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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida Sep. 20, 1991 Number: 91-006018GM Latest Update: Aug. 31, 1992

Findings Of Fact Sarasota County's Comprehensive Plan Amendment RU-5 was adopted, as Sarasota County Ordinance No. 91-41, on July 3, 1991. RU-5 amends the 1989 "Revised and Updated Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan," which is also known as "Apoxsee." Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel.-- The 1989 plan, Apoxsee, is the subject of the Final Order, Hiss v. Sarasota County, ACC 90-014, DOAH Case No. 89-3380GM (the Hiss Final Order). The Hiss Final Order resulted from the Section 163.3184(9) formal administrative proceeding Hiss initiated after notice by the Department of Community Affairs (the DCA) of its determination that the adopted Sarasota County comprehensive plan was "in compliance." After a final hearing, a Division of Administrative Hearings hearing officer entered a Recommended Order on August 14, 1990, recommending that, for certain specified reasons, the plan be found to be not "in compliance." After consideration of the Recommended Order and exceptions to it filed by Hiss, by the County and by the intervenors, the DCA determined that the plan was not in compliance, concluded that, with the exception of the remedial actions recommended by the hearing officer, the Recommended Order should be adopted. The DCA submitted the Recommended Order to the Administration Commission for final agency action (the Hiss Final Order), which was taken on June 4, 1991. The Hiss Final Order recited in part 4/: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT * * * The Recommended Order divides Hiss' numerous allegations for the plan's noncompliance into four categories: the first alleging adoption in a manner inconsistent with the minimum criteria regarding public participation, the second involving the Recreation and Open Spaces Element, the third involving the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map, and the fourth involving urban sprawl. The Hearing Officer concluded that the plan was in compliance with regard to the first, second and fourth of these categories. But, with regard to the third category, the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map, the Hearing Officer concluded that the plan was not in compliance for a number of reasons. * * * ACTION ON THE RECOMMENDED ORDER Pursuant to Section 120.57(1)(b)10., Florida Statutes, the Commission accepts the Findings of Fact and the Conclusions of Law contained in the Recommended Order . . . with the exception of the recommended Remedial Action to the extent inconsistent with the Remedial Action ordered below. The Sarasota County comprehensive plan, therefore, is determined to be not in compliance for the reasons set forth in the Recommended Order and the following remedial action is ordered. REMEDIAL ACTION The following remedial action pursuant to the schedule in paragraph 15, below, is hereby ordered to bring the comprehensive plan of Sarasota County into compliance: * * * a. Plan amendments ordered herein shall be prepared by the County and transmitted to the Department of Community Affairs by September 30, 1991. DCA by October 15, 1991 shall certify to the Commission that the plan amendments have been received. In the event the plan amendments are not received by that date the DCA shall notify the Commission by October 31, 1991 and the Commission shall review the matter as to the appropriate action to be taken. DCA shall report to the Commission on the progress of its review of the plan amendments by February 15, 1992. DCA shall forward a recommendation to the Commission regarding the County's conformance with the remedial action ordered herein no later than June 1, 1992. SANCTIONS Under the circumstances of this case, the Commission exercises its discretion to impose no sanctions on the County at this time. The Commission retains jurisdiction, however, to consider sanctions available under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and to impose sanctions in the future if the County fails to comply with the remedial actions of this order. Paragraph 10 of the "Remedial Actions" portion of the Final Order, which required the County to amend Policy 1.1.2 and add or amend other appropriate objectives and policies in the Public Facilities Plan as described therein, contained the following footnote: "Clarifica- tion of the language in the amendments ordered by Remedial Action 10, so long as they do not depart from the purposes of the remedial actions ordered, may be made by the County subject to review and compliance determinations by the Department of Community Affairs and this Commission." The Walton Tract. The Walton Tract is approximately 6,151 acres of land in south central Sarasota County. It is about a mile east of Interstate 75 and is presently undeveloped with vegetation typical of the pine flatwood community. At the time Apoxsee was adopted, the County was in the process of planning for a solid waste disposal complex on the Walton Tract but had not yet identified an exact landfill site on the tract. In Apoxsee, the entire Walton Tract was identifed as the general area for the proposed Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex, and the entire Walton Tract was designated as "Public Resource Lands." Prior Proceeding.-- In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order found: Neither the FLUM nor the FLUE designates a category of land devoted to conservation use. Designations tending to include conservation uses are Public Resource . . .. The Public Resource Lands designation is assigned to, among other parcels, the Walton Tract where any preservation or conservation uses will be subjected to the use of a part of the tract as a landfill, as discussed in Paragraphs 246 et seq. The primary provision in the plan describing the uses associated with Public Resource Lands is Policy 1.2 of the FLUE, which is "[t]o acquire and protect Public Resource Lands." In addition, FLUE Policy 1.2.3 permits environmental management practices on such lands, including controlled burning. These provisions are readily applicable to the other three parcels designated as Public Resource Lands and the part of the Walton Tract undisturbed by the landfill. However, these provisions are inconsistent with the portion of the Walton Tract proposed for use as a major landfill and other areas affected by this intensive use. * * * The inclusion of the entire Walton Tract in the Public Resource Lands is inconsistent with the proposed use of a substantial part of the tract as a major landfill. If the County eliminates this inconsistency by designating the actual landfill area and other affected areas as institutional or other public facilities, the Public Resource Lands designation would be consistent with the conservation designation. If the actual landfill area remains designated as Public Resource Lands, the designation of the Walton Tract as Public Resource Lands precludes, to the exclusion of fair debate, a finding that the Public Resource Lands designation is consistent with the criterion of a conservation designation. * * * It is fairly debatable that the plan is consistent with the criterion of a policy addressing intergovernmental coordination with respect to the conservation, protection, and appropriate use of interjurisdictional vegetative communities. With one exception, it is fairly debatable that the plan is consistent with criteria of policies addressing the protection of natural reservations and the designation of environmentally sensitive lands. [F.A.C. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(b)7. and 9.] To the exclusion of fair debate, the plan is not consistent with the latter two criteria as applied to the designation of the entire Walton Tract as Public Resource Lands, despite the intended use of part of the tract as a major landfill. The early stages of planning for the landfill may prevent the plan from dealing specifically with the likely environmental impacts of a landfill yet to be designed or sited. However, the plan should contain many of the provisions of the management plan promised for the Walton Tract. If, as the Supportive Material indicates, the landfill disturbs one-third of the Walton Tract, siting the landfill among the important environmental resources in the area is a critical task requiring more from the plan than inaccurately designating the entire tract as Public Resource Lands or promising the issuance of a management plan at some point in the future. The plan fails to provide guidelines for a detailed management plan, and guidelines are especially critical for the coordination of a major landfill with sensitive natural resources in the area. Detailed and effective safeguards in the plan for the Walton Tract and surrounding natural resources would require that the landfill project conform to these requirements. If some aspect of the landfill design prevents conformance with such plan provisions, the County may amend the plan with in [sic] compliance with all procedural requirements of the Act, including public participation and review by DCA. Absent effective provisions concerning the landfill to be placed in the Walton Tract, it is impossible to find that the plan contains policies addressing implementation activities for the protection of existing natural reservations. The Walton Tract is designated in its entirety as Public Resource Lands, and the conversion of part of this land to a landfill is not consistent with the protection of the entire tract. The same findings apply with respect to the designation of environmentally sensitive land because the Walton Tract is the site of critical natural resources, including various types of wetlands, part of Cow Pen Slough, and part of the Myakka River floodplain, as well as a bank of part of the Myakka River. * * * 402. To the exclusion of fair debate, the FLUM is not consistent with provisions to protect and acquire environmentally sensitive lands due to the conflict between the Public Resource Lands designation of the Walton Tract on the FLUM and the proposed use of part of the tract as a major landfill . . .. In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order concluded: 76. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraphs 366 and 367, the plan . . . is consistent with the criterion of the designation on the FLUM of proposed conservation land uses, if the designation of the part of the Walton Tract proposed for actual landfill use and any other affected area are redesignated from Public Resource Lands to another designation such as institutional or other public facilities. Otherwise, the plan is not in compliance with the Act and Chapter 9J-5 because it is not consistent with the criterion of the designation on the FLUM of proposed conservation land uses. * * * Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraphs 376 et seq., the plan is consistent with these [9J-5.013(2)(c)7.-9.] criteria with one exception. The plan is not in compliance with the Act and Chapter 9J-5 because the treatment of the entire Walton Tract is not consistent with criteria of the protection of existing natural reservations and designation of environmentally sensitive land for protection. The designation of the Walton Tract as Public Resource Lands despite the proposed use of part of the tract as a landfill demands, to the exclusion of fair debate, more specificity in the plan coordinating the land uses that will be permitted on the tract with the sensitive natural resources already there. Because of the intense use proposed for part of the tract and the proximity of important natural resources, the promise to adopt later a management plan for the Walton Tract is insufficient. . . . The proposed uses and special features of the Walton Tract require that, regardless of its future land use designation, the plan provide details of the management plan, if the plan is to contain policies addressing implementation activities for the protection of environmentally sensitive lands and existing natural reservations. [Fn. 43.--This determination remains applicable even if the County redesignates the Walton Tract as institutional or other public facilities. Although arguably redesignation could result in the tract losing its status as an existing natural reservation, the tract, or at least parts of it, would continue to represent environmentally sensitive lands, whose status is unaffected by any change in designation.] * * * 109. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraph 402, the plan is not in compliance with the Act and Chapter 9J-5 because the FLUM is not consistent with FLUE objectives and policies to protect and acquire environmentally sensitive lands with respect to the designation of the entire Walton Tract . . .. The Hiss Final Order required the following Remedial Action pertinent solely to the Walton Tract: 5. The County shall revise the section in the solid waste portion of the Public Facilities chapter that refers to "landfill Site Feasibility Report: Walton Tract and Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex - Preliminary Cost Estimate" to reflect that the Walton Tract is currently only one potential location for the proposed landfill, subject to additional study. The County shall also adopt a policy requiring that at such time as a final decision is made on the location and type of solid waste treatment facility to be developed, the Future Land Use Plan Map Series and Public Facilities chapter will be amended accordingly to reflect that decision. The RU-5 Walton Tract Amendments.-- In part, RU-5 amends Figure 23, a part of the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Series, to delineate 2,972 acres of the Walton Tract as "Public Resource Lands" and 3,179 acres of the Walton Tract as "Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex and other Government Use." RU-5 specifically locates a proposed solid waste disposal complex on 550 acres of the 3,179 acres designated as "Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex and other Government Use." The 2,972 acres in the Walton Tract designated as "Public Resource Lands" were zoned Open Use Conservation (OUC) by Sarasota County Ordinance 90-54. RU-5 also amends the Public Facilities Element of the Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan (Apoxsee) by adding Objective 2.6 and Policy 2.6.1. Objective 2.6 is: To develop a solid waste disposal complex and site which is economically feasible and which has minimal environmental impacts. Policy 2.6.1 states: The Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex shall minimize, to the greatest extent possible, potential environmental impacts consistent with the adopted stipulations contained within Ordinance No. 90-54 and Resolution No. 91-149. Prior to development of the Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex a resource based Land Management Program shall be adopted consistent with the "Principles for Evaluating Development Proposals in Native Habitats" and all other relevant policies in the Environment Chapter. The Public Facilities Supportive Material adopted as part of RU-5 states: The Board also approved a special exception for a 550 acre parcel for the Solid Waste Disposal Complex including a sanitary landfill and other uses associated with the landfill operations. * * * In order to minimize potential environmental impacts to the greatest extent possible, stipulations in the special exception approval include requirements for submission of studies such as the completion of a background Water Quality Monitoring Plan and a resource based Land Management Program, prior to the development of the landfill or other associated operations. Data and Analysis.-- The RU-5 amendments relating to the use of a portion of the Walton Tract for the Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex are supported by the best available data and by appropriate analysis of the data. The County utilized all the appropriate data available at the time of the adoption of RU-5. All analysis required to be performed on the data through the time of the final hearing was performed and taken into consideration. Both the data and the analysis of the data through the time of the final hearing support the selection of the Walton Tract site for the Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex. The total functional population of Sarasota County is projected to increase from 337,471 in 1990 to 475,353 in 2010. Meanwhile, with the closure of numerous unlicensed dump sites in the early 1970s, the County began operating the Bee Ridge Landfill in 1972. Although two of the County's four municipalities formerly operated landfills, those facilities have been closed due to environmental problems. Bee Ridge currently is relied on to serve all the municipalities as well as the entire unincorporated area of Sarasota County. Bee Ridge receives an average of 1,400 tons of solid waste per day (511,000 tons a year). Even assuming a 50% reduction in solid waste disposal through recycling, the County is projected to require solid waste disposal facilities capable of land filling over 850,000 tons per year. A County study entitled Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery Plan, completed in 1980, indicated that landfilling would likely remain an essential means of managing the County's solid waste stream for the foreseeable future and that it would be necessary to obtain a replacement facility for the Bee Ridge Landfill. The Bee Ridge Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) permit expires in 1995. Bee Ridge was not constructed with liners meeting current DER permit requirements. Although the County has installed an underground "slurry wall" at the perimeter to attempt to prevent contamination from leaching out, there is no assurance that DER will renew the permit. In any event, Bee Ridge is projected to reach its maximum height by the mid-1990s. In addition, the ability to expand Bee Ridge is not assured, due to strong opposition from neighboring property owners. In 1986, the opportunity arose to acquire the Walton Tract without the use of condemnation, and the County authorized a specific feasibility study performed on the 6,151 acre tract. The study examined the parcel in terms of Florida statutory landfill requirements, physical characteristics of the site, hydrogeology and soils, landfill block configurations, environmental considerations, and regulatory agency comments. Although the study indicated that only 3,600 acres would be required for a landfill, the entire tract was purchased on advice of professional staff to maximize siting flexibility and ensure sufficient areas for perimeter buffers, wetland mitigation, and wildlife conservation areas. The purchase price was $8.6 million, paid out of the proceeds of an $80 million Solid Waste System Revenue Bond Issue. Preliminary cost estimates were prepared for the initial 20 years of the life of a landfill on the site. The estimate came to $39 million. At the time the Revised and Updated Sarasota County Comprehensive Plan was being compiled in the years prior to its adoption in 1989, the County had not yet identified an exact landfill site on the Walton Tract. Accordingly, Apoxsee identified the entire Walton Tract was identified as the general area for the proposed Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex. The Walton Tract was also designated entirely as "Public Resource Lands" since the County regarded the "Public Resource Lands" use designation to permit public facilities in careful conjunction with large conservation areas of important native habitat, e.g., a potable water wellfield and water treatment plant on the Carlton Reserve; a solid waste disposal complex on the Walton Tract; and RV parks, campsites and active recreation facilities at Oscar Scherer State Recreation Area and Myakka River State Park. In the spring and summer of 1991, after entry of the Hiss Final Order, the Board of County Commissioners held public hearings to determine whether the Walton Tract should once again be designated as the site for the Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex to accommodate a Class I landfill, composting areas for yard waste and yard waste/sludge recycling, and a Class III landfill for construction debris, and, if so, to determine the specific location and extent of the Complex, in the context of a rezoning and special exception proceeding. During the course of the hearings the County Commission considered detailed presentations by the county professional staff, expert consultants and the public concerning the suitability of the Walton Tract site, as well as other sites, for a solid waste disposal complex. The Commission also considered, as part of the evidence, a Draft Alternative Siting Study prepared by the engineering firm Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) to meet the regulatory requirements of the EPA and Corps of Engineers under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the requirements of the Recycle Now! Chapter Amendment. At the conclusion of the hearings, the County Commission, by Ordinance 90-54 rezoned 3,179 acres of the Walton Tract to Government Use (GU) and 2,972 acres to Open Use Conservation (OUC). The Commission, by Resolution 91-149 also designated a reduced 550 acre site (instead of a 1,187 acre site) for the Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex subject to final action on Comprehensive Plan Amendment RU-5, which was adopted by Ordinance 91-41 on July 23, 1991, after another public hearing at which all the evidence from the rezoning and special exception hearings was received into the record. (a.) Economic Feasibility.-- The Walton Tract site is centrally located in the County, between what are planned to be the County's major population concentrations, and close to the Laurel Road interchange with I-75 which is committed to be constructed by FDOT in 1993 under an agreement with the County. This location provides efficient transportation access to the rest of the County. The trend in solid waste management is toward centralizing solid waste disposal facilities due to the cost of the facilities, including the cost of permitting; the ability to achieve economies of scale; the increased reliability inherent in operating a limited number of facilities; and the advantages of focusing budget-limited management and regulatory compliance resources. Transportation costs with a centralized facility are offset by the use of transfer stations which greatly compress the solid waste to reduce the number of trips from the transfer station to the central facility. Sarasota County is already successfully using this system. The Draft Alternative Siting Study identifies three other properties besides the Walton Tract as suitable. During the public hearings before the County Commission, however, two of the sites (D and E) were strongly opposed by citizens living around those potential sites and the third site (G) was closer to the Myakka River and could be in conflict with the Myakka River Wild and Scenic Management Plan. From the standpoint of economic feasibility, the County Commission was advised: The County has certain bond obligations due to the purchase of site F [the Walton Tract] to provide a solid waste disposal facility. The legal and future bond financing issues must be considered against the potential benefits of selecting another site. The County's bond counsel also advised the County Commission that, if the County elected not to locate the solid waste disposal complex on the Walton Tract, the County would have to pay back to the Solid Waste System Revenue Bond enterprise fund the fair market value of the Walton Tract from some other revenue source. (b.) Adjacent Property.-- In contrast to the other suitable sites, the property owners closest to the proposed site on the Walton Tract are not opposed to the solid waste disposal complex in light of the County's ability to provide 1,000 foot buffers and avoid access conflicts due to the size and location of the Walton Tract. Due to the 6,151 acre size of the Walton Tract, the solid waste disposal complex, as approved by the County Commission, including all borrow pits, is located more than 8,000 feet from the closest point on the Myakka River, a designated Wild and Scenic River, and the testimony indicates that heavy equipment would not be heard on the river. Due to the flexibility in siting the solid waste disposal complex, and the 100 foot height limitation placed on the landfill by the County Commission, the landfill will not be seen on Lower Myakka Lake or the Myakka River. Due to the location of the solid waste disposal complex on the Walton Tract, together with the hydrogeologic characteristics of the site, no adverse impact on the Carlton (Ringling MacArthur) Reserve potable water wellfield located several miles to the east across the Myakka River is to be anticipated. The restriction of the solid waste disposal complex and associated borrow pits to the northwest portion of the Walton Tract and the designation by the County Commission of the remainder of the property as Public Resource Lands results in approximately 3,000 acres of the Walton Tract, contiguous to Myakka River State Park and the Carlton Reserve to the east, being placed in a conservation land use designation, linking these natural areas into a contiguous system of 55,000 acres of high quality native habitat in protected public ownership. (c.) Character of the Walton Tract.-- Hundreds of hours over a period of approximately five years were spend on-site at the Walton Tract by experts in environmental, engineering and other scientific disciplines to collect and analyze data on soils; topography; natural resources, including habitats, flora, and fauna; and historic resources to determine whether, and where, a solid waste disposal complex should be sited on the tract that would be economically feasible and minimize environmental impacts. Every wetland and upland habitat on the Walton Tract as well as likely ecological corridors and preservation areas, including the Myakka River 100 year floodplain and mesic hammocks, have been identified and verified in the field. The methods that were used to identify habitats, including likely habitats of threatened and endangered species, met professionally accepted standards, particularly for planning purposes. Environmental constraints were identified at the beginning of the assessment of the Walton Tract and drove or determined the siting process. Over the course of a five year period, there were no sightings of threatened or endangered species that would render the designated site of the complex or the borrow pits unsuitable for the proposed use. The designated site was suitable from the standpoint of minimizing environmental impacts. The pine flatwoods and isolated wetlands within the solid waste disposal complex footprint are neither rare nor endangered, constituting 57% and 17% of the area of the County, respectively, and there are suitable formerly improved pasture areas on the site to mitigate these wetlands on a type-for- type, one-for-one ratio. There is also a large 300 acre area adjacent to Cow Pen Slough suitable for mitigation by rehydrating wetlands previously impacted by the channelization of Cow Pen Slough in the 1960's. The proposed location of the landfill on the site is the most appropriate from the context of habitat, wetlands and wildlife. The complex and borrow pits protect water resources by being located outside the watershed of the Myakka River and outside the 100 year floodplain of Cow Pen Slough. Also, the Class I landfill will be elevated approximately three feet above grade, and the entire solid waste disposal complex will be surrounded with a bermed stormwater management system at least five feet above grade that will not only treat the stormwater to required standards but also provide additional protection against flooding beyond a 100 year flood event. The reduced 550 acre size of the solid waste disposal site is reasonable for meeting the solid waste recycling and disposal needs of the County for a 20 year planning period. CDM used the best available data, including the Federal Emergency Managment Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), in siting the complex out of the 100 year floodplain. (The U.S. Soil Conservation Service 1985 Flood Plain Management Study of the Cow Pen Slough is not reliable data with respect to the extent of the 100 year floodplain.) The site designated for the landfill on the Walton Tract has no geotechnical or water resource factors that would preclude it from being suitable for a landfill. There is no realistic danger of groundwater contamination of either the surficial or the deeper Floridan aquifer beneath the landfill in light of the required multiple liners and the required leachate collection and treatment systems. A modern landfill operation is not necessarily incompatible with surrounding wildlife. The landfill would be limited to an exposed working face of solid waste no more than 100 feet by 200 feet which must be covered daily. This reduces the landfill's attactiveness to seagulls and other scavengers. Many species of birds, including sandhill cranes, woodstorks, and bald eagles, continue to be seen within several hundred yards of the working face of the Bee Ridge landfill and its heavy equipment. Over the 12 year existence of the Bee Ridge landfill, there has been no quantifiable decline in such wildlife. The herd of deer adjacent to the landfill had increased substantially over that period. Internal Consistency.-- It was not the intent of RU-5's Public Facilities Objective 2.6 and Policy 2.6.1 that the specifically designated site for the solid waste disposal complex on the Walton Tract would be invalidated if any other possible site were found to have even marginally less environmental impact. Although there are other sites arguably with less environmental impacts, according to a rating system developed for evaluating the suitability of potential sites, other factors also went into the selection of the Walton Tract site. Both Public Facilities Objective 2.6 and Policy 2.6.1 contemplate the development of a solid waste disposal complex and site. They mean that the designated site should be developed in a manner which reduces environmmental impacts as much as possible. It certainly is at least fairly debatable that they contemplate the development of the Walton Tract site as a landfill. RU-5's amended "Principles for Evaluating Development Proposals in Native Habitats," Section VI.A.2.e., provides in part: In cases where a wetland is no longer capable of performing defined environmental functions and providing defined environmental values, or in cases where no other reasonable alternative exists other than disrupting a wetland, some alteration may be allowed. As amended by RU-5, this portion of the "Principles for Evaluating Development Proposals in Native Habitats" focuses on wetland mitigation requirements on other portions of a landowner's property, when a wetland must be altered to allow reasonable, beneficial use of the property. Section VI.A.2.e. of these principles does not require the County, or any other property owner, to demonstate, prior to developing their property, that there is "no reasonable alternative location in the County which impacts less wetlands or an equivalent acreage of wetlands of less environmental value." It certainly is at least fairly debatable that they do not. The Supportive Material for Apoxsee's Recreation and Open Space Element states: "Large portions of the Walton Tract cannot be used for landfill purposes because they are in the floodplain of either the Myakka River or the Cow Pen Slough." Nothing in RU-5 is inconsistent with this data and analysis. The acreage being used for the landfill and associated uses are not in the floodplain. Through RU-5, Recreation Policy 1.1.4 of Apoxsee provided: "Ecologically benign, non-consumptive, resource-based uses shall be implemented at the Walton Tract and the Ringling-MacArthur Reserve." On March 10, 1992, RU- 6 was adopted and amended Recreation Policy to provide: "Recreational uses implemented on the Walton Tract and the T. Mabry Carlton, Jr., Memorial Reserve [formerly known as the Ringling-MacArthur Reserve] shall be limited to activities which are ecologically benign, non-consumptive and resource based." It is at least fairly debatable that this policy does not refer to the portion of the Walton Tract designated for use as a landfill. Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Objective 1.1, as amended through RU-5, restricts land uses on Public Resources Lands by requiring the County: "To protect environmentally sensitive lands, conserve natural resources, protect floodplains, maintain water quality, and maintain open space." FLUE Objective 1.2 is: "To acquire and protect Public Resource Lands." The implementing policies under FLUE Objective 1.2 include: Policy 1.2.1 -- Sarasota County shall attempt to coordinate efforts to acquire public lands for conservation, preservation and open space. Policy 1.2.2 -- Provide adequate buffering of Public Resource Lands for potentially incompatible adjacent land uses. Policy 1.2.3 -- Permit normal management practices associated with native habitats. Again, it is at least fairly debatable that these objectives and policies do not preclude the designation of a part of the Walton Tract for use as a landfill. The Supportive Material for Apoxsee's FLUE states that the County will adopt "detailed management plans" for the Walton Tract (and the Ringling- MacArthur Reserve) and adds: In conjunction with the development of a portion of these two County-owned properties as a waste disposal complex and potable water supply, respectively, subtantial acreage is to be preserved to provide for wildlife corridors, wetlands protection, buffering zones, recreation, education, and open space uses. It is critical that any development within, and adjacent to, these Public Resource Lands be compatible with their inherent environmental values as well as the public values ascribed to them. The management plans . . . will address this issue. The County has not yet adopted a management plan for the Walton Tract landfill. But Public Facilities Policy 2.6.1 incorporates the detailed protective stipulations contained in Ordinance 90-54, which zoned the Walton Tract "Government Use" and "Open Use, Conservation," and in Resolution 91-149, which designated the site of the Central County Solid Waste Disposal Complex. These stipulations: require submission of a background water quality monitoring plan for review and approval by the County Natural Resources Department; require a preapplication meeting with the Stormwater Management, Natural Sciences, and Pollution Control Divisions prior to submission of a Master Stormwater Management Plan; limit post development runoff volumes to predevelopment volumes for storm events up to the mean annual (2.33-year) storm; require design and planting of littoral zones in all stormwater detention lakes in accordance with the County Land Development Regulations; require design and planting of littoral zones in all borrow lakes in accordance with the County's Earthmoving Ordinance; require submission of a final mitigation plan, including engineer drawings and plans for creating and maintaining adequate hydroperiods in created wetlands for review and approval by the Natural Sciences Division; require clear delineation and, during construction, marking of Preservation/Conservation areas; require appropriate sediment control devices around buffers of all wetlands within 500 feet of construction; prohibit disturbances in any Perservation/Conservation area except in approved construction areas or to provide approved access roads, fire lanes, utility transmission lines or nature trails; require notification to the Natural Sciences Division for determination of appropriate remedial action in the event listed species are observed; prohibits development of the solid waste disposal complex until a resource-based Land Management Program is prepared, approved and adopted; and limits the height of the landfill to 100 feet. In addition, Public Facilities Policy 2.6.1 prohibits development of the solid waste disposal complex until a resource-based Land Management Program is adopted consistent with the detailed requirements of the "Principles for Evaluating Development Proposals in Native Habitats" and the policies of the Environment Chapter of Apoxsee, e.g., Environment Policy 5.5.13, as well as Recreation Policy 1.1.4 and Future Land Use Policies 1.2.2 and 1.2.3. The Hiss Final Order does not require that a detailed management plan be adopted as part of RU-5 in order for RU-5 to amend the FLUM Series to designate a portion of the Walton Tract as the new County landfill. Rather, it was critical that the 1989 "plan fails to provide guidelines for a detailed management plan, and guidelines are especially critical for the coordination of a major landfill with sensitive natural resources in the area." (Emphasis added.) Recommended Order, Finding of Fact 378. It stated that "the plan should contain many of the provisions of the management plan promised for the Walton Tract." (Emphasis added.) Recommended Order, Finding of Fact 377. While not specifying the management plan guidelines believed to be necessary, the Hiss Final Order found that the plan was not "consistent with criteria of policies addressing the protection of natural reservations and the designation of environmentally sensitive lands [referring to F.A.C. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(b)7. and 9.]." (Emphasis added.) Recommended Order, Finding of Fact 376. Elsewhere, it found it "impossible to find that the plan contains policies addressing implementation activities for the protection of existing natural reservations." (Emphasis added.) Recommended Order, Finding of Fact 379. F.A.C. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(b)7. and 9. require objectives that "[protect] existing natural reservations identified in the recreation and open space element" and "[designate] environmentally sensitive lands for protection based on locally determined criteria which further the goals and objectives of the conservation element." The plan, as amended through RU-5, contains guidelines for a management plan for the Walton Tract that are sufficiently detailed to meet the requirements of F.A.C. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(b)7. and 9. RU-5 is not inconsistent with the Support Material referred to in Finding 49, above. The final version of the management plan is not data or analysis that must precede the amendment of the FLUM Series. RU-6 amended Environment Policy 5.5.3 to read: By July 1, 1992, the Sarasota County Board of County Commissioners shall have adopted criteria for conducting and staff shall have conducted an analysis to identify habitats of high ecological values and strategies to physically link natural areas into a contiguous system. The criteria for identifying these areas should consider several major factors including the presence of endangered species, outstanding water resources, high quality natural habitat, and value as a wildlife corridor. The Future Land Use Map Series shall be revised to show the location of these areas of high quality ecological value. This provision is not inconsistent with RU-5. The portion of the Walton Tract designated for development as a landfill is made up of pine flatwoods and isolated, seasonal wetlands which are neither rare nor endangered habitats. Except for a minor portion of the westernmost borrow pit, it is outside the 100-year floodplain. 5/ It is outside the watershed of the Myakka River. It is set back from habitats of threatened or endangered species, as well as surrounding property owners. It is reasonably sized to meet the solid waste recycling and disposal needs of the County for the 20-year planning period. Consistent with Environment Policy 5.5.3, the 2,971 acres of the Walton Tract which RU-5 leaves designated Public Resource Land includes those areas which are contiguous to Myakka River State Park and the Carlton Reserve to the east, linking natural areas into a contiguous system, and providing protection to the outstanding water resources and high quality habitat in the Myakka River watershed and in the Cow Pen Slough watershed in the southernmost portion of the Tract. Historic and Archaeological Preservation.-- In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order found: 362. To the exclusion of fair debate, the plan is not consistent with the criterion of the depiction on the ELUM of historic resources. The depicted archaeological sensitivity zones, which represent projections of possible sites, do not purport to represent the location of, for example, the 78 or 79 sites on the Florida Master Site Plan and other historical resources, which are concededly vulnerable to development. In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order concluded: As relevant to the determinations contained in this section, . . . Rule 9J- 5.006(1)(a)(11), . . . requires that the "following generalized land uses shall be shown on the existing land use map or map series: . . . Historic resources." Rule 9J-5.003(35) defines "historic resources" to mean: all areas, districts or sites containing properties listed on the Florida Master Site File, the National Register of Historic Places, or designated by the local government as historically, architecturally, or archaeologically significant. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraph 362, the plan is not in compliance with the Act and Chapter 9J-5 because it is not consistent with the criterion of showing historic resources on the ELUM. For instance, there are 78 or 79 sites in the Florida Master Site File that are, by definition, historic resources, but are not shown on any ELUM. The Hiss Final Order required the following Remedial Action pertinent to historic and archeological preservation: 2. The County shall revise its existing land use map to show the location of historic resources, including the generalized location of sites listed in the Florida Master Site File or National Register of Historic Places or otherwise designated by the County as historically, architecturally or archaeologically significant. * * * 4. The County shall revise its Future Land Use Plan Map Series to include the historic resources mentioned in paragraph 2 above. RU-5 amends the Historic Preservation Chapter of Apoxsee to indicate that the map provided in Figure 3 in the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Series shows the location of "National Register sites and other historically significant sites in Sarasota County." It also amends Figure 3 to identify 78 National Register sites from the Florida Master Site File. Appendix A to "Section 3: Sites in Unincorporated Sarasota County Listed in the Florida Master Site File" also is amended to list these sites. In essence, RU-5 follows from the updating of the supporting documentation to Apoxsee by adding to the Existing Land Use Map (ELUM) Series and the FLUM Series verified historically significant sites in Sarasota County, namely the sites found on the National Register and on the Florida Master Site File List. The County also has performed extensive study of portions of the County in an effort to locate significant historic and archaeological sites. The study has located many potential sites. However, the sites have not yet been fully evaluated to determine if they are historically, architecturally or archaeologically significant. Therefore, they have not yet been added, or proposed to be added, to the National Register or the Florida Master Site File List, and they do not appear in Apoxsee, as amended by RU-5. The County's determination not to identify and depict more sites on RU-5 is supported by the best available data and analysis. In addition, RU-5 adopted Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Policy 1.13.1 which provides for the coordination of land uses with the protection of historical resources. As part of the process for issuing development orders, the County has incorporated review by the County Historian to determine the likelihood of the site being historically significant, and the County places conditions on various development permits to protect historically significant sites. Except for the failure of Apoxsee, before RU-5, to depict the locations of, "for example, the 78 or 79 sites on the Florida Master Site Plan and other historical resources, which are concededly vulnerable to development," the Historic Preservation Chapter of Apoxsee already has been exhaustively scrutinized and found to be internally consistent and in compliance. See Hiss Final Order. Floodplain Delineation and Protection.-- In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order found: To the exclusion of fair debate, the FLUM is not consistent with criteria of the depiction of floodplains; Big Slough, whether it is classified as a river, floodplain, or wetland; and minerals and soils. . . .. The omission of floodplains is complete. Nothing in FLUM-2 corresponds to the floodprone areas shown in Figure 27 in the Supportive Material. For example, the Conservation/Preservation areas surrounding the Myakka River are not coextensive with the larger floodplain of the Myakka River depicted in Figure 27. The omission of floodplains is exacerbated by the absence of plan provisions providing effective protection for these critical natural drainage features, except for the Myakka River floodplain. * * * To the exclusion of fair debate, the plan is not consistent with criteria of objectives to ensure the protection of floodplains (other than that of the Myakka River), floodplain- associated soils, and wetlands (due to the inadequacy of the mitigation provision). Policy 5.5.8 of the Environment Element promises to adopt land development regulations to regulate develop- ment and specify necessary design standards for floodplains. In the absence of any undertaking in the plan to require that land uses in the floodplains be consistent with their function, Policy 5.5.8 does not resemble an objective ensuring the protection of floodplains. To the exclusion of fair debate, the plan is not consistent with criteria of objectives to coordinate the future land uses with topography, soil conditions, and availability of facilities and services, with respect to floodplains and the unrestricted use of septic tanks 6/ in the Urban area. The Supportive Material advises that future land uses in the floodplains must be less intensive than in the past. Except for the Myakka River floodplain, the plan fails to coordinate future land uses with the unique topography and soil conditions of the floodplains because the plan does not require that any development in the floodplains be consistent with their functions. In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order concluded: 83. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraphs 372 et seq., the plan is not in compliance with the Act and Chapter 9J-5 because it is not consistent with criteria of the depiction on the FLUM of floodplains, Big Slough (regardless of its classification as a river, wetland, or floodplain), and minerals and soils. * * * 96. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraph 388, the plan is not in compliance with the Act and Chapter 9J-5 because it is not consistent with criteria of objectives to ensure the protection of flood- plains other than that of the Myakka River, floodplain-associated soils, and wetlands due to the inadequacy of the mitigation provisions. 7/ The Hiss Final Order required the following Remedial Action pertinent to floodplain delineation and protection: The County shall amend "Figure 27: 100-year Floodprone Areas" to depict the location of all 100-year floodplains . . . and adopt Figure 27, as amended, as an addition to the Future Land Use Map Series. The county shall amend "Figure 5: General Soil Associations in Sarasota County" to indicate general locations of known sand and gravel deposits, and adopt Figure 5, as amended, as an addition to the Future Land Use Map Series. * * * 9. The County shall adopt a new policy in the Future Land Use Plan, to provide that no development order shall be issued which would permit development in floodplains or on floodplain- associated soils that would adversely affect the function of the floodplain, or that would degrade the water quality of water bodies associated with the floodplains in violation of any local, state or federal regulation, including water quality regulations. In part, RU-5 amends FLUE Objective 1.1 to state: "To protect environmentally sensitive lands, conserve natural resources, protect floodplains, maintain water quality, and maintain open space." RU-5 also adds the following policies: Policy 1.1.5: "All future development shall be consistent with the detailed master plans for each drainage basin as they are adopted through the Basin Master Planning Program." [Revision of Environment Policy 2.1.8.] Policy 1.1.6: "No development order shall be issued which would permit development in 100-year floodplains, as designated on Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] Flood Insurance Rate Maps [FIRM] or adopted County flood studies, or on floodplain associated soils, defined as Soils of Coastal Islands, Soils of the Hammocks, Soils of Depressions and Sloughs, and Soils of the Floodplains and shown in figure 5, that would adversely affect the function of the floodplains or that would degrade the water quality of waterbodies associated with said floodplains in violation of any local, State, or federal regulation, including water quality regulations." Policy 1.1.8: "'Figure 27: 100 - Year Floodprone Areas' shall be adopted as Future Land Use Plan Map 5." Policy 1.3.2: "'Figure 5: General Soil Associations In Sarasota County' shall be adopted as Future Land Use Plan Map 4." RU-5 also adds Environment Policy 5.8.2: Floodplain functions shall be protected by application of the Land Development Regulations (Ordinance No. 81-12, as amended) and Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Public Facilities and Future Land Use Plans. RU-5 adds Public Facilities Policy 3.2.8: New development in the 100-year floodplains shall be consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Environment, Public Facilities, and Future Land Use Plans. By virtue of the RU-5 amendments, which use the best available data (the FEMA FIRM) and appropriate analysis, the Apoxsee now depicts the floodprone areas in the County and plans appropriately for their protection. It is at least fairly debatable that the plan provisions are internally consistent. Septic Tanks.-- In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order found: A similar lack of coordination exists with respect to the unrestricted use of septic tanks in Urban areas. The Supportive Material discloses "chronic" septic tank failures in areas south of the City of Sarasota, south of Venice, and in the Englewood area at the southern tip of the County on the coast. The last area is one of the few areas remaining near the coast with significant amounts of vacant, unplatted land. Each of the three areas is adjacent to estuarine waters. The Supportive Material cautions that, without centralized sewer in the Englewood area, the County's last remaining shellfish harvesting area, which is in Lemon Bay, is threatened. The Englewood area also includes wellfields that draw upon the surficial aquifer, which is highly susceptible to contamination in this region. Failing to coordinate future land uses with topography, soil conditions, and availability of facilities and services, the plan allows the unrestricted use of septic tanks in these critical Urban areas. Promises to study the problem, prioritize areas for centralized hookup, and in the meantime "discourage" the use of on-site sewage disposal systems offer little in the face of chronic failures of on-site sewage disposal systems and the absence from Table 80 of any expenditures for a centralized wastewater treatment system. Sarasota Exhibit 38, which is the 1986 Englewood Sector Plan, illustrates, in its discussion of septic tanks, the historic lack of coordination between future land uses and topography, soil conditions, and the availability of facilities and services. The Sector Plan notes that the soils of the majority of undeveloped lands in the Englewood area are poorly drained with less than two feet between the surface level and the groundwater table. A 1970 study by the County Health Department concluded: "Based on test results it would appear that Englewood has already reached the point where further development without adequate centralized sewerage facilities will lead to increased problems with regard to fecal pollution of ditches and waterways." [Fn. 30--The Sector Plan mentions various requirements imposed by the County that, if incorporated into the plan, would help coordinate future land uses with topography, soil conditions, and availability of facilities and services. County Ordinance 81-12 prohibits septic tanks within 100 feet of a 25-year floodplain unless the lot is at least five acres. The same ordinance reportedly requires that "the groundwater table be maintained at not less than forty-eight (48 inches) [apparently from the bottom of the drainfield]." Sector Plan, p. VI-4. Also, the County requires hookup to centralized wastewater systems for all new residential subdivisions within one-quarter mile of an existing sewer line, although this requirement can be waived. Id. at pp. VI-4 and VI-5. Finding insufficient septic-tank restrictions imposed by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, the County has adopted several ordinances regulating on-site sewage disposal systems. Plan, p. 166. Ordinances 83-14, 83-83, and 86-03 detail these requirements, but Appendix D, 2 does not describe them in much detail. More important, the restrictions contained in all of these ordinances did not find their way into the operative provisions of the plan.] Sector Plan, p. VI-4. In the context of a plan that allows unrestricted use of septic tanks anywhere in the Urban area, coordination is not achieved by a plan provision requiring "reasonable assurance" that development proposals within the watersheds of existing public potable surface waters (i.e., the upper Myakka River, both Myakka Lakes, and Big Slough) will not "degrade the quality of such water." Nor is coordination achieved by a provision offering the general assurance of protection and conservation of surface water and groundwater resources, or another provision promising the adoption of land development regulations to specify "design standards" in environmentally significant/sensitive areas like watersheds and water recharge areas. No plan provisions guide the review of specific development proposals. The plan contains no performance or design standards or any requirements to guide the preparation of such standards. [Fn. omitted.] The vague provisions governing the use of septic tanks in the Urban area do not provide, in the plan, a meaningful basis upon which to coordinate, in the plan, future land uses with topography, soil conditions, and availability of facilities and services. In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order concluded: 97. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraphs 390 et seq., the plan is not in compliance with the Act and Chapter 9J-5 because it is not consistent with the criterion of an objective to coordinate future land uses with topography, soil conditions, and the availability of facilities and services, with respect to floodplains and the unrestricted use of septic tanks in the Urban area. Besides the provisions already mentioned in connection with floodplain delineation and protection, the Hiss Final Order required the following Remedial Action pertinent to septic tanks: . . .. The Public Facilities Element, Future Land Use Element, and other appropriate elements must contain objectives, with principles, guidelines and standards, to coordinate future land uses with topography, soil conditions, and available facilites and services, with respect to both floodplain protection and the use of septic tanks. The County shall amend Policy 1.1.2 and add or amend other appropriate objectives and policies in the Public Facilities Plan, as follows 8/: * * * Policy 3.2.2 The County shall prohibit the installation of septic tanks in areas designated urban on the Future Land Use Plan Map Series, unless the installation and use shall not adversely affect the quality of groundwater or surface water or adversely affect the natural function of floodplains; further, the County shall adopt regulations which, to the maximum extent permitted by law, mandate hookup of existing as well as new development to a centralized wastewater treatment system. RU-5 amends Public Facilities Policy 3.2.2 to provide: The County shall prohibit the installation of septic tanks in areas designated Urban and Barrier Island on the Future Land Use Plan Map Series, unless the installation and use shall not adversely affect the quality of groundwater or surface water or adversely affect the natural function of floodplains as required by the provisions of the County Land Development Regulations (Ordinance No. 81-12, as amended); Ordinance No. 83-83, regulating design, construction, installation, utilization, operation, maintenance and repair of individual on-site sewage disposal systems, as amended; and any more stringent regulations applicable. Further, the County shall revise as necessary or adopt regulations which, to the maximum extent permitted by law, mandate hookup of existing as well as new development to a centralized wastewater treatment system, when available. The County has admitted, for purposes of effectuating a settlement, that Public Facilities Policy 3.1.2 is not in compliance for the reasons set forth in the settlement Stipulation between the Department and the County. By the Stipulation, the County agrees to further amend Public Facilities Policy 3.2.2 by amending the last sentence to read: Further, the County shall require that all buildings served by on-site sewage disposal systems, except approved on-site greywater systems, connect to a publicly owned or investor-owned sewerage system within one year of notification by the County that such a system is available as defined in Chapter 10D-6.042(7), F.A.C. The County shall establish procedures for the notification of sewer availability. RU-5 also amends Public Facilities Policy 3.2.5 to make clear that the requirement for compliance with federal, state and local permit laws extends to individual on-site systems. It also provides: Soil surveys shall be required for septic tank permits. No individual on-site systems shall be permitted where soil conditions indicate that the system would not function without degrading water quality or where land alterations necessary to accommodate the system would interfere with drainage or floodplain functions. RU-5 also amends Public Facilities Policy 3.2.9 to provide: By 1994, the County shall begin implementation of its wastewater resource management program to be completed by 2020. The comprehensive plan, including the Captial Improvements Element, shall be amended by 1994 to reflect implementation of the program. Priority shall be given to providing centralized service to areas experiencing septic tank failure and areas where water quality has been adversely affected by current disposal methods. RU-5 added Environment Policy 5.8.3: Septic tanks shall not adversely affect water quality in accordance with Ordinance No. 83-83 and goals, objectives and policies of the Public Facilities and Future Land Use Plans. The vast majority of septic tanks in the County were installed prior to the adoption of increasingly stringent County regulations during the 1970s and 1980s. Since the early 1980s, there have been virtually no subdivisions approved for septic tanks in urban areas. With one seldom-used exception, all urban subdivisions (densities greater than one dwelling unit per acre) are required to have central sewerage facilities. (The exception, for subdivisions of half-acre lots where central water is provided, has proven not to be economically feasible for the developer in most cases.) Virtually all new subdivisions are being connected to large franchised systems. Consistent with Public Facilities Policies 3.2.2 and 3.2.5 and FLUE Policy 1.1.6, current regulations already provide that no septic tanks or drainfields are permitted within 100 feet of the 25-year portion of the 100-year floodplain. Under current County regulations, all lots are required to meet the County standards. When a septic tank system fails, the property owner is required to upgrade the system to the current county standards to the maximum extent physically possible on the property. Apoxsee's Capital Improvements Element provides for the expenditure of $3,403,000 for expansion of the County-owned centralized sewerage system. The County Health Department is currently developing a priority list for the extension of central sewerage systems into the older subdivisions in the County which are experienceing septic tank system failures due to the age of the systems. Funding for the extension of central sewerage into septic tank subdivisions is awaiting completion and approval of the priority list and an estimate of the costs. The timing of funding and implementation under RU-5 is reasonable and is supported by the best available data and appropriate analysis. Apoxsee specifically coordinates the density of urban development with central water and sewer service through FLUE Policies 1.7.2 and 1.7.3, as well as the application of the Urban Area Residential Checklist and the Urban Area Residential Density Matrix, which substantially reduces urban density when central water and sewer service are not provided. Potable Water Wellfields.-- In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order found: 242. The plan contains provisions conserving potable water and recharge areas. In the Public Facilities Element, for instance, Objective 3.1 is "[t]o establish a program of identifying and protecting existing and potential potable water supply sources." Policy 3.1.1 speaks of the adoption of a wellhead protection program by 1990, although this promise is nullified by the condition that the adoption of such a program is "subject to engineering studies and future deliberations and considerations." * * * Wellfields receive little direct protection in the plan. Objective 3.1 of the Public Facilities Element is "[t]o establish a program of identifying and protecting existing and potential potable water supply sources." As the language of this objective suggests, no such program exists, and the ensuing policies do little, if anything, in identifying implementation activities designed to achieve this objective. As already noted, Policy 3.1.1 states that the County will "ensure adequate protection for potable water supply systems," as well as recharge areas, "by initiating efforts to prepare and implement a wellhead protection program by 1990, subject to engineering studies and future deliberations and considerations." * * * Important protection of waterwells is derived from general provisions applicable to groundwater and potable water. Provisions governing groundwater have been discussed in connection with groundwater recharge. Provisions protecting potable water protect wellfields to the extent that groundwater provides potable water. For instance, Policy 5.3.2 of the Environment Element provides that the County shall implement water conservation measures. Measures to conserve water include the use of wastewater or stormwater runoff as a potable water source, as envisioned by Policies 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 of the Public Facilities Element. Likewise, Policy 1.2.6 promises that the County "will continue to explore ... water conservation strategies in cooperation with regional water supply authorities and other local entities." Water conservation measures will obviously protect wellfields by reducing demand and the possibility of overpumping. * * * 371. It is fairly debatable that the FLUM is consistent with criteria of the depiction of waterwells . . .. * * * It is fairly debatable that the plan is consistent with criteria of objectives and policies addressing the conservation of potable water, protection of natural groundwater recharge, and protection of waterwells. . . . . . .. With one exception, it is fairly debatable that the plan is consistent with criteria of policies addressing the protection of natural reservations and the designation of environmentally sensitive lands. To the exclusion of fair debate, the plan is not consistent with the latter two criteria as applied to the designation of the entire Walton Tract as Public Resource Lands, despite the intended use of part of the tract as a major landfill. * * * 385. It is fairly debatable that the plan is consistent with the criterion of an objective addressing the protection of water quality by the restriction of activities known to affect adversely the quality and quantity of identified water sources, including waterwells. The requisite protection is attained by policies protecting surface water and groundwater and conserving potable water, such as by investigating the use of treated wastewater effluent and stormwater runoff as potable water sources. * * * 387. It is fairly debatable that the plan is consistent with criteria of objectives to ensure the protection of waterwells . . .. In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order concluded: Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraph 371, the plan is consistent with criteria of the depiction on the FLUM of waterwells . . .. There are no cones of influence that are required to be depicted on the FLUM because the Southwest Florida Water Management District has not identified any cones of influence in the County. According to Rule 9J-5.003(18), a "cone of influence" is "an area around one or more major waterwells the boundary of which is determined by the government agency having specific statutory authority to make such a determination based on groundwater travel or drawdown depth." * * * 91. Rule 9J-5.013(2)(c)1. requires that the plan contain "policies address[ing] implementation activities for the": 1. Protection of water quality by restriction of activities known to adversely affect the quality and quantity of identified water sources including existing cones of influence, water recharge areas, and waterwells[.] 92. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraphs 380 and 385-386, the plan is consistent with criteria of objectives addressing the conservation of potable water and protection of natural groundwater recharge areas and policies addressing implementation activities for the protection of water quality by restricting activities known to affect adversely sources of potable water. * * * 95. Based on the ultimate findings of fact contained in Paragraph 387, the plan is consistent with criteria of objectives to ensure the protection of waterwells . . .. The only pertinent thing RU-5 did with respect to potable waterwells was to amend Public Facilities Policy 3.1.1 to indicate that, whereas the 1989 plan stated that County was "initiating efforts to prepare and implement a wellhead protection program by 1990," by the time of RU-5, the plans were to "continu[e] efforts to immediately implement a wellhead protection program." The delay in implementation of the program was predicated on County staff's advice: The extension of the deadline . . . allows for the need to establish base line data and because of the extensive requirements for monitoring such a program. . . . In the face of this explanation, the intervenors did not prove that the extension of the deadline was not supported by the best available data and appropriate analysis. RU-5 also added Public Facilities Policy 3.1.2 Sarasota County will continue working in close cooperation with the Southwest Florida Water Management District and other professional regulatory agencies to develop and evaluate the feasibility of adopting a model wellhead protection ordinance for major public supply wells and well fields shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. This effort may include requests to the SWFWMD for cooperative funding or technical assistance to conduct an inventory and assessment of existing and potential public supply wells areas and conditions. and Public Facilities Policy 3.1.3 For existing and proposed public supply wells shown on the Future Land Use Map or Map Series, a zone of protection shall be delineated within which land use will be regulated to protect public water supply resources, consistent with the wellhead protection program. Where cones of influence have been delineated, the zone of protection shall be consistent therewith. Where cones of influence have not been determined, Sarasota County shall use its best available data to consider delineating interim protection zones of between 200 feet to 400 feet in radius, depending on variables including, but not limited to, soil characteristics and surrounding uses. When DCA found fault with the absence of an explicit time frame for implementation of the wellhead protection program in Public Facilities Policy 3.1.2, the County admitted, for purposes of effectuating a settlement, that Public Facilities Policy 3.1.2 was not in compliance for the reasons set forth in the settlement Stipulation between the Department and the County. The settlement Stipulation amends the first sentence of Public Facilities Policies 3.1.2 as follows: Sarasota County will continue working in close cooperation with the Southwest Flroida Water Management District and other professional regulatory agencies to develop a model wellhead protection ordinance, culminating in Sarasota County adopting a wellhead protection ordinance during fiscal year 1992 for major public supply wells and well fields shown on the Future Land Use Map Series. The Department agrees that this amendment would bring RU-5 into compliance. The balance of the intervenors' criticism of the potable waterwell protection amendments in RU-5 are foreclosed by the Hiss Final Order, as recited above. Wetlands Mitigation.-- In part, the Recommended Order adopted in the Hiss Final Order found: 266. The mitigation requirement applicable to Marshes, Sloughs, or Wet Prairies addresses the habitat function of these wetlands. However, this requirement does not address the critical drainage function of those wetlands altered because "no other reasonable alternative exists." The drainage function is especially pertinent to Marshes and Sloughs, which are contiguous wetlands. Additional findings concerning the treatment of wetlands are at Paragraph 315 below. [Fn. 17 omitted.] * * * 315. Ignoring alterations to wetlands causing the loss of drainage functions, the mitigation requirement fails even to ensure the protection of the habitat function of wetlands, whose loss triggers the obligation to mitigate. The mitigation provision leaves to the developer the task of monitoring the success of the artificial wetlands created to replace converted wetlands. Assuming that developer monitoring may suffice with County supervision, the plan supplies no standards by which to evaluate a mitigation project or sanctions by which to enforce a mitigation agreement. These short- comings undermine the protection afforded Swamps, Marshes, and Wet Prairies. Testimony established that many wetland-mitigation projects fail, largely due to the absence of performance standards and failure to monitor. The Hiss Final Order contains no conclusions of law regarding wetlands mitigation. However, for reasons not readily apparent from the Final Order, the Remedial Action 13 does address wetland mitigation by requiring the County to "amend the Freshwater Wetlands section 'Principles for Development Proposals in Native Habitats.'" In most respects, RU-5 follows the specified remedial action. In those respects, the intervenors are foreclosed from challenging RU-5's amendment to the "Principles for Evaluating Development Proposals in Native Habitats." In some respects, there are difference between the specified remedial action and RU-5. The Remedial Action in the Hiss Final Order requires that the "Principles for Development Proposals in Native Habitats," Section VI.A.2.e., be amended to read: All alterations in wetlands which result in a loss of wetlands shall be mitigated on at least a two-to-one basis for wooded wetlands. Mitigated wetlands shall restore the type, nature and function of the altered wetland. A wetland mitigation, maintenance, and monitoring plan based on best available technology shall be submitted for review and approval by the County prior to or concurrent with the preliminary plan or site and development plan development review process. The success of mitgation shall be monitored by the applicant or his designees and shall also be subject to monitoring and enforcement by the County. Except as otherwise authorized herein, wetlands shall not be filled, drained, dredged, or converted to lakes or borrow pits. Instead, RU-5 amends the "Principles for Evaluating Development Proposals in Native Habitats," Section VI.A.2.e., to read: All alterations in wetlands which result in a loss of habitat, shall be mitigated in accordance with performance standards adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. These performance standards shall ensure that the recreated wetlands provide values and functions equal to or, particularly in the case of an impacted or degraded wetland, greater than those of the wetland qualifying for alteration. Reasonable assurance shall be provided such that the recreated wetland will exhibit the defined environmental function, nature, and, where hydrologically feasible, similar type of the altered wetland. Mitigation ratios shall be as follows: One-to-one for herbaceous wetlands and two-to-one for wooded wetlands, in accordance with Level I performance standards; or Two-to-one for herbaceous wetlands and four-to-one for wooded wetlands in accordance with Level II performance standards. General Requirements for Level I and Level II Performance Standards: For all projects, a wetland mitigation, maintenance, and monitoring plan based on best available technology shall be submitted for review and approval by the County prior to or concurrent with the preliminary plan or site and development plan development review process. All federally listed threatened and endangered plant species shall be preserved, protected or relocated pursuant to a transplantation program to be implemented prior to construction authorization. The success of mitgation shall be monitored by the Applicant or his designees and shall also be subject to monitoring and enforcement by the County. Except as otherwise authorized herein, wetlands shall not be filled, drained, dredged, or converted to lakes or borrow pits. Specific performance standards shall be contained in the County's Land Development Regulations (Ord. 81-12, as amended). Criteria for Level I Performance Standards: Level I standards shall include the following: the diversity of plants in the wetlands to be impacted shall be approximated in the recreated wetland; the habitat value of the recreated wetland shall approximate or exceed that of the wetland to be impacted; similar substrate shall be provided in the recreated wetland; success criteria (e.g., plant survival, animal diversity, hydroperiods) shall be established based on the best availabale technology, and shall be met before monitoring can be completed; and a hydroperiod maintenance plan, acceptable to the County, shall be prepared. Mitigation at ratios as described in (1), above, and based on success criteria for Level I performance standards may be provided prior to the alteration of any wetland qualifying for alteration. Mitigation with Level I performance standards may be provided in a defined area that is part of an environmental system or corridor that can enhance wildlife values and functions. Off-site wetland mitigation shall be allowed only where on-site mitigation or preservation is not feasible, as determined by the County. Criteria for Level II Performance Standards: Level II standards shall include the following: recreated wetlands shall be planted with at least three different native species at specific distances between plants; mulching may be used in lieu of planting; a hydroperiod maintenance plan, acceptable to the County, shall be prepared; and monitoring of success shall be required for at least three years. The County has admitted, for purposes of effectuating a settlement, that Section VI.A.2.e. of the "Principles for Evaluating Development Proposals in Native Habitats" is not in compliance for the reasons set forth in the settlement Stipulation between the Department and the County. Under the settlement Stipulation, the County has agreed to revise Section VI.A.2.e. to specify that the "federally listed threatened and endangered plant species" to be preserved includes "those species that are listed or are C1 candidates for listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; listed as threatened or endangered by the Florida Department of Agriculture and [C]onsumer [S]ervices pursuant to the Preservation of Native Flora Act, Section 581.185, Floirida Statutes; and listed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora." There is no basis in the record for the intervenors contentions that RU-5, as amended by settlement Stipulation between the DCA and the County, is contrary to the required Remedial Action or inconsistent with the Growth Management Act. 9/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Administration Commission enter a final order that: (1) Sarasota County's RU-5 amendments to its comprehensive plan are not in compliance, but only for the reasons set out in the settlement Stipulation between the County and the DCA; (2) that the RU-5 amendments are otherwise in compliance; and (3) that the County be required to take the remedial action agreed to in the settlement Stipulation. RECOMMENDED this 31 day of August, 1992, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31 day of August, 1992.

