom guidance or CST meetings at their schools. The Respondent was late and showed a lack of interest while attending a classroom guidance session at Lake Forrest. On February 11, 1998, Mr. Davis observed a CST meeting at North Shore. It was evident that the parents had not received the required seven days' notice of the meeting. The Respondent had not conducted the pre-conferences, and had not coordinated the scheduling with the teachers. The Respondent did not have the proper forms in the cumulative folders, and had not conducted any classroom observations in preparation for the CST meeting. In sum, the Respondent’s performance showed a complete lack of competence and knowledge of his duties as a guidance counselor. On February 11, 1998, the Respondent missed his scheduled classroom guidance visit. On February 12, 1998, the Respondent missed his scheduled classroom guidance visit because he was late in arriving. On February 12, 1998, The Respondent discovered a coding error on the Florida Writes Test. He reported the error to Mr. Davis and accused the teacher of coding the test incorrectly. Davis directed the Respondent to correct the mistake and notify the testing department regarding the possible problem. The Respondent did not correct the test as directed, but placed a note on the box and resealed it to be mailed. The Respondent’s actions violated the testing procedures, and he did not do as he had been directed. On February 17, 1998, Ms. Johnson counseled with the Respondent concerning his failure to respond to student and staff needs. She advised him he was not meeting his Success Plan goals, and students were not receiving services they needed. The Respondent refused to counsel with a developmentally disabled student who had been sent to guidance by his teacher. The proper paper work had been completed for the student to participate in the group counseling session; however, the Respondent refused to allow the student to participate, chasing the student around the room telling him to "get out." The student was confused and embarrassed. Ms. Johnson, who was observing the session, and took charge of the student by having him sit with her, resolved the situation. The Respondent's actions demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of the role of a guidance counselor, sensitivity for students, and ability to conduct a class or counseling session. On March 9, 1998, Mr. Davis completed the Respondent’s Annual Performance Evaluation. The evaluation consisted of eight competency areas. The Respondent received an unsatisfactory rating in three of the competency areas, which constituted an overall unsatisfactory evaluation. The facts as presented at hearing confirm the evaluation, and show that the Respondent was clearly incapable of performing his job duties. He lacked knowledge of his duties or how to perform them. He was insensitive to the students' needs and did not meet them. He did not follow the direction of his Principal and did not maintain a professional relationship with his coworkers and superiors. After receiving this evaluation, the Respondent continued in the same pattern of behaviors. He did not prepare and use a calendar of activities. He continued to provide materials late. He refused to assist a parent obtain the proper papers to enable the parent’s child to enroll in another school. He continued to disturb classes. He failed to notify staff of CST meetings at which they needed to attend. He took seven months to complete the paper work to have one child tested. In fact, there were several students who were awaiting CST processing at the end of the year. The Respondent was treated fairly and provided assistance by the school’s administration. Based upon his unsatisfactory evaluation in 1997-98, the Respondent was administratively transferred to J.E.B. Stuart Middle School the following year for an additional year of observation of in-service training. Carol Daniels is the Principal of Stuart Middle School. She met with the Respondent and advised him that he was starting with a clean slate at her school. School Board Policy required that Ms. Daniels confer privately with the Respondent and develop a Success Plan. She met with the Respondent on August 24, 1998. The Success Plan outlined goals and objectives to improve the Respondent’s performance as a guidance counselor. A support team was created to assist him. Soon after the school year began, Ms. Daniels counseled the Respondent about the proper method to request student records. She arranged for him to attend New Counselor Training on or about August 31, 1998. The Respondent was negative and adversarial about being requested to attend the training. He officially complained about the request, but upon review the Regional Superintendent determined that Ms. Daniels’ request was not arbitrary and was appropriate. The Respondent was counseled by Mr. Gilmore, the Vice Principal, on the need to process gifted students under the ESE program. He had failed to process several of these students, and he was given a deadline for processing these students. On September 8, 1998, the Respondent did not exit the building during a fire drill. Ms. Daniels counseled him in writing about the need for everyone to evacuate the building during drills. Mr. Gilmore counseled in writing the Respondent about the lack of lead-time in requesting information about students, and his abruptness and tone in making requests. On October 26, 1998, Linda Bailey requested an ESE/CST Agenda from the Respondent. The Respondent replied he was too busy to provide the information. On October 28, 1998, Ms. Bailey again asked for the information in writing. The Respondent did not provide the information. On October 26, 1998, Ms. Bailey also requested progress reports for the ESE students who would be reevaluated on November 9, 1998. These reports had been used at Stuart Middle School for many years as a best practice strategy. The Respondent advised that he had no intent of providing the progress reports and refused to do so. On October 26, 1998, the Respondent accused the District ESN Admissions Representative of taking ESE forms from his office. His tone and manner were threatening and confrontational. On October 27, 1998, Ms. Daniels notified the Respondent that he would have an evaluation and conference on October 30, 1998, pursuant to district guidelines. On October 28, 1998, Charlotte Robbins, ESE Interventionist, met with the Respondent to discuss three students. It was the Respondent’s responsibility to provide information to Ms. Robbins in a timely manner. The Respondent did not provide Ms. Robbins the necessary information prior to the meeting. The Respondent also invited parents to the meeting without advising Ms. Robbins. On November 2, 1998, Norma Peters, a speech therapist, advised Ms. Daniels that she had requested the Respondent to provide her a list of students to be evaluated two to three weeks before CST meetings. The Respondent told Ms. Peters he would not be able to provide the information as requested, although previous guidance counselors had provided Ms. Peters the names three to four weeks in advance of meetings. Although Ms. Daniels spoke with the Respondent about Ms. Peter’s concern, the Respondent did not provide the information as requested. On November 5, 1998, the two eighth grade counselors met with the Respondent to discuss the need for him to be a team member. They raised the fact that he did not answer the phone, assist parents, or help the guidance clerk when necessary. They also advised him to improve his communication with the ESE teachers, CST members, speech pathologist, and interventionist. A CST meeting was held on November 9, 1998, and only half the parents had been noticed and invited to come to the meeting. The Respondent had been responsible for contacting the parents in compliance with district policies. This failure prevented the CST team from addressing the needs of students. Not only did it potentially deny students services, it frustrated teachers, staff, and parents. On November 24, 1998, the Respondent interrupted class instruction by bringing a parent into the class who had missed an earlier appointment with the teacher. On November 25, 1998, Kathee Cook telephoned the Respondent regarding contacting children for the December 9, 1998, CST meeting. The Respondent refused to contact the parents of the students because ESE procedures required that Ms. Cook contact him seven days prior to the designated date. Ms. Cook reported this to Ms. Daniels, who discussed it with the Respondent, explaining that the requirement was for at least seven days notice. Ms. Daniels advised him that he was responsible for notifying parents for CST meetings, and his position potentially jeopardized notice to the parents as required by district policy. Ms. Daniels directed the Respondent to give the Vice Principal all of the parental notices by December 2, 1998. On December 2, 1998, the Respondent gave Mr. Gilmore ten notice letters; however, he did not provide notices to eleven other parents. The Respondent excused his failure by asserting his interpretation of the seven-day rule. On November 25, 1998, Ms. Daniels advised the Respondent that he had made little improvement in his performance. She discussed with him performance of his duties; and being courteous and respectful to faculty, staff, and parents. The Respondent did not accept the evaluation and was confrontational and adversarial with Ms. Daniels. He refused Ms. Daniels' offer of assistance. On or about January 5, 1999, the Respondent placed seven notice letters to parents in Mr. Gilmore’s box for the January 11, 1999, CST meeting. Not only were the letters late, if intended for the January 11th meeting, but they were addressed to the parents of children being staffed in the January 22, 1999, meeting. The Respondent failed to discontinue ESE services to a student contrary to the parent’s request on three separate occasions, to include at least one request in writing. The Respondent’s failure resulted in the matter being re-assigned to the chair of the guidance department to discontinue the services in accordance with the parent’s wishes. The Respondent left the campus without following the procedures for leaving early. These requirements had been explained during orientation and were in the teachers’ handbook. Ms. Daniels had to notify the Respondent in writing of his oversight. On January 25, 1999, Ms. Daniels notified the Respondent pursuant to the collective bargaining that his work performance was unsatisfactory. He was advised that his performance in Competencies 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9 needed improvement by March 15, 1999. On February 2, 1999, the Respondent was notified that this memorandum would be placed in his personnel file. The Respondent met with parents who were not enrolled in Stuart Middle School during the middle of the school day. Ms. Daniels advised him in writing on February 11, 1999, that this was inappropriate, and he should limit meeting to parents or students enrolled or engaged in enrolling at Stuart. On March 10, 1999, the