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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-001033 Latest Update: Dec. 31, 1987

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS, Department,) is the state agency empowered to review, grant, or deny certificate of need applications. Careage Aire filed a certificate of need application with the Department proposing a new 60 bed nursing home for Escambia County, Florida. The application was assigned certificate of need #4660 by HRS and was reviewed in the July, 1986 batching cycle. The Department recommended denial of the certificate of need application on January 27, 1987, in a "State Agency Action Report." The parties to this cause submitted a joint prehearing stipulation which narrowed the issues to be presented at final hearing. The factual issues remaining for determination are thus as follows: Whether there is a need for the nursing home facility proposed; The appropriate inventory of licensed or approved beds in the relevant planning district; The appropriate occupancy rate for nursing home beds in the relevant planning district; The relevant population projection figures to be utilized in accessing the need for Careage Aire's proposed facility; Whether there is a need for the special services to be provided by Careage Aire; Whether the proposed patient charges for sub-acute care and private VA care are reasonable. The stipulated legal issues requiring determination include: Whether there is a need for the nursing home facility proposed; Whether there is a need for the proposed special services; Which time period should be used to fix the relevant population, occupancy rate, and bed inventory for review of the application. Additionally, it was stipulated that a timely petition for formal hearing was filed, and that the letter of intent was timely filed. It was also stipulated that the applicant is financially capable of proceeding to construct and operate the proposed project, that the applicant is capable of providing quality of care sufficient to meet pertinent regulatory requirements, and that the construction costs projected by the applicant, Petitioner, are reasonable. The Proposed Project Careage is a group of corporations owned by Gene E. Lynn, who has been involved in the nursing home industry for a long period of years. In the past, Careage has built more than 250 hospitals, nursing homes, and health-related facilities. It has built such facilities in approximately 30 states, centering its activities on the west coast of the United States. Careage does not currently operate any nursing home facilities in Florida, but has a number of applications pending. Careage is proposing to provide what might be termed an "upscale" nursing home in the sense of its providing certain special services and programs not commonly offered at nursing homes in Florida. This package of special services and programs is similar to those Careage operates at nursing homes in other states. Careage Aire, in proposing to construct a new 60 bed nursing home, has designated 21 beds for a discreet unit for the care of Alzheimer's disease patients. It will be a self- contained unit separate from the rest of the nursing home. Additionally, 5 beds will be provided for sub-acute services which, generally, are services involving more intense medical care or therapy than is the case in the normal skilled nursing home. Sub-acute services are analogous to those provided at extended care centers operated by hospitals for patients who are no longer required by their medical conditions to be actual inpatients in the hospital. Two of the beds proposed are identified as being dedicated to the treatment of technology dependent children, that is, children who are dependent upon machines or other devices for treatment or life support, such as ventilator patients. Additionally, Careage will provide other special services such as adult day care and respite care services at its proposed facility, those generally being described as part time residence in the nursing home by the patients involved. The facility proposed will be similar in design to the Careage facility in Coupeville, Washington. This design allows for various amenities and interior design features designed to enhance the quality of care rendered. Careage will thus provide an innovative semiprivate room bed configuration, which places the patients and beds "foot to foot" rather than beside each other. This configuration has been used in other nursing homes and it has been determined that this allows patients to more readily communicate with each other and enables them both to have a window view. The proposed facility will have a television receptacle across from every bed with speakers on the pillows so that residents can watch or listen to television without disturbing their roommates in a semiprivate room. Additionally, Careage Aire will provide three separate patient areas for residents. These areas will be the lobby, passive activity room and an active activity room. The "active room" will have crafts, paints, or other activities available to engage in, with the "passive" room being devoted to such activity as reading, card playing and other more sedate pursuits. As part of the normal family activity, Careage will open its dining room to the general public on Sundays. It has been found at other facilities that such a practice encourages the quality of care within its facility, by being regularly exposed to the public view. Additionally, the Petitioner will have such amenities as a popcorn machine and aquariums in the walls of the entrance lobby, which although not directly related to quality of nursing care, do represent amenities very popular with residents and contribute significantly to the residents and their families sense of well-being and confidence in the quality of service rendered. Appropriateness of Specialized Services in Nursing Home Setting The application proposes to provide several specialized services. Among those services are an Alzheimer's unit, sub-acute care unit and the provision of specialized care to technology dependent children. Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative neurological condition occurring most often after age 55. It is apparently an irreversible deterioration of brain cells and is characterized by short term memory loss, behaviorial changes and changes in personality accompanied by mood swings, and often manic depressive symptoms. In its final stages, patients usually become incontinent and are often not aware of their surroundings nor recognize family members. Such patients often become disoriented, restless, and combative and lose their ability to recognize places, people and other sensory stimuli. They also seem to lose their sense of time, and go through stages of wandering. Careage Aire proposes to provide a distinct 21 bed Alzeheimer's unit at the proposed facility. The provision of care for Alzeheimer's patients in a separate unit from other nursing home patients was shown to be the most appropriate way to care for them. This is because they can be offered specialized services, designed to fit their particular needs with less external stimuli and a more predictable environment. This tends to diminish the effects of many of the Alzheimer's symptoms which become more apparent when Alzheimer's patients are placed with other patients in a regular nursing home unit setting. The combative behavior of Alzheimer's patients can be alleviated by providing for their separate care in a specialized unit. They can tend to maintain their mental levels at the highest degree in a unit of the type proposed by the applicant. The rooms for instance will be identified not only by a room number, but also by distinct physical identifiers, which are color coded. This will allow the individual patient four different means of recognition of which room is his. Additionally, Careage Aire will provide a specially trained staff within the unit to assist in the proper diagnosis of Alzheimer's patients. In certain cases, Alzeheimer's patients are being misdiagnosed when they are merely experiencing drug interactions or other medical conditions which result in similar symptoms. The proposed design for the Alzheimer's unit includes a doorway separating it from the rest of the nursing home facility. The unit contains a control station for nursing supervision, activities and dining room, and a quiet room. At the back of the unit is a door opening onto a walkway within an attractively walled area where patients can walk and receive exercise and yet not wander into unsafe areas. In the walled area is a covered area for a picnic table and a resting bench. The area for walking enables the Alzheimer's patients who are subject to wander, to do so in a safe environment. The planning, physical layout and the training of the staff proposed by the applicant for the Alzheimer's unit constitutes appropriate quality care for Alzheimer's residents. None of the existing nursing homes in the County provide a true distinct Alzheimer's unit. Although existing nursing homes accept such patients and care for them in a nursing home floor setting, the treatment of Alzheimer's patients in a specialized and distinct unit is more effective, economical and appropriate. The types of services proposed to be provided by the applicant in this unit would result in the treatment of such patients in the least restrictive, most humane and economically feasible manner. Existing nursing homes in Escambia County often do not choose to deal with "heavy" care patients, which may result in their being discharged when their best interests would dictate otherwise. The applicant established that physicians treating patients with Alzheimer's disease in the area would refer them to Careage Aire for placement in an Alzheimers unit if it were built. Sub-Acute Care Services The applicant has allocated five of the proposed beds for sub-acute care patients. Sub-acute care has not been provided in nursing homes traditionally, since it is a more intensive type of care, normally associated with the extended care facilities operated by hospitals. Careage, however, has experience in other states in providing such services in a nursing home setting. The definition of this type service proposed by the applicant (and adopted in the State of California) includes numerous services such as hyper-alimentation, IV therapy, IV antibiotic therapy, morphine drip therapy, ventilators, IPPB treatments, heparin flush, infusion pumps for the administration of fluid, kangaroo pumps for tube feeders, specialized inhalation therapy treatments, and concentrated rehabilitative therapies. These services are similar to care provided in extended care beds operated by acute care hospitals. The provision of sub-acute care services is appropriate in a nursing home setting such as this. The existing nursing homes are not accepting ventilator dependent patients, for instance, and the early patient discharge from hospitals, mandated by the federal "DRG" system of reimbursement, has served to increase the need for "heavy care" of the type proposed for patients in non-hospital settings. Careage Aire also proposes to provide services for "technology- dependent" children, allocating two beds for that purpose. Providing such care for children is a new concept, but is increasing as medical technology becomes more advanced, which results in the survival of a large number of children who are ill or severally injured who would have died in former years. Such children with birth defects, brain damage, injuries from accidents, or neuromuscular disease often require specialized care which could be provided in a nursing home setting. Such care is less restrictive and more appropriate than housing such pediatric patients in an acute hospital setting. Additionally, the intermingling of younger patients with elderly patients can sometimes have a beneficial psychological impact on both patient groups. The local hospitals in the Pensacola area are experiencing difficulty in placing pediatric patients who require skilled care after hospital discharge. There are two such patients in the children's hospital associated with Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola at the time of this hearing and an additional two such patients in the neonatal unit of Sacred Heart Hospital. Placement of these ventilator dependent children has been an ongoing problem for the director of social work at Sacred Heart Hospital. In one instance, the director was required to look for placement for such a child for over seven months. The director of social work at Sacred Heart Hospital would use a nursing home such as this one proposed by Careage Aire which would accept Medicaid "ventilator- dependent" children and would consider the availability of that service in discharge planning for such patients. Existing Escambia County nursing homes are not accepting ventilator patients. Baptist Hospital in Pensacola does offer ECF services, but does not accept Medicaid patients into its ECF beds. Careage Aire also proposes to provide both adult daycare and respite care services at its nursing home facility. The provision of such services, involving elderly residents staying only a portion of the day or for a limited number of days at the nursing home facility before changing their residency back to their family homes, is certainly an appropriate and patient benefiting nursing home service. Need for Proposed Beds The proposed project is located in HRS service District 1. Sub- district 1-A of District 1 is composed of Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties. In determining need for a particular project, health planners utilize the inventory of licensed and approved beds for a district or sub-district, as the case may be. Additionally, need is projected within a given "planning horizon" for a service district or sub-district. For the July, 1986 nursing home batching cycle, in which this application was filed and reviewed, the relevant planning horizon is July, 1989. In Escambia County, there are 1,024 licensed community nursing home beds, with 30 sheltered beds and 140 "approved" community beds. Santa Rosa County has 180 licensed beds and 120 "approved" beds. In Sub- district 1-A there are 1,204 licensed community beds, 30 sheltered beds, and 260 approved community beds for the July, 1989 planning horizon. In determining the numerical need for nursing home facilities, the Department utilizes the "nursing home bed need rule" appearing at Rule 10.5.011(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code. That rule methodology for numerical need is referenced in the State Agency Action Reports regarding this application. Utilizing the bed inventory as of the application's filing date and utilizing a 90.94 percent occupancy rate for Sub-district 1-A, there results an 18 bed surplus, over actual need, for Sub- district 1-A as a whole. The same assumptions and methodology, however, result in a 45 bed, specific need for Escambia County itself. The Department's bed need rule states that "current" population figures are to be used in determining the population projection for purposes of the need calculation. The term "current", referencing population projections, is not defined in the rule itself, however it is generally taken to mean that which is most recent or "prevalent at the moment." 1/ It is reasonable from a health planning standpoint to utilize the most recent available population estimates for the relevant planning horizon, which is July, 1989. The use of the most current population data increases the accuracy with which the 1989 population forecast can be made. The most recently available population estimates are contained in the January, 1987 population report contained in Exhibit 11. That data, being available, should be employed in calculating need for the proposed beds. The underlying support documents prepared and compiled by the Department for nursing home occupancy and licensed bed inventory, indicate some confusion concerning the number of licensed beds and the occupancy levels at the Azalea Trace nursing home. The occupancy level data for that nursing home, as well as the reported number of licensed beds, show an unexplained fluctuation during relevant time periods involved in this application. The last three months of reported data by Azalea Trace shows that it was running at 96 percent occupancy. For the first quarter of 1987, however Azalea Trace merely indicated greater than 90 percent occupancy based upon 90 licensed beds. The number of licensed beds, however, have been reported as varying between 90 and 60 licensed beds and some reporting periods no data concerning numbers of licensed beds was reported at all. In light of the inconclusive data noted in the underlying source documents and in the absence of data being reported in certain months, it has not been demonstrated that the occupancy data and number of licensed beds contained in data relied upon by the Department (referenced in Exhibits 13 and 14 and transcript pages 89-97) is reliable. It is thus reasonable, from a health planning standpoint, to infer that Azalea Trace enjoyed the same average occupancy rate as other Escambia County nursing homes during the pertinent 6 month period used for determining sub-district occupancy, and such an inference is made at this juncture. No contradictory evidence was adduced. Accordingly, if it be assumed that Azalea Trace operated at the same occupancy rate as other Escambia County nursing homes for the pertinent 6 month period from October, 1985 to March, 1986, the resulting occupancy rate for the sub- district as a whole would be 92.4 percent. This is at variance with the 94.9 percent occupancy rate relied upon by the Department in arriving at the information in the State Agency Action Report. See Exhibit 11. If the occupancy rate of 92.4 percent is used for the sub-district, along with the employment of the most recent available population estimates based upon the January, 1987 reported estimates, discussed above; and if all other factors are static, a net need is shown for Escambia County of 81 nursing home beds for the July, 1989 planning horizon, and a net need of 25 beds in Sub- district 1-A as a whole. Local Health Plan Considerations The Northwest Florida Health Council, Inc. has prepared a local health plan which addresses the need for long-term care in District I. The local health plan dated March 26, 1986, was in force at the time the application was submitted for review and is the most recent version of the local health plan. The local plan lists several priorities for the review of CON applications for nursing homes in that district. Careage Aire's application for 60 beds has been shown to be consistent with the pertinent priorities identified by that plan. Priority number 1 of the local health plan states that counties within sub-districts which indicate a greater need, applying the state rule methodology, will receive priority over proposals for counties within such sub- districts which indicate less need. Application of the state rules methodology to Sub- district 1-A indicates there is a greater need in Escambia County, where the applicant proposes to construct its nursing home, than prevails in Santa Rosa County. Local health plan priority number 2 provides that the county with the greatest percentage of population aged 65 and over, living in poverty conditions, should receive priority over proposals from other counties with less of a corresponding percentage. The percentage of population 65 and older living in poverty in Escambia County was 22.4 percent. This is a greater percentage of persons in such category than were living in Santa Rosa County. Priorities 3 through 7 of that health plan are not applicable to this proceeding or have been satisfied by the application and are not at issue. The local health plan also includes a methodology for determining nursing home bed need. The local health plan methodology is based on a comparison of the percentage of local persons living in poverty between District 1 and the entire State of Florida. The District 1 poverty level is 22 percent, compared to a state average of 12.7 percent. The medicaid occupancy rate for Escambia County, in Sub-district 1- A, is 70 percent, compared to 57 percent for the State of Florida as a whole. If as a "reality check," one applies the local health council methodology (albeit different from the HRS rule methodology) to the data used in calculating need there results a bed need for the July, 1989 planning horizon of 120 beds for Sub-district 1-A as a whole. Need for Specialized Services Aside from the determination of whether a numeric need for a given certificate of need nursing home project exists, it is pertinent to consider specialized services which the applicant proposes. There is no existing Alzheimer's care unit in any nursing home in Escambia County at the present time. The applicant proposes such a unit for Sub-district 1-A. A reasonable estimate of the number of Alzheimer's patients presently in nursing homes in Sub-district 1-A is 367. None of these are in specialized care units. The estimates in the Department's "Alzheimer's Disease Initiative" published in May of 1986, indicate there may be as many as 3,957 Alzheimer's patients in Sub- district 1-A by July, 1989. See Exhibit 17 in evidence. There is a need in Sub-district 1-A, for the sub-acute care services proposed by the applicant. Careage Aire will admit Medicaid patients to its facility, including ventilator dependent patients. These services are not currently available in either nursing home or extended care facilities in the sub-district for Medicaid patients, who have a problem with "financial accessibility" to such services. There is a need for the services proposed to be provided to technology dependent children. There is an existing problem for the hospitals in the Pensacola area in successfully placing "technology dependent children" once they have progressed sufficiently to no longer require acute hospital care. The number of such children requiring ventilators or other speciality equipment is likely to increase with the improvement of medical technology which allows brain damaged or other severely handicapped children to survive, but be dependent upon speciality equipment. Additionally, Careage Aire proposes other speciality services, involving adult daycare and respite care services, which are currently needed in Sub-district 1-A and which would help alleviate some of the problems attendant to financial inaccessibility of nursing home care to some families. It would allow families to place elderly family members in nursing home care during the day while the family members work and allow them to be taken home each night. Such care would often be a feasible alternative for families who can not afford full time nursing home care and for patients whose condition does not necessarily require full-time nursing care, but who are unable to care for themselves if left entirely to their own devices for a full day. Patient Charges The applicant's patient charges or estimated patient charges are enumerated in Exhibit 1, Table 8. The $70 charge for Veteran's Administration patients is reasonable based on the level of care to be afforded and is lower than Careage's experience with such charges in other states in which it operates. The Medicaid charge of $59.50 and the $105 charge for Medicare patients was shown by the applicant's expert to be reasonable and that testimony was unrefuted. The rather unique sub-acute care service was shown to have an estimated charge of $135, which is less than that prevailing at the Baptist Hospital's existing extended care facility. The expert testimony in support of these charges establishes that they are reasonable. In summary, existing nursing home facilities in Sub- district 1-A are experiencing an increase in occupancy which is at high levels at the present time. The Department's bed need rule methodology allows flexibility to grant certificate of need applications even where there is no actual showing of a numeric need under that rule. In the instance situation, when the most current population projections for the static July, 1989 planning horizon are employed, in conjunction with the above found average occupancy levels for the sub- district, there is demonstrated an actual numeric need, albeit not for 60 beds or more for the entire sub-district. There was shown to be an 81 bed need for Escambia County itself. It is also true, however, that in view of the needed special services to be provided by the applicant and the fact that the relevant priorities of the local health plan have all been satisfied by the applicant, a need exists for the proposed 60 bed nursing home facility. In fact, although the rule-mandated methodology must be used in determining the question of numeric need, the rule allows for granting an application even when no numeric need exists by consideration of other factors, including the priorities and goals of the local health plan. It is noteworthy, in a corroborative sense, that the local health plan methodology reveals a need for 120 beds in Sub- district 1-A for the July, 1989 planning horizon. Although this methodology is not mandated to be considered by the Department's numeric need calculation rule, since "other circumstances" can be considered in favor of granting an application, even when numeric need is not shown to exist, such a factor, along with the special services offered by the applicant, corroborates the existence of a need for the proposed project, especially since some need for beds is shown by the "rule calculation" itself.

Recommendation Having considered the foregoing Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, the evidence of record, and the candor and demeanor of the witnesses, it is, therefore RECOMMENDED that the application of Gene E. Lynn, Careage Aire Health Care Center for a certificate of need authorizing construction and operation of a 60 bed nursing home in Escambia County, Florida, be approved. DONE and ENTERED this 31st of December, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. P. MICHAEL RUFF Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 31st day of December, 1987.

Florida Laws (3) 120.57120.68216.135
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-001983 Latest Update: May 27, 1980

The Issue Whether Respondent nursing home violated Florida statutes and Department rules (and should be subject to a civil penalty) as alleged by the Department for (1) failing to provide adequate health care to an injured patient, and (2) failing to meet nursing staffing requirements.

