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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sanford, Florida Nov. 03, 1993 Number: 93-006394 Latest Update: Aug. 02, 1995

Findings Of Fact John R. Sutton (Sutton) has been an employee of the Seminole County School Board (School Board) for approximately ten years. At the time of his suspension, he was working as an electrician's helper. Sutton's work hours were seven to three-thirty, including summers when school was not in session. Generally, his duties did not bring him into contact with students. To the extent possible, repairs and wiring work were done when the students were not around. Sutton lives in his own home with his two children, ages three and five, his sixty-eight-year-old mother, and his fifty-year-old mentally retarded sister, whom he takes care of. He needs his job. (Petitioner's exhibit 1, p.9) Sutton's property borders on a tree farm owned by Miami Land Division. On August 10, 1993, around five-thirty p.m., Sutton was in the woods behind his house examining three small marijuana plants when he was arrested by officers of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. He gave permission for them to search his home and they found some baggies of marijuana. Sutton was charged with cultivation of marijuana and possession of greater than 20 grams, a felony. He admits the charges. Sutton was not prosecuted, but rather was referred to the pretrial intervention program conducted by the State's Attorney. Under his pretrial intervention contract, he was required to be supervised for twelve months, submit to random drug testing, complete fifty hours of community service, and pay certain costs of investigation and supervision. He was also required to attend Narcotics Anonymous meetings. He has satisfied all of the conditions except for the full twelve months of supervision, which have not expired. After successful completion of his contract, the charges will be dismissed. On August 12, 1993, Sutton's charge of cultivation of marijuana appeared in the "News of Record" section of the Daytona Beach News-Journal, in small print, with the usual notices of criminal charges, suits filed, divorces, births and hospital admissions occurring recently in Volusia County. John Reichert performs duties of the personnel director for the Seminole County School District. He doesn't read the News-Journal, but his counterpart in Volusia County read it and told him of Sutton's arrest. Reichert obtained information about the arrest and presented the findings to the School Board's professional standards committee. The committee recommended that Sutton be terminated. He was placed on leave without pay, pending the outcome of this proceeding on the superintendent's recommendation to the School Board. Discipline of non-instructional personnel of the School Board is governed by the collective bargaining agreement dated July 1, 1992-June 30, 1995. This agreement provides, in pertinent part: REGULAR EMPLOYEES Section 4. * * * B. An employee who has been hired for four (4) or more years may only be terminated for just cause except as otherwise provided in A. above. [reduction in force] The decision not to renew the employee for the ensuring year shall be for just cause. * * * DISCIPLINE AND TERMINATION Section 5. A. Regular employees who have been hired for a minimum of three (3) of the last five (5) years (without a break in service) shall not be disciplined (which shall include repri mands), suspended or terminated except for just cause. * * * An employee may be suspended without pay or discharged for reasons including the following (or substantially similar offenses) providing just cause is present: Violation of School Board Policy Violation of work rules Insubordination--Refusal to follow a proper directive, order, or assignment from a supervisor While on duty, the possession and/or the use of intoxicating beverages or controlled substances after reporting for work and until after the employee leaves the work site after the equipment, if applicable, has been checked in. Endangering the health, safety or welfare of any student or employee of the District The conviction of a felony in the State of Florida or notice of conviction of a substantially parallel offense in another jurisdiction An act committed while off duty, which because of its publication through the media or otherwise adversely affects the employee's performance or duties, or disrupts the operations of the District, its schools or other work/cost centers Excessive tardiness Damage to School Board property Improper use of sick leave Failure to perform assigned duties Other infractions, as set forth from time to time in writing and disseminated by the Superintendent or designee. (Petitioner's Exhibit 2, emphasis added) Counsel for the School Board stipulated at hearing that Sutton's termination is not based on any of the twelve items in paragraph Section 5, C., above. Rather, the School Board's position is that "just cause" is not limited to those items. The School Board has adopted a drug free work place policy, prohibiting possession, use, sale, distribution or being under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drug, marijuana or other controlled substance, before, during or after school hours, at school or in any other school district location. The record does not reflect when the policy was adopted; Sutton has never seen the policy. Further, it does not address Sutton's offense. Sutton knows of other non-instructional employees who have been arrested for felony offenses and are still employed. On the other hand, the School Board has disciplined other employees (teachers and non-instructional employees) for drug offenses committed off of school premises and off hours. However, the School Board did not, in this proceeding, establish its policy with regard to employees, such as Sutton, who are not teachers, who are arrested after their employment, and who are not convicted of a felony or are not guilty of any of the enumerated offenses in the collective bargaining agreement. Sutton has never been disciplined before. His supervisor considers him a "[d]ecent worker, maybe not the best, but definitely a good worker." (Transcript, p.28) His attendance record is fine or average; he has not been observed arriving to work or during work, "stoned" or otherwise intoxicated or impaired. Sutton freely admits that he owned the three plants and the marijuana found in his house. He smoked infrequently and did not sell or distribute the marijuana.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing, it is hereby RECOMMENDED: That the School Board of Seminole County enter its final order rejecting the recommendation for termination of John Sutton, removing him from suspension, and restoring back pay. DONE AND RECOMMENDED in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, this 11th day of May 1994. MARY CLARK Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 11th day of May 1994. APPENDIX The following constitute specific rulings on the findings of fact proposed by the parties: Petitioner's Proposed Findings Rejected as unnecessary. Adopted in Paragraph 1. 3 & 4. Adopted in Paragraph 8. 5 & 6. Adopted in Paragraph 4. 7. Adopted by implication in Paragraph 2. But the more specific finding is that such contact was merely incidental, and not direct. 8-11. Addressed in Preliminary Statement as background of the proceeding. Respondent's Proposed Findings Respondent's "Findings of Fact" comprise a single paragraph outlining the background of this proceeding and stating his position, which position is generally accepted in the recommendation, above. COPIES FURNISHED: Ned N. Julian, Jr., Esquire Post Office Box 4848 Sanford, Florida 32772-4848 Thomas C. Greene, Esquire Post Office Box 695 Sanford, Florida 32772-0695 Douglas L. "Tim" Jamerson Commissioner of Education The Capitol Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Dr. Paul Hagerty, Superintendent Seminole County School Board 1211 South Mellonville Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771

Florida Laws (1) 120.57
# 1
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Miami, Florida May 05, 2016 Number: 16-002492PL Latest Update: Dec. 01, 2017

The Issue Whether Respondent's educator's certificate should be sanctioned for an alleged violation of section 1012.795(1)(b), Florida Statutes, in that Respondent knowingly failed to report actual or suspected child abuse as alleged in Petitioner's Amended Administrative Complaint. Whether Respondent's educator's certificate should be sanctioned for an alleged violation of section 1012.795(1)(j), in that Respondent violated the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession prescribed by State Board of Education rules as alleged in Petitioner's Amended Administrative Complaint.

