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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 15, 2000 Number: 00-002492 Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000093 Latest Update: Jul. 27, 1987

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the allegations contained herein, Respondents Richard Elliott Templin, Jr., was qualified for licensure as a general lines agent and as a life and health insurance agent in Florida and represented the Okeechobee Insurance Agency, (OIA), located at 1874 Okeechobee Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida. Respondent is currently eligible for licensure as a general lines agent and as a health and life insurance agent in Florida. RAVEN MILLER In March, 1984, Raven Miller applied for and was issued automobile insurance by OIA. She contacted that agency among others and found that it quoted her the cheapest price for the coverage she wanted, coverage sufficient to protect her and the finance company from loss. During the application process, she signed several forms provided to her by the agent who briefly discussed her coverage with her but did not advise her it would include life insurance or accidental death insurance. When she initially went into the office to renew the policy, she asked for coverage on the vehicle but did not desire anything else. The employee with whom she talked indicated understanding of her desires and filled out the required paperwork for her without asking any other questions of her. When the paperwork was completed, Ms. Miller was told that the premium cost would be $347.00 for which she gave a check and received a receipt, plus $110.00 for a term life insurance policy. She was not told that that this latter coverage was separate from the automobile coverage. Ms. Miller filled out nothing during the application process. All the documents were filled out by the clerk. The application form was completely filled out except for her signature when she signed it. It reflected that uninsured motorist coverage was rejected but Ms. Miller was not asked by anyone at the agency if she desired that coverage. When she inquired about deductibles, she was advised there was a mandatory $250.00 deductible and though she is reflected to have rejected bodily injury coverage, this was not discussed with her, either. The only form that Ms. Miller filled out personally was the pink application to Fortune Insurance Company, (Fortune), on which she identified her "beneficiary." This form was not explained to her, however, nor was there any discussion with her of life insurance coverage. Ms. Miller, who works with the Post Office, has $140,000 in life insurance coverage through her job and had she known she was being offered additional life insurance coverage, would have rejected it. When Ms. Miller signed the summary of coverage form, it was completely filled out. The lady with whom she was dealing briefly went over the various items on it but did not discuss them with her or explained anything to her. The confirmation form which she signed was filled out prior to being given to her for signature. The explanation regarding it was brief and she was not advised that life insurance coverage was optional. The life insurance premium was not forwarded by OIA to the company. She did not receive a policy from either Fortune Life or ATA. At no time during her dealings with OIA did she meet or deal with Respondent and she does not know him nor would she recognize him. When she sold her car in March, 1985, Ms. Miller cancelled the policy in person at the agency at which time she was advised that her refund would come in the mail. Even after numerous contacts with the agency to inquire where the refund was, it was not given to her. At no time during her dealings with OIA was she aware of the fact that she was applying for an accidental death policy. All she asked for, all she wanted, and all she thought she was getting was auto insurance sufficient to cover her, her bank, and others with whom she might have an accident in the event of loss. Notwithstanding the fact that Ms. Miller signed an acknowledgment of explanation both at the time of the original policy and and the time of renewal, the explanation in both cases was extremely brief. She asked no questions to speak of and no information was volunteered. In short, at the time of renewal the agency merely renewed the prior coverage. They did not show her what they were comparing with. She assumes that the figures were the same as for the original policy and she assumed that whatever she got was a standard coverage and charge to every applicant. Ms. Miller was satisfied with the coverage she received and the package she purchased. Her complaint to the Department of Insurance related to the failure to receive her refund not to the sale of the insurance to her. In fact, at the time she filed her complaint, she did not even know that she had a life insurance policy. DENNIS AND ALETA NELSON Dennis Nelson, who has worked for the Post Office for approximately 10 years, on or about March 21, 1985 went to the OIA because, having spoken with Respondent over the phone, and having gotten a quote for "full coverage" on his automobiles from him, he liked the price. Mr. Nelson dealt with Respondent who took down the particulars on the cars to be covered, then went to his rate books, and quoted a price to Mr. Nelson which was satisfactory. In doing so, he laid out the explanation of coverage form and indicated what coverage the Nelsons would have. In the course of the application process, there was no discussion of the limits of liability insurance, uninsured motorist Coverage, deductibles, or life insurance. When the paperwork was completed, Mr. Nelson signed the applications for insurance given to him and a premium finance agreement. Respondent explained to Mr. Nelson the application for life insurance and gave him the impression that it was mandatory. It was made mandatory by the company that a customer buy the whole package, but it was not mandatory under the state requirements. The failure to make this distinction is misleading and deceptive. Mr. Nelson never received any policies from any of the companies from whom he was supposed to have received coverage, though he made his premium payments. By the same token, the company did not receive Nelson's premiums from the agency and, therefore, did not issue a policy. Approximately three months after the coverage went into effect, OIA notified the Nelsons that the cost of coverage on their Blazer would be raised by more than $200 for the year. Mr. Nelson made the initial inquiry call to the company writing this coverage but he was poorly treated by company representatives and got no information. Thereafter, Mrs. Nelson went to OIA's Okeechobee Boulevard office and spoke with Respondent who indicated he could not understand it either. Nonetheless, she paid a part of the increase, ($110.00), at the time in cash. The Nelsons checked with other companies and were quoted lower prices. Because OIA could not explain the raise, they went to the Petitioner's local office where they were told that the life insurance coverage they had purchased was not mandatory. As a result, they decided to cancel their coverage with OIA which Mrs. Nelson did in person. When she attempted to fill out the cancellation form, she was told by an agency employee that she could not cancel the life insurance portion only her husband could do that. Mr. Nelson thereafter attempted to reach the Respondent to discuss this situation with him but could never seem to get in touch with him. Mr. Nelson felt he got repeated run arounds from the employees at OIA and was repeatedly referred to the Lake Worth office. When they ultimately received the refund from OIA, it was dishonored and thereafter, the Nelsons were reimbursed for it in cash. ROBERT M. ANDERSON Mr. Anderson, an employee of Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Corporation in West Palm Beach, purchased automobile insurance from OIA in July, 1985. He selected that agency because they offered him the best price for the coverage which he had told them he wanted, which was "the minimum necessary to satisfy state and bank requirements." During the course of his negotiations with the agency, he dealt with an individual known to him as "Rich" but though Respondent looks familiar to him, he cannot identify Respondent as that individual. He advised the individual with whom he dealt what kind of car he had, (a Porche 911), his age, and that he wanted the best deal he could get. In response, the individual gave him a quotation for a 12 month policy which was too high for his budget. He asked for a quote on the rate for 6 months which was quoted to him as $1,816.00, for which he wrote a check. Mr. Anderson thereafter filled out an application package for coverage. The summary of coverage form was not discussed with him in detail. For example, the $2,000 deductible of PIP coverage was not discussed nor were any details or deductibles on other coverages. Accidental death coverage was not discussed with him nor did he request it. He recognizes his signature on certain documents and does not dispute having signed them. However, he does not recall any discussion about them nor does he recall signing a power of attorney form or even discussing the need to have one signed. There was no discussion with Mr. Anderson regarding life insurance coverage and in fact, he would have declined it had it been discussed because he was fully covered through his company's group policy. Mr. Anderson was not prevented from asking questions but did not do so because he did not know what questions to ask. He was given the opportunity to read the forms but did not review them in detail because he did not understand them then and does not understand them now. He did not, however, indicate that he did not understand. Because he had 9 points on his driver's record, he did not ask many questions. He was grateful to get any coverage and did not feel it was appropriate to take the time, as busy as Respondent appeared to be, to ask questions. It was his understanding that everything he got was a part of the "total package" that he requested. Mr. Anderson had no complaint about the coverage that he received. His complaint to the Petitioner was based on his failure to secure a prompt refund from the agency at the time he desired to cancel the coverage, and it was at this time, in discussing the matter with the Commissioner's office, that he first learned he had life and other undesired coverages as a part of his auto insurance package. He has, however, subsequently received the refund requested. All of the individuals referenced above received and paid for as a part of their insurance coverage, membership in an automobile motor club. On policies of this nature, the selling agency retains 90 percent of the premium and remits only 10 percent to the insurer. The motor club membership included a life insurance policy issued by Fortune Life. None of the persons involved with Respondent here knew they were buying either life insurance, accidental death insurance, or motor club membership. All had asked for "total" coverage, desiring thereby only that coverage necessary to operator a motor vehicle legally in this state. Neither life insurance, accidental death insurance, nor motor club coverage is a requirement of the state for the operation of a motor vehicle. It is not unlawful for an insurance agency to make those coverages a necessary part of a package and condition the issuance of liability, property damage, and PIP coverage upon the purchase of a total package including the other. What is improper, however, is a failure on the part of the agency to disclose that the life, accidental death, and motor club coverages are not a part of the insurance requirements of the state and the failure to disclose this is the nexus of the offense alleged.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that the Respondent's licenses and eligibility for licensure be placed on probation for a period of two years and that he be ordered to pay an administrative fine of $2,500.00. RECOMMENDED this 27th day of July, 1987, at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of July, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 87-0093 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. For Petitioner 1-4 Accepted and incorporated herein. 5-7 Accepted and incorporated herein. 8 Accepted and incorporated herein. 9 Accepted and incorporated herein. 10-16 Accepted and incorporated herein. 17-18 Accepted and incorporated herein. 19 Accepted and incorporated herein. 20 Accepted but irrelevant. 21 Accepted and incorporated herein. 22 Accepted. 23-26 Accepted and incorporated herein. 27 Accepted and incorporated herein. 28 Accepted and incorporated herein. 29 Accepted but irrelevant. 30 Accepted and incorporated herein. 31&32 Accepted and incorporated herein. 33 Accepted and incorporated herein. 34 Rejected as unproven. Witness never identified Respondent as the individual with whom he dealt. In the remaining paragraph rulings, it is assumed only that Respondent was involved. 35&36 Accepted and incorporated herein. 37-39 Accepted and incorporated herein. 40&41 Accepted and incorporated herein. 42&43 Accepted. For Respondent Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted not as a Finding of Fact but as a recitation of the evidence, Accepted in substance. Paragraph is long and involved. See 3 above. See 3 above. COPIES FURNISHED: William Gunter, Commissioner Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 William W. Tharpe, Jr., Esquire Office of Legal Services Larson Bldg. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 David W. Spicer, Esquire Tammy J. Kissell, Esquire NCNB Tower, Suite 910 1555 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-2363 =================================================================

Florida Laws (8) 120.57120.68626.561626.611626.621626.734626.9521626.9541
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Pensacola, Florida May 26, 1995 Number: 95-002690 Latest Update: Nov. 26, 1996