Respondent made a presentation to an ESE class. His Success Plan required him to schedule presentations during Advisor/Advisee time period. The Respondent’s presentation was arbitrary and he did not seek assistance from his support team. On March 11, 1999, Ms. Daniels completed the Respondent’s annual evaluation. The evaluation addressed nine competency areas. Th Respondent received an unsatisfactory in five of the nine areas, which constituted an overall unsatisfactory evaluation. The Respondent’s performance in Competency 1 (ability to plan and deliver instruction), Competency 2 (demonstrates knowledge of subject matter), Competency 4 (shows sensitivity to student needs by maintaining a positive school climate), Competency 8 (demonstrates a commitment to professional growth), and Competency 9 (shows evidence of professional characteristics) was unsatisfactory. Not only was his performance unsatisfactory, he continued to be unwilling to accept support and assistance. He failed to comply with many areas of his Success Plan and failed to perform his duties. On March 17, 1999, the Respondent interrupted Mrs. Bascombe’s class. Ms. Daniels counseled the Respondent in writing about class interruptions, and how to handle situations by checking the master schedule and placing notices in teacher mailboxes. On March 23, 1999, Ms. Daniels relieved the Respondent of his responsibilities for ESE students because of his poor performance and its impact on the students' welfare. He had failed to timely notify parents. He had failed to communicate with parents, the staff, faculty and the district. His failures had adversely affected the operations of the ESE program. The Respondent was assigned to handle seventh grade non-exceptional education students. Ms. Daniels had to direct the Respondent in writing to relinquish the ESE forms to his successor. On April 20, 1999, after being relieved of his ESE duties, he met with the mother of an ESE student who was then receiving services from his successor. The Respondent was treated fairly at Stuart Middle School. All of the personnel were ready and willing to provide him assistance. He was negative, and refused to co-operate or perform his duties as directed. On May 19, 1999, the Respondent was notified by the Superintendent that he was charged with professional incompetence. He was advised that he would be discharged from the Duval County School System if the charge was sustained by the School Board. He was advised of his right to request a hearing within two days of receipt of the letter dated May 19, 1999. On June 15, 1999, Ms. Daniels provided John Heavner, Director of Professional Standards, written notice that the Respondent had not completed the requirements of his Success Plan. The Respondent requested a formal hearing by letter on July 10, 1999. Notwithstanding that this was late, he was afforded a hearing. On August 5, 1999, the Respondent was notified that he would be suspended without pay effective August 12, 1999. The Respondent was advised that the suspension would be considered at the September 7, 1999, regular meeting of the School Board. The Respondent is charged with incompetence.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law set forth herein, it is RECOMMENDED that: A final order be entered denying the Respondent’s disciplinary appeal and demands set forth in his pleadings, and dismissing the Respondent for incompetence. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of March, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of March, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Lashanda R. Johnson, Esquire City of Jacksonville 117 West Duval Street, Suite 480 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Bobby G. Palmore 863 Poydras Lane, West Jacksonville, Florida 32218 John C. Fryer, Jr., Superintendent Duval County School Board 1701 Prudential Drive Jacksonville, Florida 32207-8182 Honorable Tom Gallagher Commissioner of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 321399-0400
Findings Of Fact The Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate 297447 covering the area of elementary education. At all times pertinent hereto, the Respondent was employed as an elementary school teacher in the Dade County School District. During the 1983-84 school year, the Respondent was employed as a second grade teacher of Chapter I students at Lillie C. Evans Elementary School. During the 1984-85 school year, the Respondent was again employed at Lillie C. Evans Elementary School as a second grade teacher. In March 1985, Respondent was transferred to Miami Springs Elementary School for the remainder of the school year as a result of an altercation involving an irate parent. During her tenure at Lillie C. Evans Elementary School, Respondent was assigned approximately 16 students in her second grade classes each year. Respondent was assigned a fourth grade class at Miami Springs Elementary School from March through June 1985. The Respondent's class contained approximately 30 students. Respondent was a first year annual contract employee of the Dade County Public Schools during the 1983-84 school year and a second year annual contract employee of the Dade County Public Schools during the 1984-85 school year. Respondent was not reappointed for the 1985-86 school year as an employee of the Dade County Public Schools because she failed to perform at an acceptable level of professional performance at two different schools, under two different administrations, with two different sets of students. The principal of Lillie C. Evans Elementary School, Willie Mae Brown, is a thirty-six year employee of the Dade County School System. Ms. Brown was Respondent's principal during Respondent's employment at Lillie C. Evans Elementary School. Ms. Brown has been trained to observe and evaluate the professional performance of classroom teachers and has observed and evaluated hundreds of teachers in her position as principal. On May 31, 1984, Brown prepared the Respondent's annual evaluation for the 1983-84 school year. She rated Respondent as unacceptable in the category of classroom management and noted in the remarks section of the evaluation that Respondent "should continue participating in workshops that will enable her to acquire techniques in instruction and classroom management." Brown requested that Respondent attend workshops on techniques of instruction and classroom management during the 1983-84 school year and that she observe fellow teachers in the school in order to improve Respondent's performance in the classroom. During the 1984-85 school year, Brown continued to observe serious problems with Respondent's control of student conduct and classroom management. On October 1, 1984, Brown overheard a child screaming loudly in the Respondent's classroom as if the child was in pain. When Brown observed Respondent on October 5, 1984, she noted that Respondent was unable to manage the class, failed to use non-verbal techniques and few verbal techniques to deal with students who were off-task. Brown observed that pupils were moving about and making noise in the classroom. Respondent's lesson plans did not appear to have enough activities to occupy the students' attention. Respondent was provided with "prescription plan" activities and recommended resources for implementation of the prescriptions. Brown provided a time line for improvement of October 29, 1984. On October 24,1984, Brown prepared a log of assistance which had been provided to Respondent. Brown's log noted that on October 1, 1984, Mrs. Mayme Moore, North Central Area Chapter I Resource Teacher, provided special assistance to Respondent concerning control of student conduct. In addition, Brown documented assistance provided to Respondent by Teacher Lena Hoskins; Teacher Sharon Sbrissa; Mr. Mitchell, School Guidance Counselor; Walter Foden, Assistant Principal; and others. As a follow-up to the October 5, 1984 observation, Brown again observed Respondent's classroom performance on October 29, 1984. Brown observed that the Respondent's performance was deficient in preparation and planning and classroom management. Brown observed a large number of children off-task. Respondent still appeared to be unable to manage her students. Again, Respondent failed to provide enough activities to occupy the students for the full class period. Brown noted that two pupils fell asleep during the class. Once again, Brown prescribed plan activities and recommended resources to Respondent with a time line of November 15, 1984. Brown continued to provide Respondent with assistance through the Teacher Education Center and through fellow teachers. On November 21, 1984, Brown found four of Respondent's students creating a disturbance in a bathroom. Upon returning these students to Respondent's classroom, she observed eight or nine of the twelve students in the classroom running around making noise. During the course of the 1984-85 school year, Ms. Brown received three or four written complaints and several additional telephone calls from parents complaining about Respondent's class. The nature of the parental complaints concerned Respondent's lack of control of student conduct in the classroom. On December 10, 1984, a conference for the record was held by Brown with Respondent and her union representative to address parent complaints, the complaint of the primary helping teacher for Respondent, Respondent's performance assessment to date and her employment status. At the conference, Respondent was advised of letters of complaints from parents and peers regarding her classroom management. Respondent was afforded the opportunity to identify a fellow teacher with whom she could confer and observe. Respondent did not indicate a preference for peer assistance. As primary helping teacher, Ms. Scurry complained that Respondent's inability to control students in her classroom was requiring Ms. Scurry's assistance almost every day. Scurry expressed concern to Brown about Respondent's continuous need for assistance with her students which was interfering with Scurry's instruction of her own class. In addition to Scurry, two other teachers, Ms. Drawley and Ms. Bell, made written complaints to Brown concerning the disruption of their respective classes due to excessive noise emanating from Respondent's classroom. At the request of Principal Brown, on November 1, 1984, Respondent prepared a summary of assistance which the Respondent received during the year. Respondent's handwritten narrative discloses that she received assistance from Mrs. Sbrissa, Mrs. Hoskins, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Knight, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Brown, and Mr. Foden. Brown continued to require that Respondent attend prescriptive in- service courses through the Teacher Education Center in the latter half of the 1984-85 school year. Specifically, Brown requested that Respondent attend courses concerning classroom management and preparation and planning. On February 15, 1985, a joint observation of Respondent's professional classroom performance was conducted by Brown and Mrs. Eneida