Findings Of Fact Upon consideration of the evidence presented at the hearing, including the demeanor and credibility of the witnesses, and posthearing filings by counsel, the following findings of fact are determined: Respondent Nursing Home, the Apalachicola Valley Nursing Center, is a nursing care facility located immediately west of Blountstown, Florida. It is licensed by the Department, and has been in operation since June, 1975. (Testimony of Margaret Brock) Injury to and Standard of Care Provided Myrtle White On July 4, 1979, Dora M. Keifer was the licensed practical nurse on duty during the Nursing Home's night shift. At approximately 1:30 a.m., nurse Keifer heard a noise coming from the nearby room of an elderly patient, Myrtle White. The nurse immediately investigated, and found Myrtle White lying on the floor, and against the wall. Nurse Keifer then visually examined Mrs. White's head and extremities for bruises, discolorations, swelling, lacerations, and other signs of possible fractures. Finding only a slight abrasion on her elbow, nurse Keifer then manually examined the patient's leg and hip for signs of a bone fracture or associated pain. The patient responded by complaining of pain on her right side from her knee to her hip. However, no swelling of that area could be detected; nor were there any other physical symptoms of a bone fracture which were detectable by visual or manual examination. (Testimony of Dora Keifer) After completing the examination, nurse Keifer, with the assistance of four aides, placed Mrs. White on a blanket and carefully lifted her directly onto her bed, placing her on her back. This is a lifting procedure which minimizes sudden movement and is recommended for use with patients who are suspected of suffering from bone fractures. Nurse Keifer then raised the bed side rails to prevent the patient from falling off the bed, and checked the patient's vital signs. Except for slightly elevated blood pressure, the patient's vital signs were within normal limits. Nurse Keifer, then pushed the bed to within 10 feet of her nursing station to ensure that the patient would-be constantly observed during the remainder of her shift. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Dr. E. B. White) Except on the two occasions when she made her routine rounds, nurse Keifer kept Mrs. White under constant personal observation until her shift ended at 7:00 a.m. on July 4, 1979. When she made her rounds, nurse Keifer advised her aides to keep Mrs. White under constant observation. During the remainder of her shift, nurse Keifer periodically reexamined Mrs. White. Physical symptoms of a fracture, or other injury resulting from the patient's fall, continued to be absent. At 4:30 a.m., nurse Keifer checked the patient's urine sample and detected no blood or other unusual signs. (Testimony of Dora Keifer) At the time of her accident on July 4, 1979, Mrs. White, an 88-year-old woman, was suffering from deafness, senility, disorientation, poor eyesight and arthritis. She had previously fractured her right hip, and a prosthetic device had been inserted. Her ailments caused her to frequently suffer, and complain of pain in the area of her right hip, for which her doctor (Dr. Manuel E. Lopez) had prescribed, by standing (continuing) order, a pain medication known as Phenophen No. 4. The standing order authorized the nursing staff to administer this pain medication to the patient, without further authorization from a physician, four times daily, and on an "as needed" basis to relieve Mrs. White's pain. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Mr. Manuel Lopez, Margaret Brock) Previous to and at the time of Mrs. White's accident, nurse Keifer was aware of Mrs. White's ailments, and frequent complaints of discomfort, as well as the standing order of Dr. Lopez which authorized the administering of Phenophen No. 4 to Mrs. White on an "as needed" basis to relieve pain. In addition, nurse Keifer, by background and training was qualified to examine, make judgments concerning, and render care to patients requiring emergency medical treatment. For several years, she had served as a part-time nurse on the night shift at the Nursing Home, and had served for 6 years in the emergency room and obstetric ward at Calhoun County Hospital. At the hospital, she had engaged in the detection and treatment of traumatic injuries and broken bones on a daily basis, and was familiar with the proper nursing and medical techniques used in caring for such injuries. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Dr. E. B. White) Nurse Keifer had been instructed by local physicians (including Dr. Lopez) practicing at the Nursing Home that they should not be telephoned during the late evening and early morning hours unless, in the nurse's judgment, the patient required emergency care. Because Blountstown suffers a severe shortage of physicians, the judgment of licensed nurses necessarily assumes on increasingly important role in providing adequate medical care. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Dr. E. B. White, Margaret Brook, Dr. Manuel Lopez) Between 1:30 a.m. (the time of Mrs. Trite's accident) and 7:00 a.m., on July 4, 1979, nurse Keifer administered Phenophen No. 4 two times to Mrs. White for the purpose of relieving pain. The initial dose was given Mrs. White shortly after she had complained of pain and been moved near nurse Keifer's duty station for observation. The drug appeared to alleviate Mrs. White's discomfort. Three or four hours later, after Mrs. White again complained of pain, a second dose was administered. (Testimony of Dora Keifer) Nurse Keifer administered the two doses of Phenophen No. 4 to Mrs. White during the early morning hours of July 4, 1979, without contacting, or seeking the further authorization of a physician. Having detected no symptoms of a bone fracture, or other injury to Mrs. White resulting from her fall, nurse Keifer concluded that administration of the medication to relieve pain was authorized by Dr. Lopez's standing order, and justified under the circumstances. She further made a judgment that Mrs. White was not suffering from an injury which justified emergency treatment, and the immediate contacting of a physician. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Dr. Manuel Lopez, Dr. E. B. White) At 5:30 a.m. on July 4, 1979, nurse Keifer telephoned Calhoun County Hospital and left a message requesting Dr. Lopez to come to the Nursing Home and examine Mrs. White as soon as he completed his rounds at the hospital. Nurse Keifer was aware, at the time, that Dr. Lopez began his daily hospital rounds at 6:00 a.m. Later that morning, at the direction of Dr. Lopez, Mrs. White was taken to the hospital for x-rays which revealed that Mrs. White had fractured her right hip. She was returned to the Nursing Home that day, and transferred to Tallahassee Memorial Hospital for several days. No surgical repairs were ever made to the hip fracture, however, and Mrs. White was subsequently returned to the Nursing Home, for bed-side care. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Dr. Lopez, Dr. E. B. White) It was nurse Keifer's professional judgment, based upon the facts known to her at that time, that Mrs. White's fall, and physical condition neither required emergency medical treatment nor justified the immediate contacting of a physician. Nurse Keifer further concluded that the administration of Phenophen No. 4 to relieve Mrs. White's pain, without further authorization of a physician, was necessary and authorized by the standing order of Dr. Lopez. These professional nursing judgments and actions were reasonable, justified by the facts, consistent with established health care standards applied in the Blountstown area, and did not endanger the life, or create a substantial probability of harm to Mrs. White. Although the Department's Medical Facilities Program Supervisor, Howard Chastain, testified that nurse Keifer's failure to immediately notify a physician concerning Mrs. White's fall presented an imminent danger to the patient, it is concluded that the contrary testimony of two experienced medical doctors constitutes the weight of the evidence on this issue. As to the meaning of Dr. Lopez's standing order con cerning administration of Phenophen No. 4 to Mrs. White, the Department's witnesses on this matter, James L. Myrah and Christine Denson, conceded that they would net disagree with Dr. Lopez if the doctor testified that nurse Keifer's action was consistent with the standing order. Dr. Lopez, subsequently, so testified. (Testimony of Dr. M. Lopez, Dr. E. B. White, James L. Myrah) Shortage of One Nurse on Night Shift During the period of June 1 through June 30, 1979, and July 1, through July 21, 1979, for a total of fifty-one (51) nights, the Nursing Home employed only one licensed nurse on the 11:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. night shift. (Testimony of Margaret Brook, J. L. Myrah) During this same 51-day time period, the number of patients at the Nursing Home fluctuated between 70 and 80 patients. (Testimony of Margaret Brook, J. L. Myrah, Petitioner's Exhibit No. 2) The Nursing Home is managed by a licensed nursing home administrator, and provides a full range of health and related services to patients requiring skilled or extensive nursing home care. Most of the patients require nursing services on a 24-hour basis and are seriously incapacitated, mentally or physically. (Testimony of Margaret Brook) The Administrator of the Nursing Home was aware that Department rules required the employment of two licensed nurses on the night shift during June and July, 1979. She made numerous unsuccessful efforts to recruit, locate, and employ an additional nurse for the night shift. Her failure to hire the additional nurse required by Department rules was not a willful act of misfeasance or nonfeasance on her part--but was due to a statewide nursing shortage which is particularly severe in rural northwest Florida. Other nursing homes have experienced similar difficulty in recruiting and hiring the requisite number of licensed nurses. The Nursing Home received no economic benefit from its failure to employ the additional night nurse during the time in question because the cost of such an employee is fully reimbursed by the State. On approximately March 1, 1980, the Nursing Home located, and has since employed, the additional licensed nurse required by Department rules for the night shift. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Margaret Brook) Due to the widespread shortage of qualified nursing personnel, the Department ordinarily brings enforcement actions against nursing homes for noncompliance with the minimum nursing staff requirements only if the noncompliance is adversely affecting patient care. (Testimony of James L. Myrah, Margaret Brock) The shortage of one licensed nurse on the night shift during the time in question did not adversely affect the level of patient care provided by the Nursing Home. (Testimony of Dora Keifer, Margaret Brock) The parties have submitted proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. To the extent that those findings and conclusions are not adopted in this Recommended Order, they are specifically rejected as being irrelevant to the issues in this cause, unsupported by the evidence, or law.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED: That the Department's Administrative Complaint, and the charges against Respondent contained therein, be DISMISSED. DONE and ENTERED this 2nd day of May, 1980, in Tallahassee, Florida. R. L. CALEEN, JR. Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings Room 101, Collins Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: John L. Pearce, Esquire District II Legal Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2639 North Monroe Street Suite 200-A Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Stephen D. Milbrath, Esquire Dempsey & Slaughter, P.A. Suite 610 - Eola Office Center 605 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801

Florida Laws (4) 120.57400.022400.141400.23
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001945 Latest Update: Mar. 14, 1989

The Issue Whether a certificate of need for an additional 60 nursing home beds to be located in Sarasota County, Florida, in July, 1990, should be granted to any of the four competing certificate of need applicants in these proceedings?