Findings Of Fact Based on the evidence presented and the record as a whole, the undersigned makes the following findings of material and relevant facts: Parties' Statement of Agreed Facts Respondent holds Florida Educator's Certificate 632878, covering the area of elementary education, which is valid through June 30, 2017. At all times pertinent hereto, Respondent was employed as a part-time interventionist teacher at Brownsville Middle School ("BMS"), Miami-Dade County School District. Respondent has been a certified teacher for 25 years. On March 9, 2015, Respondent was informed by Y.H., a sixth-grade female student, that her stepfather comes into her room and lays on top of her with his clothes on without touching her in any inappropriate way, when her mother was not present. On March 9, 2015, Y.H. also informed Respondent that her stepfather pushed her toward a wall causing her to fall into a chair and then he pulled her by the hair. Respondent went to Counselor Sonya Durden's office on March 9, 2015, to discuss what she had heard from Y.H. and the other two students. Respondent did not immediately report the student's accusation on March 9, 2015, to the Department of Children and Families or the Child Abuse Hotline. Facts Adduced at the Hearing The Commissioner is responsible for investigating and prosecuting allegations of misconduct against individuals holding educator's certificates under section 231.2615, Florida Statutes. During Castella's 25 years of teaching, she testified that she had never received training concerning suspected child abuse or related reporting requirements. This testimony is rejected. The more persuasive and credible evidence revealed that all school employees at BMS, with no exceptions, received regular training at the beginning of each school year, which includes their reporting duties when child abuse is suspected. The more persuasive evidence also demonstrated that various posters on child abuse reporting were posted around the school to remind teachers at BMS of their reporting requirements in cases of suspected child abuse. Respondent's Exhibits B and C are examples of those posters. Respondent's Exhibit B is a colorful poster with the title Child Abuse Look for the Signs. The poster gives information on various signs of physical and sexual abuse, as well as the procedure to follow when a child speaks of abuse. The evidence revealed that this poster was posted at the designated faculty sign-in area at BMS at all times relevant to this incident. Principal Ebony Dunn testified that "all of the employees have to sign-in whether they're hourly, whether they're full-time, non-instructional." Thus, Castella would have been required to sign in at this designated area at the beginning of each day where the poster was prominently displayed. The undersigned finds that based on the more persuasive evidence, Respondent was aware of the poster's content. Respondent's Exhibit C is another poster with the title Reporting Child Abuse is Everyone's Responsibility. This poster details various signs of child abuse and how someone can report an instance of child abuse. The undisputed evidence indicated that this poster was also displayed at the student services building/main learning center at all times relevant to the incident. The more persuasive evidence and reasonable inferences drawn from the evidence indicate that Respondent was aware of both of these posters and knew of her duty to report suspected child abuse. March 9, 2015, Incident On March 9, 2015, Castella was approached by three girls at lunch, one of whom was Y.H., a sixth-grade female student. Castella observed that the other two girls were prodding Y.H. to speak to Castella. During this encounter, Castella was informed by Y.H. that her stepfather comes into her room and lies on top of her with his clothes on without touching her in any inappropriate way, when her mother was not present.2/ Y.H. also informed Castella at lunch that her stepfather pushed her toward a wall causing her to fall into a chair and then he pulled her by the hair. After lunch, Castella went to another teacher, Philogene, to report the incident because "she wasn't sure what to do," and she wanted to know the other teacher's thoughts on Y.H.'s statement.3/ Castella contends that she was not aware that what Y.H. told her amounted to child abuse. However, when asked why she told Philogene about the incident, Castella responded, "I wanted to ask Ms. Philogene what she thought because what Y.H. told me was odd, weird." The record indicates that after hearing about the incident, Philogene told Castella to report the incident to Counselor Durden.4/ Castella testified that on March 9, 2015, she went to Counselor Durden's office to discuss what she had heard from Y.H. and the other two female students. However, Castella asserted that despite her efforts, she was not able to report the incident to Counselor Durden because she was not in her office. Significantly, Castella left the school that day without reporting the incident to any administrator on campus.5/ Inexplicably, Castella did not immediately report the female student's information on March 9, 2015, to the Department of Children and Families or to the Child Abuse Hotline. Respondent claims that she did not know the protocol for reporting child abuse. The undersigned rejects this claim as incredible and spurious. Rather, the credible and more persuasive evidence shows that it was common knowledge among the school staff, based on training and posted notices, that an incident of child abuse should be reported immediately. March 10, 2015, Incident The next day, Castella went to Counselor Durden's office immediately upon arriving at the school to report what Y.H. had told her the day before. According to school policy, Castella was mandated to report the incident to a school administrator. Counselor Durden was not an administrator, nor was she Castella's supervisor. After disclosing the nature of her visit, Counselor Durden questioned Castella about the incident and why Castella did not report the incident when she became aware of it the day before. Counselor Durden testified that, "[Ms. Castella] said a young lady, a sixth-grader, had told her during lunch that the stepfather comes into the room every night drunk and holds her down and climbs on her. So I said, 'She told you when?' And she said, 'Yesterday during lunch.' And I said, 'You didn't call it in?' And she said, 'No I didn't.' And I think she was talking about like, you know she's friendly with the kids, and she didn't want to lose her confidence, they trusted her." Castella testified that she was reluctant to immediately report the incident because she did not want to violate the female students' trust. Counselor Durden proceeded to call the Department of Children and Families while Castella was still in her office. Both joined in reporting to the Department of Children and Families what had occurred. Later that afternoon, the Department of Children and Families held a meeting at the school with Y.H., the other two girls who were with Y.H., and Castella to gather details of the suspected child abuse and to determine how to proceed with the incident. Contact With News or Media Outlets Castella contacted and voluntarily appeared on a number of local news broadcasts. She detailed the suspected child abuse incident and proceeded to give the name of the school. Petitioner's Exhibit 8, which is a Notice of Investigation signed by Castella and delivered to her, states that a faculty member may be terminated if they speak to a number of subjects about a pending investigation. The document specifies, "You are not to discuss this matter with any witnesses, parents, staff, students, or the complaining party to avoid interference with the investigation." Castella asserts that she did not violate the notice because it did not specify she could not speak to news stations. However, Principal Dunn testified that anyone, including the listed parties, had the ability to watch the news broadcast. Therefore, the undersigned finds that her appearance on the news stations violated the spirit and intent of the notice because it could have had an indirect, adverse impact on witnesses and interfered with the internal investigation by the school district.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Education Practices Commission enter a final order finding Diana Castella in violation of Counts 1, 2, and 3 of the Amended Administrative Complaint and placing her license on a one-year probationary status, during which time she be ordered to attend and successfully complete, at her expense, training related to her reporting obligations under section 1012.795(1)(b), Florida Statutes. DONE AND ENTERED this 17th day of March, 2017, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S ROBERT L. KILBRIDE Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 17th day of March, 2017.

Florida Laws (11) 1002.391002.3951006.0611012.011012.7951012.796120.569120.57120.6839.201827.04
# 2
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Bradenton, Florida Nov. 06, 2013 Number: 13-004291 Latest Update: Oct. 20, 2014

The Issue The issue in this case is whether Petitioner has just cause to terminate Respondent from his employment contract.

