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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jul. 22, 1992 Number: 92-004404 Latest Update: Feb. 19, 1993

The Issue The issue is whether Interamerican Financial Corporation is guilty of six types of violations of the Florida Retail Installment Sales Act alleged in the Department's Administrative Complaint of June 23, 1992, and, if so, what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact Interamerican Financial Corporation (Interamerican) is a Florida corporation with its sole place of business at 2600 S.W. 3rd Avenue, Suite 730, Miami, Florida. Interamerican is registered with the Department as a Retail Installment Seller, under license number HI-0004299/SF-592236293 000. The Department is authorized by the Florida Retail Installment Sales Act (Chapter 520, Florida Statutes) to examine licensees engaged in the retail installment financing business. Interamerican is in the business of financing automobile loans. Most of its loans are ones banks will not make because of the age of the automobile or because of the borrower's lack of a credit history. Borrowers are often first time retail installment purchasers. The purchase price of the vehicles financed ranges from about $2,000.00 to $5,000.00. Interamerican is owned by Raul Lopez and his wife. Mr. Lopez is President of the corporation. Its affairs are conducted on a day to day basis by Ms. Iris Hernandorena, who has been an employee of Interamerican since its inception twelve years ago in December 1980. There are 3 employees other than Ms. Hernandorena, two of whom are full time employees. Interamerican has flexible criteria for reviewing applications when deciding whether to make loans. Interamerican weighs the length of the applicant's employment, the length of residence at the applicant's present address, personal references, and the applicant's salary. Applicants often speak little or no English. They depend on Ms. Hernandorena to explain each element of the transaction to them. They are highly dependent on the good faith of Ms. Hernandorena, and their limited fluency in English leaves most of them ill-equipped to protect their own interests in the financing transaction. The Department conducted an examination of Interamerican on February 10 and February 27, 1992. This examination covered the period from November 1, 1990, through January 31, 1992. The examining officer examined 7.6 percent of Interamerican's 314 financing contracts for the examination period. Ms. Iris Hernandorena is a single mother with three children, is a naturalized American citizen and a native of Argentina. As a practical matter, Ms. Hernandorena runs the affairs of Interamerican for Mr. Lopez with little supervision. Ms. Hernandorena reviews and approves applications for credit using the criteria set out in Finding 4, pays the automobile dealers when an application has been approved, and handles face-to-face dealings with the borrowers. Before the time period covered by the examination, Interamerican was an authorized agent for Bankers Insurance Group to issue credit life insurance certificates to Interamerican borrowers who elected to purchase credit life insurance. It was Interamerican's practice to include credit life insurance on the retail installment contracts at the time they were initially presented for a borrower's consideration. Credit life insurance was always explained to the customer by Ms. Hernandorena. Whenever a borrower requested it, the credit life insurance and the premiums were deleted from the retail installment contract. Fewer than 4% of Interamerican's borrowers declined credit life insurance. When the loan documents were signed, the borrowers signed Franchise Creditor Insurance Certificate applications which disclosed credit life insurance premiums. These premiums were also disclosed on the face of the retail installment contracts. If a borrower elected credit life insurance, a certificate of insurance was issued and Interamerican forwarded one half of the premium disclosed on the financing contract to Bankers Insurance Group. Because the premium was included in the total amount financed by borrowers, this payment to Bankers was an additional cash outlay by Interamerican. Over the life of the loan, the borrower repaid the full amount financed and Interamerican recovered pro rata in each payment its cash outlay to Bankers (the first 1/2 of the insurance premium financed), and its commission (the second 1/2 of the premium financed). During its examination, the Department made its random sampling of 314 Interamerican customer files. It found four which contain the following information concerning charges for credit life insurance: Bankers Credit Life Amount of Credit Insur. Account Buyer's Date of Life Insurance Certif. Number Name Contract Premium Charged Number TA 388 Maria E. Arias 12-24-91 $60.22 FLO 44341 VE 165 Juan A. DelVilla 11-25-91 $74.38 FLO 43482 BEN 603 Julio C. Figueroa 05-06-91 $32.52 FLO 43378 HON 178 Darryl D. Pride 02-27-91 $70.38 FLO 43018 (Administrative Complaint, Paragraph 6) The monies received from these customers for credit life insurance policies were never remitted to Bankers Insurance Group. Bankers Insurance Group had no record of franchise creditor insurance certificates issued on behalf of these borrowers, or of any payments from Interamerican to Bankers for the period January 1, 1991, to February 26, 1992. Franchise credit life insurance certificates on the borrowers were not submitted to Bankers Insurance Group, nor do any of the certificate numbers match any series of numbers issued by Bankers during the past five years. The standard credit life insurance policies which had been issued through Bankers Insurance Group before the credit period had provided that Interamerican was named as beneficiary in the event of the borrower's death. The amount of the insurance coverage automatically reduced during the life of the loan so that the benefits due under the policy in the event of the death of the borrower equaled the amount of the loan balance at all times. Before the period covered by the Department's examination, Interamerican had two occasions when a borrower died and Interamerican had to make application to Bankers Insurance Group for payment of the proceeds due on the credit life insurance the borrower had purchased. In both instances, Interamerican had a difficult time collecting the remaining portion of the loan from Bankers Insurance Group. As a result of these experiences, before the audit period at issue here, Ms. Hernandorena decided on her own that Interamerican should become "self-insured," rather than send Bankers Insurance Group fifty percent of the credit life insurance premium financed by the borrower at the signing of the retail installment contract. After Interamerican ceased sending credit life insurance premiums to Bankers Insurance Group, it was the intention of Ms. Hernandorena to use the funds collected for credit life insurance premiums as a sort of reserve for bad debts out of which to pay the uncollected loan balances of borrowers who died, after having paid for credit life on their retail installment contracts. No specific escrow or reserve account was established with the funds, however. Because so few borrowers decline credit life insurance (see Finding 7), for about 96% of the 314 financing contracts entered into during the credit period, borrowers were charged for credit life insurance which was never put in force. Ms. Hernandorena reasoned that borrowers were not harmed by this arrangement. Borrowers never would have received any payment from Bankers Insurance Group if the credit life insurance became payable--Interamerican was the only beneficiary of the insurance, which would pay only the outstanding loan balance. They received a substitute of equal value in her eyes, the waiver by Interamerican of any claim for the remaining balance due on the loan if the borrower died after having paid for what appeared to be "credit life" insurance issued through Bankers Insurance Group. The Department examined the following four Interamerican customers' files which disclosed that these customers were charged premiums for credit life insurance on their retail installment contracts apparently placed with Bankers Insurance Group after August 31, 1991 in excess of the uniform rate permitted by the Department of Insurance for credit life insurance contracts: Credit Life Uniform Account Buyer's Date of Insurance Rate Amount of Number Name Contract Premm Chrgd Permitted Ovrchrge VE 163 Early H. Wims 11-21-91 $57.66 $48.05 $ 9.61 TA 395 Reyna I. Boyd 01-27-92 $64.60 $53.84 $10.76 HON 236 A. Sarrantos 01-08-92 $58.93 $49.10 $ 9.83 TA 388 Maria E. Arias 12-24-92 $60.22 $50.19 $10.03 & Mario F. Carrion (Administrative Complaint, Paragraph 7) How these overcharges came about were not explained at the hearing. The Department submitted no evidence that these overcharges were part of a scheme to intentionally overcharge customers. There was no evidence that these four instances of overcharge in the sample of contracts audited equate to any specific likely percentage of overcharges in contracts not selected for audit. Contrast Finding 13, above. Interamerican failed to journal payment for and to affix documentary stamps to the following three customer contracts: Interamerican Account Buyer's Number Name Date of Charge Amount of Documentary Stamps Charged on Contract TA 395 Reyna I. Boyd 01-27-92 $6.15 TA 388 Maria E. Arias 12-24-91 $5.70 VE 159 Maria A. Reyes 10-25-91 $8.40 (Administrative Complaint, Paragraph 8) Interamerican did purchase the requisite amount of documentary stamps from the Florida Department of Revenue. The explanation given for the error in not affixing the stamps was that stamps of small denomination were not always on hand. Since the examination was in February 1992, this reason is not persuasive. Two of the contracts involved were ones from October and December of 1991. There had been adequate time to exchange larger stamps for smaller ones or to purchase more small denomination stamps. The amount involved, however, is trivial ($20.25). Interamerican negligently failed to maintain credit insurance acknowledgment forms, since it was not actually placing credit life insurance in force. See Findings 13 through 14, above. Contrary to the allegations of Paragraph 9 of the Administrative Complaint, Interamerican did not charge finance charges in excess of the legal maximum permitted by law. The contracts for the borrowers set forth below contained an "amount charged" on the face of the contract which is slightly in excess of the legal maximum charge. This came about because the machine used to calculate the amount placed on the contact had a limited number of decimal places. Each of these borrowers was later furnished with a payment coupon book by Interamerican which contained an amount charged within the maximum rate. These payment books were prepared with computer programs using more decimal places, and the payment books are what borrowers used in repaying their loans. No additional notification was given to the borrowers calling attention to the small differences, indicating that the payment books, rather than the contracts, stated the correct amount due. The payment books served as a notice of correction to the borrowers. No Interamerican customer has paid any finance charges in excess of the legal maximum (Tr. 23). The customer contracts examined contained the following information: Account Number Buyer's Name Total Amount Charged Per Contract Legal Maximum Differences VE 178 Sonia E. Vanturyl $2,152.86 $2,147.84 $5.02 VE 173 Monique D. Jordan $1,715.13 $1,711.16 $3.97 VE 165 Juan A. Delvilla $1,481.37 $1,477.99 $3.38 VE 152 Edward Mantilla $1,712,56 $1,708.56 $4.40 Jannette S. Williams $1,347.97 $1,344.84 $3.13 The Department conducts an examination of Interamerican and other retail installment sellers on a periodic basis. The prior examinations by the Department revealed no violations by Interamerican before the examination that is the subject of this proceeding. Throughout this examination by the Department, Interamerican furnished the Department with all the information and documents requested, made no attempt to conceal anything from the examiner, and was cooperative throughout the examination. This is consistent with Ms. Hernandorena's belief that on the credit life insurance charges, Interamerican had done nothing wrong.

Recommendation A final order should be entered finding Interamerican guilty of violations of Sections 520.995(1)(a), (b) and (c) and 520.07(4), Florida Statutes (1990 Supp.) as alleged in Paragraphs 11 and 12 of the Administrative Complaint, and dismissing the charges made in Paragraphs 13, 14 and 15 of the Administrative Complaint. The Department has suggested that the appropriate penalty in this case is to find Interamerican guilty of all allegations made in the Administrative Complaint and impose a cease and desist order enjoining Interamerican from future violations of the Retail Installment Sales Act, and to impose an administrative fine of $1,000 for each violation. It is difficult to determine whether the Department suggest a fine of $6,000.00, one for each paragraph in the Conclusions of Law in its Administrative Complaint (Paragraphs 11-15), or whether a separate fine of $1,000.00 is meant to be imposed for each violation alleged in each contract containing a violation, which would be a fine of approximately $16,000.00. Based on the belief that Interamerican was guilty of all the violations alleged, the Department also recommended that the retail installment sellers license of Interamerican be revoked. It seems pointless to enter an order that Interamerican desist from future violations of the act, and at the same time revoke its authority to engage in business under the act. The penalty of revocation is too draconian. Revocation is certainly a penalty available under the statute, but revocation is appropriate where there is a pattern of misconduct which indicates that the licensee will not conform to applicable rules and statutes in the future, or that the misconduct is so egregious that, without consideration of the likelihood of future misconduct, severe discipline is warranted. This is not such a case. Moving from the less serious to more serious charges, the three instances of failure to attach documentary stamps to contracts is only proof of lack of attention to detail, since a sufficient supply of stamps had been purchased from the Department of Revenue. There was no violation of the disclosure requirements of Section 520.07(3)(e), Florida Statutes (1990 Supp.). With respect to charging, in four instances, credit life insurance premiums in excess of those permitted by the uniform rates filed with the Department of Insurance, in those four cases the amount of each overcharge was approximately $10.00. Interamerican should be required to refund the excess amounts due to the borrowers, with interest at the legal rate from the date of the contract. Due to the small amounts involved, for each instance Interamerican also should be assessed a fine of $250.00, for a total fine of $1,000.00 for that class of violations. No penalty can be imposed on the allegation that Interamerican charged excess finance charges, because it did not do so. Neither can a penalty be imposed for failure to maintain credit insurance acknowledgment forms, since no insurance was placed to be acknowledged by an insurer. Although it is true that those forms were not maintained, the real violation, which is the most serious violation, is the failure to have purchased the insurance at all. The Administrative Complaint alleges in Paragraph 7 four instances where charges were made for credit life insurance where no insurance was actually purchased. Ms. Hernandorena had mistakenly decided that by charging the amount permitted for credit life insurance, without purchasing it, and waiving the right of Interamerican to obtain payment from any borrower who died after paying for credit life insurance, the borrowers were receiving what they paid for. In a rough sense, this was true, but the transaction documents simply were not structured that way. Had the evidence been convincing that borrowers were being charged for credit life insurance as a ruse to obtain additional money from them, when they were receiving nothing in return, I would not hesitate to recommend that the Department revoke the license of Interamerican, especially when the evidence demonstrates that the overcharge occurred not only in the four cases alleged, but in 96% of all contracts Interamerican entered into. On the other hand, Interamerican's evidence was persuasive that the borrowers were receiving something of value for the credit life insurance premiums, even though the insurance was never purchased. The testimony of Ms. Hernandorena was sincere, and I simply do not believe that her explanation of what was done was an after-the-fact justification concocted in an attempt to excuse Interamerican's misconduct. Ms. Hernandorena made a serious error in doing what she did, but she did not engage in a scheme to defraud borrowers. On this charge, Interamerican should be required to repay the amount of credit life insurance premiums plus interest at the legal rate to the four borrowers listed in Paragraph 6 of the Administrative Complaint, and to review its records and make similar refunds to all borrowers who paid for credit life insurance, plus interest at the legal rate from the date of each contract. An administrative fine in the amount of $4,000.00 should also be imposed, the maximum fine for the four instances of overcharge alleged and proven. Had the Department undertaken to allege and prove additional instances of overcharges, the fine would be larger, but that is not how the complaint was drafted. Although the conduct proven does not rise to the level of an intentional scheme to defraud, the misconduct is sufficiently serious that a significant penalty, less severe than revocation, ought to be imposed. That Interamerican has otherwise conducted its affairs over the years in conformity with the law weighs in its favor. The appropriate penalty here is to suspend the licensure of Interamerican for 30 days, to place its licensure on probation for the following 11 months, and to restrict its licensure to prohibit the "waiver of liability" plan created by Ms. Hernandorena and to require submission of all credit life insurance premiums to an appropriate insurer. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 21st day of December, 1992. WILLIAM R. DORSEY, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 21st day of December, 1992. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN DOAH CASE NO. 92-4404 The following are my rulings on findings proposed by the parties: Findings proposed by the Department: 1.-4. Adopted in Findings of Fact (FOF)1. 5. Adopted in FOF 5. 6.-7. Rejected as unnecessary. 8.-9. Adopted in FOF 5. 10.-11. Rejected as recitations of testimony, not findings of fact. Adopted in FOF 6. Implicit in FOF 6. Adopted in FOF 3. Adopted in FOF 6. Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in FOF 4. Adopted in FOF 8. Adopted in FOF 13 and 14. Adopted in FOF 7. Adopted in FOF 4. Adopted in FOF 13. Rejected as unnecessary-Interamerican never contended it was an insurance company. Findings proposed by Respondent: Adopted in FOF 1. Adopted in FOF 2 and 4. Adopted in FOF 5. Adopted in FOF 3, 4 and 6. Adopted in FOF 7. Adopted in FOF 9. Adopted in FOF 10. Adopted in FOF 12. Adopted in FOF 13 and 14. The Borrower was the insured, Interamerican was the beneficiary. Adopted in FOF 11. Adopted in FOF 13. Adopted in FOF 15. Adopted in FOF 16. Adopted in FOF 17. Adopted in FOF 18. Adopted in FOF 19. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven R. Walker, Esquire Office of Comptroller Suite 708-N 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33128 Ted Bartlestone, Esquire Suite 1550, 1 Biscayne Tower 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33131 The Honorable Gerald Lewis Comptroller, State of Florida The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350 William G. Reeves, General Counsel Department of Banking and Finance The Capitol, Room 1302 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0350

Florida Laws (8) 120.57120.68520.02520.07520.994520.995520.997627.679
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida May 14, 2001 Number: 01-001862PL Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Orlando, Florida Jul. 27, 2000 Number: 00-003073 Latest Update: Dec. 13, 2001

The Issue The issue for consideration in this case is whether the Respondent's license as a viatical settlement provider in Florida should be disciplined because of the matters alleged in the Administrative Complaint dated June 29, 2000.

