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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida May 22, 2002 Number: 02-002135RU Latest Update: Dec. 05, 2002

The Issue In this proceeding pursuant to Section 120.56(4), Florida Statutes, Petitioner Dave Taylor (“Taylor) alleges that various purported “statements” which he attributes to Respondent Department of Banking and Finance (the “Department”) constitute rules-by-definition that were not adopted under, and therefore violate, Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes.

Findings Of Fact The evidence adduced at final hearing established the facts that follow. The Department of Banking and Finance is the state agency charged with the administration of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, titled “Mortgage Brokerage and Mortgage Lending.” As such, it is responsible for regulating all persons, including mortgage brokers and lenders, licensed under that chapter. Taylor is licensed under Chapter 494 as a mortgage broker and as a “continuing education school.” His firm, Florida Compliance Specialists, Inc., provides consulting services to Chapter 494 licensees. The present dispute stems from amendments to Chapter 494 that the legislature enacted during the 2001 regular session. See Ch. 2001-228, Laws of Florida. These amendments were contained in a bill (CS/HB 455) approved by the governor on June 13, 2001, and became effective on October 1, 2001; they created a new position called “principal representative.” As defined by the legislature, the term “principal representative” means “an individual who operates the business operations of a licensee under part III.” Section 494.001(29), Florida Statutes (2001) (emphasis added).4 This statutory definition is amplified in a mandate that requires all licensees (and applicants) to designate a “principal representative who exercises control of the licensee’s business[.]” Sections 494.0061(8) and 494.0062(11), Florida Statutes. (Emphasis added). Notably, the terms “operates” and “exercises control of” are not defined. As mentioned, the statute requires all licensees and applicants to designate a PR. Although PRs do not engage in a licensed occupation (i.e. there is no PR license), an individual appointed to the post of PR after October 1, 2001, must satisfy certain educational and testing requirements (the details of which are not important here), and the designating lender must submit documents showing that its PRD has complied with those requirements.5 After the governor signed CS/HB 455 into law but before the amended statutes took effect, the Department began making rules to implement the new provisions. Before long, proposed rules were published in the August 31, 2001, issue of Florida Administrative Weekly. One provision of these proposed rules instructed that “[a]n individual can only be a principal representative for one [lender].” This “one lender to a PR” proposal did not implement an explicit statutory directive but arose from the Department’s then-prevailing interpretation of the statutory description of a PR as one who “operates” and “exercises control of” the lender’s business. Further illuminating the Department’s understanding of these terms were the Designation forms that it proposed to adopt, wherein the PRD was required to acknowledge that he or she would be “in full charge, control, and supervision of the [lender’s] business.” A person, the Department reasoned, could be “in full charge,” etc., of but one company at a time. In the course of rulemaking, however, the Department receded from its original interpretation. As a result, revised proposed rules——from which the bright line, “one lender to a PR” directive had been deleted——were published in the October 5, 2001, Florida Administrative Weekly.6 An amended Designation, which unlike earlier versions lacked language requiring a PRD to confirm (with his or her signature) having “full charge, control, and supervision” of the applicant’s or licensee’s business, was proposed as well.7 By the end of January 2002, the Department’s proposed rules relating to PRs had been adopted and, at the time of this Final Order, were among the agency’s duly promulgated, existing rules. See Rule 3D-40.242, Florida Administrative Code. Although the Department does not presently have a bright line rule or policy that flatly forbids an individual from serving simultaneously as PR to more than one licensee, the Department continues to be skeptical that a dual designee can effectively perform, for more than one lender at a time, the responsibilities that it believes inhere in the office of PR. Accordingly, whenever a lender or applicant nominates an XPR for PR, the Department without exception subjects that lender’s Designation to stricter scrutiny than would be given if its PRD were not an XPR. (Indeed, if the PRD is not an XPR, then the Department presumes that he or she will be able to carry out the duties of a PR and hence makes no inquiry as to how the PRD will function as PR.) The first outward manifestations of the Department’s internal decision to scrutinize any Designation in which an applicant’s PRD is an XPR emerged in late November 2001 after the agency had received four separate applications naming Taylor as PR.8 As the Department had discovered upon review of these four applications, Taylor was already serving as PR to an existing licensee. This situation had given rise to a dilemma for which the Department was not fully prepared, as evidenced by a November 26, 2001, e-mail message from an agency attorney to the responsible policy makers in which she (the attorney) had advised that: There are two pending applications in which there are no deficiencies and we need to decide how will [sic] we will proceed since we took out the language in the rule that specifically stated an individual could only be a PR for one company at a time. Let me know what times you would be available [for a meeting to decide what to do]. The Department quickly decided what to do. Between November 27 and November 29, 2001, the Department issued four nearly identical letters, one sent by certified mail to each applicant who had chosen Taylor as its PR, which provided, in pertinent part: We are in receipt of your company’s application to become licensed as a mortgage lender in the State of Florida. A review of the application materials indicates that [applicant’s name] has designated Dave Taylor at [address] as the company’s Principal Representative. [The next four paragraphs quote Sections 494.001(29); 494.0062(11); 494.0062(1)(f); and 494.0062(12), Florida Statutes, which pertain to PRs.] Sections 494.0072(1) and (2)(c), Florida Statutes, provide as follows: Whenever the department finds a person in violation of an act specified in subsection (2), it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties against that person: Revocation of a license or registration. Suspension of a license or registration, subject to reinstatement upon satisfying all reasonable conditions that the department specifies. Placement of the licensee or applicant on probation for a period of time and subject to all reasonable conditions that the department specifies. Issuance of a reprimand. Imposition of a fine in an amount not exceeding $5,000 for each count or separate offense. Denial of a license or registration. Each of the following acts constitutes a ground for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (1) may be taken: (c) A material misstatement of fact on an initial or renewal application.[9] Dave Taylor has already been designated as a principal representative for another licensed lender under part III of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. Please advise in detail how Mr. Taylor will operate and exercise control over your business.[10] We request that your response be submitted to the Department within 10 days of the date of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at [phone number]. On or about November 30, 2001, the Department created a new deficiency code, DF 416, the description of which is “principal representative is designated to more than one entity.” This is an active deficiency code and is used consistently as a “red flag” on all applications to which it applies. When an application is tagged with a DF 416, the applicant is sent a letter in the form of the letters quoted in the preceding paragraph. This letter will hereafter be referred to as the “DF 416 Inquiry Letter.”11 It is important to emphasize that all applicants whose PRD is an XPR are sent the DF 416 Inquiry Letter, without exception.12 It is undisputed that Taylor has met all of the educational and testing requirements necessary to serve as a PR, and that the Department has no objection, based on facts and circumstances unique to Taylor, to Taylor’s being a lender’s PR. (In fact, he is presently a PR to one lender,13 under a designation to which the Department, consistent with its policy and practice of making no inquiry concerning PRDs who are not XPRs, raised no objection.) The Department’s concern about Taylor’s having been designated a PR by more than one company is indistinguishable from the concern that it expresses regarding all dual designees. This is why, although the contents of the DF 416 Inquiry Letter were developed to resolve a problem that specifically involved Taylor and his clients, the Department decided (and was able) to implement its Taylor-made solution on a generally applicable basis by sending the DF 416 Inquiry Letter to all applicants whose PRD is a dual designee. Each of the four applicants that had designated Taylor as its PR declined the Department’s November 2001 invitation to submit detailed information regarding the manner in which Taylor would operate and control the licensed business. Each applicant chose, instead, to designate someone else as PR. Thus, whatever advantages or considerations Taylor expected to receive in exchange for serving as these lenders’ PR were lost; the Department’s letters (the letters that became the form for the DF 416 Inquiry Letter) were the proximate cause of that loss, in that but for the letters, the lenders would not summarily have severed their respective business relationships with Taylor. After deciding how to deal with applicants whose PRDs are XPRs, the Department turned its attention to the dual designees of existing licensees. This was, in a sense, a bigger problem because, in their respective Designations, more than 50 licensees had selected an individual for PR who was a dual designee. Beginning around December 12, 2001, the Department sent all these lenders a letter similar to the DF 416 Inquiry Letter. This letter stated: We are in receipt of the principal representative designation forms for the following companies: [lender’s names]. A review of the principal representative forms indicates that [PRD’s name and address] has been designated the Principal Representative for both companies. [The next two paragraphs quote statutory provisions pertaining to PRs.] Sections 494.0072(1) and (2)(p) state as follows: Whenever the department finds a person in violation of an act specified in subsection (2), it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties against that person: Revocation of a license or registration. Suspension of a license or registration, subject to reinstatement upon satisfying all reasonable conditions that the department specifies. Placement of the licensee or applicant on probation for a period of time and subject to all reasonable conditions that the department specifies. Issuance of a reprimand. Imposition of a fine in an amount not exceeding $5,000 for each count or separate offense. Denial of a license or registration. Each of the following acts constitutes a ground for which the disciplinary actions specified in subsection (1) may be taken: (p) Failure to comply with, or violations of, any other provision of ss. 494.001-494.0077. Please advise in detail how you will operate and exercise control over both of the above- mentioned businesses. We request that your response be submitted to the Department within 14 days of the date of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at [phone number]. This form letter will be referred to as the “Compliance Inquiry Letter.” The evidence is unequivocal that the Department has sent, and plans to send, the Compliance Inquiry Letter to all licensees whose Designation names a person determined to be a dual designee, without exception.14 Taylor’s Description of the Alleged Rules-by-Definition In his petition, as required by Section 120.56(4)(a), Florida Statutes, Taylor described the alleged rules-by- definition. Here, in his words, are the Department’s alleged statements: Only one person can realistically “operate the business operations” of a licensee and “exercise control over the licensee’s business.” Therefore, only one individual shall prima facie be designated as principal representative for only one mortgage lender. The above rule shall not apply, however, to mortgage lenders which the Department deems to be “grand-fathered” i.e., such companies who designated their principal representative on or prior to October 1, 2001, the effective date of the statutory amendments. In such instances, an individual will be permitted multiple designations without further departmental scrutiny or inquiry as to how that individual will “operate” or “exercise control over each business.”[Footnote omitted]. Except for “grand-fathered” companies, if an individual once designated principal representative by a mortgage lender is similarly designated principal representative by a separate mortgage lender, the Department based upon the agency statement recited in (a) above, will require the subsequent mortgage lender(s) (i.e., the lender(s) other than the one first designating that individual) to provide in writing a detailed explanation to the Department, subject to potential sanctions, describing how that individual will operate and exercise control over that second mortgage lender. The Department considers as a “licensing deficiency” any mortgage lender application or principal representative designation submitted to the Department where the individual designated as the mortgage lender’s principal representative has previously been and continues to be designated principal representative by another mortgage lender. The Department, based upon this “deficiency,” shall not deem the application(s) “complete” for purposes of section 120.60, Florida Statutes. Such application(s) shall be subjected to the licensing procedures set forth in paragraphs (e) and (f) hereafter. In conformity with the agency statement set forth in (a) above, the Department will not undertake an inquiry of the principal representative designation submitted by the mortgage lender who first designated the individual as its’ principal representative. The Department will require mortgage lenders to provide the information referred to in section c above, through the use of a form, [i.e., the form letters attached as EXHIBITS “14”, “15”, & “16”, to this Petition]. Further, this form created for the purpose of soliciting information [not specifically required by statute or an existing rule] will require mortgage lenders to provide a response, specifically subject to announced sanctions, of details not otherwise required under the applicable statutes or rules. The Department, though requiring mortgage lenders to comply with the agency statements through the threat of announced sanctions, shall not provide to mortgage lenders or their designated principal representatives any clarifying or defining circumstances or criteria the Department will deem as acceptable——contractual or otherwise——for a person to be designated as principal representative for more than one mortgage lender. Any responses provided by such mortgage lenders in response to the Department’s written form shall be submitted by the applicant “at their peril.” Ultimate Factual Determinations In his just-quoted statements “a,” “c,” “d,” and “e,” Taylor described, with reasonable particularity, the essence of policies that, in fact, fall within the statutory definition of the term “rule.” Statement “a” describes (albeit somewhat imprecisely) a Departmental mindset, the view that a person is likely to have difficulty simultaneously serving more than one master as a PR; the last sentence of statement “d” accurately describes the Department’s related policy of not inquiring as to how a PRD who is not a dual designee will operate and control the lender’s business (because the agency presumes that a person will probably have no difficulty serving as PR to one lender at a time). Taken together, these views, in fact, constitute the Department’s interpretation of the PR statutes.15 Taylor’s statement “c” and the third sentence of “d” (all of which, of course, he attributes to the Department) correctly describe, for the most part,16 the Department’s policy of requiring additional information from all licensees and applicants whose Designations nominate an XPR for the position of PR. This policy is plainly driven by the Department’s interpretation of the PR statutes, and it leads, in turn, directly to statement “e.” Restated to conform to the evidence, statement “e” holds that the Department will send either the DF 416 Inquiry Letter or the Compliance Inquiry Letter, whichever is applicable, to any lender whose PRD is an XPR. It is the form letters——the DF 416 Inquiry Letter and the Compliance Inquiry Letter——that have emerged as the most visible, most readily identifiable unadopted rules of the Department, for they solicit information not specifically required by statute or by an existing rule. By the end of December 2001 at the latest, rulemaking was both feasible and practicable with regard to the above- described statements, but no effort was made to adopt them as rules. Thus, the Department failed timely to commence rulemaking with regard to these statements in accordance with Section 120.54(1)(a), Florida Statutes.17

