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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Marianna, Florida Nov. 29, 2017 Number: 17-006468 Latest Update: Nov. 14, 2018

The Issue The issue is whether the Florida Department of Education (“the Department”) committed one or more unlawful employment practices against Petitioner (“Ms. Spradlin”) by discriminating against her based on race.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence adduced at the final hearing and the entire record in this proceeding, the following Findings of Fact are made: Ms. Spradlin worked from 2006 to 2010 as a psychological specialist at a facility known as Sunland in Marianna, Florida. Ms. Spradlin is Caucasian. During a portion of the time that Ms. Spradlin was at Sunland, Tawana Gilbert worked there as a human service administrator. Ms. Gilbert is African-American. Ms. Spradlin and Ms. Gilbert did not work closely together, but they served on the same interdisciplinary team and worked with the same residents. Ms. Gilbert’s only knowledge of Ms. Spradlin was through the documentation that Ms. Spradlin submitted to the interdisciplinary team. Ms. Gilbert left Sunland in approximately November of 2009, and began working for the Department as a unit supervisor for a vocational rehabilitation services unit in Marianna, Florida. Vocational rehabilitation assists people by providing them with services that enable them to obtain and maintain gainful employment. During the time period relevant to the instant case, the Marianna unit had 10 staff members and served five counties. Of those 10 staff members, five were counselors and one was the unit supervisor. At some point after Ms. Gilbert left Sunland, Ms. Spradlin saw an advertisement for an entry level vocational rehabilitation counselor position at the Marianna unit. Ms. Spradlin applied for the position and was hired in 2010. In March or April of 2011, Ms. Gilbert invited all of her coworkers to a special event at her church. Ms. Gilbert asked her coworkers with children if their child would like to participate in a program that was to be part of the festivities. Ms. Spradlin said that her daughter was willing to participate, and Ms. Gilbert typed out the words that Ms. Spradlin’s daughter was to recite during the program. When it was time for Ms. Spradlin’s daughter to recite her part, she became nervous, and her grandmother read the part. Following this event, Ms. Spradlin asserts that Ms. Gilbert’s attitude toward her changed and that the unlawful employment practices alleged in her Charge of Discrimination began. Findings Regarding Ms. Spradlin’s Interviews for Senior Counselor Positions There were two openings for senior vocational rehabilitation counselors at the Marianna unit in October of 2012.1/ When the Department is considering applicants for a particular position, it utilizes a three-person panel to conduct interviews and score the applicants. After the interviews, the three-person panel reaches a consensus as to each applicant’s scores, and the Department uses a standardized matrix to rank each applicant. The panel for the two senior vocational rehabilitation counselor openings consisted of Allison Gill, the Department’s area supervisor; Michael Nobles, the former supervisor of the Marianna unit; and Ms. Gilbert. Ms. Gill and Mr. Nobles are Caucasian. Of the five people who interviewed for the two openings, Ramonia Robinson earned the highest score, a 72. With regard to Ms. Robinson’s qualifications, Ms. Gilbert testified as follows: Ms. Robinson, she was a current employee there. She was an entry-level counselor, had been for many, many years. She was there prior to my hiring with VR, so I was familiar with her work history. And she was very thorough, very detailed, very flexible, and very unemotionally involved with her cases. So she, in conducting her cases and case management, was awesome. And she was very knowledgeable about the questions that were being asked. She had had a long history of experience with case management, providing services to individuals with disabilities, and just adequately managing her caseload. She did very well on her interview. Ms. Spradlin received the second highest score, a 56. Keith Sutton, an outside applicant, received a score of 55. When two applicants’ scores are within one point of each other, the Department bases the ultimate hiring decision on reference checks. Ms. Gilbert contacted Mr. Sutton’s references and received positive feedback about him. As for Mr. Sutton’s qualifications, Ms. Gilbert provided the following testimony: Q: What about Mr. Sutton’s experience, resume was notable to you in the interview process? A: Well, he had his degree. It’s directly related to the field of counseling. He had a wealth of experience in the counseling field. He came to us from the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, which is Sunland, where he had a year there, and he met at least the minimum qualifications. He was very – his application was very detailed, and it identified precisely his experience based on his ability to – or his experience with providing counseling, providing services for those with disabilities. And he had a long history from where he had previously worked in the field of counseling. Q: Okay, so Mr. Sutton achieved a Master’s in Counseling in 2011, is that correct, according to his application? A: Yes. Q: And that’s directly related to the position; is that correct? A: Yes, that’s correct. Q: And he had experience as a master’s level therapist? A: Yes. Q: Is that accurate, according to the application? A: Yes. He worked for Florida Therapy as a master’s level therapist, where he was expected to provide counseling, psychotherapy to children, adults and their families, but doing so on an independent basis. That demonstrated he was very flexible, detailed oriented and [had] the ability to function independently. Because she was Ms. Spradlin’s supervisor at the time, Ms. Gilbert acted as her reference and did not recommend her for a senior counselor position. In explaining her reasoning, Ms. Gilbert testified that: Ms. Spradlin was difficult to work with and she was very negative. She had several participant complaints during the span of [] that year. In her first year coming in, she was very challenging, she did not want to accept constructive criticism from me as the unit supervisor. She did not want very – she wanted very little feedback from me based on her performance. Several participant complaints, calling me directly, contacting the ombudsman, faxing me complaints based on their interaction with Ms. Spradlin, how they felt that they were being treated unfairly, they did not agree with her tone from time to time. She was not at all culturally sensitive to some of our participants. She was insubordinate. She would – there were times she would just leave the unit because things – conditions were unfavorable to her. Ms. Gilbert submitted her recommendation to the Department’s area director, and Mr. Sutton was ultimately