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to the issues herein, the Petitioner, Department of Insurance (Department), was the state agency in Florida responsible for the licensing of viatical settlement providers and the regulation of the viatical settlement industry in this state. The Respondent, Accelerated Benefits Corporation (ABC), was licensed as a viatical settlement provider in Florida. Pursuant to an investigative subpoena issued by the Department, in November and December 1999, investigators of the Department examined the records of the Respondent, as well as other viatical settlement providers operating within the state, looking into the viatical settlement industry's practices in Florida. As a part of the investigation, Janice S. Davis, an examiner/analyst with the Department, copied records of the Respondent relating to at least six individual viatical settlement transactions in which the Respondent was involved. These files relate to Counts 5 through 7 and 9 through 11 of the Administrative complaint. Ms. Davis also obtained from the Respondent the information regarding the location of several other cases, the files for which had been confiscated by the Statewide Prosecutor as a part of an ongoing investigation into the viatical settlement industry, and subsequently obtained copies of those files from the office of the Statewide Prosecutor. Those files relate to Counts 1 through 4 and 8 of the Administrative Complaint. As outlined in Count Five of the Administrative Complaint, in May 1998, D.K. applied to The United States Life Insurance Company (US Life) for a $250,000 life insurance policy. As a part of the policy application, D.K. stated that he had not consulted with any physician or other practitioner within the five years prior to the application. On July 29, 1998, Life Benefit Services (LBS), a viatical settlement broker used by ABC, obtained a "Confidential Application Form" completed by D.K. which revealed that sometime in 1982, D.K. had been diagnosed as HIV positive. LBS prepared a "Policy Summary Sheet" regarding D.K.'s application on which it noted that D.K. had been diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. LBS also had records from D.K.'s physician reflecting that D.K. had been under a doctor's care during the preceding five years. The policy was issued to D.K. on or about August 1, 1998. Notwithstanding the information it had on hand, LBS brokered the sale of the instant policy to ABC. On or about August 25, 1998, D.K. and the Respondent entered into a contract which called for the Respondent to purchase D.K.'s $250,000 life insurance policy for $25,000. At that point, the policy was still contestable. As a part of the transaction, the Respondent gave D.K. written instructions not to contact his insurance company until advised to do so by ABC. The Respondent also had D.K. sign an addendum to the purchase contract in which he agreed to not advise US Life that he had sold his policy and acknowledged his recognition that his life insurance policy was still contestable. D.K. was also asked and agreed to sign an undated change of ownership form for use by ABC at the expiration of the period of contestability. While the policy was still contestable, an employee of the Respondent, Jennifer Grinstead, paid the annual premium on the policy out of her personal checking account. This served to conceal the fact that D.K. had sold the policy to the Respondent. Ms. Grinstead was reimbursed for the premium payment by American Title Company of Orlando. American Title was the Respondent's trustee. The Respondent did not report any of the information it had regarding D.K.'s actual health history to US Life or the Department. A review of the documentation related to this transaction reflected that the Respondent purchased the policy rights from D.K. after it knew, or with the exercise of reasonable diligence should have known, that D.K. had made material misrepresentations regarding his health to US Life, and nonetheless attempted to conceal those misrepresentation from US Life. With regard to Count Six, the evidence of record indicates that on May 4, 1997, W.E. applied for a $45,000 life insurance policy from Life USA Insurance Company (Life USA). On the application form he signed and submitted, W.E. specifically stated he had not received any medical or surgical advice or treatment within the preceding five years, had not been advised by a medical doctor that he had AIDS or ARC, and was not, at the time, taking any medication. Based on the representations made by W.E., the policy was issued on November 12, 1997. Notwithstanding the representations made by W.E. to Life USA, W.E. also advised United Viatical Settlements (UVS), the settlement broker used by the Respondent, on December 17, 1997, through a corollary application form, that he had been diagnosed with HIV "a few years ago," and several different other forms utilized by the Respondent reflect that the Respondent knew W.E. had AIDS or HIV, and was under a doctor's treatment for the condition during the preceding five years. Nonetheless, UVS brokered the sale of this policy to the Respondent. In late December 1997, at which time the policy was still contestable, the Respondent entered into a contract with W.E. for the purchase of the $45,000 policy for $4,914.25. As a part of the sales procedure, the Respondent issued to W.E. instructions not to contact his insurance company until instructed to do so by the Respondent's representative, and it also had W.E. sign an addendum to the purchase agreement in which W.E. acknowledged that the policy in issue was still contestable. W.E. was also asked to agree not to inform Life USA of the sale of the policy to the Respondent and to sign an undated change of ownership form for use by the Respondent to transfer ownership when the contestability period had expired. The arrangement between the Respondent and W.E. called for Jennifer Grinstead to pay the annual premium on the policy for W.E. from her personal account and to receive reimbursement for those payments from American Title Company, the Respondent's trustee. This arrangement served to conceal from Life USA the fact that W.E. had sold the policy to the Respondent. The Respondent did not report the fact that it had knowledge of W.E.'s medical condition to the Department. The evidence of record reflects that at the time of the purchase of W.E.'s policy, the Respondent knew or should have known that W.E. had made material misrepresentations regarding his medical state to Life USA on his application for life insurance from that company, and it thereafter took actions which served to conceal those material misrepresentations from the company. In the Case of Count Seven, on April 26, 1997, A.T. applied for a life insurance policy from Lincoln Benefit Life (Lincoln) in the amount of $48,000. On the application form, A.T. specifically stated that he had not been under medical observation or treatment within the preceding five years, and that he had not been diagnosed as having AIDS or ARC, or tested positively for HIV. The policy was issued by the company on or about June 2, 1997. Notwithstanding those representations, on January 14, 1998, Medical Escrow Society, a viatical broker used by the Respondent in its dealing with Lincoln, received an application form from A.T. on which A.T. indicated he had tested positive for HIV on August 8, 1989, had been diagnosed with AIDS ON August 10, 1994, and was under the care of a physician. Medical Escrow Society nonetheless brokered the sale of the policy to the Respondent. Shortly after the contestability period on this policy expired. On June 25, 1999, the owner of the policy, Ralph Cahall, entered into a contract with the Respondent whereby the Respondent bought Cahall's interest in the proceeds for $29,238.72. At the Respondent's request, ownership of the policy was changed from Cahall to American Title Company of Orlando, the Respondent's trustee without either Lincoln or the Department being informed of the transfer. The file relating to this policy indicates that the Respondent brought about the transfer from Cahall after it knew or, in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have known, that A.T. had made material misrepresentations regarding his health on the application to Lincoln, and that the Respondent, though it did not report what it knew to the Department, also thereafter undertook a course of action which was designed to conceal that information from Lincoln. With regard to Count Nine, the evidence indicates that on or about September 30, 1996, R.M. submitted an application for a $100,000 life insurance policy to Interstate Assurance Company (Interstate). On the application, R.M. indicated he had not been diagnosed with an immune system disorder within the preceding ten years, and the policy was issued on October 9, 1996. Notwithstanding that representation, on July 18, 1997, R.M. completed an application form for Benefits America, a broker used by the Respondent with regard to this policy, in which he stated he had been tested positive for HIV on February 11, 1994. A "Policy Acquisition Worksheet" utilized by the Respondent on or about July 22, 1997, when R.M. was dealing with Benefits America regarding the viatication of his life insurance policy, reflects that the company was aware at that time that R.M. had been diagnosed with HIV in 1994. Even with that knowledge, the Respondent went through with the viatication, and on July 31, 1997, while the policy was still within the contestability period, bought the policy for $15,430. On August 4, 1997, R.M. executed an addendum to the purchase agreement at the behest of the Respondent, wherein he recognized the policy was still contestable and agreed, among other things, not to contact his insurance company or tell them he had sold the policy to a viatical settlement provider. He also was asked to sign, and signed, an undated change of ownership agreement for use by the Respondent at the end of the contestability period. Jennifer Grinstead, an employee of the Respondent, paid R.M.'s annual premium on the policy during the contestibility period out of her personal checking account. This action, when done in conjunction with R.M.'s failure to advise the insurance company of the sale, served to conceal the transfer of ownership from R.M. to the Respondent. Ms. Grinstead was reimbursed for the premium payments by the Respondent's trustee. The Respondent did not report to Interstate or to the Department that R.M. had made material misrepresentations regarding his health in procuring the issuance of the policy even though it knew or, in the exercise of due diligence, should have known that the material misrepresentations had been made. As to Count Ten, on May 12, 1997, J.R. submitted an application to Interstate for a life insurance policy on his life in the amount of $980,000. On his application, J.R. indicated he had not been diagnosed with an immune system disorder within the preceding ten years, had not been treated by a member of the medical profession in the preceding five years, and was not, at the time, on medication or undergoing treatment or therapy. The policy was issued on May 19, 1997. Notwithstanding those representations, on July 9, 1997, J.R. filled out an application form for the Respondent's broker for this transaction, Life Benefit Services, on which he indicated he had been diagnosed as HIV positive in May 1996. A "Mortality Profile" provided to the Respondent by AVS indicated that J.R. was first diagnosed as being HIV positive in August 1995, nine months or so earlier than he admitted, and that he had been undergoing treatment by a doctor and receiving medications well within the five years preceding the application. On August 20, 1997, J.R. entered into a contract with the Respondent calling for the sale of this insurance policy to ABC for a net sum of $107,800. At this point, the policy was still contestable. At that time, the Respondent instructed J.R. in writing not to contact his insurance company until told to do so by the Respondent's representative. The Respondent also had J.R. sign an addendum to the purchase agreement in which he acknowledged the policy was still contestable, that he would not inform Interstate of the sale, and that he would sign an undated change of ownership form for use by ABC when the contestability period expired. Notwithstanding that the Respondent knew of the material misrepresentations made by J.R. as to his health when he procured the policy, it did not report what it knew to the Department, and took steps to insure Interstate was not informed of what was going on. With regard to Count Eleven, on May 16, 1996, the same J.R. applied to Massachusetts General Life Insurance Company, later, Conseco Life Insurance Company (Conseco), for a $99,900 life insurance policy. On his application, J.R. stated he had never had any medical tests or any known indication of diseases, conditions, or physical disorders which were not mentioned on the form. AIDS, ARC, and HIV positive were not mentioned on the form, and if known to have been present, should have been noted. About a year and three months later, on July 9, 1997, J.R. submitted an application form to Life Benefit Services, the broker used by ABC on this policy, on which he stated he had tested positive for HIV in May of 1996. By letter dated July 28, 1997, Life Benefit Services advised ABC that J.R. was terminally ill and had been on medication and undergoing treatment by a physician within the preceding five years. In addition to this information, the Respondent had available to it the information regarding J.R.'s condition discovered as a result of the purchase of the Interstate policy. Notwithstanding this knowledge, on September 17, 1997, while the policy was still contestable, ABC purchased the Conseco policy from J.R. for the net sum of $13,986. By letter dated September 17, 1997, the Respondent advised J.R. not to contact his insurance company until instructed to do so by Ms. Holman, the Respondent's Director of Contracts, and requested he execute an addendum acknowledging those instructions and that the Conseco policy was still contestable. He was also asked to agree to sign an undated change of ownership assignment for use by ABC after the contestability period had expired. While the policy remained contestable, the annual premiums due from J.R. were paid from her personal checking account by Ms. Grinstead, an ABC employee, who was reimbursed therefor by American Title, ABC's trustee. None of the above information was reported by the Respondent to Conseco or the Department even though it knew or, with the exercise of reasonable diligence should have known that J.R. had made material misrepresentations regarding his physical health in his application for life insurance to Massachusetts General Life Insurance company, and it appears the Respondent attempted to conceal those misrepresentations from Conseco.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is recommended that the Department of Insurance enter a Final Order dismissing Counts One through Four and Eight of the Administrative Complaint, but finding the Respondent guilty of Counts Five though Seven and Nine through Eleven of the Complaint, and both revoking its license and its eligibility for licensure as a viatical settlement provider in Florida. DONE AND ENTERED this 28th day of December, 2000, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ___________________________________ ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6947 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 28th day of December, 2000. COPIES FURNISHED: Michael H. Davidson, Esquire Department of Insurance 200 East Gaines Street 612 Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0333 Mark K. Logan, Esquire Smith, Ballard & Logan, P.A. 403 East Park Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 The Honorable Bill Nelson State Treasurer/Insurance Commissioner The Capitol, Plaza Level 02 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0300 Daniel Y. Sumner, General Counsel Department of Insurance The Capitol, Lower Level 26 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0307

Florida Laws (7) 120.57626.989626.9914766.101817.23490.803914.25
# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Flagler Beach, Florida Oct. 08, 1993 Number: 93-005743 Latest Update: Sep. 26, 1994

The Issue Whether or not Respondent's insurance agent licenses should be disciplined for violating Sections 626.561(1), 626.611(4), 626.611(7), 626.611(8), 626.611(9), 626.611(10), 626.611(13), 626.621(2), 626.621(4), and/or 626.621(6) F.S. [1990].