Conclusions For Petitioner: H. Richard Bisbee, Esquire Law Office of H. Richard Bisbee 124 Salem Court, Suite A Tallahassee, Florida 32301-2810 For Respondent: Cynthia K. Maynard, Esquire James H. Harris, Esquire Department of Banking and Finance Fletcher Building, Suite 526 101 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

Florida Laws (10) 120.52120.54120.56120.569120.57120.595120.60120.68494.001494.0077

Other Judicial Opinions A party who is adversely affected by this Final Order is entitled to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. Review proceedings are governed by the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Such proceedings are commenced by filing the original notice of appeal with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings and a copy, accompanied by filing fees prescribed by law, with the District Court of Appeal, First District, or with the District Court of Appeal in the Appellate District where the party resides. The notice of appeal must be filed within 30 days of rendition of the order to be reviewed.

# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Stuart, Florida Feb. 03, 1992 Number: 92-000685 Latest Update: Jul. 22, 1993

Findings Of Fact Petitioner is charged with the responsibility of administering and enforcing the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, including the duty to sanction those licensed under the Mortgage Brokerage Act (the Act) for violations of the Act. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Respondent Joan N. Harnagel (Ms. Harnagel), was a registered mortgage broker in the State of Florida, holding license No. HA 517383319. There was no evidence that Ms. Harnagel's registration has been previously disciplined by Petitioner. Respondent Meridian Mortgage Group, Inc. (Meridian) first became a licensed mortgage broker in the State of Florida in September, 1988, with Respondent Joan N. Harnagel (Ms. Harnagel) serving as its vice-president and principal mortgage broker. Between September, 1988, and August, 1992, Meridian was a mortgage brokerage business in the State of Florida and held license No.HB 880000176-00. Meridian has held no active license as a Florida mortgage broker since August, 1992. There was no evidence that Meridian's registration has been previously disciplined by Petitioner. In September 1988, Meridian bought a Florida mortgage brokerage company named Bay Pointe Mortgage. At the time of this purchase, Ms. Harnagel was the principal mortgage broker and was responsible for the daily operations of Bay Pointe as its general manager. Upon Meridian's purchase of Bay Pointe, Ms. Harnagel served as Meridian's principal mortgage broker in Florida and continued her responsibility for the daily operation of Meridian's activities in Florida. Until July 15, 1989, Ms. Harnagel had no ownership interest in Meridian. The owners of Meridian between September 1988 and July 15, 1989, were Majorie Mohr and Larry Mohr of Carmel, Indiana. On July 15, 1989, Ms. Harnagel assumed ownership of Meridian and continued to serve as its principal mortgage broker and general manager responsible for daily operations. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Ms. Harnagel was the principal mortgage broker of Meridian and was responsible for its daily operations, which included the hiring and firing of employees, the ordering of appraisals and credit reports for customers, and the preparation of good faith estimates. Petitioner conducted an examination of the Respondents Harnagel and Meridian for the period inclusive of January 1, 1989, through April 30, 1990. As a result of the investigation, Petitioner prepared and forwarded to Respondents a report of its investigation. Subsequently thereto, Petitioner prepared and served on Respondents an "Administrative Complaint, Notice of Intent to Issue Order to Cease and Desist, Intent to Revoke Licenses and Notice of Rights" which is the charging document for this proceeding. 1/ PAR PLUS VIOLATIONS There is a difference between a mortgage broker's origination fee and a lender's discount fee. A mortgage broker's origination fee is a fee charged by the mortgage broker for finding a loan for the applicant. A discount fee is a fee charged by the lender to a borrower for doing the paperwork on a loan and is usually expressed as a percentage of the amount borrowed. A discount may be considered as prepaid interest to the lender to cover the lender's expenses in making the loan. In the typical transaction that does not involve "par plus", the mortgage broker's origination fee is paid to the mortgage broker by the borrower at closing either by separate check or out of the proceeds of the closing. A "par plus" transaction is one in which the mortgage broker's origination fee is paid to the mortgage broker by the lender instead of by the borrower. Petitioner's Exhibit 1 is a composite exhibit and pertains to a transaction involving borrowers Oscar and Arlene Carlsen. Petitioner's Exhibit 2 is a composite exhibit and pertains to a transaction involving borrowers J. Richard and Sara Pooler. The first page of each exhibit is the good faith estimate that was completed by Ms. Harnagel. The good faith estimate is normally given to a borrower when the borrower first comes to the mortgage broker's office and applies for a loan. The purpose of the good faith estimate is to make full disclosure of what fees are going to be charged to the borrower. The second and third pages of Petitioner's Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 constitute the Settlement Statements for each transaction and was prepared by the respective closing agents for these transactions. The Settlement Statement should reflect all costs that were paid by the buyer and the seller in the transaction being financed. The Carlsen transaction was a "par plus" transaction since Meridian's mortgage brokerage fee was paid by the lender. The Pooler transaction was also a "par plus" transaction since Meridian's mortgage brokerage fee was paid by the lender. By failing to respond to requests for admissions, Respondents admitted 2/ that in the Carlsen transaction and in the Pooler transaction neither Meridian nor Ms. Harnagel disclosed to the borrowers Meridian's participation in a "par plus" program. Both the Carlsen and the Pooler transactions closed in December 1989. ESCROW FUND VIOLATIONS - RESIDENTIAL 3/ Respondents received the following sums from the following borrowers on the following dates: BORROWER AMOUNT DATE K. Carrol $525.00 06-07-89 R. Williams $400.00 11-28-89 J. Gentile $270.00 06-30-89 C. Saffer $270.00 05-15-89 J. Mark $270.00 02-22-89 G. Norton $275.00 07-14-89 F. Sloss $275.00 03-02-89 W. Nachman $275.00 02-27-89 E. Ward $270.00 04-26-89 H. Rosen $310.00 04-24-89 J. Morris $825.00 06-30-89 S. Lewis $270.00 03-24-89 E. Fuller $485.00 05-01-89 G. Fleming $270.00 03-30-89 J. Bishop $270.00 03-28-89 P. Bifulco $270.00 04-10-89 E. Zulueta $270.00 05-26-89 L. MacCalister $325.00 06-21-89 T. Nangle $275.00 01-26-89 I. Rybicki $270.00 03-31-89 I. Rybicki $275.00 03-07-89 The foregoing sums were received by Respondents from borrowers to pay for credit reports and appraisals. Respondents should have placed these funds in the escrow account Meridian maintained at Sun Bank. Instead of being used for the intended purpose, these funds were placed in Meridian's operating account at Sun Bank and were used to pay Meridian's overhead. At all times pertinent hereto Respondent Harnagel was the principal mortgage broker for Meridian and knew that these sums were not being placed in escrow, knew that the funds should have been placed in escrow, and knew that these funds were not being expended for credit reports and appraisal reports. Ms. Harnagel asserts that the practice of placing these funds in Meridian's operating account was dictated by Meridian's out-of-state owners. Ms. Harnagel knew this practice violated the Mortgage Brokerage Act and asserts that she repeatedly informed the Mohrs of this problem. Notwithstanding her acknowledged violation of the Act, she continued to collect these fees and continued to place these fees in Meridian's operating account. The great majority of these transactions occurred prior to Ms. Harnagel assuming ownership of Meridian on July 15, 1989. As a result of these practices, Meridian became indebted to at least two appraisal companies, Duffy and Associates (Duffy) and Diamond Realty and Appraisal Company (Diamond). Neither appraisal company had been fully repaid as of the time of the formal hearing. Duffy and Associates is owed a total of $4,000 by Respondents for work that was performed on the order of Respondents. At least six of the appraisals for which Duffy has not been paid were ordered after Ms. Harnagel assumed ownership of Meridian. In each of these transactions Respondents collected the amount necessary to pay for the appraisal, but, instead of paying for the appraisals, spent the amounts as part of the operating account on overhead expenses. Ms. Harnagel paid Diamond the sum of $1,500 as partial payment of the accumulated debt to Diamond. At the time of the formal hearing, Respondents owed Diamond the sum of $1,675 plus interest and attorney's fees. THE COMMERCIAL LENDER: VICTORY ENTERPRISES TRUST The proposed lender for each of the four commercial transactions at issue in this proceeding was an entity referred to as "Victory Enterprises Trust". The principals of this trust were Thomas Telford, Harold McDonnard, Harold Meridon, and a man identified as Mr. Carpenter. COMMERCIAL TRANSACTION ONE: GOLDEN HILLS Golden Hills is one of the four commercial projects that was at issue in this proceeding. A group of individuals including Robert Hastings, Doug Ollenberger, and Jeffery Kollenkark formed a partnership to purchase, refurbish, and develop a golf course and its surrounding property known as Golden Hills. This partnership, initially known as EBBCO Partnership and later incorporated under the name of Fore Golf Management, Inc., discussed with Ms. Harnagel the financing that would be required for the project. Ms. Harnagel suggested to this borrower a possible joint venture with a potential lender, the Victory Enterprises Trust, and requested a deposit in the amount of $12,000. Ms. Harnagel did not identify her lender to the borrower. This borrower deposited with Meridian the sum of $12,000 on or about September 28, 1989, with conditions that may be summarized as follows: The money was to be placed in Meridian's escrow account. The money was to be "100 percent refundable" if the joint venture partner did not fund the project or if terms of funding were not acceptable. Signatures from both parties to the joint venture would be required to release the funds from escrow. This money was not to be considered an application fee, but as a deposit for closing costs of the proposed joint venture. Any funds remaining were to be returned to Fore Golf Management, Inc. At no time did the Golden Hills borrowers authorize Ms. Harnagel to remove any of the funds from her trust account. On October 2, 1989, Ms. Harnagel wrote Robert Hastings a letter that included the following: Friday, September 29, 1989, Sun Bank received the Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) and deposited in MERIDIAN MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. TRUST ACCOUNT. These monies are used for prudent expenses needed to bring FORE GOLF MANAGEMENT, INC. an acceptable commitment. THE MONIES ARE REFUNDABLE if the commitment is not acceptable. (Emphasis in the original) On February 1, 1990, Mr. Hastings wrote Ms. Harnagel a letter that included the