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is a licensed insurance agent licensed in the State of Florida as a general lines agent. He was the primary agent of Emerald Coast Insurance Agencies, Inc. (Agency) for Pensacola, Florida. The agency at all times pertinent to the events and times treated in the Amended Administrative Complaint was a general lines insurance agency incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida. The Petitioner is an agency of the State of Florida charged with regulating and licensing the entry of insurance agents into the profession of insurance and regulating the practice of agents and other insurance professionals already licensed by the State of Florida, including the imposition of disciplinary measures. The Respondent had been an insurance agent, as of the time of the hearing, for approximately four years. During that time, he has typically written 50-60 applications for automobile insurance and related coverage per week. The owner of the Agency would not allow the Respondent to issue checks from the Respondent's own office. All processing of insurance application files was completed at the Tallahassee, Florida office. The files with client information for insurance applicants, whose business was initiated by the Respondent, was sent by UPS to the Tallahassee, Florida office on the morning following the taking of the applications. The forms, which the Respondent was required to have completed and asked customers to sign, were pre-printed and issued from the Tallahassee, Florida office. The Respondent had no part in the creation of these forms as to content, format, and the disclosures depicted on their face. The Respondent inquired of the Department's local office as to whether the forms comported with pertinent statutes and regulations, and the Department expressed no objection to them. Indeed, the forms in question do make disclosures of the coverage or products which the customer is purchasing and contain an acknowledgment, which the customer is required to sign, indicating that the coverage has been explained to the customer. In particular, the motor club product is depicted on the relevant form as being an optional product and that it has been explained to the customer, with a blank after that pertinent statement for the customer to sign an acknowledgment of that fact. The issue in this case does not involve whether the customer paid for such a product without executing any consent but, rather, whether the customer was misled or whether the products sold were actually, in fact, explained fully to them; whether they were misled in making a decision to buy such coverage in the belief that it was required in order to obtain the insurance they knew they needed. THE TRANSACTIONS AT ISSUE No evidence was submitted as to Count I, concerning Cheryl Ginsterblum nor Count VIII, concerning Joseph Shelton. Therefore, no findings of fact can be made and these counts should be dismissed. Pam Shivers of Gulf Breeze, Florida, required insurance coverage for her 1988 Dodge Caravan. Because the van was still financed with a lender, "full coverage" was required, that is, she needed personal injury protection (PIP), property damage (PD) coverage, comprehensive risk coverage, and collision damage coverage. On March 8, 1993, she went to the Respondent's Agency, and the Respondent handled the requested insurance transaction. She requested "full coverage", and the transaction was handled while she was standing at the counter, in just a few minutes. PIP and PD insurance was placed with Security Insurance Company of Hartford (Security). Comprehensive and collision coverage was placed with Florida International Indemnity Company (FIIC). The premium for Security was $350.00, and the premium for FIIC was $399.00. The purchase of this coverage was financed so that Ms. Shivers would not have to pay the entire $749.00 premium for all of the coverage at one time. In return for the premium financing arrangement, a $187.00 down payment was required for the insurance coverage. During the transaction, Ms. Shivers was quickly presented with approximately six documents to sign. Included in those documents was a document containing a disclosure that the motor club product which she purchased was optional, that is, not required by law; that she had been offered to purchase automobile insurance by the Agency without an optional motor club and chose to purchase that optional coverage of her own free will at an additional cost of $150.00; that she examined the benefits being offered, and that it was her decision to request enrollment as a member of the motor club association. It is true that Ms. Shivers signed these acknowledgments and disclosures, which on their face, would indicate that she had been informed about the nature of the motor club product or coverage and its cost, including the fact that it was not required by law and was optional. In fact, however, her apparent consent was not an actual, knowing and informed consent. She was presented with the six documents to sign hurriedly, with the places to sign simply marked for her to make quick signatures. She did not, in the course of the transaction, have significant time to read the documents or reflect on what she was signing, what her signatures obligated her for, and what specific products she was purchasing. She was not, in actual fact, informed that she was purchasing a motor club membership. She did not request that product, and the Respondent did not give her any actual explanation about it. She was not informed that she had any choice in whether or not to take that product. She later discovered that the product was optional and that it was, therefore, not an integral, unseverable part of the insurance coverage she did want to purchase. Moreover, Ms. Shivers was confused about the $749.00 premium quote and the amount she was actually required to pay. Her confusion involved the $749.00 premium for insurance quoted to her because of the fact that she was actually required to pay an $899.00 purported "premium". The receipt issued at the end of the purchase transaction indicated a total "premium" of $899.00. In fact, however, the actual cost of the insurance was $749.00. The additional $150.00 was for a motor club membership which was hidden in the receipt amount and what was represented on the receipt as a "total premium". The down payment of $337.00 quoted to her was also deceptive because actually, only $187.00 of that was the down payment on the actual insurance coverage premium. This is shown by the premium finance agreement in evidence. The Respondent had concealed the cost of the motor club membership within what was purported to be the total insurance premium amount reflected on the receipt and included the entire $150.00 charge for that membership within the down payment, simply and misleadingly calling the down payment of $337.00 as the down payment on insurance coverage. Thereafter, on March 21, 1993, Ms. Shivers went back to the Agency to cancel her insurance, related to the fact that her vehicle had been involved in an accident. Upon doing that, she left thinking that her insurance had been effectively cancelled. Later, she received notices from the premium finance company but was told by the Respondent to ignore them. On May 7, 1993, however, the Respondent informed her that she had to come back to the Agency and fill out a cancellation request. Thus, 47 days after she had attempted to cancel her coverage, her request was finally processed by the Agency. In the meantime, she was apparently being charged for premiums on the coverage she thought she had cancelled. Thus, from January 21, 1994, the premium finance company turned an amount it claimed was due of $43.26 over to its attorney for collection purposes, which impinged on Ms. Shivers' credit standing. She had already paid the Respondent $190.00 in premiums under the premium financing agreement, with her down payment, but did not receive any returned unearned premium representing the period after she thought she had cancelled her policy but, instead, was billed the additional $43.26 directly due to the Respondent's 47-day delay in processing her cancellation request. Count III In June, 1993, Laura O'Donohue of Pensacola, Florida, purchased her first vehicle, a 1993 Chevrolet Cavalier. The automobile dealership, where she purchased the vehicle, gave her a card for the Respondent's insurance agency. Therefore, never having established a relationship with an insurance agency, she went to that Agency to purchase insurance. Her mother, Lynn O'Donohue, accompanied her to the Agency. Before coming to the Agency while at the automobile dealership, she had received a quote for the insurance she wanted from the Agency. When she arrived at the Agency, she informed Donald Grubb, an employee of the Agency and the Respondent, that she just wanted "basic coverage". This was the first time she had purchased insurance, and she relied entirely for her decisions regarding that upon the representations of the Respondent and his colleague. Therefore, in a transaction, which took approximately 20 minutes, the Respondent and/or Mr. Grubb assisted her in filling out the paperwork required to place the insurance coverage she requested. During the course of the brief insurance purchase transaction, Ms. O'Donohue learned that she would be required to pay a higher premium amount than the quote she had received from the Agency while she was at the automobile dealership earlier that day. This is consistent with the Agency's custom and practice, established by former agent, James Self's, testimony to the effect that motor club coverage was typically added to the normal insurance coverage requested by customers, which resulted in higher purported "premium" quotes and charges than had initially been quoted to the customer, typically by telephone, before a customer came to the Agency office. When Ms. O'Donohue and her mother arrived at the Agency after having received the lower quote earlier, they were thus not prepared to pay the higher amount of the so-called premium. Ms. O'Donohue did not need a motor club because, through her mother, she was covered by AAA Motor Club for towing and other benefits. She had no knowledge that she had purchased a motor club product from the Respondent. All of the documents were presented to her, in response to her request for just basic insurance coverage, in the context that this was what the law required her to have and what she needed. She totally relied, as did her mother, upon the representations of the Respondent and his agent or employee, Mr. Grubb, concerning what the law required and what she needed in the way of insurance coverage. The testimony of Ms. O'Donohue's mother, Lynn O'Donohue, confirms the fact that they had no intent to purchase towing coverage or "auto club" because they already had a membership with AAA and wanted to pay nothing extra other than the basic insurance coverage. The Respondent or his agent or employee, Mr. Grubb, indicated, as shown on page 91 of the transcript, that "towing was all part of it", that is, they meant that the basic insurance package sought by Ms. O'Donohue included towing as part of its coverage. In fact, that was not the case, and the motor club product was clearly optional, at extra cost, and not legally required. Ms. O'Donohue purchased it unknowingly, based upon the representations and business practice used by the Respondent in connection with her transaction, in spite of the presence of her signatures on the disclosure portion of the application documents for the reasons referenced with regard to the Shivers transaction. The insurance requested was placed with two insurance companies. The PIP and PD were issued by Security at a premium of $223.00. The comprehensive and collision coverage was placed with General Insurance Company (General) at a premium of $411.00. Thus, the premiums for actual insurance coverage, which is all Ms. O'Donohue wanted, totaled $634.00. That was financed by the ETI Premium Finance Company (ETI) on periodic installment payments, with a required down payment of $127.00. The Respondent, however, required Ms. O'Donohue to make a down payment of $277.00 on a purported total premium due of $784.00. This amount, unbeknownst to Ms. O'Donohue, happened to include a motor club purchase (Atlantic Travel Association), which cost $150.00, thus, the difference between the $634.00 actual insurance premium and the $784.00 purported premium due. The $150.00 fee for motor club benefits was concealed in the "total premium" amount falsely represented to the customer by the Respondent. The deceptive and misleading nature of this transaction is further pointed out by the form of the receipt issued to Ms. O'Donohue upon consummating the transaction. That receipt indicates that the "total premium" is $784.00. Actually, the cost of the insurance was only $634.00, as referenced above, and the additional $150.00 of that purported total premium amount was the motor club fee. Likewise, the down payment quoted to her of $277.00 was deceptive because only $127.00 of that was applied to the actual insurance coverage. The remaining amount was the motor club fee which the agent collected in its entirety at the beginning of the transaction, as part of the down payment, while the insurance premiums, in excess of the $127.00 actual down payment for insurance, were financed through ETI. The Respondent did this because, by collecting all of the motor club fee in a lump sum at the outset of the transaction, he could get his entire commission immediately. His motor club sales commission was at a considerably higher rate than the commission he earned on the sale of insurance itself. In fact, his commission was 90 percent of the $150.00 motor club fee. Since Ms. O'Donohue did not have the entire $277.00 at the time of the transaction, because she had been relying on the lower quote for the insurance given to her over the telephone, she only paid $200.00 down payment at the time of the transaction, with a balance owed of $79.00, as reflected on her receipt. Her mother had reservations concerning the purchase of this insurance from the Respondent and told her daughter that she thought that because the insurance she purchased involved financing the premium, she could save money by going to GEICO insurance company. Therefore, the following day, she went to GEICO and secured new coverage at a lower premium rate and then called the Respondent's Agency to confirm that she could cancel her policy, with no penalty. They replied that she could cancel her policy just so long as she brought them proof that she had secured new insurance, since the law presently does not allow them to cancel the coverage until they are shown proof that the insured has obtained other coverage. Ms. O'Donohue, therefore, went to GEICO, purchased new insurance for her vehicle, and then brought proof to the Agency and requested that the Respondent cancel her insurance. This request was made on June 19, 1993. At that time, she requested a refund of the $200.00 down payment which she had made two days before and was assured that she would receive it within 60 days. In fact, she never received a refund and continued to receive past-due and delinquency notices from ETI, the premium finance company. She notified the Agency of this problem on numerous occasions to no satisfaction. Due to ETI's belief that her coverage was still in force and that they were still owed the premium payments, her credit was endangered. This was all directly related to the Respondent's failure to properly and timely process her cancellation request. On June 20, 1993, Terre Thompson of Pensacola, Florida, also went to the Respondent's Agency to purchase insurance for her 1993 GEO Metro automobile. The Respondent met her at the automobile dealership, where she purchased the vehicle. He had already prepared documents for the purchase of insurance to be underwritten by Security and General, along with a premium financing agreement and other documents. He had marked X's where Ms. Thompson was supposed to sign all contracts and disclosure forms. The Respondent filled out all of the information on the documents and merely told her, in effect, to "sign here, here and here". The transaction was conducted very quickly and with little or no explanation of coverage or benefits. Although Ms. Thompson needed full coverage for her vehicle, because it was financed, she did not want towing and rental benefits. The Respondent, however, gave her to understand that it was required in the coverage package she purchased. Accordingly, on June 20, 1993, she made a down payment of $100.00, with an additional amount due of $51.00 by June 27, 1993. Although the receipt was dated June 20, 1993, Ms. Thompson did not actually receive it until June 27, 1993, when she returned to the Respondent's Agency to pay the $51.00 owed. The receipt falsely depicts that the "total premium" was $834.00. Actually, the cost of the insurance was only $754.00. The additional $80.00 was for a motor club product, although the $80.00 was buried in and represented to be part of the total insurance premium for the transaction. The down payment of $231.00 quoted, likewise, was deceptive because only $151.00 of that was actually applied to insurance coverage, which was all of the coverage that Ms. Thompson had requested. The Respondent collected the $100.00 on June 20, 1993 and entered into a financing arrangement with the customer, Ms. Thompson, for the $51.00 to be paid on June 27, 1993. In fact, this was only enough to cover the down payment for the actual insurance coverage because the Respondent forgot to include the fee for the motor club coverage on the "front end" or in the down payment, as was his normal practice. This is why Ms. Thompson became upset when she learned she owed an additional $71.00 when she returned on June 27, 1993, when she thought she had only owed approximately $60.00. In any event, the receipt finally received by her reflected payments of $100.00, $60.00, and $71.00, which totals $231.00. This amount includes the $151.00 down payment for actual insurance coverage and the remaining $80.00 for motor club membership, which Ms. Thompson did not know she had purchased at the time and did not desire to purchase. Indeed, Ms. Thompson, and the other customers referenced in the Amended Administrative Complaint, who testified, signed the disclosure in the standard package of documents presented to them by the Respondent. It indicated that they acknowledged that the motor club benefit or the "nations safe driver" medical benefit was an optional coverage, not required by law and that, after explanation of it, they had elected to purchase it. In fact, they signed those documents, albeit imprudently, without actual knowledge that they were obtaining that coverage and without explanation that it was not legally required. No disclosure was made to them that the purported "total premium" amount actually included payment for the motor club benefit, which was not actually part of the insurance premium and which, at least in the case of those customers with AAA memberships, was totally unnecessary. Timothy Malden of Jacksonville, Florida, purchased a vehicle on or about August 31, 1993. He needed full coverage because the vehicle was financed, that is, he needed PIP, PD, comprehensive coverage, and collision coverage. He went to the Respondent's Agency on that date to purchase coverage on his 1986 Pontiac Fiero. During the course of the transaction, handled by the Respondent, Mr. Malden was asked if he had motor club coverage or benefits and he told the Respondent that he had AAA membership and showed the Respondent his AAA card. The Respondent and Mr. Malden entered into a transaction to sell Mr. Malden insurance. The transaction involved approximately seven different documents and took a total of about 15 to 20 minutes. Mr. Malden merely signed the documents. The Respondent told him that he just needed his signature on the documents and the Respondent did not explain the coverage. The procedure seemed rushed or hurried to Mr. Malden. Although Mr. Malden signed the disclosure (inadvertently, because apparently he did not read it) stating, in effect, that the motor club coverage was optional, not required and that after having it explained to him, he had decided to purchase it, he, in fact, did not know at the time that he had purchased the motor club coverage and it had not been explained to him. Moreover, as stated above, he had explained to the Respondent that he did not need it because he already had AAA motor club coverage. Nevertheless, the Respondent, knowing that Mr. Malden had AAA, still sold him the motor club coverage with the Atlantic Travel Association for an additional fee of $150.00. Mr. Malden made no informed consent to purchase that benefit. The PIP and PD coverage was placed with Security at a premium of $395.00. The comprehensive and collision coverage was placed with Continental American Insurance Company (Continental) for a premium of $525.00. The total premium for "insurance" was $920.00, with a $230.00 down payment. The premiums were financed by ETI. Mr. Malden, however, was required to pay a "down payment" of $380.00. The receipt issued to him reveals a "total premium" of $1,070.00. The actual cost of insurance was only $920.00. The additional $150.00 was for motor club coverage, and the charge for that was hidden in what was represented on the receipt as "total premium". Likewise, the down payment of $380.00 was deceptive in nature because only $230.00 of it was actually a down payment for insurance coverage. The remainder of it, as explained above with regard to the other customers, was actually full payment for the unnecessary, unwanted motor club benefit. On March 8, 1994, Karen Sigler of Pensacola, Florida, went to the Agency to purchase automobile insurance for a 1990 Plymough Voyager. She stated to the Respondent that she only wanted the minimum automobile insurance required by Florida law. She told the Respondent that she needed new insurance because her previous insurance company had gone out of business. The Respondent handled the transaction for her and she specified that she wanted only that coverage which the State of Florida required. Ms. Sigler had been originally quoted a $324.00 premium amount. When she actually entered into the insurance transaction, however, an additional $65.00 was added on to that amount because the Respondent sold her an additional "Nations Safe Drivers, Inc." enrollment. This is not an insurance product but, rather, is a form of supplemental medical benefit. Ms. Sigler had not requested this and did not understand the nature of it, believing that it was unnecessary because she was already qualified as a "safe driver" based upon her driver's record. She was given no explanation as to what that enrollment form, and benefit was nor that there was an extra charge for it. Even as reflected on the enrollment form, Ms. Sigler merely thought that the Nations Safe Drivers membership was a part of the required insurance purchase package. This is not true, in fact, since only PIP and PD coverages are required by law. Ms. Sigler was thus sold a product she did not request, which was not required by law and which was not explained to her. The entire transaction took approximately one- half hour. The receipt issued to Ms. Sigler shows that the "total premium" was $324.00. In fact, however, the actual cost of insurance was a $259.00 premium. The additional $65.00 of the $324.00 amount was the fee for the Nations Safe Drivers membership, which was hidden in what was represented as a "total premium". Moreover, the down payment she paid of $98.00 was deceptive because only a part of it was applied to automobile insurance coverage and the remainder was the fee for the Nations Safe Drivers membership. The Respondent's business practice in this regard resultingly misled Ms. Sigler into believing that Nations Safe Drivers, Inc. was required by State law and that it was an insurance product, which it was not. Here, again, in spite of the disclosure she signed and the documents that she was hurriedly urged to execute by the Respondent, the clear and convincing evidence shows that she did not actually, knowingly consent to purchase the extra non-insurance product referenced above. The Respondent's business practice, the way he represented the nature of her insurance coverage and in the manner in which he conducted the transaction did not involve an actual explanation of the non-insurance product he misled her into purchasing. Thus, there was no informed consent to purchase that product. Rosa Johnson went to the Respondent's Agency on March 21, 1994. She wanted to purchase the "minimum" automobile insurance required by State law for her 1971 Plymouth. She dealt with the Respondent and another gentleman who worked under the Respondent's direction and control. She told them she