Florida Laws (10) 120.57163.3161163.3164163.3167163.3177163.3184163.3187163.3191163.3197581.185 Florida Administrative Code (1) 9J-5.003
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Panama City, Florida Dec. 09, 2004 Number: 04-004364GM Latest Update: Nov. 30, 2005

The Issue The issues in this case are (1) whether the City of Panama City's (the City) Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. 04-20S adopted by Ordinance No. 1985 (the Plan Amendment) is "in compliance," as that term is defined by Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, and (2) whether the petition challenging the Plan Amendment should be dismissed as untimely.

Findings Of Fact The Parties Robert E. Moore owns a home and resides at 1310 Kristanna Drive, Panama City, Florida. The northwestern property line of Mr. Moore's home is adjacent to the northeastern corner of the Property. JE 7; PE 98-B at RM.2 There is an approximate 100-foot-wide Bay County maintained canal or drainage ditch (canal) that forms the northern boundary of the Property, see Endnote 1 and PE 50 at 7, which runs in an east-to-west direction at the northern portion of his home. This canal eventually leads to North Bay to the west.3 Goose Bayou is located south of the Property. Mr. Moore taught respiratory care at Gulf Coast Community College for approximately 23 years and is retired. His residence was affected by a hurricane which passed through the area in September 2004. He noticed water appearing half-way up his driveway, which is not on the canal. He is concerned with the placement of additional homes in this area in light of his experience with the water level after the recent storm event. (Generally, Mr. Moore stated that there is a two- foot difference between low and high tide in this area. T 133, 137.) Mr. Moore, as well as the other Petitioners, made oral and written comments to the City Commission during the Plan Amendment adoption hearings. See City's Unilateral Pre-Hearing Stipulation at 5, paragraph E.4.; T 213. The St. Andrews Bay Resource Management Association (RMA) was established in 1986 and is a citizen's organization devoted to the preservation of the quality of St. Andrews Bay and its surrounding ecosystems. T 194. (St. Andrews Bay is a larger body of water which includes North and West Bay and Goose Bayou. See generally JE 12, Map 1.) The RMA has approximately 100 members. The RMA uses, but does not own, an office on the Panama City Marine Institute campus located within the City. The RMA occasionally conducts seminars or conferences and offers several programs for citizens, e.g., sea turtle nest watch, a water sampling program (Baywatch), and a sea grass watch program. The RMA meets every month except during the summer. T 195-196. The RMA opposes the Plan Amendment, in part, because of concerns with the effect of development on what Ms. Shaffer characterized as the "pine islands." Linda Anne Yori owns and resides in a house at 908 Ashwood Circle, Panama City, Florida, which is "just off Kristanna" Drive and to the east. See PE 98-C at the blue X. She teaches middle school science at a local public school. She has observed the Property, and generally described the Property, and vacant property to the north, as "upland hammock with salt marsh." T 209. In general, Ms. Yori opposes the Plan Amendment because she "believe[d] the environmental impact would be too great." Mary Rose Smith owns and resides in a house on Ashwood Circle, Panama City, Florida, two houses away from Ms. Yori's residence. Ms. Smith regularly jogs throughout the neighborhood. She believed that there are approximately 400 homes in Candlewick Acres and six vacant lots remaining. T 214- 215. As a result of recent hurricanes in the area, she observed flooding approximately half-a-mile upland along Kristanna Drive from the west-end to the east (half a mile to the turn off to Ashwood). PE 98-D at the blue 1/2 designation and blue line. While she cannot say for certain where the water came from, she believed the water "came from the bay or the bayou." T 220. The Bay County Audubon Society (BCAS) conducts membership and board meetings within the City limits and also owns a piece of property in the City. BCAS has approximately 400 members. Members live within the City. BCAS is concerned with the environment and with "the density of the proposed development" and "access to the pine islands." T 409-411. The City is the local government unit responsible for approving the Plan Amendment at issue in this proceeding. § 163.3187(1)(c), Fla. Stat. The Application, Review, and Adoption of the Plan Amendment On or about May 11, 2004, James H. Slonina, P.E., the president of Panhandle Engineering, Inc., filed an application on behalf of Robert H. and Barbara B. Hansman, requesting the City to annex "approximately 9.9 acres including lots, paved roadways and bridged drives" and further requested a land use designation to allow proposed residential development." The Property, see Endnote 1, is designated on a Bay County parcel map. A flood zone map is also included, but lacks clarity. The Property is vacant. JE 13. The purpose of the annexation and request for land use designation "is to accommodate the development of a 13+/- lot single-family residential waterfront development adjacent to North Shore Subdivisions." The application also stated: To support the residential home sites, there are adequate adjacent public roadways and utilities. Due to the unique physical configuration of the property, traditional RLD lot standards may not [sic] applicable. While we would prefer to pursue an RLD-1 designation, the application is submitted contingent upon confirmation of an appropriate land use designation and an approval of the proposed project. If another course of action is available, which would allow for the development of 13+/- single-family residential lots on 9.9 acres, please advise. JE 13. (It is represented throughout this record that the land use designation is requested for approximately 6.8 acres rather that approximately 9.9 acres. See, e.g., JE 7 at 1; JE 11 at 12-13.) The application was reviewed, in part, by Mr. Thomasson. JE 7. The staff report4 dated July 30, 2004, stated that the request is to amend the City's FLUM from Conservation (as previously designated by Bay County) to RLD with a Zoning District classification of RLD-1. (The staff report referred to several permitted uses under RLD-1. JE 7 at 2. The permitted uses for RLD-1 are those contained in the City's "Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Code (LDRC)" at section 4-6.1.2.a. JE 4 at IV:8-9. However, the propriety of the RLD-1 Zoning District classification for the Property is not at issue in this proceeding. T 266.) The staff report also stated that the Property "is currently zoned conservation, abuts property to the North that is designated conservation Land Use category in the County and is just North of an existing Special Conservation Treatment Zone," which is indicated on a map on page 1 of the staff report. JE 7 at 1. The staff report stated that "[w]ater and sewer infrastructure and other urban services are available to this property." See T 286-287, 301-303, 307-308; JE 7 at 1. Under the background section, it is stated that "[t]he property has been seen as environmentally significant and has been the object of an effort to purchase for perpetual protection by a local land trust organization. It is adjacent to an existing development to the East." Id. The Plan provides that an RLD land use district "is intended to provide areas for the preservation of development of low-density neighborhoods consisting of single-family dwelling units on individual lots" with a density of "[n]o more than five dwelling units per acre." The allowed intensity is "[n]o more than 40% lot coverage as determined by dividing the impervious areas by the gross area of the site or lot." JE 3 at 1-2. The staff report contained findings of fact with citations to the Plan, including the Future Land Use Element, the Coastal Management Element, and the Conservation Element. References to the LDRC are also provided. See also T 285-311, 315-317, 320-321; JE 7 at 2-3. Thereafter, specific findings are made: Staff finds that this property, as a part of the St. Andrews estuary, serves as a breeding, nursery, feeding and refuge are for numerous marine creatures, birds and upland wildlife. The three pine and oak hammacks [sic] are a few of a rare estuarian resource. The marsh throughout the area serves as home for seagrass and other marine organisms that are integral with the biodiversity of the estuary. There also exists a [sic] archaeological sites [sic] consisting of an ancient Indian midden that has already been classified by the Director of the Florida State Division of Historical Resources as deservant [sic] of mitigation and potentially eligible for the National Historic Registry (see attached documentation). The site overall has a biotic community of nearly 90% of it [sic] total area. Staff findings are that this proposed Land Use Amendment is inconsistent with the above listed mandates of the Comp Plan. Staff also finds that the proposed Land Use is inconsistent with the LDR Code, in that it is not in harmony with the Comp Plan (Subsection 2-5.5.6.e. above), as well as the requirements of the environmental protection standards of Section 5-5. This decision hinges on the whether the City intends to enforce it's [sic] environmental protection standards of the Comp Plan and the LDR Code and if the site is seen as environmentally significant. JE 7 at 4 (italics in original). Ultimately, staff recommended approval only with the following conditions: 1.) that the fullness of the subject property be designated as a Conservation Special Treatment Zone [CSTZ][5] and that the pine and oak hammacks [sic](as referred to as "Pine Islands" in the Bay County Comp Plan) are prohibited from being developed; and 2.) that the area of the subject property that is beyond the mean high tide of the mainland portion, which specifically means the marshes/wetlands and the oak and pine hammacks [sic], shall be placed in a conservation easement and dedicated to either the City, or a third-party land trust or conservancy. JE 7 at 4. (Mr. Hammons, the City Manager, disagreed with the staff report, in part, because there was no data to support several findings. T 119-124.) On August 9, 2004, the Planning Board of Panama City met in regular session to consider the application. The request was to approve a small scale land use amendment to the FLUM of the Plan from Conservation (under the Bay County Comprehensive Plan) to RLD with a zoning classification of RLD-1 for the Property. JE 11 at 2. But see Finding of Fact 15. Mr. Fred Webb and Dr. Frasier Bingham were present on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Webb advised that the Bingham's and the Webb's owned the property which consisted of approximately 6.5 acres of uplands. But see Finding of Fact 29 regarding the ownership of the Property. In part, Mr. Webb stated that the grass beds would not be impacted and that there was no legitimate environmental complaint. Dr. Bingham stated that he is an ecologist, specializing in shallow water ecology. JE 11 at 3. He said his family had purchased the upland property in 1948 and the submerged land in the 1960s. Beginning in 1991, Dr. Bingham stated he tried to get the government to purchase the property, but to no avail. He also recounted attempts to obtain permits from DEP and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). See, e.g., PE 60, 63-64.6 He believed that the bridge problem, identified by the Corps had been solved. JE 11 at 3 and 13. (There is no persuasive evidence in this record that the Corps has approved any permits for development of the Property.) Mr. Webb stated that all maintenance to the bridges and other utilities would be the responsibility of the association (for the developed Property) and not the City and that the City would only be responsible for police and fire. Id. at 4. Mr. Thomasson addressed the Planning Board. JE 11 at The staff report previously mentioned is incorporated in the minutes. Staff felt that the CSTZ designation would be the most appropriate designation due to the environmental issues and that the RLD-1 designation would be the least intense land use available under the Plan. Board member Pritchard inquired whether the application was incomplete "as it doesn't address the environmental issues." Mr. Thomasson stated the applicant did not believe there would be any environmental impact, while staff believed the property to be environmentally significant. JE 11 at 8. Dr. Bingham again addressed the Planning Board to refute the staff's findings of fact. Dr. Bingham said that "the wetlands would not be impacted, the grass beds would not be impacted, and the stormwater runoff already goes into the grass beds, which are, in his opinion, fine grass beds" and that "that 13 houses would not have any significant impact." He indicated that soils were not at issue and that the "property is sandy, not special." Id. at 9. Mr. Webb indicated that "they had evaluated the environmental aspects and added the raised bridges, swales, etc." JE 11 at 9. Numerous individuals spoke in opposition to the request. Apparently, by a show of hands "a large majority of those present were in opposition to the request." JE 11 at 12. It appears that two persons spoke in favor of the request. Id. at 9-11. Mr. Webb confirmed that the application requested approval of the land use designation and annexation for 6.8 acres. JE 11 at 12. He also advised that a limited liability corporation owned the 6.8 acres, while there are different owners of other parcels. Mr. Webb indicated that "only the uplands on the islands were being annexed," although "he was not sure the properties were 'islands' in legal terms." Id. at 13. Mr. Webb indicated that he was willing to indemnify the City against any legal expenses arising from this request. Id. The requested land use change was approved by a vote of three to two. Id. at 14. On September 28, 2004, the City Commission considered Ordinance No. 1985 pertaining to the requested land use designation change and Ordinance No. 1995 pertaining to the annexation of the Property. These Ordinances were read by title only as a first reading. JE 10 at 293-294. During this meeting, the minutes (JE 10) reflect that Mr. Webb stated that they would only be developing the upland islands and proposed to use bridges, which he says "the environmental regulatory community has considered to have almost no environmental impact. He said that the addition of thirteen single family residential homes to an area that has seven hundred homes will not materially affect level of service." JE 10 at 289. Several of the people who appeared before the Planning Board also appeared opposing the application for annexation and land use designation change. JE 10 at 290. Mr. Martin Jacobson, Planning and Zoning Manager for Bay County filed a formal letter of objection to the annexation. Id. Mr. Fred Beauchemin opposed the annexation and responded to eleven items which were discussed by Mr. Webb and Dr. Bingham during the Planning Board meeting, including representations of impacts to grass beds, wildlife resources, and soils. JE 10 at 290-292. Mr. Webb continued to feel that there would not be any destruction of the marshes. Id. at 292. Dr. Bingham again noted that he is a shallow water marine ecologist and felt that he was informed about the environmental situation on the Property. Id. at 293. After brief discussion by some of the Commissioners, Ordinance Nos. 1985 and 1995 were approved by a vote of three to two. JE 10 at 293-294. By a letter dated November 9, 2004, Daniel Shaw, A.I.C.P., memorialized the October 5, 2004, Bay County Commission's unanimous decision to contest the potential annexation of and land use change to the Property, referring to several provisions of the Bay County Comprehensive Plan. T 228; PE 69. Mr. Shaw opined that "[c]learly, development proposed for the annexed Pine Islands violates the County's Comprehensive Plan." PE 69 at 2. He further stated: What's more the proposed annexation also violates the City's Comprehensive Plan. City Policy 5-5.2, 5-5.3 related to preservation of Environmentally Significant Resources would prohibit the proposed development. The property is a part of the St. Andrews estuary, and serves as a breeding/refuge area for numerous marine creatures, birds and wildlife. The three pine and oak hammocks are a truly rare estuarine resource for Bay County and for the State of Florida. The marshlands contain valuable sea grass beds and are home to numerous marine creatures, which are integral to the biodiversity of the estuary. Finally, the property contains valuable archeological sites, consisting of ancient Indian middens that are classified by the State Division of Historical resources, and potentially eligible for the National Historic Register. I would concur with staff's memorandum of August 9, 2004, which cites numerous other examples of where the development would violate the City's plan. PE 69 at 2 (emphasis in original). Mr. Shaw also stated that the Property is located in the coastal high hazard area, within a "V" zone for flood regulations.7 He stated that "[t]hese designations argue for prohibiting development for public safety and infrastructure investment purposes." Again, Mr. Shaw stated that Bay County opposed the potential annexation and subsequent land use reclassification. PE 69 at 3. Mr. Shaw also testified during the final hearing and reaffirmed his prior position. T 232-245. Mr. Shaw stated that the Property, prior to annexation by the City, was designated Conservation under the Bay County Comprehensive Plan, which allows for limited residential use and the preservation of pine islands (an outright prohibition).8 He was not qualified, however, to make a determination whether any portion of the Property is a pine island. T 247. Mr. Shaw thinks that Bay County allows up to 15 units per acre in the coastal high hazard area. T 254. On November 9, 2004, the City Commission met and considered a final reading of Ordinance Nos. 1985 and 1995. Several people appeared opposing both ordinances including Mr. Moore, Ms. Smith, Ms. Yori, and others. JE 8 at 3-14; JE 9 at 3-5. Mr. Webb again addressed the City Commission and stated, in part, that "nothing in the marsh would be touched." He also indicated that he would fully indemnify the City in the event of a lawsuit. JE 8 at 14-21; JE 9 at 5. Dr. Bingham also addressed the Commission. JE 8 at He stated that he has designed an environmentally friendly community of 13 home sites. He indicated that he had a Ph.D. in shallow water marine ecology and attended Florida State University and the University of Miami. He said that he was thoroughly familiar with the Panama City area and had worked with a large list of groups as an ecologist. He reiterated that the homes sites will take up 6.8 acres and will be entirely uplands and no marshes or swamps. He said that he is trying to use one fifth of the property that he owns and "there are no wetlands involved in this particular operation that will be damaged." JE 8 at 23. He also indicated that there will be raised bridges constructed on the Property, and according to him, were suggested by the Corps. Id. After brief comments by several Commissioners, the Commission approved the annexation and land use designation change by a vote of three to two. JE 8 at 26-27, 30-31. Toward the end of the November 9, 2004, hearing, the City Attorney, Rowlett Bryant, advised that the minutes of the September 28, 2004, Commission meeting would be included with the minutes of the November 9, 2004, public hearing. In other words, the November 9, 2004, Commission meeting was the public hearing held on the application for the annexation and the land use designation change. JE 8 at 27-30. Mr. Bryant also noted that the Ordinance No. 1985, related to the land use designation, would be RLD-1 and that the prior reference to Special Treatment Conservation Zone in the title of Ordinance No. 1985, considered on September 28, 2004, was a recommendation of staff and was deleted from Ordinance No. 1985, which was approved by the City Commission on November 9, 2004. JE 8 at 31-32. Ordinance No. 1985, in fact, changed the land use designation of the Property (approximately 6.8 acres) "from Conservation (a Bay County Land Use designation) to Residential- Low Density-1 as described in Small Scale Amendment 04-S20." JE 1 at 2. However, Petitioners and the City agree that "[t]he city assigned a future land use map designation to the parcel of Residential Low Density in Ordinance No. 1985." See T 11, lines 10-23; Petitioners' Prehearing Stipulation at 2, IV.2. Data and Analysis As more fully discussed in the Conclusions of Law, "[t]he future land use plan shall be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the area, including the amount of land required to accommodate anticipated growth; the projected population of the area; the character of undeveloped land; the availability of public services; the need for redevelopment, including the renewal of blighted areas and the elimination of non-conforming uses which are inconsistent with the character of the community; the capability of uses on lands adjacent to or closely approximate to military installations; and, in rural communities, the need for job creation, capital investment, and economic development that will strengthen and diversify the community's economy." § 163.3177(6)(a), Fla. Stat. Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.006(2) provides for "land use analysis requirements" and requires, in part, that the future land use element "be based upon the following analyses which support the comprehensive plan pursuant to subsection 9J-5.005(2) F.A.C." Subsection 9J-5.006(2)(b) requires "[a]n analysis of the character and magnitude of existing vacant or undeveloped land in order to determine its suitability for use, including where available: 1. Gross vacant or undeveloped land area, as indicated in paragraph (1)(b); 2. Soils; 3. Topography; 4. Natural resources; and 5. Historic resources." Further, "all goals, objectives, policies, standards, finding and conclusions within the comprehensive plan and its support documents, and within plan amendments and their support documents, shall be based upon relevant and appropriate data and the analyses applicable to each element. To be based on data means to react to it in an appropriate way and to the extent necessary indicated by the data available on that particular subject at the time of adoption of the plan or plan amendment at issue." Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.005(2)(a)(emphasis added). "Data are to be taken from professionally accepted existing sources, such as the United States Census, State Data Center, State University System of Florida, regional planning councils, water management districts, or existing technical studies. The data shall be the best available existing data, unless the local government desires original data or special studies." Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.005(2)(c). Petitioners question whether the record contains relevant and appropriate data, which was existing and available on or before November 9, 2004, to support the Plan Amendment. Petitioners further question whether the analysis of that data is adequate. The application, JE 13, requested approval of annexation of and a change in the land use designation for, as amended, approximately 6.8 acres. Aside from identifying the parcel in question, in relation to Goose Bayou and the subdivision to the east, the application does not contain adequate data and analysis to support the Plan Amendment. Mr. Slonina, a professional engineer and expert in civil engineering, testified during the final hearing as to the due diligence he and his firm performed in support of filing the application with the City. T 424. Mr. Slonina has been on the Property many times. T 456. As part of the due diligence, Mr. Slonina analyzed the area proposed for development on the Property, which are the upland areas, and, in part, stated that these areas are primarily free draining sands and have fairly high percolation rates. T 425, 453. He also characterized upland areas as fairly clean sands and satisfactory for development in this area based on his experience. He also examined the upland and wetland soils to determine suitability for a "post and beam timbered bridge system" that would be pile supported over the wetlands bridging upland areas. He opined that the soils on the uplands were nothing unique and were suitable for low density residential and suitable to support the bridge system he described. T 428, 442, 458-459. See also P 50, Attachment A. Regarding utilities which might be available to the Property, during the due diligence phase, he identified, from utility maps, the location of the closest water and sewer which could serve the Property, adjacent to the Property to the east. He also analyzed the ability of fire protection to be provided to the Property and concluded that it was feasible. T 428-432, 460-461. See also JE 7 at 1 regarding "utility and other urban services availability" and P 50 at 14-16 for a discussion of "utilities." Mr. Slonina also opined that a stormwater system could reasonably be designed for the Property and that it was feasible to design a stormwater system that would capture stormwater runoff before it went into the bayou. T 432-435. Mr. Slonina examined flood zone information and determined that the Property was "very typical" and that the flood zone information available would not preclude residential development on the Property. T 434-435, 450. But see Endnote 7. From a traffic concurrency standpoint, he examined traffic engineering data on trip generation for 13 single-family homes and determined that there was adequate capacity for that additional loading on "the only roadway that connects to the [P]roperty." His traffic impact analysis was limited "through the residential streets." T 435-436, 439-441. Mark O. Friedemann, is the executive vice-president at the Phoenix Environmental Group, Inc., an environmental consulting firm. T 466. Mr. Friedemann was retained on or about January 7, 2005, by the City's counsel for the purpose of "doing a basic assessment of the property and whether it was suitable for some type of development, residential in particular." T 474-475. Prior to conducting a survey of the Property, aerial photographs, data from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, and various maps were reviewed. Id. Mr. Friedemann and an assistant conducted a field survey of the Property on January 12, 2005. They collected basic water quality data, observed wildlife, conducted several soil observations pits, looked for scat, and examined the vegetative community on the Property. T 476. For the purpose of the survey, the Property was divided into areas 1 through 4, which are labeled on CE 5, Figure 2. T 478. These upland areas were the major focus of the assessment along with the interior (wetland/marsh) areas. T 478, 565. CE 5 at 2, Figure 2. Mr. Friedemann and his assistant arrived on the Property at approximately 9:00 am on January 12, 2005, during low tide. They left the Property as the tide was starting to return. T 517, 532, 548. Area one is a rectangular portion of the Property, which runs north to south and forms most of the eastern boundary of the Property and is adjacent to Candlewick Acres. Area two is another upland area which is in the northwest portion of the Property and west of area one. Area three is in the southwest portion of the Property and southwest of area two. Area four is a small upland portion, which is almost due south of area one in the southeastern portion of the Property. CE 5 at 2, Figure 2; see also Endnote 6. Mr. Friedemann accessed area two from area one by walking along a path/spoil pile, which runs east to west and forms part of the northern boundary of the Property (the approximately 100 foot canal is north of and adjacent to the path/spoil pile). He walked to area three by stepping across a small rivulet of no more than a foot in width. He walked to area four from area three, stepping over another small tidal- influenced rivulet that passed between areas three and four. He approached area one from area four walking across "a rather high area." Mr. Friedemann "did not get the impression that area two was surrounded" by wetlands, salt marsh, or tidal mud flats. T 479-481, 500, 517, 556-557. He stated that area three would be surrounded, but was unsure about area four. T 556-559. Some of the areas photographed would be potentially inundated during high tide. T 521-525. Mr. Friedemann's report also contained, in part: water quality data taken on January 12, 2005; and a list of species seen on the same date; a recent undated aerial of the Property and surrounding area, downloaded from the DEP website, which was also magnified; and several aerials (dated 1953, 1962, 1967, 1974, 1978, and 1986) of the Property including the surrounding areas. Mr. Friedemann opined, based on his review of aerials, that there may have been a timber operation ongoing on the Property in the past although he would not hazard a guess. T 540. The report also included several photographs taken of the four areas, during the site visit on January 12, 2005. CE 5 at x-xxii. Although he did not "review any set of plans," or have any opinion regarding any specific development proposal, Mr. Friedemann opined that based on his observations in the field, "there is a viable project that could be built on this parcel."9 T 482, 501-502, 511, 520. Mr. Friedemann provided an analysis of the Property by and through his testimony regarding photographs taken of the Property during his site visit. From a biological or ecological perspective, he did not observe anything on the Property which would preclude residential development. He further opined that what he observed was not unique in the panhandle of Florida. T 501-502. Mr. Friedemann did not conduct a wetland delineation of the Property. T 556. However, the record contains an infrared Conceptual Site Plan dated October 22, 2002, indicating vacant land to the north of the Property, and residential areas to the east of the Property and east of the vacant parcels to the north. This particular site plan provided for the approximate wetland boundaries of the Property identified as south parcel (4). PE 98-D and PE 50 at Exhibit 1. Mr. Friedemann indicated that he had not observed the Property during a hurricane, during periods of high wind, or during periods of a combination of high wind and high tide. He agreed that the tides in the United States can be lower during the winter than they are during the spring and that the highest tides may be experienced during the spring called neap tides. T 532-533. Mr. Friedemann was also referred to a December 30, 2004, document apparently prepared by Panhandle Engineering, Inc., sheet number 2 of 4, CE 16, which delineated 13 lots. T 533. See Endnote 6. (City Exhibit 16 was admitted into evidence as an authentic document; however, there was no testimony regarding the preparation of this document. T 535-537.) Comparing sheet 2 of 4 with Figure two of CE 5, area two is depicted as being surrounded by rush marsh and connected to area one and area three by drawn-in bridges. Compare PE 50, Attachment E, Sheet 1 of 2, dated July 31, 1998, depicting the Property with 13 lots configured, interspersed with a "conservation area" designation and Attachment A, Figure 4., Project Base Map, depicting upland areas on the Property, interspersed with a "marsh" designation with PE 98-D south parcel (4) and "approximate wetland boundary. See also Endnote Mr. Friedemann stated that the indication of rush marsh on sheet number 2 of 4 did not comport with his observations of the Property during his site visit. He was unaware of this drawing. T 534-538. Gail Easley, A.I.C.P., an expert in urban and regional planning, opined that the Plan Amendment was consistent with various provisions of the City's Plan, the State Comprehensive Plan, and the West Florida Regional Strategic Policy Plan. She also opined the Plan Amendment was supported by data and analysis regarding the suitability of the Property for the RLD land use designation. In support, Ms. Easley stated in part: Understanding that the amendment is not really permitting the use, but understanding that the amendment establishes the uses that are allowed as I testified earlier, the suitability data that is available in addition to the data and analysis here in the Comprehensive Plan includes the information from Panhandle Engineering about, more specifically about the availability of facilities and services and the suitability of soils for use of residential low density, as well as the analysis contained in Mr. Friedemann's report regarding environmental issues and the suitability of this site for residential low density. So I found plenty of evaluation of suitability. T 586. See also T 610-611. Ms. Easley also opined that the Plan Amendment does not threaten coastal and natural resources in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rules 9J-5.006, 9J-5.012, and 9J- 5.013, and Sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, Florida Statutes, because she considered the data and analysis in the Plan, "as well as the suitability and capability [sic] analysis that were submitted by Panhandle Engineering and Mr. Friedemann demonstrated that there was not a violation of these provisions." T 617. Ms. Easley also stated that there was adequate data to support a need for residential (RLD) development on the Property. See, e.g., T 584-585, 621-622, 629-630, 632-634. See also JE 3 at Future Land Use Data, 1-1 - 1-10. During cross-examination, Ms. Easley was asked to identify the particular Panhandle Engineering report which she reviewed to support her opinion. The report is not in evidence. However, Ms. Easley stated: "It was a report that they prepared that addressed issues of suitability of the site with regard to the availability of water, the availability of sewer, the capacity for water and sewer, soil conditions on the site, and traffic situations on the site. I'm sorry, I do not recall the date of that particular suitability analysis, but it was prepared by Panhandle Engineering, and I reviewed it as a part of my analysis." T 626. Ms. Easley was also asked to provide the source of her data and analysis about environmental conditions on the site and she replied: "Two places, there is information in the City's data and analysis with regard to the vacant land analysis, as well as general environmental conditions in or around the City, I reviewed that data and analysis that I mentioned earlier. I also saw information specific to this parcel from Mr. Friedemann's report." T 627. Ms. Easley indicated that there was no specific data and analysis contained in the City's Plan about the Property, although the Plan referenced areas adjacent to the City. T 628. Ms. Easley reiterated that natural resources are considered during the plan amendment process. It also occurs during permitting. T 642. She again stated: "The suitability analysis was contained in two different reports. As I testified earlier, Mr. Slonina's report from Panhandle Engineering addressed soils and soil suitability. And Mr. Friedemann's report looked at other kinds of environmental issues. I reviewed both of those reports and determined that suitability analysis had been preformed to support the plan amendment." T 643. According to Ms. Easley, if there were environmental reasons creating an inconsistency with Rule 9J-5, then such reasons could serve as a basis for denial. T 643. (Ms. Easley also opined that a land use change to the FLUM "is an assignment of a land use category and the associated density and intensity, it is not a development activity." See T 587, 651.) Mark Llewellyn, P.E., is the president of Genesis Group. In October 2002, Genesis Group completed a planning and engineering analysis (Genesis Report)10 for Chandler and Associates, who, in turn, had a contract with the DEP to prepare an appraisal report for the Goose Bayou Marsh Property.11 The Goose Bayou Marsh Property included four parcels, including the south parcel (4), which is the Property in question, two north parcels (2 and 3), and the middle parcel (1), which is north and northeast of and adjacent (the west one- third) to the Property. All the parcels are vacant. See PE 98- D, which also appears at PE 50, Exhibit 1. Mr. Llewellyn identified three peninsular islands on the Property (south parcel 4)(PE 98-D at the blue X's), which roughly correspond with areas one and two in Mr. Friedemann's report at CE 5 at 2, Figure 2. T 160-161. See also Endnote 6. The two eastern peninsular islands (area one) are connected to the upland to the east, Candlewick Acres. The third peninsular island, located in the northwest corner of the Property, can be accessed, according to Mr. Llewellyn, by a berm or other geographical feature to the north of the Property and south of the drainage canal. Id. See also T 397. There is one larger upland island and a smaller upland island toward the southwest and southern portions of the Property, which appear to be surrounded by wetlands, waters of the state, salt marsh, or tidal mud flats. T 160-164. Each peninsular island and upland island is less than 20 acres. Mr. Llewellyn's analysis is consistent with the approximate wetland boundaries identified in the Conceptual Site Plan, PE 98-D. Mr. Llewellyn opined that the Property could be developed as a single-family development without having an impact on the Property if it is designed and maintained properly. T 157, 172. See also Endnote 6. The Genesis Report provided an analysis of the four parcels. Apparently the south parcel (4), the Property, contained approximately 16.2 acres as follows: wetlands 9.8+/- acres; upland islands 3.5+/- acres; peninsula uplands 2.9+/- acres; or 6.4+/- acres of total uplands. T 163; PE 50 at 12. Parcels 1-4 are analyzed in light of several factors, including but not limited, to the Bay County Future Land Use and Comprehensive Plan. The following is an analysis of the Bay County Future Land Use and Comprehensive Plan as applied to the north parcels (2 and 3): The Bay County Comprehensive Management Plan identifies the North Parcel's Future Land Use Designation as Conservation. The purpose of this land use is to identify public and private lands held for conservation of natural features. Allowable uses for this designation are natural resource protection, flood control, wildlife habitat protection, passive of recreation, silviculture and residential densities up to 2DU/acre. Commercial development is prohibited for properties with this land use designation. Additionally, the upland islands located on these parcels fit the definition for "Pine Islands" as defined in the Bay County Comprehensive Plan. A Pine Island is defined as a small upland area generally 20 acres or less, usually characterized by typical pine flatwood vegetation, which are surrounded by waters of the State, wetlands, salt marsh, or tidal mud flats. The Bay County Comprehensive Plan prohibits development on any "Pine Island". This means that it will be extremely difficult to develop the upland areas located on this parcel. PE 50 at 2. See also PE 50 at 2 (II.B.) and 13 (IV.B.) regarding the Panama City Future Land Use. (The Genesis Report was prepared approximately two years prior to the City's annexation of the Property. The City did not annex the vacant land to the north (parcels 1-3), which is part of the subject of the Genesis Report.) Regarding the analysis of parcels 1, and 4, the Property, and referring to the Bay County Future Land Use and Comprehensive Plan, it is noted that "[t]he same issues apply to this parcel." PE 50 at 7 and 13. The Genesis Report discussed wetlands on the Property: The wetlands within the property consist of estuarine salt marshes, which are connected to Goose Bayou and West Bay. According to an environmental assessment prepared by Biological Research Associates (BRA) the marshes are tidally influenced and dominated by black rush. Other species include seaside goldenrod, seashore dropseed grass, sea purslane, glasswort, salt grass, marsh hay cord grass, sea lavender, Chinese tallow, saw grass, cork wood, and saltbrush. Additionally, the salt marsh is habitat for two listed bird species; the snowy egret and the little blue heron (see Attachment A). As previously stated, a wetland delineation has been completed for this parcel and accepted by FDEP and ACOE. PE 50 at 13. The Genesis Report also provided a brief discussion of flood plain and cultural resource considerations, and also provided an analysis of site planning and engineering, including access, utilities, owner site plan/lot lay out, and probable development costs. PE 50 at 13-15. Regarding south parcel 4, the Property, the Genesis Report concluded, in part, that "[t]his parcel has limited development potential." A cost estimate is provided. It is also concluded that water and sewer could be provided without incurring significant increases in development costs. "Development of the upland islands would require bridges, which significantly increases the development cost. There is no guarantee that the development within the wetlands would be permitted at this time." PE 50 at 16. The Genesis Report also included a report prepared by Biological Research Associates, which appears as Attachment A to PE 50. Mark Andrew Barth, vice president/senior ecologist for Biological Research Associates, was one of the two signatories to a section of the Genesis Report and also testified during the final hearing. T 175; PE 50, Attachment A. He reiterated that they prepared a preliminary environmental assessment for a proposed acquisition by a State agency. T 176, 180. (While unclear, it appears that his study area included the approximate western one-third of the Property, see, e.g., T 189; PE 50, Attachment A, Figures 1, 3-4, although other portions of the Property were studied. See, e.g., Finding of Fact 93.) Referring to PE 98-C and the Property (outlined in black) and the vacant land to the north outlined in red, Mr. Barth testified that they are "mainly comprised of salt marsh and scattered pine dominated islands." According to Mr. Barth, the term "pine islands," "describes isolated upland patches within the salt marsh." T 177. The salt marshes consist of vegetation that extends beyond the water level usually in very shallow water. T 178. The Property is part of an estuary system, Goose Bayou, for example. Id. See also T 381; JE 12 at IV-14-16 and Map 1. The salt marsh is inundated by saline or marine water as opposed to fresh water. T 178. One of the most significant features of an estuary system "is providing nursery grounds and habitat for marine and estuarine fish and wildlife." T 179. Mr. Barth considered the Property, south parcel 4, PE 98-D, to be environmentally sensitive in light of the combination of estuarine and upland areas which are undisturbed. T 185-186. Mr. Barth did not have enough information to assess specific impacts to the surrounding salt marsh and water in light of a proposed development on the Property. He felt it depended on the type of development. T 182. "Middens" have been found on the south side of the Property, in and around area 3 (CE 5 at 2, Figure 2). See, e.g., T 558-559; PE 50, Genesis Report at 13 and Attachment A at 6-7 and Attachment E, Figure 4, Project Base Map and Figure 5, PBY139 Base Map. Ultimate Findings of Fact Regarding Adequacy of Data and Analysis Ultimately, whether the Plan Amendment is based upon relevant and appropriate data and analysis is a close question. This is particularly true here where critical portions of Mr. Friedemann's analysis are based on information, e.g., Mr. Friedemann's photographs, collection of water quality samples, and observations of the Property (species seen and terrain), which post-dated the City's adoption of the Plan Amendment on November 9, 2004. As a result, his analysis of this information has been disregarded, notwithstanding the lack of an objection to the admissibility of his report, CE 5. See Conclusions of Law 110-114. (Mr. Friedemann also provided several aerials of the Property and surrounding area which pre-date the date of adoption of the Plan Amendment and have been considered along with his analysis of this data.) Also, to the extent that Ms. Easley relied on Mr. Friedemann's report (CE 5) and the post- adoption information collected by Mr. Friedemann and his analysis of that information, her opinions have also been disregarded. Nevertheless, Petitioners have the burden to prove, by a preponderance of the evidence that the Plan Amendment is not based upon relevant and appropriate data and analysis, which Petitioners have not done. Accordingly, based on a review of the entire record in this proceeding, it is ultimately concluded that the Plan Amendment is based on relevant and appropriate data and analysis, except as otherwise stated herein. See § 163.3177(6)(a), Fla. Stat.; Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.005(2), 9J-5.006(2), and 9J-5.012-.013. Consistency with the City's Plan, the West Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan, the State Comprehensive Plan, and the City's Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Code Petitioners contend that the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with several provisions of the City's Plan: Future Land Use Element Policy; Coastal Management Element Goal 1, Objective 5.1, and Policies 5.1.1 and, and Goal 3; and Conservation Element Goal 1, Policies 6.6.2,, and Petitioners contend that the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with several provisions of the LDRC: subsections 2- 5.5.6, 5-5.1, 5-5.2, 5-5.3, and 5-5.6.3.e. Petitioners also contend that the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Section 187.201, Florida Statutes, and the West Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan. The Plan Amendment changes the land use designation on the Property to RLD. The Plan Amendment is not a development order. See Strand v. Escambia County, Case No. 03-2980GM, 2003 WL 23012209, at *4 (DOAH Dec. 23, 2003; DCA Jan. 28, 2004), aff'd, 894 So. 2d 250 (Fla. 1st DCA 2005). It does not authorize any development to occur on the Property. Further, a special treatment zone, as used in the City's Plan, is not a FLUM land use district. Based on the plain and ordinary meaning of the various Plan provisions at issue, the Plan Amendment does not alter or interfere with the City's ability to maintain the quality of coastal resources; restrict the City's ability to maintain regulatory or management techniques intended to protect coastal wetlands, water quality, wildlife habitat, and living marine resources, for example, or prohibit the construction of docks, piers, wharves, or similar structures; interfere with the City's ability to provide for or have available adequate areas for public waterfront access or to provide the circumstances necessary for the conservation, protection, and use of natural resources; or interfere with the City's ability to enforce guidelines in its LDRCs related to, for example, the protection and conservation of the natural functions of existing soils, wetlands, marine resources, estuarine shoreline, stormwater management, wildlife habitat, or flood zones. Petitioners did not prove that the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with cited portions of the City's Plan, the State Comprehensive Plan, and the West Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan. Further, the Plan Amendment need not be consistent with the City's LDRCs because it is not the subject of "in compliance" review.12