following: ... For about five months we have been attempting to put together a deal on Golden Hills. You have had our $12,000.00 since 9/29/89. To date no commitment has been brought to us. We do not mind continuing to try, but we do not wish to continue with this indefinitely. It is our wish that you suggest a time frame within which the project is completed and funded, or unless extended in writing by both parties, all agreements are null and void and all monies are refunded. On March 3, 1991, the Golden Hills borrowers demanded that Respondents return the $12,000 deposit, noting that the Golden Hills property had been sold to another entity approximately six months previously and that no commitment from Respondents or their lender had been forthcoming. Thereafter, the Golden Hills borrowers sent Dr. Kollenkark to Florida from California in an effort to collect the deposit from Respondents. On March 11, 1991, Ms. Harnagel wrote to Dr. Kollenkark a letter that provided, in part, as follows: The Trust does not want to return the monies as they felt they bought a commitment but that you were unable to obtain a viable contract. As I have said to you when we were told in December, 1990 that Golden Hills had definitely been sold. I told you that I would pay the $13,000 and get the money through the legal department. The reference to the Trust in Ms. Harnagel's letter of March 11, 1991, is to the Victory Enterprises Trust. The reference to the sum of $13,000 was an error and should have been $12,000. There was no evidence as to whether the deposit was transferred from Meridian's trust account to the proposed lender as implied by the letter of March 11, 1991. Ms. Harnagel testified that the money was transferred to Meridian's operating account and expended on Meridian's operating expenses. Ms. Harnagel admitted that the sum deposited by the Golden Hills borrowers should be refunded, but that she has been unable to do so. Her position that using the money to fund her operating expenses was authorized by the agreement with the Golden Hills borrowers is rejected as being contrary to the evidence. Although the record establishes that Ms. Harnagel expended considerable time and effort to secure funding for the Golden Hills borrowers, the record is equally clear that she was not entitled to use the deposit to fund her overhead expenses. COMMERCIAL TRANSACTION TWO: GENESIS CORPORATION The second commercial transaction involved the funding of two hotel projects with the Genesis Corporation as Respondents' borrower. By letter dated December 15, 1989, the Genesis Corporation deposited with Meridian the sum of $1,500. Paragraph two of the transmittal letter is as follows: 2. The Funding must be to Genesis Corp. satisfaction. The Application Fee of $1,500. is refundable, if Genesis Corp. is not Completely Satisfied with the Funding. The principals of Genesis Corporation did not provide certain financial statements requested by Respondents. Consequently, Respondents were unable to secure financing for the two hotel projects. After the request for the financial statements was made, Respondents did not hear further from the Genesis Corporation. Respondents expended the deposit made by the Genesis Corporation for its operating expenses. COMMERCIAL TRANSACTION THREE: RIVER RUN The third commercial transaction involved River Run Limited Partnership (River Run), which proposed to develop a golf course in North Carolina. As part of the transaction, Meridian required the borrower to pay an advance fee of $10,000.00 to be placed in Meridian's trust account. This deposit was subject to the following conditions: The deposited fee may be used by the lender (an unidentified trust) or by MERIDIAN MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. in conjunction with the lender to conduct an inspection of the property and for other prudent and reasonable expenses necessary to bring the BORROWER an acceptable loan commitment. For all monies spent a full accounting of such expenses will be made to BORROWER. If no loan commitment is offered within fifteen (15) days of the last signature date of this agreement, the entire application fee will be refunded unless otherwise agreed to by both parties to this agreement. Should an offer be made by the lender that, for any reason, is unacceptable to the BORROWER, the BORROWER shall have the right to reject such an offer and the entire application fee shall be refunded to the BORROWER. In such an event, the BORROWER shall be obligated to notify MERIDIAN MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. within five (5) working days of receipt of such offer that the offer is rejected, otherwise the deposited funds will be forfeited and will become the property of MERIDIAN MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. The foregoing agreement between Meridian and River Run was extended so that Meridian was given until November 15, 1989, to obtain the financing. The $10,000 deposit to Meridian was paid on behalf of River Run by Nate Bowman. No financing for River Run was secured by Respondents. Mr. Bowman demanded a refund of the deposit and subsequently obtained judgment against Respondents for the $10,000 deposit. As of the formal hearing, Respondents had not satisfied the Bowman judgment or otherwise refunded the deposit to River Run. Ms. Harnagel asserted that the following circumstances were the reason that the River Run transaction did not close: The trust that was to be the lender asked for financial statements that were not provided. There was a lawsuit between certain of the partners of River Run. A financial officer would not relinquish certain tax returns for one of the partners of River Run. There was a concern about River Run's ability to repay the money. Ms. Harnagel stated that of the $10,000 that was deposited into Meridian's trust account, she only retained the sum of $3,500 and that the balance went to the lending trust. The $3,500 that was retained by Ms. Harnagel was expended. There was no accounting for these expenditures. Likewise, there was no accounting for the sums paid to the lending trust. COMMERCIAL TRANSACTION FOUR: CHAPEL HILL The fourth commercial transaction involved a group of borrowers represented by Michael Grdina, an attorney in Ohio, who desired to obtain financing for the construction of a series of projects that will be referred to as the Chapel Hill complex. Subsequent to a telephone conversation between Mr. Grdina and Ms. Harnagel, Ms. Harnagel sent a letter dated November 16, 1989. This letter reflected that Respondents represented a Trust and that the Trust was interested in participating in a joint venture with Mr. Grdina's clients. The letter contained certain requirements imposed by the Trust and provided, in part, as follows: A Seventy-Five Hundred ($7,500.00) application fee be placed in MERIDIAN MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. TRUST ACCOUNT. These monies are used for prudent expenses needed to bring Chapel Hill Commerce Center an acceptable commitment. If the commitment is not acceptable the monies are refundable. In response to that letter of November 16, 1989, Mr. Grdina wrote Ms. Harnagel a letter on behalf of his clients and enclosed a check for the sum of $7,500. Mr. Grdina's letter became the agreement between the parties as to the status of the $7,500 deposit paid to Respondents by Mr. Grdina. That letter omitted the language in Ms. Harnagel's letter of November 16, 1989, pertaining to the use of the deposit "for prudent business expenses". Mr. Grdina's letter of December 1, 1989, provided, in part, as follows: By wire transfer to Meridian's trust account the entities [Mr. Grdina's clients] have placed with you a Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) refundable good faith deposit. If an entity accepts a proposal for funding from sources identified by you, and such entity does not close the transaction for reason other than the fault of the lender, the good faith deposit will be forfeited as liquidated damages for expenses and fees incurred in the transaction. The initial agreement between Harnagel and Grdina contemplated that Harnagel's Trust would provide financing for Grdina's clients. By letter dated February 23, 1990, Mr. Grdina accepted the offer that the transaction be modified so that the Trust would secure 100 percent of the loan by a lending institution by depositing with the lending institution certificates of deposit. As additional consideration to the Trust, the Trust would become entitled to 25 percent equity participation in the construction project. The letter of February 23, 1990, did not modify the status of the deposit paid by Mr. Grdina on behalf of his clients. The loan to Mr. Grdina's clients did not close because the lending institution with whom Ms. Harnagel and Victory Trust dealt would not fund the loan. Thereafter, Mr. Grdina demanded return of the $7,500 deposit. As of the date of the formal hearing, that deposit has not been refunded. Although Ms. Harnagel argues that she was entitled to keep the deposit, that argument is without merit since none of the conditions precedent to her entitlement to the deposit occurred. CUSTOMER OVERCHARGE Respondents admitted that two customers were charged brokerage fees, origination fees, and/or discount fees which were greater than those disclosed on the Good Faith Estimates. On the Morris transaction, a fee of $450.80 was estimated, but the fee actually assessed at closing was $2,240, an overcharge of $1,790. On the Rosen transaction a fee of $1,773 was estimated, but the actual fee assessed was $1,871.50, for an overcharge of $98.50. Both overcharges resulted from charges imposed by a lending institution and neither overcharge resulted in inappropriate payments to Respondents. WALL STREET JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENT Respondents placed an advertisement in the Wall Street Journal on February 16, 1990. This advertisement did not contain the address of Meridian as required by law. The deletion of Meridian's address was the fault of the Wall Street Journal. INVESTIGATION OF LENDING SOURCE Ms. Harnagel testified without contradiction that she made efforts to verify the reliability of the Victory Enterprises Trust and its principals. She learned of this potential lender through an advertisement the Trust had placed in the Miami Herald. Neither the Trust or the principals were required to be licensed in Florida. Her efforts included having her attorney and her bank officer make inquiries to verify the reliability of the proposed lender. Petitioner argues that Respondents should have made further inquiry after the loan to the Golden Hills borrowers was not forthcoming from this lender. Petitioner has failed to establish by clear and convincing evidence that Respondents breached any standards imposed upon them to investigate the reliability of lenders so as to prove that Respondents are incompetent.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that all licenses and registrations issued either to Joan N. Harnagel or Meridian Mortgage Group, Inc., be revoked. It is further recommended that an administrative fine be imposed against Joan N. Harnagel in the amount of $25,000. It is further recommended that a separate administrative fine be imposed against Meridian Mortgage Group, Inc., in the amount of $25,000. DONE AND ENTERED this 22nd day of July, 1993, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. CLAUDE B. ARRINGTON Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of July, 1993.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001718 Latest Update: Dec. 29, 1976

