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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fort Lauderdale, Florida Jan. 21, 2003 Number: 03-000179PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sarasota, Florida May 14, 1999 Number: 99-002210 Latest Update: Apr. 05, 2000

The Issue The issue is whether Respondent used inappropriate discipline techniques when he pushed an unruly student against a wall and back into his seat, in violation of Section 231.28(1)(i), Florida Statutes, and Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (e), Florida Administrative Code. If so, an additional issue is what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Respondent holds Florida Educators Certificate No. 725455. He is an assistant principal at Riverview High School. He has been a teacher for 18 years. He is in his seventh year in the Sarasota County School District. Prior to his employment with Sarasota County, Respondent was a physical education teacher and then an assistant principal in Illinois. He has never previously been the subject of disciplinary action. The principal at Riverview High School testified that Respondent enjoys good rapport with the students. Respondent is required to deal with disciplinary issues, and the principal testified that he has always done so professionally. The principal testified that Respondent maintains his composure when disciplining students. The Administrative Law Judge credits the testimony of the principal. On February 20, 1998, Respondent was summoned to a classroom being taught by Francis J. Baad, a teacher since 1948. A substitute teacher, Ms. Baad was teaching a freshman English class that had become disruptive, so she asked someone to summon an administrator to her room. Ms. Baad was showing a film of Romeo and Juliet. Part of the class was trying to watch the film, but part of the class was misbehaving. Several students were talking loudly, and one student was playing with a red laser pointer. The misbehaving students ignored repeated entreaties from Ms. Baad to settle down. When she threatened to summon an administrator, some of the students told her that she could not do so. When Respondent entered the classroom, the students quieted down. Respondent asked Ms. Baad to tell him the names of the students who had been misbehaving. Identification was slowed by Ms. Baad's unfamiliarity with the names of the students and the fact that several students had sat in seats assigned to other students and had given wrong names. As Respondent was writing down the names of the students who had disrupted the class, C. H. objected to the listing of another student, G. B., whom C. H. claimed had done nothing wrong, even though Ms. Baad had named him as one of the students who had misbehaved. Respondent replied to C. H. that it was none of his business. C. H. rose from his seat, and Respondent told him to sit down. Instead, C. H. said that he did not have to listen and began to walk up the aisle to leave the classroom. Respondent stepped toward C. H. and told him to return to his seat and be quiet. C. H. replied that Respondent could not tell him what to do. Saying, "Yes, I will tell you what to do," Respondent approached C. H. and backed him to his desk. Respondent then grabbed C. H.'s arms or shoulders and forced him down to his seat. At one point, Respondent threatened to call the school resource officer and have C. H. arrested. However, Respondent never did so, nor did he or anyone else discipline C. H. for this incident. Instead, Respondent remained in the classroom until the bell rang. Respondent did not disrupt the classroom; he restored order to the classroom so that learning could take place. Respondent did not endanger C. H.'s physical health or safety. Respondent did not disparage C. H. Respondent did not unnecessarily embarrass C. H.; C. H. embarrassed himself. Respondent gave C. H. every opportunity to behave himself. Rather than do so, C. H. unreasonably defied Respondent's authority.

Recommendation It is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of December, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of December, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Kathleen M. Richards, Executive Director Education Practices Commission Department of Education 224-E Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Jerry W. Whitmore, Program Director Professional Practices Services Department of Education 224-E Florida Education Center 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Michael H. Olenick, General Counsel Department of Education The Capitol, Suite 1701 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Bruce P. Taylor, Attorney Post Office Box 131 St. Petersburg, Florida 33731-0131 Robert E. Turffs Brann & Turffs, P.A. 2055 Wood Street, Suite 206 Sarasota, Florida 34237

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Fernandina Beach, Florida Aug. 29, 1991 Number: 91-005589 Latest Update: Dec. 10, 1993

The Issue Whether or not Respondent is guilty of misconduct and/or immorality in office (in the nature of suggestive and degrading sexual innuendoes and remarks to several female students) pursuant to Section 231.36(6)(a) F.S. and Rules 6B- 1.001, 6B-1.006, and 6B-4.009 F.A.C. so as to be subject to dismissal by the Nassau County School Board. Although some evidence of other years was presented, the August 8, 1991 Statement of Charges herein covers only the 1990-1991 school year. Accordingly, only evidence from that school year may be considered for purposes of discipline in this proceeding.