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order concluding that the Plan Amendment, adopted by the City of Panama City in Ordinance No. 1985, is "in compliance" as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 6th day of October, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S CHARLES A. STAMPELOS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of October, 2005.

Florida Laws (13) 120.569120.57163.3164163.3177163.3178163.3180163.3184163.3187163.3194163.3201163.3213163.3245187.201
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Stuart, Florida Oct. 28, 1999 Number: 99-004554GM Latest Update: Jun. 28, 2001

The Issue The issue in this case is whether an amendment to the future land use map of the Martin County comprehensive plan, Amendment No. 98-3, is "in compliance" as those terms are defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes (2000).

Findings Of Fact The Parties. Hobe Sound Citizens Alliance, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance"), is a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of Florida. The Alliance was organized in July 1998 primarily to respond to proposed land use designation changes for the property that is the subject of this proceeding and for other property. The Alliance has three officers (a President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and an eight-member Board of Directors. The officers and directors of the Alliance all reside in Martin County, Florida. The members of the Board of Directors are from different neighborhoods in Martin County. The Alliance maintains a mailing list of approximately 500 individuals who are considered "members" of the Alliance. These individuals have all expressed interest in the activities of the Alliance, but have not taken any formal steps to join the Alliance, such as paying dues or completing an application for membership. In fact, the Alliance does not collect dues or have a membership application. Petitioner, Mary A. Merrill, is an individual who resides in an area of unincorporated Martin County, Florida, known as "Hobe Sound." Ms. Merrill serves as President of the Alliance. During the process of adopting the amendment which is the subject of this matter, Ms. Merrill and the Alliance made comments and objections. Respondent, Martin County (hereinafter referred to as the "County"), is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The County is located on the east coast of Florida. The County is bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by Palm Beach County, on the north by St. Lucie County, and on the west by Lake Okeechobee and a portion of Okeechobee County. Intervenor, Hobe Sound Land Company, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Land Partnership"), is a limited partnership organized under the laws of Florida. The Land Partnership's general partner is Hobe Sound Land Company, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Land Company") and the limited partners are a number of trusts organized for the benefit of various members of the Reed family. The Land Partnership is the owner of the property which is the subject of this proceeding (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property"). The County's Comprehensive Plan. General The County has adopted a comprehensive land use plan as required by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). The Martin County Florida Comprehensive Growth Management Plan 1999/00 (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), has been determined to be "in compliance" as those terms are defined in the Act. The Future Land Use Element The Plan includes a Future Land Use Element (hereinafter referred to as the "FLUE"), consisting of the following: Section 4-1, "Background Information"; Section 4-2, "Analysis of Land Use Features"; Section 4-3, the "Future Land Use Map and Map Series"; Section 4-4, "Goals, Objectives and Policies"; Section 4-5, "Performance Standards"; and Section 4- 6, "Implementation Strategies." Sections 4-1 and 4-2 consist of what the County refers to as "narrative" sections which the County gives less weight to in determining whether an amendment to the Plan is "in compliance" than it gives Section 4-4, which contains the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Plan. These narrative sections of the Plan, however, are not "data and analysis." They were adopted as a part of the Plan. See the second unnumbered page of the Plan. The FLUE establishes 13 separate and distinct land-use categories. These land-use categories determine the uses to which property subject to the Plan may be put. The Plan's Future Land Use Map and Map Series (hereinafter referred to as the "FLUM"), depicts all property subject to the Plan and depicts the land use category assigned to all property in the County. Among the land use categories established in the FLUE pertinent to this proceeding is the "Institutional" land use category. To distinguish this category from the "Institutional- County" land use designation of the FLUE, the category is referred to as the "General Institutional" category. Property designated as General Institutional is subject to the following sub-categories or intensities of use: "retirement home, churches, schools, orphanages, sanitariums, convalescent, rest homes, cultural organizations, military, colleges, hospitals, federal, municipal, utilities, and rights- of-way." Section 4-4.M.1.h.(3). of the FLUE, provides the following Policy governing the use of General Institutional property: General Institutional - The General Institutional category accommodates public and not-for-profit facilities such as, but not limited to schools, government buildings, civic centers, prisons, major stormwater facilities, fire and emergency operation center facilities, public cemeteries, hospitals, publicly owned public water and sewer systems, dredge spoil management sites, and airports. Investor owned regional public water and sewer systems and private cemeteries may be allowed in General Institutional. . . . While Institutional use is reserved for the above uses, this shall not prohibit for- profit medical offices and other ancillary facilities owned by a non-profit hospital as long as they are part of a Planned Unit Development. . . . . . . . The Plan also establishes land use categories in the FLUE for the residential use of property. All land which is designated for residential development on the FLUM is subject to Section 4-4.M.1.e. of the FLUE: The Land Use Map allocates residential density based on population trends; housing needs; past trends in the character, magnitude, and distribution of residential land consumption patterns; and, pursuant to goals, objectives, and policies of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, including the need to provide and maintain quality residential environments, preserve unique land and water resource and plan for fiscal conservancy. There are seven types of designated residential land use categories created by the Plan. Those uses include the following: 10 units per acre for "high density;" 8 units per acre for "medium density;" 5 units per acre for "low density residential;" 2 units per acre and 1 unit per acre for "estate density;" .5 units per acre for rural areas. There is also a "mobile home density" category. The lowest density of .5 units per acre is reserved for those areas that are designated as rural. The estate density categories are used for areas are located "generally on the fringe of the urban service districts and generally are not accessible to a full complement of urban services." Sections 4-4.M.1.e.(1) and (2) of the Plan. Of primary pertinence to this proceeding is the residential land use designation of "Low Density Residential." Residential land designated "Low Density Residential" is limited by Section 4-4.M.1.e.(3). of the FLUE as follows: Low Density Residential Development. The low density residential designation is reserved for land accessible to existing urban service centers or located in the immediate expansion area. Densities permitted in this area shall not exceed five (5) units per gross acre. Review of specific densities shall be directed toward preserving the stability and integrity of established residential development and toward provided equitable treatment to lands sharing similar characteristics. Design techniques such as landscaping, screening and buffering shall be employed to assure smooth transition in residential structure types and densities. Generally, where single family structures comprise the dominant structure type within these areas, new development on undeveloped abutting lands shall be required to include compatible structure types on the lands immediately adjacent to existing single family development. Excessive Residential Property and the Active Residential Development Preference Planning System. Section 4-2.A.6.c. of the Plan recognizes that the County has designated an excessive amount of land for residential use. This section of the Plan indicates that, at the time the Plan was adopted, there was a projected need for 26,231 acres of land to accommodate the projected population of the County to the Year 2005. It also indicates that, as of the date of the Plan, 35,834 acres of vacant land had been designated for residential use, well in excess of the amount of land necessary to meet demand. Despite the requirements of the Act and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, requiring appropriate planning for residential needs within a local government's jurisdiction, the Plan was approved by the Department as being "in compliance" with the designation of an excessive amount of land for residential use in the County. Instead of requiring strict compliance with the provisions of the Act and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, dealing with planning for future residential land use needs, the County and the Department entered into a Stipulated Settlement Agreement specifying that the Plan include a requirement that the County undertake the collection of more current land use data and refine the various land use predictive factors it had been using. The Stipulated Settlement Agreement also required that the County institute an Active Residential Development Preference Planning System (hereinafter referred to as the "ARDP System"), to monitor the timing and location of residential development in the County. Section 4-2.A.8. of the Plan provides a Policy dealing with future residential land use requirements for the County. The Policy reports the over-allocation of vacant land designated for residential uses in the County and the need for the ARDP System. The Policy specifically provides, in part: While the current pattern on the Future Land Use Map will remain as is, an active residential development "125% test" will be used in conjunction with location and land suitability requirements in the review and approval of future land use and/or project requests. These requirements shall include, at a minimum, location within the Primary, or Secondary Urban Service District; consistency with the Capital Improvement Element; protection of natural resources; and adequate provision of facilities and services at the adopted level of service. The Policy goes on to provide that residential development in the County will be maintained at 125 percent capacity through the ARDP System and describes other measures to reduce the amount of excessive residential property to be developed in the County. Section 4-4.A.6. of the Plan establishes a Policy requiring that the County implement the ARDP System by May 1991. Consistent with Section 4-4.A.6. of the Plan, the County has adopted the ADRPP System. Environmental Protection Considerations in the FLUE Section 4-2.A.6.d. of the Plan recognizes that residential use of land located near or on the coast can threaten the "preservation of the very attributes of the area which make it attractive for growth." Therefore, the Policy provides that any such development is to be planned to minimize the threat by "assuring that the environmentally sensitive and threatened habitats are preserved." The Policy also provides: Certain areas in Martin County are recognized and beginning to be identified by federal, state and local programs as environmentally sensitive. These areas provide special value in producing public benefits, including: recreational opportunities, life support services, tourism, commercial and sport fishing, scenic values, water purification, water recharge and storage, and sensitive habitats critical to the survival of endangered wildlife and plants. Urban development in or adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas can significantly reduce their environmental values. Additionally, there are important public health concerns associated with development in these areas, particularly in relation to potable water and waste disposal in low lying areas. . . . Section 4-2.A.6.f. of the Plan recognizes the importance of natural vegetation. The Policy also recognizes that urban development removes or alters the County's natural vegetation. Coastal Management Element Section 8.4 of the Plan establishes the Goals, Objectives, and Policies for the Coastal Management Element of the Plan. The area subject to this Element is described on maps adopted as part of the Element, including the map depicted in Figure 8-1. The Subject Property is not located within the coastal management area established by the Element. Section 8.4.A.2.a. of the Plan provides "land use decisions guidelines" requiring a consideration of the impacts of development on fish, wildlife, and habitat, including cumulative impacts. These guidelines, however, apply to development within the coastal management area established by the Plan. Conservation and Open Space Element Chapter 9 of the Plan establishes the Conservation and Open Space Element. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Element are set out in Section 9-4 of the Plan. Section 9-4.A. of the Plan establishes the following Goal: The goal of Martin County is to effectively manage, conserve and preserve the natural resources of Martin County giving consideration to an equitable balance of public and private property rights. These resources include air, water, soils, habitat, fisheries and wildlife with special emphasis on restoring the St. Lucie Estuary and the Indian River Lagoon. Section 9-4.A.2.a. of the Plan requires that the County continue to enforce and improve its Wellfield Protection Ordinance. The Wellfield Protection Ordinance is intended to regulate land use activities within the zones of influence of major wellheads. Section 9-4.A.2.b. of the Plan provides the following: New potable water wells and wellfields shall be located in areas where maximum quantities of regulated materials (e.g. hazardous and toxic materials) do not exceed the proposed criteria of the Wellfield Protection Ordinance. At the time future wellfield locations are identified, establishment of incompatible land uses within the zones of influence of such wells shall be prohibited. Objective 9-4.A.9. of the Plan provides for the protection and enhancement of wildlife and habitat. Policy 9- 4.A.9.a. of the Plan provides the following: Land use decisions shall consider the effects of development impacts on fish, wildlife and habitat and the cumulative impact of development or redevelopment upon wildlife habitat. In cases where rare, endangered, threatened or species of special concern are known to be present, a condition of approval will be that a preserve area management plan be prepared at the time of site plan submittal. . . . To ensure adequate protection, protected plants and animals, which cannot be provided with sufficient undisturbed habitat to maintain the existing population in a healthy, viable state on site, shall be effectively relocated in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Potable Water Service Element Chapter 11 of the Plan establishes a Potable Water Service Element. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Element are contained in Section 11-4. Section 11-4.A.5 of the Plan provides that, by 1991, the County was to establish programs to conserve and protect potable water resources within the County. The specific components of the programs are provided. None of those provisions are relevant to this matter. Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element Chapter 13 of the Plan establishes a Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element. The Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Element are contained in Section 13-4. Section 13-4.A.1. of the Plan establishes the following Objective: Martin County will maintain existing ground water and surface water quality, improve areas of degraded ground water and surface water quality and prevent future contamination of ground water supply sources. Section 13-4.A.2. of the Plan establishes the following Objective: "Enhance the quantity of ground water recharge and maintain desirable ground water levels." The Objectives, and the Policies established to carry them out, recognize the significance of ground waterrecharge and groundwater levels in the County. Preservation of groundwater recharge and groundwater levels is a significant goal of the County. None of the Policies established to carry out the foregoing Objectives specifically eliminate the use of vacant land located near wells for residential purposes. Plan Amendment Adoption Procedures Procedures for the adoption of amendments to the Plan are established in Section 1.11, "Amendment Procedures," of the Plan. Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan provides the following procedures for evaluating changes to the FLUM: In evaluating each land use map amendment request, staff begins with the assumption that the 1982 Land Use Map, as amended, is generally an accurate representation of the Board of County Commissioners and thus the community's intent for the future of Martin County. Based on this assumption, staff can recommend approval of a requested change providing consistency is maintained with all other Elements of this Plan if one of the following four items is found to be applicable. That past changes in land use designations in the general area make the proposed use logical and consistent with these uses and there is adequate availability of public services; or That the growth in the area, in terms of development of vacant land, redevelopment and availability of public services, has altered the character of the area such that the proposed request is now reasonable and consistent with area land use characteristics; or That the proposed change would correct what would otherwise appear to be an inappropriately assigned land use designation. That the proposed change would meet a necessary public service need which enhances the health, safety or general welfare of County residents. In the event that staff can not make a positive finding regarding any of the above items, then staff would recommend denial. (Emphasis added). The Plan requires that the Director of the County's Growth Management Department, after review of a proposed amendment, submit recommendations to the Local Planning Agency for consideration. The Local Planning Agency is required to certify its findings and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners of Martin County (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"). Miscellaneous Provisions of the Plan. Section 4-2.A.6.e. of the Plan deals with agricultural use and vacant land. The evidence failed to prove that the amendment at issue in this case is inconsistent with this portion of the Plan. Section 4-4.A.1.a. of the Plan establishes a Policy that requires that the County revise its Land Development Regulations in existence at the time the Plan was adopted. The evidence failed to prove that the amendment at issue in this case is inconsistent with this portion of the Plan. Section 4-4.E.1. of the Plan requires that the County revise its Land Development Code by July 1990. The evidence failed to prove that the amendment at issue in this case is inconsistent with this portion of the Plan. The County's Sustainable Communities Designation Agreement. The County and the Department of Community Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Department"), entered into a Sustainable Communities Designation Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Designation Agreement"). The Designation Agreement was entered into pursuant to Section 163.3244 of the Act. Pursuant to the Designation Agreement, the Department designated the County as a "sustainable community." Among other things, the designation of the County as a sustainable community eliminates the need for the County to have the Department review and comment on amendments to the Plan that affect areas within the urban growth boundary or "Primary Urban Services District" created by the Plan. The Subject Property. The Subject Property is a parcel of real property located in the Hobe Sound area of unincorporated Martin County. The Subject Property consists of approximately 24.5 acres of land. The land use designation for the Subject Property on the FLUM is General Institutional. The Subject Property is undeveloped, vacant land. It is comprised of sandy soils, native upland scrub habitat with native Sand Pine groundcover. The Subject Property was described in an Executive Summary of the proposed plan amendment considered by the County as follows: The parcel is located in an area considered to be one of the last contiguous large areas of native upland scrub habitat in Florida. Groundcover is almost entirely native Sand Pine with some primitive trails and small areas of disturbed land. Endangered species found on the parcel include the Florida Scrub Jay and Gopher Tortoise. Sand Pine is considered to be endangered, unique or rare and the Comprehensive Plan policy 9- 4.A.7.f(2) states that "Where possible, increased conservation (twenty-five (25) percent of the total upland area) of native upland habitats which are determined to be endangered, unique or rare in Martin County, or regionally rare will be required by Martin County." The Subject Property is bounded on the north by Saturn Avenue, a two-lane residential street; on the south and west by undeveloped land; and on the east by U.S. Highway One, a multi- lane divided highway. The property to the north is designated Low Density Residential; the property to the east is designated for commercial uses; and the property to the south and west is designated General Institutional. While located relatively close to the Intercoastal Waterway, the Subject Property is not located on the "coast." The Subject Property was previously owned by the Hobe Sound Water Company, a privately owned water utility. At the request of Hobe Sound Water Company, the Subject Property was designated as General Institutional. No wells currently are located on the Subject Property. The Subject Property was acquired from the Hobe Sound Water Company by the Land Partnership. The undeveloped land located to the south of the Subject Property is owned by South Martin Regional Utilities (hereinafter referred to as "SMRU") and is utilized for a water plant and wells. SMRU acquired this land and the remainder of the land used by the Hobe Sound Water Company from the water company. There are five wells located on the property to the south of the Subject Property. The property to the west of the Subject Property is also owned by SMRU but is not being utilized for wells. The property acquired by SMRU was, and remains, designated as General Institutional. The Subject Property serves as a significant ground water recharge area because of the porous nature of the soils of the Subject Property. The Subject Property is located within the Primary Urban Services District of the Plan. The Subject Amendment and Its Review. The amendment at issue in this proceeding was initiated by the Land Partnership after it acquired the Subject Property from the Hobe Sound Water Company. At the time of the acquisition of the Subject Property, the Land Partnership knew or should have known that it was designated for General Institutional use. The Land Partnership requested a change in the land use designation for the Subject Property on the FLUM from General Institutional to Low Density Residential or "the most appropriate land use designation." The proposed amendment was reviewed by the staff of the County's Growth Management Department. Among other things, the staff considered whether any of the four items specified in Section 1-11.C.2 of the Plan applies to the amendment. The staff determined that the first and fourth items listed in finding of fact 41 did not apply, that the second item was somewhat applicable, and that the third item applied to the amendment. The proposed amendment was also reviewed by the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (hereinafter referred to as the "TCRPC"). Comments concerning the proposed amendment were prepared by the TCRPC, but were withheld because review by the TCRPC is not required due to the sustainable communities designation for the County. The draft comments of the TCRPC, however, raised objections to the proposed amendment due to concerns over the potential endangerment to the wellfields in the area and the potential destruction of critical habitat and vegetation. No copy of the TCRPC's regional plan was offered in evidence in this case. Nor did anyone associated with TCRPC testify about the draft comments. The Department also informally reviewed the proposed amendment. Rather than prepare an Objections, Comments, and Review report on the proposed amendment, the Department prepared informal comments, which it provided to the County. Those comments were responded to by the County. Hearings to consider the proposed amendment were conducted by the Local Planning Agency. On January 21, 1999, the Local Planning Agency voted to recommend that the proposed amendment not be adopted. The proposed amendment was designated Amendment No. 98-3 (hereinafter referred to as the "Amendment"). The Amendment was adopted by the Board on September 28, 1999, as a part of Ordinance No. 553. The evidence failed to prove that any relevant procedure for adopting the Amendment was violated by the County. The Amendment changed the land use designation for the Subject Property from General Institutional to Low Density Residential on the FLUM. This designation would allow the development of the Subject Property for a maximum of 122 residential units. Data and analysis supporting a potential increase of 122 units of additional residential property did not exist when County adopted the Amendment. Nor does such data and analysis exist now. ARDP System Data. Since the implementation of the ARDP System the County has been collecting and analyzing data concerning residential development in the County. No timely annual update of that data and analysis had been prepared prior to the adoption of the Amendment. The most recent data available was from 1995. During the adoption process for the Amendment, at the request of a member of the Board, an ad hoc report containing data and analysis concerning residential development in the County was prepared and presented to the Board. A full and detailed report was prepared subsequent to the adoption of the Amendment. The report, the ARDP Memorandum of June 7, 2000 (hereinafter referred to as the "ARDP Memo"), was reviewed and approved by the Board. The report was also received in evidence during this de novo proceeding and has been fully considered in preparing this Recommended Order. Pursuant to the ARDP Memo for the five-year period 2000-2004, there is a need for 6,252 residential units needed to serve population increases. The 125 percent cap of the ARDP System on new residential units allowed in the County is 7,816 units. This amounts to an additional 1,564 units authorized by the ARDP System over the actual number of units needed based upon population projections. The number of approved/unbuilt units and other offsets against the number of allowed new residential units for the County during this period totals 7,015 units. Consequently, there are 801 units (7,816 minus 7,015) available for development through the end of 2004. These available units are more than sufficient to cover the additional units which may arise as a result of the development of the Subject Property pursuant to the Amendment. For the five-year periods of 2005-2009 and 2010-2014, there are 6,314 and 6,578 units available for development through the end of these periods, respectively. Despite the foregoing, the approval of an addition of 122 units of residential property will increase an already excessive designation of property for residential use. The Impact of the Amendment. The most significant impact of the Amendment is to further increase the amount of land allocated for residential use in the County. An estate density designation, although generally used for urban fringe areas, with a density of 1 or 2 units per acre, would reduce the amount of the increase in the amount of land allocated for residential use in the County. The Amendment will also negatively impact sensitive habitat for endangered species of plants and animals. Development of the Subject Property, however, as Low Density Residential or General Institutional has the potential for the same general negative impact on sensitive habitat. That negative impact is not inconsistent with what the Plan allows. The Amendment will not have a negative impact on the role of the Subject Property as a ground water recharge area or the availability of potable water in the County. Any development of the Subject Property will be subject to County and South Florida Water Management District regulations requiring that there be no effect on the quality or quantity of ground water in and around the Subject Property as a result of development. The only action that will preserve the environmental features of the Subject Property and its role as a recharge area would be to keep the property undeveloped. Neither the current land use designation of General Institutional nor the proposed land use designation of Low Density Residential will ensure that the Subject Property remains undeveloped. An estate density designation, although generally used for urban fringe areas, with a density of 1 or 2 units per acre, would reduce the negative impacts of the environmental features of the Subject Property and its role as a recharge area. The evidence failed to prove that the Amendment constitutes "urban sprawl" as defined in the Plan. The Need for a FLUM Amendment. In order for the Amendment to be approved, since it is an amendment to the FLUM, it must be shown that one of the four items listed in Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan is met. The evidence proved, and the parties agreed, that the first and fourth items listed in Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan do not apply to this Amendment. The remaining two items of Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan are: That the growth in the area, in terms of development of vacant land, redevelopment and availability of public services, has altered the character of the area such that the proposed request is now reasonable and consistent with area land use characteristics; or That the proposed change would correct what would otherwise appear to be an inappropriately assigned land use designation. While there has been an increase in the amount of development to the north of the Subject Property, the area immediately around the Subject Property has not changed. The evidence failed to prove that any change in the character of the area surrounding the Subject Property "has altered the character of the area such that the proposed request is now reasonable and consistent with area land use characteristics. . . ." The second item listed in Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan has not been met. The County's determination that the remaining item, that the proposed change would correct what appears to be an inappropriately assigned land use designation, is based upon the fact that the current owner, the Land Partnership, is not the type of entity the Plan identifies as an appropriate owner of General Institutional property. Section 4-4.M.1.h. of the Plan provides the following concerning the ownership of General Institutional designated property: Except for investor owner public water and sewer systems and private cemeteries, Institutional land shall be owned by public agencies or non-profit service providers. As a consequence of the foregoing, the only use to which the Land Partnership may put the Subject Property under its current land use classification would be as a cemetery, public water, or sewer system. The latter two uses are not practicable uses for the Subject Property. Although the fact that the Land Partnership knew or should have known of the land use category of the Subject Property and the limitation of the uses to which it could put the property before it purchased it, it still appears reasonable to conclude that the third item of Section 1.11.C.2. of the Plan applies to the Amendment. I. Petitioners' Challenge. On October 28, 1999, the Alliance and Ms. Merrill, jointly filed a Petition for Administrative Hearings with the Division challenging the Amendment pursuant to Section 163.3244(5)(a), Florida Statutes. Petitioners requested a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Sections 163.3187(3)(a) and 120.57, Florida Statutes. On February 1, 2000, Petitioners filed an Amended Petition for Administrative Hearing. Pursuant to the Amended Petition, Petitioners alleged that the Amendment is inconsistent with the requirements of Sections 163.3177 and 163.3180 of the Act, the TCRPC's strategic regional policy plan, and portions of Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. Petitioners also alleged in the Amended Petition that the Amendment is inconsistent with Sections 163.3161, 163.3167, 163.3194, and 163.3244 of the Act. These allegations are not relevant to the determination of whether the amendment is "in compliance" as those terms are defined in the Act.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administrative Commission enter a final order finding that the Amendment is not "in compliance" as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 27th day of February, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of February, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Virginia P. Sherlock, Esquire Howard K. Heims, Esquire Littman, Sherlock & Heims, P.A. Post Office Box 1197 Stuart, Florida 34995 David A. Acton Senior Assistant County Attorney Martin County Administration Center 2401 South East Monterey Road Stuart, Florida 34996-1197 Raymond W. Royce, Esquire Carrie Beth Baris, Esquire Holland & Knight LLP 625 North Flagler Drive, Suite 700 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-3208 Steven M. Seibert, Secretary Department of Community Affairs Suite 100 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Cari L. Roth, General Counsel Department of Community Affairs Suite 315 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Barbara Leighty, Clerk Growth Management and Strategic Planning The Capitol, Suite 2105 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Charles Canaday, General Counsel Office of the Governor The Capitol, Suite 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001

Florida Laws (13) 120.569120.57163.3161163.3164163.3167163.3174163.3177163.3180163.3181163.3184163.3187163.3194163.3245 Florida Administrative Code (3) 9J-5.0059J-5.0069J-5.011
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jasper, Florida Sep. 23, 1991 Number: 91-006038GM Latest Update: Aug. 09, 1995

The Issue Have the Intervenors timely challenged the Hamilton County adoption of its comprehensive plan under the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes? If allowed to pursue their challenge, what is their burden of proof? Is it pursuant to Section 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes, (1991), the "fairly debatable" standard? Is it pursuant to Section 163.3184(10), Florida Statutes, (1991) the "preponderance" standard? Did Hamilton County (the County) fail to adopt its comprehensive plan within sixty (60) days from the receipt of written comments from the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) as required by Section 163.3184(7), Florida Statutes (1991)? If it did, was that failure jurisdictional thereby voiding the adoption process? Within the adopted plan, is Policy V.2.13 requiring special permits for hazardous and bio-medical waste treatment facilities and for their placement in areas designated agricultural and located with the rural area of Hamilton County, consistent with plan adoption requirements set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, (1991), Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, the State Comprehensive Plan set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes (1991) and the North Central Florida Regional Policy Plan? Within the adopted plan is Policy 1.15.1 prohibiting the disposal of medical, bio-hazardous, hazardous or solid waste by incineration or by other methods which produce air pollution, other than by facilities permitted, legally sited and operated as of July 23, 1991, consistent with plan adoption requirements set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (1991), Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, the State Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 187, Florida Statutes, and the North Central Regional Policy Plan? More particularly must these policies meet and do they meet the requirements for surveys, studies and data set forth in Section 163.3177(6)(a),(8) and (10)(e), Florida Statutes (1991) and Rule 9J-5.005(2), Florida Administrative Code?