only wanted the basic, legally-required coverage. PIP and PD coverage was issued through Security. Ms. Johnson was also sold the Nations Safe Drivers product. This product was not actually explained to her, in spite of the fact that she may have signed a written disclosure that it had been, including the fact that it was an optional benefit and not part of the legally-required insurance coverage. She did not request this product nor was it explained to her so that its meaning and coverage was understood by her. Upon conclusion of the transaction, Ms. Johnson had purchased PIP and PD coverage from Security for a premium of $248.00, plus an unrequested enrollment in Nations Safe Drivers, Inc. for a fee of $35.00. All of this amount was financed by ETI. Here, again, as with the other customers, the receipt furnished to Ms. Johnson indicates a total "premium" of $283.00. The actual cost of insurance or true premium was $248.00. The additional $35.00 of the $283.00 amount was the cost of the Nations Safe Drivers, Inc. product, which was hidden in what was represented to her on the receipt as the "total premium". Likewise, the purported down payment of $85.00 was deceptive in the manner in which it was presented and required of Ms. Johnson, because only part of it was applied to insurance coverage, the remainder being the $35.00 fee for the added non- insurance product referenced above. The Respondent's authority to bind coverage with Security Insurance Company had been terminated on March 14, 1994 due to excessive late submissions of insurance applications to the carrier. The problem was later alleviated and his authority to bind insurance for Security was restored by that company. However, during the period of time his binding authority had been terminated, the Respondent kept taking applications and binding policies. This caused the insureds to believe that they had coverage when, in fact, they did not, because the carrier, Security, through its managing agent, U.S. Underwriters, did not, for a period of time, allow the Respondent to obligate that company for coverage. Accordingly, in due course, Ms. Johnson was notified by U.S. Underwriters, on behalf of Security, that she had no coverage. She became upset and filed a complaint with the Insurance Commissioner because she had understood that as soon as the transaction with the Respondent was completed, her coverage had been bound and timely filed and processed with the underwriting insurance carrier. Charles Meadows of Gulf Breeze, Florida, required insurance on his 1986 Chrysler LeBaron. He wanted to purchase the minimum amount of legally- required coverage and went to the Respondent's Agency for that purpose on May 17, 1994. He needed the minimum amount of legally-required insurance so that he could obtain a tag for his automobile from the county tag office. He was in a hurry because he had taken leave from work and needed to get his insurance transaction consummated, as well as to obtain his automobile tag before 4:30 p.m. He conferred with a lady who was employed by the Respondent at the Agency who handled his transaction. She completed all of the documents, spread them across the counter, and marked and told him the places to sign to effect the binder of the coverage that day. The transaction occurred quickly, lasting only approximately 15 minutes. He received no effective explanation of any of the coverages. Rather, he relied on her representations that he was getting what he had asked for, that is, the minimum legally-required Florida insurance coverage. The coverage he obtained was placed with Security as to the PIP and PD coverage. The premium for that coverage was $321.00. The total premium quoted to him was $421.00, which included a $100.00 membership in the Gulf Coast Travel Association, a motor or travel club. Mr. Meadows was not aware that he had this extra amount of coverage or membership until he conferred with Mr. Spencer of the Department at a later time, who informed him of such. If he had known that the agreements he was signing during the hurried, unexplained transaction with the Respondent's employee included the motor club coverage, he would have declined it because his wife already had coverage with AAA for towing and related benefits. Mr. Meadows made a down payment of $190.00 on May 17, 1994. The receipt issued to him revealed a "total premium" of $421.00. The actual cost of insurance was $321.00, with the additional $100.00 being for the motor club, although the total amount was represented as "total premium". Additionally, the down payment of $190.00, which he paid, was deceptive in that only $90.00 was actually applied to insurance coverage and the remaining $100.00 was the total up-front fee for the motor club coverage, although it was represented to Mr. Meadows as being the $190.00 down payment on the insurance premium itself. Later, Mr. Meadows learned that he had the motor club benefits which he did not want or need and so he demanded a refund of his money from the Respondent. He spoke to the Respondent personally about this but did not receive immediate satisfaction. There was a substantial delay in receiving his refund after the Respondent told him that he would receive one. The Respondent justified this by stating to him that it had to come from "another office" and that it would not come from his Agency itself. Dorothy Weber of Pensacola, Florida, required automobile insurance for her 1986 Chevrolet Blazer and a 1978 Chevrolet Caprice. She went to the Respondent's Agency on June 15, 1994 and indicated to one of his employees that she was interested in the cheapest coverage available. She wanted nothing extra, except that required by law. She received very little explanation of the coverages and benefits, other than in response to questions she asked. The transaction of insurance was conducted in a similar manner to those referenced earlier in these Findings of Fact. The PIP and PD coverage was placed with the Florida Joint Underwriting Association. It carried a premium of $787.00. Despite Ms. Weber's request for only the minimum, legally-required insurance, she was also sold a motor club (Gulf Coast Travel Association) unbeknownst to her at the time at an additional fee of $150.00. In spite of the fact that Ms. Weber signed the disclosure concerning the optional nature of the motor club and related fee and so forth, as described in further detail in the above Findings of Fact, in actual fact, it was not explained to her. The fact that the fee for it was separate from the insurance premium for the insurance coverage was not explained to her and she effectively was not informed that she was purchasing that product. During the transaction, she was informed that if her vehicle broke down, she could obtain wrecker service. Nothing was mentioned to her, however, about Gulf Coast Travel Association or that the $150.00 was an extra fee. She merely had all of the forms presented to her in rapid fashion and was asked to sign them. The explanation simply was that the "total policy" cost $937.00, and there was a down payment of $318.00 supposedly for premium only. The entire transaction took approximately one-half hour. Later, Ms. Weber discovered that she had been misinformed and complained to the Department and the Respondent's Agency, specifically indicating that she had not been informed that the $150.00 for the motor club was separate nor that she had purchased motor club coverage. The receipt furnished to Ms. Weber concerning the amounts she paid to secure her coverage is misleading. It indicates a total premium of $937.00, when the actual cost of the insurance was $787.00. The additional $150.00 was for the undisclosed motor club coverage hidden in what was represented on the receipt as a "total premium". The down payment of $308.00 was deceptive or misleading in that only $158.00 of it was actually a down payment on insurance coverage. Barry and Deeana Walker of Pensacola, Florida, needed automobile insurance for a 1990 Plymouth Laser. They wanted the cheapest coverage legally required and available to them. The Respondent dealt with the Walkers and was their agent of record. Mr. Walker remembers nothing being mentioned about a motor club, but Mrs. Walker remembers that the agent mentioned "Nations Safe Drivers, Inc."; however, she specifically informed him that she did not want it. In fact, Nations Safe Drivers is a non-insurance membership plan which includes a medical supplement coverage benefit. It is not a motor club. The PIP and PD and bodily injury coverages were placed with Underwriters Guaranty Insurance Company (UGIC) for a premium of $641.00. The premium was originally financed by Underwriters Financial. Also executed on May 4, 1994 was another premium finance agreement with ETI. It provided for an insurance premium of $441.00 for a policy issued by UGIC and the financing of a Nations Safe Drivers enrollment for $100.00. This document was not signed by the Walkers. On May 4, 1994, the Walkers paid $150.00 by check and were required to pay an additional $143.00 by May 20, 1994. The $143.00 was paid; and subsequently, the Walkers received a notice of additional premium of $190.00 due and they paid an additional down payment of $76.00. The Walkers made payments on the ETI premium financing agreement up until October, 1994, even though it had never actually been signed. They made down payments of $369.00 and monthly payments totaling $333.63, for a total of $702.63. Sometime in October of 1994, they received a letter from the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Drivers Licenses in Tallahassee, Florida, stating that Mr. Walker's driver's license was suspended because his insurance had been cancelled, effective July 16, 1994. The Walkers had received a notice from the insurance company of cancellation (because apparently that company would not insure co-owned vehicles) and had gone to the Respondent to see what to do about that problem. The Respondent told them to fill out a form which he gave them and that everything would be taken care of. They filled out the form at his behest so as to indicate that Mr. Walker's father, the co-owner, would not be a driver of the vehicle. Accepting the Respondent's representation, they believed that that would take care of the cancellation of coverage problem, and they continued to make their monthly payments on their premium financing agreement until October of 1994 based upon what the Respondent told them. In fact, the coverage was cancelled effective July 16, 1994; and soon thereafter, Mr. Walker's driver's license was suspended due to failure to carry valid insurance on his automobile. If the Respondent had acted with promptness in correcting the underwriting error, upon being apprised of the situation by the Walkers, the lapse in coverage and suspension of the driver's license need not have occurred and the payments on the original coverage need not have been made until October 11, 1994, when new coverage was finally obtained by the Respondent at the Walkers' behest. Although, on November 11, 1994, ETI credited the Respondent and the Walkers for $169.41 of unearned premium, the damage had already been done by that point in terms of the lapse of coverage and the suspension of Mr. Walker's driver's license, with attendant financial risk and inconvenience to Mr. Walker. Moreover, the receipt issued to the Walkers in the original insurance transaction indicates a total premium of $741.00. As in the other situations, the actual insurance cost was $641.00, and the additional $100.00 was for the Nations Safe Drivers non-insurance medical payment product, wrapped up in what was represented as "total premium". The down payment of $293.00 was similarly misleading because only $193.00 of that applied to actual insurance coverage. The Respondent received his fee of $100.00 for the added-on product mentioned above entirely out of the up-front, down payment amount. Thus, the Respondent received the entire fee for the Nations Safe Drivers product within a purported "premium receipt" amount described to the customer as an insurance down payment. On January 26, 1995, Ms. Betty Cook of Walnut Hill, Florida, needed to purchase insurance for her 1994 Thunderbird and her 1993 Chevrolet C1500 pickup truck. She went to the Respondent's Agency to accomplish her insurance renewal transaction. A lady by the name of Sonya handled the transaction for her that day. The Cooks' insurance was placed with UGIC for a premium of $1,123.00. The premium was financed through Underwriters Financial of Florida, Inc. The transaction was initiated on January 26, 1995 but ultimately concluded on January 28, 1995, after Mrs. Cook had received and signed all of the paperwork. Mrs. Cook made a premium down payment of $339.00 and mailed her first payment when it was due. She thereupon was sent a notice stating that no policy existed. She called the Agency to see what was wrong and someone at the Agency indicated to her that it would taken care of immediately. A lienholder on the pickup truck sent a notice to her that they had not been notified that the insurance had been renewed. Mrs. Cook became very concerned and the Respondent offered to refund her premium; however, three months had evidently elapsed since she first renewed her insurance or thought she had. Thus, Mrs. Cook, without knowing at the time, was driving her automobiles without insurance coverage for approximately a three-month period. Mrs. Cook contacted the Department and got her insurance reinstated and placed with another servicing agent. The policy was issued by UGIC, without requiring the payment of a premium down payment by the Respondent. The Respondent had still not forwarded the $339.00 down payment originally received from Mrs. Cook as of April 19, 1995. This lapse or failure to forward the insurance down payment obviously resulted in the coverage never being bound with the company. Therefore, the company had not issued and had no record of coverage for Mrs. Cook's vehicles. The agent for this company was required to account for and promptly forward insurance premium down payments, such as this, to the insurer he represented and on behalf of the insured he also represented in the transaction. Christopher Camus of Pensacola, Florida, went to the Respondent's Agency to purchase insurance for a 1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass. He went to the agency on August 25, 1993, and the Respondent placed his coverage with Security. The total premium was quoted as $274.00. Mr. Camus signed an application on that date and paid the full amount to the Respondent. The Respondent failed to forward the application and premium to the insurance carrier, and the policy of insurance was not actually issued until November 30, 1993. Mr. Camus was thus left without coverage for approximately two months. He made repeated telephone calls to the Agency to no avail. Agency personnel maintained that the problem was occurring with the insurance company itself and was not the fault of the Respondent's Agency. The Respondent deposited Mr. Camus' check in August of 1993, but the application for his insurance was never received by Security until December 23, 1993. The Respondent thus did not promptly and appropriately handle the insurance premium funds in question and forward the application so as to promptly bind the coverage for the customer. Indeed, it is noteworthy that this company revoked the Respondent's authority to bind coverage for customers on March 14, 1994 due to an excessive amount of such late submissions of insurance applications and premiums. In 1993, of the 1,299 applications taken by the Respondent and his Agency, only 58 percent reached the insurer's office within the required time period. In summary, the evidence presented in this case indicates that the Respondent engaged in the general business practice of selling ancillary products to insureds without truly obtaining "informed consent" of those insureds. The pattern running through the testimony of the above-described witnesses, none of whom were shown to have any motive to falsify their testimony, was that, although they signed the various disclosures on the insurance underwriting or binding documents, indicating that they understood that the ancillary products were optional, were not insurance, and were not required to be purchased. They did not receive any significant explanation of the optional nature of those products concerning the advisability of their purchase (particularly as to those customers who had AAA coverage), nor the extra cost attributable to those products. Each insured witness consistently maintained that he or she had not read the numerous documents presented to them. Certainly, they should have, in an abundance of caution, read the documents and attempted to understand them. Their failure to do so, however, does not absolve the Respondent of his duty to specifically explain to each customer the exact nature of the coverage being offered, whether or not it was legally optional, particularly, as to those customers who stated definitely that they only wanted the bare minimum coverage required by law, and the fact that it was optional at an extra cost, and was not included in the basic insurance coverage being sold. It is clear from these witnesses' testimony that none had requested motor club benefits or any other ancillary product and yet, in effect, these were automatically added to the policies involved in this proceeding in each transaction and were clearly not explained to the customers. The general business practice of the Respondent involved in the sale of the motor club and ancillary products belies the existence of "informed consent" on the part of the customers. Mr. James Self is a former agent for the Respondent, who testified regarding the Respondent's business practices. He was trained by the Respondent and worked for the Agency from August, 1993 to June, 1994. The Agency had a policy of giving telephone quotes for insurance premiums, without including the amount represented by motor club or other add-on optional products. The Agency would then add such products to the insurance package when the customer came in to purchase insurance. According to Mr. Self, any sort of explanation or disclosure of these add-on products to the customer would be merely to the effect that the insurance "quote" included towing or rental. There was little else explained about it. In many of the situations with witnesses in this case, the insureds only requested the minimum coverage and, therefore, no optional or ancillary products were justified without full explanation to the customer. Mr. Self described how the Respondent specifically trained him in "clubbing", which meant adding motor club coverage to the insurance coverage requested by customers. The Respondent's own testimony shows the economic necessity for the pervasive sale of such motor club benefits to as many customers as possible, when he stated: It's really the only way to exist . . . Q: So you're telling me that the only way for you to exist is to sell motor clubs? A: Financially, it's -- really for most businesses in this market it's the only way to be able to survive. Transcript, page 175. The Respondent further acknowledged the pecuniary interest he had in selling travel or motor clubs since he described his average commission as being 90 percent of the fee for writing that coverage, which is higher than the commission on insurance products. Moreover, he recovered all of that money from the down payment the customers were making, supposedly for their insurance coverages. Therefore, his incentive was multiplied because he was getting the high commission percentage rate, plus he was getting all of it in cash on the initial portion of the transaction, the down payment. Mr. Self also explained that salesmen would never tell the insured exactly how much the motor club cost. On occasions, when Mr. Self would try to partially disclose the motor club, the Respondent would tell him to "hurry up", that he was taking too much time in effecting the transaction. It was Mr. Self's experience that approximately 99 percent of the customers coming into the Agency for insurance left having purchased motor club benefits. Eventually, Mr. Self was terminated because he did not sell enough motor club products. The overall gravamen of his testimony shows that he attempted to make some disclosure or explanation of the motor club and other ancillary products but was discouraged from doing so by the Respondent, with the implication being that this ultimately resulted in his termination from employment with the Respondent's Agency. The evidence thus establishes that, for the most part, the insureds in question did not really know what "minimum coverage" or "full coverage" really consisted of when they came in to purchase such insurance. In making this lay description of the coverage they desired, they then relied on the agent, the Respondent or his employees, to sell them coverage which comported with their wishes and needs, since they were not schooled in the insurance business and related laws themselves. Since they were not so schooled, they almost totally relied on any explanation given to them by the Respondent or his agents or employees. In spite of the signing of the disclosure documents referenced in the above Findings of Fact, the reality of the situation, as a continuing, consistent pattern throughout the testimony adduced from these insureds, and from Mr. Self, reveals that no regular business practice of obtaining an informed consent from customers, such as these, was carried out by the Respondent.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, and the pleadings and arguments of the parties, it is RECOMMENDED that the Respondent, Daniel Lee Alison, be found guilty of the violations set forth and discussed above, that his license as an insurance agent in the State of Florida be revoked for a period of two years and that he be ordered to pay a fine in the amount of $9,000.00, within a time to be set by the Department. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of October, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of October, 1996. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER CASE NO. 95-2690 Petitioner's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-35. Accepted, except to the extent that they do not comport with the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on these subject matters to which they are subordinate. Rejected, as being subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. Rejected, as being subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter and because of the editorial comment. Accepted, in part, but subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter and rejected, as to the editorial comment. 39-40. Rejected, as being subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. 41-44. Accepted, in part, but rejected, as subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-13. Accepted, but not as materially dispositive of the issues presented for resolution. Accepted, in part, but rejected, as subordinate and somewhat contrary to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. Accepted, but not itself materially dispositive to the issues presented for resolution in this case. 16-17. Accepted. 18. Rejected, as subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. 19-25. Accepted, but not themselves materially dispositive to the resolution of the issues presented to the Administrative Law Judge. 26. Accepted. 27-29. Rejected, as subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. 30-32. Accepted. 33-36. Accepted, in part, but rejected, as to the overall material import and as subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. 37-43. Rejected, as subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter and to some extent, as immaterial. 44. Accepted, as technically correct, but witness Self, a former employee and a witness who purchased insurance, did establish in his testimony that purchase of an ancillary product was a pre-condition to premium financing by Agency policy. 45-47. Accepted, in part, but otherwise rejected, as subordinate to the Administrative Law Judge's findings of fact on this subject matter. 48. Accepted. 49-52. Accepted, but not in and of themselves dispositive of the material issues presented concerning this witness' transaction(s). Rejected, as immaterial. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael K. McCormick, Esquire Department of Insurance Division of Legal Services 612 Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Charles J. Grimsley, Esquire Charles J. Grimsley & Associates, P.A. 1880 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Bill Nelson Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Dan Sumner, Acting General Counsel Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, PL-11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

