The Issue Whether any of the applications of Oak Hill Hospital, Citrus Memorial Hospital, or Brooksville Regional Hospital for adult open heart surgery programs should be granted?
Findings Of Fact District 3 Extended across the northern half of the state with a reach from central Florida to the Georgia line, District 3 is the largest in land area of the eleven health service planning districts created by the Florida Legislature. See Section 408.032(5), Florida Statutes. Sites of the three hospitals whose futures are at issue in this proceeding are in two of the sixteen District 3 counties: Citrus County and at the southern tip of the district, Hernando County. The three hospitals aspire to join the ranks of District 3's six existing providers of adult open heart surgery programs. Three of the existing providers are in Alachua County, all within the incorporated municipality of Gainesville: Shands at Alachua General Hospital, Shands at the University of Florida, and North Florida Regional Medical Center. Two of the existing providers are in Marion County: Munroe Regional Medical Center and Ocala Regional Medical Center. The sixth provider, opened in November of 1998 as the most recently approved by AHCA in the district, is in Lake County: the Leesburg Regional Medical Center. The CON status of the two Ocala providers is somewhat unusual. Located across the street from each other in downtown Ocala, they share virtually the same medical staff. Pursuant to a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement with the State of Florida, the two have offered adult open heart surgery services since 1987 under a single certificate of need issued for a joint program that reflects their proximity and identity of medical staff. The Agency's view of the arrangement has evolved over the years. It now holds the position that Munroe Regional and Ocala Regional operate independent programs. Accordingly, AHCA lists each as separate programs on its inventory of adult open heart services in District 3. Nonetheless, the two operate as a joint program pursuant to the Settlement Agreement and under state sanction reflected in the agreement, that is, they derive their authority to offer adult open heart surgery services from a single certificate of need. Other than a change of attitude by the Agency, there is nothing to detract from the status they have enjoyed since the agreement reached with the state in 1987: two hospitals operating a joint program under a single certificate of need. The three Gainesville providers all operated at an annual volume of less than 350 procedures during the reporting period that was most current at the time of the filing of the applications by the three competitors in this case. Those competitors are: Citrus Memorial, Oak Hill, and Brooksville Regional. Citrus Memorial, Oak Hill, Brooksville Regional Citrus Memorial Health Foundation, Inc., is a 171-bed, not-for-profit community hospital located in Inverness, Florida. HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Oak Hill Hospital is a 204-bed hospital located in Oak Hill, Florida. Hernando HMA, Inc., d/b/a Brooksville Regional is a 91- bed hospital located in Brooksville, Florida. Hernando HMA, Inc. (the applicant for the program to be sited at Brooksville Regional) also operates a second campus under a single hospital license with Brooksville Regional. The 75-bed campus is in southern Hernando County in Spring Hill. Citrus and Hernando Counties Citrus Memorial is in Citrus County to the south of the cities of Gainesville and Ocala, the sites of five of the existing providers of adult open heart surgery in the district. Further south, Oak Hill and Brooksville Regional are in Hernando County. Although adjacent to each other along a boundary running east-west, the county line is a natural divide, north and south, with regard to service areas for open heart surgery. Substantially all Citrus County residents, including Citrus Memorial patients, receive open heart surgery and angioplasty services at one of the two Ocala providers to the north. In contrast, almost all Hernando County residents (94 percent) receive open heart services at Bayonet Point, a provider in Health Planning District 5 to the south of Hernando County. The neatness of this divide would be disrupted by the approval of the application of Brooksville Regional. Brooksville's application includes part of south Citrus County in its designated primary service area, an appropriate choice because of Brooksville Regional's location on Route 41 with good access to Citrus County. At present, however, the divide between north and south along the Citrus/Hernando boundary remains a Mason-Dixon line of open heart surgery service areas. During the year ended September 1999, for example, 408 Citrus County residents received open heart surgery in Florida. Of these, 85 percent received them in Ocala at one of the two providers there. During the same period, 618 Citrus County residents underwent angioplasty, with 89.7 percent of them going to the two Ocala providers. During the year ended March 1999, 698 Hernando County residents underwent open heart surgery at Florida Hospitals. Of the 663 residents of Oak Hill's primary service area, 94.3 percent received services at Bayonet Point in District 5. Similarly, of the 779 Oak Hill primary service area residents receiving angioplasty, 93.8 percent went south to Bayonet Point. Brooksville Regional projects that 10 percent of its OHS/angioplasty volume will be from Citrus County. Still, 90 percent of the volume is projected to be from Hernando County. Thus, even with the threat posed by Brooksville's application to the divide at the Citrus/Hernando boundary, the overwhelming percentage of Brooksville's patients will be from south of the Citrus-Hernando boundary. In sum, there is de minimis competition between would- be-provider Citrus Memorial and the providers to the north vis- a-vis would-be-providers Oak Hill and Brooksville Regional and the providers to the south in the arena of open heart surgery services needed by residents of the district. Bayonet Point Under the umbrella of HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc., Bayonet Point is a provider of open heart surgery services in Pasco County. Only thirty minutes by road from its sister HCA facility Oak Hill and 45 minutes from Brooksville Regional, Bayonet Point captures approximately 94 percent of the open heart surgery patients produced among the residents of Hernando County. Although its location is in a county that is only one county to the south of the two Hernando County hospitals, Bayonet Point is in a different health planning district. It is in District 5 on its northern edge. The residents of Hernando County who receive open heart surgery services at Bayonet Point, a premier provider of adult open heart surgery services in the state of Florida, are well served. Operating at far from capacity, the quality of its open heart program is excellent to the point of being outstanding. Position of the Parties re: "not normal" circumstances The Agency's Open Heart Surgery Rule, Rule 59C-1.033, Florida Administrative Code (the "Rule") establishes a need methodology and criteria applicable to review of certificate of need applications for the establishment of adult open heart surgery programs. The Rule also governs a hospital's ability to offer therapeutic cardiac catheterization interventional services (i.e., coronary angioplasty). Pursuant to Rule 50C- 1.032, Florida Administrative Code, a cardiac catheterization program that includes the provision of coronary angioplasty must be located within a hospital that provides open heart services. Applying the methodology of Rule 50C-1.033 (the "Rule"), AHCA determined that a "fixed need pool" of zero existed in District 3 for the July 2002 planning horizon. Calculation under the formula in the Rule produced a fixed need pool of one. Several District 3 programs, however, did not have an annual case volume of 350 or more procedures. The Rule's methodology requires that calculated numeric need be zeroed out whenever there are existing programs in a district with a sub- 350 annual volume. (See Section (7)(a)2., of the Rule.) As required, therefore, the Agency published a numeric need of zero for the applicable planning horizon. The determination of zero numeric need was not challenged and so became final. Their aspirations confronted with a numeric need of zero, Citrus Memorial, Oak Hill and Brooksville Regional, nonetheless, each filed applications seeking the establishment of adult open heart surgery programs. As evidenced by the Agency's initial decision to grant Citrus Memorial's application and by its change of position with regard to Oak Hill's application, the Agency is in agreement that "not normal" circumstances exist to justify granting the applications of both Citrus Memorial and Oak Hill. Thus, while the parties may differ as to the precise identification of those circumstances, all agree that there are circumstances that support the approval of at least one application (and perhaps two) for an adult open heart surgery in District 3 for the July 2002 planning horizon. It is undisputed that a new OHS program in Hernando County would have no effect on the three existing programs located in Gainesville that perform less than 350 procedures annually. This circumstance is a "not normal" circumstance, as previously found by the Agency. It allows an application's approval in the face of the Rule's dictate that the Agency will not normally approve an application when an existing provider falls below the 350 watermark. It is not, however, a circumstance that compels the award of a CON to any of the parties as in the case of "not normal" circumstances typically recognized by the Agency. (An example of such a circumstance would be an access problem for a specific population.) Rather, it is a circumstance that allows the Agency to overcome the zeroing-out effect of the Rule that demanded a fixed-need pool of zero. It is a circumstance that allows AHCA to award an adult open heart surgery CON to one of the Hernando County hospitals provided there is a demonstration of need. There are no typical "not normal" circumstances that support any of the applications. There are no geographic, economic or clinical access problems for the residents of the any of the primary service areas of the three applicants that rise to the level of "not normal" circumstances. Nor would granting the applications of any of the three support cost efficiencies. In the case of Oak Hill, moreover, granting its application would both reduce the operating efficiencies at Bayonet Point and increase the average operating cost per case at Bayonet Point. Approval of an application is not compelled by the "not normal" circumstance that exists in this case. The "not normal" circumstance simply clears the way for approval provided there is a demonstration of need. Stipulated Matters The parties stipulated that all applicants have a good record of providing quality of care and that all sections of the respective applications addressing that issue be admitted into evidence without further proof so as to establish record of quality of care. Accordingly, the parties stipulated that each application satisfies Section 408.035(1)(c) as to "the applicant's record in providing quality of care." The parties stipulated that, subject to proving their ability to generate the open heart surgery and angioplasty volumes projected in their respective applications, each applicant has the ability to provide adequate and reasonable quality of care for those proposed services. Accordingly, subject to the proof involving service volume levels, each application satisfies Section 408.035(1)(c) as the "ability of the applicant to provide quality of care . . .". The parties stipulated that all applicants have available and adequate resources, including health manpower, management personnel, and funds for capital and operating expenditures in order to implement and operate their proposed projects. Furthermore, they stipulated that all sections of their respective applications relating to those proposed projects and all sections of their respective applications relating to those issues were to be admitted into evidence without proof. Accordingly, all applications satisfy that portion of Section 408.035(1)(h), Florida Statutes (1999) related to the availability of resources. The parties stipulated that all applications satisfy, and no further proof is required to demonstrate, immediate financial feasibility as referenced in Section 408.035(1)(i), Florida Statutes (1999). The parties stipulated that the costs and methods of proposed construction, including schematic design, for each proposed project were not in dispute and were reasonable, and that all sections of each application related to those issues were to be admitted into evidence without further proof. (Stip., p.3.) Accordingly, each application satisfies Section 408.035(l)(m), Florida Statutes (1999). The parties stipulated that each application contained all documentation necessary to be deemed complete pursuant to the requirements of Section 408.037, except that Section 408.037(b)3. is still at issue regarding operational financial projections (including a detailed evaluation of the impact of the proposed project on the cost of other services provided by the applicant). The parties stipulated that each applicant satisfied all of the operational criteria set forth in the Rule (those operational criteria being encompassed in subsections 3, 4, and 5). Accordingly, it is undisputed that each applicant will have the support services, operational hours, open heart surgery team mobilization, accreditation, availability of health personnel necessary for the conduct of open heart surgery, and post- surgical follow-up care required by the Rule in order to operate an adult open heart surgery program. The Hernando County Hospitals Oak Hill Oak Hill is located on Highway 50, in the southern part of Hernando County, between the cities of Brooksville and Springhill. Oak Hill's licensed bed compliment includes 123 medical/surgical beds, 24 ICU beds, 50 telemetry beds, and 7 beds for obstetrics. Oak Hill provides an array of medical services and specialties, including: cardiology, internal medicine, critical care medicine, family practice, nephrology, pulmonary medicine, oncology/hematology, infectious disease treatment, neurology, pathology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, radiation oncology, and anesthesiology. Board certification is required to maintain privileges on the medical staff of Oak Hill. Oak Hill's six-story facility is situated on a large campus, and has been renovated over time so that the hospital's physical plant permits the provision of efficient care for patients. Oak Hills's surgery department has five operating rooms, plus a cystoscopy room. The department performs approximately 7,800 surgeries annually, a figure that demonstrates functional efficiency. Oak Hill is JCAHO accredited, with commendation. Recently named one of the nation's top 100 hospitals for stroke care by one organization, it has also received recognition for the excellence of its four intensive care units. Oak Hill's cancer program is the only one to have received full accreditation from the American College of Surgeons within a six-county contiguous area. Oak Hill recently expanded its emergency department and implemented a fast track program called Quick Care. The program is designed to treat lower acuity patients more rapidly. Gallup Organization surveys reflect a 98 percent patient satisfaction rate with the emergency department, the eighth best rate among the approximately 200 HCA-affiliated hospitals. During 1999, the emergency department treated 24,678 patients. During the same period, 376 patients presented to Oak Hill's emergency department with an acute myocardial infarction, and there were 258 such patients during the first eight months of 2000. Oak Hill operates a mature cardiology program with ten Board-certified cardiologists on staff. Eight of the ten perform diagnostic cardiac catheterizations in the hospital's cath laboratory. Oak Hill's program is active with regard to both invasive and non-invasive cardiology. The non-invasive cardiology laboratory offers a variety of services, including echocardiography, holter monitoring, stress testing, electrocardiography, and venous, arterial and carotid artery testing. The invasive cardiology laboratory has been providing inpatient and outpatient cardiac catheterization services since 1991. During calendar year 1999, Oak Hill saw 1,671 diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedures and transferred 619 cardiac patients to Bayonet Point, 258 for open heart surgery, 311 for angioplasty, and 50 patients for cardiac catheterization. The volume of catheterization procedures at Oak Hill has led to the construction of a second "cardiac cath" laboratory suite, scheduled for completion in May of 2001. The cath lab's medical director (Dr. Mowaffek Atfeh, the first interventional cardiologist in Hernando County) has served in that capacity since inception of the lab in 1991. The cath lab equipment is state-of-the-art. Oak Hill's cath lab provides excellent quality of care through its Board-certified cardiologists and the dedication and experience of its well- trained nursing and technical staff. Brooksville Regional Originally a 166-bed facility operated by Hernando County, 75 of the beds at Brooksville Regional were moved in 1991 to create a second facility at Spring Hill. A few years later, the facilities went into bankruptcy. The bankruptcy proceeding concluded in 1998, with operational control of both facilities being acquired by Hernando HMA, Inc. ("Hernando HMA"). The CON applicant for the adult open heart surgery program to be sited at Brooksville Regional, Hernando HMA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Health Management and Associates, Inc. ("HMA"), a corporation located in Naples, Florida, and whose shares are traded publicly. Under the arrangement produced by the bankruptcy proceeding, Hernando County retained ownership of the buildings and the land. Hernando HMA, in turn, operates the facilities per a long-term lease with the County. Hernando HMA operates the Brooksville Regional and Spring Hill Campuses under a single hospital license issued by AHCA. The two campuses therefore share key administrative staff, including their chief executive officer. They share a single Medicare provider number and they have a common medical staff. HMA (Hernando HMA's parent) operates 38 hospitals throughout the country, many in the State of Florida. Among the 38 is Charlotte Regional Medical Center in Charlotte County, an existing provider of adult open heart surgery and recently recognized as one of the top 100 OHS programs in the country. Charlotte Regional will be able to assist Brooksville Regional with staff training and project implementation if its application is approved. An active participant in managed care contracting, Hernando HMA is committed to serving all payer groups, including Medicaid and indigent patients. It recently qualified as a Medicaid disproportionate share provider. It also serves patients without ability to pay. In fiscal year 2000, it provided $5 million of indigent care. Under the lease agreement Hernando HMA has with Hernando County, it must continue the same charity care policies as when the facilities were operated by the County. Hernando HMA must report annually to the County to show compliance with this charity care obligation. Also under the lease, Hernando HMA is obliged to invest $25 million in renovations and improvements to the two facilities over a 5-year period. About $10 million has already been invested. If the adult open heart surgery program is granted this would nearly satisfy the $25 million obligation. The County reserves to itself certain powers under the lease. For example, the County reserves the authority to pre- approve the discontinuation of any services currently offered at these facilities. Also, if Hernando HMA seeks to relocate either of the two, the County retains the authority whether to approve the relocation. The Spring Hill facility is located in the southwest portion of Hernando County, very near the Pasco County line. It is a general acute care facility, offering a full range of cardiology and other acute care services. Spring Hill was recently approved to add the tertiary service of Level II Neonatal Intensive Care. The Brooksville facility is located in the geographic center of Hernando County. Its service area is all of Hernando County and southern Citrus County. Brooksville is a full- service, general acute care facility. It offers services in cardiology, orthopedics, general surgery, pediatrics, ICU, telemetry, gynecology, and other acute services. Brooksville Regional has 91 acute care beds. Normally, the beds are used as 12 ICU beds, 24 telemetry beds, and 55 medical/surgical beds. During its peak annual period of occupancy, Brooksville has the capability to use up to 40 beds for telemetry purposes. The hospital has ample unused space and facilities associated with its 91 beds that resulted from the move of the 75 beds to create the Spring Hill campus. Brooksville Regional offers full scope cardiology services and technologies, including diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Just as in the case of Oak Hill, the cardiac cath lab is state-of-the-art. The only cardiac services not offered at the hospital are open heart surgery and angioplasty. The quality of cardiology and related services at Brooksville Regional are excellent. The equipment, the nursing staff, the allied health professional staff, and the technology support services are very good. The medical staff is broad- based and highly qualified. Brooksville Regional offers substantial educational and training programs for its nursing staff and other personnel on staff. Brooksville Regional routinely treats patients in need of OHS or angioplasty services. Nearly 400 patients per year receive a diagnostic cardiac cath at Brooksville Regional and are then transferred for open heart surgery or angioplasty. The vast majority of these patients are transferred to Bayonet Point, about 45 minutes away. In addition to transfers of patients following diagnostic catheterization, Brooksville Regional transfers about 120 patients per year to Bayonet Point who have not had such services. These patients fall into two categories: (1) high- risk patients, and (2) persons presenting at Brooksville's emergency room in need of angioplasty or open heart surgery. The Proposals Citrus Memorial By its application, Citrus Memorial proposes to establish a program that will provide adult open heart surgery and angioplasty services. There is no dispute that Citrus Memorial has the ability to provide adequate and reasonable quality of care for the proposed project (just as per the stipulation of the parties, there is no dispute that all of the applicants have such ability.) There is also no dispute that each applicant, including Citrus Memorial, will have all of the staff, equipment and other resources necessary to implement and support adult open heart surgery and angioplasty services. The ability to provide high quality care stems, in part, from Citrus Memorial's contract with the Ocala Heart Institute. Under the contract the Institute will provide supervision of the implementation and ongoing operations of the Citrus Memorial program. This supervision will be provided under the leadership of the president of the Institute, cardiovascular surgeon Michael J. Carmichael, M.D. The contract between Citrus Memorial and the Ocala Heart Institute is exclusive. Citrus Memorial will not extend medical staff privileges to any cardiovascular surgeon not affiliated with the Ocala Heart Institute unless approved by the Institute. The Ocala Heart Institute (whose physician members include not only cardiovascular surgeons, but also cardiovascular anesthesiologists and invasive cardiologists) has similar exclusive contracts for the operation of adult open heart surgery programs at Monroe Regional Medical Center and at Ocala Regional Medical Center and at Leesburg Regional Medical Center. At these three hospitals, the Institute's physicians have consistently produced excellent outcomes. The Ocala Heart Institute produces these results not just through the skills of its physicians but also through the use of the same clinical protocols at each hospital governing the provision of open heart surgery. Citrus Memorial proposes to follow identical protocols at its facility. Excellent open heart surgery outcomes for the Institute's physicians are also the product of standardized facility design, equipment and supplies. The standardization of design, equipment, supplies, and protocols has the added benefit of clinical efficiencies that reduce costs and shorten lengths of stay. Beyond supervision of the initial implementation of the program, the Ocala Heart Institute will provide the medical directorship for Citrus Memorial's program. In cooperation with Munroe Regional, the directorship's 24-hour-a-day, 7-days-a-week coverage of the program will include scheduled case, emergency case, and backup coverage by cardiovascular surgeons, cardiovascular anesthesiologists, perfusionists, and interventional cardiologists. The Ocala Heart Institute will provide education and training to Citrus Memorial's medical staff and other hospital personnel as appropriate. The Institute's obligations will include continually working to improve the quality of, and maintain a reasonable cost associated with, the medical care furnished to Citrus Memorial's open heart surgery and angioplasty patients, consistent with recognized standards of medical practice in the field of cardiovascular surgery. The contract with the Ocala Heart Institute ensures to the extent possible that Citrus Memorial will have a high- quality adult open heart surgery program. Oak Hill Through approval of its application to establish an adult open heart surgery program at its facility, Oak Hill hopes Hernando County residents who now must travel outside the county to receive open heart and angioplasty services will be better served. In particular, Oak Hill hopes to provide these services to the residents of the six zip code area that comprise its primary service area ("PSA"). Containing 75 percent of the county's population, Oak Hill's PSA also encompasses the county's concentration of recent growth. Oak Hill's administration is committed to the proposal contained in its application. It has the support of the hospital's Board of Trustees and medical staff. Not surprisingly, the proposal enjoys a measure of popularity in the county. A petition in support of a program at Oak Hill drew 7,628 signatures from residents of Hernando County. This popularity is based in the fact that residents now must leave District 3 (albeit Bayonet Point in District 5 is close to Oak Hill and closer for many residents of south Hernando County) to receive open heart and angioplasty services. The number of affected residents is substantial. In 1999, for example, over 600 cardiac patients were transferred by ambulance from Oak Hill to Bayonet Point. A greater number of patients traveled on a scheduled basis to Bayonet Point for cardiac care. The vast majority of Hernando County residents and Oak Hill primary service area residents in need of OHS services receive them at Regional Medical Center-Bayonet Point. HCA Health Services of Florida, a subsidiary of HCA-The Healthcare Company ("HCA") holds the Bayonet Point license. It also is the licensee of Oak Hill and other hospitals in Florida including North Florida Regional and Ocala Regional. Bayonet Point (Regional Medical Center-Bayonet Point) is an acute care hospital in Hudson. Hudson is in Pasco County, the county immediately to the south of Hernando County. Although in a separate health planning district (District 5), Bayonet Point is relatively close to Oak Hill, 17 miles to the south. Bayonet Point's open heart surgery program experiences the fourth highest case volume in the state. The program is recognized as one of the top two programs in the state. It enjoys a national reputation. For example in July of 1999, it was ranked 50th in the nation in cardiology and heart surgery in U.S. News and World Report's list of "America's Best Hospitals." Oak Hill, as a sister hospital of Bayonet Point under the aegis of HCA, plans to develop its program in cooperation with Bayonet Point and its cardiovascular surgeons so as to bring the high quality program at Bayonet Point to Oak Hill's community and patients. A prospective operational plan for the adult open heart surgery program has been initiated by Oak Hill with assistance from Bayonet Point. Oak Hill, unlike Citrus Memorial, did not present evidence concerning the specific duties to be imposed on each physician group under contract. Nor did Oak Hill present evidence as to whether and how those groups would create and implement the type of standardization of protocols, facility design, equipment, and supplies that Citrus Memorial's program will rely upon for high quality and reduced costs. Nonetheless, it can be expected that the cooperation of Oak Hill and Bayonet Point, as sister HCA hospitals, will continue through the development and implementation of appropriate staff training, policies, procedures and protocols in the establishment of a high quality program at Oak Hill. Oak Hill's achieved volume in its open heart surgery program, if approved, will be at the direct expense of Bayonet Point. Its approval will increase the operating costs per case at Bayonet Point. Patients transferred from Oak Hill to Bayonet Point for OHS and angioplasty receive excellent outcomes. Patients are transferred to Bayonet Point for OHS and angioplasty smoothly and without delay particularly because Bayonet Point operates a private ambulance system for the transport of cardiac patients to its hospital. Two groups of cardiovascular surgeons are the exclusive cardiovascular/thoracic surgeons at Bayonet Point. Although, at present, there are no capacity constraints at Bayonet Point, both groups support a program at Oak Hill and are committed to participate in an open heart surgery program at Oak Hill. If approved, Oak Hill will enter similar exclusive contracts with the two groups. Raymond Waters, M.D., a cardiovascular surgeon, heads one of the groups. He has performed open heart surgery at Bayonet Point since its inception and is largely responsible for the development of the surgery protocols used there. Dr. Waters has consulting privileges at Oak Hill. In addition to consulting there, Dr. Waters presents medical education programs at Oak Hill. Forty to 50 percent of Dr. Waters' patients come from Hernando County and Oak Hill Hospital. Dr. Waters and his group strongly support initiation of an open heart surgery ("OHS") program at Oak Hill. Their support is based, in part, on the excellence of the institution, including its physical structure, cath labs, intensive care units, nursing staff, medical staff, and the state of its cardiology program. Dr. Waters and his group are prepared to assist in the development of an open heart surgery program at Oak Hill, and to assure appropriate surgery coverage. Oak Hill will create a Heart Center at the hospital to house its OHS program. All diagnostic and invasive cardiac services will be located in one area of the hospital to ensure efficient patient flow and access to support services. The center will occupy existing space to be renovated and newly constructed space on the first floor of the facility. Two new cardiovascular surgery suites, with all support spaces necessary, will be constructed, along with an eight-bed cardiovascular intensive care unit. The hospital's two state- of-the-art cardiac catheterization laboratory suites are available for diagnostic procedures and angioplasty procedures. A large waiting area and cardiac education/therapy room will also be constructed. Open heart surgery patients will progress from the OR to the new CVICU for the first 24-28 hours after surgery. From the CVICU, the patient will be admitted to a thirty-bed telemetry monitored progressive care unit, located on the second floor. Currently a 38-bed medical/surgical unit, thirty of the beds will remain as PCU beds. Eight beds will be relocated to create the CVICU. The PCU will provide continued care, education and discharge planning for post open heart surgery and angioplasty patients. Oak Hill will also implement a comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation program for both inpatients and outpatients. Brooksville Regional Like Oak Hill, part of the purpose of the Brooksville Regional proposal is to provide more convenient OHS and angioplasty services to Hernando County residents in need of them, 94 percent of whom now travel to Bayonet Point in Pasco County for such services. In addition to proposing improvements in patient convenience and access, Brooksville Regional sees its application as increasing patient choice and competition in the delivery of the services. Indeed, patient choice and competition for the benefit of patients, physicians and payers of hospital services are the cornerstone of Brooksville Regional's application. There is support for the proposed program from the community and from physicians. For example, Dr. Jose Augustine, a cardiologist and Chief of the Medical Staff at Oak Hill since 1997, wrote a letter of support for an open heart program at Brooksville Regional. Although he believes Hernando County would be better served by a program at Oak Hill, he wrote the letter for Brooksville Regional because, "if Oak Hill didn't get it, [he] wanted the program to be here in Hernando County." (Oak Hill No. 12, p. 43.) Consistent with his position, Dr. Augustine finds Brooksville Regional to be an appropriate facility in which to locate an open heart program and he would do all he could to support such a program including providing support from his cardiology group and encouraging support other physicians. But Brooksville Regional offered no evidence regarding the identity of its cardiovascular surgeons. Hernando HMA proposes to construct a state-of-the-art building of 19,500 square feet at Brooksville Regional to house its OHS program. Two OHS operating rooms will be built. Eight CVICU beds will be used for the program, to be converted from other licensed beds. A second cath lab will be added. The total project cost is nearly $12 million. Brooksville Regional proposes to serve all of Hernando County. In addition, 10 percent of its volume is expected to come from Citrus County. Brooksville Regional commits to serving all payer groups with the vast majority projected to be Medicare, Medicare HMO/PPO and non-Medicare managed care. Brooksville lists two specific CON conditions in its application. First, it commits to over 2 percent for charity care and 1.6 percent for Medicaid. Second, it commits to establishing the OHS program at Brooksville's existing facility, located at 55 Ponce