Findings Of Fact In December, 1990, Hamilton County prepared a proposed comprehensive plan. That proposal was submitted to the Department in accordance with Section 163.3184(3)(a), Florida Statutes. Within the Conservation Element of the proposed plan the County included Policy V.2.13, which stated: The County shall only allow hazardous and bio-medical waste treatment facilities as special permits within areas designated agricultural and located within the rural area of the County. Further, the County's land development regulations shall include conditions for such approval of a hazardous and bio-medical waste treatment facility as a special permit regarding the location, site design, buffer requirements, access to principal arterials and major intersections, requirements for appropriate public facilities, and require- ments which consider wind currents in relationship to population centers, which will direct any incinerated materials or noxious odors from these population centers. In no case shall a hazardous or bio-medical waste treatment facility be located within an Environmentally Sensitive Area as designated within this Comprehensive Plan. Policy V.2.13 was associated with Objective V.2 which states: The County shall include within the land development regulations, by 1992, provisions for the conservation, appropriate use and protection of the quality and quantity of current and projected water sources, water recharge areas and potable water wells. There was no specific data and analysis in the proposed plan directed to Policy V.2.13. Other policies associated with Objective V.2 addressed water issues. In the data and analysis which the County submitted to DCA with its proposed comprehensive plan the County did identify known pollution problems. This included a reference to point discharges for wastewater, non-point sources of water pollution, point air pollution sources and non-point sources of air pollution. None of the known activities were associated with hazardous and bio- medical waste treatment facilities. The data and analysis associated with the Conversation Element in the proposed plan also identified watersheds, wetlands, lakes, flood prone areas, and current water sources. The data and analysis further discussed the circumstances related to watersheds, wetlands, rivers, lakes, flood prone areas and air quality as the County perceived the existing conditions for those topics. Finally, the data and analysis spoke to the issue of projected water needs. No mention was made concerning how the aforementioned data and analysis would be considered in granting special permits for hazardous and bio-medical waste treatment facilities. On April 14, 1991, DCA transmitted its comments to the County concerning the proposed comprehensive plan and supporting data and analysis, together with its objections and recommendations for modifications to the proposed comprehensive plan. This activity was in accordance with Section 163.3184(6), Florida Statutes. The report that was transmitted is known as the "ORC" Report. The County received the ORC Report on April 22, 1991. The ORC Report made a number of objections to the objectives and policies set forth in the Conservation Element to the proposed comprehensive plan and recommendations for modifications to the same. The ORC Report specifically objected to Policy V.2.13 wherein the DCA stated: Policy V.2.13 does not describe the 'special permits' concerning hazardous and bio-medical waste treatment facilities within agricultural areas, does not define the extent of the buffers, and does not prohibit these facilities in conser- vation areas. The general recommendation to improve Policy V.2.13, among policies found within the Conservation Element, was to this effect: Provide data and analysis to support the above- referenced policies. Revise the policies to identify the specific implementation programs or activities that will be undertaken by the County to achieve the goal and objectives with which the policies are associated. Eliminate or define all conditional and vague language. Revise the Future Land Use Map to support the revised policies. The County then held two public hearings related to the adoption of a comprehensive plan. See Section 163.3184(15), Florida Statutes (1991). The first public hearing was held on June 18, 1991. At that time no decision was reached to adopt a comprehensive plan. The public hearing was adjourned. On July 23, 1991, the County reconvened the public hearing related to the comprehensive plan adoption. Following the second public hearing associated with the plan adoption, the County in the person of its Board of County Commissioners who had conducted the public hearings, adopted a comprehensive plan for Hamilton County. The adopted comprehensive plan was transmitted to DCA on July 30, 1991. The transmittal letter supporting the adopted comprehensive plan noted that the comprehensive plan was adopted on July 23, 1991. The transmittal letter pointed out the changes to the adopted comprehensive plan which were not reviewed by DCA when DCA considered the proposed comprehensive plan. As with the proposed comprehensive plan, the County submitted data and analysis with the adopted comprehensive plan pointing out the data and analysis accompanying the adopted comprehensive plan which had not been reviewed by the DCA when it considered data and analysis supporting the proposed comprehensive plan. Within the conservation element to the adopted comprehensive plan Objective V.2 remained as set forth in the proposed comprehensive plan. Certain policies associated with Objective V.2 had changed. However, Objective V.2. and its associated policies set forth in the adopted comprehensive plan continued to address water issues. In particular, Policy V.2.13 did not change with the plan adoption. Additional data and analysis submitted by the County supporting the Conservation Element to the adopted comprehensive plan deleted the Suwannee River State Park as a conservation area. Specific references were made to Jumping Gully Creek, Swift Creek, Hunter Creek and the Withlacoochee River and activities associated with those water bodies. However, as with the proposed plan it was not explained how the County intended to use the original and additional data and analysis in deciding special permit issues for hazardous and bio-medical waste treatment facilities. When the County adopted its comprehensive plan it added an objective and a policy that had not been included with the proposed comprehensive plan in the category of objectives and policies for both urban development areas and rural areas in the Future Land Use Element. New Objective I.15 stated: Residential areas shall be protected from uses which cause or result in greater than average noise, hazards or odors. The associated Policy I.15.1 stated: No medical, bio-hazardous, hazardous, or solid waste shall be disposed of by incineration or by any other method which produces air pollution emissions subject to permitting by the Department of Environmental Regulation within Hamilton County, unless the use or facility was permitted and otherwise legally sited and operated as of July 23, 1991. The supporting data and analysis which the County provided the Department with the adopted comprehensive plan did not address Objective I.15 nor Policy I.15.1, with the exception that residential land use projections are described. The adopted plan provided specific information concerning future residential land use. That description was supported by a residential land use need methodology and analysis of future residential land use needed. As with the proposed plan, the adopted plan included a reference to industrial land use within the Future Land Use Element. In both the proposed plan and the adopted plan in Policy 1.3.1 it was stated: Lands classified as industrial consist of areas used for the manufacturing, assembly processing or storage of products. Industrial development may be approved in areas of the County not designated industrial on the Future Land Use Plan upon submission and approval of a development plan which shall include at the least: an industrial site plan; traffic plan; and traffic impact studies; provisions for the construction and maintenance of a wastewater treatment system meeting requirements of the State of Florida for that use; and a submission of a Future Land Use Plan Map amendment to Industrial classification. Industrial uses shall be limited to an intensity of less than or equal to 1.0 floor area ratio. The data and analysis associated with industrial land use which had been provided with the proposed comprehensive plan remained consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan when describing the methodology for identifying projected industrial land use. The comments in the data and analysis supporting the proposed and adopted plans indicated: Projecting the need for additional acreage for industrial use cannot be approached using a methodology similar to those used for residential and commercial Future Land Use needs. This is due to the fact that there is no direct relationship between population and industrial location. The additional future acreages for industrial location are anticipated to occur on a site specific basis as needed at the time industrial activities are proposed. Within the adopted comprehensive plan, Future Land Use Element related to urban development areas and rural areas is found the general industrial land use classification. The general industrial land use designations are located in the central area of the county to the southwest of the City of Jasper along County Road 249. There is an additional limited industrial land use classification within the urban development area and rural area category. It identifies industrial opportunities at interchanges on Interstate 75. At these interchanges, upon submission of a site plan that comports with development standards, with due regard for safety and adequate access, light industrial development is allowed which does not require an air emission permit from the State of Florida. Industrial land use designations as well as other land use designations were based upon an analysis of the amount and character of undeveloped land in the county, reliable population projections and growth patterns anticipated for the area, together with the availability of the public services to accommodate the projected population. The adopted comprehensive plan includes a Future Land Use Map and Map Series found within the Future Land Use Element of the adopted plan which depicts industrial land use. Intervenors' property carries a general industrial classification in the future land use designation in the adopted plan. Intervenors' property is not located on the Interstate 75 corridor and therefore would not be considered for this special industrial land use classification. The North Central Florida Regional Planning Council (the Council) assisted the County in preparing its proposed and adopted plans. The Council staff were engaged in that process as early as 1986. From that point forward the Council staff conducted field surveys relating to land use, compiled data from existing data sources and reviewed population projections and growth patterns in Hamilton County. The Council staff compiled information concerning public facilities, recreational and solid waste facilities, information relating to physical capacity for those facilities and information concerning the financing of capital projects. In anticipation of the requirements set forth in Section 163.3177(6)(a), Florida Statutes, the Council staff conducted field surveys of existing land use to determine the character of undeveloped land in the county. The staff reviewed the population projections of the University of Florida Bureau of Business and Economic Research. These activities were designed to assist the County in analyzing the amount of land necessary to accommodate projected growth and the availability of public services. The Council staff was responsible for preparing the proposed plan statement related to goals, objectives, and policies. The staff also prepared the Future Land Use Plan Map. The documents prepared by the Council staff were subject to review and workshops were held to consider those matters. Modifications were brought about through public comments presented at the workshops. The Council staff prepared an evaluation, appraisal and review report to examine the success of previously adopted comprehensive plans. Following the conduct of workshops the public sessions for plan adoption were held on June 18, and July 23, 1991. As representative for the County, the Council staff invited the Department to send representatives to attend the public hearing sessions. The Department was represented at those sessions. In the public hearings related to the plan adoption, there was considerable public testimony expressing concern about health and environmental impacts involved with the incineration of bio-medical waste. In particular, remarks were made about air emissions of mercury and dioxins and the disposal of ash residue from the incineration process. Documents were also presented by members of the public who opposed waste incineration. One document was from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, entitled Seminar-Medical and Institutional Waste Incineration: Regulations, Management, Technology, Emissions and Operations. Another document was entitled Hazardous Waste News #82, June 20, 1988, identified as a weekly news and resource for citizens fighting toxins. A third document was entitled "Facts" related to definitions within Section 403.703, Florida Statutes and observations from the author of this document concerning Intervenors intended operations of a bio-medical incineration facility in Hamilton County. Finally, there was a document from the Hamilton County School Board calling for a buffer zone between any school in the county and facilities which incinerated or otherwise disposed of substances through incineration or other disposal means which would create air emissions from the destruction of solid waste, hazardous substances, bio-hazardous waste and biological waste as defined within Section 403.703, Florida Statutes. The Hamilton County School Board also expressed a desire to completely prohibit the incineration or other disposal of those substances which were generated outside Hamilton County. The EPA document spoke in terms of the emissions from incinerators as being particulate and gaseous emissions. The particulate emissions being constituted of char and soot and minerals in the form of metals, silicates and salts. The gaseous emissions referred to in the EPA document were constituted of combustible emissions such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, PCDD and PCDF and noncombustible emissions, such as nitrogen oxides, HCLs, hazardous compounds such as POHCs, products of incomplete combustion such as dioxins, and uncondensed volatile metals in excess air. Dr. Ralph Dougherty, an expert in environmental mass spectrometry, analytical chemistry and the chemistry of waste incineration, provided expert testimony concerning the significance of some of the information provided to the County in its public sessions. This testimony was presented at the administrative hearing. Dr. Dougherty did not attend the public hearing associated with the plan adoption. Dr. Dougherty in addressing the waste stream that is created by bio- medical waste described how the incineration process in destroying polyvinyl chloride, PVC plastic, saran wrap and neoprene converted those materials to chlorinated organics such as dioxin. As Dr. Dougherty established, dioxins are very hazardous substances. Kenneth Krantz appeared for the Intervenors at the public sessions for the plan adoption. At that time Basic Energy Corporation was known as TSI Southeast, Inc. (TSI). He provided written information to the county commissioners concerning the TSI bio-medical waste disposal business intended to be located in Hamilton County. TSI took no issue with Objective I.15 which was adopted on July 23, 1991. Intervenors proposed different text for policy I.15.1 and requested adoption of two additional policies I.15.2 and I.15.3 which would place some restrictions on solid waste disposal but would allow an opportunity for operating the TSI facility in the county. Information provided by Krantz in the public sessions indicated that TSI intended to operate a business to incinerate solid, bio-medical and solid municipal waste, together with a waste recycling area, Pelletizer area and turbine-generator area. Krantz addressed the county commissioners concerning county building permit information about the facility, permitting by the St. Johns River Water Management District and the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Regulation. Information was provided concerning square footage for buildings within the overall TSI facility. Information was provided by TSI concerning the intended pollution control systems as being constituted of fabric filters and dry-lime injection systems, together with a detailed description of pending permit applications before the Department of Environmental Regulation for additional incineration units. Information provided by TSI addressed the expected constituents of the air emissions to include carbon monoxide, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, organics such as dioxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen chloride and particulate matter. A site location map and schematic showing the flow within the waste stream was also provided. TSI also provided information at the public sessions about the Intervenors anticipated emissions rates for two previously permitted units and the third and fourth units that were being considered by the Department of Environmental Regulation. This data about emission rates included a comprehensive listing of anticipated emissions by pollutant type to include projected measurements of omissions for units one and two which would deal with medical waste combustion and units three and four which would deal with medical waste combustion and possibly refuse-derived fuel (RDF). As commented on by members of the public who appeared at the public sessions for adopting the plan, information provided by the Intervenors verified that significant amounts of pollutants would be discharged into the air through Intervenors' operations. TSI provided information concerning the modeling that was done to measure concentration levels for the expected pollutants. Information was provided concerning the incineration process and the manner in which calculations were made concerning expected emissions levels. Information was provided concerning anticipated annual and short term emission rates for the four units intended to be operated by the TSI. The technical information about the intended TSI facility was through documents that appeared to be from an engineering consulting firm. All information provided in the public sessions that has been described was properly available to the county commissioners when adopting the plan. The information provided at the public sessions which has been described was not presented to the Department with the adopted plan. As stated, on July 30, 1991, the County submitted its plan to the Department to determine if the adopted plan was in compliance with the requirements of law. See Section 163.3184(8), Florida Statutes (1991). On September 12, 1991, DCA issued a notice of intent to find the adopted plan, not "in compliance". See Section 163.3184(10), Florida Statutes (1991). Pursuant to that provision, DCA filed a petition with the Division of Administrative Hearings setting forth the reasons for its decision to find the adopted plan not "in compliance". That petition was filed on September 23, 1991. The DCA took no issue with Policies I.15.1 and V.2.13. On February 20, 1992, Intervenors petitioned to intervene in the not "in compliance" case. As identified in the statement of issues, the Intervenors were and continue to be opposed to the adoption of Policies I.15.1 and V.2.13. On March 17, 1992, an order was entered which granted the Intervenors leave to intervene. Intervenors own property in Hamilton County. As contemplated by Section 163.3184(16), Florida Statutes (1993), DCA and the County engaged in settlement discussions. This culminated in a stipulated settlement agreement executed by DCA and County on November 24, 1993. The stipulated settlement agreement is referred to in the statute as a compliance agreement. Intervenors did not join in the settlement. On January 18, 1994, the County adopted the remedial amendments, referred to in the statute as plan amendments pursuant to a compliance agreement called for by the compliance agreement. The remedial plan amendments were submitted to the Department for consideration. On March 10, 1994, DCA issued a cumulative notice of intent addressing the compliance agreement amendments and the plan. DCA gave notice that it attended to find the plan and remedial comprehensive plan amendments/compliance agreement amendments "in compliance" with Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Notwithstanding that the Intervenors did not submit further pleadings within 21 days of the publication of the cumulative notice of intent, the Intervenors were allowed to proceed with their challenge to the plan that was not the subject of the compliance agreement leading to the compliance agreement amendments.

Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and the conclusions of law, it is, RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered finding the Hamilton County comprehensive plan to be "in compliance" with the exception that Policy V.2.13 is only "in compliance" in its latter sentence, the remaining language in Policy V.2.13 is not "in compliance". DONE and ENTERED this 21st day of April, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of April, 1995. APPENDIX "A" CASE NO. 91-6038GM The following discussion is given concerning the proposed fact finding by the parties: Intervenors' Facts: Paragraph 1 is subordinate to facts found. The first sentence to Paragraph 2 is contrary to facts found. The remaining sentence is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 3 is rejected in its suggestion that there is a perpetual ban on bio-hazardous waste incineration. It is otherwise not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Intervenors' Facts: Paragraphs 1 through 7 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 8 is not relevant. Paragraphs 9 through 12 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 13 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 14 is subordinate to facts found with the exception that the date of adoption was January 18, 1994. Paragraphs 15 through 22 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 23 is not relevant. Paragraph 24 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 25 constitutes legal argument. Paragraph 26 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 27 through 31 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 32 through 38 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 39 and 40 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 41 is rejected to the extent that it is suggested that it constitutes agency policy. Paragraphs 42 through the first phrase in 49 are subordinate to facts found. The latter phrase in Paragraph 49 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 50 through 58 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 59 constitutes legal argument. Paragraphs 60 through 75 are subordinate to facts found. Paragraphs 76 through 82 are rejected as not constituting allowable analysis of data presented in support of the plan adoption. Paragraphs 83 and 84 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraph 85 is subordinate to facts found. Paragraph 86 is not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 87 through 91 are rejected to the extent that it is suggested that some lesser standard is involved with consideration of data for optional plan elements as opposed to mandatory plan elements. See Section 163.3184(8), Florida Statutes (1991) and Section 120.57(1)(b)15, Florida Statutes (1993). Paragraph 92 is acknowledged but did not form the basis for fact finding in the recommended order. Paragraph 93 is rejected as intended to interpret Policy I.15.1 as an absolute prohibition against waste incineration in the County. Paragraph 94 constitutes legal argument. Paragraphs 95 through 102 are not relevant. Paragraphs 103 through 105 are not necessary to the resolution of the dispute. Paragraphs 106 through 108 are subordinate to facts found with the exception of the rejection of Policy V.2.13 in part. COPIES FURNISHED: David L. Jordan, Esquire Terrell L. Arline, Esquire Suzanne Schmith, Certified Legal Intern Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 John H. McCormick, Esquire Post Office Box O Jasper, FL 32052 William L. Hyde, Esquire Gunster, Yoakley, Valdes-Fauli and Stewart, P.A. 515 North Adams Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 Donald J. Schutz, Esquire Suite 415 535 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Linda L. Shelley, Secretary Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100

Florida Laws (7) 120.57120.68163.3177163.3184163.3187163.3191403.703 Florida Administrative Code (2) 9J-5.0059J-5.013
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sebring, Florida Apr. 19, 1994 Number: 94-002095GM Latest Update: Nov. 27, 1996

The Issue The issue in this case is whether it should be determined that the Highlands County Comprehensive Plan, as amended, was in compliance with Chapter 163, Fla. Stat. (1993), as of the adoption of the County Ordinance 94-1 on March 2, 1994.

Findings Of Fact Adoption History Highlands County adopted its first Comprehensive Plan with a land use map in 1991. The Department of Community Affairs (the DCA or Department) took the position that the initial comprehensive plan was not in compliance. On September 15, 1993, the County adopted an amended comprehensive plan. (County Exhibit 6) The DCA took the position that the amended comprehensive plan, in particular its natural resources element, did not adequately protect areas of important plant and animal habitat from agricultural land uses. (County Exhibit 8). Highlands County adopted remedial amendments on March 2, 1994. (County Exhibit 9) On March 16, 1994, DCA published a Cumulative Notice of Intent to find the Highlands County Comprehensive Plan and Remedial Comprehensive Plan Amendments in compliance. (County Exhibit 13) The Petition for Administrative Hearing by Heartland Environmental Council, Inc. (HEC) was filed on or about April 6, 1994. The HEC Petition was signed by Kris Delaney, as its president. The parties' Prehearing Stipulation filed on October 17, 1994, eliminated several of the issues initially raised in the HEC Petition. The Lake Wales Ridge Highlands County is special because of the presence of a feature known as the Lake Wales Ridge, which is only between five and 14 miles wide but stretches for about 100 miles in a north-south orientation through the County. Most of the Ridge is contained within Highlands County, but smaller portions extend into neighboring counties. The Lake Wales Ridge had its beginnings when the sea covered much of what is now the Florida peninsula. A paleo beach and dune system was formed at the edge between the sea and the Ridge. When the waters receded, it left behind a ridge of relatively high ground characterized by generally coarse sands. These sands, which began as beach sand, have been weathered for millions of years, rendering them very sterile and low in nutrients. Water passes very quickly through these sands, making the soil and environment resemble those occurring in much drier places. Although created through the same processes, the Ridge contains many different unique and specialized habitats. Because of these habitats, the Ridge is a national "hot spot" for endemism. This means that many different species of organisms occur in this relatively small area; many of these species occur exclusively or primarily on the Ridge. At least two dozen plant species are found exclusively or primarily on the Ridge, and it is believed that many species have yet to be discovered. In more recent times, the high and dry Ridge also has attracted a disproportionate share of the residential, commercial and agricultural development in the County. Development pressures have conflicted with the habitat needs for the survival of many of the plant and animal species that occurred on the Ridge. Urban and citrus development tend to obliterate habitat; they also compete for available water supply. In addition, as the Ridge has developed, the natural fires that served an important role in maintaining the special habitats of the Ridge were suppressed. More recently, although man has come to understand the importance of fire to these habitats and the species that thrive in them, the increasing presence of man's development has made fire management more problematic and, in some cases, impossible. With more and more development, the habitats of the Ridge with their many endemic plant and animal species have come under increasing pressure. The most widespread kind of natural habitat on the Ridge is called scrub. Scrub consists mainly of scrub oak and shrubs adapted to dry, low nutrient conditions. Scrub contains a disproportionate share of the threatened and endangered plant and animal species on the Ridge. These include the Florida scrub jay, the gopher tortoise, the sand skink, the scrub lizard and the Florida mouse. Natural scrub habitat is rapidly disappearing from the Ridge. By 1981, about 64 percent of the scrub on the southern Ridge had been severely altered. Along the central Ridge, losses were even greater--about 74 percent. By 1991, losses were estimated to be approximately 70 to 90 percent. Sandhill is the rarest natural community in the County. It is the historic high pineland community dominated by long leaf pines. (A vegetative community known as southern sandhill is not dominated by long leaf pines and is not true sandhill; it actually is a type of scrub.) Only about one percent of the original true sandhill still existed as of March, 1994. Although altered by fragmentation and fire suppression, the remaining sandhill still supports several important endemic plant and animal species, such as the gopher tortoise, Sherman's fox squirrel, and a plant called the clasping warea. A type of natural habitat unique to Highlands County portion of the Ridge is cutthroat seep. Cutthroat seeps occur where groundwater near and at surface elevation flows rapidly through areas usually adjacent to true wetlands, keeping the area wet but not ponded. These areas are dominated by cutthoat grasses, which require periodic burning to maintain their dominance. Drainage related to development lowers the water table and otherwise interrupts the needed lateral flow of water, allowing the invasion of woody species. In addition, development makes fire management more problematic and, in some cases, impossible. The most effective protection of cutthroat seep requires preservation of relatively large parcels, approximately ten acres or more. Smaller parcels are harder to fire manage. In addition, smaller parcels could be subjected to inadvertent hydrologic interruption from nearby development. There are about 18 plant species that occur only on the Ridge. Forty plant species occur only in Florida scrub and occur on the Ridge. Twenty-two plants on the Ridge are federally listed as either endangered or threatened. The Florida scrub jay is a federally listed endangered species that occurs only in peninsular Florida. The scrub jay also serves as an indicator species--management for scrub jay habitat will meet the habitat requirements of most other species that occur in scrub habitat. Scrub jays require the presence of scrub oak, as well as bare ground and low growing scrub. Periodic fire is necessary to maintain this mix. Scrub jays are very territorial. The tend to stay on one specific site. Scrub jays are monogamous, pairing to breed for life. Juveniles help feed and protect younger birds before dispersing to find a territory of their own. Dispersal distance typically is less than a mile. Each family group occupies a relatively large area--approximately 25 acres. Large sites are necessary to maintain a viable scrub jay population. Population viability models indicate that 150-200 individuals are needed for a population to persist for 200 years. Using this standard, fewer than ten potentially secure populations of scrub jay exist. It is believed that as much as 750 acres of scrub oak may be required to give a such a population a 90 percent chance of survival for 100 years. Development destroys scrub jay habitat. In addition, nearby development not only makes fire management difficult, if not impossible, it increases scrub jay mortality from feral cats and dogs and from motor vehicles. In the Base Documents supporting the Highlands County Plan, as amended, the County recognized the unique and sensitive natural resource represented by the Lake Wales Ridge. The Base Documents acknowledged that, before the comprehensive plan was adopted, the County did not have a "formal mechanism to examine the effects of proposed development and agricultural uses on natural vegetation and wildlife." The Base Documents also acknowledged that the Ridge required "more stringent controls and greater incentives for resource protection." Conservation, Use, and Protection of Natural Resources Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] Highlands County has adopted, as the Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] of its Natural Resources Element, Objective 3 providing that the County shall protect and acquire native vegetative communities which are endemic to Central Florida and shall restrict activities known to adversely affect the endangered and threatened species and their habitat. Under that Objective, Highlands County has adopted a number of Policies. Highlands County's approach to conservation, use, and protection of natural resources under Objective 3 and its policies is to identify, evaluate, and protect natural resources on a site-by-site basis. (County Exhibit 6, Pages NRE-10 through NRE-25, inclusive, and County Exhibit 9) The review procedures prepared by Petitioner's representative, Kris Delaney, for the Central Florida Regional Planning Council (CFRPC) also used a site-by-site approach. (Petitioner Exhibit 56) Kris Delaney is the immediate past president of HEC and was described by Petitioner's counsel as its main representative. Highlands County's approach to evaluation of natural resources also is comparable to the review processes adopted by federal statute and state law for the protection of threatened and endangered species. Site specific evaluation was necessary due to the variety of protected species needs, site conditions, and legal constraints. Under Policy 3.1, A., Highlands County has adopted a number of source documents to identify endangered or threatened species, including species of special concern. Under Policy 3.1, B., Highlands County has adopted a number of documents as guidelines for establishing mitigation, on-site protection, and remedial actions for the protection of habitats and listed species in the County's land development regulations. Under Policy 3.2, Highlands County adopted a Conservation Overlay Map series to be used as a general indicator for the presence of xeric uplands, wetlands, cutthroat seeps, historical and archeological resources, cones of influence for potable wells, and aquifer recharge areas. (See Findings 52-59, infra, for a detailed description and explanation of these maps.) Whenever a particular site is in an area where one of those resource categories is mapped on the Conservation Overlay Map series or are otherwise known to occur, Policy 3.3 of the Natural Resources Element requires the applicant to submit to the Highlands County Planning Department a preliminary field investigation report prepared by a County-approved professional, firm, government agency, or institution. If that field investigation determines that any of those resources actually exist on the site, an Environmental Impact Report is required of the applicant. Those Environmental Impact Reports (EIR's) must also be prepared by a County approved-professional, firm, agency, or institution. Policy 3.3, E., specifies the content of the EIR: (1) maps and a description of natural vegetative communities occurring on the proposed development site in terms of their habitat functions and significance; (2) maps and a description of the aforementioned natural resource categories which may be impacted by the proposed development; (3) an assessment of the potential impacts which would be sustained by a natural resource as a result of the proposed development; (4) an evaluation of water quality inputs and outputs; recommendations for appropriate mitigation and on-site protection measures; recommended land maintenance and management procedures to assure the continued viability or function of the natural resource after development; and a list of agencies which may have permit requirements pertaining to the proposed development. Under Policy 3.3, F., the application package and the EIR are transmitted for review and comment to the agencies listed in the Environmental Impact Report as having permit requirements and to the Highlands County Natural Resources Advisory Committee. Responsive comments and recommendations which are received are forwarded to the County employee or board having decision-making authority concerning the applicable permit and included in the County records pertaining to the project. Under Policy 3.3, G., after receiving the application packet, the EIR, and the comments and recommendations from other permitting agencies and the Highlands County Natural Resources Advisory Committee, the County evaluates and determines the permit conditions required to: (1) protect and preserve the water quality or natural functions of flood plains and drainage ways, potable water wells, and wetlands; (2) protect and preserve the function of native vegetative communities which are endemic to Central Florida or the habitats of endangered species, threatened species, or species of special concern; (3) preserve and protect historical and archeological resources; (4) establish measures to protect life and property from flood hazard; and (5) establish land maintenance and management procedures for the natural resource to assure its continued viability or function after development. Policy 3.3, G., further requires that the County's final development order must be conditioned upon adequate avoidance, preservation, mitigation, or remedial actions for the protection of the aforementioned resources and must be consistent with the wetlands, flood plain, aquifer recharge, water quality, and cultural resource protection measures set forth within the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. It also requires the County to require that the necessary state and local permits be obtained as a condition of approval for the project's final development order. In determining the appropriate conditions for the County's final development order, Policy 3.3, B., states that avoidance and preservation of the resource shall be the first choice for protecting the resource. Acquisition, conservation easements or dedications, and site design methods (including clustering development to the portion of the site where the resource does not exist or, if that is not possible, to the least environmentally sensitive portion of the site), are among the methods allowed to accomplish that purpose. Appropriate buffers between the development and the resource are also required. Policy 3.3, C., also provides that a mitigation fee may be imposed by the Board of County Commissioners for small, isolated tracts containing less significant habitat and that the mitigation fees collected would be used to fund off-site mitigation in order that preservation of equal or greater habitat type, function, and quantity can be achieved. This is consistent with the "Review Procedure for Special Habits: Xeric Uplands" prepared by Kris Delaney for the CFRPC which provides that "[L]ocal government may wish to establish procedural relationship with such agencies and, based on locally determined criteria, a minimum parcel size requiring review." Similarly, Policy 3.4 provides an environmental mitigation fee alternative for construction of single-family residences on preexisting lots of records to the extent consistent with state and federal regulations. These mitigation fee provisions are consistent with existing state and federal programs for protection of threatened and endangered species and species of special concern (Petitioner Exhibit 53, Pages 58 through 60; Petitioner Exhibit 56, Page 25, Level III, G.1 (cont.); and Petitioner Exhibit 78, Page 16) Policy 3.15 identifies several mitigation options which are consistent with those found in the "Review Procedure for Special Habitats: Xeric Uplands" prepared by Kris Delaney for the CFRPC. Policy 3.5, A., requires the County to institute an ongoing program to define, identify, and conserve its native vegetative communities and the habitats of endangered or threatened species and species of special concern and states that the conservation program must include the following implementation measures: (1) acquisition of lands using public funds and grants; (2) lease of land; (3) tax abatement; (4) land swaps and transfers of title; (5) establishment of conservation or open space easements; (6) density bonuses for cluster development; (7) density bonuses for development that preserves habitat and avoids impact on endangered or threatened species, including species of special concern; (8) density transfers for conservation set-asides to buildable portions of sites; and (9) mitigation fees and mitigation fee credits. Under Policy 3.5, B., the County has established as the top priority of its conservation program working with public and private agencies to acquire and preserve in their natural state: (1) scrub or sand hill habitats (xeric uplands); (2) endemic populations of endangered or threatened species, including species of special concern; (3) wetlands, cutthroat grass seeps, and estuaries; (4) important aquifer recharge areas; and (5) unique scenic or natural resources. In Policy 3.6, the County specifically references the "Review Procedure for Special Habitats: Xeric Uplands" prepared by Kris Delaney for the CFRPC as the model for its development review process for coordination with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Policy 3.6(g) specifically provides for coordination with local, state, and federal agencies concerning native vegetative communities or habitat areas spanning more than one local jurisdiction. Policy 3.7 establishes funding sources for the County's conservation trust fund and requires that the fund be used exclusively for the acquisition of the priorities listed in Policy 3.5, B., or the enhancement of other publicly- owned conservation-valued lands, as determined by the Board of County Commissioners. To discourage clearing of land prior to environmental review, the County adopted Policy 3.13, which requires property owners to obtain a County land clearing permit prior to land clearing. Issuance of the land clearing permit is conditioned upon completion of the environmental review process adopted in Policy 3.3. If property is cleared without a County land clearing permit, no development orders may be issued for that site for a period of three years after such clearing. Under Policy 3.13, C., of the Plan, as amended, no land clearing permit is required for "any agricultural activity not requiring a Highlands County land development order conducted by a lawfully operating and bona fide agricultural operation" on property "designated by the Future Land Use Map as either General or Urban Agriculture . . .." Under the policy, such operations are "encouraged to implement a Soil and Water Conservation District approved conservation plan, including the use of Best Management Practices, as applicable to the specific area being cleared, and [to secure all other permits required by State and federal agencies exercising jurisdiction over the natural resources referred to in Policy 3.2 and found on said property]." [Emphasis added.] In addition, Policy 3.9 of the Natural Resources Element provides for encouraging agricultural uses which are compatible with wildlife protection and water quality outputs, implementation of erosion control and Best Management Practices. Highlands County also has adopted many other policies in the Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] of the Natural Resources Element for the protection of natural resources, including: Policy 3.8, providing for the removal and control of exotic plant species; Policy 3.10, requiring the County to incorporate the protection and conservation measures adopted under the Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Subelement [sic] into all County surface water management plans, public works projects and infrastructure improvement plans; Policy 3.11, encouraging the expansion of wildlife/greenbelt corridors; Policy 3.12, encouraging the creation of parks for the protection, preservation, and conservation of natural resources; Policy 3.14, requiring setbacks from environmentally sensitive land; Policy 3.16, providing for transfers of density and density bonuses to encourage preservation of environmentally sensitive lands and listed species through the use of planned unit developments; Policies 3.17 through 3.19, providing for the appointment, functions and responsibilities of the Highlands County Natural Resource Advisory Committee; Policy 3.20, providing for the adoption of a five-year acreage target for acquisition of natural resource lands; and Policy 3.21, providing for a buffer around Highlands Hammock State Park, publicly-owned conservation lands, and conservation lands being considered for acquisition with public funds. Wetlands Subelement [sic] Highlands County has adopted, as the Wetlands Subelement [sic] of its Natural Resources Element, Objective 4 providing for the protection of wetlands systems and their ecological functions to ensure their long term, economic, environmental, and recreational value and to encourage restoration of wetlands systems to a functional condition. Under Objective 4 of the Natural Resources Element, Highlands County has adopted a number of policies to protect wetlands systems. Policy 4.1 provides for the protection of ecological functions of wetlands systems by the County through actions such as supporting the restoration of wetlands systems, protecting the natural functions and hydrology of wetlands systems by buffering against incompatible land uses and mitigating development impacts, providing for clustering and open space buffering, intergovernmental cooperation, and the acquisition of wetlands systems, including cutthroat grass seeps. In Policy 4.2, Highlands County adopted definitions for wetlands and cutthroat seeps which are required to be mapped according to Policies 3.2 and 4.3. In Policies 4.4 through 4.7, the County provided for the adoption of land development regulations which: encourage the restoration of wetlands systems; provide that development orders in cutthroat seeps be conditioned upon the issuance of wetlands permits by the Army Corps of Engineers, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and the South and Southwest Florida Water Management Districts, as their jurisdictions apply, as a condition of approval of the project's final development order or land clearing permit; prevent the net loss or alteration of wetlands on a County-wide basis; and require conservation easements and delineation on final plats for wetland and cutthroat grass seep areas used for mitigation purposes. State and Federal Protections State and federal permitting processes protect threatened and endangered species and species of special concern found in Highlands County. See Conclusions 125-130 and 140-147, infra. The review processes required to obtain the state and federal permits pertaining to threatened and endangered species require site-specific review, comparable to obtaining environmental clearance from the County under Policy 3.3 of the Natural Resources Element. In view of the diversity of threatened and endangered species and species of special concern and their habitat needs, variations in quantity and quality of resources existing on site, and statutory and constitutional property rights protection, the County has chosen not to establish fixed set asides for every resource under every circumstance on a County-wide basis. By including in its permitting process notification to federal and state agencies having permitting responsibilities, Highlands County will be providing valuable assistance to state and federal environmental protection by bringing those agencies in at an early stage of the review process. Moreover, the County's requirements that the necessary federal, state, and local permits be obtained as a condition of approval for a project's final development order will assist those federal and state agencies in enforcing environmental permits in Highlands County. Measuring Success of Protection Measures Extensive work by federal and state agencies has been devoted to identifying and studying threatened and endangered species, both plant and animal. Threatened and endangered species and the habitats necessary for their survival exist throughout the State of Florida. Listed species found in Highlands County are also found in other areas of the State of Florida. The amount and land-cover types of conservation areas have been extensively studied for the entire State of Florida. The percentage of conservation lands in Highlands County (9.4 percent) exceeds the statewide median for the portion of conservation lands within individual counties (8.6 percent). The land cover types for the entire State of Florida have been identified and quantified by location and number of acres and the amounts of those habitats in conservation lands have also been determined. Likewise, for every county, the land cover types have been located, identified, mapped, and acreage determined for "natural" upland cover types, "natural" wetland cover types, and "disturbed" cover types. The "natural" upland cover type category includes coastal strand, dry prairie, pine lands, sand pine scrub, sand hill, xeric oak scrub, mixed hardwood-pine forest, hardwood hammocks and forest, and tropical hard wood hammocks. "Natural" wetland cover types include coastal salt marshes, fresh water marsh and wet prairie, cypress swamp, mixed hardwood swamp, bay swamp, shrub swamp, mangrove swamp, and bottomland hardwood forest. "Disturbed" cover types include grass land and agriculture, shrub and bush land, exotic plant communities and barren and urban land. Open water areas were also identified, located, mapped, and the acreage areas determined. The amounts of land in each of those land cover categories has been tabulated by county and for the State as a whole. The amount of land in each of those categories located in conservation lands has also been tabulated for each county and for the State as a whole. The tabulation for land cover types for Highlands County and the amount of conservation lands for each cover type are as follows: "Natural" upland cover types - coastal strand (0/0), dry prairie (427/112), pine lands (167/41), sand pine scrub (14/3), sand hill (0/0), xeric scrub oak (112/12), mixed hardwood-pine forest (4/0), hardwood hammocks and forests (46/5), tropical hardwood hammocks (0/0); "Natural" wetland cover types - coastal salt marshes (0/0), freshwater marsh and wet prairie (129/34), cypress swamp (21/8), mixed hardwood swamp (41/5), bay swamp (17/0), shrub swamp (21/5), mangrove swamp (0/0), bottomland hardwood forest (0/0); Open water (202/1); and "Disturbed" cover types - grass land and agriculture (1086/15), shrub and brush land (271/18), exotic plant communities (0/0), barren and urban land (307/11) Within the parenthesis above, the first number represents the total area in square kilometers and the second number represents the conservation lands in that category, also in square kilometers. There are approximately 247 acres per square kilometer. For Highlands County, these identified land cover types cover 2,866 square kilometers of which, 270.8 square kilometers are conservation lands. In addition to mapping those important habitat areas in each county in the State of Florida, the threatened and endangered species and species of special concern found in those habitat areas have also been identified. Those habitat areas and the threatened and endangered species and species of special concern which they support have been specifically identified and mapped for Highlands County. Since the land cover types in Highlands County have been identified, located, mapped, and quantified and the threatened and endangered species and species of special concern, both plant and animal, supported by those land cover types have been identified, Highlands County has the ability to objectively measure the success of its adopted Goals, Policies, and Objectives in protecting natural resources. Data and Analysis and Maps Eugene Engman, AICP, a planner/economist, was the principal author of the conservation element and Base Documents of supporting data and analysis for the County's 1991 Plan. The Base Documents indicate extensive analysis of the County's natural resources, including: surface waters; floodplains; mineral deposits; areas with erosion problems; and fisheries, wildlife habitat and vegetative communities. The Conservation Overlay Maps The Base Documents also contain a "methodology for conservation designation," that applies to areas identified as areas of outstanding natural resources and to areas containing special habitat (high quality scrub habitat, cutthroat grass seeps with predominantly native vegetation, and forested wetlands on and near the Ridge). With respect to the latter, it was not Engman's intention to map all vegetative communities on and near the Ridge; oak hammock and palm hammock, for example, was not mapped. It also was not Engman's intention to map the entire County. Engman did not believe that mapping of high quality scrub habitats, seeps and wetland forest was required, but he mapped them at no charge to the County to enable the County to better protect endangered species and other resources on and near the Ridge where most the special habitat and most development coincided. Following the methodology, Engman and his colleagues prepared the Resource Base Maps--County Exhibit 40. They consisted of 27 USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) quadrangle maps, two with acetate overlays. The quad maps themselves show some resources indicated by a separate legend available from the SCS. In addition, Engman and his colleagues indicated the location of scrub habitats, seeps and wetland forest through use of an additional legend they wrote on the quad maps. Some legends applied to more than one quad map. In addition to the SCS quad maps themselves, Engman and his colleagues used the Soil Survey field notes of Lew Carter of the SCS, 1985 infrared aerial photographs, and local knowledge of the Dr. James Layne of the Archbold Research Station, Lew Carter of the USDA Soil Conservation Service, Mike Sawyer of the Florida Division of Forestry, and County sources. The Base Documents also contains a Generalized Soils Map which references as its source "USDA/SCS, Soil Survey of Highlands County, Florida, July, 1989." The Base Documents also contained two maps at the scale of one inch equals three miles--one mapping outstanding natural resources, and the other mapping special habitat. These two maps were then combined into a third map at the scale of one inch equals five miles. This third map was designated the Conservation Overlay Map in the Base Documents. Each quarter section (160 acres) of the County that contained any of the identified resources depicted on the Resource Base Maps was depicted as "Conservation" on the Conservation Overlay Map. The Conservation Overlay Map advised that: "This map is for comprehensive planning purposes only. Specific locations are identifiable on the Resource Base Maps located in the Office of the County Planning Director." No duplicates or copies of the Resource Base Maps--County Exhibit 40-- were made before the final hearing in this case. They were available to the public during the development of the 1991 Plan, and they were forwarded to the County Planning Department when Engman's work was finished. There, they remained available for use by the County Planning Department in implementing the Plan, and remained available for public inspection, except for a period of approximately one year when they were misplaced and could not be located. FLU-54, the Conservation Overlay Map in the Future Land Use Map series, is the same map that is contained in the Base Documents as the Conservation Overlay Map. The Future Land Use Map Series In addition to FLU-54, the Future Land Use Map Series in the adopted plan, as amended through 1993, contained a Future Land Use Map Set of three large maps--a one inch equals two miles base map, and two one inch equals one/half mile maps--together with several letter-size maps at one inch equals five miles (one is at one inch equals four miles), which are FLU-55 through FLU- 62. The adopted plan, as amended through 1994, contained the same text as the plan as amended through 1993, along with an updated Future Land Use Map Set of six large color sheets. The base map is at a scale of one inch equals two miles and is a colorized version of the base map contained in the 1993 version of the plan; the other five maps are color insets from the base map at a scale of one inch equals one quarter mile. The rest of the Future Land Use Map Series is the same as in the Plan as amended through 1993. In addition to the FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map, the future land use map series included: a Generalized Soils Map which identifies its source as "USDA/SCS, Soil Survey of Highlands County, Florida, July, 1989"; Highland's County Peat Deposits, whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. September, 1988"; Wetlands 600, whose legend identifies "wetlands" and "ridge," and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. September, 1988"; Floodplains, whose legend identifies "floodplains" and "ridge," and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. September, 1988"; Water and Canal Map 500, whose legend identifies "generalized interim well protection zones (cones of influence) for potable water supply wells" and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc., Highlands County Building and Zoning Department and DER," and which is dated December, 1990; Future Traffic Circulation Map State Roads, which depicts various types of roads and whose source is "Highlands County Engineering Department and FDOT"; Future Traffic Circulation Map County Roads, which depicts various types of roads and whose source is "Highlands Co. Engineering Department and FDOT"; Future Traffic Circulation Map County Roads, which depicts various types of roads and whose source is "Highlands Co. Engineering Dept. (9/88) and FDOT (11/90)"; and Modified Community Parks which depicts existing and proposed parks and "existing urban land use" and whose source is "Adley Associates, Inc. April, 1990". FLU-55, the Generalized Soils Map, was prepared using the 1989 USDA SCS Soil Survey. Major field work for the USDA/SCS Soil Survey was completed in 1986. It is the same map as the Generalized Soils Map contained in the Base Documents. FLU-57 maps wetland features which are not depicted on either the Resource Base Maps (County Exhibit 40) or the Conservation Overlay Map. The 1989 USDA SCS Soil Survey was used to identify wetlands on FLU-57. HEC's Contentions HEC contended that the maps in the Plan, as amended, were deficient. It became apparent during the course of the final hearing that HEC considered the FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map in the Plan, as amended, to be the only map pertinent to the designation of conservation lands. HEC contended that FLU-54 is too small, not clear and legible enough, and inadequate for its purposes. It appeared that HEC learned of the existence of the Resource Base Maps (County Exhibit 40) during the final hearing. HEC contended that the Resource Base Maps were deficient because they were not based on the appropriate and best available data. As a result, HEC contended, the Base Resource Maps and FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map "missed" some significant resources. Kris Delaney quickly reviewed the Resource Base Maps during the course of the final hearing and testified that on the Frostproof, Lake Arbuckle, Sebring, and Fort Kissimmee quad sheets some "significant areas of native vegetation were not shown on the mylar overlays." Delaney's observations regarding the five allegedly-inaccurate mylar quad map overlays were made with reference to the USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey and what he believed was a wetland symbol on the underlying quad map. But it is not clear that Delaney understood the legend to the Resource Base Maps. Furthermore, he was not offered as an expert in photogrammetry, geography, or surveying, and the specifics of his personal knowledge of the areas in dispute were not made clear. Another HEC witness, Dr. Menges, testified to his opinion that the Base Resource Maps and FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map did not map all native vegetative communities throughout the County. He testified that, to map native vegetative communities on a species-specific basis, Steve Christman's 1988 report for the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission would provide the best available data. (He also mentioned data from the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, but it was not clear that those data were not used or how available those data were.) However, it was not clear from the evidence that the Christman report was not used as a data source. In addition, Menges conceded that "the primary source for the distribution of (native vegetative) communities" (in Highlands County) would be the "Soil Conservation Service Survey map," and it is clear that the County's consultants used this data source, together with other soil survey information and aerial photography, as was appropriate. It should not be surprising that the Base Resource Maps and FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map did not map all native vegetative communities throughout the County. As previously, stated, the effort was limited to high quality scrub habitat, cutthroat grass seeps with predominantly native vegetation, and forested wetlands on and near the Ridge. There was no intention to map all native vegetative communities throughout the County. Regardless of the alleged deficiencies with the Resource Base Maps and the FLU-54 Conservation Overlay Map, HEC did not take into account all of the maps in the Future Land Use Map series in contending that the mapping was deficient. HEC did not recognize that Policy 3.2 provides for the use of the "adopted Conservation Overlap Map series contained in the Future Land Use Element" as the "general indicator" for the resources described in the policy. The Future Land Use Map series includes not only FLU-54 and the Resource Base Maps (County Exhibit 40) but also: FLU-55 (the Generalized Soils Map), FLU-57 (the Wetlands 600 map), FLU-58 (the Floodplains map), and FLU-59 (the Water and Canals Map 500). HEC also did not recognize that the environmental clearance procedures under Policies 3.3 and 3.13 are triggered not only if the presence of the resources described in Policy 3.2 is mapped on the Conservation Overlay Map (which includes not only FLU-54, but also the Resource Base Maps), but also if they are known to occur by reference to any of the maps in the Future Land Use Map series, or are otherwise known to occur. The references acknowledged by the County in Policy 3.1 can serve as the source of knowledge of where the resources described in Policy 3.2 occur. It is not beyond debate that these sources of information, taken together, are adequate for purposes of indicating the existence of the resources described in Policy 3.2 and triggering environmental clearance review under Policy 3.3. HEC did not establish beyond debate that the County did not use appropriate or the best available data, that the County did not apply the data in a professional manner, or that the Plan, as amended, did not react to the data in an appropriate way. Future Land Use Element Residential Land Use Density In Agricultural Land Use Categories HEC presented no credible testimony or evidence to substantiate its allegation that the land use densities for agriculture and urban agriculture encourage "urban sprawl" or are not supported by adequate data. No expert testimony in land use planning was offered, although HEC had identified such potential experts on its witness list. The Base Documents stated that agricultural density was at 1 unit/acre prior to the adoption of the Plan and recommended that the density be decreased to 1 unit/10 acres. The draft of the Base Documents recommended a density of 1 unit/ 5 acres. The Plan established the General Agriculture land use category as the predominant land use for rural areas. It has the lowest development potential of all adopted land use categories. The General Agriculture land use category has a density range of one unit per ten acres. The Urban Agriculture land use category was established as a transitional zone between urbanized and rural lands. The Urban Agriculture land use category has a density range of one unit per five acres. (County Exhibit 6, Pages FLU-6 and FLU-7 There was no evidence to prove that lesser densities are required to discourage urban sprawl, to protect natural resources, to protect agricultural lands, or for any other reason. Population Accommodation Data and Analysis HEC did not present any population accommodation analysis. There was no competent evidence presented in this case as to the population accommodated in the year 2000 under either the Plan as amended and adopted on March 2, 1994, or the Plan as amended and adopted on September 15, 1993. HEC pointed to a projection in the Housing Element in the County's Plan indicating a need for 10,075 new housing units to accommodate 16,977 new residents by the year 2000. HEC also pointed to data and analysis indicating that there are approximately 108,000 residential lots in existing subdivisions of 100 lots or more in the County that potentially could be developed to accommodate new housing units. But HEC did not establish that it is realistic to project maximum development in those subdivisions at one unit per lot; nor did HEC establish the extent of vested rights to development in those subdivisions. Protection of Water Quality and Quantity The Base Documents contain extensive data and analysis of County geology and soils, including water supply considerations, and recharge. Aquifer recharge in Highlands County occurs primarily on the Lake Wales Ridge. Contamination of groundwater has been documented from hazardous waste associated with landfills, agricultural use of the pesticides EDB (ethylene dibromide) and Bromicil, and leaking underground storage tanks. Of these, only the agricultural pesticide use is documented to have impacted potable water supplies. EDB, the primary source of contamination noted, has not been used since 1983. While the presence of Bromacil is also noted, the number of wells is not mentioned. Moreover, the evidence does not mention a single health- related case. Where EDB contamination has been found, the State of Florida has paid the cost of connecting to public water supplies or installing carbon filters. There is no evidence that stormwater management activities has caused groundwater contamination. Highlands County has adopted a number of objectives and policies in both the Infrastructure Element and the Natural Resources Element of the Plan, as amended, intended to protect potable water wells, conserve potable water resources, and reduce the risk of groundwater contamination. Objective 6 under the Potable Water Subelement [sic] of the Infrastructure Element is to ensure public health by protecting the water quality of potable wells. Among the policies adopted to implement that objective is Policy 6.4, adopting stringent restrictions on activities within a 600 feet radius around public potable water wells. Highlands County also adopted Objective 7 and Policies 7.1 through 7.3 under the Potable Water Subelement [sic] to establish minimum design and construction requirements for all potable water wells to protect and assure delivery of potable water. Highlands County has also adopted a number of other objectives and policies under the Natural Resources Element intended to protect groundwater quality, including: prohibiting the location of hazardous waste treatment facilities in the County; requiring cooperation with the DEP "DRASTIC" program; prohibiting discharges of untreated stormwater and waste material into underground formations; adopting stormwater quality and quantity standards; mapping wellhead protection zones; and encouraging implementation of best management practices for agricultural operations in the County. HEC did not prove beyond fair debate that, taken together, the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Plan, as amended, do not ensure the protection and conservation of potable water supplies.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order determining that the Highlands County Plan adopted through County Ordinance 91- 1, as amended by County Ordinances 93-16 and 94-1, is "in compliance." DONE and ENTERED this 15th day of October, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (904) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of October, 1996.