Florida Laws (10) 120.57120.68626.561626.611626.621626.641626.951626.9521626.9541626.9561
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002098 Latest Update: Nov. 21, 1986

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Frank Alvin Lashman (Lashman), was at all times material hereto a licensed insurance agent in the State of Florida. Lashman is qualified for licensure and/or licensed as an Ordinary Life, including Health Agent, Dental Health Care Service Contract Salesman, and Legal Expense Insurance Agent. At all times material hereto, all funds received by Lashman from consumers or on behalf of consumers representing premiums or monies for insurance policies were trust funds received in a fiduciary capacity. Such funds were to be paid over to the insurer, insured, or other persons entitled thereto, in the regular course of business. On or about July 1, 1985, Lashman, as a general agent for American Integrity Insurance Company (American), solicited Martha Lunsford to purchase a medicare supplement insurance policy. On July 31 1985, Lashman secured an application for the subject insurance policy from Ms. Lunsford, and delivered to her a "certification" document which provided: That, I am a licensed agent of this insurance company and have given a company receipt for an initial premium in the amount of $189.20 which has been paid to me by ( ) check (x) cash ( ) money order. The proof establishes that Lashman did not receive the initial quarterly premium of $189.20 from Ms. Lunsford, or give a company receipt for any monies. Rather, Lashman collected $25.00 on July 3, 1985 with the intention of submitting the application to American once he had collected the entire initial premium. Over the ensuing months Lashman visited Ms. Lunsford on a number of occasions to collect the balance due on the initial premium. While the proof is uncontroverted that the full premium of $189.20 was never paid, there is disagreement as to the total amount Ms. Lunsford paid to Lashman. The premium installments Ms. Lunsford paid to Lashman were in cash. Lashman kept no record of the amount or date of payment, and gave no company receipt for the monies collected. The only evidence of payment Lashman provided to Ms. Lunsford was a brief note on the back of his business cards stating the amount received. The last business card he gave to Ms. Lunsford reflects a payment of $60.00, and a balance due of $9.00. On balance, the proof establishes that Ms. Lunsford paid to Lashman $180.20 toward the initial premium of $189.20. Under the terms of Lashman's general agent's contract with American, he was: . . . authorized to solicit applications for insurance for (American), to forward these applications to (American) for approval or rejection, and to collect only the initial premium payment due on such applications. While American averred that Lashman's contract did not permit him to collect the initial premium payment in installments, there is no such prohibition contained in the agreement or proof that Lashman was otherwise noticed of such a prohibition. Accordingly, there is no proof that Lashman committed any offense by collecting the premium in installments, by failing to remit any monies to American until he was in receipt of the full initial premium, or by failing to submit the application to American until the initial premium was paid in full. Although Lashman is free of wrongdoing in the manner in which he strove to collect the initial premium and his delay in submitting the application to American, the proof does establish that Lashman breached a fiduciary relationship by failing to safeguard and account for the monies collected. On November 22, 1985, Ms. Lunsford filed a criminal complaint against Lashman for his failure to secure the subject insurance policy. Incident to that complaint, Lashman was interviewed by a criminal investigator with the State Attorney's Office and served with a subpoena duces tecum which required the production of: ANY AND ALL RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE INSURANCE POLICY SOLD TO . . . MARTHA D. LUNSFORD ON JULY 3, 1985 BY FRANK LASHMAN, ACTING AS AGENT FOR AMERICAN INTEGRITY INSURANCE COMPANY. During the course of his interview, Lashman told the investigator that he had not procured the policy because the initial premium had not yet been paid in full. Lashman further stated that although he kept no records of the payments made, all funds received from Ms. Lunsford had been deposited in his account with Florida National Bank. As of December 20, 1985, Lashman's account with Florida National Bank carried a balance of $5.81. At hearing Lashman averred that he had erred when he advised the investigator that he had deposited the monies he received from Ms. Lunsford in his account with Florida National Bank. According to Lashman, he put the money, as he collected it, into an envelope, which he kept in the file with Ms. Lunsford's insurance papers. Lashman's explanation for not exhibiting the envelope and money to the investigator when questioned was ". . . he didn't ask me for that." Lashman's explanation is inherently improbable and unworthy of belief. On January 12, 1986, the investigator advised Lashman's attorney that a warrant had been issued for Lashman's arrest on the complaint filed by Ms. Lunsford. On his counsel's advice, Lashman sent Ms. Lunsford a cashier's check in the sum of $149.00, as a refund of premiums paid. Ms. Lunsford did not negotiate the check, nor was it of a sufficient sum to represent a return of all premiums paid by Ms. Lunsford.

Florida Laws (1) 626.611
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Clearwater, Florida Mar. 14, 2013 Number: 13-000865 Latest Update: May 12, 2015