Findings Of Fact The School Board is duly constituted and charged with the responsibility and authority to operate, control and supervise the public schools within Manatee County, Florida. Art. IX, Fla. Const.; ch. 1012, Fla. Stat. The School Board has the authority to discipline employees. § 1012.22 (1)(f), Fla. Stat. At all times relevant to this proceeding, Respondent was employed by the School District. Mr. Gagnon has been in the education field for approximately 23 years, and has been with the School District since 2002. Mr. Gagnon served as an assistant principal at Lakewood Ranch High School and as principal at Palmetto High School, both of which are in Manatee County. Mr. Gagnon was the principal at MHS beginning with the 2007-2008 school year. Mr. Gagnon served as the MHS principal until he transitioned to the position of assistant superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for the School District in January 2012. Mr. Gagnon served as the interim superintendent for approximately one month in September/October 2012 and then returned to the assistant superintendent position when another person was appointed interim superintendent. In 2005 the School District posted a position for a specialist in the OPS to investigate alleged School District employee misconduct. The then superintendent wanted to establish a standardized method of investigating employee misconduct. Ms. Horne interviewed for the position, and was appointed as the first OPS specialist. As there were no School District policies or rules in place when she started, Ms. Horne assisted in writing the School District’s OPS policies. Sections 39.201 and 39.202, Florida Statutes, are incorporated into the School District’s policies and procedures as Policy 5.2(1), Policies and Procedures Manual, School Board of Manatee County (2013), which provides: Mandatory Duty to Report Suspected Child Abuse. All employees or agents of the district school board who have reasonable cause to suspect abuse have an affirmative duty to report it. Employees or agents so reporting have immunity from liability if they report such cases in good faith. This includes suspected child abuse of a student by an employee. Ms. Horne provided the training on this policy and other policies to School District employees. As the OPS investigator, Ms. Horne was to “investigate alleged employee misconduct and other matters as assigned” to her by her supervisor. Ms. Horne never had the authority to determine whether or not someone had engaged in misconduct or to make any recommendations as to what may or may not have happened. Her role was to simply gather the information, prepare a report of her findings, and provide that report to her supervisor. In November 2012, Mr. Martin was the School District’s assistant superintendent for District Support, and Ms. Horne’s direct supervisor. During her eight-year tenure as the OPS specialist, Ms. Horne investigated over 800 cases of employee misconduct. The School District uses a progressive discipline model for its employees. Should an employee exhibit behaviors that could be considered inappropriate or misconduct, the School District has a step-by-step method of taking disciplinary action, from simply talking with the employee up to termination of employment. If it is an egregious action, such as sexual conduct with a student, immediate termination is an option. The discipline begins on-site by the site-based managers where the incident occurs. Those site-based managers could have that simple conversation, and if need be, it could progress to a verbal directive, a memorandum of conference, and/or a written reprimand. Site-based managers include principals, assistant principals, directors, and assistant directors.3/ In those instances where the disciplinary action could lead to days without pay or termination, actions that could only be taken by the School Board, OPS would open an investigation. During the first two weeks of November 2012, Mr. Rinder was approached by several MHS teachers regarding concerns for their students. When Mr. Rinder spoke with Mr. Sauer, MHS’s principal, about those concerns, Mr. Sauer asked Mr. Rinder to type up the list (Rinder’s List) and give it to Mr. Sauer. Mr. Sauer, in turn, forwarded Rinder’s List to the OPS. Rinder’s List: [1.] One staff member reported a phone call to a female student during class. The student was upset by the call and told the staff member that Mr. Frazier had asked her if “she had gotten her period and did she need him to go to the drug store for her.” [2.] One staff member reported that Mr. Frazier repeatedly called for a female student during class. When asked if it was important, Mr. Frazier said “yes”. [sic] When the staff member asked the student what the problem was, the answer was “My mom wanted to take me to lunch and he helped me do it”. [sic] [3.] Male student was failing a core class. He told the teacher that “Frazier told me that he will change the grade”. [sic] [4.] A female student was observed getting into Mr. Frazier’s vehicle after school hours and was transported. [5.] Female student told a staff member that she overheard students talking about several meetings in the park late at night with Mr. Frazier. She stated that Mr. Frazier placed and [sic] empty water bottle between her legs as she was walking down the sidewalk. [6.] Female student was observed sitting on Mr. Frazier’s lap eating cake off his fork. [7.] Female student reported to a staff member that Mr. Frazier made a comment to a student in the hall that he had put her on skype [sic] and she took a picture and has it saved on her cell phone. She is scared that he will retaliate if she tells. [8.] Female student told a staff member that Mr. Frazier had made comments to her at the Tiki Bar that she was old enough to be there and they could talk. When she refused to talk with him, she started having issues with Mr. Frazier at school. She transferred to LIFE program to get out. [9.] Female student was reported to a staff member by several students who stated that she was having a relationship with Mr. Frazier. She transferred schools. This conversation was overheard by two teachers in the hall. [10.] The Math Department this week was discussing Mr. Fraziers [sic] questionable activities. Upon receipt of Rinder’s List, Ms. Horne was directed to open an investigation into the allegations contained therein. The subject of the investigation was an MHS parent liaison4/ and assistant football coach named Roderick Frazier. In a very general sense, the allegations involved misconduct by a teacher. Rinder’s List initiated the Frazier investigation. However, Rinder’s List contains blatant hearsay which cannot form the basis for a finding of fact without corroboration. There was no testimony provided by any students mentioned in items 2, 3, 5 (first sentence), 7, 8, or 9 above; hence, it is impossible to verify what occurred. Item 10 merely indicates that an entire department at MHS discussed “questionable activities” by an individual, but it provides no specific activities. There was no credible, non-hearsay evidence in this record to substantiate any of these allegations (items 2, 3, 5 (first sentence), 7, 8, 9 or 10). On November 14, 2012, an email with an attached letter from then-Superintendent David Gayler, was sent to Mr. Sauer around 8:40 p.m., advising him that Mr. Frazier was to be placed on paid administrative leave (PAL) on Thursday, November 15. Mr. Sauer notified Mr. Frazier appropriately. The School Board’s policy regarding placing an employee on PAL is dependent upon whether there is a potential for harm to any student and/or the employee could incur a suspension or termination from employment. Due to an on-going investigation at a different school, Ms. Horne did not arrive at MHS to begin the investigation until the afternoon of Thursday, November 15. Ms. Horne first interviewed Mr. Rinder, as Rinder’s List did not contain any names of teachers or students who were allegedly involved. Upon obtaining the names of the teachers who had expressed concerns, Ms. Horne interviewed most of the teachers on November 15. By the time Ms. Horne completed her teacher interviews, the students had been dismissed from school and were no longer available. At some time, Mr. Rinder observed a female student getting into Mr. Frazier’s car after school (Rinder’s List, Item 4). Mr. Rinder was not alarmed by this sight, but merely thought it was Mr. Fazier’s son’s girlfriend getting a ride. There was no testimony that Mr. Rinder ever brought this information to Mr. Gagnon’s attention. Ms. Aragon brought two concerns about Mr. Frazier to Respondent’s attention: 1) she thought that girls were sitting too close to Mr. Frazier in golf carts at MHS; and 2) Mr. Frazier had called her classroom telephone to talk with a female student. Neither Ms. Aragon nor Mr. Gagnon were absolutely certain as to when these concerns were brought to Mr. Gagnon’s attention: Ms. Aragon thought they were brought to his attention during one conversation, and Mr. Gagnon thought there were two separate conversations approximately a year apart, based on the actions that he took to address them. Mr. Gagnon’s testimony is more credible. Upon being told of the golf cart issue, Respondent immediately went to the MHS courtyard and observed Mr. Frazier with a female student sitting in his golf cart. At the same time, Respondent observed two other assistant principals