Findings Of Fact At all times material, Respondent was a teacher at the Hilliard Middle- Senior High School and the holder of a professional services contract with Petitioner Nassau County School Board. He is certified by the State of Florida in the areas of mathematics, psychology, and broad field social studies. Respondent had been employed by Petitioner for the nine years immediately preceding his suspension for the charges involved in this case. During the whole of that time he received good job evaluations. He has had no prior disciplinary charges against him. On or about May 9, 1991, Petitioner, pursuant to the recommendation of the Nassau County Superintendent of Schools, suspended Respondent without pay. This followed the Superintendent's suspension of Respondent with pay on May 2, 1991. During his employment with Petitioner, Respondent has taught geometry, algebra II, trigonometry, one class of general math, and a class of compensatory mathematics. Respondent has had a practice of greeting his students at random as they enter the classroom each day and while they are taking their seats and settling down to work. At all times material, these greetings were offered in the presence of students of both genders. Respondent teased the boys about sports and commented on the girls' appearance. The comments made most frequently by the Respondent to the football players were that they had not done well in the immediately preceding game. The comments made most frequently by the Respondent to all the female students were, "You're looking good; you're looking fine; you're looking hot;" or, more simply, "you're fine; you're hot." None of the comments were exclusive to any particular female student. All comments were made out in the open, without any physical touching or aggression on Respondent's part. He made these comments with no intended sexual connotation, and no female student ever expressed to him directly that she objected to these greetings either because they sounded sexual in nature, were too familiar, or were made in the presence of the female students' male peers. Generally, Respondent's comments were recognized as kidding and not taken seriously or considered objectionable by the students. There is no evidence that the Respondent's comments delayed the commencement of class, caused disruptive behavior on the part of either the male or the female students who heard them, or inhibited any student learning the academic material. One female student who testified that she found the foregoing practice objectionable was Shannon Lysitt, a student of Respondent's during both the 1989-1990 and the 1990-1991 school years. Ms. Lysitt testified at formal hearing that she "took [these comments] to be sexual but not as in a sexual manner." She considered the comments embarrassing and a display of inappropriate conduct by a teacher but knew Respondent was being friendly and joking. Ms. Lysitt admittedly never told Respondent she felt embarrassed or asked him to stop making such comments. Although she was used to his comments from the previous school year, Ms. Lysitt did not request to be assigned to another class for the 1990-1991 school year. In one isolated conversation, Respondent told Ms. Lysitt that, due to her poor math grades, she would probably wind up as a secretary being chased around a desk by her boss instead of achieving her desired career of psychiatrist. The Respondent denied making that comment specifically, but testified that he had made chiding or derrogatory comments about career plans of college preparatory students to motivate them to do better on tests when they had been doing poorly. By all accounts, Ms. Lysitt was doing all right in Respondent's course but could have done better. Ms. Lysitt's testimony was credible as to what was said, but Respondent's testimony was equally credible as to why he said it. Upon the evidence as a whole, it is found that the Respondent's comment may have been temporarily embarrassing to Ms. Lysitt, and may have, as she testified, made her feel bad or stupid for a short time, but that it did not degrade or humiliate her or adversely affect her classroom performance or overall self-image. Sherry Meziere was a student in Respondent's fourth period general math II class during the 1990-1991 school year. She also was embarrassed by Respondent's compliments to her, but she never told him so. When Ms. Meziere complained to Respondent that her semester grade was a "C" rather than the "B" she wanted, he told her she could stay after school and she would get her "B". Ms. Meziere is a particularly sensitive and shy teenager, and she took offense at the Respondent's comment because she interpreted it as a sexual come-on. Respondent denied having any sexual intent behind his comment to Ms. Meziere. At formal hearing, he explained that Ms. Meziere would have been entitled to a "B" if she had turned in all her homework, as required, but she had not. Because her grade was borderline due to the missing homework, Respondent had meant by his remark to Ms. Meziere that if she would come to the classroom after school and work the homework problems in his presence, he would retroactively give her credit for doing the homework and turning it in and this would accordingly alter her semester grade to a "B". Respondent's explanation for why he took this approach is reasonable: he would not accept students bringing in the homework later from home because it might be done anew or copied from someone else. Perhaps Respondent fell short in not clearly indicating all his reasoning and purpose to Ms. Meziere, but he also had no notice from her that she had misunderstood his offer. On balance, Ms. Meziere's explanation of why she took Respondent's neutral remark sexually is weak. She testified, A: I took it sexually. I don't know. Q: Why did you take it sexually? What is it about it that made you think that because you would agree, wouldn't you, that that could also be nonsexual the way you stated it, correct? A: Yes. Q: So what was it about the way he said it that made you think that it was sexual? A: I don't know. I just didn't feel comfortable with it. Q: But he didn't say anything explicit-- A: No. Q: --about sex or anything like that? A: No. (Exhibit P-2, page 10) Ms. Meziere considered Respondent a good teacher, not really strict, and pretty friendly. She felt he was giving her and one of her girl friends many more compliments of the nature described above in Finding of Fact 5 than he was giving other female students in their particular class. Respondent conceded that perhaps he had complimented Ms. Meziere more than some other female students in her class because he had tried to build up Ms. Meziere's self-esteem while the class was going to and from the cafeteria during the lunch recess which occurred in the middle of that class period, so that she would eat and not diet excessively. When she felt "uncomfortable" about Respondent's offering to see her after school, Ms. Meziere was not aware that Respondent frequently tutored students after school. Shanna Higginbotham, another one of Respondent's female students, confirmed that she had been tutored by him after school on several occasions, without any sexual innuendoes or overtures. Although what Respondent did not do with Ms. Higginbotham is not corroborative of Respondent's testimony that he did not intend his remark to Ms. Meziere to be sexual, it is supportive of his testimony that he was in the habit of having one or more students in his classroom after school. It also supports a reasonable inference that the Respondent's classroom was hardly the place for a private rendezvous. Respondent was approached during an inactive period in one of his classes by a senior mathematics student named Monica Adamczewski, who was simultaneously taking a college-level psychology class in child development at Florida Community College, Jacksonville, Florida. Ms. Adamczewski, knowing of Respondent's background in psychology, addressed a question to Respondent involving Freudian theory and child psychology on the issue of whether or not little children have sexual feelings, as hypothesized by Freud. Respondent responded by describing how he had handled an incident involving his own four year child's masturbation. Although the conversation was conducted in low tones with Ms. Adamczewski and Respondent in their respective desks, another student, Darlene Kelly, came up to Respondent's desk in the course of the conversation and heard only part of the conversation. Ms. Kelly was not aware of the context in which the subject arose, did not approve of certain language Respondent employed in discussing his child's activity, and felt it was an inappropriate conversation for the classroom, but Ms. Kelly also testified that the conversation did not embarrass her. There is conflicting evidence as to whether the foregoing incident occurred during the period covered by the Statement of Charges in this case. It is found that it did not occur during the period of time covered by the charges and accordingly that it cannot constitute grounds for disciplining Respondent in this proceeding. Jessica Smith testified to three incidents that allegedly occurred during the 1989-1990 school year. Because the Statement of Charges against the Respondent is silent as to any allegations of misconduct or immorality that occurred other than during the 1990-1991 school year, these incidents may not be used to discipline Respondent in this proceeding. 1/ Tammy McClamma graduated from Hilliard Middle-Senior High School in May 1990. She was not one of Respondent's students in either her junior or senior year, but she knew him from being around school. The events she described also could not have occurred during the time frame set out in the Statement of Charges and therefore cannot be used to discipline the Respondent in this proceeding. 2/ Respondent acknowledged that he may have been careless and used poor judgment in some of the statements he made to his female students. However, he never intended to harm or embarrass any of them and was simply guilty of allowing himself to get too close to the students as friends rather than maintaining the appropriate distance required of the student-teacher relationship. All the student witnesses, including those who were offended by isolated remarks they regarded as inappropriate, agreed that Respondent has a friendly and jocular manner in and out of the classroom. Respondent's classroom clearly has a "laid back" style. Overall, his students seem to appreciate and enjoy his familiar manner and to learn well in his classes. The consistent testimony of the students was that he is generally well-regarded and "everybody's favorite teacher." Superintendent Marshall opined as a professional educator that the Respondent's effectiveness as an educator had been undermined and eliminated by a continuing pattern of serious misconduct. However, no evidence of lost effectiveness beyond the temporary embarrassment and self-doubt experienced by Ms. Lysitt appears of record, and Mr. Marshall's opinion as rendered at formal hearing was based in part upon incidents outside the dates alleged in the Statement of Charges and also based in part upon the total investigation of this case, which investigation clearly included material not in evidence here.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the School Board of Nassau County enter a final order dismissing the charges against Respondent and returning him to full duty with all back pay and benefits retroactive to May 9, 1991. RECOMMENDED this 5th day of March, 1992, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 5th day of March, 1992.