Findings Of Fact Procedural. Arbor, Health Quest, HCR, Trecor and fourteen other applicants filed certificate of need applications with the Department in the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle of the Department for Sarasota County. Each of the applicants involved in these cases filed a letter of intent with the Department within the time required for the filing of letters of intent for the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle. Each of the applicants involved in these cases filed their certificate of need application within the time required for the filing of certificate of need applications for the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle. The applications were deemed complete by the Department. The Department completed its State Agency Action Report for the October, 1987, nursing home bed review cycle on February 19, 1988. The State Agency Action Report relevant to these cases was published by the Department in the Florida Administrative Weekly on March 4, 1988. The Department proposed to approve the certificate of need application filed by Trecor and to deny all other applications. Eleven of the applicants whose certificate of need applications were denied by the Department filed Petitions pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, challenging the Department's proposed action. All of the Petitioner's except the three Petitioners in these cases withdrew their Petitions. The Parties. The Department. The Department is the agency responsible for reviewing certificate of need applications for or nursing home beds to be located in Sarasota County, Florida. Arbor. Arbor is a nursing home company that designs, develops, constructs and operates nursing homes. Arbor's corporate headquarters are located in Lima, Ohio. Arbor owns and operates eighteen nursing home and adult congregate living facilities comprising approximately 2,218 beds. In Florida, Arbor owns Lake Highlands Nursing and Retirement Center in Clermont, The Village at Brandon, and The Village at Countryside. In Florida, Arbor is currently developing certificate of need approved facilities in Clay, Orange, Polk, Pinellas and Sarasota Counties. Arbor formed Sarasota Health Center, Inc., to hold the certificate of need it is seeking in this proceeding. Although this corporation is in form the applicant, Arbor is in substance the applicant in these proceedings. Health Quest. Health Quest is an Indiana corporation which has been in the business of constructing and operating nursing homes and retirement housing facilities for approximately twenty years. Health Quest currently operates eleven nursing centers and three retirement housing developments. In Florida, Health Quest operates three nursing centers and two retirement housing developments. The nursing centers are located in Sarasota, Jacksonville and Boca Raton, Florida. The Jacksonville center is located adjacent to, and is operated in conjunction with, a retirement facility. The facility located in Sarasota is Regents Park of Sarasota (hereinafter referred to as "Regents Park"), a 53-bed sheltered nursing center. Regents Park is located at Lake Pointe Woods, a Health Quest retirement community, which includes 212 independent living apartments and 110 assisted living apartments. The assisted living apartments qualify as an adult congregate living facility. The 53 sheltered nursing home beds are authorized as part of a living care complex pursuant to Chapter 651, Florida Statutes. Health Quest has received approval from the Department to locate 60 nursing home beds, which Health Quest has received as part of a certificate of need for 180 nursing home beds, at Regents Park. The other 120 approved nursing home beds will be located at another facility to be constructed in Sarasota County by Health Quest. Health Quest also has two other projects under construction in Florida: a new facility in Winter Park, Florida, and a new facility in Sunrise, Florida. HCR. HCR is a corporation engaging in the business of designing, developing, constructing and operating nursing homes and related facilities. HCR is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Owens Illinois Corporation. HCR operates approximately 125 facilities with approximately 16,000 beds. HCR has designed and built over 200 nursing homes and related health care facilities. 24 HCR owns and operates ten nursing homes in Florida, including Kensington Manor, a 147-bed nursing center located in Sarasota County, Florida. HCR also has ten other projects being developed in Florida. Trecor. Trecor is a Florida corporation formed to engage in the business of developing and operating facilities within the full spectrum of the health care industry. Trecor was founded in 1985 when it acquired Burzenski Nursing Home (hereinafter referred to as "Burzenski"). Trecor does not own or operate any other health care facility. Burzenski is an existing nursing home with 60 dually certified beds located in the City of Sarasota. The facility was built in 1955 as a private residence. An addition to the facility was constructed in 1962. The Proposals. Arbor's Proposal. Pursuant to a stipulation with the Department dated September 9, 1987, Arbor received certificate of need 4182. Certificate of need 4182 authorizes Arbor to construct a 60-bed nursing home in Sarasota County. 20. Arbor's approved 60-bed nursing home facility will consist of 18,000 gross square feet. Costs of $2,200,000.00 have been approved by the Department in the certificate of need issued for the facility. Arbor intends to develop certificate of need 4182 by building a facility large enough for 120 beds. This facility will house the approved 60 nursing home beds and, if Arbor's application in this case is not approved, an additional 60 beds, licensed as adult congregate living facility beds. In this proceeding Arbor is requesting approval of a proposed conversion of the 60 adult congregate living facility beds to 60 nursing home beds. Arbor has proposed the construction of an additional 18,000 gross square feet to house the additional 60 nursing home beds sought in this proceeding. The proposed cost of the proposal is $2,380,000.00. The total cost of 120 bed facility will be $4,580,000.00. Health Quest's Proposal. Health Quest is seeking approval to convert its 53 sheltered nursing center beds at Regents Park to nursing home beds and to add 7 nursing home beds. The 60 nursing home beds are to be housed in the new community nursing home facility at Regents Park. The beds will be housed in 30,945 square foot of the Regents Park facility. Health Quest also intends to add 60 nursing home beds, which have already been approved by the Department, to Regents Park. The certificate of need application filed by Health Quest indicates that its proposal involves no capital costs. This is incorrect. There will be minimal costs associated with the addition of the 7 additional nursing home beds being sought by Health Quest which it has failed to include in its proposal. Health Quest did not present evidence concerning the total cost of the facility it plans to use to house the proposed 60 beds or the cost of the 60 beds already approved by the Department which it plans to add to Regents Park. HCR's Proposal. HCR is seeking approval to construct a new, freestanding 60-bed nursing home in Sarasota County. HCR's proposal also includes a 31-bed adult congregate living facility. The nursing home component will consist of 25,600 gross square feet (including 2,300 square feet to be used for adult day care). The total facility will consist of 43,000 gross square feet. Total capital cost for the nursing home component is estimated to be $2,519,000.00. The total cost, including the costs attributable to proposed adult day care services, is $2,657,000.00. The cost of the 31-bed adult congregate living portion of the project will be $1,800,000.00. The total cost of HCR's planned facility is $4,457,000.00. Trecor's Proposal. Trecor is seeking approval to construct a 60-bed addition to the Burzenski 60-bed nursing home. Burzenski is located at 4450 Eighth Street, Sarasota, Florida. The building in which the existing 60 nursing home beds are housed will be replaced by Trecor with a new building. The existing Burzenski building has out-lived its useful life and contains several structural deficiencies. Operations are severely restricted and inefficient. Existing three and four bed wards limit the placement of residents. The existing building does not comply with all current licensure requirements. The noncompliance, however, was "grandfathered" in. In order to replace its existing building with a modern building which meets all current licensure requirements, Trecor applied for a certificate of need in 1985 to build a replacement facility on an adjoining parcel of real estate for which Trecor held an option to purchase at the time. This application was approved on December 4, 1985. After an error by Trecor caused the time established for exercising the certificate of need to pass and a requested six-month extension of the certificate of need was denied by the Department, the certificate of need to construct the replacement facility lapsed. Another application for a replacement facility was filed in January, 1987. This application was approved by the Department in May, 1987. The replacement facility was not, however, constructed. Subsequently, in April and May, 1988, the Department determined that replacement of the existing building was exempt from certificate of need review. Trecor now proposes to add 60 nursing home beds at the same time that it builds its replacement facility for its existing 60 nursing home beds. The new nursing home beds will be housed on a second floor to be built on the replacement facility. In Trecor's application for (30 additional nursing home beds, Trecor has proposed the addition of 12,061 gross square feet to its replacement facility and a project cost of $885,210.00. The cost of Trecor's replacement facility will be $1,303,424.00 plus a $1,400,000.00 debt on the existing building. The total cost of Trecor's 120 bed facility will be $3,588,634.00. Section 381.705(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Numeric Need. Pursuant to the need methodology of Rule 10- 5.011(1)(k)(2), Florida Administrative Code, there is a need for an additional 75 community nursing home beds for Sarasota County for July, 1990, the planning horizon applicable in these cases. All of the applicants have agreed with the Department's determination of the need for additional nursing home beds for Sarasota County. All of the applicants are seeking to provide 60 of the needed nursing home beds. The District Health Plan. The district health plan for the Department's District 8, which includes Sarasota County, provides certain standards and criteria to be considered in determining community nursing home care need. The policy guidelines and their application, if applicable to the applicants in this proceeding, are as follows: Community nursing home services should be available to the residents of each county within District Eight. Sarasota County is a separate planning subdistrict for community nursing home beds. Therefore, this guideline should be applied to Sarasota County. All of the applicants will increase the availability of nursing home services to the residents of Sarasota County. Community nursing home beds should be geographically distributed throughout the counties of District Eight to promote optimal availability and accessibility. The 2,264 existing licensed and 283 approved community nursing home beds located, or to be located in Sarasota County, are already geographically distributed throughout Sarasota County. All of the applicants will increase geographic distribution of beds throughout Sarasota County, regardless of where they may be located. At a minimum, community nursing home facilities should make available, in addition to minimum statutory regulation, in the facility or under contractual arrangements, the following services: pharmacy g. occupational therapy laboratory h. physical therapy x-ray i. speech therapy dental care j. mental health counseling visual care k. social services diet therapy l. medical services All of the applicants will meet thin guideline. New and existing community nursing home bed developments should dedicate 33-1/3 percent of their beds to use for Medicaid patients. The applicants have proposed to provide the following percentage of care to Medicaid patients: Arbor: 45% Health Quest: 16.7% HCR: 42% Burzenski: 59% 1st Year; 60% 2d Year. All of the applicants except Health Quest comply with this guideline. Community nursing home facilities in District Eight should expand their financial base to include as many reimbursement mechanisms as are available to them including Medicare, Medicaid, Champus, VA, and other third-party payers, and private pay. This guideline applies to existing facilities. None of the applicants are proposing to "expand their financial bases" in the manner suggested in this guideline. Community nursing home (skilled and intermediate care) facilities in each county should maintain an occupancy rate of at least 90 percent. This guideline has been filled. New community nursing home facilities may be considered for approval when existing facilities servicing comparable services areas cannot reasonably, economically, or geographically provide adequate service to these service areas. Existing facilities cannot reasonably meet the need for the 75 additional nursing home beds in Sarasota County for July, 1990. No new community nursing home facility should be constructed having less than 60 beds. However, less than 60 beds may be approved as part of an established acute care hospital facility. All of the applicants meets this guideline. Expansion of existing facilities to 120 beds should be given priority over construction of new facilities in the health service area. The proposals of Arbor, Health Quest and Trecor meet this guideline. The proposal of HCR does not meet this guideline. Each nursing home facility should have a patient transfer agreement with one or more hospitals within an hour's travel time, or the nearest hospital within the same community. All of the applicants meet, or will meet, this guideline. The proposed project should have a formal discharge planning program as well as some type of patient follow-up service with discharge/transfer made available seven days a week. All of the applicants meet this guideline. Nursing home services should be within at least one hour typical travel time by automobile for at least 95 percent of all residents of District Eight. This guideline is not applicable. Community nursing homes should be accessible to residents throughout District Eight regardless of their ability to pay. All of the applicants meet this guideline. Health Quest meets this guideline less than the other applicants because of its minimal Medicaid commitment. All community nursing homes and applicants for community nursing homes should document their history of participation in Medicaid and medicare programs, and provide data on an ongoing basis to the District Eight Local Health Council as requested. All of the applicants meet this guideline. Health Quest has not, however, provided Medicaid care at Regents Park. Health Quest does provide Medicaid at all its other nursing centers and will obtain Medicaid certification at Regents Park if its application for a certificate of need in this case is approved. Medicare is not provided at Burzenski at this time. Burzenski will, however, provide Medicare at its proposed facility. Failure of a holder of a certificate of need to substantially comply with statements of intent made in the application and relied upon the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services as set forth in the Certificate shall be cause for the Department to initiate an action for specific performance, fines as specified in s. 381.495(3), or injunctive relief. This guideline is not applicable. Need for Services. HCR conducted a "non-numeric community need survey" in Sarasota County. Based upon this survey, HCR has suggested that there is an unmet need for 1,600 nursing home beds for Sarasota County for Alzheimer patients and other dementia patients. HCR's conclusions concerning unmet need for services for Sarasota County are unrealistic. HCR failed to prove that any need in Sarasota County for services for Alzheimer patients and others is not being met adequately. Services for Alzheimer patients are currently being provided by Trecor and Health Quest. HCR and Trecor have proposed to dedicate 30 of their proposed nursing home beds to the care of Alzheimer patients and patients with other forms of dementia. All of the applicants propose to provide a full range of services to their residents, including sub-acute care. Other Considerations. Health Quest's avowed purpose for the proposed conversion of its 53 sheltered beds is to insure that Regents Park remains available for use by the general public. Florida law allows sheltered nursing home beds to be used by persons other than residents of an adult congregate living facility for five years from the issuance of a license for the sheltered nursing home beds. Regents Park received its license in November, 1986. Therefore, its sheltered nursing home beds can remain available for use by the general public until November, 1991. Health Quest has received a certificate of need for 180 nursing home beds for Sarasota. Health Quest intends on placing 60 of those beds at Regents Park. The other 120 beds will be placed at another facility to be constructed in Sarasota County. Health Quest may be able to use some of its 180 approved nursing home beds to avoid the closing of Regents Park to the general public. Health Quest has not, however, explored this alternative. Health Quest's decision not to pursue this course of action is based in part on its decision that the 43% Medicaid care required for its certificate of need for 180 nursing home beds is not acceptable at Regents Park. Health Quest has failed to prove that its proposal is needed because of its desire to convert its sheltered beds to community nursing home beds. Section 381.705(1)(b), Florida Statutes. The evidence in this case failed to prove that like and existing health care services in Sarasota County are not available, efficient, appropriate, accessible, adequate or providing quality of care except to the extent that existing services cannot meet the need for 75 additional nursing home beds in Sarasota County. Section 381.705(1)(c), Florida Statutes. Arbor. Two of Arbor's three licensed facilities in Florida are currently rated superior. The other facility is rated standard. Arbor's proposal may qualify it for a superior rating at its proposed facility. Arbor proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. Arbor should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. Health Quest. Health Quest has a corporate policy of emphasizing quality of care. It attempts to obtain the highest quality rating in every community it serves. Health Quest's facilities in Jacksonville and Boca Raton have been rated superior. Health Quest's Sarasota facility has not been in operation long enough to qualify for a superior rating. Health Quest's Sarasota facility offers a high level of staffing, including a Human Resources Director, who is responsible for personnel administration and training, a full time social activities director and an activities coordinator. It also has a high nursing ratio. Health Quest is proposing the highest level of staffing of the applicants in this proceeding. Extensive training and development of staff at Health Quest's Sarasota facility is provided. Orientation training and in-service training on an on- going basis will be provided. Health Quest proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. Health Quest should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. HCR. HCR's existing Sarasota nursing home has received a license with a standard rating. Other HCR facilities have received standard ratings, including some facilities which were acquired by HCR with superior ratings. HCR also has facilities which have been rated superior. HCR will enhance the quality of care available by providing a full range of services, from the least intensive level (adult day care) to the most intensive levels (i.e., sub- acute care). HCR's proposal to provide adult day care, a dedicated Alzheimer's unit, sub-acute care and respite care, and its adult congregate living facility will enhance quality of care in Sarasota County. HCR adheres to extensive quality assurance standards and guidelines. HCR provides adequate training, exceeding state minimum requirements, for its staff. HCR proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. HCR should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. Trecor. Trecor has contracted with Central Care, Inc., a Florida corporation providing a full spectrum of health care and retirement living services, to manage its facility. Trecor provides education and training for its staff on an ongoing basis. Even though Trecor is operating in an inadequate building, Trecor received a superior rating in 1986-1987 and 1987-1988. Trecor proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. Trecor should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its proposed facility. Section 381.705(1)(e), Florida Statutes. None of the applicants provided sufficient proof to conclude that they will provide joint, cooperative or shared health care resources sufficient to provide them with an advantage over the other applicants. Section 381.705(1)(f), Florida Statutes. None of the applicants proved that there is any need in the service district for special equipment or services which are not reasonably and economically accessible in adjoining areas. Section 381.705(1)(g), Florida Statutes. None of the applicants proved that this criterion applies in this proceeding. Section 381.705(1)(h), Florida Statutes. All of the applicants' proposals will be accessible to all residents of the service district. Health Quest will, however, provide less access to Medicaid residents than the other applicants. Trecor will attempt to initiate internship and training programs for area nursing and allied health programs, and provide clinical placements. Health Quest participates in training programs for nurses from Sarasota Vocational/Technical school. A certified nursing aide program is also offered by Health Quest through Sarasota Vocational/Technical School. All of the applicants will be able to attract and maintain the staff necessary to operate their proposed facilities. HCR is proposing to provide the highest salaries and benefits for staff. Health Quest already has staff for its existing 53 beds. Health Quest is adding, however, 60 nursing home beds to Regents Park. HCR failed to prove that all of the existing staff will be used to staff the proposed 60 nursing home beds and not the already approved 60 nursing home beds. Section 381.705(1)(i), Florida Statutes. Immediate Financial Feasibility. Short-term financial feasibility is the ability of an applicant to finance a project. Arbor. The total projected cost of Arbor's proposed 60-bed addition is $2,380,000.00. The total cost for its 120-bed facility is $4,580,000.00. Arbor's projected costs are reasonable. Arbor is proposing to contribute 10% of the cost of its proposal and finance the remaining 90%. Arbor has $39,000,000.00 in bank lines of credit, of which $34,000,000.00 remain available for development of Arbor's proposed project. Arbor also has sufficient money market funds to meet its projected equity contribution of 10%. Arbor has demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. Health Quest. Health Quest indicated in its application that there were no capital costs associated with its proposal. This is not correct. It will have some minor costs for the addition of the seven new nursing home beds it is seeking. Health Quest's proposal is the lowest in terms of additional capital costs which must be incurred. Most of the capital costs associated with the 53 nursing home beds it is seeking were already incurred when it built Regents Park. Health Quest did not provide proof of the cost of Regents Park. The unaudited financial statements of Health Quest indicate that it experienced a loss of $3,200,000.00 in 1986 and a loss of $5,000,000.00 in 1987. Health Quest has net worth and equity of $300,000.00 on over $200,000,000.00 in assets. The losses Health Quest has been experiencing have been the result of Health Quest's development activities. Health Quest can finance its project with internal funds. The evidence failed to prove that Health Quest must liquidate assets to generate operating funds. Health Quest demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. HCR. HCR's total estimated project costs for its 60-bed facility is $2,657,000.00. This amount includes the cost of the portion of the project to be used for adult day care ($138,000.00). The costs to be incurred for the adult congregate living facility is $1,800,000.00. HCR's projected costs are reasonable. HCR intends to contribute 25% of the total project costs and finance the remaining 75%. HCR has sufficient funds on hand to fund 25% of its project costs. In fact, HCR has the ability to contribute 100% of the total project costs. HCR has lines of credit with banks and other sources of obtaining financing for the project, including a loan from its parent corporation. HCR has demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. Trecor. The total cost of Trecor's proposed 60-bed nursing home addition is $885,210.00. The total cost of replacing the existing Burzenski building is projected as $3,588,634.00 ($885,210.00 for the proposed addition; $1,400,000.00 debt on the existing building; and $1,303,424.00 for the replacement of the existing building). Trecor is proposing to contribute 10% of the proposed project costs, or $88,521.00, and to finance the remaining 90%. To finance the entire project will require an equity contribution of over $300,000.00. Trecor has experienced operating losses in 1986 and 1987 and has a negative net worth of $259,000.00. Trecor has a positive cash flow, however. Trecor does not have sufficient equity to contribute 10% of the proposed project costs. The Board of Directors of Trecor has, however, adopted a resolution indicating Trecor's intent to provide the necessary contribution. Trecor can obtain the necessary funds from its owners if necessary. NCNB has expressed an interest in financing the rest of the project. Although NCNB has not legally committed to such an arrangement, it is reasonable to conclude that a satisfactory loan agreement can be reached with NCNB or Barnett Bank. Trecor has demonstrated immediate financial feasibility of its proposed project. Long-Term Financial Feasibility. Long-term financial feasibility is the ability of an applicant to operate a project at a profit, generally measured at the end of the second year of operation. Arbor. At the formal hearing Arbor presented an updated pro forma. Arbor suggested that the purpose of the updated pro forma was to reflect increased personnel costs and reduced utilization from 97% to 95%. According to Arbor, the changes reflect changes caused by inflation and "actual experience." The updated pro forma submitted by Arbor includes substantial increases in salary expense ranging from 10% to 30% (and one increase of 50%). The updated pro forma also includes at least one position not included in the original pro forma filed with Arbor's application. Arbor's original pro forma understated salary expenses. The updated salary expenses were foreseeable, and should have been foreseen, when Arbor filed its application. The updated pro forma was accepted into evidence over objection. In the updated pro forma, Arbor has projected a loss of $347,043.00 from revenue of $2,034,837.00 for the first year of operation and a profit of $41,833.00 from revenue of $3,016,512.00 for the second year of operation. Arbor has projected a payor mix of 45% Medicaid, 5% Medicare and 50% private pay. These projections are reasonable. Arbor's projected fill-up rate is reasonable. Arbor's projected charges are reasonable. The evidence failed to prove that Arbor's projected revenue and expenses as contained in its original application are reasonable. The evidence also failed to prove that Arbor's projected expenses as contained in its updated pro forma are reasonable either. Arbor has failed to prove that its project is feasible in the long term. Health Quest. Health Quest is operating at close to capacity at Regents Park and is already charging close to its projected patient charges. The facility has been operating at a loss. The facility experienced a profit only during its latest month of operation. The addition of Medicaid beds will erode Health Quest's revenues to some extent. Health Quest has projected a profit of $16,663.00 from revenue of $1,771,303.00 for the first year of operation and a profit of $40,698.00 from revenue of $1,850,156.00 for the second year of operation. Health Quest is projecting a payor mix of 16.7% Medicaid, 4.2% medicare and 79.2% private pay. These projections are reasonable. Regents Park opened in November, 1986, and filled up rapidly. It has been operating at full occupancy and with a waiting list. Health Quest's estimated fill up rate is reasonable in light of this fact. Health Quest has failed to prove that its project is feasible in the long term. HCR. HCR has projected a loss of $267,436.00 on $1,068,427.00 of revenue for its first year of operation and a profit of $62,729.00 on $1,772,399.00 of revenue for its second year of operation. HCR has projected a payor mix of 42% Medicaid, 4% medicare and 54% private pay. These projections are reasonable. HCR's projected fill-up rate to 95% occupancy is reasonable. HCR's projected patient charges are reasonable. HCR's projected revenue and expenses are reasonable. HCR's project is feasible in the long term. (4). Trecor. Trecor has projected a profit of $77,458.00 on revenue of $2,481,229.00 for the first year of operation and a profit of $367,896.00 on revenue of $3,106,152.00 for the second year of operation. The pro forma submitted by Trecor is for the 120-bed nursing home facility and not just the proposed 60-bed project. Trecor has a negative net worth and Trecor has been operating at a loss. Trecor has projected a payor mix of 59% Medicaid, 3.5% medicare, 34% private pay and 3.5% V.A. These projections are reasonable. Trecor has estimated it will achieve 50% occupancy in the first month of operation and an occupancy of 96% by the seventh month. This is a fill up rate of 2 residents a week. Arbor and HCR have projected fill up rates of 2 residents a month. Trecor does not expect to lose any patients during construction of its facility. Trecor is currently at full occupancy and has a waiting list. Trecor's projected fill up rate is achievable. Trecor's projected patient charges are reasonable. They are the lowest of the competing applicants. Trecor has failed to include some expenses in its projections. Trecor left $50,000.00 of administrative salaries out of its projections and FICA is underestimated because Trecor used the old rate. When these expenses are taken into account, Trecor's project is still financially feasible. Trecor's projected revenue and expenses, except as noted above, are reasonable. Trecor's project is feasible in the long term. Section 381.705(1)(1), Florida Statutes. Based upon the projected rates for nursing home services to be charged by the applicants, Arbor and Trecor will have the least adverse impact on patient charges, followed by HCR. Health Quest will have the greatest adverse impact on patient charges. Generally, all of the applicants will enhance competition if their projects are approved. Section 381.705(1)(m), Florida Statutes. Arbor. Arbor's building will contain 36,000 gross square feet, with 18,000 gross square feet attributable to the 60 nursing home beds it is seeking in this proceeding. The cost of Arbor's proposed 60-bed addition is $2,380,000.00 ($132.22 per square foot) and the cost of its entire project is $4,580,000.00. The projected cost of construction is $1,228,000.00, a cost of $68.22 per square foot. Arbor's projected costs are reasonable. Arbor's proposed building will provide 300 square feet per bed. Arbor plans to build its prototype 120-bed nursing home facility. It has used its 120-bed nursing home plans for other Florida projects. These plans have been approved by the Department's Office of Licensure and Certification. Arbors' building will comply with all code and regulatory requirements. The building will be constructed on a 6.5 acre site which is appropriately zoned and of sufficient size. The design of Arbor's proposed building and the proposed methods of construction are reasonable. Health Quest. Health Quest has already constructed the building in which its proposed 60 nursing home beds dire to be located. The building is already licensed. The building complies witch all code and regulatory requirements. A total of 30,945 square feat will be devoted to the nursing home portion of Regents Park. This is the largest of the proposed facilities. The proposed building will have 515 square feet per bed. There are no construction costs to be incurred for Health Quest's proposal. Construction costs have already been incurred to construct the facility in which Health Quest's proposed beds will be housed. Health Quest's building design is of the highest quality. HCR. HCR is proposing to construct a 60-bed nursing home. Additional space for 31 adult congregate living beds and for an additional 60 nursing home beds will also be built. The facility will include a dedicated 30-bed Alzheimer's unit. The inclusion of this unit requires more space. The proposed HCR building will consist of 25,600 square feet for the 60-bed nursing home. This includes the $138,240.00 cost and the 2,300 square feet of the adult day care unit. The projected cost of HCR's project is $2,657,000.00 or $103.79 per square foot. The projected cost of constructing HCR's proposed building is $1,536,000.00 or $60.00 a square foot. HCR's projected costs are reasonable. 166. HCR's facility will consist of 426 square feet per bed. 167. HCR's facility will comply with code and regulatory requirements. 168. HCR's design and methods of construction are reasonable. 169. HCR's facility will incorporate energy conservation measures. Trecor. The Trecor proposal entails the addition of a 60-bed patient wing on the second floor of a two-story building. The first floor of the building will be constructed by Trecor to replace its existing building. Approval of the replacement facility is not part Trecor's proposal at issue in this proceeding. The plans for the replacement building and the addition thereto have been developed together. The plans can be modified to insure that all of the proposed services can be accommodated in the building. The proposed Trecor building will be constructed in phases. First, the portion of the new building which will house the 120 nursing home beds will be constructed. Patients will then be transferred to the newly constructed facility. All of the existing building except the kitchen and administration facilities will then be demolished. Patients will be fed out of the existing kitchen and the administrative functions will be handled form the old administrative facilities. The new kitchen, dining and administrative offices will then be constructed. When this portion of the building is completed, the old kitchen and administrative offices will be demolished. Although inconvenient, Trecor should be able to continue to provide quality of care during the construction period. The other applicants have raised a number of issues concerning the Trecor building. The issues do not, however, involve violations of code or regulatory requirements for nursing home facilities. Trecor's building will contain a total of 31,398 square feet. This total includes 19,337 square feet attributable to the existing 60 nursing home beds and 12,061 square feet attributable to the 60 nursing home beds at issue in this proceeding. The proposed building is relatively small. Trecor's architect did a very good job of properly using the relatively small parcel of real estate he had to work with. The small size of the building, however, accounts for the lower cost of the Trecor proposal. The evidence failed to prove that Trecor cannot provide adequate care, despite the building's size. The cost of Trecor's proposed 60-bed addition is $885,210.00 ($73.39 per square foot) and the cost of its replacement facility is $1,303,424.00. The projected cost of construction for Trecor's proposed 60-bed addition is $592,500.00, a cost of $49.13 per square foot. Questions have been raised concerning the project development costs and the estimated architecture/engineer fees for Trecor's project. Trecor did not include all of the expenses for these items in the projected costs of its proposed 60-bed addition because the costs were included as part of building the replacement facility. Some of those costs could have been included as part of the cost of the proposal being reviewed in this proceeding. If those costs had been included, their inclusion would not affect the conclusions reached in this proceeding concerning the reasonableness of Trecor's project. Trecor's projected costs are reasonable. Trecor's proposed building will provide 201 square feet for the proposed 60 nursing home beds, 322 square feet for the existing 60 nursing home beds and 261 square feet for the total 120 nursing home beds. Trecor's building will comply with all code and regulatory requirements. The Trecor facility will be located on 1.97 acres. The design of the Trecor building and the proposed methods of construction are reasonable. Trecor's facility will incorporate energy conservation measures. Section 381.705(1)(n), Florida Statutes. All of the applicants have a history of providing care to Medicaid patients. Health Quest, however, does not provide care to Medicaid patients at Regents Park. If Health Quest's application is approved, Regents Park will become Medicaid certified. The projected Medicaid of the applicants is as follows: Arbor: 45% Health Quest 16.7% HCR 42% Burzenski 59% first year; 60% second year All of the applicants except Health Quest are proposing to provide at least 42% Medicaid, which is the average Medicaid provided in Sarasota County.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a Final Order granting Trecor's application for certificate of need number 5443 and denying Arbor's application for certificate of need number 5841, Health Quest's application for certificate of need number 5442 and HCR's application for certificate of need number 5437. DONE and ENTERED this 14th day of March, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of March, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NOS. 88-1945; 88-1949; 88-1950 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. Arbor's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 10-13. 2 1 and 29-33. 3 15-21 and hereby accepted. 4 19-20, 34 and 36. 5 22-25. 6 37-40. 7 26-27. 28, 41 and 44-47. Trecor applied for a certificate of need in January, 1987, not May, 1987. Hereby accepted. Not all of the applicants in this proceeding, however, have met the minimum criteria for the issuance of a certificate of need. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and a statement concerning the proceedings. 51. The last two sentences are argument. 51. The fifth through ninth sentences are argument. The evidence proved that Health Quest is adding 60 nursing home beds to its existing facility. Therefore, if its application in this case is approved it will have a 120-bed nursing home facility. 51. The last five sentences are statements of law and argument. Statement of law or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 15 64-66. 16 67-69 and 73. 74 and hereby accepted. The last two sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 43 and 81. The fifth, sixth and eighth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. The third, fourth and seventh sentences are hereby accepted. Although this proposed finding of fact, except the last sentence, is generally correct, this is not the only factor to consider in determining whether an applicant can provide quality of care. Argument, not relevant to this proceeding or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52-55 and hereby accepted. The last sentence, except the reference to the state health plan, is hereby accepted. The second, sixth, ninth, tenth and eleventh sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence or are argument. See 52-56. Argument. 56 and hereby accepted. 85, 87-88 and hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 51, 60-61 and 86. The second, third, sixth, eighth, ninth and tenth sentences are not relevant to this proceeding, not supported by the weight of the evidence or argument. 26 92 and 114. 27 95-97 and 106-107. 28 98 and 100. 109-111. The last five sentences are argument and not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 111-113. 97 and 107. Short-term financial feasibility of Health Quest is not moot and Trecor can finance its project with the assistance of its shareholders. Hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 115 and 118. The last four sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence or are argument. 119-120. The last two sentences are not relevant to this proceeding or are not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 123. 34 130 and 134. 125, 127 and 132. The fifth sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The last sentence is hereby accepted. 136-137 and 143. The first and last sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 38-39 Not supported by the weight of the evidence, argument, not relevant to these proceedings or taken into account in determining the weight to be accorded to testimony. 40 Hereby accepted. The first and last sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 41 139-141. 42 See 97, 103, 107, 113, 124, 129, 135 and 145. Arbor has not proven that it is financially feasible in the long term. The last three sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 43, 46 and 56 Statements of law. 146 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. 47 148 and 153-155. 48 157-158, 160 and 175. 49 161-163 and 175. 171, 175, 180 and hereby accepted. The sixth, ninth and tenth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 171. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52-54 Not supported by the weight of the evidence, argument or not relevant to this proceeding. 55 185 and 187-188. The last sentence is argument. 57-58 These proposed findings of fact are contrary to the stipulation of the parties. The parties stipulated prior to commencement of the formal hearing in this case that the criteria to be considered in determining which applicant was entitled to a certificate of need were contained in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes. Additionally, the Department accepted all of the applicants' certificate of need applications as being complete. It would not be proper for the Department to now disqualify an applicant on the grounds that its application is not complete. Health Quest's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1. 2 32, 34, 37 and 41. 3 2. 4 3. 4 and 6. 7. Not all of the applicants filed petitions. 7 48. 8 15-16. 9 67-68. 10 17-19. 11 21. 12 19. 13 58-59. See 57. The weight of the evidence did not prove that Regents Park will be closed to the public "unless Health Quest's application for conversion to community status is approved." 14-15 Not supported by the weight of the evidence and not relevant to this proceeding. 16 See 36. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 17-19 Not supported by the weight of the evidence or not relevant to this proceeding. 20 70 and hereby accepted. 21, 24, 27, 30-48, 52, 54-57, 61, 64, 70, 77, 88-89, 93, 95, 97, 107-108, 110-111, 113, 118, 124, 126, 128-129, 132, 135-136 and 138-139. Hereby accepted. 22 Hereby accepted and summary of testimony. The last two sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 91. 23 72. 25-26 88 and hereby accepted. 56 and hereby accepted. Not relevant to this proceeding. 49 Hereby accepted. The last two sentences are not relevant to this proceeding, are based upon hearsay and constitute opinion testimony from a nonexpert witness. 50 69. 51 Not relevant to this proceeding or based upon hearsay. 53 126 and 128. 58 Hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 59 157. 60, 65-67, 71, 91, 112, 114-116, 121-122 and 125 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 62 Not relevant to this proceeding. 63 51 and 185-186. 68 100-101. 69 102. 72 51. The last sentence is rejected. The parties stipulated prior to commencement of the formal hearing in this case that the criteria to be considered in determining which applicant was entitled to a certificate of need were contained in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes. The parties did not indicate that Section 381.703(1)(b)1, Florida Statutes, was at issue in this proceeding or that Section 381.705(1)(a), Florida Statutes, does not apply. 73-76 Not relevant to this proceeding. The issue is not just whether nursing home services are available to all residents of the service area. Also at issue is whether each applicant is proposing to serve all of the residents of the service area. Health Quest's proposal does indicate Health Quest intends on serving a significant portion of Sarasota County's Medicaid population. 78 60-61. The portion of this proposed finding of fact prior to subparagraph a, the portion of subparagraph a appearing on page 19 of the proposed recommended order and subparagraphs b-d are rejected as argument, statements of law or as not being supported by the weight of the evidence. 79-82 Although generally correct, these proposed findings of fact are argument. 83 Not relevant to this proceeding. 84-86 Summary of testimony and argument. 87 Hereby accepted. The last sentence is not relevant to this proceeding or supported by the weight of the evidence. 90, 92 Not relevant to this proceeding. 94 Summary of testimony and argument. 96 Hereby accepted. The last sentence and the last half of the second sentence are rejected as not being relevant to this proceeding. 98-106 These proposed findings of fact were taken into account in determining the weight to be given testimony and other evidence. 109 Although the first sentence is correct, the rest of the proposed finding of fact is not relevant to this proceeding or not supported by the weight of the evidence. 117, 119-120 Not relevant to this proceeding. 123 108. The portion of this proposed finding of fact contained on page 30 of the proposed recommended order is primarily argument and not supported by the weight of the evidence. 127 143. 130-131 and 133-134 Not supported by the weight of the evidence, cumulative or not relevant to this proceeding. 137 The first sentence is hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence, argument or not relevant to this proceeding. Summary of testimony. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first two sentences are hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is argument and not supported by the weight of the evidence. HCR's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 48. 2, 4-9, 13-14, 16, 19-20, 22-23, 27, 30-32, 35, 41-42, 45, 47, 49-51, 53, 63-67, 71 and 75 Hereby accepted. 3, 15 and 33 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted. The last sentence, as it applies to Sarasota County, is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although generally true, this proposed finding of fact, as it applies to Sarasota County, is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 12 55. 17 37-4 and 55. 18 Hereby accepted, except that the first sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 21 51 and 86. 24 51. The parties stipulated that the state health plan has been met by all of the applicants. 25 22-25. 26 76-78 and hereby accepted. 77 and hereby accepted. 78 and hereby accepted. 34 106-107. 36 Although generally true, the evidence failed to prove that HCR would provide these benefits without cost to its proposed Sarasota facility. 37 131-132. 38 133. 39 134-135. 40 89-90. 43 39-40, 163-164 and 166. 44 152, 167-170, and 180. 46 169-170. 48 165-166. 52 Hereby accepted. The weight of the evidence failed to prove that appropriate services for "AD patients" are not adequately available. 54 The parties stipulated that the state health plan has been met by all of the applicants. 55 2-3. 56-58 These proposed findings of fact are contrary to the stipulation of the parties. The parties stipulated prior to commencement of the formal hearing in this case that the criteria to be considered in determining which applicant was entitled to a certificate of need were contained in Section 381.705, Florida Statutes. Additionally, the Department accepted all of the applicants' certificate of need applications as being complete. It would not be proper for the Department to now disqualify an applicant on the grounds that its application is not complete. 59 148-149. 60 Taken into account in determining the weight to be given to testimony. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 61 123. 62 Hereby accepted except the last two sentences which are not supported by the weight of the evidence. 68-69 115-117. 70 Not relevant to this proceeding. 72 41, 45-47, 175-176, 180 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted except the third through fifth sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and not relevant to this proceeding. Hereby accepted except the last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first sentence is hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Taken into account in determining the weight to be given testimony and other evidence. Not relevant to this proceeding. 80-81 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 109-110. The last three sentences are not relevant to this proceeding. Hereby accepted, except for the first two sentences, which are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted except the third and last sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 136. Not relevant to this proceeding. Trecor's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1-6, 20-24, 27, 29-32, 35, 37-39 and 56. Hereby accepted. 7 28 and 41-42. 8 41, 43 and 81. 9 26-27. 10 41, 44 and 81. 11 44-45. 12 46 and 171. 13 173. 14 46, 171-172 and 174. 15-16 173. The last sentence of proposed finding of fact 16 is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 17 181. 18 54-55 and hereby accepted. 19 79. 25 40, 47, 109, 111-112 and hereby accepted. 26 175 and 177. 28 178 and hereby accepted. 33 184 and hereby accepted. 34 138 and 142. 36 139-141. 40 50. 41 51. 42 51. The last three sentences are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although the Arbor site was not disclosed, the weight of the evidence supports a conclusion that Arbor's proposal meets this portion of the district plan. 43-47 51. 48 51. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 49-50 51 and hereby accepted. 51 51 and hereby accepted. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52-53 51. Argument. 51 and hereby accepted. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 48. 2-3 49. 4 Not relevant to this proceeding. 5-6 Conclusions of law. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Contrary to a stipulation of the parties that all of the parties meet the state health plan to the extent that it is applicable. See 63. 10, 13, 15 and 17 Hereby accepted. 11 See 64-84 concerning Section 381.705(1)(c), Florida Statutes. The parties stipulated that Section 381.705(1)(d), Florida Statutes, had been met or did not apply. 12 86 and 129. 14 Not relevant in this de novo proceeding and not supported by the weight of the evidence. 16 See 60-62. COPIES FURNISHED: Steven W. Huss, Esquire 1017 Thomasville Road, Suite C Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Charles M. Loeser Assistant General Counsel Health Quest Corporation 315 West Jefferson Boulevard South Bend, Indiana 46601 James M. Barclay, Esquire 231 A East Virginia Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Alfred W. Clark, Esquire Post Office Box 623 Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Jay Adams, Esquire Jay Adams, P.A. 1519 Big Sky Way Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Theodore E. Mack Assistant General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Executive Center Tallahassee, Florida 32308 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 79-002407 Latest Update: Oct. 21, 1980