Findings Of Fact The Respondent is currently licensed in Florida as a life and health insurance agent, and was so licensed at all times material. On or about November 13, 1985, Respondent entered into a contract with Mutual Savings Life Insurance Company. That contract required Respondent to remit to Mutual Savings all insurance premiums collected on behalf of that company and that Respondent would hold all monies collected on behalf of Mutual Savings in trust for it. From November 13, 1985, to October 22, 1990, Respondent was employed by Mutual Savings as a debit agent. Mutual Savings' company policy is that all monies collected are to be remitted to Mutual Savings on a weekly basis and that all collections in excess of $100.00 are to be converted to cashier's checks or money orders. Respondent failed to remit any monies to Mutual Savings for the week of October 22, 1990. Respondent told his superiors in October 1990, and testified at formal hearing, that his failure to remit premiums to Mutual Savings was a result of a burglary of his car whereby his bank bag containing cash in excess of $1,200.00 of his then-current debit collections was stolen. The police report completed in October 1990 stated that the Respondent had told the police that Respondent's vehicle was secured at the time of the burglary, but that the officer was unable to find any sign of forced entry to Respondent's vehicle. Respondent testified at formal hearing that he thought he had locked his car the night of the burglary, but was no longer certain. Respondent's failure to remit premiums to Mutual Savings during the week of October 22, 1990 prompted William Herring, Respondent's immediate superior at Mutual Savings, to conduct an audit of Respondent's agent's account. Initially, Mr. Herring did not go to every insured but relied in part on their payment patterns. Eventually, the audit was performed over a four week period, during which Mr. Herring personally checked the premium receipt books of the insureds on Respondent's account. During the course of this audit, Mr. Herring completed four sets of forms entitled "Manager's Report of Unreported Collections." These forms listed the shortage for each insured on Respondent's account and showed that Respondent had a total account shortage of $1,655.34, rather than a shortage of only $1,200.00. When initially presented with Mr. Herring's accusations of a shortage in October 1990, Respondent acknowledged that he had a shortage on his account and signed the aforementioned reports. Respondent signed some of these reports after Mr. Herring had visited with the insureds and completed the forms, but Respondent also signed some of these reports in blank, prior to their being completed by Mr. Herring. Respondent signed the blank reports so that he could quit immediately on October 23, 1990 and would not have to return to the Mutual Savings office again. At the conclusion of the aforementioned audit, Mr. Herring completed a final Audit Report on Respondent. That Audit Report stated that Respondent's bookkeeping was poor and that Respondent had a discrepancy on his account. On or about January 16, 1991, Ken Jordan, an assistant Vice-President of Mutual Savings, notified Respondent that he had a deficiency on his agent's account. After applying a deposit on Respondent's bond account to the deficiency of $1,655.34, the company felt Respondent owed it $1,250.28. The letter constituted a demand for payment of that amount. Although in his answers to Requests for Admissions Respondent denied receiving the aforementioned demand letter, he admitted at formal hearing that he had, indeed, received the letter and asserted that he just had not remembered receiving it when he answered the Requests for Admissions. On September 24, 1992, Respondent wrote to Jim Mott, an employee of Petitioner agency who was charged with investigating Respondent's activities as an insurance agent with Mutual Savings. In that letter, Respondent stated that he had offered to repay monies owed to Mutual Savings. On January 26, 1993, John Parker, Vice President and Treasurer of Mutual Savings, executed an affidavit which stated that Respondent had a deficiency of $1,655.34 on his account and that after applying all credits due Respondent, Respondent owed Mutual Savings $1,250.28. Respondent testified that on October 23 or 24, 1990 he had made an oral offer to Mr. Herring to repay the $1,250.28, but that he had not paid the money back because Mr. Herring demanded that the full amount be tendered by cash or cashier's check. Mr. Herring flatly denied there ever had been such a conversation, although he guessed Respondent may have offered to have his last check and bond applied against the amount that Respondent was short. Mr. Herring also testified that he did not know the full amount of the shortage as of October 23-24, 1990 so he could not have demanded any full amount then. Upon these issues, Mr. Herring is the more credible witness. As of the May 13, 1994 formal hearing, Respondent had made no effort to repay the money. Respondent admitted that there was money short on his account, but maintained that he had not stolen the money himself. He also contended that Mr. Herring's audit showing that his accounts were short by $1,655.34 was inaccurate. However, Respondent could not demonstrate that the audit was inaccurate. Respondent speculated in retrospect, that the total shortage amount of $1,655.34 had been stolen from his car during the 1990 car burglary, because in 1990 he had only estimated that $1,200.00 was the amount stolen from his car. He admitted that he had not converted the cash he had collected to checks or money orders as required by his contract and further admitted that he had not counted how much money he had, in fact, collected during the week of October 22, 1990 from Thursday through the weekend until the night when his car burglary had occurred. Respondent also conceded that he had always known that he was liable to Mutual Savings, under the terms of his contract, for the entire amount of the theft of cash, whatever that amount might have been, even if he was blameless in the burglary.

Recommendation Upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is recommended that the Department of Insurance enter a final order finding Respondent guilty of violating Sections 626.561(1), 626.611(7), and 626.611(10), and 626.621(2), and 626.621(4) F.S. [1990], and suspending Respondent's license as an insurance agent in this state for a period of twelve months. RECOMMENDED this 19th day of July, 1994, at Tallahassee, Florida. ELLA JANE P. DAVIS, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The De Soto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 19th day of July, 1994. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER 92-2060 The following constitute specific rulings, pursuant to S120.59(2), F.S., upon the parties' respective proposed findings of fact (PFOF). Petitioner's PFOF: Accepted Accepted as a "given"; not used. 3-4 Accepted, except that the date on the contract has been substituted. 5-8 Accepted as modified to more accurately reflect the record as a whole. 9-10 Accepted 11 Accepted as modified to more accurately reflect the record as a whole. 12-16 Accepted 17 Rejected as subordinate and immaterial. Covered in part in the conclusions of law on penalty. Respondent's PFOF: 1 Covered in Finding of Fact 6 and 15. 2-5 Rejected as legal argument, not a proposed finding of fact. However, the general topics are covered in Findings of Fact 5, 11, 12, 14, and 15 and in the conclusions of law. COPIES FURNISHED: John A. Dickson Department of Insurance and Treasurer 646-H Larson Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300 Vernal C. Aldridge Post Office Box 555002 Orlando, FL 32855 Tom Gallagher, Commissioner Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300 Bill O'Neil, Esquire Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, PL-11 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300

Florida Laws (5) 120.57250.28626.561626.611626.621
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Oct. 22, 1990 Number: 90-006670 Latest Update: Jun. 06, 1991

The Issue The issues to be resolved in this consolidated proceeding concern whether the Petitioner, Abraham Maida's applications to represent certain life insurance companies should be denied based upon his alleged unlawful failure to forward premium funds from insureds to the insurers during the applicable regular course of business. Also at issue are the charges in the Administrative Complaint in the related penal proceeding which concerns the same factual conduct involving the Respondent's alleged failure to forward premiums to the insurers involved in the policy contracts at issue.

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, Abraham George Maida, is licensed in Florida as a life insurance agent, a life and health insurance agent and a dental health care contract salesman. The Department is an agency of the State of Florida charged with licensing life, health and other types of insurance agents, with regulating their licensure and practice and with enforcing the licensure and practice standards embodied in the statutes cited hereinbelow. Abraham Maida engaged in the business of selling insurance coverage to various employees of the City of Jacksonville. The premium payments for this coverage were collected by payroll deduction from the employees, and lump sum premium checks were remitted over to the Petitioner/Respondent, Mr. Maida, by the appropriate personnel of the City of Jacksonville. Mr. Maida, in turn, was required by his contractual arrangements with the underwriting insurance companies involved and by the Florida Insurance Code, Chapter 626, Florida Statutes, with timely remitting those premium funds over to the insurers who underwrote the risk for the employees in question. Mr. Maida failed to timely remit the premium funds which he collected from the City of Jacksonville to the relevant insurers for the months of February, March and April of 1990, in the case of policy contracts written on behalf of Loyal American Life Insurance Company. Additionally, Mr. Maida failed to timely remit the premium funds received from the City of Jacksonville, after it received them by payroll deduction from its employees, for the months of March, April and May of 1990, with regard to the premium funds due in contracts involving the ITT Life Insurance Company, in accordance with his contract with that company. Mr. Maida failed to timely remit the insurance premiums of James E. Daniels to the ITT Life Insurance Company, as well. The Petitioner/Respondent's contracts with these insurance companies required him to remit premium funds which he received from insureds, within thirty (30) days of receipt, to the insurance company underwriting the risk involved. This the Petitioner/Respondent failed to do for the companies involved in the above Findings of Fact and for those months of 1990 delineated above. In the case of most of the delinquent premium funds due these companies, Mr. Maida authorized them to debit his commission and/or renewal accounts with those companies, which were monies due and owing to him from the companies, in order to make up the premiums which he had not remitted over to the companies involved at that point. That procedure did not defray all of the delinquent premium amounts, however. in the case of ITT Life Insurance Company and the monies owed that company by Mr. Maida, it was established that $10,554.21 of delinquent premium amounts were owing to that company and not timely paid by Mr. Maida. Although he paid the portion of that figure representing the March premium funds due the company for March of 1990, he did not directly pay the premium funds due for April and May of 1990 but, rather, suffered the company to charge those delinquencies, for those months, to his agent's commission account. This procedure still left $4,877.54 unpaid, as of the time of hearing. It was established by witness, Steven Heinicke of that company, that Mr. Maida is their most consistently delinquent agent, in terms of timely remission of premium funds due the company for insurance business which Mr. Maida has written. It has also been established however, that Mr. Maida made a practice of always paying premium funds due the companies for which he wrote insurance in the precise amounts owing, regardless of whether the billing statements to him from those companies had inadvertently understated the amounts which they were due. It was also established that his failure to timely remit the insurance premium funds in question was not due to any intent to defraud those companies of the funds involved or to permanently convert the funds to his own use. Rather, it was established that Mr. Maida's difficulty in timely payment of the premium funds was due to misappropriation of the funds because of financial problems which he was suffering at tee times in question, due at least in part to federal income tax difficulties he was experiencing. There has been no shoring in this record that Mr. Maida is not a competent insurance agent in terms of his abilities and qualifications to fairly and effectively obtain and contract for insurance business with insureds on behalf of the insurance companies he represents. There was no showing that he lacks reasonably adequate knowledge and technical competence to engage in the transactions authorized by the licenses or permits which he presently holds or which he seeks in the licensure application involved in this proceeding.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED: That the Petitioner be found guilty of the violations found to have been proven in the above Conclusions of Law portion of this Recommended Order and that his licenses and eligibility for licensure with the insurers for which license application was made be suspended for a period of three (3) months. DONE and ENTERED this 5th day of June, 1991, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk the Division of Administrative Hearings this 6th day of June, 1991. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NO. 90-6670 Respondent/Department's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1-7. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Tom Gallagher, State Treasurer and Insurance Commissioner Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300 Bill O'Neil, Esq. General Counsel Department of Insurance and Treasurer The Capitol, Plaza Level Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300 Norman J. Abood, Esq. Willis F. Melvin, Jr., Esq. 1015 Blackstone Building Alan J. Leifer, Esq. Jacksonville, FL 32202 Department of Insurance and Treasurer 412 Larson Building Tallahassee, FL 32399-0300

Florida Laws (6) 120.57626.561626.611626.621626.734626.9541
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida May 14, 2015 Number: 15-002653PL Latest Update: Jan. 17, 2017

The Issue The issue to be determined is whether Respondent, Gary L. McKinley (Respondent or McKinley), violated sections 626.611(5), (7), (8), (9), or (13); 626.621(2) or (6); 626.9521; 626.9541(1)(e)1.; or 627.4554, Florida Statutes (2007-2010), or Florida Administrative Code Rules 69B-215.210 or 69B-215.230 as alleged in the Administrative Complaint. If it is found that Respondent violated any or all of these provisions as alleged, then it must be determined what penalty should be imposed.