USC (1) 16 U.S.C 1540 Florida Laws (26) 120.57120.68163.3161163.3177163.3184163.319117.1117.1217.2117.2217.6117.6217.63187.20135.22373.016373.217373.223380.04487.021487.051581.185581.186775.082775.084823.14 Florida Administrative Code (8) 5B-40.0035B-40.0055B-40.00559J-5.0029J-5.0039J-5.0059J-5.0069J-5.013
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Oakland Park, Florida Jul. 24, 1989 Number: 89-003931GM Latest Update: May 18, 1990

Findings Of Fact Based upon the record evidence, the following Findings of Fact are made: The City of Oakland Park and Its Roadways The City of Oakland Park is an incorporated municipality located in Broward County, Florida. It is situated in the geographic center of the County. A six-lane divided expressway, I-95, runs north/south through the middle of the City. Among the major east/west thoroughfares in the City is Oakland Park Boulevard. It is a six-lane divided roadway that is functionally classified by the Florida Department of Transportation as an urban principal arterial. The roadway is lined almost exclusively with commercial development. I-95 can be accessed at Oakland Park Boulevard. The Stroks' Property and Its Surroundings Mr. and Mrs. Strok own 20.709 acres of contiguous land in the City. The land is among the few remaining undeveloped properties in the City. The Stroks' property abuts Oakland Park Boulevard to the south. Its southernmost point is a relatively short distance to the west of the Oakland Park Boulevard/I-95 interchange. At present, Oakland Park Boulevard provides the only vehicular access to the Stroks' property. Commercial development lies immediately to the east and to the west of that portion of the Stroks' property fronting on Oakland Park Boulevard. Further north on the property's western boundary is a residential neighborhood of single family homes. Single family homes also lie to the east of the Stroks' property north of Oakland Park Boulevard, but they are separated from the property by a canal. Oakland Park Boulevard, in the vicinity of the Stroks' property (Segment 366), is heavily travelled. Currently, it is operating well over its capacity and therefore, according to standards utilized by the Florida Department of Transportation, is providing a Level of Service (LOS) of "F." There are no formal plans at the moment to expend public funds on capital improvements that would increase the capacity of Oakland Park Boulevard. Whether the Stroks' property is ultimately used primarily for commercial purposes or for single family residential purposes, the development of the property will increase the traffic volume on this segment of Oakland Park Boulevard, as well as other roadway segments in the County that are now operating over capacity, but are not programmed for any capital improvements. As a general rule, however, commercial development generates more traffic than single family residential development. The City's 1989 Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map The City adopted its 1989 comprehensive plan on April 5, 1989. Adopted as part of the plan was a Future Land Use Map (FLUM), which was based upon appropriate surveys, studies and data concerning the area. Over Petitioners' objections, all but a small portion of the Stroks' property was designated for commercial use on the FLUM. 1/ Under the City's two prior comprehensive plans, the Stroks' entire property was designated for commercial use. "Commercial uses" are defined in Chapter IV, Section 1.32 of the City's 1989 comprehensive plan as "activities within land areas which are predominantly connected with the sale, rental and distribution of products, or performance of services." Furthermore, Chapter IV, Section 3.02(C) of the plan provides as follows with respect to lands designated for commercial use on the FLUM: Each parcel of land within an area designated in a commercial land use category by the City's land Use Plan Map must be zoned in a zoning district which permits any one or more of the following uses, but no other uses: Retail uses. Office and business uses. Wholesale, storage, light fabricating and warehouses uses, if deemed appropriate by the City. Hotels, motels and similar lodging. Recreation and open space, cemeteries, and commercial recreation uses. Community facilities and utilities. a. Special Residential Facility Category (2) development . . . . b. Special Residential Facility Category (3) development . . . . Non-residential agriculture uses. Residential uses are permitted in the same structure as a commercial use provided that the local government entity applies flexibility and reserve units to the parcel and: The residential floor area does not exceed 50% of the total floor area of the building; or The first floor is totally confined to commercial uses. Recreational vehicle park sites at a maximum density of ten (10) sites per gross acre if permanent location of recreational vehicles on the site is permitted by the City land development regulations, or twenty (20) sites per gross acre if such permanent location is prohibited by the local land development regulations, subject to allocation by the City government entity of available flexibility or reserve units. Transportation and communication facilities. The decision to designate in the City's 1989 comprehensive plan almost all of the Stroks' property for commercial use was not made without consideration of the adverse impact commercial development would have on traffic in the vicinity of the Stroks' property. Although it was recognized that such development would add more traffic to the already congested roadways in the area than would single family residential development, the prevailing view was that the additional traffic that would be generated by commercial development, as compared to that which would be generated by single family residential development, would be relatively insignificant. The designation of the major portion of the Stroks' property for commercial use is not inherently incompatible with the designations assigned other parcels of property in the surrounding area. The Stroks' property was designated for commercial use under Broward County's 1989 comprehensive plan. The Broward County Charter mandates that the land use plans of the County's incorporated municipalities be in substantial conformity with the County's land use plan. Goals, Objectives and Policies The City's 1989 comprehensive plan also includes various goals, objectives and policies. Those of particular significance to the instant case provide in pertinent part as follows: Goal 1- Protect and enhance the single family residential, multiple-family residential, non-residential and natural resource areas of Oakland Park. Objective 1.1- By November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, revise the development code to assure that all new development . . . avoids traffic problems now impacting the City . . . . Policy 1.1.5- By November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, the development code shall be amended to specify that no development permit shall be issued unless assurance is given that the public facilities necessitated by the project (in order to meet level of service standards specified in the Traffic Circulation, Recreation and Infrastructure policies) will be in place concurrent with the impacts of the development. A concurrency management system shall be included that specifies the latest DCA and City criteria for what constitutes "assurance" in addition to budgeted projects or signed development agreements. Goal 2- To develop an overall transportation circulation system which will provide for the transportation needs of all sectors of the community in a safe, efficient, cost effective and aesthetically pleasing manner. Objective 2.1- Provide for a safe, convenient and efficient motorized and non-motorized transportation system. Policy 2.1.1- Monitor annual traffic accident frequencies by location. Policy 2.2.2- Improve selective enforcement at high accident locations. Policy 2.1.4- Within one year of Plan submission, or when required by legislative mandate, provide safe and convenient on-site traffic flow through development review procedures. Policy 2.1.7- Reduce the amount of through traffic on local streets and collectors through the implementation, within three years of plan adoption, of a Local Area Traffic Management Program (LATMP) . . . . Policy 2.1.11- Improve the efficiency of traffic flow on existing roadways by implementing the policies of Objective 2.1. Objective 2.2- After November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, coordinate the traffic circulation system with existing and future land uses as shown on the Future Land Use Map. Policy 2.2.1- After November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, provide a Development Management System that will allow development to occur in concurrence with the Future Land Use Map and in concert with development of the traffic circulation system. Provide daily and peak hour LOS "D" on all arterial and collector roadways where existing plus committed traffic allows, and maintain traffic conditions on all other roadways segments. Provide daily and peak hour LOS "C" on all local roadways. LOS shall be based on the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual and the FDOT Generalized Daily and Peak Hour Level of Service Maximum Volumes. Other methods may be utilized but are subject to technical review and acceptance by the City. Policy 2.2.2- Within 120 days of plan adoption, adopt a list of local roadway segments where traffic operations are at LOS "C" or better. This list may be based on the February 21,1989 run of the Broward County TRIPS model, which includes traffic generated by committed development or other sources as appropriate. Policy 2.2.3- After 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, the City will only issue development permits for projects impacting links identified from Policy 2.2.1, under the following circumstances: There is an approved Action Plan accompanying the traffic impacts of the proposed development, where an Action Plan refers to any combination of accepted transit, ride- sharing, transportation systems management methods, etc. methods of traffic impact mitigation. The necessary improvements to provide LOS "C" are under construction, under contract for construction or the City Council determines they will be under contract during the same fiscal year. The necessary improvements to provide LOS "C" are included in an enforceable development agreement. Policy 2.2.4- Within 120 days of plan adoption, adopt a list of arterial and collector roadway segments where traffic operations are at LOS "D" or better. This list shall be based on the February 21, 1989 run of the Broward County TRIPS model, which includes traffic generated by committed development. Policy 2.2.5- After November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, the City will issue development permits for projects impacting links identified from Policy 2.2.1, under the following circumstances: There is an approved Action Plan accompanying the traffic impacts of the proposed development, where an Action Plan refers to any combination of accepted transit, ride- sharing, transportation systems management methods, etc. methods of traffic impact mitigation. The necessary improvements to provide LOS "D" are under construction, under contract for construction or the City Council determines they will be under contract during the same fiscal year. The necessary improvements to provide LOS "D" are included in an enforceable development agreement. Policy 2.2.6- Within 120 days of plan adoption, adopt a list of arterial and collector roadway segments where traffic operations are worse than LOS "D" and there is a scheduled improvement in the City 2010 Traffic Circulation Plan. Traffic operations shall be based on the February 21, 1989 run of the Broward County TRIPS model, which includes traffic generated by committed development. These links will be identified as "Planned Improvement Facilities" and the LOS will be "Maintained" within 10% of identified existing plus committed conditions, where traffic conditions are measured by volume to capacity ratios. Policy 2.2.7- After November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, the City will only issue development permits for projects impacting links identified from Policy 2.2.3, under the following circumstances: The proposed impacts will "Maintain," within 10% of existing plus committed traffic conditions and the scheduled 2010 improvement will be able to operate at LOS "D" once constructed. There is an approved Action Plan accompanying the traffic impacts of the proposed development, where an Action Plan refers to any combination of accepted transit, ride- sharing, transportation systems management methods, etc. methods of traffic impact mitigation. The necessary improvements to provide LOS "D" are under construction, under contract for construction or the City Council determines they will be under contract during the same fiscal year. The necessary improvements to provide LOS "D" are included in an enforceable development agreement. Policy 2.2.8- Within 120 days of plan adoption, adopt a list of arterial and collector roadway segments where traffic operations are worse than LOS "D" and there is no scheduled improvement in the City 2010 Traffic Circulation Plan. 2/ Traffic operations shall be based on the February 21, 1989 run of the Broward County TRIPS model, which includes traffic generated by committed development. These links will be identified as "Constrained Facilities" and the LOS will be "Maintained" within 10% of identified existing plus committed conditions, where traffic conditions are measured by volume to capacity ratios. Policy 2.2.9- After November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, the City will only issue development permits for projects impacting links identified from Policy 2.2.5, under the following circumstances: The proposed impacts will "Maintain," within 10% of existing plus committed traffic conditions. There is an approved Action Plan accompanying the traffic impacts of the proposed development, where an Action Plan refers to any combination of accepted transit, ride- sharing, transportation systems management methods, etc. methods of traffic impact mitigation. Policy 2.2.10- The City will annually update existing traffic counts and review updated Broward County Trips assignments. Based on the update the City may reclassify any roadway segment within the City. The City may also reclassify a roadway segment if development from outside the City has effected traffic conditions within the City. Policy 2.2.11- Subsequent to plan adoption, modify the land development regulations such that after 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, require trip generation studies from all proposed development within the City and traffic impact studies for developments generating more than 10% of adjacent roadway capacity and allow development contingent upon the provision of LOS Standards. Objective 2.4- Provide for the protection of existing and future rights of way from building encroachment. Policy 2.4.2- Modify land development regulations to ensure consistency with the Broward County Trafficways Plan right-of-way requirements during development review activities. Goal 9- To ensure the orderly and efficient provision of all public services and facilities necessary to serve existing and future local population needs. Objective 9.2- By November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, provide that development or redevelopment proposals are approved consistent with existing service availability or coincident with the programmed provision of additional services at the adopted level of service standards and meets existing and future facility needs. Policy 9.2.1- Within one year of Plan submission, or when required by legislative mandate, revise development procedures to review development proposals cognizant of the City's adopted level of service standards, existing levels of service and where appropriate, the timeframe for implementation of additional facility improvements. Policy 9.2.2- After 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, condition the approval of proposed development or redevelopment projects on the basis of project related needs being concurrently available at the adopted level of service standards specified in Policy 9.2.4. Policy 9.2.3- After November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, allow for phasing of development related infrastructure improvements concurrently with project impacts on public facilities. Policy 9.2.4- The Level of Service (LOS) for capital facilities shall be: * * * for Arterials and Collectors- LOS "D" or "Maintain" for Local Roadways- LOS "C" ADT, PSDT and PKHR Objective 9.3- By November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, provide that private developers participate on a proportionate share basis in any facility improvement costs necessary to maintain LOS standards. Policy 9.3.2- Establish a preference for the actual construction of adjacent site road improvements in lieu of impact fee payments. Policy 9.3.3- By November 1989, or when required by legislative mandate, establish in the land development regulations a process for assessing new development on a pro rata share of the costs necessary to finance public facility improvements in order to maintain the adopted level of service standards specified in Policy 9.2.4. Development Review Requirements Chapter IV, Section 4 of the City's 1989 comprehensive plan prescribes development review requirements. It provides in pertinent part as follows: Following the effective date of the Land Use Plan, the City shall not grant a permit for a proposed development unless the City has determined that public facilities are adequate to serve the needs of the proposed development or unless the developer agrees in writing that no certificate of occupancy shall be issued for the proposed development until public facilities are adequate to serve its needs. Public facilities may be determined to be adequate to serve the needs of a proposed development when the following conditions are met. Traffic circulation . . . public facilities and services will be available to meet established level of service standards, consistent with Chapter 163.3203(g) Florida Statutes and the concurrence management policies included within this Plan. Local streets and roads will provide safe, adequate access between buildings within the proposed development and the trafficways identified on the Broward County Trafficways Plan prior to occupancy. Capital Improvements Implementation Chapter VII of the plan deals with the subject of capital improvements implementation. It contains a section which addresses the matter of level of service standards. This section provides in pertinent part as follows: The minimum criteria for Comprehensive Plans requires that Level of Service Standards for the City of Oakland Park be included for public facilities described in the plan. The Level of Service Standards for the City of Oakland Park are provided in the following Table 2. Subsequent to the adoption of this Comprehensive Plan, all future development approvals will be conditioned upon the provision of services at the local level of service standards. Table 2 sets forth the following level of service standards for roadways: Principal Arterials- LOS "D" or "Maintain" Minor Arterials- LOS "D" or "Maintain" Collectors- LOS "C"- AADT, 3/ PSDT 4/ PKHR 5/ Submission and Approval of the Stroks' Plat On June 6, 1989, the Stroks submitted to the County Commission for its approval a final plat of their property. The plat reflected the Stroks' plan to have 15 single family dwelling units, 180,000 square feet of office space and 36,000 square feet of commercial space constructed on the property. County staff analyzed the plat to ascertain the impact that the proposed development would have on traffic. In performing their analysis, they relied on the County's TRIPS computer model. Broward County assesses impact fees against a developer where it is projected that a development will add traffic to road segments in the County that are over-capacity, but are planned for improvement. The TRIPS computer model is used to determine the amount of the assessment. County staff did a TRIPS run on the Stroks' plat on September 13, 1989 and determined that the development proposed in the plat would generate a total of 6,879 trips on road segments throughout the County, including over-capacity road segments that were not planned for improvement, as well as over-capacity road segments that were planned for improvement. 6/ The County Commission approved the Stroks' plat on September 19, 1989. A short time earlier, the City Council had also approved the plat. Petitioners' Motives Petitioners are all residents of the City of Oakland Park. In filing their petitions challenging the City's 1989 comprehensive plan, they were motivated only by a desire to improve the quality of life in their city. They had no ulterior motive. They filed the petitions because they felt that it was in the best interest of the City that they do so.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs issue a final order finding that the City of Oakland Park's 1989 comprehensive plan is "in compliance," within the meaning of Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE and ORDERED this 18th day of May, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904)488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of th Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of May, 1990.

Florida Laws (8) 163.3177163.3178163.3184163.3191186.008186.508187.101380.24 Florida Administrative Code (1) 9J-5.005
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Mar. 28, 2008 Number: 08-001576GM Latest Update: Feb. 22, 2010

The Issue The issue in this case is whether comprehensive plan future land use map amendment (FLUMA) 07-L25, adopted by Marion County Ordinance 07-31 on November 20, 2007, which changed the FLUM designation on 378 acres of Urban Reserve and on 17.83 acres of Rural Land to Medium Density Residential, is "in compliance," as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes.1

Findings Of Fact The parcel that is the subject of the FLUMA at issue (the Property) is approximately 395.83 acres in size. The existing FLUM designation for 378 acres of the Property is Urban Reserve, and the remaining 17.3 acres are designated as Rural Land. Both designations allow a maximum of 1 dwelling unit per 10 acres. The FLUMA would change the designation of the entire parcel to Medium Density Residential (MDR). MDR generally allows up to four dwelling units per acre. However, Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Policy 12.5.k, which also was adopted as part of County Ordinance 07-31, limits the maximum density on the Property to two dwelling units per acre. FLUE Policy 12.5.k also requires: that development on the Property "be served by central potable water and central sanitary sewer services available concurrent with development" and be a Planned Unit Development "to address site design, buffering, and access issues"; and that NW 90th Avenue be reconstructed from U.S. Highway 27 north to the north-eastern corner of the Property and that all traffic facility improvements needed at the NW 90th Avenue/U.S. 27 intersection, including signalization if approved by the Florida Department of Transportation, be constructed prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy for the Property. Finally, with respect to the 17.3 acres formerly designated as Rural Land, FLUE Policy 12.5.k defers compliance with the County's Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Program until application for assignment of a zoning classification for the land. Petitioners' Challenge Intervenors own the Property. Petitioners own property nearby in Marion County. Intervenors and Petitioners commented on the proposed FLUMA between transmittal to DCA and adoption by the County. Petitioners contend: The FLUMA is not consistent with the stormwater drainage, retention, and management policies contained in Policies 1.1.a. and 1.1.d. of the Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element of the Infrastructure Element of the Comprehensive Plan. MDR is not suitable or compatible with existing and planned development in the immediate vicinity, as required by FLUE Policy 12.3 of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board of County Commissioners failed to evaluate the FLUMA's impact on “the need for the change” as provided in FLUE Policy 12.3 of the Comprehensive Plan. The FLUMA fails to take into account its impact on “water quality and quantity, the availability of land, water and other natural resources to meet demands, and the potential for flooding,” as required by Section 187.201(15)(b)6., Florida Statutes. The FLUMA is not consistent with Transportation Policy 1.0 of the Comprehensive Plan, which states: "Marion County shall create and maintain transportation facilities that operate in a safe and efficient manner within an established level of service." The FLUMA is not consistent with the State's Comprehensive Plan in that it does not "ensure that new development is compatible with existing local and regional water supplies," as required by Section 187.201(7)(b)5., Florida Statutes. The FLUMA does not direct development away from areas without sediment cover that is adequate to protect the Floridan Aquifer and does not prohibit non-residential uses within 200 feet of a sinkhole, solution channel, or other karst feature, in violation of FLUE Policy 4.2 of the Comprehensive Plan. The FLUMA does not comply with Section 187.201(7), Florida Statutes, concerning the protection of surface and ground water quality in the State. Recharge Sub-Element Policy 1.1.a. and d. Policy 1.1 of the Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element of the Infrastructure Element of the Marion County Comprehensive Plan provides in part: The County’s land development regulations shall implement the following guidelines for stormwater management consistent with accepted engineering practices by October 1, 2007: Stormwater retention/detention basin depth will be consistent with the water management district's storm water requirements for Karst Sensitive Areas so that sufficient filtration of bacteria and other pollutants will occur. Avoidance of basin collapse due to excessive hydrostatic pressure in Karst Sensitive Areas shall be given special consideration. * * * d. Require the use of swales and drainage easements, particularly for single family residential development in Karst Sensitive Areas. These are requirements for land development regulations (LDRs); they do not apply to comprehensive plan amendments. In any event, the evidence did not prove that the site is unsuitable for the density allowed under the adopted FLUMA due to karst features. The admissible evidence presented by Petitioners regarding stormwater management in karst topography generally related to flooding problems on the property contiguous to the Property, and to a karst feature referred to as the “63rd Street Sinkhole,” which is located in the general vicinity of the Property. Fay Baird, an expert hydrologist called by Petitioners, testified that the 63rd Street Sinkhole allows stormwater run- off to enter the upper aquifer. Ms. Baird testified generally of the problems and concerns regarding development and stormwater management systems in karst topography. She testified that the Property should be properly inventoried, that specific karst features should be identified, and that any stormwater system designed or developed should take into account karst features to protect against groundwater contamination and flooding. She testified that she had not been on the Property, had not seen or reviewed core borings or other data to determine the depth and nature of the sub-surface, and was not in a position to provide opinions as to whether or not a particular stormwater management system would or could adequately protect against her concerns. Intervenors’ expert, Richard Busche, testified that a stormwater management plan like the one recommended by Ms. Baird was being developed. Compatibility under FLUE Policy 12.3 FLUE Policy 12.3 provides in pertinent part: Before approval of a future land use amendment, the applicant shall demonstrate that the proposed future land use is suitable, and the County will review, and make a determination that the proposed land use is compatible with existing and planned development in the immediate vicinity . . . . Petitioners argued that the proposed MDR development of the Property is incompatible with surrounding agricultural uses. Actually, the Property is surrounded by a mixture of agricultural and residential uses, including residential subdivisions, a golf course, and scattered large-lot residential and equestrian uses. The properties immediately to the south and east of the Property are developed residential properties and are designated MDR. Before the FLUMA, most of the Property was designated Urban Reserve under the County's Comprehensive Plan. Such land "provides for expansion of an Urban Area in a timely manner." FLUE Policies 1.24.B and 2.18. "For an Urban Reserve Area to be designated an Urban Area, it must be compact and contiguous to an existing Urban Area, and central water and sewer must be provided concurrent with development within the expanded area." FLUE Policy 2.18. The Property is compact and is contiguous to existing Urban Area designated MDR. This indicates that the County already has planned for timely conversion of the Urban Reserve land on the Property to urban uses, including MDR. It also means that the County already has determined that at least certain urban uses, including MDR, are compatible with adjacent agricultural uses. The Property is in the receiving area under the County's Farmland Preservation Policy and TDR Program in FLUE Objectives 13.0 and 13.01 and the policies under those objectives. This means that the County already has determined that residential density can be transferred to the Property from the Farmland Preservation sending areas to increase residential density up to one dwelling unit per acre. See FLUE Policy 13.6. This would constitute Low Density Residential, which is an urban use under the County's Comprehensive Plan. See FLUE Policy 1.24.A. By establishing the Farmland Preservation Policy and TDR Programs, the County already has determined that Low Density Residential is compatible with adjacent Rural Land. In addition, Low Density Residential clearly is compatible with MDR. Although not raised in the Petition, Petitioners argued that the Urban Reserve and Farmland Preservation eastern boundary was improperly moved west to NW 90th Avenue. However, that change was made prior to the adoption of Ordinance 07-31 and the FLUMA at issue in this case and is not a proper subject of this proceeding. Demonstration of Need under FLUE Policies 13.2 and 12.3 FLUE Policy 13.2 provides: The Transfer of Development Rights program shall be the required method for increasing density within receiving areas, unless, through the normal Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycle, an applicant can both justify and demonstrate a need for a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment. FLUE Policy 12.3 provides: Before approval of a future land use amendment, . . . the County . . . shall evaluate its impact on: The need for the change; The availability of facilities and services; The future land use balance; and The prevention of urban sprawl as defined by Rule 9J-5.006(5)(g), Florida Administrative Code. The evidence proved that the County interprets FLUE Policy 12.3 to require need and future land use balance to be assessed within the planning districts it has established. There is no need for additional MDR in the County's Planning District 5, where the Property is located. To accommodate the projected population increase in Planning District 5 by 2010, which is the planning horizon for the County’s Comprehensive Plan, an additional 644 dwelling units are needed. There are 1,893 vacant acres of MDR available in Planning District 5. At four units per acre allowed in MDR, the County has an available supply of 7,572 MDR dwelling units in Planning District 5. In the absence of a need in Planning District 5, the County relied on a need demonstration prepared for the Intervenors by Fishkind and Associates.6 Besides being a County-wide analysis instead of a planning district analysis, the Fishkind analysis assumed a planning horizon of 2015, rather than the 2010 horizon established in the Comprehensive Plan. Finally, the Fishkind analysis applied an allocation factor to the total projected need for residential use, most of which already is supplied, resulting in a projection of residential far in excess of the incremental need for additional residential land by 2015, much less by 2010. The result of the Fishkind approach was to allocate enough land for residential use to meet the County-wide projected incremental need for additional residential land use for approximately 45 years, which is five times the calculated incremental need for 2015. Even assuming that a County-wide demonstration of need complied with Marion County's Comprehensive Plan, this is much too high an allocation ratio to use to meet the incremental need projected for a 2015 plan, much less for a 2010 plan. The expert for Intervenors, Stanley Geberer, defended the Fishkind analysis in part by stating that it was comparable to demonstrations of need accepted by DCA in other cases. However, there was no evidence that the facts of those other cases were comparable to the facts of this case. Mr. Geberer also asserted that holding the County to its 2010 planning horizon would make it impossible for the County to plan for the future. However, nothing prevents the County from revising its Comprehensive Plan to plan comprehensively for a longer timeframe. There was no evidence of any other circumstances that would demonstrate a need for the FLUMA at issue in this case. State Comprehensive Plan Policy 187.201(15)(b)6. Petitioners did not prove that the FLUMA fails to take into account its impact on "water quality and quantity, the availability of land, water and other natural resources to meet demands, and the potential for flooding." To the contrary, the evidence was that those items were taken into account as part of the FLUMA. (However, as to the FLUMA's impact on the availability of land to meet demands, see "Demonstration of Need under FLUE Policies 13.2 and 12.3," supra.) Transportation Element Objective 1.0 Transportation Element Objective 1.0 provides: Marion County shall create and maintain transportation facilities that operate in an efficient and safe manner within established levels of service. Petitioners presented no expert testimony or admissible evidence that the FLUMA will change established levels of service or result in transportation facilities operating in an unsafe or inefficient manner. Intervenors presented the testimony of Jonathan Thigpen, an expert traffic engineer, who prepared and submitted to the County a Traffic Impact Study and testified that the FLUMA would not change established levels of service or result in transportation facilities operating in an unsafe or inefficient manner. The ultimate need for transportation improvement, such as turn lanes and traffic lights to mitigate the impacts of development under the FLUMA, will be determined at later stages of development. Petitioners suggested that the FLUMA will result in delays caused by additional traffic, frustrate drivers waiting to turn east on U.S. 27, and induce large numbers of them to seek an alternative route to the north through agricultural areas, some of which have inadequate slag roads. However, Petitioners failed to prove that this result is likely. State Comprehensive Plan Policy 187.201(7)(b)5 Petitioners presented no evidence that the designation of MDR on the Property is incompatible with existing local and regional water supplies. The evidence was that adequate local and regional water supplies exist. Even if they did not exist, the consequence would be less development than the maximum allowed by the FLUMA. FLUE Policy 4.2 FLUE Policy 4.2 provides in pertinent part: In order to minimize the adverse impacts of development on recharge quality and quantity in high recharge Karst sensitive and springs protection areas, design standards for all development shall be required and defined in the LDRs to address, at a minimum, the following: * * * f. Directing development away from areas with sediment cover that is inadequate to protect the Floridian [sic] Aquifer. * * * h. Prohibiting nonresidential uses within 200 feet of a sinkhole, solution channel, or other Karst feature. This policy sets forth requirements for the content of LDRs, not FLUMAs. Petitioners presented no evidence that sediment cover on the Property is inadequate to protect the Floridan Aquifer or that any non-residential uses would be constructed within 200 feet of a sinkhole, solution channel, or other karst feature under the FLUMA. Marion County has adopted amendments to its Comprehensive Plan to protect springs and karst features.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department determine the FLUMA at issue in this case to be not "in compliance" and take further action as required by Section 163.3184(9)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of February, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of February, 2009.

Florida Laws (7) 120.57163.3177163.3178163.3184163.3191163.3245187.201 Florida Administrative Code (2) 9J-5.0059J-5.006
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Aug. 05, 2004 Number: 04-002754GM Latest Update: Jun. 22, 2006