The Issue [Case No. 79-2407] Whether the Department is entitled to reimbursement of certain Medicaid funds previously paid to a nursing home owner in the amount of $118,061.00, based upon a recommendation by the Department and subsequent determination by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, under Section 1122, Social Security Act, that Federal reimbursement of expenses attributable to the purchase of the nursing home should be withheld due to the Owner's lack of timely notice of intent to acquire the nursing home; [Case No. 80-467] Whether, based on the Section 1122 determination, the Department wrongfully disallowed and withheld payment to the nursing home owner, certain medicaid reimbursement funds in the amount of $101,348.00. Conclusions and Recommendation: Conclusions: Here, each party has the burden of presenting a preponderance of evidence in support of its affirmative claim. Each claim rests on the propriety or impropriety of imposition of Section 1122 penalties against the nursing home. Since the Department failed to present sufficient evidence justifying the imposition of Section 1122 penalties and the nursing home failed to establish the Section 1122 penalties were erroneously imposed, neither party sustained its burden of establishing entitlement to the relief requested. Recommendation: That the Department's Medicaid overpayment claim against the nursing home owner, in the amount of $118,061.00 be DENIED, and the nursing home owner's claim against the Department for $101.348.00 in Medicaid underpayments be DENIED. Background: On April 26, 1979, and May 2, 1979, Petitioner/Respondent, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services ("Department") notified Respondent/Petitioners, Lakeview Nursing Home, Robert Becht and R. B. Care, Inc., d/b/a Lakeview Manor and d/b/a Intercoastal Nursing Manor ("Owner") that a desk review of the annual cost report for the Lakeview Nursing Home (a/k/a Lakeview Manor) indicated that the nursing home had been overpaid $18,900.00 by the Department's Medicaid Program during the eight months, ending June 30, 1978, and that such overpayment should be returned to the Department. On October 8, 1979, the Department notified the nursing home Owner that, pursuant to a "Notice of Determination Under Section 1122" issued by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare ("HEW") the Department had recalculated the nursing home's historic per diem rates and determined that the Owner had been overpaid $61,155.00 in Medicaid funds during the period ending June 30, 1978. On November 19, 1979, the nursing home Owner requested a formal hearing, under Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, to challenge the validity of the Department's overpayment claim. On November 30, 1979, the Department forwarded the Owner's request for a hearing to the Division of Administrative Hearings. [DOAH Case No. 79-2407] On January 10, 1980, the Department notified the nursing home Owner that an additional $56,906.00 should be repaid to the State of Florida--based upon alleged overpayment to the nursing home during the period ending June 30, 1979. On February 14, 1980, the nursing home Owner filed a Petition with the Department alleging numerous wrongful and negligent Department actions resulting in the withholding and underpayment of Medicaid funds to which the nursing home was entitled, demanding full payment, and requesting a formal Section 120.57 hearing. On March 12, 1980, the Department forwarded the nursing home Owner's Petition to the Division of Administrative Hearings for assignment of a Hearing Officer. [DOAH Case No. 80-467] By Notice of Hearing, dated April 11, 1980, Case No. 80-467 was set for final hearing on May 29, 1980. By agreement of the parties, the two cases were subsequently consolidated for final hearing. At final hearing, the Department called John T. Donaldson, and offered Respondent's Exhibit Nos. 1 through 9, into evidence, each of which was received. The nursing home Owner called as its witnesses, William McCaulley, Leonard Cordes, and Linda Zarecki, and offered Petitioner's Exhibit Nos. 5, (Composite) and 6, each of which was received. At the request of the nursing home, and without objection by the Department, official recognition was taken of Rule 10C-7.48(6)(c), Florida Administrative Code. The nursing home further stipulated that the only allegations which it would pursue in the administrative hearing concerned whether the Department wrongfully withheld from the nursing home certain Medicaid funds to which its was entitled. Neither party submitted post-hearing proposed Findings of Fact or Conclusions of Law.

Findings Of Fact Pursuant to an agreement with HEW, the Department administers the Medicaid Program within Florida which includes allocation and payment of Medicaid funds to nursing homes which provide health care to patients qualifying for Medicaid benefits. (Testimony of Donaldson, Petitioners Exhibit 5; Respondent's Exhibit 9) On November 1, 1977, Robert Becht, on behalf of R. B. Care, Inc. ("Owner") purchased a nursing care facility located at 208 Lakeview Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida, known as Intercoastal Nursing Manor. No evidence was presented to establish the purchase price paid for the facility. Subsequent to its purchase, the name of the nursing home was changed to Lakeview Manor, although Department correspondence frequently refers to it as Lakeview Nursing Home. (Testimony of Donaldson, McCaulley, Respondent's Exhibits 1, 2, 5, 9 [Composite]) On January 9, 1978, a representative of the Regional Health Care Planning Agency--Health Planning Council, Inc.--advised the Department's Bureau of Community Medical Facilities of an apparent change in ownership of the Intercoastal Nursing Home, noted that the new owner had not "sought, applied for, or received the necessary Certificate of Need for this change of ownership transaction," and asked for Department assistance in determining the present status of the nursing facility. (Testimony of Donaldson, Respondent's Exhibit 1) In response to the Health Planning Council's letter, the Department's Office of Medical Facilities sent a letter to the Nursing Home Owner, dated January 26, 1978. That letter enclosed Department rules which provided that, when certain expenditures have been incurred by a health care facility without prior notice of such expenditure being given to the designated planning agency (Office of Medical Facilities), that agency should notify the health care facility that such obligation was subject to review, that timely notice of the proposed expenditure was not given, and that the Agency proposed to recommend to the Secretary of HEW that the expenditure be disapproved. The nursing home was given 30 days to reply, or file the necessary application for approval of the expenditure (acquisition of the nursing home). The letter closed with the following: "You should understand that we must report the purchase of Intercoastal Nursing Manor to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare on a no timely notice and that it may affect depreciation, interest, and fair returns on the project and reimbursement on the project." (Respondent's Exhibit 2) By letter dated March 22, 1978 (with copy to the nursing home Owner), the Department's Office of Community Medical Facilities subsequently informed the regional office of HEW that notice had been given the nursing home Owner concerning the need to file an application for review of the November 1, 1977, acquisition of and change in ownership of the nursing home, but that it had failed to respond. The recommendation of the Office of Community Medical Facilities was attached to the transmittal letter; however, that recommendation was not offered into evidence by the Department. The letter of transmittal concluded that, because no application for approval was submitted by the nursing home Owner, there was "no indication on the HRA-45 of the amount of capital expended for the acquisition." (Respondent's Exhibit 3) During April, 1978, the Regional Health Administrator of HEW issued a "Notice of Determination under Section 1122--Reimbursement to be Excluded." The Notice was addressed to the nursing home Owner and concluded that reimbursement for expenses related to the capital expenditure (acquisition of the nursing home facility) would be excluded from payment for services provided under the Social Security Act based upon the finding that (1) the expenditure was subject to Section 1122, and (2) Notice of Intent to make the expenditure had not timely been given. By way of explanation, the regional administrator added that reimbursement would be "withheld for an indefinite period" because the State had been unable to make a finding that the expenditure conformed to applicable plans, standards, and criteria due to the failure to submit an application. (Respondent's Exhibit 4) By separate agreements entered into by the Department and the nursing home Owner on November 2, 1977, October 30, 1978, and September 5, 1979 (which enabled the nursing home to participate in Florida's Medicaid Program) the nursing home Owner expressly agreed to comply with state and federal laws and rules applicable to the Medicaid Program. The Owner also agreed that Medicaid cost reporting would be governed by the procedures and methods contained in the Medicare Provider Reimbursement Manual (HIM-15). The agreements relieve the nursing home from responsibility in "those instances of overpayment due to Agency [Department] errors in eligibility investigation and determination. . ." (Respondent's Exhibit 9 [Composite]) Section 2422 of HIM-15 describes the requirements concerning approval of capital expenditures imposed by Section 1122 of the Social Security Act. The Manual cautions providers desiring to make or having made expenditures subject to Section 1122 to familiarize themselves with the regulations and direct questions concerning its implementation to the designated planning agency. (Respondent's Exhibit 8) Notwithstanding having been sent repeated notices by the Department and HEW concerning the requirements of Section 1122, the nursing home Owner has not filed an application for approval of the capital expenditure associated with acquisition of the nursing home; neither has it contended that such capital expenditure does not fall within the ambit of Section 1122 and implementing HEW and Department rules. (Testimony of McCaulley, Donaldson) Despite the Department's withholding and disallowal of payment to the nursing home of expenses relating to the acquisition of the facility (due to the federal Section 1122 determination), the nursing home continued to qualify for and participate in the Medicaid Program. The nursing home provided efficient and satisfactory medical care to Medicaid patients during 1978, and 1979, and the Department does not assert otherwise. The three Medicaid participation agreements entered into during 1977, 1978, and 1979, do not directly address or purport to relieve health care facilities from compliance with Department rules and Section 1122. (Testimony of Donaldson, McCaulley, Respondent's Exhibit 9 [Composite]) It is probable that the nursing home received actual notice of the requirement that certain capital expenditures by health care facilities must receive Section 1122 approval. Although the nursing home Owner's secretary since June, 1978, does not recall receiving the HEW Section 1122 Notice, she was not employed by the nursing home during the time the notice was issued, and she admitted that she could not testify that the owner had not received the HEW Notice. Moreover, her testimony did not address the earlier Department correspondence to the Owner concerning the need to obtain State and Federal Section 1122 approval, including the Department's Section 1122 recommendation to HEW. (Testimony of Zarecki, Donaldson, Respondent's Exhibits 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Between 1977 and 1979, the Department overpaid the nursing home $118,061.00 (which includes the $18,900.00 claimed by the Department in its May 2, 1979, letter) in per diem patient reimbursements which the nursing home was not entitled to under the Section 1122 Notice and Penalty. This overpayment was caused by the Department's failure to exclude that portion of per diem patient reimbursements attributable to the Owner's acquisition of the nursing home property. (Testimony of Donaldson, Respondent's Exhibits 5 and 7) If the Section 1122 penalty was incorrectly recommended by the Department, and imposed by the HEW, the Department has withheld between November 1, 1977, and December 31, 1979, $101,348.00 which is now due and owing to the nursing home Owner. (Testimony of McCaulley, Petitioner's Exhibit 6) Since January 2, 1979, the Owner has no longer owned or operated the nursing home in question. (Testimony of McCaulley, Cordes)

USC (2) 42 CFR 100.10142 CFR 100.103(a)(1) Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 78-002505 Latest Update: May 03, 1979

Findings Of Fact FMCC's application is to provide a 102-bed long-term care nursing facility in Fort Myers, Florida, while AHC's and HSI's applications are to provide 120-bed long-term nursing care facilities. When each of these applications was presented to the south Central Florida Health Systems Council, Inc. (HSA), the application of FMCC was approved and forwarded to Respondent recommending approval and the other two applications were disapproved and so forwarded. The primary reason given by HSA for disapproving HSI's application was lack of firm financing and for disapproving AHC's application was cost of construction. Trained personnel to man the proposed facilities are in short supply in Lee County. Applicants' plans to import personnel, if necessary, from other parts of the country were supported by no evidence to indicate such personnel would be amenable to move to Lee County. All applications were disapproved by Respondent and each applicant requested a hearing which resulted in this consolidated hearing. At present there are 741 existing or approved long-term care nursing home beds in Lee County, Florida. A 120-bed facility at Cape Coral became operative in February, 1979 and a 60-bed addition to Beacon-Donegan Manor nursing home has also been approved. Prior to the opening of the newest 120-bed facility at Cape Coral, the occupancy rate for the other long-term care nursing homes was greater than 90 percent. Due to its recent opening, no evidence was presented as to the occupancy rate in Lee County following the opening of the Cape Coral facility. The population of Lee County in 1978 was 184,841 with 41,984 more than 65 years old, which is less than 23 percent of the population. This is in line with the population forecasts by the University of Florida and validates the estimated 1980 population figures which were used by all parties in submitting their applications. In 1978 Respondent proposed a State Health Plan which included a determination that the long-term care nursing home bed needs were 27 per 1,000 population greater than 65 years old. This determination was unacceptable to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) whose decision is binding on Respondent. In refusing to accept this standard, HEW reaffirmed the requirement that the formula contained in the Hill-Burton Act be utilized in determining certificates of need. Following the Hill-Burton formula results in no additional long-term care nursing home beds needed in Lee County. Modification of the results produced by use of the Hill-Burton formula when extenuating and mitigating circumstances exist is authorized by the Florida Medical Facilities Plan. Accordingly, when use of Hill-Burton formula produces results contrary to obvious facts, such as a showing of no need for additional facilities when occupancy rates are high and long waiting lists for admission exists, these extenuating circumstances are considered and a finding of need is made. The parties stipulated that extenuating circumstances, notably the greater than 90 percent occupancy rate in nursing homes in 1977 and most of 1978 and the existing waiting lists created need for 100 to 120 additional beds. No evidence was presented establishing a need for more than 100-120 additional long-term care nursing home beds in Lee County. In fact, no evidence was presented showing the current occupancy rate, current waiting lists, or any other information not previously submitted to the Health Systems Agency was here presented other than the latest Census Report, which merely confirmed the accuracy of the forecasts. Even if the 27 beds per 1,000 population greater than 65 which was proposed by the South Central Florida Health Systems Agency were used to establish the number of beds needed, their limitation, that no more than 50 percent be added in the two-year planning period, would preclude approving more than one additional nursing home at this time. Absent evidence showing a need for more than one additional nursing home, the only issue remaining is which of the applicants is best qualified to provide the best service at the lowest cost for the stipulated need. HSI submitted proposed construction costs and patient charges in line with those submitted by FMCC. However, although their application states, and the Health Systems Agency apparently accepted, their allegation that an option to lease had been obtained on the property on which the proposed facility was to be erected, testimony at the hearing disclosed that only an oral agreement to lease the property had been obtained by HSI. An oral agreement affecting a long-term lease of real property comes within the Statute of Frauds and is unenforceable. This fact alone renders all cost estimates submitted by HSI suspect. Further, the financing proposed by HSI to construct the facility shows less than $200,000 equity capital available and a requirement to borrow $1,300,000. One ground noted by the Health Systems Agency for disapproving this application was the inadequacy of their financing. No evidence presented at this hearing contradicted this Health System Agency's finding. AHC operates some 50 nursing homes in 14 states with two nursing homes in the Orlando area. A certificate of need has been obtained for a third nursing home in Jacksonville. Florida Living Care, Inc., the parent corporation of FMCC, manages some 44 nursing homes and owns 25. It has certificates of need for 6 nursing homes in Florida, one of which is completed and in operation, while 3 are under construction. AHC proposes to finance 87 percent of the cost of the 120-bed project, or $2,160,000, in a 40-year loan at 8.5 percent interest. FMCC proposes to finance 80 percent of the cost of a 102-bed project, or $1,000,000, in a 25-year loan at 9.5 percent interest. Although no testimony regarding the current status of mortgage money was presented, it is recognized that interest rates are at historically high levels and that FMCC is more likely to get financing on the terms it proposed than is AHC on the terms the latter proposed. HSI proposed costs and charges result in average costs of $30.16 per patient per day. FMCC proposed costs and charges result in average costs of $30.96 per patient per day. AHC proposed costs and charges result in average costs of $34.40 per patient per day. No significant difference exists in the services proposed by each of the applicants. Savings from combined purchasing can result when numerous facilities are operated. Both AHC and FMCC are in a better position in this regard than is HSI. Additional savings in group food purchasing can result when facilities are within 200 miles of each other. The facilities FMCC's parent corporation is opening in Sebring and Port Charlotte are close enough to Fort Myers to allow group food purchasing for these facilities. AHC's construction costs are approximately 50 percent higher per bed than are the costs submitted by FMCC and HSI. This factor must result in higher charges to amortize these higher construction costs.