The Issue The issues to be decided are: 1) whether Petitioner, Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company (Amerisure), is entitled to a credit or refund due to the elimination of credits by Respondent, Department of Financial Services (Respondent or the Department), that Amerisure claims accrued in the calendar year 2009 and should apply to future assessments owed to the Special Disability Trust Fund (SDTF) and the Workers? Compensation Administration Trust Fund (WCATF)(collectively the Trust Funds); 2) whether the elimination of these credits was accomplished by the Department?s application of a policy meeting the definition of a rule that has not been adopted through the chapter 120 rulemaking process; and 3) whether any refund or credit is barred by the statute of limitations in section 215.26, Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact Amerisure is a carrier as defined in section 440.02(4), Florida Statutes, authorized to transact the workers? compensation line of business in the State of Florida. At all times relevant to the Department?s Notice of Intent, Amerisure was authorized to transact the workers? compensation line of business in Florida, and required to pay assessments to both the SDTF and WCATF. Pursuant to section 440.49(9)(b), Florida Statutes, the SDTF is maintained by annual assessments, paid quarterly, upon the insurance companies writing compensation insurance in Florida; the commercial self-insurers under sections 624.462 and 624.4621, Florida Statutes; the assessable mutuals as defined in section 628.6011, Florida Statutes; and the self-insurers under chapter 440, Florida Statutes. Section 440.49(9)(b) requires the Department to determine the rate each year for the next calendar year, based on the Department?s estimate of the amount of money necessary to administer section 440.49, and to maintain the SDTF for that next calendar year. In addition, the total amount to be assessed against all entities subject to assessment is prorated among those entities. Similarly, pursuant to section 440.51(1), the WCATF is maintained by annual assessments, paid quarterly, upon the carriers writing compensation insurance in Florida and self- insurers. Section 440.51(1) provides that the rate is determined each year for the next calendar year based on the anticipated expenses of the administration of chapter 440 for the next calendar year. In addition, the total amount to be assessed against all entities subject to assessment is prorated among those entities. Workers? compensation policies are unique insurance policies in that they provide statutorily mandated coverage that must be purchased by most employers; they provide “no fault” coverage and have no maximum dollar amount limit in the primary coverage of medical benefits. To make such coverage affordable, the market has developed various types of policies which allow an employer, based upon its size and financial wherewithal, to limit its exposure for a possible reduction in premium. For example, there are standard policies that provide coverage from the first dollar of loss, there are large deductible policies where the employer shares in a greater amount of risk, there are retrospective policies where final premium amount is determined on the basis of loss development during the policy, and there are dividend plans which also take into account loss experience. Most workers? compensation policies are annual policies which can incept at any given day within a calendar year. It is not unusual for a workers? compensation policy to run between two calendar years. Regardless of the kind of workers? compensation policy issued to an employer, the initial premium at the time of policy inception is referred to as an “estimated premium.” This is because the “estimated premium” is based on the actual number of employees in a company?s payroll and the payroll classifications as to each employee?s particular job -- e.g., executive supervisor, window cleaner, etc. Because the final exposure is unknown until the last day of coverage, the “estimated premium” is always subject to change. Most workers? compensation policies have standard language copyrighted by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI), a statistical and rating organization which files rates and forms in Florida for use by carriers, which address this very point. Under the “Part Five Premium” section of a standard NCCI policy, “Section E” states that the premium shown on the information page, schedules, and endorsement is an “estimate.” Section E further states that the final premium will be determined by an audit after the policy ends by using the actual and not the estimated premium base, and the proper calculations and rates that lawfully apply to the business and work covered by the policy. Finally, Section E provides that if the actual premium is more than what the policyholder paid as an estimated premium, the insured must pay the balance. Conversely, if it is less than what was paid, the insurance company will refund premium. When audits are performed either at the end of the policy year or later, premiums may be refunded to a policyholder. Dividend plans are a kind of workers? compensation policy which allows for a dividend payment back to the policyholder if the actual loss experience observed is more favorable than anticipated. The payment of a dividend is not guaranteed, but is subject to the approval of an insurer?s Board of Directors. Significantly, the earliest that a dividend can be paid out under a dividend plan is six months after the policy has ended. As such, dividends are never paid in the same calendar year as a policy incepts. All workers? compensation carriers writing business in Florida pay an assessment on every premium dollar to fund the SDTF and WCATF. When the NCCI files for rates in Florida, it takes into account the assessments paid by carriers to the Trust Funds, and the charge for the assessments is included in the rates developed by the NCCI. The rate is the amount applied to the payroll, and the product of the payroll and rate equals the premium for a particular payroll classification. Reporting and Collection of Assessments The Department provides pre-printed forms entitled “Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Report” to workers? compensation carriers, such as Amerisure, to self-report “net premium” amounts on a quarterly basis. The Department also provides a “spreadsheet” form that the carriers may utilize to indicate how they are calculating the net premium amount for each of the trust funds. After calculating the net premium amount for each trust fund on the spreadsheet, the carrier writes in that net premium amount on the quarterly report and multiplies that amount by the assessment rate set by the Department (which is reflected on the quarterly report form). If a carrier returns more premium and/or pays more in dividends than it has written in one quarter, it has a “negative net premium” and owes no assessment for that quarter. The quarterly report form provides empty circles, referred to on the form as “buttons,” for the carrier to fill in indicating whether the net premium amount is negative or positive. When a carrier has negative net premium for a quarter, a credit amount is reflected on the next quarterly report form to be applied toward future assessments. This credit amount is pre-printed by the Department on the next quarter?s form. This amount appears in the “debit/credit box” on the quarterly report form or in the “balance carried forward” on the spreadsheet. The direct written premium in the insurance industry is the summation of all premiums for a given period less any returns made during that period. Amerisure subtracts any premium returned during the calendar year from its gross number to determine direct written premium, regardless of what year the policy, for which premium is returned, incepted. In order to calculate the net premium amount for assessment purposes, Amerisure deducts the amount of dividends paid or credited to policyholders from their direct written premium amount, regardless of the fact that the policy year for the dividend being paid is a different calendar year than the year that the dividend is paid or credited. By statute, workers? compensation insurance companies, such as Amerisure, are assessed by the Department for contributions to the SDTF based on the amount of “net premiums written,” and companies are assessed for contributions to the WCATF based on the amount of “net premiums earned” or “net premiums collected.” Since at least 2004, Amerisure has been utilizing “direct written premium” to calculate the “net premium” or “net premium collected” amount listed in its quarterly reports for both the SDTF and WCATF Funds. The Department utilizes annual reports filed with the NAIC by carriers to perform their audits and determine if an insurer has accurately reported the amount of net premium subject to assessments for the Trust Funds. Assessments to the Trust Funds are paid by Amerisure during the quarter that premium is written. Premium is considered written when a policy first incepts or when additional premium is charged on a policy. Because Amerisure utilizes net written premium as a “proxy” for net collected premium, it pays more in trust fund assessments up front than it would if it were able to report the company?s actual collected premium. Amerisure?s 2009 Credits In the last two quarters of 2008, Amerisure began to experience negative net premium. This continued through all of calendar year 2009 until Amerisure once again experienced positive premium in calendar year 2010. Amerisure?s negative premium was a result of the economic downturn, which gravely impacted a large portion of Amerisure?s Florida customer base in the construction industry. Due to so many employers downsizing their workforce, Amerisure returned 12 million dollars in premium in calendar year 2009. The majority of the 12 million dollars of premium returned to policyholders was for approximately 1200 policies which had incepted prior to 2009 and for which assessments had been paid into the trust funds prior to 2009. Amerisure?s payment to the trust funds of the original assessment amounts on the policies that incepted prior to 2009 was based on “estimated premium,” on what Amerisure believed the premium to be at that point in time, prior to the calculation of the final premium. According to Raymond Neff, who was accepted as an expert in the field of workers? compensation insurance, Amerisure?s experience of negative net premium in late 2008 and 2009 was not unique in the workers? compensation construction sector as verified by NCCI data showing similar impacts to other carriers due to the recession and reductions in payroll during this time frame. The Department did not rebut his testimony in any meaningful way. Reporting and Payments for the SDTF For the time periods in 2008, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the SDTF based upon reported net premiums written, or did not pay assessments due to reported negative net premiums written, as follows: for the quarter ending March 31, 2008, Amerisure reported $27,651,422 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $1,249,844; for the quarter ending June 30, 2008, Amerisure reported $5,282,751 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $238,780; for the quarter ending September 30, 2008, Amerisure reported negative net premiums of $923,570, and no assessment was due or paid; and for the quarter ending December 31, 2008, Amerisure reported negative net premiums of $1,269,343, and no assessment was due or paid. Because of premium refunds made to policyholders in the quarters ending September 30, 2008, and December 31, 2008, resulting in an overpayment, Amerisure received a credit against future SDTF assessment payments in the amount of $99,119.66. For the time periods in 2009, Amerisure did not owe or pay assessments to the SDTF due to reported negative net premiums written, resulting from reported payment of premium refunds to policyholders, as detailed below. For the quarter ending March 31, 2009, Amerisure reported negative net premiums of $1,422,158, and no assessment was due or paid. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self-Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending March 31, 2009, it included a $99,119.66 "Debit/Credit" carried over from 2008 for the SDTF on the report form. For the quarter ending June 30, 2009, Amerisure reported negative net premiums of $2,382,484, and no assessment was due or paid. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self-Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending June 30, 2009, it included a $163,401.20 "Debit/Credit" for the SDTF on the report form. This amount was the sum of $99,119.66 carried over from 2008, plus a $64,281.54 credit from the quarter ending March 31, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $1,422,158 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending March 31, 2009. For the quarter ending September 30, 2009, Amerisure reported negative net premiums of $2,392,606, and no assessment was due or paid. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self-Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending September 30, 2009, it included a $271,089.48 "Debit/Credit" for the SDTF on the report form. This amount was the sum of $99,119.66 carried over from 2008; plus a $64,281.54 credit from the quarter ending March 31, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $1,422,158 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending March 31, 2009; plus a $107,688.28 credit from the quarter ending June 30, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $2,382,484 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending June 30, 2009. For the quarter ending December 31, 2009, Amerisure reported negative net premiums of $3,237,419, and no assessment was due or paid. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self-Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending December 31, 2009, it included a $379,235.27 "Debit/Credit" for the SDTF on the report form. This amount was the sum of $99,119.66 carried over from 2008; plus a $64,281.54 credit from the quarter ending March 31, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $1,422,158 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending March 31, 2009; plus a $107,688.28 credit from the quarter ending June 30, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $2,382,484 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending June 30, 2009; plus a $108,145.79 credit from the quarter ending September 30, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $2,392,606 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending September 30, 2009. For the time periods in 2010, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the SDTF based upon reported net premiums, as detailed below. For the quarter ending March 31, 2010, Amerisure reported net premiums of $828,566, and paid an assessment of $37,451.18. The assessment was paid by application of $37,451.18 of the $99,119.66 credit carried over from 2008. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self-Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending March 31, 2010, it included a $99,119.66 "Debit/Credit" carried over from 2008 for the SDTF on the report form. The credits of $64,281.54, $107,688.28, and $108,145.79 recognized in the reports for the quarters ending June 30, September 30, and December 31, 2009, were deleted. However, the Department did not otherwise notify Amerisure that it was deleting the credits or why it was deleting the credits. It also did not provide a point of entry for Amerisure to challenge the deletion of the credits. For the quarter ending June 30, 2010, Amerisure reported net premiums of $1,282,179. It paid an assessment of $57,954.49 by application of $57,954.49 of the $99,119.66 credit carried over from 2008. For the quarter ending September 30, 2010, Amerisure reported net premiums of $937,504. It paid an assessment of $13,687.56 in part by application of the remainder of the $99,119.66 credit carried over from 2008, along with a payment of $9,974.01. For the quarter ending December 31, 2010, Amerisure reported net premiums of $657,457, and paid an assessment of $9,597.41. For the time periods in 2011, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the SDTF based upon reported net premiums, as follows: for the quarter ending March 31, 2011, Amerisure reported $2,455,230 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $35,846.36; for the quarter ending June 30, 2011, Amerisure reported $1,741,790 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $25,430.13; for the quarter ending September 30, 2011, Amerisure reported $2,054,805 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $30,000.15; and for the quarter ending December 31, 2011, Amerisure reported $1,823,063 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $26,616.72. For the time periods in 2012, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the SDTF based upon reported net premiums, as follows: for the quarter ending March 31, 2012, Amerisure reported $4,816,098 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $69,351.81; and for the quarter ending June 30, 2012, Amerisure reported $2,072,685 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $29,846.66. Reporting and Payments for the WCATF For the time periods in 2008, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the WCATF based upon reported net premiums, or did not pay assessments due to reported negative net premiums, as follows: for the quarter ending March 31, 2008, Amerisure reported $30,353,820 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $75,885; for the quarter ending June 30, 2008, Amerisure reported $6,696,958 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $16,742; for the quarter ending September 30, 2008, Amerisure reported $874,225 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $2,186; and for the quarter ending December 31, 2008, Amerisure reported $1,271,387 in negative net premiums, and no assessment was due or paid. Because of premium refunds made to policyholders in the quarters ending September 30, 2008, and December 31, 2008, resulting in an overpayment, Amerisure received a credit against future WCATF assessment payments in the amount of $3,178.47. For the time periods in 2009, Amerisure did not owe or pay assessments to the WCATF due to reported negative net premiums resulting from reported payment of premium refunds to policyholders, as detailed below. For the quarter ending March 31, 2009, Amerisure reported $1,321,194 in negative net premiums. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self- Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending March 31, 2009, it included a $3,178.47 "Debit/Credit" carried over from 2008 for the WCATF on the report. For the quarter ending June 30, 2009, Amerisure reported $2,990,876 of negative net premiums. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self- Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending June 30, 2009, it included a $6,481.46 "Debit/Credit" for the WCATF on the report, which is the sum of $3,178.47 carried over from 2008, plus a $3,302.99 credit from the quarter ending March 31, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $1,321,194 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending March 31, 2009. For the quarter ending September 30, 2009, Amerisure reported $2,176,521 in negative net premiums.2/ When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self- Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending September 30, 2009, it included a $13,958.65 "Debit/Credit" for the WCATF on the report. This amount was the sum of $3,178.47 carried over from 2008; plus a $3,302.99 credit from the quarter ending March 31, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $1,321,194 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending March 31, 2009; plus a $7,477.19 credit from the quarter ending June 30, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $2,990,876 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending June 30, 2009. For the quarter ending December 31, 2009, Amerisure reported $3,549,615 in negative net premiums. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self- Insurance Quarterly Premium Report to complete for the quarter ending December 31, 2009, it included a $19,399.95 "Debit/Credit" for the WCATF on the report. This amount was the sum of $3,178.47 carried over from 2008; plus a $3,302.99 credit from the quarter ending March 31, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $1,321,194 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending March 31, 2009; plus a $7,477.19 credit from the quarter ending June 30, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $2,990,876 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending June 30, 2009; plus a $5,441.30 credit from the quarter ending September 30, 2009, calculated by application of the 2009 assessment rate to the $2,176,521 reported negative net premium for the quarter ending September 30, 2009. For the quarters in 2010, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the WCATF based upon reported net premiums, as detailed below. For the quarter ending March 31, 2010, Amerisure reported $225,027 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $1,800.22 by applying $1,800.22 of the $3,178.47 credit carried over from 2008. When the Department provided Amerisure with its Carrier and Self-Insurance Quarterly Premium Report for the quarter ending March 31, 2010, it included a $3,178.47 "Debit/Credit" carried over from 2008 for the WCATF on the report. The credits of $3,302.99, $7,477.19, and $5,441.30 recognized in the reports for the quarters ending June 30, September 30, and December 31, 2009, were deleted. The Department did not otherwise notify Amerisure that it was deleting the credits or why it was deleting the credits. The Department also did not provide an opportunity for Amerisure to challenge the deletion of the credits. For the quarter ending June 30, 2010, Amerisure reported $2,011,533 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $16,092.26, which was paid in part by application of the remainder of the $3,178.47 credit carried over from 2008. For the quarter ending September 30, 2010, Amerisure reported $1,094,027 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $23,466.23. This payment included $14,714.01 due for an assessment owed for the quarter ending June 30, 2010. For the quarter ending December 31, 2010, Amerisure reported $656,608 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $5,252.86. For the time periods in 2011, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the WCATF based upon reported net premiums, as follows: for the quarter ending March 31, 2011, Amerisure reported $2,456,006 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $24,068.86; for the quarter ending June 30, 2011, Amerisure reported $1,864,571 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $18,272.80; for the quarter ending September 30, 2011, Amerisure reported $2,539,405 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $24,866.17; and for the quarter ending December 31, 2011, Amerisure reported $1,782,608 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $17,469.56. For the time periods in 2012, Amerisure paid quarterly assessments to the WCATF based upon reported net premiums, as follows: for the quarter ending March 31, 2012, Amerisure reported $4,837,632 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $84,658.56; and for the quarter ending June 30, 2012, Amerisure reported $2,348,810 in net premiums, and paid an assessment of $41,104.18. For its Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Premium Reports submitted to Respondent for the quarters ending March 31, 2008; June 30, 2008; September 30, 2008; and December 31, 2008, premium refunds made to policyholders included in the calculation of "net premiums" and "net premiums written" reflect premium refunds made to policyholders by Amerisure in the calendar year 2008. For its Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Premium Reports submitted to the Department for the quarters ending March 31, 2009; June 30, 2009; September 30, 2009; and December 31, 2009, premium refunds made to policyholders included in the calculation of "net premiums" and "net premiums written" reflect premium refunds made to policyholders by Amerisure in the calendar year 2009. For its Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Premium Reports submitted to the Department for the quarters ending March 31, 2010; June 30, 2010; September 30, 2010; and December 31, 2010, premium refunds made to policyholders included in the calculation of "net premiums" and "net premiums written" reflect premium refunds made to policyholders by Amerisure in the calendar year 2010. For its Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Premium Reports submitted to the Department for the quarters ending March 31, 2011; June 30, 2011; September 30, 2011; and December 31, 2011, premium refunds made to policyholders included in the calculation of "net premiums" and "net premiums written" reflect premium refunds made to policyholders by Amerisure in the calendar year 2011. For its Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Premium Reports submitted to the Department for the quarters ending March 31, 2012, and June 30, 2012, premium refunds made to policyholders included in the calculation of "net premiums" and "net premiums written" reflect premium refunds made to policyholders by Amerisure in the calendar year 2012. For its Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Premium Reports submitted to the Department for the quarters ending March 31, 2008; June 30, 2008; September 30, 2008; and December 31, 2008, premium refunds made to policyholders included in the calculation of "net premiums" and "net premiums written" reflect refunds made to policyholders by Amerisure for policies where assessments for premium for those policies were paid in calendar years prior to 2008. Likewise, for its Carrier and Self-Insurance Fund Quarterly Premium Reports submitted to the Department for the quarters ending March 31, 2009; June 30, 2009; September 30, 2009; and December 31, 2009, premium refunds made to policyholders included in the calculation of "net premiums" and "net premiums written" reflect refunds made to policyholders by Amerisure for policies where assessments for premium for those policies were paid in calendar years prior to 2009. Events Following the Deletion of 2009 Credits Gene Smith, Assessments Coordinator for the Division of Workers? Compensation of the Department, has the responsibility to calculate the assessment rate for the Trust Funds. Evelyn Vlasak was Mr. Smith?s predecessor as Assessments Coordinator. On September 13, 2010, Gene Smith sent an e-mail requesting that Amerisure provide for each quarter in 2008 and 2009 “[a]n original computer generated run showing the written premium for all Line of Business 160 (workers? compensation) in Florida by policy number with totals at the end.” Amerisure provided the requested information via Excel spreadsheet on October 1, 2010. By letter dated December 9, 2010 (received on December 14, 2010), Mr. Smith stated, in pertinent part: We received the excel spreadsheet of Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company?s 2008- 2009 Policy Level Details. To complete our audit we also need the detailed documentation for dividends and large deductibles. Please review the list below, and provide the requested documentation by December 20, 2010. The same Policy Level Detail spreadsheets for each quarter from January 1, 1999, through the current quarter 2010. There is no need to provide 2008 and 2009 as you have already provided these. Detail of annual dividends declared and paid from January 1, 1999, through the current quarter 2010. Detail of quarterly large deductible “add backs” from January 1, 1999, through the current quarter 2010. In response, Amerisure?s counsel contacted Mr. Smith via e-mail on December 14, 2010, to ask why the Department needed this information. Mr. Smith responded by e-mail on January 2, 2011, stating that the Department would respond very soon. On January 4, 2011, David Hershel, an attorney for the Department, contacted Amerisure?s counsel and advised that the additional data requested in the December 9, 2010, letter was needed to review the credit amounts claimed by Amerisure. Mr. Hershel stated that the Department would send a revised letter, paring down its information request. On January 10, 2011, Mr. Smith sent a letter, which stated: We received the excel spreadsheet of Amerisure Mutual Insurance Company?s 2008- 2009 Policy Level Details. To complete our audit we also need the detailed documentation for dividends and large deductibles, as well as the payments for the second and third quarters of 2010. Please review the list below. Detail of annual dividends declared and paid from January 1, 2008, through the 4th quarter 2010. Detail of quarterly large deductible “add backs” from January 1, 2008, through the 4th quarter 2010. Payments for the second and third quarters of 2010 for the WCATF as required by Florida law. Please provide the requested documentation by January 21st, 2011. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. On January 17, 2011, Amerisure agreed to send in the requested payments as a sign of good faith. In this transmittal, Amerisure reserved its rights to withhold against further assessments. On January 27, 2011, Amerisure provided Gene Smith with Excel spreadsheets containing the information sought in items 1 and 2 of the January 10, 2011, letter. On July 1, 2012, some 17 months later, Gene Smith responded by letter, directing that the appropriate procedure and remedy to request a refund of monies paid into the State Treasury is set forth in section 215.26, Florida Statutes, and providing the forms developed for this request. On September 26, 2012, Amerisure submitted its applications for credit or refund pursuant to section 215.26. Amerisure requested a credit or refund of $25,095.70 paid into WCATF and $236,663.25 paid into SDTF from October 26, 2010, through July 26, 2012, which Amerisure alleges it should not have been required to pay in light of the amount of credit it had accrued in 2008 and 2009. For example, the request for refund with respect to the SDTF states: Through the reporting period of June 30, 2012, Amerisure has paid $236,663.25 in assessments to the SDTF that the company should not have been required to pay since it had credits that should have been applied against its assessment liability. As such, Amerisure requests a refund of the total amount of $236,663.25 paid into the SDTF between September 30, 2010, and June 30, 2012. Furthermore, Amerisure asserts its right to apply, and requests the SDTF to facilitate, the application of the remaining credit balance of $189,783.75 against future assessment liability. The Department denied Amerisure?s request for refund of the overpayment of assessments paid into the SDTF and WCATF from January 2011 onward in its NOI dated January 28, 2013. The Department states in its NOI that Amerisure is “seeking to be paid in cash for supposed credits which it never accrued.” The denial letter also informed Amerisure of its right to an administrative hearing. Amerisure timely filed a Request for Administrative Hearing, which gave rise to this proceeding. The statement that the credits never accrued is inconsistent with the Department?s prior calculation of the credits on the reporting forms that the Department sent to Amerisure each quarter to complete. The forms for 2009 clearly indicated accrued credits and Department staff acknowledged eliminating those credits. The Department?s Treatment of “Excess Credits” Maya Brown is a government analyst with the Department?s Division of Workers? Compensation. Her duties include creating manuals, performing audits on insurance carriers, and processing refunds for carriers. According to Ms. Brown, she was instructed in 2009 by Ms. Vlasak that at the end of a year, if a company has negative premiums and does not owe any assessments or has not paid any assessments, that balance, which she described as “excess credits,” is then removed. Based upon this understanding, Ms. Brown removed $451,532 (which Amerisure refers to as the 2009 credits) from Amerisure?s rolling calculations when the 2010 quarterly report forms were sent to Amerisure. She did not call Amerisure and notify them that she was deleting the credits or of the reason for doing so, and does not know of anyone else providing that information to Amerisure. The quarterly report form for the first quarter of 2010, however, carried forward the 2008 credits that Amerisure had accumulated in 2008. Ms. Brown first learned about the concept of “excess credits” in 2004 when she was trained to perform audits by Ms. Vlasak. Since 2004, the only other Assessment Unit employee performing audits besides Ms. Brown was Ms. Vicki Griffin. Ms. Griffin was also trained by Ms. Vlasak and utilized the same procedures with regard to “excess credits.” Sometime before May 2009, Ms. Vlasak drafted proposed rules for the Assessment Unit that addressed “excess credits” based on negative “net premium”. An early version of the draft rules was prepared as early as March 29, 2006. The July 26, 2008, draft of proposed rule 69L-4.003, entitled “Completion of Quarterly Reports and Payment of Assessment by Carriers,” included the following in subsection (e)(5): If as a result of premium offsets for dividends paid or credited and premium refunds, a Carrier will owe no assessments for any of the four calendar year quarters, the Carrier will be able to apply the unused premium offset to reduce assessments owed in any of the other three quarters of the same calendar year. However, after the Quarterly Report is filed for the period ending December 31, the Division will adjust the Carrier?s records to remove any credits due to these premium offsets that were not used in that year. Therefore the (credit) debit pre-printed on the upcoming March 31st Quarterly Premium and Assessment Report will reflect only overpayment of assessment(s) owed for the previous calendar year. If this adjustment is necessary, the Carrier will be [sic] receive written notification. Section (h) of the draft proposed rule addressed the Department?s procedure for “overpayments”: When a Carrier has computed its net assessable premiums and assessments according to this rule and later determines that either the WCATF or SDTF assessment has been overpaid, the company may elect to apply the overpayment against future assessments owed to the same fund or may submit an [sic] refund request under Section 215.26, Florida Statutes. Written notification of an overpayment must be accompanied by detailed documentation of the computation of the alleged overpayment, a copy of the State Page of the Annual Report for the referenced year, and as needed, revised Quarterly Reports. Written notification that a refund has been requested must meet the requirements of Section 215.26, Florida Statutes, including the submission of the approved form. The refund request must be received within three years of the date the alleged overpaid amount was initially deposited into the state treasury. Written notification of the election to apply the overpayment against future assessment payments must be received within three years of the date the overpaid amount was initially deposited into the state treasury. Upon verification of an overpayment, future assessments may be offset until the verified overpayment is fully utilized, with no time limitations. Each Carrier shall bear the responsibility to notify the Division in written format, that an overpayment may have occurred and to provide documentation that will allow the Department to verify the amount of the alleged overpayment. If an overpayment has occurred, and revised Quarterly Reports are submitted, the Carrier does not submit an Application for Refund on an approved form, the Carrier will be allowed to offset future assessments to the extent of the overpayment. However, after the end of the three-year window, in the absence of a written refund application, the unused portion of the overpayment, if any, will no longer be available as an offset against future assessments, or for the issuance of a refund pursuant to Section 215.26(2). The Division shall bear the responsibility to acknowledge receipt of this notification and to verify the amount of overpayment, if any, as well as respond to the request for credit or refund. The Department acknowledges that these draft proposed rules were never promulgated or published in a notice of proposed rule development. In 2011, Mr. Jenkins, the new Bureau Chief, revived attempts to promulgate rules for the Assessment Unit. That is, he circulated Ms. Vlasak?s draft proposed rules to members of his staff for their consideration. However, other office priorities took precedence, and as of 2013, no further attempts at rule development have been undertaken by the Department in this regard. Ms. Brown understood that the language in Ms. Vlasak?s draft rules is consistent with what occurred in 2009 regarding Amerisure?s reporting of negative premium. Despite the failure of the Department to adopt the draft rules, or some other version of them, the policy reflected in these proposed rules has been applied by the Department to eliminate Amerisure?s 2009 credits. Ms. Vlasak based her procedures on section 624.5094, Florida Statutes. However, the Department has since acknowledged that the statute does not speak to or define “excess credits.” The elimination of “excess credits” at the end of the year is currently the policy of the Division of Workers? Compensation and is how its employees process quarterly reports and assessment payments. This procedure is also reflected in a draft policy and procedures manual put together by Gene Smith at the direction of Greg Jenkins to capture the policies and procedures of the Assessment Unit. Under the caption “Prior Balance Carried Forward,” the manual provides: . . . a company may report (in very rare circumstances) negative net premium on Line 1 of the Quarterly Premium Report for either the WCATF or SDTF which would otherwise result in a negative assessment amount. This will carry over the following quarter. Should the company continue to reflect a negative amount by calendar year end, these negative amounts are removed per Section 624.5094, F.S. Mr. Jenkins wrote and compiled these policies and procedures when he was the Assessment Unit coordinator, a position he held until about a year and a half ago. If, on the other hand, a carrier only experiences negative net premium during some quarters but not all, these credits may be deemed an “official overpayment” and be allowed to carry forward. The process to determine if an overpayment is “official” has not been written into any policy or procedure, proposed rule, rule, or statute. Determining whether credits for a given calendar year are “excess” or “official overpayments” is a process that occurs only after a company has filed its annual report with the NAIC. This never occurs before March of the year following the year in question. Pursuant to current Department policy, a company cannot request a refund for an overpayment until after it is deemed an “official overpayment.” Mr. Smith testified that he agreed with the Department?s position that section 624.5094 required credits accumulated to be eliminated if the company continued to reflect a negative amount of net premium by the end of the calendar year, despite the fact that the statute does not include or define the term “excess credits.” Mr. Smith acknowledged that his interpretation of section 624.5094 stems from his belief that a carrier can experience negative net written premium for all four quarters of a year, which he believes is a violation of section 624.5094. This, in turn, is based on Mr. Smith?s definition of net written premium. To determine the net premium amount for assessment purposes, Mr. Smith took the position that carriers can only deduct return premium for a policy that incepts in the same calendar year that the premium is returned. Mr. Smith believed that additional premiums collected in a calendar year subsequent to the policy year for which the premium is collected would likewise not be included in the direct written premium or net premium number. Mr. Smith could point to no statute, rule, or bulletin which defines net premium in this fashion. Mr. Jenkins, the Bureau Chief, agreed with Mr. Smith?s interpretation, deferring to his judgment. Mr. Jenkins acknowledged that the determination made with regard to Amerisure?s 2009 credits was based on Mr. Smith?s definition of net premium, because Amerisure could not offset refunds or dividends from prior policy years in determining the amount of net premium. Mr. Jenkins also agreed with Mr. Smith that section 624.5094 “tied the Department?s hands” with regard to Amerisure. The Department?s determination that its “excess credits” policy prevents Amerisure from utilizing the 2009 credits against future assessments is further outlined in a June 9, 2011, email from Victoria Griffin to Gene Smith which states: Gene, You had asked me about my recall of the unit?s procedure for dealing with negative premium and section 624.5094 FS in the past. Since I have been here it has been common practice to accept all reporting at face value to include negative premiums till such time that we received the report from NAIC which reflected the written, earned and dividends the carriers reported, which may include negative amounts. In regards to your question regarding 624.5094, we have not ever reviewed individual policy holder information for any insurance company. My understanding of what happened with the Amerisure Mutual file is that they reported negative premiums for all four (4) quarters of 2009, (stating verbally that they took a loss for that year and wanted to recoup) and they believed that they were entitled to the credit amount reflected for 2009. Regardless of the fact that no assessment amounts had been paid in to the funds for that time frame. When we completed the audit for 2009, those negative amounts were removed; leaving a credit balance reflected from actual overpayments of 2008 to both funds. These overpayments were used towards future assessments and as of 4th quarter 2010 were exhausted. Let me know if you need any more information. Thanks, Vicki If Amerisure and other carriers were to use the Department?s definition of “net premium” and not include additional premium written for policies that incepted in prior calendar years, the Department would most likely experience a substantial drop in the amount of assessments collected for either Trust Fund. This represents the most probable scenario because it is more likely for an insurer to charge additional premium after a year-end or subsequent audit than to return premium. In fact, for the last 12 years that Andrea Koehler has worked at Amerisure, other than the period at issue in 2008-2009, the company consistently wrote more premium than it returned. Most importantly, this interpretation of the definition of net premium is inconsistent with using the amounts listed in a company?s NAIC reports as an audit method to insure proper reporting by the insurance companies. In order for the numbers to be comparable, the amount reported must be consistent with industry practice in reporting to the NAIC.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department enter a final order incorporating the findings of this Recommended Order and reinstating Amerisure?s 2009 credits as credits toward future assessments due to the Trust Funds. DONE AND ENTERED this 15th day of November, 2013, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S BARBARA J. STAROS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of November, 2013.