The Issue The issue is whether the City of Miami's small scale development amendment adopted by Ordinance No. 12550 on June 24, 2004, is in compliance.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: Background On December 31, 2003, Intervenor submitted an application to the City for an amendment to the FLUM which would change the land use designation on a 7.91-acre tract of property from Industrial and General Commercial to Restricted Commercial. The property is located at 1818 and 1844 Northwest North River Drive, Miami, and is situated on the north side of the Miami River. It is bordered by Northwest North River Drive to the north, the Miami River to the south, and a recently renovated condominium development known as Serenity to the east. At one time (the specific date is unknown), the property was used as a boat repair facility and commercial marina. The property is currently unused. The application was submitted concurrently with an application for a zoning change in connection with Intervenor's intent to develop a mixed use project on the property. The applications were reviewed by the City's Planning and Zoning Department (Planning Department). The Planning Department recommended that the applications be approved. In doing so, it determined that the land use change furthers the objectives of the Plan, and that the land use pattern in the neighborhood should be changed. On April 7, 2004, the City Planning Advisory Board voted 4-3 in favor of recommending approval of the application. However, that vote constituted a denial due to the failure to obtain five favorable votes. Both the FLUM and zoning applications were initially presented for first reading to the City Commission (Commission) on April 22, 2004. At that meeting, the Commission voted to approve both applications. The applications were again presented to the Commission on June 24, 2004. At that time, Balbino's application for a major use special permit was also presented to the Commission. After consideration, the Commission adopted Ordinance No. 12550, which amended the FLUM by changing the land use designation on the property, as requested by Intervenor. (It also granted the rezoning request and approved the issuance of a major use special permit.) The Ordinance was signed by the City's Mayor on July 7, 2004. Because the amendment is a small scale development amendment under Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes, it was not reviewed by the Department. See § 163.3187(3)(a), Fla. Stat. On August 5, 2004, Petitioners filed their Petition challenging the FLUM amendment generally alleging that the amendment involved a use of more than ten acres and therefore was not a small scale development amendment, that the amendment was internally inconsistent with other provisions in the City's Plan, and that the amendment was not supported by adequate data and analysis. After an intervening appeal to the Third District Court of Appeal, which involved the timeliness of their Petition, on March 1, 2006, Petitioners filed their Amended Petition which added additional grounds for finding the amendment not in compliance. On August 17, 2006, Intervenor, who is the contract owner of the property, petitioned to intervene in this proceeding. That request was granted on August 18, 2004. The Parties Durham Park is a non-profit corporation comprised of approximately ninety homeowners who reside within the Durham Park area. It lies on the south side of the Miami River across from Balbino's property. According to its president, Horacio Aguirre, every homeowner is automatically a member of the association but no dues are assessed. A list of members is not maintained. At the hearing, Mr. Aguirre acknowledged that the association is not engaged in any business and does not own any property. Although its corporate purpose is not of record, the association occasionally meets to discuss issues that "impact the neighborhood," including the amendment being challenged here. No minutes of meetings are kept. Once, in September 2003, the association published a newsletter. Mr. Aguirre appeared before the City Commission on behalf of Durham Park and offered comments in opposition to the plan amendment. Ann Stetser resides in a ten-story condominium at 1700 Northwest North River Drive, which is on the north side of the River and just east of the subject property. The Serenity condominium development lies between her condominium and Intervenor's property. Ms. Stetser offered oral or written comments to the City regarding the small scale amendment. Therefore, she is an affected person and has standing to bring this challenge. Mr. Payne resides in the City of Davie in Broward County but owns and operates a tug boat company known as Towing and Transportation, which is located in the Lower River portion of the Miami River. Mr. Payne submitted timely comments to the City regarding the small scale amendment and thus is an affected person with standing to bring this action. Miami River Marine Group, Inc. is a private, non- profit trade association comprised of approximately fifty-five members, each of which is a private business. Its mission "is to protect the working river." The executive director of the association, Fran Bohnsack, appeared before the City Commission on behalf of the association and offered comments in opposition to the proposed amendment. The parties agree that Miami River Marine Group, Inc. is an affected person and has standing to participate. The City is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. It initially adopted the Plan in 1989. The Plan has been amended from time to time. Balbino is the contract purchaser of the subject property. Balbino submitted comments concerning the amendment to the City at its meeting on June 24, 2004, and is an affected person with standing to participate in this proceeding. Relevant Provisions of the Plan The section of the Plan entitled "Interpretation of the Future Land Use Plan Map" describes the various land use categories in the Plan. See Joint Exhibit 2, pages 13-16. It describes the Industrial land use category as follows: Industrial: The areas designated as "Industrial" allow manufacturing, assembly and storage activities. The "Industrial" designation generally includes activities that would otherwise generate excessive amounts of noise, smoke, fumes, illumination, traffic, hazardous wastes, or negative visual impact unless properly controlled. Stockyards, rendering works, smelting and refining plants and similar activities are excluded. Residential uses are not permitted in the "Industrial" designation, except for rescue missions, and live-aboards in commercial marinas. The section also describes the "General Commercial" land use classification as follows: General Commercial: Areas designated as "General Commercial" allow all activities included in the "Office" and the "Restricted Commercial" designations, as well as wholesaling and distribution activities that generally serve the needs of other businesses; generally require on and off loading facilities; and benefit from close proximity to industrial areas. These commercial activities include retailing of second hand items, automotive repair services, new and used vehicle sales, parking lots and garages, heavy equipment sales and service, building material sales and storage, wholesaling, warehousing, distribution and transport related services, light manufacturing and assembly and other activities whose scale of operation and land use impacts are similar to those uses described above. Multifamily residential structures of a density equal to R-3 or higher, but not to exceed a maximum of 150 units per acre, are allowed by Special Exception only, upon finding that the proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents. This category also allows commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels for transients. Finally, the section describes the "Restricted Commercial" land use category as follows: Restricted Commercial: Areas designated as "Restricted Commercial" allow residential uses (except rescue missions) to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions; any activity included in the "Office" designation as well as commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along arterial or collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional services, real estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are similar in nature to those uses described above, places of worship, primary and secondary schools. This category also includes commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels as permissible. The Plan is based on a pyramid structure. See Joint Exhibit 2, Interpretation of the Future Land Use Plan Map, page 13, paragraph 4. That is, each land use classification permits all land uses within previously listed categories, except as otherwise specifically provided in the Plan. Therefore, with the exception of residential uses, all uses permitted under the Restricted Commercial designation are permitted under the Industrial classification. The Restricted Commercial category is a logical designation for the property because of its proximity to residential neighborhoods. Those residential properties would clearly be more detrimentally affected by industrial activities that may generate excessive amounts of noise, smoke, fumes, illumination, traffic, hazardous wastes, or negative visual impact, which are now authorized under the Industrial designation. The Miami River The Miami River runs northwest to southeast for more than five miles from the Miami International Airport to Biscayne Bay (the mouth of the River). For planning purposes, it includes three sections: the Upper River, the Middle River, and the Lower River. Although the demarcations of those sections are in dispute, the best evidence of the appropriate demarcations of the three sections is found in the Miami River Master Plan (Master Plan), which was adopted by the City in 1992. See Joint Exhibit 1. The Master Plan clearly depicts the geographic scope of the Mid-River (or Middle River) as extending west to Northwest 27th Avenue and the Up River (or Upper River) as being that portion of the Miami River lying west of Northwest 27th Avenue. Based on these demarcations, the Lower River would run from the mouth of the Miami River to the 5th Street Bridge, the Middle River from the 5th Street Bridge to Northwest 27th Avenue, and the Upper River from Northwest 27th Avenue westward. It is undisputed that Intervenor's property is located on the Middle River. The parties agree that Restricted Commercial is a reasonable land use designation for the Middle River. Petitioners' expert witness also agreed that the Middle River "is supposed to be a mix of residential." In its discussion of the Middle River, the Master Plan provides: The Mid-River area contains most of the existing housing located along the Miami River. The wide variety of dwelling types, ranging from single family homes to high- rise apartment/condominium buildings, are mostly occupied by middle-income households. This is an important segment of the population for the City to retain in order to support the local economy and tax base. A number of opportunities remain for development of new housing by building on vacant lots or by increasing the density of existing developed lots. New housing construction should be encouraged, except on lands reserved for water dependent uses. In the proposed SD-4.1 waterfront commercial zoning district (See page 1.14) residential development could be permitted as an accessory use to a marina. The property is located within the referenced proposed SD-4.1 waterfront commercial zoning district. According to the Master Plan, the strategy for the Middle River is to "[b]ring the neighborhoods back to the river." The Master Plan further provides that "[d]iverse residential neighborhoods interspersed with commercial districts make the Mid-River unusual. The strategy is to develop centers of activities at strategic locations that will become gateways to the river and give identity to the neighborhoods." In contrast, the Master Plan describes the Up-River as "a working river." It also notes that "[m]arine industries in the Up-River area create a busy, economically vital district that is important to preserve. The challenge is to protect these industries from displacement by non-water-dependent uses and to nurture growth in marine industries without negatively impacting nearby residential neighborhoods." In describing the Upper River, the Master Plan provides: The character of the river changes dramatically west of NW 27th Avenue bridge. In fact, it is not really the river there; it is the man-made Miami Canal (and the Tamiami Canal branching off to the west). In contrast to the gently curving paths and irregular edges of the natural river, the canal banks are rigidly straight and significantly closer together at 90 feet. The most striking difference in the up-river area is the change in land use. The Miami Canal is almost entirely industrial in character, with commercial shipping being the predominant use. Most of the larger cargo vessels on the Miami River are loaded and unloaded in this area, resulting in an incredibly busy, narrow river channel. Due to the industrial nature of the up-river corridor, many of the urban design recommendations made for the mid-river and downtown areas are not applicable. The emphasis in this area should be to promote growth in shipping and related industries and to provide adequate roadways for the vehicles and trucks associated with these businesses. Allapattah The property is located in a community development target area known as Allapattah. Community development target areas are neighborhoods to which the City directs community block grants for revitalization. In need of revitalization, Allapattah has deteriorated over time and is one of the poorest neighborhoods in the City. Allapattah has been designated as a neighborhood development zone, a designation used in connection with community development programs. Also within the Allapattah neighborhood, and less than one mile from the subject property, is an area known as the Civic Center. The Civic Center includes Jackson Hospital, Cedars Hospital, the Justice Building, the County Jail, and government offices. More than 25,000 persons work in the Civic Center area. The area continues to expand. Urban Infill Area It is undisputed that the property is located within an urban infill area. Among the purposes of an urban infill designation are the promotion of the efficient use of infrastructure, including transportation and the prevention of urban sprawl. The Civic Center area is a major transportation hub and includes a metro rail station that is located approximately a five-minute drive from the property. The property is also served by several bus routes. As to urban sprawl, the amendment will fulfill a need for housing for persons who work in the Civic Center area. By doing so, the amendment is also expected to promote job creation. The Size of the Parcel Petitioners first contend that the parcel actually comprises 10.41 acres and therefore exceeds the threshold size (ten acres or fewer) for small scale development amendments. Petitioners point out that the approved companion rezoning and special permit encompasses 10.41 acres, while the application for the FLUM amendment is for 7.91 acres. Petitioners argue that the total area encompassed by the rezoning and special permit applications is the correct number to use in determining the actual size of the parcel. The application for the FLUM amendment included a site drawing on which the surveyor certified that the "NET TOTAL LOT AREA" of the property is 7.91 acres. This acreage includes upland and submerged lands and comprises all of the land under Intervenor's ownership and/or control. (Slightly more than one- half of the 7.91 acres is upland property, while the remainder is submerged land in the Miami River where Balbino will construct a marina.) The site drawing also includes areas adjacent to the property (from the boundaries of the property to the centerline of the adjacent rights-of-way and the centerline of the Miami River) and the surveyor's calculation of the sizes of those areas. The sum of the acreage of those areas and of the property is referred to as the "gross total lot area." To determine the size of the property for a future land use map amendment, for at least the last twenty-two years the City has employed the "net lot area" concept. Under that concept, defined in the City's Zoning Ordinance, an applicant may only seek a future land use map amendment with respect to property under its ownership or control, and the only property on which a land use classification is changed as a result of such an application is that which is within the ownership or control of the applicant. Approval of an application for a future land use map amendment does not result in a change in land use classification for lands not within the ownership or control of an applicant, such as a public right-of-way. Petitioners seek to contravene the City's longstanding use of net lot area in determining the size of property subject to a future land use map amendment by contending that it is the gross lot area that should be considered in determining the size of the property subject to the FLUM amendment. By doing so, however, they are improperly attempting to apply a zoning concept to the City's Plan process. More specifically, the concept of "gross total lot area" is relevant only for use in a mathematical calculation of "floor area ratio." Floor area ratio is a mathematical calculation pursuant to which the City determines the square footage of buildings that may be built on a particular piece of property. The City's Zoning Ordinance permits a property owner to include portions of the acreage of adjacent rights-of-way, bays, parks, or other open spaces in the floor area calculation. The floor area calculation will not be affected by the FLUM amendment. The City's net lot area approach is the correct methodology to be used in determining the size of the parcel. Therefore, the map amendment involves or uses only 7.91 acres and was properly considered by the City as a small scale development amendment. Consistency of the Amendment with the Plan At the hearing, Petitioners failed to present any evidence bearing on the consistency (or lack thereof) of the amendment with the following Plan objectives and policies: LU- 1.2.3, LU-1.3.1, HO-1.1, HO-1.2, SS-1.4, SS-2.1, SS-2.2, SS-2.5, SW-1.1, SS-2.1, SS-2.5, SW-1.1, PR-1.1, PR-1.4, CM-1.1, CM-2.1, CM-4.2, NR-1.1, NR-1.2, NR-3.2, and CI-1.3. Accordingly, Petitioners' challenge to the amendment based upon alleged inconsistencies with these objectives and policies must fail. Remaining for consideration are allegations that the amendment is inconsistent with Goal LU-1, Policy LU-1.3.6, and Objectives LU-1.2, LU-1.3, LU-1.6, SS-2.2, PW-1.2, TR-1.1, PA- 3.3, CM-3.1, CM-4.1, NR-1.3, NR-2.1, and CI-1.4. Goal LU-1 in the Plan's Future Land Use Element (FLUE) provides that a goal of the Plan shall be to: Maintain a land use pattern that (1) protects and enhances the quality of life in the city's residential neighborhoods; (2) fosters redevelopment and revitalization of blighted or declining areas; (3) promotes and facilitates economic development and the growth of job opportunities in the city; (4) fosters the growth and development of downtown as a regional center of domestic and international commerce, culture and entertainment; (5) promotes the efficient use of land and minimizes land use conflicts; and (6) protects and conserves the city's significant natural and coastal resources. The property is surrounded by residential neighborhoods. By eliminating the potential for development on the property of industrial uses that may generate "excessive amounts of noise, smoke, fumes, illumination, traffic, hazardous wastes, or negative visual impact," the amendment will enhance the quality of life in those surrounding neighborhoods. The Allapatah neighborhood, in which the property is located, is a declining area. The amendment is therefore consistent with subpart (2) of Goal LU-1, which is concerned with the redevelopment and revitalization of declining areas. Petitioners have also alleged that the amendment is inconsistent with subpart (3) of the Goal because it will negatively impact marine industrial uses along the Miami River. However, no persuasive evidence to support this contention was offered. Subpart (4) is not relevant to this case because it pertains to the downtown area and the property is not located in that part of the City. As to subpart (5), Petitioners offered no evidence that the amendment is inconsistent with the concept of the promotion of the efficient use of land. On the other hand, the evidence shows that the amendment will minimize land use conflicts by placing a land use classification on the property that is consistent with adjacent residential areas. Petitioners failed to offer any evidence that the amendment is inconsistent with subpart (6), which pertains to the protection and conservation of natural and coastal resources. FLUE Objective LU-1.2 provides that one of the objectives of the Plan is to: Promote the redevelopment and revitalization of blighted, declining or threatened residential, commercial and industrial areas. Because the property is in the Allapatah neighborhood, which is a declining residential area, the amendment will promote redevelopment and revitalization of that area and is therefore consistent with the Objective. FLUE Objective LU-1.3 provides as follows: The City will continue to encourage commercial, office and industrial development within existing commercial, office and industrial areas; increase the utilization and enhance the physical character and appearance of existing buildings; and concentrate new commercial and industrial activity in areas where the capacity of existing public facilities can meet or exceed the minimum standards for Level of Service (LOS) adopted in the Capital Improvement Element (CIE). The concurrency analysis performed by the City shows that approval of the amendment will not result in a failure of existing public facilities to meet or exceed applicable LOS minimum standards. At the same time, the new Restricted Commercial land use category permits the types of land uses that Objective LU- 1.3 seeks to encourage, namely, commercial and office uses. FLUE Policy LU-1.3.6 provides: The City will continue to encourage a diversification in the mix of industrial and commercial activities and tenants through comprehensive marketing and promotion efforts so that the local economy is buffered from national and international cycles. Particular emphasis is on, but not limited to, Southeast Overtown/Park West, Latin quarter, Little Haiti, Little River Industrial District, River Corridor, the Garment District and the Omni area. In considering the amendment, the City gave particular significance to the fact that the Restricted Commercial designation would allow greater flexibility in the development of the property. Such greater flexibility is consistent with the promotion of a diversification in the mix of industrial and commercial activities. The mix of uses permitted under the Restricted Commercial land use classification will promote urban infill and serve to prevent urban sprawl. As such, the amendment is consistent with Policy LU-1.3.6. FLUE Objective LU-1.6 provides as follows: Regulate the development or redevelopment of real property within the City to ensure consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. This Objective (and its underlying policies) is not relevant because it pertains specifically to land development regulations. Even so, there was no evidence to show that the amendment is inconsistent with the Objective. Potable Water Element Objective PW-1.2 and Natural Resource Conservation Objective R-2.1 are identical and provide as follows: Ensure adequate levels of safe potable water are available to meet the needs of the City. Petitioners presented no evidence that the amendment is inconsistent with either Objective. Rather, they asserted that in evaluating the amendment application, the City failed to do an independent analysis to address the availability of potable water. (The City relied on information provided by Metro-Dade County.) The City's concurrency analysis revealed that potable water supplies will be available to the City even after the amendment becomes effective. Petitioners also failed to provide any evidence that the potable water usage under the Restricted Commercial classification would exceed that which may occur under the Industrial land use classification. Further, Petitioners failed to provide any evidence that there is a potable water deficiency in the City, or that the amendment would cause one. Finally, there was no evidence that the reliance on information provided by other local governments was unreasonable. Transportation Element Objective TR-1.1 provides as follows: All arterial and collector roadways under County and State jurisdiction that lie within the City's boundaries will operate at levels of service established by the respective agency. All other City streets will operate at levels of service that are consistent with an urban center possessing an extensive urban public transit system and characterized by compact development and moderate-to-high residential densities and land use densities, and within a transportation concurrency exception area (TCEA). The City will monitor the levels of service of all arterial and collector roadways to continue to develop and enhance transportation strategies that promote transit and minimize the impacts of the TCEA. Petitioners contend that the concurrency analysis performed by the City assumed that an unreasonably high percentage of persons accessing the property would use a form of transportation other than an automobile. However, Petitioners' expert conceded that he had no expertise in traffic analysis, and that the City's analysis was performed by persons who did. Because the challenge is based on criticism that is not supported by credible expert testimony, the assertion must necessarily fail. Coastal Management Element Objective CM-3.1 provides as follows: Allow no net loss of acreage devoted to water dependent uses in the coastal area of the City of Miami. Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.003(137) defines "water-dependent uses" as "activities which can be carried out only on, in or adjacent to water areas because the use requires access to the water body for water-borne transportation including ports or marinas; recreation; electrical generating facilities; or water supply." Witness Payne, who is a tug boat captain, stated that the United States Coast Guard requires vessels over five hundred gross tons to "leave the port, seek shelter" in the event of a hurricane and that Intervenor's property is a destination for boats seeking shelter from a hurricane. Because the land use on the property is Industrial, there is no requirement that a marina or any other water-related facility be located on the property as an available site for boats seeking shelter from a hurricane, even in the absence of the amendment. In addition, the Restricted Commercial land use category permits commercial marinas; therefore, the amendment in no way prevents the property from serving as a destination for boats over five hundred gross tons seeking shelter. Finally, because the property can already be developed in such a manner that it would be used by large numbers of persons (e.g., offices and malls), there is no basis upon which to conclude that the amendment will have any impact on the potential for loss of human life and destruction of property by hurricanes. Natural Resources Element NR-1.3 provides as follows: Maintain and enhance the status of native species of fauna and flora. Although the parties agree that there are manatees in the Miami River, Petitioners failed to provide any evidence identifying locations along the Miami River where such manatees are found, or any evidence that the amendment would have any impact on those manatees. It is fair to conclude that by eliminating the potential for development that might include such uses that involve noise, fumes, smoke, and hazardous wastes, this will enhance the status of native species of flora and fauna. Capital Improvements Element Objective CI-1.4 provides as follows: Ensure that public capital expenditure within the coastal zone does not encourage private development that is subject to significant risk of storm damage. Contrary to Petitioners' assertion, this Objective does not provide that the City should discourage development in the coastal zone. For example, there are other areas of substantial development within the coastal zone, such as Brickell Avenue. The amendment does not trigger the expenditure of public funds for capital improvements. This is clearly demonstrated by a comparison of development permitted under the Industrial and Restricted Commercial land use classifications. Due to the intensity of development allowed under either land use classification, there is no basis upon which to conclude any development under the Restricted Commercial land use classification will require any greater infrastructure expenditures than development under the Industrial land use classification. Based on the foregoing, it is fairly debatable that the map amendment is internally consistent with other provisions of the Plan. Data and analysis Petitioners contend that the amendment "is not based on the best available, professional acceptable, existing data," as required by Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.005 and Section 163.3177, Florida Statutes. However, they failed to offer any evidence that the City failed to consider any relevant data in existence at the time the amendment was adopted, or that the City failed to appropriately react to that data. The preponderance of the evidence supports a finding that the City had sufficient data and analysis available at the time the amendment was adopted to justify its approval. For example, the staff considered data provided by Balbino in its application package; data (such as potable water and wastewater transmission capacities) supplied by Metro-Dade County; the Miami River Master Plan; maps; the target area plans for Allapattah; the current Plan, including the extensive data and analysis supporting the Plan found in Volume II; and other related information, including support by citizen groups from the Allapattah area. In response to that data, among other things, the staff performed a concurrency management analysis concerning the availability of public facilities and levels of service (although actual levels of service cannot be determined until the City knows what is going to be built on the site), and it performed a land use study focusing on the area around the subject property and the compatibility of uses in the area with the new land use designation. A summary of the staff's efforts are found in a fact sheet and analysis package which accompanied the amendment. One of Petitioners' primary criticisms on this issue is that the City relied upon Metro-Dade County to provide certain data pertaining to concurrency matters (traffic and potable water). However, Petitioners failed to prove that this data was insufficient to support the adoption of the amendment or that it was unreasonable to rely on that information. Moreover, at least with respect to traffic, small scale amendments are exempt from the requirement that plan amendment applications be accompanied by a traffic concurrency study. Petitioners also contend that the City ignored certain data which shows that the amendment disrupts the existing land use pattern supporting water-dependent uses. As noted above, however, the City performed an extensive land use study to consider, among other things, these very concerns and concluded that the new land use designation is compatible with adjacent properties and consistent with the Plan. It is fairly debatable that the challenged plan amendment is supported by professionally acceptable data and analysis, and that the City reacted to that data and analysis in an appropriate manner. The Port of Miami River Petitioners also argue that the Port of Miami River Sub-Element must be considered in determining whether the amendment is in compliance. This Sub-Element is found within the Plan's Ports, Aviation and Related Facilities Element. It is an optional element not required under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The Plan defines the Port of Miami River as: Simply a legal name used to identify some 14 independent, privately-owned small shipping companies located along the Miami River, and is not a "port facility" within the usual meaning of the term. The identification of the shipping concerns as the "Port of Miami River" was made in 1986 for the sole purpose of satisfying a U.S. Coast Guard regulation governing bilge pump outs. The private shipping companies identified as comprising the Port of Miami River are listed in Volume II of the Plan. The location of each of those companies is also shown. See Joint Exhibit 3, Section VIII, page 35. An updated list is found in the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report. (A few companies are located outside the City's boundaries in unincorporated Dade County.) None are located on 18th Avenue, where the subject property is found. Over the years, the City has consistently interpreted this Sub-Element as applying only to properties that are listed in Volume II of the Plan. Because Intervenor's property is not included within the definition of the Port of Miami River, in reviewing the application, the City adhered to its long-standing interpretation that the Sub-Element was not applicable or relevant to the analysis of the amendment's consistency with the Plan. See Monkus, supra at 33- 34. Under the majority opinion in Payne II, however, the Sub-Element appears to be relevant and is "intended to apply to the 'uses along the banks of the Miami River", and not just to specific companies named in the definition.3 Even so, only Objective PA-3.3 would require consideration.4 That objective reads as follows: The City of Miami shall coordinate its Port of Miami River planning activities with those of ports facilities and regulators including the U.S. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard, and Miami-Dade County's Port of Miami. Petitioners failed to present any evidence concerning a lack of coordination activities relative to the FLUM amendment. Coordination does not mean that adjacent local governments or other interested persons have veto power over the City's ability to enact plan amendments. City of West Palm Beach et al. v. Department of Community Affairs et al., 2005 Fla. ENV LEXIS 191 at *34, DOAH Case Nos. 04-4336GM, 04-4337GM, and 04-4650GM (DOAH July 18, 2005, DCA Oct. 21, 2005). Rather, the City needs only take into consideration input from interested persons. Id. at *35. The City established that pursuant to its Resolution No. 00-320, before any resolution, ordinance, or issue affecting the Miami River is considered, the City Manager is required to inform the Miami River Commission (MRC) of that impending matter. The MRC serves as a clearinghouse for all interests of the Miami River, including residential, economic, and industrial interests, as well as the other entities listed in the Objective. See §§ 163.06 et seq., Fla. Stat. The evidence shows that the MRC was notified before the amendment was considered, and that it provided a recommendation to the Commission. At the same time, Petitioners, their expert witness (Mr. Luft), and other interested persons were also given an opportunity to provide input into the process before the amendment was adopted. Therefore, the requirements of the Objective and Sub-Element have been met. Other Issues Finally, in their Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Petitioners contend that "[t]he FLUM amendment renders the Port of Miami River Sub-Element (goals, objectives, and policies) vague, ambiguous, permissive, and without measurable and predictable standards." They also assert that the amendment "is an over-allocation of residential land use and is not economically feasible." Because these issues were not specifically raised in the Amended Petition or the parties' Pre-Hearing Stipulation, to the extent they are not otherwise discussed above, they have been waived. Even if the issues had been adequately pled, there is insufficient evidence to support these claims.

Conclusions For Petitioners: Andrew W. J. Dickman, Esquire Law Offices of Andrew Dickman, P.A. Post Office Box 771390 Naples, Florida 34107-1390 For Respondent: Rafael Suarez-Rivas, Esquire Assistant City Attorney 444 Southwest 2nd Avenue, Suite 945 Miami, Florida 33130-1910 For Intervenor: Paul R. Lipton, Esquire Pamela A. DeBooth, Esquire Greenberg Traurig, P.A. 1221 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131-3224 David C. Ashburn, Esquire Greenberg Traurig, P.A. Post Office Box 1838 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1838

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order determining that the small scale development plan amendment adopted by Ordinance No. 2055.1 is in compliance. DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of May, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DONALD R ALEXANDER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of May, 2006.

Florida Laws (6) 120.57163.06163.3177163.3184163.3187163.3215
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 04, 2007 Number: 07-002498GM Latest Update: Feb. 22, 2010

The Issue The issues in this case are: (1) whether City of Miami Ordinance 12911, which amends the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP), is a small-scale development amendment, as defined by Section 163.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutes; and (2) whether Ordinance 12911 is "in compliance," as defined by Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. (Statutes refer to the 2007 codification.)

Findings Of Fact Based on all of the evidence, the following facts are determined: The Property Subject to the FLUM Amendment TRG-MH Venture, LTD. (TRG-MH), is a Florida limited partnership formed for the purpose of purchasing and developing a parcel of property in the southeast corner of a larger, 40- acre parcel owned by Mercy Hospital, Inc. (Mercy). TRG-MH and Mercy have executed a purchase and sale agreement for this corner parcel, which is located at approximately 3663 South Bayshore Drive in the Coconut Grove area of Miami, Florida (the Site). TRG-MH hired an architectural firm, Arquitectonica, to design on the Site a proposed residential development named 300 Grove Bay Residences (the Project). The Site, which currently serves as a paved parking lot for Mercy Hospital employees, measures 6.72 acres. The Site is abutted on the north, northwest, and northeast by the rest of the 40-acre parcel owned by Mercy and used for its hospital, professional offices, and patient and visitor parking. The tallest of these buildings is 146 feet. To the north of Mercy's property and medical complex is another 30-plus acre parcel owned by the Catholic Diocese of Miami and used for La Salle High School and a religious facility, Ermita de la Caridad. Abutting the northern boundary of the La Salle High School property is Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. To the west of the Site are a small convent, an administration building, and a modest-sized assisted living facility. To the west of these buildings is South Bayshore Drive, which is a four-lane road. Single-family residential neighborhoods are west of South Bayshore Drive. The Site is abutted on the southwest, south, southeast and east by Biscayne Bay. Grove Isle, a three-building, 18- story condominium/hotel/marina complex, is located on a small, man-made island (Fair Isle) in the Bay to the south of the Site. It is located approximately 1,300 feet from the Site and is separated from the Site by Bay water. Grove Isle has a future land use designation of Medium Density Multifamily Residential (M/D Residential) and is zoned Medium-Density Residential (R-3). However, Grove Isle is a legal nonconformity because it exceeds the densities allowed in M/D Residential and R-3. To the southwest of the Site, but separated from the Site by Bay water, are single-family and medium-density dwellings, including several multifamily structures. Petitioners Bloch and Steen reside in this neighborhood. No property zoned single-family residential (R-1) abuts the Site. Currently a paved parking lot, the Site has no archeological, environmental, or historical significance. Miami-Dade County had designated all of the City as an "Urban Infill Area." This designation is made in the County's Comprehensive Plan and is implemented in Policy LU-1.1.11 of the Future Lane Use Element (FLUE) of the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The Parties The Vizcayans, Inc. (The Vizcayans), is a not-for- profit Florida corporation of volunteer members and a paid staff consisting of: an executive director, a membership director, and a controller. The purpose of the organization is to support the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens (Vizcaya), a publicly-owned and operated museum, through contributions and fundraising events. The Vizcayans' office at 3251 South Miami Avenue is located on the grounds of Vizcaya. The Vizcayans submitted comments in opposition to the proposed FLUM Amendment and appeared in person and through lawyers at the City Commission hearings. The Respondent and Intervenors stipulated that The Vizcayans have standing as affected persons under Sections 163.3187(3)(a) and 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes, to challenge the small-scale development amendment in this proceeding based on allegations that The Vizcayans operate a business in the City. Miami-Dade County owns Vizcaya. By contract, The Vizcayans provides funds annually to Miami-Dade County for use in maintaining Vizcaya's properties and conducting educational programs. Any funds in excess of those owed to the County under the contract are used to pay staff and host fundraisers or are invested for future use. Vizcaya is governed by the County through the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Trust, which is an agency of Miami-Dade County. Jason Bloch and Constance Steen reside in the City and own properties to the southwest of the Site. Glencoe is a not- for-profit corporation of homeowners in the Glencoe neighborhood to the southwest of the Site. Mr. Bloch formed the corporation during the pendency of the application proceedings for the primary purpose of opposing the proposed development of the Site. Bloch, Steen, and Glencoe submitted comments in opposition to the proposed FLUM amendment. Grove Isle is a not-for-profit Florida corporation of condominium owners. Grove Isle submitted comments in opposition to the proposed FLUM amendment. The City and Intervenors stipulated to Grove Isle's standing in these proceedings. The City is a political subdivision of the State of Florida. The City adopted its Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, including its FLUM, in 1989. The Comprehensive Plan and the FLUM have been amended from time to time as allowed by law. TRG-MH is a joint venture limited partnership. Its direct and indirect participants include Ocean Land Equities, Ltd., and The Related Group. TRG-MH contracted to purchase the Site from Mercy and applied to the City for the FLUM Amendment at issue in this proceeding. TRG-MH also submitted applications for a change of zoning and MUSP on the Site. The zoning and MUSP applications, and the resulting City ordinance and resolution arising from their approval, are not at issue in this proceeding. Mercy is a not-for-profit Florida corporation that owns and operates Mercy Hospital. Mercy has contracted to sell the Site to TRG-MH. The FLUM Amendment In June 2007, TRG-MH applied to the City for a small- scale development amendment to change the Site's land use designation on the City's Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities (M/I) to High Density Multifamily Residential (H/D). TRG-MH submitted its application concurrently with its applications for a zoning change from G/I to R-4 and for a MUSP. According to the FLUM Amendment application, TRG-MH was seeking a map amendment for a 6.723-acre parcel of real property. With its FLUM Amendment application, TRG-MH submitted a survey prepared and certified by surveyors Fortin, Leavy & Skiles. The survey depicted: the Site, as a parcel with a "net lot area" of 6.723 acres; a Proposed Road, measuring 1.39 acres, that wrapped around the Site on its west and north sides (the Perimeter Road); and a Private Road, also known as Tract "C" or Halissee Street, measuring .95 acres, which accesses the Site and Perimeter Road from South Bayshore Drive. Accompanying the survey was a legal description for the Site, which included a description for the proposed new Perimeter Road abutting the Site. The legal description covered an area comprising 8.11 acres. Also accompanying the application was a traffic analysis showing the impact to existing road networks of traffic resulting from the proposed MUSP application, which sought to build 300 residential units on property currently having no existing residential units. TRG-MH's applications were reviewed by the City's Planning Department and its Planning Advisory Board (PAB). The City's Planning Department recommended approval of the land use designation change. The PAB's 3-3 tie vote operated as to deny the request for a change of the land use designation recommendation. On April 26, 2007, the City Commission voted to approve the FLUM amendment application and, with modifications, the accompanying zoning and MUSP applications. (The City Commission approved the zoning change and MUSP subject to the condition that the size and scale of the Project be reduced by 25 percent across the board. Thus, for example, the height of the tallest of the three condominium buildings was reduced from approximately 411 feet to 310 feet.) The FLUM change was adopted by Ordinance 12911, which the Mayor signed on May 7, 2007. Ordinance 12911 amended the FLUM by changing the land use designation "for the property located at approximately 3663 South Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached and incorporated." Exhibit A to the ordinance was the legal description included on the Fortin, Leavy, Skiles survey. The section of the MCNP entitled "Interpretation of the Future Land Use Plan Map" describes the various future land use categories in the Plan. It describes the Major Institutional future land use category as follows: Major Institutional Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities: Areas designated as "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities" allow facilities for federal, state and local government activities, major public or private health, recreational, cultural, religious or educational activities, and major transportation facilities and public utilities. Residential facilities ancillary to these uses are allowed to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions. Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) at 21 (June 2006). The same section describes the H/D Residential, in pertinent part, as follows: Areas designated as "High Density Multifamily Residential" allow residential structures to a maximum density of 150 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management requirements. MCNP at 20 (June 2006). (By way of comparison, M/D Residential is described similarly except that the maximum density is 65 dwelling units per acre.) According to the MCNP, the FLUM land use designations "are arranged following the 'pyramid concept' of cumulative inclusion, whereby subsequent categories are inclusive of those listed previously, except as otherwise noted." Ordinance 12911 was not reviewed by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), as required for text changes and large- scale FLUM changes to a comprehensive plan. On June 4 and 6, 2007, Petitioners filed their petitions challenging the FLUM Amendment. Generally, the Petitioners alleged that the FLUM Amendment did not qualify for treatment as a "small-scale" development amendment; was internally inconsistent with other provisions of the City's Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan; was not supported by adequate data and analysis; and was not "in compliance" with Florida's Growth Management Act and its implementing regulations. Scale of the FLUM Amendment A small-scale development amendment may be adopted if the "proposed amendment involves a use of 10 acres or fewer." § 163.3187(1)(c)(1), Fla. Stat. According to the survey and architectural plans on file with the City, the "net lot area" of the Site measures 6.72 acres. The City Zoning Code defines "net lot area" as "[t]he total area within the lot lines excluding any street rights-of- way or other required dedications." § 2502, City Zoning Code. In determining how large (in square feet of floor area) the planned Project could be, the architects were permitted, under the City's zoning regulations, to multiply the "floor area ratio" (FAR) for the High Density Multifamily Residential zoning classification by an area larger than the "net lot area." See § 401, City Zoning Code. The Zoning Code allows the maximum square footage to be calculated using the Site's "gross lot area." Id. The City Zoning Code defines "gross lot area," in pertinent part, as "[t]he net area of the lot, as defined herein, plus half of adjoining street rights-of-way and seventy (70) feet of any other public open space such as parks, lakes, rivers, bays, public transit right-of-way and the like." § 2502, City Zoning Code. If the "gross lot area" to be used to calculate the maximum square footage involves properties under different ownership, either the owners must apply jointly for a MUSP, or they must enter a covenant-in-lieu of unity of title. Properties joined by a covenant-in-lieu of unity of title need not have the same land use designation or zoning classification. If a covenant-in-lieu of unity of title is required, it need not be submitted to the City until building permits are sought. At present, no covenant-in-lieu of unity of title has been prepared or executed for the Site. The "gross lot area" used to calculate the Project's maximum square footage of floor area measured 11.44 acres. Thus, the Petitioners argued that the FLUM Amendment "involved a use" of more than 10 acres. But the application requested a land use designation change on only 6.72 acres of land. Because High-Density Multifamily Residential use will not be made of the proposed Perimeter Road, the access road known as Halissee Street, or the proposed Bay Walk, a land use designation change was not required for that acreage. Indeed, according to the amended FLUM, there is no land use designation applied to Halissee or to the northern part of the Perimeter Road. Moreover, use of Halissee Street, the Perimeter Road, and the Bay Walk is not exclusive to the 6.72 acres but will remain shared with Mercy Hospital, its patients and employees, as well as with the public. The Petitioners attempted to prove that a marina was planned to serve the development, which would involve a total use of more than ten acres for residential purposes. Even if a marina was initially contemplated, the application on file with the City does not include one, and there are no approved plans for a marina to be incorporated into the proposed residential development. No marina is required to be developed in connection with the 300 Grove Bay project. Moreover, there was unrebutted evidence that it is highly unlikely that a marina would ever be permitted under the statutes now regulating Biscayne Bay. There is no evidentiary support for including any part of Biscayne Bay in the acreage subject to the small-scale FLUM Amendment because of a possible marina so as to support the Petitioners' claim that Ordinance 12911 should not have been processed as a small-scale amendment. Suitability and Compatibility of FLUM Amendment The Site is a parking lot. It is not environmentally sensitive and has no significant natural or archeological resources that would make it unsuitable for High Density Multifamily Residential future land use. Major Institutional accommodates the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens and the Mercy Hospital complex, which are compatible with and actually part of Coconut Grove. However, as pointed out by the City and the Intervenors, Major Institutional also allows future land uses that could be less compatible with the surrounding land uses, including the Vizcaya Museum and Gardens and the residential neighborhoods of Coconut Grove. While a lower density residential future land use would be appropriate and compatible with the surrounding uses, the issue in this case is the density allowed by H/D Residential--up to 150 residential units per acre, which Petitioners contend is incompatible with the surrounding land uses and inconsistent with previous efforts to protect Vizcaya and Coconut Grove from the intrusion of high- density residential development. The Petitioners also contend that the FLUM Amendment is not suitable on the bayfront. Suitability on the Bayfront The Petitioners contend that H/D Residential is not suitable on the bayfront for reasons related mostly to aesthetics and views. While it certainly would be possible and reasonable for a community to decide not to allow dense and intense development on significant water bodies, it was not proven by a preponderance of the evidence that the City has done so, or that H/D Residential is unsuitable on the Site for that reason. 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report The City's 2005 Evaluation and Appraisal Report ("2005 EAR") focused on two citywide issues relevant here: (1) the preservation and enhancement of historic and similar resources; and (2) neighborhood integrity and the need to protect existing neighborhoods from incompatible development. Vizcaya Museum Gardens Industrialist James Deering built Vizcaya in 1916 as a winter home. The land Deering purchased in the early 1900s was developed into a 180-acre estate that included his Mediterranean-style home, Italianate gardens, farms, orchards, and lagoons. The mansion and gardens were designed by three well-known architects and designers and constructed using local materials. When Deering died nine years later in 1925, Vizcaya was left to his heirs, who eventually sold the south gardens and western agricultural fields to the Catholic Diocese. The southern acreage (which included the Site) was later developed into a church (Ermita de la Caridad), a school (La Salle), and medical and hospital facilities (Mercy). The Diocese sold the western acreage, which was eventually developed into single- family-home subdivisions. In the 1950s, the Deering heirs sold the remaining property, consisting of the mansion, gardens, and farm buildings, to Dade County. In 1952, Dade County opened Vizcaya to the public. Since then, the County has operated Vizcaya as a museum, which has welcomed thousands of visitors annually and is a popular site for tourists, social functions, and photo shoots. The Vizcaya mansion and gardens have historical, architectural, and botanical significance. The mansion is an "architectural masterpiece" and an "outstanding example of Italian Renaissance Revival architecture." Vizcaya has been on the National Register of Historical Places since 1977; it was designated as a City Heritage Conservation District in 1984; and, in 1994, it was designated a National Historical Landmark-- one of only three in Miami-Dade County. The southernmost part of Vizcaya's gardens is approximately 1,600 feet from the FLUM Amendment Site, and the mansion is approximately 2,300 feet from the Site. For the specific purpose of objecting to the 300 Grove Bay project, The Vizcayans commissioned the Vizcaya Viewshed Impact Assessment, which is referred to as the "balloon" study, and the Vizcaya View Corridor Study. According to the balloon study, the 300 Grove Bay condominiums would be visible from the balcony on the south side of the mansion. Although the balloon study was based on the original Project building heights and not re-done using the reduced heights in the zoning and MUSP approvals, the Petitioners' witnesses said that the Project would still be visible through the existing landscape, even at the reduced height. The Petitioners' witnesses opined that the development of 300 Grove Bay would "overpower and overshadow" the gardens on the south side of the mansion. No federal, state, or local statutes, rules or ordinances, including those relevant to this proceeding, protect the view corridors of Vizcaya's gardens. Coconut Grove The area known as Coconut Grove was settled in the late 1800s and was considered "off the beaten path" from the City which was incorporated in 1896. Coconut Grove was incorporated as a separate municipality in 1919, but in 1925 it was annexed to the City, as were five other municipalities. Petitioners' witnesses observed that Coconut Grove is the only one of these towns that has continued to retain a unique and recognizable character. Vizcaya and Mercy Hospital, including the parking lot site, are located in the northern area of Coconut Grove. Coconut Grove is primarily, but not entirely, a residential community. Coconut Grove has an active "downtown" business, commercial, and hotel district. The Petitioners maintained that the northern area of Coconut Grove is primarily single-family residential. However, it also includes a non- conforming high-density development (Grove Isle), medium-density residential, Mercy Hospital and its professional buildings, an assisted living facility, a school, a church, and governmental office buildings, as well as two museums (Vizcaya and the Museum of Science). A Coconut Grove Planning Study was commissioned and printed in 1974, but the City never adopted it; therefore, it has no official status. The Coconut Grove Neighborhood Conservation District In 2005, the City adopted by ordinance the Coconut Grove Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD-3). See § 803.3, City Zoning Code. According to the Code, a Neighborhood Conservation District is an "umbrella land use designation overlay," which allows for the tailoring of a master plan or of design guidelines for any area that meets certain criteria. See § 800, City Zoning Code. The intent of the Coconut Grove Neighborhood Conservation District is to "[p]reserve the historic, heavily landscaped character of Coconut Grove's residential areas and enhance and protect Coconut Grove's natural features such as tree canopy and green space." § 803.1, City Zoning Code. NCD-3 does not specify the High-Density, Multifamily Residential (R-4) zoning classification. But that does not mean that NCD-3 does not allow R-4. NCD-3 is enabling legislation that imposes greater restrictions within a geographic "overlay" for the zoning classifications addressed in Section 803.3. So far, NCD-3 has not addressed G/I and R-4 but only Single-Family Residential (R-1) and Commercial Districts. See § 803.3, City Zoning Code. For that reason, the ordinance does not apply to the Site. The "Grovenor Ordinance" The so-called Grovenor Ordinance was the City's response in July 2004 to the construction of a high-density residential project on property in Coconut Grove zoned "G/I Government and Institutional." The Grovenor Ordinance amended subsection of Section 401 of the City's Zoning Code to provide in pertinent part: G/I Government and Institutional Intent and Scale: The government/institutional category allows the development of facilities for federal, state and local government activities, major public or private health, recreational, cultural, religious, or educational activities, major transportation facilities, public utilities, and public and private cemeteries. Uses ancillary to these uses are allowed to a maximum density and intensity equivalent to the least intense abutting zoning district, subject to the same limiting conditions. Intensity: For residential uses: As for the least intense abutting zoning district. . . . * * * Permitted Principal Uses: Governmental and institutional uses as described in the City of Miami Comprehensive Development Plan designation of "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities", however for accessory non-governmental or institutional uses-only such uses as may be permitted as principal uses in the least intense abutting zoning district . . . . § 401, City Zoning Code. The Grovenor Ordinance applies to property that is zoned G/I. The City's and Intervenors' witnesses testified that it applies only if G/I-zoned property ceases to be used for governmental or institutional purposes and is used instead for residential purposes. However, from the language of the ordinance itself, it is beyond fair debate that it also applies to G/I-zoned property that is used both for government or institutional uses and for ancillary residential uses. Clearly, without a FLUM change to a higher-density residential zoning category, in Coconut Grove the residential use on the Site would be restricted to the zoning classification of the "least intense abutting zoning district." Since it pertains to zoning, the Grovenor Ordinance does not directly apply to the issue of whether a FLUM amendment is "in compliance." However, it has some bearing on the proper interpretation and application of the "pyramid concept" of the MCNP's future land use designations, which is important to the issues for determination in this case. The Pyramid Concept The City and the Intervenors rely heavily on their interpretation of the MCNP's pyramid concept of cumulative future land use designations to support the FLUM Amendment in this case. According to them, the FLUM Amendment is compatible with surrounding land uses because high-density multi-family residential use already is a permitted use as a matter of right for land designated "Major Institutional." Similarly, they maintain that, under the "pyramid" concept, high-density multi- family residential use is permitted as a matter of right in all of the commercially designated land in Coconut Grove. But it is beyond fair debate that their interpretation of the "pyramid concept" is incorrect. As indicated, the "'pyramid concept' of cumulative inclusion" applies "except as otherwise noted." In the Major Institutional future land use category, it is noted that residential facilities with densities equivalent to "High Density Multifamily Residential" (i.e., up to 150 units per acre) are permitted only if "ancillary" to the listed major institutional uses. Similarly, in the General Commercial future land use category, it is noted that high-density residential uses "are allowed by Special Exception only, upon finding that the proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development and that adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents." If the "pyramid concept" authorized high- density multi-family residential use as a matter of right on land designated either Major Institutional or General Commercial, there would be no reason to limit those uses by notation. Under the correct interpretation of the "pyramid concept" in the MCNP, free-standing high-density multi-family residential use of up to 150 units per acre is not already permitted as of right in either the Major Institutional or the General Commercial land use categories. Compatibility Notwithstanding the correct interpretation of the "pyramid concept" in the MCNP, the Petitioners failed to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that High Density Multi Family Residential future land use on the Site is incompatible with the surrounding uses or is inappropriate. The lower density residential and other less intense future land uses in the MCNP are buffered from the Site by Biscayne Bay and by Medium Density Multifamily Residential future land use. Vizcaya is buffered from the Site by Mercy Hospital and related medical facilities and by La Salle High School. The compatibility of a specific density of residential development on the Site with less dense residential use in Coconut Grove and with Vizcaya, including issues regarding building height and intrusion into Vizcaya's view corridors, can be addressed through zoning and MUSP proceedings. Data and Analysis Data and analysis is another matter. Because of their incorrect interpretation of the "pyramid concept" in the MCNP, the City and the Intervenors took the position that the FLUM Amendment constitutes "down-planning" and that the City was not required to perform the same level of analysis as it would have if the amendment sought a designation that permitted uses of greater impact, density, and/or intensity. The experts disagreed on whether "down-planning" is a concept in land use planning that can eliminate or minimize the requirement for data and analysis. In any event, the FLUM Amendment in this case could not be characterized as "down- planning." See Findings 57-59, supra. The MCNP's pyramid concept does not dispense with the need for data and analysis, and the data and analysis in this case was minimal and inadequate. The primary data and analysis in this case was the "Analysis for Land Use Change Request" (Analysis) that resulted from the City staff's review. After identifying the proposed land use designation and the uses permitted on it the Analysis recommended "Approval" of the FLUM Amendment and made four findings in support of "the position that the existing land use pattern in this neighborhood should be changed. These findings are as follows: It is found that the subject property is part of the Mercy Hospital and do [sic] not front South Miami Avenue. It is found that the "Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation & Utilities" category allows 150 residential units per acre and the requested "High Density Multifamily Residential" designation will allow a maximum density of 150 residential units per acre. It is found that the requested change to "High-Density Multifamily Residential" designation will allow greater flexibility in developing the property at the above described location and therefore should be changed as part of the MUSP. It is found that MCNP Goal LU-1 maintains a land use pattern that (1) protects and enhances the quality of life in the city's residential neighborhoods, and (5) promotes the efficient use of land and minimizes land use conflicts. Id. (Emphasis in original.) As to the City’s third finding, a particular developer's flexibility is irrelevant to the determination of whether the land use change is consistent with the MCNP. To the extent that flexibility in general could be relevant to the inquiry, the finding was incorrect. While allowing a free- standing high-density residential project that would not otherwise be possible, the FLUM Amendment eliminates all of the non-residential uses permitted within the "Major Institutional" category. The second finding was based on the City's incorrect interpretation of the "pyramid concept" of the MCNP, which led the City to wrongly equate a primary use with an ancillary use and to simply assume no population increase would result from the FLUM Amendment, and that the FLUM Amendment would result in "down-planning." Attached to the City's Analysis was a separate "Concurrency Management Analysis," which addressed in summary form the data and analysis generated by the applicant and by the City's staff to address the "impact of [the] proposed amendment to land use map within a transportation corridor." The "Concurrency Management Analysis" also was predicated on the assumption that the FLUM change to HD Residential would not increase population. Essentially, it assumed without any data or analysis that infrastructure was available for 1,008 people living on the Site, even though the Site is being used as a parking lot at this time. This data and analysis was inadequate to support the FLUM Amendment. As to transportation, there was additional evidence of a traffic analysis performed by the City in support of the Project’s MUSP. This MUSP traffic analysis utilized a proper starting point of zero population on the Site at this time. It then projected the impact of the addition of 300 units. This was more than the 225 units ultimately approved in the MUSP but did not analyze the much larger potential increases in traffic that would be allowed under the FLUM Amendment, which is not limited to 300 units. There also was no data or analysis to show that limiting the analysis to 300 units was reasonable. It also only looked two years into the future. The MUSP traffic analysis also did not address the 2005 EAR finding that Bayshore Drive will be at level of service F by year 2025, without even any development on the Site. In short, the MUSP traffic analysis was inadequate to support the FLUM Amendment. The City and Intervenor took the position that the designation of the entire City as an urban infill area meant that every parcel is appropriate for high-density multi-family residential development. This is not correct. It is still necessary to look at comprehensive plan to determine which areas are appropriate for that kind of future land use and to have data and analysis to support it. See Payne et al. v. City of Miami et al., 32 Fla. L. Weekly D1885, *10-13 (Fla. 3d DCA Aug. 8, 2007) (on motion for rehearing). For these reasons, the Petitioners proved by a preponderance of the evidence that the data and analysis supporting the FLUM Amendment were inadequate. Inconsistency with City's Comprehensive Plan The Petitioners failed to prove beyond fair debate that the FLUM Amendment is inconsistent with any MCNP goals, objectives, or policies. State Comprehensive Plan Petitioners did not prove that the FLUM Amendment at issue is inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Administration Commission enter a final order that the FLUM Amendment adopted by City of Miami Ordinance 12911 is not "in compliance," as defined by Section 163.3184(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of July, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S J. LAWRENCE JOHNSTON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of July, 2008. COPIES FURNISHED: Barbara Leighty, Clerk Transportation and Economic Development Policy Unit The Capitol, Room 1801 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Jason Gonzalez, General Counsel Office of the Governor The Capitol, Suite 209 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Jorge L. Fernandez, City Attorney City of Miami Miami Riverside Center, Suite 945 444 Southwest 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130-1910 Patrick J. Goggins, Esquire Patrick J. Goggins, P.A. Sun Trust Building, Suite 850 777 Brickell Avenue Miami, Florida 33131-2811 John Charles Lukacs, Esquire John C. Lukacs, P.A. 201 Sevilla Avenue, Suite 305 Coral Gables, Florida 33134-6616 H. Ray Allen, II, Esquire Carlton Fields, P.A. Post Office Box 3239 Tampa, Florida 33601-3239 Stephen J. Darmody, Esquire Shook, Hardy & Bacon, LLP Miami Center - Suite 2400 201 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131-4339 Lewis W. Fishman, Esquire Lewis W. Fishman, P.A. Two Datran Center, Suite 1121 9130 South Dadeland Boulevard Miami, Florida 33156-7848 John K. Shubin, Esquire Shubin & Bass, P.A. 46 Southwest First Street, Third Floor Miami, Florida 33130-1610

Florida Laws (5) 163.3177163.3180163.3184163.3187163.3245 Florida Administrative Code (1) 9J-5.005
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jan. 17, 2003 Number: 03-000150GM Latest Update: Sep. 13, 2006

The Issue Miami-Dade County's Krome Avenue is a two-lane, undivided highway. In October 2002, the Board of County Commissioners for Miami-Dade County (the Commission) passed Ordinance No. 02-198. The ordinance adopted an amendment composed of several parts to the County's Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP). Among the parts of the amendment were changes and additions to the CDMP initiated by an application ("Application No. 16") that relate to Krome Avenue (the "Plan Amendment.")1 Quite detailed, the Plan Amendment, in essence, makes changes that re-designate a substantial segment of Krome Avenue from 2 lanes to 4 lanes. The Plan Amendment's additions add all of Krome Avenue as a Major Route among the CDMP's designated evacuation routes in the year 2015, create new policies related to approval of use of land in the vicinity of Krome Avenue designated as a four-lane roadway and create a new policy related to planned capacity improvement to the roadway, including widening to four lanes. The issue in this growth management case is whether the Plan Amendment is "in compliance" as defined in the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. Preliminary Statement Under cover of a letter dated January 17, 2003, the Department of Community Affairs (the "Department" or "DCA") forwarded to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) a petition that requested a formal administrative hearing. The petition was "forwarded [to DOAH] for assignment of an Administrative Law Judge pursuant to Section 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes." The petition was filed by the Sierra Club and John S. Wade, Jr., against the Department and Miami-Dade County (County) after the Department had issued a notice of intent to find the Plan Amendment transmitted by the County "in compliance" with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (the "Act" or the "Growth Management Act") contained in Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The petition alleges that the Plan Amendment is "not in compliance as defined in section 163.3184(1), Fla. Stat., because it is inconsistent with the requirements of ss. 163.3177, 163.3178, 163.3180, 163.3191, and 163.3245, the state comprehensive plan, with appropriate strategic regional policy plan, and with Chapter 9J-5, FAC." Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing, p. 4, paragraph 16. For relief, the petition requests, inter alia, that the administrative law judge enter a recommended order finding that the Plan Amendment is not in compliance. Upon receipt of the petition, DOAH assigned it Case No. 03-0150GM. Charles A. Stampelos was designated as the Administrative Law Judge to conduct the proceedings. A Notice of Hearing was issued that set the case for final hearing in March and April 2003. In February, the case was continued until September 2003 and in July 2003, the case was re-assigned to the undersigned. Prior to final hearing, two petitions to intervene were filed: the first, by Monroe County in support of Petitioners2; the second, in support by the City of Homestead in support of DCA and Miami-Dade County.3 Both were granted subject to proof of standing. Prior to hearing, a number of unopposed motions for continuances were granted. In addition, three motions were filed by the County: one for summary final order, a second to relinquish jurisdiction and issue a recommended order and the third a motion in limine. The three motions were denied. The case proceeded to final hearing in September 2005 in Miami, Florida. The evidentiary portion of the final hearing opened with the introduction and admission of most of the joint exhibits admitted over the course of the hearing. All in all, 60 joint exhibits were offered and admitted. They are marked as Joint Exhibit Nos. 1-17, 19-27, 29-31, 34-44, 46-49, 51-57, and 59-67. Petitioners commenced the presentation of their case-in- chief first. They presented the testimony of seven witnesses: Dickson Eazala, Comprehensive Planner with Miami-Dade County; Kay Bismark, an expert in the Redland area real estate market; John S. Wade, Jr., Petitioner; Rodrick Jude, Chair of the Sierra Club's Miami Group Executive Committee; Thomas Van Lent, an expert in the field of southern Everglades hydrology and restoration; Charles Pattison, Executive Director and Planner for One Thousand Friends of Florida and an expert in comprehensive planning and compliance under the Growth Management Act; and, Diane O'Quinn, Director of Miami-Dade County's Department of Planning and Zoning, an expert in the field of comprehensive planning. Petitioners offered 13 exhibits, marked as Petitioners' Exhibit Nos. 9-13, 17-19, 21-23, and 29-30. Petitioners' Nos. 18 and 23 were rejected and then proffered by petitioners. The rest of the exhibits offered by Petitioners were admitted. Intervenor Monroe County presented the testimony of Timothy McGarry, Director of Growth Management in Monroe County and an expert in land planning. Monroe County offered two exhibits, marked as Monroe County Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; both were admitted. Miami-Dade County presented the testimony of Thomas Pelham, an expert in the fields of comprehensive planning and review of plans and plan amendments for compliance with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5; Alice Bravo, District Planning and Environmental Management Engineer for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT); and Jonathan Lord, Emergency Management Coordinator with Miami- Dade County's Office of Emergency Management. Miami-Dade County offered two exhibits, marked as Miami-Dade County Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; both were admitted. The Department of Community Affairs presented the testimony of Paul Darst, Senior Planner in the Department, an expert in the fields of comprehensive planning and the review of comprehensive plan amendments with Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 97-5. The Department offered one exhibit, marked as DCA Exhibit No. 1. It was admitted. After a number of motions granted to extend the time for the filing of proposed orders, the parties filed timely proposed recommended orders on February 3, 2006. This Recommended Order follows.