with students of the opposite sex sitting in their golf carts. Respondent addressed Mr. Frazier first, and then issued a directive to his discipline staff that no one was to allow a student to just sit in a golf cart. Respondent directed that if there was a legitimate reason to transport a student, that was fine, but students were no longer to just sit in the golf cart. With respect to the telephone incident (Rinder’s List Item 1), Mr. Frazier called Ms. Aragon’s classroom and bullied his way to speak with the female student. After the student hung up the phone with Mr. Frazier, she appeared to be upset. Ms. Aragon immediately questioned the student, and Ms. Aragon understood that Mr. Frazier had inquired about the student’s menstrual cycle. Ms. Aragon thought it was “inappropriate” for Mr. Frazier to be speaking with a female student about her menstrual cycle, but Ms. Aragon testified that she did not know if the conversation impacted the student’s day. Ms. Aragon was not privy to the actual conversation between the student and Mr. Frazier, and the student with whom the conversation was held did not testify. The actual telephone conversation is hearsay. Ms. Aragon sought guidance from the teacher’s union president as to what to do. When Ms. Aragon spoke with Mr. Gagnon about Mr. Frazier’s telephone call, Mr. Gagnon immediately turned the issue over to an assistant principal for investigation. Based on the report from the assistant principal, Mr. Gagnon was not concerned that anything inappropriate or sexual was happening.5/ At some point in time, Ms. Coates overheard two female students comment about Mr. Frazier. Although Ms. Coates asked the students to tell her directly the basis for their comment, the students declined. (Neither student testified at hearing.) Shortly thereafter, Ms. Coates told Respondent the students’ comment. Ms. Coates heard Mr. Gagnon respond that something was going around on Facebook. Mr. Gagnon did not remember Ms. Coates telling him of the students’ comment. However, Mr. Gagnon routinely reviewed the disciplinary records for the three parent liaisons and was satisfied that Mr. Frazier was not showing favoritism in his discipline to one group of students over another. It is not uncommon for students to perceive that a teacher is showing favoritism towards a student or group of students. At the conclusion of the teacher interviews on November 15, Ms. Horne understood that the allegations had occurred a year or two before they were reported in Rinder’s List. This thought process was reinforced when Ms. Horne met with some of the MHS administrators in Mr. Sauer’s office where they had a telephone conference with Mr. Martin. Following the telephone conference, Ms. Horne returned to the School District’s main office and again conferred with Mr. Martin for directions. On November 15 or 16, 2012, Ms. Horne had a brief conversation with Mr. Gagnon at the School Board building. Mr. Gagnon asked about the Frazier investigation. Ms. Horne responded that the only issues she was hearing had previously been addressed, and that Ms. Horne would be returning for other interviews. Additionally, Mr. Martin had a brief conversation with Mr. Gagnon about the Rinder List allegations. Mr. Gagnon maintained that the allegations were old and had been dealt with appropriately. Ms. Horne shared with Mr. Martin that the Rinder List allegations were old and had been dealt with previously. Based on this information, Mr. Martin, in his sole discretion, determined to remove Mr. Frazier from PAL on November 16, 2012, and return him to work. Ms. Horne was surprised by this, as her investigation was incomplete. Ms. Horne interviewed Mr. Frazier as well as one other teacher, on November 16, 2012. Although Ms. Horne had the name of an alleged victim, Mr. Martin directed her not to interview that student at that time. In January 2013, a former MHS female student, D.K., wrote a letter to MHS alleging that Mr. Frazier did various inappropriate acts towards her while she was a student at MHS during the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 school years. In her letter, D.K. stated that she became close to Mr. Frazier during her two years at MHS. D.K. met Mr. Frazier at a park near her home, but during her second year at MHS (2011-2012), Mr. Frazier “started being weird with [her] and saying inappropriate things to” her. D.K. admitted that she frequently rode in Mr. Frazier’s golf cart around the school, and that Mr. Frazier put a water bottle (Rinder’s List Item 5, second sentence) in between her legs (between her knees and crotch) as they were sitting in the bleachers at the softball field and while sitting in a golf cart. D.K. came forward with the letter because she had heard of the Frazier investigation and that it was being closed. Several days after D.K.’s letter was received in OPS, Ms. Horne interviewed D.K., who was accompanied by her mother. Ms. Horne was unable to confirm D.K.’s credibility completely because Ms. Horne left OPS prior to the conclusion of the Frazier investigation. The most disturbing part of D.K.’s testimony came when D.K. admitted, and Ms. Peebles confirmed, that during the 2010- 2011 school year, Ms. Peebles walked into Mr. Frazier’s office unannounced and observed D.K. sitting on Mr. Frazier’s lap holding a piece of cake (Rinder’s List Item 6). Ms. Peebles immediately instructed D.K. to get off Mr. Frazier’s lap and to sit in a chair on the other side of his desk. Mr. Frazier appeared to be unfazed by Ms. Peebles entering his office unannounced and witnessing this scene. Mr. Frazier proceeded to handle the disciplinary matter that Ms. Peebles had brought to him. Ms. Peebles reported the observation to an assistant principal, Matthew Kane, but not to Respondent. Ms. Peebles did not believe there was abuse on-going, but thought it was “not appropriate” for Mr. Frazier to have a student sitting on his lap. D.K. testified that “after he [Mr. Frazier] got in trouble he started getting me [D.K.] in trouble for things that I had been getting away with the whole time I was there [at MHS].” D.K. did not provide a time-frame or what “trouble” Mr. Frazier had gotten her into while D.K. was at MHS, and no evidence was provided otherwise. Further, D.K. never told Mr. Gagnon of any issues involving Mr. Frazier. D.K. was enrolled at a different local high school when Mr. Frazier was placed on PAL. Ms. Peebles relayed another issue regarding Mr. Frazier; however, it involved hearsay and was not corroborated by the student who initially reported the issue to Ms. Peebles. The absence of direct, non-hearsay testimony precludes a finding of fact as to that issue. In late January 2013, Ms. Horne transferred to an assistant principal position at a school district elementary school. Both Ms. Horne and Mr. Martin confirmed that the Frazier investigation had not been completed when Ms. Horne left OPS. Ms. Horne had not submitted a written report to her supervisor which would have signaled the completion of the Frazier investigation. The specialist position in OPS remained vacant until July 2013 when Mr. Pumphrey assumed the position. Mr. Pumphrey confirmed that there “had been an ongoing investigation both at the School District level and law enforcement surrounding Rod Frazier.” In an effort to gain speed in his investigation, Mr. Pumphrey reviewed the Frazier investigation file and became aware that the School District “had stalled their investigation pending the outcome of the criminal investigation.” Mr. Pumphrey reviewed Mr. Frazier’s personnel file and determined there was “no documentation of any discipline to Mr. Frazier.” Additionally, Mr. Pumphrey pulled all the published information including media accounts and police reports, and reviewed them. As Mr. Martin had been instrumental in hiring Mr. Pumphrey, the two spoke several times “because this thing [the Frazier investigation] was all over the place.” Several days after re-starting the Frazier investigation, Mr. Pumphrey expressed to the superintendent his concern about the close proximity of Mr. Pumphrey’s office to that of Mr. Gagnon and requested that Mr. Gagnon6/ be placed on PAL. The superintendent did so. During the course of the Frazier investigation, Mr. Pumphrey considered that Mr. Gagnon’s actions or inactions during the course of the Frazier investigation constituted “administrative negligence and/or intentional misconduct.” Mr. Pumphrey broadened the Frazier investigation to determine whether district administrators “had prior knowledge of complaints by female students and faculty regarding inappropriate conduct involving Frazier and, if so, why the complaints were not timely addressed.” There is no credible, non-hearsay evidence in the record to substantiate that Mr. Gagnon failed to investigate or report inappropriate conduct by a faculty member. When apprised of questionable or suspect conduct, Mr. Gagnon took the steps necessary to inquire. The absence of direct, non-hearsay testimony precludes a finding that Mr. Gagnon acted in the fashion alleged in the administrative complaint.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that Petitioner, Manatee County School Board, enter a final order dismissing the Administrative Complaint in its entirety. DONE AND ENTERED this 30th day of June, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S LYNNE A. QUIMBY-PENNOCK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 30th day of June, 2014.