Florida Laws (21) 104.18120.52120.536120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.68215.26252.86440.02440.49440.50440.5157.105624.462624.4621624.5094628.601172.011
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Reddick, Florida Jul. 30, 2003 Number: 03-002758PL Latest Update: Jan. 27, 2004

The Issue Should Petitioner impose discipline against the licenses held by Respondent as a Life (2-16), Life and Health (2-18), General Lines, Property and Casualty Insurance (2-20), Health (2-40) and Legal Expense (2-56) agent pursuant to provisions within Chapter 626, Florida Statutes?

Recommendation Based on the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a Final Order be entered finding Respondent in violation of Counts I through V pertaining to his obligations as a fiduciary set forth in Section 626.561(1), Florida Statutes, his violation of Section 626.611(7), (9) and (10), Florida Statutes, and his violation of Section 626.621(4), Florida Statutes, in effect when the violations transpired and that the various licenses held by Respondent be suspended for six months as suggested by counsel for Petitioner. DONE AND ENTERED this 2nd day of December, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 2nd day of December, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: James A. Bossart, Esquire Department of Financial Services 612 Larson Building 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333 William Franklin Outland, III 10840 Northwest 100th Street Reddick, Florida 32686 Honorable Tom Gallagher Chief Financial Officer Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Mark Casteel, General Counsel Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Lower Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

Florida Laws (5) 120.569120.57626.561626.611626.621
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Sep. 13, 2002 Number: 02-003582 Latest Update: Sep. 02, 2003

The Issue The issues are whether Respondents offered and sold securities in Florida, in violation of the registration requirements of Section 517.07(1), Florida Statutes; offered and sold securities in Florida while Respondents were unregistered, in violation of Section 517.12(1), Florida Statutes; or committed fraud in the offer, sale, or purchase of securities in Florida, in violation of Section 517.301(1)(a), Florida Statutes. If so, an additional issue is the penalty to be imposed.