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (3) 6B-1.0016B-1.0066B-4.009
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Mar. 07, 2017 Number: 17-001421PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Mar. 24, 2016 Number: 16-001693PL Latest Update: Jan. 17, 2017

The Issue The issues to be determined are whether Respondent, Jean- Baptiste Guerrier, made inappropriate comments to, or engaged in inappropriate conduct with, female students, or inappropriately discussed the topic of sex with his class, as alleged in the Administrative Complaint; and, if so, what sanction is appropriate.

Findings Of Fact The Commissioner is responsible for investigating and prosecuting misconduct allegations against individuals holding Florida educator's certificates. Mr. Guerrier held Florida Educator's Certificate 596926, covering the areas of English and middle grades, which was valid through June 30, 2015. At all times pertinent hereto, Mr. Guerrier was employed as a vocational education teacher at D.A. Dorsey Education Center School in the Miami-Dade County School District. Mr. Guerrier primarily taught English to students who had dropped out of school earlier and were returning for vocational education. Some of his students were adults, and some were still minors. On August 2, 2012, Ms. Ana Sanchez, an investigator for the Miami-Dade County School Board, received a case alleging that Mr. Guerrier had made inappropriate comments of a sexual nature to his students and had inappropriately touched female students. Ms. Sanchez interviewed students and prepared an investigative report detailing what each student told her regarding Mr. Guerrier's conduct in class. She did not personally observe Mr. Guerrier's conduct in the classroom. On September 6, 2012, Mr. Guerrier wrote a letter to Ms. Anne-Marie DuBoulay, the district director of the Office of Professional Standards. In the letter, Mr. Guerrier indicated that he had read the allegations and that he denied them. On or about October 5, 2012, the Miami-Dade County School District notified Mr. Guerrier that he would be recommended for suspension without pay and dismissal. On or about October 8, 2012, Mr. Guerrier submitted his resignation from his position at the Miami-Dade County School District. On October 10, 2012, Ms. DuBoulay prepared a memorandum for the file indicating that Mr. Guerrier had resigned and that the investigative information had been transmitted to Professional Practices Services of the Florida Department of Education. On August 12, 2013, an Administrative Complaint was filed against Mr. Guerrier by the Commissioner. It was subsequently sent to the Division of Administrative Hearings. At hearing, Ms. Sanchez testified that she interviewed several students from Mr. Guerrier's classes. She testified that some students told her that Mr. Guerrier often made inappropriate comments about sex and female anatomy to his students. She testified that students told her that he inappropriately touched students. She testified that students told her that he had asked female students, "What would you do for a grade?" She testified that Elijah Del'Valle, a 21-year-old student, told her that he saw Mr. Guerrier pulling a female student's G-string, confirming the female student's statement to her. The investigative report prepared by Ms. Sanchez indicated that D.W., a 25-year-old female student, told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier would make sexual comments to his female students on a daily basis. The report indicates that D.W. told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier asked her in class if he could see her private parts and asked "what she would do for the grade." The report indicates that K.L., a minor female student, told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier rubbed her stomach and asked her to kiss him. The report indicates that K.L. told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier told a story in class about a student who had reported him and that he told his class that the student was mad because he would not have sexual relations with her. The report indicates that K.L. told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier told K.L. that her boyfriend "could not handle her." The report says that K.L. told Ms. Sanchez that she witnessed Mr. Guerrier pull G.C.'s underwear in class. The report indicates that J.S., a minor female student, told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier always used inappropriate slang terms for female anatomy in class and that she heard Mr. Guerrier ask K.L. to show him her private parts. The report indicates that J.S. told Ms. Sanchez that she saw Mr. Guerrier touching K.L.'s stomach. The report indicates that J.S. told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier told one female student, "What if I turn off the lights and tell you to undress?" The report indicates that J.S. told Ms. Sanchez that she did not recall which student Mr. Guerrier made this comment to. The report indicates that Mr. Del'Valle, an adult male student, told Ms. Sanchez that he observed Mr. Guerrier flirting with female students and making sexual remarks in class. The report indicates that Mr. Del'Valle told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier would ask his female students what they would do for a grade. The report indicates that Mr. Del'Valle told Ms. Sanchez that he saw Mr. Guerrier pull a student's pants from behind during class and then ask the young lady where she was going. The report indicates that Mr. Del'Valle told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier was always looking at the female students when they walked by and would rub his shoulder and arm against them. The report indicates that G.C., a minor female student, told Ms. Sanchez that she saw Mr. Guerrier rub K.L.'s belly area and say, "let me lick that belly ring of yours." The report indicates that G.C. told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier is always brushing himself up against the female students. The report indicates that G.C. told Ms. Sanchez that Mr. Guerrier told a story in class about a student who had reported him and that that student was mad because he had not had sexual relations with her. The report indicates that G.C. told Ms. Sanchez that she once asked Mr. Guerrier for help with a lesson and that he pulled her G-string when she was getting up from the chair and pulled her back down. Mr. Guerrier testified at hearing that he did not do any of the things he was accused of. Mr. Guerrier said that his accusers had a motive to fabricate their stories because they were very poor students. He said that some of them slept in class, others texted throughout class, and others did not show up at all. He stated that some of them had no grades in his grading book and that he had no basis to give them a grade. He stated the students went to a counselor and fabricated the stories.2/