The Issue Whether or not the Respondent, Evers & Associates, Inc. and Dovard J. Evers, its President, a licensed mortgage broker in the State of Florida, has charged and accepted fees and commissions in excess of the maximum allowable fees or commissions on the transactions set forth in the administrative complaint, Exhibit "A," in violation of Sec. 494.08(4), F.S., and thereby subjected the Respondent to a possible suspension under the terms of 494.05(1)(g), F.S.

Findings Of Fact Evers & Associates, Inc. through the parson of Dovard J. Evers, its President, was a licensed mortgage broker in the State of Florida, during the time period contemplated by the administrative complaint. Subsequent to the time of receiving the mortgage brokers-license, Dovard J. Evers, on behalf of Evers & Associates, Inc., entered into an agreement with several other parties to sell notes secured by mortgages on real estate. One of the agreements was with David Edstrom, of a corporation known as S.E.T., Inc., Mr. Edstrom being the President of said corporation, and the location of that corporation being in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A similar agreement was held with one Gary George of the Mortgage Consultants, Inc., Ocala, Florida. The agreement with Gary George involved a sale of mortgages for the benefit of the mortgagor, Washington Development Corporation. The third such agreement was with Phil Swan of Southeast Florida Corporation. The written conditions of the S.E.T., Inc. arrangement with Mr. Evers can be found in Respondent's Exhibits No. 2 through No. 5. Essentially, the arrangement was to have Mr. Evers, through Evers & Associates, act as a salesman for the benefit of S.E.T., Gary George and Phil Swan. Their agreement envisioned that Mr. Evers would be afforded a percentage discount varying from 14 percent to 16 percent of the amount of a mortgage loan which was a note secured by real estate. In actual , the contact was made between S.E.T., Gary George and Phil Swam Mr. Evers for purposes of placing notes that were for sale. The apparatus worked by having Mr. Evers contact mortgagees/investors who made a check payable to Evers & Associates for the full amount of the mortgage loan, whose price had been quoted by the intermediary; S.E.T., Gary George and Phil Swan. This amount was held in escrow until such time as the note and mortgage which secured the note could be drawn. The executed note and mortgage went directly to the third party mortgagee/investor without ever having the name of Mr. Evers or Evers & Associates, Inc., affixed to such documents. After this note and mortgage had been executed in behalf of the third party investor, Mr. Evers deducted a fee in favor of Evers & Associates, Inc., according to the percentage agreement with S.E.T., Gary George and Phil Swan and sent the balance of the money to S.E.T., Inc.; Washington Development Corporation through the person of Gary George and to Phil Swan of the Southeast Florida Corporation. The arrangement with Washington Development Corporation changed at a later date because Gary George was no longer involved and payments subsequent to his involvement were sent directly to Washington Development Corporation. The facts show that in the transactions found in Petitioner's Exhibit "A," the complaint, charges were made in behalf of Evers & Associates in the person of Mr. Evers which exceed the statutory allowance for fees and commissions in the amount stated in the column entitled overcharges. These overcharges are according to the percentage agreement between Mr. Evers and S.E.I., Inc., Gary George, and Phil Swan, minus adjustments made in behalf of the third party investor/mortgagee, as indicated in the testimony. This finding of facts, excludes the mortgage by M. Berkell which was stipulated between the parties as not being a matter for further consideration in the hearing. There was no evidence offered of the charge, if any, between S.E.T., Inc., Gary George, and Phil Swan in their dealings with their developer/mortgagors. At present the Respondent, Evers & Associates, Inc., and Dovard J. Evers, its President, have failed to renew the license in the current license period and, as of the moment of the hearing, have expressed no further interest in such renewal.