Hartner, the Area Director for the North Central Area of the Dade County Public Schools. Each observer evaluated Respondent's performance separately. Respondent received advance notice of the observation. The combined evaluations of Brown and Hartner resulted in an overall rating of unacceptable, with specific ratings of unacceptable in the areas of preparation and planning and classroom management. Respondent was once again provided with prescription plan activities, recommended resources with which to implement the activities and a time line for improvement. Both observers noted that Respondent failed to provide sufficient activities for the class period to occupy the students' time for the entire period and, as a result, students were off-task. Respondent failed to motivate her students to be interested in the task at hand and failed to provide appropriate feedback concerning the students' behavior. In March, 1985, Brown again received a memorandum from the Teacher Education Center regarding prescriptive in-service courses for the Respondent. Brown requested that Respondent attend the course on classroom management. Subsequently, on April 15, 1985, Ms. Brown was notified by memorandum that the Respondent had failed to attend the classroom management course prescribed for her. During the 1984-85 school year, many educators from Lillie C. Evans Elementary School and from the school district provided Respondent with assistance at the request of Brown in an effort to remediate Respondent's observed deficiencies. In addition to Principal Brown, Assistant Principal Walter Foden observed and evaluated Respondent's performance. On November 19, 1984, Foden conducted an observation of Respondent's classroom and found her to be deficient in the area of classroom management. In the TADS observation form, Foden identified the areas of deficiency, prescribed plan activities for improvement, indicated recommended resources, and provided a time line for Respondent's improvement. Foden observed that Respondent was unaware of childrens' off-task behavior in the classroom despite the fact that there were only 12 to 13 children in her classroom at the time. Foden recommended six individuals to provide Respondent with assistance, and each of the six did provide assistance to her. Foden also observed Respondent on September 12, 1984. Based upon this observation, Foden concluded that Respondent was deficient in classroom management and in the teacher-student relationship. The students ignored Respondent, would not listen to her and appeared to lack respect for her. In addition, Respondent's instructions were unclear. Foden recommended four resource persons to Respondent. These individuals provided Respondent with the assistance requested. Gwendolyn Bryant, Primary Education Coordinator for the Dade County School System, provided assistance to Respondent at the request of Principal Brown. Bryant met with Respondent in her classroom on December 12, 1984, and on January 9, 1985. Bryant observed that Respondent needed assistance with classroom management and with the implementation of the primary education program. Bryant returned on January 9, 1985, and reviewed the procedures for implementing PREP, RSVP (Reading Systems Very Plain) and TMP (Total Math Program). During her January visit, Bryant found that Respondent had not yet evaluated her students to determine their needs under these programs. The evaluations of the students' individual needs should have been completed at the beginning of the school year. Bryant concluded that Respondent was in need of continuing assistance with classroom organization and management. Margaret Rogers, teacher on special assignment to the Reading Department, provided assistance to Respondent in April 1985 at Miami Springs Elementary School. Rogers reviewed RSVP with Respondent, reviewed the Respondent's grouping of students for reading, provided the Respondent with handouts on teaching a directed reading lesson and classroom management, rearranged the students' desks to comply with fire code and to provide access to the blackboard, and provided Respondent with numerous suggestions on control of student conduct. On the following day, April 2, 1985, Rogers demonstrated a writing lesson for Respondent and provided Respondent with information on RSVP and teaching a directed reading lesson. During her tenure at Miami Springs Elementary School, Respondent received assistance from Helen B. Francis, Assistant Principal. It was Ms. Francis who requested that Mrs. Rogers provide assistance to Respondent. On April 15, 1985, Ms. Francis conducted a formal observation and evaluation of Respondent's classroom performance. Ms. Francis rated Respondent deficient in the categories of preparation and planning, classroom management and techniques of instruction. Francis observed that Respondent failed to control student conduct, resulting in constant disruptions and interference in the reading lesson which she was attempting to conduct at the time. Ms. Francis was in the Respondent's classroom almost on a daily basis because of constant complaints from parents and other teachers. Francis concluded that Respondent was unable to provide her students with appropriate instruction because she could not maintain control of the children's behavior. On March 29, 1985, Principal Margot J. Silverman observed and evaluated Respondent's teaching performance. Based upon that observation, Dr. Silverman rated Respondent deficient in the areas of preparation and planning, classroom management and techniques of instruction. Dr. Silverman provided an intensive description of the observed deficiencies and numerous specific suggestions for improvement. Silverman observed Respondent's performance again on May 13, 1985. Based upon the observation, Dr. Silverman evaluated Respondent's performance to be unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning, classroom management, techniques of instruction and teacher-student relationships. Again, Dr. Silverman provided a detailed description of the observed deficiencies as well as specific suggestions for improvement. On May 30, 1985, Dr. Silverman prepared Respondent's annual evaluation for the 1984-85 school year. On the evaluation, Silverman rated Respondent's performance as unacceptable in the categories of preparation and planning, classroom management, techniques of instruction and teacher-student relationships. Silverman rated Respondent's overall performance as unacceptable and recommended that she not be re- employed for the following school year. Dr. Patrick Gray, Executive Assistant Superintendent in the Office of Professional Standards for the Dade County Public Schools, testified at formal hearing that in his professional opinion, Respondent has proven to be incompetent as a classroom teacher, by the standards of both the County School System and the Florida Department of Education. In Dr. Gray's expert opinion, Respondent's personal performance in the classroom has seriously reduced her effectiveness as an employee of the Dade County School Board. Dr. Gray determined from a review of all of the observations, both internal and external, that Respondent's professional performance was worsening, rather than improving, despite extensive assistance to help her remediate her deficiencies. Gray's review of Respondent's personnel file discloses that the Respondent did not achieve an acceptable level of performance in any of the nine classroom observations conducted of her during the 1984-85 school year. Gray is unaware of any additional assistance which the Dade County School System could provide to Respondent to assist her in remediating perceived deficiencies beyond the assistance which has been previously provided to her.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered finding Respondent guilty of the allegations contained within the Administrative Complaint and permanently revoking Respondent's Florida Teaching Certificate. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 11th day of December, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of December, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER Petitioner's proposed findings of fact numbered 1-46 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. Petitioner's proposed finding of fact numbered 47 has been rejected as being unnecessary, and Petitioner's proposed finding of fact numbered 48 has been rejected as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel or conclusions of law. Respondent filed posthearing correspondence which contains ten unnumbered paragraphs. The eighth unnumbered paragraph is the only one which constitutes a proposed finding of fact, and it is rejected since it is not supported by the evidence in this cause. The remainder of the unnumbered paragraphs in Respondent's correspondence have been rejected as not constituting findings of fact. COPIES FURNISHED: J. DAVID HOLDER, ESQUIRE POST OFFICE BOX 1694 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32302 JOYCE L. PENCHANSKY 610 N.E. 177TH STREET NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33162 KAREN B. WILDE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EDUCATION PRACTICES COMMISSION 125 KNOTT BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 MARTIN B. SCHAPP, ADMINISTRATOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES SERVICES 319 WEST MADISON STREET, ROOM 3 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399
Findings Of Fact The Petition herein was filed by Petitioner with PERC on December 30, 1974. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 1). The hearing in this cause was scheduled by notice dated April 18, 1975. (Hearing Officer's Exhibits 2, 3). 3, The Suwannee County School Board is a Public Employer within the meaning of Florida Statutes, Section 447.002(2). (Stipulation TR 4). The United Teachers of Suwannee is an organization which is seeking to represent employees of the Public Employer concerning working conditions, including wages, hours, and terms of employment. The United Teachers of Suwannee was formed through a merger of two organizations, one of which had previously entered into a collective bargaining agreement with the Public Employer prior to the adoption of the Public Employees Relations Act. There is no contractual bar to the holding of an election in this case. (Stipulation TR 7, 8). There is no bargaining history under the Public Employees Relations Act which affects this matter. (Stipulation TR 8). Requests for recognition as the exclusive representative of persons in the unit described in the Petition, and the Public Employer's response to the requests are set out in correspondence which has been received in evidence as Joint Exhibits 1, 2, 3, and 4. Petitioner clearly requested recognition. The Public Employer did not comply with requests for meetings as promptly as requested by Petitioner; however, the request for recognition was not explicitly denied. PERC has previously determined that the Petitioner is a duly registered employee organization. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 5). The Public Employer contends that Petitioner is not duly registered. The PERC registration file, PERC No. 8H-OR-744-1034, was received in evidence. The Public Employer sought to present the testimony of certain PERC officials with respect to its contention; however, Petitions to Enforce Subpoenas of these individuals were denied. 9, PERC has previously determined that the Petitioner filed the requisite Showing of Interest with it's Petition. (Hearing Officer's Exhibit 4). The Public Employer sought to offer evidence that the requisite Showing of Interest had not been presented to PERC; however, no direct evidence in support of the Public Employer's position was presented. The parties agreed that the unit designation set forth in the Petition is appropriate, except that the Public Employer would exclude guidance counselors, occupational specialists, and the school psychologist from the unit. Petitioner would include these persons within the unit. The Public Employer employs five guidance counselors. One guidance counselor is employed at Branford High School, one at the Vocational/Technical School, one at the Suwannee Middle School, and two at Suwannee High School. Guidance counselors are charged generally with responsibility for counseling students and assisting them in understanding the school and it's environment, in understanding themselves in relation to others, in understanding their progress in relation to their abilities and limitations, and in understanding themselves in relation to education and vocational goals. Guidance counselors assemble and interpret information about students, encourage and participate in case conferences with parents and/or teachers, participate in school standardized testing programs, and distribute occupational and vocational material to pupils. In addition to these functions, which are generally associated with the position of guidance counselor, guidance counselors employed by the Public Employer perform additional functions which are probably unique to Suwannee County. Indeed, the functions performed by guidance counselors within Suwannee County vary from school to school and from counselor to counselor. The broad range of duties performed by a guidance counselor in Suwannee County will depend to a great extent upon the personality of the individual counselor and his or her relationship with the school principal. All guidance counselors within the Suwannee County School system have Masters Degrees. It is necessary for a guidance counselor to have a casters Degree in order to be certified as a guidance counselor. Although a good number of teachers within the school system have Masters Degrees, this is not a requirement. Guidance counselors are certified in a different category than are teachers. Guidance counselors have the same base pay as teachers. A beginning guidance counselor would receive the same pay as a beginning teacher with a Masters Degree. Guidance counselors have the same contract as instructional personnel. No guidance counselors employed by the Public Employer perform instructional duties. Guidance counselors receive mail at the schools in the same manner as instructional personnel, share the teachers' lounge, and eat lunch in the school cafeteria with instructional personnel. All guidance counselors have offices. Many teachers also have offices, but all teachers do not have offices. Teachers are scheduled for five instructional work periods per day and one planning period. Guidance counselors work six periods per day without any planning period. Teachers are generally hired on a ten-month contract basis, while guidance counselors are hired on a twelve-month basis. Students frequently relate complaints with respect to their teachers to guidance counselors. The guidance counselors who testified at the hearing each handled these complaints in a different manner. Among the actions that a guidance counselor might take upon hearing a number of complaints about a teacher are to counsel with the teacher, or to inform the principal. Guidance counselors are responsible for assigning new students to classes. In making these assignments guidance counselors will consider class sizes and the personality of the teacher and the student. Guidance counselors can make an assignment despite objections of a teacher. Guidance counselors periodically meet as a group without any teachers present. These meetings might be called guidance counselor meetings, communications meetings, or policy meetings. Guidance counselors occasionally attend meetings with the superintendent and his staff and principals. Policy matters which affect the entire school system are discussed at these meetings, and decisions are made based upon these discussions. A new diploma policy was recently adopted within the school system as a result of such meetings. Guidance counselors do not have the power to hire, fire, suspend or discipline teachers or other instructional personnel. Henry Clay Hooter is the guidance counselor at the Vocational/Technical School. In addition to the duties discussed above, Mr. Hooter serves as the school's Assistant Principal. He has served as Acting Principal on several occasions. On one occasion while serving as Assistant Principal, Mr. Hooter was placed in the position of preparing the Principal's School Budget. In the absence of the principal Mr. Hooter has been called upon to sign leaves of absence for teachers. In the absence of the Principal Mr. Hooter is generally responsible for maintaining order at his school. Because he serves as Assistant Principal, Mr. Hooter has more contact with the Principal than teachers have. Lonnie Bob Hurst is one of the guidance counselors at Suwannee High School. In addition to the general duties and responsibilities set outs above, Ms. Hurst participates in preparing the master school schedule. A teacher's entire workday is set out in the master school schedule. Decisions made in preparing this schedule will determine whether a teacher will have advanced, medium, or slow courses, when the courses will be taught, when the teacher will have a free period, and when the teacher will take lunch. The master school schedule is ultimately adopted by the Principal. Both the Principal and the Assistant Principal work on the schedule along with Ms. Hurst. Ms. Hurst makes recommendations respecting courses that should be offered at Suwannee High School. Her recommendations are generally followed. The Principal at Suwannee High School frequently meets with the school's two guidance counselors and the Assistant Principal to discuss scheduling, and other policy matters. Guidance counselors at Suwannee High School play an active role in determining which courses will be offered, and which teachers will teach the courses. Oscar Munch is the guidance counselor at Branford High School. Mr. Munch acts as Assistant Principal in the absence of the Assistant Principal. Mr. Munch was previously charged with the responsibility for drafting the master schedule, but the Assistant Principal now performs this function. Ms. Virginia Alford is the guidance counselor at Suwannee Middle School. The Principal at Suwannee Middle School, Mr. John Cade, relies upon Ms. Alford to perform numerous functions beyond those generally associated with the position of guidance counselor, and the duties and responsibilities discussed generally above. Mr. Cade has delegated the responsibility for developing the master school schedule to Ms. Alford. Mr. Cade has ultimate responsibility for approving the schedule, but he generally follows the recommendations of Ms. Alford. The guidance counselor at Suwannee Middle School is responsible for assigning students to teachers. In making these assignments the guidance counselor is expected to evaluate the student and the teacher. Mr. Cade relies upon Ms. Alford in preparing his evaluations of teachers. Ms. Alford does not fill out any formal evaluation form; however, Ms. Alford's observations respecting student complaints and the teacher's utilization of student files are solicited by Mr. Cade, and are used by him in rendering evaluations of teachers. Teachers make suggestions to Mr. Cade respecting the budget. Ms. Alford actually assists Mr. Cade in preparing the budget. She attends budget meetings with him, and is expected to give advice to Mr. Cade respecting overall school needs. Mr. Cade meets very frequently, approximately two times per week with his Assistant Principal and his guidance counselor. The guidance counselor's name is on the school stationery. Mr. Cade frequently takes his guidance counselor to meetings with the Superintendent and the Superintendent's staff. Limited negotiations were conducted between the Public Employer and a labor organization which ultimately merged with the Petitioner in this case. Guidance counselors, occupational specialists, and school psychologists did not participate in these negotiations on behalf of the school board. It is now the apparent intent of the Public Employer to place such staff members as guidance counselors, occupational specialists and school psychologists on the collective bargaining negotiating team on a rotating basis. The purpose this placement would be to have the persons who will ultimately have responsibility for administering an agreement participate in the negotiations. There are two occupational specialists employed by the Public Employer. The occupational specialists are not assigned to a particular school. Occupational specialists are charged generally with placing students who are leaving the school system in positions in business and industry. The occupational specialists follow up on students after graduation. The occupational specialists answer directly to the Director of Vocational Education. They prepare their own plan of operation and have a separate budget. Occupational specialists made specific recommendations to the Superintendent regarding items in their budgets. Occupational specialists perform no instructional duties. There is no requirement that an occupational specialist have a college degree. The school psychologist is a member of the Superintendent's staff. The school psychologist answers directly to the Superintendent. He has primary responsibility for the testing and placement of students within the school district. The school psychologist plays a major role in placement of students within the school system. He has a separate office and his own secretary. The school psychologist holds a "specialist degree", which is a level above a Masters Degree. The school psychologist plays a role in formulating school policy respecting special education programs. The school psychologist has virtually total discretion in administering budgetary funds which are allocated to him. ENTERED this 25 day of November, 1975 in Tallahassee, Florida. G. STEVEN PFEIFFER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida
The Issue The issue in this case concerns whether Respondent is entitled to a new professional service contract as a teacher, or whether the Petitioner may appropriately terminate the Respondent's employment by not entering into a new professional service contract with Respondent.