de Leon Boulevard in the City of Brooksville. The second of these two was reaffirmed unequivocally at hearing when Brooksville introduced testimony that if Brooksville's CON application is approved, its OHS program will be located at Brooksville's existing facility. Need In Common One "not normal" circumstance exist that supports all three applications: the lack of effect any approval will have on the sub-350 performers in the district. Which, if any, of the three applicants should be awarded an adult open heart surgery program, therefore, is determined on the basis of need and that determination is to be made in the context of comparative review. Benefits of Increased Blood Flow Lack of blood flow to the heart caused by narrowed arteries or blood clots during a heart attack, results in a loss heart of muscle. The longer the blood flow is disrupted or diminished, the more heart muscle is lost. The more heart muscle lost, the more likely the patient will either die or, should the patient survive, suffer a severe reduction in the quality of life. The key to prevent the loss of heart muscle in a heart attack is to restore blood flow to the heart through a process of revascularization as quickly as possible. Cardiovascular surgeons and cardiologists make reference to this phenomenon through the maxim, "time is muscle." The faster revascularization is accomplished the better the outcome for the patient. Those who treat heart attack patients seek to restore blood flow within a half hour of the onset of the attack. Revascularization within such a time frame maximizes the chance of reducing permanent damage to the heart muscle from which the patient cannot recover. Achievement of revascularization between 30 minutes and 90 minutes of the attack results in some damage. Beyond 90 minutes, significant permanent damage resulting in death or severe reduction in quality of life is likely. The three primary treatment modalities available to a patient suffering from a heart attack are: 1) thrombolytics; 2) angioplasty and 3) open heart surgery. Thrombolytic therapy is the standard of care for the initial attempt to treat a heart attack. Thrombolytic therapy is the administration of medication, typically tissue plasminogen ("TPA") to dissolve blood clots. Administered intravenously, the thrombolytic begins working within minutes in an attempt to dissolve the clot causing the heart attack and, therefore, to prevent or halt damage to the heart muscle. Thrombolytic therapies are successful in restoring blood flow to the affected heart muscle about 60 to 75 percent of the time. In the event it is not successful or the patient is not appropriate for the therapy, the patient is usually referred for primary angioplasty, a therapeutic cardiac catheterization procedure. Cardiac catheterization is a medical procedure requiring the passage of a catheter into one or more cardiac chambers with or without coronary arteriograms, for the purpose of diagnosing congenital or acquired cardiovascular diseases, and includes the injection of contrast medium into the coronary arteries to find vessel blockage. See Rule 59C-1.032(2)(a), Florida Administrative Code. Primary angioplasty is defined as a therapeutic cardiac catheterization procedure in which a balloon-tipped catheter inflated at the point of obstruction is used to dilate narrowed segments of coronary arteries in order to restore blood flow to the heart muscle. Rule 59C-1.032(2)(b), Florida Administrative Code. More often now, in the wake of cardiac care advances, a "stent" is also placed in the re-opened artery. A stent is a wire cylinder or a metal mesh-sleeve wrapped around the balloon during an angioplasty procedure. The stent attaches itself to the walls of the blocked artery when the balloon is inflated, acting much like a reinforced conduit through which blood flow is restored. Its advantage over stentless angioplasty is improved blood flow to the heart and a reduction in the likelihood that the artery will collapse in the future. In other words, a stent may prevent substantial re-occlusion. The development of stent technology has led to dramatically increased angioplasty procedure volumes in recent years and the trend is continuing. Based on mortality rates, studies suggest that immediate angioplasty, rather than thrombolytic treatment, is the preferred treatment for revascularization. When thrombolytic therapy is inappropriate or fails and a patient is determined to be not a candidate for angioplasty, the patient is referred for open heart surgery. Under the Open Heart Surgery Rule, Rule 59C-1.032, Florida Administrative Code, a cardiac catheterization program that includes the provision of angioplasty must be located within a hospital that also provides open heart surgery services. Open heart surgery is a necessary backup in the event of complications during the angioplasty. The residents of Citrus Memorial's primary service area (and those of Oak Hill's and Brooksville Regional's), therefore, do not have immediate access (that is access to a hospital in their county of residence) to not just open heart surgery services but to angioplasty services as well. In addition to increased benefits to the residents of the proposed service areas, much of the need in this case is based on a demonstration of geographic access problems. For example, population concentration and historical utilization of open heart surgery services in the district demonstrate that the open heart surgery programs in the district are maldistributed. At the same time, the Bayonet Point program's service by virtue of both superior quality and proximity to Hernando County ameliorates the effect of the maldistribution of the programs intra-district particularly with regard to the residents of Hernando County. The four southernmost of the 16 counties in the district (Citrus, Hernando, Sumter and Lake) account for approximately 41 percent of the total adult population and 53.5 percent of the population aged 65 and over within District 3 as a whole. The super majority of aged 65 and over population in these counties is of great significance since that population is the primary base of those in need of adult open heart surgery and angioplasty. This same base accounts for 57 percent of the total annual open heart surgeries performed on district residents. For District 3 as a whole, 27 percent of the adult population is aged 65 and older. In comparison, 38.2 percent of Citrus County residents fall within that age cohort, 37.2 percent of Hernando County residents and 33.3 percent of residents in Lake and Sumter Counties combined fall within that age cohort. In contrast, in the northern part of the district, the counties closest to the three Gainesville open heart surgery programs (Columbia, Hamilton, Suwanee, Alachua, Bradford, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette, Levy, and Union) contain a combined basis of 32.4 percent and Putnam County contains 24.7 percent of the District 3 population aged 65 and over. The overall District 3 open heart surgery use rate (number of surgeries per 1,000 population age 15 and over) is 3.47. Yet, the combined use rate for Columbia, Hamilton, and Suwanee Counties is 1.96, the combined use rate for Alachua, Bradford, Dixie, Gilchrist, Lafayette, Levy, and Union Counties is 1.55, and the Putnam County use rate is 2.05. More specifically, the northern county use rates are significantly below the use rates for the remainder of District 3 counties. Marion County is 4.12. Citrus County is at 4.26. Hernando County is at 6.41. Lake and Sumter Counties are at 4.31. Transfers Drive time is but one component of the total time necessary to effectuate a patient transfer. Additional time is consumed in making transfer and admission arrangements with the receiving hospital, awaiting arrival of an ambulance to begin transport, and preparing and transferring the patient into and out of the ambulance. Time delays that necessarily accompany hospital-to-hospital transfers can be critical, clinically. The fact that a facility-to-facility transfer is required means that the patient is at relatively high risk. Otherwise, the patient would be sent home and electively scheduled later. The need to travel outside the community carries other adverse consequences for patients and their families. Continuity of care is disrupted when patients cannot receive hospital visits from their regular and trusted physicians. Separation from these physicians increases stress and anxiety for many patients, and patients heal better with lower levels of stress and anxiety. Further, most OHS patients are elderly, and travel by their spouses to another community to visit is stressful and difficult at best, sometimes impossible. The elderly loved ones of the patient also tend to have health problems and, even when able, the drive to the hospital is stressful. District 3 Out-migration A high volume of OHS patients leave District 3 for OHS services. During the year ended March 1999, there were a total of 3,520 District 3 residents discharged from Florida hospitals following OHS. Only 2,428 of those OHS cases were reported by hospitals located within District 3. An outmigration rate of 31 percent, on its face, is indicative of a district geographic access problem. The problem is mitigated, however, by an understanding that most of the outmigration is of Hernando County residents who are able to travel or are transferred to Bayonet Point, a provider within 30 to 45 minutes driving time from the two Hernando County applicants in this proceeding. Citrus Memorial Volume Projections and Financial Feasibility Citrus Memorial reasonably projects an open heart surgery case volume of 266 for the first year of operation, 313 for the second year, and 361 for the third year. Citrus Memorial reasonably projects an angioplasty case volume of 409 for the first year of operation, 481 for the second year, and 554 for the third year. The Citrus Memorial program is financially feasible in the long term. It will generate approximately $1 million in not-for-profit income by the end of the second year of operation ($327,609 from open heart surgery cases, and $651,323 from angioplasty cases). Increased Access in Citrus County The two Ocala hospitals are approximately 30 miles from Citrus Memorial. With traffic, the normal driving time from Citrus Memorial to the hospitals is 60 minutes. The driving time from Oak Hill to Bayonet Point is normally 29 minutes or about half the time it takes to get from Citrus Memorial to one of the Ocala providers. The drive time from Brooksville Regional to Bayonet Point is approximately 45 minutes, 25 percent faster than the driving time from Citrus Memorial to the Ocala hospitals. Myocardial infarction patients for whom thrombolytic therapy is inappropriate or ineffective who present to the emergency room at Citrus Memorial, on average, therefore, are exposed to greater risk of significant heart muscle damage than those who present to the emergency rooms at either Oak Hill or Brooksville Regional. The delay in transfer for a Citrus Memorial patient in need of angioplasty or open heart surgery can be compounded by the ambulance system in Citrus County. There are only 7 ambulances in the system. If one is out of the county, the provider of ambulance services will not allow another to leave the county until the first has returned. Citrus Memorial presented medical records of 17 cases in which transfers took more than an hour and in some cases more than 3 hours from when arrangements for transfers were first made. There was no testimony to explain the meaning of the records. Despite the status of the records as admissible under exceptions to the hearsay rule and therefore the ability to rely on them for the truth of the matters asserted therein, the lack of expert testimony diminishes the value of the records. For example in the first case, the patient presented at the emergency room on June 14, 1999. Treatment reduced the patient's chest pain. In other words, thrombolytics appeared to be beneficial. The patient was admitted to the coronary care unit after a diagnosis of unstable angina, and cardiac catheterization was ordered. On June 15, the next day, at about 11:40 a.m., "just prior to going down to Cath Lab, patient developed severe chest pain." (Citrus Memorial Ex. 16, p. 1017.) Following additional treatment, the chest pains were observed half an hour later to be "better." (Id.) Several hours later, at 1:45 p.m., that day, transfer to Ocala Regional was ordered. (Id., p. 1043). The patient's progress notes show that the transfer took place at 3:45 p.m., two hours after the order for transfer was entered. Whether rapid transfer was required or not is questionable since the patient appears to have been stabilized and had responded to thrombolytics and other therapy. In contrast, the second of the 17 cases is of a patient whose "risk of mortality [was] . . . close to 100%." The physician's notes indicate that at 1:10 p.m. on August 8, 1999, "emergency cardiac cath [was] indicated [with] a view toward revascularization." (Citrus Memorial Ex. 16, p. 1093). The same notes indicate after discussion between the physician and the patient and his spouse "that transfer itself is risky, but that risk of mortality [if he remained at Citrus Memorial] . . . is close to 100 percent." Although these same notes show that at 1:10 p.m., the patient's transfer had been accepted by the provider of open heart surgery, it was not until 3:30 p.m., that the "Ocala team" (id., at 1113) was shown to be present at Citrus Memorial and not until 3:45 p.m., that the patient was "transferred to Ocala." (Id.) Given the maxim that "time is muscle," it may be assumed that the 2-hour and 45- minute delay in transfer from the moment the patient was accepted for transfer until it occurred and the ensuing time thereafter for the drive to Ocala contributed to significant negative health consequences to the patient. Whatever the value of the 17 sets of medical records, they demonstrate that transfers from Citrus Memorial on occasion take up time that is outside the 30-minute and 90-minute timeframes for avoiding significant damage to heart muscle or minimizing such damage to heart attack patients for whom angioplasty or open heart surgery procedures is indicated. Citrus Memorial also presented twenty sets of records from which the "emergent" nature of the need for angioplasty or open heart intervention was more apparent from the face of the records than in the 17 cases. (Compare Citrus Memorial Ex. No. 16 to No. 17). These records reveal transport delays in some cases, lack of immediate bed ability at the Ocala hospitals in others, and in some cases both transport delays and lack of bed availability. In 16 of the cases, it took over 90 minutes for the patient to reach the receiving hospital and in 13 of the cases, it took 2 hours or more. It would be of significant benefit to some of those who present to Citrus Memorial's emergency room with myocardial infarctions to have access to open heart surgery services on site should thrombolytic therapy be inappropriate or prove ineffective. Other Access Factors Besides time considerations, there are other factors that provide comparisons related to access by Citrus Memorial service area residents on the one hand and Hernando County residents to be served by either Oak Hill or Brooksville Regional on the other. Among the other factors relied on by Citrus Memorial to advance its application is a comparison of use rate. The use rate per 1,000 population aged 15 and over for Hernando County is 6.08, compared to 4.13 for Citrus County. "[B]y definition" (tr. 458), the use rates show need in Hernando County greater than in Citrus County. But the use rates could indicate an access problem financially or geographically. In the end, there are a lot of components that make up the use rate. One is obviously the age of the population and underlying heart disease, two, . . . is the physician practice patterns in the county. [S]tudies . . . show that [in] two equivalent populations, . . . one with a very conservative medical community that . . . hospitalizes more frequently . . . [versus] another . . . where the physicians hospitalize less frequently for the same situation or who use a medical approach versus a surgical approach. (Id.) While there may be one possible explanation for the lower use rate in Citrus County than in Hernando County that favors Citrus Memorial, a comparison of use rates on the state of this record is not in Citrus Memorial's favor. Other factors favor Citrus Memorial. In support of its open heart surgery and angioplasty volumes, for example, Citrus Memorial reasonably projects an 80 percent market share for such services from its primary service areas. In contrast, Oak Hill projected a much lower market share from its primary service area: 58 percent. The lower market share projection by Oak Hill is due to the proximity of the Bayonet Point program to Hernando County. The difference in the two projections reveals greater demand for improved access in Citrus County than in Hernando County. This same point is revealed by projected county outmigration. Statewide data reveals that the introduction of open heart surgery services within a county causes a county resident generally to stay in the county for those services. Yet with a new program in Hernando County, Bayonet Point is still projected reasonably to capture one-half of the open heart surgeries and angioplasties performed on Hernando County residents, further support for the notion that Hernando County residents have adequate access to open heart surgery services through Bayonet Point's program. As to angioplasty demand, Oak Hill projected an angioplasty/open heart surgery ratio of 1.3. Citrus Memorial's ratio is 1.5. Geographic access limitations also adversely affect continuity of care. To have open heart surgery performed at another hospital, the patient will have to travel for pre- operative, operative, and post-operative follow-up services and duplication of tests. This lack of continuity of care often results in the patient's primary and specialty care physicians not following the patient and not being involved with all phases of care. In assessing travel time and access issues for open heart surgery and angioplasty services, travel time and distance present not only potential hardship to the patient, but also to the patient's family and friends who accompany and visit the patient. These issues are of particular significance to elderly persons (be they the patient, family member or friend) who do not drive and must rely on others for transport. Financial Access - Indigent Care Consistent with its mission as a community not-for- profit hospital, Citrus Memorial will accept any patient who comes to the hospital regardless of ability to pay. In 1999, Citrus Memorial provided approximately $4.9 million in charity care, representing 3.6 percent of its gross revenues. Citrus County provided Citrus Memorial with $1.2 million dollars in subsidization, part of which was allotted to capital construction and maintenance, part of which was allotted to charity care. Subtracting all $1.2 million, as if all had been earmarked for charity care, from the charity care, the dollar amount of Citrus Memorial's out-of-pocket charity care substantially exceeds the dollars for the same period provided by Oak Hill ($1.3 million) and by Brooksville Regional ($935,000). The percentage of gross revenue devoted to charity care is also highest for Citrus Memorial; Brooksville Regional's is 1.1 percent and tellingly, Oak Hill's, at 0.6 percent is less than one-quarter of Citrus Memorial's percentage of out-of- pocket charity care. "[C]learly Citrus has a much stronger charity care credential than does either Oak Hill or Brooksville Regional." (Tr. 241). But this credential does not carry over into the open heart surgery arena. As a condition to its CON, Citrus Memorial committed to a minimum 2.0 percent of total open heart surgery patient days to Medicaid/charity patients. The difference between Citrus Memorial's commitment and that of Oak Hill's and Brooksville Regional's, both standing at 1.5 percent, is not nearly as dramatic as past performance in charity care for all services. The difference in the comparison of Citrus Memorial to the other applicants between past overall charity care and commitment to future open heart services for Medicaid and charity care is explained by the population that receives open heart and angioplasty services. That population is dominated by those over 65 who are covered by Medicare. Competition Citrus Memorial's current charges for cardiology services are significantly lower than comparable charges at Oak Hill or Brooksville Regional. A comparison of the eight cardiology-related DRGs that typically have high volume utilization reveals that Oak Hill's gross charges are 62 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's gross charges. A comparison of gross charges is not of great value, however, even though there are some payers that pay billed charges such as "self-pay" and indemnity insurance. When managed care payments are a function of gross charges then such a comparison is of more value. On a net revenue per case basis for those DRGs, Oak Hill's net revenues are 10 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's. A 10 percent difference in net revenues, a much narrower difference than the difference in gross charges, is significant. Furthermore, it is not surprising to see such a narrowing since most of the utilization is covered by Medicare which makes a fixed payment to the provider. A comparison of projections in the applications reveals that Oak Hill's gross revenue per open heart surgery cases will be 164 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's gross revenue per such case. Oak Hill's net revenue per open heart surgery case will be 32 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's net revenue per such case. A comparison of projections in the applications also reveals that Oak Hill's gross revenue per angioplasty case will be 74 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's and that Oak Hill's net revenues per angioplasty case will be 13 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's. If a program is established at Oak Hill, there will be a hospital within District 3 with a new open heart surgery program. But what Oak Hill, under the umbrellas of HCA, proposes to do in reality is to take a quarter of the volume from [Bayonet Point, a] premier facility to set up in a sense a satellite operation at a facility . . . 16 miles away . . . [when] those patients already have an established practice of going to the premier tertiary facility . . . [ and when the two enjoy] a very strong positive relationship. (Tr. 1434). Such an arrangement will do little to nothing to enhance competition. Comparing Citrus Memorial and Brooksville Regional gross revenues on the basis of the same cardiology-related DRGs reveals that Brooksville's gross charges are 83 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's charges. A comparison of projections in the applications reveals that Brooksville Regional's gross revenue per open heart surgery case will be 147 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's and the Brooksville's net revenue per open heart surgery case will be 45 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's. A comparison of projections in the applications reveals that Brooksville's gross revenue per angioplasty case will be 36 percent greater than Citrus Memorial's and that Brooksville's net revenue per angioplasty case will be 7 percent lower than Citrus Memorial's. Impact of a Citrus Memorial Program on Existing Providers Citrus Memorial reasonably projected that by the third year of operation, a Citrus Memorial program will take away 100 cases from Ocala Regional. In 1999 Ocala Regional had an open heart surgery volume of 401 cases. In 2000, its annual volume was 18 cases more, 419. This is a decline from both the immediately prior two-year period, 1997 to 1998 and the two-year period before that of 1995 to 1996. The volume decline for the two-year period 1999 to 2000 compared to the previous two-year period, 1997 to 1998 is not at all surprising because of "two big factors." (Tr. 97). First, in 1997 and 1998, Ocala Regional was used as a training site for the development of Leesburg Regional's open heart surgery program that opened in December of 1998. In essence, Ocala Regional enjoyed an increase in the volume of cases in 1997 and 1998 when compared to previous years and a spike in volume when compared to both previous and subsequent two-year periods because of the 1997-98 short-term "windfall.) (Id.) Second, Ocala Regional was a Columbia-owned facility. In 1999 and thereafter, "Columbia developed a lot of bad publicity because of some federal investigations that were going on of the Columbia system." (Id.) The publicity negatively affected the hospital's open heart surgery volume in 1999 and 2000. The second factor also helps to explain why Ocala Regional's volume in 1999 and 2000 was lower than in 1995 and 1996. There are other factors, as well, that help explain the lower volume in 1999 and 2000 than in 1995 and 1996. In any event if impact to Ocala Regional, alone, were to be considered for purposes of the prohibition in Rule 59C- 1.033(7)(c), that a new program will not normally be approved if approval would reduce 12-month volume at an existing program below 350, then the impact might result in veto by rule of approval of a program at Citrus Memorial. But Ocala Regional is but one hospital under a single certificate of need shared with another hospital across the street from its facility: Munroe Regional. Annualization for 1999 of discharge data for the 12 months ending September 30, 1999 shows that Munroe Regional enjoyed a volume of 770 cases. There is no danger that the program carried out by Ocala Regional and Munroe Regional jointly under a single certificate of need will fall below 350 procedures annually should Citrus Memorial be approved. Oak Hill Need for Rapid Interventional Therapies and Transfers A high number of residents of Oak Hill's proposed service area present to its emergency room with myocardial infarctions. Many of them would benefit from prompt interventional therapies currently made available to them at Bayonet Point. Over 600 patients annually, almost two patients every day, must be transferred by ambulance from Oak Hill to Bayonet Point for cardiac care. A significant number of them would benefit from interventional therapy more rapidly available. The travel time from Oak Hill to Bayonet Point is the least amount of time, however, of the travel time from any of the three applicants in this proceeding to the nearest existing open heart provider; Brooksville Regional to Bayonet Point or Citrus Memorial to one of the Ocala providers. The extent of the benefit, therefore, is difficult to quantify and is, most likely, minimal. As with the other two applicants, thrombolytic therapy is the only method of revascularization currently available to Oak Hill's patients because Oak Hill is precluded by Agency rule and clinical standards from offering angioplasty without on-site open heart surgery backup. The percentage of MI patients who are ineligible for thrombolytic therapy, coupled with the percentages of patients for whom thrombolytic therapy is ineffective, are extremely significant given the high number of MI patients presenting to Oak Hill's emergency room. During 1998, 418 patients presented to Oak Hill's ER with an MI, and 376 MI patients presented in 1999. During the first eight months of 2000, 255 MI patients presented to Oak Hill's ER, an annualized rate of 384. Conservatively, thrombolytic therapy is not effective for at least 10 percent of patients suffering from an acute MI, either because patients are ineligible to receive the treatment or the treatment fails to clear the blockage. Accordingly, it may be conservatively projected that at least 104 patients who presented to Oak Hill's ER between 1998 and August 2000 (10 percent of 1049) suffering an MI were in need of angioplasty intervention for which open heart surgery backup is required. Most patients are diagnosed as in need of OHS or angioplasty as a result of undergoing a diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Oak Hill performs an extremely high volume of cardiac cath procedures for a hospital that lacks an OHS program. In 1999, for example, it performed 1,641 cardiac catheterizations. This is a higher volume than experienced by any of six hospitals during the year prior to which they recently implemented new OHS programs. If Oak Hill had an OHS program, most of the patients at Oak Hill determined to be in need of angioplasty or OHS could receive those procedures at Oak Hill. Such an arrangement would avoid the inevitable delay and stress occasioned by a transfer to Bayonet Point or elsewhere. Furthermore, if Oak Hill had an OHS program then those patients in need of diagnostic cardiac catheterization and angioplasty sequentially would have immediate access to the interventional procedure. The need is underscored for those patients presenting to Oak Hill's ER with myocardical infarctions who do not respond to thrombolytics because, as stated earlier in this order, access to angioplasty within 30 minutes of onset is ideal. Oak Hill transfers an extremely high number of cardiac patients for angioplasty and open heart surgery. In 1999, Oak Hill transferred 258 patients to Bayonet Point for open heart surgery, and 311 for angioplasty/stent procedures. Of course, most OHS patients are scheduled on an elective basis for surgery, rather than being transferred between hospitals, as is evident from the fact that during the 12-month period ending March 1999, 698 Hernando County residents underwent OHS. For now, Oak Hill patients determined to be in need of urgent angioplasty or open heart surgery must be transferred by ambulance to an OHS provider which for the vast majority of patients is Bayonet Point. Approximately 17 miles south, the average drive time to Bayonet Point from Oak Hill is 30 minutes but it can take longer when on occasion there is traffic congestion. Once the transfer is achieved and patient receives the required procedure, the drive can be difficult for the patient's family and loved ones. Community members often express to physicians and hospital staff their support and desire for an OHS program at Oak Hill. Many believe travel outside Hernando County for those services is cumbersome for loved ones who are important to the patient's healing process. The community support and demand for these services is evidenced by the 7,628 resident signatures on petitions in support of Oak Hill's efforts to obtain approval for an OHS program. While a program at Oak Hill would be more convenient, Oak Hill did not demonstrate a transfer problem that would rise to the level of "not normal" circumstances. Because of Oak Hill's relationship with Bayonet Point, Bayonet Point's proximity and excess capacity, coupled with the high quality of the program at Bayonet Point, Oak Hill's case is more in the nature of seeking a satellite. As one expert put it at hearing, [Oak Hill] is, in fact, a satellite. And my question is, [']What's the wisdom of doing that if you don't have the problems that normally are being addressed when you grant approval of a program?