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint against Jean-Baptiste Guerrier. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of June, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S F. SCOTT BOYD Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of June, 2016.

Florida Laws (6) 1012.7951012.796120.569120.57775.02190.803
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Sep. 29, 2004 Number: 04-003563PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bunnell, Florida Jul. 17, 2008 Number: 08-003475PL Latest Update: Jul. 20, 2009

The Issue The issues to be determined in this proceeding are whether Respondent has committed the violations alleged in the Administrative Complaint and if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Stipulated Facts Respondent, Seneka Rachel Arrington, holds Florida Educator's Certificate 1012300, which is valid through June 2009. Respondent was employed as a Language Arts Teacher at Matanzas High School in the Flagler County School District during the 2006/2007 year. On or about October 9, 2006, Respondent was terminated from her teaching position with the school district. On or about April 3, 2007, Respondent removed merchandise from a retail establishment without paying for it and with the intention of converting it to her own use. Respondent was arrested and charged with one count of retail theft. On or about May 29, 2007, Respondent entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the state attorney's office with regard to the charge of retail theft. Findings of Fact Based Upon Evidence Presented at Hearing Dr. Hugh Christopher Pryor is the principal at Matanzas High School (Matanzas). Dr. Pryor hired Respondent in May 2006 for a position as an English teacher, to begin work in August 2006. During her employment at Matanzas, Respondent also worked as an assistant cheerleading coach. K.M. was a freshman at Matanzas during the 2006-2007 school year. She was on the cheerleading squad and knew Respondent as one of her coaches. She was not a student in any of Respondent's classes. M.H., K.M.'s boyfriend at all times material to the allegations in this case, was a 14-year-old freshman on the Matanzas football team and a student in one of Respondent's classes. C.J. was another freshman member of the football team and a friend of M.H.'s. He was not a student in any of Respondent's classes. Respondent was well-liked by students at the high school. Although K.M. testified that she was authoritative and strict with the girls on the cheerleading squad, she got along with all of the girls and "kind of was like us." K.M. regarded her more as a friend than as a teacher. On occasion, K.M. used Respondent's cell phone. On October 6 or 7, 2006, Donald Apperson Jr., the school's resource officer, was approached by a friend at a social outing who suggested he check into whether "the black cheerleading coach" at Matanzas was having a sexual relationship with some of the football players. Respondent was the only teacher who could fit this description. On Monday, October 9, 2006, Mr. Apperson reported this information to Ken Seybold, who was an assistant principal and the athletic director at Matanzas. The principal was notified and an investigation was initiated. Respondent was notified of the allegations, which she denied, and was sent home pending completion of the investigation. The investigation consisted of speaking with several members of the football team and was completed in a single day. At the end of the day, the principal determined that Respondent's employment would be terminated because she was still under a 97- day probationary period wherein she could be terminated without cause. Respondent was notified of the decision to terminate her employment the next day, October 10, 2006. Because she was terminated within the statutory probationary period for the initial contract for employment, no cause was listed. While Dr. Pryor testified that he was generally dissatisfied with her performance, his testimony regarding why was sketchy at best, and there was nothing in her personnel file to indicate that she was counseled in any way with respect to her performance. Teachers in the Flagler County School District are generally admonished not to transport students in a teacher's personal vehicle. Transporting students is only condoned where the student's parent has been notified and permission granted, and where an administrator has been notified of the need to transport the student. This procedure is apparently covered during orientation for new employees. However, no written policy regarding the transport of students was produced or cited, and Dr. Pryor indicated that Respondent was late to the orientation session prior to the beginning of the school year. It cannot be determined from the record in this case whether Respondent was aware of this policy. Respondent transported students in her personal vehicle on two occasions. On the first occasion, Respondent took K.M. and one other cheerleader to the Volusia Mall in order to look for dresses for a dance at school. K.M. testified that her mother had given permission for K.M. to go with Respondent on this outing. Respondent and the two girls were accompanied on this outing by Respondent's mother and sister. The second outing also involved shopping for clothes for the school dance. On this trip, Respondent took K.M. as well as M.H. and C.J. in her car after football and cheerleading practice. The four went first to the St. Augustine outlet mall and then to the Volusia Mall to shop for clothes. K.M. testified that her mother had given her permission to go with Respondent, but probably would not have given permission if she had known the boys would also be going. Neither M.H. nor C.J. had permission from a parent to ride in Respondent's car. The boys testified that they both drove Respondent's car while on this trip, although the testimony is inconsistent as to who drove when, and is not credible. Neither boy had a learner's permit to drive. No evidence was presented regarding the dates of these two shopping trips, other than they both occurred prior to September 29, 2006, which was the date identified for the dance. This same date is identified as the date for a football