offered a senior counselor position. Mr. Sutton is currently the supervisor of the Marianna unit. There is no persuasive evidence that Ms. Spradlin was not promoted because of her race or any animus from Ms. Gilbert. The interview panel, consisting of two Caucasians, had legitimate, nondiscriminatory grounds for concluding that Ms. Robinson and Mr. Sutton were more qualified for the openings. In short, the greater weight of the evidence demonstrates that there was no unlawful employment practice associated with the Department’s selection of applicants for the two openings discussed above. In May of 2016, Ms. Spradlin applied for another senior counselor position in the Marianna unit. The interview panel for this opening consisted of Ms. Gilbert and two other Department employees, Evelyn Langmaid and Rebecca Stevens. Ms. Langmaid and Ms. Stevens are Caucasian. Ms. Gilbert did not supervise Ms. Langmaid or Ms. Stevens, and she did not attempt to influence their decision-making. Georgia Britt received the highest score from the interview panel and was offered the senior counselor position. Ms. Langmaid described Ms. Britt’s interview as follows: She just came in and every answer we’d or every question that we gave her she was just right on with the answers and [was] hitting the points on the – because we have sort of like a little sheet that we can look for certain points that we’re looking for answers, and she was just right on every point, and was very, very knowledgeable of what was going on. Ms. Spradlin had obtained a certified rehabilitation counseling certification in October of 2014, and Ms. Britt lacked that certification. However, Ms. Britt’s other credentials bolstered her application. For instance, she has a bachelor’s degree in elementary and special education and a master’s degree in counseling. Ms. Britt also had relevant work experience. When she applied for the senior counselor position, Ms. Britt was employed at Sunland as a behavior specialist working with adults with developmental disabilities. Ms. Britt wrote in her application that she had been able to “work with all different types of individuals at all intellectual levels” via her position at Sunland. Prior to working at Sunland, Ms. Britt had worked in a children’s psychiatric hospital in Dothan, Alabama. That position also gave her an opportunity to work with individuals from diverse backgrounds. Ms. Britt wrote on her application that her position at the hospital required her to engage in some counseling and that she had to use counseling skills in order to obtain psychiatric histories and other information. Ms. Britt’s interview bolstered her application. According to Ms. Langmaid, Ms. Britt “blew it out of the water. She was fantastic on the interview.” Ms. Gilbert was also very complimentary of Ms. Britt’s interview: Q: What about Ms. Britt stood out to you and the panel? A: Her ability to respond to the questions as they were being asked. At that time, we were transitioning to where we were asking more emotional [intelligence] questions where – to identify a counselor’s ability to emotionally manage cases and refrain from being emotionally involved with that case. So she answered the questions. It’s on ones that can give a thorough answer based on the circumstance that occurred, the actions that took place and the results of the question. Q: Okay. A: She was really, really thorough with her answers. There is no persuasive evidence that Ms. Spradlin did not receive the promotion because of her race or due to any animus from Ms. Gilbert. The interview panel, consisting of two Caucasians, had legitimate, nondiscriminatory grounds for concluding Ms. Britt was more qualified for the opening. In short, the greater weight of the evidence demonstrates that there was no unlawful employment practice associated with the Department’s selection of Ms. Britt. Findings Regarding Ms. Spradlin’s Hostile Work Environment Allegations Ms. Spradlin made several allegations during the final hearing that she was subjected to a hostile work environment during her time with the Marianna unit.2/ For example, in October of 2010, Ms. Spradlin exposed at least part of her posterior to a coworker in the Marianna unit in order to demonstrate the severity of a sunburn. Ms. Gilbert did not learn of that incident until another incident was reported to her on May 2, 2011. That day, Ms. Spradlin was seated in an office within the Marianna unit when a female coworker got very close to Ms. Spradlin and “twerked” in her face. Ms. Spradlin states that she placed her hands on the coworkers posterior and playfully pushed her away. However, the coworker reported to Ms. Gilbert that Ms. Spradlin had pinched her posterior. Upon learning of both incidents, Ms. Gilbert discussed them with Ms. Spradlin and conferred with the Department’s labor relations unit on formulating a proper course of action. With input from the labor relations unit, Ms. Gilbert issued a counseling memorandum to Ms. Spradlin on October 4, 2011.3/ The counseling memorandum4/ read in pertinent part as follows: You are being issued a Counseling Memorandum for your violation of Rule 60L- 36.005(2)(f)(1), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), Conduct unbecoming a public employee. On October 12, 2010, you signed the Department’s Acknowledgement Form stating you received copies of the policies and rules of the Department. Please be aware that you are expected to abide by all Standards of Conduct as stated in 60L- 36.005, F.A.C. On May 2, 2011, you violated the following rule and policy: Rule 60L-36.005(2)(f)(1), F.A.C., requires that “Employees shall conduct themselves, on and off the job, in a manner that will not bring discredit or embarrassment to the state. Employees shall be courteous, considerate, respectful, and prompt in dealing with and serving the public and co-workers.” On May 2, 2011, it was reported by one employee that you pulled your pants down exposing your buttocks and “mooned” that employee. Another employee informed me that on that same day you pinched her on her buttocks. After I was told about these incidents that day, I counseled you and informed you that this was inappropriate behavior and it was explained that your actions were unacceptable. This type of conduct is not conducive to a satisfactory work environment. Your conduct has adversely impacted the morale and efficiency of your unit and the Department, is detrimental to the best interests of the state and Department, and adversely affects your effectiveness with the Department, as well as your ability to continue to perform your job. This behavior must cease immediately. Should you continue conduct unbecoming a public employee, disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal may be taken. Ms. Spradlin signed the counseling memorandum on October 4, 2011, and added the following comments: These two incidents happened on [sic] different persons. The incident w/ “mooning” was with [a] coworker after I incurred a severe sunburn. It was done only to show