Florida Laws (9) 1006.0611012.221012.271012.7951012.796120.569120.5739.20139.202
# 3
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Sanford, Florida Jun. 04, 2007 Number: 07-002486TTS Latest Update: Oct. 26, 2007

The Issue Whether Respondent, Derek E. Andrews, should be terminated for his absence without leave from April 12, 2007, until the end of the 2006-2007 school year.

Findings Of Fact Based on the oral and documentary evidence presented at the final hearing in this matter the following Findings of Facts are made: Respondent, Derek E. Andrews, is a school teacher employed by the School Board of Seminole County, Florida. William Vogel is, and has been, Superintendent of Public Schools for the School District of Seminole County, Florida, for all times material to the occurrences relevant to this case. Pursuant to Section 4, Article IX, Florida Constitution, and Sections 1001.30, 1001.31, 1001.32, 1001.33, 1001.41, and 1001.42, Florida Statutes (2006), the School Board of Seminole County, Florida, is the governing board of the School District of Seminole County, Florida. The relationship of the parties is controlled by Florida Statutes, the collective bargaining agreement, and School Board policies. Respondent's supervising principal for the 2006-2007 school year was Dr. Shaune Storch. Respondent had been granted a leave of absence that expired on March 30, 2007. Respondent's leave for the period March 16, 2007, through March 30, 2007, was an extension of a previous leave as requested by Respondent. Subsequent to the expiration of Respondent's leave on March 30, 2007, Respondent's supervising principal attempted to contact Respondent regarding his intentions for the remainder of the 2006-2007 school year. Respondent did not meet with his supervising principal or otherwise respond to her letter of April 5, 2007. Article XVI, Section I.2. of the collective bargaining agreement, provides that any teacher who is willfully absent from duty without leave shall forfeit compensation for the time of the absence and be subject to discharge and forfeiture of tenure and all other rights and privileges as provided by law. Respondent was absent without leave from April 2, 2007, through the end of the school year.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding Respondent, Derek E. Andrews, guilty of the allegations stated in the Petition for Termination and that his employment be terminated. DONE AND ENTERED this 20th day of September, 2007, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JEFF B. CLARK Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 20th day of September, 2007. COPIES FURNISHED: Ned N. Julian, Jr., Esquire Seminole County School Board 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773-7127 Derek E. Andrews Post Office Box 62 Tangerine, Florida 32777-0062 Dr. Bill Vogel Superintendent of Schools Seminole County School Board 400 East Lake Mary Boulevard Sanford, Florida 32773-7127 Honorable Jeanine Blomberg Interim Commissioner of Education Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1514 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400 Deborah K. Kearney, General Counsel Department of Education Turlington Building, Suite 1244 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (9) 1001.301001.321001.411001.421012.331012.391012.561012.57120.57
# 4
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:West Palm Beach, Florida Oct. 23, 1998 Number: 98-004699 Latest Update: Sep. 13, 1999

The Issue Whether there is just cause for suspending and dismissing Respondent from her employment with Petitioner.