Findings Of Fact At all times relevant to these proceedings, Respondent was licensed as an insurance agent in the State of Florida. Respondent has served as the president, owner, managing member, and agent in charge of McKinley and Associates, LLC, 6622 Southpoint Drive South, Suite 350, Jacksonville, Florida 32216-6188. Respondent has been licensed as a life insurance agent, variable annuity and health agent, variable annuity agent, and a life and health agent, since April of 1988 and at all times relevant to this proceeding. McKinley was at one time registered with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) as a broker representative with Intervest International Equities Corporation (Intervest) from May 2008 until November 2010, and was an associated person with other entities including The Leaders Group, Inc., from November 2006 through February 2008. Prior to the incidents giving rise to this case, Respondent was the subject of a complaint of misconduct related to the purchase of an annuity. As a result, and without admitting the allegations in that case, he agreed to a 30-day suspension of his FINRA credentials and a fine. Thereafter, he signed agreements with the Office of Financial Regulation (OFR) on March 8, 2007, September 24, 2007, and October 21, 2007, agreeing to strict supervision with respect to the sale of securities. During the period relevant to these proceedings, the brokers who filled the role as supervisor were Bill Beck and David Arnold. Neither gentleman supervised any of Respondent’s insurance responsibilities except with respect to the sale of variable annuities. Mr. McKinley has been appointed as an agent for various insurance companies, including John Hancock Life Insurance Company (Hancock), ING USA Annuity and Life Insurance Company (ING), Pacific Life Insurance Company (Pacific Life), Lincoln National Life Insurance Company (Lincoln), Reliastar Life Insurance Company (Reliastar), Government Personnel Mutual Life Insurance Company (GPM), Aviva Life and Annuity Company (Aviva), Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company (Nationwide), West Coast Life Insurance Company (West Coast), Transamerica Life Insurance Company (Transamerica), and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (Metlife). The Vaughn Family Merie Vaughn is a widow with two married sons and five grandchildren. She was born November 18, 1934, and is currently 81 years old. Mrs. Vaughn grew up in and lived in Jackson County, Florida, where she met and married her husband, Rufus Vaughn. She graduated from high school in Jackson County, took some post-secondary business courses, and worked in a variety of places while Mr. Vaughn attended college. Mr. Vaughn worked in the banking industry, and by his retirement had risen to the position of bank president of the Regions Bank in Marianna, Florida. During Mr. Vaughn’s banking career, Mrs. Vaughn sometimes worked as a teller at various banks that he managed. Mr. Vaughn retired in the ‘90s and died in 1997. Mr. Vaughn was a financially-savvy gentleman and believed in saving. During his lifetime, he and Mrs. Vaughn set up several trusts for the management of the funds they had accumulated during their life together. At the time of his death, there was a family trust and a marital trust, as well as an IRA. The trusts were administered by Regions Bank out of Birmingham, Alabama. At the time of Rufus Vaughn’s death in 1997, Ms. Vaughn’s assets were worth approximately $2 million. They were heavily invested in bank stocks. Mrs. Vaughn has two sons, David and Terry. David is approximately ten years older than Terry, is married to Yvette (Lori) Day, and they have four children: Avery, Carly, Chloe, and Dawson, who are 25, 22, 14, and 9 years old, respectively. David and his family live in the Jacksonville area. Terry Vaughn is married to Stephanie Vaughn, and they have one son, Connor, born February 1, 2008. The family lives in Tallahassee, Florida. Toward the end of 2008, Connor was diagnosed with mild autism. Terry has a congenital heart condition that may require valve replacement in the future. In approximately October 2001, Ms. Vaughn moved from Marianna to the Jacksonville area because it was easier for her to receive treatment at Mayo Clinic for an ongoing health problem. Her funds, however, remained with Regions Bank in Birmingham, which served as trustee for the trusts in effect at that time. By 2007, approximately 10 years after her husband’s death, Mrs. Vaughn’s assets had grown to between $7 million and $8 million. In addition to the trusts and an IRA, Mrs. Vaughn’s holdings included a lake-side home in Jackson County, 135 acres of undeveloped land, her home in the Jacksonville area, a car, and a boat. Mrs. Vaughn monitored her holdings on a computer software system purchased for her by one of her sons. At some time in 2007, Mrs. Vaughn became dissatisfied with the trustee at Regions Bank, because she wanted to buy a new car and he would not permit her to withdraw enough funds to do so. In addition, having the trusts handled in Birmingham while she was living in the Jacksonville area was cumbersome for her. She decided that moving the trusts to somewhere closer to her made sense. Around this time, Mrs. Vaughn’s son David introduced her to Respondent. David had met McKinley through his daughter Avery’s soccer team, for which McKinley was a coach. David had talked with McKinley about rolling over some IRAs after an employment change, and had purchased two annuities from him as a result. David met John Crawford, a well-respected, board- certified, estate planning attorney who worked with the law firm Marks Gray. The parties stipulated that Mr. Crawford is a well- respected expert in the field who works with one of Jacksonville’s pre-eminent and well established law firms. Mrs. Vaughn first met with both McKinley and John Crawford in approximately May of 2007. There were a series of meetings with Mrs. Vaughn beginning in May or June 2007, through the end of Mr. McKinley’s relationship with her in October 2010.3/ These meetings were, according to Mrs. Vaughn, generally 30 to 40 minutes long. Among the initial suggestions made to Mrs. Vaughn by Mr. McKinley, with the concurrence of investment planner Bill Beck and attorney John Crawford, was that Mrs. Vaughn diversify her investments. At the time of their initial meetings, Mrs. Vaughn was almost exclusively invested in banking stocks. Mrs. Vaughn followed this advice, which was timely, given the downturn in the stock market and damage to the banking industry that occurred the following year. With each meeting Mr. McKinley prepared an agenda for discussion purposes that he shared with Mrs. Vaughn or whoever attended the meeting. The handwritten notes on the agendas admitted into evidence have been disregarded, as no evidence was presented to demonstrate who made the notations and whether they were made in preparation of the meeting, during the meeting, or in an effort to summarize what was actually discussed. While Mrs. Vaughn did not remember some of the specific details reflected on the meeting agendas, she acknowledged that McKinley discussed in detail many of the specific items that were referenced in the agendas. Moreover, she acknowledged that there was ample opportunity to ask questions about any item mentioned on an agenda that was not initially covered. The focus of many of these meetings, especially the early ones, was creating an estate plan for Mrs. Vaughn that would meet her stated goals: to provide for herself during her lifetime; to provide for her children and grandchildren, and possibly future generations; and to reduce any estate taxes that might be due at her passing. Mr. Crawford’s role in these early meetings was as Mrs. Vaughn’s attorney. As is discussed in more detail below, Mr. McKinley, John Crawford, and Mrs. Vaughn agreed to an investment and estate planning strategy that involved the creation of several Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts (ILITs), with John Crawford acting as trustee for them. Mr. McKinley assisted with the purchase of life insurance policies on the lives of Mrs. Vaughn, David Vaughn and Yvette Day, Terry and Stephanie Vaughn, and Avery, Carly, Chloe, and Dawson Vaughn. An educational trust fund was also created, as well as a special needs trust for the benefit of Connor Vaughn. Over the course of 2007 through 2010, a number of life insurance policies were purchased, and some of the policies originally purchased were either surrendered or allowed to lapse as other policies were purchased to replace them. At some point late in 2010, Mrs. Vaughn became dissatisfied with the amount of funds being used to purchase life insurance, and she terminated Mr. McKinley’s services. She voiced some of her concerns to David Arnold, who advised her to get an attorney.4/ She has since directed that several of the policies that were in place be terminated, and has filed a civil suit against Mr. McKinley. It is the propriety of the creation of the insurance trusts and the purchase of the life insurance policies contained in those trusts that gives rise to these disciplinary proceedings. Factors to Consider with the Purchase of Life Insurance Generally, the purchase of life insurance requires consideration of several factors, including but not limited to the purchaser’s financial goals, insurability, capacity, and the sustainability of the planned purchase. Life insurance can be used for a variety of purposes, including the traditional goal of providing for one’s family in the event of the one’s death. In addition, life insurance can be used to provide a source for the payment of estate taxes, to create capital and to create liquidity for one’s estate. For purposes of both estate planning and the purchase of insurance in general, it is imperative that all professionals in the process consider which of these uses are consistent with the client’s goals. Here, as stated above, Mrs. Vaughn’s goals were to provide for herself during her lifetime; to provide for her children and grandchildren, and perhaps future generations; and to reduce any estate taxes that might be due at her passing. In 2007, when Mrs. Vaughn began meeting with Gary McKinley and John Crawford, the exemption for estate taxes was $2 million, leaving approximately $5 million of her assets subject to a 45 percent tax rate, which would result in a tax bill estimated at anywhere from $1.8 to $2.25 million upon her death. There have been some dramatic changes in the tax law from 2007 to 2015: in 2011, Congress increased the estate tax exemption to $5 million, but the increase was originally only for two years, when it was scheduled to sunset. As of 2015, the exemption is $5,430,000, and indexed for inflation. However, at the time of most of the events in this case, the exemption remained at $2 million. Accordingly, during the time at issue in this proceeding, reduction of estate taxes for Mrs. Vaughn was an acceptable, realistic goal, in addition to the goals of providing for herself and her family. The insurability of the proposed insured must also be considered. There are many factors that can affect a person’s insurability, such as one’s age; health; habits, such as smoking or alcohol use; and lifestyle or potentially dangerous hobbies, such as skydiving, international travel, reckless driving, or other activities that increase the risk of death or injury. Questions about one’s health history and lifestyle are included on insurance applications, and usually a medical exam, including blood work, is required by underwriting. The questions regarding one’s health can be pretty extensive, and most insurance companies will not issue a policy without a physical given by a physician or a paramedic. There are some instances where an insurance company will insure a person with health problems or a riskier lifestyle, but the policy will be “rated,” meaning that the premium will be higher than the standard premium for the same coverage. With respect to some of the policies in this case, rating is reflected as, for example, 1.75 while others reflect the same rating as 175 percent. Both indicate that the premium would be 1.75 times the standard premium for the same coverage. In this case, two of the insureds had issues that caused a higher rating with respect to insurance premiums: Merie Vaughn was in her early 70s when she started meeting with McKinley and purchasing life insurance. She also had some health conditions, such as high cholesterol and blood sugar issues that caused some of her policies to be rated. Similarly, as noted above, Terry Vaughn has a congenital heart condition that resulted in higher-rated policies. Also to be considered is the insured’s capacity to buy the proposed insurance: in other words, how much insurance can the insured afford to purchase? According to Mike Saunders, while each carrier has different rules, most insurance companies will insure someone for 20 times the person’s income, or up to the person’s net worth. If a policy is a replacement policy, that can expand the person’s capacity. Insurance companies will not generally issue life insurance for more than they think is financially reasonable, unless there are special circumstances that are disclosed. Using Mr. Saunders’ numbers, Mrs. Vaughn’s capacity in terms of coverage would have been approximately $6-7 million. Mr. Saunders did not believe that Mrs. Vaughn was over-insured, and saw no indication that any carrier considering a policy application ever indicated that she was over-insured. Finally, an important consideration is whether the person seeking to purchase life insurance can realistically afford the premiums. Common sense dictates that one should only consider buying something that they can continue to afford to pay. There are allegations in the Administrative Complaint contending that McKinley’s purpose in purchasing so many life insurance policies was to waste Mrs. Vaughn’s estate and earn more commissions for himself. However, it does not appear, from the evidence presented, that it was the purchase of life insurance that caused the wasting of Mrs. Vaughn’s estate. Count I: Creation of the ILITs After numerous discussions over the course of several months with Mr. McKinley, John Crawford, and Tim McFarland, an estate planning attorney with John Hancock, Mrs. Vaughn agreed to the proposed strategy of creating a series of ILITs. An ILIT is an accepted estate planning strategy used to shield income from creditors and to reduce estate taxes upon a client’s passing. It is an irrevocable trust designed to hold life insurance policies, and is a common strategy used with the idea of removing the death benefit of an insurance policy from someone’s taxable estate. The ILIT must be set up so that the settlor has no incidents of ownership over the trust, or the proceeds will not be removed from the estate. ILITs are a commonly used and entirely appropriate vehicle in an estate plan in order to shift the client’s wealth from what the client owns to irrevocable trusts for the benefit of the settlor’s family. They are a management vehicle for wealth that protects that wealth from creditors, and allows assets to pass from the settlor to the trust, outside the estate, straight to the beneficiaries without being subject to estate tax. For a client with assets such as Mrs. Vaughn, the use of ILITs was an appropriate and beneficial estate planning tool. An essential element of an ILIT is the removal of the incidents of ownership from the settlor to the trustee. With respect to each of the ILITs discussed below, Merie Vaughn agreed to appoint John Crawford as the trustee. What this meant in practical terms, is that while Merie Vaughn funded each of the ILITs by paying the premiums for the life insurance policies purchased for the ILITs out of her assets (or those of the trusts for which she was the beneficiary), she relinquished ownership and control of the trust (and its contents) to John Crawford, as the trustee. Moreover, as trustee, John Crawford was considered the owner of the life insurance policies in each ILIT that was created, regardless of whose life was insured. As trustee, it was his responsibility to make the decisions regarding the purchase of insurance policies, and the payment of the premiums on those policies. Before the creation of the ILITs, McKinley showed Merie Vaughn multiple estate planning diagrams to illustrate the overall plan. He also made Mr. Crawford available for any questions she might have. When asked, Merie Vaughn acknowledged that she had multiple opportunities to ask questions, and that did not believe that McKinley was trying to hide anything from her. As a result of the estate planning strategy presented to Merie Vaughn, with which she agreed, the Rufus C. Vaughn Revocable Trust and the Merie M. Vaughn Revocable Trust from Birmingham, with Regions Bank as the trustee, were moved to Jacksonville, and John Crawford was appointed as the successor trustee. In addition, several ILITs were created between September 2007 and March 2010, also naming John Crawford as trustee. Mr. Crawford explained the various trust documents to Merie Vaughn during this process. The trusts created for Merie Vaughn’s estate plan are as follows: the Merie M. Vaughn Irrevocable Insurance Trust, executed September 25, 2007; the Merie Vaughn Retained Annuity Trust, executed October 23, 2007; the David C. Vaughn Irrevocable Insurance Trust, executed October 31, 2007; the Terry R. Vaughn Irrevocable Insurance Trust, executed October 20, 2007; the Stephanie Eller Vaughn Irrevocable Insurance Trust, executed May 21, 2009; the Yvette L. Day Irrevocable Insurance Trust, executed April 18, 2009; the Merie M. Vaughn Trust F/B/O Connor E. Vaughn, executed March 30, 2010; and the Vaughn Family Education Trust, executed March 30, 2010. With the exception of the Merie Vaughn Retained Annuity Trust, for which Merie Vaughn is the trustee, all of the other trusts, i.e., all of the ILITs, name John Crawford as trustee. With respect to each ILIT, the following provision, or one substantially similar to the following provision, is found at Article II, Section 2, of the trusts: I anticipate, but do not require, that the Trustees will purchase one or more policies of insurance on my life with any cash amount contributed to this trust, and I authorize the Trustees to so apply for insurance on my life (or on the life of anyone else other than a Trustee), in amounts and under terms that the Trustees, in their sole discretion, deem advisable and proper. All incidents of ownership in and to all insurance policies transferred to or purchased by the Trustees shall be vested in the Trustees, and the insured under any such policy shall not participate in any right or benefit respecting such policies or any other right under this trust, including a power of withdrawal hereunder, either individually, as guardian, custodian, trustee or in any other capacity.[5/] Likewise, all of the ILITs contained a provision at Article II, Section 1, providing, I, the undersigned Grantor, have this day absolutely and irrevocably transferred, assigned and delivered to the Trustees, and to their successors and assigns as Trustees hereunder (all being hereinafter referred to as the “Trustees”), in trust, certain policies of insurance as set forth in a receipt signed by the Trustees. Those policies, as well as any other cash or property that may be received by the Trustees from me or any other source, shall be administered by the Trustees under this agreement. Stephanie Vaughn and Yvette Day did not testify at hearing. Gary McKinley and John Crawford also did not testify. Both David and Terry Vaughn testified that they fully understood the terms of the trust agreements. Merie Vaughn testified that she did not understand the effect of the trust, but she acknowledged that she had ample opportunity to ask questions of both McKinley, and of John Crawford, the attorney she retained. She also acknowledged that she never told John Crawford that she did not understand the ILITs, and while McKinley offered to take as much time as she needed to review the estate plan, including the ILITs, with her, she did not take advantage of his offer. Count I of the Administrative Complaint, at paragraph 29, alleges that “[y]ou, Gary L. McKinley, completed a new account form on behalf of Mrs. Vaughn for the Leaders Group. On that form, you listed Mrs. Vaughn as being an experienced investor, her net worth as $8 million, her liquid net worth as $3 million and her annual income as $250,000. You knew or should have known that these representations were false.” While the investment application was shown to Mrs. Vaughn at hearing, she did not testify regarding the completion of the form, and did not identify who was responsible for the estimation of her net worth. There is simply no evidence as to who completed the form. Moreover, the estimation of her assets at $8 million, considering both her securities and her real property, is a reasonable estimate. The record does not include evidence as to what amount of her income is considered liquid.6/ However, Mrs. Vaughn testified that at the beginning of this process with Gary McKinley, she decided to take a monthly withdrawal of $12,500 to meet her expenses. She also received a minimum distribution on her IRA account, according to David Arnold, of approximately $80,000 a year. A monthly withdrawal of $12,500, plus her Social Security benefit of $1,204 monthly, and the minimum distribution provides annual income along the lines listed in the application. Ironically, there was similar information on a form David Arnold had Mrs. Vaughn complete. He testified that he did not ask her where the liquid assets were, he simply had Mrs. Vaughn complete the form. The more persuasive and compelling evidence presented did not establish that the trusts established as a part of Mrs. Vaughn’s estate plan, and the resultant sales of life insurance policies, were beyond Mrs. Vaughn’s estate planning needs. Likewise, the evidence did not demonstrate that the life insurance policies were not in her best interests or the best interests of her family members. The evidence also did not demonstrate that the insurance policies were sold for the sole purpose of obtaining fees and commissions. Contrary to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, the evidence did not demonstrate that McKinley engaged in willful misrepresentations or deceptive acts and practices. In fact, Mrs. Vaughn testified that she did not believe that McKinley was trying to hide anything from her, and consistently offered to spend more time if necessary to explain anything she did not understand. The Administrative Complaint also alleges at paragraph 33 that McKinley wrote a total of 10 life insurance policies on Mrs. Vaughn with death benefits totaling $10,111,052 and premiums totaling $467,024.97. What the Administrative Complaint omits is that some of these policies replaced other policies, resulting in lower overall premium costs to Mrs. Vaughn at higher benefits. The annual cost of the premiums on the life of Mrs. Vaughn was significantly lower than that alleged in the Administrative Complaint. Mike Saunders, the only