Findings Of Fact Since the 1988-89 school year, Respondent, Gloria Steel, has been employed as a classroom teacher with the Palm Beach County School District. At all times material to this proceeding, she held a professional services contract. From the beginning of her employment with the Palm Beach County School District, through the 1992-93 school year, Respondent appears to have had a rather uneventful and lackluster professional career. Although all of her evaluations during those years rated her as satisfactory, her supervisors were of the opinion that, in general, she was a weak teacher who needed to improve many aspects of her teaching skills. During the school years from 1988-89 through 1992-93, there does not appear to have been any action by the School District to place Respondent on a teacher assistance plan. When the 1993-94 school year began, a new principal, Ms. Sue Slone, was appointed at Crystal Lakes Elementary School, where Respondent was then teaching. That year, too, appears to have been rather uneventful for the Respondent. She continued to teach second grade, as she had done for several years. For that year Principal Slone gave Respondent a satisfactory annual evaluation. The annual evaluation did not list any areas of concern. During the 1994-95 school year, Respondent was reassigned to teach a third grade class. Respondent experienced some difficulties making the transition from teaching second grade to teaching third grade. At the end of that school year, Respondent received an annual evaluation from Principal Slone that rated her as satisfactory, but, for the first time in Respondent's career with the School District, listed more than one area of concern. As originally issued, Respondent's annual evaluation for 1994-95 listed the following four areas of concern: Instructional Organization and Development Presentation of Subject Matter Communication: Verbal and Nonverbal Demonstrates Knowledge of Subject Matter Also included on Respondent's 1994-95 annual evaluation form were the following comments: Mrs. Steel has had a difficult time transitioning from second to third grade. A professional development plan will be developed for the 1995-96 school year. She has already begun seeking assistance from other staff members. Respondent disagreed with the content of her 1994-95 annual evaluation. Respondent and Ms. Helene Samango, a Classroom Teacher Association ("CTA") representative, met with Principal Slone to dispute the annual evaluation. During that meeting, Principal Slone agreed, without a formal grievance, that there was insufficient documentation to support the area of concern related to "Communication: Verbal and Nonverbal." Accordingly, Principal Stone revised the evaluation by removing that area of concern from the evaluation. The first observation of Respondent during the 1995-96 school year was on October 11, 1995. On that day, Assistant Principal Heiser observed Respondent's teaching for approximately twenty-five minutes. He was very concerned about what he observed. His concerns included such matters as Respondent's failure to teach anything for twenty-five minutes. Respondent also failed to stop misconduct on several occasions and lost instruction momentum on several occasions. During most of the observation, six or seven students in a class of twenty- five were not engaged. In general, the classroom was chaotic. Following the observation on October 11, 1995, Assistant Principal Heiser discussed the observation with Respondent and advised her of his major concerns. He also discussed the matter with Principal Slone. On October 18, 1995, Principal Slone and Assistant Principal Heiser met with Respondent to discuss their concerns about her teaching deficiencies. They offered Respondent the assistance of a Peer Assistance and Review ("PAR") teacher, a teacher with extensive experience who comes into the classroom and words directly with the teacher who is having difficulty in the classroom.1 As a result of that offer, Respondent was in the PAR program for approximately one year. On October 19, 1995, Respondent was also provided with a School Site Assistance Plan. The plan was designed to address the specific teaching deficiencies that Principal Slone and Assistant Principal Heiser were concerned about. Assistant Principal Heiser conducted an informal observation of Respondent's class for twenty-four minutes on December 1, 1995. Again, he observed deficiencies in Respondent's teaching that concerned him. Following the informal observation, he discussed his observations with Respondent and suggested ways she could improve her teaching. On December 4, 1995, Principal Slone and Assistant Principal Heiser met with Respondent to discuss her teaching. Assistant Principal Heiser discussed his most recent observation of Respondent and described the teaching deficiencies he had observed. At the meeting they also discussed Respondent's progress on the School Site Assistance Plan. Respondent had accomplished some, but not all, of the activities on the plan. Both Mr. Heiser and Ms. Slone emphasized to Respondent that she needed to work over the holidays on her professional reading and she needed to complete all of the activities on the assistance plan. Respondent's mid-year evaluation was prepared on December 7, 1995. Principal Slone identified eight (8) areas of concern, with the documentation for those concerns being provided by the observations of Principal Slone, Assistant Principal Heiser, and Mr. Spence.2 Concerns were in the following areas: (1) management of student conduct, (2) instructional organization and development, (3) presentation of subject matter, (4) communication: verbal and nonverbal, (5) knowledge of subject matter, (6) ability to plan effectively, (7) self control, and (8) adherence to and enforcement of school policies. Principal Slone included the following comments on Respondent's mid-year evaluation form: Mrs. Steel was given a school site assistance plan in October. At our conference 12/4/95, it was evident that she had not done the required activities to assist her in correcting the areas of concern. Many of the same problems that were observed last year continue to date. I believe she needs to address these areas immediately. She particularly needs to do the professional reading requested. My major concern is the misinformation that is given to students during direct teaching. The deficiencies noted on the December 7, 1995, mid- year evaluation were a fair and accurate itemization of deficiencies in Respondent's performance during the period covered by the evaluation. During the period covered by the evaluation, Respondent's teaching performance was repeatedly and consistently unsatisfactory. Due to the continuing deficiencies in Respondent's performance, the School Site Assistance Plan was continued for the next semester. Respondent's participation in the PAR program also continued. During the second semester, Respondent was observed by Principal Slone on January 31, 1996, and by Assistant Principal Heiser on March 28, 1996.3 While there were some improvements in some of Respondent's teaching skills, none of the improvement was significant or consistent. There was improvement in the areas of "Demonstrates Self Control" and "Adheres to and Enforces School Policies," which involve matters other than classroom teaching skills. On March 29, 1996, Principal Slone prepared Respondent's annual evaluation for the 1995-96 school year. The evaluation rated Respondent's performance as unsatisfactory. The evaluation identified six areas of concern, all of which had previously been identified as areas of concern on the mid-year evaluation. (The areas of "Demonstrates Self Control" and "Adheres to and Enforces School Policies" were not listed as areas of concern on the annual evaluation on March 29, 1996.) The annual evaluation included the following comments: It is evident that Mrs. Steel has been working to improve her performance, however, at this time, consistency is lacking. In spite of the assistance provided by a PAR teacher as part of a school site Professional Development Plan, Mrs. Steel continues to have difficulty in the areas of concern. It is my expectation that Mrs. Steel continue to strive for acceptable levels of performance. As a result of Respondent's continued teaching deficiencies during the second semester, on February 6, 1996, Principal Slone had written to the Superintendent to request that Respondent be notified that she would be given a year within which to correct the identified deficiencies. In pertinent part, the letter read as follows: On December 7, 1995, I completed a mid- year evaluation of Gloria Steel's performance as a classroom teacher (copy attached). I noted deficiencies in the following areas: Management of Student Conduct Instructional Organization and Development Presentation of Subject Matter Communication: verbal and Nonverbal Demonstrates Knowledge of Subject Matter Demonstrates Ability to Plan Effectively Demonstrates Self Control Adheres to and Enforces School Policies I have discussed my concerns with Ms. Steel and provided her with assistance in correcting these deficiencies. However, these