Findings Of Fact Respondent, Rebecca Price (Price), has been an educator for 33 years during which she was employed by Petitioner, Palm Beach County School Board (School Board), for 27 years. At all times pertinent to this proceeding, Price was a Guidance Counselor at John F. Kennedy Middle School (JFK), employed by the School Board pursuant to a Professional Service Contract. In August 1997, Heywood Howard, a former Assistant Principal at JFK, introduced Price to Maurice LeFlore (LeFlore), who had recently been hired by the School Board as a band instructor at JFK. Mr. Howard told Price that LeFlore was a fellow "Rattler," an alumnus of Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University. Because LeFlore had been introduced by Mr. Howard, and was a fellow alumnus and co-worker, Price rented a room to him from August 13, 1997, until the date of LeFlore's arrest in March 1998. Price had a close relationship with LeFlore, but it was not of a romantic nature. She was his landlord, and they occasionally shared meals and watched television together in the evenings. Because LeFlore did not have either a car or a driver's license when he began renting a room from Price, he rode to and from work with Price. It was common knowledge that LeFlore was living at Price's house. On February 27, 1998, JFK students Darria Brooks, Shavontay Brown, and Carolyn Horne discussed with Sherry Sweeting, a teacher at JFK, rumors relating to LeFlore. During the course of the conversation, the students said that they heard that LeFlore had "come onto" a female student in an inappropriate manner. Ms. Sweeting reported the conversation to Lee Hooks, her superior and the Department Chair of Fine Arts at JFK. The principal was not on campus at the time that Mr. Hooks talked with Ms. Sweeting. Mr. Hooks tried to contact the assistant principal, who also was not available. Since some of the students who had talked to Ms. Sweeting were in the eighth grade, Mr. Hooks called Price, who was a guidance counselor for the eighth grade, to his office and told her that he had a situation that he thought she needed to look into. Price went to Mr. Hooks' office, and he told her what Ms. Sweeting had said. Mr. Hooks told Price that she could use his office to talk with the students. Mr. Hooks called Ms. Sweeting and told her to send the students to his office. When Shavontay Brown, Darria Brooks, and Carolyn Horne came to Mr. Hooks' office, he left to teach his class. Mr. Hooks returned to his office for a few seconds during the interview to retrieve some teaching materials. Mr. Hooks did not contact the principal concerning the rumors nor did he call the child abuse hotline. He was not disciplined for failure to report child abuse. Price asked the students to tell her what they had heard. Carolyn Horne told Price that LeFlore liked to flirt. Darria Brooks told Price that according to Shannon White, LeFlore had pushed Ms. White up against the wall in his office and had pressed himself against her. Shavontay Brown told Price that she had heard rumors that LeFlore had rubbed against Ms. White while he and Ms. White were in the band room. Price asked the students if they had seen the incident themselves, and they responded that they had not. She told them that they should not be saying things without knowing if they were true and that students could be suspended for spreading rumors. She essentially told them that the matter was none of their business. Price had Ms. White sent to Mr. Hooks' office to discuss the rumors. Price told Ms. White and the other students that it was a serious matter. She said that LeFlore, who had just graduated, was like a son to her and that such rumors could result in LeFlore losing his job. Ms. White said that LeFlore had pushed her up against the wall and put his hands over hers but that he was just playing. Ms. White told Price that another student, Ryan Spence, was in LeFlore's office playing on the computer and witnessed the incident. According to Price, when she first asked Ms. White if anything had happened, Ms. White said, "sort of." Price told Ms. White that if LeFlore had done the things that were rumored he would have to be punished and Price would have to tell Ms. White's mother what had happened. Ms. White then told Price that nothing at all had happened. Price had Ryan Spence brought to Mr. Hooks' office for an interview while Ms. White was still present. Ms. Spence told Price that she was present in LeFlore's office when she saw Ms. White and LeFlore walk into the office. LeFlore pushed Ms. White up against the wall. While Ms. White was facing the wall with her palms flat on the wall, LeFlore rubbed the front part of his body against her. Price denies that Ms. Spence told her LeFlore had pushed Ms. White against the wall and rubbed his body against Ms. White. Price testified that she asked Mr. Hooks to be a witness to Ms. White's statement that nothing happened. Mr. Hooks denies that he witnessed such a statement. Mr. Hooks was told by Price in the presence of the students that there was nothing to the incident and none of the students interviewed said anything to the contrary. During her interview with students Brooks, Horne, and Brown, Price was upset and angry. She raised her voice at the students, but did not yell or shout. Price had calmed down by the time Ms. White and Ms. Spence came to Hooks' office to be interviewed. Mr. Hooks, who was teaching in the classroom next to his office, did not hear Price shout during the interview. Jacquelina Batista, a guidance counselor at JFK, was told by a student that LeFlore had made inappropriate contact with Ms. White. However, Ms. Batista was not told that there was an eyewitness to the incident. She in turn told Lisa Barry, who was Ms. White's guidance counselor. Ms. Barry agreed to talk with Ms. White. Ms. Batista did not contact the principal nor did she report the rumor to the abuse hotline. No disciplinary actions were taken against Ms. Batista. The Monday following her conversation with Ms. Batista, Ms. Barry asked Ms. White how things were going and if there was anything that she needed to talk about. Without going into anything specific, Ms. Barry said that she had heard about a situation and thought that Ms. White might want to talk about it. Ms. White said that she had already talked to Price and that it was just rumor and gossip. Ms. Barry never specifically mentioned LeFlore during the conversation. Ms. Barry reported her conversation with Ms. White to Mr. Gattozzi, who was the guidance coordinator and Ms. Barry's supervisor. Mr. Gattozzi reported the conversation to the principal. Ms. Barry did not know there was an eyewitness to the incident between LeFlore and Ms. White; she believed that nothing had happened. She was not disciplined. Price stated that she saw Ms. Barry and Ms. White talking and that later on the same day she stopped Ms. Barry in the hallway and asked Ms. Barry what Ms. White had said. According to Price, Ms. Barry assured her that Ms. White had said nothing happened. Ms. Barry denies that she ever discussed Ms. White with Price. Ms. White changed her story after Price began questioning her because she "didn't want the whole situation to get out because---I just wanted to let it go. And I didn't want it to be all out. So I was just saying nothing happened, because I didn't want everybody to start finding out like they did." On March 20, 1998, another student reported that she had been abused by LeFlore. The Riveria Beach Police and School Police conducted an extensive investigation. LeFlore was arrested on eleven counts of lewd assault and confessed to lewd assault on four students, of whom Ms. White was not one. Article II, Section M of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association and the School District of Palm Beach County, Florida, provides: Without the consent of the employee and the Association, disciplinary action may not be taken against an employee except for just cause, and this must be substantiated by clear and convincing evidence which supports the recommended disciplinary action. * * * 7. Except in cases which clearly constitute a real and immediate danger to the District or the actions/inactions of the employee constitute such clearly flagrant and purposeful violations of reasonable school rules and regulations, progressive discipline shall be administered as follows: Verbal Reprimand With A Written Notation. . . . Written Reprimand. . . . Suspension Without Pay. . . . Dismissal. . . . The School Board's policy D-5.30 involving suspected cases of child abuse provides: (1) All school personnel, including teachers, administrators, and noninstructional staff, who know, or have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is an abused or neglected child shall report this information to the principal of the school center. . . . The principal shall report such knowledge or suspicion to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). * * * (6) Any employee who knowingly and willfully fails to report such case as required . . . may be subject to disciplinary action by the School Board and may be guilty of a misdeamanor [sic] of the second degree, punishable as provided by law. In March 1997, Price had been provided with an "Educator's Resource Manual on Child Abuse," which provides: Reporting child abuse/neglect Your role as a school teacher or official makes you a mandated reporter of child abuse and neglect. This manual gives you information on how to recognize various types of abuse and neglect and behaviors of children that may signal they are being abused and/or neglected. The following is a discussion of the specifics of reporting abuse and some commonly asked questions. When should I report? Whenever you know or suspect that a child is being abused or neglected. You must use your professional training and experience to make the decision. What if I am not sure a child is being abused? It is not necessary for you to prove abuse or neglect. If you are reasonably suspicious, you must report. What if I am wrong? Sometimes mistakes are made but the system must be used. It is better to err on the side of wrongful reporting than to risk the further injury or death to the child. * * * What if my principal or superintendent will not allow me to report? Reporting is a personal responsibility. You do not need the permission of your principal, although you should approach your principal first and seek his/her cooperation. It is your responsibility to report. What if I suspect my principal or teacher of abuse? You must report whenever you suspect abuse or neglect. Remember, as a mandated reporter the law will protect you. How do I report? Call the Florida Abuse Hotline 1-800-962-2873 or local enforcement in case of an emergency. . . . In Price's 27-year career with the School Board, she had has no other disciplinary action taken against her. She has had satisfactory evaluations from the School Board.

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered finding that Rebecca Price violated School Board Rules 6B-1.006(3)(a) and (5)(a), and did not mischaracterize her role in the investigation, and imposing a penalty of suspension without pay for one year retroactive from September 24, 1998. DONE AND ENTERED this 12th day of May, 1999, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. SUSAN B. KIRKLAND Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 12th day of May, 1999. COPIES FURNISHED: Thomas E. Elfers, Esquire Palm Beach County School Board 3318 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite C-302 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Ronald G. Meyer, Esquire Meyer & Brooks, P.A. Post Office Box 1547 Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Dr. Joan Kowel, Superintendent Palm Beach County School Board 3340 Forest Hill Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33406-5869 Tom Gallagher, Commissioner of Education Department of Education The Capitol, Plaza Level 08 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400

Florida Laws (1) 120.57 Florida Administrative Code (1) 6B-1.006
# 5
# 6
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Feb. 09, 2010 Number: 10-000630TTS Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024
# 7
Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida May 15, 2014 Number: 14-002214TTS Latest Update: Mar. 24, 2015

The Issue The first issue in this case is whether, as the district school board alleges, a teacher abused, mistreated, or otherwise behaved inappropriately towards one of his special-needs students; if the allegations of wrongdoing are proved to be true, then it will be necessary to decide whether the school board has just cause to terminate the teacher's employment.