['] In other words, if you don't have transfer issues [that rise to the level of "not normal" circumstances], if you don't have access issues, if you're not achieving any price competition, if it's not particularly cost effective, why would you [approve Oak Hill]? (Tr. 1537-38). Oak Hill's Projected Utilization Oak Hill projected a range of 316 to 348 OHS cases during its first year, and by its third year a range of between 333 and 366 cases. Those volumes are sufficient to ensure excellent quality of care from the beginning of the program, particularly with the involvement of the Bayonet Point surgeons. Oak Hill defined its primary service area (PSA) for OHS based on historic MDC-5 cardiology related diagnosis discharges from its hospital. For the 12-month period ended March 1999, over 90 percent of Oak Hill's MDC-5 discharges were residents of six zip codes, all in the vicinity of Oak Hill Hospital and within Hernando County. Accordingly, that area was chosen as the PSA for projecting OHS utilization. Out-of-PSA residents accounted for only 8.9 percent of Oak Hill's MDC-5 discharges, and of these, 1.5 percent were out-of-state patients, and 4.9 percent were residents from other parts of District 3. For the year ending ("YE") March 1999, Oak Hill had an MDC-5 market share of 40.9 percent within its PSA, without excluding angioplasty, stent, and OHS cases. If angioplasty, stent, and OHS cases are excluded, Oak Hill's PSA market share was 52.7 percent. In order to project OHS service demand, Oak Hill examined the population projections for 1999 and 2004 for District 3, and for Oak Hill's PSA. The analysis was based on age-specific resident populations and use rates, to serve as a contrast to the Agency's projections. The numeric need formula in the OHS Rule utilizes a facility based use rate derived by totaling all of the reported OHS cases performed by hospitals within a District during a given time period, and then dividing those cases by the adult population aged 15 and over. While a facility-based use rate measures utilization in those District hospitals, however, it does not measure out-migration. Nor does it reflect the residence of the patients receiving those services. On the other hand, a resident-based use rate identifies where patients needing OHS actually come from, and permits development of age specific use rates. For example, the resident-based use rates reflects that the southern portion of District 3 has a much higher concentration of elderly persons than does the northern portion of the District, and reveals extremely high migration out of the District for OHS services. Oak Hill's PSA is more elderly than the District 3 population as a whole. In 1999, 32.8 percent of the Oak Hill PSA population was aged 65 or over, as opposed to only 21.5 percent for District 3 as a whole, with similar results projected for the population in 2004, the projected third year of operation of Oak Hill's program. Based on the district-wide use rate resulting from the OHS Rule need methodology, Hernando County would be expected to generate 276 OHS cases in the planning horizon of July 2002 (use rate of 2.3 per 1000 adult population). Application of this OHS Rule use rate to Hernando County clearly understates need if resources to meet the need are considered within the isolation of the boundaries of District 3. For example, the OHS Rule based projection of 276 OHS cases in 2002, is far below the actual 664 Hernando County resident OHS discharges during YE March 1998, and the 698 OHS cases during YE March 1999. While the facility-based district-wide use rate was 2.3, the Hernando County resident-based use rate was 6.45 per 1000 population. The fact of increasing use rates with age is demonstrated by the Hernando County resident use rate of 6.95 for ages 55-64, increasing to 12.01 for ages 65-74, and increasing again to 14.95 for age 75 and over. But focusing on Hernando County use rates within District 3 ignores the reality of the proximity of an excellent program at Bayonet Point. Oak Hill reasonably projected OHS demand in its PSA by examining the age-specific use rates of residents in the southern portion of District 3, which experienced an overall use rate of 4.55 for the year ending March 1999. Those age-specific use rates were then applied to the age-specific population forecast for each of the three horizon years of 2002 through 2004, resulting in an expected PSA demand for OHS of 547 cases in 2002, 561 cases in 2003, and 575 cases in 2004. Those projections are conservative given that 663 actual open heart surgeries were reported among PSA residents during the YE March 1999. The same methodology was used to project angioplasty service demand in the PSA, resulting in an expected demand ranging from 721 cases in 2002 to 758 cases in 2004. Oak Hill then projected its expected OHS case volume by assuming that its first year OHS market share within its PSA would be the same as its MDC-5 market share, being 52.7 percent. Oak Hill next assumed that by the third-year operation its market share would increase to equal its current cardiac cath PSA market share of 57.9 percent. It further assumed that it would have a non-PSA draw of 8.9 percent, which is equal to its current non-PSA MDC-5 market share. Oak Hill reasonably expects that 91.1 percent of its OHS cases would come from within its six zip code PSA, with the remaining 8.9 percent expected to come from outside that area. Oak Hill then projected an expected range of OHS discharges during its first three years of operation by using both a low estimate and a high estimate. The resulting utilization projections reflect a low range of 316 OHS cases in 2002, 324 cases in 2003, and 333 cases in 2004. The high range estimate for the same years respectively would be: 348, 357, and 366 cases. The same methodology was used to project angioplasty cases, resulting in the following low range: 417 cases in 2002; 428 in 2003; and 438 in 2004. The expected high range for the same respective years would be: 458, 470, and 482. Oak Hill's OHS and angioplasty utilization projections are reasonable. Long-term Financial Feasibility Long-term financial feasibility is defined as a demonstration that the project will achieve and maintain financial self-sufficiency over time. Oak Hill's projected gross charges were based on Bayonet Point's charge structure. The projected payer mix was based on Oak Hill's cardiac cath experience. Projected net reimbursement by payor source was based on Oak Hill's experience for Medicare, Medicaid, and contractual adjustment history. Oak Hill's expenses were projected on a DRG specific basis using information generated by the cost accounting system at Bayonet Point. The use of Bayonet Point's expense experience is a reasonable proxy for a number of reasons. Its patient base is comprised of patients who are reasonably expected to be the base of Oak Hill's patients. Management there is similar to what it will be at an Oak Hill program. And, as stated so often, the two facilities are relatively close in location. To account for differences between Bayonet Point's expenses and Oak Hill's project costs, interest and depreciation, adjustments were made by Oak Hill as reflected in its application. As a means of compensating for fixed costs differentials between the two hospitals, Oak Hill added its salary costs projected in Schedule 6 to the salary expenses already included in Bayonet Point's costs. (Schedule 6 nursing, administration, housekeeping, and ancillary labor costs exceeded $3 million in the first year of operations.) This counting of two sets of salary expenses offsets any economies of scale cost differential that may exist between the OHS programs at Bayonet Point and Oak Hill. A reasonable 3 percent annual inflation factor was applied to both projected charges and costs. The reasonableness of Oak Hill's overall approach is supported by Citrus Memorial's use of a substantially similar pro forma methodology in modeling its proposed program on Munroe Regional Medical Center. Oak Hill reasonably projects a profit of $1.38 million in the first year of operation, and that profitability will increase as the case volumes grow thereafter. An Oak Hill program will cost Bayonet Point (a sister HCA hospital) patients and may diminish the corporate profits of the two hospital's parent corporation, HCA Health Services of Florida, Inc. It is clear from the parent's most recent audited financial statements, however, that it has ability to absorb a lower level of profit from Bayonet Point without jeopardizing the financial viability of Oak Hill. Brooksville Regional argues that the financial impact to Bayonet Point of an Oak Hill program demonstrates that the Oak Hill application is nothing more than a preemptive move to stifle competition. Oak Hill, in turn, characterizes its proposal as a sound business judgement to compete with non-HCA hospitals in District 3. Whatever characterization is applied to the Oak Hill proposal, it is clear that it is financially feasible in the long term. Other Statistics The AHCA population estimates for January 1, 1999, show a Hernando County population of 108,687 and a Citrus County population of 98,912. The same data sources show the "age 65 and over" population (the "elderly") in Hernando to be 40,440 and in Citrus to be 37,822. During the year 2000, there were 2,545 more people aged 65 and over in Hernando County than in Citrus County. By the year 2005, the difference is expected to be 3.005. The total change in the elderly population between 2000 and 2005 is projected to be 4,109 in Citrus County and 4,614 in Hernando County. Generally, the older the population, the older the OHS use rate. Comparatively, then, Hernando County has the larger population to be served both now, and in all probability, in the foreseeable future. Oak Hill has the largest cardiology program among the applicants. For the 12-month period ending September 1999, MDC- 5 discharges were 1,130 at Brooksville Regional, 2,077 at Citrus Memorial and 2,812 at Oak Hill. The combined Brooksville and Spring Hill Regional Hospital MDC-5 case volume of 2,238 is below Oak Hill's MDC case volume for the same period. Oak Hill is the largest cardiac cath provider among the applicants. For the 12-month period ending September 2000, Citrus Memorial reported 646 cardiac catheterization procedures and Brooksville Regional reported 812. Oak Hill reported 1,404 such procedures, only sixty shy of a volume double the combined volume at the other two applicants. The level of ischemic heart disease in an area is indicative of the level of open heart surgery needed by residents of the area. The number of ischemic heart disease cases by county during the 12-month period ending September 1999 were: 1,038 for Alachua; 1,978 for Citrus; 2,816 for Marion; and, Hernando, 3,336. During the 12-month period ending September 1999, 657 Hernando County residents underwent OHS at Florida hospitals, while only 408 residents of Citrus County did so. Similarly, 948 Hernando County residents had angioplasty, while only 617 Citrus County residents underwent angioplasty. For the year ending June 30, 1999, the Citrus County OHS use rate was 4.26 per 1,000 population, substantially lower than the Hernando County use rate of 6.41. A comparison of the use rates for the year ending September 30, 1999, again shows Hernando County's use rate to be higher: 4.13 for Citrus, 6.08 for Hernando. Hernando County also experiences a higher cardiovascular mortality rate than does Citrus County. During 1998, the age-adjusted cardiovascular mortality rate per 100,000 population for Citrus was 330.88 and 347.40 for Hernando. During 1999, those mortality rates were 304.64 in Citrus and 313.35 in Hernando (consistent with the decline between 1998 and 1999 for the state as a whole). The Hernando mortality rates greater than Citrus County's indicate a greater prevalence of heart disease in Hernando County than in Citrus County. Most importantly, during 1999, Oak Hill transferred 619 patients to Bayonet Point for cardiac intervention - 258 for open heart surgery, 311 for angioplasty/stent, and 50 for cardiac cath. Brooksville Regional transferred a combined 383 patients after diagnostic cardiac catheterization to other hospitals for either angioplasty or OHS. Brooksville Regional has 91 licensed beds, Citrus Memorial has 171 beds and Oak Hill has 204 beds. Although with Spring Hill one could view Brooksville Regional as "two hospital systems with 166 beds under common ownership and control" (Tr. 1544), at 91 beds, Brooksville would become the smallest OHS program in the state in terms of licensed bed capacity, Hospitals of less than 100 beds are not typically of a size to accommodate an OHS program. There might be dedicated cardiovascular hospitals of 100 beds or less with capability to support an open heart surgery program, but "open heart surgical services in [a general, surgical-medical hospital of less than beds] would overwhelm the hospital as far as the utilization of services." (Tr. 126). Oak Hill's physical plant, hospital size, number of beds, medical staff size, number of cardiologists, cath lab capacity, number of cath procedures, number of admissions, and facility accessibility to the largest local population are all factors in its favor vis-à-vis Brooksville Regional. In sum, Oak Hill is a hospital more ready and appropriate for an adult open heart surgery program than Brooksville. Alternatives As an alternative to its CON application, Oak Hill considered the possibility of seeking approval of a program to be shared with Bayonet Point. Learning that the Agency looks with disfavor on inter-district shared adult open heart surgery programs, Oak Hill decided to seek approval of a program independent of Bayonet Point but one that would rely on Bayonet Point's experience and expertise for development, implementation and operation. Bed Capacity Brooksville contends that Oak Hill lacks sufficient bed capacity to accommodate the implementation of an OHS program in conjunction with its projected-related increased admissions. Brooksville relied on an Oak Hill daily census document, focusing on the single month of January, arguing that the document reflected that Oak Hill exceeded its licensed bed capacity on 5 days that month. The licensed bed capacity, however, was not exceeded. Observation patients, who are not inpatients, and not properly included in the inpatient count, were included in the counts provided by Brooksville. Seasonal peaks in census during the winter months, particularly January, are common to all area hospitals. Similarly, all hospitals experience a higher census from Monday through Thursday, than on other days. Oak Hill has adequate capacity and flexibility to accommodate those rare occasional days during the year when the number of patients approaches its number of beds. Patients are sometimes hospitalized for "observation," and when so classified are expected to stay less than 24 hours. Typically, Oak Hill places such patients in a regular "licensed" bed, so long as such beds are available. There are other areas in the hospital suitable for observation patients, including: 12 currently unused and unlicensed beds adjacent to the cardiac cath recovery area; six beds in the ER holding area; eight beds in the ER Quick Care Unit; and additional beds in the same day surgery recovery area. Observation patients can be cared for appropriately in these other areas, a routine hospital practice. Peak season census is "a fact of life" for hospitals, including Oak Hill and Brooksville. Oak Hill has never been unable to treat patients due to peak season demands. January is the only month during the year when bed capacity presents a challenge at Oak Hill. If necessary, Oak Hill could coordinate patient admissions with Bayonet Point to ensure that all patients are appropriately accommodated. Oak Hill can successfully implement a quality OHS program with its current bed capacity. In fact, all parties have stipulated to Oak Hill's ability to do so. Moreover, should it actually come to pass in future years that Oak Hill's annual average occupancy exceeds 80 percent, it may add up to 20 licensed beds on a CON exempt basis. Brooksville Regional Factors favoring Brooksville over Oak Hill Bayonet Point is the dominant provider of OHS/angioplast to residents of Hernando County. As a non-HCA hospital, a Brooksville program (in contrast to one at Oak Hill) would enhance patient choice in Hernando County for hospitals and physicians, and would create an environment for price and managed care competition. Other health planning factors that support Brooksville Regional over Oak Hill are the locations of the two Hernando County hospitals and the ability of the two to transfer patients to Bayonet Point. Patient Choice and Competition Of the OHS/angioplasty services provided to Hernando County residents, Bayonet Point provides 94 percent, the highest county market share of any hospital that provides OHS services to residents of District 3. Indeed, it is the highest market share provided by any OHS provider in any one county in the state. The importance of patient choice and managed care competition has been acknowledged by all the parties to this proceeding. If Brooksville Regional's program were approved, Hernando County residents would have choice of access to a non- HCA hospital for open heart and angioplasty services and to physicians and surgeons other than those who practice at Bayonet Point. This would not be the case if Oak Hill's program was approved instead of Brooksville's. Price Competition Although Brooksville is not a "low-charge provider for cardiovascular services" (tr. 1347), approving Brooksville creates an environment and potential for price competition. A dominant provider in a marketplace has substantial power to control prices. Adding a new provider creates the motivation, if not the necessity, for that dominant provider to begin pricing competitively. A dominant provider controls prices more than hospitals in a competitive market. Bayonet Point's OHS charges illustrate this. Approving Brooksville's application creates an environment for potential price competition with Bayonet Point, whereas approving Oak Hill's application, whose charges are expected to be the same as Bayonet Point's, does not. Managed Care Contracting Just as competitive effects on pricing are reduced in an environment in which there is a dominant provider, so managed care contracting is also affected. Managed care competition depends not just on competition between managed care companies but also on payer alternative within a market. If a managed care company is forced to deal with one health care provider or hospital in a marketplace, its competitive options are reduced to the benefit of the hospital that enjoys dominance among hospitals. "[T]he power equation moves much more strongly in that type of environment towards the provider [the dominant hospital] and away from the managed care companies." (Tr. 1471). Managed care companies who insure Hernando County residents have no alternative when it comes to open heart surgery and angioplasty services but to deal with Bayonet Point. With a 94 percent share of the Hernando County residents in need of open heart and angioplasty services, there is virtually no competition for Bayonet Point in Hernando County. The managed care contracting for both Bayonet Pont and Oak Hill is done at HCA's West Florida Division office, not at the individual hospital level. Approving Oak Hill will not promote or provide competition for managed care. Approving Brooksville, on the other hand, will provide managed care competition over open heart and angioplasty services in Hernando County. Ability to Transfer Patients While transfers of Hernando County patients always produce some stress for the patient and are cumbersome as discussed above for the patient's loved ones, there is no evidence of transfer problems for Oak Hill that would rise to the level of "not normal" circumstances. Outcomes for patients transferred from Oak Hill to Bayonet Point on the basis of morbidity statistics, mortality statistics, length of stay, patient satisfaction, and family satisfaction are excellent. It is not surprising that sister hospitals situated as are Oak Hill and Bayonet Point would enjoy minimal transfer delays and access problems encountered when patients are transferred. Transfers between unaffiliated hospitals are not normally as smooth or efficient as between those that have some affiliation. Unlike Oak Hill's patients, Brooksville patients, for example, are never transported for OHS/angioplasy by Bayonet Point's private ambulance. Other than in emergency cases, Bayonet Point decides the date and manner when the patient will be transferred. But just as in the case of Oak Hill, there is no evidence of transfer problems between Brooksville Regional and Bayonet Point that would amount to an access problem at the level of "not normal" circumstances. Outmigration As detailed earlier, there is extensive outmigration of Hernando County residents to District 5 for open heart and angioplasty procedures. The outmigration pattern on its face is in favor of both applications of Oak Hill and Brooksville. The outmigration from Hernando County, however, is of minimal weight in this proceeding since Bayonet Point is so close to both Oak Hill and Brooksville. The patients at the two Hernando hospitals have good access to Bayonet Point, a facility that provides a high level of care to Hernando County residents in need of open heart surgery and angioplasty services. The relationship is inter-district so that it is true that there is outmigration from District 3. Outmigration statistics showing high outmigration from a district have provided weight to applications in other proceedings. They are of little value in this case. Location of the Two Hernando Hospitals Brooksville is located in the "dead center" (Tr. 1290) of Hernando County. With good access to Citrus County via Route 41, it is convenient to both Hernando County residents and some residents of Citrus County. It reasonably projects, therefore, that 90 percent of its open heart/angioplasty volume will be from Hernando County with the remaining 10 percent from Citrus. Oak Hill is located in southwest Hernando County, closer to Bayonet Point than Brooksville. Oak Hill's primary service area is substantially the same as that part of Bayonet Point's that is in Hernando County. Oak Hill does not propose to serve Citrus County. Brooksville, then, is more centrally located in Hernando County than Oak Hill and proposes to serve a larger area than Oak Hill. Financial Feasibility (long-term) Brooksville has operated profitably since its bankruptcy. In its 1999 fiscal year, the first year out of bankruptcy, Hernando HMA earned a profit of $3 million. In fiscal year 200, Brooksville's profit was $6 million. OHS programs are generally very profitable. There is no OHS program in Florida not generating a profit. Brooksville's projected expenses and revenues associated with the program are reasonable. Schedule 5 in the Brooksville application contains projected volumes for OHS/angioplasty. The payer mix and length of stay were based on 1998 actual data, the most recent data for a full year available. The projected volumes are reasonable. The projected volumes are converted to projected revenues on Schedule 7. These projections were based on actual 1998 charges generated for both Hernando and Citrus County residents since Brooksville proposes to serve both. These averages were then reasonably projected forward. Schedule 7 and the projected revenues are reasonable. These projected volumes and revenues account for all OHS procedures performed in Hernando and Citrus Counties in 1998 even though effective October 1, 1998, the DRG procedure codes for OHS procedures were materially redefined. Thus, when Brooksville's schedules were prepared using 1998 data, only 3 months of data were available using the new DRG codes. Brooksville opted to use the full year of data since using a full year's worth of data is preferable to only 3 months. Similarly, the DRGs for angioplasty both as to balloon and with stent were re-classified. Again, Brooksville opted to use the full year's worth of data. Brooksville's expert explained the decision to use the full year's worth of data and the effect of the DRG reclassification on Brooksville's approach, "We've captured all the revenues and expenses associated with these open heart procedures and just because the actual DRGs have changed, doesn't . . . impair the results because both revenues and expenses are captured in these projections." (Tr. 1651). Schedule 8 includes the projected expenses. It included the health manpower expenses from Schedule 6 and the project costs from Schedule 1. The remaining operating expenses were based upon the actual costs experienced by all District 3 OHS providers generated from a publicly-available data source, and then projected forward. As to these remaining operating costs, consideration of an average among many providers is far preferable to relying on just one provider. Schedule 8 was reasonably prepared. It accounts for all expense to be incurred for all types of OHS and angioplasty procedures. It is based on the best information available when these projections were prepared and are based on 12 months of actual data. Even if the projections of the schedules are not precise because of the re-classification of DRGs, they contain ample margins of error. Brooksville's financial break-even point is reached if it performs 199 OHS and 100 angioplasty procedures. This low break-even point provides additional confidence that the project is financially feasible. Brooksville demonstrated that its proposed program will be financially feasible.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that the Agency for Health Care Administration enter a final order that grants the application of Citrus Memorial (CON 9295) and denies the applications of Oak Hill (CON 9296 )and Brooksville Regional (CON 9298). DONE AND ENTERED this 4th day of October, 2001, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. DAVID M. MALONEY Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 4th day of October, 2001. COPIES FURNISHED: Diane Grubbs, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 William Roberts, Acting General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Michael J. Cherniga, Esquire Seann M. Frazier, Esquire Greenberg Traurig, P.A. East College Avenue Post Office Box 1838 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1838 Stephen A. Ecenia, Esquire Rutledge, Ecenia, Purnell and Hoffman, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 420 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0551 James C. Hauser, Esquire Metz, Hauser & Husband, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 505 Post Office Box 10909 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 John F. Gilroy, III, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Fort Knox Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403
The Issue The issues for determination in this case are whether the following statement was made by Respondent, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION; whether the statement violates the provisions of Section 120.535, Florida Statutes; whether the statement constitutes a declaratory statement under Section 120.565, Florida Statutes; whether Petitioner, ALL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, INC., has standing to maintain this action; and whether Petitioner is entitled to attorney's fees and costs. The alleged agency statement which is at issue in this case is: The Agency for Health Care Administration takes the position that a shared service agreement may be modified, without prior approval of the Agency, as long as each party continues to contribute something to the program, and the shared service contract remains consistent with the provisions of Rule 59C-1.0085(4), Florida Administrative Code. In addition, the Agency takes the position that modifications to a shared service agreement do not require prior review and approval by the Agency.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner, ALL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, INC. (hereinafter ALL CHILDREN'S), is a medical facility located in St. Petersburg, Florida, which provides pediatric hospital care. Respondent, AGENCY FOR HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION (AHCA), is the agency of the State of Florida vested with statutory authority to issue, revoke or deny certificates of need in accordance with the statewide and district health plans. Intervenor, BAYFRONT MEDICAL CENTER (BAYFRONT), is an acute care hospital located in St. Petersburg, Florida. ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT are located adjacent to each other and are connected by a thirty-yard tunnel. In 1969, ALL CHILDREN'S began operation of a pediatric cardiac catheterization program. ALL CHILDREN'S pediatric cardiac catheterization program existed prior to the statutory requirement for a certificate of need to provide such service. Neither AHCA, nor its predecessor agency, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, issued a certificate of need for ALL CHILDREN'S cardiac catheterization program. Since 1969, ALL CHILDREN'S has expended at least $500,000 on upgrading the cardiac catheterization program. Since 1970, ALL CHILDREN'S has operated a pediatric open heart surgery program. ALL CHILDREN'S open heart surgery program existed prior to the statutory requirement for issuance of a certificate of need to perform such service. Neither AHCA, nor its predecessor agency, Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), issued a certificate of need for ALL CHILDREN'S open heart surgery program. By letter dated May 13, 1974, HRS specifically advised ALL CHILDREN'S that modifications to the ALL CHILDREN'S open heart surgery program were not subject to agency approval. In May of 1973, ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT entered into a shared service agreement to provide adult cardiac catheterization services. In accordance with the shared service agreement, the actual catheterizations are performed in the physical plant of ALL CHILDREN'S and with equipment located on the ALL CHILDREN'S campus. BAYFRONT contributed to the adult cardiac catheterization shared service program by providing, inter alia, patients, management, medical personnel, and pre- and postoperative care. Beginning in 1975, BAYFRONT has also provided adult open heart surgery services through a joint program with ALL CHILDREN'S with the actual surgeries being performed at the physical plant on ALL CHILDREN'S campus. BAYFRONT contributed to the adult open heart surgery shared service by providing, inter alia, patients, management, medical personnel, and pre- and postoperative care. The shared service agreement between ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT to provide adult cardiac catheterization and open heart surgical services was in existence prior to the statutory requirement for a certificate of need to perform such services. Neither AHCA, nor its predecessor agency, Florida Department of health and Rehabilitative Services, issued a certificate of need to provide such services. The cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery program operated by ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT was "grandfathered" in because the program existed prior to the certificate of need requirement. Because no certificate of need was issued to ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT for its shared adult cardiac service program, no conditions have been imposed by AHCA on the operation of the program. "Conditions" placed on certificates of need are important predicates to agency approval and typically regulate specific issues relating to the operation of the program and the provision of the service such as access, location, and provision of the service to Medicaid recipients. The ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT cardiac shared services program is the only "grandfathered in" shared service arrangement in Florida, and is the only shared service arrangement operating without a certificate of need in Florida. An open heart surgery program is shared by Marion Community Hospital and Munroe Regional Medical Center in Ocala, Florida. The Marion/Munroe program operates pursuant to a certificate of need issued by AHCA. On December 22, 1995, AHCA published a notice of its intent to approve a certificate of need for a shared pediatric cardiac catheterization program between Baptist Hospital and University Medical Center in Duval County, Florida. BAYFRONT has applied for, but has not yet been issued, a certificate of need to perform cardiac catheterization services independent of the shared services arrangement with ALL CHILDREN'S. The agency receives hundreds of inquiries each year requesting information and guidance from health care providers regarding the certificate of need application process and other requirements of the certificate of need program. On more than one occasion ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT have inquired either orally or in letters to the agency regarding whether certain changes in their adult cardiac shared services program would require agency approval through a certificate of need application. In response to a 1990 written inquiry from ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT regarding modifications to the shared services agreement, the agency (then HRS) by letter dated September 18, 1990, stated in pertinent part that "the alterations you propose still constitute shared services." The agency response went on to state that it is therefore "...determined that they (the proposed changes) have not altered the original intent." On January 31, 1991, Rule 59C-1.0085(4), Florida Administrative Code, governing shared service arrangements in project-specific certificate of need applications was promulgated. The rule provides: Shared service arrangement: Any application for a project involving a shared service arrangement is subject to a batched review where the health service being proposed is not currently provided by any of the applicants or an expedited review where the health service being proposed is currently provided by one of the applicants. The following factors are considered when reviewing applications for shared services where none of the applicants are currently authorized to provide the service: Each applicant jointly applying for a new health service must be a party to a formal written legal agreement. Certificate of Need approval for the shared service will authorize the applicants to provide the new health service as specified in the original application. Certificate of Need approval for the shared service shall not be construed as entitling each applicant to independently offer the new health service. Authority for any party to offer the service exists only as long as the parties participate in the provision of the shared service. Any of the parties providing a shared service may seek to dissolve the arrangement. This action is subject to review as a termina- tion of service. If termination is approved by the agency, all parties to the original shared service give up their rights to provide the service. Parties seeking to provide the service independently in the future must submit applications in the next applicable review cycle and compete for the service with all other applicants. All applicable statutory and rule criteria are met. The following factors are considered when reviewing applications for shared services when one of the applicants has the service: A shared services contract occurs when two or more providers enter into a contractual arrangement to jointly offer an existing or approved health care service. A shared services contract must be written and legal in nature. These include legal partnerships, contractual agreements, recognition of the provision of a shared service by a governmental payor, or a similar documented arrangement. Each of the parties to the shared services contract must contribute something to the agreement including but not limited to facilities, equipment, patients, management or funding. For the duration of a shared services contract, none of the entities involved has the right or authority to offer the service in the absence of the contractual arrangement except the entity which originally was authorized to provide the service. A shared services contract is not transferable. New parties to the original agreement constitute a new contract and require a new Certificate of Need. A shared services contract may encom- pass any existing or approved health care service. The following items will be evaluated in reviewing shared services contracts: The demonstrated savings in capital equipment and related expenditures; The health system impact of sharing services, including effects on access and availability, continuity and quality of care; and, Other applicable statutory review criteria. Dissolution of a shared services contract is subject to review as a termination of service. If termination is approved, the entity(ies) authorized to provide the service prior to the contract retains the right to continue the service. All other parties to the contract who seek to provide the service in their own right must request the service as a new health service and are subject to full Certificate of Need review as a new health service. All statutory and rule criteria are met. By letter dated October 22, 1993, ALL CHILDREN'S and BAYFRONT inquired again of the agency regarding modifications of the adult inpatient cardiac shared service program. AHCA did not respond to the 1993 inquiry, and AHCA ultimately considered the inquiry withdrawn. By letter dated February 24, 1995, BAYFRONT made further inquiry of the agency, and requested agency confirmation of the following statement: The purpose of this letter is to confirm our understanding that the Agency for Health Care Administration ("Agency") takes the position that the shared services agreement between Bayfront and All Children's may be modified, without prior approval of the Agency, as long as each party continues to contribute something to the program, and that the shared services contract remains consistent with the provisions of Rule 59C-1.0085(4) F.A.C. By letter dated March 16, 1995, the agency made the following reply to BAYFRONT from which this proceeding arose: The purpose of this letter is to confirm your understanding of this agency's position with reference to the reviewability of a modifica- tion of the shared services agreement between Bayfront Medical Center and All Children's Hospital set forth in your February 24, 1995 letter.