my burns not to offend her. She sobbed – I was not wearing pants – skirt instead. On the second occasion w/co-worker E.R. she put her buttocks in my face, playing around, & I pinched it as if to express my willingness to play as well. It was provoked – not done in an offensive manner. I understand that this type of behavior is not accepted in my work environment. They were done in a playful uplifting manner, not intentional. However, I will refrain from this behavior as I have obviously offended my colleagues. Another allegation of disparate treatment concerned an incident with a Department client named B.H., who Ms. Spradlin assisted with enrolling in nursing school. B.H. arrived at the Marianna unit one day without an appointment and reported that he wanted to do something other than nursing. Ms. Spradlin asserts that B.H. got aggressive when his requested changes could not be accomplished immediately. Ms. Spradlin further asserts that she became afraid, threatened to call 9-1-1, and managed to get past B.H. and into the hallway outside her office. Ms. Gilbert heard the commotion and called the police. By the time the police arrived at the Marianna unit, B.H. was very calm, and Ms. Gilbert concluded there had been no need to call law enforcement. While Ms. Spradlin asserts that she became an object of ridicule in the Marianna office for overreacting, Ms. Gilbert asserts that she was ridiculed for failing to give the address of the Marianna office when she called 9-1-1. As another example of disparate treatment, Ms. Spradlin cites an incident on November 14, 2013, involving a cigarette butt. Ms. Spradlin was in Ms. Gilbert’s office and dropped a cigarette butt into a trashcan. According to Ms. Spradlin, Ms. Gilbert demanded that she remove the cigarette butt and forced Ms. Spradlin to search through used tissues for the cigarette butt. Ms. Gilbert acknowledged that she asked Ms. Spradlin to remove the cigarette butt from the trashcan, but she credibly denied berating Ms. Spradlin or yelling at her. According to Ms. Gilbert, Ms. Spradlin was able to quickly remove the butt from the trashcan and was not upset about having to do so. Ms. Spradlin made several other allegations about how Ms. Gilbert gave African-American employees in the Marianna unit preferential treatment. For example, Ms. Spradlin alleges that she was required to handle more cases and incur more travel than her African-American coworkers. With regard to her travel reimbursements, Ms. Spradlin alleged that Ms. Gilbert refused to account for all the miles she traveled. Ms. Spradlin further asserts that Ms. Gilbert subjected her to disparate treatment by requiring her to maintain more documentation of her daily activities, inundating her with e-mails inquiring about the status of her work, and being less lenient regarding Ms. Spradlin’s use of flex and leave time. Ms. Gilbert testified that she has never denied a request for annual leave and that she approved the majority of Ms. Spradlin’s requests for flex time, even though Ms. Spradlin did not follow the proper procedure for making such requests. As for the other allegations mentioned above, Ms. Gilbert credibly testified that she did not subject Ms. Spradlin to any disparate treatment. Finally, Ms. Spradlin alleges that Ms. Gilbert unfairly administered a system by which counselors within the Marianna unit shared their successful cases with African- American counselors who had fewer successful cases. This system was implemented because counselors within the Marianna unit were expected to have a certain number of successful cases. Ms. Gilbert credibly denied that the system was administered unfairly: Q: Ms. Gilbert, do you ever ask counselors to donate their successful cases or case numbers to other counselor? A: I never asked counselors specifically to do that. I did discuss it with the unit, with our team as an option. Q: Okay, and why would that be an option they may want to do? A: Well, the way Vocational Rehabilitation operates is a person has to be on their job a minimum – a minimum of three months, okay, 90 days, to consider that person as successfully rehabilitated. And that was a measurement. That was an expectation on each counselor’s performance evaluation, that they had to get so many successful rehabs within one year. So someone that’s being hired and coming to Vocational Rehabilitation in the middle of the year, they don’t have that opportunity to monitor that person for 90 days, if they don’t already have someone that’s in that employment status ready to begin monitoring. So it’s difficult. But I did not want that to be a negative reflection of a counselor that’s really trying and that’s working their caseload and trying to get their successful rehabs. So I would ask counselors once they’ve received all of their rehabs and they close enough people successfully that allows them to get the most maximum score that they can get on their evaluation, I would ask them if they wanted to, share those rehabs with someone that’s probably a new counselor or that’s just having a difficult time with obtaining their successful rehabs. Q: Okay. And so Mr. Sutton’s first year, might he have received some successful numbers donated to him from other counselors? A: That is a possibility. Q: Okay. Did Ms. Spradlin ever receive any successful numbers donated to her when she had a lower number? A: Yes. * * * Q: Okay. And so that number of successes or successful rehabilitations is important to counselors? A: Absolutely. Q: Because they are – are they evaluated on that each year in their yearly performance evaluation? A: Yes. Each level of counselor, if you’re an entry-level counselor, your first year you may be expected to get five. Those numbers are prorated. So the cutoff period is last business day of June, so if you have a new counselor that starts in February or March, they’re at a disadvantage, they don’t have the time. Time works against them. But if they are involved with their cases and they are trying to work their cases, I felt that it was only reasonable to assist them. * * * Q: Okay, so you said that Ms. Spradlin would have received a donation of successful cases maybe early on in her career? A: Yes. Q: Did she donate cases once she became a more proficient counselor? A: I’m pretty sure she did. Q: And did you specifically ask her to donate cases to any particular employee? A: No. Ms. Spradlin resigned from the Department on August 10, 2016. There is no sufficiently persuasive evidence to support Ms. Spradlin’s disparate treatment claims. The greater weight of the evidence demonstrates that Ms. Spradlin was not subjected to any disparate treatment during her tenure in the Marianna unit.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Florida Commission on Human Relations issue a final order dismissing Petitioner’s Petition for Relief. DONE AND ENTERED this 24th day of July 2018, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S G. W. CHISENHALL Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 24th day of July 2018.