deficiencies still exist. Therefore, I am requesting that you provide notice to Ms. Steel as required by Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, that she will be given the subsequent school year within which to correct these deficiencies. Following receipt of the Principal Slone's letter of February 6, 1996, the Superintendent of Schools, by letter dated March 27, 1996, advised Respondent that she would be given the next school year within which to correct the deficiencies identified by her principal. In pertinent part, the Superintendent's letter read as follows: Please be advised that I have been notified by your principal, Sue Slone, that your current performance as a classroom teacher is unsatisfactory. You have previously been advised of deficiencies by your principal. Pursuant to Section 231.36, Florida Statutes, this letter is to notify you that you will be given the next school year to correct the deficiencies noted by your principal. You will be placed on a Professional Development Plan as detailed in the Classroom Teacher Assessment System (CTAS). If the deficiencies are not corrected during the prescribed time period, a change in your employment status may be recommended. If you have any questions concerning the procedures involved in this situation, please contact, Dr. Walter H. Pierce, Assistant Superintendent/Division of Personnel Services. Shortly thereafter, School District personnel began providing district level assistance to Respondent. During the summer months, June through August, Respondent was required to read and complete various professional materials and to attend summer inservice. By letter dated April 17, 1996, Respondent wrote to Dr. Walter H. Pierce and requested a transfer for the 1996-97 school year. The letter did not state any reason for the requested transfer. By letter dated July 9, 1996, Dr. Pierce advised Respondent that her request for transfer had been considered pursuant to Section 231.36(3)(e)1, Florida Statutes, and that the request for transfer was denied. The union representative Ms. Helene Samango made at least two further requests to Dr. Pierce that he grant the requested transfer. Ms. Samango asserted that there was a personality conflict between Principal Slone and Respondent which would make it unlikely or impossible for Respondent to receive a fair evaluation from Principal Slone. On each occasion that Ms. Samango raised the issue of Respondent's request for a transfer to another school, Dr. Pierce denied the request for a transfer. Dr. Pierce was not convinced that there was any personality conflict between Principal Sloan and Respondent that would prevent Respondent from receiving fair evaluations. Dr. Pierce believed that the 231 Professional Development Plan was fair and objective, and that it could be appropriately implemented without transferring Respondent to another school. Also, as a matter of policy, Dr. Pierce preferred not to transfer teachers who were having performance difficulties. Principal Slone's evaluations of Respondent's performance as a teacher were based solely on Principal Slone's professional evaluation of what she saw and what was reported to her by other administrators who observed Respondent's teaching performance. Principal Slone's evaluations of Respondent were not motivated by any inappropriate personal considerations. Most of the observations of Respondent's teaching performance were done by observers who used the FPMS summative observation instrument. That instrument is an accepted and appropriate instrument of observing and evaluating teacher performance in the classroom. Specifically, it was an appropriate instrument for use in the observations of Respondent's performance in the classroom.4 Dr. Barbara Jeanne Burdsall is employed by the School Board as the Manager of Professional Standards. Dr. Burdsall is responsible for developing, monitoring, and providing remediation for the evaluation systems for teachers. Dr. Burdsall's department receives copies of all mid-year and annual evaluations. They are reviewed by Dr. Burdsall to determine whether a teacher needs assistance and, if so, whether a School Site plan or a District plan should be initiated. School Site plans are initiated for teachers with fewer than five concerns. District plans are initiated for teachers with five or more concerns. Dr. Burdsall was responsible for implementation of Respondent's 231 Professional Development Plan. As was her right, Respondent requested a meeting for an informal review of the documentation of unsatisfactory performance. Dr. Burdsall conducted that meeting on June 4, 1996. The purpose of the meeting was to review the deficiencies and the documentation of the deficiencies for adequacy. Helen Samango, the CTA Representative, was present at the meeting. No questions were raised about the sufficiency of the documentation. The Palm Beach School Board has the following plans and procedures to assist teachers who have performance deficiencies: the School Site Plan, which deals with just the school site principal and the teacher, the Peer Assistance and Review Program, which trains master teachers to assist teachers who are having difficulties in the classroom, and the 231.36 Professional Development Plan, which follows the statutory provisions of Section 231.36, Florida Statutes. The Department of Education approved the School Board's 231 Professional Development Plan. Dr. Burdsall is of the professional opinion that the School Board of Palm Beach County Teacher Evaluation System complies with all of the requirements of Sections 231.29, and 231.36, Florida Statutes.5 Dr. Burdsall established a team to implement the Respondent's 231 Professional Development Plan. The team included Dr. Burdsall, a curriculum person, an outside university professor, other district experts, and the school site administrators. The team members could use the FPMS summative observation format or they could prepare narrative reports of their observations. Each observation by a team member was required to last at least twenty minutes. Each observer was also required to follow the requirements of the collective bargaining contract. The team included experts in various aspects of teaching, teacher observation, teacher evaluation, and teacher training. All of the team members provided, or attempted to provide, assistance to the Respondent during the 1996-97 school year. Dr. Burdsall provided Respondent with a summer remediation program and strategies, a list of all of the seminars available in Respondent's areas of concern, and a copy of the portion of the 231 Professional Development Plan, which would be implemented in the fall. Among other things, that portion of the plan identified the observers who would be working with Respondent. The portion of Respondent's 231 Professional Development Plan for August through December of 1996 consisted of workshops, seminars, professional observations with feedback and strategies for improvement, school site administrator assistance, and a mutually agreed-to colleague to work with Respondent in the classroom. After the summer months' activities, Dr. Burdsall held a September 3, 1996, meeting with Respondent, Principal Slone, Assistant Principal Heiser, and CTA Representative Helene Samango. Respondent expressed enthusiasm about the new school year. She had completed her work over the summer, was continuing with her PAR teacher, and wanted to attend some full- day workshops. Respondent was notified as to when the observers would be visiting her classroom. Respondent was advised that if she wanted to observe instruction within the school or elsewhere in the district, Ms. Samango would contact Ms. Burdsall, and the District office would provide the funds. Respondent asked to work with Ms. Carla Lehrma and Ms. Gwen Simpson, both of whom were third-grade teachers at Crystal Lakes Elementary School. Throughout Respondent's 231 Professional Development Plan she had access to as much peer assistance and modeling as she felt she needed. The peer assistance was in addition to the year of assistance by the PAR teacher. Respondent's mid-year evaluation was completed on December 6, 1996, and was based on six (6) observations. On that evaluation, Respondent was rated as unsatisfactory with six identified areas of concern. Respondent was continued on the 231 Professional Development Plan. A meeting was held with Respondent regarding the plan on December 17, 1996. During both semesters of the 1996-97 school year, Respondent was observed by Principal Slone and by other professional observers. The other professional observers who observed Respondent's classroom teaching were Ms. Sandra Gero, Assistant Principal Larry Heiser, Ms. Kathleen Gustafson, Dr. Jeanne Burdsall, Ms. Barbara Clark, and Dr. Mary Gray. All of the observers documented the same areas of concern that Principal Slone observed. There was a lack of subject matter being presented; a lack of instructional organization and development; and a lack of classroom management. The students were not on task and the choice of instruction was not appropriate. Respondent was not demonstrating knowledge of the subject matter or an ability to plan