game in Cairo, Georgia, discussed below. After the conclusion of the second shopping trip, Respondent dropped K.M. off at her home. At this point, the boys testified, and stated as part of the district's investigation, that Respondent offered to take them back to her apartment to spend the night. According to M.H. and C.J., they went with Respondent back to her apartment where they ate fast food and watched television. They claimed that Respondent told them they could sleep in her bed while she slept on the couch. At some time during the night, Respondent allegedly crawled in the bed between the two boys, ground her hips against M.H.'s crotch, and took his hand and placed it outside her shorts against her vaginal area. M.H. claimed this made him uncomfortable and he moved to the floor, while Respondent continued to sleep in the bed with C.J. In the morning, the boys claim that Respondent woke them up and drove them to school. M.H. testified that he was in Respondent's English class and that she treated him differently than the other students. He, along with other boys at school, fantasized about the "fine, black English teacher." He thought it was cool to spend extra time with her and led others to believe he was having sex with her until one of his friends questioned the propriety of doing so. He testified that he "freaked out" while on a bus going to an out-of-state football game September 29, 2006, because Respondent kept calling him on his cell phone and he did not want to talk to her. Juxtaposed against the testimony of C.J. and M.H. is the testimony of Monica Arrington and Karastan Saunders. Monica Arrington, Respondent's younger sister, testified that during the period of time Respondent was employed at Matanzas, she shared Respondent's apartment and sometimes helped her out with the cheerleaders. Monica was a freshman at Bethune Cookman College and did not like living on campus, so instead lived with her sister. Ms. Arrington did not have her own transportation and relied on her sister to drop her off at school each day. Ms. Arrington confirmed that she went with Respondent, her mother and two female students to Volusia Mall to shop for clothes on one occasion, but did not identify any other time where students were at Respondent's apartment. Karastan Saunders also testified that during the fall of 2006, he lived at Respondent's apartment in exchange for paying a portion of the utilities. Mr. Saunders testified that he spent every night at the apartment because he did not have the funds to go elsewhere, and that he did not recall anyone coming over to the apartment other than family and mutual friends. After considering all of the evidence presented, the more credible evidence is that while Respondent took students shopping on at least one occasion, the testimony of M.H. and C.J. that they spent the night at Respondent's apartment is not credible. M.H. admitted that he has lied to his dad "because everybody lies to their dad sometimes." He claimed he lied to Respondent to avoid going to Orlando with her and about having a learner's permit to drive, and that he lied to his father about where he was the night he claims to have been at Respondent's apartment. M.H. also insinuated to his friends that he had a sexual relationship with Respondent, and that all of the boys thought she was the prettiest teacher at the school. However, he did not want Respondent to be arrested and would not cooperate with authorities. Even during the course of the hearing, his testimony was inconsistent regarding whom he told about his relationship with Respondent and what he told them. Significantly, C.J.'s testimony did not corroborate the alleged inappropriate touching M.H. claimed. C.J. did not witness any inappropriate touching or M.H. and Respondent having sex. While M.H. claimed that Respondent kept calling him while on the bus to Georgia for a football game, no phone records were produced and no one else's testimony was presented to support the claim. K.M. admitted that M.H. has lied to her on occasion and that he has had some issues with drugs and alcohol.1/ C.J.'s testimony is also not very credible. Like M.H., C.J. lied to his father about his whereabouts on the night in question. While he testified that he sometimes drove his dad's car to school without permission, his father testified that he only has one car and uses it every day to get to work. While M.H. claimed C.J. told him that Respondent and C.J. had sex the night they were allegedly at the apartment, C.J. denied it. He also stated that he was suspended for five days for bringing a laser to school during the timeframe related to this case, a suspension that his father knew nothing about. Likewise, C.J.'s claim that he went with Respondent on some unspecified weekend to Orlando while she got her cheerleading certification is not credible. By contrast, both Monica Arrington and Karastan Saunders were candid, consistent, calm and forthright while testifying. While both C.J. and M.H. were not where they were supposed to be on the night in question, they were not at Respondent's apartment. After Respondent was terminated from her employment, the allegations that she engaged in an appropriate relationship with a student were reported by local media. The publicity was extensive. Because the allegations involved alleged sexual conduct with a minor that would have occurred in Volusia County as opposed to Flagler County, the matter was referred to authorities in Volusia County. However, no criminal charges were ever brought against Respondent because neither M.H. nor his father wished to cooperate with authorities.

Recommendation Upon consideration of the facts found and conclusions of law reached, it is RECOMMENDED: That a final order be entered finding that Respondent violated Section 1012.795(1)(c), Florida Statutes, as alleged in Count 1, and dismissing Counts 2-7 of the Amended Administrative Complaint. It is further recommended that the Commission reprimand Respondent, impose a $500 fine and place her on one year of probation in the event that she works as a teacher in a public school setting. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of March, 2009, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of March, 2009.