USC (1) 42 U.S.C 2000e Florida Laws (7) 120.569120.57120.68509.092760.01760.10760.11
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tavares, Florida Aug. 12, 1994 Number: 94-004480 Latest Update: Dec. 12, 1995

Findings Of Fact The Petitioner, James Lee Church, is a white male who has been an employee of the Respondent, Department of Corrections since May of 1990. The Petitioner was originally employed as a Correctional Probation Officer, but in June of 1991 accepted a voluntary demotion to Human Services Counselor and relocation to Lake Correctional Institution, LCI, in order to attend graduate school in Orlando, Florida. In early 1993, the Petitioner applied for promotion to a position of Correctional Probation Officer I, also referred to as a classification officer, at LCI. Although this would have been a promotion from the position which he held, this is the same entry level position from which he had earlier taken a voluntary demotion in order to relocate. It can be inferred that the Petitioner was familiar with the job duties of the position which he had earlier held at another institution which included counseling inmates, computing gain time, setting up inmate work assignments, educational goals and social/religious programs. In March, 1993, Paula Hoisington, a black female, was Classification Supervisor at LCI, and reviewed all thirty applications for the Classification Probation Officer I position for which the Petitioner had applied. The Petitioner's qualifications exceeded the required educational and practical experience, and he had been previously employed by the Respondent in a similar position prior to relocating to LCI. Ms. Hoisington and the Petitioner discussed his application before the selection was made, and Ms. Hoisington advised the Petitioner that she was not putting his name forward for the promotional opportunity because she was aware he had applied for another position. The Petitioner queried Ms. Hoisington regarding whether that meant he would get the other position, and she advised him that it did not. The Petitioner advised her that he really was serious about putting his name forward for the instant promotion and desired to be interviewed. Ms. Hoisington excluded the Petitioner for the interview process which is required for recommendation for the promotion, and selected eight applicants (four white males, two black males, one white female, and black female) to be interviewed by the panel making promotional recommendations to the Superintendent of LCI. The panel recommended three candidates, two black males and one white male, and the Superintendent selected Willie McKinnon, a black male to fill the position. Mr. McKinnon had been employed as a correctional officer for eight years and a classroom teacher for three years prior to that, and possessed a degree in sociology and had worked as a social worker. In March 1993, the Petitioner applied for the promotional position of Human Services Supervisor at LCI, the position which had been discussed with Ms. Hoisington. This position required oversight of Tier II substance abuse program at LCI and supervising LCI personnel and staff provided by an outside vendor. Ms. Hoisington again selected the applicants to the interviewed, and this time included the Petitioner in the list. She also prepared the synopsis of each applicant's background and experience which was provided to each member of the panel. The panel consisted of a white female, two white males, and Ms. Hoisington. It recommended three applicants, two black females and one white male to the Superintendent, who selected the black female. The person selected had worked as a Human Services Counselor for three and one half years, and been employed previously by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and had a degree in criminology. Ms. Hoisington and another member of the panel gave the Petitioner a bad score on the interview because he was perceived as arrogant and pompous because he acted as though he was the best candidate for the position. In October 1993, the Petitioner received a promotion to Correctional Probation Officer I. In March 1994, the Petitioner applied for promotion to Correctional Probation Officer II. The Petitioner was interviewed for this promotional opportunity, but was not selected by the panel who recommended a white female, a black female, and a white male to the Regional Administrator, who was the appointing authority. A white female was selected from the individuals recommended. In December 1993, the Petitioner applied for the promotional position of Correctional Probation Specialist, a new position overseeing various substance abuse programs throughout Region III (Central Florida) of Respondent. The application was made before the Petitioner's charge of discrimination by Ms. Hoisington was made to the Commission in January 1994. In the interim, Ms. Hoisington had been promoted to the Regional staff, and in her new position selected the persons to be interviewed for the position of Correction Probation Specialist for which the Petitioner had applied. Again, Ms. Hoisington put together the resumes for the panels consideration and served on the panel. The Petitioner protested Ms. Hoisington's participation in this process to the Respondent through its counsel, and suggested to Respondent's counsel that it was a conflict of interest for Ms. Hoisington to serve on the panel, which included of two white females and Ms. Hoisington. The Respondent refused to take Ms. Hoisington off the panel which recommended one black male and one white female for the position. The hiring authority, a white male, selected a white female who had worked for the Department nine years to fill the position. The Petitioner had a degree in biology, had teaching experience, was a certified correction probation officer, had work experience in West Virginia as a classification supervisor, and had work experience in North Carolina administering and monitoring grants and grant moneys to daycare providers. He had worked in the Tier II drug program during his employment by the Department, and would have been qualified by education and experience for a supervisor's position in this area. The Petitioner was promoted to Correctional Probation Officer II in September 1994. Classification of jobs and validation of requirements for positions in career service was performed by the Department of Administration during the initial period of Petitioner's employment by Respondent, and by the Department of Management Services later in his employment pursuant to statute. The questions used by interview panels for positions within the Department are part of a qualification examination. These examination questions have not been validated relative to the various jobs within the Department of Corrections, and validated to determine their ability to accurately predict job performance by applicants. They are used by panels to assess the applicants and are scored; however, there is a subjective component to the assessment of applicants as revealed by the low grades received by the Petitioner for "arrogance" by panel members in his interview for the Human Services Counselor Supervisor position. Attitude was not a "scorable" component of the test, yet it was determinative in the minds of two of the evaluators. There is no evidence that the questions were racially biased, or that they were the basis of racial discrimination against the Petitioner. The Petitioner's supervisor, Ms. Ramirez, did make statements to Ms. Hoisington which indicated that he was not a team player; however, she also advised Ms. Hoisington that Petitioner did his job as she instructed him to do it. Ms. Hoisington testified regarding this, and Ms. Ramirez' affidavit is not inconsistent with Ms. Hoisington's testimony. The Department is an employer. The Department has been determined to have discriminated against Hispanic and black females in hiring for certain positions which are not at issue in this case. There is no evidence that the Department has discriminated generally in the past against white males in its hiring practices. The only evidence presented on racial discrimination is that outlined above.