# 5
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 86-002686 Latest Update: Jul. 30, 1987

Findings Of Fact Each applicant in this proceeding submitted its application in the January, 1986 batching cycle for the January, 1989 planning horizon, each requesting a certificate of need to build a 120-bed nursing home in Brevard County, Florida. The parties have stipulated that each applicant's letter of intent and application was timely filed, that there is a need in the January, 1989 planning horizon for additional community nursing home beds, and that 120 of those beds should be awarded to one of these applicants. They further stipulated that there are sufficient professional staff available in the Brevard County area to completely staff a new nursing home facility and that each of the applicants is able to obtain the funds necessary to construct its project. Maple Leaf of Brevard County Health Care, Inc., a new corporation to be formed as a wholly-owned subsidiary of HCR proposes a 120-bed community nursing home to be located in central Brevard County in the area of Rockledge and Cocoa. In addition to traditional skilled and intermediate care, the nursing home will provide services for sub-acute patients, and a separate wing of the nursing home will be set aside for Alzheimers and related dementia disease patients (hereinafter "Alzheimers patients"). The HCR proposal includes an adult day- care unit for Alzheimers patients and respite care on a bed- availability basis. At final hearing, HCR submitted an application supplement which provided updated calculations, projections and program descriptions to account for changes occurring as a result of the elapse of time between submission of the original application and the final hearing. The application supplement does not include any programmatic changes from the original application and does not add any new concepts or elements to the original HCR proposal. The adult day-care unit will provide care to Alzheimers patients for four to eight hours a day and from one to five days a week, depending upon the needs of the patient and caregiver. The program will be staffed by a nurse director and an assistant. Patients will be provided with various activities of daily living in an environment developed for Alzheimers disease victims. This program provides placement for the patient who does not need inpatient care but whose caregiver needs rest or an opportunity to attend to matters outside of the home, such as employment. Respite care at the HCR facility is intended to provide placement for patients on a 24-hour basis while the family or caregiver attends to needs such as vacation or hospitalization incompatible with overnight care of the patient at home. Respite care provides inpatient nursing home care for short periods of time, typically a week or two. Sub-acute care is a more intensive form of skilled nursing care than typically has been provided in nursing homes. Historically, this care was provided in hospitals, but adoption of the DRG (diagnostically related group) system of acute care reimbursement has resulted in an earlier discharge from hospitals of elderly patients who continue to need an intense level of nursing care. Sub-acute care includes the provision of high-tech services such as ventilator care IV therapy, pulmonary aids, tube feeding, hyperalimentation and short- and long-term rehabilitation. HCR provides a wide variety of these sub- acute care services in its existing facilities. Hospitals in Brevard County report difficulty in placing patients who require sub-acute care and high-tech services. Particularly difficult to place are these patients whose care is reimbursed by Medicaid. The availability of sub-acute care also provides continuity of care for bedridden Alzheimers patients in the later stages of the disease when they require life support systems. HCR proposes to devote a 29-bed wing of the facility to the care of Alzheimers patients. Special design features, patient activities and programs and modified staffing will be provided to meet the special needs of Alzheimers patients. Alzheimers disease, a form of dementia, is a degenerative condition of the brain which results in a progressive dementia and loss of Previously- acquired intellectual functions and memory. Generally, the disease has three or four stages. In the earliest stages, the victims experience some mild memory loss, behavioral changes, loss of interest in previous hobbies, depression, anxiety and increased difficulty handling some routine day-to-day affairs. In the early stages, victims often are in reasonably good physical condition and symptoms tend to be fairly subtle. In stage two memory loss is much more apparent, and victims begin to have problems with the use of language. They may have increased difficulty with spatial relationships and become lost in familiar surroundings. These victims experience more noticeable problems with their memory in terms with dealing with their family and friends; as the disease progresses to stage three, those problems tend to worsen and become apparent even to people who are not otherwise familiar with the patient. The victims may have additional behavioral or psychiatric difficulties associated with depression or severe anxiety. A delusional stage is frequent. These victims experience disruption of their sleeping cycles and sleep during the day and wander during the night. Seizures may become a problem. In stage three, the victims usually require supervision. As the disease progresses through stage three, the victims have difficulty with personal hygiene, difficulty getting dressed and difficulty performing the simplest human task. As the disease progresses into stage four the victim becomes bedridden and requires total nursing care. There is no cure for the disease. It is terminal. Nursing home care is probably appropriate for everyone in stage four of Alzheimers disease. Most patients in stage three require nursing home care. Some patients in stage two may require nursing home care, depending upon the type of care that is available at home. According to some estimations, approximately 2.5 million American adults suffer from Alzheimers disease and approximately one-half of existing nursing home patients, and 15 percent of the population age 75 and over suffer from Alzheimers disease (4 - 5 percent 65 and over, 20 - 30 percent 85 and older). There are eleven nursing homes in Brevard County, but there is only one nursing home in Brevard County which provides a separate unit for Alzheimers patients. This facility is located in West Melbourne in south Brevard County. There is no nursing home which provides a separate Alzheimers program in central or north Brevard County. Historically, Alzheimers patients in nursing homes have been mixed with other patients. The Alzheimers patient in the nursing home has often created management problems because of wandering, incontinence, confusion, loss of cognitive and communicative capabilities, unusual sensitivity to normal environmental stress, and socially, unacceptable behavior. Because of these characteristics, nursing homes have sometimes avoided admitting Alzheimers patients. Often, when such patients were admitted, their behavior was controlled by sedation and physical restraints. Nursing home patients who do not suffer from Alzheimers disease are often agitated and disrupted by the Alzheimers patient. The Alzheimers patient exhibits such unacceptable social behavior as going through other patients' belongings, sleeping in other patients' beds, violent behavior, being unresponsive to attempted communications and continually wandering. A separate unit for the Alzheimers disease victim also accommodates the needs of the non- Alzheimers patient. It is medically appropriate to separate Alzheimers patients from other nursing home patients. Frequently, the Alzheimers patient is suffering from mental problems resulting in confusion and disorientation but is otherwise physically healthy and ambulatory. Other patients in the nursing home often have a variety of medical problems which require more intensive nursing care. Placing Alzheimers patients in the same area with those patients with medical problems requiring more nursing care can be disruptive to the nursing care being provided to the non- Alzheimers patient, The design of the HCR facility is intended to reduce the environmental stress on Alzheimers disease victims and allow them to maintain their cognitive capabilities for as long as possible. Special wall coverings, floor coverings, labeling and color coding features are provided. Separate dining and activities areas are provided. Wandering is permitted. A fenced courtyard is provided. A monitoring system will alert the facility staff when a patient begins to wander out of the facility. Bathrooms are designed to avoid fright and confusion by automatic lighting systems, coloring and distinctly shaped fixtures and waste baskets. Safe dinnerware and tables which enhance the Alzheimers victim's ability to continue to feed himself or herself are provided. Additional staffing in the Alzheimers unit and staff training in Alzheimers care will be provided. The goal of the Alzheimers design and program is to maintain the patient's activities of daily living and assist in the retention of the patient's cognitive capabilities for as long as possible. Separate, specialized Alzheimers care units are beneficial for several reasons. They are safer for the Alzheimers patient. They reduce the agitation and disruption of the Alzheimer's and non-Alzheimer's patient. They provide programs for Alzheimers patients which are within the patient's cognitive abilities. The units are smaller, and each patient receives more individual attention. Sedation and physical restraint is eliminated or reduced. Individual dignity is enhanced. HCR confirmed the need for an Alzheimers program in Brevard County by calculations based upon nationally-accepted statistics and contact in Brevard County with individuals knowledgeable of the availability of care being provided to Alzheimers disease patients. Special units for Alzheimers patients are a fairly new phenomenon. HCR proposes to develop Alzheimers units in other nursing homes in Florida and has submitted applications to add Alzheimers wings to existing nursing homes in Florida. HCR also proposes to convert a wing in an existing facility in Dade County to provide care for Alzheimers patients. HCR will locate its nursing home in the Rockledge- Cocoa area, about thirty miles north of Melbourne and thirty miles south of Titusville, in central Brevard County. All 120 nursing home beds in the HCR nursing home will be certified for Medicaid reimbursement. New equipment for the HCR nursing home is projected to cost $412,079. This represents an increase in cost over the original estimate of $370,000 because of a general increase in equipment cost since the original application and an allocation of approximately $13,800 for equipment for the daycare unit, a cost which was not included in the original estimate. HCR's estimate for purchase of new equipment is reasonable. Projections of payor-mix, facility utilization and revenue and expenses of a nursing home are useful to evaluate the financial feasibility of the project. All projections utilized by HCR to evaluate financial feasibility are conservative projections. The updated projections presented by HCR at final hearing are more conservative than the projections presented in HCR's original application. If the projections found in HCR's original application were realized, the facility simply would be more profitable. HCR's estimate of an 11 percent interest rate for the funds to be borrowed for this project is a reasonable and conservative estimate. HCR's estimate of 50 percent intermediate care patients and 50 percent skilled care patients is a reasonable estimate for the patients expected to be found in this facility and is a conservative estimate. No other applicant provided such an estimate. In computing revenues and expenses, HCR assumed an inflation factor of 3 percent for Medicare and Medicaid revenues, 5 percent for other revenues and 5 percent for expenses. These inflation factors are reasonable. HCR's projections of 22 percent in year one and 25 percent in year two for payroll taxes and fringe benefits are reasonable and consistent with HCR's actual experience. HCR utilized reasonable and appropriate depreciation periods of 40 years for the building and 10 years for equipment. These are the depreciation periods used by HCR in its regular course of business. The patient charges projected by HCR, including Medicaid, Medicare and private room rates and ancillary charges, are reasonable projections. HCR projected that private pay room charges at the nursing home would be $75 for a semi-private room and $85 for a private room in July, 1989. These updated projections are consistent with existing (1987) private pay rates in Brevard County, which range from $59 for a semi-private room to $90 for a private room. The HCR rates, inflated forward to 1989, are reasonable and consistent with the existing private pay charges in Brevard County. Private pay room rates charged at nursing homes tend to reflect the market for private pay rates in the vicinity of the nursing home. HCR's updated projection of payor-mix is consistent with the actual experience in central Brevard County and an open admissions policy for Medicaid patients. HCR projects that the facility will reach 95 percent occupancy within 12 months of operation. This projection is based upon HCR's experience subsequent to filing the original application. This projection is reasonable and more conservative than those of the other applicants. HCR anticipates a loss in the first year of operation of $293,885, but a profit in the second year of Operation of $241,084. These projections reveal that the project proposed by HCR is financially feasible, and these projections are reasonable. Staffing of the HCR nursing home is comprised of an administrator, a director of nursing, an assistant director of nursing, an Alzheimers program director, 8.4 FTE (full time equivalent) registered nurses, 6.3 FTE licensed practical nurses, 39.9 FTE nurse-aides, 1 full time occupational therapy aide, 1 full time recreational therapy aide, a social worker, an activities director, 10 FTE dietary personnel, 3 FTE laundry personnel, 8 FTE housekeeping personnel, a maintenance person, 2 clerical workers, and 1 medical records worker. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, recreational therapy, and speech therapy will be provided by licensed therapists on a contract basis. The updated staffing pattern represents minor changes from the staffing pattern in the original application. These changes are a direct result of HCR's experience in operating an Alzheimers wing within a nursing home. HCR's staffing level for staff who provide direct patient care (RNs, LPNs and Aides) exceeds that of Wuesthoff and Unicare. Staff levels in the HCR nursing home are designed to meet the special needs of the Alzheimers patients. An Alzheimers program director will be responsible for the Alzheimers wing and will be an advisor for the day-care facility. HCR's staffing pattern assumes 15 wandering Alzheimers patients in the Alzheimers wing. Care for Alzheimers patients requires increased staffing. Higher nurse-aides staffing is required in the Alzheimers wing during the evening and night hours than in the remainder of the nursing home because Alzheimers patients tend to wander without regard to the time of day. HCR estimates construction costs to be $2,200,000, not including site preparation, which is estimated to cost $275,000. Construction costs per square foot are estimated at $55 and $61.87 when site preparation is included. The estimates of construction cost and construction cost per square foot include an allocation of 2,000 square feet and $110,000 for the day-care unit. The cost per square foot projected in the updated application differs from that projected in the original application because the original application included site preparation, assumed a facility size of 36,000 square feet and was not changed when the original design was changed to add day- care in the original application supplement. The actual size is approximately 40,000 gross square feet. The original HCR application submitted a blueprint which is somewhat different in shape from that which HCR currently intends to build. When HCR added day-care in its Original application supplement, a change in the shape of the building was required and a new design was submitted, but cost estimates were not changed. The design which HCR will use for this facility is similar to the design being used in four ongoing HCR projects in Florida, and which, therefore, meets HRS' requirements. The design relied upon by HCR at final hearing is not substantially different from the design presented to HRS in the original application supplement. HCR's estimates of construction cost, construction cost per square foot, construction cost per bed, equipment cost per bed and total project costs are reasonable and adequate to accomplish the construction of the proposed facility. HCR's updated construction cost estimates are based upon its construction experience in Florida, its experience in having built the design proposed and its discussions with contractors and subcontractors on the east coast of Florida. HCR is currently building two facilities on the east coast of Florida. HCR does not anticipate any cost overruns on any of the facilities currently under construction. All HCR facilities under construction are being constructed within the certificate of need budgets for those facilities. HCR estimates project development costs, including feasibility studies, surveys, legal and accounting fees, planning and HRS's plan review, to be $55,000, which represents an increase over the estimate in the original application due to the passage of time. HCR estimates professional services required for the construction of the facility to cost $90,000. These services include architectural and engineering fees and a site survey and soil investigation report. These costs are approximate1y $5,000 less than the original estimate. This reduction in cost is a direct result of HCR's new staff of civil engineers. Previously, HCR had contracted for site survey work with outside engineers. Thus, while architectural and engineering fees increase, the costs for site surveys and soil investigation reports decrease. The HCR nursing home will be located on approximately 5 acres. HCR estimates land cost for the facility to be approximately $500,000. This - represents an increase over the original land cost estimate because HCR intends to acquire a site which requires less site preparation, located near a hospital. The HCR estimates for land cost are reasonable and consistent with other applicants' estimates. Site preparation costs are estimated at $275,000, a reduction from the original site preparation cost estimate of $315,000. This change is accounted for by HCR's intention to acquire a more costly site which will require less site preparation. HCR intends to build and operate the nursing home proposed for Brevard County and is willing to accept a condition to that effect on any certificate of need issued. HCR estimates a project completion schedule which will result in its nursing home being occupied and in use in July, 1989, and this project completion forecast is a reasonable forecast. HCR has taken steps to ensure that failure to initiate construction within statutory requirements will not occur. HCR has undertaken numerous nursing home projects since 1983 and has successfully constructed or initiated construction on all of those projects. At this time HCR has approximately six projects under construction, four projects have been completed, and one project is under construction for a third party. The design of the HCR facility incorporates numerous energy conservation measures and efficiencies. The HCR facility will comply with all energy code requirements. HCR owns and operates seven nursing homes in Florida. Three of these facilities have superior licenses, and the remaining facilities have standard licenses. HCR nursing homes adhere to extensive quality assurance standards and guidelines. These standards and guidelines regulate such areas as patients' rights, staff development and orientation, physician and nurses services, pharmacy services and medication administration, social services, patient activities, infection control, patient care planning, safety and the physical environmental, menus, diets, nutritional care and scheduling and staffing of dietary personnel, personal appearance and hygiene for dietary personnel, and food storage, preparation and sanitation. These standards and guidelines will be applicable to this proposed project. The standards and guidelines cover all areas of operations and patient care and incorporate survey tools used by the state of Florida and the Health Care and Finance Administration of the federal government for their annual licensure surveys. Additionally, administrators of HCR facilities have a financial incentive to optimize the performance and the quality of care of their facilities. HCR estimates that approximately 60 percent of the patient days in the facility (53 percent of the revenue) will result from Medicaid patients. This estimate is consistent with the experience in the Rockledge-Cocoa area, where one facility has a very low percentage of Medicaid patients and the remaining facilities have very high Medicaid populations (over 60 percent). HCR's estimate also takes into account HCR's recent experience in staffing a facility which includes an Alzheimers wing. HCR will not restrict the number of Medicaid patients in the Alzheimers wing or the remainder of the home. HCR's original application assumed approximately 45 percent of the patient days (42 percent of the revenues) would be accounted for by Medicaid patients. This assumption was based upon HCR's assumption at that time that, in order to cover the assumed high cost of additional staffing in the Alzheimers wing, a greater percentage of private patients (at a higher daily charge) would be required. Subsequent to submission of the original application, HCR has gained actual experience which has demonstrated that the level of staffing proposed by the original application is not necessary and that the cost of staffing can be reduced. The result is that HCR can reduce its reliance on the additional revenue generated by the private paying patient. HCR's design for its Brevard County Alzheimers unit is based upon a state-of-the-art Alzheimers wing at its facility in Perrysburg, Ohio, and HCR's experience gained there. In addition, HCR operates two other facilities which have separate units for Alzheimers patients. The HCR application is consistent with both state and local health plans. HCR projects a charge for Medicaid patients to be $60.93 and, for Medicare patients to be $76 in July, 1989. The increase in charges between the updated projections and the original projections is due to increases in costs during the passage of time since the original estimates were made. The cost of care for patients who are unable to pay is subsidized by the general revenue of the nursing home. Although HCR and Unicare have not projected a percentage of "charity" patients who will not be paying for their services, there will always be some patients who do not pay for all of their care. Patients who do not qualify for Medicaid but who cannot afford standard private pay rates are charged at lower contract rates. The loan fees projected by HCR of $57,000 for the amount of the project financed by debt are reasonable projections based upon current discussions with lenders. HCR estimates that interest during construction will cost $225,000. This amount represents the interest expense paid during the period of construction. This estimate is reasonable. HCR estimates $50,000 will be required for preopening expenses - those incurred in preparing the facility for the opening day. These expenses include marketing and the hiring of an administrator, a director of nursing, and other employees prior to opening. $50,000 is an adequate amount to cover the pre- opening expenses for the proposed facility. HCR's pro forma assumptions, proposed patient charges, projections of revenue and expense, staffing and projections of salaries are reasonable. Each HCR nursing home provides individual patient care plans for each patient, a statement of patients' rights and a resident council (which is a unit of individuals selected by the patients to afford an opportunity to have a formalized, direct method to state preferences, grievances and other opinions related to the operation of the nursing home), and each HCR nursing home has transfer agreements with local-hospitals. The planning director of the Local Health Council responsible for Brevard County performed an analysis of the need for nursing home beds in Brevard County. The results of the study demonstrate that the central part of Brevard County has a lower number of nursing home beds per thousand population over 65 than the remainder of Brevard County. If additional nursing home beds are to be approved for Brevard County, the beds should be located in the central part of the county because the need for nursing home beds in Brevard County is greatest in central Brevard. The HCR architectural design best accommodates the needs of the nursing home patient. Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc., is a non-profit corporation affiliated with Wuesthoff Hospital, Inc., a 305-bed non-profit hospital serving Brevard County, through a common parent Wuesthoff Health Systems, Inc. Wuesthoff Hospital provides some indigent medical care in central Brevard County, and the Wuesthoff nursing home certificate of need application commits to providing some indigent care at the proposed nursing home facility. Wuesthoff, through its affiliated non-profit companies, operates within Brevard County a home health agency, a hospice, four family practice clinics, Life Line for the elderly or disabled who live alone, and Brevard Medical Transport, a no- cost transportation service for the elderly. It also operates a retail pharmacy through a for-profit affiliated corporation. The hospital has for several years maintained a senior citizens' advisory council which concerns itself with the needs of the elderly in Brevard County. It also intends to compete with other businesses in operating Brevard County's Meals On Wheels due to a recent expansion of the size of the Hospital's kitchen. The proposed nursing home will be located on a tract of land owned by Wuesthoff Hospital which will make the property available to Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc., at either the nominal rental of $1 per year for the useful life of the nursing home or by outright contribution if required by HRS. The land has been owned for several years by Wuesthoff Hospital, but Wuesthoff included $48,000 for land costs in its original certificate of need application. The site for the Wuesthoff nursing home is part of a large tract of land which already has located thereon a 20,000 square feet ambulatory care center, diagnostic testing center, family practice physician, dental facility, and retail pharmacy, all of which are owned by one of the Wuesthoff corporations. The ambulatory care center includes laboratory services, physical therapy services, radiology services, two out-patient surgery suites, and 24- hour physician coverage. The nursing home will be connected to the ambulatory care center by an air conditioned, enclosed corridor through which the nursing home patients will be transported to receive any therapies or services which they require. The farthest distance from any patient room in the nursing home to the ambulatory care center, including physical therapy rooms, is approximately 400 feet. Wuesthoff's nursing home would be located in the area which the Local Health Council recognizes as having the greatest need for nursing home beds, i.e., central Brevard County in the Cocoa/Rockledge area. According to Wuesthoff's updated application the total project cost for its 120-bed nursing home would be $2,901,213, and the facility will consist of 37,500 square feet. The project size actually includes 1,000 square feet for the corridor which connects the nursing home to the ambulatory care center. Therefore, the facility itself consists of only 36,500 square feet. It is unclear whether that figure should be further reduced since Wuesthoff decreased the size of its kitchen in its amended application so that the nursing home would no longer have a full-service kitchen. Similarly, the total project cost was substantially higher in Wuesthoff's original application wherein the total project cost was given as $4,417,884. Wuesthoff made changes from its original to its updated application either because the applications were prepared by different persons or because decisions were made to change Wuesthoff's application, as follows: The original application included a full-service kitchen, while the updated application contemplates meals will be prepared at Wuesthoff Hospital and transported seven miles to the nursing home. The removal of the kitchen affects the square footage of the facility along with equipment costs, staffing costs and other costs associated with the operation of the proposed nursing home, such as the increased costs associated with transporting the food to the nursing home. In its original application, one individual was listed as both the nursing home administrator and director of nursing. In its updated application, Wuesthoff treated these as separate positions. Wuesthoff proposed $376,000 for equipment costs in its original application and projected $187,400 for equipment costs in its updated application. Wuesthoff projected 45 percent Medicaid and 15 percent Medicare in its original application and 50 percent Medicaid and 2 percent Medicare in its updated application without any evidence that the needs in the community had changed. Wuesthoff removed the debt service, in its updated application, thus reducing the financing costs. The underwriter's fees between the original and updated application were reduced based upon a dimunition of the bond size as a result of reduction of square footage in the facility and the elimination of the debt service. Wuesthoff reduced land cost from $48,000 in its original application to no cost in its updated application despite the fact that the land was owned by Wuesthoff at the time the original application was filed. Wuesthoff changed the equity contribution between its original and updated applications without any testimony of extrinsic factors while evidence showed that the funds were available to make the equity contribution at the time of the submittal of the Original certificate of need application. Although Wuesthoff's application' represents that approximately 3 percent of the revenues from private pay patients would be devoted to indigent or charity patients, the 3 percent actually applies to both charity and bad debt. Wuesthoff failed to demonstrate how much of its revenues, if any, would be allocated to charity care alone. Wuesthoff projected charges of $65 for a semi- private room for a private paying patient and $73 for a private room for a private paying patient. These charges, projected for mid-1989, are below existing (1987) charges at nursing homes in Brevard County. The projections of financial feasibility and the pro formas for the Wuesthoff facility are based upon the assumption that the Wuesthoff nursing home will be owned and operated by Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc. The only financial statements provided by Wuesthoff in support of its application are those relating to Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital. Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital is a corporation separate and distinct from Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc. Further, the financial statements of Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital provided by Wuesthoff do not include the "notes" normally appended to those statements. The "notes" to the audited financial statements are typically included in any complete financial statements and are required for a full understanding of the financial statements. The pro formas of Wuesthoff assume that 15 percent of salaries would be allocated to fringe benefits. This assumption is based upon the assumption that the employees of the nursing home will not be unionized and, therefore, their fringe benefits will not be as high as those for unionized employees. The nurses at Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital are unionized and have higher benefits than proposed for the nursing home. Unionization is a decision made by employees and not by management. Wuesthoff's assumptions for fringe benefits do not assume any increase in the fringe benefits from year to year. Wuesthoff agrees that there are required increases in fringe benefits, such as increases in required contributions to social security programs over the next few years. Thus, the amount for fringe benefits assumed by Wuesthoff understates the amount likely to be paid. A participant in the Medicaid reimbursement system is entitled to reimbursement on the basis of fair rental value of the nursing home. Although the fair rental value aspect of the reimbursement plan includes consideration of the value of land upon which a nursing home is situated, and although Wuesthoff assumes that it would receive reimbursement under this element of the plan, Wuesthoff does not include in that reimbursement any value for land value. Wuesthoff would be entitled to that form of reimbursement, but Wuesthoff was unable to specify "how that's going to be done." The Medicaid reimbursement system incorporates certain caps on reimbursement, including caps for patient care costs, operating costs and property costs. Wuesthoff is unable to specify which Medicaid reimbursement caps it utilized when calculating its Medicaid charges. It is not possible to calculate Wuesthoff's Medicaid reimbursement and Medicaid charges based upon the exhibits presented by Wuesthoff, including its applications. The Wuesthoff application does not contain any description of patient care costs or costs of operation of the Wuesthoff facility upon which Medicaid charges can be determined. Wuesthoff represented that certain services would be provided to the Wuesthoff nursing home by Wuesthoff Health Services or Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital at no charge to the nursing home. The exact nature of the services and their value are unspecified. Although Wuesthoff contends fewer staff will be needed at the nursing home, Wuesthoff has not determined how many additional staff would be required at the hospital and has not calculated the cost of transporting food to the nursing home. Ordinarily, a related entity providing services to a nursing home is entitled to reimbursement for the cost of those services under the Medicaid reimbursement system. Wuesthoff has not determined whether the Medicaid statutes and regulations will allow a related entity to waive its entitlement to such reimbursement. Wuesthoff's parent company, Wuesthoff Health Systems, and Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital will incur costs for providing those services to Wuesthoff which Wuesthoff represents will not be reimbursed. These entities' budgets and Medicaid reimbursement are regulated and audited by HRS and the Hospital Cost Containment Board. By providing services to the nursing home and no longer allocating 100 percent of costs to operation of the hospital, the hospital's reimbursement and budget will have to be adjusted. These required adjustments have not been taken into consideration by Wuesthoff. In preparing its budget to be submitted to the Hospital Cost Containment Board, the hospital will be required to allocate a certain amount of time for those persons providing services to the nursing home. The hospital will not be reimbursed for those services by Medicaid or Medicare. The total cost of providing care to nursing home residents must be reported by the nursing home in its Medicaid cost report. If a nursing home does not include allowable Medicaid costs in its cost report, HRS will include those costs when HRS audits the cost report. When those additional costs are included, the nursing home's reimbursement (Medicaid charge) will increase. It is not a generally accepted accounting principle to exclude allowable costs in a Medicaid cost report. By not including certain costs, expenses are understated and profit is overstated. Wuesthoff attempted to present evidence that a hospital-based nursing home facility maintains lower costs which can be passed on to its patients, because of an absence of taxation and the presence of group purchasing. However, this evidence also revealed that the hospital-based nursing home to which Wuesthoff sought comparison had patient care and operating costs which exceed the caps for Medicaid reimbursement. Additionally, Wuesthoff's Medicaid costs are higher than those of HCR. Wuesthoff proposes an architectural plan for its nursing home which has never been built in Florida. Wuesthoff is the only applicant which proposes three nurses' stations for 120 beds. The 120-bed nursing home with two nurses' stations is more efficient to operate than a 120-bed nursing home with three nurses' stations. Three nurses' stations result in a higher cost per patient day than two nurses' stations. Wuesthoff's architect was unable to estimate the cost of site preparation and was unable to specify the exact nature of site preparation required. However, site preparation will be required. There is confusion concerning the cost of equipment for the Wuesthoff project, particularly with regard to food service equipment. Although the Wuesthoff architect testified that Wuesthoff originally had consulted with him concerning the cost of equipment, the witness was unable to identify the equipment costs listed in the application. The equipment list relied upon by Wuesthoff and the list of used equipment and food service equipment was not prepared until the first week of the final hearing. Wuesthoff's projection of construction cost ($57 per square foot) was not prepared by Wuesthoff's architect and the source of the projection is unspecified. The project is not based upon any actual experience of nursing home construction in Florida. The original estimate was provided by the architect to Wuesthoff several years earlier and was lower than $57 per square foot. Wuesthoff proposes to connect its nursing home to a nearby ambulatory surgical center by a corridor. There are no physical therapy or Occupational therapy rooms provided at the nursing home. Although recreational therapy and speech therapy must be provided at the nursing home, only small meeting rooms are available for these purposes. A nursing home patient transported from a nursing home to a location outside the nursing home for therapies must remain in the care of nursing home staff. This mode of operation requires more staff than one in which all therapies are provided within the physical confines of the nursing home. Wuesthoff did not include in its estimate of project development cost any estimate for attorney's fees or consulting fees of the planners and financial consultants retained for the purpose of obtaining a certificate of need. The shared services referred to by Wuesthoff are not free services, and no evidence was offered to show that the sharing of those services would be cost efficient. The corridor between the ambulatory surgical center and the nursing home is estimated by Wuesthoff to be 1,000 square feet. The cost for the corridor is -included in the costs projected for the nursing home, and the corridor is included in the total size (37,500 square feet) of the nursing home. Wuesthoff proposes to equip the nursing home with used equipment and furniture. The used hospital beds which Wuesthoff proposes to use at the nursing home are eight to twelve years old. Although Wuesthoff proposes to provide therapy through professional staff from Wuesthoff Memorial Hospital, Wuesthoff could not estimate how many additional therapists must be hired by the hospital in order to provide therapy for the nursing home patients. Wuesthoff contends that it will provide a high level of charity care in its nursing home at the same level that is provided at the hospital. However, when calculating the percentage of charity care at the hospital, Wuesthoff included care provided within programs where some form of governmental funding was available to pay for care. For instance, Brevard County contributes funding toward the care of patients who are not eligible for Medicaid or Medicare reimbursement. There is also a state fund for indigent care and Wuesthoff expects to receive revenues from that fund. The total allowance for bad debt and charity care proposed by Wuesthoff is 1.1 percent of gross patient revenues. Wuesthoff will require financial screening of patients prior to admission. Unicare proposes as total project cost in both its original and updated applications the amount of $3,360,000. The project cost cannot be relied upon, however, since it will be necessary for Unicare to modify its design. As further set forth below, Unicare's projected revenues and expenses are suspect. Unicare has never constructed a new nursing home in Florida or built the design proposed. When filing a cost report and determining Medicaid reimbursement for a new nursing home, all costs incurred throughout the process of developing and constructing the project, including feasibility studies, attorney's fees, accounting fees, consulting fees and certificate of need fees must be included. Unicare failed to include all project development costs in its application. The pro formas and projections of revenues and expenses for Unicare were prepared solely by Unicare's certificate of need consultants, based upon the consultants' experience in their own nursing homes and not upon any information (other than home office costs) concerning the operation of Unicare nursing homes. Unicare's in-house financial expert agreed that it is difficult to project revenues and expenses for operation of the proposed Unicare nursing home without having knowledge of what Unicare's general costs and expenses are. Two Unicare homes have failed to comply with the isolation room requirements of Rule 10D-29, Florida Administrative Code, which governs the licensure of nursing homes. The Unicare design does not provide any single, licensed isolation room as required by HRS licensure regulations. The Unicare architectural design provides only one toilet room between two patient rooms to meet the needs of four nursing home patients. The company which designed and expects to construct the Unicare facility has not performed any nursing home construction work in Florida since 1983 or 1984 when the company remodeled a nursing home. The last nursing home which this company completed for Unicare was prior to 1985. This company did not prepare the construction cost estimates relied upon by Unicare. Calculation of the size of the Unicare facility did not include a reduction of 9 square feet for each indented, V-shaped window in the facility. There are 23 such windows proposed for the Unicare facility. Accordingly, the Unicare facility is 207 square feet smaller than represented in the application. Licensure regulations require an unobstructed view (vista) of 20 feet from the window of a nursing home resident's room. At least four Unicare patient rooms have an unobstructed view of less than 20 feet. Therefore, the design presented by Unicare at final hearing does not comply with the rules for licensure of a new nursing home, pursuant to Chapter 10D-29, Florida Administrative Code. The Unicare design has never been built, although it was prepared more than five years ago. The design was intended for patient programs not now proposed by Unicare. The original facility design accommodated residents who require a degree of care below and can participate in activities above typical nursing home residents, such as residents found in adult congregate living facilities. The design and location of the sinks in the Unicare patient rooms do not allow sufficient space for a patient in a wheelchair to have access to the sink at the same time that the door to the toilet room is open. Unicare proposes to locate its facility in the Titusville area in north Brevard County. The local health plan shows the greatest need for additional nursing home beds to be in central, not north, Brevard County. Unicare's selection of Titusville as the area for location of its nursing home was not based upon any demographic analysis or determination of need for additional nursing home beds in the Titusville area. Rather, the selection of Titusville would avoid competition with another of Unicare's facilities located in the Rockledge/Cocoa area. In determining equipment needs, Unicare's certificate of need consultants did not refer to the design of the Unicare nursing home. Unicare projects that its facility will reach 97 percent occupancy in the first nine months of operation. However, the last nursing home to open in the Titusville area, Vista Manor, did not reach 97 percent occupancy until after the first year of operation. Unicare will staff at skilled levels. Its proposed staff salaries are reasonable. Unicare has not yet settled on any site in the Titusville area although it has narrowed its search down to four sites which vary between four and seven acres with prices ranging from $25,000 to $90,000 per acre. Its current total project cost of $3,360,000 computes to a project cost per bed of exactly $28,000. Unicare's parent, United Health, Inc., is the entity that must fund this project and has, by resolution, committed to such funding "provided that said expenditure shall not exceed $28,000 per bed." Consequently, it is highly likely that the proposed design, which has never been built anywhere, which must be redone to comply with HRS codes, and which will be built on land that is yet to be acquired but which will likely require a zoning variance, will cost more than $28,000 per bed. The HCR nursing home is larger and provides more area for patient care than the facilities proposed by Wuesthoff and Unicare. The HCR facility will provide more gross square feet per bed and a larger nursing unit area (which includes patient rooms, the nursing support unit and corridor areas). The entire facility proposed by HCR will be 40,000 square feet, 2,000 of which is allocated to day-care; the day-care area will be available to nursing home residents during those hours in which the day-care area is not in use by day- care residents. The Wuesthoff facility is said to be 37,500 square feet, but 1,000 square feet consists of an outside corridor; thus, the net usable space at the Wuesthoff nursing home is only 36,5' 00 square feet. The smallest proposed facility is the Unicare facility, said to be 34,121.5 square feet, but actually less than 34,000 feet when accurately measured. The nursing homes proposed by Wuesthoff and Unicare are at or below the low gross square foot average determined by HRS. Larger patient care areas are desirable. It is not desirable to place only one toilet room between two patient rooms to accommodate four patients, as proposed by Unicare. It is a generally accepted standard for nursing home skilled nursing units to be organized in groups of 60 beds. Units of this size offer the best efficiencies of operation in terms of economics and quality of care. Each nursing unit must include, in addition to patient bedrooms, toilet rooms and bathing facilities, one nurses' station, a clean utility room, a soiled utility room, a medication preparation room, a nourishment room, a janitors closet, an equipment storage room, a stretcher and wheel chair alcove, a clean linen closet and a nurses' toilet and lavatory. By providing three nursing units, Wuesthoff must devote more space to meet these requirements than would be required for two nursing units.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that HRS enter a Final Order: Granting HCR's application for a certificate of need; Denying Unicare's application for a certificate of need; Denying Wuesthoff's application for a certificate of need; and Dismissing the Petition to Intervene of Brevard Medical Investors, Inc. DONE and RECOMMENDED this 30th day of July, 1987, in Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of July, 1987. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 86-2686, 86-2687, 86-2688 and 86-2690 Unicare's proposed findings of fact numbered 14, 22, and 25 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. The remainder of Unicare's proposed findings of fact have been rejected as follows: 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, and 13 as being contrary to the evidence in this cause; 2, 4-7, 12, 15-17, 19-21, 23, 24, and 26 as not being supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause; 9 and 18 as being subordinate to the issues in this cause; and 27 as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel or a conclusion of law. Wuesthoff's proposed findings of fact numbered 2-6, 36, 39, and 40 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. The remainder of Wuesthoff's proposed findings of fact have been rejected as follows: 31 as being contrary to the evidence in this cause; 1, 7-18, 22-30, 32, 34, and 41 as not being supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause; 19-21, 33, 35, 37 and 38 as being subordinate to the issues in this cause; and 42 - 43 as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel or a conclusion of law. HCR's and HRS' proposed findings of fact numbered 1-66, 68, 70-81, 83, 85- 92, 94, 96-104, and 106-123 have been adopted either verbatim or in substance in this Recommended Order. The remainder of HCR's and HRS' proposed findings of fact have been rejected as follows: 67 as being subordinate to the issues in this cause; 69 as being cumulative; 82 and 95 as being irrelevant; 84 as being unnecessary; 93 as not constituting a finding of fact but rather as constituting argument of counsel or a conclusion of law; and 105 as being not supported by the weight of the evidence in this cause. COPIES FURNISHED: Harold F. X. Purnell, Esquire Kenneth Hoffman, Esquire Post Office Box 6507 Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6507 Richard Patterson, Esquire Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Alfred W. Clark, Esquire Post Office Box 623 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Frank J. Santry, Esquire Post Office Box 14129 Tallahassee, Florida 3231 Jonathan S. Grout, Esquire Karen L. Goldsmith, Esquire Dempsey & Goldsmith, P.A. Post Office Box 1980 Orlando, Florida 32802 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 John Miller, Acting General Counsel Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Building One, Room 407 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001836 Latest Update: Jun. 01, 1989