Findings Of Fact At all material times, Respondent James A. Torchia (Respondent) held a valid life and health insurance license. Respondent was the president and owner of Respondent Empire Insurance, Inc. (Empire Insurance), a now-dissolved Florida corporation. Empire Insurance was in the insurance business, and Respondent was its sole registered insurance agent. At no material time has Respondent or Empire Insurance held any license or registration to engage in the sale or offer for sale of securities in Florida. At no material time were the investments described below sold and offered for sale by Respondent or Empire Insurance registered as securities in Florida. These cases involve viaticated life insurance policies. A life insurance policy is viaticated when the policy owner, also known as the viator, enters into a viatical settlement agreement. Under the agreement, the viator sells the policy and death benefits to the purchaser for an amount less than the death benefit--the closer the viator is perceived to be to death, the greater the discount from the face amount of the death benefit. The viatical industry emerged to provide dying insureds, prior to death, a means by which to sell their life insurance policies to obtain cash to enjoy during their remaining lives. As this industry matured, brokers and dealers, respectively, arranged for the sale of, and bought and resold, life insurance policies of dying insureds. Prior to the death of the viator, these viaticated life insurance policies, or interests in such policies, may be sold and resold several times. In these cases, viators sold their life insurance policies to Financial Federated Title & Trust, Inc. (FinFed). Having raised money from investors, American Benefit Services (ABS) then paid FinFed, which assigned viaticated policies, or interests in the policies, to various trusts. The trusts held the legal title to the policies, and the trust beneficiaries, who are the investors from whom ABS had obtained the funds to pay FinFed, held equitable title to the policies. Sometimes in these cases, a broker or dealer, such as William Page and Associates, intervened between the viator and FinFed. At some point, though, ABS obtained money from investors to acquire policies, but did not pay the money to FinFed to purchase viaticated life insurance policies. The FinFed and ABS investment program eventually became a Ponzi scheme, in which investor payouts were derived largely, if not exclusively, from the investments of other investors. ABS typically acquired funds through the promotional efforts of insurance agents, such as Respondent and Empire Insurance. Using literature provided by ABS, these agents often sold these investments to insurance clients. As was typical, Respondent and Empire Insurance advertised the types of claims described below by publishing large display ads that ran in Florida newspapers. Among the ABS literature is a Participation Disclosure (Disclosure), which describes the investment. The Disclosure addresses the investor as a "Participant" and the investment as a "Participation." The Disclosure contains a Participation Agreement (Agreement), which provides that the parties agree to the Disclosure and states whether the investor has chosen the Growth Plan or Income Plan, which are described below; a Disbursement Letter of Instruction, which is described below; and a Letter of Instruction to Trust, which is described below. The agent obtains the investor's signature to all three of these documents when the investor delivers his check, payable to the escrow agent, to purchase the investment. The Disclosure states that the investments offer a “High Return”: “Guaranteed Return on Participation 42% at Maturity.” The Disclosure adds that the investments are “Low Risk”: “Secured by a Guaranteed Insurance Industry Receivable”; “Secured by $300,000 State Insurance Guarantee Fund”; “Short Term Participation (Maturity Expectation 36 Months)”; “Principal Liquid After One Year With No Surrender Charge”; “State Regulated Participation”; “All Transactions By Independent Trust & Escrow Agents”; and “If policy fails to mature at 36 months, participant may elect full return of principal plus 15% simple interest.” The Disclosure describes two alternative investments: the Growth Plan and Income Plan. For the Growth Plan, the Disclosure states: “At maturity, Participant receives principal plus 42%, creating maximum growth of funds.” For the Income Plan, the Disclosure states: “If income is desired, participation can be structured with monthly income plans.” Different rates of return for the Growth and Income plans are set forth below. For investors choosing the Income Plan, ABS applied only 70 percent of the investment to the purchase of viaticated life insurance policies. ABS reserved the remaining 30 percent as the source of money to "repay" the investor the income that he was due to receive under the Income Plan, which, as noted below, paid a total yield of 29.6 percent over three years. The Disclosure states that ABS places all investor funds in attorneys’ trust accounts, pursuant to arrangements with two “bonded and insured” “financial escrow agents.” At another point in the document, the Disclosure states that the investor funds are deposited “directly” with a “financial escrow agent,” pursuant to the participant’s Disbursement Letter of Instruction. The Disbursement Letter of Instruction identifies a Florida attorney as the “financial escrow agent,” who receives the investor’s funds and disburses them, “to the order of [FinFed) or to the source of the [viaticated insurance] benefits and/or its designees.” This disbursement takes place only after the attorney receives “[a] copy of the irrevocable, absolute assignment, executed in favor of Participant and recorded with the trust account as indicated on the assignment of [viaticated insurance] benefits, and setting out the ownership percentage of said [viaticated insurance] benefits”; a “medical overview” of the insured indicative of not more than 36 months’ life expectancy; confirmation that the policy is in full force and effect and has been in force beyond the period during which the insurer may contest coverage; and a copy of the shipping airbill confirming that the assignment was sent to the investor. The Disclosure states that the investor will direct a trust company to establish a trust, or a fractional interest in a trust, in the name of the investor. When the life insurance policy matures on the death of the viator, the insurer pays the death benefits to the trust company, which pays these proceeds to the investor, in accordance with his interest in the trust. Accordingly, the Letter of Instruction to Trust directs FinFed, as the trust company, to establish a trust, or a fractional interest in a trust, in the name of the investor. The Letter of Instruction to Trust provides that the viaticated insurance benefits obtained with the investor's investment shall be assigned to this trust, and, at maturity, FinFed shall pay the investor a specified sum upon the death of the viator and the trustee's receipt of the death benefit from the insurer. The Disclosure provides that, at anytime from 12 to 36 months after the execution of the Disclosure, the investor has the option to request ABS to return his investment, without interest. At 36 months, if the viator has not yet died, the investor has the right to receive the return of his investment, plus 15 percent (five percent annually). The Disclosure states that ABS will pay all costs and fees to maintain the policy and that all policies are based on a life expectancy for the viator of no more than 36 months. Also, the Disclosure assures that ABS will invest only in policies that are issued by insurers that are rated "A" or better by A.M. Best "at the time that the Participant's deposit is confirmed." The Disclosure mentions that the trust company will name the investor as an irrevocable assignee of the policy benefits. The irrevocable assignment of policy benefits mentioned in the Disclosure and the Disbursement Letter of Instruction is an anomaly because it does not conform to the documentary scheme described above. After the investor pays the escrow agent and executes the documents described above, FinFed executes the “Irrevocable Absolute Assignment of Viaticated Insurance Benefits.” This assignment is from the trustee, as grantor, to the investor, as grantee, and applies to a specified percentage of a specific life insurance policy, whose death benefit is disclosed on the assignment. The assignment includes the "right to receive any viaticated insurance benefit payable under the Trusts [sic] guaranteed receivables of assigned viaticated insurance benefits from the noted insurance company; [and the] right to assign any and all rights received under this Trust irrevocable absolute assignment." On its face, the assignment assigns the trust corpus-- i.e., the insurance policy or an interest in an insurance policy--to the trust beneficiary. Doing so would dissolve the trust and defeat the purpose of the other documents, which provide for the trust to hold the policy and, upon the death of the viator, to pay the policy proceeds in accordance with the interests of the trust beneficiaries. The assignment bears an ornate border and the corporate seal of FinFed. Probably, FinFed intended the assignment to impress the investors with the "reality" of their investment, as the decorated intangible of an "irrevocable" interest in an actual insurance policy may seem more impressive than the unadorned intangible of a beneficial interest in a trust that holds an insurance policy. Or possibly, the FinFed/ABS principals and professionals elected not to invest much time or effort in the details of the transactional documentation of a Ponzi scheme. What was true then is truer now. Obviously, in those cases in which no policy existed, the investor paid his money before any policy had been selected for him. However, this appears to have been the process contemplated by the ABS literature, even in those cases in which a policy did exist. The Disbursement Letter of Instruction and correspondence from Respondent, Empire Insurance, or Empire Financial Consultant to ABS reveal that FinFed did not assign a policy, or part of a policy, to an investor until after the investor paid for his investment and signed the closing documents. In some cases, Respondent or Empire Insurance requested ABS to obtain for an investor a policy whose insured had special characteristics or a investment plan with a maturity shorter than 36 months. FinFed and ABS undertook other tasks after the investor paid for his investment and signed the closing documents. In addition to matching a viator with an investor, based on the investor's expressed investment objectives, FinFed paid the premiums on the viaticated policies until the viator died and checked on the health of the viator. Also, if the viator did not die within three years and the investor elected to obtain a return of his investment, plus 15 percent, ABS, as a broker, resold the investor's investment to generate the 15 percent return that had been guaranteed to the investor. Similarly, ABS would sell the investment of investors who wanted their money back prior to three years. The escrow agent also assumed an important duty--in retrospect, the most important duty--after the investor paid for his investment and signed the closing documents; the escrow agent was to verify the existence of the viaticated policy. Respondent and Empire Insurance sold beneficial interests in trusts holding viaticated life insurance policies in 50 separate transactions. These investors invested a total of $1.5 million, nearly all of which has been lost. Respondent and Empire Insurance earned commissions of about $120,000 on these sales. Petitioner proved that Respondent and Empire Insurance made the following sales. Net worths appear for those investors for whom Respondent recorded net worths; for most, he just wrote "sufficient" on the form. Unless otherwise indicated, the yield was 42 percent for the Growth Plan. In all cases, investors paid money for their investments. In all cases, FinFed and ABS assigned parts of policies to the trusts, even of investors investing relatively large amounts. On March 21, 1998, Phillip A. Allan, a Florida resident, paid $69,247.53 for the Growth Plan. On March 26, 1998, Monica Bracone, a Florida resident with a reported net worth of $900,000, paid $8000 for the Growth Plan. On April 2, 1998, Alan G. and Judy LeFort, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $200,000, paid $10,000 for the Growth Plan. In a second transaction, on June 8, 1998, the LeForts paid $5000 for the Growth Plan. In the second transaction, the yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement notes a 36-month life expectancy of the viator. The different yields based on life expectancies are set forth below, but, as noted above, the standard yield was 42 percent, and, as noted below, this was based on a 36-month life expectancy, so Respondent miscalculated the investment return or misdocumented the investment on the LeForts' second transaction. On April 29, 1998, Doron and Barbara Sterling, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $250,000, paid $15,000 for the Growth Plan. In a second transaction, on August 14, 1998, the Sterlings paid $100,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield for the second transaction is 35 percent, and the Participation Agreement notes that the Sterlings were seeking a viator with a life expectancy of only 30 months. When transmitting the closing documents for the second Sterling transaction, Respondent, writing ABS on Empire Insurance letterhead, stated in part: This guy has already invested with us (15,000) [sic]. He gave me this application but wants a 30 month term. Since he has invested, he did some research and has asked that he be put on a low T-cell count and the viator to be an IV drug user. I know it is another favor but this guy is a close friend and has the potential to put at least another 500,000 [sic]. If you can not [sic] do it, then I understand. You have done a lot for me and I always try to bring in good quality business. If this inventory is not available, the client has requested that we return the funds . . . In a third transaction, on February 24, 1999, the Sterlings paid $71,973 for the Growth Plan. The yield is only 28 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects the typical 36-month life expectancy for the viator. Although the investors would not have received this document, Respondent completed an ABS form entitled, "New Business Transmittal," and checked the box, "Life Expectancy 2 years or less (28%). The other boxes are: "Life Expectancy 2 1/2 years or less (35%)" and "Life Expectancy 3 years or less (42%)." On May 4, 1998, Hector Alvero and Idelma Guillen, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $100,000, paid $6000 for the Growth Plan. In a second transaction, on October 29, 1998, Ms. Guillen paid $5000 for the Growth Plan. In a third transaction, on November 30, 1998, Ms. Guillen paid $5000 for the Growth Plan. For this investment, Ms. Guillen requested an "IV drug user," according to Respondent in a letter dated December 1, 1998, on Empire Financial Consultants letterhead. This is the first use of the letterhead of Empire Financial Consultants, not Empire Insurance, and all letters after that date are on the letterhead of Empire Financial Consultants. In a fourth transaction, on January 29, 1999, Ms. Guillen paid $15,000 for the Growth Plan. On April 23, 1998, Bonnie P. Jensen, a Florida resident with a reported net worth of $120,000, paid $65,884.14 for the Growth Plan. Her yield was 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. On May 20, 1998, Michael J. Mosack, a Florida resident with a reported net worth of $500,000, paid $70,600 for the Income Plan. He was to receive monthly distributions of $580.10 for three years. The total yield, including monthly distributions, is $20,883.48, which is about 29.6 percent, and the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. On May 27, 1998, Lewis and Fernande G. Iachance, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $100,000, paid $30,000 for the Growth Plan. On June 3, 1998, Sidney Yospe, a Florida resident with a reported net worth of $1,500,000, paid $30,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, and the Participation Agreement reflects a 30-month life expectancy. On June 12, 1998, Bernard Aptheker, with a reported net worth of $100,000, paid $10,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. On June 10, 1998, Irene M. and Herman Kutschenreuter, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $200,000, paid $30,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. On June 9, 1998, Daniel and Mary Spinosa, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $300,000, paid $10,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. On June 5, 1998, Pauline J. and Anthony Torchia, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $300,000 and the parents of Respondent, paid $10,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. On June 29, 1998, Christopher D. Bailey, a Florida resident with a reported net worth of $500,000, paid $25,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. In a second transaction on the same day, Mr. Bailey paid $25,000 for the Growth Plan. Petitioner submitted documents concerning a purported purchase by Lauren W. Kramer on July 21, 1998, but they were marked "VOID" and do not appear to be valid. On July 22, 1998, Laura M. and Kenneth D. Braun, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $150,000, paid $25,000 for the Growth Plan, as Respondent completed the Participation Agreement. However, the agreement calls for them to receive $205.42 monthly for 36 months and receive a total yield, including monthly payments, of 29.6 percent, so it appears that the Brauns bought the Income Plan. In a second transaction, also on July 22, 1998, the Brauns paid $25,000 for the Growth Plan. On January 20, 1999, Roy R. Worrall, a Florida resident, paid $100,000 for the Income Plan. The Participation Agreement provides that he will receive monthly payments of $821.66 and a total yield of 29.6 percent. On July 16, 1998, Earl and Rosemary Gilmore, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $250,000, paid $5000 for the Growth Plan. In a second transaction, on February 12, 1999, the Gilmores paid $20,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 28 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. The New Business Transmittal to ABS notes a life expectancy of two years or less. On July 14, 1998, David M. Bobrow, a Florida resident with a reported net worth of $700,000 on one form and $70,000 on another form, paid $15,000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. In a second transaction, on the same day, Mr. Bobrow paid $15,000 for the Growth Plan. On July 27, 1998, Cecilia and Harold Lopatin, Florida residents with a reported net worth of $300,000, paid $10,000 for the Growth Plan. On July 30, 1998, Ada R. Davis, a Florida resident, paid $30,000 for the Income Plan. Her total yield, including monthly payments of $246.50 for three years, is 29.6 percent. In a second transaction, on the same day, Ms. Davis paid $30,000 for the Income Plan on the same terms as the first purchase. On July 27, 1998, Joseph F. and Adelaide A. O'Keefe, Florida residents with a net worth of $300,000, paid $12,000 for the Growth Plan. On August 5, 1998, Thurley E. Margeson, a Florida resident, paid $50,000 for the Growth Plan. On August 19, 1998, Stephanie Segaria, a Florida resident, paid $20,000 for the Growth Plan. On August 26, 1998, Roy and Glenda Raines, Florida residents, paid $5000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy. The New Business Transmittal to ABS notes a life expectancy of 30 months or less. In a second transaction, on the same day, the Raineses paid $5000 for the Growth Plan. The yield is 35 percent, but the Participation Agreement reflects a 36-month life expectancy, although, again, the New Business Transmittal notes the life expectancy of 30 months or less. On November 24, 1998, Dan W. Lipford, a Florida resident, paid $50,000 for the Growth Plan in two transactions. In a third transaction, on January 13, 1999, Mr. Lipford paid $30,000 for the Growth Plan. On December 1, 1998, Mary E. Friebes, a Florida resident, paid $30,000 for the Growth Plan. On December 4, 1998, Allan Hidalgo, a Florida resident, paid $25,000 for the Growth Plan. On December 17, 1998, Paul E. and Rose E. Frechette, Florida residents, paid $25,000 for the Income Plan. The yield, including monthly payments of $205.41 for three years, is 29.6 percent. On December 26, 1998, Theodore and Tillie F. Friedman, Florida residents, paid $25,000 for the Growth Plan. On January 19, 1999, Robert S. and Karen M. Devos, Florida residents, paid $10,000 for the Growth Plan. On January 20, 1999, Arthur Hecker, a Florida resident, paid $50,000 for the Income Plan. The yield, including a monthly payment of $410.83 for 36 months, is 29.6 percent. On February 11, 1999, Michael Galotola, a Florida resident, paid $25,000 for the Growth Plan. In a second transaction, on the same day, Michael and Anna Galotola paid $12,500 for the Growth Plan. On November 3, 1998, Lee Chamberlain, a Florida resident, paid $50,000 for the Growth Plan. On December 23, 1998, Herbert L. Pasqual, a Florida resident, paid $200,000 for the Income Plan. The yield, including a monthly payment of $1643.33 for three years, is 29.6 percent. On December 1, 1998, Charles R. and Maryann Schuyler, Florida residents, paid $10,000 for the Growth Plan. Respondent and Empire Insurance were never aware of the fraud being perpetrated by FinFed and ABS at anytime during the 38 transactions mentioned above. Respondent attempted to verify with third parties the existence of the viaticated insurance policies. When ABS presented its program to 30-40 potential agents, including Respondent, ABS presented these persons an opinion letter from ABS's attorney, stating that the investment was not a security, under Florida law. Respondent also contacted Petitioner's predecessor agency and asked if these transactions involving viaticated life insurance policies constituted the sale of securities. An agency employee informed Respondent that these transactions did not constitute the sale of securities.

Recommendation RECOMMENDED that Petitioner enter a final order: Finding James A. Torchia and Empire Insurance, Inc., not guilty of violating Section 517.301(1), Florida Statutes; Finding James A. Torchia guilty of 38 violations of Section 517.07(1), Florida Statutes, and 38 violations of Section 517.12(1), Florida Statutes; Finding Empire Insurance, Inc., guilty of 38 violations of Section 517.07(1), Florida Statutes, and 38 violations of Section 517.12(1), Florida Statutes, except for transactions closed on or after December 1, 1998; Directing James A. Torchia and Empire Insurance, Inc., to cease and desist from further violations of Chapter 517, Florida Statutes; and Imposing an administrative fine in the amount of $120,000 against James A. Torchia. DONE AND ENTERED this 19th day of May, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of May, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Tom Gallagher Chief Financial Officer Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Mark Casteel, General Counsel Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Fred H. Wilsen Senior Attorney Office of Financial Institutions and Securities Regulation South Tower, Suite S-225 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801-1799 Barry S. Mittelberg Mittelberg & Nicosia, P.A. 8100 North University Drive, Suite 102 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33321

Florida Laws (13) 120.57200.001517.021517.051517.061517.07517.12517.171517.221517.241517.301626.9911626.99245
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Sep. 25, 2006 Number: 06-003671PL Latest Update: Jul. 05, 2007

The Issue Should discipline be imposed by Petitioner against Respondent's insurance agent licenses, life including variable annuity (2-14), and general lines (2-20), pursuant to Chapters 624 and 626, Florida Statutes (2004)?