Recommendation Based upon the consideration of the facts found and the conclusions of law reached, it is, RECOMMENDED: That the Petitioner's complaint be dismissed. DONE and ENTERED this 15th day of June, 1995, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 15th day of June, 1995. APPENDIX CASE NO. 94-4480 The parties filed proposed findings which were read and considered. The following states which of those findings were adopted, and which were rejected and why: Petitioner's Findings Proposed Order Paragraph 1-3 Subsumed in specific findings. Paragraph 4 No evidence was received that Ms. Hoisington's refusal to place Petitioner's name on the interview list was a violation of Departmental rules. Paragraph 5 Subsumed in Paragraph 4. Paragraph 6-8 Subsumed in Paragraph 19. Paragraph 9 Irrelevant. Paragraph 10 Subsumed in Paragraph 18. Paragraph 11 Cannot be determined from the information provided and is irrelevant. Paragraph 12-20 All of these findings relate to the fourth promotional opportunity, in which a white female was recommended by the panel and hired. The Petitioner failed to make a showing of racial prejudice in this instances, about which evidence was received because it supported the previous allegations; however, the Petitioner did not plead retaliation in his complaint and no findings will be made on allegations about retaliation. Paragraph 21,26-28,30 Subsumed in Paragraph 18. Paragraph 22 Subsumed in Paragraph 17. Paragraph 23-25,29 Legal arguments. Respondent's Findings Proposed Order Paragraph 1-4 Paragraph 1-4. Paragraph 5 Rejected as contrary to more credible evidence. Paragraph 6,7 Paragraph 5. Paragraph 8a,8b,9 Paragraph 6,7,8,9. Paragraph 10,11,12 Paragraph 10,11. Paragraph 13 Paragraph 12,13. Paragraph 14 Subsumed in Paragraph 18. Paragraph 15 Subsumed in Paragraph 15. COPIES FURNISHED: James Lee Church 907 Foresthill Drive Clermont, FL 34711 Susan Schwartz, Esquire Department of Corrections 2601 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500 Sharon Moultry, Clerk Human Relations Commission 325 John Knox Road Building F, Suite 240 Tallahassee, FL 32303-4113 Louis A. Vargas, General Counsel Department of Corrections 2601 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2500

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68760.10
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 77-002175 Latest Update: Nov. 30, 1978

Findings Of Fact Edward Amsbury, Petitioner, is a Career Service employee with permanent status. The Petitioner timely filed an appeal of the Respondent's actions as set forth above. According to Petitioner, he applied for several jobs under the reorganization of the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) prior to July of 1976. At that time he was advised that inasmuch as he was not an adversely affected employee, he would only be considered after all adversely affected employees were placed in other positions. On July 9, 1976, a letter was sent by George Van Staden, ASO, by Larry Overton to the District Administrator advising that Petitioner was originally to have been adversely affected and he (Van Staden) asked for justification as to why Petitioner's position was continued in the District III personnel structure. Thereafter, on approximately July 22, 1976, according to Petitioner, Richard Dillard, Sub- district III-A Administrator, orally advised him that his position would be abolished prior to January 1, 1977, due to HRS' reorganization. A few days later, Petitioner was advised by Mr. Dillard that his position as Mental Health Representative was being reclassified to that of the Community Resources Development Unit Supervisor as of October 1, 1976, and that the pay grade would be 18 rather than his then existing pay grade, 19. Petitioner was asked to write a new job description for the Community Resources Development Supervisor, at which time he was offered that position. Petitioner was then at the top of Pay Grade 18; however, he was advised by Mr. Dillard that his salary would not be reduced since he, in effect, was adversely affected due to reorganization. In view of the lateness with which the Petitioner was advised that his position was adversely affected, there were then only two positions available within the district, i.e., Community Resources Development Unit Supervisor or Clinical Social Worker II at the North Florida Evaluation and Treatment Center. Petitioner chose the position more closely related to his field of Mental Health, i.e., the Community Resources Development Unit Supervisor, and was told by Mr. Dillard that he would retain his present salary regardless of which position he accepted. All the Petitioner's performance evaluations were satisfactory or above. Based on the record, it appears that the Petitioner was forced to accept a position with a lower pay grade due to HRS' reorganization. By letter dated July 1, 1977, the Petitioner was advised by William H. McClure, Jr., District Administrator, that the Department of Administration had disapproved the District Administrator's request that he (Petitioner) maintain his current salary above the maximum for the class of Clinical Social Worker II, to which he was demoted on September 17, 1976. Correspondence from Conley Kennison, State Personnel Director, reveals that determination was based on the following reasons: Petitioner's voluntary demotion was not directly attributable to reorganization since the position of Mental Health Representative continued in existence until July 1, 1977; He retained his bi-weekly salary of $584.76 upon demotion without approval of the State Personnel Director; and Petitioner was not informed in writing the Mental Health Representative position would be adversely affected, by reorganization. As a result thereof, the Department of Administration contended that it overpaid the Petitioner the amount of $11.16 per bi-weekly pay period and that in accordance with provisions of Chapter 22K-10.04(2) of the Personnel Rules and Regulations, such amount must be recovered and to effect such, said amount would be deducted from each salary warrant for a period of twenty-one pay periods to cover the overpayment from September 17, 1976, through July 7, 1977. Additionally, effective July 8, 1977, Petitioner's salary was reduced to the maximum for Pay Grade 18, i.e., $573.60 bi-weekly. The letter of July 1, 1977, further advised the Petitioner that although he was originally designated adversely affected along with all the other Mental Health Representative positions, positions which were to be abolished on July 1, 1976, the District Administrator was later told that Petitioner's position would not be abolished until January of 1977. Petitioner, as stated in said letter, took his demotion in good faith, feeling that his position of Mental Health Representative would be abolished. On November 17, 1976, the District Administrator forwarded a request to the Department of Administration requesting that Petitioner's salary be maintained; however, no action was taken because no administrative disposition bad been taken with respect to the abolishment of that position. A further request was sent to the Department of Administration in April, and during June of 1977 the request was denied and efforts to recover the overpayment were implemented. Evidence contained in the case files revealed that several employees who were voluntarily demoted pursuant to reorganization were granted permission to maintain their current salaries which amounted to payments above the maximum for the class to which they were demoted. The Respondent offered no evidence to refute or otherwise contradict the statements and contentions of the Petitioner that he was advised by district representatives and personnel that his salary would be maintained even though he was being demoted due to reorganization. It further appears that the Respondent, in relying on statements by the District Administrator (Dillard), was hampered in his efforts to obtain favorable consideration for other positions which were up for bid during the reorganization process. Noteworthy is the uncontradicted statement that the Petitioner was told that inasmuch as he would not be adversely affected by reorganization, he would not be considered for positions until all adversely affected employees had been placed in positions which were open for bid during reorganization. A memorandum from Art Adams of the HRS Personnel Office to John Campbell, Personnel Officer for District IV, dated August 9, 1976, advised that all employees who were asked to take a demotion due to reorganization would retain their salaries over the maximum. For all of the above reasons, including the indefensible position advanced by the Respondent, I shall recommend that the Respondent's action in reducing the Petitioner's pay and seeking to recover amounts allegedly overpaid be reversed.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: The Petitioner's salary be reinstated to the level to which he was receiving as of the date of demotion on or about September 17, 1976. That the Respondent make whole any loss of pay the Petitioner suffered as a result of the reduction in his salary and the bi-weekly deductions of $11.16. That the Petitioner be paid interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum based on the amounts withdrawn from his salary warrants through the deductions and the recovery of amounts allegedly overpaid him when his salary was reduced. RECOMMENDED this 27th day of July, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. JAMES E. BRADWELL Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of July, 1978. COPIES FURNISHED: Mr. Edward Amsbury 5620 Northwest 25th Terrace Gainesville, Florida 32601 Mrs. Dorothy B. Roberts Career Service Commission 443 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 Joseph E. Hodges, Esquire 2002 Northwest 13th Street 3rd Floor, Oak Park Executive Square Gainesville, Florida 32601 Thomas K. McKee, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box NFETC Gainesville, Florida 32602 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida Mar. 10, 2008 Number: 08-001206 Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Jacksonville, Florida Jan. 23, 1996 Number: 96-000468 Latest Update: Feb. 04, 1997