Florida Laws (6) 1012.011012.7951012.7961012.798120.569120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:St. Petersburg, Florida Oct. 30, 1991 Number: 91-006986 Latest Update: Dec. 17, 1992

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Steven G. Miller, is a teaching veteran in excess of 20 years and holds Florida teaching certificate #524693, valid through June 30, 1995, covering the area of social science. During times material herein, Respondent was assigned as a teacher to St. Petersburg High School. During times material, Respondent's wife, Claudia Miller, was also a teacher at St. Petersburg High School and their daughter was a student there. During the 1989-90 school year, Respondent taught an African/American student, Leslie Kemp, in his sociology class. Kemp attended St. Petersburg High School for approximately six months. During Kemp's enrollment at St. Petersburg High School, Respondent told her he was attracted to her, asked if she had a boyfriend and inquired if he could get to know her outside school. These questions and statements were embarrassing to Kemp and as a result, she altered her schedule to avoid contact with Respondent. After Kemp graduated, Respondent called her at home and went uninvited to her home during the school day. During the occasion on which Respondent went uninvited to Kemp's home, Kemp called another teacher at St. Petersburg High School, Kenneth Jackson, and told him that Respondent was, at that point in time, returning to the school. Jackson, on receiving that phone call from Kemp during the morning hours of a school day, went into the parking lot of the school and observed Respondent walking from his van toward the school. As a result of Kemp's call to Jackson, and based on his belief that Respondent had been attempting to contact Kemp at home, Jackson approached a mutual acquaintance and teacher, Coach Al Davis, and advised Davis to "tell [your] boy to back off." Jackson referred to Respondent as "your boy" when speaking to Coach Davis and did not specifically identify Respondent otherwise. Because of the close relationship enjoyed between Miller and Davis, Jackson assumed that Coach Davis understood that he was talking about Miller. As Jackson in fact assumed, Coach Davis conveyed Jackson's message to Respondent. Respondent acknowledged receiving the message to "back off" from Coach Jackson through Coach Davis, but claimed never to have given it a thought or to have asked Coach Jackson what was meant. However, Coach Davis did not indicate any playfulness in his comments to Respondent. Thereafter, Kemp did not receive any further contacts, either by phone or personal visits at her home, from Respondent. During times material, another African/American student, Mackalia Hadley, also attended St. Petersburg High School. Hadley played varsity basketball and Respondent was her coach. While attending school, Hadley was told by Respondent that his fantasy was to have sex with a "black lady." Respondent asked Hadley if she ever had sex with an older white man and inquired of her preference about sexual positions, asking if she would rather be on top or the bottom. Respondent told Hadley that he was afraid of having sex with her as she could probably "handle him." Respondent would usually always preface his conversations with young female students by telling them that if the topic offended them, they should advise him and he would stop. On one occasion, Respondent patted Hadley on the "butt" as she exited his classroom. Ms. Hadley was not offended by Respondent's remarks to her or having touched her on the butt as she did not want him to be penalized on the basis of his actions towards her since she considered that Respondent was a friend. However, Hadley was led to believe that had she been so inclined, Respondent was available for sex with her. Hadley never affirmatively filed a complaint about Respondent's behavior, either while a student or afterwards. Hadley became aware of the disciplinary action against Respondent based on newspaper and other media coverage and during a counselling session with Ms. Christine Albino, Hadley's former "parenting" instructor, subsequent to graduation. Hadley did not want to be a witness in any disciplinary action against Respondent, although Ms. Albino advised Hadley that she would have to provide the information that she had about Respondent to Petitioner Board's personnel director, S. Crosby, who was investigating Respondent. Barbara Gamble, another African/American female student who attended St. Petersburg High School during the fall semester of 1991, was a student of Respondent. Respondent made frequent comments to Gamble, which she understood to be sexual. One such remark was "Oh Barbara, you're so fine. You turn me on. You have to stop doing this." Respondent inquired if Gamble would ever consider cheating on her boy friend. Respondent knows that Gamble had two children at the time of her enrollment in his class. On one occasion while in class, Respondent told her "If you ever want to have another kid, I'm always available." On one occasion, during his fourth period class, Respondent asked Gamble to come to his room during seventh period to review a test. Upon her arrival, Respondent placed the exam on his desk. He then told her that if anyone came into the room, they would pretend that the test was being reviewed, but he assured her that he had called her there for other reasons. Respondent told Gamble how physically attracted he was to her and asked if they could meet somewhere to be together. He also inquired of her if she had anything against him being white, older and married as far as the two of them being with each other was concerned. Shortly thereafter, Gamble withdrew from Respondent's class citing her fear of Respondent and of being alone with him. Gamble contacted Christine Albino who had been informed of Respondent's behavior toward Gamble through a conversation with another of Respondent's students, Janice Polk. Gamble's recall, which was confirmed by Principal Broughton after review