Recommendation It is recommended that the license of Evers & Associates, Inc., by Dovard J Evers, its President, be suspended for a period not to exceed 30 days. DONE and ENTERED this 8th day of June, 1976, in Tallahassee, Florida. CHARLES C. ADAMS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Fred O. Drake, III, Esquire Office of the Comptroller The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Earl M. Barker, Esquire 218 East Forsythp Street Jacksonville, Florida 32202

# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Apr. 01, 1999 Number: 99-001518 Latest Update: Nov. 02, 1999

Findings Of Fact FHFC administers the Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bond Program (Bond Program) as set forth in Chapter 420, Part V, Florida Statutes, and related administrative rules. Worthwhile timely filed an application in the 1999 Bond Program cycle which was assigned number 99-040 to finance a development called Heritage Apartments in Collier County, Florida. FHFC initially deemed said application to be incomplete for the reasons set forth in a letter dated February 4, 1999. Worthwhile timely filed a Petition for Formal Hearing challenging FHFC's determination that application number 99-040 was incomplete, which Petition was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) and assigned Case No. 99-1518. Upon further review by FHFC and in consideration of the deposition testimony of FHFC representatives in this cause, the parties stipulate and agree that: Worthwhile's application number 99-040 was not incomplete as initially determined by FHFC; Worthwhile's application number 99-040 is complete and must now be further processed pursuant to appropriate rules and procedures; and If it qualifies after further processing, application number 99-040 is to be funded with the next uncommitted bond proceeds made available to FHFC for allocation.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that FHFC enter a Final Order which finds and concludes that: Worthwhile's application number 99-040 was not incomplete as initially determined by FHFC; Worthwhile's application number 99-040 is complete and must now be further processed pursuant to appropriate rules and procedures; and If it qualifies after further processing, application number 99-040 is to be funded with the next uncommitted bond proceeds made available to FHFC for allocation. DONE AND ENTERED this 8th day of October, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DANIEL M. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of October, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: James C. Hauser, Esquire Skelding, Labasky, Corry, Hauser, Jolly & Metz, P.A. 318 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 David A. Barrett, Esquire Barrett & Pelham, P.A. Post Office Box 930 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0930 Brad Baker, Executive Director Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1329 Stephen M. Donelan, General Counsel Florida Housing Finance Corporation 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 5000 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1329 Michael J. Glazer, Esquire Ausley & McMullen 227 South Calhoun Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Florida Laws (2) 120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 67-21.003
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tallahassee, Florida Jun. 10, 2005 Number: 05-002107 Latest Update: Dec. 15, 2005