The Issue The issue is whether petitioner's request for an exemption from disqualification from employment in a position of special trust should be granted.

Findings Of Fact Based upon all of the evidence, the following findings of fact are determined: This case involves a request by petitioner, Alvin V. Walker, for an exemption from disqualification from employment in a position of special trust. If the request is approved, petitioner intends to work in the psychiatric wing of a local hospital with persons suffering from mental illness. Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, is the state agency charged with the responsibility of approving or denying such requests. Petitioner is now barred from doing such work because of a disqualifying offense which occurred on August 8, 1990. On that date, petitioner was arrested for the offense of "prostitution," a misdemeanor under Chapter 796, Florida Statutes. The circumstances surrounding the incident were not discussed at final hearing. However, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement report stipulated into evidence indicates that on April 30, 1991, adjudication of guilt was withheld by the Duval County Court, and the arrest was sealed. Although the denial of petitioner's request was based solely on his 1990 arrest, at hearing petitioner candidly acknowledged that in 1992 he was invited into the automobile of an undercover police officer in Duval County and was asked what type of sexual things he liked to do. After answering the question, he was given a citation for an undisclosed offense and later pled nolo contendere to the charge. For this, he received one month's probation. Since that time, his record is unblemished. Shortly after the 1992 incident, petitioner began counseling sessions with a mental health counselor. He has continued his therapy since that time. The counselor described petitioner as a "very decent" person with "high morals," and someone who has shown improvement in terms of stability since he began his counseling sessions. From June 1993 until May 1995, petitioner was employed as a rehabilitation counselor with Renaissance Center, Inc. (Renaissance), a residential treatment facility for adults eighteen years of age and older with chronic mental illnesses. In June 1995, Renaissance was acquired by Mental Health Resources and petitioner continued doing the same type of work for the successor firm. He left there in January 1996 for employment with the St. Johns River Hospital as a mental health assistant in the facility's psychiatric unit. In April 1996, however, a background screening disclosed his 1990 arrest, and he was forced to resign pending the outcome of this proceeding. If petitioner's request is approved, the facility will rehire him. Petitioner's former employer at Renaissance established that petitioner was a very conscientious, responsible, and reliable employee who poses no threat to his clients. The employer considered petitioner to be of "good moral character." For the last four or five years, petitioner has been actively involved in the "Outreach" ministry of his church. That program involves providing spiritual support, services and counseling to prisoners in the Duval County Jail each Sunday with follow-up sessions during the week. Members of his church attested to his good moral character. Based on the testimony of witnesses Britt, Toto, Cross and DeWees, as corroborated by petitioner's own testimony, it is found that petitioner has presented sufficient evidence of rehabilitation since his 1990 arrest, he is of "good character," and he poses no threat to the safety or well-being of his clients. The request for an exemption should accordingly be approved.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services enter a final order granting petitioner's request for an exemption from disqualification for employment in a position of special trust. DONE AND ENTERED this 10th day of September, 1996, in Tallahassee, Florida. DONALD R. ALEXANDER, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675, SunCom 278-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 10th day of September, 1996. COPIES FURNISHED: Gregory D. Venz, Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Room 200-X Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Richard E. Doran, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1317 Winewood Boulevard, Room 204 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Pauline M. Ingraham-Drayton, Esquire 200 West Forsyth Street, Suite 80 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Roger L. D. Williams, Esquire Post Office Box 2417 Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0083