Findings Of Fact Petitioner's name and address are North Broward Hospital District d/b/a North Broward Medical Center, 201 E Sample Road, Pompano Beach, Florida 33604. The North Broward Hospital District is a Special Taxing District created by the Florida Legislature. It currently owns and operates three public, nonprofit hospitals in Broward County including Broward General Medical Center ("BGMC") and North Broward Medical Center Respondent, Department of Heath and Rehabilitative Services ("HRS"), is responsible for the administration of Section 381.493 through 381.499, Fla. Stat. ("the CON statute"), and Fla. Administrative Code Ch. 10-5 ("the CON rules"). Under the foregoing, authorities, HRS reviews applications for CONs to construct, purchase or otherwise implement certain new health care facilities and new institutional health care services, as defined by the CON statute. One of these new institutional health care services subject to HRS' review under the CON statute and CON rules is open-heart surgery service, as defined in Fla. Admin. Code Rule 10-5.11(16)(a). By formal application under the CON statute and CON rules which was deemed complete by HRS effective October 16, 1985, NBMC applied for a certificate of need ("CON") to institute an open-heart surgery service at 201 E. Sample Road, Pompano Beach, Florida 33604. Exhibit "A" is a true, correct, and authentic copy of NBMC's application for certificate of need for open-heart surgery. NBMC's application was denied by HRS by letter dated February 28, 1986, received by NBMC open March 10, 1986. Exhibit "B" is a true, correct, and authentic copy of said letter. Publication of the denial appears at Vol. 12; No. 11, Florida Administrative Weekly (March 14, 1986). HRS' basis for denying the application is contained in the "State Agency Action Report". Exhibit "C" is a true, correct, and authentic copy of HRS' State Agency Action Report pertaining to NBMC's application. NBMC has petitioned HRS for formal Section 120.57(1), Fla. Stat., administrative proceedings challenging the denial of its application for open- heart surgery. Exhibit "D" is a true, correct, and authentic copy of that petition. In its application, NBMC stated that one of its sister hospitals, BGMC, currently provided open-heart surgical services. NBMC proposed in its application to utilize the same open-heart surgical team at NBMC as was then practicing at BGMC. Applicants for CONs for open-heart surgery services must satisfy certain regulatory standards prescribed in CON Rule 10-5.11(16). These standards include: (k)1. There shall be no additional open- heart surgery programs established unless: The service volume of each existing and approved open-heart surgery program within the service area is operating at and is and expected to continue to operate at a minimum of 350 adult open-heart surgery cases per year or 130 pediatric heart cases per year; and The conditions specified in (e)4., above will be met by the proposed program. (E.S.) Rule 10-5.11(16)(e)4. provides in pertinent part as follows: There shall be a minimum of 200 adult open- heart procedures performed annually, within three years after initiation of service, an any institution in which open-heart surgery is performed for adults. (E.S.) Exhibit "E" is a true, correct, and authentic copy of CON Rule 10-5.11(16). 10. In 43 Fed. Reg. 13040, 13048 (March 28, 1978) (42 C.F.R. 121.207), the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS") set forth the federal CON standards for open-heart surgery, as part of the National Guidelines for Health Planning. The National Guidelines for Health Planning are referenced in HRS's State Agency Action Report. Exhibit "F" is a true, correct, and authentic copy of that portion of the Nation Guidelines for Health Planning which pertain to the implementation of open-heart surgery services. The National Guidelines for Health Planning also provide that approval of new open-heart surgery services should be contingent upon existing units operating and continuing to operate at a level of at least 350 procedures per year. The National Guidelines for Health Planning further provide as follows: In some areas, open-heart surgical teams, including surgeons and specialized technologists, are utilizing more than one institution. For these institutions, the guidelines may be applied to the combined number of open-heart procedures performed by the surgical team where an adjustment is justifiable in line with Section 121.6(B) and promotes more cost effective use of available facilities and support personnel. In such cases, in order to maintain quality care a minimum of 75 open-heart procedures in any institution is advisable, which is consistent with recommendations of the American College of Surgeons. (E.S.) HRS' CON Rule 10-5.11(16); which contains the "350" standard, does not contain any comparable exception for institutions sharing open-heart surgical teams. NBMC's application for CON projects 200 open-heart surgeries by the end of the third year of operations and, when combined with BGMC's open-heart procedures satisfies the exception contained in the National Guidelines for Health Planning, as described above. There are no disputed issues of material fact that will require an evidentiary hearing in this matter. The parties therefore agree that the matter shall be submitted pursuant to legal memoranda and oral argument. The parties' legal memoranda will be due on June 17, 1986, and oral argument will be held on the scheduled hearing date of June 19, 1986. The parties agree to allow responses to the legal memoranda, which responses shall be submitted no later than June 26; 1986.
The Issue Whether the adult open heart surgery rule in effect at the time the applications were filed until January 24, 2002, or the rule as amended on that date applies to this case. Whether either or both, Lifemark Hospital of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Palmetto General Hospital ("Palmetto General") and Miami Beach Healthcare Group, Ltd., d/b/a Aventura Hospital and Medical Center ("Aventura Hospital") demonstrated the existence of not normal circumstances for the issuance of certificates of need ("CONs") to establish adult open heart surgery programs in Dade County.
Findings Of Fact The Agency for Health Care Administration ("AHCA") administers the certificate of need ("CON") program for health care facilities and services in Florida. Section 408.034, Florida Statutes. Aventura Hospital Miami Beach Healthcare Group, Ltd., d/b/a Aventura Hospital and Medical Center ("Aventura Hospital") is the applicant for CON No. 9395 to establish an adult open heart surgery program in Dade County, in AHCA District 11. Aventura Hospital is a 407-bed community hospital located in the recently incorporated City of Aventura in northeast Dade County. It is approximately one mile west of the Atlantic Ocean on U.S. Highway 1, three-tenths of a mile south of the Broward/Dade County line. It is halfway between Fort Lauderdale and downtown Miami. Aventura Hospital is owned by the Hospital Corporation of America ("HCA"), which operates hospitals in 30 states and 3 countries, including 40 hospitals in Florida. The 407 beds at Aventura Hospital include 327 acute care beds, 32 adult psychiatric beds, 24 adult substance abuse beds, and 24 obstetrics beds. Services, in addition to those provided in the specialty beds, include general medical/surgical services, oncology, a breast diagnostic center, children's after-hours walk in clinic, comprehensive cancer center, dialysis, intensive care, orthopedics, inpatient and outpatient surgery, and physical, speech and occupational therapies. It is a Baker Act facility. The Aventura Hospital staff has from 700 to 750 medical doctors, and 1,200 to 1,300 employees. The emergency room ("ER") has approximately 34,000 annual visits. According to one ER physician on the staff, the average age of patients presenting at the Aventura Hospital ER is 84 years old. That results in a higher than average hospital admission rate from the ER, 35 to 40 percent, as compared to 15 percent nationally. The staff includes 52 clinical cardiologists, 27 invasive cardiologists and five cardiovascular thoracic surgeons. They currently perform, at Aventura Hospital, inpatient and outpatient cardiac catheterizations ("caths"), pacemaker implants, echocardiograms, cardiac stress and cardiac nuclear testing, diagnostic and transesophageal echocardiograms, diagnostic and interventional vascular surgeries. For the 12 months ending June 30, 2001, 422 open heart patients left the Aventura Hospital's primary service area for their surgeries, and 1,132 received cardiac cath procedures. At Aventura Hospital, from April 1999 through March 2000, 178 diagnostic cardiac caths were performed. In terms of total cardiology services, Aventura Hospital is the largest non-open heart provider in the District, ranking second to Mount Sinai Medical Center ("Mount Sinai"). In calendar year 2001, there were 3,489 cardiovascular disease discharges from Aventura Hospital. The boundaries of the primary service area, from which Aventura Hospital draws most of its patients, are Hollywood Boulevard to the north, U.S. Highway 441 to the west, the Bal Harbour/Miami Shores communities near 125 Street to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the east. Parkway Regional Medical Center ("Parkway Regional") in Dade County, and Memorial Regional Medical Center ("Memorial Regional") in Hollywood, in Broward County, are the closest hospitals to Aventura Hospital. The primary service area has a population of approximately 250,000 residents and includes growing retirement communities such as Sunny Isles Beach, Hallandale Beach, Southeast Hollywood, North Miami Beach, part of Miami Shores, and Bal Harbour. Parkway Regional and Aventura reported a combined total of 1,721 ischemic heart diseases (IHD) discharges in calendar year 2000. IHD is the diagnostic category for patients experiencing a narrowing of the arteries who are most likely ultimately to require open heart surgery. An international patient services department at Aventura Hospital assists patients, particularly from Canada, and Central and South America. Aventura Hospital is a member of the Miami Medical Alliance, also known as Salud Miami, which has promoted Miami as a destination for health care. Miami Heart Institute (Miami Heart), Mount Sinai, Baptist Hospital (Baptist), South Miami Hospital (South Miami), Miami Children's Hospital and Jackson Memorial Hospital (Jackson Memorial) are among the members of the Alliance. At the time the CON application was filed, Aventura Hospital was scheduled for expansion with the addition of a three-story tower and other capital projects costing an estimated $50 million. Subsequently, in December 2001, Aventura Hospital received approval from HCA for the expenditure of an additional $80 million to build the tower up to nine stories immediately, with the structure capable of ultimately being increased to 12 stories. It is expected to be able to withstand a direct hit from a Class V hurricane. In the past, Aventura Hospital has been entirely evacuated twice due to hurricane warnings. When construction is complete, the ER will be approximately three times larger, relocated to the first floor of the new tower, and projected to receive 50,000 visits annually. Ten new operating rooms on the second floor will include two that are properly-sized for cardiovascular surgeries. Because of higher ceilings in the new tower, the second floor of the new building will connect to the third floor of the existing building, on which the cardiac cath lab and related diagnostic equipment is located. If the open heart program is approved, a ten-bed cardiovascular intensive care unit ("CVICU") will be added to the second floor of the new building, and a second cardiac cath lab will be constructed. A dedicated elevator will connect the surgery suites to a 42-bed intensive care unit ("ICU") on the third floor. The remaining floors will consist of single patient rooms equipped or capable of being equipped for telemetry monitoring. The projected building cost for the portion of the construction related to the open heart surgery program is $3 million. Mount Sinai which purchased Miami Heart from HCA, has agreed to close one of its two open heart surgery programs within one year following the issuance of an adult open heart surgery CON to Aventura Hospital. Otherwise, Mount Sinai is committed to operate both programs for five years from June 30, 2000. Jeffrey Gregg, the head of the CON program at AHCA testified that he believes that it is "unprecedented" for an applicant to submit a letter from an existing provider committing to close a program. (Tr. 3061). Aventura Hospital has also offered to commit to providing 2.5 percent of the patient days generated by the adult open heart surgery program to Medicaid and charity patients. Palmetto General Lifemark Hospitals of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Palmetto General Hospital ("Palmetto General") is an applicant for CON No. 9394 to establish an adult open heart surgery program, also in Dade County, AHCA District 11. Palmetto General is a 360-bed acute care hospital located in the City of Hialeah in northwest Dade County at the intersection of 122nd Street, Northwest, and the Palmetto Expressway. Palmetto General is an affiliate of the Tenet Health Care Corporation ("Tenet"), which operates 16 hospitals in Florida, five in Dade County. They are, in addition to Palmetto General, Hialeah Hospital, North Shore Medical Center, Parkway Regional in northern communities, and Coral Gables Hospital in the south. Tenet owns Florida Medical Center, which has an adult open heart surgery program in Broward County. Tenet also operates the open heart program at the Cleveland Clinic in Broward County. The 360 beds at Palmetto General are divided into 253 acute care beds (excluding obstetrics and pediatrics), 48 adult psychiatric beds, and 10 neonatal intensive care beds. Services available on the Palmetto General campus include outpatient imaging and surgery, psychiatry, oncology, rehabilitative therapies, and intensive care. Palmetto General has a staff of 600 physicians, 350 of whom are on the active staff, and 1,500 employees. Palmetto General has approximately 40 cardiologists on staff, 19 of whom are invasive cardiologists. The services available include ultrasound, exercise testing, arrhythmia studies, including halter monitoring and electrophysiology, surgical insertions of pacemakers and defibrillators, and diagnostic cardiac caths. For the 12 months ending June 30, 2001, 1,658 cardiac caths and 668 open heart procedures were performed on patients from the Palmetto General primary service area. At Palmetto General, there were 528 diagnostic cardiac caths performed from April 1999 through March 2000, making it the largest cardiac cath provider in Dade County, which does not also have an open heart program. In calendar year 2001, there were 3,089 cardiovascular disease discharges from Palmetto General. The primary service area for Palmetto General includes the communities of Hialeah, Hialeah Springs, Miami Lakes, and portions of Opa Locka. Approximately 450,000, or 22 percent of the 2.2 million people living in District 11, live in the Hialeah area, over 50,000 are over 65 years old. The 65 and older population in the Palmetto General primary service area is projected to increase by 10 percent by 2005. Seventy to 80 percent of the residents of Palmetto General's primary service area are Hispanic, many first-generation. Most of the staff and employees of Palmetto General are Hispanic or speak Spanish. In addition to Palmetto General, the primary service area includes two other hospitals, Hialeah Hospital and Palm Springs General Hospital ("Palm Springs General"). Of the three, only Palmetto General has a cardiac cath lab. About 400 suspected heart attack patients are treated in the ER at Palmetto General each year. The ER has approximately 60,000 annual visits. It is the third busiest ER in the county. Although the use rate for open heart surgery has been flat or declining throughout the district, it has increased in the Palmetto General service area. While District 11 had an absolute increase of 51 open heart cases from 1999 to 2000, there was a 91-case increase in the Palmetto General service area. Together Palmetto General, Hialeah Hospital, and Palm Springs reported 2,206 IHD discharges, 982 of those from Palmetto General. Subsequent to filing the open heart CON application, Palmetto General developed a $23 million master facility plan of capital expenditures to upgrade the facility in response to operational deficiencies and capacity constraints. Tenet approved the expenditure of $6 million in the first year. When entirely implemented, the plan will result in doubling the size of the ER, expanding maternity labor and delivery areas, building a new 18-bed intensive care unit with space to add ten more beds later, and refurnishing existing operating rooms and adding three more. Palmetto General also, in 2002, experienced significant discord among the medical staff which apparently has been resolved with a change in the hospital's senior management. Palmetto General maintains that its master facility plan is independent of its plans for an open heart surgery program, although the master plan supports and facilitates that proposal. Mount Sinai and Aventura Hospital contend that Palmetto General has impermissibly amended the architectural plans for the open heart surgery program. The plans, as submitted in the CON, showed the addition of two open heart operating rooms on the ground floor, with an area of shelled-in space, and mechanical/electrical space, and part of the roof, above that on the first floor, and an elevator and corridor on the second floor within the same area designated as being within the scope of work. A separate area of work, on the schematic drawing of the second floor, showed a four-bed CVICU. On the master facility plan, the two open heart surgery operating rooms are in the same location but reconfigured. The space above is still shown as shelled-in and it may have columns. On the second floor, the four-bed CVICU for open heart patients is no longer a separate unit but is included in an existing ten- bed CVICU. The CVICU is adjacent to the existing cardiac cath lab and to an area shown for cath lab expansion, previously a part of the roof on the CON drawing. As a result of the use of the existing space for the CVICU, the total area devoted to the open heart program is reduced in size. Although the two open heart operating rooms are reconfigured and the four-bed open heart CVICU will not be an entirely separate unit, the concept for the open heart surgery program is essentially unchanged. Construction detailed drawings of the master plan were expected to be completed in January 2003. If the open heart surgery program CON is approved, Palmetto General will commit to providing 7.5 percent of open heart and angioplasty services to Medicaid and charity care patients. Existing District 11 Providers Baptist, Cedars Medical Center ("Cedars"), Jackson Memorial, Mount Sinai, Miami Heart, Mercy Hospital ("Mercy"), South Miami, and Kendall Medical Center ("Kendall") are the eight hospitals in Dade County which have open heart surgery programs. Mount Sinai and Miami Heart are, as previously noted, both owned by Mount Sinai. They are located within two miles of each other on Miami Beach, near the Julia Tuttle Causeway. Jackson Memorial which, like Mount Sinai, is a University of Miami Medical School teaching hospital is located in downtown Miami, across the street from Cedars and near Mercy. Kendall is further south and west. South Miami and Baptist are in South Central Dade County. In the summer and fall of 2000, when AHCA published the fixed need pool, and Aventura Hospital and Palmetto General filed their applications, four of the eight open heart programs in Dade County were operating at volumes below 350 cases a year. In 1999, those programs and volumes were Cedars, with 340 surgeries, Jackson Memorial with 332, South Miami at 211, and Kendall with 187. In 2001, Cedars increased to 361 open heart cases and Jackson Memorial reported 513. The programs at Kendall and South Miami have continued to operate below 350 cases a year. The volume at Kendall was 184 in 2000, and 295 in 2001. South Miami reported 175 and 148 in calendar years 2000 and 2001, respectively. Like Aventura Hospital, Cedars, and Kendall are owned by HCA. South Miami and Baptist Hospital, which are 3.5 miles apart, are both affiliated with the Baptist health care system. Because volumes were below 350 at existing programs, AHCA published a numeric need for zero additional programs in District 11 for the January 2003 planning horizon. The rule on numeric need, as revised on January 24, 2002, reduced the minimum volume for existing providers to 300 open heart surgeries for the 12-month period specified in the rule, although it implicitly increased the expected size of each existing program to 500 cases by increasing the divisor in the numeric need formula. Under either rule, the applicants must demonstrate the existence of not normal circumstances for the approval of any additional open heart surgery programs in the district. Under the old rule, with 350 as the divisor in the formula, the numeric calculation, before being reduced to zero because of low volume programs, resulted in a need for 2.1 additional programs. That number is a negative one under the new rule. Aventura Hospital projected that its open heart surgery volumes would be 240, 312, and 347 during the first three years of operations, anticipating these to be the years ending in September of 2004, 2005, and 2006, respectively. Palmetto General projected volumes of 148, 210, and 250 open heart surgeries and 225, 230, and 310 angioplasties, in the first three years. From 1996 to 2001, the total annual volume of open heart surgeries in District 11 declined by 346, from 3,821 in 1996, to 3,421 in 2000, then increased slightly to 3,475 in 2001. Therefore, if Aventura Hospital and Palmetto General achieve projected volumes, it will result largely from redirecting cases from existing providers including one that would close if Aventura's CON is approved. The declining open heart volumes also reflects a technological improvements and a shift to less invasive angioplasty procedures. The number of angioplasties performed in District 11 increased from 6,384 in 2000, to 7,682 in 2001. Mount Sinai and Miami Heart Mount Sinai is one of six statutory teaching hospitals in Florida, with 19 accredited training programs, including residencies and fellowships. The cardiovascular and thoracic surgery residency program is shared with Jackson Memorial. In addition to the University of Miami, Mount Sinai is affiliated with the medical schools at Nova Southeastern University, Barry University, and the University of South Florida. Mount Sinai has the largest open heart volume in District 11, with over 40 percent of the total volume. It also has the broadest geographical draw for patients, with only 60 percent of the cases originating from the District. In the year from April 1999 to March 2000, Mount Sinai reported performing 1,034 adult open heart surgeries and 4,318 adult inpatient cardiac caths. In calendar years 2000 and 2001, the volume of open heart surgeries at Mount Sinai remained virtually constant at 980 and 976, respectively. Angioplasties increased during that same period of time from 1,037 to 1,067. At Miami Heart, from April 1999 through March 2000, 483 open heart surgeries and 4,179 cardiac caths were performed. The combined total of therapeutic cardiac caths or angioplasties performed at Mount Sinai and Miami Heart is approximately 2,500 a year. There is evidence that Mount Sinai has begun to phase-out open heart cases at Miami Heart where the volume dropped to 390 surgeries in 2000, and to 296 in 2001. In a travel time study commissioned by Mount Sinai, the drive time from Palmetto General ER to Mount Sinai ER was 28 minutes to travel the 15.5 miles. From various zip codes within the Palmetto General service area to the Mount Sinai ER, travel times ranged from 14 minutes to 36 minutes. Driving times from Aventura to Mount Sinai ranged from 18 to 37 minutes. Due to its close proximity, to Mount Sinai, it reasonably should take approximately the same driving time to reach Miami Heart. In an Aventura Hospital survey of transfers of high- risk cardiac patients, the average times were estimated to range from 59 minutes from Aventura Hospital to Mount Sinai and 1 hour and 26 minutes from Aventura Hospital to Miami Heart Institute. Those times must include more than actual drive time, otherwise the differences between Mount Sinai and Miami Heart would not be so significant. One would also anticipate that, while under common ownership, transfers from Aventura Hospital to Miami Heart would have been less cumbersome. The accompanying narrative in the CON suggests that time frames may have been counted from the time the decision to transfer is made to the time the patient arrives at the receiving facility. The testimony regarding the data compilation process was vague and inadequate and, therefore, the conclusions are unreliable. The Mount Sinai study showed travel times of 27 minutes to Miami Heart and 28 minutes to Mount Sinai from Palmetto General. That difference of one minute is confirmed in data underlying Aventura Hospital time travel study. Based on projected volumes, prior transfers, referral patterns and market shares, an open heart program at Palmetto General will reduce the volumes at Mount Sinai and Miami Heart by 92 to 107 open heart surgeries a year, for a financial loss of $1.6 million. An open heart program at Aventura is expected to reduce the combined volume at Mount Sinai and Miami Heart by 196 cases. A combined reduction of approximately 300 cases and the closure of one of the programs would leave the remaining Mount Sinai program at approximately 900 open heart cases, with a loss of $4.7 million. Mount Sinai was projected to experience a net loss from operations of $32 million in 2002. There was testimony that overall financial management and the potential for profitable operations have improved. Despite the fact that an Aventura program will have almost double the adverse impact of one at Palmetto General, Mount Sinai, in the asset purchase agreement resulting in its acquisition of Miami Heart from HCA, agreed not to contest the application filed by Aventura Hospital. Jackson Memorial Jackson Memorial is the hospital designated to provide indigent care in Dade County, through a public health trust funded by a portion of sales taxes. In the 12 months ending March 2000, 334 open heart surgeries and 3,644 cardiac caths were performed at Jackson Memorial. In 2000 and 2001, the open heart volume increased to 438 and 513 surgeries, respectively. The