Findings Of Fact Krome Avenue Less than a mile south of downtown Florida City, at a "fork in the road" for a driver headed north, Krome Avenue branches off of US 1 (South Dixie Highway). It heads in a northwesterly direction for a short distance, turns due north through Florida City and the City of Homestead and then bolts northward across a considerable stretch of western Miami-Dade County. With only a slight directional variation at an intersection with Kendall Drive, the road continues its due north run until its last several miles when it turns northeasterly before it merges with US 27 (Okeechobee Road) just shy of the Broward County line. Over its 37-mile span, there are a number of significant features of the two-lane undivided roadway. Known also as 177th Avenue, it serves as the main street for the City of Homestead, a municipality hard-hit by Hurricane Andrew in 1992. It treads along the edge of the Everglades Protection Area. In the south, Krome Avenue's locus varies in distances relatively close to Everglades National Park. In the case of Water Conservation Area 3 (WCA-3) to the north, the roadway abuts the Everglades sector's politically-drawn east border. For most of its length north of US 41 or the Tamiami Trail it fragments wetlands designated as "Environmental Protection" with WCA-3 to the west and an extension of the historical Everglades to the east. It also traverses the Redland, an expansive tract of prime agricultural land packed between suburbs and the fabled River of Grass. Krome Avenue's cross of the Redland renders it a route essential to agricultural interests in the area. The roadway is used to transport harvested row crops and as a means to get produce from fruit and vegetable groves to market in the face of competitive pressure from Mexico and Central America, competition generated by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) since its adoption during the Clinton Administration. Lately, Krome Avenue has been a shipping lane for bush, flower and tree products from recently-arisen container nurseries dedicated to ornamental horticulture. The burgeoning nursery business supports the landscaping needs of the real estate and building industries in a county that has experienced explosive residential and commercial growth recently due in substantial part to stimulation from a financing environment of low interest rates that has persisted for more than half a decade. Due to Krome Avenue's proximity to the Everglades, any proposed and adopted amendments to the CDMP or local zoning action that might promote improvement of the roadway draws attention of some involved in the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project (the "Project" or "CERP"). The Project, called for by Congress to be completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in a joint effort with the state and the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) involves the expenditure of prodigious governmental funds and utilization of ground-breaking science. Of considerable interest to many communities, residential, commercial, environmental, agricultural, and scientific, to name some of the more obvious, CERP is the subject of government involvement at all levels. Of concern is anticipation that improvement to Krome Avenue supported by CDMP amendments threatens to contribute to rises in the value of property that is being sought or may be sought for governmental acquisition to further CERP at a time when there are various forces in play to reduce funding for the Project. A Significant Roadway Krome Avenue's is Miami-Dade County's westernmost roadway of statewide significance. The CDMP recognizes this status: it classifies the roadway as a state principal arterial roadway. The state likewise recognizes Krome Avenue's significance. FDOT has designated Krome Avenue a corridor in the Florida Intrastate Highway System (FIHS)4 developed to address requirements for a National Highway System imposed by the Congress' Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. The Plan Amendment makes it is a hurricane evacuation route for residents and the transient population of south Miami-Dade County and provides an alternative evacuation route to Monroe County and the Florida Keys, an area sensitive to effects generated by residential development in south Florida. Despite its import to local, state and national transportation systems and the recognition of that import in the last several decades, the roadway has remained an undivided rural two-lane highway. Its configuration and the transportation demands that have increased in recent years have led to concerns about safety on much of Krome Avenue. Krome Avenue Safety The 33-mile segment of the corridor between Southwest 296th Street and US 27 exhibits a vehicular crash rate that is consistently higher than the statewide average for highways with the same characteristics. A significant portion of those crashes have resulted in fatalities or severe injuries. Between 1995 and 1999, there were 966 total vehicular crashes, of which 106 resulted in severe injuries and 16 resulted in fatalities. The number of crashes resulting in fatalities increased significantly after 1999. Between January 2000 and July 2002, there were an additional 26 crashes resulting in fatalities. Between 1995 and 2002, a total of 59 people died on Krome Avenue in the 42 crashes involving fatalities. Fatal crashes occurred in four segments of Krome Avenue as indicated here: Road Segment Crashes Deaths Okeechobee Rd. (US 27) to Tamiami Trail (SW 8 St.) 16 26 Tamiami Trail (SW 8 St.) to Kendall Drive (SW 88 St.) 3 4 Kendall Drive (SW 88 St.) to Eureka Drive (SW 184 St.) 16 21 Silver Palm Drive (SW 232 St.) to Avocado Drive (SW 296 St.) 7 8 Of the 42 fatal crashes between 1995 and 2002, 15 were the result of head-on collisions. Another 15 were the result of centerline crossovers, where a vehicle traveling in one direction crossed over the roadway centerline and struck a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. Crossover collisions differ from head-on collisions in that the point of impact is usually at an angle. Head-on collisions and crossover collisions on Krome Avenue are due at least in part to its configuration as a two- lane, undivided road. Because crashes occurred throughout the 33-mile corridor and not just at intersections, independent transportation engineering consultants retained by FDOT to analyze conditions on Krome Avenue recommended that a safety improvement plan should be considered for the entire corridor. (See paragraphs 18. to 28., below.) Daily traffic volumes on Krome Avenue increased steadily between 1995 and 2001, growing at a rate of over 10 percent per year. In 2001, weekday traffic volumes were approximately 14,000 to 15,000 vehicles between S.W. 8th Street and S.W. 296th Street and approximately 9,000 vehicles between US 27 and Southwest 8th Street, as illustrated in the following table: Road Segment Avg. Daily Traffic 2001 Okeechobee Rd. (US 27) to Tamiami Trail (SW 8 St.) 9,000 Tamiami Trail (SW 8 St.) to Kendall Drive (SW 88 St.) 14,800 Kendall Drive (SW 88 St.) to Eureka Drive (SW 184 St.) 14,500 Eureka Drive (SW 184 St.) to Silver Palm Drive (SW 232 St.) 14,600 Silver Palm Drive (SW 232 St.) to Avocado Drive (SW 296 St.) 14,100 Long-range traffic projections indicate that by the year 2020, weekday traffic volumes will be between 18,000 and 21,000 vehicles south of S.W. 8th Street, and approximately 12,000 vehicles to the north. No projection suggests that traffic will decrease. Indeed, traffic models for Miami-Dade County have systematically underestimated actual traffic volume. Many intersections on Krome Avenue operate with unacceptable levels of delay, which affect drivers’ overall travel times. These conditions are reasonably expected to degrade over the coming decades. The increased traffic volume and attendant diminution in Level of Service mean that a large percentage of motorists on Krome Avenue are not able to travel at desired speeds. Slow- moving vehicles impede drivers’ forward progress, but because Krome Avenue is a two-lane road with a high volume of traffic traveling in both directions, drivers are not able to pass those vehicles. The result is an increase in driver frustration. The number of head-on crashes on Krome Avenue indicates that many drivers, as they get frustrated, are more willing to attempt risky passing maneuvers. Because passing generally involves higher speeds, crashes that result from risky passing maneuvers are more likely to result in fatalities or severe injuries. The problems associated with driver frustration are further exacerbated by the increasing volume of large trucks on Krome Avenue. The number of trucks as a percentage of overall traffic varies between 26 percent and 32 percent of daily traffic. Trucks contribute to delays at intersections and, thus, to overall delays in travel times. Trucks have difficulty turning off of Krome Avenue, thereby encouraging vehicles to attempt to pass them; those vehicles in turn pose a hazard to oncoming traffic, because they are obscured by the truck. Finally, the high percentage of trucks on the road contributes to an increase in the severity of crashes involving trucks. In general, because of the difference in size and speed between trucks and automobiles, the two types of vehicles should be separated as much as possible especially by a median separating lanes of traffic proceeding in opposing directions. The 1999 Krome Avenue Action Plan In 1999, FDOT produced the Krome Avenue Action Plan (the "Action Plan.") The Action Plan followed by nine years the Florida Legislature's adoption of the FIHS of which Krome Avenue is a part. FIHS standards require that FIHS roadways be designated as controlled access facilities and that they be configured with a minimum of four lanes divided by a restrictive median (the "FIHS Directive"). Attempts to bring Krome Avenue into compliance with the FIHS Directive met with difficulties described in the Executive Summary of the Action Plan: To begin the long-range planning process required to achieve this directive, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) programmed various phases of improvement for Krome Avenue in their tentative work program. This work program was adopted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as the Miami-Dade County Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and provides funding for a more detailed study of the corridor. This action set off a string of controversial meetings and hearings regarding the consistency of the TIP, the Miami-Dade County Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP), and local government comprehensive plans. In response to the controversy, the MPO modified their TIP to eliminate consideration of Krome Avenue as a four (4) lane divided roadway with landscaped medians throughout the facility. In February 1997, FDOT began analyzing the Krome Avenue corridor and developing the Krome Avenue Action Plan. During the public involvement process, several alternatives were developed to preserve Krome Avenue as a two (2) lane roadway. The results of sixteen (16) months of public involvement activities and engineering analysis identified the need to preserve the rural character of the corridor while providing safety and operational enhancements to the existing roadway. Joint Exhibit 19, pgs. i-ii, (emphasis supplied). In light of difficulty in reaching "consensus and public acceptance for any improvement alternative," id., p. ii, the Action Plan was conducted "as a precursor to the requisite Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study to avoid the expenditure of the large sums of public funds in a study effort, with no resulting project." Id. The Action Plan required that Krome Avenue be maintained as a two-lane road, and it recommended improvements, such as adding additional lanes and traffic signals at intersections; implementing an access management plan to limit the number of driveways and cross-street connections to Krome Avenue and to restrict turns off of the roadway; enhancing road shoulders; providing passing zones; adding pedestrian and bicycle facilities; improving pavement markings and signs; and widening the areas from the edge of the roadway that are free of obstructions, known as clear zones, to prevent crashes that result from drivers running off of the road. The Action Plan was premised on traffic volume projections for the year 2010 that were exceeded or were nearly exceeded by the traffic actually observed in 2001, nine years before the final projection. In addition, the amount of traffic observed in 2001 was close to the amount of traffic projected for 2020: Road Segment 2010 KAAP Forecast 2020 KAAP Forecast 2001 Avg. Daily Traffic Okeechobee Rd. (US 27) to Tamiami Trail (SW 8 St.) 9,349 10,475 9,000 Tamiami Trail (SW 8 St.) to Kendall Drive (SW 88 St.) 14,713 16,486 14,800 Kendall Drive (SW 88 St.) to Eureka Drive (SW 184 St.) 14,713 16,486 14,500 Eureka Drive (SW 184 St.) to Silver Palm Drive (SW 232 St.) 12,730- 16,351 13,486- 18321 14,600 Silver Palm Drive (SW 232 St.) to Avocado Drive (SW 296 St.) 11,921- 16,917 12,629- 17,921 14,100 Furthermore, after the Action Plan, that is, after 1999, the number of fatal crashes increased significantly. The increase was noted in an "Existing Level of Service Study" prepared for District VI of FDOT by Kittelson & Associates, Inc., (the "Kittelson Report"). The Kittelson Reports In 2002, FDOT retained Kittelson & Associates (“Kittelson”), independent transportation planning and engineering consultants, to report on Krome Avenue. Kittelson produced two reports in August and October of that year (the "First Kittleson Report" and the "Second Kittleson Report"). The First Kittleson Report is entitled “SR 997/Krome Avenue Existing Level of Service Study” and the Second Kittleson Report is entitled “SR 997/Krome Avenue Future Conditions Analysis and Mitigation Measures.” See Joint Exhibits 15 and 49. The 1999 Action Plan, prepared in the wake of public controversy and concerns regarding consistency between the CDMP and the FIHS Directive, directly addressed those concerns and reached a compromise in the conflict. As stated in the last paragraph of its Executive Summary: Although the improvements in the Krome Avenue Action Plan do not result in a facility that meets all FHS standards, the Action Plan represents the best compromise among a wide range of diverse interests including hundreds of interested residents, agency staff, and elected officials. Joint Exhibit 19 (emphasis supplied). Unlike the Action Plan, however, Kittelson's focus, as stated in the opening sentence of its Executive Summary in the First Kittleson Report, was squarely on level of service and safety issues: "The purpose of this study is to perform a detailed Level of Service and safety analysis for existing conditions along the SR 997/Krome Avenue (177th Avenue) corridor." Joint Exhibit 15, pgs. II and 2. In the Second Kittleson Report, Kittleson summarizes its finding with regard to the increase in the number and severity of crashes on Krome Avenue: . . . [I]t is clear that traffic volume growth and increasing levels of congestion have contributed to driver frustration and attempts to make risky passing maneuvers on Krome Avenue. This has probably led to an increase in the number and severity of crashes in the corridor. Joint Exhibit 49, p. E-V. The Second Kittleson Report recognized that short of widening to a divided, four-lane roadway, there are a number of congestion and safety measures that could be considered to enhance mobility and safety, some of which were recommended by the 1999 Action Plan and some that were in addition to that plan. But the Second Kittleson Report argued for consideration of widening Krome Avenue to a four-lane divided roadway: . . . [T]here are four factors that, in combination, argue for the consideration of widening Krome Avenue to a four lane divided section: The fact that Krome Avenue is on the Florida Intrastate Highway System and the requirement that it be designated as controlled-access facility with a cross-section that provides for at least four lanes with a restrictive median. The likelihood that the high percentage of trucks that use the entire length of the corridor Id. contribute to an increase in crash severity when trucks are involved in crashes. The increasing levels of roadway and intersection congestion and the difficulty in mitigating these levels of congestion short of providing for additional north-south through movement capacity. The crash experience on Krome Avenue exceeds the statewide average for this type of roadway. The high number of crashes and the increase in crash severity (as demonstrated by an increase in the number of fatal crashes largely due to head-on and angle collisions) that likely would be mitigated by physically separating the directions of travel with a median. In a section of the Second Kittelson Report under the heading of "Availability of Passing" Kittelson details the problems with passing on a two-lane undivided Krome Avenue, the contribution these problems make to head-on collisions and the high speeds at which passing maneuvers occur. The report concludes that several measures should be considered to counter safety issues associated with passing maneuvers, among them, the addition of passing lanes and a median separated two-lane section. The first countermeasure recommended, however, is the creation of a four-lane section: A four-lane section eliminates the need for drivers to judge the adequacy of gaps in opposing traffic and use the opposing lane to perform the passing maneuver. The length and placement of a four-lane section can vary (for example, a four-lane section can be located between intersections or on a specific stretch of roadway). It is noted that in areas where access to roadside properties exists or is planned, a four-lane section should be median separated and that left-turn lanes need to be provided to minimize crossover crashes and rear-end crashes. A properly designed four-lane section can be expected to nearly eliminate head-on crashes (a crash type that often results in severe injuries or fatalities) and reduce the total number of roadway crashes associated with passing maneuvers. Joint Exhibit 49 (emphasis supplied). The Second Kittleson Report notes that "[w]hen considering potential countermeasures, it is important to note that one treatment does not have to be applied to the entire corridor." Joint Exhibit 49, p. 36. The reason is that there are a number of issues including safety that should be examined. The Second Kittelson Report reaches the conclusion, therefore, that "[a]n alternative analysis that considers issues such as available right-of-way, environmental impacts, safety benefits, operational benefits, and community concerns should be completed in order to decide what the preferred treatment should be." Id. In light of four factors stated above and specifically, the solution to head-on collisions offered by upgrading a two-lane undivided highway to a four-lane divided highway, Kittelson in the Second Kittleson Report recommends, "that a Project Development and Environment process be conducted to consider the range of solutions for improving the operational and safety characteristics of Krome Avenue." Joint Exhibit 49, p. E-V. The Kittleson reports, therefore, went a step beyond the 1999 Action Plan. They call for improvement of some or all of Krome Avenue to a four-lane section with a restrictive median as one of the solutions, among a range of solutions, to safety on Krome Avenue. Before such an improvement can take place, however, FDOT must conduct a Project Development and Environment Study (a "PD&E Study.") FDOT's Position FDOT is solely responsible for funding and building improvements to Krome Avenue. FDOT has neither a rule nor an un-codified policy that it will not consider funding or building an improvement to a road under its jurisdiction when improvement would be inconsistent with an applicable local comprehensive plan. Nevertheless, as made clear in the 1999 Krome Avenue Action Plan, FDOT is plainly sensitive to undertaking expensive studies necessary to roadway improvements that are inconsistent with local comprehensive plans. A PD&E Study is resource-intensive in time, money and FDOT commitment. Inconsistency with a local comprehensive plan is not a prescription for action on roadway improvement; rather it tends to produce a situation laden with complication as FDOT's District Engineer testified at hearing: (Tr. 768) Q. . . .[I]f this plan amendment which authorizes the widening, on the comprehensive plan, to four lanes, if this amendment is rejected, what happens next? A. . . . [W]e would have to stop and consider the circumstances, the situation, a lot of different factors before we decided whether or not to proceed with the ... study. FDOT has long been aware of safety problems on Krome Avenue. In the wake of the Kittelson Reports commissioned after a rapid rise in life-threatening traffic accidents on Krome suspected to be due, at least in part, to its configuration and a strong recommendation that widening and median placement be considered among a range of improvements, a PD&E Study was not commenced. As of the time of hearing a PD&E Study had still not been commenced. Evacuation Route In considering the data related to safety on Krome Avenue, including the Kittelson Report, the Commission considered Krome Avenue's status as an evacuation route. Since the early 1990s, Miami-Dade County has experienced significant population growth along its southern and western fringes, between the Broward County line and the Homestead/Florida City area. This growth is reasonably expected to continue. Because Krome Avenue is one of only three continuous north-south routes in Miami-Dade County, it is important to persons evacuating the City of Homestead and other surrounding areas in southern and western Miami-Dade County and Monroe County. Krome Avenue is an evacuation route not only for hurricanes but also for “all hazards,” such as a meltdown at the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plan. Nonetheless, it is not designated by Monroe County as part of the official evacuation route. Krome Avenue had been used to evacuate southern Miami- Dade County during Hurricane Andrew. It had also been used to transport relief personnel, vehicles, and supplies in the aftermath of that storm. Given the growth of Miami-Dade County’s population, the other north-south routes, the Florida Turnpike and US 1, would be extremely congested if all of southern and western Miami-Dade County evacuated—much more so if Monroe County evacuated at the same time. Moreover, it is not only people who live in mandatory evacuation zones who evacuate during an emergency: an increasing number of people evacuate voluntarily. Additional capacity on Krome Avenue is necessary to accommodate both mandatory and voluntary evacuees. Miami-Dade County’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, prepared by the Miami-Dade Office of Emergency Management (“OEM”) in October 2000 and adopted by the County Commission, currently designates Krome Avenue as a primary north-south evacuation route for the Florida Keys and south Miami-Dade, in the event of a hurricane or an emergency related to the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant. Designated evacuation routes are roads that OEM encourages people to use in an emergency, and they are selected based on recognizability, carrying capacity, and where they end. To maintain consistency between the Emergency Management Plan and the CDMP, the Plan Amendment amends the map of “Designated Evacuation Routes-2015” in the Transportation Element to add Krome Avenue as a “Major Route.” Monroe County’s Director of Growth Management, Timothy McGarry, opined that Krome Avenue was not necessary to accommodate evacuation from Monroe County, because the Florida Turnpike provided adequate capacity. But McGarry based his opinion on the amount of Monroe County’s population that has historically evacuated, which is 50 percent. McGarry would not say that the Florida Turnpike would provide adequate capacity if 100 percent of Monroe County’s population were to evacuate. Moreover, McGarry conceded that, in formulating his opinion, he had not considered what would happen if both Monroe County and southern Miami-Dade County evacuated at the same time. A four-lane Krome Avenue would increase the capacity of Miami-Dade County’s Primary Evacuation Route System and facilitate relief efforts to south Miami-Dade and Monroe County. Moreover, if residents of both Miami-Dade County and Monroe County are evacuated, the additional capacity would allow OEM to direct Miami-Dade residents to Krome Avenue, thus opening the Turnpike and US 1, which provide the only exit routes from the Florida Keys, for residents and tourists evacuating Monroe County. The CDMP and the UDB Miami-Dade County is one of the only counties in the State of Florida to have an “urban development boundary" (UDB.) In the Land Use Element of the Adopted Components of the Year 2000 and 2010 CDMP dated December, 1988, the UDB is described: The Urban Development Boundary (UDB) is included on the LUP map to distinguish the area where urban development may occur through the year 2000 from areas where it should not occur. * * * The CDMP seeks to facilitate the necessary service improvements within the UDB to accommodate the land uses indicated on the LUP map within the year 2000 time frame. Accordingly, public expenditures for urban service and infrastructure improvements shall be focused on the area within the UDB, and urban infrastructure is discouraged outside the UDB. In particular, the construction of new roads, or the extension, widening and paving of existing arterial or collector roadways to serve areas outside the UDB at public expense will be permitted only if such roadways are shown on the LUP map and in the Traffic Circulation Element. Joint Exhibit 56-A, pgs. I-35 and I-36. Thomas Pelham, Miami- Dade County's expert in comprehensive planning, explained the difference between a UDB and an Urban Services Area: The urban service area concept is the local government's designation of the areas in which it . . . will provide urban services. The urban growth boundary is a technique by which a line is drawn beyond which urban development will not be allowed. Tr. 662-3. With regard to the UDB, the parties stipulated, The CDMP currently contains policies to discourage urban sprawl and urban development in areas outside the Urban Development Boundary (the "UDB"), particularly areas designated Agriculture, Open Land, or Environmental Protection. These policies recognize limited exceptions for the provision of public services and facilities in such areas when necessary to protect public health and safety and serve the localized needs of the non-urban areas. Pre-hearing Stipulation, p. 14, para. 13. The UDB appears on the CDMP's Adopted 2005 and 2015 Land Use Plan map ("LUP map") as a broken line that on its northern end commences on the border with Broward County. It runs primarily north-to-south along the breadth of developed Miami-Dade County, within several miles of the Everglades and environmentally protected lands, and through the Redland to a point southwest of Florida City and Homestead where it turns sharply east for five to six miles and then heads in a primarily northeast direction around Homestead Regional Airport to meet the coast along Biscayne Bay near Black Point Park. Other counties have at most an “urban service area” or “urban service boundary,” which merely designates the areas in which the government will provide urban services. In contrast to the UDB, an urban service area does not prohibit urban development outside its boundary. A comprehensive plan with an urban services area typically provides only that the landowner, rather than the government, is responsible for providing urban services outside the urban services area. Miami-Dade County had the UDB before the Florida legislature adopted the laws requiring comprehensive plans, in 1985. The UDB thus predates the CDMP, which was adopted in 1988. Neither Chapter 163 nor Rule 9J-5 requires an urban development boundary. In providing a UDB in the CDMP, therefore, Miami-Dade County is making use of a technique to discourage urban sprawl that exceeds the requirements of Chapter 163 and Rule 9J-5. Miami-Dade County has rarely expanded the UDB in areas not designated as Urban Expansion Areas (“UEAs”). In the last 10 years, the UDB has only been expanded once. That amendment, for the Beacon Lakes project, approved an industrial use where rock mining and cement manufacturing had already taken place. All along its path, Krome Avenue is outside (or to the west of) the UDB. The CDMP does not specify any procedures for applications to move the UDB, beyond the requirements applicable to plan amendments generally. Instead, the procedures for moving the UDB are set forth in Section 2-116.1 of the Code of Miami-Dade County Florida (the “County Code”). That section requires an affirmative vote from two-thirds of the total membership of the County Commission. There are no restrictions on how frequently the County Code may be amended. Changes to the County Code may be accomplished by ordinance at any legislative meeting of the County Commission. The entire process can take as little as three months. Changes to the CDMP, by contrast, are subject to more rigorous procedures: applications may only be filed twice a year; they require review by the Regional Planning Council and DCA; they require two public hearings before the Planning Advisory Board; they require two public hearings before the County Commission; and the entire process takes one year. In its “Statement of Legislative Intent,” the CDMP provides: 3. The CDMP is intended to set general guidelines and principles concerning its purposes and contents. The CDMP is not a substitute for land development regulations. * * * 6. The Board recognizes that a particular application may bring into conflict, and necessitate a choice between, different goals, priorities, objectives, and provisions of the CDMP. While it is the intent of the Board that the Land Use Element be afforded a high priority, other elements must be taken into consideration in light of the Board’s responsibility to provide for the multitude of needs of a large heavily populated and diverse community. This is especially true with regard to the siting of public facilities. Recognizing that County Boards and agencies will be required to balance competing policies and objectives of the CDMP, it is the intention of the County Commission that such boards and agencies consider the overall intention of the CDMP as well as portions particularly applicable to a matter under consideration in order to ensure that the CDMP, as applied, will protect the public health, safety and welfare. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 14. The CDMP currently contains substantive policies to discourage urban sprawl and urban development in areas outside the UDB, particularly areas designated Agriculture, Open Land, or Environmental Protection. These policies recognize limited exceptions for the provision of public services and facilities in such areas when necessary to protect public health and safety and serve the localized needs of the non-urban areas. Land Use Objective 1 provides: The location and configuration of Miami-Dade County’s urban growth through the year 2015 shall emphasize concentration and intensification of development around centers of activity, development of well designated communities containing a variety of uses, housing types and public services, renewal and rehabilitation of blighted areas, and contiguous urban expansion when warranted, rather than sprawl. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 15. Land Use Element Policy 1P provides: Miami-Dade County shall seek to prevent discontinuous, scattered development at the urban fringe particularly in the Agriculture Areas, through its CDMP amendment process, regulatory and capital improvements programs and intergovernmental coordination activities. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 16. Land Use Element Policy 1Q provides: While continuing to protect and promote agriculture as a viable economic activity in the County, Miami-Dade County shall explore and may authorize alternative land uses in the South Dade agricultural area which would be compatible with agricultural activities and associated rural residential uses, and which would promote ecotourism related to the area’s agricultural and natural resource base including Everglades and Biscayne National Parks. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 17. Land Use Element Policy 2B provides: Priority in the provision of services and facilities and the allocation of financial resource for services and facilities in Miami-Dade County shall be given first to serve the area within the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) of the Land Use Plan (LUP) map. Second priority shall support the staged development of the Urban Expansion Area (UEA). Urban services and facilities which support or encourage urban development in Agriculture and Open Land areas shall be avoided, except for those improvements necessary to protect public health and safety and which service the localized needs of these non-urban areas. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 18. Land Use Element Policy 8C provides: Through its planning, capital improvements, cooperative extension, economic development, regulatory and intergovernmental coordination activities, Miami-Dade County shall continue to promote agriculture as a viable economic use of land in Miami-Dade County. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 19. Land Use Element Policy 8F provides: Applications requesting amendments to the CDMP Land Use Plan map shall be evaluated to consider consistency with the Goals, Objective and Policies of all Elements, other timely issues, and in particular the extent to which the proposal, if approved, would: Satisfy a deficiency in the Plan map to accommodate projected population or economic growth of the County; Enhance or impede provision of services at or above adopted LOS Standards; Be compatible with abutting and nearby land uses and protect the character of established neighborhoods; Enhance or degrade environmental or historical resources, features or systems of County significance; and If located in a planned Urban Center, or within 1/4 mile of an existing or planned transit station, exclusive busway stop, transit center, or standard or express bus stop served by peak period of headways of 20 or fewer minutes, would be a use that promotes transit ridership and pedestrianism as indicated in the policies under Objective 7, herein. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 20. Land Use Element Policy 8G provides: The Urban Development Boundary (UDB) should contain developable land having capacity to sustain projected countywide residential demand for a period of 10 years after adoption of the most recent Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) plus a 5-year surplus (a total 15-year Countywide supply beyond the date of the EAR adoption). The estimation of this capacity shall include the capacity to develop and redevelop around transit stations at the densities recommended in policy 7F. The adequacy of non-residential land supplies shall be determined on the basis of land supplies in subareas of the County appropriate to the type of use, as well as the Countywide supply within the UDB. The adequacy of land supplies for neighborhood- and community- oriented business and office uses shall be determined on the basis of localized subarea geography such as Census Tracts, Minor Statistical Areas (MSAs) and combinations thereof. Tiers, Half-Tiers and combinations thereof shall be considered along with the Countywide supply when evaluating the adequacy of land supplies for regional commercial and industrial activities. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 21. Land Use Element Policy 8H provides: When considering land areas to add to the UDB, after demonstrating that a countywide need exists, The following areas shall not be considered: The Northwest Wellfield Protection Area located west of the Turnpike Extension between Okeechobee Road and NW 25 Street, and the West Wellfield Protection Area west of SW 157 Avenue between SW 8 Street and SW 42 Street; Water Conservation Areas, Biscayne Aquifer Recharge Areas, and Everglades Buffer Areas designated by the South Florida Water Management District; The Redland area south of Eureka Drive; and The following areas shall be avoided: Future Wetlands delineated in the Conservation and Land Use Element; Land designated Agriculture on the Land Use Plan map; Category 1 hurricane evacuation areas east of the Atlantic Coastal Ridge; and The following areas shall be given priority for inclusion, subject to conformance with Policy 8G and the foregoing provision of this policy: Land within Planning Analysis Tiers having the earliest projected supply depletion year; Land contiguous to the UDB; Locations within one mile of a planned urban center or extraordinary transit service; and Locations having projected surplus service capacity where necessary facilities and services can be readily extended. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 22. Interpretation of the LUP Map: Policy of the Land Use Element provides: Urban Development Boundary (p. I-45) The Urban Development Boundary (UDB) is included on the LUP map to distinguish the area where urban development may occur through the year 2005 from areas where it should not occur Adequate countywide development capacity will be maintained within the UDB by increasing development densities or intensities inside the UDB, or by expanding the UDB, when the need for such change is determined to be necessary through the Plan review and amendment process . . . . [U]rban infrastructure is discouraged outside the UDB. In particular, the construction of new roads, or the extension, widening and paving of existing arterial or collector roadways to serve areas outside the UDB at public expense will be permitted only if such roadways are shown on the LUP map and in the Transportation Element. . . . Concepts and Limitations of the Land Use Plan Map: Coordinated-Managed Growth (p. I- 59) [C]ritical in achieving the desired pattern of development is the adherence to the 2005 Urban Development Boundary (UDB) and 2015 Urban Expansion Area (UEA) Boundary. Given the fundamental influences of infrastructure and service availability on land markets and development activities, the CDMP has since its inception provided that the UDB serve as an envelope within which public expenditures for urban infrastructure will be confined. In this regard, the UDB serves as an urban services boundary in addition to a land use boundary. Consistency with the CDMP will ensure that the actions of one single- purpose agency does not foster development that could cause other agencies to subsequently respond in kind and provide facilities in unanticipated locations. Such uncoordinated single-purpose decision making can be fiscally damaging to government and can undermine other comprehensive plan objectives. Concepts and Limitations of the Land Use Plan Map: Ultimate Development Area (p. I- 64) The 2005 and 2015 Land Use Plan map identified the areas that will be urbanized within those time frames. As indicated throughout this Plan, these are the areas of the County where financial resources should be directed from the maintenance and construction of urban infrastructure and services. Growth of Dade County, however, is not projected to cease after the year 2015. Therefore, prudent long-term planning for infrastructure may need to anticipate locations for possible future extension. For example, it may be desirable to reserve rights-of-way in certain growth corridors as well as on section, half-section, and quarter-section lines, well in advance of need so that opportunities to eventually provide necessary roadways are not irrevocably lost. It is difficult to specify where and how much of Dade County’s total area may ultimately be converted to urban development. . . . It is reasonably safe to assume, however, that the areas least suitable for urban development today will remain least suitable. Theses areas include the remaining high-quality coastal and Everglades wetland areas in the County, and the Northwest Wellfield protection area. The areas more appropriate for, and more likely to experience sustained urban pressure are the heavily impacted, partially drained wetlands in the Biscayne-Snake Creek and Bird-Trail Canal Basins, the agricultural areas of southwestern and southeast Dade, and the impacted wetlands south of Homestead and Florida City. When the need for additional urban expansion is demonstrated after the year 2015, such expansion should be carefully managed to minimize the loss of agricultural land and to maximize the economic life of that valuable industry. Accordingly, urban expansion after the year 2015 in the South Dade area should be managed to progress westerly from the Metrozoo area to Krome Avenue north of Eureka Drive, and on the west side of the US 1 corridor southerly to Homestead only when the clear need is demonstrated. . . . Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 23 (emphasis supplied). Of particular import to this proceeding, Policy 4C of the Traffic Circulation Subelement requires avoidance of improvements which encourage development in certain areas. With regard to development in Agriculture and Open Land areas, transportation improvements which encourage development are to be avoided but avoidance is subject to an exception, "those improvements necessary for public safety and which serve the localized needs of these non-urbanized areas." Areas designated Environmental Protection, on the other hand, are to be "particularly avoided." Policy 4C of the Traffic Circulation Subelement provides: Dade County’s priority in the construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of roadways, and the allocation of financial resources, shall be given first to serve the area within the Urban Development Boundary of the Land Use Plan map. Second priority in transportation allocations shall support the staged development of the urbanizing portions of the County within the Urban Expansion Area. Transportation improvements which encourage development in Agriculture and Open Land areas shall be avoided, except for those improvements which are necessary for public safety and which serve the localized needs of these non-urban areas. Areas designated Environmental Protection shall be particularly avoided. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 24 (emphasis supplied). Policy 1A of the Water and Sewer Sub-element provides: The area within the Urban Development Boundary of the Land Use Plan map shall have the first priority in providing potable water supply, and sanitary sewage disposal, and for committing financial resources to these services. Future development in the designated Urban Expansion Area shall have second priority in planning or investments for these services. Investments in public water and sewer service shall be avoided in those areas designated for Agriculture, Open Land, or Environmental Protection on the Land Use Plan map, except where essential to eliminate or prevent a threat to the public health, safety or welfare. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 25. Policy 1H of the Water and Sewer Sub-element provides: New water supply or wastewater collection lines should not be extended to provide service to land within the areas designated Agriculture, Open Land or Environmental Protection on the Land Use Plan map. New water or wastewater lines to serve land within these areas should be approved or required only where the absence of the facility would result in an imminent threat to public health or safety. The use of on- site facilities should be given priority consideration. In all cases, facilities should be sized only to service the area where the imminent threat would exist, to avoid inducing additional urban development in the area. This policy will not preclude federal, State or local long-range planning or design of facilities to serve areas within the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) or Urban Expansion Area (UEA). Public health and safety determinations will be made in accordance with Chapter 24 of the Code of Miami-Dade County (Environmental Protection) and Section 2-103.20, et. seq., (Water Supply for Fire Suppression) Code of Miami-Dade County. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 26. Policy 5A of the Capital Improvements Element provides: As a priority, previously approved development will be properly served prior to new development approvals under the provisions of this Plan. First priority will be to serve the area within the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) of the Land Use Plan (LUP) map. Second priority for investments for services and facilities shall support the staged development of the Urban Expansion Area (UEA). Urban services and facilities which support or encourage urban development in Agriculture and Open Land areas shall be avoided, except for those improvements necessary to protect public health and safety and which service the localized needs. Pre-Hearing Stipulation, para. 27. The Plan Amendment The Plan Amendment consists of several components grouped as follows: a. changes in Plan designations in the Land Use Element on the LUP map and in the Traffic Circulation Subelement that increase the lanes on a segment of Krome Avenue from 2 lanes to 4 lanes (the "Lane Increase Changes"); b. changes in the Transportation Element's Traffic Circulation Subelement that add Krome Avenue as a Major Route in the Designated Evacuation Routes 2015 (the "Evacuation Route Change"); c. addition of new policies that require among other matters a super-majority of the County Commission for zoning action or amendment to the CDMP that would approve certain uses within one mile of Krome Avenue designated for improvement to four lanes (the "New Super-Majority Policies"); and d. addition of a new policy that requires adoption of a binding access control plan for the Krome Avenue corridor before capacity improvements to Krome Avenue outside the UDB (the "New Binding Access Control Plan Policy"). The parties stipulated to the following narrative description of the Plan Amendment: 31. As part of the October 2002 Plan Amendment, the County Commission approved Application 16. Application 16 made the following changes to the CDMP: Changed the Plan designations of Krome Avenue (SR 997/SW 177 Avenue), between US 27 and SW 296 Street, as follows: In the Land Use Element, on the Land Use Plan map change from Minor Roadway (2 lanes) to Major Roadway (3 or more lanes); and in the Transportation Element, Traffic Circulation Subelement, Figure 1, “Planned Year 2015 Roadway Network”: Change from 2 lanes to 4 lanes. In the Transportation Element, Traffic Circulation Subelement, added Krome Avenue between US 27 and US 1 to Figure 7, Designated Evacuation Routes 2015, as a Major Route. Added the following new Policy 3F to the Land Use Element: Any zoning action or amendment to the CDMP that would approve any use other than direct agricultural production and permitted residential uses of property, in an area designated as Agriculture, whether as a primary use or as an accessory or subordinate use to an agricultural use, or action that would liberalize standards or allowances governing such other uses on land that is a) outside the Urban Development Boundary (UDB), and b) within one mile of the right-of-way line of any portions of Krome Avenue designated in this Plan for improvement to 4-lanes, shall require an affirmative vote of not less than five members of the affected Community Zoning Appeals Board and two-thirds of the total membership of the Board of County Commissioners then in office, where such Community Zoning Appeals Board or Board of County Commissioners issues a decision. The term “direct agricultural production” includes crops, livestock, 15 nurseries, groves, packing houses, and barns but not uses such as houses of worship, schools, sale of produce and other items, and outdoor storage of vehicles. This policy is not intended to permit any use not otherwise permitted by the CDMP. Any modification to this section to allow additional uses within the one mile distance from Krome Avenue shall require an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the Board of County Commissioners then in office. Added the following new Policy 3G to the Land Use Element: Any zoning action, or amendment to the Land Use plan map that would approve a use of property other than limestone quarrying, seasonal agriculture or permitted residential use in an area designated as Open Land on land that is, a) outside the Urban Development Boundary (UDB), and b) within one mile of the right-of-way line of any portions of Krome Avenue designated in this Plan for improvement to 4-lanes, shall require an affirmative vote of not less than five members of the affected Community Zoning Appeals Board and two-thirds of the total membership of the Board of County Commissioners then in office, where such Community Zoning Appeals Board or Board of County Commissioners issues a decision. This policy is not intended to permit any use not otherwise permitted by the CDMP. Any modification to this section to allow additional uses within the one mile distance from Krome Avenue shall require an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the Board of County Commissioners then in office. Added the following new Policy 3H to the Land Use Element: Any zoning action, or amendment to the Land Use plan map that would approve a use of property other than seasonal agricultural use in the Dade-Broward Levee Basin or permitted residential use in an area designated as Environmental Protection, on land that is, a) outside the Urban Development Boundary (UDB), and b) within one mile of the right-of-way line of any portions of Krome Avenue designated in this Plan for improvement to 4-lanes, shall require an affirmative vote of not less than five members of the affected Community Zoning Appeals Board and two-thirds of the total membership of the Board of County Commissioners then in office, where such Community Zoning Appeals Board or Board of County Commissioners issues a decision. This policy is not intended to permit any use not otherwise permitted by the CDMP. Any modification to this section to allow additional uses within the one mile distance from Krome Avenue shall require an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the Board of County Commissioners then in office. Added the following new Policy 4E to the Traffic Circulation Subelement: Notwithstanding the designation of Krome Avenue as a Major Roadway on the CDMP Land Use Plan Map or as a four-lane roadway in the Traffic Circulation Subelement, no construction associated with the four- laning, or other capacity improvement, of Krome Avenue outside the Urban Development Boundary shall occur until FDOT has prepared, and the Board of County Commissioners has adopted, a detailed binding access control plan for the Krome Avenue corridor. This plan should emphasize access to properties fronting Krome Avenue primarily through alternative street locations. Pre-hearing Stipulation, para. 28. Land Uses Near Krome Avenue North of S.W. 56th Street, the bulk of land uses around Krome Avenue are Environmental Protection and Open Land with almost all of the adjacent land north of US 41 designated Environmental Protection. South of S.W. 56th Street the land is designated as Agriculture and Environmental Protection except for near Homestead and Florida City where the land use designations are Residential Communities (of mostly low density), Business and Office and some Industrial and Office. Krome Avenue currently provides the western boundary of an Urban Expansion Area (UEA) for the year 2015 between what would be an extension of S.W. 42nd Street and an extension of S.W. 112th Street. The CDMP directs that urban infrastructure and services be planned for eventual extension into the UEA, as far west as Krome Avenue, sometime between 2005 and 2015. In addition, the area two miles east of Krome Avenue, between S.W. 12th Street and S.W. 8th Street, is designated as UEA. What the Plan Amendment Does Not Do Of particular import to this proceeding, given the case presented by Petitioners, is what the Plan Amendment does not do. The Krome Avenue Amendment does not change any land uses. It does not alter the existing Conservation Element or any other CDMP policies that protect environmental resources. It does not add Krome Avenue to the Capital Improvements Element or provide funds for or authorize construction on Krome Avenue. Furthermore, any future attempt to change land use in the vicinity of Krome Avenue, if anything, will be more difficult because of the New Supermajority Land Use Policies contained in the Plan Amendment. The New Supermajority Policies work in tandem with the substantive policies to provide the standards for land use changes within one mile of Krome Avenue designated for improvement to four lanes. For example, existing Land Use Policy 8H states that the areas surrounding Krome Avenue, particularly areas west of the road, be avoided or not be considered if Miami-Dade County proposes expanding the UDB. Because the only procedural requirements for moving the UDB are currently contained in the County Code, which may be amended from time to time, adding the Supermajority Requirement to the CDMP with its more rigorous amendment procedures, tends to make it more difficult to change the planning