Florida Laws (3) 120.57394.457435.07
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sanford, Florida Jun. 04, 1990 Number: 90-003434 Latest Update: Oct. 11, 1990

The Issue The issue is whether Petitioner is qualified to take the examination for licensure as a mental health counselor.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner executed an application for licensure as a mental health counselor on June 13, 1989. He filed the application with the Board of Clinical Social Workers, Marriage & Family Therapists, and Mental Health Counselors on July 6, 1989. The application was accompanied by the appropriate fee and disclosed that Petitioner satisfied all of the educational requirements for taking the examination. However, Respondent determined that the application was incomplete because Petitioner failed to show that he had had the requisite clinical experience under the supervision of a qualified person. By letter dated July 17, 1989, Respondent informed Petitioner that his application was incomplete pending receipt of, among other things, documentation of the requisite clinical experience under the supervision of a qualified person. A second letter dated January 17, 1990, from Respondent to Petitioner restated that the application was still missing the items set forth in the prior letter. By Order of Intent to Deny filed April 12, 1990, Respondent informed Petitioner that it was denying his application on the grounds set forth above. Petitioner obtained a master's degree in clinical psychology from the University of Central Florida on December 20, 1985. From October 4, 1985, through October 20, 1988, Petitioner worked full- time as a psychological specialist at the Polk Correctional Institution under the supervision of Gerd Garkisch, Ph.D., who was head of the mental health department at the prison. Petitioner's work qualifies as clinical experience in mental health counseling. Dr. Garkisch does not hold any Florida professional licenses, such as a mental health counselor or psychologist. He is not so licensed in any other state, although he is licensed as a psychologist in Puerto Rico. Dr. Garkisch does not meet the education criteria required for licensure as a mental health counselor. Dr. Garkisch earned a master's degree in clinical psychology, which would otherwise satisfy the educational requirement for licensure as a mental health counselor. However, he received his degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Institute of Psychology, which is located in Brazil. The school is not accredited by an accrediting agency approved by the U.S. Department of Education, Council on Postsecondary Accreditation, or Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED that the Department of Professional Regulation deny Petitioner's application for licensure as a mental health counselor. ENTERED this 11th day of October, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. ROBERT E. MEALE Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of October, 1990. COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth E. Easley General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Linda Biederman, Executive Director Board of Mental Health Counseling 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Vytas J. Urba, Staff Attorney Department of Professional Regulation 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Suresh Paul Pushkarna, pro se 309 Hidden Hollow Court Sanford, FL 32773

Florida Laws (2) 120.57491.005
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Largo, Florida Apr. 22, 1999 Number: 99-001824 Latest Update: Mar. 21, 2000

The Issue The issue for consideration in this hearing is whether Petitioner should be granted an exemption from disqualification from certain employment.