The Issue The issue in this case is whether the Petitioner’s application for licensure as a mortgage broker should be approved.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner resides in Riverwoods, Illinois. He has four children, and is married to Sharon Wheat-Hester. Petitioner received his undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Petitioner also received a master’s degree and doctorate degree in theology from Share-A- Prayer and Word Theological School in Whitewater, Wisconsin. Petitioner is currently employed as the director of a ministry called Marketplace Movement Network. The ministry provides advice to businesses on Chritian business ethics. In that regard, Petitioner has published one book on the subject of Christian ethics in business. Petitioner is also the President and shareholder of Hester International, Inc., a Florida Corporation that since 1995, provides mortgage brokerage services in the State of Illinois and several other states. The corporation’s principal office is located in Illinois. The business has an established client list and referral list. Additionally, Petitioner is currently licensed as a mortgage broker in the Illinois, California, North Carolina and Hawaii. He has not had any disciplinary action taken against him in those states. On January 25, 1996, prior to the present license application at issue here, Petitioner sought licensure as a mortgage broker in Florida with the Florida Department of Banking and Finance, Respondent’s predecessor agency. On the 1996 application Petitioner answered “no” to a question that asked whether he had ever had a license revoked. Petitioner’s 1996 application was denied for a material misrepresentation or omission. Petitioner did not challenge the 1996 denial. On February 16, 2004, also prior to the present application, Petitioner again applied for a mortgage broker license. On this application, question number six asked: Have you had a license, or the equivalent, to practice any profession or occupation denied, revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against which involved fraud, dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral turpitude? Yes No A “Yes” answer to question six required the applicant to attach details, provide a copy of allegations, and also supply documentation of the final disposition of the case. In response to question number six, Petitioner appeared to have marked both the answers “yes” and “no”, but then circled “yes.” On the second page of the application, Petitioner explained his answer to question number six, stating that he had had a real estate license ten years ago and that he had been involved with a dispute for $2,500 and lost the case. The explanation further stated that Petitioner was moving to Illinois at the time, so he voluntarily surrendered his license. On April 1, 2004, without investigating the facts to refresh his memory, Petitioner provided the requested signed letter of explanation. Subsequently, he withdrew his February application because he did not have time to deal with the ongoing questions the agency had regarding his application. Around July 13, 2004, after discussing the February 2004 application with Respondent, Petitioner submitted a revised Application for Licensure as a Mortgage Broker in the State of Florida. In response to question six, Petitioner marked “no” based on his memory that his real estate agent’s license had been “voluntarily surrendered.” Petitioner also submitted character reference letters. Additionally, Petitioner discussed with Respondent any proof of rehabilitation since the “voluntary surrender” of his real estate license. On page two of the July application, Petitioner wrote that his “only blemish” was a voluntary surrender of a real estate license in 1992. Petitioner stated, “[t]his was ‘not’ an act of moral turpitude or fraud.” In a deficiency letter dated July 28, 2004, the Office requested additional information from the Petitioner, including a signed statement explaining his side of the occurrence. On September 30, 2004, the Office received the same statement the Petitioner had previously forwarded to the Office for his February 2004 application. Petitioner again did not avail himself of the opportunity to discover the true facts surrounding the claimed surrender of his license. In the second paragraph of this explanatory letter Petitioner stated that the disciplinary action that led to surrender of his real estate license arose out of a transaction involving one of his customers who rented property to a third- party renter. Petitioner stated that the rental transaction between his customer and the third-party renter occurred in the lobby of Petitioner’s office without his knowledge or help. According to Petitioner’s, somewhat confusing, explanatory letter, the customer did not have the right to rent the house, but collected $2,500 from the renter and then left the state. Later, Petitioner discovered that the customer had closed in escrow and gained temporary occupancy of the home, thereby enabling the customer to ostensibly rent the home. Petitioner further explained that the renter sued him for the $2,500 and prevailed because the transaction took place in Petitioner’s lobby. Petitioner stated he lost the case because his attorney, Scott Hester (also his brother), was unavailable to make the closing argument and Petitioner had to do his own summation. In fact, Petitioner’s brother never represented Petitioner in the renter’s case because he did not have time to undertake the case. Petitioner did not supply the names of the people referenced in the letter because he did not remember them. As will be seen, at the time of the explanatory letter, Petitioner’s memory of the facts surrounding his license surrender is, at best, faulty. On April 19, 2005, the Office issued its Denial Letter, denying Petitioner’s application for licensure as a mortgage broker. As grounds for denial under Section 494.041(2)(c), (g), (i) and (q), Florida Statutes, the letter stated in relevant part: The Office’s background investigation and information you provided revealed the following: You answered Question #6 on your application as “no”, when it asks if you have had a license, or the equivalent, to practice any profession or occupation denied, revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against which involved fraud, dishonest dealing, or any other act of moral turpitude. On or about May 7, 1996, the Florida Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance, denied your application for a license as a mortgage broker for making a material misstatement of fact on their application. On or about December 8, 1992, after the State of Florida, Department of Professional Regulation, Division of Real Estate conducted an investigation, you surrendered your license with that agency and entered into a written agreement stating that you agreed to have your license revoked. Accordingly, the Real Estate Commission did revoke your license in their meeting of January 19, 1993 effective December 8, 1992. The Investigative Report attached to the Final Order to revoke reveals that you were sued for dishonest conduct and subsequently, on March 25, 1992, ordered to pay Johannes Fruhwirt $7,800 plus post- judgment interest. This order was by the County Court of Broward County as a result of a Final Judgment, Case #9103333 CC53 and a Writ of Execution. The investigation revealed that Hester left the State of Florida without leaving word of his whereabouts. Apparently, that judgment was never satisfied. On May 14, 1991 you promised to pay $3000 to Leonard Schoenfeld when closing occurred on a home Mr. Schoenfeld was purchasing. Closing occurred shortly afterward, and you have never made that payment. On or about July 17, 1995, the State of Illinois received an Application Form to Operate as a Residential Mortgage Licensee in the name of Hester International, Inc. on which you were listed as 50% owner. You signed the “Verification” portion of that form and your signature was notarized on June 20, 1995 indicating that you verified as being true all data entered onto that form. However, you responded “N/A” to Part III, Question #10 which asks that you list all licenses which you or your firm have applied for and been denied and/or any and all licenses issued to you or your firm which were subsequently suspended or revoked. You therefore failed to disclose the revocation of your license with the Florida Division of Real Estate that occurred in 1992. On the same application filed with the State of Illinois, in response to Part III, question 19(m), you did not disclose that a judgment had been entered against you on grounds of fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit. The renewal for Hester International Inc., with the State of Illinois, states under the section labeled, “Averment of License” in item “s” that the licensee will advise the Commissioner in writing of any changes to the information submitted on the most recent application for license within 30 days of said change. The State of Illinois reports that you never disclosed the denial of a mortgage broker license in 1996 with the State of Florida . (i) On November 18, 2004 in an electronic filing for corporation reinstatement for Hester International, Inc., you certified that as Registered Agent you maintained an office at 6278 N. Federal Highway, Suite #305 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. In fact, that address is a mail drop leased to one Carl Thames, CPA. The signage required by Section 48.091(2), Florida Statutes, does not appear, and you and Hester International, Inc. are unknown at this location. In pre-hearing interrogatories, the Office asked Petitioner to provide more information about the transaction involving the transaction that had led to the revocation of his real estate license, including the identity of those individuals. Even though the importance of accuracy was apparent since Petitioner was now in litigation, Petitioner, again, without investigating the facts and relying solely on his improving memory answered the interrogatories posed to him. In his answers, Petitioner identified the “customer” who had collected the money as Leonard Schoenfeld and the “renter” as Johannes Fruhwirt. Petitioner went on, in his answers, to describe the transaction with Mr. Schoenfeld and Mr. Fruhwirt. This description is similar to the explanation offered in the explanatory letters supplied for his earlier applications. In his response to Requests for Admissions, Petitioner denied that in May of 1991 he acted as a real estate broker in the auction of a home located at 14884 Equestrian Way in Wellington, Palm Beach County, Florida, and that he had been unable to deliver a mortgage at an agreed interest rate. Petitioner also denied that he had agreed to pay $3,000 for closing costs as deferred interest payments. Despite these denials, Petitioner admitted that he had signed an agreement to pay $3,000 to Mr. Schoenfeld. Petitioner explained these denials by claiming that these funds were never due because the agreement to pay $3,000 was contingent on closing. Since the real estate deal never closed, the $3,000 was never due. At his July 15, 2005, deposition, Petitioner essentially reaffirmed the inaccurate account of events in his interrogatory answers. At the deposition, Petitioner was asked to review documents related to the Schoenfeld transaction. Those documents included: (1) a copy of the May 14, 1991, agreement wherein he agreed to pay Mr. Schoenfeld $3,000, (2) a handwritten letter wherein he agreed to pay Mr. Schoenfeld the money that he owed him, and (3) a warranty deed on property purchased by Mr. Schoenfeld. When he was shown the May 14, 1991, agreement, Respondent testified that he did not know why he would have agreed to pay Mr. Schoenfeld $3,000. Even when he was shown the deed on the property and even though he had notarized the signatures on that deed, Petitioner maintained that the deal never closed and he never owed the $3000. At hearing, Petitioner’s various and growing explanations during discovery significantly differ from his testimony. Petitioner testified that throughout his various explanations he had confused and combined several individuals into one transaction. Even though he knew that the true facts of these transactions were important to consideration of his application and in answering discovery in this case, Petitioner did not make any real attempt to refresh his memory of these transactions until shortly before the hearing. In fact, the Schoenfeld and Fruhwirt transactions involved different real estate deals and had nothing to do with each other. The Schoenfeld transaction occurred in 1991 and involved the sale of real property located at 14884 Equestrian Way in Wellington, Florida. Mr. Schoenfeld was Petitioner’s customer. As part of the transaction, Petitioner guaranteed he could get a mortgage at a certain rate. After failing to get Mr. Schoenfeld a mortgage at a certain rate, Petitioner agreed to pay Mr. Schoenfeld $3,000 upon closing. When Petitioner failed to pay Mr. Schoenfeld the $3,000 on closing, he asked Mr. Schoenfeld if he could make payments of $200 a month. In a letter to Mr.Schoenfeld, Petitioner confirmed that he would pay Mr. Schoenfeld the amount that was owed. Petitioner made two payments and then stopped making payments. In a letter dated July 1, 1991, Mr. Schoenfeld complained about his dealings with Petitioner to the Division of Real Estate. A few days before Mr. Schoenfeld’s deposition on July 25, 2005, Petitioner paid Mr. Schoenfeld $2,600. Mr. Schoenfeld accepted the payment since the money was still owed to him. However, the payment had been delayed for 14 years and did not include interest for those years. Petitioner testified that he made the payment because, once he remembered the details of the transaction, he felt morally obligated to pay Mr. Schoenfeld what he had promised. However, fulfillment of this obligation also occurred with this litigation pending and after denials that any money was due Mr. Schoenfeld. In short, Petitioner did not pay Mr. Schoenfeld the money that was due him for 14 years until Petitioner was forced to acknowledge the true facts of the Schoenfeld transaction in this litigation. The Fruhwirt transaction involved a man named Mark Ritter who was a client of Petitioner. Mr. Fruhwirt met with Mark Ritter at a house he wanted to rent. Eventually, Mr. Ritter sent him to Petitioner to complete a lease agreement. Mr. Ritter did not know about leases and said Petitioner was a friend whose real estate office could set up the lease contract. Mr. Fruhwirt met Petitioner at his real estate office. Since it was lunchtime, they went to a nearby Burger King to finalize the lease. While at Burger King, Mr. Fruhwirt paid Petitioner $2,850 on the lease. Petitioner’s testified that he did not receive any money from Mr. Fruhwirt and did not accompany Mr. Fruhwirt to Burger King. Petitioner testified that Mr. Ritter and Mr. Fruhwirt met in his lobby and both went to Burger King to finalize the lease arrangement. However, given Petitioner’s past faulty memory, Petitioner’s testimony is not credible. At some point, Mr. Fruhwirt moved into the house. Subsequently, Mr. Fruhwirt received a letter from an attorney representing the real owner demanding that he vacate the premises. Mr. Fruhwirt then discovered that Mr. Ritter was not the owner and had to hire an attorney to sort out his continued occupancy of the property. Eventually Mr. Fruwhirt bought this property. Mr. Fruhwirt sued Petitioner and the real estate office for the recovery of the $2,850 he had paid to rent the house. Petitioner was found liable, but the real estate office was found not liable because the transaction happened off its premises at Burger King. On March 25, 1992, the Broward County Court entered a judgment of $7,800 against Petitioner, finding that Petitioner had “breached his duty to disclose that Mark Ritter was not the owner of the involved property.” After Mr. Fruhwirt obtained the judgment, Petitioner declared bankruptcy. Mr. Fruhwirt pursued an adversary action in Petitioner’s bankruptcy proceedings. Subsequently, the Bankruptcy Court cited “11 U.S.C. 523 A(2) and 11 U.S.C. 523 A(4)” and refused to discharge the judgment debt. The Bankruptcy Court’s Order refusing to discharge the debt clearly conflicts with Dr. Hester’s repeated implications and statements that this debt was discharged in bankruptcy. Unable to collect from Petitioner, Mr. Fruhwirt filed with the Florida Real Estate Recovery Fund. The fund paid $2,850 to Mr. Fruhwirt and suspended Petitioner’s license. Mr. Fruhwirt used the money to defray some of his legal expenses. To date, Petitioner has not paid Mr. Fruhwirt any money on the judgment. The Fruwhirt transaction led to the revocation of Petitioner’s real estate license and, on January 19, 1993, the Florida Real Estate Commission entered a final order revoking Petitioner’s real estate license. Despite Petitioner’s testimony that he never received a copy of the documents, the certificate of service for the final order indicates it was sent to Petitioner at 1101 Hidden Cove, Salem, SC 29676, which was the address where Petitioner was living at that time. Again, Petitioner’s testimony is not credible. The Final Order referenced a December 8, 1992, agreement in which Petitioner agreed that his license would be revoked. In the December 8, 1992 agreement, entitled “Affidavit for the Voluntary Surrender of License, Registration, Certificate/Permit for Revocation,” signed by Petitioner, he agreed to the revocation of his license and to not apply for a new real estate license for ten years from the effective date of revocation. In particular, the December 8, 1992 agreement stated, “[t]he effective date of the revocation shall be upon signing this document.” Notwithstanding the clear language revoking the license, at the hearing, Petitioner maintained that because he had voluntarily surrendered his license, he did not believe his license had been revoked. In referring to the agreement he had signed, he testified that the agreement said, “that my license will be inactive, not revoked” and denied ever seeing the other documents revoking his license. This testimony is simply not credible and demonstrates Petitioner’s propensity to see or remember things in a way that is more flattering to him, irrespective of reality. The affidavit signed by Petitioner clearly stated that Petitioner’s license would be and was revoked upon signing. In 1995, Hester International applied to operate as a residential mortgage licensee in Illinois. The application identified Petitioner as the vice president and Sharon Hester as the president. Page one of the application indicated the application had to be executed “by two officers or all directors if the applicant/licensee is a corporation.” The application was signed by Petitioner and his wife. Petitioner did not disclose to Illinois that a judgment had been entered against him in Florida or that his real estate license had been revoked or suspended. Question 10 in Part III of the Application asked: “LIST ALL LICENSES WHICH YOU OR YOUR FIRM HAVE APPLIED FOR AND BEEN DENIED AND/OR ANY AND ALL LICENSES ISSUED TO YOU OR YOUR FIRM WHICH WERE SUBSEQUENTLY SUSPENDED OR REVOKED.” Petitioner responded “N/A.” (Id.). Question 19(m) in Part III of the Application asked: UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, I(WE) STATE THAT ALL OF THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY (OUR) KNOWLEDGE AND FURTHER STATE THAT AS THE APPLICANT/LICENSEE: . . . (m) Has not committed a crime against the law of this State, any other state or the United States, involving moral turpitude, fraudulent or dishonest dealing, and that no final judgment has been entered against it in a civil action upon grounds of fraud, misrepresentation or deceit which has not previously been reported to the Commissioner. The evidence did not demonstrate that the emphasized clauses in question 10 or the “I(WE)” in 19(m) direct such questions to individuals signing the application. One reasonable interpretation of the language is that the questions are directed to the business entity applying for the license. In short, the I(WE) language is simply language in a form meant to cover multiple types of business entities ranging from sale proprietorships to corporations. Therefore, Petitioner was not required by Illinois to disclose matters which involved him personally. To date, Illinois has not filed any disciplinary action against Petitioner or Hester International. Thus, the failure to disclose personal judgments or license actions to Illinois in a corporate application for licensure does not support a finding of dishonesty or denial of Respondent’s application at issue here. At some point, Hester International’s corporate status had to be reinstated in Florida. Petitioner reinstated the company’s corporate status in November of 2004. Petitioner filed as registered agent at 6278 North Federal Highway #305, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Petitioner had not lived at this address for some 15 years, but had lived there for seven years with his girlfriend. The evidence showed that Petitioner simply forgot to change the registered agent’s address and was not acting dishonestly. Once he discovered his mistake, Petitioner amended his filing to reflect the appropriate address. Again, these facts do not form a basis to deny Petitioner’s license application. Finally, Petitioner testified that until Spring 2005, he and his wife were 50/50 owners of Hester International, Inc., as reflected on the application and license renewals in Illinois. In September 2004, Ms. Hester submitted Hester International, Inc.’s application for Florida licensure as a mortgage broker business. The Hester International business application was submitted after the Office had denied Petitioner’s license application in 1996 and was scrutinizing his July 2004 application. In the application, Ms. Hester identified herself as 100 percent owner of the Hester International. Petitioner did review this application, but he intentionally did not take part in its filing. The purported change in ownership was not adequately explained at hearing and appears to have been done in order to forestall any problems with licensure of the corporation due to Petitioner’s participation in the corporation. While the change of ownership is troubling, given Petitioner’s history, and also adds to the evidence that Petitioner is less than forthright in his memory and past business dealings, the change of ownership for the corporation’s licensure application does not, by itself, support a denial of Petitioner’s application. On the other hand, too many inconsistencies exist between Petitioner’s hearing testimony and his earlier accounts to conclude that Respondent can be trusted to hold a mortgage brokerage license. At worst, the evidence shows that Petitioner is not truthful or acts with integrity. At best, the evidence shows that Respondent has the ability to convince himself of facts that do not quite fit the truth, but are more flattering to him. Under either scenario, Petitioner’s appreciation of honesty, truthfulness and integrity are suspect. Neither Petitioner’s letters supporting his good character, nor his success in his ministry demonstrates sufficient rehabilitation to overcome what appears to be long-time evasive behavior. Therefore, Petitioner’s application for licensure as a mortgage broker should be denied.