Mount Sinai travel time study, showed that the distance from Palmetto General to Jackson Memorial was 10.7 miles and that the average drive took 22 minutes. Jackson Memorial will lose an estimated 46 cases to Palmetto General, in the third year of an open heart program in 2004, and 12 cases to an Aventura Hospital program, or a combined total of approximately 60 cases a year. Mercy Mercy had a volume of 412 open heart surgeries and 2,704 cardiac caths, from April 1999 through March 2000. In calendar year 2000 and 2001, the open heart volumes at Mercy were 492 and 478, respectively. The average driving time from Palmetto General to Mercy ranged from 24 minutes to 38 minutes, averaging 27 minutes in Mount Sinai's expert's study. If Palmetto General is approved, a reduction of 44 open heart cases is expected at Mercy. An Aventura Hospital program is expected to result in a five-case reduction at Mercy. Cedars The volume at Cedars was 316 open heart cases from April 1999 through March 2000. In calendar years 2000 and 2001, the volume increased to 334 and 361 open heart surgeries, and to 1,323 and 1,468 angioplasties, respectively. The average driving time to Cedars, from Palmetto General, was 23 minutes, in the Mount Sinai travel time study, with a range of drive times from 17 minutes (starting at 4:19 a.m.) to 30 minutes (starting at 7:06 a.m.). If Palmetto General is approved to become an open heart provider, Cedars' volume is expected to be reduced by 20 surgeries. If Aventura Hospital becomes an open heart provider, Cedars' volume will be reduced by an estimated 14 cases. Kendall Kendall had a volume of 180 open heart cases for the year ending March 2000. Kendall has consistently been a low volume open heart provider, increasing from 136 surgeries in 1989, to 295 in 2001. Kendall is located in southwestern Dade County, well beyond the primary service areas of Palmetto General and Aventura Hospital. The common feature shared with Palmetto General is that Kendall is also considered an Hispanic or Spanish-speaking hospital, although every hospital in Dade County is staffed to serve Spanish-speaking patients. Mount Sinai's study found the average drive time from Palmetto General to Kendall to be 23 minutes, covering 14.6 miles. Estimates of case reductions at Kendall are six if Palmetto General is approved and one if Aventura Hospital is approved. South Miami and Baptist South Miami reported a volume of 199 open heart cases for the year ending March 2000. The volume of open heart surgeries has been low, over the years, from 132 in 1989, to 148 in 2001, never exceeding 215 cases in any one year. South Miami has become a referral center for complex, multi-vessel angioplasties. Angioplasties increased, at South Miami, from 723 in 2000, to 837 in 2001. Like Kendall, South Miami and Baptist have no overlap with the primary service areas of Aventura Hospital and Palmetto General. If Palmetto General offers open heart services, then South Miami would lose approximately nine cases in the third year of operations. If Aventura Hospital's CON is approved, then South Miami would lose an estimated two cases that year. The volumes at Baptist, from April 1999 through March 2000, were 472 open heart surgeries and 4,730 cardiac caths. The Baptist volume of open heart cases declined to 428 in 2000, and 408 in 2001. Baptist's volume is expected to decline by 14 cases lost to Palmetto General, and two to Aventura Hospital. Existing District 10 Providers Mount Sinai, in its proposed recommended order, suggested that Memorial Regional, the Cleveland Clinic, and Florida Medical Center all in Broward County, are available open heart providers for northern Dade County residents. Tenet operates the open heart program at the Cleveland Clinic, which is 17 miles north of Palmetto General. The average travel time to the Cleveland Clinic, in the Mount Sinai study, was 26 minutes, but that is unreliable because it includes one run where the driver obviously had to speed, at 4:42 a.m., to average over 60 miles per hour. The staff at Cleveland Clinic is not predominantly Spanish-speaking. The medical staff is also closed so that only Cleveland Clinic doctors practice at that hospital. Patients have interruptions in their continuity of care when referred to an entirely different medical staff. In addition, the Cleveland Clinic is a referral hospital drawing patients from outside the area. It does not function as a community hospital. The Cleveland Clinic is not, therefore, an alternative provider for Dade County residents. At Memorial Regional, six miles north of Aventura Hospital, there were 766 open heart surgeries performed in one 12-month period in 1999 and 2000 and 641 in calendar year 2000. Twenty-six percent of the Aventura Hospital primary service area open heart surgeries were performed at Memorial Regional in 2001, as compared to 5 percent from the Palmetto General Area. Over 30 percent of the angioplasties performed on Aventura Hospital service area residents were performed at Memorial Regional in 2001, and less than 4 percent for Palmetto General service area residents. If Aventura Hospital is approved, the loss in volume from Memorial Regional would be approximately 103 cases a year. Aventura Hospital noted that Memorial Regional has experienced capacity problems. In Columbia Hospital Corporation of South Broward vs. AHCA, the administrative law judge found that the proposal to establish a new hospital in Miramar was intended to " . . . allow Memorial Regional and Memorial West the opportunity to decompress and operate at reasonable and efficient occupancies into the foreseeable future without the operational problems caused by the current over-utilization." There is evidence that the relief resulting from the construction of the Miramar Hospital, will not alter the difficulties that Aventura Hospital-based doctors experience in gaining access to the cardiac cath lab at Memorial Regional. Florida Medical Center has approximately 450 open heart surgery cases a year. It is a Tenet facility in Western Broward County. The financial data from Florida Medical Center was used in Palmetto General's projections of income and expenses, but there was no evidence that Florida Medical Center's open heart program is a viable alternative to programs at either Aventura Hospital or Palmetto General. Review Criteria Subsection 408.035(1) - need in relation to applicable district health plan; 59C-1.030(2)(a)-(e) - need that the population has, particularly low income, ethnic minorities, elderly, etc.; relocation of a service; needs of medically underserved, Medicare, Medicaid and indigent persons; and Subsection 408.035(11) - past and proposed Medicaid and indigent care. The District 11 health plan includes preferences for applicants seeking to provide tertiary services who have provided the highest Medicaid and charity care, and who have demonstrated the highest ongoing commitment to Medicaid and indigent patients. Aventura Hospital provided approximately 1 percent charity, 6 to 7 percent Medicaid and 17 percent Medicare in 2001. It qualified as a disproportionate share Medicare hospital. Aventura Hospital's proposed CON commitment is to provide a minimum of 2.5 percent of open heart surgery and angioplasty patient days to Medicaid and charity patients. Palmetto General is and, for at least the last ten years, has been a disproportionate share Medicaid and Medicare provider. Over 20 percent of the total care at Palmetto General has been given to Medicaid patients in recent fiscal years. The care to indigent patients was approximately $8 million in one year. In this regard, Palmetto serves as a "safety net" hospital for poor people, like Jackson Memorial and Mount Sinai. Palmetto General will meet the needs of ethnic minorities, and more Medicaid, low income and indigent patients. Aventura Hospital is serving an older population and, in effect, would be relocating an open heart program from Miami Heart. In a service like open heart surgery, Medicare is the dominant payor. Subsection 408.035(2) - availability, quality of care, accessibility, extent of utilization of existing facilities in the district; Rule 59C-1.033(4)(a) - two-hour travel time; and Subsection 408.035(7) - enhanced access for residents of the district. The applicants contend that the existing programs in the district are geographically maldistributed to the detriment of the residents of northeast and northwest Dade County. They also contend that those access issues outweigh the fact that district residents can reach open heart providers within the two- hour travel time standard in the open heart rule. In its proposed recommended order, Mount Sinai noted that if Dade County is divided in half using " . . . State Road 836 (also known as the Palmetto Expressway), which runs east-west in the center of the County, near Miami International Airport . . . ," there are four existing open heart providers in the north and four in the south. This statement must be inaccurate because Palmetto General's location was described as being on the Palmetto Expressway with no existing open heart providers in the same service area. The existing programs in District 11 are inappropriately dispersed geographically to serve the population, as it is distributed throughout Dade County. The Hialeah area, with 22 percent of the population, is larger than 14 counties in Florida which have at least one open heart surgery program. The population in the Aventura Hospital primary service area, 250,000 residents, is roughly half that of Hialeah, but is equal to or larger than five counties in Florida which have open heart surgery programs. If the applicants' patients are not transferred to other hospitals, then the volume of open heart procedures at those hospitals will decline. The medical literature and experts in the field demonstrate a relationship between volume and quality. In Florida, the old rule and new rule set the minimums for existing providers at 350 and 300, respectively. If Aventura Hospital's open heart CON is approved, almost 200 surgeries will be lost from Miami Heart and Mount Sinai, approximately half of that from the program that will be closed, and just over 100 from Memorial Regional. The effect on the low volume providers will be negligible, one lost case to Kendall and two from South Miami. Based on its projections, Aventura Hospital expects to reach 347 open heart surgeries in its third year of operation. Even assuming that most of the cases would be redirected from other providers, the projection is aggressively based on the assumption that Aventura Hospital will have a market share of 87 percent of its primary service area. If Palmetto General's open heart CON is approved, the greatest impact will also be on Mount Sinai and Miami Heart, a loss of approximately 100 surgeries a year, and on Jackson Memorial, a loss of 46 surgeries a year. Palmetto General projected that it would reach a volume of 250 open heart surgeries by the end of the third year of operations. South Miami would lose nine and Kendall would lose six open heart cases. Neither an Aventura nor a Palmetto area program will keep the existing low volume providers below 300 or 350 open heart surgeries. With or without them, South Miami and Kendall are expected to continue to operate below the objective set by the open heart rule. The absence of a material adverse impact on low volume providers is the result of the absence of any overlap in the service areas of the applicants and South Miami and Kendall. In District 11, only Cedars is likely to end up having open heart surgery volumes in a range between 300 and 350 cases as a result of the approval of both programs. Difficulties and delays in patient transfers for open heart or angioplasty services were raised as possible not normal circumstances in Dade County. Aventura Hospital witnesses presented anecdotal evidence of patients who could have benefited from the availability of angioplasty and open heart case without transfers. The evidence was inadequate to demonstrate that access to existing facilities is not available within a reasonable time. Palmetto General provided a review of medical charts to show patients whose outcomes would have been improved if it had an open heart program. Physicians who testified about those patients differed in their conclusions concerning the urgency of transfers, the need for primary angioplasty or thrombolytics, and the causes of delays. No medical records indicated patient outcomes after they were transferred. Aventura Hospital and Palmetto General also contend that the residents of their primary service area are at a disadvantage by not having timely access to primary angioplasty for patients who are having heart attacks. Treatment in their ERs is limited to administering thrombolytic or clot-busting drugs in an effort to save heart muscle. Increasingly, research has shown the benefits of primary angioplasty over thrombolytics as the most effective treatment to restore blood flow to heart muscle. The benefits include lower mortality rates and few complications, and are enhanced if the "door-to-balloon" time is less than 90 minutes. In Dade County, transfer times typically range from two to five hours, including the time to contact a receiving facility, to find a receiving physician, to receive insurance authorization, to summon an ambulance, and to prepare the patient medically for transfer, as well as the actual travel time. Research also shows that the quality of an open heart surgery program continues to be linked to its volume. In Florida, AHCA has not revised its rules either to provide for angioplasty services without open heart surgery back-up, or to reduce the tertiary designation of open heart surgery programs. Therefore, the need for more timely access to angioplasty is rejected as a not normal access issue. Palmetto General, due to operational difficulties is unlikely to meet the 90-minute reperfusion goal. In fact, most hospitals with open heart programs do not. Palmetto General does not plan to construct a second cardiac cath lab for use at the time it establishes an open heart program. Mount Sinai witnesses questioned the ability of a hospital with one cath lab to provide emergency primary angioplasty services. An additional cath lab is not required in the open heart rule and, while difficulties in scheduling are likely to occur, successful open heart programs have been operated with one cath lab initially, including Tenet-operated Delray Medical Center. Palmetto General can, when needed, construct a second cardiac cath lab in approximately six months without CON review. AHCA has not revised the open heart surgery rule to respond to the development of primary angioplasty as a preferred treatment. By its adoption of a new rule maintaining the link between angioplasty and open heart surgery, and maintaining the tertiary nature of open heart surgery, AHCA has placed the State of Florida on the side of the debate which is more concerned about the link between volumes and quality in open heart programs. Palmetto General also attempted to demonstrate the existence of access constraints at Jackson Memorial. The evidence showed discrepancies in lengths of stay, with indigent patients generally hospitalized longer. But those discrepancies were subject to other interpretations, including the possibility that indigent patients are more sick because lengths of stay were longer before and after indigent patients are transferred to and from Jackson Memorial. The maldistribution of open heart programs in Dade County as compared to the areas of significant population growth is a not normal circumstance affecting the availability, access, extent of utilization, and quality of care of existing facilities in the district. The commitment to the closure of an existing program is also a not normal circumstance in favor of the Aventura Hospital proposal. Subsection 408.035(3) - applicant's quality of care; Rule 59C- 1.030(2)(f) - accessibility of facility as a whole; Subsection 408.035(10) - costs and methods of construction. The parties stipulated that both Aventura Hospital and Palmetto General have a record of providing quality care with regard to the scope and intensity of services provided historically, and that both are accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. The parties also stipulated that both applicants can establish quality perfusion services and recruit qualified perfusionists at the costs identified in their applications. Palmetto General failed to identify any surgeons who would staff their proposed open heart program. Two cardiac surgeons in a group which submitted a letter of interest included in the Palmetto General CON application were killed in a car accident a month before the final hearing. While the absence of named surgeons affects the certainty of referrals, there is no requirement, in AHCA rules, that surgeons be named in CON applications. One board-certified and a second at least board-eligible surgeon must be on the hospital staff if it starts an open heart program. Tenet has the resources and the senior management at Palmetto General has the experience to recruit qualified medical and nursing staff. The plan for a four-bed CVICU at Palmetto General was criticized as allocating too few beds for open heart surgery patients. Using the normile statistical methodology, one expert witness testified that a six-bed CVICU is required to accommodate the expected patient census in the third year of an open heart program. Using an average daily census of 1.43 patients and a target occupancy rate of 70 percent in the four-bed CVICU, however, only two beds are needed in the first year. Subsequently, as needed, acute care beds may be converted to ICU beds without CON review. Subsection 408.035(4) - needs that are not reasonably and economically accessible in adjoining areas. Mount Sinai contends that the residents of the Aventura and Hialeah areas reasonably and economically receive open heart services in Broward County. The statistical data and evidence of capacity constraints, even after the Miramar hospital is constructed, and the closure of one of the programs that residents of the Aventura Hospital primary service area have relied on and its relocation to their area, is more appropriate than increasing their reliance on Memorial Regional. The evidence does not demonstrate that the residents of the Palmetto General service area have reasonable access to Cleveland Clinic, Memorial Regional or any other Broward County hospital with an open heart surgery program. Subsection 408.035(5) - needs of research and educational facilities. Aventura Hospital is not a statutory teaching hospital. It does have podiatry, nursing, and occupational and physical therapy students training at the hospital. Residents and interns from the primary care program at Nova Southeastern University, from the Barry University School of Podiatry, and area nursing and technical schools receive some of their training at Palmetto General. Although one rating service places Palmetto General in the category of a teaching hospital, it is not a statutory teaching hospital. A program at Aventura Hospital will have a greater adverse effect on Mount Sinai, while one at Palmetto General will have a greater adverse effect on Jackson Memorial. Both Mount Sinai and Jackson Memorial are statutory teaching hospitals. Subsection 408.035(6) - management personnel and funds for project accomplishment; Subsection 408.035(8) - immediate and long term financial feasibility. Both Aventura Hospital and Palmetto General have adequate funds and experienced management to establish open heart surgery programs. In the pre-hearing stipulation, the parties agreed that the applicants have sufficient available funds for capital and operating expenses to initiate open heart surgery programs and to operate the programs, in the short term, until financially self- sufficient. Aventura Hospital reasonably projected net profits of approximately $543,000 from an open heart program in the first year of operation, and $1 million in the second year. Aventura Hospital reasonably relied on the experiences of other HCA open heart providers in the area, particularly Miami Heart and JFK Medical Center in Palm Beach County. Mount Sinai questioned the reasonableness of Palmetto General's projection that it will generate higher profits than Aventura Hospital with lower case volumes. It also questioned Palmetto General's ability to attain the volumes projected. Palmetto General projected a net profit of just over $700,000 in the first year, $1.18 million in the second year, and $1.5 million in the third year, with 148 open heart cases in the first year, 210 in the second year, and 250 in the third year. By comparison, Aventura Hospital's first three-year projections for open hearts were 240, 312, and 347. Aventura's projected volume was potentially overstated in view of the experience at HCA facility Columbia Westside in Broward County which has achieved approximately half the open hearts projected. But the differences in projections reasonably reflect Aventura's draw from a smaller but older population and Palmetto General's draw from a larger, poorer but younger population. Palmetto General's projected volumes are reasonable considerating the number of actual open heart surgeries, 668, originating from its primary service area in the 12-months ending in June 2001. Palmetto General reasonably and conservatively based its reimbursement rates on those received at Florida Medical Center in Broward County, which actually has a lower reimbursement rate than Dade County. Mount Sinai also demonstrated that charges at three South Florida Tenet facilities, Delray Medical Center, North Ridge Medical Center, and Florida Medical Center were significantly higher than those at Mount Sinai. But those facilities operate successfully in competitive markets in Districts 9 and 10, which supports the testimony that, for open heart surgery, charges are not very relevant. Most compensation is derived from fixed-rate reimbursement from Medicare. Subsection 408.035(9) - extent to which proposal fosters competition that promotes quality and cost effectiveness. In the District, HCA, the parent of Aventura Hospital, after the sale of Miami Heart, continues to operate Cedars, which has exceeded 350 cases for the first time in 2001, and Kendall, which at 295 cases in 2001, has been a chronically low volume open heart provider. That would raise doubts about the projected volumes at Aventura Hospital, but for the demographics of its location and the closure and, in effect, proposed relocation of the Miami Heart program to a more geographically appropriate area of the District. The relocation, therefore, makes the proposal a "wash" resulting in no net increase in programs or competition in the District. By contrast, the approval of a program operated by Tenet which has five Dade County hospitals, none with an open heart program, does introduce a new provider into the market in a location with special needs due to the larger critical mass of people, their ethnicity, relative poverty and fewer, more distant alternate open heart providers. Subsection 408.035(12) - nursing home beds. The criterion related to nursing home beds, by stipulation of the parties, is inapplicable to this case. Summary of Findings On balance, Palmetto General is preferable as the hospital with the larger critical mass of population, the status as a disproportionate share provider of Medicaid and Medicare, the improved geographical access for a large ethnic group with relatively high IHD and heavy demands for services, including cardiac care services in its ER and in the ERs of other hospitals within its primary service area. In addition, the detriment to existing providers, predominantly Mount Sinai and Jackson Memorial will not reduce the volumes below 350 open heart cases. On balance, the Aventura Hospital proposal, while less compelling, because it is not a Medicaid disproportionate share hospital, is not a new entrant to the market, and has a population which is half that in the Palmetto General primary service is also entirely approvable. The hospital has facilities superior to those at Palmetto General. It is better prepared to implement an open heart program, with plans to open a second cardiac cath lab immediately and with the cardiothoracic surgeons identified for the program. Within its service area population, Aventura Hospital has a large population of elderly people, who present to its hospital with symptoms of heart attacks. The troubling adverse impact on Memorial Regional is offset by the evidence of crowding and scheduling difficulties specifically in the Memorial Regional cardiac cath lab. The troubling adverse impact on the combined Miami Heart and Mount Sinai programs is offset by the Asset Purchase Agreement which contemplated the relocation of at least a portion of the Miami Heart cases to Aventura Hospital. Even with the additional loss of 100 open heart cases to Palmetto General, Mount Sinai will remain the largest Dade County provider, retaining from 900 to 1,000 annual open heart cases. The approval of both applications will improve access to open heart surgery and angioplasty care in District 11.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered issuing CON Application No. 9394 to Lifemark Hospitals of Florida, Inc., d/b/a Palmetto General Hospital, and CON Application No. 9395 to Miami Beach Healthcare Group, Ltd., d/b/a Aventura Hospital and Medical Center. DONE AND ENTERED this 14th day of April, 2003, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELEANOR M. HUNTER Administrative Law Judge Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3060 (850) 488-9675 SUNCOM 278-9675 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 14th day of April, 2003. COPIES FURNISHED: Valda Clark Christian, General Counsel Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Lealand McCharen, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 Michael O. Mathis, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 2727 Mahan Drive Building Three, Suite 3431 Tallahassee, Florida 32308-5403 C. Gary Williams, Esquire Michael J. Glazer, Esquire Ausley & McMullen 227 South Calhoun Street Post Office Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Geoffrey D. Smith, Esquire Sandra L. Schoonover, Esquire Blank, Meenan & Smith, P.A. 204 South Monroe Street Post Office Box 11068 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-3068 Stephen A. Ecenia, Esquire R. David Prescott, Esquire Rutledge, Ecenia, Purnell & Hoffman, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street, Suite 420 Post Office Box 551 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-0551
The Issue Whether certificate of need application number 7184 for the establishment of adult open heart surgery services at Baptist Hospital, Pensacola, Florida, filed in March 1993, meets statutory and rule criteria for approval.