effectively. By way of example, Dr. Mary B. Gray observed Respondent on October 8, 1996, and on February 12, 1997. Dr. Gray is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Florida Atlantic University, and has been in that position for eighteen years. In that position, Dr. Gray teaches personnel development and leadership courses. She also teaches supervision of instruction. These are all preparatory courses for school administrators. During her observation on October 8, 1996, Dr. Gray was in the classroom for the full fifty-five minute period. There were twenty-nine students present, and during Dr. Gray's scan of the classroom, about a third of the students were not doing anything they were supposed to be doing. During the period Respondent did not state what the objective was for the lesson. She lost momentum and told the students to put their heads down because she said she was not happy with them. A clock was used that was not related to the lesson. There was no objective stated. The children were confused about what was going on. Some of respondent's efforts at classroom control were ineffective. There was no meaningful content taught during the period. On February 12, 1997, Dr. Gray observed Respondent's teaching for thirty-two minutes. There were twenty-seven students present. Dr. Gray observed a mathematics class. Respondent started eight minutes late. Again the pacing was slow. Dr. Gray observed the same pattern of teacher behavior that she had observed before. Multiple questions were a problem in both observations. Respondent accepted some incorrect answers from students without providing the correct answers. There continued to be a serious problem with the off-task behavior. Respondent's teaching was not improving to any significant degree. Based on her two observations of Respondent, Dr. Gray was of the professional opinion that Respondent was not a competent teacher. Ms. Sandra Gero observed Respondent on September 25, 1996, and on January 13, 1997. Ms. Gero is an Area 2 Instructional Support Team Member. In her position she supports the schools in any way necessary in matters concerning instruction and personnel issues. Ms. Gero is involved in observations of teachers on 231 Professional Development Plans. On September 25, 1996, Ms. Gero observed Respondent's classroom for 55 minutes. Ms. Gero observed a language arts lesson, because this is her area of expertise. The children were doing a handwriting assignment, printing upper and lower case letters. This activity was developmentally inappropriate for third grade. Ms. Gero did not see anything of instructional significance to the activity. As the students moved into a reading activity Ms. Gero observed that negative behavior was being reinforced. Ms. Gero observed Respondent's use of ineffective instructional strategies. At 9:30 a.m. five students were off-task. By 9:45 a.m. there were eight students off-task. Ms. Gero observed serious problems with student management and the lack of a classroom management plan. There was no direct teaching. At the conclusion of the observation, Ms. Gero made some suggestions to Respondent that would, hopefully, help her improve her teaching. Ms. Gero's second observation lasted an hour and a half. Ms. Gero observed disjointed chaos in the classroom. The children's disruptive behavior was controlling the entire classroom. By 8:20 a.m. there had been no meaningful instruction. From about 8:30 a.m. until about 9:00 a.m. Respondent was at her desk looking through papers. During this second observation there was a worse classroom situation than during the first observation. There was no direct teaching during the ninety minutes of her observation. The six deficiency areas were still present. In Ms. Gero's independent professional opinion, Respondent is not a competent teacher. Assistant Principal Heiser observed Respondent's class on October 2, 1996. Instructional organization was becoming a major issue. There was still no presentation of subject matter and the deficiencies previously identified were still observed to be present. Dr. Burdsall observed the Respondent's classroom teaching on December 2, 1996. The observation reflected that there was no teaching of subject matter, and there was a lack of management of student conduct. Dr. Burdsall's observation directly reflected the deficiencies previously documented by Principal Slone. There was no meaningful teaching going on during the observation. Dr. Burdsall observed Respondent's classroom teaching again on February 20, 1997. Again there was no meaningful instruction taking place. It was very chaotic. Dr. Burdsall was able to form an independent opinion as to Respondent's competency. That opinion was that Respondent is incompetent to teach. Ms. Barbara Clark observed Respondent on November 8, 1996, and on February 26, 1997. Ms. Clark is a program planner for the School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida. She has been with the School District for almost twenty (20) years. Her responsibilities include creating or facilitating the writing of curriculum, preparing materials for teachers, and providing inservice to teachers. Both of Ms. Clark's observations of Respondent lasted for approximately an hour and a half. Ms. Clark met with Respondent after the observations and provided feedback to her regarding the observations. Ms. Clark invited Respondent to call her if she could be of any further assistance. Ms. Clark's independent professional opinion, based on her observations and past professional training and experience, was that Respondent is not an effective teacher. Ms. Clark observed some improvement in Respondent's teaching at the second observation, but the improvement was not sufficient to be effective. During the course of the implementation of Respondent's 231 Plan, Dr. Burdsall, the Principal, the Assistant Principal, the Union Representative, and the Respondent met periodically to discuss the observations, the progress of the Respondent's work, any areas that needed clarification, and to see if there was any further assistance that could be offered. Respondent was also provided with a math aide, Herbert Cohen. Dr. Burdsall, the Principal, the Assistant Principal, and the Union Representative, met with Respondent on November 26, 1996. At the meeting they discussed the continuing need to tie activities to objectives and to the theme. Respondent had attended several seminars and workshops. They also reviewed the observations completed by Ms. Clark and Ms. Gustafson, addressed the issues of centers and cooperative learning in Respondent's classroom, discussed the mistakes that were being made by Respondent with respect to spelling, and gave Respondent some strategies to help her focus her teaching. Assistant Principal Heiser did not see any improvement in Respondent's teaching; the same problems continued to exist. Dr. Burdsall met with the Principal, the Union Representative, and the Respondent on February 28, 1997, to again assess the status of Respondent's progress on the plan and to determine what additional assistance was needed. The original concerns were still present. On March 12, 1997, Assistant Principal Heiser and Principal Slone completed an Annual Evaluation for Respondent. In completing the annual evaluation, Principal Slone relied on her own observations and on all of the other observations by the members of the professional development team. Respondent continued to have six areas of deficiency, in spite of extensive remediation and assistance. Respondent continued to have a consistent pattern of problems in the six specific areas identified. Because the deficiencies had continued, Principal Slone communicated to the Superintendent that Ms. Slone was not recommending Respondent for reappointment for the 1997-1998 school year. Based on the Principal's evaluation of Respondent and the recommendations the Principal made to the Superintendent, Respondent was notified by the Superintendent that she would not be re-appointed, and that she had the right to request a hearing before the Division of Administrative Hearings
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the School Board of Palm Beach County, Florida, enter its final order denying renewal of Gloria Steel's professional service contract. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of July, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. MICHAEL M. PARRISH Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 1999.
The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Petitioner, the Pinellas County School Board, should suspend the Respondent, Dawn McIntyre, from her employment as a teacher for three days without pay on charges contained in the July 11,1990, letter from the School Superintendent, Scott N. Rose. 1/ The letter charges: (1) that, on one occasion during the 1987-88 school year, the Respondent pushed a teacher aide; (2) that on May 9, 1990, the Respondent struck another teacher aide with a lamp; and (3) that the Respondent also handled two students in a rough, punitive manner during May and June, 1990. The charging letter asserts that the Respondent's alleged conduct constitutes misconduct in office.