person represented as an expert in the practice of selling life insurance,7/ testified credibly that replacing policies with more “efficient” policies is an acceptable practice that benefits the client. Count II: ING Policies on the Life of Merie Vaughn Count II of the Administrative Complaint deals with the purchase of ING policy number 1624559 (ING 59). Mrs. Vaughn applied for this policy on August 17, 2007, and it was issued on or about November 7, 2007, with a death benefit of $375,323 and an annual premium of $20,000. The owner of the policy is the Merie Vaughn ILIT. This policy is one of the first policies purchased as part of the estate plan, and contains a signed acknowledgment that the premium is higher than usual, as the insured is rated at 1.75. There is a policy delivery receipt signed by John Crawford dated November 20, 2007, as well as an amendment changing the death benefit to $452,000. However, Respondent is correct that the policy contained in evidence appears to be incomplete: for example, the revised illustration delivered with the policy indicates that it is 16 pages long, but only six of those pages are included. While the Department alleges in the Administrative Complaint, and asserts in its PRO, that Gary McKinley earned a commission of $14,997.80 for the sale of ING 59, it points to no exhibit or testimony to support this proposed finding. Even assuming that this amount is correct, the credible, competent evidence at hearing established that the commissions received by McKinley were not improper. Competent, credible evidence at hearing established that the ING 59 policy was a good policy from a good company. Petitioner asserts that, had Mrs. Vaughn lived to her life expectancy of approximately 14 years, she would have paid $280,000 in premiums. Under those circumstances, the trust would have received a death benefit of $452,000, meaning that the trust would have received $152,000 more than it paid. An amendment to the policy application indicates that the original application was submitted on September 28, 2007, while the application itself reflects the August 17, 2007, date. In any event, Mrs. Vaughn met with McKinley on August 14, September 17, and September 25, 2007. Insurance applications are listed as agenda items for two of these meetings, and the ING application is specifically listed for the September 17, meeting. Mrs. Vaughn was and is a competent adult who had exhibited the capacity to track her investments and understand her assets. There is no competent, credible testimony to support the notion that Mr. McKinley used undue influence to convince her to purchase this policy. Count III: John Hancock Policies on the Life of Merie Vaughn Count III of the Administrative Complaint addresses the purchase of two John Hancock policies. Petitioner’s Exhibit 27 is the application for Hancock policy number 93541373 (Hancock 73), but the actual policy, including the receipt for the policy, is not included in the exhibits for this hearing.8/ The policy specifications at Petitioner’s Exhibit 28 indicate that Hancock 73 had a death benefit of $578,000, an annual premium of $20,000, and was owned by the Merie Vaughn ILIT. The application was also submitted August 17, 2007, and the policy issued November 16, 2007. There is no indication that the policy is rated higher than standard, non-smoking rates. It is difficult to tell if a complete copy of the second policy, John Hancock policy number 94331410 (Hancock 10), is in evidence. However, from the information presented, this policy had a death benefit of $828,518, required an annual premium of $30,000, and the policy was in force beginning in January 1, 2009. It also appears to be issued at the standard non-smoking rate. The policy receipt was signed by John Crawford on December 31, 2008, and the owner of the policy was the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust, with John Crawford as trustee. Both policies enjoyed very respectable rates of return and were considered to be good policies. The more persuasive and compelling evidence established that the policies were part of an acceptable and appropriate estate plan for Mrs. Vaughn. No evidence was presented to establish that the policies were purchased for the sole purpose of generating commissions for McKinley. The two policies lapsed in June and July 2010, respectively. Contrary to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, however, absolutely no evidence was presented to support the allegation that “you, Gary McKinley, knew the importance of maintaining life insurance policies and not allowing them to lapse, but you allowed them to lapse because you desired to generate larger commissions on new replacement sales rather than settle for receiving smaller residual commissions on extent policies.” Under the express terms of the Merie Vaughn ILIT, the ultimate decision with respect to purchasing, paying for, or surrendering life insurance policies was to be made by the trustee, John Crawford, not by McKinley. Respondent did not have the authority to pay the premiums. Neither John Crawford nor Respondent testified in this proceeding, so little if anything is included in the record of this case regarding the decision-making related to allowing these policies to lapse. However, the record indicates that these two policies were meant to be replaced by Transamerica policies in 2010. The application for Transamerica 65140389 (Transamerica 89) specifically lists the John Hancock 73 policy, the ING 59 policy, and the Lincoln 09 and 28 policies as policies that may be replaced, while the application for Transamerica 65144360 (Transamerica 60) lists the John Hancock 10 policy as intended for replacement. While the John Hancock policies had a respectable rate of return, the rate for the Transamerica policies was better. The more compelling and persuasive testimony established that allowing a policy to lapse is the proper method for dealing with the policy when it is going to be replaced by a more efficient policy. No competent, persuasive evidence of any willful misrepresentations or deceptive acts or practices was presented. Count IV: GPM Policies on the Life of Merie Vaughn Count IV deals with the application process and issuance of three GPM policies, referred to as GPM 25, GPM 30, and GPM 39. On October 21, 2007, McKinley submitted an application for a GPM universal life insurance policy which would become GPM policy 758825 (GPM 25). The illustration for the policy indicates a death benefit of $500,000, with an annual premium of $20,000. The actual application lists under the plan for insurance a benefit of $330,123. The Administrative Complaint alleges that the application for GPM 25 was filled out by Gary McKinley, but no evidence was actually presented with respect to this allegation. The application is signed by both Mrs. Vaughn and Mr. McKinley. The application asks GPM to contact the agent with an offer, and lists the insured as Merie Vaughn, and the owner as a trust, with the trustee as payor.9/ The Administrative Complaint alleges that the application was incomplete in that none of the general information (pages 3 and 4) was completed, and that the application indicated that no other life insurance was in force on Mrs. Vaughn. With respect to the general information on pages 3 and 4 of the application, those pages are in fact blank in the initial submission. However, the Amendment of Application and Policy Delivery Receipt found at Petitioner’s Exhibit 45, page 258, states that “the answers on pages 3 and 4 were given by the proposed insured(s), age 15 and older, by telephone to GPM’s tele-underwriter, who typed in the answers.”10/ Further, contrary to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, at page 238 of Petitioner’s Exhibit 43, the application amendment contains a listing of three insurance policies for Merie Vaughn. While the application listed the proposed owner as a trust, the policy was issued listing Merie Vaughn as both the owner and insured. All of this becomes irrelevant because, according to the records supplied to the Department by GPM, Mrs. Vaughn decided she did not want a universal life policy, but wanted a whole life policy. The documentation from GPM states: Policy No. 758825 was a universal life policy issued on the life of Merie Vaughn with an effective date of January 1, 2009, and a planned premium of $30,000 annually. Mrs. Vaughn did not accept this policy as issued, having decided she wanted whole life coverage instead. Our administrative system builds multiple screens for universal life policies that we are unable to change to accommodate a different plan of insurance. For administrative purposes only, we terminated the records for Policy No. 758825 as “not taken” and issued a new Policy No. 760030 for the whole life plan with an effective date of January 1, 2009. The $30,000 premium for Policy No. 788525 was reversed, along with all associated commissions, and re-applied as the initial premium of $29,999.97 for the whole life Policy No. 760030. As noted, GPM 30 was issued January 1, 2009, based on an application dated October 21, 2008, with a death benefit of $348,819 and a planned annual premium of $29,999.97. The policy was rated at 150 percent. Mrs. Vaughn did not remember a discussion related to whole life as opposed to universal life. However, whether such a discussion actually took place is also irrelevant. GPM 30 was owned by the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust, for which John Crawford was serving as trustee. The application for GPM 25 also listed the proposed owner of the policy as a trust, not as Merie Vaughn. Article XI, paragraph (k)(1) and (2) of the trust document specified: (k)(1) Unless the Grantor has been declared incapacitated (either legally or by the terms of this agreement), the Grantor may contribute or direct the Trustee to purchase insurance policies on the life of the Grantor and hold each such policy of insurance purchased by or contributed to the Trustee. . . . The Trustee shall be under no obligation to invest any cash value accumulated in any life insurance policy owned by the Trust regardless of investment yield on such value within the policy as compared to the net investment yield which could be obtained outside the policy. (2) The Trustee shall be under no obligation to pay the premiums which may become due and payable under the provisions of any policies of insurance that may be held in this trust, or to make certain that the premiums are paid by the Grantor or others, or to notify any persons of the non- payment of premiums. Upon notice at any time during the continuance of this trust that the premiums due upon any policy are in default, or that premiums to become due will not be paid, the Trustee, in its sole discretion, may apply any dividends or cash values attributable to the policy to the purchase of paid-up insurance or of extended insurance, or may borrow upon the policy for the payment of premiums, or may accept the cash values of the policy upon its forfeiture, with notice to the Grantor or beneficiaries of the trust or any other person . . . . Clearly, the decision-maker with regard to the purchase of and continued vitality of these policies was John Crawford, who did not testify in this proceeding. There was no evidence presented as to his thought process or any actions taken by him with respect to these policies. Further, the only person who testified at any length as to the standard process for submitting life insurance applications was Mike Saunders. Mr. Saunders described the process in detail, and stated that it is not at all uncommon to submit incomplete applications in order to get the process started. Applications are “scrubbed,” both by the insurance agent’s office and by the insurance company, and there are often amendments to the applications during the process. Mr. Saunders also testified that it was not uncommon to have a client just sign the signature page on an application (something done with several of the policies in this case), because there are going to be multiple “looks” at the application and multiple opportunities to amend as additional information is garnered. In fact, many of the amendment forms in evidence actually include a statement that information included in the amendment will be treated as if it was included on the original application. The failure to have the policy application completely filled out when first submitted is not clear and convincing evidence of a false statement. Mr. Saunders’ testimony, which is unrebutted, is accepted. There is no credible, persuasive evidence that demonstrates that the termination of GPM 25 and issuance of GPM 30 was as a result of McKinley’s “lack of reasonably adequate knowledge and technical competence.” Moreover, no evidence was presented to establish what standard represents “adequate knowledge and technical competence,” or how Respondent may have violated that standard. GPM 30 was terminated as of January 1, 2010, for non- payment of premium. As noted above, payment of premium was in the sole discretion of the Trustee. No testimony was presented as to why the premium was not paid, but it was not within McKinley’s authority to pay it. In any event, McKinley assisted in the process of having the policy reinstated. The application for reinstatement of GPM 30 contained information on all of the outstanding policies on the life of Mrs. Vaughn, which was, at this time, at or near the highest point in terms of both death benefit and premium costs. Clearly, the insurance company made the decision to reinstate the policy with full knowledge of the amount of life insurance held on her life at that time. As found above, life insurance “capacity” is a measure used by insurance companies to determine the maximum amount of insurance a company is willing to write on an individual. If Merie Vaughn was over-insured at this point, it is unlikely that the insurance company would have reinstated the policy. Indeed, at no point during the purchase of any of the policies does it appear that any insurance company refused to issue a policy based on lack of capacity. Paragraphs 61 through 65 of the Administrative Complaint reference events that occurred after McKinley’s services were terminated by Mrs. Vaughn. While the exact date of this termination is not in the record, testimony by Mrs. Vaughn and Mr. Arnold place it at late September or early October 2010. Moreover, these paragraphs allege actions by John Crawford as trustee, not actions by McKinley. Paragraph 64 of the Administrative Complaint alleges that John Crawford requested Michael Halloran to replace McKinley “due to your multiple failures to assist in the maintenance of GPM 30.” No evidence was presented regarding John Crawford’s rationale for requesting Mr. Halloran to be reflected as agent of record, although it can be inferred that he was honoring Mrs. Vaughn’s wishes to no longer do business with McKinley. The Department did not present evidence of multiple failures by McKinley regarding the maintenance of GPM 30. The Administrative Complaint also takes issue with the application, issuance, and monitoring of GPM Policy 751339 (GPM 39). The application was originally submitted for GPM 39 in June of 2007, very early in Mrs. Vaughn’s relationship with McKinley.12/ A letter from McKinley dated June 21, 2007, referencing the policy number, states: Please find the enclosed application for Merie Vaughn. As we discussed, trusts will be executed over the next 2-6 weeks and ownership, beneficiaries and FEIN tax ID’s will be re-faxed upon completion. We may place some or all of this premium and death benefit with a standard offer from GPM. Likewise, the Agent’s Report found with the application indicated that McKinley planned to submit the case to other companies, and named John Hancock or best offer. As found above, the fact that the application is not complete is not clear and convincing evidence of a false statement. Moreover, when all of the documents are read together, it is clear that this application was a work in progress. There is no evidence to support the allegation that the policy was “sold” as a million dollar policy but only issued for $221,440. The reference to one million dollars is a reference to the insurance plan. At the point the application was completed, that was the target amount, and McKinley’s letter clearly states that they would place “some or all” of the death benefit with the company, depending on the offer. GPM 39 was issued October 16, 2007, listing Merie Vaughn as the owner, with a death benefit of $221,440 and an annual premium of $19,999.18. The policy was rated at 150 percent. While the portion of the policy included in Exhibit 39 indicates that the policy has 29 pages, only six pages are included in the exhibit. There is an amendment and policy receipt signed by John Crawford as trustee and by McKinley as agent on October 23, 2007, with a second amendment and policy receipt signed by Merie Vaughn as owner on October 29, 2007. The policy receipt showed the beneficiary of the policy to be the trust. However, without the entire policy with all amendments being included in the exhibits, no finding can be made that any type of material error occurred with respect to this policy. Finally, paragraph 58 of the Administrative Complaint alleges that in November 2009, Gary McKinley directed that GPM change GPM 30, GPM 39, and GPM 84, which will be discussed in more detail below, to paid-up policies with no further premiums to be paid. While this is so, the Administrative Complaint does not allege, and the evidence did not demonstrate, why this action was not in Mrs. Vaughn’s best interests. Further, the Administrative Complaint did not allege and the evidence did not demonstrate whether McKinley made these instructions independently, in consultation with others, or solely at the behest of John Crawford or Mrs. Vaughn. The more persuasive and compelling evidence established that the policies were part of an acceptable and appropriate estate plan for Mrs. Vaughn. No evidence was presented to establish that the policies were purchased for the sole purpose of generating commissions for McKinley. Count V: Lincoln Policies on the Life of Merie Vaughn Count V of the Administrative Complaint addresses the purchase of three policies from Lincoln: Lincoln Policy JJ7061061 (Lincoln 61); Lincoln Policy JJ7085909 (Lincoln 09); and Lincoln Policy JJ7085928 (Lincoln 28). The exhibits related to these three policies are Petitioner’s Exhibits 59 through 69. They are, however, incomplete and somewhat confusing. Petitioner’s Exhibit 59 is a copy of the application for Lincoln 28. However, it appears to be a reiteration of Petitioner’s Exhibit 60, with the word MODIFIED stamped on several of its pages. The application is dated April 26, 2009, but the fax legend for this modified document is dated April 28, 2009. With respect to question 50, no policy is listed, but the box to answer “no” is not checked. The exhibit also includes a Lincoln “appropriateness verification form,” used when the policy applied for is going to be used as a replacement policy. It appears that the document is incomplete, however: the fax legend indicates that there were 36 pages faxed, but the exhibit only includes pages 7-16, with one page bearing no legend. Petitioner’s Exhibit 60 also purports to be an application submitted April 26, 2009. The application also appears to be incomplete. For example, the fax legend at the top of the page reflects that there were 17 pages faxed. The exhibit only contains pages 2, 7-10, 13, 14, and 15. Similarly, the numbering on the application pages are 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, 3A of 5, 3D of 5, 4 of 5, and 5 of 5. For question 10 of the health summary, the application says “see attached,” but no attachment is included in the exhibit. Petitioner’s Exhibit 61 is part, but not all, of Lincoln Policy 28, issued July 28, 2009. The policy is owned by the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust, has a death benefit of $1,250,028, with a premium of $13,000, and is rated at 1.75 for the first 20 years. The exhibit includes a July 15, 2009, amendment to the application, but references an application date of May 7, 2009, as opposed to April 26, 2009, referenced above. The amendment supplies the identifying features of six policies in force for Mrs. Vaughn at that time. Petitioner’s Exhibit 62 is a mixture of documents related to Lincoln Policies 61 and 28. The first part of the exhibit appears to be an application for insurance for Lincoln 61, signed November 21, 2008. Like the application at Petitioner’s Exhibit 60, there are references in the application that say, “see attached,” with no attachments included. Following the application there is what appears to be part of the policy issued for Lincoln 61, listing the schedule of benefits with a death benefit at $912,388, an issue date of January 28, 2009, an annual premium of $30,000, and the use of standard rates. The portion of the policy included begins with page 3, and includes pages 4A-F only. Petitioner’s Exhibit 62 then reverts to documents related to Lincoln 28. It includes a schedule of benefits for that policy, indicating it was issued on July 28, 2009; includes an amendment to the application that references the application as being dated May 7, 2009 (as opposed to April 26, 2009); repeats some of the documents contained in Petitioner’s Exhibit 61; and includes a policy endorsement page and policy receipt for Lincoln 28, reflecting a premium of $60,000 as opposed to $13,000. Petitioner’s Exhibit 64 appears to be a modified application for Lincoln 61, dated January 13, 2009, whereas the original application was dated November 21, 2008. It also refers to attachments that are not included. There is a letter dated January 21, 2008 (although the fax legend reflects January 23, 2009), notifying Lincoln that from the time of application, two additional policies were placed in the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust. There are two copies of an endorsement page for Lincoln 61, identifying the date of coverage as January 28, 2009, and two copies of an amendment to the application, providing additional information for questions 19, 20, and 21. Petitioner’s Exhibit 66 is an application for Lincoln 09, marked as modified, and also dated April 26, 2009. It appears to duplicate the application at Petitioner’s Exhibit 59. Similarly, Petitioner’s Exhibit 67 is also an application dated April 26, 2009, which appears to duplicate Petitioner’s Exhibit 60. At page 430 of Petitioner’s Exhibit 67 is an endorsement for Lincoln 09 that actually references the April 26, 2009 application, as opposed to the May 7, 2009 application referenced (but not supplied) in Petitioner’s Exhibit 62. There is also a Policy receipt for Lincoln 09 dated and signed July 15, 2009, and an unsigned amendment for the policy. Finally, Petitioner’s Exhibit 69 contains a Schedule of Benefits for Lincoln 09, but not the policy in its entirety. The Schedule of Benefits reflects an issue date of July 29, 2009, for a policy with a death benefit of $832,853, with a premium of $40,000. The policy is rated at 1.75 