Findings Of Fact On or about March 23, 1993, Baptist Hospital, Inc., ("Baptist"), Pensacola, Florida, filed a certificate of need ("CON") application to establish an adult open heart surgery program for a total project cost of $2.35 million. Baptist's application was subsequently numbered CON 7184, and was approved preliminarily by the Agency for Health Care Administration ("AHCA") on July 7, 1993. Conditions for the issuance of the CON were drafted by Elizabeth Dudek of AHCA. Violations of CON conditions may result in sanctions, including fines of up to $1,000 a day. The conditions, as drafted, are as follows: The provision of a minimum of 3 percent of total annual adult open heart surgeries to Medicaid patients. The provision of a minimum of 3 percent of total annual adult open heart surgeries to charity care patients. A fixed rate structure by DRG for open heart surgery discharge (DRGs 104-108) will be set at a level which is 85 percent of the average of the most recently available charges at Sacred Heart and West Florida Regional, inflated at 7.5 percent annually. Baptist shall ensure a minimum annual adult open heart surgery patient volume of 350 at each Sacred Heart and HCA West Florida. (This assurance shall not be achieved though the transfer of charity care patients). Baptist is a 546-bed hospital, with 388 medical/surgical beds, 62 acute care beds being used as skilled nursing beds, 76 psychiatric and 20 substance abuse beds. Baptist is a Medicaid disproportionate share provider and a designated Level II trauma center, located in Pensacola, Escambia County, in AHCA District I. District I includes Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, and Walton Counties. Baptist's primary service area is Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties in Florida, and Baldwin and Escambia Counties in Alabama. Sacred Heart Hospital of Pensacola ("Sacred Heart") the oldest hospital in Pensacola, is licensed for 391 beds, including 42 Level II and III neonatal intensive care beds, and is a Level II trauma center. Sacred Heart has an approved CON to add 40 acute care beds for a women's and children's hospital. In late 1995, construction is expected to be completed. After the women's and children's hospital is finished, Sacred Heart will undertake the construction of 12 additional critical care beds which it projects will be operational in 1996. Sacred Heart is a Medicaid disproportionate share provider. Sacred Heart initiated an open heart surgery program in the early 1970's, and is located approximately 4 to 6 miles from Baptist. Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties are in Sacred Heart's primary service area. The secondary service area includes Okaloosa and Walton Counties, and sections of Alabama. Approximately 65 percent of the total open heart surgery patients in Escambia County, and 51 to 58 percent of the total from Santa Rosa County have open heart surgeries at Sacred Heart. West Florida Regional Medical Center ("West Florida") is a 547-bed existing provider of open heart surgery services, composed of 378 medical/surgical care, 21 skilled nursing, 89 psychiatric, and 58 comprehensive medical rehabilitative beds. West Florida is also a state Level II trauma center, in Pensacola. West Florida is approximately 7 to 9 miles from Sacred Heart, and approximately the same distance from Baptist. Open heart surgery services were initiated in 1975 at West Florida, which is the dominant provider to residents of Okaloosa and Walton Counties. West Florida Regional's service area includes all of District 1. Three open heart surgery programs exist in Mobile, Alabama, approximately one to one and a half hour drive from Pensacola, two more in Dothan, Alabama, and one in Panama City, in AHCA District 2. Over 90 percent of the population in District 1 is located within a two-hour average drive to an existing open heart surgery program. Numeric Need On February 5, 1993, AHCA published a fixed need pool of zero for additional adult open heart surgery programs in District I for the July 1995 planning horizon. Two subsequent publications of need for an additional open heart surgery program in the district have also resulted in zero numeric need. When zero numeric need is computed, using the formula in Rule 59C-1.033(7)(b), an applicant has to demonstrate not normal circumstances for the approval of the application. In addition, a new adult open heart surgery program will not normally be approved if the formula in subsection (c) of that rule yields a result less than 350, indicating that existing programs in the district will be reduced to volumes below 350 annual open heart surgery operations. The calculation to determine whether this condition applies was 346.67. A fixed need pool of zero was published and not challenged. Vol. 19, No. 5, Florida Administrative Weekly, February 5, 1993. Not Normal Circumstances for Need Baptist describes certain conditions as not normal circumstances for the approval of its open heart surgery program. The not normal circumstances described are (1) a lack of financial access for uninsured persons, (2) utilization and capacity problems at one of the two existing providers in the district, (3) the size of Baptist Hospital, and the size and complexity of its cardiology services, and the fixed price and minimum volume conditions proposed for the approval of the CON. Financial Access Baptist asserts that its program will serve uninsured patients, who are a financially underserved group in its service area. Baptist proposes in its pro forma to serve up to 15 uninsured open heart surgery patients in year one and up to 19 in year two. Assuming the percentage of uninsured persons in District 1 is comparable to that for the entire state and assuming the open heart surgery use rate for the uninsured would otherwise be the same, Baptist's expert claimed that 53 uninsured persons were denied open heart surgery services in District 1 in 1993. Baptist's opponents challenged the admissibility of evidence related to uninsured persons as an impermissible amendment not discussed in the application. Assuming arguendo, that the evidence is admissible, Baptist failed to document any unmet need for uninsured persons, which its proposal will alleviate. There was more credible evidence that uninsured persons have a lower use rate for reasons other than the absence of another program in the district, including age, lack of access to primary care physicians, lack of referrals to cardiovascular surgeons, and the failure to secure Medicaid coverage. No advantage is gained with referrals of patients to the same group of cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons who currently serve both Sacred Heart and Baptist, in the absence of evidence that the doctors can and will accept more Medicaid and indigent patients. The use rate for Medicaid patients in District 1, adjusted for age, shows equal access to open heart surgery services, as compared to other payer groups. District 1 Demographics and Utilization AHCA District 1 includes Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton Counties. Approximately 250,000 people reside in Escambia County, with slightly over half of the district population located in the other three counties in the district. Escambia is the western-most county in the district and the state. From 1992 to 1997, adult population growth is projected to be lower in Escambia County (2.6 percent) than it is district-wide (6.5 percent) which, in turn, is lower than the statewide growth rates (9 percent). Open heart surgery services began in District 1 prior to 1988 at both Sacred Heart and West Florida. From 1988 to 1993, the volumes of procedures in District 1 and the state have been as follows: 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 District 1 805 803 733 901 1,006 848 Statewide 18,961 19,819 22,010 23,748 26,078 25,190 From July 1991 - June 1992, there were 498 and 493 open heart surgery procedures at Sacred Heart and West Florida Regional, respectively, for a total of 991 procedures in AHCA District I. At West Florida Regional, open heart surgeries declined from 533 in 1992 to 418 in 1993. Open heart surgery use rates in District 1 and statewide are declining or becoming comparatively more level. Most residents of the district receive open heart surgery services in the district, with fewer than 3 percent out-migration. Baptist's expert claimed that the 1993 decline was an anomaly rather than a trend, comparing District 1 to AHCA districts which experienced a 1993 decline, but are reporting larger volumes for the first quarter of 1994. The volumes were not annualized to take into account seasonal fluctuations. In fact, Baptist's cardiologists also noted the increase in alternative procedures such as angioplasty, electrophysiology, and drug therapies. In the first quarter of 1994, there were 250 open heart surgery procedures in the district, as compared to 265 in 1992, and 208 in 1993. Annualized for the entire year to adjust for seasonal variations, 980 open heart surgeries are expected in 1994. Expert projections of total open heart surgeries at District 1 facilities for 1995-1998 are in a range as follows: 1995 1996 1997 1998 880 - 1,051 894 - 1,069 908 - 1,085 921 - 1,100 Sacred Heart's occupancy for total acute care beds was 74.8 percent in 1991, 74.5 percent in 1992, and 74.4 percent in 1993. However, Sacred Heart's critical care unit ("CCU") is frequently at capacity during the peak season in the winter months. Delays of 1 to 3 days before patients are admitted for elective open heart surgery operations and elective angioplasties, are not uncommon. Elective procedures are those performed on patients who are stabilized with drug therapies pending the procedure. There is no evidence of delays in transfers for emergency angioplasties or emergency open heart surgeries, other than the time required to follow transfer protocols. Actual Sacred Heart CCU utilization was 83.4 percent in 1991, 84.4 percent in 1992, and 81.2 percent in 1993. Sacred Heart's expert in health planning, Mark Richardson's opinion that over 75 to 77 percent occupancy in a CCU means inadequate capacity to add a new open heart program, but not to serve an existing program is accepted. In addition, Sacred Heart plans to add 12 beds to the critical care unit in early 1996, and has improved case management procedures to alleviate capacity limits in the CCU, and scheduling heart surgeries. Two of the three cath labs at Sacred Heart are used for cardiac caths, electrophysiological studies and angioplasties. Sacred Heart has the capacity to perform 4,200 total cases a year. There are no problems associated with the capacity of the cardiac cath labs at Sacred Heart. The expert testimony is undisputed that West Florida Regional provides excellent quality of care, has excess cath lab, CCU and operating room capacity, and is in an excellent position to increase utilization without additional construction and with minimum additional staff. Cardiologists at Baptist resist transferring patients to West Florida, where they have not sought staff privileges. The statement in Baptists' CON application that the "closed medical staff arrangement at West Florida Regional limits referrals" from Baptist and Sacred Heart is not supported by the evidence. Staff privileges in various categories, including temporary privileges are available to physicians who apply. There was an inference that only doctors affiliated with the hospital's clinics gain privileges at West Florida. From September 1993 to April 1994, over one hundred doctors not affiliated with West Florida's Medical Clinic referred patients to the cath lab at West Florida. West Florida has the capacity to perform from 2500 to 3000 procedures in the two cardiac cath labs and one electrophsiology lab and from 800 to 1000 open heart surgery procedures in its 2 dedicated operating rooms. In 1993, there were 1453 cardiac cath, 387 angioplasties, and 418 open heart surgery procedures at West Florida Regional. A resident of the Baptist area and former patient, and a doctor with privileges at Baptist complained that the drive to West Florida takes up to 30 minutes. There is no credible claim of geographic access problems to West Florida, as defined by Rule 59C-1.033(4)(a), Florida Administrative Code, which provides that "[a]dult open heart surgery shall be available within a maximum automobile travel time of 2 hours under average conditions for at least 90 percent of the district's population." Medical risks of transfers do not outweigh the benefits of concentrated expertise in open heart surgery programs. That determination is one basis for AHCA's rule designating open heart surgery services as tertiary services. Cardiology Consultants is a group of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, nurses and support staff which provides services to Baptist and Sacred Heart. The chairman of Cardiology Consultants does not travel to West Florida Regional because it is an inefficient use of his time. Because their patients would have to be transferred to cardiologists other than themselves or others in their group, the cardiologists are reluctant to make referrals from Baptist to West Florida Regional for open heart surgery. The cardiologists and one former patient who testified agreed that Sacred Heart's open heart surgery services provided excellent quality of care. By contrast, Baptist's expert, Dr. Luke, claimed that an analysis of severity adjusted mortality rates showed outcomes at Sacred Heart significantly below that statistically expected, and below that experienced at West Florida Regional. That testimony is not reliable due to his lack of an explanation of the methodology involved in the compilation of the report. The analysis was offered to demonstrate that Baptist could capture a larger market share than Sacred Heart. If Dr. Luke's assertions on quality of care are true, the conclusion would suggest that Baptist-based cardiologists refer patients almost exclusively to a lower quality facility to avoid referrals to cardiologists outside their group at West Florida. That conclusion is rejected based on the expert's admission of his lack of clinical expertise to render opinions on quality of care. One of the reasons advanced for the approval of the Baptist CON is that Baptist and Sacred Heart operate, in effect, a unified, high quality single cardiology program with a shared chief cardiologist, shared on-call cath lab staff, and virtually identical, overlapping medical staffs from the Cardiology Consultants group. Cardiology Consultants maintains offices at both Sacred Heart and Baptist. Because the group staffs both hospitals, Baptist argues that its cardiology program should be viewed in terms of serving a 1000 bed hospital, and the statutory criterion on joint or shared programs would apply. In fact, an agreement for a shared or joint CON application was rejected by Sacred Heart. Baptist, in this case, is seeking to establish a program which competes with that at Sacred Heart. Baptist's Size and Programs Baptist cited its size and the breadth of its existing cardiology services as a not normal basis for approval of its open heart surgery program. Baptist is one of only three hospitals in Florida exceeding 500 beds, performing over 1100 cardiac caths without open heart surgery backup. There are also 58 Florida hospitals with cardiac cath services without an open heart surgery program. The Baptist network in District 1 includes two other hospitals of 60 and 55 beds, and affiliations with four of the five hospitals located in Baldwin and Escambia Counties, Alabama. Baptist's actual medical/surgical bed size is 388, as compared to 391 operational and 40 more approved for a total of 431 at Sacred Heart, and 379 at West Florida Regional. All three of the Pensacola hospitals are described by AHCA's witnesses as "large." Since the late 1980's, Baptist has followed a long range plan to develop a first floor heart center. The most recent cath lab construction included shelled-in space to relocate the backup lab from the fourth floor to the first floor. The projected cost of moving the lab, as is, is $50,000 to $60,000. By comparison to the first floor lab, the fourth floor lab equipment is not state-of-the-art. Upgrading the fourth floor lab is expected to cost $400,000. Baptist has a large volume cardiology program, with a broad range of services, and claims to treat sicker cardiac patients. In fiscal year 1993, there were 1106 cardiac caths, 146 electrophysiology studies, 118 pacemaker implants, 69 coronary angioplasties, 20 vascular angioplasties, and 28 defibrillator implants. Baptist's claim that it provided services to more severe cardiac cases, based on a computer analysis of unknown variables with inadequately explained data input is not substantiated. If open heart surgery services are not approved at Baptist, the cardiology program will not be able to expand to include alternative less invasive techniques which require open heart surgery backup. Without open heart surgery, however, other cardiology services at Baptist have been able to develop and currently contribute approximately $12 million annually to net revenue, with a $6.4 million contribution margin. In the cardiac diagnostic categories, 80 percent of Baptist patients come from Escambia County with an additional 5 percent from Santa Rosa County. Baptist anticipates having the capacity in its two cardiac cath labs to handle the anticipated increase of 100 to 150 angioplasties, expected to result from the establishment of an open heart surgery program, in its two laboratories which are currently at 65 percent utilization. Utilization is approximately 80 percent in the first floor cath lab, which is used for almost all cardiac caths and angioplasties. The fourth floor cath lab is used exclusively for pacemaker implants and electrophysiology studies, not for cardiac caths or angioplasties. If approved, Baptist can meet the requirement of AHCA rules related to adequate staffing and the availability and quality of its service. Angioplasties were performed at Baptist, prior to the requirement for back-up open heart surgery services. However, an exception was given to Baptist in a letter from AHCA's predecessor agency in 1987. Baptist is allowed to have invasive cardiologists perform angioplasties in an emergency or if open heart surgery is not a viable option, as happens for some patients who have had prior open heart surgeries. Proposed CON Conditions As a condition for approval of this project, Baptist proposes to set charges, through September 1997, at the lesser of actual charges or 85 percent of the inflated average charges of the two existing providers, but not less than 50 percent of charges. Initially, Baptist proposed to adhere to the condition for the first three years, from July 1994 to September 1997. Having been delayed due to litigation, Baptist's expert financial witness testified that Baptist would adhere to the condition for three years after approval of the application. Baptist did not agree to adhere permanently to the fixed price structure, although no time limit is set in the AHCA draft of the proposed condition. AHCA did not consider the proposed condition a not normal circumstance in this or a prior Baptist application. District 1 already has the lowest average charges statewide for open heart surgery services. Statewide charges are 27 percent higher than the average for Pensacola and 42 percent higher than Sacred Heart's. There will not be an enhancement of financial access as a result of approval of the Baptist CON. In addition, relatively few patients would benefit from the proposed fixed charges. Medicare, Medicaid, and managed care contractual agreements will not be affected by the proposed fixed rate charge structure. Baptist also proposed to adhere to a CON condition to monitor and maintain annual minimum volumes of 350 open heart surgeries at Sacred Heart and West Florida. In its CON application, Baptist projects 85 to 100 of its projected 165 open heart surgeries in year one would otherwise have been performed at Sacred Heart. The loss of net income was projected at $1.37 million or 9.6 percent of total net income. Baptist projected 35 surgeries lost to West Florida Regional, and the financial loss of a half a million dollars, or 6 percent of net income. Baptist's expert, Dr. Luke, noted that at least 925 open heart procedures must be performed in 1997 to allow Sacred Heart and West Florida Regional to maintain the 350 minimum volume of procedures. If there are three open heart surgery providers in Escambia County in 1998, Dr. Luke conceded that one of those programs will not have a minimum volume of 350 open heart surgery procedures a year. Historically, the required volume of open heart surgeries was exceeded only in 1992, and the highest projected volume by Baptist's expert is 1,100 for 1998. See, Findings of Fact 12 and 14. Baptist's expert asserted that the surgeons volume is more directly related to quality than the hospital's volume, but the hospital volume requirement is specifically recognized as a factor in Rule 59C-1.033(7)(c). To the extent that open heart surgery volumes at an existing provider decline, it is unlikely that Baptist can control decisions which are made based on the convenience of cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons, increasingly by health maintenance organizations and other insurers, and the preferences of patients or their families. While the proposed 350 minimum condition is intended to avoid adverse effects of the approval, there is no reason to create and then have to alleviate that potential problem absent a showing of need or not normal circumstances. The proposed condition is not, in and of itself, a not normal circumstance. Other Criteria Related To Need Local Health Plan The 1992 District 1 Allocation Factors Report is the applicable local health plan to the review of Baptist's CON application. However, the 1990 District 1 Allocation Factors were analyzed by Baptist, and therefore, the Baptist application addressed only those preferences common to the two plans. Preference one favors an applicant demonstrating cost efficiency, lower project costs, and the least increase in patient charges. Beyond the first three years of the program for very few patients, the fixed rate charge structure will not be effective in keeping patient costs lower. Therefore, Baptist does not meet the preference. The lowest cost expansion of open heart surgery services in the district is the use of the excess capacity at West Florida Regional, with capacity for 800 to 1000 open heart surgeries as compared to the highest district-wide projection of 1,100 open heart surgeries in 1998. See, Finding of Facts 14 and 16. The second preference for bed conversions to increase utilization is not applicable to the proposed project. Preference three favors converting existing capacity to expand services over new construction. Baptist proposed to dedicate 2 exising rooms for open heart surgery, and to renovate 9,660 square feet, including a 2-bed expansion of the existing 8-bed cardiac care unit (CCU), to relocate a 6-bed eye unit, to expand by 9-beds an existing 18-bed step-down unit, to establish of a 12-bed progressive care unit, and to relocate a cystoscopy room. Total project costs are projected to equal $2,350,000. The Baptist proposal for renovations is preferable to new construction, but cannot be favored due to the alternative of using exising capacity at West Florida Regional. Preference four for joint ventures or shared services that mutually increase efficiency as opposed to unilateral CON applications is not given to Baptist. Although the same group of cardiologists presently operates the cardiovascular surgeries as a unified program at both Baptist and Sacred Heart, this application is a unilateral application, not a joint program. It is a duplicative program. The fifth preference, for applicants proposing to serve patients regardless of ability to pay, favors the Baptist application. In response to the sixth preference, for applicants agreeing to provide the greatest percentage of Medicaid and indigent services, Baptist proposes 3.03 percent of cases to be Medicaid patients and 3.03 percent indigent patients for the first year of operation, and 2.44 percent Medicaid and 2.93 percent indigent for the second year, or up to 15 indigents in year one, and 19 in year two of initiating a open heart surgery program. In total operations at Baptist in 1991, Medicaid was approximately 20 percent and charity 3 percent. Sacred Heart which, like Baptist, is a disproportionate share provider, averaged approximately 23 percent Medicaid and 5 percent charity. West Florida provided approximately 4 percent Medicaid and 9 percent charity. Baptist is entitled to partial preference to the extent that its provision of Medicaid exceeds that of West Florida. Preference seven, for applicants demonstrating a history of serving the greatest percentage of indigent and Medicaid patients, is met by Baptist. Baptist is a disproportionate share provider of services to Medicaid and charity care. In 1991, Baptist also provided 7.3 percent charity and uncompensated care. The eighth preference, for expansion of existing facilities as opposed to the establishment and construction of a freestanding facility, is not applicable to this case. Preference nine for applications which increase a facility's weighted occupancy rate, preference ten for a facility with an actual occupancy rate equal to or above the weighted occupancy rate and preference eleven to avoid a decrease in a facility's weighted occupancy rate were not addressed by Baptist, having not been included in the earlier local plan. Preference twelve is given to CON applicants who describe the impact on patient case load and the estimated increase in subdistrict case load, but not to applicants who do not supply this information. Baptist met the preference by providing an analysis of the impact on patient case loads at Sacred Heart and West Florida Regional. Preference thirteen is given for CON applications that include a five year projected occupancy rate for the applicant facility that is equal to or greater than the rule standard rate for facilities, as specified in the state rule paragraph 59C-1.038(7)(e), currently 75 percent. Baptist did not provide five year projected occupancy rates. Preference fourteen, related to pediatric units, is not applicable to Baptist's proposal. Preference fifteen, related to eliminating ICU/CCU units of less than 10 beds, is not applicable to this project. Preference sixteen is met by Baptist's plans to establish periodic internal evaluations of staff and equipment performance. Baptist committed to meet preference seventeen by providing initial and ongoing training and educational programs for staff members treating or caring for open heart patients, including training staff at an existing high- volume hospital in Orlando. Preference eighteen is given for the creation and use of data collection systems to monitor and report patient volume, patient origin, charges, safety problems and complications. Baptist agrees to meet preference eighteen by collecting and reporting data for open heart surgery services, as it currently does for all other services. Preference nineteen for written referral agreements between facilities in District 1 is not met by Baptist. Preference twenty for a plan to record instances of service repetition due to poor results, data, or images, is met. An index of performance currently exists for cardiac cases at Baptist. The preference for applicants that demonstrate a history of or willingness to commit to provide health care services to AIDS patients, preference twenty-one, was not addressed by Baptist. Preference twenty-two, given to CON applicants that demonstrate they have provided the greatest percentage of the facility's available annual patient days to AIDS patients has not been addressed. On balance, Baptist failed to demonstrate compliance with the applicable local health plan, in part by failing to address some of the preferences. Baptist does meet preferences for serving patients regardless of their ability to pay, for its proposal to serve Medicaid and indigent patients, for having done so in the past, for quality assurance, data collection and training programs, and for including an impact analysis. State Health Plan The 1989 Florida State Health Plan provides six allocation preferences related to the review of CONs to establish open heart surgery programs. The first state plan preference favors applicants establishing new open heart surgery programs in larger counties in which the percentage of elderly is higher than the statewide average and the total population exceeds 100,000. Although the population of Escambia County exceeds 250,000, the preference is not met because the percentage of the population age 65 or over is 12.24 percent, in contrast to the statewide average of 18.59 percent. State plan preference two, for new open heart surgery programs which will reach a volume of 350 adult procedures annually within three years of initiating the program, is not met. Baptist projects that it will perform 165 open heart surgery procedures in the first year of operation and 205 operations in its second year of operation. Baptist did not include a third year projection. With a CON condition that Sacred Heart and West Florida will retain a minimum of 350 procedures, Baptist's expert, Dr. Luke, conceded that Baptist cannot achieve the 350 volume by its third year of operation. State preference three, for improved geographic accessibility and reduced travel time for residents leaving the district for open heart surgeries is not met by the Baptist application. Out-migration from District 1 is extremely low, approximately 3 percent, and the geographic access standard is met. State plan preference four, for hospitals which meet Medicaid disproportionate share criteria, is met by Baptist. State preference five which, in general, favors larger more efficient facilities is met by Baptist. Baptist has 388 medical/surgical beds, with $12 million in net revenue annually from its cardiology program. A large hospital is described by AHCA witnesses as one exceeding 350 to 400 beds. State health plan preference six, for applicants with protocols for the use of alternative non-surgical therapeutic cardiac procedures, is met by Baptist. On balance, Baptist's CON application does not comply with the state health plan. Although it meets the preferences for treating patients regardless of ability to pay, for a disproportionate share provider, and for a large, efficient hospital, and for the types of services proposed, Baptist is not located in an area with demographic characteristics indicative of need, and does not have the ability to attract enough patients from that population to reach sufficient open heart surgery volumes to assure a quality program. AHCA Review of the Baptist CON Application Dr. James T. Howell, the AHCA Division Director for Health Policy and Cost Containment, made the decision to approve the Baptist open heart surgery CON, because of Baptist's substantial, active, sophisticated cardiology program, its status as a high disproportionate share provider, its size, and because the results of the numeric need calculation and the formula for determining the reduced volume at existing providers were close to that required by rule. See, Finding of Fact 7. In February, 1993, after the numeric need publication and prior to the filing of the application at issue in this case, Dr. Howell, Albert Granger, and Robert Sharpe of AHCA met with the Mayor of Pensacola who is also Senior Vice President of Baptist Health Care and President of Baptist Health Care Foundation, and Baptist's Vice President for Planning who expressed frustration over the denials of its prior open heart surgery CON applications. Baptist submitted CON applications for open heart surgery in 1987, 1989, 1991, 1992, and 1993. Among the issues of concern was the status of Sacred Heart and West Florida Regional as grandfathered providers resulting in their having "a permanent franchise." Baptist representatives expressed concern about their ability ever to secure an open heart surgery program under the current rules. After that meeting, the rule amendment process was initiated to allow consideration of data reported up to 3 months, rather than 6 months prior to the publication of the fixed need pool. At the time the Baptist application for CON 7184 was reviewed, the amendment had not been adopted. No other change in the open heart surgery rule has been made subsequent to the review of the prior Baptist CON application. When the Baptist application for CON 7184 was filed initially, Laura MacLafferty was assigned as AHCA's primary reviewer. The state agency action report ("SAAR") represents her factual analysis of the application, although she did not and, routinely, does not make recommendations to issue or deny CONs. Ms. MacLafferty and her supervisor, Alberta Granger, are not aware of any AHCA non-rule policy to determine if a calculation of minimum volume is "close" enough to the 350 standard of the rule, nor any agency guidelines to determine when a hospital is "large" or "operates a large cardiology program" which should include open heart surgery. Subsequent to reviewing the Baptist application, in December 1993, Ms. MacLafferty reviewed another open heart surgery application from District 1, filed on behalf of Fort Walton Beach Medical Center. In her review of both the Baptist and Fort Walton applications, Ms. MacLafferty found no documentation that patients in District 1 experienced problems with access to open heart surgery services. Ms. MacLafferty submitted the draft SAAR to a supervisor, Alberta Granger. The draft SAAR was retrieved from her desk, prior to Ms. Granger's reviewing it. It was removed by Elizabeth Dudek, who heads AHCA's CON and health care board sections. Ms. Granger did not review the SAAR, which was prepared by Ms. MacLafferty. The final draft was returned to Ms. Granger for her to sign on July 7, 1993. This was the only time since Ms. Granger became supervisor in the CON office, that she has not reviewed and discussed with Ms. Dudek SAARs prepared by her staff. Ms. Granger had been the primary reviewer of Baptist's 1989 CON application. Ms. Granger and her supervisor, Ms. Dudek, are aware that in this case and in one or more of its prior CON open heart surgery applications, Baptist argued that its size, scope of cardiology services, and proposed fixed rate structure were reasons to approve its proposal. Ms. Granger stated, and Ms. Dudek confirmed, that the usual procedure was not followed in the review of this and one other application in this batching cycle. In this batching cycle, Dr. Howell requested that Mr. Sharpe, head of AHCA's planning section, also review those two open heart surgery applications. Ms. Dudek recalls, that prior to 1987, there were two batches of approximately 12 total applications in which agency personnel other than the CON staff was involved in the review of CON applications. In making his decision on the Baptist application, Dr. Howell consulted Ms. Dudek and Mr. Sharpe. Ms. Dudek, who heads the CON and health care board section, was not initially in favor of the approval of the Baptist application. Mr. Sharpe, head of the planning section, prepared a 9 page analysis of the pros and cons of the Baptist proposal. The Sharpe analysis demonstrates that an increase of 9 additional open heart surgeries during the 12 month reporting period, and the use of the more current data under the pending rule revision would have resulted in the need for one additional open heart surgery program in District 1. The memorandum also demonstrated that a lower future volume of open heart surgeries is projected by using the actual use rate, as required by Rule 59C-1.033(7)(6)2, rather than a trended use rate. If these adjustments to the data are made to achieve numeric need, then Baptist's application could be approved without a showing of not normal circumstances. The memorandum also reported the October 1991-September 1992 volumes of cardiac cath admissions at Baptist as 2,677, at Sacred Heart as 2053, and at HCA West Florida as 1,915, with the conclusion that Baptist "had the largest number of cardiac catheterization admissions of the three hospitals." The evidence in this proceeding is that the memorandum was in error. Actual volumes for October 1991-September 1992 were 912 at Baptist, not 2677. Dr. Howell found Baptist's proposal consistent with health care reform trends towards eliminating the need for CON regulation by enhancing market competitive forces, as a part of Florida's managed competition model, as explained in the Sharpe analysis. Similarly, Dr. Luke described the 1980's use of the CON process to control costs by limiting duplication and the rejection of institution specific planning as outdated. Dr. Luke also favors a model of competition for cost controls. At this time, however, these positions have not been adopted in Florida Statutes and rules. The 1994 Florida Health Security Plan, however, recommends the continuation of CON review of all tertiary services, including open heart surgery. That plan was submitted as a part of AHCA's 1994 legislative proposals. Ms. Dudek described traditional "not normal" circumstances as issues related to financial, geographic, or programmatic access to the proposed service by potential patients, and not facility specific concerns. Facility specific concerns, in this case, include Baptist's attempt to retain cardiologists who wish to perform procedures not approved at Baptist and to improve its position to compete for managed care contracts. Baptist has failed to show not normal circumstances for the departure from the open heart surgery rule, statutes and prior complications of the criteria to the review of CON applications. Baptist has also failed to demonstrate that the facts of this case justify a departure from the guidelines set by rule for the need methodology, use rate and population projections, and the minimum volumes at existing providers.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered denying the application of Baptist Hospital of Pensacola for certificate of need number 7184 to establish an adult open heart surgery program in Agency for Health Care Administration District 1. DONE AND ENTERED this 18th day of November, 1994, in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida. ELEANOR M. HUNTER Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of November, 1994. APPENDIX To comply with the requirements of Section 120.59(2), Fla. Stat. (1991), the following rulings are made on the parties' proposed findings of fact: Sacred Heart Hospital of Pensacola's Proposed Findings of Fact. 1-11. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 3. 12-14. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 15. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 4. Accepted in Finding of Fact 16. Accepted in Finding of Fact 2. Accepted in Findings of Fact 2, 3 and 4. Accepted in Finding of Fact 5. Accepted in Finding of Fact 3. Accepted in Findings of Fact 3 and 4. Accepted in Finding of Fact 5. Accepted in Findings of Fact 3 and 4. Accepted in Finding of Fact 24. Accepted in Finding of Fact 18. Issue not reached. 27-28. Accepted in Findings of Fact 11 and 12. Accepted first two sentences in Findings of Fact 15 and 16. Remainder issue not reached. Accepted. Accepted. 32-35. Accepted in Findings of Fact 11 - 16. 36. Accepted in Findings of Fact 6 and 7. 37-38. Subordinate to Finding of Fact 6 and 7. 39. Accepted in Finding of Fact 60. 40-46. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 15. 47-49. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 16. 50-53. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 26. 54-64. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 3 and 15. 