Findings Of Fact Procedural. 1. Meridian, National, HBA and ten other applicants filed certificate of need applications with the Department in the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle of the Department for Subdistrict 4 of District This area includes Flagler and Volusia Counties, Florida. Each of the applicants involved in these cases filed a letter of intent with the Department and the District 4 Local Health Council within the time required for the filing of letters of intent for the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle. Each of the applicants involved in these cases filed their certificate of need applications within the time required for the filing of certificate of need applications for the October, 1987, nursing home bed certificate of need review cycle. The applications were deemed complete by the Department. The Department comparatively reviewed the applications of the applicants involved in these cases and those of ten other applicants. Based upon this review the Department issued a State Agency Action Report for the October, 1987, nursing home bed review cycle (hereinafter referred to as the "SAAR") on February 18, 1988. The SAAR was published by the Department in the Florida Administrative Weekly on March 4, 1988. In the SAAR the Department proposed to approve the certificate of need application filed by HBA and to deny all other applications. Ten of the applicants whose certificate of need applications were denied by the Department filed Petitions pursuant to Section 120.57(1), Florida Statutes, challenging the Department's proposed action. All of the Petitioners except the two Petitioners in these cases and HCR withdrew their Petitions prior to the formal hearing of these cases. HCR participated in the formal hearing of these cases but withdrew its Petition prior to the issuance of this Recommended Order. The Parties. The Department. The Department is the agency responsible for reviewing certificate of need applications for nursing home beds to be located in Flagler and Volusia Counties. Meridian. Meridian, Inc., is a corporation headquartered in Towson, Maryland. The stock of Meridian, Inc., is owned by five individuals. Volusia Meridian Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the "Partnership") is a Maryland limited partnership authorized to conduct business in Florida. Meridian, Inc., is the Partnership's general partner. The Partnership owns a nursing home in Ormond Beach, Florida. The Ormond Beach nursing home is leased to Meridian Nursing Centers, Inc. For the past twenty years, Meridian has owned, operated, developed and managed long-term health care facilities, retirement communities and other health care services for the elderly. Meridian owns and operates thirty-three facilities, in five States. These facilities have approximately 4,800 beds. In Florida, Meridian owns nursing homes in Lakeland, Plantation and Ormond Beach. As of the date of the formal hearing, Meridian had two other facilities under construction in Florida: one located in Longwood, Florida; and the other located in Melbourne, Florida. National. National is a publicly traded Delaware limited partnership, authorized to conduct business in Florida. National's principal offices are located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. National was created in 1971 with the purchase of fourteen existing nursing homes located in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Georgia. National now operates seventy nursing homes and health care centers in ten different States. Twenty-two of these homes and health care centers are managed, but not owned, by National. National also operates four retirement complexes, eighteen home health agencies and seven to ten specialized Alzheimer's units. In Florida, National owns two health care centers and manages eighteen centers owned by other companies. None of these facilities are located in Flagler or Volusia Counties. HBA. HBA is a Florida corporation engaged in the business of developing, constructing and operating nursing homes. The principals of HBA have owned and operated nursing homes for approximately twenty years and in Florida for approximately fifteen years. HBA's corporate headquarters are located in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. HBA owns or operates twenty-four nursing homes located in Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. In Florida, HBA owns or operates six nursing homes. They are located in New Smyrna Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, Plantation, Tamarac and Miami. The New Smyrna Beach nursing home, Ocean View Nursing Home (hereinafter referred to as "Ocean View"), is located in southern Volusia County. The Proposals. Meridian's Proposal. Meridian's Ormond Beach nursing home is located in northeast Volusia County. This facility consist of 60 nursing home beds. It began operation in November, 1987. In this proceeding, Meridian is seeking approval of the addition to its Ormond Beach nursing home of an additional 60 nursing home beds. Meridian is proposing the construction of a 14,531 square foot (329 square feet per bed) addition to its existing Ormond Beach nursing home. The total size of the Ormond Beach facility will be 39,000 gross square feet if Meridian's proposal is approved. The total proposed cost of Meridian's project is $1,247,800.00. The total project cost of the resulting 120-bed Ormond Beach facility will be $4,262,361.00. National's Proposal. In this proceeding, National is seeking approval of a certificate of need authorizing the construction and operation of an 80-bed nursing home to be located in the Palm Coast area of Flagler County, Florida. The exact location of the facility has not been identified by National. National is proposing the construction of a facility consisting of approximately 44,183 gross square feet (552 square feet per bed). The total proposed cost of National's project is $3,786,846.00. HBA'S Proposal. HBA currently owns and operates Ocean View. Ocean View is located in southeast Volusia County. Ocean View currently is licensed to operate 179 nursing home beds. In this proceeding, HBA is seeking approval of the addition to Ocean View of 60 nursing home beds. HBA is proposing the construction of an 18,000 gross square foot (263 square feet per bed) addition to Ocean View. The total size of Ocean View will be 63,000 gross square feet if HBA's proposal is approved. The total proposed cost of HBA's project is Section 381.705(1)(a), Florida Statutes. Numeric Need. Numeric need for additional nursing home beds is determined pursuant to the need methodology provided in Rule 10-5.011(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Need Methodology"). The Department determines the need for additional nursing home beds by applying the Need Methodology for "planning horizons" three years into the future from the certificate of need batching cycles. For the batching cycle involved in these cases, the Department published pursuant to Rule 10-5.008(2), Florida Administrative Code, the net number of additional nursing home beds, the "fixed need pool," in the Florida Administrative Weekly, for the first time. In these cases, the Need Methodology must be applied to determine the fixed need pool for the July, 1990, planning horizon for Flagler and Volusia Counties. These Counties make up Subdistrict 4 of the Department's District 4. Initially the Department determined that the fixed need pool involved in these cases was zero. Pursuant to Department policy, the Department published a corrected fixed need pool during the grace period of Rule 10- 5.008(1)(b), Florida Administrative Code, on September 18, 1987. Based upon the corrected fixed need pool, the Department determined that there was a need for 80 additional nursing home beds for Subdistrict 4 of District 4. No point of entry was provided by the Department for challenging this fixed need pool. The Department's calculation of a fixed need pool of 80 nursing home beds was based upon a misapplication of the Need Methodology by the Department. Based upon a proper application of the Need Methodology there is a need for 68 additional nursing home beds for the planning horizon at issue in these cases. The applicants involved in these cases filed their applications in reliance upon the Department's published fixed-need pool of 80 additional nursing home beds. The proper components of the Need Methodology for determining the gross number of nursing home beds needed for District 4 in July, 1990, are as follows: The projected population age 65-74 in District 4 for July, 1990, is 125,990 (POPA); The projected population age 75 and older in District 4 for July, 1990, is 91,109 (POPB); The population age 65-74 in District 4 in July, 1987, was 113,083 (POPC); The population age 75 and older in District 4 in July, 1987, was 77,867 (POPD); The number of licensed beds in District 4 as of July 1, 1987, was 6,005 (LB); The estimated bed rate for the population aged 65-74 of District 4 is 0.01034836 (BA); The estimated bed rate for the population aged 75 and older of District 4 is 0.06209018 (BB); and The total number of nursing home beds needed for District 4 in July, 1990, is 6,961 beds (A). The proper components of the Need Methodology for allocating the gross number of nursing home beds needed for District 4 in July, 1990, to Subdistrict 4 are as follows: The number of licensed beds in Subdistrict 4 as of July 1, 1987, was 2,290 beds (LBD); The number of licensed beds in District 4 as of July 1, 1987, was 6,005 beds (LB); The occupancy rate of Subdistrict 4 was 85.83% (OR); and The gross number of nursing home beds allocated to Subdistrict 4 is 2,532 beds (SA). Rule 10-5.011(1)(k)2.g., Florida Administrative Code, provides the following with regard to determining the number of licensed nursing home beds to be taken into account in calculating gross bed need for the batching cycle involved in these cases: [B]ed rates established prior to the second batching cycle letter of intent deadline shall be calculated on the number of licensed community nursing ads and the population projections as of July 1... Once the gross number of nursing home beds needed in Subdistrict 4 for July, 1990, is determined, the net number of beds needed is determined by subtracting the total number of licensed beds and 90 percent of approved beds in the Subdistrict from the gross number of beds needed. Rule 10-5.011(1)(k)2.i., Florida Administrative Code, provides the manner in which net bed need is to be determined. In particular, this Rule provides the following: The number of approved and licensed nursing home beds for the second batching cycle in 1987 shall be based on the number of approved and licensed beds as of August 1, 1987; ... The number of licensed beds in Subdistrict 4 as of August 1, 1987, was 2,410 beds. The number of approved licensed beds in Subdistrict 4 as of August 1, 1987, was 60 beds. The increase in licensed beds in Subdistrict 4 from 2,290 beds as of July 1, 1987, to 2,410 beds as of August 1, 1987, was caused by the licensing of the approved 120-bed Indigo Manor nursing home owned by Health Care and Retirement Corporation of America on July 21, 1987. It is not inconsistent for the Department to use the number of licensed nursing home beds as of July 1 for purposes of determining gross bed need and August 1 for calculating net bed need. The use of these dates by the Department is consistent with good health planning and the requirements of the Need Methodology. The State Health Plan. The Florida State Health Plan contains the general goals of fostering cost containment and developing an adequate supply of accessible and appropriately utilized long-term care health services. Each of the applicants will increase the accessibility of nursing home beds and are proposing appropriate utilization of health services. HBA's proposal will enhance the accessibility of nursing home beds in southeast Volusia County. The District Health Plan. The 1987 update to the 1986 district health plan for Subdistrict 4 of the Department's District 4, contains recommendations to be considered in determining community nursing home care bed need. These recommendations, and their application, are as follows: If the state determines that Subdistrict 4 is eligible for additional beds, these beds should be awarded to the Flagler Beach/Palm Coast area of Flagler County if the occupancy rate of Meadowbrook Manor meets or exceeds 85 percent occupancy at the time of CON decision and if it could be shown that the level of occupancy is likely to continue. The average occupancy rate for Meadowbrook Manor for the period of January 1, 1987, through June 30, 1987, was 58 percent. Meadowbrook has never achieved an 85 percent occupancy rate as of the date of the formal hearing of these cases. At the time of the "CON decision" in these cases, Meadowbrook had not achieved an 85 percent occupancy. This recommendation, therefore, does not apply. If a high rate of occupancy at Meadowbrook Manor in Flagler County does not materialize and if the occupancy rate at Ocean View Nursing Home in southeast Volusia County continues at 85 percent or higher and it could be verified that it will remain at a high rate, then 60 nursing home beds should be awarded in the New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater area of southeast Volusia County. The CON applicant must be willing to accept 50 percent Medicaid patients. The remaining portion should be awarded in West Volusia County. The average monthly occupancy of Ocean View for the period of January 1, 1987, through June 30, 1987, was 86 percent. Since September, 1987, the occupancy rate at Ocean View has been 94 percent or higher. This high rate of occupancy should continue. HBA proposes to accept 50 percent Medicaid patients and proposes to add its sought after nursing home beds to the New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater area of southeast Volusia County. HBA is the only applicant that meets this recommendation. If the conditions in Nos. 1[a] and 2[b] are not met, the state should award all beds to West Volusia. The conditions of 2[b] have been met. Therefore, this recommendation does not apply. No nursing home beds should be awarded to East Volusia County out of the New Smyrna Beach/Edgewater area. Refer to recommendation 2[b] above. The Meridian proposal seeks to add beds to its facility located in East Volusia County outside of the New Smyrna/Edgewater area. Meridian's proposal is, therefore, inconsistent with this recommendation. HBA's proposal is consistent with the recommendations of the updated 1986 district health plan. Meridian's and National's proposals are not consistent with these recommendations. The 1988 district health plan does not contain the specific recommendations concerning the allocation of nursing home beds within Subdistrict 4 of District 4, quoted above. The specific recommendations concerning where beds should be located within Subdistrict 4 of District 4 were eliminated in response to a suggestion by the Department that the recommendations were too specific and did not allow more flexibility. Need for Services. All of the applicants propose to provide a full range of services to their residents, including sub-acute care. The evidence did not prove that any of the applicants are proposing services not being provided in Subdistrict 4 of District 4. Section 381.705(1)(b), Florida Statutes. The evidence in this case failed to prove that like and existing health care services in Subdistrict 4 (consisting of Flagler and Volusia Counties) of District 4 are not available, efficient, appropriate, accessible, adequate or providing quality of care, except to the extent that existing services cannot meet the need for additional nursing home beds in the subdistrict. The accessibility of nursing home beds in southeast Volusia County has been restricted since September, 1987. Ocean View's occupancy during this period of time has been at or above 95 percent. Nursing home beds in eastern Volusia County have been at 75 percent occupancy. Meadowbrook Manor, located in Bunnell, Flagler County, has not achieved an occupancy rate of 75 percent since it opened in November, 1985. Meadowbrook Manor is a 100-bed nursing home. It has been experiencing one of the lowest, if not the lowest, occupancy rates of all nursing homes in Subdistrict 4. Although the evidence proved that Meadowbrook Manor has experienced difficulties in attracting residents, the evidence failed to prove that Meadowbrook Manor is not an appropriate, available and accessible nursing home or that the difficulties experienced by Meadowbrook Manor will continue in the future. Section 381.705(1)(c), Florida Statutes. Meridian. Meridian's licensed nursing home facility in Plantation, Florida, is currently rated superior. Meridian has been informed by the Department that its nursing home facility in Ormond Beach will be rated superior. Meridian's facility in Lakeland has not been in operation long enough to be eligible for a superior rating. Therefore, the Lakeland nursing home has been rated standard. Meridian will provide extensive training for its staff at its Ormond Beach nursing home. Meridian will provide staff for the Ormond Beach facility in excess of the staffing levels required by the Department. Meridian has an extensive quality assurance program, including its Quality of Life Program. Meridian's findings of fact numbers 5-12 and 14-22 are hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. Meridian proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. Meridian should be able to provide adequate quality of care in its facility. National. Four of National's fourteen existing nursing home facilities in Florida have been rated superior. The other ten facilities have be rated standard. National has a policy of seeking accreditation by the Joint Commission for Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. National will provide staff for its proposed facility in excess of the staffing levels required by the Department. National has an extensive quality assurance program. National's finding of fact number 24a-g and k is hereby adopted and incorporated herein by reference. National proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. National should be able to provide adequate-quality of care in its proposed nursing home facility. HBA. Four of HBA's seven nursing home facilities in Florida have been rated superior. The other three facilities have been rated standard. Ocean View has been rated a superior facility by the Department for the past five years. HBA will provide extensive training and development for its staff at Ocean View. HBA proposes to provide sufficient services, safeguards and staff. HBA should be able to provide adequate quality of care at Ocean View. Section 381.705(1)(e), Florida Statutes. All three of the applicants in these cases operate a number of nursing homes and other health care facilities in Florida and other areas. Each will enjoy the benefits, including joint purchasing power, which inure to multi- facility organizations. None of the applicants, however, proved that they will provide joint, cooperative or shared health care resources more effectively than the other applicants. Section 381.705(1)(h), Florida Statutes. All of the applicants' proposals will be accessible to all of the residents of Flagler and Volusia Counties. Meridian has proposed to provide 53% and 51% of its patient days during its first year and its second year of operation, respectively, to the care of Medicaid patients. Meridian has proposed to provide 4% of its patient days during its first two years of operation to the care of Medicare patients. National has proposed to provide 57% of its patient days during its first two years of operation to the care of Medicaid patients. National has proposed to provide 10% of its patient days during its first two years of operation to the care of Medicare patients. National has not determined, however, how many nursing home beds it will dedicate to the care of Medicare patients. National has indicated that it will dedicate fourteen to twenty-four beds as a Medicare certified distinct-part unit. Nationally, 8% of National's total patient days for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1986, were Medicare patient days. HBA has proposed to provide 60% of its patient days during its first two years of operation to the care of Medicaid patients. HBA has proposed to provide 5% of its patient days during its first two years of operation to the care of Medicare patients. Section 381.705(1)(i), Florida Statutes. Immediate Financial Feasibility. The parties have stipulated to the following with regard to immediate financial feasibility of the proposals in these cases: All applicants are ready, willing and capable of raising all the required capital and obtaining all financing at the rates, conditions and amortizations shown in the applicants' certificate of need applications submitted in this cause. Long-term Financial Feasibility. (1). Meridian. Meridian has projected a profit of $67,976.00 on revenue of $2,536,518.00 for the first year of operation of its proposed 120-bed Ormond- Beach facility and a profit of $136,712.00 on revenue of $2,881,804.00 for the second year of operation of its proposed 120-bed Ormond Beach facility. Meridian has also projected a profit from the operation of its proposed 60-bed addition for the first two years of operation. Meridian has projected a payor mix of 49% Medicaid, 4% Medicare, 44% private pay and 3% other during the first year of operation and 46% Medicaid, 4% Medicare, 46% private pay and 4% other during the second year of operation. These projections are reasonable. Meridian's Ormond Beach facility opened in November, 1987. Although it was projected to fill up in twelve months, it only took five months. The facility had a waiting list of twenty people when it opened. Meridian's projected fill up rate for the additional 60 beds is reasonable. Meridian's projected patient charges are reasonable. Meridian's proposed Medicare charges are the lowest of the three applicants. Meridian's projected revenue and expenses are reasonable. Meridian's project is financially feasible in the long term. (2). National. National has projected a loss of $96,990.00 on revenue of $986,598.00 for the first year of operation of its proposed facility and a profit of $269,603.00 on revenue of $1,847,865.00 for the second year of operation of its proposed facility. National has projected a payor mix of 52% Medicaid, 12% Medicare, 31% private pay and 4% other during the first year of operation and 48% Medicaid, 13% Medicare, 33% private pay and 5% other during the second year of operation. These projections are reasonable. National's projected fill up rate is reasonable. National's projected patient charges are reasonable. National's projected revenue and expenses are reasonable. National's project would be financially feasible in the long term if there was a need for 80 nursing home beds. (3). HBA. HBA has projected a profit of $127,542.00 on revenue of $5,658,984.00 for the first year of operation of its proposed 239-bed facility and a profit of $188,614.00 on revenue of $6,213,164.00 for the second year of operation of its proposed 239-bed facility. HBA has projected a payor mix of 53% Medicaid, 6% Medicare, 34% private pay and 7% other during the first two years of operation. These projections are reasonable. HBA's projected fill up rate for the additional 60 beds is reasonable. HBA's projected patient charges are reasonable. HBA's projected revenue and expenses are reasonable. HBA's project is financially feasible in the long term. Section 381.705(1)(k), Florida Statutes. The evidence failed to prove that this criterion applies in this proceeding. Section 381.705(1)(l), Florida Statutes. Generally, all of the applicants will improve competition if their projects are approved. Based upon projected Medicaid and Medicare rates, Meridian will have the least adverse impact on patient charges. HBA will have the least adverse impact on private-pay patient charges. Section 381.705(1)(m), Florida Statutes. The cost of constructing Meridian's proposed addition is $932,100.00. This amounts to a per square foot cost of $64.14. Meridian's existing Ormond Beach nursing home is located on a 5.5 acre wooded site. The existing building was constructed with sufficient ancillaries for a 120-bed nursing home. Site plans, road work, sewer, utility connections and zoning have been designed and approved for a 120-bed facility. The cost per bed for Meridian's proposed 60-bed addition is $20,797.00, based upon the total projected project cost. The cost per bed for the existing 60-bed facility was $51,242.00. The cost per bed for the proposed 120-bed facility will be $35,519.00. Meridian's projected costs of construction are reasonable. Meridian's proposed methods of construction, including the costs and methods of energy provision, are reasonable. The facility will comply with code and regulatory requirements. The cost of constructing National's proposed facility is $2,789,346.00. This amounts to a per square foot cost of $63.13. The cost per bed for National's proposed 80-bed nursing home is $47,355.00. National's projected costs of construction are reasonable. National's proposed methods of construction, including the costs and methods of energy provision, are reasonable. The facility will comply with code and regulatory requirements. The cost of constructing HBA's proposed addition is $1,145,000.00. This amounts to a per square foot cost of $63.61. The cost per bed for HBA's proposed facility is $25,000.00, based upon the total projected project cost. HBA's projected costs of construction are reasonable. HBA has proposed construction of its 60-bed addition as a second floor addition to an existing first floor 60-bed wing at Ocean View. The second floor will be constructed by a method of construction which uses twin T concrete planks. These planks support the second floor. When the planks are placed over the existing wing patients in the existing wing will have to be displaced for a portion of one day. The existing dining room will not be used for approximately 4 to 6 weeks. The construction of HBA's addition will not endanger patients at Ocean View. HBA has successfully constructed second floor additions over existing facilities in the past. Although there will be some inconvenience, quality of care should still be provided during construction. The other applicants have raised a number of questions concerning the appropriateness of HBA's proposed addition. Those questions do not, however, prove that HBA will not provide an adequately designed and constructed addition or cannot provide quality of care. HBA's proposed methods of construction, including the costs and methods of energy provision, are reasonable. The facility will comply with code and regulatory requirements. The evidence failed to prove that there are alternative, less costly or more effective methods of construction to the construction methods proposed by Meridian, National or HBA available. Section 381.705(1)(n), Florida Statutes. None of the applicants presented evidence concerning past or proposed care of the medically indigent, other than their care of Medicaid patients. Meridian has committed to provide 55% of its patient days in its Ormond Beach nursing home for the care of Medicaid patients. Meridian has not yet reached this level of care of Medicaid patients, however. At the time of the formal hearing Meridian was providing 46% Medicaid care. Meridian has not declined to serve Medicaid patients if a bed was available. During its fiscal year ending September 30, 1986, National provided 20.6% of its company-wide patient days to skilled Medicaid patients and 38.5% to intermediate Medicaid patients. HBA has been providing approximately 65% of its patient days at Ocean View to the care of Medicaid patients. All of the applicants propose to provide adequate care to Medicaid patients. The projected percentages of Medicaid patient days and revenue have been listed in previous findings of fact. Section 381.705(2), Florida Statutes. To the extent applicable, all of the applicants comply with the requirements of Section 381.705(2), Florida Statutes.

Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Department issue a Final Order granting HBA's application for a certificate of need authorizing the addition of 60 nursing home beds to Ocean View and denying Meridian's and National's applications for certificates of need. DONE and ENTERED this 1st day of June, 1989, in Tallahassee, Florida. LARRY J. SARTIN Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 1st day of June, 1989. APPENDIX CASE NUMBERS 88-1836 88-1839 The parties have submitted proposed findings of fact. It has been noted below which proposed findings of fact have been generally accepted and the paragraph number(s) in the Recommended Order where they have been accepted, if any. Those proposed findings of fact which have been rejected and the reason for their rejection have also been noted. All of the parties have filed proposed findings of fact which pertain to HCR. HCR also filed a proposed recommended order. In light of the fact that HCR has voluntarily dismissed its case, those proposed findings of fact have not been considered in this Appendix. Meridian's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 9, 11-12 and 46. 2 19-20. 3 90. The last two sentences are hereby accepted. 4 70. 5-12 See 49. 13 The parties stipulated that the criterion to which this proposed finding of fact relates has been met by all the parties. 14-22 See 49. 23 67-73. 24-27 These proposed findings of fact fail to take into account the fact that some of the costs attributable to the additional 60 nursing home beds sought by Meridian in this proceeding have been included in the cost of the existing facility. 28 107. 29 The proposed construction cost per square foot is $64.14. See finding of fact 89. 30-33 90. Hereby accepted. 34-41 Proposed findings of fact pertaining to HCR. 42 16-17. 43 23-25. 44 101 and hereby accepted. 45-49 See 103. Although there was evidence that supported these proposed findings of fact generally, the proposed findings of fact overlook the fact that HBA's drawings are preliminary and will be revised as needed to comply with the Department's requirements. The weight of the evidence supports a conclusion that HBA's proposed methods of construction and costs are reasonable despite the necessary corrections in its preliminary plans. The proposed finding of fact concerning parking spaces is not relevant to this proceeding because the weight of the evidence failed to prove that any costs associated with additional parking spaces which may be needed have been left out of HBA's projected costs. The availability of parking spaces is not a consideration under the criteria of Section 381.705, Florida Statutes, except to the extent that costs associated with parking spaces should be taken into account. The first sentence is hereby accepted. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first two sentences are not relevant to these proceedings. The rest of this proposed finding of fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 52-53 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. The evidence did prove that, as of the date of the hearing of these cases, HBA should have filed a different pro forma which takes into account changes in its projected Medicaid revenue and its salary projections if this proceeding was a completely de novo proceeding. The Department has, however, taken the position that applicants cannot "amend" their applications between the date that an application is reviewed and a formal administrative hearing concerning the application. Therefore, HBA did not change its pro forma to reflect the most current information concerning Medicaid and salaries. HBA's financial expert was aware of the changes in Medicaid and salary expenses. Despite this knowledge, he testified that HBA's proposed facility is financial feasible. This testimony was accepted. 54 14-15. 55 21-22 and 95. Not relevant to this proceeding. 64. The last sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 58 51. 59 Not supported by the weight of the evidence. National presented evidence that it would designate a portion of its proposed facility as a dedicated Medicare unit. 60 18, 21, 24 and 27. 61 26-29. 29. The last sentence is not relevant to this de novo proceeding. Not relevant to this de novo proceeding. 64-65 Contrary to the stipulation of the parties. 66 Contrary to the stipulation of the parties and not relevant. National's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 2 and 21. 2 1 and 3. 3-4 Hereby accepted. 5 4-6. 6 13-14. 15 and hereby accepted. Hereby accepted. 21 and 64 and hereby accepted. 10 21-22. 11 26. 12 27. See 28. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 31-32 and hereby accepted. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and erroneous conclusion of law. See 34-35. 17 35. Not supported by the weight of the evidence and erroneous conclusion of law. The first sentence is accepted in finding of fact 34. The rest of the proposed finding of fact is not supported by the weight of the evidence or is an erroneous conclusion of law. 20 28. See 37-38 and 45. National's proposal is not consistent with the 1987 district health plan. Subparagraph A. is not relevant to this de novo proceeding. Subparagraph B. is not relevant or not supported by the weight of the evidence. The last sentence of subparagraph C. is not relevant to this de novo proceeding. The last sentence of subparagraph D. and subparagraphs e-h are not supported by the weight of the evidence. Although subparagraph I. is generally correct, it is not sufficient to justify locating the nursing home beds to be awarded in this case in Flagler County. Subparagraph j. is not supported by the weight of the evidence. The first and last sentences are hereby accepted. The second sentence is not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted. 49 and 51-55. Subparagraph h. is not supported by the weight of the evidence. See 59. Stipulated by the parties as true of all of the applicants. 27 60 and 63. 28 67 and see 75-79. 29 86. Section 381.705(1)(l), Florida Statutes, is to be applied to all of Subdistrict 4 of District 4 and not just Flagler County. 22, 94, 97 and hereby accepted. 32 64 and 108. 33 See 111. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. Hereby accepted. HBA's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1 1 2 2-3. 3 4. 4 5. 5 6. 6 7. 7 8. 8 9-12. 9 14-15. National does not have a corporate headquarters since it is not a corporation. 10, 14, 21, 25, 32 and 35 Proposed findings of fact pertaining to HCR. 11 16-17. The evidence proved that HBA owns 6, not 7, nursing homes in Florida. 12 18-20. 13 21-22. 15 23-24. 28, 30 and 34-35. Subparagraph b) is a statement of arguments advanced by Meridian and National. 27, 38 and hereby accepted. Subparagraph's c)1)-4) and 7) pertain to HCR. 18 See 42-45. 19 See 46-47 and 50. Subparagraph b) is not supported by the weight of the evidence. 20 20, 51 and 54. 22 56-58 and hereby accepted. 23 59. 24 60. 26 Stipulated. 27 67. 28 85. See, however, 79. 29-30 Hereby accepted. 31 See 89. 33 18-20, 89 and 93. 34 22 and 96-97. 36 24-25, 101-104 and hereby accepted. 37 111. The Department's Proposed Findings of Fact Proposed Finding Paragraph Number in Recommended Order of Fact Number of Acceptance or Reason for Rejection 1-2 28. 3 30. 4 2-3 and 7. 4 and 6. Not relevant to this proceeding. 7 26 and 28. 8-15 Although there is evidence to support these proposed findings, they are not relevant to this proceeding. As a matter of law, the Department cannot through agency policy circumvent the requirements of the Need Methodology of Rule 10-5.011(1)(k), Florida Administrative Code, by publishing a "fixed need pool" for which no point of entry to challenge has been provided. Not relevant to this de novo proceeding. Hereby accepted. Not relevant because the parties have stipulated that Section 381.705(1)(a), Florida Statutes, applies to these cases. Not supported by the weight of the evidence. 20 32 and 36. 21 Hereby accepted. 22 32. 23 34. 24 33. 25 36. 26 29. 27 28. 28 Hereby accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Gerald B. Sternstein, Esquire Darrell White, Esquire Post Office Box 2174 Tallahassee, Florida 32316-2174 Charles D. Hood, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 15200 Daytona Beach, Florida 32015 Lee Elzie, Esquire Post Office Box 82 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Thomas W. Stahl, Esquire 817 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32303-6313 Sam Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretarey Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 =================================================================

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 87-000713 Latest Update: Feb. 25, 1988