Findings Of Fact The Respondent, Dawn McIntyre, has been a teacher at Safety Harbor Elementary School since the 1984-85 school year. Until this year, she taught pre-kindergarten emotionally handicapped children. For the 1990-91 school year, she accepted a smaller class of children with varying exceptionalities. She has an annual professional service contract, not a continuing contract. She is certified to teach early childhood, mental retardation and special learning disabilies. During the 1987-88 school year, the Respondent became involved in a confrontation with an aide at school. The seeds of this confrontation were sown when the aide and the teacher with whom she worked presented flowers to the school principal in appreciation for the efforts of the principal in saving the aide's job, which was in jeopardy of being eliminated for budgetary reasons. Shortly afterwards, in conversation in the teacher's lounge, the Respondent labeled the aide as a "[expletive deleted] brown-nose." This comment was reported to the aide by a participant in the conversation, and the aide was upset by it. She decided to confront the Respondent and explain the circumstances to demonstrate that the label was unfair. When she confronted the Respondent, the Respondent did not give her an opportunity to explain but rather pushed the aide on the shoulder with the palm of her hand and rudely insisted that the label fit. In January, 1990, the Respondent began working with a new aide. Although the new aide was unfamiliar with the work and needed some on-the-job training, the Respondent worked reasonably well with the aide until, in late April or early May, the aide volunteered to help another teacher who did not have an aide and needed assistance. The Respondent objected, taking the position that the Respondent needed all of the aide's available time to help in the Respondent's class. The Respondent told the aide that the aide's volunteering for another teacher would have to be put on her evaluation as an adverse comment. From that point forward, the Respondent began to treat the aide more and more poorly, and the Respondent's working relationship with the aide quickly deteriorated to the point that the aide felt compelled to seek the advice of her union representative on how to handle the situation. While the aide's handling of the situation may have contributed marginally to the deterioration of the working relationship between the two, the breakdown would not have happened without the Respondent's inappropriate behavior. On or about May 9, 1990, the Respondent instructed the aide to take only half of the children's hour rest period for lunch and use the rest to do paperwork in the classroom. After her lunch, the aide began to arrange a place to do the paperwork. The Respondent objected to the way the aide set a desk lamp on the table the aide was going to work at, thinking it threw too much light on where some of the children were sleeping, and she told the aide to move the lamp. When the aide did not move fast enough for the Respondent's liking, the Respondent rushed over to the table in disgust and snatched the lamp off the table before the aide could move it. In the process, she shouldered and elbowed the aide out of the way, knocking her temporarily off balance and accidentally grazing the aide's elbow with the lamp. Greatly upset by the way in which the Respondent handled the situation, together with the cumulative effect of the Respondent's prior inappropriate behavior, the aide immediately left the classroom without saying anything to the Respondent and reported the incident to the administration, in accordance with the advice of her union representative. The aide refused to continue to work with the Respondent and was reassigned. Two of the three other available aides also refused to work with the Respondent. One was the aide whom the Respondent had pushed and called a "[expletive deleted] brown-nose," and she refused to work with the Respondent partly because of the pushing incident. The other had not been involved personally in any unpleasant confrontations with the Respondent but was uncomfortable working with the Respondent in light of the incidents involving others that had been related to her. The third aide was only part-time and was too new to be thrust into the gap, in the opinion of the school principal. The principal had to go to the aides' union to force one of the other aides to work with the Respondent for the rest of the school year. As it turned out, the aide forced to work with the Respondent used sick leave so as to work with the Respondent as little as possible, and aides had to be put in the classroom on a rotating basis. On or about May 10, 1990, while in the process of escorting her class from the lunchroom back to the classroom, the Respondent walked up to one of her more difficult pupils, who had just spent most of the lunch period in "time- out," grasped him around the chin, with her thumb on one cheek and her fingers on the other cheek, applying more pressure than necessary to merely get his attention, and spoke to him sternly. This was done in the presence of the other children in the class and within sight of other children and adults in the lunchroom. On or about June 5, 1990, while again in the lunchroom, the Respondent walked up to another pupil from her class, who was sitting at the "time-out table," and reprimanded him sternly for untruthfully having told her that he had eaten his lunch. As she reprimanded the pupil, she squeezed his ear between her fingers and twisted it as part of the discipline. This, too, was done within sight of the children and adults in the lunchroom. Although perhaps technically corporal punishment in violation of School Board policy, the facts described in Findings 6 and 7, above, can be described as minor, or even marginal, violations. Neither child was injured, and neither complained to any adult that the Respondent had hurt them. (The child involved in the June 5th incident said that his ear hurt a little, but that was only when directly asked by one of the adults who witnessed the incident.) The "punishment" was so minor as to leave question whether it was punishment or just a case of overdoing an effort to get and keep the children's attention. By the time of the final hearing, all of the adult witnesses to these incidents were feuding with the Respondent in some form or fashion, and their testimony describing the incidents could have been slanted by the animosity between them and the Respondent. The Respondent has been and continues to be an effective teacher of pre-kindergarten children with learning disabilities. However, as reflected in the preceding Findings, she unfortunately has been susceptible to improper and unprofessional behavior which has hampered her working relationships with a significant number of her teaching colleagues and has created difficulties for the administration of the school. This has reduced her effectiveness as a teacher. The parties stipulated on the record of the final hearing that, if the charges are proven, a three-day suspension would be the appropriate discipline.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the School Board of Pinellas County enter a final order finding the Respondent guilty of misconduct in office and suspending her for three days without pay. RECOMMENDED this 17th day of December, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of December, 1990.
Findings Of Fact During the 1985-86 school year Respondent Alfred B. Torres was a student in the sixth grade at Redland Junior High School. On October 31, 1985, a Student Case Management Referral Form was processed by Respondent's homeroom teacher because of Respondent's continuous disrespectful and derogatory comments to the teacher, his constant talking during that time period, his persistent antagonizing of other students, and his persistent late arrival to homeroom. Respondent's mother had been contacted regarding that behavior only ten days previous. On January 15, 1986, Respondent's homeroom teacher again processed a Student Case Management Referral Form since Respondent was being disrespectful to the teacher, was refusing to sit in his seat, was fighting with another student, and continued to talk throughout the homeroom period. This time Respondent was suspended. On March 11, 1986, Respondent's homeroom teacher again referred Respondent to the Assistant Principal for the same kind of behavior, i.e., being disruptive throughout the homeroom period. Respondent was suspended for one day, and his mother was contacted. On May 7, 1986, Respondent was again suspended, this time for three days, for being disruptive and disrespectful in homeroom. His mother was again contacted. On September 15, 1986, Respondent's social studies teacher referred him to a counselor for refusing to work and refusing to bring books to class. She reported that such refusals were a daily occurrence as was Respondent's daily disruption of the class and constant talking. Respondent was given a warning. On December 10, 1986, Respondent's vocational education teacher processed a Student Case Management Referral Form regarding Respondent. That referral was based upon Respondent's constant talking in manufacturing class, his horseplay and running around the room during that class, his continual disruption of the class, and his refusal to do the work assigned to him. Additionally, Respondent was instructed by that teacher to take the referral form to the Assistant Principal and report to the office. Respondent refused to report to the office and to give the referral form to the Assistant Principal but rather went to the physical education field instead. He was brought back to his classroom by another teacher but continued to refuse to go to the office. Respondent's vocational education teacher reported that in addition to the Respondent causing problems within the class by his failure to follow either class or school rules and his disrespectful conduct toward his instructor, Respondent had also attempted to have another student's project graded as Respondent's own project. That teacher had requested Respondent's mother to come to the school to confer regarding her son on several occasions, but the mother refused to do so. Respondent was suspended for one day. On February 23, 1987, Respondent was again referred to the Principal's office for being quite noisy during his first period class, for refusing to remain in his seat, and for failing to respond to the teacher. Respondent was given "work detail" during the first period class time. On May 5, 1987, Respondent's brother started a fight with another student. Respondent rushed over and kicked the boy his brother was fighting with extremely hard in the head. When the Assistant Principal tried to intervene, Respondent told him to "fuck off." Respondent was suspended for ten days for the battery he committed. During the 1986-87 school year Respondent was absent 51 days out of the 180-day school year. He received passing grades in two of his classes and failed five classes. His effort grades in those classes primarily reflect no effort being exerted by Respondent in most of his classes most of the time. Respondent was evaluated on November 9, 1987, by the school psychologist as part of a multi-disciplinary team report. The psychologist's conclusion is that Respondent is unwilling to accept any responsibility for his behavior and that Respondent suffers from an attention deficit disorder. The school psychologist's opinion, as well as the opinion of Respondent's Assistant Principal, is that Respondent would be better served by the opportunity school's increased structure. The visiting teacher's report indicates that Respondent's mother admits that she has trouble controlling Respondent's behavior, and it was recommended that she obtain professional assistance in learning to control Respondent's behavior at home.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a Final Order be entered assigning Respondent Alfred B. Torres to the opportunity school program at J.R.E. Lee until such time as his performance reveals that he can be returned to the regular school program. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 28th day of January, 1988, at Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of January, 1988. COPIES FURNISHED: DR. JOSEPH A. FERNANDEZ SCHOOL BOARD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1450 NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 FRANK R. HARDER, ESQUIRE 175 FONTAINEBLEAU BOULEVARD SUITE 2A-3 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33172 DAGMAR TORRES 15276 S.W. 104TH STREET, APT. 828 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33186 MADELYN P. SCHERE, ESQUIRE SCHOOL BOARD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1450 NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132 PHYLLIS O. DOUGLAS, ESQUIRE SCHOOL BOARD ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1450 NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33132