65-70. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 12 and 15. 71. Issue not reached. 72-78. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 4, 12, and 16. 79-88. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 18-20. 89-95. Accepted in Finding of Fact 15. 96. Accepted in Finding of Fact 20. 97-101. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 15. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 4 and 16. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 4 and 16. Accepted in Finding of Fact 3. 105-110. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 21-30 and 75. Accepted in Finding of Fact 12. Accepted in Findings of Fact 3-5 and 17. 113-121. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 29 and 30. 122-126. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 27. 127-135. Issue not reached. 136-138. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 9 and 10. 139-141. Accepted in general in Findings of Fact 74 - 77. 142-149. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 29 and 30. West Florida's Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted in Findings of Fact 3 and 4. Accepted in Findings of Fact 1 and 6. 3-13. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 61-76. 14-15. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 1 and 68. 16. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 64-68 and 75. 17-21. Accepted in Findings of Fact 6-7. 22-24. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 17. 25. Accepted in Findings of Fact 2 and 11. 26-27. Accepted in Findings of Fact 3 and 4. 28. Subordinate to Finding of Fact 3 and 4. 29-30. Accepted in Finding of Fact 17. 31-32. Accepted in Finding of Fact 11. 33. Accepted in Findings of Fact 15 and 16. 34-36. Subordinate to Findings of Fact 11 and 12. 37-45. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 4 and 16. 46-55. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 11-14. 56-79. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 14, 29, 30 and 55. 80-83. Accepted in Findings of Fact 68, 75 and 77. 84. Accepted in Findings of Fact 29 and 30. 85-87. Accepted in Findings of Fact 27 and 28. 88. Accepted in Findings of Fact 17-19. 89-90. Accepted in Findings of Fact 21-24. 91-92. Accepted in Finding of Fact 15. 93-97. Accepted in Finding of Fact 16. 98-100. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 61, 63, 71-74 and 77. 101. Accepted in Findings of Fact 27-28. 102-105. Accepted in Findings of Fact 9 and 10. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 11. Accepted in Finding of Fact 75. Accepted in Findings of Fact 23-24. Baptist Hospital, Inc.'s and AHCA's Proposed Findings of Fact. Accepted. Accepted in Finding of Fact 1. Accepted in Finding of Fact 6. Accepted in Finding of Fact 12. Accepted in Finding of Fact 7. Accepted in Finding of Fact 72. Accepted in Finding of Fact 8. Accepted in Finding of Fact 2. 9-11. Accepted in Finding of Fact 21. Accepted in Findings of Fact 2, 51 and 60. Accepted in Finding of Fact 24. 14-16. Accepted in Finding of Fact 34. Accepted in Finding of Fact 3. Accepted in Finding of Fact 4. 19-24. Accepted in Findings of Fact 21-23. 25-30. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 26. 31-37. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 21-26. 38. Rejected in Finding of Fact 23. 39-53(a-g) Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 18-24. 54. Rejected in Finding of Fact 20. 55-58. Accepted in Finding of Fact 15. Rejected in Finding of Fact 15. Accepted in Finding of Fact 15. Accepted in Finding of Fact 26. Accepted in Finding of Fact 15. 63-66. Rejected conclusions in Finding of Fact 15. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 15. Rejected conclusions in Finding of Fact 15. 69-78. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 15. 79-81. Rejected in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 17. 82-84. Rejected in or subordinate to conclusion in Finding of Fact 17. 85. Subordinate to Finding of Fact 15. 86-87. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 13 and 21. 88-90. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 18. 91-94. Rejected in Finding of Fact 15. 95-97. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 15. 98-121. Issues not reached or rejected in Findings of Fact 74-77 except that the reference to a shared cardiology program should be understood to mean unified operation of programs under one group of cardiologists serving two hospitals, not "joint, cooperative or shared," as AHCA has previously defined those terms in construing subsection 408.035(1)(e), Florida Statutes. Accepted in or subordinate to Finding of Fact 4. Accepted in Finding of Fact 4. 124-132. Issue not reached or rejected in Findings of Fact 74-77 except that the reference to a shared cardiology program should be understood to mean unified operation of programs under one group of cardiologists serving two hospitals, not "joint, cooperative or shared," as AHCA has previously defined those terms in construing subsection 408.035(1)(e), Florida Statutes. 133-134. Accepted in Findings of Fact 15-18. 135. Accepted in Finding of Fact 75. 136-138. Conclusion not support by testimony cited. 139-145. Accepted in Findings of Fact 2, 36, 37, 38 and 57. 146-152. Accepted in or subordinate to Findings of Fact 1, 29 and 30. 153-165(a-c) Rejected conclusions that highest projections of growth in open heart surgery is reasonable in District 1 in Findings of Fact 11-16. 165(d) Rejected as insignificant number in Finding of Fact 12. 165(e-g) Rejected in Finding of Fact 19. 165(h) Accepted in Findings of Fact 9-10. Rejected in Finding of Fact 29. Accepted as shared is defined in Finding of Fact 20. 168-172. Rejected in Findings of Fact 29-30. 173-177. Rejected conclusions in Findings of Fact 29-30. 178-181. Rejected in Findings of Fact 4, 16, 17 and 18. 182-186. Accepted in 1 as explained in Findings of Fact 27 and 28. Rejected in part in Finding of Fact 52 and accepted in part in Findings of Fact 60. Rejected as most relevant in Findings of Fact 60. 189-199. Accepted in Finding of Fact 25. 200-201. Issue not reached. COPIES FURNISHED: William Wiley, Esquire Darrell White, Esquire Charles A. Stampelos, Esquire McFarlain, Wiley, Cassedy & Jones 600 First Florida Bank Building 215 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John Radey, Esquire Jeffrey Frehn, Esquire Aurell, Radey, Hinkle, Thomas & Baranek 101 North Monroe Street, Suite 1000 Post Office Drawer 11307 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Michael J. Cherniga, Esquire Greenberg, Traurig, Hoffman Post Office Drawer 1838 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 W. Dexter Douglass, Esquire John A. Rudolph, Jr., Esquire Douglass & Powell Post Office Box 1674 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Richard Patterson, Esquire Agency for Health Care Administration 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Agency for Health Care Administration Atrium Building, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303 Harold D. Lewis, Esquire The Atrium, Suite 301 325 John Knox Road Tallahassee, Florida 32303
Findings Of Fact St. Anthony's is a 434 bed nonprofit acute care hospital located in St. Petersburg, Florida. On September 15, 1987, St. Anthony's filed an application for a CON to establish and implement an open heart surgery program in its facility. The Department filed a notice of intent to deny the application in January, 1988, and thereafter, St. Anthony's filed a Petition for Formal Administrative Hearing to contest the denial. Intervenors, All Children's and Bayfront sought and were granted leave to intervene in the proceeding. By Pre-hearing Stipulation, the parties have agreed to the following Findings of Fact: Each of the parties has a record of providing good quality of care. The licensure and accreditation of each party is not at issue and need not be proven. The equipment proposed by St. Anthony's in its application is adequate and the costs projected for that equipment are reasonable. The staffing levels and related salaries as proposed by St. Anthony's in its application are appropriate and reasonable. The architectural plans and related costs for St. Anthony's proposed project are appropriate and reasonable. The total project costs proposed by St. Anthony's in its application are appropriate and reasonable. St. Anthony's has the ability to finance the project costs. Projected revenues and expenses set out in the pro forma financial projections by St. Anthony's are reasonable. St. Anthony's presently provides a full range of acute, general, medical, and surgical services, and surgical subspecialties including neuro- surgery, maxillofacia surgery, thoracic surgery, and peripheral vascular surgery. It also offers broad psychiatric, substance abuse, and obstetrical services and a full time emergency room capability. It also provides cardiology services including cardiac catheterization. It has a historic commitment to cardiology services, establishing a cardiac catheterization lab in 1961, a coronary care unit in 1968, and a holter monitor service in 1973. In 1975, it established the community's first echocardiography laboratory, and as early as 1965, seriously considered establishing an open heart surgery program at the facility. This program was not, however, developed at the time. St. Anthony's continued its involvement in the area of cardiography and its program covers a full array of diagnostic services including echocardiography, nuclear cardiography, and basic electrocardiography, and possesses a magnetic resonance imaging unit which can be used in the diagnosis of heart problems. Additionally, it has a well equipped vascular laboratory and peripheral vascular disease program as well as a cardiac rehabilitation program and a wellness center that is aimed at early identification and prevention. St. Anthony's is also the site of the Rogers Heart Foundation, a nonprofit, privately funded foundation established in the late 1950's to perform research, education, and clinical diagnostic studies in the field of cardiovascular diseases. As a result of the activities of the foundation, St. Anthony's is well known by physicians in the area as a center for cardiac training and expertise, and until recently, was a participant with Emory University in that institution's cardiac fellowship training program. St. Anthony's has a long tradition in the service area for providing indigent services and is one of the major providers of charity and indigent care in Pinellas County. This care is provided through direct free care to patients as well as discounted charges and the write-off of bad debts. It also provides services through Medicaid and through write-off of Medicare deductible and coinsurance portions of patients' charges. All Children's Hospital is a 113 bed children's hospital located in St. Petersburg approximately two miles from St. Anthony's. It is a full service tertiary facility which serves as a referral center for children from throughout the State of Florida and currently has an approved CON for an additional 55 beds. Following construction, which is due to begin in February, 1989, All Children's will have 6 operating rooms, 2 cardiac catheterization labs, and 5 additional surgical intensive care unit beds for a total of 13 ICU beds. At the present time it has 2 operating rooms used for open heart surgery and 2 cardiac catheterization labs. The hospital has a strong affiliation with the University of South Florida College of Medicine in Tampa. All Children's open heart program began several years after the hospital opened its first cardiac catheterization lab for children in the early 1970's. This came about when several cardiologists whose patients were primarily adult, and who were unable to utilize the facilities at the Rogers Heart Foundation because of its closed status, asked to make use of All Children's cardiac catheterization unite. Since this was consistent with All Children's efforts to increase the quality of its program through higher volume, All Children's began making its services available to adults admitted to Bayfront Hospital, a neighboring facility, with cardiac catheterization done by the patient's cardiologist in the All Children's facility. All Children's currently has 3 pediatric cardiologists and approximately 12 to 15 adult cardiologists on staff. The primary cardiac surgical team consists of Drs. Daicoff and Botero. At the present time, approximately 34% of the adult and pediatric patients treated at All Children's are Medicaid patients. Uncompensated indigent care provided at All Children's ranged from 16.52% in 1986 to 18.03% in 1987 and Medicaid patient days ranged from 30.4% in 1986 to 34.2% in 1987. Bayfront's uncompensated care was 22.15% in 1986 and 23.93% in 1987 while Medicaid patient days for that facility were 7.6% in 1986 and 8.9% in 1987. St. Anthony's devoted 1.2% of its total patient days in 1986 to Medicaid patients and 2.3% of it's total patient days in 1987. Bayfront is a 518 bed not-for-profit, full service acute care hospital located in St. Petersburg adjacent to All Children's. It was founded prior to 1968 as Mound Park Hospital, owned by the City of St. Petersburg, but in 1968, separated from city ownership and became known as Bay front Medical Center. Its mission is to provide care to all citizens in St. Petersburg and the surrounding area regardless of their ability to pay, and it offers a full range of services with the pediatric component provided by its neighbor, All Children's. It has 450 physicians on medical staff. Bayfront serves as a teaching hospital working in conjunction with the University of South Florida Medical School and providing a residency program in Pinellas County covering the entire spectrum of health care training at the facility. Bayfront runs a comprehensive cancer service approved by the American College of Surgeons and its obstetrical and gynecological women's service accounts for approximately 4,500 births per year. With All Children's, it participates in a prenatology program for high risk mothers and infants as part of a regional care program. Bayfront provides helicopter emergency coverage for its trauma center which averages 50,000 emergency room visits per year. The trauma service, staffed on a 24 hour a day basis by a full complement of surgeons, includes open heart surgery capability available for trauma related heart surgery needs. All Children's and Bayfront are connected to each other by an enclosed passageway. Taken together, the primary service area of the three hospital parties to this action is the southern half of Pinellas County up to approximately Ulmerton Road. Because of their geographical proximity to each other and their diverse but complementary populations, All Children's and Bayfront have developed working programs on a shared service basis in an effort to hold down the cost of health care in the community and to avoid unnecessary duplication of service. The Department has recognized and continues to recognize the shared nature of the All Children's/Bayfront open heart surgery program and the Boards of Directors of both institutions, as early as 1975, agreed to share open heart surgery services. The shared program for cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery are now known as the "Cardiac Center of Excellence". Under the "Center" concept, diagnostic services are shared. All Children's Hospital's previously described cardiac catheterization laboratory and its non-invasive diagnostic study equipment is complemented by Bayfront's cardiac catheterization laboratory and its non-invasive diagnostic services including EKG, 2-D echo color flow doppler, magnetic resonance imaging, holter monitoring, and stress testing. Not only are diagnostic services shared by the two facilities but therapeutic services are shared as well. All Children's provides 2 open heart surgery operating suites, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, laser angioplasty, and intensive care units for children and adult post operative patients. Bayfront provides laser angioplasty and its cardiac catheterization laboratory has the capability to do emergency angioplasty procedures. Once these have been accomplished, Bayfront has a coronary care unit, a surgical unit for post operative patients, and a progressive care unit for its adult patients progressing toward discharge. Transportation services are also shared as are rehabilitation services. All Children's mobile intensive care unit is available to provide ground transportation for adults and children and it has entered into appropriate cardiac transportation protocols with outlying hospitals. Bayfront provides helicopter transportation for children and adults to its trauma center and, too, has appropriate cardiac transportation protocols similar to those entered into by All Children's. This joint program, which has grown to provide up to date, sophisticated, high quality cardiac care to both adults and children, minimizes operating costs and capital investment. An entire range of cardiac services is available with highly trained physicians and professional staff and state of the art equipment and facilities to both adult and pediatric patients. When an adult patient requires open heart surgery at the "Center", he is admitted to Bayfront the day prior to surgery where preliminary preparation is accomplished. On the day of surgery, the patient is prepared and Bayfront personnel transport the patient through the underground connection to All Children's where the actual surgery takes place. Subsequent to the surgery, the patient will normally be kept over night at All Children's in a surgical ICU whereupon, barring complications, he is then transferred by Bay front personnel back to Bay front to continue recovery in a cardiac surgical ICU. The remainder of the recovery period, usually lasting about one week for an uncomplicated case, is accomplished at Bayfront, and upon completion of recovery, the patient is discharged from that hospital, returning there for out patient treatment in Bayfront's cardiac rehabilitation program. In an emergency situation, when an adult patient is presented directly to All Children's for angioplasty, All Children arranges with Bayfront to admit the patient there within 24 hours. For non-Medicare patients, each facility bills the appropriate insurance carrier or patient for the charges for services rendered by each hospital. The Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement mechanisms by which All Children's and Bayfront are paid for providing open heart surgery differ substantially from the norm. The Health Care Finance Administration, which administers thee Medicare program recognizes the Bayfront/All Children's shared open heart surgery program for adults and has structured its reimbursement mechanism in an appropriate manner to accommodate that shared status. The normal method of fixed DRG payments is not followed. Because of accreditation requirements, the process becomes somewhat complicated in that the patient must be discharged from one facility and admitted to the other for surgery and vice-versa for recovery. However, representatives of both facilities claim, and there is no evidence to the contrary, that this procedure does not impose any burden on the patient or his family nor does it affect the quality of care. In fact, under the program, both facilities have been able to maintain an excellent quality of care. The physicians who practice there and who testified for St. Anthony's, indicated some scheduling problems relating to the availability of operating rooms at a time desired by the surgeon, but these problems have not affected quality of care and are being resolved through more acute scheduling and the addition of the 2 new surgical suites at All Children's. Between the two facilities, there are 15 cardiologists on both staffs who refer open heart patients for surgery. There are also 3 cardiovascular surgeons on staff at the two facilities, all of whom are members of the same physician group which exclusively performs open heart surgery under the shared program and which provides backup for all angioplasties in the "Center" program. One of these, Dr. Daicoff, indicated that although he would prefer the development of a single state of the art heart institute to serve the future needs of southern Pinellas County, he and his group would provide angioplasty backup as well as do surgery at St. Anthony's if the capability were approved and if he could be convinced that the St. Anthony's program would achieve the same level of high quality currently enjoyed by Bayfront and All Children's. Recognizing that the likelihood of a centralized heart institute is remote, Dr. Daicoff favors the approval of St. Anthony's program. Open heart surgery is currently being performed at two other hospitals in HRS District V, (Pinellas and Pasco Counties). These are the Largo Medical Center and Morton F. Plant Hospital, both of which are located close to the Ulmerton Road dividing line in the center of Pinellas County. These two facilities provide the majority of open heart surgery in the northern portion of Pinellas County and in Pasco County. Nonetheless, an open heart program at Bayonet Point Hospital in Pasco County was approved in December, 1987, not because of numerical need for the project, but because the applicant also sought approval for cardiac catheterization services. In that case, a need was shown for cardiac catheterization services in Pasco County, and a lab at Bayonet Point was approved. Because of the Department rule requiring open heart surgery backup within 30 minutes of a cardiac catheterization lab, no such backup otherwise being available for the Bayonet Point facility, its program was approved as well. The service area for open heart surgery for the three hospital parties to this proceeding is the St. Petersburg, Florida area. At the present time there are no major referrals to All Children's for open heart surgery from outside this area to the adult program operated in conjunction with Bayfront. The adult program at All Children's/Bayfront is centered around southern Pinellas County, an area in which the rate of growth is somewhat constant and not significant. The majority of growth in the county is located in the north end. For the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988, 268 adult open heart surgery procedures were performed at All Children's. During the same period, 160 children's cases were performed. During 1984, 257 adult and 48 pediatric open heart surgeries were performed at All Children's; during 1985, 215 adult and 75 pediatric; during 1986, 258 adult and 46 pediatric; and during 1987, 268 adult and 72 pediatric. If all theatres at All Children's were operated on a capacity basis, as many as 520 open heart procedures could be accomplished. This would require performing 2 surgeries per day, 5 days a week, 52 weeks per year. At the present time, nowhere near this load is being carried. St. Anthony's contends this would not be realistic. However, additional capacity exists at All Children's to accommodate increased open heart surgery if required. The proper time frame for determining the "actual use rate" referenced in the Department's rule for determining need assessment for new open heart surgery services is July, 1986 through June, 1987. During that period, 299 procedures, including pediatric, were performed at All Children's with 432 total procedures being performed at Largo and 392 at Morton F. Plant. This constitutes a total of 1,123 open heart procedures within the District. St. Anthony's contends that open heart surgery procedures by themselves, however, are net the only factor for consideration. Cardiac catheterization is no longer merely a diagnostic procedure but constitutes a place for acute intervention. Cardiac catheterization practice has increased radically and has carried with it an increase in open heart surgeries. St. Anthony's cannot fully implement a cardiac catheterization program by adding angioplasty without the concomitant open heart surgery capability required for the full operation of angioplasty and its related programs. Without an open heart capability at St. Anthony's, it's ability to provide a full array of non- open heart cardiac catheterization services is constrained. It urges that from a medical standpoint, it would be beneficial to the patient to have acute intervention and angioplasty available at that hospital rather than , as is presently the case, disrupting cardiac care and courting the danger of additional coronary problems, the risk of which is increased when a patient must be transported to another hospital for the angioplasty and acute intervention procedures. St. Anthony's asserts that it will lose its reputation, built up over a period of 40 years, for a continuum of quality care if it is not permitted to provide the required surgical background for acute intervention and angioplasty. This is, however, only speculation not supported by any evidence of record. Rule 10-5.011(f), F.A.C. contains a methodology for determining numerical need for new programs and utilization guidelines for existing and approved programs which the Department uses when assessing the need for new open heart surgery services. Under the terms of the rule, the Department is to consider applications in context with applicable statutory and rule criteria and will not normally approve applications for new open heart surgery programs in a service area unless the conditions of subparagraphs 8 and 11 are met. Subparagraph 8 provides a formula for computing the projected number of open heart surgical procedures in the service area for the year in which the proposed open heart surgery program would initiate service. This is to be not more than two years into the future. This number, projected for the target year, is determined by multiplying the actual use rate, (the number of procedures per 100,000 population) in the service area for the twelve month period beginning fourteen months prior to the letter of intent deadline for the batching cycle, by the projected population in the service area in the year service is to be initiated. As was stated above, the proper time frame for determining actual use was July, 1986 through June, 1987, and during that period, a total of 1,123 procedures, including pediatric procedures, were performed at the three existing facilities in District V. Midway through the fiscal year cited above, the total population in District V was 1,082,797, resulting in an actual use rate of 103.7 procedures per 100,000 population. The population projection for the planning horizon is 1,135,819 persons as July 1, 1989, and when the actual use rate of 103.7 per 100,000 is applied, it is anticipated that 1,178 will be performed by July, 1989, the first projected year for the St. Anthony's program, if approved. Once one has arrived at the projected number of procedures in the target year by applying the methodology contained in paragraph 8 of the rule, one turns to the provisions of subparagraph 11 of the rule which provides for no additional open heart surgery programs unless: ... the service volume of each existing and approved open heart surgery program within the service area is operating at and is expected to continue to operate at a minimum of 350 adult open heart surgery cases per year or 130 pediatric heart cases per year; Subparagraph 11b provides: No additional open heart surgery programs shall be approved which will reduce the volume of existing open heart surgery facilities below 350 open heart procedures annually for adults and 130 pediatric heart procedures annually, 75 of which are open heart. In the state agency action report, the Department, in computing need for additional open heart programs, utilized a figure of 1,065 procedures in determining actual use rate which excluded surgeries performed upon children within the district at All Children's. At the hearing, the Department's representative, Mr. Jaffe, agreed that it would be more appropriate to utilize the entire number of procedures, including pediatric, (1,123), in order to develop a more accurate use rate. That is the figure which was used in the analysis in this Recommended Order. From a review of the provisions of subparagraph 11 of the rule, the 350 procedure standard is to be applied once estimated procedures during the target year are established. Since subparagraph 11a(I) provides for service volume of existing and approved programs, utilization of that figure results in a need for 3.4 programs based on the 1989 estimated procedures. Since 3 programs currently exist, (All Children's/Bayfront, Largo, and Morton F. Plant), and Bayonet Point's program has been approved, this results in a .6 open heart surgery program surplus. Even if Bayonet Point's program is not considered, then a need exists for only .4 programs which, when rounded down, is not sufficient to approve an additional program. Turning to the utilization provisions of subparagraph 11, it has been the Department's policy to determine utilization of existing programs for the time period over which the use rate is computed, here, July, 1986 through June, 1987. During that period, only 241 adult open heart procedures were performed at Bayfront/All Children's, and in the fiscal year ending September 30, 1988, the combined program accounted for 268 adult procedures. These numbers are not inconsistent with those used by St. Anthony's when adjustments are made to account for that portion of the total surgery figure which pertains to pediatric patients. They are also below the cutoff figure of 350 adult procedures for all existing or approved facilities in the District. St. Anthony's expert witness, Dr. Kolb, advanced an alternative theory that the "actual use rate" in the methodology established by rule should be adjusted to account for the out-migration of residents of District V to facilities outside the District for open heart surgery. She contended that the actual use rate had to account for all open heart surgeries performed on District residents regardless of where that surgery took place. If that theory were to be applied, then the total number of surgeries for the relevant time frame would have to increased from 1,123 to 1,883, and if that figure is incorporated in the rule computation, utilizing the 350 procedure unit of division, the calculation would show a 2.6 new program need if Bayfront Point were not taken into consideration. If it were, then the need, according to the expert, would be 1.6. Utilizing the Department's policy of rounding up or down as appropriate, even taking into account Bayonet Point, there would be a need for 2 new programs. However, St. Anthony's position is not well taken here. There is nothing in the Department's rule which by any reasonable interpretation can include an adjustment for out-migration. The Department has consistently applied its own rule to include only procedures performed at facilities in the district to determine actual use rate and this interpretation is both reasonable and justified. By statute, the Department is required to apply a uniform methodology. The data base available from all of the various districts within the state is not conducive to an application of an adjustment since double counting and the lack of uniformity appear inherent in any non-specified adjustment attempt. Another flaw in the expert's theory is that out-migrating patients would be recaptured by the development of additional programs within the district. This is not a justified assumption in that the out-migration occurs even though there is currently an underutilized capability within the district and it becomes obvious that many out-migrators go elsewhere for reasons totally unrelated to the availability of quality care within the district. Further, there is a substantial question as to the reliability of the data relied upon by St. Anthony's expert in her calculation of an assumed out-migration percentage. The expert relied upon Med Par data which reports on Medicare patients constituting 55 to 60 percent of the District V population. The expert's assumption that the same percentage of non-Medicare patients would out-migrate as Medicare patients do, is erroneous because experience has established that Medicare referral patterns do not necessarily match those appropriate to the rest of the population. Another factor to consider is that a substantial number of the people who make up the District V population are seasonal residents and many of these individuals return for major surgery, especially of an elective or non-emergency nature, to those areas from which they have come and with which they are most familiar and comfortable. St. Anthony's expert, in addition to suggesting an alternative to actual use rate, also suggests that instead of using a 350 procedure figure in calculating numerical need, a 200 procedure figure be used because of the independent pediatric program at All Children's Hospital. The Department urges that this be rejected on the basis that it ignores certain salient factors. One of these is that for the purpose of applying rule standards, All Children's/Bayfront's shared service qualifies as a single existing open heart surgery program. Also, open heart procedures, by their nature highly specialized and complex, require costly, highly specialized manpower and facility resources and the application of the rule procedure standard is, even in the eyes of Petitioner's planner, designed to limit unnecessary duplication of resources while maintaining a high quality of care. Petitioner shows no legitimate health care planning purpose for using any figure other than that called for by the rule and applied by the Department, which is found to be reasonable and appropriate. Moreover, there is a limited pool of nurses available to staff the specialized functions of an open heart surgery program or a CCU incident thereto. The nursing staff which works in these units is made up of specially trained individuals critical to the success of the program and it is generally difficult to recruit this caliber of nurse. In the event an additional facility, Petitioner, is authorized to establish its own separate program, it will have a substantial adverse impact on the staff situation at the existing facilities, and if basic economic principles apply, could result in an increase in nursing costs and a related increase in health care charges. Another factor to be considered is the potential for loss of patients at Bayfront/All Children's if the St. Anthony's operation is begun. One witness estimates a 42 percent (110 adult procedure) loss to Bayfront/All Children's based on the reasonable assumption that several of the cardiologists on staff at St. Anthony's, who currently refer patients to the group performing open heart surgery at All Children's, would begin to refer their patients to the "in house" capability at St. Anthony's where the surgery, now being performed at All Children's, would henceforth be accomplished. It is reasonable to expect that a substantial, if not 42 percent, loss will occur, and taken together, the loss of referrals and the loss of staff to St. Anthony's by the opening of that program would have a substantial adverse impact on the open heart surgery program at All Children's/Bayfront. This potential diminishment in the efficiency and quality of care in the existing open heart surgery program at All Children's/Bayfront, which may come about as the result in the reduction in number of adult patients treated there is not justified in that there is no showing that any group in District V, including the medically indigent, are receiving less than adequate treatment. Even assuming there 1:3 no need established utilizing the Department's numerical methodology, an applicant can successfully apply for a certificate of need if it shows there are "not normal" circumstances justifying award of the certificate. It has long been the Department's position that these "not normal" circumstances be raised by the applicant in the application prior to the completeness deadline in order for them to be legitimately heard, considered, and resolved at hearing. Review of the application submitted by St. Anthony's in this case fails to reveal that the applicant alleged or demonstrated any "not normal" circumstances and even that which might be so considered, the out- migration theory previously discussed herein, was not raised in the application, but only in the testimony of St. Anthony's expert at the hearing. Petitioner has shown no problems regarding financial accessibility nor has it shown that any identifiable subgroup within the district is having difficulty obtaining open heart services. Indigent patients are being served effectively and it was demonstrated that, as currently constituted, All Children's and Bayfront both provide a higher percentage of indigent care than does applicant, St. Anthony's. Assuming approval of St. Anthony's application, there is no indication it will increase its percentage of indigent care in the open heart surgery area above that which it already provides in the other services offered. Rule 10-5.011(f)4(a), FACE requires access to open heart surgery services within two hours for at least 90 percent of the service area population. There is no evidence offered by Petitioner to indicate that this standard is not being met by the existing facilities. St. Anthony's has not established by competent evidence its ability to recruit and maintain adequate, experienced staff to implement its open heart program if approved though, in reality, this may well be one of the lesser problems involved and, as was stated previously, there was no showing that approval of its program would, by enhancing competition, lower costs for health care services. Quite the contrary, it appears that St. Anthony's program would constitute an unnecessary duplication of a specialized service and would have an adverse impact upon the All Children's/Bayfront program and, possibly, the others within the district. Petitioner's evidence of prospective charges for open heart surgery, showing it to anticipate lower charges than Largo and Plant, is somewhat irrelevant in that those two facilities are located in an area of the district which does not fall within the primary service area considered here. Petitioner contends that the Department's approval of a CON for open heart surgery by Humana-Brandon, in District VI, and its approval of a certificate for open heart surgery for Tallahassee Community Hospital, in District III, are inconsistent with its denial of its application in District V. For a variety of reasons, other than the fact that the districts are different and the conditions dissimilar, there is little inconsistency involved. Granting approval of a CON for open heart surgery to St. Anthony's creates a legitimate concern that approval would cause the currently existing All Children's/Bayfront program to drop well below the 200 annual procedures considered necessary for quality of care. Further, in the Tallahassee area, a "not normal" situation existed which does not exist here. The geographical separation of alternative facilities in the Tallahassee area is substantially different and creates an entirely different picture that which exists in the District V/District VI area. Taken together, then, it is found that application of the numerical need and ancillary provisions of rule 10-5.011, F.A.C. demonstrates no numerical need for a new program and approval and implementation of St. Anthony's application would likely result in a diminishment, as opposed to enhancement, of the quality of open heart surgery care in the District as well as an increase rather than a decrease in health care costs. Further, it is found that there are no "not normal" circumstances, aliunde the numerical need, to justify approval of Petitioner's application.