Findings Of Fact At all times pertinent to the issues herein, the Respondent, Department of Children and Family Services, was the state agency responsible for screening the employment of individuals employed in certain occupations within this state. Petitioner, Jose Ramon Arazo, is married to Stephanie Arazo, who at the time and for a number of years prior to the marriage, operated a child day care center in Largo, Florida. Under the provisions of Chapter 435, Florida Statutes, various positions of trust require screening of federal and state law enforcement records to see if the applicants for such positions have a record of charge or disposition. Various positions have differing requirements for screening. Those positions classified as Level II require a finger print and agency check with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Those positions classified as Level I do not. If the agency check discloses the applicant has been charged with a criminal offense, the Department then determines the disposition of the allegation and obtains court records regarding the court action and verifying any probation imposed. The Department's District V Director has promulgated a policy to be followed in that District that stipulates that an exemption from disqualification will not be granted to any individual who is on probation after conviction of a felony and for three years after release from probation. If probation is not imposed by the court, the same policy provides that an exemption will not be granted within three years of a felony conviction, as is provided for in the statute governing exemptions. Petitioner has been charged with several felonies in the past. On July 18, 1983, he was arraigned on a charge of grand theft, to which he pleaded not guilty. However, on August 29, 1983, he changed his plea to guilty and was placed on probation for three years. Thereafter, in December 1985, a warrant was issued for his arrest alleging various violations of the conditions of his probation, including such offenses as being delinquent in the payment of the cost of his supervision; moving from his residence without the prior consent of his probation supervisor; failing to work diligently at a lawful occupation; and failing to make required restitution. In July 1986, he was again the subject of an arrest warrant for ten further probation violations of a similar nature. No evidence was presented as to what action was taken for those violations, but on April 4, 1986, he pleaded guilty in Circuit Court in Pinellas County to grand theft and was again placed in a community control program for two years. There is also evidence in the record to indicate that in September 1986, he was sentenced to confinement for 18 months as a result of the grand theft in Pinellas County. In May 1989, Petitioner was arrested in Hillsborough County and charged with possession of cocaine, a second degree felony, and with obstructing an officer without violence, a first degree misdemeanor. He entered a plea of guilty to the offenses and on May 2, 1989, was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in Florida State Prison. In an indictment dated December 3, 1991, Petitioner was charged with one count of grand theft in Hillsborough County. He entered a plea of nolo contendere and on October 14, 1994, was sentenced to five years imprisonment. When Petitioner was released from prison in 1998, he was placed on probation for a period of two years and is currently on probation status. He indicates he has successfully participated in this period of probation and was told the probation authorities plan to recommend his release from probation in the near future. No independent evidence to support this contention was offered, though Petitioner presented a statement from correctional officials who supervised him while he was incarcerated at the Tampa Community Correction Center and at the institutional level, that he has shown a significant reformation of character and a good ability to deal with everyday problems in a professional manner. From their joint unsworn statement, it would appear these individuals consider Petitioner a likely candidate to be a productive member of society in the future. Petitioner's wife has been put out of business because Petitioner lives with her in their home which was her place of business. Because of his presence, even though he works outside the home most of the time the children are there, she cannot care for children in the home because of regulations prohibiting it. She has been in business for a number of years and apparently her center has a good reputation in the community. One client, Mrs. Perry, by unsworn written statement commends Mrs. Arazo's performance and indicates that even though she saw Petitioner only a few times, he was one of her daughter's favorite people. He also had a positive influence on her son, preaching the virtue of hard work. Mrs. Perry does not consider Petitioner a threat, and she has no fear of his being near her children. In fact, she is of the opinion it a good thing for the children to see the loving and supportive interplay between Petitioner and his wife. Another client, Mrs. Mineo, has been a foster parent to a number of children over the years, many of whom she has placed in Mrs. Arazo's care, agrees. During the time she has known Petitioner, she has never seen him to be other than very professional. She describes him as a hard worker, well-mannered, and deserving of a chance. She believes him to be trying hard. Mrs. Arazo asserts that Petitioner is no threat to the well-being of any of the children who attend her center. He has, to her knowledge, never hurt a child, and she would have nothing to do with anyone who would. His relationship with the children in her care is very positive, and the children love him when he is there, which is not often. He is not an employee of the center and, in fact, has nothing to do with it. He has made mistakes in the past, has paid for them, and has worked hard to overcome them. In her opinion, he deserves a chance. Petitioner admits he has done wrong in the past on multiple occasions, and he is not proud of the things he has done wrong. He does not believe in rehabilitation except in the physical sense, but he believes in the power of an individual to recognize his wrong ways and reform himself. He believes he has done this. He took the opportunity to learn better life-skills while he was in jail and has reformed his way of thinking and his attitudes. During the total six years he spent in prison, he was given only one disciplinary referral. He learned a trade and has a full-time job. He is doing the best he can and wants a chance to prove himself, so as not to hurt his wife's business.

Florida Laws (4) 120.57409.175435.02435.07
# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Tampa, Florida Apr. 02, 1990 Number: 90-002043 Latest Update: Aug. 24, 1990

The Issue Whether Petitioner's application for licensure by examination as a mental health counselor was wrongfully denied.

Findings Of Fact Petitioner attended the University of Tampa and graduated with a degree in social work and psychology in 1978. He subsequently attended Heed University in Fort Lauderdale from 1979 through 1981, graduating in 1981 with a master's degree in counseling psychology. Heed University is not accredited by an accrediting agency approved by the United States Department of Education and was not so accredited while Petitioner was there enrolled. Respondent has worked as a mental health counselor at Tampa Heights Hospital (Exhibit 3), at the Hillsborough Regional Juvenile Detention Center, Charter Hospital, as well as at other facilities, and has served on panels and given lectures at mental health related programs not only in Florida but throughout the United States. Suffice it to say, he has considerable experience as a mental health counselor (Exhibits 4 and 6). At the hearing, Petitioner submitted an original of his transcript at Heed University with impressed seal of the University. This satisfies the objection that Petitioner had not presented an original transcript of his grades at Heed University.

Recommendation It is recommended that Alan Leonard Getreu's application to sit for the mental health counselor licensing examination be denied and this appeal dismissed. ENTERED this 27th day of August, 1990, in Tallahassee, Florida. K. N. AYERS Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 27th day of August, 1990. COPIES FURNISHED: Charles Tunnicliff, Esquire Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Salvatore A. Carpino, Esquire One Urban Center Suite 750 4830 West Kennedy Boulevard Tampa, FL 33609 Linda Biedermann Executive Director Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792 Kenneth D. Easley General Counsel Department of Professional Regulation Northwood Centre 1940 North Monroe Street Suite 60 Tallahassee, FL 32399-0792

Florida Laws (1) 491.005
# 9
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-000276 Latest Update: Aug. 14, 1978

Recommendation As stated above, the only issue remaining is mitigation. The only evidence of record is the late filed letters of character recommendation which were filed late by agreement of the parties. Based on the foregoing findings of fact, conclusions of law and considering the matters in litigation, the Hearing Officer would recommend that the Board suspend the license of Lonnie Collins for twenty-four months and suspend enforcement of the last eighteen months of that twenty-four months suspension on the following conditions: Collins satisfactorily participate in the drug rehabilitation program for the duration of the Board's probation. Collins be restricted from having any responsibility for controlled drugs. Collins be subject to any physical examinations or tests the Board might at any time order. Collins be required to have his employer notify the Board of his employment, his disclosure to the employer of his probations, of the limitation imposed by the employer on Collins' responsibility for narcotics. Violation by Collins of a condition of his probation may in the Board's discretion result in the immediate imposition of the remaining portion of the suspension or further prosecution under 464 to revoke his license. Should Collins' license be revoked, the Florida State Board of Nursing would not consider his application for reinstatement of his license or reexamination for licensure until the remaining portion of his suspension has run. DONE and ORDERED this 31st day of May, 1978, in Tallahassee, Florida. STEPHEN F. DEAN, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 530, Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Julius Finegold, Esquire 1007 Blackstone Building Jacksonville, Florida 32202 Robert W. Pope, Esquire 611 First Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 =================================================================

# 10

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