of the official school records, indicates that she had no apparent problem with academics in Respondent's course. Janice Polk is also an African/American female student who was in Respondent's class from August 1991 through January 1992. Polk became acquainted with Respondent in his third period class, and as his teacher assistant during the sixth period. During the time when Respondent was Polk's instructor, he told her that he was physically attracted to her and asked her if she would consider cheating on her boy friend. Respondent cautioned Polk that his comments should not be disclosed because he could lose his job and his family. He also stressed that he would deny ever making any sexual comments to her if his remarks ever surfaced. On one occasion while Polk was working with Respondent alone as his assistant, during a Friday afternoon while most students at school were preparing for a football pep assembly, Respondent grabbed Polk from slightly to the side, put his arm around her waist and placed his hands on her butt and pulled her to him. Respondent grabbed Polk's breast, commenting that she was very "grown." He attempted to kiss Polk on the mouth and asked her if she wanted to touch him. Respondent told her that she didn't have to be afraid because he too was scared. Polk was in a position to notice that Respondent had an erection during their contact. Polk retracted and declined Respondent's advance. Respondent then let go of Polk without a physical struggle advising her not to tell anyone about the incident. Upon leaving Respondent's class, Polk encountered a friend, Alvie "Nikki" Poole, in the hallway. Poole observed that Polk was in a state of shock and she inquired if Polk had seen a ghost. Ms. Polk told Nikki about the incident and she (Polk) thereafter withdrew from Respondent's class and her assistantship as a result of Respondent's advances. Polk was afraid, embarrassed and felt disparaged based on Respondent's advances. Respondent's classroom, while situated in a relatively high student traffic area, and although his classroom was unlocked at the time of the encounter with Ms. Polk, was in a section of the building which was abnormally quiet and unoccupied since the pep assembly was ongoing. Students who did not attend the assembly were taking the opportunity to leave the campus early thereby significantly reducing the chances of a student unexpectedly entering Respondent's classroom and interrupting his encounter with Polk. The behavior engaged in by Respondent in relation to students Leslie Kemp, Hadley, Gamble and Polk included sexual innuendos, invitations, propositions, comments about physical attractiveness and attractions, and were laden with sexual implications. Respondent's conduct and behavior was therefore inappropriate and diminished his effectiveness as a School Board employee and a responsible instructional certificate holder. Respondent had been looked upon and has shown a sense of being sensitive to the needs and concerns of minority students who regarded him as their mentor. Respondent has, in the past, assisted a number of students become enrolled in college and was, indeed, in a position to be a role model for such students. Respondent was well respected by minorities, including Blacks and Asians, and they often turned to him for advice. A large number of the minority student population at St. Petersburg High School regarded Respondent as an informal counselor and he was universally regarded as such. Respondent was extremely popular with the student body and he spent a great deal of time shaping his students' lives. That fact, however, does not detract from the seriousness of the conduct which he engaged in relative to students Kemp, Hadley, Gamble and Polk. It is indeed unfortunate that a teacher of Respondent's caliber and ability to shape the lives of their vulnerable students 1/, would engage in acts of immortality as noted. Respondent's conduct toward these students cannot be overlooked. Respondent's contention that these students engaged in a plot to get back at him was considered and rejected. First, there was no showing that the students were motivated to devise such a scheme. A review of the students' academic transcripts indicated that, during times material, they were making satisfactory progress from an academic standpoint. In the one instance where it was shown that one student received an incomplete grade due to a failure to complete the required coursework, there was no nexus shown between the incomplete grade and Respondent's conduct which was inappropriate. Moreover, the transcripts fail to demonstrate that the students were receiving failing grades and therefore motivated to get rid of him (as a teacher). Finally, Respondent's contention that the order in which the complaints were filed against him evidenced a scheme by the Board to build a case to terminate him is likewise without basis in fact. The facts lend no support for Respondent's contention and more to the point, the evidence shows that the students, in the main, barely know each other and were reluctant to testify against Respondent. As to the Board's involvement, its agents were simply fulfilling their duties and responsibilities as school officials concerned about the well-being of its students.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that: Petitioner Pinellas County School Board enter a final order dismissing Respondent's employment as an instructor from the Pinellas County School System. Petitioner Commissioner enter a final order revoking Respondent's teaching certificate for a period of three years, followed by a two year probation upon re-entry, conditioned upon a psychiatric evaluation, clearance and counseling as well as appropriate remedial course work to be specified by the EPC. Additional specific terms and conditions of probation, including restrictions on student contact, should be determined as appropriate by the EPC. DONE and ORDERED this 3 day of September, 1992 in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3 day of September, 1992.