for the first 20 years, then reverts to standard rates. The Schedule of Benefits is the only part of the policy included, and reflects pages 3, and 4A through 4F only. This mishmash of partial applications and partial policies undermines any confidence that the documents represent the whole of what took place with respect to the application and issuance process for these three policies. All that can be said is that Lincoln 61 was issued on January 28, 2009, with a death benefit of $912,388 and an annual premium of $30,000, with a standard rating. The owner of the policy was the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust. On July 28, 2009, Lincoln 09 and Lincoln 28 were issued. Lincoln 09 was owned by the Merie Vaughn Revocable Trust, had a death benefit of $832,853.00, an annual premium of $40,000, and a 1.75 rating. Lincoln 28 was owned by the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust, had a death benefit of $1,250,028, a $60,000 annual premium, and 1.75 rating. Any initial omissions with respect to the applications appear to have been resolved through amendments to the application, consistent with the process described by Michael Saunders. After issuance of Lincoln 61 and before the issuance of Lincoln 09 and Lincoln 28, Mrs. Vaughn signed a letter to McKinley dated April 1, 2009, confirming the strategy of replacing some of her life insurance policies with policies that had more efficient terms. The letter states in part: Gary: Please take all necessary steps to lower my premiums for the life insurance where I am the insured to consider getting the same insurance for a lower premium or leveraging and lowering my premiums to increase Death Benefits. Please check the financials of each company and do your best to confirm the company is indeed solvent and one of the top companies. I understand John Hancock and Lincoln will be the initial and possibly the carriers of choice. The reason I’m doing this is I have noticed and as you have pointed out, my most recent policy with Lincoln for 30k of premium bought me almost $100,000.00 more of death benefit and with the economical environment, it would be helpful if we can lower premiums by some 30k or 50k total this year and going forward, I would like the opportunity to do this. Even with the over 5 Mil saved, I must be prudent in times like this. I realize the initial calculations are that I might save approximately 30k to 50k annually and still be able to increase my Death Benefit by 500k to 1 mil dollars. This is certainly worth us considering consolidation and savings and I appreciate your monitoring my insurance portfolio regularly looking for these types of arbitrage. As of April 29, 2013, Lincoln 61 remained an active policy. Both Lincoln 09 and Lincoln 28 lapsed on January 3, 2011, several months after Mrs. Vaughn terminated McKinley’s services. The Administrative Complaint charges that McKinley failed to provide information in the applications on all in- force life insurance policies on Mrs. Vaughn’s life, specifically listing ING 59, Hancock 73, GPM 30, and GPM 39. As noted above, the applications were updated through the amendment process, which unrefuted evidence indicates is an accepted practice in the insurance industry. While the documents are incomplete, it appears that all necessary information was supplied. While the Administrative Complaint states that “Lincoln later added amendments to L 61, L 09 and L 28 to add the insurance coverage information that you, Gary McKinley, should have included when the applications were originally submitted to Lincoln,” there was no testimony at hearing to demonstrate who supplied the information for the amendments (McKinley or the insurance company), and with documents as incomplete as these, to make any conclusions regarding the source of the information would be speculative. The responsibility for the lapsing of two of the policies cannot be laid at the feet of McKinley: not only was he not responsible for paying the premiums with respect to these policies, but he was no longer working with Mrs. Vaughn at the time the policies lapsed. Moreover, no persuasive, competent evidence was presented to demonstrate that the purchase of these policies was inappropriate and without demonstrable benefit to Mrs. Vaughn. Rather, the more persuasive evidence indicates that the purchase of these policies was part of an integrated strategy to reduce premiums, increase death benefit, and continue the overall goals of reducing Mrs. Vaughn’s taxable estate while still preserving her wealth. Likewise, no evidence was presented from which it could be found that the policies were sold for the “sole purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit for [McKinley] and for John Crawford,” or for the premise that McKinley’s intention was to generate larger commissions on new replacement sales rather than settle for receiving smaller commissions on existing residual policies. Count VI: Transamerica Policies on the Life of Merie Vaughn Count VI of the Administrative Complaint deals with Transamerica 89 and Transamerica 60. Mrs. Vaughn signed an application for the Transamerica 89 policy on May 26, 2010. The policy issued on August 6, 2010, with a death benefit of $3,882,000 and an annual premium of $130,000. The owner of the policy was the Merie Vaughn ILIT, and the policy was issued at the standard rate. The policy application for Transamerica 89 indicated that four policies would be replaced by Transamerica 89: Hancock 73, with a death benefit of $578,006 and annual premium of $20,000; ING 59, with a death benefit of $452,000 and annual premium of $20,000; Lincoln 09, with a death benefit of $832,853 and annual premium of $40,000; and Lincoln 28, with a death benefit of $1,250,028 and annual premium of $60,000. In other words, the purchase of Transamerica 89 to replace these four other policies meant an increase in death benefit (from $3,112,887 to $3,882,000), with a reduction in annual premium (from $140,000 to $130,000). Transamerica 60 was issued August 13, 2010, with the owner as the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust. The death benefit was $805,000 with a $27,000 annual premium, calculated at the standard rate. It replaced Hancock 10, which had a death benefit of $828,518, and an annual premium of $30,000. McKinley received commissions on the sale of both policies. Mike Saunders described the Transamerica policies as very efficient. According to the rate of return analysis prepared by John Linnehan, whose testimony is accepted as credible and persuasive, the internal rate of return for these policies was excellent, ranging from 17.1 percent should Mrs. Vaughn live to life expectancy, to a return of 207 percent should she die at the third anniversary of the policy.11/ The same rates applied for both policies. These rates of return far exceed what would be expected as an acceptable rate of return on life insurance policies, and was higher than the rate of return for the policies that they replaced. The more persuasive and compelling evidence demonstrated that the purchase of these policies was intended to and did provide a benefit to Mrs. Vaughn and was appropriate, given her financial circumstances and estate planning goals. Paragraphs 81 and 83 of the Administrative Complaint allege details regarding the cancellation of these policies, at a time when McKinley was no longer working with Mrs. Vaughn. Moreover, John Crawford, as trustee, is the person with the discretion and authority to make decisions with respect to the maintenance or surrender of any and all of the life insurance policies held by the various trusts. No evidence was presented to indicate that McKinley participated in any way with respect to the decisions to surrender or cancel these policies. Likewise, no evidence was presented from which it could be found that the policies were sold for the “sole purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit for [McKinley] and for John Crawford,” or for the premise that McKinley’s intention was to generate larger commissions on new replacement sales rather than settle for receiving smaller commissions on existing policies. Count VII: Hancock Long-Term Care Policy In Count VII, the Department takes issue with McKinley’s sale of a Hancock long-term care policy. Merie Vaughn applied for the policy on November 20, 2009, and John Hancock policy 7222784 (Hancock LTC 84) was issued December 29, 2009. Hancock LTC 84 was a policy with a five-year benefit period, and a policy limit of $396,000. The long-term care benefit was for $6,600 per month, and had an annual premium of $12,262.50. Other features of the policy are described in Petitioner’s Exhibit 91, but are not necessary for purposes of this discussion. The Department charges, “[y]ou, Gary McKinley, being both a licensed insurance agent and a securities broker, knew or should have known that the sale of the Hancock long term care policy, in addition to all of the life insurance policies you sold her, was beyond Mrs. Vaughn’s needs, was not in Mrs. Vaughn’s best interests, was neither necessary nor appropriate for a person her age and financial circumstances, was without demonstrable benefit to her, served to waste her estate and was done for the sole purpose of obtaining a fee, commission, money or other benefit for yourself and for John Crawford.” The only factual evidence in the record regarding the purchase of this policy is from Merie Vaughn. She testified that she wanted this policy, and told Gary McKinley that if he could find some long-term care coverage, she would be interested in it. Long-term care coverage was something she wanted. There is no credible, persuasive evidence to demonstrate that McKinley sold this policy just to get a commission. There is no evidence as to what advice McKinley gave Mrs. Vaughn about this type of policy: whether he advised that she obtain it or whether she insisted on buying against his advice. There is no evidence to prove the allegations in the Administrative Complaint. Count VIII: The ING Annuities Count VIII of the Administrative Complaint deals with the purchase of three ING annuities: one purchased with funds from Merie Vaughn’s IRA, one purchased by the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust, and one purchased by the Rufus Vaughn Marital Trust. On September 30, 2007, Mrs. Vaughn’s IRA account was worth approximately $795,972.43. On October 29, 2007, she applied for ING annuity 90275251 (ING Annuity 51), and on December 4, 2007, a one-time premium of $712,037.78 was paid from the assets in Merie Vaughn’s IRA to fund ING Annuity 51. ING Annuity 51 was issued on December 10, 2007, with a five- percent bonus on premium. A bonus is defined in the policy as “an amount equal to a percentage of the Single Premium, as stated on the Contract Data Page, that we add to the Contract’s Accumulation Value on the Contract Date. The Bonus is elected to the Strategies in the same ratio as you elect the Single Premium.” On August 4, 2008, John Crawford, as Trustee of the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust, applied for ING Annuity 90295107 (ING Annuity 07). On August 18, 2008, $500,000 was paid from the assets of the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust for the single premium of $500,000, and on August 19, 2008, ING Annuity 07 was issued with a five-percent bonus on the single premium. On August 4, 2008, John Crawford also applied for ING Annuity 90295108 (ING Annuity 08) as trustee for the Rufus Vaughn Marital Trust.13/ This annuity also had a single premium of $500,000, which was paid from trust proceeds on August 18, 2008. The ING Annuity 08 also issued on August 19, 2008, with a five-percent bonus on the single premium. While the Administrative Complaint alleges that “upon the advice and at the direction of you, Gary McKinley, . . . Ameritrade Clearing issued a check in the amount of $500,000.00 made payable to ING as the single premium” with respect to both annuities purchased by John Crawford as trustee, no evidence was presented to identify who arranged for payment of the annuities. Likewise, the Administrative Complaint alleges with respect to ING Annuities 07 and 08 that “you, Gary McKinley, with the cooperation of lawyer/trustee Crawford, gave your directions or consent . . . to having the [trust] disgorge $500,000.00 for funding the ING annuity,” there is no competent, credible evidence regarding the decision-making with respect to the purchase of these two annuities. Annuities are designed to provide a lifetime income from an initial investment of funds, or can be used to guarantee a certain identified rate of return over a fixed period. There are limitations on how much can be withdrawn from an annuity without incurring surrender fees. In the case of ING Annuity 51, Merie Vaughn withdrew $40,209.19 on December 22, 2008, and $69,675.89 on December 11, 2009. Both amounts were less than the 10 percent allowed annually without incurring surrender fees. From the dates of purchase until March 2012, each of the three annuities earned investment profits of approximately $75,000, for a total profit for the three annuities at $226,206.41. While the annuities have each made a significant profit, as of March 2012, they were not worth as much as they were when they were purchased, because of the amount withdrawn. However, no evidence was presented to identify who made the decision for distributions from the annuities or who decided how much those distributions would be. Moreover, the evidence suggests that with respect to ING Annuity 51, the IRA from which the funds were taken for its purchase was an IRA heavily invested in bank stocks. As noted previously, no one has questioned the advice to diversify those holdings and the testimony was uniform that diversification prior to the recession in 2008 was a positive development for the preservation of Mrs. Vaughn’s assets. There is no evidence as to what the return would have been had the IRA assets been left undisturbed. The returns offered by ING Annuity 51, as well as the other two annuities, were generally higher than that afforded by the market in general, and protected the assets from creditors. The Department did not prove what income would have been generated by the Rufus Vaughn Marital Trust and the Rufus Vaughn Family Trust had the annuities not been purchased for them and the trusts had remained with the mix of assets they each contained prior to the annuity purchases. The Administrative Complaint did not identify and the evidence did not reveal what, if any, willful representations or deceptive acts or practices McKinley committed with respect to the purchase of any of the ING annuities. McKinley earned commissions on the purchase of all three annuities. There was no testimony that the amount of commission was unusual for the products sold. Count IX: Policies on the Life of Terry Vaughn Count IX deals with those policies sold on the life of Terry Vaughn. Three of the policies were held in the Terry Vaughn ILIT, while the fourth was held in the Merie M. Vaughn Trust F/B/O Connor E. Vaughn. The four policies are Hancock 46300489 (Hancock 89), Aviva IL01198680 (Aviva 80), Lincoln 180003841 (Lincoln 41), and Lincoln 180004324 (Lincoln 24). Hancock 89 was taken out on Terry Vaughn’s life and held in the Terry R. Vaughn ILIT. While there was confusion as to when Terry Vaughn signed the application, in all probability he signed it on or about February 25, 2008, and the policy issued on March 6, 2008. The death benefit was $1,694,226, and the policy called for annual premiums of $25,000 for 10 years. The policy appears to be rated at 200 percent. Petitioner’s Exhibit 118, the policy specifications, references supplement dates of October 2, 2007; November 13, 2007; and January 28, 2008, but those supplements are not included in the record. On June 25, 2008, John Crawford, as trustee, applied for additional life insurance on Terry Vaughn’s life through Aviva, which became the basis for the Aviva 80 policy. The application was amended in August 2008, yet the policy reflects that it was issued July 23, 2008, with a death benefit of $1,588,310 and an annual premium of $25,000. The rating is not clearly indicated in the exhibits provided. The application indicates that the Aviva policy would be replacing a West Coast Life policy with a death benefit of $1,298,238. However, Terry Vaughn was unaware of the existence of that policy, which is listed as “personal,” and no other evidence regarding a West Coast Life policy is contained in the record. On October 26, 2009, John Crawford, as trustee of the Terry R. Vaughn ILIT, applied for a policy with Lincoln that became the Lincoln 41 policy. The application was also signed by Terry Vaughn as the insured and by McKinley. The application includes the question, “Please list amounts of all inforce life insurance on your life, including any policies that have been sold. (Please list in the box below.).” The application lists the Aviva policy, but indicates that it was issued in September of 2008 with a death benefit of $1.6 million. The Lincoln application also indicates with respect to the Aviva policy that there will be a replacement or change of policy. At the time of this application, the Hancock 89 policy was still in force, but there is no listing of that policy on the application. The Lincoln 41 policy was issued December 2, 2009, and then its issue date was changed to December 17, 2009. An endorsement to the policy states that Lincoln received all information necessary to issue the policy, but does not specify what information was received, other than the premium of $35,000, and no amendments or medical reports are included in the exhibit. There is also no signed policy receipt. The death benefit for the Lincoln 41 policy is $2,219,885. The policy was rated at two times the standard rate for the first 27 years. If there was certainty that the documents contained in the exhibits with respect to Lincoln 41 were in fact the complete documents submitted with respect to this policy, the undersigned would have no hesitation in finding that by failing to list the Hancock 89 policy as a policy on Terry Vaughn’s life, Respondent had misrepresented the amount of insurance outstanding at that time. However, there is no certainty regarding the completeness of the exhibits. As noted previously, the certification of records from Lincoln is a stand-alone exhibit, not attached to any particular document. (Petitioner’s Exhibit 89). Moreover, that document does not really certify much of anything. The form includes the following language: Pursuant to sections 90.803(6), and/or 90.902(11), Florida Statutes, I hereby certify the following: that as part of my regular duties I maintain custody and control of the records of the Company; that the attached documents consisting of pages, reflects entries of information that were made at or near the time of the occurrence of the matters set forth by, or from information transmitted by a person having knowledge of those matters; that it is the regular practice of the Company to make, keep and maintain the attached data and/or records during the course of regular conducted business; that the attached documents were made as a regular practice in the course of the regularly conducted activity; and that the attached documents are a true and correct copy of the original record contained in the Company’s business records. The space to indicate the number of pages supplied with the certification is left blank. There is no assurance that all of the documents received from this, or any insurance company, are included in the exhibits provided. No one at hearing testified that the records provided were complete, and Terry Vaughn testified that he signed a lot of documents, but often did not see the entire application. Given the unrefuted testimony that initial applications are often incomplete and errors and omissions are cleared up through amendments, without some assurance that the information in Petitioner’s Exhibit 122 and 123 comprise the entire application and insurance policy issued as a result, which they clearly do not, there is not clear and convincing evidence that McKinley made misrepresentations with respect to Lincoln 41. On April 1, 2010, John Crawford, as trustee, applied for additional insurance on the life of Terry Vaughn for the Merie M. Vaughn Trust F/B/O Connor E. Vaughn. The amount of the insurance for which he applied was $3 million, with an annual premium of $35,000. Both Terry Vaughn and McKinley also signed the application, which became the basis for Lincoln 24. The application for Lincoln 24 lists the Lincoln 41 policy as being in force on Terry Vaughn’s life. It does not list the Aviva 80 policy, but that omission is consistent with the stated intention in the Lincoln 41 policy application to replace the Aviva policy with the Lincoln 41 policy. The application does not list the Hancock 89 policy, which remained in force at that time, and there is some indication in the record that ultimately the Aviva 80 policy remained in force. Petitioner’s Exhibit 125, which represents those portions of the application in evidence, includes an appropriateness verification statement, which is included when the applied-for insurance is meant to replace some other insurance. The Lincoln 24 policy was issued April 7, 2010. The death benefit was $3 million, the amount for which the trust applied, with an annual premium of $35,000. The premium was rated at 2.5 for the first 27 years. Petitioner’s Exhibits 126 and 127 are parts of the Lincoln 24 policy. Petitioner’s Exhibit 126 includes the schedule of benefits and premiums at pages 3 and 4A-4F. Petitioner’s Exhibit 127 provides what appears to be most of the rest of the policy, but only includes page 17 of 17 of the illustration and, while it includes something called an indexed signature page, it does not include a policy receipt. In short, this policy, like Lincoln 41, does not appear to be complete. Like Lincoln 41, given the unrefuted testimony that initial applications are often incomplete and errors and omissions are cleared up through amendments, and given the incomplete nature of the documents related to Lincoln 41, the evidence is not clear and convincing that Respondent misrepresented information in the application by omitting reference to Hancock 89 and Aviva 80. There was some testimony regarding the appropriateness of establishing the trust fund for the benefit of Connor Vaughn. Merie Vaughn testified that she was very concerned with Connor’s future, and much of her time after his diagnosis in late 2008 was spent working with Connor. A special needs trust permits funds to be used for a disabled individual without jeopardizing the individual’s ability to receive governmental assistance. Even Petitioner’s expert noted that a special needs trust would be an option that he would have wanted Mrs. Vaughn to consider with respect to Connor. The Department has not demonstrated that establishing the special needs trust was not in Mrs. Vaughn’s or her family’s best interest. Clearly, Terry Vaughn did not believe that $3 million dollars was necessary to fund any of Connor’s future needs. He had received