and zoning designations on a property. The Lane Increase Changes There are serious safety problems that rise to the level of literally "life-or-death" on the segment of Krome Avenue subject to the Lane Increase Changes. The Lane Increase Changes do not mandate that the portion of Krome Avenue that they govern be four-laned. They simply allow four-laning if a PD&E Study is conducted by FDOT that determines four-laning is the best way to address the safety issues. While the Lane Increase Changes give a designation to the Changed Segment of Krome Avenue that would allow it to be four-laned, it will not be four-laned until it is determined on the basis of further study in the future that four-laning is the best alternative for improving the Changed Segment. The Lane Increase Changes, without regard to the New Supermajority Policies, are supported by adequate data and analysis. This data and analysis consists of studies and commentaries by FDOT, including the Kittelson Reports and the 1999 Action Plan. The Lane Increase Changes do not authorize construction of improvements to the road. They do not "even attempt to permit increased development rights or densities or intensities on any of the surrounding land." (Tr. 671) It is only actual development that would cause potential urban sprawl that might threaten agriculture or pose a danger to the Everglades. Before any development could take place, additional amendments would have to be made to the CDMP. Those amendments would be subject to the same process as the Plan Amendment has undergone and is now undergoing. In other words, the potential dangers feared by Petitioners could not materialize without adoption of additional plan amendments. Furthermore, the fears held by Petitioners are mitigated by the New Supermajority Policies. DCA Review The entire package of amendments in the second round of 2002 for the CDMP, which included Application 16, is referred to by DCA as "Miami-Dade County 02-2 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendments." See Joint Exhibit 11. Initial staff review of Miami-Dade County 02-2 culminated in a August 5, 2002 memorandum (the "Pre-ORC Staff Analysis Memorandum") to the Chief of the Bureau of Comprehensive Planning from a Senior Planner. The staff analysis is summarized in the memorandum: Staff has identified two potential ... objections with the Krome Avenue (FIHS facility) segment[5] amendment concerning internal inconsistency with the CDMP objectives and policies, and lack of supporting data and analysis addressing public safety. Joint Exhibit 11, p. 1. With regard to the "safety" data and analysis, staff wrote, "the amendment is not supported with adequate data and analysis which demonstrates consistency with the CDMP policies which allow for capacity improvements outside the Urban Development Boundary (UDB) only upon showing the amendment is 'necessary' to address public safety." Id., p. 3. The CDMP objectives and policies were summarized as follows: The corridor runs through Agriculture and Open Land use categories. In order to promote the agricultural industry, the CDMP clearly states, under its Agriculture land use category, facilities which support or encourage urban development are not allowed in the amendment area. The subject segment of the roadway currently runs north-south through an extensive area of active farmlands, except the northern portion between US 41 (SW 8th Street) and SW 56th Street which is designated as Open Land in the CDMP's FLUM. The CDMP also states that Open Land designated land, is not simply surplus undeveloped land, but rather land that is Id. intended to serve for production of agriculture, limestone extraction, resource- based activity such as production of potable water supplies or other compatible utility and public facilities or rural residential development at no more than 1 du/5 acres. The amendment area is also a prime candidate for conservation, enhancement of environmental character, and for acquisition by federal, state, regional, county or private institutions that would manage the areas for optimal environmental functions. Beyond SW 8th Street to Okeechobee Road is the environmental and wellfield protection areas through which the upper Krome Avenue runs. One mile west of the segment is the Everglades National Park Expansion Area (Attachment 3) which is authorized by the Congress for federal acquisition. Agriculture is the existing primary use of the corridor area as shown in (Attachment 4). The concern with regard to inconsistency was expressed in this way: Id. Staff is concerned that expansion of Krome Avenue will increase market pressure in the western MSA's within the UDB, resulting in the premature extension of the UDB. Staff concurs with County staff that the widening will cause appraisals to increase property values in the corridor, causing farmers to sell agricultural lands for urbanization. It is also likely that property values will increase on environmental/open lands which should be maintained for water management, resource protection and other functions related to Everglades protection. Within two weeks of the Pre-ORC Staff Analysis Memorandum, DCA issued the ORC Report. In a cover letter, Bureau Chief Charles Gautier wrote the following synopsis of the ORC: The Department is concerned that the widening of Krome Avenue or a segment of it will undermine the County's ability to control urban sprawl and impacts to agriculture and environmental lands. While we share concerns regarding accidents and fatalities on Krome Avenue, we recommend that the County fully evaluate all possible alternatives designs, including implementation of the FDOT 1999 Krome Avenue Action Plan, before considering the four lane option to address public safety. Department staff is available to assist your staff as they formulate the County's responses to the objections and recommendations for the amendment. Joint Exhibit 20, 1st page of the cover letter dated August 16, 2002. Miami-Dade County responded to the ORC Report by clarifying its interpretations of provisions in the CDMP, particularly LUE 2B, and by providing additional data and analysis. Department staff struggled with the response, but ultimately concluded that Miami-Dade County's interpretations were defensible and recommended the Plan Amendment be found in compliance. See Joint Exhibit 16. On December 18, 2002, the Department wrote to Miami- Dade County that it had determined the Plan Amendment to be in compliance. Accordingly, a Notice of Intent to determine the Plan Amendment in compliance was published in the Miami Herald on December 20, 2002. The Petition After the issuance of the notice of intent by the state land planning agency (DCA) to find the Plan Amendment in compliance, this proceeding was initiated by the filing of a petition as allowed by Section 163.3184(9)(a), Florida Statutes. The petition was filed by Sierra Club and John S. Wade and joined by Intervenor, Monroe County. The issues presented by the petition that remain after the parties entered a preheating stipulation filed with DOAH are stated in a section of the stipulation entitled, "D. Issues of Law and Fact That Remain to Litigated." Material Issues of Ultimate Fact While not exhaustive, the parties agree that the following are the major issues of disputed fact: Whether the amendment is consistent with legal provisions concerning the discouragement of urban sprawl. Whether the amendments will have a material impact on the agricultural industry in south Miami-Dade County. Whether the amendments will have a material impact on the restoration of the Everglades. Whether the plan amendments is necessary to address public health and safety and serve localized needs. Issues of Law Whether the Plan Amendment is in compliance. Whether the Plan Amendment maintains the Plan's internal consistency and reflects the plans goals, objectives and policies, per 163.3177(2) Rule 9J-5.005(5)(a)&(b), F.A.C., specifically in regard to: Transportation Element Policy 4C. FLUE Policy 2B. FLUE Policy 8F. Transportation Element(TE) Policy 4C. FLUE Policy 3B. Whether the Plan Amendment is supported by data analysis as required by Sections 163.3177(6)(a), (8), and (10)(e), Fla. Stat. and Rules 9J-5.005(2) and (5), F.A.C. Whether the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Fla. Admin. Code Rules 9J- 5.006(5)(g)(1)-(10) and (13), and Rules 9J- 5.006(5)(h), (i), and (j)(6), (18), and (19) because it fails to coordinate future land uses with the appropriate topography and soil conditions, and the availability of facilities and services; ensure the protection of natural resources; and discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. Whether the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Rule 9J-5.019(3)(d), (f), (i) and 9J-5.019(4). Whether the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Rule 9J-5.005(6), FAC because it fails to establish meaningful and predictable standards for the use and development of land and fails to provide meaningful guidelines for the content of more detailed land development and use regulations that would prevent the urban sprawl and impacts to agricultural, rural and environmentally sensitive lands caused by the four-laning of Krome Avenue. Whether the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with Sections 163.3177(6)(a)- (g), (8) & (10(e), Fla. Stat. Whether the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with the Strategic Regional Policy Plan of the South Florida Regional Planning Council as a whole, and directly conflicts specifically with: Strategic Regional Goal 2.1 (1) Policy 2.1.4 (2) Policy 2.1.10 (3) Policy 2.1.14 Strategic Regional Policy 2.2.1 Strategic Regional Policy 3.9.1 Whether the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with the State Comprehensive Plan as a whole, including: Goal 15 (a) (LAND USE); Policy 15(b)1; Policy 15(b)6 Goal 16(a) & (b)(URBAN DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION) Goal 17(a) (PUBLIC FACILITIES); Policy 17(b)1 Goal 19(a); Policy(b)12 Goal 22(a) & (b) (AGRICULTURE) Pre-hearing Stipulation, Section D. The Parties The Sierra Club is a national organization with close to 800,000 members. Qualified to do business in the State of Florida, 30,000 or so of the Sierra Club's members are in its Florida Chapter. About 2800 Sierra Club members live and work in Miami-Dade County where the Miami Group of the Florida Chapter of the Sierra Club holds regular meetings. The Miami Group is a "wholly owned subsidiary . . of the national organization." (Tr. 235) "[A]s opposed to some other organizations which may have separate chapters . . . separately . . . incorporated in their local jurisdictions," the Miami Group, the Florida Chapter and the national organization of the Sierra Club "speak with one voice . . . ." Id. Organized to explore, enjoy and protect particular places around the globe, to practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystem, to educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives, the Sierra Club has taken numerous actions in support of restoration and preservation of the Everglades. The Sierra Club has been involved on many occasions in growth management issues in different parts of the state. It is particularly concerned about public policy issues that affect Miami-Dade County, including increased urban sprawl, the loss of agricultural lands, clean water, clean air, open space, parks and recreation and the associated loss of quality of life. A substantial number of Sierra Club members use areas surrounding Krome Avenue to recreate and regularly traverse the area on their way to the Everglades, Biscayne National Park, and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary as well as using the area for biking, hiking, bird watching, and picking tropical fruits and vegetables. A substantial number of members also regularly use and enjoy Everglades National Park and Florida Bay and use Krome Avenue en route to these destinations. Representation of its members' interests in administrative proceedings to enforce growth management laws is within the corporate purposes of Sierra Club. In keeping with its purposes, the Sierra Club commented to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the Plan Amendment between the time of its transmittal to DCA and its adoption. John S. Wade, Jr., operates an interior foliage or a "container" nursery business at 20925 S.W. 187th Avenue "in the center of the Redlands area," tr. 210, one mile due west of Krome Avenue. Mr. Wade has been extensively involved in county planning issues for many years. A member of the Sierra Club, he is also an individual Petitioner in this proceeding. Mr. Wade commented to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the Plan Amendment between the time of transmittal to DCA and their adoption. Mr. Wade believes that the Plan Amendment affects his interests in that it will have a negative impact on wildlife which he enjoys and on his nursery business. The parties stipulated that Mr. Wade is an "affected person" with standing to bring and maintain this action under Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. Roads and Land Use: General Impact Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, establishes an important link between planned road infrastructure and future land use decisions. The future transportation map, furthermore, plays a critical role in the future land use pattern of a local government, particularly with regard to roadways. The impact of a road-widening amendment is relevant to land use or environmental policies. There is, moreover, no question that improved or expanded transportation infrastructure does nothing to diminish the potential for development in surrounding areas as a general matter. In general, widening a roadway promotes development in surrounding areas served by the roadway. Growth management laws, therefore, generally discourage the provision of roadway capacity in areas where a local comprehensive plan discourages development. The general principles of the effects of roadway capacity and improvements to roadway infrastructure, including road widening, are also reflected in the State Comprehensive Plan, the Regional Policy Plan, Florida Administrative Code Chapter 9J5, and the CDMP, itself. Petitioners and Monroe County emphasize this point in the following paragraphs of their proposed recommended order now found as fact in this Recommended Order: []. Goal 19(a) of the SCP requires that future transportation improvements aid in the management of growth. Fla. Stat. 187.201(19)(a). []. Policy 19(b)(12) of the SCP requires that transportation improvements in identified environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands be avoided. Fla. Stat. 187.201 (19)(b)(12). The Regional Policy Plan states that "roadways also aid in attracting development to new areas." Jt. 7@ 36. Rule 9J5 recognizes limits on extending infrastructure as a development control that can inhibit sprawl. Conversely, making improvements or extensions to infra- structure [when considered in isolation] can encourage urban sprawl. Darst V9@ 972. The CDMP's data and analysis contains the following language: Concepts and Limitations of the Land Use Plan Map: Coordinated- Managed Growth (p. I-59) "Given the fundamental influences of infrastructure and service availability on land markets and development activities, the CDMP has since its inception provided that the UDB serve as an envelope within which public expenditures for urban infrastructure will be confined. In this regard, the UDB serves as an urban services boundary in addition to a land use boundary.Consistency with the CDMP will ensure that the actions of one single-purpose agency does not foster development that could cause other agencies to subsequently respond in kind and provide facilities in unanticipated locations. Such uncoordinated single- purpose decision making can be fiscally damaging to government and can undermine other comprehensive plan objectives." (Pre- Trial Stip. @ 18) (emphasis added) Petitioners and Intervenor Monroe County's Proposed Recommended Order, p. 7. Miami-Dade County, the Department and the City of Homestead do not contend otherwise. In the words of Thomas Pelham, distinguished expert in comprehensive planning whose testimony was presented by Miami-Dade County, the transportation map is "always relevant" (tr. 709) to issues of encouragement and discouragement of urban development. Furthermore, as Miami-Dade County concedes and as Mr. Pelham testified, new roads and improvements in roadway infrastructure "can aid in attracting development in new areas anywhere." Tr. 713 (emphasis supplied). For that basic reason, if a local government adopts a plan amendment that increases roadway capacity and the intent is not to attract development to the area around the roadway, the local government may opt to adopt additional protective policies. For example, in such a situation, the local government could take a clarifying step toward discouragement of urban development in areas served by the roadway planned for improvement: simultaneous adoption of a policy that prohibits consideration of the additional planned capacity of a roadway in subsequent future land use map decisions. Such an additional policy was not adopted as part of the Plan Amendment. In Mr. Pelham's opinion, however, it was not necessary, because of "the strong policies that already exist in the [CDMP]." Tr. 714. These strong policies include, of course, the existence of the UDB, a planning concept associated with Miami-Dade County in a unique manner in the State of Florida due to its strength and the length of existence over time. They also include CDMP policies related to lands designated as "Agriculture" or "Environmental Protection" whose purpose is to preserve and protect. The impact of roads on land use patterns in general, moreover, does not necessarily translate into expected impact in any specific case because of facts peculiarly associated with the specific case. As Mr. Pelham testified, "[t]here is absolutely nothing inconsistent with the four-lane divided highway in rural areas and agricultural areas. We have them all over the country, and in fact, you can identify numerous ones in this state alone." Tr. 676. Three prominent examples in Florida of four-lane divided highways that have not led to development were provided at hearing: Alligator Alley (the segment of Interstate 75 known also as Everglades Parkway) that stretches nearly the width of the Florida Peninsula from Collier County not far from the City of Naples at its western terminus through Big Cypress National Preserve across the boundaries of the Miccosukee Indian Reservation and the Big Cypress Seminole Indian Reservation into Broward County on the east; the Florida Turnpike running from deep in South Florida northward and westerly to Wildwood in Sumter County; and Veteran's Parkway, US 19, from Pasco County to Crystal River "that goes through vast stretches of rural and agricultural lands . . . ." Tr. 677. The construction of these four-lane divided highways have not promoted urban development in lands immediately adjacent to significant sections of these highways. That these highways did not promote urban development flows from their purpose. Their purpose, quite simply, is other than to support urban development. Their purpose is to provide efficient commercial transportation and to be safe for the transportation of people or as expressed at hearing, "to be conduits for people to go from one [point] to another without interruption in an efficient manner." Id. Furthermore, access to these rural, divided four-lane highways is restricted or tightly managed for several reasons. One of the benefits of restricted access is that it discourages urban development. While Miami-Dade County did not adopt a policy that a widened Krome Avenue was not to be taken into consideration in subsequent decisions to amend the future land use map, as Petitioners suggest it could have, New Transportation Policy 4E was added to the Plan Amendment in order to discourage urban development. That policy requires a detailed, binding controlled access plan for the Avenue corridor to be prepared by FDOT and adopted by Miami-Dade County prior to the commencement of any construction associated with four-laning or a capacity improvement. Adoption of such an access control plan will have a deterrent effect on urban development along whatever part of Krome Avenue may at some point in the future be widened to four lanes. The effect of the adoption of a binding access control plan was explained at hearing by Mr. Pelham: It means that most of the traffic on it is not going to be entering or leaving the highway to shop at retail commercial establishments or to go into office parks to work, or to frequent any of the other kinds of urban development that could spring up along the road. It will be a deterrent to anyone who wants to seriously talk about locating a business there because they're going to realize that the public does not have readily easy access to it. [New Transportation Policy 4E] will certainly help insure that [Krome Avenue] remains a primarily rural facility rather than the typical urban highway that's lined with urban development. Tr. 679. From a planning perspective, in addition to being an impediment to urban development, the New Binding Access Control Plan Policy is also a sufficient guideline to discourage urban development. Incorporation of the professional land planning concept of access control makes the policy clear to transportation planners and FDOT and to any party or entity called on to implement the plan especially when the last sentence of the new policy is considered: "[The binding access control plan] should emphasize access to properties fronting Krome Avenue primarily through alternative street locations." This sentence indicates that while access to Krome Avenue is not prohibited, access is to be governed by "a strictly limited access plan," tr. 681, a "strong benefit [of the Plan Amendment] and a strong disincentive or deterrent to urban development." Tr. 679. Urban Sprawl Internal DCA memoranda and the ORC Report reflect a concern by Department staff that the re-designation of Krome Avenue could encourage urban sprawl with serious negative impacts to the Redland and agricultural lands and the Everglades and areas designated to be protected environmentally. The concern of staff is not to be taken lightly. Re- designation of Krome Avenue as a Major Roadway with four-lane capacity will allow parties who seek to develop along Krome Avenue in the future to point to the new "planned" capacity as a factor in support of an amendment to the CDMP that would allow such development. "That's a . . . common argument for why a plan amendment . . . increasing densities in that area . . . [would be] appropriate." Tr. 494. The planned roadway will be more than just fuel for argument. According to Charles Pattison, Petitioners' comprehensive planning expert with significant credentials and experience, the planned capacity increase is without doubt a "key factor," tr. 494-5, for consideration of decision-makers in support of future CDMP amendments that allow urban development. Still, the existing policies that protect agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands, including the UDB and related policies, will also have to be taken into consideration. So will the results of FDOT's PD&E Study and the actual improvement undertaken under the guidance of the study by FDOT, if any, and in whatever form it may take. The policies should not fail to protect agricultural and environmentally protected land merely because of this plan amendment. The policies will not cease to be operative because of the re- designation of Krome Avenue even if FDOT ultimately decides to improve Krome Avenue by widening all or part of it to four lanes. Stated alternatively, in Mr. Pelham's words, existing policies "militate strongly against any urban development ... [outside] the urban growth boundary." Tr. 675. For this reason, among others, Mr. Pelham characterized the concerns of DCA staff and the fears of Petitioners, as "sheer speculation, suspicion and mistrust of . . . government . . . [of] a county that has a strong record of not extending its urban growth boundary." Id. Furthermore, it must be kept in mind what the re- designation of Krome Avenue does and does not do. It does not constitute the ultimate decision or authorization necessary to widen or improve the capacity of Krome Avenue. It does not "even attempt to permit increased development rights or densities or intensities on any of the surrounding land." Tr. 671. It is that development which "would cause potential urban sprawl problems that might threaten agriculture, that, theoretically, might pose a danger to the Everglades." Id. Development of that property would require plan amendments, vulnerable to challenges like this one and subject to scrutiny under the Growth Management Laws, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Chapter 9J5. Amendment of the CDMP, therefore, to "allow widening of an existing road to address safety or congestion or level of service or evacuation problems, in and of itself, does not pose any of those threats or harms." Tr. 672. Rule 9J5 Urban Sprawl Indicators Urban sprawl is evaluated according to 13 "primary indicators" set forth in Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J- 5.006(5)(g) (the "Primary Indicator Rule.") Applying the Primary Indicator Rule, the Department analyzes first, "within the context of features and characteristics unique to each locality" whether a plan amendment "trips" or "triggers" any of the 13: Promotes, allows or designates for development substantial areas of the jurisdiction to develop as low-intensity, low-density, or single-use development or uses in excess of demonstrated need. Promotes, allows or designates significant amounts of urban development to occur in rural areas at substantial distances from existing urban areas while leaping over undeveloped lands which are available and suitable for development. Promotes, allows or designates urban development in radial, strip, isolated or ribbon patterns generally emanating from existing urban developments. As a result of premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses, fails adequately to protect and conserve natural resources, such as wetlands, floodplains, native vegetation, environmentally sensitive areas, natural groundwater aquifer recharge areas, lakes, rivers, shorelines, beaches, bays, estuarine systems, and other significant natural systems. Fails adequately to protect adjacent agricultural areas and activities, including silviculture, and including active agricultural and silvicultural activities as well as passive agricultural activities and dormant, unique and prime farmlands and soils. Fails to maximize use of existing public facilities and services. Fails to maximize use of future public facilities and services. Allows for land use patterns or timing which disproportionately increase the cost in time, money and energy, of providing and maintaining facilities and services, including roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, law enforcement, education, health care, fire and emergency response, and general government. Fails to provide a clear separation between rural and urban uses. Discourages or inhibits infill development or the redevelopment of existing neighborhoods and communities. Fails to encourage an attractive and functional mix of uses. Results in poor accessibility among linked or related land uses. Results in the loss of significant amounts of functional open space. Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.006(5)(g). If a plan amendment trips or triggers one or more of the Primary Indicators, the Department then considers the extent to which the tripped indicators suggest that the amendment does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl, or put conversely, induces sprawl. If the Department determines from review of the tripped indicators that the amendment does not discourage urban sprawl proliferation or in induces sprawl, then it turns its attention to the development controls in the comprehensive plan or in the proposed plan amendment. Evaluation of the development controls is made to determine whether they offset the amendment's inducement of urban sprawl. If the inducement is not sufficiently offset by development controls, then, the Department determines the amendment is not: consistent with relevant provisions of the state comprehensive plan, regional policy plans, Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., and the remainder of [Florida Administrative Code Chapter 9J-5] regarding discouraging urban sprawl, including provisions concerning the efficiency of land use, the efficient provision of public facilities and services, the separation of urban and rural land uses, and the protection of agriculture and natural resources. Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.006(5)(a). It is possible that if only a few of the 13 Primary Indicators were clearly "tripped" then a determination could be made that a plan amendment "does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl." Normally, however, if few primary indicators are tripped, "it's going to be a tough argument to make that [there is] sprawl inducement." Tr. 919. The Department's Position re: Primary Indicators The Department's position is that the Plan Amendment does not trip in any way 10 of the 13 primary indicators listed in the Primary Indicator Rule. The main reason they are not tripped, in its view, is because the amendment, in and of itself, does nothing more than plan for the improvement of Krome Avenue up to a capacity of four lanes. For example, the first primary indicator is whether the plan amendment "[p]romotes, allows or designates for development substantial areas of the jurisdiction to develop as low-intensity, low-density, or single-use development or uses in excess of demonstrated need." Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.006(5)(g)1. As Mr. Darst testified, "[T]his is an amendment for the widening of the road and it's not a land use amendment." Tr. 913-4. In and of itself, the amendment does not allow or designate any development. Primary Indicator 4 is not tripped because "premature or poorly planned conversion of rural land to other uses" is not at issue in this case. An analysis of Primary Indicator 5 can only take place "within the context of features and characteristics unique" to Miami-Dade County, including the UDB and the protective policies of the CDMP and the Plan Amendment, itself. Primary Indicators 9 through 13, are not tripped. Primary Indicators 9 through 12 are not relevant to this case. Primary Indicator 13 is not tripped because although small amounts of functional open space might be taken for widening Krome Avenue, the amount would not be significant relative to the amount of functional open space adjacent to Krome Avenue. Of the other three primary indicators tripped in the Department's view by the Plan Amendment, they are tripped only minimally. Primary Indicator 6 is tripped because with Krome Avenue widened "trips shift there from another road," tr. 916, so that maximum use is not made of the other road, an existing public facility. The same is true of Primary Indicator 7, which relates to future public facilities. Primary Indicator 8 is tripped because funds will have to be expended to construct any widening and because of an increase in law enforcement expenses. The involvement of Primary Indicator 8, however, is minimal and without significant impact. Despite the Department's position, the re-designation of Krome Avenue, at a minimum, has at least the potential to "promote" development so as to trip Primary Indicators 1, 2, and As Mr. Pattison testified, the planned increased capacity of Krome Avenue is, by the very nature of increased roadway capacity, a key factor for consideration of proposed amendments that would allow increased development of lands surrounding Krome Avenue. Whether the Plan Amendment is not in compliance for failure to comply with urban sprawl requirements depends on whether the tripped Primary Indicators are offset by development controls. Development Controls Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.006(5)(j, (the "Development Controls Rule") states "[d]evelopment controls in the comprehensive plan may affect the determination in (5)(g) above," that is, whether a plan amendment does or does not discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. Determination that urban sprawl indicators have been tripped, therefore, is not, standing alone, sufficient to find that a plan amendment fails to discourage urban sprawl. The Development Controls Rule lists 22 types of development controls to be evaluated to determine how they discourage urban sprawl. The CDMP contains development controls to discourage urban sprawl and development in areas designated Agriculture, Open Land or Environmental Protection. They are the UDB, see Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.006(5)(j)21., and the two policies related to it: Land Use Element Policies 8G and 8H. Evaluation of the development controls in the CDMP leads to a determination that the tripped Primary Indicators, Primary Indicators 1, 2, and 3, triggered by the Plan Amendment's potential to promote development that could lead to urban sprawl and Primary Indicators 6, 7 and 8, all "minimally" tripped, are offset by the development controls. Furthermore, the Plan Amendment, itself, contains additional policies that constitute development controls: the New Land Use Policies requiring super-majorities of the Board of County Commission for approval of re-designations near Krome Avenue and the New Binding Access Control Plan Policy. See Fla. Admin. Code R. 9J-5.006(5)(j)15. and 22. Petitioners view the New land Use Policies as inadequate development controls because they do not set forth measurable or predictable standards to govern county commission decisions. Other than to require super-majorities for re- designation of land uses near Krome Avenue ("procedural" standards), the New Land Use Policies do not contain standards that govern county commission decisions. But there are a plethora of standards elsewhere in the CDMP. These other standards have been determined to be meaningful and predictable and there is nothing in the New Land Use Polices that allows the commission to disregard them. New Policy 4E which requires an access control plan prepared by FDOT prior to construction of any capacity improvement to Krome Avenue is viewed by Petitioners as "so vague as to fail to meet the definition of an objective or policy or to provide meaningful or predictable standards." Petitioners and Intervenor Monroe County's Proposed Recommended Order, p. 18. But a reading of the policy contradicts the allegation. Meaningful and Predictable Standards Petitioners allege that the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with land use policies requiring coordination with the surrounding environment and requiring meaningful standards for more detailed regulations, and, therefore, that it is inconsistent with Section 163.3177(6)(a), Florida Statutes, and Florida Administrative Code Rule 9J-5.005(6). The CDMP contains meaningful and predictable restrictions on land use in areas designated Agriculture, Open Land and Environmental Protection. The Plan Amendment does nothing to deter those restrictions. Furthermore, among new policies in the Plan Amendment is the addition of procedural safeguards to the substantive criteria, thereby strengthening the existing standards. The Plan Amendment, therefore, retains meaningful and predictable standards for more detailed regulation, and if anything, strengthens the chance for their application to protect lands designated Agriculture, Open Land and Environmental Protection. Increasing Land Values and Speculation Petitioners argue that widening Krome Avenue to four lanes will adversely affect farming in the Redland and the Everglades by increasing land values and speculation. These arguments do not take into account that regardless of improvements to Krome Avenue, most of the area north of 42nd Street has little appeal to developers. Its designation as Environmental Protection makes it difficult if not impossible to develop. Despite extreme development pressure elsewhere in the county, to date there has been little pressure to develop the area due to the success of the comprehensive plan, particularly its policies against development in the area. Asked at hearing about such pressure, Miami Dade County's Director of Planning and Zoning, Diane O'Quinn responded, ". . . I haven't seen it. Not at all . . . because we've got very strong environmental policies in the comp plan." Tr. 625. Furthermore, considerations of increasing values and land speculation are not compliance issues under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, or Florida Administrative Code Chapter 9J-5. Were they compliance issues, there are other forces at work that are encouraging an increase in land values in the Redland: in particular, the economics of the agriculture industry and the increasing demand for residential housing throughout Miami-Dade County. Agricultural uses in the County have been declining since Hurricane Andrew in 1992. Up to then, the predominant forms of agriculture had been row crops (tomatoes, for example) and lime, avocado and mango groves. Andrew destroyed many groves. They were not replanted because of expense and the length of time it takes from planting for the groves to bear fruit and increasing competition from foreign producers. Within a year or two of the hurricane, the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) was passed and produce from Mexico and Central America was introduced in great volume into U.S. markets. The south of the border competition generated by NAFTA, especially with regard to tomatoes and limes, reduced the value of the type of produce that had been predominant in the Redland prior to Andrew. Ten years later, the University of Florida's Florida Agricultural Market Research Center in the Summary and Recommendations Section of its Miami-Dade County Agricultural Land Retention Study (the "Agricultural Land Retention Study") described the market for agricultural commodities produced in Miami-Dade County as "fiercely competitive," Joint Exhibit 55, p. xiv, because of Latin American produce and predicted, "[e]conomic globalization and trade liberalization will continue. It is unlikely that the U.S. trade policy will be altered to any appreciable degree in the foreseeable future to protect domestic fruit and vegetable industries." Id. at xiii. Testimony at hearing established that these predictions have been accurate through the time of final hearing in late 2005. The Study, completed in April 2002, also reached this conclusion: Population growth and concomitant urban development appear inevitable for Miami-Dade County. Based on the capitalization of relatively low financial returns to agriculture in recent years, especially row crops, only about twenty-five percent of the current land prices is justified by returns to land in agricultural uses. The remaining seventy-five percent represents future anticipated value in non-agricultural or I agricultural residential use. Further, as supply of developable land dwindles, prices will undoubtedly increase. These price increases, if accompanied by chronically low financial returns to agriculture, will motivate landowners to convert to agricultural land to higher-valued uses. Joint Exhibit 55. p. xiii. This observation continued to have validity more than three years later at the final hearing in this case in late 2005. Following Andrew, land prices that had been stagnant for many years at $5,000 per acre or so increased three and four fold. The increases made it relatively expensive to buy land, plant and grow. The combined effects of Andrew and NAFTA reduced row crop and grove produce profitability. The agricultural industry shifted to ornamental horiculture nurseries. At the time of hearing, land prices had risen so much that even the nurseries whose products have been in demand for residential development have begun to become economically infeasible. Soon after 1992, the SFWMD also began buying property for Everglades restoration projects west of a levee on the west side of Krome that runs parallel to the roadway. These purchases too increased land values in the area. The recent rise in prices is also due to the low interest rate environment that began to have a wide-spread effect in early 2000. The low interest rate environment spurred demand for single-family homes. Furthermore, with the stock market decline that commenced in early 2001, investors began shifting from equities to real estate and demand for second homes increased. Miami-Dade County's excellent weather attracts people from all over the world and this has fostered increased foreign investment in the local real estate market. The combination of all these events led to acquisition of land for residential development throughout Miami-Dade County by developers. The diminution in the amount of vacant residential land naturally turned the attention of developers to agricultural areas and to the Redland where density is limited to one hours per five acres. The increased demand for housing led to price escalation so that five-acre parcels in the Redland became relatively inexpensive. The confluence of these factors accelerated the subdivision of agricultural properties into five-acre residential estates in the Redland. This trend began with Krome Avenue as a two-lane road and it is reasonably expected to continue, regardless of whether Krome is improved to four lanes or not. The trend toward development of five-acre residential estates will likely stave off further urbanization of the Redland. As the area is developed at one house per five acres, it becomes difficult to reassemble acreage to create subdivisions of higher density. For properties in the Redland that do not directly abut the road, the price of land is unrelated to Krome Avenue. Rather, it is based on the increasing demand for five-acre estates. The New Land Use Policies will likely restrain speculation based on the re-designation of Krome Avenue. One of the components of value is the probability of rezoning. Often much more important to land values are other factors: the land use plan designation and the history of land use in the surrounding areas. The planning and zoning restrictions, particularly in the light of the New Land Use Policies, send a signal to the market that the area around Krome Avenue is not slated for urbanization. The restrictions thereby limit increase in value and dampen speculation based on the potential widening of Krome Avenue. The trend in converting agricultural lands to residential uses has been in the making in Miami-Dade County for at least 30 years. The interplay between the agricultural and housing markets is the result of far larger forces than whether Krome Avenue is re-designated for improvement up to a divided four-lane roadway making any such re-designation of minor impact. As Mark Quinlivan, an expert in the field of real estate valuation in particular with regard to the areas along the Krome Avenue Corridor and the Redland, summed up the situation at hearing: So the trend is and has been for the last few years . . . to convert [the Redland] to five acre estates. Once they are converted to five acre estates and the homes are actually built, there is really not much else that can be done. Now you can't tear down the house and re-subdivide it if you could rezone. . . . [W]hether you put Krome as two lanes, four lanes, six lanes this trend is way beyond this amendment . . . Tr. 264. Environmental Impacts Although whether Krome Avenue will ever be improved to four lanes north of US 41, most of which crosses lands designated Environmental Protection depends on an environmental evaluation and other factors subject to an FDOT PD&E Study, it must be assumed for purposes of this compliance determination that it is allowed to be four lanes. The same assumption must be made for all of Krome Avenue subject to the Plan Amendment. Were a new plan amendment to be applied for, however, to re- designate land adjacent to Krome Avenue, road capacity would be a "minor" consideration because development control "policies in the plan are very strong and they're much more important and that would override the fact that there happens to be road capacity available." Tr. 737. The County recognizes the importance of maintaining a buffer between urban development and the Everglades. This recognition is reflected in CDMP policies. The CDMP, moreover, attempts to prevent the loss of environmentally sensitive lands. In the 1990's Congress required the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to develop a plan to reverse as much as possible the anthropogenic damage inflicted upon the Everglades. The result was CERP, a joint federal/state plan to restore the Everglades by completing sixty-eight individual projects by 2038 costing many billions of dollars. Adopted by an Act of Congress in 2000, CERP directs the Corps to restore the Everglades using CERP as a guideline. With the exception of 10 of the projects authorized by the act, each of the other 58 individual CERP projects must undergo a specific process of planning and then Congressional authorization and appropriation. There have been no Congressional authorizations since 2000. The 58 projects not authorized in 2000 still await final planning and design and Congressional authorization and appropriation. Because of a design of Krome Avenue improvement has not been proposed, it is not possible to determine whether the widening of Krome Avenue will physically impact CERP projects. The concern advanced by Petitioners is that improvement to Krome Avenue will not only decrease the availability of land availability to CERP but will also raise land values. The concern is appropriate because, in general, the primary strategy of CERP is the acquisition of privately-owned land to dedicate to water storage, wetland restoration, and other related uses. "Most [CERP] projects have land acquisitions as the single largest factor in their cost." Tr. 415. Escalating real estate costs is a significant issue for CERP project managers attempting to stay within budget. As land acquisition costs increase, it becomes more difficult to get adequate funding or even authorization of a project. Furthermore, the federal authorization law requires a re- authorization by Congress if projected initial costs are exceeded by more than 20 percent. One of the critical aspects of CERP is water storage for which significant amounts of land must be acquired. There are numerous water storage restoration projects planned in the vicinity of Krome Avenue dependent on land acquisition. Petitioners recognize, however, that there is a certain amount of speculation in any anticipation of a rise in land values in the area of Krome Avenue. "If widening Krome Avenue raises the value . . . of surrounding lands it will have an adverse affect on the success of the Everglades restoration project." Petitioners and Intervenor Monroe County's Proposed Recommended Order, para. 95, p. 16 (emphasis supplied). Furthermore, as found already, the rise is dependent on re- designation of lands in the area of Krome Avenue, which are subject to policies in the CDMP, such as the existing Conservation Element, that discourage re-designation in a manner that would stimulate a rise in land values. It is sufficient for the CDMP to have policies that direct development to minimize impacts to environmental resources and guide the more detailed analysis that will be performed pursuant to the PD&E Study and further regulations. As Thomas Pelham explained: The purpose of the comprehensive plan is to establish policies that will be applied to and will govern actual development proposals that come in under the plan. It's not the purpose of a comprehensive plan to do a development permit level analysis. You do that when development permits are applied for . . . until you have . . . a specific proposal for a road, actual alignment, design features, you can't really fully analyze the impacts of it, anyway. . . . [T]he comprehensive plan . . . establish[es]] in advance policies that are reviewed for adequacy for protecting natural resources, the environment, so, that when someone comes in with an actual development proposal, then, it has to be evaluated in terms of the policies in the plan, and if it's not consistent, the law requires that it be denied. Tr. 686-7. The existing Conservation Element and other CDMP policies that protect environmental resources adequately address the potential impacts of the Krome Avenue Amendment vis-à-vis the environment and environmental considerations. South Florida Regional Policy Plan Amendments must be consistent with the Strategic Regional Policy Plan (SRPP) in order to be in compliance. § 163.3184(1)(b), Fla. Stat. SRPP Goal 2.1 is to achieve long-term efficient and sustainable development patterns by guiding new development and redevelopment into area which are most intrinsically suited for development. This includes areas where negative impacts on the natural environment will be minimal and where public facilities/services already exist, are programmed, or on an aggregate basis, can be provided most economically. SRPP Policy 2.1.4 requires development to be directed away from environmentally sensitive areas. Strategic Regional Goal 2.2 is designed to revitalize deteriorating urban areas. SRPP Policy 2.2.1 requires priority for development in blighted areas characterized by underdevelopment/under- employment that are in need of re-development. SRPP Policy 3.9.1 is designed to direct development and uses of land inconsistent with restoration away from Everglades and adjacent natural resources of significance. State Comprehensive Plan Section 187.101(3), Florida Statutes, states the following with regard to the construction of the State Comprehensive Plan: The [state comprehensive] plan shall be construed and applied as a whole, and no specific goal or policy in the plan shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies in the plan. Petitioners do not ignore this provision of the statutes, citing to it in their proposed recommended order. See Petitioners and Intervenor Monroe County's Proposed Recommended Order, p. 41. Petitioners contend that it is beyond fair debate that the Plan Amendment is inconsistent with the State Plan as a whole and that it is specifically inconsistent with the following provisions in the State Plan: LAND USE.-- Goal.--In recognition of the importance of preserving the natural resources and enhancing the quality of life of the state, development shall be directed to those areas which have in place, or have agreements to provide, the land and water resources, fiscal abilities, and service capacity to accommodate growth in an environmentally acceptable manner. Policies.-- Promote state programs, investments, and development and redevelopment activities which encourage efficient development and occur in areas which will have the capacity to service new population and commerce. Develop a system of incentives and disincentives which encourages a separation of urban and rural land uses while protecting water supplies, resource development, and fish and wildlife habitats. 6. Consider, in land use planning and regulation, the impact of land use on water quality and quantity; the availability of land, water and other natural resources to meet demands; and the potential for flooding. URBAN AND DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION.-- (a) Goal.--In recognition of the importance of Florida's vital urban centers and of the need to develop and redevelop downtowns to the state's ability to use existing infrastructure and to accommodate growth in an orderly, efficient, and environmentally acceptable manner, Florida shall encourage the centralization of commercial, governmental, retail, residential, and cultural activities within downtown areas. PUBLIC FACILITIES.-- Goal.--Florida shall protect the substantial investments in public facilities that already exist and shall plan for an finance new facilities to serve residents in a timely, orderly, and efficient manner. Policies.-- 1. Provide incentives for developing land in a way that maximizes the uses of existing public facilities. TRANSPORTATION.-- Goal.--Florida shall direct future transportation improvements to aid in the management of growth and shall have a state transportation system that integrates highway, air, mass transit, and other transportation modes. 12. Avoid transportation improvements which encourage or subsidize increased development in coastal high-hazard areas or in identified environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands, floodways, or productive marine areas. AGRICULTURE.-- (a) Goal.--Florida shall maintain and strive to expand its food, agriculture, ornamental horticulture, aquaculture, forestry, and related industries in order to be a healthy and competitive force in the national and international marketplace. Id. at pgs. 41-43.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Community Affairs enter a final order determining that the October 2002 Plan Amendment to the Comprehensive Development Master Plan of Miami- Dade County adopted by the Board of County Commissioners for Miami-Dade County as reflected in Ordinance No. 02-198 be determined to be "in compliance." DONE AND ENTERED this 16th day of June, 2006, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 16th day of June, 2006.

Florida Laws (10) 120.569120.57163.3177163.3178163.3180163.3184163.3187187.101187.201335.02
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