Findings Of Fact The Broward County School Board ("School Board"), Petitioner in this case, is the constitutional entity authorized to operate, control, and supervise the Broward County Public School System. At all times relevant to this case, Respondent Edouard Jean ("Jean") was employed as an Exceptional Student Education ("ESE") teacher in the Broward County public schools, a position which he had held for the preceding 16 years. During that period, Jean taught students with disabilities, who typically receive specially designed instruction and related services pursuant to individual educational plans. Ahead of the 2013-14 school year, Jean was transferred to Crystal Lake Middle School, where he had not previously worked. He was placed in an "SVE" class and assigned to teach ESE students having "varying exceptionalities." Jean's class contained a mix of high- and low-functioning students, about nine in number. Jean's colleague, Ray Montalbano, taught a similar SVE class in a nearby room. At the beginning of the school year, the two ESE teachers agreed to share responsibility for their respective students under an arrangement that separated the higher functioning students from the lower functioning students. Jean and Mr. Montalbano took turns teaching the two groups, exchanging one for the other at midday. In this way, each teacher spent roughly equal time with the respective sets of students. For the last hour of the day, they combined the two groups and jointly instructed the approximately 18 students in Mr. Montalbano's classroom, which was larger. There were two paraprofessionals, or teacher's assistants, working in Jean and Mr. Montalbano's SVE classes. One, named Lisa Phillips, was assigned to both teachers; she alternated between their classrooms during the day. The other, Donna Rollins, was assigned to Mr. Montalbano's class, where Jean spent an hour each afternoon. In view of the cooperative arrangement between Jean and Mr. Montalbano, both of the teacher's assistants regularly worked in the same classroom as Jean and assisted with the provision of instruction and services to the 18 students for whom Jean and Mr. Montalbano were responsible. On October 15, 2013, Jean was removed from his classroom and informed that he was the target of a criminal investigation arising from allegations that he recently had abused one of his pupils, a 13-year-old boy with Down Syndrome named Z.P., who was among the lower functioning students. Jean's accuser was an occupational therapist named Lisa Taormina, who at all relevant times worked as an independent contractor for the School Board, providing services to students at various public schools in Broward County. Jean consistently has denied Ms. Taormina's allegations, which shocked and surprised him. Ms. Taormina, who that year was seeing students at Crystal Lake Middle School once per week each Friday, reported having observed Jean mistreat Z.P. on October 4, 2013, and again on October 11, 2013. Ms. Taormina claimed that the alleged events of October 4 took place in Jean's classroom with Ms. Phillips in attendance. The alleged events of October 11, in contrast, purportedly took place in Mr. Montalbano's classroom during the hour when the two SVE classes were combined. Thus, the alleged abuse supposedly occurred in the presence of Mr. Montalbano, Ms. Phillips, Ms. Rollins, and a substitute teacher named Shirley Ashcroft who happened to be there that day. Ms. Taormina's allegations were investigated by the Broward County Sheriff's Office and the Broward District Schools Police Department. During these investigations, neither Z.P. nor any of the other students were interviewed, because most of them (including Z.P.) are either nonverbal or too intellectually limited to be reliable witnesses.1/ All of the adults were questioned, however, and none of them corroborated Ms. Taormina's allegations. Unsurprisingly, therefore, no criminal charges were brought against Jean. On the strength of Ms. Taormina's allegations, the School Board nevertheless determined that Jean had abused Z.P. and thus should be fired. As it happens, Ms. Taormina's final hearing testimony is the only direct evidence against Jean, whose colleagues Mr. Montalbano, Ms. Phillips, Ms. Rollins, and Ms. Ashcroft, to a person, credibly denied under oath having ever seen him mistreat Z.P. or any other student. The outcome of this case, therefore, depends on whether Ms. Taormina's testimony is believed likely to be an accurate account of the relevant historical events. In assessing Ms. Taormina's credibility, the undersigned finds it especially significant that Jean's co- workers, who were able to observe him for extended periods of time on a daily basis in the classroom, never witnessed him engage in any troubling or suspicious behavior during the roughly seven weeks he taught at Crystal Lake Middle School; to the contrary, everyone who testified (except Ms. Taormina) who had seen Jean in the classroom praised his performance generally, and his relationship with Z.P. in particular. The undersigned credits the consistent, mutually corroborative, and overwhelmingly favorable testimony about Jean's exemplary conduct. Because an isolated incident, however out of character, can be squared with evidence of otherwise superlative performance, the fact that Jean was well regarded by the employees with whom he closely worked does not exclude the possibility that Jean abused Z.P., but it does diminish the likelihood that he could have abused Z.P. on multiple occasions. For that reason, if Ms. Taormina claimed only to have seen Jean mistreat Z.P. once, her testimony likely would have been more believable. Ms. Taormina claims, however, to have seen Jean abuse Z.P. on two separate days——on consecutive weekly visits to the school, no less. If Ms. Taormina is to be believed, Jean's alleged abuse of Z.P. was not an isolated incident but was rather, if not necessarily part of a pattern of behavior, at least something Jean was capable of repeating. Here it bears emphasizing that Ms. Taormina saw Jean, at most, once per week for relatively brief periods of less than 30 minutes apiece. Within the context of this limited contact, Ms. Taormina (if she is believed) happened to witness Jean abuse Z.P. on back-to-back visits, while Jean's colleagues, who saw him every workday, never noticed anything amiss. Logically, there are, broadly speaking, two possible explanations for this anomalous situation. First, Jean might have abused Z.P. only when Ms. Taormina was present in the classroom, which would explain why no one else ever saw him mistreat the student, so long as the failure of the four other adults in the room on October 11 to witness the alleged misconduct——a lack of attentiveness that defies reasonable expectations——is overlooked. Given that Ms. Taormina's brief weekly visits comprised such a tiny percentage of Jean's total time with the students, however, to abuse Z.P. only in her presence probably would have required Jean to act according to a plan, which beggars belief;2/ otherwise, Ms. Taormina's presence at the very moments that all such abuse occurred was a most remarkable coincidence. At any rate, while the probability that Jean abused Z.P. only when Ms. Taormina was around to witness his misdeeds is perhaps greater than zero percent, the undersigned regards this explanation as far too implausible to be considered likely. Alternatively, and likelier, Jean might have abused Z.P. not only in Ms. Taormina's presence, but also in her absence. Because Ms. Taormina is the only person who has ever claimed to have seen Jean mistreat Z.P., however, to accept this explanation requires believing that Jean's co-workers never saw him abusing Z.P., or that everyone who witnessed such abuse except Ms. Taormina resolved not to report it.3/ Yet both situations are unworthy of belief. More likely than not, if Jean were abusing Z.P. at times when Ms. Taormina was not in the room, which was most of the time, then at some point over the course of seven weeks Mr. Montalbano or one of the paraprofessionals would have noticed something wrong4/——and none of them did, as found above. Similarly, it is difficult to imagine——and impossible reasonably to infer in the absence of any supporting evidence——that another teacher or paraprofessional, or some combination of these employees, would fail to report suspected child abuse and lie under oath to protect Jean. In any event, the undersigned has found that Jean's fellow employees never saw Jean abuse Z.P., which means that, in all likelihood, Jean did not abuse Z.P. when Ms. Taormina was not in the room. In sum, it is unlikely that Jean repeatedly abused Z.P. only in