assistance through a program at Florida State University at little to no cost to the family. However, he was unaware of what research his mother may have done with respect to programs for autism, and acknowledged that there are many costly programs available for autism should someone want to avail themselves of such a program. The Administrative Complaint alleges that on June 7, 2011, John Crawford, as trustee, directed the cancellation of Hancock 89 and requested the return of any cash value. The policy was canceled and on June 21, 2011, Hancock remitted a check for $35,114.29. The cancellation of this policy was several months after McKinley was no longer providing services to the Vaughn family at Mrs. Vaughn’s behest. Likewise, the Administrative Complaint alleges that Lincoln 41 and Lincoln 24 lapsed and were canceled on January 20, 2011, and September 8, 2011, respectively. Both events occurred several months after Mrs. Vaughn had terminated McKinley’s services. Moreover, as stated previously, it is the trustee, and not McKinley, that is responsible for the payment of insurance policies held by the various trusts. The record in this proceeding contains no evidence regarding what Mr. Crawford considered in making the decisions to retain or cancel various policies owned by the trusts. The Administrative Complaint also charges that McKinley “willfully avoided underwriting protections designed to prevent the wasting of Vaughn family assets.” There is no persuasive evidence to support this allegation. Mr. Saunders testified that there is a master insurance bureau that has a database which includes negative information on insurance applicants. If one company has negative information about an applicant, a second company with which the applicant files an application would have access to that information. Here, Terry Vaughn’s policies were rated because of his health condition. There was no testimony from any insurance company that they issued a policy without sufficient information or based on false information provided by McKinley. Count X: Policies on the Life of David Vaughn Count X of the Administrative Complaint addresses two insurance policies purchased for the David C. Vaughn ILIT: GPM Policy 000753784 (GPM 84), and ING Policy 7218635 (ING 35). On November 2, 2007, an application for insurance was submitted to GPM. The proposed insured was David Vaughn, and the application indicates that a trust was to be established that would be both owner and beneficiary of the policy. The application is signed by Merie Vaughn as trustee, David Vaughn as the insured, and McKinley as the agent.14/ GPM 84 was issued December 1, 2007, as a whole life policy with a death benefit of $1,601,233 and an annual premium of $37,192, calculated at standard rates. While Petitioner’s Exhibit 137 indicates that the policy issued on December 1, 2007, the policy illustration included was prepared February 6, 2008. No policy receipt or amendments are included in the exhibit. On March 25, 2010, John Crawford, as trustee, wrote GPM requesting that the policy be changed to paid-up status. No evidence was presented to explain what Mr. Crawford considered in making the request to change the policy to paid-up status. While the change meant that no more premiums would be paid, it also meant that the death benefit was reduced, effective June 2, 2010, to $22,612. Sometime in late December 2007, McKinley submitted an application for ING 35. While the application has the date December 25, 2007, it is unclear which signature the date purports to signify, and David Vaughn did not execute the document on that day. The insured for this policy application is David Vaughn. The owner and beneficiary is the David C. Vaughn ILIT. A Verification of Coverage document as of December 12, 2010, indicates that ING 35 issued April 10, 2008, with a death benefit of $731,000 and an annual premium of $12,807. The rating is listed as “Super Preferred non smoker.” The documents in Petitioner’s Exhibit 145 include an undated and unsigned policy receipt and a premium notice dated April 11, 2011. On June 7, 2011, John Crawford, as trustee, requested the cancellation of ING 35, with any surrender value to be forwarded to him. No evidence was presented to explain what Mr. Crawford considered in making the request to cancel the policy. His request is copied to Merie Vaughn. As a result of his request, ING forwarded a check to John Crawford for $3,893.57, representing the surrender value of ING 35. While the Administrative Complaint alleges that McKinley violated the public trust by the sale of these two life insurance policies, there is no allegation describing what about the sale of these two policies actually violated that trust. There is no allegation that David Vaughn was over-insured or that the policies were not in his best interest. Count XI: Vaughn Family Education Trust Policies Count XI of the Administrative Complaint deals with policies purchased for the Vaughn Family Education Trust (Education Trust). The Administrative Complaint asserts that there were seven policies originally issued, but applications for and partial copies of only three policies are included in Petitioner’s exhibits. Merie Vaughn testified that the Education Trust was something she agreed to, although she told Gary McKinley to fund it from something other than her IRA. The life insurance purchased was consistent with the plan she agreed to with John Crawford. She also acknowledged at hearing that providing life insurance benefits to her grandchildren is valuable to them. Likewise, Mike Saunders testified that purchasing life insurance on children is “absolutely appropriate,” and is done to plan for the future. His testimony is accepted. Buying life insurance at this age is a good idea because insurability can change quickly, and having a policy in place before any change in insurability occurs is wise. It also allows for the buildup of cash value over time, and the ability to borrow against the policy. Included in Petitioner’s exhibits is an application for life insurance with Metlife on the life of Avery Elizabeth Vaughn, David Vaughn’s oldest daughter. She was 19 years old at the time of the application. The application is for a whole life policy and the amount of insurance listed on the application is $580,650. Avery Vaughn signed the application as the insured, John Crawford signed as trustee for the Education Trust, and McKinley signed as the insurance agent of record. The application was signed on April 22, 2010. While this application is included with a policy numbered 210238538A1 (Metlife 38), it does not appear to be the application that led to the issuance of Metlife 38. For instance, while the application is signed April 22, 2010, Metlife 38 was issued February 7, 2010, two months before the application was submitted. Moreover, while the application referenced $580,650 in death benefits, the issued policy was for $990,000, with a total premium of $8,118.50. No policy receipt or amendments are included. Metlife 38 was surrendered on or about October 14, 2011, after McKinley was no longer acting as Mrs. Vaughn’s insurance agent, and $79.39 was paid to the trust. Similarly, on April 20, 2010, John Crawford, as trustee, applied for life insurance on the life of Chloe Lorraine Vaughn, David Vaughn’s second daughter, who was nine years old at the time. The application was signed by McKinley, John Crawford, and, inexplicably, Terry Vaughn. The amount of requested coverage identified in the application was $946,611. Metlife Policy 210275718A (Metlife 18) was issued September 1, 2010, listing Chloe Vaughn as the insured and the Education Trust as the owner. Metlife 18 had a $9,000 annual premium and a death benefit of $2,528,249. No amendments or policy receipt are included in Petitioner’s exhibits, as well as no explanation of how the death benefit changed so dramatically. The policy was surrendered in June 2011, after McKinley was no longer acting as Mrs. Vaughn’s insurance agent. There is also a Metlife application submitted by John Crawford, as trustee for the Education Trust on the life of Dawson Caldwell Vaughn, David Caldwell’s then-4-year-old son. The application is also signed by Terry Vaughn as opposed to David Vaughn, and is signed by John Crawford as trustee and by McKinley. The application is for a whole life policy with a death benefit of $1,136,250, and a proposed premium of $5,999.83. The policy in Petitioner’s exhibits on the life of Dawson Vaughn is Metlife 210275676A (Metlife 76), a policy issued September 1, 2010, with a death benefit of $2,594,204 and an annual premium of $9,000. The portion of the policy in the record contains no amendments and no policy receipt, and thus no explanation as to how or why the death benefit and premium were changed. No testimony was presented to explain the difference. The policy was surrendered in June 2011, after McKinley was dismissed as Mrs. Vaughn’s insurance agent. Contrary to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, competent, persuasive evidence was presented to show that purchasing life insurance on children is an accepted practice. While the amounts of the life insurance policies seem extravagant, the only person testifying who regularly sells life insurance did not believe that McKinley encouraged the purchase of too much life insurance. Further, while the Administrative Complaint alleges “by willful misrepresentations and deceptive acts and practices,” Respondent caused the wasting of Vaughn family assets, the Administrative Complaint does not identify just what “willful misrepresentation” or “deceptive act and practices” Respondent committed with respect to the purchase of these policies. Count XII: Policies on the Life of Stephanie Eller Vaughn As noted above, Stephanie Eller Vaughn is married to Terry Vaughn, and they live in Tallahassee, Florida. Terry and Stephanie married on March 31, 2007, and Stephanie gave birth to their son, Connor, on February 1, 2008. At some point in 2008, Terry and Stephanie met with a financial planner who had suggested it would be prudent for Stephanie to have life insurance. Contrary to the allegations in the Administrative Complaint, no evidence was presented to demonstrate that McKinley “convinced” Merie Vaughn and Stephanie Vaughn to buy the Sun Life policy discussed below. Purchasing life insurance was already something contemplated by Terry and Stephanie Vaughn, before meeting with McKinley. Terry and Stephanie met with McKinley to begin discussions regarding a life insurance policy for Stephanie in May of 2008. Stephanie Vaughn applied for a Sun Life policy on January 6, 2009. She is listed as both the insured and the owner of the policy, and Terry Vaughn is listed as the beneficiary. The application proposes a $1.5 million death benefit, with a proposed monthly premium of $712.50. Stephanie Vaughn paid $1,425.00 for two months of premium with the insurance application. Sun Life Policy 003016889 (Sun Life 89) was issued on April 3, 2009, for a $1 million death benefit and a monthly premium of $487.34. The premium appears to be computed using standard rates for a non-smoker. The record includes a revised illustration signed by Stephanie Vaughn on March 10, 2009, and a signed, undated request for alteration of application changing the death benefit to the amount ultimately issued, as well as including a charitable benefits rider, also included in the policy issued. The policy receipt for Sun Life 89 is signed by Stephanie Vaughn on April 9, 2009. Terry Vaughn testified that while he and his wife made the initial premium payment, premiums were taken over by his mother, and Terry and Stephanie were reimbursed for the premiums they originally paid on the policy. In May of 2009, McKinley’s office requested that the premiums be changed from monthly to yearly, and forms were sent to accomplish that. On June 5, 2009, John Crawford made a payment of $4,423.06 from his trust account for the remainder of the annual premium, and in September 2009, a request for the appropriate paperwork was submitted to change the ownership of the policy from Stephanie Vaughn to the Stephanie Vaughn ILIT. However, while payments were made by John Crawford, and McKinley requested that all payment invoices and correspondence be sent to John Crawford, it is unclear whether that change of ownership ever occurred. According to Terry Vaughn, Sun Life 89 is still in force, but currently no payments are being made on the policy. It is paid up to some point, and he understands that it has some value, so they opted not to cancel it. While the Administrative Complaint alleges that McKinley made a commission of $19,269.42, that amount is not clear from the record in this case. There are statements regarding commissions for many of the policies. However, on many of these statements, including the statement for Sun Life, there are columns labeled as commissions and columns labeled as overrides. No one testified as to how these statements are interpreted, and it is not clear on the face of the statements how much of the commission goes to the individual agent and how much goes to the agency for whom he works. It is clear that McKinley did indeed earn a commission (and that is how insurance agents are generally compensated), but it is not clear how much or that the amount was inappropriate. Stephanie Vaughn also applied for a life insurance policy with Nationwide. She submitted an application on March 9, 2009, with herself listed as the insured. The application contains a notation requesting that Nationwide contact the agent when preparing to issue the policy to see if the policy will be owned by Stephanie Vaughn or to a trust. The application contemplated a death benefit of $750,000, and was amended to include a long-term care supplement of $300,000 on June 19, 2009. On June 22, 2009, Nationwide Policy number B500118060 (Nationwide 60) was issued, listing Stephanie Vaughn as the insured and as the owner. The policy had a death benefit of $750,000, as requested, and an annual premium of $5,914, using non-tobacco standard rates. Terry Vaughn wrote a personal check for $1,762.08 for a premium payment on Nationwide 60 on July 15, 2009, and Stephanie Vaughn signed both the policy receipt and an amendment reflecting the long-term care rider that same day. John Crawford also wrote a check from his firm’s trust account for $5,000 on July 21, 2009. McKinley’s office requested that the overpayment of $838.08 be refunded to Stephanie Eller Vaughn at her address in Tallahassee. John Crawford also paid the $5,914 premium on May 25, 2010, and McKinley had requested earlier that year that John Crawford receive the invoices, as he was the one paying the premiums. As was the case with the Sun Life 89 policy, the premium payment made by Terry and Stephanie Vaughn was reimbursed by Terry’s mother, Merie Vaughn. Stephanie Vaughn requested cancellation of Nationwide 60 on July 5, 2011, because she and her husband did not want to continue paying for it. They did not receive any cash value for the policy. The Administrative Complaint alleges that Nationwide 60 was never placed in the Stephanie Vaughn ILIT. However, there is no allegation, nor proof, that McKinley was ever instructed to arrange for the transfer of the policy to the trust, nor is there any evidence indicating that there was a discussion of any kind regarding its ownership after it was issued. McKinley earned a commission on the sale of the Nationwide 60 policy. No evidence was presented to indicate that there was anything unusual about the commission earned. The Administrative Complaint alleges that by selling these two policies to Stephanie Vaughn, McKinley violated a public trust in violation of Florida Administrative Code Rule 69B-215.210. There is no indication in the Administrative Complaint as to how the sale of these two policies is a violation of the public trust, and no proof of such a violation was presented. Count XII: Policies on the Life of Yvette L. Day Finally, Count XII of the Administrative Complaint deals with the policies sold on the life of Yvette L. Day, the wife of David Vaughn. Those policies are Pacific Life Policy VP65887630 (Pacific Life 30) and John Hancock Policy 82233941 (Hancock 41). On April 15, 2009, Yvette Lori Day applied for a Pacific Life universal life insurance policy, which resulted in the issuance of Pacific Life 30. While the Administrative Complaint alleges that McKinley “convinced” Mrs. Vaughn and Ms. Day to purchase the policy, David Vaughn testified his wife actually insisted on picking the insurance company for the policy. The application lists Yvette Day as the insured, and the Yvette L. Day ILIT as the owner and beneficiary of the policy. The proposed coverage on the application is $137,447, with a planned premium of $5,000. The application is signed by Yvette Day, John Crawford, and McKinley. The policy issued on April 1, 2009, being backdated to take advantage of a lower premium. Pacific Life 30 was issued for the amount applied for and for the suggested premium of $5,000, and Ms. Day was considered a preferred non-smoker for rating purposes. An amendment to the policy was signed by both John Crawford and McKinley on September 14, 2009, as was the delivery receipt. Checks for $5,000 were issued from the Marks Gray trust account by John Crawford for premiums on September 1, 2009, and May 25, 2010. On June 7, 2011, John Crawford requested cancellation of Pacific Life 30, and return of any cash surrender value. Pacific Life responded by outlining the options to consider as alternatives to surrender, and advised that the tax loss upon surrender at this point would be $6,263.23. Mr. Crawford confirmed the intent to seek surrender, and on June 10, 2011, a check representing the surrender value of $3,760.90 was issued to the Yvette Day ILIT. A commission of $5,223.83 related to the policy was paid to Intervest, who in turn paid the premium to McKinley. Yvette Day also applied for a policy with John Hancock on April 15, 2009, with Yvette Day listed as the insured and the Yvette L. Day ILIT as the owner and beneficiary. The policy was issued on October 7, 2009, with a death benefit of $415,959 and a premium of $5,000. Yvette Day was listed as a preferred non-smoker for purposes of rating. John Crawford, as trustee, paid $5,000 in premium from his Marks Gray trust account on October 12, 2009. The policy receipt was signed by John Crawford on October 26, 2009, along with a form documenting that the policy would be backdated to April 17, 2009. Also completed on that day is an amendment answering a series of questions that were not answered on the original application, including questions related to the financing of the policy. The Administrative Complaint alleges that “when you, Gary L. McKinley, were asked by Hancock underwriting to respond to questions 10(a) and (b), you and attorney/trustee Crawford answered by providing Hancock with an application supplement dated October 26, 2009, stating that the premium payments would be coming from the insured’s income and ‘No’ as whether any entity other than the insured would be funding the premiums. Both answers were false.” In fact, however, McKinley did not sign the application supplement at all. The form is signed by Yvette Day and John Crawford. No evidence was presented to show that McKinley even knew about answers contained in the amendment. Moreover, contrary to the Department’s statement in its Proposed Recommended Order, the language on the amendment that “it is agreed that [the additions, corrections and amendments] are to be of the same effect as if contained in the application” does not transform a statement made by Yvette Day and John Crawford into a false statement by McKinley. The most logical meaning of this phrase, consistent with the testimony of Mike Saunders, is that the information provided by amendment is treated as if it was part of the original application. It does not mean that somehow Respondent’s signature on the original application embraces statements he did not make, but were in fact made by others in subsequent amendments. On June 7 and 11, 2011, John Crawford, as trustee, sent letters to Hancock requesting cancellation of Hancock 41 and the return of any cash value. Because of a discrepancy related to the identified date of the trust, a third letter was sent on August 8, 2011, correcting the listing of the trust date and providing a copy of the trust. Accordingly, on August 24, 2011, Hancock forwarded to John Crawford a check for $282.85, representing the unused premium for Hancock 41. McKinley received $5,336.23 in commissions related to the sale of Hancock 41. No person testified that the amount of the premium earned on this policy was unusual. Of the policies discussed above, 15 of them either lapsed or were canceled or surrendered after October 2010, when Respondent was no longer working with the Vaughns at Mrs. Vaughn’s direction. It cannot be determined what cash value would have been created had some or all of the policies remained in place. The most that could be said, based on the evidence that was presented, is that McKinley participated in the creation of an ambitious estate plan with a lot of moving parts. He replaced policies with more efficient policies, and while it may appear at first blush that he did so too quickly, the more persuasive evidence indicates that he did so to take advantage of changes in insurability while the opportunity to do so existed. There is no question that Respondent consulted with Mrs. Vaughn numerous times and made every effort to help her understand not only the overall plan but the specifics of the plan as well. Moreover, McKinley did not act alone. The trusts were established based on the recommendations of the estate planning team, which included Mrs. Vaughn, McKinley, and various other professionals and advisors. Attorney and trustee John Crawford, as well as attorney Tim McFarland, provided legal advice regarding the implications of the creation of the trusts, and the team considered a number of relevant factors in advising Mrs. Vaughn to establish these trusts. Once the decision was made to go forward with the identified estate plan, Respondent worked with Crump and Capitas insurance organizations, as well as representatives from various nationally-recognized and state- certified insurance companies, to obtain appropriate products to effectuate the goals established by the team. It is also clear that, while a significant amount of money was spent on life insurance premiums, the replacement of policies was undertaken with the goal of reducing the amount used for premium and increasing the death benefit, a course of action which Mrs. Vaughn approved in writing. Financial expert John Linnehan testified that the products purchased provided benefits to Mrs. Vaughn and her family, and that there were sufficient assets to sustain the premiums incurred for life insurance, even assuming her stated living expenses. His testimony is credited. Moreover, the reduction in Mrs. Vaughn’s assets was in large part caused by something other than the payment of insurance premiums. When asked where the rest of her money went, she answered, “I don’t know. It’s just gone.”