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts Respondent is licensed by Petitioner as a life including variable annuity (2-14) and a general lines (2-20) insurance agent and has been issued license D029506. During the time referenced in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was licensed as a customer representative (4-40) and a life including variable annuity (2-14) agent. The Department has jurisdiction over Respondent's insurance licenses and appointments. At all times relevant to the dates and occurrences referenced in the Administrative Complaint, Respondent was employed or affiliated with Direct General Insurance Agency, Inc., a Tennessee corporation, doing business in Florida as Florida No-Fault Insurance Agency (Cash Register). Additional Facts: At times relevant to the case Respondent held his life including variable annuity license (2-14) under an appointment with Direct Life Insurance Company. At times relevant to the case Respondent had a customer representative license (4-40) under appointment with Direct General Insurance Agency, Inc. At present Respondent continues to hold the life including variable annuity license (2-14) under an appointment with Direct General Life Insurance Company. At present he has a general lines license property and casualty license (2-20) under appointments with Direct General Insurance Company and American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida. On February 8, 2005, Brandi Dean called Cash Register to receive a quote for the purchase of basic automobile insurance coverage. She was provided a quote at that time. On February 8, 2005, Brandi Dean, went to the Cash Register to purchase basic automobile insurance coverage. She had done business with the insurance agency before. Her policy with Direct General Insurance Company was Policy No. FLCR162714439, as reflected in Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 15, with a scan cover sheet entitled "Renewal Auto." On February 8, 2005, Ms. Dean purchased automobile insurance coverage that would be effective from February 10, 2005 through February 10, 2006. She was charged $316 for property damage liability (PD) and $216 for basic injury protection (PIP) for a total of $532, with a $25 policy fee. The application information within the exhibit reflects the customer's name, signature, and initials in various places. On February 8, 2005, Ms. Dean was provided another form referred to as an Explanation of Policies, Coverages and Cost Breakdown (including non-insurance products). Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 16. She signed that document. It reflected the auto policy coverage information. It also set forth under a category referred to as optional policies, the purchase of Lloyd's Accident Medical Protection Plan for $110. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 17 is additional information concerning the Accident Medical Protection Plan application by the customer signed by her. It details a $110 annual premium for individual coverage of $1,000 medical expense, and 125/day-365 day hospital coverage. Within that same exhibit there is a form signed by the customer titled 100% certain underwriters @ Lloyd's/London (DB/33) Accident Medical Protection Plan. This reflects $110 cost, $125 daily coverage and the total annual benefit of $45,625. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 18 is a scan cover sheet entitled Renewal Finance with Premium Finance Agreement Information in association with Direct General Financial Services, Inc., in which the customer Ms. Dean paid $69.63 down, financed $599.82, with a total price of $748.61 when considering the annual percentage rate for financing. This document in totality was initialed and signed by Ms. Dean. Ms. Dean was provided a receipt for her cash down-payment on the purchase. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 14. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 19 is an Insurance Premium Financing Disclosure Form signed by the customer, reflecting the cost of the automobile insurance and the hospital indemnity plan, the amount of total cost and includes the policy fee for the automobile insurance, document stamp tax, the down payment, and the total amount financed $599.82. Ms. Dean was left with the impression that she had only purchased automobile insurance. She believed that the monthly payments for the financing were only in relation to automobile insurance. Ms. Dean does not recall having the accidental medical protection plan explained to her as to its terms. She does not recall anyone explaining that it was an optional plan unassociated with automobile insurance. She told the agent that she dealt with that she was only interested in purchasing the state-required automobile insurance coverage. Had she realized that she was purchasing optional accident medical protection, not part of the automobile insurance purchase, she would have declined the optional policy. Ms. Dean does recall that the agent she dealt with made some brief explanation about the documents involved in the transaction but not every page was explained. Ms. Dean recalls explanations about the automobile policy but nothing about optional coverage. Ms. Dean glanced over the documents but did not read every word included in the documents. Ms. Dean does not recall whom she dealt with on February 8, 2005. Otherwise, the record does not reflect the person who sold the automobile insurance and accidental medical protection plan to her at that time. At times relevant, Denise Daley Turnbull worked at Cash Register. She was a customer representative license (4- 40), appointed by Direct General Insurance Agency, Inc. On March 24, 2005, William L. Green, Jr., came to Cash Register to purchase automobile insurance. He dealt with Ms. Turnbull. He made a $170.02 down payment for his purchases, as reflected in Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 4, which is a receipt provided to Mr. Green. A scan cover sheet related to an auto policy purchased, together with the application information for the automobile insurance purchased through Direct General Insurance Company is found within Petitioner's Exhibit numbered Mr. Green purchased automobile insurance for property damage liability (PD) in the amount of $590 and basic personal injury protection (PIP) for $370, with a $25 policy fee, totaling $985. He signed and initialed parts of the forms in association with the automobile insurance. Ms. Turnbull also signed forms in association with the automobile insurance. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 6 is an explanation of policies, coverages and cost breakdown (including non-insurance products) reflecting the overall purchases by Mr. Green. He signed that form. It relates the automobile insurance purchase. It also relates the purchase of an American Bankers Travel Protection Plan for $60, a Lloyd's Accidental Medical Protection Plan for $110 and life insurance of $98. With fees and other costs the total purchase was $1270.99. Of relevance here, Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 9 is a scan cover sheet in relation to the life policy signed by Ms. Turnbull. It also includes application information to Direct Life Insurance Company with certain questions reflected that were initialed by the purchaser. Mr. Green signed the application. Respondent also signed the application, as well as printing his name and insurance license number on the form. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 10 is a scan cover sheet for a New Finance with Direct General Financial Services, Inc., which reflects a $162.03 down-payment, $1105.17 in amount financed, with a $129 finance charge. The total sales price for all purchases was $1396.20, to include the life insurance with Direct Life Insurance Company. Mr. Green signed the premium finance agreement. Petitioner's Exhibit numbered 11 is a copy of the Insurance Premium Finance Disclosure Form signed by Mr. Green. Ms. Turnbull has no recollection of the Respondent's participation in the sale of the life insurance policy to Mr. Green. She does recall that Respondent was in the insurance agency office when the life insurance was purchased. She recognizes Respondent's signature in association with the life insurance application and purchase. Mr. Green had no intention of purchasing life insurance when he went to Cash Register on March 24, 2005. He recalls dealing with Ms. Turnbull. No one else sat with Mr. Green and explained policy information to him. Specifically, Respondent did not sit with Mr. Green and offer explanations about the policy. Mr. Green did not see Respondent sit with Ms. Turnbull and Respondent remained silent while she sold the life policy. Had Mr. Green realized that he was purchasing life insurance he would have declined the opportunity.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That Petitioner enter a final order finding a violation under Count I as set forth in the conclusions of law, dismissing Count II and suspending Respondent's license for six months for the violation. DONE AND ENTERED this 7th day of May, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES C. ADAMS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 7th day of May, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: William Gautier Kitchen, Esquire Gregg Marr, Esquire Department of Financial Services Division of Legal Services 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333 L. Michael Billmeier, Jr., Esquire Galloway, Brennan and Billmeier, P.A. 240 East Fifth Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Michael L. Rothschild, Esquire Larry S. Davis, P.A. 1926 Harrison Street Hollywood, Florida 33020 Honorable Alex Sink Chief Financial Officer Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Daniel Sumner, General Counsel Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0307

Florida Laws (19) 120.569120.57624.11624.15624.462624.4621626.015626.112626.611626.621626.681626.691626.951626.9521626.9541626.9561626.9651775.082775.083 Florida Administrative Code (2) 69B-213.05069B-213.110
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 17, 1992 Number: 92-004366 Latest Update: Mar. 19, 1993

The Issue The issue for consideration in this hearing is whether the Respondent's licenses as an insurance agent in Florida should be disciplined because of the matters set forth in the Administrative Complaint filed in this case.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the allegations contained herein, the Department of Insurance was the state agency in Florida responsible for the licensing of insurance professionals and the regulation of the insurance industry in this state. Respondent, Harold R. Leiffer, was licensed by the state as a life and health (debit) agent, a life agent, a life and health agent, a general lines agent, and a public adjuster (for fire and allied lines, including marine casualty and motor vehicle damage and mechanical breakdown insurance), and was engaged in the practice of the insurance profession under those licenses in Florida. In January, 1991, Donna L. Devor, at the time, the owner of Cobra Construction Co., a corporation, was contacted by the Respondent after she received a bid for the construction of a fire station in Florida. Ms. Devor had previously known the Respondent as an insurance agent through a company she was associated with to which he had provided construction bonds in the past. On this occasion, in January, 1991, according to Ms. Devor, Respondent called to say he was with a new company and could get her the bond she needed to support the bid she had been awarded. Ms. Devor invited him over to talk about it and they discussed it. Again, he indicated he would be able to get her the bond she needed. The next day, when he came back with the preliminary paperwork, he asked for a check in the amount of $850.00. According to Ms. Devor, he indicated that of that sum, $500.00 was to cover setup fees and other fees by the bonding company and $300.00 was to go to DSI, his agency. In response, Ms. Devor gave him a check for $850.00 made payable, at his request, to ICI, Respondent's other company, after which he left with the forms she had signed, some in blank. When he left, he promised to process the paperwork immediately in response to her stressing the urgency of the need for the bond. After several days passed with no response, Ms. Devor attempted to contact Respondent by phone but was unable to reach him. When she finally was able to speak with him, he asked her to come to his office to discuss the bonding company's requirement that she place her house as collateral for the bond. Ms. Devor immediately declined to do this but nonetheless went to his office at DSI to talk with him. When she arrived, he immediately called the bonding company which again requested she place her house as security, and she again refused. When this happened, Respondent asked her to come back the next day as he would try another source for the bond. When she contacted him the following day, he indicated he could get the bond from an Atlanta firm but she would have to go there to pick it up. She agreed to do this and Respondent, in addition, asked for a financial statement which she arranged to have provided. Ms. Devor flew to Atlanta and was met there by Respondent who drove her to the bonding company's office. When she met with company officials, she was told they imposed a coinsurance requirement of $100,000.00 in the company's name be put up by her and she did not have this cash available. Respondent, she claims, knew this. Nonetheless, she was furnished an office and a telephone to try to get the money but was unable to do so and as a result, the bonding company declined to issue the bond. After that failure, she returned to Orlando and, realizing that Respondent was apparently unable to help her, started to look for another bonding company. She called Respondent's secretary several times attempting to reach him to get her money back but, when she was unable to do so, finally sent him a letter requesting the return of her $850.00 payment. Respondent failed to respond to that letter and she continued to try to reach him, unsuccessfully, by phone. Finally, she was able to contact DSI's owner who indicated she had never heard of Ms. Devor and asked she be shown proof that the bond premium was paid. When Ms. Devor sent a copy of the check she had given to Respondent, the owner evidenced some dissatisfaction with Respondent but failed to refund the money. Ms. Devor continued to try to reach Respondent by phone without success. When she found where he lived, she wrote him another letter asking not only for the return of the amount she had paid him but also for reimbursement of expenses she had incurred in flying to Atlanta. She received neither. However, about a week or so later, she received a call from Respondent on her answering machine which left no return number. She was thereafter unable to again contact Respondent nor did she ever receive reimbursement of her payment to him. The $850.00 check was endorsed by Respondent with his own name and deposited to his personal account, Number 1307004115, at the Orange Bank in Winter Park, Florida. According to Mr. Leach, Vice-President of security operations for Pinnacle Insurance in Carrolton, Georgia, the company to which Ms. Devor flew at Respondent's request, the company file for Cobra Corporation shows no bond was ever issued to that company. Florida does not allow a charge for setup fees in any case, and he would not have received one in connection with this application even if the bond had been issued. It is company policy not to charge a fee of any kind if a bond is not issued. Only if the application is approved and the applicant then withdraws is a fee charged. In any case, the premium on a $100,000.00 bond such as that sought here would be $2,500.00. Respondent at one point owned Statewide Insurance and sold it to DSI, the company with whom he was associated at the time he took the bond application from Ms. Devor. His story of the transaction differs somewhat from that of Ms. Devor, however, in that he denies calling her to solicit her business. Instead, he claims, she called him and begged that he get her the bond she needed for this contract. In fact, he claims, she said she'd do anything she had to do, or pay any fee necessary, to get the bond. When he explained what the fees would be, she agreed to them. Respondent contends he got the bond through United American Security in Boston, which charges a setup fee of $500.00. When Ms. Devor, however, could not live with the company's conditions, indicating she could not get the required additional credit from her bank, she rejected that condition and Respondent agreed to try with Pinnacle. It is, he claims, Ms. Devor, who suggested they go to Atlanta where Mr. Mathieson, the representative of the insurance company at the time, imposed the requirement for collateral. He also contends she agreed to this. Afterwards, he asserts, Ms. Devor claimed to have gotten a bond without collateral from a company in Ft. Lauderdale which she presented to the contracting party. From the check for $850.00 which Respondent received from Ms. Devor, he paid $500.00 to United American as its setup fee, and $250.00 to Pinnacle for its fees. Respondent did not provide a cancelled check as evidence of either payment, however. He cannot account for the additional $100.00. In any case, he contends, after Ms. Devor requested a refund, he contacted both United American and Pinnacle to request reimbursement, but both refused because, they claimed, they had accepted her and had done credit checks on her. Respondent claims that Ms. Devor was offered two bonds, both of which she rejected because she did not want to put up the collateral or security requested by the bonding companies. He went to the companies under those conditions because, he contends, she had previously stated she would accept conditions, implying she would do anything necessary to get the bonds. In support of Mr. Leiffer's assertions, he introduced an enrollment form with United American Contractor's Association signed by Ms. Devor which indicates Cobra Construction Corp. applied for enrollment in the association and submitted a check for $500.00 as an enrollment fee. He also introduced a contractor's questionnaire reflecting the payment of a $250.00 application setup fee with Pinnacle to cover underwriting reviews and efforts in establishing a bond account. Ms. Devor, however, while admitting her signature appears thereon, does not recall having signed either document, contending that they may have been among those documents Respondent asked her to sign at the beginning of their relationship regarding this bond, some of which she signed in blank. Respondent, who had previously been with DSI and had just recently gone with ICI, nonetheless could give no reasonable justification for placing the $850.00 fee paid to him by Ms. Devor in his personal bank account and not in the account of one of the two companies.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Complaint in this case, alleging misconduct by Respondent, Harold Rush Leiffer, be dismissed. RECOMMENDED this 10th day of December, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of December, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. FOR THE PETITIONER: - 5. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. & 8. Accepted and incorporated herein. Accepted and incorporated herein. First sentence not a FOF. Second sentence accepted but evidence was presented by Respondent to show that Respondent signed an application for membership in UACA ($500.00) and with some other unspecified concern for 1 $250.00 setup fee. Balance of paragraph accepted. Rejected as unproven by clear and convincing evidence. FOR THE RESPONDENT: No Proposed Findings of Fact submitted. COPIES FURNISHED: James A. Bossart, Esquire Department of Insurance 412 Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Harold R. Leiffer 2026 St. George Avenue Winter Park, Florida 32789 Tom Gallagher State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Bill O'Neill General Counsel Department of Insurance The Capitol, PL-11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

Florida Laws (6) 120.57120.68626.561626.611626.621626.691
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