Recommendation Based upon the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: A Final Order be entered denying Petitioner’s application for licensure as a mortgage broker. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of November, 2005, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S DIANE CLEAVINGER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of November, 2005. COPIES FURNISHED: C. Scott Hester, Esquire 13843 Longs Landing Road East Jacksonville, Florida 32225 Robert H. Schott, Esquire Gregg Morton, Esquire Department of Financial Services 200 East Gaines Street Fletcher Building, Suite 526 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0376 Carlos G. Muniz, General Counsel Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0307 Honorable Tom Gallagher Chief Financial Officer Department of Financial Services The Capitol, Plaza Level 11 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300

USC (1) 11 U.S.C 523 Florida Laws (4) 120.569120.5748.091517.161
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 75-001313 Latest Update: Feb. 07, 1977

Findings Of Fact Respondent was issued Mortgage Broker License No. 3082 on September 3, 1974 by Petitioner. Respondent conducted certain transactions under its Mortgage Broker License during the period from September, 1973 until April, 1974. Respondent found client investors who had funds which they wished to invest in mortgages which would pay a greater return in interest than the average land mortgage. The transactions involved the purchase of a promissory note from a land development corporation secured by a mortgage deed on land ostensibly owned by the developer, in which the latter reserved the right and was authorized to convey the premises to a purchaser under an installment land contract subject to the lien of the mortgage. The deed further provided that the developer would deliver to a bank as an escrow agent a copy of any such agreement for deed and a quitclaim deed which would be held in escrow unless a default was established under the mortgage deed. What the investor would receive in such cases would be the developer's assignment of an agreement for deed collateralized by the mortgage deed. The issuance of these high interest notes were for the purpose of enabling the development company to make certain improvements on the land which they were obligated to do under sales contracts. In the transactions in question, Respondent dealt through Financial Resources Corporation of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to which he remitted the investors funds, less an amount retained for fees or commissions. The land developer/borrower would then issue the note and mortgage in the face amount of the total investment made by the investor. The detailed procedure was that when an investor inquired concerning such mortgages, Respondent would determine from Financial Resources Corporation if any were available. It was the practice of Respondent's President then to look at the land development, determine if, in fact, the land was in development and had streets and the like, and to read pertinent documents concerning the development. He would then proceed to accept the full sum of the investment from the investor pursuant to an agreement by which the investor, in consideration of the stated sum, would authorize Respondent to use its best efforts to secure collateralized promissory notes at a minimum percentage of interest on the declining balance with principal and interest payable monthly if held to maturity. Respondent would then deposit the investor's check, usually on the same day as received, and then in several days send a notice to Financial Resources Corporation authorizing it to prepare and execute a self-amortizing monthly principal and interest promissory note with quitclaim deed in the amount of the investment, together with a check representing the proceeds of the Investment less the Respondent's fee or commission, and a sum for intangible tax on the transaction. Financial would thereafter return to Respondent a copy of the note and mortgage in exchange for the funds remitted. The recorded mortgages would be sent to Respondent within a month or so thereafter. Respondent had no agreements in writing with the land developer, nor with Financial Resources Corporation. Respondent claimed that its fees for services were set by Financial Resources Corporation which usually amounted to about 12 percent of the face amount of the investment, but which was sometimes more and frequently less than that authorized under the applicable statutes and regulations. Respondent did not maintain an escrow bank account and all funds received from investors were deposited into the corporate bank account of the firm. Respondent's agreements with investors set no specific term or period of time in which the secured promissory notes were to be obtained although its president would customarily tell investors that it would take some time for the transaction to be consummated, and that they could not expect to receive the recorded mortgages right away (testimony of Mr. Montague, Petitioner's Exhibits 2-10). Respondent discontinued transactions as described above in April, 1974 because he was dissatisfied with the business. He had been informed that certain lands under some of the mortgages had not been sold until after the mortgage had been executed and that this was in violation of State law. In the fall of that year, he received a memorandum from the State Comptroller on the subject of escrow accounts, dated October 11, 1974, which warned mortgage brokers in the state concerning the practice of remitting investors' funds to land developers in anticipation of receiving a recorded mortgage and note (testimony of Mr. Montague, Respondent's Exhibit 9). In 1975,a financial examiner from Petitioner's office was sent to the office of Respondent to examine his books and records. Pursuant to that examination, it was determined that Respondent had committed various violations of Chapter 494, F.S. on certain transactions. The following findings of fact are made with respect to the transactions in question: Allegation: That Respondent took and received deposits of money from Robert E. Creighton, Hazel R. Hardesty, J. Wilfred Caron, Rose A. Hoadley, Margaret A. Gregory and Willard A. Kotthaus, in the regular course of business, and failed to immediately place such said funds in an escrow or trust account as required by Section 494.05(1) , F.S. As heretofore stated, the Respondent did not maintain an escrow trust account with respect to any of the above-stated transactions. The above- mentioned individuals had authorized Respondent to disburse the funds immediately upon receipt (testimony of Mr. Montague, Supplemented by Exhibits 3- 8). Allegation: Respondent failed to maintain adequate records in violation of Section 494.06(3), F.S., in that its files contained no written agreements on transactions with Della W. Shaw, Lantana Sheet Metal and A.C. Inc., and another transaction with Lantana Sheet Metal. The agreement between Della Shaw and Respondent, although not present in Respondent's file at the time of examination of its records by Petitioner's representative, had been executed on October 15, 1975, and presently is contained in the records of the Respondent. It had been taken out temporarily by one of Respondent's associates who also had Della Shaw as a client. Respondent had entered into two transactions with the trustee of the pension fund and profit sharing plan of Lantana Sheet Metal, one for ten thousand dollars from the pension fund and one for three thousand dollars from the profit sharing plan. At the time of these investments there were written contracts which were executed by the parties. The books and records of both the pension fund and the profit sharing fund were maintained at Respondent's office by a firm which administered both plans. The agreements pertaining to the Lantana transactions were requested and withdrawn from Respondent's files by the trustee of the Lantana funds. Consequently, they did not appear in the records of the corporation at the time of examination by Petitioner's representative (Petitioner's Exhibits 2 and 4; Respondent's Exhibit 10). Allegation: Respondent failed on numerous loan purchase agreements to establish the term for which the agreement was to remain in force before the return of the deposit for nonper- formance could be required by the investor, in violation of Chapter 3-3.06, F.A.C. The transactions in question did not involve applications for mortgage loan, but agreements to purchase secured promissory notes. Respondent's clients were investors/purchasers, not borrowers (testimony of Mr. Montague; Petitioner's Exh. 2-10). Allegation: Respondent charged and accepted fees or commissions in excess of the maximum allowable in violation of Section 494.08(4), F.S., and Chapter 3-3.08(3) and (4), F.A.C., on trans- actions involving Rosa Eichelberger, overcharge of $10.90, Lantana Sheet Metal, overcharge of $62.60; Lantana Sheet Metal, overcharge of $10.91; Rose A. Hoadley, overcharge of $9.10; and Margaret A. Gregory, overcharge of $9.10.

# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Boca Raton, Florida Sep. 30, 1993 Number: 93-005575 Latest Update: Apr. 28, 1994

The Issue Whether Respondent committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint? If so, what disciplinary action should be taken against him?