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Financial Services enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint. DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of April, 2016, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LISA SHEARER NELSON Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of April, 2016.

Florida Laws (18) 120.569120.57120.80120.81206.41455.227456.037456.05357.105626.611626.621626.951626.9521626.9541626.99627.455490.80390.902
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Ocala, Florida Aug. 08, 2008 Number: 08-003882 Latest Update: Mar. 23, 2009

The Issue Whether Petitioner is entitled to a refund of state group life insurance premiums retroactive to the date she became disabled and continuing through the date of approval of a waiver of premium based on disability.

Findings Of Fact During her entire career with the State, Petitioner was employed by the Department of Corrections (DOC). At all times material, DOC, like all State governmental agencies, had its own personnel office. At all times material, the Division of Retirement (Retirement) handled all governmental agencies’ employees’ retirement issues. At all times material, the State has provided its employees, including Petitioner at DOC, with various types of insurance through Respondent Department of Management Services (DMS), Division of State Group Insurance (DSGI), the Respondent herein. For more than 20 years, ending January 1, 2007, the State of Florida provided state officials, employees and retirees basic life insurance coverage through Prudential Insurance Company of America (Prudential). Although Petitioner retired on full disability in mid- 2000, at all times relevant to these proceedings, Petitioner has continuously participated in the State Group Insurance Program’s (Program’s), life insurance plan (Plan). The Program is authorized by Section 110.123, Florida Statutes. Because of enhanced benefits, employees were required to complete a new life insurance enrollment form during “open enrollment,” conducted in 1999, for coverage beginning January 1, 2000. Petitioner completed the life insurance enrollment form and dated it "10/04/99." Directly below Petitioner's signature on this enrollment form, the following statement appears: Waiver of Premium for Disability If you are totally disabled for a continuous 9 months and are less than 60 years of age at the time disability begins, Prudential will continue your coverage with no premium due, provided you report your disability within 12 months of its start and submit any required proof to Prudential. The second page, last paragraph of the 1999, enrollment form provided an address and a toll-free telephone number for Prudential, and advised participants that the form was intended to provide a summary of benefits, as more completely set out in the certificate. Petitioner produced the enrollment form in response to Respondent's request for production of documents. She identified her signature thereon at hearing, and had the enrollment form admitted in evidence as Exhibit P-1. She also admits in her Proposed Recommended Order that she signed it. Although her testimony waffled in some respects, on the whole, she testified to the effect that she had retained a copy of this form where she had access to it at all times material. She is, therefore, found to have had knowledge of its contents since 1999. Petitioner testified that she never received either a life insurance policy nor a certificate of insurance, from Prudential or from any entity of Florida State Government, and that neither her DOC Personnel Office, Retirement, Florida First,1/ or DMS/DSGI advised her at the time of her retirement in mid-2000, that she could apply to Prudential for a life insurance premium waiver. However, Petitioner also had admitted in evidence as Exhibit P-2, a “Continuation/Termination Form” which she signed on “4-11-00,” stating a retirement date of “3- 10-00.” That form specifies that “. . . the amount of life insurance shall be $10,000 . . .” with a footnote reading, “This [referring to the $10,000, amount] would only apply if Waiver of Premium is not approved.” (Bracketed material supplied.) Also, the credible testimony of Respondent’s witnesses and of exhibits in evidence show that a complete certificate of life insurance was mailed to Petitioner in a timely manner. There is no proof that the insurance certificate varied the substance of the enrollment form as quoted in Finding of Fact 7. Indeed, the certificate provided, in pertinent part: The Policyholder will continue the full premium for continuance of insurance in accordance with item 8 above, [referring to “Total disability commencing before age 60— Unlimited for Employee Term Life Insurance”] provided the employee furnishes written proof of such total disability when and as required by the Policyholder. * * * Period of Extension Protection for a Disabled Employee— one year after receipt by Prudential’s Home Office of written proof that his total disability has existed continuously for at least nine months, provided the employee furnishes such proof no later than one year after the later of (1) the date premium payments for the employee’s insurance under the Group Policy are discontinued or (2) the cessation of any extended death benefit under the provisions for “Extended Death Benefit for Total Disability” above, and successive periods of one year each after the year of extension under (1), provided the employee furnishes written proof of the continuance of the employee’s total disability when and as required by Prudential once each year. Only employees disabled before retirement and under 60 years of age were eligible for the premium waiver. Employees who became disabled during retirement were not eligible for the waiver. By the terms of her enrollment form and certificate, if Petitioner did not notify Prudential before the twelfth month, she could not receive the waiver. When, precisely, Petitioner became “totally disabled” for purposes of her State life insurance certificate’s definition is debatable, because for some time prior to her actual retirement date, she was working off and on while pursuing a “permanent total disability” determination, pursuant to the definition of that term as expressed in Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, The Florida Workers’ Compensation Law. Petitioner ultimately received the workers’ compensation ruling she sought, possibly before March 10, 2000. Petitioner’s last day of work was March 10, 2000, when, she testified, a superior had her forcibly removed from DOC property. Despite her assertion that she was not approved for in-line-of-duty retirement until September 1, 2000, Petitioner also testified that the State granted her retirement upon disability, effective April 1, 2000, and April 1, 2000, is the date put forth by Respondent as Petitioner's disability retirement date, as well. Upon that concurrence, it is found that Petitioner qualified for total disability for State life insurance purposes before retirement and that she qualified for the waiver by age at retirement. When Petitioner retired on disability in 2000, employees of both DOC and of Retirement knew that she was retiring on disability. Retirement provided Petitioner with printed materials referring her to the insurance company and/or DMS/DSGI for insurance questions and stating that Retirement did not administer any insurance programs. There is no evidence Petitioner asked anyone about the waiver in 2000. From her retirement date in mid-2000, until Prudential ultimately granted her a premium waiver in 2007, Petitioner paid the full life insurance premiums to the State Life Trust, either via deduction from her retirement or directly by her own check. From the date of her retirement through December 2006, Petitioner paid $4.20, per month for life insurance, and beginning January 1, 2007, through November 2007, she paid $35.79, per month. According to Petitioner, she only became aware of the availability of the potential waiver of premiums when she received a booklet during open enrollment in October 2007, advising her that beginning January 1, 2008, the State life insurance coverage would be provided through Minnesota Life Insurance. The specific language that caught her eye was: No premium to pay if you become disabled --- If you become totally disabled or as defined in your policy, premiums are waived. Petitioner conceded that there is no substantive difference between the foregoing instruction and the statement on her 1999, enrollment form for Prudential. (See Finding of Fact 7.) Petitioner applied for the Minnesota life insurance, with premium waiver, triggering a series of bureaucratic decisions that maintained her continuous life insurance coverage by Prudential and permitted Petitioner to apply to Prudential for waiver of the life insurance premium as described in her 1999, enrollment form. Although bureaucratic delays occurred through DOC’s personnel office, Prudential accepted Petitioner’s proof of age, disability, etc., and granted the waiver of premiums based on disability. The monthly premiums of $35.79, that Petitioner paid in October and November 2007, were retroactively reimbursed to her by the State, based upon Prudential's receipt of Petitioner's waiver package on October 3, 2007. Beginning in December 2007, Prudential activated the waiver of premium, so that Petitioner has not had to pay any premium since. Adrienne Bowen, a DSGI manager of Prudential contracts for twenty years, testified that, in 1999-2000, Prudential’s waiver did not apply until after nine months of continuous disability and after the participant had reported the disability to Prudential, and after Prudential had approved the waiver of premiums. She further testified that she believed that there was no provision for the waiver to apply retroactively. For this testimony, Ms. Bowen relied upon Exhibit R-11, a “Group Life Administration Manual,” which had been devised so that the State life insurance plan would be consistently administered. On the foregoing issues, The Group Life Administration Manual states, in pertinent part: WAIVER OF PREMIUM When an employee becomes disabled and is unable to work because of a disability, the employee may be eligible to extend the group life coverage without premium payments. In order to extend coverage, the employee must submit proof of disability within the period shown on the Group Contract (generally at least 9 months but less than 12 months after the total disability starts). If the proof is accepted, you may stop the premium on behalf of the employee’s group coverage. We recommend that premium payments continue for that employee until a decision is made regarding the claim. (Emphasis in original.) However, Ms. Bowen also testified that DSGI and Prudential now allow an insured to request the waiver at any time after nine months of continuous disability, without automatic denial if the employee’s first request is not made within 12 months after she first becomes disabled. This was done in Petitioner's situation in 2007. Prudential did not refuse to waive premiums because Petitioner’s application was not made within 12 months of total disability. However, the premiums refunded related back only to the first day of the month in which she made application for waiver. Petitioner seeks a reimbursement for overpayment of premiums from April 1, 2000, to September 30, 2007. Her first request to Respondent for an administrative hearing appears to have been made on or about May 12, 2008. After several levels of internal agency “appeals,” the cause was referred to the Division of Administrative Hearings on or about August 28, 2008.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Management Services, Division of State Group Insurance, enter a final order which calculates the State group life insurance premiums Petitioner paid between May 12, 2006, and October 1, 2007, and orders payment to Petitioner of that amount within 30 days of the final order. DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of December, 2008, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ELLA JANE P. DAVIS Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of December, 2008.

Florida Laws (3) 110.123120.569120.57
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Jun. 15, 2000 Number: 00-002492 Latest Update: Jul. 08, 2024
# 10

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