Findings Of Fact The parties' stipulation The parties have stipulated to the following facts: Forum and Amedex timely filed their respective letters of intent and applications with the Department and the District Local Health Council for the July 1986 batching cycle. The Department ultimately deemed the applications complete and, following review, published its notice of intent to deny the applications. Forum and Amedex each timely filed a petition requesting a formal hearing on the denial of their application. With regard to the Forum application, the Department contends that there is no need for the proposed facility, that such lack of need will render Forum's project financially unfeasible, that the project is not the best use of Forum's resources, and that Forum fails to meet the local health plan priority relating to the construction of freestanding facilities with a minimum capacity of 120 beds. All other statutory and rule criteria are satisfied, at least minimally, based on Forum's 60-bed proposal. With regard to the Amedex application, the Department contends that there is no need for the proposed facility, that such lack of need will render Amedex's project financially unfeasible, and that the project is not the best use of Amedex's resources. The Department further contends that Amedex has not demonstrated that it can provide quality of care, that it has not demonstrated that its project is financially feasible in the short or long term, that it has not provided long range plans and that, even assuming minimal need, the size of Amedex' proposed project will cause difficulty in meeting projected utilization needs based on Broward County's past utilization rates. All other statutory and rule criteria are satisfied, at least minimally, based on Amedex' 240-bed proposal. As between the applicants, they agree that a comparative review is appropriate to determine the best applicant. Further, they agree for purposes of this proceeding that the other meets all statutory and rule criteria, at least minimally, except the following: need beyond 60 beds, ability to provide quality of care, and availability of funds for project accomplishment and operation. The parties have further agreed that there are no special circumstances existent in this case upon which a certificate of need is being sought. The Amedex Proposal In July 1986 Amedex filed an application with the Department for a certificate of need to construct a 240-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home in Broward County, Florida. The total project cost is projected to be $9,040,228. At hearing, Amedex failed to offer any competent proof to demonstrate the immediate and long-term financial feasibility of its proposed project, that it could provide quality care, or that it had available the necessary funds for project accomplishment and operation. 1/ While the Department contended that the proposed project was not the best use of Amedex's resources, it offered no proof to demonstrate what other health services would be a more appropriate use of the resources. The Forum Proposal In July 1986, Forum also filed an application with the Department for a certificate of need to construct a skilled and intermediate care nursing home in Broward County, Florida. Forum's application sought leave to construct a 60-bed facility. The estimated cost for construction of Forum's proposed nursing home is $2,39,800. Forum has the necessary resources for project accomplishment and operation. While the Department contended that the proposed project was not the best use of Forum's resources, it offered no proof to demonstrate what other health service would be a more appropriate use of such resources. Forum is a publicly held health services company which owns, develops, and operates retirement living centers and nursing homes on a national basis. Pertinent to this case, Forum proposes to develop a retirement living center in Broward County that would consist of 120 apartments for independent living, a 30-bed adult congregate living facility, and the proposed 60-bed skilled and intermediate care nursing home. Forum has packaged its centers to provide these three levels of service to meet the desires of retired persons they hope to attract to their retirement community. Each of the three components which comprise Forum's retirement living center are physically connected and share some operational functions, such as a central kitchen and heating plant. Such design provides for an efficient operation, as well as an economical distribution of costs facility wide. The nursing facility proposed by Forum would offer a wide range of services for its residents including: 24-hour skilled and intermediate nursing care, physical therapy services, and other restorative services. Additionally, Forum proposes to offer, as needed, subacute services such as: intravenous care, continuous bladder irrigation, oxygen therapy, nastrogastric tube feeding, ventilator care, insulin treatment, sterile dressing changes, and sterile care of tracheotomies. Forum also proposes to offer in the future, if need is identified and if any necessary agreements can be reached, respite care, adult day care, meals on wheels and hospice care. Forum proposes to seek medicare and medicaid certification, and will dedicate 25 of its beds to medicaid patients. Forum has a history of providing quality care at its existing facilities, and will provide quality care at the proposed facility. Forum has demonstrated the immediate and long term financial feasibility of its proposed project. Forum is a national company, with substantial experience in developing and operating nursing homes and retirement living centers. Due to the excellent growth potential in Broward County for retirement living centers, Forum should be able to capture a sufficient share of the nursing home market to render its proposed nursing home financially feasible. However, in view of the lack of numeric need for such facility as discussed infra, Forum's success will be to the detriment of existing and approved facilities. Numeric need The Department has established by rule the methodology whereby the need for community nursing home beds in a service district shall be determined. Rule 10-5.011(1)(k)2, Florida Administrative Code. The first step in calculating need pursuant to the rule methodology is to establish a "planning horizon." Subparagraph 2 of the rule provides: Need Methodology ... the Department will determine if there is a projected need for new or additional beds 3 years into the future according to the methodology specified under subparagraphs a. through i... The Department interprets subparagraph 2, and the applicants concur, as establishing a "planning horizon" in certificate of need proceedings calculated from the filing deadline for applications established by Department rule. This interpretation is consistent with the numeric methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2, and with the decision in Gulf Court Nursing Center v. Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, 483 So.2d 700 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986). Applying the Department's interpretation to the facts of this case, establishes a "planning horizon" of July 1989. Pertinent to this case, subparagraphs 2 a-d provide the methodology for calculating gross bed need for the district/subdistrict (in this case the district and subdistrict are the same--Broward County) in the horizon year. The first step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "BA," the estimated bed rate for the population age-group 65-74. This rate is defined by subparagraph 2b as follows: BA = LB/ (POPC + (6 x POPD) Where: LB is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant district. POPC is the current population age 65-74 years. POPD is the current population age 75 years and over. The parties concur that the district licensed bed figure (LB) is calculated based on the number of licensed community nursing home beds as of June 1, 1986, and that there were 3,226 licensed beds in the district on that date. 2/ The parties do not, however, agree as to the date on which POPC and POPD should be derived. The formula mandated by the rule methodology for calculating BA requires that the "current population" for the two age groups be utilized. The rule does not, however, prescribe the date on which the "current population" is to be derived. Forum contends that the appropriate date to establish the "current population" for POPC and POPD is January 1, 1986. The Department contends that the appropriate date is the date of application. In the opinion of David Warner, which opinion is credited, the base for POPC and POPD should correspond to the period for which the average occupancy rate (OR) is calculated. For the July batching cycle, OR is based upon the occupancy rates of licensed facilities for the months of October through March preceding that cycle. January 1, 1986, as the midpoint of that date, is the appropriate date to derive POPC and POPD. Supportive of Dr. Warner's opinion are the past practices of the Department. Between December 1984 and December 1986, the Department routinely used a three and one half year spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population" in its semiannual nursing home census report and bed need allocation. That three and one half year spread was adopted by the Department for the same reasons expressed by Dr. Warner. In the batching cycle of January 1987, which cycle immediately followed the cycle at issue in this case, the Department utilized a three and one half year spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population" when it awarded beds in that cycle. The Department offered no explanation of why, in this case, it proposed to use a three year spread between the base population period and the horizon date for "current population" in calculating POPC and POPD. Application of the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2b to the facts of this case produces the following calculation: BA = 3,226 / (158,878 + (6 x 110,217) BA = 3,226 / (158,878 + 661,302) BA = 3,226 / 820,180 BA = .0039332 The second step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "BB," the estimated bed rate for the population age group 75 and over. This methodology is defined by subparagraph 2c, and calculated in this case as follows: BB = 6 x BA BB = 6 x .0039332 BB = .0235992 The third step in the calculation of gross need for the horizon year is to derive "A," the district's "age-adjusted number of community nursing home beds" at the horizon year. This methodology is defined by subparagraph 2a as follows: A = (POPA x BA) + (POPB x BB) Where: POPA is the population age 65-74 years in the relevant departmental district projected three years into the future. POPB is the population age 75 years and older in the relevant departmental district projected three years into the future. The parties concur that POPA and POPB are, respectively, 165,533 and 128,250 for the horizon year. Accordingly, application of the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2a produces the following calculation: A = (165,533 x .0039332) + (128,250 x .0235992) A = 651.07439 + 3,026.5974 A = 3,677.67 The final step in the calculation of gross need in the horizon year is to derive "SA," the "preliminary subdistrict allocation of community nursing home beds" (gross bed need in this case. 3/ This calculation is defined by subparagraph 2d as follows: SA = A x (LBD/LB) x (OR/.90) Where: LBD is the number of licensed community nursing home beds in the relevant subdistrict. OR is the average 6 month occupancy rate for all licensed community nursing homes within the subdistrict of the relevant district. Occupancy rates established prior to the first batching cycle shall be based upon nursing home patient days for the months of July 1 through December 31; occupancy rates established prior to the second batching cycle shall be based upon nursing home patient days for the months of January 1 through June 30. The batching cycle in which these applications were filed occurred before the Department amended its rule to include the fixed need pool concept. Accordingly, the parties agree that the six month period on which the average occupancy rate is calculated is not as set forth in subparagraph 2d, but, rather is defined by former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)4 as follows: OR is the average occupancy rate for all licensed community nursing homes within the subdistrict of the relevant district. Review of applications submitted for the July batching cycle shall be based upon occupancy data for the months of October through March preceding that cycle... In Broward County (District X) LB and LBD are the same since the county has not been divided into subdistricts. Application of the foregoing methodology to the facts of this case produces a gross need in July 1989 of 3,453 beds, computed as follows: 4/ SA = 3,677.67 x (3226/3226) x (.845/.9) SA = 3,677.67 x 1 x .938888 SA = 3452.92 The net need calculation The final step in the numeric need methodology is to derive net reed from gross need. According to subparagraph 2i, this need is calculated as follows: The net bed need allocation for a subdistrict, which is the number of beds available for certificate of need approval, is determined by subtracting the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds within the relevant departmental sub- district from the bed allocation determined under subparagraphs 2.a. through f. Notably, former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)9 comports with the new rule in all material respects. While the rule requires that net need be calculated by subtracting "the total number of licensed and 90 percent of the approved beds" in the subdistrict from the gross need previously calculated, it is silent as to the date that inventory should be calculated. The Department asserts, through application of "policy," that the number of licensed beds should be calculated as of June 1, 1986 (the date established by former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)7 for calculating LB and LBD), and the number of approved beds as of December 1, 1986 (the date the Department's supervisory consultant signed the state agency action report). Forum would likewise calculate licensed beds as of June 1, 1986, but would also calculate approved beds as of that date. The Department offered no proof to expose and elucidate its policy choice. As discussed below, the dates used by the Department and Forum for purposes of calculating net need were facially unreasonable. 5/ The inventory of licensed and approved beds under subparagraph 2i, as well as former rule 10-5.11(21)(b)9, are inextricably linked. As approved beds are licensed, the approved bed inventory decreases and the licensed bed inventory increases. The Department's policy choice concerning the dates at which licensed and approved beds are to be counted is neither logical nor rational since it could result in some nursing home beds not being counted as either licensed or approved. For example, if beds were approved and not yet licensed in June 1, 1986, but licensed before the supervisory consultant signed the state agency action report (SAAR), they would not be counted in either inventory. Since the purpose of subparagraph 2i is to calculate a realistic estimate of the net bed need for the horizon year, it is appropriate to use the most current inventory of licensed and approved beds at the point a decision is rendered on an application. This assures, to the greatest extent possible, that the horizon population will not be over or underserved. In those circumstances where the SAAR becomes final agency action, the Department's approach of calculating inventory on the date the supervisory consultant signs the SAAR, assuming that inventory includes licensed and approved beds on that date, might be reasonable. However, where, as here, the SAAR constitutes only preliminary agency action, and a de novo review of the application is undertaken, there is no rational basis for subsuming that inventory. The rule methodology considered, the only rational conclusion is that net need be derived on the date of de novo review, and that it be calculated by reducing the gross need calculation by the inventory of licensed and approved beds, from previous batching cycles, existent on that date. As of the date of administrative hearing, there were 3,226 licensed beds and 695 approved beds in the district/subdistrict. Applying the methodology prescribed by subparagraph 2i to the facts of this case calculates a surplus of 399 community nursing home beds in the district for the June 1989 planning horizon. Consistency with State and local health plans The parties have stipulated that both proposals are consistent with the State and local health plans except for Forum's facial failure to comply with the local health plan priority relating to the construction of freestanding facilities with a minimum capacity of 120 beds. Pertinent to this issue, the local health plan provides: In addition to controlling capacity in order to discourage the construction of unneeded beds, the certificate of need program addresses cost containment by encouraging efficiencies in operation as a criteria to certificate of need approval. A number of operational models have historically proven to be positive influences on efficiency. Licensure laws, for instance, require nursing home staffing patterns to be structured in minimum modules of 30 bed configurations. As a result, the construction of nursing homes with beds totalling numbers not divisible by 30, has the capability of encouraging over staffing. Similarly, experience has shown that freestanding nursing homes constructed at less than 120 beds also are less cost efficient compared to larger facilities. Likewise, since construction and corresponding debt service retirement is greater for freestanding facilities than for new construction on existing facilities, expansion and conversion as an alternative to new construction frequently acts to reduce costs. The basis for the 120-bed minimum size for a "freestanding" facility in the local health plan is to insure efficiency and economy of scale. The 60- bed project proposed by Forum is not "freestanding" but is an integral part of a retirement center which also includes 120 independent living units and a 30-bed adult congregate living facility. Under the circumstances, the economies and efficiencies contemplated by the local health plan will be achieved, and Forum's proposal is consistent with such plan. The local health plan also provides, as a recommendation, that: ... applications for certificates of need to construct additional nursing home beds should be approved so as to support the State policy of 27 beds/1000 population over age 65 in Broward County. Considering the population over age 65 at the applicants' planning horizon, as well as the number of licensed and approved beds in the district, calculates a 14.36 beds/1000 population over age 65 for July 1989. Accordingly, the applicants' proposal is consistent with state and local health plans regarding bed to population ratio. Comparative Review As between the competing applicants, the proof demonstrates that Forum is the superior applicant, and that were the award of a certificate of need appropriate in this case that its application would be the one of choice. Under no circumstance does the proof support an award to Amedex, since it failed to demonstrate the immediate and long-term financial feasibility of its project, failed to demonstrate that it would provide quality care, and failed to demonstrate that it had sufficient resources for project accomplishment and operation. The criteria on balance In evaluating the applications of Amedex and Forum, none of the criteria established by Section 381.705, Florida Statutes (1987), or Rule 10- 5.011(k), Florida Administrative Code, have been overlooked. In the case of Amedex, the lack of need in the district, as well as its failure to demonstrate compliance with relevant criteria as discussed in paragraph 46, demonstrates that, on balance, its application should be denied. In the case of Forum, its application meets all relevant statutory and rule criteria except need. Need is the key criteria in the instant case. Forum's failure to satisfy that criterion by proof of numeric need or special circumstances is dispositive of its application for licensure, and such failure is not outweighed by any other, or combination of any other, criteria.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law, it is RECOMMENDED that the applications for certificate of need filed by Amedex and Forum be DENIED. DONE AND ENTERED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 25th day of February, 1988. WILLIAM J. KENDRICK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 25th day of February, 1988.

# 8
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 88-001862 Latest Update: Mar. 03, 1989

The Issue Whether Petitioners' applications for Certificates of Need should be approved?

Findings Of Fact Ocala Ocala is a general partnership composed of three partners: Ocala Health Care Associates, Inc., Casterfield, Ltd., and Big Sun Healthcare Systems, the lessee and operator of Munroe Regional Medical Center. Ocala is the current holder of an approved CON for 35 community beds in Marion County. If the 21-bed transfer of sheltered beds to community beds is approved, Ocala intends to operate a 56-bed facility. A 56-bed facility is more viable than a 35-bed facility. At the time of the hearing, there were 642 approved and licensed beds and 215 approved not yet licensed beds in Marion County. The 215 beds include Ocala's 35-bed CON. A patient needing subacute care is one who has been released from acute care status by a physician and is ready to be released from a hospital (acute care) to a less costly facility, e.g. a skilled nursing home. Subacute care patients are those needing, e.g., intravenous tubes, respirators, IV medication, decubitus ulcer care, tracheotomy tubes, or antibiotic therapy. Patients needing subacute care should be placed in a nursing home, since this is less costly than hospital care and it allows for acute care beds in a hospital to be used for patients needing acute care. Skilled nursing homes are authorized to provide subacute care, but are not required to do so. In order to provide subacute care, a nursing home may need additional staff and equipment. There is a problem in Marion County with the placement of subacute care patients in nursing homes. This problem is caused by a variety of factors and usually results in a patient remaining in a hospital longer than is necessary. One factor is that some of the existing nursing homes will not accept patients needing certain types of subacute care, e.g., patients needing ventilators or feeding tubes. Another equally important factor is that the nursing homes want to make sure they will get paid and there is usually some delay in determining how the nursing home will be compensated. Other factors include the patients inability to pay and, on occasion, the unavailability of beds. Ocala intends to use its 35-bed approved CON to provide subacute care. Country Club While the application shows the applicant's name as "Country Club Retirement Center," that is the name of the project. The applicant is Mr. J. E. Holland. Mr. Holland's application is for a 60-bed nursing home which will be part of a 250-apartment continuing care community. The facility is to be located in Clermont, in Lake County. Lake County is in Planning Area VII of HRS District III. Planning Area VII also includes Sumter County. Mr. Keach, the only witness presented by Country Club, is Vice President of National Health Care. National Health Care operates a nursing home in Gainesville, Florida. In addition to operating the nursing home, National Health Care assists persons seeking a CON with preparation of the CON application. Mr. Keach and other National Health Care employees assisted Mr. Holland with the preparation of the CON application submitted in this case. National Health Care will not own or operate Mr. Holland's facility. Mr. Keach is of the opinion that there is need in Clermont for a 60- bed nursing home. He bases his opinion on letters of support for the construction of the facility, on petitions signed by persons attending a public hearing, and on four or five visits to the area. Mr. Keach never performed a study which would indicate the number of persons with a "documented need" for nursing home services who have been denied access to a nursing home. At the time HRS issued its State Agency Action Report there were 958 beds approved and licensed in Planning Area VII. Of these, 838 are located in Lake County, with 142 located in a nursing home in Clermont. Also these are swing-beds providing long-term care at a hospital in Clermont. Finally, there were 236 beds approved not yet licensed in Planning Area VII, with 176 to be located in Lake County. The occupancy rate for the nursing home facility located in Clermont is approximately 89 percent. For the six months ending March, 1988, the occupancy rate for Planning Area VII was below 80 percent. There are at least two nursing homes in operation within a 20-mile radius of Clermont. These two nursing homes are located in Winter Garden and one of them has received a CON to add 89 beds. Twenty-Eight Corporation The applicant in this case is Twenty-Eight Corporation. "The owner of the nursing home will be the Levy Nursing Care Center, a limited partnership, which will be owned and secured by Twenty-Eight Corporation." (28 Corporation, Composite Exhibit 1.) Twenty-Eight corporation seeks approval of a CON for 60 nursing home beds to be operated as part of a continuing care project which will include a 50-unit apartment complex. The facility is to be located in Chiefland, Florida, in Levy County. Levy County is in Planning Area II of HRS District III. Planning Area II also includes Alachua, Gilchrist and Dixie counties. At the time HRS issued its State Agency Action Report, there were 1112 licensed nursing home beds in Planning Area II. Of these, 120 are located in Trenton, in Gilchrist County, 180 are located in Williston, in Levy County, and the rest are located in Alachua County. Also, there are 147 beds approved not yet licensed to be located in Alachua County. Chiefland is approximately 12 miles from Trenton. Williston is approximately 27 miles from Trenton. Mr. Keach was the only witness who testified on behalf of Twenty-Eight Corporation. Mr. Keach is vice-president of National Health Care. (See Finding of Fact 17, supra.) Mr. Keach is of the opinion that there is need in the Chiefland area for a 60-bed nursing home. His opinion is based on letters of support and petitions of support he received for the project. Also, his opinion is based on the fact that there is no nursing home located in Chiefland and the nearest nursing home is located in Trenton, 12 miles away. The 1986 District III Health Plan shows the Trenton facility having an occupancy rate of 99.93 percent. Mr. Keach never performed a study which would indicate the number of persons with a "documented need" for nursing home services who have been denied access to a nursing home.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that HRS enter a Final Order denying Petitioners' applications in these three cases. DONE and ENTERED this 3rd day of March, 1989, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. JOSE A. DIEZ-ARGUELLES Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The Oakland Building 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 3rd day of March, 1988. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NOS. 88-1862, 88-1863, 88-1864 Rulings on Proposed Findings of Fact Ocala's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1. Accepted. 2-4. Supported by competent, substantial evidence but unnecessary to the decision reached. 5-7. Accepted. Irrelevant. Accepted. Rejected as not supported by the weight of the evidence. There is not an absolute absence of facilities willing to accept all patients needing subacute care. Irrelevant. "Serious concerns" are not what is needed under the Rule. First sentence rejected as recitation of testimony. Second sentence irrelevant; issue is whether nursing homes will accept patients, not whether nursing homes will enter into agreement with MRMC. 13-16. True, but irrelevant. Accepted. (a) Rejected to the extent it implies that the approved facilities would not provide subacute care. Mr. Bailey's testimony is that the facilities refused to enter into a relationship with MRMC; this does not establish that the facilities would not provide subacute care. Rejected as a recitation of testimony. The weight of the evidence shows that some facilities would accept same subacute patients. True, but it is unclear if these are the physician's notations the HRS witness referred to. True that charts and logs were provided, but they did not establish the number of patients in need of subacute care in excess of licensed or approved beds. 19-26. Irrelevant. 27-29. Accepted-for what they are, but insufficient to establish need. Twenty-Eight Corporation's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1-4 Accepted. Irrelevant. This is a de novo proceeding. True, but irrelevant. Accepted. Accepted. Rejected as hearsay. But see Finding of Fact 31. Mr. Keach testified that Chiefland is 40 miles from Williston. The road map published by the Department of Transportation shows the distance between the two cities at 27 miles. True, but irrelevant. True, but irrelevant. Accepted. Accepted. However, this special consideration should be given only where numeric need has been established in the District. True, but irrelevant. True, but irrelevant. Rejected as hearsay. True, but irrelevant. Rejected as hearsay. Also, a determination by a family member does not establish medical "need". True that this is Mr. Keach's opinion. However, Mr. Keach's opinion is rejected. His opinion of need is not based on what the Rule requires or on what health planners rely on to establish need. Mr. Keach is not able to testify as to the financial feasibility of the facility because he has no first- hand knowledge of the finances. 21-22. Irrelevant. 23. Rejected. See ruling on 10., supra. 24-26. Irrelevant. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Irrelevant. Irrelevant; this is not a rule challenge. Irrelevant. True, but irrelevant. Irrelevant. Accepted. Rejected as hearsay. Rejected as not supported by the weight of the evidence. Rejected as argument. Also, unable to determine what the "second portion" is. 37-38. Irrelevant. First phrase accepted. Second phrase rejected to extent implies that only need to show that no other facility exists within 20 miles. Irrelevant. Country Club's Proposed Findings of Fact: 1-4. Accepted. Irrelevant. This is a de novo proceeding. True, but irrelevant. Accepted. Irrelevant. True, but irrelevant. Accepted. Accepted. However, this special consideration should be given only where numeric need has been established in the District. True, but irrelevant. True, but irrelevant. 14-17. Irrelevant. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. Accepted. Rejected as not supported by competent evidence; hearsay. Accepted. Rejected as not supported by competent evidence; hearsay. Irrelevant. Rejected as not supported by competent evidence; hearsay. True, but irrelevant. See ruling on 11, supra. Irrelevant. Rejected as not supported by competent evidence; hearsay. Irrelevant. The Rule also recognizes this. Irrelevant. Rejected as not supported by the weight of the evidence and irrelevant. True, but irrelevant. True, but irrelevant. 33-34. True, but irrelevant. This is a de novo proceeding. 35-39. Irrelevant. 40. Rejected as argument. Also, unable to determine what the "second portion" is. 41-42. Accepted 43. Rejected as contrary to the weight of the evidence. 44. True, but irrelevant. Also, there are approved beds within 20 miles, but located in a different HRS District. Leesburg's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-7. Accepted. Rejected as not a finding of fact. Accepted. 10-15. See Conclusions of Law section of RO. Accepted. Rejected as argument. Accepted. Rejected. Fact that need does not exist under HRS rule doesn't necessarily mean that that facility will not be financially feasible. In any event, Country Club was not able to establish financial feasibility. 20-21. See Conclusions of Law. 22. Rejected as argument. 23-28. Supported by competent substantial evidence but unnecessary to the decision reached. Accepted. Rejected as a recitation of testimony. Accepted.- HRS's Proposed Findings of Fact 1-19. Accepted. Rejected. The HRS witness did not specifically state that HRS needs to see the actual physician referral. Accepted. See Conclusions of Law. 22-28. Accepted. See Conclusions of Law. 29. Not a finding of fact. 30-37. Accepted. 38. Irrelevant. 39-42. Unnecessary to the decision reached. Irrelevant. Accepted. 45-46. See Conclusions of Law. Accepted. Accepted. Not a finding of fact. 50-65. Accepted. See Conclusions of Law. 66. Not a finding of fact. 67-71. Accepted, but Ocala's Exhibits 6 & 7 are not amendments to the application but simply more of the same information that was provided with the application. COPIES FURNISHED: Gerald B. Sternstein, Esquire Darrell White, Esquire Post Office Box 2174 First Florida Bank Building Suite 600 215 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Theodore Mack, Esquire Assistant General Counsel 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Executive Center Tallahassee, Florida 32308 R. Bruce McKibben, Jr., Esquire 307 West Park Avenue Post Office Box 10651 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Grafton Wilson, II, Esquire 711 NW 23rd Avenue, Suite #4 Gainesville, Florida 32609 Sam Power, Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Number: 84-001976 Latest Update: Oct. 08, 1986

Findings Of Fact 1-2. Rejected as a statement of the issues and not a Finding of Fact. Accepted and incorporated in Finding of Facts 8 and 9. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 9. Accepted. Incorporated in Finding of Facts 6 - 9. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 7. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 16. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 17. Irrelevant. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 5. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 6. 13-14. Irrelevant. Cumulative. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 7. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 11. Irrelevant. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 22. Incorporated in Finding of Fact 14. Irrelevant. Incorporated in Finding of Facts 4 and 5. COPIES FURNISHED: W. David Watkins, Esquire Oertel & Hoffman 2700 Blairstone Rd. Suite C Tallahassee, Florida 32301 R. Bruce McKibben, Jr. Assistant General Counsel Department of HRS 1323 Winewood Boulevard Jonathan S. Grout, Esquire 307 W. Tharpe Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Thomas Beason, Esquire Suite 100 118 N. Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 William Page, Jr. Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is therefore RECOMMENDED that the applications for a CON to construct either a 60 or 120-bed nursing home in Brevard County, Florida, submitted by Wuesthoff Health Services, Inc. and Florida Convalescent Centers, Inc., be denied. RECOMMENDED this 8th day of October, 1986, in Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway The Oakland Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of October, 1986. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER IN CASE NOS. 84-1976; 85-1310; 85-1506 The following constitutes my specific findings pursuant to Section 120.59(2), Florida Statutes, on all Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case.

Florida Laws (3) 10.18120.577.38
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