Recommendation Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, therefore: RECOMMENDED that the application of St. Anthony's Hospital for approval of a certificate of need to establish and operate an open heart surgery program at its facility in St. Petersburg, Florida be denied. RECOMMENDED this 22nd day of February, 1989 at Tallahassee, Florida. ARNOLD H. POLLOCK, Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings The DeSoto Building 1230 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, FL 32399-1550 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 22nd day of February, 1989. APPENDIX TO RECOMMENDED ORDER, CASE NO. 88-0637 The following constitutes my specific rulings pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Statutes, on all of the Proposed Findings of Fact submitted by the parties to this case. By St. Anthony's Hospital: Accepted and incorporated herein Rejected as contra to the weight of the evidence. Accepted in so far as open heart surgery is not done at Bayfront. Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted - 13. Accepted and incorporated herein 14. - 22. Accepted and incorporated herein 23. - 26. Accepted and incorporated herein Rejected as not proven Rejected Rejected & 31. Accepted and incorporated herein Rejected & 34. Accepted and incorporated herein Last sentence rejected. Balance accepted. & 37. Accepted Accepted and incorporated herein Rejected. There was no showing any patient from St. Anthony's has been harmed by transfer to All Children's nor that patients or their families are dissatisfied. - 42. Rejected as not supported by evidence of record. 43. - 47. Accepted and incorporated herein 48. & 49. Accepted 50. & 51. Accepted as to total procedures in District V but rejected as to the conclusion that-all existing providers are performing at a level of more than 350 adult open heart surgeries per year. While Largo and Plant may, All Children's/Bayfront is not. 52. & 53. Accepted Rejected as not supported by the evidence Accepted as a cite to the pertinent rule - 59. Rejected. Out-migration is not a proper factor for consideration under statute or rule Accepted as to the rule not addressing mixed programs. - 63. Rejected as not consistent with the rule and proper implementation of the need methodology thereunder. The conclusion that all existing programs in District 10 are currently operating at more than 350 procedures annually is rejected. All Children's is not. Accepted Accepted and incorporated herein & 68. Rejected. Use of figures attributable to out- migration is not provided for or permitted by the rule. Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted Irrelevant. Even if true, there is no showing of the reason or that petitioner would capture these patients. Accepted Accepted Accepted & 76. Rejected. Cited provision of application stated "may" indicate, not "did' indicate. In addition, MEDPAR data relates only to Medicare patients and an extrapolation of that figure is not necessarily reliable. Accepted Accepted but not considered controlling in that the rule provides time reference for use in the methodology. Not established & 81. Accepted 82. Rejected as not supported by any independent evidence of record. Accepted - 87. Accepted 88. & 89. Rejected. Bayfront's application was withdrawn. 90. Accepted By the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1.-18. Accepted and incorporated herein 19. & 20. Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted and incorporated herein & 23. Accepted and incorporated herein 24. - 26. Accepted and incorporated herein 27. - 29. Accepted and incorporated herein 30. - 32. Accepted and incorporated herein 33. & 34. Accepted and incorporated herein 35. Accepted and incorporated herein 36. & 37. Accepted 38. - 40. Accepted and incorporated herein 41. No ruling. Not understood. 42. Accepted and incorporated herein 43. Accepted and incorporated herein 44. Accepted and incorporated herein 45. - 47. Accepted and incorporated herein 48. Accepted 49. - 55. Accepted and incorporated herein 56. Accepted 57. Accepted and incorporated herein 58. & 59. Accepted and incorporated herein 60. & 61. Accepted and incorporated herein 62. Accepted and incorporated herein 63. & 64. Accepted 65. Accepted and incorporated herein 66. Accepted 67. Accepted and incorporated herein 68. Accepted 69. Accepted By All Children's Hospital 1. - 3. Accepted and incorporated herein 4. & 5. Accepted 6. & 7. Rejected as a summary of testimony and not a Finding of Fact 8. & 9. Accepted 10. - 19. Accepted and incorporated herein 20. - 22. Accepted and incorporated herein 23. & 24. Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted & 27. Accepted and incorporated herein 28. - 30. Accepted and incorporated herein 31. & 32. Accepted Accepted Accepted and incorporated herein & 36. Accepted and incorporated herein By Bayfront Medical Center 1. - 3. Not Findings of Fact 4. - 8. Accepted and incorporated herein 9. & 10. Accepted and incorporated herein 11. & 12. Not Findings of Fact 13. - 49. Accepted and incorporated herein 50. & 51. Accepted and incorporated herein 52. & 53. Accepted and incorporated herein 64. - 56. Accepted and incorporated herein 57. - 68. Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted and incorporated herein - 72(c). Accepted and incorporated herein 72(d). Argument, not Finding of Fact 72(e).- 72(1). Accepted and incorporated herein Not a Finding of Fact Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted & 77. Accepted Not a Finding of Fact - 81. Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted and incorporated herein - 86. Accepted and incorporated herein 87. & 88. Accepted and incorporated herein Merely a comment on the evidence Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted and incorporated herein Accepted & 95. Accepted Accepted Accepted and incorporated herein & 99. Accepted 100. Accepted. COPIES FURNISHED: Ivan Wood, Esquire Wood, Lusksinger & Epstein Four Houston Center 1221 Lamar, Suite 1400 Houston, Texas 77010 John H. Parker, Jr., Esquire Hudson, Rainer & Dobbs 1200 Carnegie Building 133 Carnegie Way Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Steven M. Presnell, Esquire Lee Elzie, Esquire MacFarlane, Ferguson, Allison and Kelly 804 First Florida Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Gerald B. Sternstein, Esquire H. Darrell White, Jr., Esquire McFarlain, Sternstein, Wiley and Cassedy, P.A. 600 First Florida Bank Building Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Michael J. Cherniga, Esquire Roberts, Baggett, LaFace & Richard 101 East College Avenue Tallahassee, Florida 32301 Gregory L. Coler, Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 R. S. Power, Agency Clerk Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Blvd. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700
Findings Of Fact In June 1983 Delray filed an application with HRS for a CON for a cardiac catheterization laboratory and open heart surgery service for its hospital in Delray, Palm Beach County, Florida. During the same batching cycle, JFK/HI filed an application for a CON to establish a cardiac catheterization laboratory on the campus of John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Atlantis, Palm Beach County, Florida. The Delray application was reviewed as one application by HRS. In November 1983, and during a subsequent batching cycle, JFK filed an application for a CON to establish an open heart surgery program. Delray Community Hospital is located in the Medical Center at Delray, the geographic center of the southern half of Palm Beach County. The Medical Center already does or will include a 160-bed acute care hospital (with a 51-bed addition in progress) a 120-bed skilled nursing facility, a 72-bed psychiatric hospital, a 60-bed rehabilitation hospital, an adult congregate living facility, medical office buildings and a shopping mall. Delray intends to perform coronary angioplasty in its cardiac catheterization laboratory. Delray is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. JFK is a 333-bed acute care hospital located in Atlantis, Florida, adjacent to Lake Worth, Florida, in central Palm Beach County. It is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. The hospital presently offers a full range of acute care services, including blood banking and renal dialysis. HRS has recently approved the establishment of a cancer center, outpatient surgery center, and psychiatric unit at JFK. PBGMC is an acute care hospital located in Palm Beach Gardens, the northern portion of Palm Beach County. The hospital offers cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery services. The great majority of PBGMC's cardiac patients reside in Martin County, northern Palm Beach County, Ft. Pierce, and Okeechobee. Approximately 80 percent of JFK's patients reside in the communities of Lake Worth, West Palm Beach, and Lantana, all of which are in central Palm Beach County. Delray's primary service area is located in the southern part of Palm Beach County and includes the City of De1ray, unincorporated Delray, sections of western Boynton Beach, and some sections of western Boca Raton. Approximately 75 percent of Delray's patients are drawn from its primary service area. Delray's service area is also described as that area of Palm Beach County between Hypoluxo Road and the Broward County line. JFK is north of Hypoluxo Road. Accordingly, the Delray primary service area does not overlap with the JFK Primary service area. North Ridge is an acute care hospital located in Ft. Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida. The hospital offers cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery services. The general service area of the hospital is primarily north Broward County. The facility also draws patients from southern Palm Beach County. North Ridge is located in HRS District Ten. Delray, JFK, and PBGMC, however, are located in HRS District Nine. District Nine is comprised of the following counties: Palm Beach, Martin, Okeechobee, St. Lucie, and Indian River. The service area for cardiac catheterization services and for open heart surgery services consists of the entire service district. At the present time, the only cardiac catheterization laboratory and open heart surgery service in HRS District Nine are located at PBGMC. In 1986, the Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research projects that just over one million people will live in District Nine. Approximately 70 percent of the population of District Nine lives in Palm Beach County, and 30 percent lives in the four remaining counties to the north. Ninety percent of the population living within HRS District Nine live within 2 hours travel time, under average travel conditions, of Delray and JFK. Section 10-5.11(15)(1), Florida Administrative Code, provides a formula for computing the number of cardiac catheterization laboratories needed in a District. A two-year planning horizon is used in determining need. In HRS District Nine, a 1981 statewide use rate is employed in the formula since there were no existing cardiac catheterization laboratories in the District in 1981. According to the need formula, there is a 1986 need for five cardiac catheterization laboratories in District Nine. Subtracting the one existing laboratory leaves a net need of four cardiac catheterization laboratories in the District. The need formula for determining the number of open heart surgery programs in the District is found in Section 10-5.11(16)(h), Florida Administrative Code. A two-year planning horizon is used in computing the need for this service. In HRS District Nine, a 1981 statewide use rate is utilized in the formula because there were no open heart surgery programs in the District in 1981. According to this formula, there is a need in HRS District Nine for three open heart surgery programs, or a net need for two programs in the District. Section 10-5.11(15)(o), Florida Administrative Code, provides that no additional cardiac catheterization laboratories shall be established in a service area unless the average number of procedures performed by existing laboratories is greater than six hundred. The PBGMC laboratory was established in 1982 and has yet to perform six hundred procedures on an annualized basis. Each expert health planner agreed that the applications at issue should be granted, notwithstanding PBGMC's inability to meet the six hundred procedure standard at this time, in that: the projected need for cardiac catheterization services in District Nine is overwhelming; there has been significant growth in the number of procedures performed at PBGMC; based upon such growth, and PBGMC's own projections, it is likely that PBGMC will perform six hundred procedures in 1984; PBGMC's laboratory) is still in a "start-up" phase; and PBGMC expects minimal impact from the approval of these applications. Section 10-5.11(16)(k), Florida Administrative Code, provides that no additional open heart surgery programs shall be established within a service area unless each existing open heart surgery program within the area is operating at and is expected to continue to operate at a minimum of 350 surgery cases per year. The PBGMC open heart surgery program was established in November, 1983, and has yet to perform 350 cases on an annual basis. The expert health planners agree that pending applications should be granted, nonetheless, in that; the projected need for open heart surgery services in District Nine is overwhelming; the PBGMC program just began operation; PBGMC projects that it will reach the 350 procedures a year standard in its own application for open heart surgery services; and the PBGMC program has experienced tremendous growth in utilization during its first several months of operation. Historically, Palm Beach County residents needing cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery services have been referred to Broward County and Dade County hospitals. This referral pattern is not in the best interest of the patients, patients' families, or treating physicians. There is potential for danger, even death, to the patient in transport, the patient does not receive continuity in care from his/her primary physician, and psycho-social problems exist for patients and families. While the cardiac catheterization laboratories and open heart surgery programs in Broward County may he within two hours' travel time of many of the residents of District Nine, it was demonstrated that it is neither reasonable nor economical for patients in District Nine to travel to Broward County for cardiac catheterization or open heart surgery. It is the policy of JFK to admit all patients who demonstrate a need for service, and JFK participates fully in the Medicaid program. This policy will be consistent for cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery services at JFK. Delray is in the process and will obtain a Medicaid contract for indigent patients using cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery services at Delray since Delray believes it has an obligation to provide such regional services to all in need. Based on projected need and the intentions of JFK medical staff cardiologists and internists regarding utilization of the proposed cardiac catheterization laboratory, JFK will perform 300 cardiac catheterization procedures annually within its first three years of operation. Delray's financial projections for the cardiac catheterization laboratory were based on 520 procedures performed during the lab's first year of operation and 650 procedures during the lab's second year of operation. These projections are reasonable in light of the number of procedures needed according to the applicable need methodology and the number of cases presently being referred out of Palm Beach County by physicians using JFK and Delray. The service costs for the proposed JFK laboratory and for the proposed Delray laboratory are comparable to the cost for such services at other facilities in the area. Both Delray and JFK have the financial resources to provide capital for the proposed cardiac catheterization laboratories. There have been significant advances in the technology regarding cardiac catheterizations. Catheterization is no longer simply a diagnostic tool, but can also be used in the emergency treatment of heart attack victims. However, to be effective, the catheterization service must be quickly available in a facility close to the patient. Further, more coronary angioplasty is being performed, a procedure that takes longer and reduces the capacity of cardiac catheterization laboratories. Approval of cardiac catheterization laboratories at Delray and at JFK should positively impact and help reduce mortality rates for cardiovascular diseases in District Nine. Regional, or tertiary care, services should be located in the major metropolitan areas. In District Nine, Palm Beach County is the major population base, accounting for 70 percent of the District's population. It is not reasonable, from a planning perspective to establish an open heart surgery program in an area with a relatively small population base. Open heart surgery is a very sophisticated service, in relation to general acute care services. In order to operate a quality open heart surgery program, a hospital needs access to adequate resources relative to staff and other facility capabilities. Delray already has a number of existing programs and departments in place which can economically be utilized with a catheterization lab and open heart surgery service. Delray has one operating room sized as a primary open heart surgery room and another room sized as a backup operating room for open heart surgery. In addition Delray has departments for nuclear medicine, respiratory therapy, physical therapy, and various types of imaging, which can be utilized in a cardiovascular program. Delray also can take advantage of national purchasing contracts through NME which should result in cost savings to the patients. In that the open heart surgery suite at JFK was constructed pursuant to JFK's recent expansion and renovation of its surgery department, any indirect overhead expense associated with the implementation of the JFK open heart surgery program is insignificant, as such costs are already being absorbed by the facility. Based on projected need and the intentions of JFK medical staff cardiologists and internists regarding utilization of the proposed program, JFK will perform 200 open heart surgery procedures annually within the first three years of operation. Delray has projected that it will perform 195 open heart surgeries during year one and 270 open heart surgery procedures during the second year of operation. These projections are reasonable in light of the number of procedures projected by the applicable need methodology described above and in light of the number of cases referred out of District Nine by physicians on staff at Delray and JFK. JFK did not utilize Medicare DRG rates in preparing its pro forma statement of income and expense in that it sought to determine the feasibility of the utilization of the surgical suite to perform open heart surgery, rather than considering all costs and revenues associated with the patient's hospital stay. Although the hospital will be reimbursed by Medicare on a DRG basis, it is difficult to project accurately on that basis, as JFK's DRG rates have already changed three times in six months. The pro forma contained in JFK's application for a CON to establish open heart surgery services assumed DRG implementation. That pro forma, if projected forward to 1986, the year in which the service will be instituted, still shows the project to be financially feasible. On the other hand, Delray projected its expenses using the DRG rates although it has no contract obligating it to use those rates at the present time. Even so, by considering all directly related expenses, Delray has demonstrated that its cardiac cath lab and open heart surgery service would be financially feasible on an immediate and long-term basis. Delray's projected costs and charges are comparable to or lower than the charges established by other institutions in the service area. Likewise, the charges for open heart surgery at JFK will be comparable to charges established by similar institutions in the service area. Both Delray and JFK have adequate capital resources to establish open heart surgery programs. Neither Delray nor JFK should have any problem recruiting fully qualified cardiovascular surgeons based upon the overwhelming need for the programs, based upon the desirability of working and living in the Palm Beach County area, and based upon the recent experience of PBGMC, which hospital has just recently recruited a cardiovascular surgeon for its program. Neither PBGMC nor North Ridge participate in the Medicaid program. Accordingly, the approval of open heart surgery programs (and cardiac catheterization laboratories) at Delray (which will obtain a Medicaid contract) and at JFK (which already has a Medicaid contract), will result in the availability of cardiac services to indigent and Medicaid patients in District Nine for the first time ever. At the time of the final hearing, the open heart surgery service at PBGMC had been in operation less than six months. However, that service was experiencing rapid growth. The service areas of PBGMC and Delray for cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery do not overlap to any significant extent. Less than 3 percent of the PBGMC cath lab and open heart surgery patients come from the Delray service area. A cath lab and open heart surgery service at Delray will have no impact on the ability of PBGMC to obtain and maintain the minimum number of procedures required by the applicable rules. Although PBGMC, located in northern Palm Beach County, may he impacted by JFK located in central Palm Beach County, the record is clear that most of PBGMC's cardiac patients reside in northern Palm Beach County - Stuart, Ft. Pierce, Okeechobee, and Belle Glade, all of which are located outside of Palm Beach County. Accordingly, PBGMC has become a primary provider of cardiac services to the residents of the four counties in District Nine north of Palm Beach County. Therefore, the approval of open heart surgery programs (in addition to cardiac catheterization laboratories) at Delray and JFK will result in a highly appropriate locating of facilities according to health planning standards: Delray serving the residents of southern Palm Beach County, JFK serving the residents of central Palm Beach County, and PBGMC serving the residents of northern Palm Beach County and the four counties north of Palm Beach County. Moreover, the approval of all applications herein will result for the first time in cardiac services being reasonably and economically accessible to residents of District Nine. Although North Ridge failed to prove any impact it would suffer from approval of the programs sought by JFK, it is likely that North Ridge will experience some loss of patients from south Palm Beach County if Delray opens a high-quality cardiac catheterization laboratory and open heart surgery program. However, it is not likely that Delray will immediately begin to serve 100 percent of the patients in south Palm Beach County requiring those services, and North Ridge can still continue to compete for those patients. Further, the only impact shown by North Ridge from the loss of patients from Palm Beach County is economic. More significantly, any financial losses that might be experienced by North Ridge can be more than offset by reducing some of its current expenses. During its last fiscal year, North Ridge paid over $11 million to related companies, including a $3.7 million management fee which was shown to be exorbitant. More than $4.5 million of the monies paid to related companies was not permitted by Medicare as reimbursable costs. It was also shown that North Ridge is overstaffed and is paying an excessive amount for supplies for its cardiac catheterization laboratory and open heart surgery program.
Recommendation Based upon the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, it is, RECOMMENDED that a final order be entered: Dismissing the petitions of North Ridge, PBGMC, and Delray in opposition to the JFK applications in that each of the Petitioners and Intervenors have failed to demonstrate standing to contest the JFK applications; Dismissing the petitions of North Ridge and PBGMC in opposition to the Delray application in that each has failed to demonstrate standing to contest the Delray application; and Granting Certificates of Need to Delray and JFK for cardiac catheterization laboratories and open heart surgery services. DONE and ORDERED this 18th day of December, 1984, in Tallahassee, Florida. LINDA M. RIGOT Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 2009 Apalachee Parkway Tallahassee, Florida 32301 (904) 488-9675 Filed with the Clerk of the Division of Administrative Hearings this 18th day of December, 1984. COPIES FURNISHED: Richard M. Benton, Esquire P. O. Box 1833 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1833 Robert S. Cohen, Esquire 318 North Monroe Street P. O. Box 669 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 C. Gary Williams, Esquire Michael J. Glazer, Esquire P. O. Box 391 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Robert Weiss, Esquire Perkins House, Suite 101 118 North Gadsden Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 John Gilroy 318 North Calhoun Street P. O. Drawer 11300 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-3300 David Pingree Secretary Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Recommendation Based upon the findings of fact and conclusions of law recited above, it is recommended that petitioner's applications for certificates of need to institute cardiac catheterization and open heart surgery services be GRANTED. Respectfully submitted and entered this 15th of January, 1979, in Tallahassee, Florida. DIANE D. TREMOR Hearing Officer Division of Administrative Hearings 530 Carlton Building Tallahassee, Florida 32304 (904) 488-9675 COPIES FURNISHED: Kenneth F. Hoffman Rogers, Towers, Bailey, Jones and Gay Post Office Box 1872 Tallahassee, Florida 32302 Robert M. Eisenberg District IV Legal Counsel Post Office Box 2417-F Jacksonville, Florida 32231 Charles Collette Art Forehand, Administrator Assistant General Counsel Office of Community Medical Department of HRS Facilities 1317 Winewood Boulevard Department of HRS Tallahassee, Florida 32301 1323 Winewood Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32301