Florida Laws (2) 120.57120.68 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Daytona Beach, Florida Nov. 20, 2019 Number: 19-006168PL Latest Update: Sep. 30, 2024
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-003994 Latest Update: May 15, 1987

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the hearing, the following relevant facts are found: Respondent holds Florida Teaching Certificate 237129, covering the areas of social studies and work experience coordinator. At all times material hereto, the Respondent was employed as a social studies instructor at Columbia High School in the Columbia County School District. Respondent has been a school teacher since January, 1967 and has taught school in the Columbia County School District since 1968, excluding two (2) years for military service. Respondent has a good record as a teacher in the Columbia County School District and has never been accused of any professional misconduct in the past. Adrianne Lewis (Lewis) was a sixteen (16) year old student at Columbia High School in the first semester of the 1985/86 school year and became acquainted with the Respondent when she was a student in his third and sixth period classes. Lewis did not start in Respondent's sixth period class until two (2) weeks after the beginning of school in August, 1985 and was required to make up work missed during the first two (2) weeks. Respondent has a consistent policy with regard to make-up work which requires all students to make up work either before or after school and not during class. During the first six (6) weeks of school, Lewis made up several tests that she had missed both before and after becoming a student of Respondent. The complaining witness, Adrianne Lewis, testified that on two (2) separate occasions, most probably in September, 1985, the first time during a school pep rally and the second time while she was taking a make-up test after school, the Respondent, among other things, kissed her on the mouth and neck, fondled her breasts, rubbed and fondled her derriere, attempted to put a balloon under her shirt and asked why she was afraid of him and sex. However, the more credible evidence is that: (a) On September 13, 1985, Lewis went to Respondent's classroom during a school pep rally to take a make-up test, arriving around 2:50 p.m. She was given a copy of the test by Respondent and took the test in Respondent's classroom; (b) After Lewis turned in the test, Respondent spent approximately ten (10) minutes with Lewis discussing a problem she was having; (c) During the time Lewis was in the Respondent's classroom and office, Ken Stark was in an adjoining classroom with connecting windows which had only a portion of the view blocked; (d) Later in September, 1985, Lewis stayed after school to take another make-up test, arriving around 3:30 p.m. She was given a copy of the test by Respondent and took the test in Respondent's classroom; (e) During the time Lewis was in Respondent's office turning in the test, Respondent's elder son, John D. Evans, III was present and observed no misconduct on Respondent's part in regard to Lewis and; (f) Respondent, at no time during these two (2) occasions or any other occasion, improperly touched Lewis or engaged in any misconduct with respect to Lewis. During the second six (6) weeks of school, Lewis began missing class regularly. Due to a School Board policy concerning unexcused absences, Respondent consulted with Tom Grubb, Guidance Counselor, and was instructed to contact Lewis' parents. Respondent was unable to contact Lewis' parents or her grandmother, with whom she lived, but did contact her aunt, Denise Lewis. Respondent informed Denise Lewis of Lewis' absences and the need for Lewis to makeup her work or risk failing. Respondent's conversation with Denise Lewis occurred during the week of October 28, 1985 and about one (1) week later Denise Lewis conveyed the message to Lewis. Lewis did not mention the alleged improper touching by Respondent to Denise Lewis at this time but did say that Respondent did not like her and was going to fail her anyway. When Denise Lewis informed Lewis' grandmother of her absences, Lewis became upset because her grandmother had not previously known about Lewis' absences. On or about October 31, 1985, Lewis reported to Sergeant James Rutledge that she had been improperly touched and fondled by a teacher but did not disclose the teacher's name. During the week of November 6, 1985, Lewis again reported to Sergeant Rutledge that she had been improperly touched by a teacher but did not disclose the teacher's name. Rutledge went with Lewis and her girlfriend to the dean's office and notified the dean that Lewis was outside and needed to talk to him. On or about November 6, 1985, Lewis became upset with Respondent about calling her aunt and angrily told him not to call her aunt again. Lewis told Respondent that she was going to inform the administration of his alleged misconduct. Thereafter, the matter was reported and investigated by the administrator. As a result of the alleged misconduct, the Respondent was arrested and charged with battery. Subsequent to the arrest, the State Attorney for the Third Judicial Circuit of Florida filed a No Information and the cause was dismissed. There was no evidence to prove that Respondent's conduct had reduced his effectiveness as a teacher. There was no evidence that Respondent had exploited the teacher/student relationship with the minor female student for his own personal gain, exposing her to harm and unnecessary embarrassment. There was no evidence that Respondent had: (a) accepted or offered any gratuity, gift, or favor to, or from, anyone; (b) used institutional privileges for personal gain or advantage; (c) intentionally exposed a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement or; (d) failed to make reasonable effort to protect student from conditions harmful to learning or to health or to safety.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore, RECOMMENDED that the Commission enter a final order dismissing the Amended Administrative Complaint. Respectfully submitted and entered this 15th day of May, 1987, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. WILLIAM R. CAVE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 FILED with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of May, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-3994 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties in this case. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Petitioner: 1. Adopted in Finding of Fact 1. 2. Adopted in Finding of Fact 2. 3. Rejected as immaterial and irrelevant. 4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. 5. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9 but clarified. Rejected that portion of the finding of fact concerning Lewis requesting Respondent to sign, and Respondent signing, a balloon as immaterial and irrelevant. The balance of the finding of fact is rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. Adopted in Finding of Fact 12. The fact that Lewis skipped classes is adopted in Finding of Fact 10 but the balance of the finding is rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. The fact that Lewis took a second test before December, 1985, is adopted in Finding of Fact 9 but the balance of the finding is rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. 11.-12. Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. The fact that Lewis reported the alleged incidents is adopted in Finding of Fact 15 but the balance of the finding is rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. The fact that Lewis told the Respondent that she had reported the alleged sexual contact to the administration is adopted in Finding of Fact 14 but the balance of the finding is rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. The first sentence is rejected as immaterial and irrelevant. The second sentence is rejected as not being supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. Rejected as immaterial and irrelevant. Adopted in Finding of Fact 16. The fact that a No Information was filed and the case dismissed is adopted in Finding of Fact 16 but that the State Attorney dismissed because the contact was consensual is rejected as hearsay that does not supplement or explain any other evidence in the record. 19-21. Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. In these findings, the Petitioner relies mainly on the testimony of Lewis, testimony which I did not find credible. Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Submitted by the Respondent: Adopted in Finding of Fact 3. Adopted in Finding of Fact 4. Adopted in Finding of Fact 5. Adopted in Finding of Fact 6. Adopted in Finding of Fact 7. Adopted in Finding of Fact 8. 7.-15. Adopted in Finding of Fact 9. 16.-19. Adopted in Finding of Fact 10. 20.-23. Adopted in Findings of Fact 11, 12, 13 and 14, respectively. Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. Adopted in Finding of Fact 15. Rejected as not supported by substantial competent evidence in the record. COPIES FURNISHED: Honorable Betty Castor Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Karen Barr Wilde Executive Director Education Practice Commission Room 418, Knott Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Carolyn Thompson LeBoeuf, Esquire Brooks, LeBoeuf and LeBoeuf 863 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Thomas W. Brooks Meyer, Brooks, and Cooper, P.A. 911 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32302

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
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