Findings Of Fact Based upon the evidence adduced at hearing, and the record as a whole, the following Findings of Fact are made: The Department is a state government licensing and regulatory agency. Respondent is now, and has been at all times material to the instant case, a licensed real estate salesperson in the State of Florida. He holds license number 0497295. The license is "involuntary inactive." Respondent has also held a State of Florida mortgage broker's license issued by DBF. The license had an expiration date of August 31, 1991. On or about May 31, 1989, DBF issued an administrative complaint in DBF Proceeding No. 1307-F-1-1/89 alleging that Respondent and others violated various provisions of the Florida's Mortgage Brokers Act. Not having received a request for hearing from Respondent, DBF, on January 11, 1990, prior to the expiration date of Respondent's mortgage broker's license, issued a default order finding Respondent guilty of the violations alleged in the administrative complaint and permanently revoking his license, as well as ordering him to "tender the payment of an administrative fine in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00) and a payment of three thousand ($3,000.00) for cost of investigation and prosecution." On or about January 23, 1990, Respondent, through counsel, filed a Motion to Set Aside the default order. In the motion, Respondent asserted that he had "failed to request a hearing [on the administrative complaint] simply because he was not aware of same." He further contended in his Motion to Set Aside that the allegations of wrongdoing advanced in the administrative complaint were "totally erroneous." On or about January 26, 1990, before DBF had ruled upon the Motion to Set Aside, Respondent, again through counsel, appealed the default order to the district court of appeal. On or about October 31, 1991, Respondent and DBF entered into a Stipulation and Consent Agreement which provided, in pertinent part, as follows: In the interest of compromise and settlement, the Department and Reynolds agree to resolve the appeal of the Default Final Order on the following terms and conditions: Reynolds agrees to withdraw his appeal of the Default Final Order and his execution of this Stipulation and Consent Agreement shall constitute a withdrawal of the notice of appeal. Reynolds neither admits nor denies the truth of the allegations in the Complaint and Default Final Order. Reynolds agrees not to reapply for a mortgage broker license under the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, for a period of three (3) years retroactive to January 11, 1990. Reynolds further agrees to cease and desist from any and all future violations of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder. This Stipulation and Consent Agreement and accompanying Final Order supersede the "Default Final Order Revoking Mortgage Broker License and Registration" issued by the Department against Reynolds on January 11, 1990. The Department agrees to reduce the administrative fine imposed by the Default Final Order to One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00). Reynolds agrees to pay an administrative fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) by cashier's check or money order payable to "Gerald Lewis, Comptroller, Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance," immediately upon execution of the Stipulation and Consent Agreement. This Stipulation and Consent Agreement is being executed solely for the purpose of resolving and settling Reynolds' appeal of the Default Final Order. . . . 8. Reynolds agrees that the accompanying Final Order, which will incorporate this Stipulation shall constitute final agency action by the Department, for which the Department may seek enforcement pursuant to Chapters 120 and 494, Florida Statutes. Reynolds further voluntarily and knowingly waives: (a) any right to an administrative hearing or issuance of a recommended order as provided by Chapter 120, Florida Statutes, and by Chapters 3-7, 28, or 22, Florida Administrative Code; (b) any right to separately stated findings of fact and conclusions of law; (c) any rights to contest in any judicial or administrative forum the validity of any term, condition, obligation, or duty created by this Stipulation or Final Order; and (d) any rights to object to or to challenge in any judicial proceeding, including, but not limited to, an appeal pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, any aspect, provision, or requirement of the Stipulation or Final Order, based upon its content, procedure of issuance, or timeliness. . . . Respondent entered into the Stipulation and Consent Agreement and agreed "to pay an administrative fine of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)" and "not to reapply for a mortgage broker license under the provisions of Chapter 494, Florida Statutes, for a period of three (3) years retroactive to January 11, 1990," not because he was guilty of any wrongdoing, but simply as a matter of convenience to avoid, among other things, the expense of litigation. The Final Order incorporating the Stipulation and Consent Agreement was issued by DBF on November 5, 1991. It provided as follows: Petitioner, Department of Banking and Finance, Division of Finance ("Department"), and Respondent, Sherin V. Reynolds ("Reynolds"), having entered into the attached Stipulation and Consent Agreement last dated October 31, 1991, resolving and concluding this matter: IT IS, THEREFORE ORDERED: The Stipulation and Consent Agreement entered into by Reynolds with the Department and attached hereto is incorporated by reference as if set forth herein at length. The Department and Reynolds shall comply with all provisions of the incorporated Stipulation and Consent Agreement. This Final Order supersedes the "Default Final Order Revoking Mortgage Brokerage License and Registration and Imposing Administrative Fines" issued by the Department on January 11, 1990.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby recommended that the Commission enter a final order dismissing the instant Administrative Complaint in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 10th day of February, 1994. STUART M. LERNER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of February, 1994.

Florida Laws (3) 120.68475.25475.455
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Apr. 02, 1990 Number: 90-002040 Latest Update: Jul. 20, 1990

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant hereto, James W. McKibbon was not licensed as a mortgage broker in Florida (Exhibit 1). MorBanc Financial Corporation was initially registered as a mortgage broker in Florida on February 27, 1989, and remained registered through June 15, 1990 (Exhibit 1). In August 1988, Respondent was employed by Sovereign Savings Bank to procure qualified home purchases needing mortgage money to be lent by Sovereign. MorBanc Financial Corporation was incorporated circa 1988 to become a mortgage brokerage firm. It opened a bank account and an office from funds contributed by its organizers. Respondent was offered shares in MorBanc and was elected president of the company. No evidence was submitted that Respondent was an investor in MorBanc. Thomas Pollak moved to Florida in 1988 and contracted to purchase a residence. The real estate agent with whom he was working recommended he seek a loan through MorBanc which was located in the same building with the real estate agent. Pollak assumed that MorBanc was a licensed mortgage broker in Florida. McKibbon's business card shows him as President of MorBanc Financial Corporation and lists FHA-VA-Conventional -- presumably loans that can be brokered by MorBanc. Respondent never told Pollak that he or MorBanc were mortgage brokers, and no applications for a mortgage loan completed by Pollak contained the name MorBanc. Instead, all of the application forms used were those used by Sovereign Savings Bank, and the loan application was submitted to Sovereign Savings Bank. The bank paid Respondent for procuring loans. MorBanc, prior to becoming registered as a mortgage broker, processed no loans from clients procured by Respondent McKibbon and paid McKibbon no commission or other compensation.

Recommendation It is recommended that the charges against James W. McKibbon that he acted as a mortgage broker without being licensed to do so in Florida be dismissed. ENTERED this 20th day of July, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of July, 1990. APPENDIX Petitioner's Proposed Findings Not Accepted. 2. Respondent helped set up the furniture in the office that was provided by one of the financial founders of MorBanc. Not accurate to call Respondent "instrumental" in this task. Teresa Tyler was the real estate agent procuring the contract with Pollak. No evidence was submitted that she was Respondent's real estate salesperson. While Pollak testified that Respondent mentioned he (Respondent) could work with more than one lender, the only lender mentioned by Respondent was Sovereign, and the loan was processed through Sovereign. COPIES FURNISHED: Stephen M. Christian, Esquire Office of Comptroller 1313 Tampa Street, Suite 615 Tampa, FL 33602-3394 William G. Reeves General Counsel Department of Banking and Finance The Capitol Plaza Level, Room 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 James W. McKibbon 5770 Dartmouth Avenue St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, FL 32399-0350 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.68
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002971 Latest Update: May 08, 1987

The Issue The issue presented for decision herein is whether or not Respondent unlawfully refused to honor a subpoena issued by Petitioner as is more particularly set forth hereinafter in detail.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, ASPEC, Inc., is a Florida Corporation engaged in the business of Mortgage Brokerage in Florida. Shanker S. Agarwal is President of ASPEC, Inc. Mr. Agarwal has been licensed by the Department as a Mortgage Broker since May 24, 1985 and currently holds License No. HB-0016435 which expired, by its terms, August 31, 1986. On February 14, 1986, the Department received a consumer complaint about ASPEC, Inc., and pursuant to its investigation of Respondent's brokerage activities, the Department sent a certified letter to ASPEC, Inc., on March 21, 1986, to the attention of President Agarwal requesting that an appointment be scheduled with its Area Financial Manager, Division of Finance, Paul Richman. The returned service of the referenced letter was postmarked April 14, 1986. President Agarwal, or an officer from Respondent failed to schedule an appointment with Paul Richman as requested. On May 22, 1986, the Department served Respondent a subpoena duces tecum on May 23, 1986, by its then Financial Examiner Analyst I, Kevin J.C. Gonzales. (Petitioner's Exhibit 1, pp 9-10.) The subpoena issued to President Agarwal requested that the custodian of records, an officer, director, employee or member of ASPEC, Inc. appear before Paul Richman on May 30, 1986, at 9:00 a.m. at the Department's Miami Office and produce all books, papers and documents (of ASPEC, Inc.) from its inception to April 29, 1986, so that the Department could determine ASPEC's compliance with Chapter 494, Florida Statutes. President Agarwal, or a representative on behalf of ASPEC, Inc., failed to appear at the date and time specified on the subpoena, or thereafter, at the designated place to produce the requested documents. Respondent has challenged on constitutional and other procedural grounds, the Department's authority to conduct an investigation of Respondent as a licensee under the Mortgage Brokerage Act. Respondent's challenges were determined to be either beyond the authority of the Hearing Officer or lacked merit, and rulings to this effec were made during the course of the hearing.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: Petitioner enter a Final Order suspending the Mortgage Brokers License No. HB-0016435 issued to Respondent for a period of (1) year. RECOMMENDED this 8th day of May 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 8th day of May 1987. COPIES FURNISHED: Miles J. Gopman Assistant General Counsel Office of the Comptroller The Capitol, Suite 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Mr. Shanker S. Agarwal, President ASPEC, INC 6912 Stirling Road Hollywood, Florida 33024 Ronald P. Glantz, Esquire 320 Southeast 9th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 Hon. Gerald Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0305 =================================================================

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68
# 10

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