Ms. Taormina's presence; and yet, it is unlikely that Jean ever abused Z.P. during the vast majority of the time when Ms. Taormina was not in the room (but another adult or adults typically were). Therefore, the logical conclusion is that Jean likely never abused Z.P. at all, contrary to Ms. Taormina's allegations. The foregoing reasons are sufficient for the undersigned to reject Ms. Taormina's testimony as ultimately unpersuasive and to find that the School Board has failed to prove its allegations against Jean. Nevertheless, Ms. Taormina was a good witness in many respects. Her story has been consistent, her recollection seemingly clear, her testimony vivid and detailed. Ms. Taormina is articulate and her demeanor at hearing suggested sincerity. She had barely known Jean before the events at issue and was not shown to have had grounds to dislike him or any other motive for damaging him with false allegations of misconduct. Thus, while not necessary to the disposition, it is desirable to examine Ms. Taormina's specific accusations in greater detail. Ms. Taormina claims that on October 4, 2013, while Z.P. was lying on his back on the floor, Jean spun Z.P. around, using the student's legs as a handle for twirling the boy's body. Then, she says, Jean tapped Z.P. with a ruler to prod him into getting up from the floor. Z.P. refused to rise, and Jean resumed spinning the student. Ms. Taormina recognized that Jean and Z.P. were "playing around" and concluded nothing "abusive" had occurred, but she deemed Jean's conduct "inappropriate." As mentioned, Z.P. is cognitively limited in consequence of Down syndrome. He was also, at the time of the events at issue, aggressive, sometimes mean and abusive towards teachers, including Jean, and known to bite, scratch, kick, and spit on others. Z.P., who was a big boy, could be difficult to redirect. By October 2013, however, Jean had established a rapport with Z.P. The student liked his teacher, and Jean and Z.P. would play with each other. One activity that they enjoyed entailed Jean spinning Z.P. around——which is what Ms. Taormina observed. Except for Ms. Taormina, no one who witnessed Jean playfully spinning Z.P.——which Jean admits doing——considered this activity to be inappropriate. There is no persuasive evidence in the record establishing an objective standard of conduct that Jean might have violated when he played with Z.P. in this manner. Striking Z.P. with a ruler would be another matter, of course. Jean denies ever having done that, however, and no one but Ms. Taormina claims to have observed Jean misbehave in such fashion. The undersigned finds, based on the greater weight of the evidence, that Jean did not hit Z.P. with a ruler on October 4, 2013, as alleged, but rather tapped the floor with it, as he testified. According to Ms. Taormina, Jean's conduct the following week, on October 11, was worse. She testified that, upon arriving in the classroom, she noticed that Jean's fingers were resting on the back of Z.P.'s neck as he (Jean) moved the student around. To Ms. Taormina, "it looked . . . like [Jean] was searching for, like, a pressure point or tender point . . . ." In fact, Jean was not searching for a pressure point, and he did not dig his fingers into a tender spot on Z.P.'s neck, which explains why no one (including Ms. Taormina) saw or heard the student cry out or grimace in pain. The undersigned credits Jean's testimony that he touched Z.P.'s back and shoulders to guide or comfort him, not to hurt him. Ms. Taormina asserted that after putting his fingers on the back of Z.P.'s neck, Jean gave Z.P. a "violent shaking" which caused Z.P.'s head to rock up and down ("just flapping back and forth") so fast that Z.P.'s features were an unrecognizable blur, but only for "just a few seconds." Somewhat incongruously, however, she characterized this "mockery" as being "more, like, playing" and noted that Jean, who was smiling, did not appear to be acting out of anger. The behavior that Ms. Taormina recounted is indeed disturbing. Yet some of the details seem a bit off. For example, although no expert testimony was presented, the undersigned's rudimentary understanding of simple biomechanics makes him think that violently shaking a passive or helpless person so hard that his features become blurry (assuming this could be accomplished in just a few seconds' time) would cause the victim's dangling head, not to flap up and down (rapidly nodding), as Ms. Taormina described, but to rotate uncontrollably. The undersigned finds it difficult, too, to imagine that such abuse could ever look "like playing." Moreover, it seems peculiar, given the number of adults in the room, that Ms. Taormina did not immediately intervene or speak up to protect Z.P., if Jean were harming the student as she has stated. More important, it is likely that a vigorous physical battery such as the attack on Z.P. that Ms. Taormina recalls would have caused a considerable commotion. And yet, even though there were four other adults in the room besides Jean and Ms. Taormina, no one but the occupational therapist noticed Jean inflicting this alleged abuse. The undersigned cannot find, based on the greater weight of the evidence, that Jean violently shook Z.P. as alleged. This incident, therefore, was not proved. After Jean allegedly shook Z.P., according to Ms. Taormina, the student climbed up on a table, where he proceeded to eat a banana. Ms. Taormina testified that all of the students and adults in the room (except her) laughed at Z.P. when someone exclaimed that he looked like a monkey. She said that Jean then led Z.P. to a garbage can and made him spit out the piece of banana in his mouth. When Z.P. got down on the floor afterwards, said Ms. Taormina, Jean hit the student with a broom to compel him to stand and, having no success with that, lifted Z.P. by his shirt and pants and shook him a few times before standing the boy upright. Once on his feet, Z.P. wet his pants, Ms. Taormina stated. Based on a preponderance of the evidence, the undersigned finds that Z.P. did, in fact, eat a banana while standing on a table. Further, Jean did hustle Z.P. to the garbage can to spit out the banana in his mouth because the boy was gagging on the fruit. The evidence does not support a finding that the adults laughed at Z.P., although one student did call him a monkey, which prompted Jean to reprimand the offender. The evidence does not support a finding that Jean struck Z.P. with a broom, an act of abuse which Jean credibly denied, or that Jean picked up Z.P. and shook him, a feat which likely could not be accomplished, given the student's size and weight, and which Jean credibly denied. Z.P. did urinate on himself, as Ms. Taormina reported, but the greater weight of the evidence establishes that this was not a response to stress, fright, or abuse, but a common occurrence. In sum, the evidence does not support a determination that Jean likely mistreated Z.P. as alleged. Determinations of Ultimate Fact The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Jean is guilty of the offense of immorality as defined in Florida Administrative Code Rule 6A-5.056(1).5/ The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Jean is guilty of the offense of misconduct in office, which is defined in rule 6A-5.056(2).6/ The greater weight of the evidence fails to establish that Jean is guilty of incompetency, which is defined in rule 6A-5.056(3).7/ It is undisputed that Jean was never charged with, much less found guilty of, any crime as a result of the events which gave rise to this proceeding. Therefore, the School Board does not have just cause to terminate his employment pursuant to section 1012.33(1)(a), Florida Statutes, for "being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of guilty to, regardless of adjudication of guilt, any crime involving moral turpitude."

Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the School Board enter a final order exonerating Jean of all charges brought against him in this proceeding, reinstating him as an ESE teacher, and awarding him back salary as required under section 1012.33(6)(a). DONE AND ENTERED this 23rd day of December, 2014, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. S JOHN G. VAN LANINGHAM Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 www.doah.state.fl.us Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 23rd day of December, 2014.

Florida Laws (3) 1012.33120.569120.57
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Division of Administrative Hearings, Florida Filed:Lauderdale Lakes, Florida Feb. 19, 2015 Number: 15-000959PL Latest Update: Jul. 04, 2024
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